Women with Animals
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Man’s Best Friend (by Dreamwalker)


(c) 2008 by Dreamwalker

Chapter One

I know you all have heard the phrase; “Man’s best friend,” which refers to dog. Well, in this story you will see how our dog has just become this woman’s best friend.

After my divorce, I acquired the house, a large two bedroom, Victorian style home. I am sole occupant, except for one cute, rambunctious, delightful, three year old Boston Terrier, named, “Roue.” I decide to dog-sit him while my son is in the military.

Roue is a well trained dog, he barks when he needs to go outside, guards the house like a big German Shepard, biting any one who dares to enter our domain with out my approval. So I didn’t worry when I left the house to go to work at eleven pm, because I knew that when I returned, the house would be safe.

After work, it is not unusual for me to come home, enter, place my keys on the dish where I always kept them, and then let the dog out. Once he is finished I let him in and feed him. I would then kick my shoes off, walk down to the utility room, strip and throw my uniform into the washer, then put on my robe and go see what there is to fix for breakfast.

This particular day, I was horny as hell and decide to leave the robe off. Many times, I would do that because the suspense of someone seeing me heightens my orgasms. My nipples are rock hard, my bush drenched, and I could smell my arousal in the air.

I went into the bedroom and pick up one of the x-rated magazine I had which has erotic letters in it. Next, I walk down the hall to sit in my favorite chair in the living room, next to an open half-secluded window.

As I thumb through the pages, I discover a story about two women, which by the way is one of my favorite masturbating fantasies.

I began reading. With each paragraph I read, my arousal went into high gear. Each nipple is so fucking hard; I swear if anyone bit them they’d break off. My cunt is so drenched that the juices are running down both thighs. I can feel the clit, throbbing, begging for me to touch, pinch and pull it.

I pause from reading, and ran my hands across my breast, moaning in pure delight. I then started tantalizing the left nipple, pulling at it and rolling it between my index finger and thumb. While I did that, the other one, slid down to my wanting pussy, with a caress that’s light as a feather. I start to shake uncontrollably with desire.

With shaky fingers, I then ran the index finger through my slit, covering it with the sweet nectar. After that I brought the liquid-laden digit to my mouth, sucking it, and savoring the taste.

As my hands tantalize me, my eyes went back to reading the hot story. With each word, my fingers work their magic; toying, pulling, probing, and pinching me, closer to climax.

All the sudden I feel this cold nose on my thigh. When I look down, I froze, there was Roue. At first I thought he’s telling me he needs to go outside once more. However, before I can react or say anything, his tongue is zeros in on my pussy.

Oh God, I don’t know what to do, my mind is a blur of excitement and fear. It is then I recall a story I once read about a dog doing this woman, sexually. I remembered that it said they are very attracted to a female, not just her sexual arousal, but during her menses. One thing they love to do is lap the pussy and ass, bringing the woman to orgasm.

“Could he, would he, make me cum?” Damn-it, it’s been a long time since I had human-cock or even been eaten.

I decide to just lean back and see what happens. I talk reassuring to the dog, “Good boy, Roue, that’s it, keeping eating momma’s cunt.”

He seems to sense what I want and need. He begins tongue-fucking me, his long rough tongue, going inside me like a jack hammer, as if he cannot get enough of my sweet nectar.

I close my eyes, threw my head back and squeal, “Oh-my-God! Keep it up baby, nice boy you’re making momma feel good!”

I watch him in awe. It is then notice that his small five inch cock sliding out of its sheath, swelling, glistening with juices, throbbing visibly.

I ask myself, “Wonder if he’d let me touch, play and suck that fucking cock, mmm!!!!”

The dog’s tongue slips from my pussy and began to clean my ass that did it! I reach down slid my fingers across my clit once, and climax, harder then I have ever done.

After I calm down a bit, I look for Roue. When I spot him, he is sitting kind of leaning back, so his cock is fully exposed. Not only is he whining, but licking his cock.

My eyes go wild with lust and I tremble, because his cock is so hard, that even the knot is out of the sheath.

I then tell myself, “Why not bring him some pleasure, after all he did make momma cum?”

I get out of the chair and slid down next to Roue on the floor. I speak to him calmly as I scratch his tummy, going closer to his cock with each stroke. Then I touch his slimy, pulsating cock, slowly grasping it, and then pausing, to watch his reaction.

“Does that feel good boy?”

His eyes, drooling tongue and whining told me it was safe to continue. I stroked it harder this time, and he begin to hump my hand.

I feel my clit throbbing and the juices run down my legs once more as I get aroused by my actions. I slid one hand to my pussy and continue to stroke Roue’s cock. I then bravely leaned forward, stuck my tongue out and licked the cock.

“MMM,” it tasted, gooey, salty, and not much different than human cock.”

I then decide to help him cum, I would have let the dog fuck me, but at the time didn’t know how, and my fear of the unknown stopped me. I lick, suck, and stroke his cock, as my fingers rub my clit frantically.

I can see by his actions, panting, and humping of his hips, Roue wants to cum. “But, how do I do that,” I ask myself. I then remember that I need to squeeze his knot for him to climax.

With a calm voice I ask, “Hey sweety, want momma to help you cum?”

So why rubbing my clit, I did just that … squeezed his knot. Oh-My-God!! I have never seen so much cum, not only did he fill my mouth, it overflows and covers, the whole front side, and the rug.

I react with a violent climax. I lay there panting and relishing in my new experience. As for Roue, he moves and starts licking his cum off me.

When he comes to my pussy; once again his marvelous tongue causes me to have another earth-shattering climax.

After that, I let him out into the fenced in yard and head down the hallway to take a shower.

I shower, dry off, and put on my terry cloth robe. I then proceeded to the kitchen and fixed me something light to eat, because I am going to bed soon.

After I eat, I let Roue in and head toward my bedroom. For once I am actually tired and sleepy. He follows me, like he always does, probably wondering if this time, he gets sleep with mommy, as usually Roue sleeps by the bed on his pillow.

I drop the robe, climb on bed, and snuggle up underneath the covers. I then look over at Roue, who has one of the saddest faces, I ever seen.

I smirk, and then pat the side of the bed, “Come here baby, you deserve to sleep next to momma now.”

Roue jumps on the bed, snuggles up to me and soon we are both asleep. I don’t know if dog’s dream, but I know that I’m dreaming about what I will do next with Roue.

“Wow talk about man’s best friend, Roue is now my best friend.”

Ever since that day, when I had my first baestiality experience, my dog Roue, now sleeps next to me on the bed.

I’d gone to bed that particular night naked, because my body was still charged from my first bestiality experience. Due to the fact the humidity was high; I didn’t even cover myself up. I soon fell asleep and began to dream of what Roue and I could do in the future.


Chapter Two

I awoke with a delicious feeling all over, my nipples were hard, and my clit tingly, wet, and throbbing. I feel like I am about to climax and I wasn’t masturbating.

I rubbed my eye and glance down and there was Roue between my thighs. His long tongue slithering between the slit and licking me from my clit to ass. Oh God, it felt so good that it sent shivers all over me.

I reach down; pull my cunt lips apart to give him easy access to my hot-throbbing pussy. Roue’s tongue would lick the area, and then slide inside my hole. I pushed my pussy into his face as a slow moan escapes my lips.

I then squeal, “Good boy, that’s it eat momma’s hot cunt!”

Oh fuck, from some where deep inside, my body begin to shake violently like a freight train out of control as I start to climax. Again, I came harder than ever. There was so much juice that it covers his mouth, my thighs and the bed. Roue hungrily cleans me licking up the sweet nectar.

With his tongue licking at my slit and continue to cum repeatedly. When I look down at his cock, it is hard, slimy, shiny, and I can visibly see it pulsating.

When he was done cleaning me, Roue begins to whine, sit back on his haunches and lick his dick. I tremble and knew just what he needs.

I lick my lips hungrily, my eyes wild with lust. I pat the bed and with a calm voice said, “Come here baby, momma going to suck your cock again.”

I reach out and caress his hot doggie dick with one hand. Oooh God I want him to fuck me, but didn’t know how. I make a mental note to search the web to see how it’s done. I lean down, lick the shaft, then engulf the whole thing into my mouth. Sucking, tonguing I savor ever inch of the sweet, salty, gooey, dog-cock.

My free hand is in my throbbing cunt again, encircling the clit, pulling it, and then sliding deep inside my hot-wet-throbbing hole.

Then it happens, his cock head grew so big that I thought it would burst. I grab the knot, close my lips tightly around the shaft, and begin milking his dog-cock.

Roue’s dog cum begins to fill my mouth. I savor every luscious drop and it triggers another climax. After my body subsides from my climax, I lay back on the bed.

I’m still breathing hard, but manage to utter, “Clean momma’s cunt Roue.”

He zeroes in on it as if it was caviar. I raise my ass a little and he went from the pussy-hole straight to my ass.

I roll my eyes, clutch the blanket on the bed and shriek, “Oooooh fuck Roue, that’s it clean mommy’s hot ass!”

I feel the tip of his tongue, slithering at the small opening of my ass. I quiver all over as my sphincter begins to relax allowing more of his fleshy organ to enter it. Roue then pushes it inside my ass as far as it would go.

I moan incoherently and reach down and begin to rub my clit again. My whole body electrified with animal lust. My whole genital area pulsates from my ass to my pussy, much harder than when he did my pussy.

As my body shakes uncontrollably I squeal, “Aaarrrggghhh–Oh-my God, yessssssssssss!”

I lay back panting, basking in the experience. Wow, what an intense feeling. I still cannot believe my wildest fantasy came true.

Lover will come and go, but Roue will remain my doggie-lover, as long as I have him with me.

I then got up, put my clothes on and left the house to take my new companion out for a walk.

We often go to the park about three blocks away and explore the dog-walking pathway. The scenery there is breath-taking and it’s a five mile trail.

About halfway down the trail, Roue looks up at me, with a “smile” and barks as if to say, “I love you, my bitch.”

I stop lean down, stroke his fur and reply, “I love you too boy.”

After enjoying the walk, I return to my place and begin to prepare dinner. I had steak with all its trimming and of course gave Roue some choice tib-bits of it to go with his dog food.

I smile happily watching him eat. I’m so happy for his companionship, because it’s been too damn lonely around here lately, since the divorce.

I may be selfish but I wonder how long I will have Roue with me, and deep inside, hope I can keep him forever.

I leaned down scratch his ears and with a tearful voice say, “Oh Roue, I hope you’ll be here for a long time.”

Hearing his name he picks up his head from his bowl and looks at me. He then licks my face as it to say, “Don’t cry momma.” Then he went back to eating his dinner.

I smile and decide to take a hot bath while he finishes his dinner. I walk down the hallway to the bathroom and begin running the water. I then slid off my things and climb into the tub. I close my eyes as the warm bubble caress every inch of me. When I open them, there is Roue sitting by the door.

I grin and said, “Come on in baby.” I then point to the rug near the tub and give him the command, “Sit.”

Roue did and sits there with a smile on his face watching me.

I begin to wash my body with the cloth, ending my ritual by cleaning my well serviced pussy. I lay back and try to relax as the images of our encounter roll through my mind like a slow motion picture. Before I knew it, I’m churning up the water to satisfy my carnal desire. Once I reach that sweet climax, I close my eyes and slowly let myself sink deeper into the water.

When I open them, there is Roue sitting up on his haunches watching me.

I giggle and say, “Why you pervert. Did you enjoy the show?”

He just sits there with his head cocked sideways as if to say, “You know I did.”

He then left the bathroom to go investigate his surroundings some more.

I lay back, the memories of the last few weeks flood my mind. Since the divorce the place feels too quiet and empty. The lonely days and long cold night are almost unbearable. I’d spent weeks crying and living in a fog. Then one day my son calls, and asks if I would watch Roue while he was in basic training. I figure why not, he would be something to take my mind off things.

Roue came to live with me, and indeed he is a joy to be around. I begin to get out of the house again, and his funny antics made me laugh again. Then unexpectedly our friendship turned sexual.

My mind came to a complete halt and screams, ‘Are you crazy, by letting a dog do this to your body?’

I shake that idea right out of my head after all my body was only responding to the pleasure. When was the last time I had experienced anything this hot? The fact is I haven’t had sex with anyone but five fingers rosy and her stubby little brother lately. My desires overwhelm me.

Roue gives me something I was missing, “Unconditional Love.”

My next adventure will be to read up on Dog-fucking. Then find a friend that will help me experience Roue’s dog-cock in my cunt and ass! There is nothing like a woman’s best friend.


Chapter Three

Perhaps it is just the fact that dog-sex is taboo, plus the fact, my current sex life is downright boring. Or, it is time for me to explore the next step in having sexual pleasures with Roue.

I know it sounds insane, but I cannot help it, since Roue has triggered my primal desire, I cannot get enough of him. Oh God, the idea of Roue’s dog-cock sliding into my hot pussy keeps me in a constant state or excitement.

It’s not just when I’m home either, at work, I check myself often to see is my hard nipples are noticeable. I even have to wear a panty-liner because my pussy is always wet. I wonder if those around me are aware as I know they must smell my arousal.

When I leave work, I cannot wait to get home. It’s like Roue had this hold on me. My whole body longs to have sex with him again and again. I want to go the next step, and have him fuck me and make me his bitch.

Once I’m home, I let the dog out to do his business, kick my shoes off, and wait patiently for him to come back into the house. I need his tongue tantalizing every inch of my pussy and ass.

With trembling fingers I open the door and let him back inside. Roue watches my every move, and then he sniffs the air, and his dog-cock begins to swell in anticipation.

I hurriedly strip, sit down in my favorite overstuffed chair in the living room, spread my legs, and pull the lips of my pussy apart.

I call him, caress his fur, then squeal, “Eat my cunt baby, momma needs to cum!”

He zeros in knowing just exactly what I want, lapping, tonguing and panting heavily as I neared my climax. As I watch, my juices excite him and the dog-cock slides out of the sheath until its rock hard.

I reach down, and pinch and roll each nipple as I verbally encourage him to make me cum. All of a sudden Roue’s tongue slithers into my hole and I shake violently as my orgasm surges through me.

He licks me deep cleaning up every drop of my sweet nectar. He then sits back and licks his cock, whining, as if to say, “Your turn momma, make me cum!”

I lie down on the floor next to him. I caress his fur gently, getting closer and closer to his throbbing dog-dick. My fingers wrap around it, sliding up and down its gooey shaft. Then I lean down and lick it savoring its taste, then engulf if, sucking it deep and hard.

Roue goes wild, humping my mouth and whining. His actions make my clit throb again, but right now, I want to make him cum.

I notice the knot is now out of the sheath and quiver with excitement. I then wrap my lips around the shaft, and squeeze it. I’m reward with a mouthful of his delicious seed.

Afterwards, I pick him up and cradle Roue in my arms. I caress his ears and purr, “Good boy, Roue, you made momma feel so fucking good.”

I then put him down and say. “Well baby, it’s time for momma to go search for some information on my computer. After all if we’re going to fuck, I need to learn how.”

He grins as if he understands and follows me into the den. I sit down and log onto the World Wide Web. It isn’t long before I come across exactly what I’m looking for.

I begin to read the article, “How to fuck a dog;”

It starts off by telling me how to find a dog suitable for my needs. It then details how to get it to eat my pussy. However, since we have already done that, I skim through that part.

I continue to read and take mental notes as I go. After the dog learns that the woman loves his attention, she can teach him a code word that only the two of them understand that mean literally, “Momma needs fucked!”

First use a lot of foreplay where he is licking you or you’re sucking his cock. Then you will attempt to get him to mount you. There are a variety of positions that could be used for dog-fucking, but most women prefer doggie-style. Because you can rub your pussy and if his knot is inside you, it will stimulate the G-spot, and you will cum continuously.

Once you are in position, slap your ass a couple of times and use the code word. This will tell the dog, that you need his services.

The dog will jump up, grip your waist with his front legs and will dance around trying to find his entry point. (If you don’t want scrapes and scratches I suggest you take a couple of pairs of tube socks and place them on his legs, taping the tops to hold them high).

Most of the time the dog will find your pussy, for the first time, it’s helpful for you or a friend to guide his cock into you

Be prepared for a hard fucking because if you’ve every have seen two canines fucking you’ll know the male humps hard and fast. He also has a hard bone (grisle) underneath the flesh. If you’re lucky enough to have him lock in you (knot) that will be a good time to reach down in between your legs and stimulate your clit to heighten your own orgasm(s).

The knot can be very uncomfortable at first and feel as if it’s going to stretch you to tearing. But be assured that it won’t and before long you’ll be enjoying the knot rubbing against your G-spots. Don’t be surprised if/when he knots inside you and starts cumming if you feel as if your lower belly is going to burst or explode. Remember that the knot is made to lock the male into the female to ensure pregnancy and although both your and his cum is filling you to the max you’re not going to bust open.

Also remember that once the dog is through cumming and humping its best not to let him try to pull free from you until the knot has subsided and it can easily slip from you. It may take up to 15 minutes for the swelling to go down. I would advice you not try to dislodge his cock from you if you’re knotted as it will rupture and tear your vaginal area. Just be calm and let it slide out in its own time. Once he’s out of you he’ll clean you up.

You may need to allow your K9 companion 10 to 20 minutes rest before going at it again. However, you’ll find that he’s basically like the Everyready bunny and will go for long periods of time.

The article then suggests that it’s always helpful to have someone be present to help me the first time. If you chose to do this alone, just be patient, and don’t rush things.”

I sit there for a few minutes staring at the computer screen. “Can I do this? Is it safe?

I spent the next few weeks researching the subject, and watching videos, until I’m comfortable, “I can do it.”

Then one Saturday after watching the ten-o’clock news, I take a shower and then walk through the house naked looking for Roue.

I love doing that, because it makes more then his mouth drool. As he knows when he sees me that way, I need him for some doggie sexual play.

I find him still lying in his favorite chair in the living room. The minute I walk in naked, his eyes go wild and his cock begins to slide out of its sheath.

I spread my legs, rub my puss, and then offer him the nectar laden finger, as I purr, “Come-on baby, time to play with momma!”

With his tongue dragging, and tail wagging he follows me to the bedroom.

After we get there, I climb on the bed, pat the covers and Roue gladly joins me. I put my arm around him hug him as I caress his fur.

He licks my face, wags his tail and then cocks his head, and whines. As if to say, “I love you momma, can I fuck you tonight?

My right hand goes straight to his cock still half-way in the sheath. The other one, starts squeezing his balls gently. They are swollen, full of cum, and he moves in response, humping my hand.

I kiss his nose and coo, “What do you think Roue, do you like having your cock stroked? Bet you have fucked a few good bitches. How’d you like to make me your bitch?”

I grasp the cock more firmly and begin stroking it harder, watching the big, red, slimy dick, as it emerges from its protective sheath. I then lean down and lick it savoring its salty, musky taste.

I purr, “Mmm boy you taste delicious!”

I continue licking, tonguing, and sucking his dog-cock until the knot burst out.

Roue whines and continues humping my hand.

My body responds shifting into high gear. My breast throb, with their pink nipples so hard, it feels like they would burst if I touch them. Without even touching my pussy, I know it’s drenched as I can feel the fluid running down my thighs.

I stop playing with Roue’s for a moment, and place my fingers inside the slippery, drenched, slit. Searching for the pulsating, pink, swollen, clit, and rub it. As I did that, I run the other hand over my right breast, pinching and rolling the nipple.

I squirm with excitement and shriek. “Ooooh God, it feels so fucking good!”

I then resume rubbing Roue’s cock and knot with one hand as the other feverishly fingers my pussy.

The dog-cock feels huge and bigger than its mere five inches. I want it, in my mouth, pussy and ass. I continue to jack him off as my mind envisions each action.

My body begins to shake violently with my first climax. I close my eyes, and shout, “Oh, aaarrrggghhh, fuck-yeah!”

I pull my hand out of my pussy and turn my whole attention back to Roue. I move my head close to the shaft, stuck my tongue out and kiss it, savoring its taste. I begin licking, all around the pointed cock, then engulfed the whole thing including the knot.

The feeling of the knot in my mouth drove me wild it’s like not that much different than a human-cock. Except this knot is not hidden inside the balls and is much harder.

Roue likes me sucking his cock as he is humping my mouth now.

My head is dizzy with lust, as my desire to fuck the dog overtakes my senses. I feel the dribble of pre-cum in my mouth.

Inside my head, I scream, “Fuck, I maybe crazy but here goes nothing, it’s now or never!”

I stop sucking, position myself on my back as Roue if not big enough to fuck me doggie style.

Opening my legs wide, I calmly tell Roue, “It’s time to fuck mommy.”

I reach down grab the hot dog-cock and rub the end against my clit. I watch in awe, and slowly continue to caress the whole area letting him get use to the idea.

Roue starts whining and humping, sensing what I want.

I guide the dog-cock into my wanting hole.

His cock slides in easily. Although it’s not real long, I can feel the width of it pulsating against the walls of my pussy.

So far so good, let’s see what he can do now. I caress his head and purr, “Good boy, Roue. Fuck momma Roue, ram that prick into my hot hole–make me your bitch!”

Instinct tells him what to do. Roue starts ramming his cock in me like the energizer bunny, fucking me deep-hard-and fast. I can feel his knot banging against me, rubbing the edge of my clit, sending wonderful sensations throughout my body. Oh God, I have never been fucked this good before.

I’m about to reach down to see if the knot is going inside me when I feel it enter me. It fills me, locking us both together. My lust for the dog-cock overtakes me and I shove my pussy into his dick.

I can feel the sensation of his knot against my G-spot, making me burn with hot passion. I begin to climax uncontrollably.

Roue starts to cum, and my pussy milks his dog-cock draining every drop of cum from his magnificent tool.

For a moment, he just lay there with a silly grin on his face, like the cat that just ate the canary, very content that he actually was able to fuck me.

It took about ten minutes for his knot to subside and slid from my hole. I lay there basking in the moment, as my mind replays the encounter.

I feel content now, ready for sleep, well until I feel Roue’s rough tongue cleaning me. I tremble excitedly as it flicks all over my swollen pussy, ass, and thighs.

After that, I look down, and notice Roue is sitting on his haunches licking his dog-cock. He seems content in cleaning himself and letting his still somewhat hard and slowly going back into the sheath.

I flash him a sultry look and coo, “Oh Roue, if only I had the energy, I know you would gladly fuck me all night.”

He just looks at me kind of funny, as if to tell me, “Give me a few minute, and then bring it on, my bitch!”

I smile and tell myself that I’m glad I let Roue fuck me. To me, his is a better lover than most men I have known. Secretly, I want to tell my friends how much fun it is to fuck my dog. However, I decide not too, because some would say I was really crazy.

I grin mischievously as I snuggle up under the covers. I pat the bed next to me and Roue jumps on the bed, and then curls up next to me.

I lean down and caress his fur, uttering, “Night-night baby.”

After reaching over, and turning off the light, I lay there in the dark, thinking about things.

I then whisper, “Oooooooh, this could turn out to be a lot of fun.”


Chapter Four

Around five o’clock that Thursday, I was lying naked on the bed after some hot-sexual play with Roue. I just love the way his doggie-tongue and cock made me cum like crazy. As I start to cool down, I begin day-dreaming about our sexual encounters. While he just sat on the end of the bed, licking the juices off his dog-dick. I thought to myself, ‘Oh God, I’m still horny as hell, and needed a hard-longer dick.’ Don’t get me wrong, I liked having sex with Roue, but his dog-dick is just not big enough. Let’s face it; a girl can only go so long without being fucked by a big, long, hard cock.

I reach across the bed, open the bedside table and took out my eight-inch, flesh colored, cock shaped, gel vibrator. After opening my long shapely leg I turn it on high and shove the toy deep inside my pulsating pussy.

Roue watched me and cocks his head as if to wonder, “What are you doing momma?”

I ignore him for the moment and fuck myself deep and hard. All of a sudden, I stop abruptly, withdraw the toy and toss it across the room. “Damn-it to hell, with that stupid toy, I need more than a chunk of rubber to satisfy me right now! I also know that is not about to happen, anytime soon anyways!”

My actions scares Roue, and he rushes out of the room.

I decide to calm down and doing something else to distract my perverted mind. I get off the bed walk over to the closet to get something to put on, so I can go get me a diet Pepsi from the refrigerator. After that I plan to go into the den to see what’s on TV.

I stand there for a moment ogling my full figured body in the mirrored closet door. My round face frames a pair of seductive emerald-green eyes, a small button nose, and sexy voluptuously lips. Long red hair cascades over my shoulder caressing my large breasts, accented by dark pink aureoles and half-inch long nipples. As I gaze downward, I see full hips that curve smoothly into a reddish patch of hair. That forms a perfect triangle over a pronounced pussy, which has large, always swollen cunt-lips.

I snarl at the glass image, “Hot-damn honey! You’d think someone with a hot body like yours would be surrounded by hard-dicked studs just dying to slam some good hard meat to you.”

I open the door and ruffled through the closet looking for something to put on. Soon I eye a cobalt blue sexy silk night-shirt, which is one of my favorite outfits to wear around the house. I select it and tremble as the sensuous fabric ripples down across my naked body. I then step into a matching pair of slippers, turn to cross the room, and walk toward the kitchen.

As usual when I am laying down having some sexy fun, I turn the ringer off on my phone. I enter the living room on the way to the kitchen and see Roue lying on the couch. I walk over; sat down, rub his head and purr, “Its okay baby. Momma loves you.” That seems to appease him and he is content on just watching me.

I then reach over to the table beside the sofa where my telephone and answering machine sits. I turn the phone back on notice the light on the answering machine was blinking, which indicated I had a message.

I make a face, push the playback button and threaten, “God-dam it, you’d better be a hot, hard dicked hunk!”

My friend Sally voice chirps, “Hey sweety. It’s just me wanting to know what you are doing this week-end. Matt had to go out of town on business and he asked me if I’d watch his dog. Since I cannot go out like I usually do, maybe you can come over later today and stay overnight. I’d love your company.”

I thought for a moment then hit the erase button, pouted and screamed at the now silent machine. “You could of said Matt and I want you to come over tonight for a hot threesome, instead of asking me to help you watch his damn dog!”

I went into the kitchen to get my drink. After a few sips I grumble, “God, I need some hot-hard big cock!”

After downing the beverage, I decide to call Sally back. After all she always has a way of cheering me up and it was better than sitting at home alone and sulking.

I sit back down on the sofa and Roue climbs up into my lap. I pet him as I reach for the phone.

I dial her number and after a few rings she picks up the phone, “Hi Sal, it’s just me returning your call.”

“Hi Kandy, I hope you can come over tonight. By the way, you don’t have to worry about Roue, bring him with you, because I have a large fenced in yard. I just know he will enjoy playing with the other dog whose name is Champ. If you want, we can watch a movie, share a few beers, let our hair down, and have a girl’s only weekend.”

“Well, I don’t mind. After all, I’m not doing a fucking thing. I’m bored as hell and would be glad to join you. After all it beats sitting here at home looking at these four walls.”

“Aww honey, are you feeling that blue?”

“Hell Yes!” I shout.

After calming down I reply, “Sorry Sal. How about I bring the beer and you get the movie?”

At first Sally replies, “I’m sorry you’re in a bad mood.” Then she giggles and says in a Dracula tone, “I have my ways to cheer you up honey.”

I laugh and answer, “Hum, I’m anxious to see hear how you’re going to do that Sal. See you around eight tonight.”

She answers, “You’ll have to wait until you get here.”

We both say good-bye and I hung up the phone.

I nuzzle Roue and say, “We’re going out tonight boy, just you and I.”

He barks and wags his tail excitedly, then follows me into the bedroom.

Once there Roue lay on the bed while I take a shower. Afterwards he watches me dress causally in jeans and t-shirt. I then pack an overnight bag and make sure to include his toys and food.

I then head toward the front door with Roue following me. I put his leash on, walk him to the car, secure him safely and then drive off toward Sally’s house.

Her house is about five miles out of town. A plush forest surrounds the three acre property, which offers Sally a private serene setting. As for me, I love going there, especially when I need to get away from the hustle and bustle of the noisy city.

As I drive, I vow to have a good time, even if there were no human males present.

I stop at a Convient store; purchase a six-pack of beer, and some munchies. I return to the car and drive off toward my destination.

Soon, I pull into the driveway and park the car. I grab my things, and put Roue on his leash. I walk through the gate, up the steps and ring the doorbell.

Sally opens the door, hugs me and says, “Boy, I glad you could come over. I hate spending the weekend alone without Matt around.”

As she escorts us into the room, I see a large Golden Retriever. The dog sees Roue, checks him out, then came over to me and places his nose in my crotch.

Sally grabbed his collar, giggles, and says, “I see Champ has already introduced himself.”

She kneels on the floor, pats the dog’s head and says, “Champ, mind your manners will yah, or I’ll bop your ears off.”

The dog backs away from me, walks over to Roue, and soon they are playing like two kids.

Sally grabs the beer and tells me to put my bag in the front bedroom, as she puts it in the refrigerator,

I grab the movie from my purse and walk into the living room to join Sally. I lay the DVD on the coffee table and then sit down on her sofa and begin talking. Champ trotted over to where Sally is and rests his head on the cushion next to her, and looks up with big, sad eyes.

She scratches the dog’s head, “What’s the matter baby, are you missing Matt. Maybe I ought to find you a girlfriend that you wouldn’t be so lonely.”

She continues to pet the dog and resumed our conversation. Champ responded to this attention by putting his front paws up on the sofa while standing on his back legs.

Sally chuckles as she rubs his furry neck, “Oh, I see, someone wants to sit on the sofa with us,” She pats the area next to her and purrs, “Come on you big baby.”

Turning back to me Sally continued talking as the dog climbed up beside her. It lay on his back, and she unconsciously moves her hand down to his tummy.

I start to reach for the movie to show Janice which one I picked out to watch. My eyes glance over at Champ.

I gasp then shriek, “Oh my God, look at him Sally.

To our surprise, Champ’s cock, is hard and halfway of its sheath.

Sally blushes and exclaims, “Sorry about that!”

I smile and confess, “Oh my, that’s the best long hard cock that I have seen for ages.”

Sally’s jaw drops like it is made out of glass and shattering all over the floor. Speaking with a quiver in her voice, she ask, “Do … you … like dog-dick?”

I blush, smile and reply, “Sure, what’s wrong with liking it? Look at it, it so big and long.”

Sally looked at me with excitement in her big brown eyes, liked her lips nervously and confesses, “Want to know a secret?”

I reply, “Sure, why not.”

“I love dog-dick,” she pauses to watch my reaction, and then said, “Did you that male dogs like pussy too!”

Playing dumb for the moment to see what she was up to I went along with the idea. I ask, “Sal, how do you know that he likes pussy?”

She lowered her eye as if to seem afraid of what to say.

I put my arms around her and ask, “What’s wrong? I hope you are not afraid to tell me something that I might not agree with or like? Don’t be, after all we are lovers too and nothing you will say or do will upset me.”

Sally looks me straight in the eyes, and I see tears in the corner of hers. “Yes, I am afraid you wouldn’t want to be my friend it I tell you something about Champ and I?”

Then it dawned on me, she was having sex with Champ. My eyes lit up and I suggest, “If you are trying to tell me that Champ eat your cunt, I totally understand.”

She blinks, smiles nervously and admits, “Janice, Champ does more than eat my cunt. He fucks me!”

Before I can react she blurts out, “Matt knows this too because he is the one who introduced me to it all!”

I looked at the dog then back at her, and confess, “Well honey, you’re not the only one with a secret.” I watch her face and admit, “You’re not the only one who enjoys dog-sex! Roue eats my cunt all the time and even fucks me with help, but his damn cock is too small for me. Sometimes, I wish I had access to a big dog-cock.”

Janice leans back with a startled expression on her face. After a moment she mischievously grins and asks, “Well how about skipping the movie and having me show you what Champ is capable of?”

I reach out, pull her to me and kiss Janice right on the mouth then squeal, “Okay, let’s have some dog-gone-fucking fun!”

Sally yells, “Whoohoo, let’s do!”

The two of us strip as each dog excitedly scampers around us. When we’re done I look over at the dogs and each one is drooling and not just from there mouth. Both cocks are getting hard and coming out of their sheaths.

Sally instructs me to let Roue eat my cunt as I watch her. I nod my head in agreement and call my dog over to me. In no time, he’s eagerly licking my wet cunt.

As I watch Sally, gets on all fours in a doggie style and calls Champ over too her. I notice his long dog-cock is dragging the floor.

After spotting Sally’s position, Champ barks and goes over too her. At first he licks her cunt excessively as she squeals with delight. After a few moments of that he rises up, clamps his front paws around her waist, and tries to mount. He vainly humps the air trying to find a hole that would give his hard prick some relief. Sally’s body twists to give the dog more leverage, her face aglow with lust.

Watching the hot scene unfold before my eyes has me more aroused than I have ever been before. My body trembles as I near my first climax.

Sally then reaches down between her legs, finds the throbbing, slippery piece of dog-cock and guides the thrusting shaft inside her cunt. “Hold on, Champ. Be still a minute and you can have all the pussy you want.”

When Champ’s dog-dick slid inside her vagina, Sally squeals, “Good boy Champ! Fuck Momma!”

As the first few drops of my fluid flow into Roue’s mouth, I shriek, “Ooooooh fuck, your dog-fucking is turning me on!”

It is apparent that Champ knew what to do as he drove his long, wet, pink doggy dick into Sally’s hot hole. Once implanted, he starts hammering her cunt hard and furious.

I could tell by her face that Sally is consumed by animal lust, and she totally succumbs to the animal’s fucking motions.

“Ooooh yeah, that’s it, shove it in me big boy! Make me your bitch Champ!” Sally gasps.

Immediately I start cumming, as an explosive climax overtakes me.

I look over at Sally and shout, “I’m next. I want Champ to fuck me!”

Just then, I see Sally’s body shake violently from her first orgasm. I’m not sure whether Champ has climaxed yet.

Sally quickly dismounts Champ and breathlessly utters, “Are you sure you want to do this Janice?”

“Hell yes!” I reply eagerly to have a big dick inside me for once.

Sally instructs me to get on all four and leads Champ over to me.

I stop Roue from eating me, assuring him he has done well and get in position for Champ.

He stops and whimpers as if to say, “But momma, I am not done with you yet.”

Champ raises his head, sniffs the musky aroma, and pushes his wet nuzzle and long tongue right into the hairy patch between my legs. After a few good laps in my cunt, Sally helps Champ mount me, guiding his cock inside my wanting hole.

I gasp as he stabs his still hard dog prick into me. The dog instantly starts ramming the full length of his big dog-dick into my hot wet pussy.

God did it feel good, I finally have a big-hard-dick, fucking me. I allow him to take me and shout, “Good boy, Champ, fuck this bitch!”

With my mind lost in the lustful thrusts of Champ, I almost forget about Roue. However, when I look around the room for him, I find him nuzzling deep in Sally’s cunt.

I wink at Sally and confess, “Hey Sally, he really loves pussy!”

“I know, God he eats me better than Matt does, but don’t tell him that. By the way if Matt were here, he’d be video taping this hot action.”

I laugh and quiver hard as that idea triggers my second climax. “Ooooh God Sally, I’m going to cum again!”

Sally winks, moves Roue and came over to me. “Hold that thought baby. Do you want to experience the dog’s knot? We have to move quickly if you do because he won’t cum without pressure on his knot.”

When I didn’t say anything in reply, I guess I look startled, because she kisses my cheek. She then calmly said, “If you follow my instructions it won’t hurt a bit, I promise.”

Her words made me think twice but before I could react or say no, Champ’s knot entered my cunt. Oh fuck, it feels like someone shoved an orange in me. At first I want to scream because I think it’s going to hurt, but surprisingly it doesn’t. I continue to focus on Sally’s vocal instructions.

I think I’m going to pass out from excitement. When all of a sudden Champ shot a load of sticky dog cum deep inside me, I screamed as climax after climax wrack through my body.

As Sally watches Champ knot with me, she said, “Janice, try to remain calm now and don’t try to move or dislodge his cock because it will hurt the dog. You will be locked like that for about twenty minutes.”

“Okay Sal. Fuck I cannot believe I actually fucking a big-dick dog. How am I doing?”

“You did just fine, Janice. I swear Champ was smiling the whole time. By the way, I won’t tell Matt if you don’t want me too.”

“For now, Sal I want to keep this between us.”

After Champs cock slips out of my cunt, Sally ushers both him and Roue out the door and into the yard.

I roll my eyes, pout and ask, “Why’d you do that? I wasn’t finished playing with them yet?”

Sally flashes me a seductive grin and purrs, “I have something I have always wanted to try?”

“What’s that Sal?”

“You’ll see, first you must lie on your back. That’s it, now spread your legs.”

I watch her climb between my thighs, and spread my cunt lips apart.

After licking her lips hungrily she coos, “I’ve always wondered what dog and girl cum mixture taste like. Here’s my chance to find out.”

The End

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