Women with Animals
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House in the Woods


Mike Brenneman, a worldly, dominant male, has a secluded house in the woods not too far from Washington State and University of Idaho. After a chance visit by one student, word spreads through the campuses and soon others drop by. Mike also entertains the occasional neighbor or acquaintance from another part of his life. His hidden dungeon and half-Wolf, half-Malamute dogs – Caesar and Czar are always ready to entertain…

Table of Content

Joshua and Katy
Kelly Anne
Molly, the First Time
Molly Rewarded
Sarah and Penny Try Out the Dungeon
Jade and Jasmine



She fidgeted nervously on the edge of my living room sofa. While I waited for her to tell me why she was here, I studied her.

High forehead topped by closely shorn wooly hair, a broad, flattened nose that complemented fine, almost delicate, ebony features and a strong, sensuous mouth surrounded by full lips that were, at the moment pressed tightly together, as she played with the zipper on her purse, still trying to figure out how to approach the subject of her visit.

Her breasts sat high and proud behind the fabric of the short, tight psuedo-peasant blouse, barely restrained by the unpadded bra that held them. Her hips were broad and flat, and inside the jeans her legs, though nicely curved, were slender and tapered gracefully to well manicured feet that were just the right size for her five four frame.

“How do you feel about Black People, Mr. Brenneman?” She had finally settled on an opening, if not exactly one that went right to the point.

“Which black people?”

She looked agitated. “You know what I mean! Are you biased against Black People?”

I looked at her evenly, thought for a moment, and said “Yes.”

She sat back suddenly, as though I had slapped her, her eyes wide with surprise. The lack of malice in my smile helped allay the harshness of my response, however, and she at least had the sense to ask for an explanation.

“Well, at least you’re honest about it! Would you care to elaborate?”

“Like my tribal ancestors, I am biased against anyone who is not like me – a member of my tribe, as it were – until I have good reason to believe that they can be trusted. It’s a human survival trait, and we all have it, as evidenced by your need to ask me that question.” I held up my hand to forestall her protest.

“You wouldn’t have felt the need to ask that question of another black person. You have enough in common with other black people that you can be fairly certain of how they feel about each other. By the same token, people whom I perceive to be like me – members of my tribe, if you like – I presume to have enough in common with me that I can trust them to act a certain way in a given situation. Members of other tribes, that is, people not like me – and that includes people who dress radically differently from me, people who wear hairstyles that are outside the range that I consider normal, etc. – I presume to not have as much in common with me. For that reason, as a matter of self protection, I initially trust people unlike me less than people who are like me, as do you, as does everyone.” I paused, studying her reaction, “If you meant to ask if I hate black people because they are black, the answer is no. You may not be a member of my tribe, and therefore subject to cautionary distrust, but it’s also a survival trait to learn, over time and exposure, to trust those who can demonstrate that they mean you no harm. Does this answer the question you wanted answered?”

Finally, she smiled, showing brilliant white teeth. “Yes. Yes it does.”

“Good!” I smiled back, “now, can we get to why you’re here?”

She started fidgeting again, her opening gambit finished but no following moves planned.

“You’re a student at Washington State?” I tried to get something going.

She just nodded.

“Did someone there tell you about me?”

Again she nodded. I feared for the integrity of the purse’s zipper.

“So you know what I’ve done for whoever told you to come here?”

Another nod.

“Is that the reason you came here? You want me to do something like that for you?”

She stared out the window, played with the zipper some more, and finally said, “Sort of…”

I had helped her as much as I was willing to. Part of the reason I could get away with doing some of the things I did with these kids was that they either came looking for my services or they allowed me to trap them into a situation that would look to anyone else like they volunteered, even if they didn’t. If I suggested anything to Aisha, I would be making it my idea, not hers.

Finally, she sat up straight and said softly, “I have an assignment for my Black History class…” she paused again, composing her thoughts, “I have to write a report on what it was really like for black slaves in America before the Civil War.”

I just looked at her expectantly.

Finally, the dam burst and it tumbled out in torrent of embarrassment. “I want to experience the life of a black slave! I want to know what it felt like to have someone else in control of your life, to be nothing more than property. I want to BE a slave for a few days!”

I studied her face before replying. “Is this a personal desire, or do you just want to write a better paper?”

She looked off in the distance, struggling with herself before replying. “Both. I don’t believe I can really understand what life was like for my ancestors unless I experience at least some part of it for myself, and unless I do understand what it was like, I can’t reasonably expect to do this paper justice.”

I eyed her speculatively. “Aisha. You’re named after the wife of Mohammed. Are you Muslim?”

She fidgeted some more, “No sir, I was raised Baptist, but my moms liked that name.”

“Do you believe in the teachings of your church?”

“Yes, sir.” she looked me in the eye.

I leaned forward in my chair.

“Good, you’ll need that faith if you go through with this. You understand that a slave with your looks would have, most likely, been a house slave – that she would have been required to serve her master in more ways than just cooking and cleaning?”

She nodded.

“If I undertake to give you this experience, I will make it as real as possible. Are you willing to live with that?”

Another nod.

“Aisha, look at me!” when she complied, I continued, “This will NOT be a game! For whatever period you set beforehand, you WILL be my slave. If you fail to please me, you will be harshly punished, as were slaves in those days. You will be called names that are no longer allowed outside KKK meetings. You will be property – handled like merchandise, talked about as if you weren’t there, inspected like an animal, and sold on the auction block. I will be a hard master. If you are a virgin now, you will not be for long. I will force you to do horrible, painful, disgusting things, all AFTER you have completed your days assigned work, which will be hard, degrading labor. You think about what that means, and if you still want to do it, come back two days from now – Monday morning, early. I need to set some things up to make it realistic. How long do you want to be a slave?”

She hesitated, then haltingly replied, “I was thinking maybe a week?”

I went over my calendar in my head. “Five days – Monday through Friday. You have to be gone by Friday night.” I didn’t feel the need to tell her that I was expecting a weekend guest on Saturday.

She smiled, and some of the tension went out of her. “OK.”

As I opened the door to let her out, I put my hand on her shoulder. “Aisha – I want you to think very hard about what this will mean. You will never be the same person again. This will be a life-changing experience, not just an incremental increase in your knowledge level. If you change your mind, don’t come back. If you show up here Monday, you will be Netty, a runaway who’s about to be caught, and nothing you say will change your fate, understood?”

She looked solemnly over her shoulder at me for a long moment, then nodded, turned, and walked down the steps to her car.


Monday – early morning

The yellow Corolla rolled through the mist to stop in my front yard, and Aisha climbed slowy out, wearing a simple, loose, peasant dress. It was cleaner, and in better repair than one might expect of a runaway slave, but it would do.

As she closed the car door and started walking toward the house, a pack of hounds came baying out of the woods, charging full speed toward the startled girl. Frightened, she started back toward the car, but seeing that the dogs were angling to cut her off from both the car and the house, she had no choice but to head for the woods. She was fast, and it took them a few minutes to catch up with her, but within fifteen minutes I heard the dogs sounding off as if they’d treed a possum. A few minutes later, a couple of the ‘overseers’ I’d hired from a Seattle theatrical agency, rode through the clearing, dragging the frightened young girl behind their horses, as she stumbled barefoot over rocks and sticks.

I came out on the porch in costume as they led her past the house. “You boys ain’t huntin on my prop’ty are ya?”

One of them pushed his hat back on his head and grinned up at me. “Jes’ a lil coon huntin’ Mr. Brenneman, sir. This hyere’s that Franklin girl that run away the other day. Thought the hounds was gonna tear her to pieces afore we got there.”

I squinted in her direction. There were a few tears in the dress, and she was somewhat dirtier than before, but otherwise she looked OK. “Don’t look too much the worse for wear. You boys wa’nt out there long enough to take a turn with ‘er. Fine lookin’ negra like that, I’d a thought you’d still be workin’ ‘er over.”

He looked sourly at his charge. “Yeah, me an’ Clem here shore debated on that, but ol’ Mr. Franklin, he’s figgerin’ to sell her, an’ reckons she’ll fetch a higher price if she’s pure. Tol’ us he’d have us flogged an’ sold for horsemeat if’n we laid a finger on ‘er. Ask me, bitch’d be worth more if’n she knowed whut she’uz doin’.”

“You say the Franklins is sellin’ her? When’s the auction? I been needin’ me a house slave.” I eyed the bedraggled figure tethered behind the horses.

“He said soon’s he gits done whuppin’ her for runnin’, he’s agonna sell ‘er to the highest bidder.” He mopped his brow with a dirty looking rag, “Seems they’s gittin’ too old ta put up with a high blooded negress like her. Need one that’s already broke to the plow, he says.”

“Well, tell him not to start without me,” I headed back toward the house, “and tell ‘im to go easy with that bullwhip a’ his. I ain’t buyin’ no damaged goods! Jes’ let me git my ol’ nag saddled up an’ I’ll be right along!”

About half an hour later, I rode into the clearing we had set up for the slave auction. The actors playing Mr. Franklin, the overseers, other buyers, and even a few ‘bucks’ were milling about the post in the center of the clearing where the girl stood chained, facing the post while my own two dogs paced around the edges of the clearing, ignoring the hounds tethered to a nearby tree.

‘Mr. Franklin’ raised his hands and shouted “Ok, Brenneman’s here and we’re burnin’ daylight! Let’s git this show on the road! This hyere’s my Netty. Raised her myself from a pickaninny, and the ungrateful bitch done run away two days ago. I reckon it’s my responsibility to punish her for that, but then I want to git shut of her, so I’m gonna have Clem here give her twenty of his best, an then we’ll start the biddin’!”

‘Clem’, wearing an evil grin, stripped off his hat and coat and handed them to the other ‘overseer’. He stepped up behind ‘Netty’ and, in a single jerk, ripped the back off her dress, leaving her back bare. The agency had assured me that he was expert with the bullwhip, so I crossed my fingers and hoped.

He snapped the whip experimentally, close enough to her ear that she could feel the displacement of the air that accompanied the sharp ‘CRACK!’ as the tip reached supersonic speed at the apex of its arc. Her involuntary cry and the jerk of her head away from the noise caused a ripple of laughter from the audience.

Apparently satisfied with the feel and balance of the whip, he took up position about six feet behind and a little to the left of where the poor girl stood trembling, the sheen of sweat on her ebony back glinting in the morning sunlight. I reminded myself to give the agent a bonus, this guy WAS good. He didn’t crack the whip against her skin, which would have done her tremendous damage, but laid the last two feet of braided leather across the flesh of her back just as it was building up speed for the snap, leaving a vicious red welt and eliciting a blood-curdling scream from ‘Netty’.

I was pleased to note that the whip had, while causing a great deal of pain, stopped short of stripping the skin off as it was capable of doing.

In my experience, most people can’t conceive the level of pain that can be produced by an expert whip wielder until they experience it. I was sure Aisha had had no real concept of what it would feel like.

After the fifth lash, she passed out, hanging limply from the shackles on her wrists. After someone threw some water in her face to revive her, Doc Miller gave her a quick check, and nodded as he stepped back.

The sixth stroke finished the job of removing her dress, and ‘Clem’ started distributing his blows between shoulders and knees. Twice more she had to be revived. By the time it was over, Netty had red stripes up and down her back, buttocks and thighs, but none overlaid each other. There was a little blood trickling from some of them, but not much, and on the last lash, Clem let the frayed leather tip of the braid snap into the crevice between her buttocks, drawing a renewed shriek of pain and outrage from his victim as it expended most of its force on the tender ring of her anus.

“A’right, Clem!” Mr. Franklin stepped forward, “That’s twenty. Drummond, get the salt and then le’s get over to the block so’s our customers can get a good look.”

The other overseer approached Netty’s sobbing form with a cloth sack. Holding it with his left hand he withdrew a handful of a coarse white substance from the bag and threw it onto Netty’s wounded back. Wherever the skin had parted, the salt stuck, and as it dissolved into the wounds, she started screaming again, hugging the post as if trying to hide inside it. Drummond threw two more handfuls of the salt on her wounds before putting the bag aside and releasing Netty’s shackles from the whipping post. He and Clem had to support most of the sobbing, moaning weight as they led her, leg shackles still around her ankles, over to the low box we were using for an auction block.

They lifted her onto the block, but she had trouble standing until Mr. Franklin threatened to have her taken back to the whipping post.

“You make me proud today girl!” he ordered, “So help me, if you don’t fetch me a decent price I’ll keep you and put you in the stables for the horses to breed!”

Somewhere she found the strength to stand and wipe the tears from her face. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized she was standing on display in front of a group of strangers, stark naked. She raised one arm to cover her breasts while the other hand strove to hide her mound.

At the audience’s protest, Franklin struck her hands sharply with the riding crop he carried, and ordered, “Drop those hands girl! I ain’t gonna get nothin for you if they cain’t see what they’s buyin’.”

Reluctantly, she complied.

En masse, the prospective ‘buyers’ surrounded the block and started poking and prodding at the helpless young girl. Someone made her open her mouth so he could inspect her teeth. They poked at and kneaded her breasts, pinching the nipples to see if they’d get hard. They made her spread her legs and hold her buttocks apart while fingers and walking sticks probed the openings for tightness.

Throughout this humiliating inspection they were making comments designed to drive the asking price as low as possible. Franklin, for his part, did his best to point out favorable factors and rebut the detractors.

“Hmph! Ain’t got no tits to speak of!”

“Next to them mountains yore Elly has to lug around in a wheelbarrow, ain’t nobody got tits, Bobby. Them thar’s grade A number one suckling teats for man or pickaninny!”

“Them thar hips ain’t gonna carry many pickaninnys. Shore as hell ain’t no breedin’ stock!”

“Look at that bone structure! That there basket’ll carry more fruit than YOU can put in it, Willy! Look how nice an spread them hip bones is – hell she could carry a whole litter!”

“Feels a little loose up here, Franklin. You sure you ain’t already been keepin’ her in the stables?” That one got a laugh from the other buyers.

“You got my personal guarantee! Ain’t nobody’s nor nothin’s dick been up any of them holes. I been savin’ this one special, an’ even that little needle you call a prick’ll have trouble gittin up there, its that tight!”

“Skinny legs. Ain’t got no muscle in them arms neither. Hell, Franklin, I hope she knows her way around a bed, cause this’n ain’t gonna be good for much else.”

“Only bed she knows her way around is the one she’s been sleepin’ in. You buy ‘er, and you can train ‘er the way you want ‘er – don’t havta put up with nobody else’s idea about how she oughta suck yer little weenie! An don’t let them arms or legs fool ya! She didn’t stay on the run two days from bein’ weak!”

Finally, the banter died down and Franklin called for quiet to start the bidding. As scripted, my high bid of eighty dollars beat out everyone else. I paid Franklin with a real check written for the agreed upon fee for him and his fellow actors.

As I put the shackles back on Netty’s wrists and tied a rope around her neck to lead her home, Aisha burst out crying.

“Please, Mr. Brenneman!” she sobbed, “I had no idea it would be this bad! Please let’s end this!”

I looked at her, shock and disdain showing in my face. “What’s the matter with you girl! You act like you think a slave’s got a say in whether she hasta be a slave or not! Ain’t but two ways to get outa bein’ a slave – die or be manumitted. You damn near got to do the first ‘un by runnin’ an’ if you try it agin, you’ll WISH you had died! To get manumitted, you gotta please your master sump’n pow’ful an’ make ‘im go all mushy inside so he’ll set you free. So far, you ain’t makin’ a whole lotta progress on that’n!”

Aisha stared at me for a long moment as the message sank in, then started sobbing quietly as I mounted my horse and led Netty, naked, down the trail to my house.

After stabling and grooming the horse, while Netty stood sweating, naked in the sun, I led her to another whipping post I had installed at the back of the clearing where my house stood. Warily eyeing the iron handle sticking out of a red hot brazier, she asked, “What are you going to do?”

“Le’s get somethin’ straight right now, girl! I don’t care what fool notions ol’ Franklin put in yore empty little head. In my house, slaves speak when spoken to, an’ they call me ‘Master’! You got that!”

“Yowsa, Massa!” she tried to make it ironic, but in the context of the role play, it fell flat.

I started fastening her shackles to the post above her head. “Now, I ain’t takin’ no chances with you runnin’ agin, so I’m gonna brand ya, an’ ever’body’ll know yore mine.”

“Please, Mr., I mean Massa Brenneman!” she begged, really frightened, “I’ll do anything! I won’t run anymore, I promise! Please let me show you how much I want to please you!”

It was pretty close to the reaction I was looking for. I didn’t really want to put any permanent marks on the girl.

I looked hard at her for a few seconds, then unfastened the shackles, pushing her to her knees in front of me. She was clumsy, and inexperienced, but this was apparently one of the things she’d psyched herself up for when preparing for this simulation.

It wasn’t the best blowjob I ever had, but she tried. She gagged as I entered her throat, but on the third try managed to keep it under control.

“Breathe through your nose, girl, and relax,” I told her, a bit more gently than I had yet spoken to her, “relax and let it happen, cause it’s goin’ to, like it or not!”

Soon, her nose was buried in my pubic hair, and I held her there for a few seconds, letting her throat accustom itself to my girth. I took a few slow in and out strokes until her hands stopped their involuntary little pushes against my thighs. When her hands slid around to the sides of my thighs, I grabbed her head with both hands, and started to pump, jacking off with her skull.

She knelt in the dirt and let me use her face for my pleasure. As I reached my peak, I stabbed my dick as far down her throat as it would go and released my load directly into her stomach. A few seconds later, her hands started pushing weakly at my thighs as she struggled to draw air. I withdrew slowly, savoring the tiny aftershocks caused by her spasming throat on the super-sensitive head of my cock.

I tucked myself back into my pants and said, “We’ll have to work on that some, but at least you was tryin’. I’ll hold off on brandin’ ya for now, but so help me God, nigger, if you ever even LOOK like you might be thinkin’ about runnin’ I’ll put that brand right in the middle of your forehead!” and I pushed my index finger against her forehead to emphasize my point, “an’ then I’ll heat that brand white hot and shove it so far up that little black cunt of yours that every little nappy headed bastard you drop for the rest of yore life’ll have a big ol’ ‘B’ right there too! You got that, girl?”

She nodded, wide-eyed, “Yes, M-Massa! I ain’t gonna run none, Massa!”

I guess having to do some of what she’d anticipated had finally helped her slip into character, past the shock of her earlier treatment.

“All right, come with me.”

I lead her into the house and showed her the little storage room under the attic stairs that I had cleaned out and furnished with a corn-husk mattress. There were a few rags of clothes on some shelves, but little else.

“This is where you’ll sleep when you’re not in my bed. Yonder’s some clothes. Git sump’n on an’ meet me in th’ kitchen, through ‘at ‘ere door.”

When I bought this place, there was an old cabin where my house now stood, and inside that cabin, along with a few other interesting items, was a wood-burning cookstove. I had kept most of what I found there in a shed out back, never really expecting to have a use for them, but reluctant to part with such antiques.

It had taken a little work, but over the weekend I had replaced my gas stove with the old wood burner. I decided against replacing the refrigerator, mainly because I didn’t have a ready source of ice for the old icebox, but I tripped the breakers for all the other circuits in the house so that nothing else electrical could be used, including the electric water pump.

I had never removed the old hand pump behind the house, but it took a little work to replace the dried out leather seals with new ones, and get it primed and working again. My home was as close to antebellum technology as I could get it in two days. I even had candles and kerosene lamps for light.

When Netty padded into the kitchen, wearing a patched burlap shift, wincing a bit as her bruised feet fell on the hard wood of the floor, I showed her the stove, where to put the wood, how to control the draft, and where to find pots and pans. She looked stunned that I had gone this far with her project.

I took her outside and showed her how to prime the pump with water from the bucket hung under its spout, cautioning her to make sure there was always water in the bucket. I then showed her the smokehouse, where most of my meat hangs. This, I didn’t have to simulate. There was ham, bacon, jerky and smoked salmon as well as some venison.

Then I showed her the wood pile and the stump I use for a chopping block, instructing her in the fine art of splitting wood. I showed her the size pieces I wanted used in the stove, and the size for the fireplace. I also made sure she picked up the smaller pieces and splinters and stored them in the kindling box.

“Now you best get a move on girl.” I squinted in the direction of the sun “ain’t got but a couple hours afore dinner, an’ I’m lookin’ for’ard to a hot meal. Pick me a mess a them turnip greens yonder in the truck patch an’ cook ’em up with some fatback fer flavor, an’ grill me one a them fresh meat steaks I got in th’ icebox. They’s some chit’lins in there fer yore supper, an’ you c’n eat whatever’s left a them greens when I’m done with ’em.”

She started for the house, and I hollered, “Where you goin’ girl?”

She turned, confused, “Why, to fix your dinner, Massa!”

“How you gonna do that ‘thout no firewood?” I asked, disgustedly, “Ol’ Franklin done got the better of me on this deal! He didn’t let on a bit that you was dumb as a post!”

“You mean, I got to chop the firewood, too?” she asked in despair.

“Who you think’s gonna do it? The dogs?” I shook my head at her, “Damn girl! Why you think I wasted all that time showin’ this stuff to ya?”

I stalked off into my shop, while she struggled to pull the axe out of the stump.

I watched on the security monitor in my shop as she chopped away, getting better as time went on, but almost losing body parts a time or two. Finally, she had what she thought would be a sufficient stack of wood for the stove, and after several trips had filled the woodbox in the kitchen. I didn’t have time to teach flint & steel firemaking, so I left a box of kitchen matches for her to use. After wasting a few and not having much luck, she finally remembered the kindling box, and after taking the wood out, placing the kindling, then rebuilding the fire with the wood she had tried to use before, she got a decent blaze going.

I had chosen steak and greens because grilling and boiling are the easiest ways to cook when you’re not in good control of your heat source. After allowing the pot of turnip greens to boil over a couple of times, she finally got the hang of the draft controls and how to balance them against the amount of wood in the firebox. She had found some herbs in the garden and growing wild around the clearing, and had added some of them to flavor the food. Dinner was a little after dark and I scolded her for taking so long with it, but, despite her unfamiliarity with the stove, the steak was cooked just the way I like it – red in the middle, but not uncooked, and the fat around the outside almost crisp, but not burned. The turnip greens, however, were a pleasant surprise. The herbs she added offset their slightly bitter taste, and softened the influence of the salt pork.

I left some of the greens for her and fed the meat scraps to the dogs, retiring to the living room to read a book by the light of a kerosene lamp, while she contrived to make the chitterlings I had bought for the occasion edible.

A bit later I heard soft padding as she diffidently stepped into the light of my lamp. “What is it, Netty?”

“I want to wash up the supper dishes, Massa, but they ain’t no water.”

I looked sharply at her “Is the pump broke?”

Her hand flew to her mouth as she realized what was expected of her. “Oh, no, Massa! I’m sorry Massa! I’ll fetch some, but the fire’s almos’ out in the stove an’ there ain’t no more wood in the box.”

“Then I reckon you better git some more. I don’t want my dishes washed in cold water.” As an afterthought, I added, “Don’t forget to leave some water in the primin’ bucket!”

It took her a couple more hours to chop enough wood, boil water for washing, and figure out how to get the dishes washed, dried, and put away. She swept the kitchen without being told, then reported to me in my bedroom, where I was undressing for bed.

Netty knocked quietly on the doorframe and waited for my command before entering. I was just taking off my pants when she stepped into the room. She almost backed out when she saw my state of undress, but I waved her impatiently inside.

“Come on, girl, you gonna see more a me than this ‘fore long, so they ain’t no call to be shy now!”

“I – I’m sorry, Massa!” she stared at her hands, “I done got the dishes washed an’ put away, and swept the kitchen.”

“It’s about time. I shore hope you git faster at them chores purty quick.” I finished taking off my trousers, and since I wore no underwear, I sat on the edge of the bed naked. “Go clean yourself up, girl! You smell like a pig sty. Then come on back an’ we’ll try you out. I wanna see if I got my money’s worth from ol’ man Franklin.”

She started to complain, “But I’m so tired! Can’t we just…”

Then, seeing the look on my face, she finished lamely, “… Uh, yes Massa! I’ll jes go freshen up a bit and be right back.”

Netty found a bit of warm water still in the pot on the stove, and wetting a rag in it washed her face, underarms, and between her legs, then tiptoed into my room and slipped under the covers with me.

Her voice turned sultry as she reached for my manhood, stroking its already hard length, “I’ll take care of this for you, Massa!”

She ducked her head under the covers and engulfed my member in her hot, wet mouth. She really worked at it this time, driving her mouth down the shaft until her nose dug into my scrotum, licking around the glans on the outstroke, and moaning sexily as she took me back in. It felt much better than the first time, but I wanted something more this time, and I wasn’t going to let her get away with finishing me off in her mouth.

I threw the covers back, and, grabbing a handful of the close-cropped wool of her hair, threw her backwards on the bed. Grabbing her ankles, I bent them back toward the headboard until her thighs flattened the mounds of her breasts against her chest. Without hesitation, I plunged my rampant spear as far into her as I could. She had started to lubricate as she sucked me, but it wasn’t much, and it took three herculean thrusts to part her inner folds and give me full access to her depths. Each push was accompanied by a blood-curdling scream, as my cock stretched and abraded her tender passage. I rested only a moment before withdrawing fully, only to plunge all the way back in with one long, slow stroke. As I hit bottom this time, I was serenaded with a guttural groan that slid up-scale to a respectable high ‘C’. Fortunately for both of us, her vagina began secreting copious slimy fluids, easing the friction of my passage while enhancing the sensation.

Soon I was pounding her mercilessly, her feet flailing above her head as I strove to nail her pelvis to the mattress. Thanks to the earlier blowjob, I was able to hold out a bit longer – pummeling her for a good forty five minutes before coating her insides with my discharge. I don’t know how many times she came in the process, but by the time I rolled off she seemed near passing out.

She rolled over and tried to cuddle with me, cooing “Oh, Massa!”

I pushed her head down and said harshly, “Clean me up, girl, then get back to your own bed.”

I thought I felt a tear or two puddle on my belly as she licked me clean, then made her way in the dark to her little room under the stairs.

Daylight found me pounding on the door of Netty’s little cubbyhole. “Where’s my breakfast girl! Sun’s already up an you ain’t even got wood in the box yet! Yer gonna earn some more time on the whippin’ post fer this!”

She staggered out, sleep still clouding her mind and lack of it making huge circles under her eyes. “I’m sorry, Massa! I’uz jes so tired, Massa! It won’t happen again, Massa, I promise!”

I swatted her burlap covered bottom, hard, and admonished sternly, “Better not, girl! You better learn pretty quick about splittin’ enough wood for a whole day or more, or ya’ll spend all yer time back an’ forth ‘twixt post and pile! Now rustle me up some bacon an eggs an’ be quick about it! They’s some grits in the pantry you can boil when my food’s up, but don’t be usin’ too much salt, that stuff’s hard to come by out here!”

It took almost two hours to get breakfast, and the bacon was sliced a little thick, but it wasn’t bad for a first effort, so I only griped a little and went off to my workshop while Netty cleaned up, then headed for the wood pile. About mid-morning, I slipped up behind her and took the axe from her hands. Bending her over the stump, I took her quickly from behind, without saying a word. When I was done, I made her lick me clean again, then told her what I wanted for lunch. I inspected her hands that were bleeding from numerous popped blisters and gave her a couple of clean rags to tie around them.

“You take care a them hands,” I admonished, “you ain’t much good to me ‘thout ’em!”

I screwed Netty again while she was preparing my lunch, and mid-afternoon, when she deemed she had enough wood split to last a while, I took her again before sending her off with a hoe and a file to weed the truck patch.

I made her cook a cherry pie for dinner, thinking it would give me another excuse to punish her, but though the top crust was a little darker than I like, the pie was delicious, as was the rest of dinner. Since she had already stockpiled wood, cleanup took much less time, and the sun was just going down as we crawled into my bed.

Netty could barely move as she stretched out on my clean sheets, but didn’t protest as I pulled her head backwards over the edge and fucked her throat for a few minutes. I withdrew from her mouth, saliva dripping from my cockhead and flipped her end for end. Her ass protruded nicely as I laid her face down with her knees on the floor and entered her pussy from behind.

She was used to my size by now and almost purred as I stroked deeply into her dripping vagina. When I pulled out and nestled the tip of my glans against her crinkled anus, though, she jumped and spun around. “Oh, no! Please not there, Massa!”

Without a word I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her, shrieking and scrabbling at my hand, to the whipping post. She cried and begged even louder when she finally saw where I was taking her, but I went silently about the business of shackling her hands far above her head.

She hadn’t given me the excuse I planned for this punishment, since she did so well with the pie, but this would be even better. From a nearby table, I picked up a hammer and one of the nails I had left soaking in a container of alcohol. Still without speaking, I grabbed her right nipple and stretched it as far around the post as I could, while her cries escalated, their pitch rising as panic took over. I positioned the nail carefully, warning her about the consequences of moving, and with a single blow drove it an inch into the side of the post, through the chocolate flesh of her tortured nipple.

Netty’s shrieks had every dog and wolf in earshot howling, but my place is far enough from anyone else that I wasn’t worried about being interrupted.

Retrieving another nail, I watched the whites of Netty’s eyes roll as they followed the deadly little spike around the post, where I captured her other nipple and nailed it to the post as I had the first. I gave each nail another tap to be sure it was securely imbedded in the splintered wood of the whipping post. Satisfied that she’d not be going anywhere without leaving behind a goodly chunk of sensitive flesh, I returned the hammer to the bench and released her hands from the shackles.

Stepping behind her, I grabbed her hips and leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Learn this lesson once and for all, slave! You NEVER refuse your master ANYTHING! If I want to stick a hot poker up your butt, I’m goin’ to do it, one way or another! Now reach back and spread those cheeks, or by god, I’ll let one of the horses break you in!”

Still sobbing, her face pressed against the rough wood of the post, she nodded, “Yessah, Massa!” and reached between us to spread her buttocks as widely as she could. The entire sequence had taken only a couple of minutes, and I was harder than ever and still somewhat slick from her vaginal lube.

I pushed in slowly, but didn’t stop until my pubic hair was flattened against the backs of her hands, eliciting a long, low moan from my unwilling victim. Her chute was hot and tight and felt so good around my cock that I held myself inside her for a few seconds before withdrawing, slowly and steadily until the flared rim of my knob was pulling at her anal ring from inside. Twice more, I savored the feeling of incredible heat as the greasy tube of her rectum and colon massaged the length of my erection on the inward plunge, and sucked at it on the retreat. Gradually, the speed of my strokes increased as I explored other pleasures within the rubbery confines of my slave’s bowels. I poked and prodded this way and that inside Netty’s increasingly receptive ass until even the numerous emissions I’d already had couldn’t hold me back, and I pistoned rapidly and deeply into her, bruising her face against the post. Each time I withdrew and started back in, Netty thrust backward to meet my stroke, stretching her abused nipples further and further from her body, until we finally crashed together in climax, her pelvis doing rapid circles around the base of my cock while I pumped load after load into her spasming colon.

Somewhere along the line, she had let go of her buttocks and grasped the post to help her body respond to my thrusts. Now, only her arms wrapped tightly around the post kept her nipples intact as her knees weakened and threatened to collapse.

I withdrew slowly as aftershocks raced up and down my spine, and watched my juices drip from her distended ass and run down her legs.

It was a warm night for this part of Washington, so I shackled Netty’s wrists again, pulling them tight to make sure she wouldn’t inadvertently rip her nipples out if she fell asleep, then ordered Caesar and Czar to guard her, and went back to bed, my slaves plaintive cries of “Massa? You ain’t gonna leave me out hyere is you? Massa?” following me to the door.

Bright and early next morning I woke the exhausted girl where she hung in her chains with cries of “Le’s go, Netty! Daylight’s a burnin’!” Unceremoniously, I pulled the nails from the post, then worked them free of her nipples, to renewed moans of pain from the abused girl. As each nail came free, I tossed it aside and replaced it with a stainless steel ring from the alcohol container. These rings were split and flattened on the ends so that a quarter inch of each end formed a semicircular crescent in cross section. The flats were designed so that when joined together, they completed the toroidal shape of the ring. A pin was fixed to one of the flats that matched a hole in the other.

When both rings had been inserted, and the ends fit together, I took Netty into my workshop and had her kneel beside the anvil as I finished the job of joining the ends of the rings together by striking the exposed end of the pin with a ball peen hammer until it spread like the head of a rivet, permanently sealing the rings in place.

When I was satisfied with my work, I lifted Netty to her feet by pulling upward on the rings. “I hope we won’t have to repeat this lesson again, Netty. I don’t like to think what I’ll have to do next time!”

“We won’t, Massa! We won’t!”

I sent her off to get breakfast and got busy with the cell phone making sure preparations were in place for the ‘party’ I planned to throw that night.

When we finished breakfast and Netty had cleaned up the kitchen, I sent her off with wrapped hands to work on the woodpile. “We’re havin’ a party tonight, Netty, and I’ll need to bathe, so make sure you got enough wood for lotsa hot water, an be quick about it. You still gotta get the house cleaned up, fix a fancy dinner, an’ then get yourself cleaned up to look presentable for our guests.”

I didn’t bother her too much during the day, except for feeling her up a little – I wanted to save us both for tonight.

Netty worked like a demon, and by six o’clock, the table was set and we were both dressed in pre-Civil War Southern finery.

She had a little trouble moving around with the bustle but managed not to knock things off the shelves as she greeted our ‘guests’ at the door and led them into my ‘sitting room’. Netty was the epitome of graciousness as she served them drinks and lighted cigars, ignoring the comments about her body and speculations about what use I had made of it.

Dinner was an unqualified success, and I even allowed my slave to sit with us for dessert. As the brandy flowed and my guests started feeling the glow of its warmth, one finally asked the question that was on all their minds. “So, Brenneman, what’s this entertainment you’ve got planned for us?”

I smiled my most gracious host-smile, stood, and raised my glass. “Gentlemen!” I announced with a flourish, “I give you my new house slave, Netty. She will be our entertainment for tonight. You may do anything you wish with her that doesn’t damage her. I have found her to be willing and adventurous, and I’m sure you will enjoy her as much as I do!”

As I turned to beam at my slave where she sat, stunned by my announcement, she said “Massa? You ain’t gonna let all these men at me is you?”

In one step I was over her. Putting my glass down, I reached into the bodice of her gown and twisted her nipple rings. As she gasped I whispered “You will pay later for embarrassing me in front of my friends, when I show you once and for all your true place in this household. In the meantime you had best get out of those clothes as quick as you can, and do your damndest to please each and every one of them. If I hear any complaints, you will feel the lash fifty times – AFTER the punishment I’ve already planned for you!”

Giving the rings another yank, I backed away. Shaken, Netty rose from her place at the table, and with trembling hands undid the fasteners of the dress. It fell away, leaving her torso clad in a frilly period undergarment as she wriggled out of the petticoats and bustle. She stepped free of the encumbering garments, and bravely fixed a smile on her face, turning to the waiting guests while pulling at the bows that held her single remaining garment closed.

“How can Netty please you fine gen’men?” her voice was a little shaky, but had taken on a sultry quality that had more than one portly guest mopping his brow.

When no one answered right away, she walked toward the ‘sitting room’, still pulling at bows, saying, “I’m gonna just step in hyere an’ git comf’table, if you gen’men ‘ud care to join me.”

By the time they had established enough of a pecking order to get through the door, she had finished removing the lacy undergarment and stood facing the door, clad only in the shoulder-length silk gloves from her costume.

As my guests spilled through the doorway, rushing toward her, Netty stopped them with an upraised palm and asked innocently “Are all y’all gen’men gonna play with Netty with your clothes on?”

The room became a tornado of flying clothing as they each strove to be the first to get naked. In minutes the young girl was on her knees surrounded by cocks of all sizes. She started around the circle, doing her best to give each of them the best blowjob she could. At least two shot off as soon as they felt the heat of her mouth. Another, a fat gentleman with a really short dick finally had to lay down so she could get her head far enough under his enormous belly to take him into her mouth. The last guy, a middle aged man with a beer gut, had such an enormous tool that I thought Netty would dislocate her jaw trying to take him in. It was obviously extremely uncomfortable, and she looked once at me for reprieve. Receiving none, she went back to work, and, several minutes later, with tears squeezing out the corners of her eyes, her nose pressed into his pubic hair.

The guy was amazed. “Damn! She got it all! Nobody ever swallowed the whole thing! Oh shit!”

And with that he shot his load deep in her throat while Netty struggled to keep him from breaking her nose as he pressed her face further into his groin.

After Netty got her breath back, she looked around to see if there were any more cocks needing attention. One of the younger men hooked an index finger into one of her nipple rings and led her to the back of the sofa. He forced her legs apart and bent her over the back of the cushions, then without preamble, drove his long, hard cock into her pussy from behind. Something in the previous activities must have aroused her, since he had no trouble getting right into a rapid rhythm. Watching her buttocks jiggle, and her nipple rings dance as her partner bounced his pelvis off hers got some of the others going again. One of them, a portly gentleman with an average sized dick, stuck it into her mouth as Netty moaned in response to the pounding she was recieving.

Soon, the two established a cadence, bouncing her back and forth between them like some surreal ping-pong match. Netty put her hands on the hips of the gentleman at her face – at first to steady herself, then, as she got accustomed to being volleyed back and forth, to push and pull at him in time with his thrusts into her throat. Her seemingly willing complicity in the face fuck excited him no end, and he changed his timing to match that of the fucker to the rear, both of them pounding into her at once. He emitted a strangled cry and pulled his throbbing member from her mouth, firing shot after shot of white jism onto the dark skin of her face. By the time he finished shooting, cum dripped from her hair and face, and at least one shot had gone over her shoulder to leave a white stripe on her back.

The sight of his partner’s orgasm set the younger gentleman off, and he pushed as far into her as he could, firing a stream of hot juice deep into her tunnel. He pulled out and his second shot put another stripe down her back that ended in the crevice of her ass, where it ran down and pooled in the depression of her anus, soon to be joined by the waning spurts from the young man’s shrinking member.

Netty had not cum, but rested, bent over the back of the sofa as the two left in search of resting places of their own. Her respite didn’t last long, as one of the better hung gentlemen stepped behind her upturned buttocks. “Well, Miss Netty, since you was kind enough to get it all slicked up for me, I reckon I’m obliged to accept the invitation of that fine looking ass.”

She looked stricken as the purple head of his turgid member started burrowing its way into her cum lubricated anus, but a quick glance at my stern expression reminded her of the consequences of disobedience. Instead she reached behind her to pull her cheeks apart and said, “Oh yassah! Miss Netty been waitin’ for one a you fine gen’men to take pleasure in her back hole! I’d be right honored if you’d poke that ol’ cob up there an’ stir up my insides awhile!”

She gritted her teeth and tried to hide her grimace as the blunt end of his club stretched her still sore anal ring and bulled its way deep into her bowels.

“Well, with such a fine welcome as that, how can a gentleman refuse?” he grunted as he pulled a little way out, then forced more of his vein-bulging shaft into the tight restriction of her hole. “I hope you’re ready, Miss Netty, cause my ramrod’s ’bout to bottom out in yore barrel!”

With that he gave a final shove and slammed her thighs against the back of the sofa as his wiry brown pubic hairs mingled with her tightly curled black ones.

“Oh, Suh!” Netty grunted, fighting back tears, “‘at ‘eres some cannon you done shoved into my port! I hope it ain’t gon’ blow me apart when it shoots!”

He laughed as he started stroking, using the lube from first guy’s cum, “When this cannon shoots, you’ll feel it all right, but it don’t shoot nothin’ that’ll damage your breech!”

The heat and tightness of her rectum soon drove all thought of repartee from his mind as he thrust deeply into her colon. One of the others, also of goodly size, grew impatient, and not wanting another blowjob, said, “Stand ‘er up an’ turn ‘er around there, Joe. Ain’t no reason we cain’t make use of both holes at once!”

Joe, liking the idea, grinned and grasped Netty under the arms, grabbing her rounded tits as he stood her up, embedding himself deeply in her chute. He held her tightly to him and straightened his legs, suspending her from his cock up her ass and his grip on her mammaries. Netty’s eyes rolled in panic as he turned and perched his buttocks on the back of the sofa, but all she said was “Oh, my!”

The second guy lifted her ankles above her shoulders as he rubbed himself in the wetness of her slit, finally angling his rampant cock for entry, knees slightly bent. He thrust his hips forward and straightened his legs, spearing all the way in with a single stroke. Netty’s groan could have been pain or pleasure or both.

The doubly impaled slave girl wrapped her arms around the second guy’s neck, helping support her weight as Joe stood up behind her. The two men tried, without much success, to get a rhythm going, and Netty finally had to take over the task of fucking the two of them, slamming backwards to take the cock in her ass, then jerking forward to drive the one in front up her pussy.

The dual sensation of a long hard dick in her ass and a similar one up her cunt began to have an unwanted effect on her psyche, and she turned into a total slut, pistoning back and forth on the two poles, rotating her hips to feel the sensations as the cock heads were pushed this way and that inside her. She came three times, driving the men closer and closer to their own culmination. After her third orgasm, her movements became so erratic that the guys once again took over the fucking, pulling out and ramming in at the same time, faster and faster, until their hips seemed to blur with the speed of their thrusts. Netty climbed higher and higher with each plundering stroke, shrieking and moaning as the engorged shafts ravaged the tender tissues of her nether regions. Joe grabbed her nipple rings and used them to pull her downward onto their rods with each trip-hammer thrust of their hips. Netty’s screams became one long, drawn out howl as her pelvis gyrated wildly around the impaling members. The men could do little but hang on for the ride as her spasming muscles tightened around their flesh and drove them over the precipice to blast hot lava into her sensitive membranes. The sensation drove her to her own explosion. She gave a high-pitched squeal of pure animal abandon, her hips slammed forward and back spasmodically three or four times and she collapsed into the arms of her rapists, groaning weakly. They had just enough strength to control the fall as their knees folded and dumped the three of them on their sides.

Netty got only enough respite to drink some water as others, re-aroused by the scene they had just witnessed, wanted another turn with her. She lost herself in a landscape of sluttish abandon as cock after cock dumped its load in or on her. At one point she found herself sitting astride one gentleman, his staff buried deep inside her vagina, as another forced its way in alongside the first.

The fat gentleman left after a second blowjob, embarrassed by his inability to achieve penetration in either of Netty’s lower openings, no matter what the position.

The guy with the monster dick hyperventilated as he was fucking her pussy, and had to take the rest of the night off.

Finally, everyone was sated, and a bedraggled Netty lay in the middle of the living room floor, covered in sweat and drying cum, while the others lolled around on the furniture, still playing with sore, limp members, hoping to revive them for one more round.

Not having participated in the festivities, I asked, “Has my Netty pleased you gentlemen adequately?”

A chorus of tired, but enthusiastic affirmatives came back.

“That’s good. It will keep her off the whipping post for a while.” I looked hard at the tired, smeared face of my slave “but there’s still the matter of her questioning my decision to offer you her services.”

Pulling her by the hair, I bent her over an ottoman. She was so tired, she made no fuss, but just lay there. “I promised her that at the end of this evening I would show her her true place in this household.”

She didn’t see the signal I gave to Caesar, who, with Czar, my other Timber Wolf – Malamute mix, had been quietly watching the festivities from a corner. The sights and smells in the room had long ago got his purple shaft out of its sheath, and he wasted no time mounting Netty’s backside. She was startled at the dog’s unexpected playfulness, but didn’t think much of it until he laid his head on her shoulder and tucked his front paws in the crease between her thighs and belly. Her eyes got huge when she felt his pointy, wet member poking at her backside.

“Massa?” she started to say.

I bent down where she could see my face. “Are you about to question me again, slave?”

She turned her face away, tears starting in the corners of her eyes, and lay her head on the ottoman. “No, suh.”

“Good! Now help Caesar here find what he’s lookin’ for!”

Shoulders shaking with her sobs, Netty reached between her legs and found the dripping shaft, reluctantly aiming it at her once tight hole, now a little the worse for wear.

As soon as Caesar felt the warm wetness around the pointed tip of his shaft, he flicked his hips forward, driving the entire staff and the furry tip of his sheath into her well-used opening. The violence of his entry brought her head up, and a moan issued from her lips as the already growing knot in the middle of Caesar’s cock rasped across her abused tissues.

Netty’s eyes bulged as the knot rapidly swelled to its full softball size, locking them inextricably together. This was what Caesar liked best – ramming his bitch with short, machine gun strokes while his enormous knot stretched and stroked her insides, ensuring that she couldn’t get away until he had claimed her completely. His brother, on the other hand, enjoyed long pistoning strokes and his knot didn’t swell until just before he impregnated the bitch.

Netty’s belly, where it hung over the edge of the ottoman, looked as though someone’s fist was slamming back and forth inside. Despite her soreness, the effect of the vein-covered bulge on the poor girl’s G-spot couldn’t be denied, and the pointed tip of the long spear burrowing through her cervix and into her womb three or four times a second, snapped her out of her funk like a rubber band.

“Oh my god! Oh no, oh no, ohnoohnoohnoohno!” in spite of herself, Netty’s hips started gyrating around the hammering animal cock as her cries changed to, “So good! Oh yes!”

At another signal, Czar left his resting place and took up position in front of Netty’s face. “Netty,” I said, “Czar needs you to pleasure him too!”

The words barely registered, but she opened her eyes, seeing for the first time Czar’s engorged member dripping pre-cum in front of her nose. He moved sideways with his front paws until he was standing partly over her shoulder watching his brother’s furry pelvis slamming into Netty’s ass.

Lost in a fog of lust, Netty opened her mouth and sucked the swollen red shaft inside. Czar lifted his hind leg and humped until his sheath touched her upper lip, then started ‘treading’ as best he could on three legs, stroking his long sharply pointed spear in and out of her throat.

Netty, foundering in the depravity of being fucked front and rear by her master’s dogs, moaned around the pistoning shaft.

Caesar, meanwhile, was approaching his completion. He tightened the grip of his front legs around her hips and started driving for depth, working with each jerk of his pelvis to get his shaft as far inside his bitch as possible, his tail tucked between his legs as if to add that extra little impetus to each push. He gave one final thrust, scrabbling with his hind feet as if to climb in, and let loose a torrent of superheated dog goo, directly into the slave girl’s womb.

The feeling of Caesar’s hotter-than-human firehose going off in her most private recesses, sent Netty into a whining, screaming fit. She sucked madly at Czar’s cock as the inflating knot scraped across her teeth, trying to get as much of it inside as possible.

Czar, however, was unwilling to trust his sensitive knot to the sharp edges of the girl’s teeth and declined to push it in, once it got to a certain size. Undeterred, Netty kept sucking, mewling and bucking against Caesars still erupting shaft. The hot wet mouth with it’s swirling tongue was enough for Czar, and he opened the spigot, shooting copious streams of viscuous dog cum down the girl’s throat. The sheer volume of his discharge took her by surprise, and she pulled back involuntarily, catching the remainder of his spew on her face and hair. That was the trigger that sent Netty over the edge, thrashing spastically under the furry bodies of her canine lovers as she fell into oblivion.

Some of the ‘guests’, freshly aroused by what they had just witnessed, wanted another go, but I threatened not to pay them if they didn’t get dressed and leave. Reluctantly, they did so, and by the time the last one descended the porch steps, Caesar had uncoupled himself from the unconscious Netty. I wet a rag and cleaned her up as best I could. Not ready to get too far out of character yet, I nudged her with the toe of my boot until she roused enough to crawl into her cubby hole under the stairs.

Surprisingly, she was up before the sun and had my breakfast on the table by the time I finished my morning ablutions. She gave a subdued, though not sullen, “Mornin’ Massa.” in response to my greeting, then silently went about boiling grits for her own breakfast.

“One more night,” I thought, as I studied her, “can she take it?”

She ate with good appetite, then wrapping her hands in rags again, headed for the woodpile. I concluded that while she was troubled, she wasn’t broken, and decided to let her see it through.

She didn’t complain, and even responded enthusiastically, if somewhat distractedly, when I bent her over the woodpile just before lunch and took my pleasure in her ass. She was trying so hard to really fit into her role that I despaired of finding a good excuse for the punishment I had planned as the last act of this play.

As she was cleaning up after lunch, however, she dropped and broke a dish, turning instantly to me with a stricken look on her face. “I’m sorry, Massa! It jes slipped out from my han’! I din’t mean nothin’ by it!”

I stood facing her, hands on hips and said sternly, “Netty, you been mopin’ ‘roun here like a sick puppy all mornin’! I ain’t totally sure you’re cut out to be a house slave! Clean that mess up an’ get your chores finished while I calc’late what to do ’bout you!”

While she went about her business, I slipped off into the woods to meet with the actors for the last scene of my production.

I had converted an old shed to a ‘slave barracks’ for the final part of this charade. It was separated from the house by a stand of trees, so my agent had been able to get his people in without being seen from the house.

The dogs were with me when I entered the ‘barracks’ and stood just inside the door while my eyes adjusted to the dimness. Caesar and Czar worked their way around the group from opposite ends of the semi-circle they formed around me and the door.

There were fifteen black men in that room, hired by my agent in San Francisco, to be ‘slaves’ in the concluding act of Aisha’s play. He had been instructed to brief them, so this meeting was just to wrap up any last minute details.

“Ok, Sam told you what’s going on?” They all nodded, and I continued “All right. Remember, you are to be rough, but she’s not to be injured in any way! Anyone who goes over the line will have to deal with me, understood?”

“Remember guys, this is a play! This young lady is making a tremendous sacrifice to learn something important, so let’s make sure she can make use of that knowledge when we’re finished.” My gaze traveled around the room, meeting each pair of eyes in turn. Only one wouldn’t meet my stare.

I walked over to him. “What’s your name?”


“Tyrell, here’s the money you were promised.” I handed him a folded wad of cash. “We won’t be needing you for this. Go on back down to the road. The bus is waiting there. It’ll take you back into town and there’s a room in the motel for you. The others will join you tomorrow.”

He took the money but looked confused. “What’d I do?”

“Nothing, Tyrell.” I came in close and looked into his face, “These gentlemen will be enough for what I have in mind, so you get paid for doing nothing. Will that be a problem for you?”

I wasn’t close enough to be threatening, but was far enough into his personal space to make him uneasy. He glanced around the room and found nothing but curiosity on the faces of the onlookers.

“No, no problem.”

I let him out the door and signaled Czar to follow. The others were curious about why I made him leave, but I told them, “It was just a hunch, and it wouldn’t be right to discuss unconfirmed hunches with you guys. For all I know, he’s the nicest guy in the world, but I don’t want to take any more chances than I have to with this young lady’s safety.”

I showed them the bundle of ragged clothing they were to wear for the part, and gave them each a key to one of the numbered footlockers stacked behind the ‘slave quarters’ so they could secure their clothing and personal belongings, then sent them off to another clearing where I had set up exercise equipment. Their instructions were to get as sweaty as possible, and return to the ‘barracks’ around sundown.

Czar had returned from seeing Tyrell to the bus, and I sent the two of them to ride herd on the actors, as I had with the first group the day Netty was ‘captured’. I didn’t expect any trouble, but I seldom let strangers onto my place, and I didn’t want them wandering around, since a lot of my activities involve things that neither I nor the other participants would care to reveal to the public eye.

By the time I returned to the house, Netty had finished chopping wood, had cleaned up the mess from last nights activities, and was busy preparing dinner. The meal was great, but her distraction caused her to make a couple of minor flubs that added to her offenses list.

She cleaned up after the meal and was pulling the burlap shift over her head as she headed for my room when I stopped her.

“This ain’t workin’ out, Netty girl. I know you been tryin’ somethin’ fierce, but you jes’ ain’t cut out to be a house slave.”

She looked devastated, “Please don’t whip me no more, Massa! I’ll try harder! I’ll be the bes’ house slave evah! Please, Massa!”

“I ain’t gonna whip you, girl, so stop yer squallin’! In th’ mornin’ you’re to go out with the other field slaves and see if you’re any good at that. If nothin’ else, maybe you can give them hard workers somethin’ to work hard for.” I turned her by the shoulders to face the back door. Pointing through the screen, I continued, “Now you jes’ go on down ‘at ‘ere path to th’ barracks an’ make yourse’f to home. Them boys’ll show you where to bunk down, an’ you can get a fresh start tomorrow.”

As she walked slowly down the path to barracks, occasionally looking over her shoulder at the house, I retired to my study to watch the proceedings on the security monitors.

She arrived at the slave quarters just as the last of the sweaty ‘field slaves’ were returning from their day’s labor.

One of them stopped and asked, “What you want down here, girl?”

Netty looked at her feet and muttered, “Massa done sent me down heah. He say I ain’t no good at bein’ a house slave, so I gotta try my hand at bein’ a field slave.”

The speaker guffawed and, opening the door ushered her in, announcing to the others. “Look whut Massa Mike done sent us fo’ Chris’mas! Tendah young house slave di’nt suck his white worm good ’nuff, so he give ‘er to us!”

Netty was mortified, “That ain’t why he sent me! I di’nt do the house work good ’nuff, so he want me work in the fields!”

They all laughed at that. “Then why he send you to th’ men’s barr’cks, girl?”

“Oh, no!” she cried, cringing as they surrounded her and started pulling at her shift, “This cain’t be happ’nin’!”

I watched for as long as I could keep my eyes open, while the ‘field slaves’ took their revenge on the ‘uppity house slave’, shoving cocks into every opening, time and again, sometimes two to a hole, often taking her three at a time. After a while, her body betrayed her once more, and through a lust-drugged mist she climaxed over and over again. The deeper her degradation, the higher her peaks, until finally, around three thirty, there were no more hard cocks to use, and she fell into an exhausted, troubled sleep.

When I watched the tapes later, I saw that several times during the remainder of the night, one or another of the men would wake up and take her unresisting body again.

As the sun came up, I opened the barrack’s door, and wrapping a blanket around the exhausted girl, carried her up to the house. I started the water in the shower running to get it warm, and while waiting, presented Aisha with an authentic looking letter of manumission in the name of Netty Franklin. She smiled weakly, and mouthed ‘Thank you’.

I took my own clothes off and supported Aisha in the shower, washing places she was too tired to reach, and shampooing her hair. I then put her to bed in the guest room while I went back to the barracks and paid off the actors. Some of them tried to refuse payment, saying it was the most pleasurable job they’d ever had, and they’d do it for free any time. I insisted, however, and soon they were all back on the bus with Tyrell, headed back to San Francisco.

While Aisha slept, my contractor replaced the antique wood burner with my gas stove, and, after he certified that it was leak free, I went about preparing as sumptuous a meal as I could dream up.

Doc Miller was there when she finally awoke, hungry and needing to use the bathroom. He gave her a thorough examination, and left various antibiotics and salves to combat infection and help heal her numerous small cuts and abrasions, then left us alone.

Aisha said little during the meal, only occasionally asking for another helping of this or that. When we were full, I sat on the sofa in the living room with the cognac bottle nearby, and motioned for Aisha to join me. Covered neck to ankle in a soft, fluffy robe, she gratefully accepted the snifter of cognac, took a sip, then put her head on my shoulder and cried. Her body was wracked with sobs for more than an hour, and all I could do was hold her.

Eventually, there were no more tears, and wiping her face on the sleeve of the robe she looked up at me with reddened eyes.

“That was only four days and four nights! How could they stand it for a lifetime!” her left fist beat ineffectually against my chest.

I hoped I didn’t sound too pedantic when I replied, “Humans are amazingly adaptable creatures, we can survive many things and learn to avoid others. Your ancestors had, as you have seen, a really hard life, but they found ways to cope. Some learned to ‘read’ their masters so they could avoid doing things that would earn them the worst punishments. A few actually succeeded in running away, despite the risks. Within the community of the slave quarters, they came up with diversions that provided at least some outlet. Many found comfort in religion. Not being real slaves ourselves, it’s impossible for us to know the depths of anguish they felt, when, for instance, families were torn apart to be sold to different owners, nor is it possible for us to know all the devices they used to make life bearable, however miserable it may have been.”

She was silent for a long while, occasionally wiping her nose on the tissues I handed her.

“You know what the worst part was?” she looked up at me with those big brown eyes, and continued as I shook my head, “The worst part was that when you and the others were doing the most horrible, degrading things to me that I could ever imagine, my body was having the most wonderful feelings. I NEVER had orgasms like that before!”

“Why was that the worst part?” I thought I knew, but she had to work it out for herself.

She thought it over, sipping from her cognac. “It was the most humiliating betrayal imaginable. My body in ecstasy while my mind screamed in torment – I still don’t understand it.”

“Maybe this will help.” I palmed my snifter and swirled the contents around the sides, “Most of our attitudes about the pleasures of our bodies come from our religious teachings. Near as I can tell, those writings were done, not by Jesus Christ, Allah, or any other deity or earthly incarnation of a deity, but by the MEN who ran those religions – by our standards, very primitive men. Men are, by nature, selfish, even now. If men had things the way they wanted, their women would be total sluts with them, and ice cubes with everyone else. Furthermore, women would be totally faithful to their men, but men would be free to have sex with as many women as they could. Your namesake provides evidence of the selfishness of men’s lust. Mohammed married A’isha when she was six, and at 54, consumated his marriage with her when she was only nine.”

I set my glass down and refilled hers before continuing, “That’s my beef with religion. For some people, a religion can be a tremendous source of comfort in hard times, but for the unscrupulous and power hungry, it makes an ideal tool for controlling the attitudes of thousands, even millions of people.

“People are led to believe that what their bodies feel can be controlled by their minds, and to a certain extent, that’s true, or fantasies wouldn’t play such a prominent role in our sex lives. On the other hand, there are certain physical reactions over which we have no control. We may be able to control, in some circumstances, what we do about those feelings, but we can’t control the feelings themselves.

“Beyond that, our bodies and minds are extremely complex organisms that nobody understands fully, and they often work together to cause unexpected reactions to different stimuli. What that means is that, even though the horror, pain and humiliation you felt was real, somehow your body connected them with the physical sensations it was experiencing, multiplying its reactions, all through no fault of yours. I won’t say that you’re the same person that you were, because this experience has changed you, but at the core, the real you is still intact. You just know more about yourself now.”

She stared off into space for a while, then started to get to her feet. “I’ll have to think all this through some more, but I think you’re on to something. Anyway, I’d better get dressed if I’m going to get out of here tonight, like you said.”

I held onto the sleeve of her robe, keeping her from rising. “You’re not going anywhere tonight. You still need to sleep, and that brandy isn’t going to help your reaction time. You can leave in the morning.”

She settled back into the crook of my arm and smiled up at me, finally showing a little of the Aisha who had sat here almost a week ago. “Yassah, Massa!”

I shook my head, “No, not Massa. Not tonight.”

She snuggled her head into my shoulder and lost herself in her thoughts and as I triggered the remote for my sound system, soft jazz filled the room.

A few minutes later, she was snoring softly, and didn’t wake up as I carried her into the guest room and tucked her in.

She was almost finished dressing when I knocked on her door the next morning. The small duffel I had brought in from her car was open on the bed as she bent to tie her shoes.

When she straightened, I noticed the outline of the rings under her top. Pointing to them, I asked, “Do you want me to remove those before you go?”

She fingered them thoughtfully for a moment, a small shudder going through her body.

“No, not yet.” she said, “Can I come back later and have you take them out if I change my mind?”

“Anytime!” I smiled.

She kissed me lightly on the cheek, whispering, “Thanks for everything.”

I saw her to the door and held it open as she skipped down the steps and threw her bag into the car.

“Let me know how the paper turns out!” I said as she slid behind the wheel.

I barely heard her shout “I will!” as she sped down the trail, waving out the window at me…



“Damnit girl! Watch what you’re doing!” I wasn’t normally this harsh with waitresses, but then, I didn’t normally get hot coffee poured in my lap!

“Oh! I’m sorry, Sir!” the auburn-haired young lady cried. Something in the way she said it… or maybe it was her posture…

Whatever triggered it, I was beginning to get a feeling about this young lady. ‘Let’s just see… !’ I told myself. There weren’t many people in the cafe, and none nearby, so I quickly devised a little test.

“What’s your name, girl!” I snapped.

“Amy, sir!” she answered meekly, head down, hands wanting to clasp each other, but having nothing to hold onto but the coffee pot.

“Put the pot down before you scald someone else, Amy!” I said, watching her face.

She quickly fumbled the coffee pot onto the table, then started fidgeting with the little apron she wore.

“Go to the back and get three CLEAN towels.” I commanded, “Two of the towels are to be damp – not wet – with warm water. The third is to be dry. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir!” she answered, but she still stood, head down, as if waiting for more orders.

“Well?” I said, “What are you waiting for? Hop to it before these stains get set!”

“Oh!” she cried, “Yes, sir!”

While she was gone, I deliberately shifted my cock to the coffee-stained leg of my trousers.

She returned in a few minutes with the required towels, holding them out to me.

“What are you waiting for, girl?” I said evenly, “Clean this mess up, then dry my pants with the other towel!”

She quickly knelt beside me and dabbed at the ‘safe’ areas with one of the damp towels.

“Are you petting me, girl,” I asked quietly, “or cleaning up your mess?”

“I’m, uh, I’m cleaning… uh, that is, I’m, uh…” she stammered.

“I want those stains, all of them, gone, girl!” I didn’t raise my voice, just hardened my tone.

“Yes, sir!” she answered, and started scrubbing at the material, still trying to avoid the elongated bulge of my ‘third’ leg.

“All of them, girl!” I hissed.

She gulped and nodded, starting to tentatively scrub at the bulge as well. My cock, of course, started to grow and elongate. Amy stared fixedly at it, swallowing hard, as she continued her cleaning duties. I handed her the second towel and took the first, putting it on top of the table. Amy’s strokes were no longer confining themselves to the stained area, but were vigorously traveling the length of my bulge. Her breath was coming faster. I watched down the scooped neck of her top as her lovely breasts pressed rhythmically against the fabric.

I handed her the dry towel and said softly, “Now, dry!”

She looked briefly at my face, lips slightly parted, cheeks flushed, then returned to her task. She was very diligent, never looking up until I was dry as a dishtowel could make me.

“When is your next break, Amy?” I asked as she knelt beside me.

She glanced at the watch she wore on her left wrist and said, “In about fifteen minutes, sir.”

I handed her the towels and said, “Finish pouring my coffee, and come back here on your break.”

“Yes, sir!” she said. Her hand trembled as she poured, but all of it went into the cup.

As she turned to leave, I said sharply, “Amy!”

“Yes, sir?” she turned back expectantly.

“Before you come back here, go to the bathroom and remove your bra and panties and bring them to me.” I said softly.

Her eyes went wide and her mouth worked as she swallowed several times, but finally she nodded and scurried off. I tried to remain calm over the next quarter hour and not think about the consequences of Amy going to her boss or the sheriff with her story. Amy, though was having difficulties. She dropped a tray of dirty dishes, then, while trying to clean up the mess, knocked over a couple of chairs.

One of the old women in the front of the cafe asked irritably, “What’s gotten into you today, Amy? You’ve got the dropsy something awful!”

Amy did her best to smooth things over and wound up making them worse. Things progressed from bad to worse until Harvey, the owner of the cafe, had had enough.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Amy, but you’d better take the rest of the day off before you knock the whole place down!”

“I’m sorry, Harvey!” she wailed, “I’ll do better! I just need to calm down some!”

“Amy,” Harvey said, “you’re usually the best waitress I’ve got, but today you’re an accident looking for a place to happen. Just take the rest of the day off and get whatever’s got you so jittery out of your system!”

“If you say so, Harvey.” Amy glanced quickly in my direction, then at the exit door, then at the restroom door. I could almost hear the gears turning in her mind. Face flushed, she headed for the bathroom, paused for a moment with her hand on the door, then went inside.

It was several minutes before she emerged, a wadded up bundle of fabric in one hand, and slipped into the booth across the table from me.

“Put them on the table.” was all I said.

Blushing even more, she gave me a startled look, then, hesitantly, placed the hand holding her little bundle on the table, reluctantly letting it open to release the items on the tabletop. Had we been anywhere else, I would have let them stay in plain view, but I didn’t really want our sleepy little community waking up to my true nature, so I took the flimsy little bits of satin and stuffed them in my pocket.

“Why did you do that, Amy?” I asked in a low voice.

“B-because you told me to, sir.” she mumbled.

“Do you do everything someone tells you to do?”

“No, sir!” she blushed again.

“Then why this time?” I gazed intently into her eyes.

“I-I don’t know, sir.” she flushed even more, her young face a mask of anxiety.

“Shall I tell you why?”

She gulped and nodded, her auburn tresses hiding her face for just a moment.

“You are a submissive, Amy.” I said evenly, “Someone who needs another person to tell her what to do – to surrender her life to.”

“That’s not true!” she cried defensively. “I’m not like that at all! Just ask anyone!”

“You are with ME.” I replied, “Take the middle finger of your right hand and stick it deep into your pussy. If it doesn’t come out slimy with your juice, I’ll admit that I was wrong and leave you alone.”

“I can’t do that!” she whispered fiercely, “Not here! Someone will see!”

“No one can see what you do under this table, Amy.” I said, “Do it now or leave!”

Blushing again, she moved her right hand under the table. Her lush lips parted and her eyelids fluttered as she impaled herself on her finger. Drawing it out, she tentatively raised her extended finger, practically running with her passion, above the table-top. She gazed at the fluids running down her hand fearfully, shaking her head in denial.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Amy?” I asked softly.

“No, sir.” she replied absently, still staring at her finger. “I date a couple of the local boys now and then, but nothing serious.”

“Stop seeing them.” I said.

That got her attention. Eyes riveted to mine, she asked, “Why?”

“Because you belong to me now.” I replied, “I won’t have others using my property without my permission.”

I half-expected a tirade, and her head did start to shake involuntarily in denial, but she just shivered and whispered, “Yes, sir.”

“Do you know where I live, Amy?”

“Yes, sir.” she was gazing raptly at my face, as if seeing me for the first time.

I threw a couple of bills on the table to cover my meal and her tip and said, “Be there in one hour.”

About forty-five minutes later, her little Toyota pulled up into the front yard. I watched from inside the screen door as she got out and climbed the steps to the front porch. Since she was coming into shadow from bright sunlight, she didn’t see me behind the screen until she was reaching to knock on the doorframe.

“Remove your clothes. Fold them, and hand them to me.” I said calmly through the mesh, “Each time you come here, you will do this, without being told.”

“Here?!” she cried, looking desperately around the clearing, “Somebody might see!”

“No one will see,” I said calmly, “except me and anyone I choose to allow to see you. Now do it! You’re wasting time!”

Still flushed and nervous, she reached back and slid the zipper of her dress down to her ass. Amy shrugged out of the bodice but kept it clasped tightly in front of her until she saw my expression harden. Slowly, in fits and starts, she let the fabric slip away from her breasts, pausing again as auburn curls began to show.

“I said ‘strip’, Amy! Not ‘strip-tease’!”

With a start, she dropped the dress, stepping daintily out of it as it puddled around her feet. She picked it up, folded it as best she could, and handed it around the screen to me.

“Shoes and socks too!”

She stepped on the heel of one shoe and pulled her foot out, using her sock-covered foot to do the same with the other shoe. Bending over, she gave me a delightful view of her young breasts as she removed her socks.

As she straightened, and handed me her shoes with socks tucked inside, she started to cover herself with her hands, but realized that was not what I wanted, and dropped her arms self-consciously to her sides.

“Here are the rules, Amy.” I began, as she stood, beautifully, self-consciously, naked, on the other side of the screen, “Any time you speak to me when we are not in public, you will call me sir. You will not speak unless asked a question or told to speak. You may request permission to speak occasionally, but only to clarify an order. Once inside this house, your body is mine to do with as I please. You will choose a safeword for use in case something exceeds your limits. Use it with caution, because you will be punished each time you use it. Choose your safeword now. A word that will not come up in any sexual situation, but which you can remember and say, even under extreme circumstances.”

She looked at me blankly for a few seconds while her mind caught up with her ears, then gave a little shudder and said “Uh, ‘ticket’? Uh, sir!”

“Can you remember to say that, even under extreme duress?”

“Um, I think so, sir.”

“All right. Your safeword is ‘ticket’.” I repeated, opening the screen, “Now you may enter your new life.”

It was a bit melodramatic, but the shudder that went through her as she stepped across the threshold was worth it.

“Straight ahead to the kitchen, slave.” I ordered. The shiver that went down her spine that time made her lovely buttocks quiver.

I triggered the remote for the entrance to my dungeon and watched Amy’s eyes grow large as the back wall of the pantry sank inward. I guided her down the stairs with a hand on her elbow, her breath quickening with every step. As her eyes cleared the bottom of the stair opening, she gasped and stopped, staring around her at the array of bondage fixtures, whips, chains, and sex toys that assaulted her vision.

I gave her a moment to absorb it all, then said softly “Move, slave. You’ll want to experience a goodly portion of these things before the evening is done!”

Her head swung slowly from side to side as her feet automatically continued her descent. I wasn’t sure if it was denial, or an attempt to take in all around her.

“Undress me, slave.” I commanded, “Quickly!”

Amy fumbled with my belt but finally got my pants down, then remembered my shoes. It was a bit of a struggle for her to untie and slip them off with my pants bunched around my ankles, and I let her fumble with it until she finally got shoes and pants off, then asked, “Are you learning, slave?”

Another shiver realigned her spine and she answered meekly, “Yes, sir!”

“See that you do!” was my only reply.

The auburn-haired beauty finished undressing me without further mishap. I grasped a handful of her lustrous hair and, stepping behind her, asked, “Have you ever given a blowjob, slave?”

Something about the word ‘slave’ touched a deeply buried part of her, because every time I said it, she shivered, as if having a mini-orgasm.

“Yes sir.” she answered, her head bent far backward by my grip on her hair, so that she looked at me upside down.

“Have you ever been face-fucked, slave?”

I watched her esophagus work as she struggled to swallow, “N-no sir.”

I smiled as I fed my growing erection into her mouth. “There’s a first time for everything!”

She was leaning backward on her hands, and with her head bent back the way it was, I had a straight path down her lovely throat. I took full advantage of the the angle and, squatting a bit, fed her my rod until her nose was buried in my scrotum. I waited a few moments for her to get her gag reflex under control. She spasmed a little and retched a few times, but finally managed to suppress the urge to vomit.

I withdrew far enough to let her breathe, then went in again. The spasming of her tight little throat felt exquisite around the sensitive glans of my buried cock. I stroked in and out a few times, then buried myself completely and stroked the bulging outline of my cock in her throat with my fingers.

“You look magnificent with my cock buried in your throat, slave!” I said, sincerely.

With no one touching her pussy, she came! The flow of juice down her slimy thighs tripled, and her ‘slave’ shiver turned into a full blown orgasmic spasm!

I stroked her cheek affectionately and pulled out far enough to let her breathe. “Do you deny, now, slave, that you are submissive?”

Amy groaned around my cock, and raised herself to engulf it once again, shaking her head as she went. I let her face-fuck my cock for a few minutes more, then raised her to her feet, trapping her hands behind her and kissing her passionately.

I triggered the sound-system remote and led Amy to a low, padded rail. Heart’s ‘Magic Man’ came on loud and strong as I strapped her face down, lengthwise onto the pad. I bound her hands to the support near her head, and her feet to ringbolts in the floor that stretched her legs wide apart. To each of her dangling pink nipples, I attached one of the loops of a double-ended chain. When I had finished, the chain hung from her nipples, suspended under the padded bar on which she lay. Leaning over her alabaster-skinned back, I drove my tongue into the crevice between her legs, drawing a shriek as I licked from clit to anus in one swift stroke.

Leaning further over, I concentrated on Amy’s pink, crinkled rosebud, tickling it first with just the tip of my tongue.

“OH, SIR!” she cried, as I sank two fingers into her dripping honeypot and stroked her G-spot. Just then, Ann Wilson sang, “Ooooo, he got Magic Hands!” and Amy came again!

I stroked my new slave through two more orgasms, sinking my tongue deeper and deeper into her softening anus. By the time I moved behind her Amy’s body had so attuned itself to welcome the treatment I was giving her, that she came twice as I sank slowly into her grasping pussy!

Fully embedded, I leaned over and whispered in her delicate little ear, “Do you like my cock in your slave-cunt, Amy?”

She gasped and shuddered through another climax before answering, “Oh, YES SIR! It’s SOOOO big!”

“That’s good Amy,” I whispered, “Because I’m going to fuck my slave now!”

With that, I drew back, and started hammering her little pink pussy with long, hard strokes, swiveling my hips at the end of each stroke to let her feel her insides rearranging themselves to accomodate me.

“Who do you belong to, slave?” I gasped, still pounding away.

“YOU SIR!” she cried, pushing back to meet me, “Only YOU!”

“And will you do anything I tell you to do, slave?”

“YES <GASP> SIR! Ohhhh!” she shuddered through another climax as I ground into her.

“That’s a good slave!” I said, withdrawing from her hungry sheath, “Now we’ll see if you mean it!”

So saying, I pushed slowly into her pink little anus. Amy’s head came up and the tendons stood out on her neck as I made my slow journey into the depths of her bowels. A low sound, a mixture of growl, moan, and bestial howl issued from her throat for the entire journey. When I finally rested with my pubic hair flattened against her soft white buttocks, I again leaned over my slave’s straining back.

“Still like having my cock inside you, slave?” I whispered.

“Ungh! Oh, sir!” she gasped, “It’s, it’s so… WICKED! I NEVER felt, ugh, ANYTHING so… so WILD!”

She made a tentative little circle with her hips and gasped at the sensation of her intestines rearranging themselves around my swirling cockhead.

“So, is that a ‘yes’, slave?” I asked, still whispering.

“Ooooooo! YES! SIR!” she cried, “YES! YES! YES! SIR!”

“Then you won’t mind if I fuck your little slave ass?” I know. I was overusing the ‘slave’ term, but I just loved her reaction to it!

“Please?” she said, looking over her shoulder, “Please fuck my little slave ass HARD, sir!”

How could I refuse a request like that? I pulled out until my glans caught on the inside of her sphincter, then drove back in, full-force. I relished the feel of invading her colon and the way her insides shifted and slid aside to make room for me!

Amy threw her buttocks backward to meet every stroke! I slammed, pounded and skewered her little alabaster moon with all my might, and she met every thrust, emitting a bestial grunt as I hit bottom on each stroke! Her head turned to the side and through her half-closed lids, I watched her eyes roll back in her head each time I penetrated her!

The heat, the tightness, the look and feel of her petite frame submitting to my lust, and the very completeness of her surrender drove me swiftly toward my finish and after having taken all three of Amy’s most private openings, I was loathe to resist! Higher and higher I climbed, feeling my scrotum tighten in preparation. Finally, I crashed over the edge, exploding deep into the hot, tight confines of Amy’s willing little butt!

Screeching like a berserk Harpy, Amy reacted to the feel of my hot lava coating her guts by thrashing back and forth on my impaling rod, then jerking upward four or five times, very hard, as her own climax burst upon her in greater force than any of the previous ones!

After I caught my breath, I withdrew and washed myself in the dungeon bathroom. When I returned, I unfastened Amy’s bindings and indicated a spot at my feet, as I sat on one of the padded benches.

“Kneel!” I commanded. “Spread your knees wide and lock your hands behind your neck.”

Amy complied and knelt, looking worshipfully up at me.

“Tell me how you feel, slave.” I commanded softly.

“Oh, Sir!” Amy panted, “I feel confused! I loved what you did, but I hated myself for loving it! I have never cum so often or so hard in my life! Everything I’ve ever been taught tells me I should be independent, and not let anyone tell me what to do, but when you call me ‘slave’ I get this sort of rush, and well… I just don’t know what to think about it!”

“Shall I tell you what’s going on, Amy?” I asked, “Or do you want to work it out for yourself?”

“Sir, if you can help clear up this confusion,” she pleaded, “I would be very grateful!”

“Very well, slave.” I answered, “First, you have to realize that our parents and teachers don’t even want to admit that submissive personalities exist. Even if they could, they could never help a submissive person discover him- or herself, because it goes against all the tenets of our society. They are bound by the rules of our ‘free’ society to develop ‘independent’ thinkers, though in reality they develop people who are programmed to believe whatever the media feeds them. Since your program has told you that you are an independent young lady, but your body and subconscious mind enjoy being dominated, the real you conflicts with the facade developed by those who raised and trained you. As long as you hold on to that training, you will always be in conflict, because you cannot deny the real person inside. If you embrace that person, become her, you will find the confusion slipping away. Once you accept that you are submissive, the rest of your life can go on the way it always has, but when you’re with me, you will experience sex as you never have before.”

“B-but how can I just forget about what I’ve been taught all my life?”

“I didn’t SAY forget about it,” I replied, “I said you need to embrace who you are. That doesn’t mean forgetting about what you’ve been taught, it means you put it aside when you’re with me. In the outside world, you are who you have always been. When you’re with me, you are who you REALLY are – a submissive little slut-slave who needs to be dominated and made to do nasty, degrading things that she would never do otherwise, so she can really enjoy her sexuality. Tell me Amy, has your sex life been satisfactory before today, or have you always felt that something was missing?”

“Now that you mention it, sir,” she said meekly, “I have always thought there should be more to sex.”

“And did you feel that way just now?”

Her face lit up and practically glowed as she replied, “Oh, NO, sir! I’ve NEVER enjoyed sex so much!”

“Does it puzzle you at all,” I continued, “that you so easily gave in to my demands? Think about it. You practically masturbated me through my pants. You took off your underwear at my command, and GAVE it to me in a public place. You diddled yourself and showed me the pussyjuice running down your finger. You came here, just because I told you too, and since you’ve been here, you’ve done everything I’ve commanded with only the occasional slight resistance. Is that who you thought you were?”

“No sir.” she hung her head, but I raised her chin and gazed into her eyes.

“You. Are. My. Slave.” I said slowly, “You will keep your body ready for me. I will use it as I please for my sexual pleasure. Do you have a problem with that?”

She searched my gaze, and hers softened. “No sir!”

“Ok, slave, I’m going to ask you to prove you mean that. Get on your hands and knees.” I commanded.

I whistled once – short and sharp. Within a minute, two grey shadows flowed down the stairs and looked expectantly at me.

“There are no female dogs nearby, Amy,” I said, “and my boys Caesar and Czar here are awfully horny. I want you to be their bitch. Will you do that for me slave?”

Amy had always been friendly with the boys when I had them in town, but this was something else! She looked at them and swallowed a couple of times, then looked at me and croaked, barely audibly, “Uh, yes sir.”

She was trembling, and I knew this was hard for her, but it was a critical test and she knew it.

“Do you want me to bind you,” I asked, “or will you be a good bitch and stay where you are while they fuck you?”

“I’ll uh… I’ll stay sir.” I could barely hear her, but it was enough.

I signaled Caesar to mount, and he wasted no time getting aboard. Caesar, above all else, loved being locked into a bitch’s pussy. His knot started inflating the moment his cock emerged from its sheath, and he eagerly slammed it home and waited for it to finish inflating!

Amy stared at me, and her eyes got huge as she felt the softball sized knot stretching her vagina. This was a farming community, and I doubt that there was anyone who didn’t know that dogs tie with their bitches when they breed, but not many had ever seen or experienced the size of a fully inflated dog’s knot – especially dogs as big as Czar and Caesar!

“This is a spectator sport, Amy.” I told her, “I’m the spectator, so I want you to be the play-by-play announcer and tell me everything that’s happening, everything you feel!”

“Oh Sir! He’s got this huge, hard, ball thing inside me! He can’t pull out! It’s stretching me SOOO MUCH!” she wailed, “Oh GOD! He’s moving it inside me! His cock goes so deep and that ball thing is HUGE! Oh, sir! I really AM his bitch! He’s locked inside me and I couldn’t get him loose if I wanted to!”

“It’s enormous,” she continued, “and I can feel it moving back and forth inside me! OH it feels so sinful! I’m being fucked by a huge dog, and I love it! Oh! He’s going faster now! He’s like a jackhammer, just pounding away at me! OH MY GOD! I THINK HE’s CU-CUMMING! IT’S SO HOT! OOOOOOOOoooooooo!”

She shuddered through her own climax as Caesar blasted his hot lava inside her! Amy’s arms collapsed, leaving her face down on the floor with her ass high in the air, still connected to Caesar’s hard cock.

Caesar turned sideways, then, lifting one hind leg, completed his turn so that he was ass-to-ass with Amy, who moaned through another climax as that giant knot turned over inside her!

As quick as he was to knot up, Caesar was also quick to deflate. It took only a few minutes for his shrinking knot to shlurp its way out of Amy’s stretched, spasming pussy.

“How do you feel, slave?” I asked gently.

Amy gazed up at me through sweat-soaked amber strands, her ass still high in the air, and said, “Like I’ve been rode hard and put up wet, sir!”

I grinned at her little joke and asked, “Think you can handle Czar?”

She gave me a feeble smile and replied, “All I can do is try, sir!”

I picked her up and carried her to a bench, so she would have support for her torso, but didn’t bind her. Amy smiled gratefully, if tiredly, at me.

“You’ve pleased me greatly, so far, slave.” I said softly, stroking her hair, “Hang in there a little longer, and then you’ll be able to rest.”

Amy smiled again and nodded, saying, “Yes sir.”

I signaled Czar and he mounted quickly, having been aroused by his brother’s action with the lovely auburn-haired slave.

“Amy,” I ordered, “guide him to your ass. I want him to sodomize you.”

Her eyes went wide and her throat worked as she swallowed hard, but she hesitated only a moment. With a meek “Yes sir.” she reached behind her and pointed Czar’s primed weapon at her recently opened sphincter.

Czar wasted no time driving himself home. Amy gave a little shriek as he plunged all the way in on the first stroke. Unlike Caesar, Czar likes the long strokes, and likes to wait until the last moment for his knot to inflate. He started a rapid in and out and Amy’s eyes rolled back as she felt his long slender weapon sliding rapidly in and out of her colon.

Even deflated, Czar’s knot makes a lump on the shaft of his cock, and Amy started cumming as she felt that lump shuttling back and forth through her sensitive sphincter. I was tempted to make her do a ‘play-by-play’ on this one, too, but changed my mind and watched as she surrendered completely to Czar’s masterful ravishment of her ass.

Czar was poetry in motion as his pelvis and tail swung back and forth in a smooth arc that pulled his cock out almost to its pointed tip, then drove it smoothly back in until the tip of his sheath tickled the sensitive depression of Amy’s cringing anus.

As the big dog’s knot finally started to grow, it stretched Amy’s sphincter further and further on each passage, and my new slave acknowledged each entrance and exit with a short, sharp moan that was almost a bark. Finally, Czar’s knot grew to a size that could no longer pass out of the restricted opening, and he shortened his strokes, working feverishly toward his pinnacle.

Amy picked up on his urgency, and her own passion rose as that enormous ball shuttled to and fro within her stretched anal cavity!

“Oh! Oh! OH! OH!” she cried, as Czar’s strokes stopped being about enhancing the sensation and became focussed on driving his cock as deep into his bitch as he could!

With every ounce of strength in his muscular body, Czar drove himself, one last time, deep into Amy’s bowels, and she screamed and spasmed as he blasted her intestines with his superheated discharge!

Czar’s loins drove inward with each blast of his potent seed, striving to drive it deep into his bitch’s body, and each pulse of his rod wrung another spasm from my new slave!

Finally sated, Czar rested, panting, on Amy’s back. I knelt beside her and used my fingertip to sweep sweaty locks of hair from her face.

“Well done, slave.” I told her gently, “Do you still have doubts about who and what you are?”

Amy smiled tiredly and said, “No doubts, Sir. But I still need to take some time to digest all of this. This morning, I was just Amy – former prom queen, popular waitress in the local diner, and fun date for some of the guys. Now I’m just property – your property! That’s going to take some getting used to!”

Czar chose that moment to turn and Amy shuddered through another small spasm as that giant cock and knot rotated within her body.

“I think we should refine that picture a little, Amy.” I told her gently, “Your sex is mine, and not to be shared with anyone without my permission, but that prohibition is only as strong as your willingness to remain my slave. Also, the rest of your life is still yours to do with as you please. You can walk away from me and the things I will put you through at any time. The only thing that keeps you here is your consent. Do you understand?”

“I think so…” she replied hesistantly, “I’m still whoever I choose to be. If I choose not to be your slave, then I won’t be?”

“That’s correct, Amy.” I said, “I can’t enslave you without your permission and cooperation. Had you chosen not to come here today, that would have been the end of it, with the possible exception of some awkward silences as you served my meals at the cafe.”

Czar finally pulled out, leaving Amy’s gaping sphincter leaking dog juice.

Before I let Amy leave I strapped her down and ringed her nipples and clitoris.

“Give those six weeks to heal.” I told her, “Then come back here and I’ll show you how much fun they can be!”

She showered in the dungeon shower and I applied fresh antiseptic to her piercings before she dressed and got ready to go home.

I wrapped her in my arms from behind and kissed her lightly on the neck. “You are a wonderful slave, Amy! I think we’ll both enjoy this immensely!”

She smiled and melted back against me, saying, “I have already climaxed more and better in the short time I’ve spent with you than I have in my entire life! Thank you so much for showing me who I really am, sir!”



She would have been pretty – even beautiful – had her face not been frozen in that perpetual pouting sneer affected by so many of today’s young girls. Barely five feet tall, the obligatory low cut top, bare midriff with navel jewelry, and hip-slung jeans completed the stereotype. The top was filled out mostly with padding, though even through the screen door I could see a little cleavage.

She stood with arms crossed under her breasts, as if they needed support, one hip outthrust, staring disgustedly off into the woods, and didn’t realize at first that I had come to the door.

When she finally turned to rap her knuckles on the doorframe again, she gave a little start to see me there. It wasn’t a particularly hot day, but her walk in the sun had plastered honey blonde hair that had escaped from her pony tail to her forehead.

“May I help you?” it was the voice I used on door-to-door salesmen. I hadn’t saved my money to get this place in the middle of nowhere so I could socialize with everyone who came to my door.

Impatiently, she said “Yeah. I need to use your phone!” Clearly, she was accustomed to getting whatever she wanted, when she wanted it.

I looked at her impassively for several moments, wiping my hands on a rag, before responding. “No.”

I had turned and made several steps back toward my kitchen before she exploded. “NO!? I’m stuck out here in the fucking middle of fucking nowhere, my fucking car fucking died on me, my fucking cell phone doesn’t fucking work in this fucking armpit, and you fucking tell me fucking ‘no’ when I ask to use the fucking phone?…”

She was taking a breath to continue her tirade when my open palm struck the side of her face. It was a gentle slap, by my standards, but the calluses on my hand must have felt like stone on her cheek as her head snapped around and the ponytail wrapped itself briefly around her face.

“That was for the filth coming out of your mouth. Get off my property. You’re trespassing!” I stood so close that she had to back up a step to see my still impassive face glaring down at her.

Her eyes were as big as saucers and her face had finally lost its sneer as she held her hand to the growing redness on her cheek. Tears started to well up in her eyes as the gravity of her situation finally started to sink in.

“Buh-but it’s got to be miles to the next town!” I had seen the ‘pitiful me’ routine from my ex – the queen of the guilt trip – far too often to be affected by it now. The fact that she thought it would work just pissed me off more.

“Not my problem.” It was, in fact, three miles by road to my nearest neighbor, and a little over six into town.

“Please, mister!” she begged, “I’ll do anything if you’ll just let me use your phone! I’ll pay you – I’ve got money!”

I slapped her hand as she started to reach into the little knapsack she carried for a purse. “I don’t need money.”

She stared at me with that deer-in-the-headlights look the young ones get when they finally run into a situation that can’t be handled by their usual methods. Her face gradually melted and the tears that flowed this time were genuine. I let her cry, not moving.

Finally, she pulled a small packet of tissues from her backpack and wiped her face. Looking at me hopelessly through reddened eyes, she pled silently for me to rescue her. I just returned her stare, my face expressing no emotion.

Again, she begged “Please, just tell me what I need to do! I just need to use the phone, then I’ll be out of your hair and won’t ever bother you again! Please, I’ll do anything!”

She apparently envisioned a limited scope to ‘anything’, but I wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily. “Strip. Right here. Every stitch.”

She looked as if I had hit her in the stomach. “You want me to take off my clothes?” Her head was shaking, side to side.

“You said you’d do anything. Strip now, or get off my property. I don’t care which.” Neither my face nor the inflection in my voice had changed.

She stared at me for a long moment as emotions ran across her face. First, disbelief and shock, then, as she felt the full impact of my gaze, understanding and indecision. She made as if to speak, but a finger across my lips silenced the protest before it started. Finally, fear and resignation settled on her elfin features. She looked around the front yard, as if to see who else might be watching, but my home is set in a natural, secluded clearing, more than half a mile up a winding dirt track from the main road. Only the fact that I maintained the fences, gate, and even the mailbox by the gate would give anyone a clue that someone actually lived up that track.

Tentatively, she pulled the top over her head, eyes studying the worn boards of my front porch. As she pulled the meager scrap of cloth off her ponytail, she looked up once again, searching my face for some hint of reprieve. Finding none, her face set now in anger, she kicked off the once white deck shoes, now a yellowish gray from the dust of the track, and unbuttoned her jeans. Glaring defiantly up at me, she wriggled and pushed until they cleared her shapely hips and puddled around her feet. Still finding no mercy in my face, she reached behind and unhooked her bra, trying to cover her breasts with her hands as she worked the harness down and let it drop.

“Are you happy now, you perv!” she practically shouted up at me.

In a dispassionate voice I replied evenly, “I said every stitch.”

Shaken, but still defiant, she turned away and worked the little cotton bikini down her legs, unintentionally giving me a first glimpse of the sprinkling of yellow hair that did little to cover her plump little mound. She straightened, covering her breasts with one arm and her crotch with the other hand.

“Lace your fingers behind your neck, spread your feet shoulder width, and be silent!” It was the first time I had allowed any sharpness into my voice and it startled her almost as much as the earlier slap. She moved quickly to comply, some of the anger in her expression replaced by fear.

As I suspected, her tits were small and perfectly formed, with tiny pink nipples topping broad, almost flat, alabaster mounds. I never understood the fascination some men have with large breasts. Hers were as close to my ideal as I’m likely to ever see in my lifetime. Her rib-cage tapered gently to a softly rounded belly surrounding the large, shallow navel that was pierced along its lower curve. Her hips flared a bit more than I would have expected on one so young, and the creases between hip and thigh outlined the perfectly symmetrical lips of her mons. Through the sparse growth of her almost invisible pubic hair I could just see the hood of her clit peeking out. Her legs were softly curved and shapely. This one was no athlete, but her genes had so far kept her from putting on extra fat.

I walked slowly around her once, carefully inspecting her back and the inverted heart-shape of her buttocks. Her skin was flawless – another gift of good genes, no doubt.

While she stood on display, red faced from embarrassment, I retrieved her garments one by one from the porch deck, folded them neatly, and stacked them on the rail, bra on top. I placed her shoes beside them, and picked up the little back-pack purse. I could see her anger returning as I rummaged through the thing until I found her wallet, but she was either smart enough or scared enough not to say anything. She hadn’t lied – she did have several hundred dollars in the wallet, but I had told the truth as well – I didn’t need it.

“Bethany Camilla Wilson” I read aloud from her driver’s license. Flipping through the cards and other contents I found a current student ID.

“This isn’t exactly on a direct route between Pullman and Bellevue, Bethany. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

“I had a fight with my boyfriend and thought I’d take the scenic route home to have time to like, clear my head, you know, think things through.”

I studied her a bit as I thought about the wording for my next question. “Surely you told someone you were coming this way, so why not just wait for them to send out a search party? Why are you so desperate that you’d take off your clothes for a stranger?”

“That’s the thing! I was like so mad at Brian that I just like took off! I told my roommate I was going home for the weekend, but I didn’t know I was going this way until I saw the sign and like the car just sort of turned on its own!” She only realized her mistake as she saw the smile growing across my face, and tried to cover. “But I called my mom from the car and told her I came this way! She’ll have the sheriffs and everyone out looking for me by tonight!”

I didn’t bother to point out that she had already told me her cell phone didn’t work out here. I pulled it out of her bag, and sure enough, it was one of the new GSM models. We had TDMA service but the GSM phones didn’t work out here yet. I dug her keys from the bag and set it on the rocking chair beside the door. As I reached inside for the keys to my pickup, I called out, “Caesar! Czar! Come!”

Their mother, an Alaskan malamute, had been bred by a timber wolf, giving birth to what turned out to be two of the largest, smartest dogs I had ever seen. I raised them from pups, training them for my own special purposes, and we had been so close through their adolescence that now they could almost read my mind. They seldom barked, but whenever anyone approached the house they alerted me by their body language, looking my way occasionally to be sure I picked up the signals. Thanks to these two big boys I had watched Bethany from the shadows of my hallway as she emerged from the end of the track and trudged across the clearing to my front door.

They flowed around the partially open screen door like enormous grey shadows, sniffing eagerly at the most fragrant and embarrassing parts of my hapless victim. A warning wag of my finger stopped her from dropping her hands to protect herself, and her face flushed to an improbable shade of red.

“Guard!” I told the boys as I descended the porch steps and headed for the pickup. They took up positions front and rear and gazed fixedly at Bethany with their almost yellow eyes.

“You’d best not move a muscle until I get back, Bethany” I told her, “These boys are well trained, and they will tear you limb from limb if you try anything.” Their warning snarls as she turned her head to look at me reinforced the threat, and she quickly turned her head back to its original position.

It took about 45 minutes to locate her little red Mustang convertible, hook it up to the pickup with a log chain, and tow it to a secluded spot in the woods behind the house. After covering it with a camouflage tarp and sweeping the track from the main road, I was pretty sure no one would find her or her car, even if they thought to look in this direction.

Bethany was looking a bit distressed by the time I put the pickup back in its shed, and returned to the house. “Please, mister, I need to use the restroom!”

“We don’t have restrooms out here, Bethany. Do you need to piss or shit?”

“I need to pee really bad!”

“So piss! The boys won’t mind. It’ll help them get to know you better.”

She stared at me in shock. “You mean right here? I can’t do that!”

I shrugged, “Suit yourself!”

“Can’t I just use your bathroom? I really have to go!”

I stepped in so close she had to bend her head way back to look up at me. “I’ll explain this to you once. If I ever have to repeat any part of it, you will suffer. Is that clear?” At her fearful nod, I continued. “No one knows you are here. Even if they think to look in this direction, they will not find you unless I want them to. You are mine until I tire of you. You will address me as ‘Sir’. When told to do something, you will do it immediately, without question or comment. You will speak only when spoken to. You may request permission to speak occasionally, but only to clarify an order so that you can carry it out better – don’t abuse the privilege. This is your only opportunity to ask questions. If you have any, ask them now.”

“H-how long are you going to keep me here?” All the anger had drained from her face, which was now white as a sheet.

“I’ve already answered that. Do you have any intelligent questions?” I was practically on top of her, her nipples brushing my shirt, just above my belt buckle.

“A-are you going to rape me?” It was odd. Mingled with the fear I detected a tiny bit of arousal.

“Do you want me to rape you?”

“N-n-no! Of course not!” but the seed had been planted, and I could see it growing.

“You were told to address me as ‘Sir’. Three times now you have disobeyed. Do you have any other questions while I consider your punishment?”

“Are you ever going to let me go?” then, quickly “Sir?”

“That depends on how well you please me.” I stepped back a bit, and let her relieve the strain on her neck.

“I-I’ll do my best, Sir.” She tried to smile, but she knew I knew it was forced, and dropped it quickly.

“Do you still need to piss?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Then do so. Now!”

She looked distressed, but strained a little, and a small trickle of golden liquid dripped from the lips of her cunt. Once the flow began, however, she apparently couldn’t hold it back, and let loose a stream that would have done a racehorse proud. A faraway look came into her eyes as relief washed over her face.

Once the flow stopped, I gave the boys a hand signal and they eagerly lapped up the last drops, digging their tongues deep between her lips to get it all. Her expression ran the gamut from fear to lust to confusion to embarrassment. Finally, Czar and Caesar backed off, licking their chops.

I picked up her things and opened the screen door. “Come!” She and the dogs followed me into the house. I led them to the hidden door in the back of my pantry and triggered the remote in my pocket. The shelves sank inward, allowing just enough room for a person to step onto the narrow stone landing inside and to the right of the opening. It was a tight fit for the four of us, but there was just enough room for the pantry wall to slide back into place. Caesar flicked his tail upward at the last second to avoid getting it caught. The boys preceded us down the narrow flight of stone steps, lit only by a single yellow bulb, and waited at the bottom while I led my new charge down. I was gratified to see that she still had her hands clasped behind her neck.

She almost lost it as she watched the boys greeting the kneeling form of my current slave by sniffing and licking at the juices dripping from around the enormous dildo that pounded relentlessly into her vagina, driven by a hydraulic ram. Each time the ram reached the apex of its thrust, a line and pulley system tugged sharply on her clit ring. From the faint sounds escaping her gag and the expression on her face, I could tell she was on the verge of passing out after another in a long series of orgasms. Amy had been in this predicament, head and wrists locked in my homemade stocks, while another little motorized device tugged and vibrated her nipple rings, for over an hour. It was one of her favorite treatments, but I figured she’d had enough, and used the remote to stop the device. On the next outward cycle, the ram withdrew the dildo completely and released its grip on the clit line, while the nipple stimulator let go of her tit rings.

Amy rolled her eyes in my direction, and they widened when she noticed Bethany standing behind me, hands still locked behind her head. I triggered the release for the stocks, which also released Amy’s gag. She slowly extricated herself from the contraption, crawled over and dutifully knelt at my feet.

“Amy, my lovely slave, this is Bethany. She has come to us for help, but must first pay her way. Would you like to help me with her training?” I brushed a few sweat-soaked strands of auburn hair from her face.

Amy’s brown eyes lit with a burning glow and had she not been so well trained, she would have kissed me. “Oh, yes, Sir! I would love to help you train this lovely creature!”

My readers may chastise me here, for not going into detail on Bethany’s punishment for her transgressions, but such things bore me as they are merely tools to help attain my ultimate goal with any new slave – his or her total submission to my every whim. Amy, who worked as a waitress in a diner in town, had been easy. She was a born submissive who eagerly participated in every degrading act I heaped upon her, once I held her up to the mirror of her true self. Like any recent convert, she was eager to show others the joys of her new religion.

Bethany, though she harbored some dark fantasies, had been brought up as a willful, spoiled child, and needed a bit different sort of handling. Where Amy needed little punishment, Bethany was in my dungeon four days, and became well acquainted with the whip and cane before she capitulated in her own mind, and resigned herself to submitting to my will. She didn’t break – that was not my purpose. She simply lost the will to resist. During that four days, her body underwent some changes as well. Her mouth and throat learned to accept the length and girth of my cock and various rubber ones that Amy delighted in shoving down Bethany’s esophagus.

On the second day I ringed her clit. Just as the moans behind her gag were becoming soft groans, Czar alerted, letting me know we had company. I closed the hidden door in the pantry and was puttering around in the kitchen when Deputy Fulton knocked on the screen. Wiping my hands on a dish towel, I casually walked to the door and let him in.

“To what do I owe the honor of this rare visit, Ralph? Has my sordid past finally caught up with me?” I made it a point to stay on friendly terms with all the law enforcement people hereabouts, and Ralph Fulton and I had swapped stories over beers more than a few times since I came to live here.

Refusing my offer to sit, Ralph took off his hat and wiped the sweat from its band, saying, “A little official business is all, Mike, but don’t worry, we haven’t dug up anything on you yet, though we’ve got our best people on it!” The beer gut overhanging his gun belt quivered with his chuckle.

“We got a heads up from the State Police to look out for a young blonde girl driving a red Mustang convertible, and the Sheriff asked me to canvass the folks in this part of the county to see if anybody’s seen her.”

“Don’t know why she’d show up here, Ralph, but I’ll keep my eyes open and let you know if I see her. Got time for a beer before you go?”

He shook his head regretfully, “Naw, I still gotta get over to the McKinsey’s and a few other places, but I’ll take a rain check, if you’re givin’ em.”

I clapped him on the shoulder as he turned to leave and said, “Anytime! And bring some of those unlucky bastards you work with – we’ll play some poker too!”

I watched him turn the Explorer around and head back down the track. A few minutes later, the little LED on my security system, indicating the gate at the main road was open, winked on for several seconds, then extinguished. The dogs stayed at alert for a few more seconds, then lost interest, so I was pretty sure he really had gone, and returned to my work.

I make some money locally by making things for people in the community. Many are made from wood, others from various metals. I make nothing that isn’t beautiful to look at, but everything I make has practical uses – tools that you can’t buy in a hardware store, fixtures, picture frames, containers of various sorts. I even have a small income from selling custom made dildos and other sex toys to the wives of some of our most prominent citizens – all very discreet, of course. I don’t need the money, but it heads off questions about sources of income, and gives me a hobby, as well as ensuring a certain amount of leverage in strategic places, should I ever need it. In my little workshop, I also designed and built most of the fixtures and machines in my dungeon.

By the time I got back to the dungeon, Amy was in the throes of another orgasm courtesy of Bethany’s increasingly talented tongue. Since I had neither given her permission to play with my new toy, nor specifically forbade it, I banished her to the corner to play with herself while I continued installing Bethany’s jewelry.

Some nipples, like Bethany’s, are too small and fragile to be effectively pierced. A stud or ring hefty enough to take the kind of strain I intended to place on it would just not leave enough flesh to stand up to the same load. I had found, however, that virtually any nipple could be spiked. The ones I intended for Bethany were my own creation. The spike was a half inch long, sharply pointed on one end and was about an eighth of an inch in diameter. The other end was hollow and threaded inside. For installation, a special shaft was screwed into these threads that operated the retractor for the four barbs fitted neatly into slots along its sides. The mechanism to insert them had taken a little experimentation, but was now as near perfect as I could get it.

Bethany’s eyes were wide with trepidation as I fitted the suction tubes over her nipples. A little K-Y created an airtight seal, and ensured that the nipples would be drawn evenly into the tubes. I ran the vacuum pump until the tips of the spikes nestled into the tiny indentations in the centers of her distended nipples. After a final alignment check, I triggered the trip-hammer on the right side and watched the shock reach Bethany’s eyes as the spike was driven the prescribed depth into her breast, and a small amount of blood seeped into the tube. Her scream was absorbed by the gag. As I put my hand on the left trigger, she struggled mightily, if futilely, against her bondage. Though her breast quivered slightly from her struggles, the vacuum in the tube had no trouble keeping the spike aligned. Nonetheless, I waited for her movement to abate before triggering the second spike. Her reaction to the second penetration was no less vigorous than to the first, though unaccompanied by the same level of shock.

I bled air back into the vacuum tubes and removed them, leaving the spikes firmly embedded in her nipples. I then unscrewed the retractor rods, evoking a slightly less vigorous reaction as the spring loaded barbs extended into the tender flesh of each breast, just behind the nipple. To ensure the barbs were properly seated, I screwed a small T-handle into each of the spikes and gave a sharp tug. Again Bethany screamed behind her gag as the barbs caught and her little tits morphed into elongated cones. I let Bethany watch as I sterilized the retractors with alcohol and locked them away in a small safe I keep in the dungeon for keys and the like.

After the jewelry was installed, controlling Bethany became much simpler. I had only to secure her wrists away from her front and attach her breasts or clit or both to one of the fixtures to keep her immobile while constantly stimulating her. By the end of the fourth day, she had started using these restraints to produce orgasms during punishment.

By day five I knew she would need much less punishment, and allowed her to start realizing the pleasures of her servitude. I laid Bethany on her back and told her to raise her hands above her head and spread her legs. While I did not bind her, I was confident she would not move from that position unless I ordered it. I attached my little nipple tugger to her spikes and she gasped as it began its pre-programmed sequence. The primary disadvantage of spikes is that they anchor beyond the primary nerve endings in the nipples, but I compensated for this with tiny claw attachments that fit between the spikes and whatever else was screwed into them and dug into the surrounding nipple tissue, transferring much of the sensation of any movement of the spike directly to the delicate pink flesh of the nipple.

On my command, Amy knelt between Bethany’s legs and made love to her. Amy’s lips tugged gently at the clit ring, in between gentle, passionate tongue lashings. Amy’s tongue occasionally laved her asshole and perineum, eliciting tiny gasps from Bethany’s lips, before plunging deeply into her folds. In less than a minute, Bethany was climbing toward her peak. Amy had her instructions, however, and backed off at the last second, gently caressing Bethany’s thighs to calm her. As she subsided, Amy took up where she had left off. Forty five minutes later, after being denied countless orgasms, Bethany was screaming, pleading for release, thrusting her pelvis toward Amy’s magic tongue, only to be denied again and again.

Finally, after an hour of this, I gave Amy the signal she had been waiting for. Hooking her index finger through Bethany’s clit ring, she began a series of spasmodic jerks, practically lifting Bethany’s hips from the mat, while wildly lashing the distended clit with her tongue. At the same time, she plunged two fingers into Bethany’s sopping entrance just far enough to massage her G-spot.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Cum for me, Bethany. Cum for me and I’ll rape you.”

In seconds, every muscle in Bethany’s tiny body went rigid and her pelvis lifted almost a foot off the mat. She emitted a shriek that had the dogs pawing their ears and shaking their heads as her body arched between shoulders and heels. Her hips gave three or four spasmodic thrusts before she went totally limp and fell, unconscious, back to the mat.

I checked for pulse and breathing, just to be safe, and, satisfied that she would survive, lifted Amy to her feet, and kissed her. As a reward, I returned her to the stocks and started the machine fucking her fast and deep with her favorite dildo.

As Bethany started to recover, I let her drink some water, holding her up so she could sip from the glass.

She looked gratefully up at me, but knew better than to speak.

“Are you ready, Bethany?” The shock in her eyes came from the realization that she WAS ready, as her head nodded almost of its own accord.

I left her on her back while I removed my clothes. She was already well acquainted with my cock, but the realization that it would soon be plundering her tender depths for the first time caused her eyes to go wide with alarm.

I attached weights to her spikes and clit ring as she lay passively on the mat, then I turned violent. I grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her up to a kneeling position. When she opened her mouth to scream, I rammed my already engorged member down her throat in a single stroke. Not giving her any time to adjust, I started a rapid head fuck, jacking off by yanking her head rapidly up and down the length of my cock, slamming her nose into my pubic bone with each inward thrust.

I was already quite aroused from the earlier show with Amy and knew I wouldn’t last long. In a couple of minutes my first load shot directly down her throat. I stayed embedded in her mouth while the post-orgasmic super-sensitivity subsided from my bloated glans and Bethany struggled to draw air through her nose. I had not given her any instructions about what to do with her hands, and noted with amusement that they were clasped around my buttocks, pulling me into her.

When I was ready, I started the fucking motion again, slower this time, until my erection was restored to maximum rigidity. I still had my grip on Bethany’s blonde tresses, and used it to position her on hands and knees. Amy’s face was only inches from Bethany’s and she watched in fascination as the dildo pounded relentlessly into her from behind.

The girth of my purple cock-head dwarfed the tiny opening to Bethany’s tunnel, but her own juices provided all the lubrication I needed to make my entrance. I had promised to rape her, and that’s what I did. No finesse, no adjustment period. I already knew there was no hymen to worry about, and once my glans was centered between her lips, I drove in with all the force I could muster. Even with the copious lubrication, it took three Herculean strokes to reach the hard bump of her cervix, though I had yet to sheath about three inches of my length. Each thrust elicited a high pitched shriek from Bethany, but she made no effort to get away. Amy’s face was a mask of lust as she watched me plunder Bethany’s treasure.

Without pause, I started pistoning my rampant member in and out, going as deep as I could, with no thought for Bethany’s comfort or pleasure. On about the fifth stroke, I felt something give, and an extremely tight collar slid down past the crown of my cock-head to grip the shaft as my pelvis finally slammed into hers. She had her first orgasm as my cock ploughed through her cervix, deep into her womb. Amy came seconds later.

The sensation was exquisite. Each outward stroke milked my swollen glans through the constricting band, and each inward thrust felt like forcing myself through a greasy, tightly clenched fist.

Bethany was locked in a continuous series of gut wrenching orgasms, screaming and tossing her head about as spasm after spasm shook her body. In the midst of one of these, I withdrew completely, and before she was aware of what was happening, had slipped the head of my cock past the unresisting ring of her anus. While this may have saved her a torn opening, it did little to alleviate the pain of entry. I doubt she had ever voided a turd as large as my dick.

“No! Please not there! Please, Sir!” her cries went unheeded, and she shrieked unintelligibly as I ploughed past the inner sphincter into her colon. Again I showed no mercy. I pounded her ass as forcefully as I had her womb, and soon her hips were thrusting back at me. Her screams changed to groans and then to guttural grunts emanating from some primeval part of her being. Her eyes rolled back in her head on each inward stroke, as if my cock were controlling them through some invisible lever. Her eyelids started to flutter, and she emitted a visceral howl that brought the dogs to their feet.

Her rectum milked the length of my cock with involuntary contractions, and I came like a volcano in her depths, laying on her back, jerking the weights attached to her breasts, while my cock turned inside out in her bowels. Bethany’s howl became a banshee wail and she went rigid beneath me, jerking like an epileptic in the throes of a seizure. I had just enough presence of mind to collapse sideways, dragging her body with me, instead of crushing her beneath my bulk.

I don’t know how long I lay in a stupor, but I awoke to Caesar’s tongue lapping my face, still rock hard and deeply embedded in Bethany’s bottom. Bethany, who was receiving the same services from Czar, was also coming around. I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “How did you like your first rape, Bethany?”

She rolled her shoulders around so she could see my face without breaking our connection. A troubled look washed over her face as she contemplated her answer.

“I – I hated it, Sir. But I loved it! How can that be, Sir?”

I smiled down at her. “All your life, you’ve been conditioned to believe that rape is horrible, and to avoid it at all costs. For most people, rape IS horrible, but for a very few, like yourself, the very horror of it multiplies the pleasure. You hated it because you’re supposed to hate it. You loved it because it touched something deep inside that you never knew existed until now.”

I disengaged from Bethany and released Amy from the stocks. After cleaning myself, I told Bethany, “You have done very well, Bethany, but I require one more thing of you before I let you go. Please kneel here.”

I indicated the pad in front of the stocks that had just held Amy, whose eyes danced as she suspected what was about to happen. I had done the same thing to her many times.

Hesitantly, Bethany positioned herself, and without instructions placed her neck and wrists in the cutouts of the stocks. After locking her in place, I brushed the hair back from her face and whispered, “Two more rapes, Bethany, then you are free.”

I raised the center portion of the mat underneath her until it supported her torso, then using my remote, I adjusted the height of the stocks and the center support to where I wanted them. Amy, who was familiar with this procedure, secured Bethany’s ankles to the sides of the raised support, up near her shoulders. This left Bethany’s crotch suspended a few inches off the end of the bench and vulnerable to any assault.

I bent Amy over a horse so I could use her while we both watched the proceedings, then gave Caesar a hand signal. He knew what was expected of him, and his cock was already out of its sheath and dripping pre-cum. Both of the dogs’ cocks were easily two inches longer than mine, though not as thick. They more than made up for the lack of girth by coming equipped with knots that swelled to softball size inside their victims, and Caesar’s was already beginning to show.

To minimize the damage from the entry of his knot into Bethany’s vagina, I gave Caesar the signal to mount before it had a chance to get too big. At first Bethany was confused about why the dog was being so familiar with her. His real purpose didn’t dawn on her until he tucked his front paws in front of her hips and the sharply pointed tip of his wet, red cock started probing for her opening, she turned her head in my direction, her eyes widening in comprehension, but, surprisingly, said nothing except to emit a small yip of surprise as Caesar found the spot and drove in with a single, powerful thrust. Soon, he was practically climbing her back in his efforts to get as much of his enraged meat into her as he could. His knot pounded into her cunt lips, gradually gaining ground until, with one final thrust it slipped between her petals to the accompaniment of her scream. From the sounds she was making, the pointed tip of his saber must have penetrated her cervix at the same time. Bethany forgot all about me and Amy and sank into the depravity of her role as Caesar’s bitch. Again she was launched into a series of soul searing orgasms as Caesar’s giant knot swelled her belly like she was pregnant, his short, staccato thrusts now having just one purpose – to impregnate this bitch.

Amy was cumming around my cock, remembering her own sessions with the dogs, as I stroked slowly in and out of her cunt. The sight of Caesar’s knot moving within Bethany’s belly reminded Amy of how her own vagina had stretched around that marvelous weapon while her cervix milked the pointy shaft.

Once he was properly seated, Caesar didn’t take long to come, his hot fluids inflating Bethany’s womb until there was nowhere for it to go but to blast through the seal of her cervix and back into her vaginal passage. The sensation of the overheated lava coating her insides sent Bethany over the edge again, which triggered another ‘sympathy’ climax in Amy.

Caesar knew better than to try to dismount until his knot deflated, so we all rested and waited for the softball sized lump to shrink to a size that wouldn’t rip Bethany to shreds as he withdrew it. Bethany said nothing, but fixed me with a look that spoke volumes. She wasn’t entirely happy about the situation, but was still glowing from her last climax, while trying to reconcile the conflicting emotions that roiled within her.

When Caesar finally pulled out, a flood of slimy fluids gushed from Bethany’s much enlarged hole. I whispered instructions into Amy’s ear, then dropped down to one knee in front of Bethany.

“One more, Bethany, are you ready?” I studied her face for signs of excessive strain, but though she was still afraid, she hesitated only a moment before nodding her assent.

I gave Czar his cue and he wasted no time approaching Bethany’s backside. Her eyes went wide and she started to protest when Amy applied K-Y to her asshole, but a finger to my lips stopped her with her mouth open. The expression on her face was priceless as Czar mounted her and Amy guided his cock to her rear opening. I had saved Czar for this event because his knot was slow to inflate, which allowed him to stroke long and deep until a few seconds before he shot his load.

Again Bethany’s eyes rolled back in her head as though controlled by the fuck stick stabbing into her colon, and almost immediately, her eyelids started to flutter.

I bent Amy over the horse again, and after a few strokes in her vagina to moisten my cock, sank into her ass in one long smooth push. Amy enjoyed being fucked in the ass, as she did almost everything I did to her, but it wasn’t her favorite thing. I didn’t care. This was for my pleasure.

I plundered her ass with increasingly faster strokes as I watched Czar drive Bethany through one climax after another. Finally, I could see her sphincter expanding and contracting as his knot started to grow, sending shockwaves up her spine as it sped in and out of her inexperienced ass. One final, hard thrust and the knot was locked in Bethany’s rectum, stretching its walls to impossible dimensions and forcing Czar to switch to short, jackhammer strokes as he drove toward his release.

Bethany was lost in her own world, emitting high pitched squeaks and primitive grunts, interspersed with deep throated moans whose pitch soared into the ultrasonic as she was catapulted from one peak to the next in a violent crescendo of spasming muscles and twitching limbs that threatened to tear Czar’s engorged cock from its roots. He drove in as deeply as he could one final time, blasting the tiny blonde bitch’s colon with scalding cum and driving her over the brink of the chasm to plunge into blackness, still cumming around his formidable spear.

The spectacle finished me off as well. I pounded unmercifully into Amy’s ass, coating her insides with about a gallon of my spew.

By the time my cock had finished throbbing, I needed to piss so badly it hurt. I concentrated a little and released my bladder deep into Amy’s bowels. It took her a few seconds to realize what I was doing, then the total depravity of my using her ass as a toilet overtook her and she exploded in her own orgasm.

Panting and groaning, all three of us rested while Czar waited for Bethany’s ass to release his knot. Czar seemed the least affected, as he rested on top of his diminutive mate, his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth while his tail waved happily to and fro.

Bethany was still out when Czar disengaged from her gaping hole, allowing torrents of his cum to cascade from her ass and join Caesar’s on the waterproof mat surrounding her bench. Amy and I extracted the bedraggled form from the stocks and half walked – half carried her to the dungeon shower. She revived only partly as we cleaned the various residues of today’s encounters from her flesh and body cavities. We took turns supporting her weight as Amy and I cleaned ourselves, then dried her as best we could before putting her to bed on a cot I kept in the cellar. I left the pantry entry open as Amy and I emerged into the kitchen.

Amy had to work early the next day, so she went home to sleep in her own bed, giving me a lingering kiss as she headed out the door. I ate some leftovers then climbed under the covers of my own bed. I was sound asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and woke only once during the night – when a naked female form slipped under the covers, and, fitting the curve of her ass into the V of my crotch while placing my free hand on her breasts, fell fast asleep. As delicious as it felt to feel my cock nestled in crack of her ass, I, too, went back to sleep, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

The sun and the dogs scratching to be let out woke us in the morning, still spooned together. Bethany smiled as I kissed her lightly on the ear, but didn’t say anything.

I completed my morning ablutions and laid Bethany’s clothes on the cedar chest beside the bed. Amy had washed them and even the shoes were once again spotless. She dressed while I threw together some bacon and eggs and sourdough biscuits.

I left a ‘seed’ of the sourdough in the enormous wooden bowl full of flour, and mixed in some buttermilk and lard to make enough dough for tomorrow’s batch of biscuits. I then covered the bowl with a cotton flour sack and put it back in it’s place of honor on the pantry shelf to ferment.

Bethany looked at me skeptically when I dropped one of the heavy biscuits on her extended plate, nearly knocking it from her hand, but watched as I sliced one horizontally through the middle and slathered the halves with homemade butter and wild honey. She emulated me, and her skepticism turned to surprised delight as she took her first bite.

“I never tasted anything so wonderful!” she gushed.

I merely smiled and finished my own breakfast as Bethany polished off her eggs and bacon and three more biscuits. When she finally leaned back from the table, I noted with approval that she had left her bra off. I leaned over and touched one of her spikes through the material of her top. She pushed her chest out at my touch.

“Do you want to keep these?” I asked softly.

Without the slightest hesitation, she looked me in the eye and replied “Oh, yes. Sir.”

I handed her a clear plastic case with a variety of accessories that could screw into the spikes, including the barb retractors that would allow her to remove the spikes if she chose. She let me know she recognized them by running her finger over that part of the case, but only smiled and tucked the case into her bag.

Finally, we were at the door. She kissed me lightly on the lips, then turned to go. Her shiny red mustang stood waiting in the yard, already pointed at the track.

“Bethany!” She turned with eyebrows raised “Who told you about me?”

She looked trapped for an instant, “H-how did you know?”

“Spark plug wires don’t come loose on new Mustangs by themselves.” I smiled “but don’t worry, I just like to thank my benefactors. You’d be surprised how many young students I get out here from Pullman.”

She smiled back “Molly. Molly Pierce!”

As she threw her bag into the passenger seat and waved a final goodbye, I remembered Molly. She was my first. About five six with fiery red hair. Her favorite thing was my fist. It didn’t matter which hole. Her second favorite thing was to lay back on my chest with my cock in her ass while one of the dogs ravished her cunt.

Molly was due for another visit soon. I’d have to come up with something really special for her. Just then, one of the horses trotted across the clearing, parting the dust of the Mustang’s departure.



I waited for Jada – Goddess Jada – in baggage claim at the airport. I grinned at the stares of the other passengers as she strode through the crowd, parting them like the Red Sea, in her leather halter and mini-skirt, belly ring glinting in the overhead lights, leather boots clomping loudly on the concrete floor. Neither her stride nor her expression changed when she saw me, but she made a beeline in my direction, never slowing until her large, firm breasts flattened against my chest. Without a word, she threw her arms, purple flogger and all, around me, wrapped a booted leg about mine and kissed me passionately as she ground her pelvis against mine.

Finally breaking the kiss, but not the embrace, she husked, “I sure would love to have YOU in your dungeon tonight!”

“Not my scene,” I grinned, “but if you like, I can arrange for you to service my dogs, repeatedly, for the entire length of your stay!”

She finally disentangled herself from me, tossing her shoulder-length auburn hair back and laughing, “Tempting, but not my scene, either!”

We chatted about people we knew in common as we retrieved her luggage – one ordinary Samsonite suitcase, and a large, flattish, black leather case.

“I see you brought your ‘toolbox’!” I said, as I lifted the surprisingly light case off the carousel.

Her voice carried only a hint of Texas twang as she replied, “Just brought a few essentials – and this!” she indicated the ubiquitous purple flogger by giving it a flick.

By the time we got near the house, we had pretty much caught up on the backlog of who was doing what to or with whom, and I could tell Jada was getting a little fidgety, but I let her stew, just to see if she’d come right out and ask.

The silence dragged for a while, punctuated by an occasional brief observation or question about the passing countryside. Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer.

“Well?” she asked.

“‘Well?’ what?” I knew perfectly well what she wanted to know, but I played it out.

“Tell me about this doctor, Dickhead!” she almost shouted, “When do I get to meet him? What does he look like? What’s his thing?”

“Well, actually,” I enjoyed baiting Jada, because she had a really short fuse, but her anger never lasted long, “I’ve set you up with Dr. Miller. Dr. Dickhead wasn’t available. You’ll see him tonight, at which time, you’ll SEE what he looks like. His ‘thing’ is a penis – like most men’s ‘things’.”

Jada whacked me across the arm with her flogger, my leather jacket absorbing the blow harmlessly. Looking at her muscular arms, I appreciated how much she had taken off that swing.

“You know what I mean, Dickhead!” she exploded “What’s he into? What’s his scene?”

“Mostly,” I replied, stringing her along a bit further, “he’s into medicine. His scene is usually his examination room.”

This time she hit me with her fist. Had I not flexed my shoulder muscles, I would have had a pretty good bruise.

“No use trying to seduce me,” I laughed, “I told you, I’m not into that!”

Jada glared at me for a few seconds, then her face lost its tension and she began to laugh. “You always did know how to push my buttons! But come on, Mike, give me something to go on with this guy! I could take him by brute force, but I want him to submit to me voluntarily, and I can get to that easier if I know something about him.”

I finally relented. “Ok, Ok! His ‘thing’, basically, is being abused. He’s bi and doesn’t care about the gender of the abuser. He’s got a lovely wife, Anna, who knows about this side of him but doesn’t participate in it.”

“On a cautionary note,” I continued, “he is the only medical help in the area, and so is on-call twenty four hours a day. As a result, he cannot be incapacitated or injured in any way that will interfere with his work.”

I fixed her gaze with mine, “I mean that, Jada. We depend on the Doc out here. I’ve seen your ‘work’ and while I trust you, I’m not absolutely certain that you will remember the limits when you’re in the throes of passion, so I’m going to act as referee, ok?”

She tried to look hurt, but couldn’t carry it off. When I raised an eyebrow, she laughed and nodded, “Ok, Mike! I promise not to hurt your doctor!”

“No, no!” I replied, “He’ll be very disappointed if you don’t hurt him! Just make sure you don’t INJURE him!”

Jada shot me a withering glare, but nodded her agreement.

When we got to the house, I introduced Jada to Czar and Caesar, my part Timber-wolf dogs, and helped her get settled in the guest room. I put an early supper on and showed her around the dungeon. She was duly impressed by the remotely operated, hidden door at the back of my pantry.

Dr. Miller called, sounding somewhat nervous, as we were finishing dessert, and said he was on his way. A few minutes later his HummVee (the first model, built for rugged off-road work, not the glorified SUV) pulled up into the yard.

Jada met him at the door, an imposing figure in black leather, standing legs apart, fists on hips and a scowl on her face.

She didn’t say anything as I introduced them, but stalked up to the doc, the platform soles and six inch heels of her boots boosting her five feet, eight inches high enough that she looked down at him. She stood a few inches from his face, sneering down at the trembling doc, then slowly stalked around him, trailing the flogger around his neck as she went.

When Doc made as if to turn with her, she struck him sharply across the back with the whip.

“Eyes front, worm!” she barked.

The trembling doc snapped back to his original position.

Jada trailed a hand between his legs, squeezing his package from the rear. “Not much there, is there boy? Good thing that’s not what I want from you!”

“I guess he’ll have to do.” Jada winked in my direction, letting me know she was pleased.

She wrapped her flogger around his neck and led the doc down the stairs to my dungeon.

“What’s your safeword?” Goddess Jada queried imperiously.

“Flatulence, Mistress!” Doc practically shouted.

Jada raised an eyebrow and asked, “What!? Are you going to fart when you’ve had enough?”

“No, Mistress!” Doc answered, “It’s the word ‘flatulence’. I’ll say the word, ‘flatulence’!”

Jada gave him a dubious look, then shrugged.

“From this point on, worm,” she shot at him, ice in her voice, “if I deign to allow you to address me at all, you will address me as ‘Goddess’!”

She ordered him to strip, and tapped her toe impatiently as Doc struggled out of his clothes.

When the doc knelt at her feet, his rigid cock signalling his appreciation for Jada’s treatment, the auburn-haired amazon reached into her little bag of tricks and pulled out a long, crystal clear, lucite rod about the diameter of a pencil. One end was shaped into a ring. The other end was a ball that was slightly larger in diameter than the shaft of the rod.

She dropped it into a container of alcohol I used for sterilizing some of my tools and asked me to help restrain her toy on his back on one of the benches. This particular bench had stirrups much like a gynecologist’s table, except the straps attached to the stirrups could be fastened to prevent the subject from moving his or her feet.

Jada taunted Doc as she fastened the footstraps. “This position ought to be familiar to you, huh, boy? Bet you’ve had a lot of women spread their legs like this for you!”

I finished cuffing the doc’s hands above his head, and Jada snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. She opened a tube of sterile lube and shoved the tip of it into the trembling doctor’s pisshole.

“Wh-what are you going to do, Goddess?” Doc looked like he was about ready to soil my bench.

“Ever been catheterized, Doc?” Jada asked conversationally, as she squeezed almost the entire contents of the small tube into the submissive doctor’s dick.

When Doc shook his head, he kept shaking it, and I wasn’t sure whether he was answering her question, or telling her not to do what she was doing. Either way, Jada ignored him and grabbed the lucite rod.

The rod was still dripping alcohol when she placed the ball in the same hole into which she’d just squeezed the lubricant.

“Now, this is going to hurt,” she mimicked a stereotypical doctor, “juuuust a bit!”

Jada forced the smooth ball and the rod down the doc’s penis as far as it would go. Every tendon in his neck stood out as the ball burned it’s way into his urethra, and Doc let out a blood-curdling yell.

Undeterred, Jada used the rod to leverage Doc’s dick down between his legs, giving her a straight shot up the remainder of his piss tube. She shoved inward as Doc screeched his displeasure with the procedure. Finally, the rod surged in until the ring at the outside end was nestled against the head of his twitching cock, the ball having entered his bladder.

“There now!” Jada leaned over and nipped at one of Doc’s nipples as she fucked his piss chute with short strokes of the rod. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Incredibly, Doc’s hips started undulating in time with her thrusts. Jada whacked his dick sharply with her flogger.

“It’s too early for you to get so excited, baby!” she cooed, “Just wait! Mama’s got some more surprises for you!”

Jada released the doc from the bench, and bound him face down over a large wooden block. His erect cock, still rigid, but unable to rise because of the stiff rod embedded in its length, pressed against front of the block. Using a spreader bar, the Texan bound his legs so far apart that his pelvis curled downward around the front edge of the block, cock and rod still pressed tightly to the wood.

Reaching into her bag, Jada pulled out a plastic bag and emptied its contents into the alcohol bath, then went to work with a short, quirt-like whip.

I’m not much for whips and the like, though I have used them on occasion. I had to admit, though, Jada was an artist.

Doc never knew when, or where, the next stroke would land, and as near as I could tell, she hit exactly where she wanted to, with exactly the force she intended.

“This is just to get you into the mood, boy!” she rasped as she took a vicious-looking cut at the head of Doc’s dick.

“I want you warmed up real good for what’s coming!” Jada flicked the tip of the whip into the doc’s cringing asshole, setting up a series of agonized spasms in the muscular ring.

She kept up her soliloquy as she worked his body into a frenzy.

By the time Jada put the whip aside, Doc was humping at the wood, trying for some kind of release, as he whimpered and cried his frustration.

“Now, baby,” Jada whispered into his ear through tendrils of her sweat-soaked hair, “I’ve got something really special for you. I just know you’re going to love this!”

She brought the alcohol container over behind her victim and retrieved a small hammer from her case.

Jada took a small nail from the alcohol bath and positioned it at the end of the doc’s foreskin.

Before she could drive it home, I touched her on the shoulder and said, “Be very sure about your aim!”

I looked significantly at the dogs lounging in the corner.

She gave me a wry grin and nodded. The message was clear – ‘Hit the nail, not the balls!’

With a single blow, she drove the nail halfway into the wood, straight through the poor doctor’s foreskin!

Doc screeched in pain, but pre-cum poured from around the rod in his penis.

Using two more nails, Jada stretched the foreskin and staked it like an animal hide curing in the sun.

When she finished with that, she gave me a wink and went to work on Doc’s scrotum. With a series of six nails she had his ball sack stretched drum-tight over the immobile shaft of his engorged cock, one egg to either side of the shaft, starkly outlined by the tightly stretched skin.

Doc, of course, was bawling his eyes out, but I was listening closely, and while a lot of things came out of his mouth, ‘flatulence’ was not one of them.

Jada pulled hair back from her face and knelt beside her charge. “How do you like my surprise, baby?”

“I love it, Goddess!” Doc shouted like a recruit answering a drill sargeant.

“Well don’t go anywhere, sweetie,” she trailed a fingernail down his spine, all the way to his spasming anus, “there’s more to come!”

Jada went back to her toy chest and returned with a riding crop. Taking a seat astride the poor doctor, facing his feet, she applied the crop vigorously to his defenseless buttocks.

Each swing of the crop caused her body to bounce on his, forcing his body to bounce as well. This, of course, tugged viciously at the nails securing him to the block.

Occasionally, Jada would aim lower, and though she took a great deal off the force of those blows, the stretched, exposed condition of doc’s balls made each strike agony.

Still no ‘flatulence’ from the doc.

Finally, tiring of that game, Jada went once more to her bag and pulled out the strap-on harness. Securing it to her crotch she laid a selection of dildoes in front of Doc’s face.

“Choose, baby.” She whispered, “Pick the cock that will fuck your little pussy ass!”

Doc, being the trouper that he is, didn’t hesitate, “The big one, Goddess!”

Jada ran her fingernails through his sweaty hair, “Good boy! I like a man who knows what he wants!”

The muscular Texan snapped the imposing phallus into her harness, then knelt behind the helpless Doctor. She jammed another tube of gel into his asshole and squeezed the contents inside him, pulling out to let the last of it coat his ring.

After lubing the dildo, Jada nestled its tip in the cringing ring of the Doc’s butthole and said “This is it, baby. Push out for your goddess!”

I saw the doc’s abdoment tighten as he struggled to comply, and Jada seated the plastic phallus in one long, painful plunge. The stretched ring twitched and spasmed as Doc cried from the pain of entry. Pre-cum flowed down the side of the wooden block.

Jada gave him no time to adjust. As soon as she bottomed out, she was on the way back out. Gradually picking up speed, she plowed her victim’s vulnerable ass with gusto, each stroke pulling against the nails that secured cock and balls to the wood.

The auburn haired witch pulled and twisted at the crying doc’s nipples, occasionally stabbing at them with her sharp nails. Doc’s hips rose to greet every thrust of the invading phallus.

As Jada’s speed increased, she reached behind herself and grabbed the ring on the end of the lucite rod, fucking Doc’s urethra in time with her thrusts into his ass.

“Not yet, baby!” Jada admonished, “Goddess will let you know when you can cum!”

Jada’s hips slammed at the abused doctor’s ass as she pistoned the rod in and out of his dick. Faster and faster she went until both were gasping for air.

Jada rammed the dildo as far as it would go up the doc’s ass and ground against him as her climax began building.

“Now, you worthless piece of manflesh!” she shouted, almost ripping a nipple off, “Cum for your Goddess!”

Doc went rigid and I swear I saw his balls contract in the confines of his stretched scrotum. As the first spasm hit him, Jada ripped the rod out of his dick and gyrated against his ass, stirring the doc’s entrails with the end of her dildo.

Doc’s scream was an octave higher than Jada’s, as they harmonized through one of the hottest and most bizarre mutual climaxes I’ve ever witnessed. Doc’s juice sprayed everywhere, coating the front of the block and the floor underneath in wave after wave of white, sticky fluid.

Jada’s eyes rolled back in her head and her eyelids fluttered in time with her vibrating pelvis for more than a minute before she finally collapsed on her victim’s back, the dripping lucite rod still dangling from a finger.

The exhausted Texan was just disengaging from their coupling when Doc’s pager beeped. I looked at the message and showed it to him.

“Oh shit!” he said, “Gotta go!”

I got pliers and helped Jada pull the nails out of the block and the doc. We swabbed his wounds with betadyne and wrapped his genitals with sterile gauze, held in place by his briefs.

Doc was walking slightly spraddle-legged but he made it up the stairs under his own power. At the door, Jada made to kiss him, but Doc forestalled her.

“I really enjoyed what we did tonight, Jada.” He said, no longer the submissive, “But I reserve the kissing for my wife. Hope you understand.”

Jada was a little miffed, but as usual, got over it quickly. “Well,” she said, “if you ever find yourself down Texas way, give me a call. I’m much better equipped to give a guy like you what he needs when I’m not traveling.”

Doc smiled ruefully, “I’ll be sure to avoid Texas for a little while, but later, who knows?”


Joshua and Katy

“Oh come on Katy! Let’s just see if he’ll do it!” The athletic young man tried to drag a brown haired beauty from the cab of his SUV.

Struggling to release her arm from his grasp, she responded sharply, while trying to keep the volume of her voice down, “I’ve been telling you all the way up here, I don’t want to do it! Why won’t you believe me, Josh!”

I let the dogs out but signaled them to hang back, and approached the young couple.

He was so engrossed in getting her out of the vehicle, and she in staying in, that neither saw me coming until I was right on top of them.

I was right behind him when her glance warned him I was there. He spun around, but had nowhere to go since my body filled the gap between the opened door and the side of the vehicle.

“See if he’ll do what?” I asked evenly. I was well within his personal space, and he didn’t like it at all.

“Oh, uh, hey! You must be Mr. Brenneman!” He stuck his hand out to shake. “I’m Josh Kingman!”

I ignored his hand. I had already recognized him as the quarterback for UI in Moscow. “See if he’ll do what?”

He tried to read my expression while his hand hung awkwardly between us. Finally realizing that I wasn’t going to shake it, he dropped it nervously to his side. “I uh, that is, we, uh… Well you see, Mr. Brenneman, a girl I know at Washington State told me about how you helped open up her, uh, shall we say, uh sexuality, and, uh, well, uh we, that is, uh, I wondered if you’d, uh do the same, you know, uh, stuff, for uh, Katy here.”

He must have had pretty good lungs to get all that out in one breath, but more than his lung power, I marveled at my restraint in not having hit him before he finally spit it all out.

“Who was this girl?”

“Um, it was, uh, Cassie. Cassandra diCarlo.” He looked smug, thinking he now had the inside track. I was thinking, however, that Cassie was going to learn a lesson about discretion on her next visit, and that she’d probably never speak to him again.

I turned to the girl, still sitting half out of the SUV. “Katy, I gather you aren’t going along with this voluntarily?”

She was still pissed, and it showed in her voice, but it didn’t override her manners, “No, Sir, Mr. Brenneman! He said we were going for a ride, and then, when we were on the highway, he drops this bomb on me about coming to see somebody who would ‘open me up’! Seems I’m not submissive enough in bed!”

“I see. So you,” I pointed at him “came here of your own free will, but you” I pointed at her, “did not. Is that accurate?”

They both nodded, though his nod was somewhat more hesitant than hers.

With my left hand, I grabbed a handful of his shirt, near his right shoulder, and said, “OK, you can stay.” I looked at Katy and said, “If you want to help or watch, come on in, otherwise come back for him Sunday night.”

Katy looked alarmed, as did Joshua. “Help or watch what!?” She blurted out.

I smiled up at her. “Don’t worry, Katy. I won’t do him any permanent damage. I just think it’s time he learned what it’s like to be the one NOT in control. To be at someone else’s mercy. Want to help?”

An evil grin slowly crept across her face, but she wasn’t completely stupid, “You won’t do anything to me?”

I grinned back and tightened my grip against her boyfriend’s escalating struggles. “Not unless you want me to – this is just a little attitude adjustment for our boy here.”

Josh was finally getting the picture. He hadn’t had any luck getting free of my hold on his shirt, partly because he was trapped between me and the door of the SUV, and partly because I wasn’t trying to hold him in place, I was just holding on to him, and my hand followed along whenever he lunged one way or another, then pulled him back into position. He was about to take a swing at me, though the cramped space and my grip near his right shoulder hampered him somewhat, when I zapped him with the Taser I’d been holding behind my back. His body stiffened then started twitching as I held him upright against the door.

Katy gasped, then showed an uncertain smile when I displayed the Taser for her inspection. “That’s just to make him a little more, shall we say, malleable.”

I took a pair of handcuffs from my back pocket and secured his wrists behind his back, then stooped and let him fall forward across my shoulder. Adjusting my grip and standing upright I got him in a fireman’s carry and started toward the house.

I looked back at Katy with raised eyebrows. “Coming?”

She wasn’t too sure about my methods, but finally curiosity and the chance to turn the tables on her pushy boyfriend won out and she followed me into the house.

I wasted no time taking them through the hidden door in the pantry and down the stone stairs to my dungeon. She stood in the middle of the room, gawking at the fixtures, machines, tools, and toys neatly arrayed around her, eyes wide with shock and wonder, while I replaced Josh’s handcuffs with padded shackles that were suspended by chains from a pair of overhead pulleys.

He was starting to come around as I removed his shoes and socks and locked similar shackles around his ankles.

Fingering the remote in my pocket I located the correct buttons and took up the slack in the chains until Josh’s feet were spread wide and his arms, also spread, were pulled above his head supporting at least as much of his weight as were his legs. He jerked at the chains a few times before realizing that not even his football muscles would have any effect on them.

“What the hell are you doing! I didn’t come here for this! She’s the one you’re supposed to be working on! I’m gonna report this to the cops as soon as I get outta here! You… !”

I stuck the ball gag in his mouth as he was tuning up for the second stanza of his tirade.

“Katy, there’s a knife in a sheath on that bench over there. Will you hand it to me, please?”

She did as I asked, but the skeptical look on her face didn’t start to fade until she saw me using the razor sharp blade to cut off Joshua’s jeans, sliding the back of the blade up each leg while the fabric parted around the edge. Even the seams of the tough denim offered little resistance to the keenness of the blade. Josh started to struggle again as I started up the second leg and I paused long enough to remind him of his predicament.

“Given the sharpness of this blade, and how close it’s going to come to your favorite toy, are you sure you want to increase the chances of my hand slipping?”

His movements subsided, and when the cut parted the waistband on that side, the cloth fell away, exposing his little white briefs and muscular legs. I made short work of his shirt and undershirt, then turned to Katy. I pointed the knife at Joshua’s briefs then raised my eyebrows in silent query as I offered it to her, handle first.

She grinned devilishly and approached her boyfriend from the rear, where he couldn’t see the expression on her face. “I don’t know, Mr. Brenneman. I mean, I’ve never done anything like this before! What if my hand slips?”

Sweat broke out on his face as she slipped the blade under the leg band of the little white garment, very near the bulge of his flaccid penis. She allowed her hand to shake theatrically as she slowly made the upward cut, finally parting the elastic of the waistband.

“Oh, that wasn’t so hard!” now she moved around to the front “I bet I could do this one with my eyes closed!”

He couldn’t see, as I could, that she left an open slit between her apparently closed eyelids, and his eyes bulged as she boldly stuck the blade toward his crotch. After a couple of false starts that only served to heighten his fear of castration, or worse, she finally worked the blade under and up, neatly slicing the band of fabric in one motion that had Josh cringing in his chains, expecting to feel the blood start down his legs any moment.

Grinning, she handed the knife back to me. “That was fun! What now Mr. Brenneman?”

“Since we’re going to be working on this ‘project’ together for a while, maybe you should call me Mike, OK?”

She smiled her best cheerleader smile and replied, “Sure, Mike!”

I smiled back then turned to study her boyfriend. As quarterback, he didn’t carry the bulk of muscle and bull neck required of linemen, but there was no extra fat on his body, and his musculature was well defined. His chest and shoulders were well developed as were his thighs and calves, and his slender waist framed a six-pack mounted atop a thick black V of pubic hair. His cock was a respectable size, though it’s current flaccid state made it hard to judge just how big it could become.

He had one of those rakishly handsome faces that fairly screams “I’m trouble!” and attracts women like flies to a dung heap. His short black hair formed a sharp widow’s peak in the middle of his forehead, and his beard was so dense that, even though he was clean shaven, you could swear it was growing while you watched.

There were a few scattered hairs on his chest and fine black hair covered his forearms and lower legs. I walked around him as he hung suspended and Katy followed me. The musculature of his back was as well defined as the front and his glutes protruded nicely below his waist, forming two bubbles separated by a hairy ass crack.

I went to the same bench that held the knife and retrieved the straight razor and shaving cream. I offered them to Katy, but after some hesitation she shook her head. I showed them to Joshua.

“I’m going to shave you now. I strongly suggest that you hold very still during this process.”

He shook his head wildly, but I had no doubt that his sense of self preservation would prevail.

As I lathered his crotch I spoke conversationally with Katy. “I wonder what he’ll tell them in the locker room next week.”

She giggled at the thought. “Probably make up some story about strange sex with a wild woman!”

I made short work of the shaving, and despite Josh’s trembling, didn’t even nick him, though it took a good deal of care to shave his shriveled sack, stretching it smooth enough to get the hair, but not enogh that the follicles protruded. I think he passed out while I was shaving his ass crack. Katy watched the entire procedure with glassy eyes and parted lips. When I finally cleaned him off, my handling of his privates had given him half a hardon that stuck obscenely out of his naked crotch.

I took Katy off to one side and whispered my plans for the next part to her. She could hardly contain herself and kept rubbing her thighs together as if trying to bring herself off. She nodded eagerly when I asked her if she was ok with what I wanted to do.

I moved a table up behind the athlete’s ass and used the remote to manipulate his chains until he was lying on his back, hands shackled to the table above his head, legs splayed over the table’s sides and shackled in place. Two broad leather straps, one over his chest, the other across his hips, ensured that he wouldn’t be able to move during what was to come.

He screamed and his muscles spasmed when I pierced his nipples and installed heavy, stainless steel rings. I thought Katy was going to cum right there.

The rings I used were my own design. The ends snapped together with a little effort, but could not be pulled apart without destroying the ring. If Josh wanted them off, he’d have to cut them off.

Next, I placed a cock and ball harness on him that consisted of a single adjustable ring tightly encircling the base of his cock and scrotum. Attached to this ring was a T-shaped piece whose top bisected the ring between the penis and ball sack and whose vertical tail, when attached to the bottom of the ring and tightened separated his gonads. The material was stainless steel cable tightly sheathed in soft suede. When properly adjusted it left him with three very vulnerable protuberances.

Katy had watched over my shoulder as I installed and adjusted the harness. I snapped a padlock through the locking mechanism and hung the chain with the keys to the lock around her neck.

All this handling had made him hard, so I turned to Katy and, indicating the tumescent staff, asked “Want to go for a ride?”

She thought for a while, apparently reluctant to disrobe in front of a stranger, but her arousal apparently overcame her modesty and she started undressing. While she was getting her clothes off, I leaned over so Joshua could see my face.

“Look at me, boy!” when his eyes turned in my direction, I held up a small bamboo rod. “You are a dildo. Katy is going to use you until she’s done with you. Dildoes don’t cum. If you cum, this is what will happen to you!”

I rapped his exposed balls sharply with the rod. His eyes crossed and he sucked in a long breath and turned pale as his abdomen spasmed, trying unsuccessfully to curl into a fetal position.

When he had recovered a bit, I continued. “That was just a small sample. If you cum, I will do that ten times, twice as hard. Do you understand?”

He nodded desperately.

I pulled a foot stool up beside the table to allow Katy to mount him more easily, and watched as she straddled his groin, settling herself on the still-hard staff of his erection. She had a lovely body, about five-five, breasts a bit bigger than I like, but firm and nicely formed. Her legs, though, were stocky, muscular columns topped by slim, almost boyish hips and a smallish ass.

Her eyes closed as she slid easily down the larger-than-average shaft, and began slowly rocking back and forth, massaging her clit on his pubic bone while the column of his dick rubbed against her G-spot.

I smiled as I realized what she was doing. Her motion stimulated her important places, but did little for him.

She looked at me through hooded eyes. “Mike, can you take the gag off him, but make sure he doesn’t talk?”

Once again I bent over our victim. “You heard the lady, Josh. No talking, or else!” I rapped his balls again, sliding the cane under Katy’s butt to give him a slightly gentler tap, then unstrapped the gag and pulled it from his mouth.

He worked his jaws a bit to relieve the stiffness, then, ignoring my warning, “You… !”



“Now, Josh! Let’s not forget what we’ve learned, shall we!”

He nodded desperately, his face an interesting mottling of green and red.

Katy, excited by the action, started pistoning up and down on his groin. Had his legs been together, each of her downward thrusts would have crushed his balls. As it was, they bounced off her ass each time, reminding him of their vulnerability, though not really hurting too much.

The increased friction got Joshua’s motor going, and I had to tap him a couple of times to remind him of his role.

As she approached her climax, she hooked an index finger through each of his nipple rings and started yanking them. Since he was still sore from their insertion, the pain must have been excruciating. He gritted his teeth and held out for a while, but when she came, Katy gave a particularly vicious jerk that had Josh screaming like a little girl.

After her climax, Katy fell forward on his sweaty chest, spent, with a dreamy smile on her face.

A few minutes later, she smiled lazily in my direction. “Oh, Mike!” her speech was slurred as if she’d had too much to drink. “I’ve never had an orgasm like that! I mean, I like sex as much as the next girl, but that’s the first time I’ve ever had it the way I wanted it all the way through.”

I held out a hand to steady her as she righted herself, and smiled back. “Ready for round two?”

“You mean there’s more?”

“Most women I know can have as many orgasms as they’ve got the strength to endure, and you look pretty healthy to me. I have a suggestion, though…”

She looked at me quizzically.

“If you’ll move up to his mouth, I’ll take your position, and we can share him.”

Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline and her mouth formed an ‘O’, but she recovered quickly and lifted herself off Joshua’s penis, still hard as a steel bar.

“Do you want me to turn around, or face away from you?”

“I’ll leave that up to you. If you face me, we can find ways to increase each other’s pleasure while we ride him, but if you’d rather get all your pleasure from him, you can face the other way.”

She thought for only a moment before turning around to face Josh’s feet. “I’ve got to see this, and hot as I am, I don’t mind a little extra pleasure!”

As I started to mount the table, he finally caught up, and started to protest. She silenced him by planting her buttocks squarely over his mug.

“Now remember, Josh, you’re still a dildo. Since I’m not in a position to whack you if you lose control, I’ve come up with another way of making sure you don’t forget!” I reached behind me, tightened a loop of parachute cord around his exposed balls, and gave it a sharp yank. His moan confirmed that he understood.

His cock was already slimy from Katy’s discharge, but it was too large to take chances with, so I applied some K-Y to my ass before lowering myself onto his shaft.

There are two things that make me bisexual. The first is that it’s as much fun to top a male as it is a female, though with males, it’s a different flavor. The second reason is that I love getting fucked in the ass, and warm flesh beats cold plastic or rubber any day.

I had to concentrate to relax my sphincter enough to let the purple head of Josh’s cock through my opening. Once in, it was smooth sailing until the bulbous tip passed through the inner sphincter into my colon. Once those spasms passed, I looked up to see Katy staring fixedly at the point where my ass joined our captive’s pelvis, while grinding her pussy against his face.

“Is he doing a good job, Katy?”

She shook her head. “The bastard’s got his mouth closed!”

I jerked the cord in my hand to get his attention, and said “You’d better do your damnedest to please her, boy, or you’ll go back to Moscow a eunuch!”

From the look on her face, I guess he must have started doing something right. “Move your ass to where you want his tongue Katy, and tell him what you want him to do. If you want his tongue up your ass, make him do it. You can use his nipple rings to punish him if he doesn’t do what you want.”

My suggestions apparently appealed to her. She moved toward me a couple of inches, grabbed one of his rings while steadying herself on my shoulder, and tugged it.

“Yeah, you dildo! Get that tongue as far up my ass as you can!” Her eyes closed and she shuddered as he followed her instructions.

“Oh, yeah! Come on you hot tongued bastard!” She yanked harder. “Go deeper! Deeper! Clean my ass out with your tongue! Oh damn! That’s hot!”

She moved back again, to give his tongue a chance to work her clit while I started fucking myself on his cock and jacking off.

“Oh, yeah! Right there! Work my clit! Yeah! Faster!” Katy was really getting into it, forgetting that the nipple ring was supposed to be for punishment, she tugged it spasmodically. “Now do my ass again! AAAAH! Damn you’ve got a long tongue! OOOH Yeah!”

She kept him moving back and forth between her pussy and ass, almost forgetting that I was there until I started lightly tweaking her nipples. Katy glanced up at me through a fog of arousal. “OOOh, yes! Do that harder!”

I pinched and tugged at her brown nubbins, carefully watching her expression for signs of excessive pain. Though I detected the occasional wince, she continued pushing her chest toward me, and I squeezed the hard little marbles flat, jerking them rapidly back and forth and rolling them between thumb and forefinger.

Her hips were going ninety miles an hour on Josh’s tongue. I doubted if he could even hear the breathless whispers of her instructions, but his tongue was doing its best to keep up with her.

Suddenly, she emitted an ear piercing shriek and jerked upright, almost tearing her overextended nipples off in my grip. Her pelvis slammed the helpless football player’s mouth and chin several times and I had to grab her wrist to keep her from twisting the ring right out of his nipple. She stiffened for several seconds, then collapsed into my arms.

I let her rest until Josh’s feeble struggles announced that he was having difficulty breathing, then pulled her toward me, onto his chest.

“Ohmigod!” she panted, “That was unbelievable! Thank you, so much, Mike!”

I had been so engrossed in Katy’s climax that I hadn’t paid much attention to Josh’s reaction. It wasn’t until I had helped her off the table and unplugged myself from his still rigid poker that I realized he had cum in my ass.

“Well, boy,” I said as I climbed off my perch, “It looks like you forgot what you weren’t supposed to do. What a faggot! You didn’t have any trouble controlling yourself in your girlfriends pussy, but, despite my orders and threats, you couldn’t help but cum in my ass! Well, I told you what would happen if you didn’t hold it!”

I attached his ankles to a pair of chains dangling from overhead pulleys and used the remote to pull them back to his ears, leaving his genitals accessible for the promised punishment. I picked up the bamboo rod, but as I approached his ass, I had a better idea. Instead, I handed the rod to Katy.

She was eager to get started, but I held her back. “Ten, hard, on the balls. But remember, you have all the responsibility for his safety. I’ll let you know if I think you’re too hard or too soft – we want pain, not injury, understood?”

She searched my face for a long moment, then solemnly nodded her affirmation. The rod was thin and light, but swung hard enough it could do some serious damage to those tender organs, and she was not a shrinking violet, at least not any more.

As she brushed past me, I asked her, “Do you want me to gag him, or do you want to hear his screams?”

She paused and looked at me over her bare shoulder. “I think I want to hear him scream, at least at first. If it gets too annoying, we can put the gag in later.”

I reminded myself not to piss this girl off, lest she later get the upper hand on me!

She took up position just to the right of his ass and measured the distance and stroke like a golfer taking practice swings. She backed up a few inches to let herself get a full-armed swing, and measured again.

Josh’s eyes were wild as he watched her draw the rod back behind her shoulder, and when she took the first cut, you’d have heard his scream in the next county, had I not taken the precaution of soundproofing the dungeon. It was a good stroke – maybe a little tentative, but hard enough to make him feel it and then some.

She looked my way and I nodded encouragement.

She stuck the little finger of her left hand in her ear and shook it, as if her ear hurt. “Maybe you’d better stick something in his mouth, or we’ll be deaf before I’m done.”

I nodded, “I have just the thing.”

I took a large ring gag from its hook and jammed it behind Josh’s teeth before he knew what was happening. Using the remote, I dropped the leaf of the table that supported his head, and allowed his head to drop backward over the resulting edge. Katy watched with interest, still not sure how this was going to quiet him, until I stuck my precum-dripping shaft through the ring gag into his mouth. Beaming at me, Katy readied herself for the next stroke. As her arm descended, I plunged in until my cockhead was lodged at the entrance to his throat.

The vibrations from his scream on the most sensitive part of my glans were indescribable. Once they stopped, I pulled out far enough to let him take a breath, then drove back in as Katy’s next blow fell.

She was more interested in what was going on at my end than at hers, and the rod just clipped the bottoms of the exposed testicles, causing perhaps more pain than a direct stroke, and leaving a red stripe across the backs of Josh’s thighs.

I reminded her to watch what she was doing. She dutifully returned her attention to the task at hand, and by the ninth stroke, I was ready. As she delivered the final blow, I ploughed all the way down the poor boy’s throat, the vibrations of his scream this time expending themselves on the middle of my shaft. It didn’t matter. I exploded deep in his esophagus, the pulses of my ejaculation oddly synchronized with the spasms of his throat as he struggled not to vomit.

When the flow of my cum had abated, I withdrew – just in time to keep him from passing out. Josh drew a ragged breath and emitted a soul wrenching sob, not just because he had just been mouth fucked while his girlfriend beat the crap out of his most prized possession. I was betting that the fact that his chest and belly were coated with his own ejaculate and the realization of what that meant had as much to do with that sob as did our abuse of his body.

He was lost in his misery, and gave us no trouble as we cleaned him up and moved him to the cot in the corner, shackling him spread-eagle on his back.

Katy and I collected our clothes and ascended to the main part of the house, closing the dungeon entry from the pantry behind us. I showed her my guest room which has its own shower, then retired to my room to perform my own ablutions. It was a warm day for this part of the Pacific Northwest, so after my shower, I just threw on some briefs and a ragged pair of denim shorts.

Katy had found, among the extra clothes I keep in the guest room, some shorts and a halter that fit her quite well. Actually, they were probably a size or two too small for her, but I wasn’t going to complain, since they accentuated her figure so well.

I broiled a couple of steaks in the oven and threw together a salad of greens and other veggies from my truck patch, and we had a quiet dinner while the dogs polished off the raw steaks I set out for them and gnawed on the bones.

Katy wasn’t far behind the boys, inhaling the steak and salad, then groaning luxuriously over each bite of my warm homemade cherry cobbler, even though it was only reheated in the microwave.

When we finally pushed away from the table, Katy smiled and shook her head as though waking from a dream. “I don’t know what to think about you or what’s happened today, Mike.”

“What do you mean?”

She gazed out my window for a long moment, not really noticing the spectacular sunset, collecting her thoughts. “You’ve turned my whole world upside down today. I’ll never be able to look at sex or boyfriends, especially Josh, the way I did before I came here.”

“Is that good, or bad?”

She stared at me, then “Both. I was comfortable with things the way they were! It may not have been Nirvana, but it was a world that was familiar, that I knew my way around in. I don’t know this new world at all, and that’s scary, but I have NEVER enjoyed sex as much as I did today, and maybe never will again, and that’s scary too!”

I gave her my best fatherly smile, “You’re a very lucky person Katy. You’ve discovered early something that most people never know about themselves. Of those who eventually discover their true sexual nature, most are already trapped in lifestyles that prevent them ever realizing the joys of that discovery. You’re at the beginning of your sexual life, and now have the freedom to make choices that will allow you have what you need sexually, while getting on with the rest of your life. You’re lucky in another way, too.”

She looked at me quizzically.

“Josh is just discovering his own true sexual nature. It’s hard on him because it goes against everything he’s been taught to believe about himself, but by the time you two leave here, he will have realized that he NEEDS to be under a woman’s heel. If you want him, you can enslave him for as long as you like.”

She looked shocked. “But you said… and the way he reacted… well I thought he was gay! I mean, he came in your ass, but not in me, and he came with your dick in his mouth…”

“He came in my ass because of they way you were getting off on his face and didn’t come in you because I kept whacking his nuts,” I smiled indulgently, “and he came with my dick in his mouth because YOU were abusing him. You don’t have to believe me, I’ll demonstrate for you tomorrow, and prove to him once and for all that he needs you.”

Katy slipped into my room that night, and we made love, but it did little for either of us. She finally got off when I rolled us over and played with her nipples while she sat on me and rode my cock, but it was nothing like her earlier climaxes. I silenced her protests about helping me cum and we drifted off to sleep. I woke several times during the night as Katy tossed and turned, wrestling with the demons I had awakened in her life.

After a quiet breakfast, I asked Katy to change into a black leather outfit from the closet in the spare room, and led her and the dogs down to the dungeon. Josh too, had apparently spent a restless night, as testified to by the dark circles under his eyes.

“Good morning, pussy!” I said cheerily.

He glared hatefully at me.

Katy, following the instructions I had given her upstairs, scolded sharply, “Is that any way to treat your host! Apologize now, and call him Sir when you speak to him!”

Josh, frightened and chastened, muttered “I-I’m sorry, Sir.”

Katy, looking formidable in a halter, thong, and high-heeled boots, all made of black leather, stalked over to the cot and gave her stunned boyfriend a sharp smack on the inner thigh with the riding crop that completed her ensemble. He was instantly erect.

“I want a sincere, heartfelt apology for our host, and I want it NOW!” She whacked him again for emphasis.

“I’M SORRY, SIR! PLEASE FORGIVE ME, SIR!” I thought his cock was going to burst.

“That’s a good boy,” She gently stroked his face, then lightly ran the crop up the throbbing length of his erection. “Now here’s what I want from you. From now on, whenever we’re in private, you will call me ‘Mistress’ or ‘Mistress Catherine’, is that understood?”

He nodded and she whacked his tumescent member with the crop, making it bounce off his stomach.


She stroked his nipples around the rings, “Good boy! Now, in public, you may continue to call me Katy, but you will treat me with respect at all times, or you will SUFFER” with that she gave his still bound balls a hard squeeze “in private. Do you understand?”


“Excellent, now, I think you need to thank our host properly for his hospitality, so I have offered him the use of your ass, and he has accepted, so I when I release you, I want you to walk over to that bench” she pointed with the crop “and lay face down on it. Clear?”

“No, please! I can’t do that! You can’t let him AAAAGGGH!” his protest was cut off by the crop connecting sharply with his gonads.

“That was NOT a request, boy. You will do it eventually. The only question is how much pain you will endure first. Do I need to punish you some more?” Katy – sorry, Mistress Catherine – was really getting into her new role.

Josh, still red-faced, his abdomen spasming, forced out a whispered “No, Mistress! I’ll do it, Mistress!”

Her smile would have frozen alcohol. “Good! But just in case you have any ideas about changing your mind once the chains are off, I want to introduce you to Czar and Caesar.” My big grey Malamute-Timber Wolf mix dogs pricked their ears at the sound of their names. “These two big boys will make sure you keep your word.”

Josh barely looked at the dogs. Apparently he wasn’t entertaining any such notion, so the threat of their enforcement meant nothing to him. I smiled in satisfaction and whispered my deductions into Katy’s ear. Her return smile let me know she understood.

True to his word, the young quarterback hobbled over to the bench and lay face down. She made him move backward a bit, until his ass was off the end of the bench, before putting her face in front of his and asking “Do I need to shackle you, or will you be a good boy for me and give our host what he wants, willingly?”

He looked like a puppy when he gazed adoringly into her eyes and said, “For you, Mistress Catherine, I’ll do it willingly, but only for you!”

She patted his cheek gently, then straddled the bench in front of his face and lay on her back, saying “In that case, you may please me while Mr. Brenneman takes his pleasure with you.”

He eagerly lapped at her dripping pussy while I greased his hole and used my fingers to prepare it for my entry. I took my time getting him ready, but even with the stretching I gave him, he winced and moaned when my head popped through his sphincter. Katy had a couple of small orgasms while I was warming Josh up, but she really started to thrash on his tongue as she watched my reflection in the mirror on the dungeon wall, plowing her slave’s ass.

He was hot and tight, I was still horny from last night’s unsatisfactory sex, and Katy was blasting her passion throughout the dungeon. Under those circumstances it took me only a few minutes to fill his bowels with my cum, as Katy climaxed for about the fifth time.

I withdrew and went into the dungeon bathroom to clean myself up.

When I returned, Katy was just climbing off the bench. She knelt beside Josh and spoke into his ear. “I want you to do one more thing for me Josh. I want to watch one of the dogs fuck you. Will you do that for me?”

He started to shake his head, but felt her hand tightening on his scrotum, and turned instead to look in her eyes. “If you’ll do that one little thing for me, I’ll fuck you next!”

She waggled a large dildo under his nose, and held up the harness that would secure it to her groin, smiling brightly.

He got that puppy dog look again, and said “Yes, Mistress! Anything for you Mistress Catherine!”

Katy sat back in a chair to watch as I refreshed the lubrication in his still gaping asshole, and signaled Czar to mount. Czar is the one I most often use for ass-fucking because his knot is slow to inflate. This gives his victims time to enjoy his long, vigorous strokes while gradually adjusting to the growing swelling in the middle of his cock.

When Czar was in position, he wasted no time in driving full length into the young quarterback’s ass. Josh, unprepared for the violence of the assault, emitted a grunt of pain and surprise as the dog’s first stroke sent his pointy shaft deep into the boy’s colon.

I just watched, sated for the moment, switching my gaze back and forth between Katy, who was pumping the dildo deeply into herself, and Josh whose face almost matched the ruddy color of his over-inflated fuckstick. He was dripping pre-cum as Czar’s knot began to grow, causing the elastic ring of the boy’s sphincter to expand and contract as it pounded in and out of his rectum. Finally, the knot grew too big to be withdrawn, and Czar shifted gears, stabbing his bitch with short, vicious thrusts, tucking his tail under his balls and climbing the boy’s ass to get his club as far up Josh’s fuck hole as possible.

Katy had jammed at least ten inches of the dildo inside herself and was matching the dog’s rhythm with short, jackhammer strokes. Czar suddenly froze and Josh got a strained look on his face as the dog shot his copious load deep into the bowels of the college boy. Katy shoved the dildo into herself as far as it would go and thrashed her hips back and forth three or four times, finally collapsing forward as her abdomen seized up and forcefully expelled the rubber dong.

Katy used the time that Czar needed for his knot to subside to recover from her climax, and then to strap on the dildo, adjusting the harness so the little nub inside it could properly stimulate her clit.

I handed her a pair of clip-on weights, which puzzled her, at first. When I pointed at Josh’s chest, a light bulb came on in her brain and she smiled and nodded.

Czar finally came unglued from Josh’s ass and retired to a corner to lick himself clean.

Katy strutted over to Josh, perched on the impossibly high heels of her boots, bent down and cooed in his ear. “You’ve been a very good boy, Josh dear. Now I’m going to give you the reward I promised, but I want you on your hands and knees while I do it, so come over here.”

She stepped over to a vinyl coated mat and pointed to a spot at her feet. He started to get up but she commanded “Crawl!”

He immediately dropped to the floor and crawled on hands and knees to the indicated spot. Again she bent over him. “These will help you enjoy what’s about to happen.”

So saying, she hung the weights from his nipple rings, stretching the nipples until the weights almost touched the mat.

He winced as each weight reminded him that his nipples had only been pierced the day before, but when she had finished, said, “Thank you, Mistress Catherine!”

She lubed the plastic rod with the K-Y I handed her, then nestled its rounded tip between his cheeks. “I’m ready now. Don’t cum until I tell you to. Do you want it rough, or gentle?”

He peered over his shoulder at her as she hovered menacingly above his ass. “G – uh, however it pleases Mistress Catherine to fuck her slave!”

She smiled warmly at him and gently patted his cheek, then, taking a firm grip on his shoulders, slammed her hips forward, smacking her pelvis against his ass.


Czar and I had stretched him, but that dildo was longer than the dog dick and thicker than mine, so it wasn’t an easy entry. She did, however, give him a few moments to adjust, grinding her hips against the cushion of his buns.

Katy withdrew the rubber spear slowly, until his sphincter was pulled outward behind its head, before cramming it back in. This time he gritted his teeth and only groaned. His groans grew softer with each successive incursion.

Soon he was pushing back, helping her impale him on the monstrous staff. The weights swung wildly from his nipples, and his purple, slimy cock leaked a steady stream of clear fluid, slapping his rigid stomach muscles each time his mistress’ cock bottomed out.

“Fuck me Mistress Catherine! Fuck my worthless ass! Make me a pussy for your cock!” he shouted deliriously, pounding his ass backward to meet every thrust. Soon his cries changed to a different plea, “Please Mistress, may I cum? Please, I need to cum! Oh god, your cock feels so good in my ass! Please let me cum!”

She grabbed a handful of hair in each hand and yanked his head back with each stroke. “Not yet, baby. Hold on just a little longer!”

His cock, by now, was practically blue and covered in pre-cum. It hovered horizontal to the floor – slapping his belly each time hers slapped his ass. Finally, her strokes shortened and she thundered spastically up his reddened chute. Nearly ripping a double handful of black hair from his head, she shrieked, “NOW, BABY! CUM FOR ME NOW!”

With one final upheaval, she fell on his back, sweat dripping from her flushed face, as he erupted like a geyser. Some of his thick white discharge passed between his arms and fell on the floor beyond the end of the mat. Much of it landed on his chin, the backs of his arms, and his chest and abdomen. Gush after gush, it poured from the end of his untouched member, painting him and the mat under him a gooey white.

Josh’s elbows trembled, and the left one gave out, tumbling both of them sideways on the mat. The dildo pulled a little way out of his ass as they fell, and he pushed buttocks back to reseat it. Katy looked up and smiled wanly in my direction, where I sat idly stroking myself.

I handed Katy a pair of Speedos big enough for Josh, and a short leash with two clips on one end and a leather wrist loop on the other. “Bring him upstairs when you’ve cleaned him up.”

I put my own shorts back on and left the hidden pantry door open as I went upstairs to wait for them.

I was sitting in the living room reading the morning paper when they finally emerged, Katy leading Josh by the leash attached to his nipple rings. She had changed back into the clothes she wore when I first saw her.

She sat in the chair I indicated. He, having nowhere within the length of the leash to sit, stood by her side.

Without preamble, I started in, “You have a new relationship now. You must decide, before you leave here if you want to keep it, understanding that you can never go back to the way things were.”

Josh started to say something, but a sharp tug on the leash shut him up.

“Mistress Catherine,” I said, “it would make this a bit easier if you would allow your slave to speak freely for now.”

She studied my face, searching for irony, and, finding none, said, “You may speak, slave.”

“Yesterday morning, I would have laughed in your face,” Josh said, earnestly, “if you had told me that today I’d be calling Katy Mistress. Today, I would do anything for Mistress Catherine, and will do so for as long as she will let me.”

Katy smiled up at her devoted slave, then turned to me. “We talked this over downstairs, before I put the leash on him. He seems to genuinely want to be my slave, and I guess I’ll give him that chance, as long as he continues to please me.”

I studied them both for several minutes, but they seemed sincere, so I handed her a bundle of clothes with Josh’s shoes and socks on top. “You should have him put these on before you reach civilization. What you have is special, but it will be easier for you to enjoy if you keep it private.”

“I guess,” I looked in Josh’s direction, “you WILL have to make up some story about strange sex with a wild woman.”

He blushed and grinned, showing a little of his old, cocky self, “Don’t have to make anything up – I HAVE been having strange sex with a wild woman! That’s all I’ll tell the guys. They’ll eat it up! Oh they’ll bug me for details, but I’ll just smile. It’ll drive ’em crazy!”

I smiled back. “OK. Two more things before you go. Josh, I don’t think this is necessary, but just in case…” I triggered the TV remote and started the VCR. The tape of Katy fucking his ass started mid-scene, just as he was screaming for her to fuck him harder. I let it play for just a few seconds, enough so he got the idea.

“These are meant for my private collection, and that’s where they’ll stay, unless something happens to Katy, or somebody comes after me on your behalf. I’m not an easy guy to get to, and I have friends in law enforcement all over, including campus security at Washington State and UI. I went through your wallet and copied every pertinent address I could find. Should I believe for any reason that you intend harm to me or Katy, a full set of these tapes will find their way to your family, friends, coaches, and teammates. Is that understood?”

He returned my gaze evenly, “Yes, sir. It’s unnecessary, but it’s understood.”


I saw them out to their SUV, Josh tiptoeing gingerly through the grass in his Speedo and bare feet, and watched Katy climb into the driver’s seat.

The dogs followed the vehicle a little way down the dirt track, but soon returned to sit, panting, by my feet.


Kelly Anne

The fish had not been very cooperative that day, but then, catching fish isn’t really the point of fishing for me. I was heading back through the woods to my house, when Caesar and Czar took off like bats out of hell. From the way they fled silently between the trees, I knew there was someone on my property who shouldn’t have been.

When I go far from the house in these woods, I carry a Super Blackhawk in a belt holster. A.44 Magnum is a bit heavy for use on humans, especially in an urban environment – Dirty Harry notwithstanding – but in these woods it’s got the stopping power I’d need for most of the critters I’m likely to encounter.

I prefer the single action because it means I have to think about what I’m doing when I fire it. I can’t just pull it out and idly snap the trigger. A friend had blown a hole in his widescreen TV doing that with a Smith & Wesson, once. It would have been a good lesson, cheaply learned, had his five year old son not been between the piece and the TV at the time.

I automatically checked that the weapon was free in it’s holster, but didn’t pull it. Running through the woods with a drawn handgun is a good way to either lose it or have it go off prematurely. As I followed in the direction the dogs had gone, Czar returned, looking very pleased with himself, to lead me to his brother. Since he had felt that Caesar had things well enough under control to leave him alone, I figured I wouldn’t need the sidearm, but I still took my time about making myself visible to the intruder. I saw Caesar pacing, on guard, from about thirty yards out, and eased up closer. Taking a cue from where the dog’s attention was focused, I did a wide, slow arc to get a better view of the trespasser. As I peered around a tree, I saw a flash of flaming red hair, and thought, at first, that Molly Pierce had come for another visit and wandered away from the house. The dogs know Molly, though (in the biblical sense!) and Caesar was acting more like he had fresh game in sight than familiar pussy.

I finally reached a vantage point from which I thought I’d be able to see who the dogs had treed. Slowly parting a screen of foliage, I saw a tall, slender red-headed woman, wearing nothing but a collar and a pair of three-inch spike heels. Czar had rejoined his brother, and they both seemed to be enjoying the absolute terror they instilled in the girl. She had her back plastered to a tree trunk, and was trembling from head to toe, even though it was rather a warm day.

I checked the surrounding area, just in case the boys had missed something, then silently slipped to within a few feet of the girl before showing myself.

“Who are you,” I said, levelly, “and what are you doing – naked – on my property.”

She jumped, and then jumped again, with a plaintive squeak, when her sudden movement set the dogs to snarling. “Mr. B-B-Brenneman?”


“Please, sir,” she still trembled but her voice settled a bit as her thoughts found something to land on besides the dogs. “I was trying to find your house and got lost! T-the dogs tore off my dress!”

My boys could get playful that way with a pretty girl, so I just smiled.

“Kelly Anne?” I had used the pretty redhead once at a club in Seattle. She was a delightful submissive, but I never expected her to show up in my woods.

“Yes, sir!”

“What brings you all the way out here?”

The freckles on her lightly tanned skin were joined by goosebumps, despite the warmth of the day, as she replied, “I-I was hoping… Well, uh, I uh remembered, uh when you, uh… That is, I, uh had no place to go and, well I uh, hoped you might, well, uh let me, uh stay with you for a little while, Sir?”

“Why aren’t you staying with your Master?”

She seemed on the verge of tears as she replied, “I-I don’t have a master just now, Sir!”

I studied the trembling girl for a few moments before responding, “We might be able to work something out. Are you on the way to somewhere, or are you looking for a home?”

“I lost my job,” she mumbled, “and was going to go stay with my sister in Idaho Falls, but she’s in Europe for a couple of weeks, and, well, I hoped you could put me up for a week or so until she gets back, Sir.”

“I’ll tell you what,” I said briskly, “you be my slave for the time you’re here, and I’ll take you to your sister’s in Idaho Falls when she gets back.”

Her face brightened, “Oh, Sir! I SO hoped you would let me serve you! I will be the best slave you ever had!”

“Don’t be too eager, Little Kelly Slave,” I held up a hand in warning, “I will not be easy on you!”

“Oh, please, Sir!” she clasped her hands in front of her, “use me as you see fit!”

“Very well! Let’s get you back to the house!”

I removed the backpack that held my broken-down rod and fishing tackle. From one of the pockets, I took a spool of leader line and a two pound weight. I cut a short piece from the spool with my belt knife. Instead of putting the knife back in its sheath, I had Kelly spread her legs, then inserted the knife handle into her semi-lubricated tunnel up to the guard.

“If you drop that, Little Kelly Slave,” I warned, “When I put it back it will go in blade first!”

I quickly tied slipknots in each end of the length of line and looped them over each of Kelly’s upturned pink nipples, pulling them snug. When the line was secured, I hung the weight from the middle of it. The weight would keep the slipknots from loosening, and provide Kelly’s sensitive little nipples with something to think about while she walked.

Before retrieving the knife, I let the bulbous knob on it’s butt slide a few times back and forth over Kelly’s G-spot, drawing a shiver and a gasp from the red-haired slave.

I cut a longer piece of the leader line and placed the knife back in my belt. Fashioning a loop in one end of the line, I then folded the loop back on itself, creating two smaller loops in a sort of half-cloverleaf shape. These I slipped over each end of the barbell that peeked out from her nest of red pubic hair.

I slipped back into the straps of the backpack, then took the free end of the lower piece of line and wrapped it three or four times around my palm. Without looking back, I set out at a brisk walk toward the house.

Kelly, realizing what would happen to her tender, pierced, little clit if I reached the end of the slack in that line while she stood still, gave a little squeal and did her best to trot after me. How she negotiated the undergrowth, leaves, sticks, and dead logs we encountered, wearing those high heels, I’ll never know, but she still had her clitoris when we reached the house. I had made sure that the line would give her a few good jerks on the way, but always kept the tension from getting to the point where it might damage her tender flesh.

I led Kelly Anne to a whipping post I had once used to help a student learn about slavery (see “A House in the Woods – Aisha”). I took the ‘leash’ from around my hand and tied it to a sixteen penny nail that protruded from the post a little above head height. I used enough tension that if she wanted to rest on those heels of hers, she’d have to stretch her clit about half an inch. I then removed the weight from the line between her tits and hooked the line over the same nail, pulling her close to the post and stretching her pale breasts into upward pointing cones. She hugged the post to keep as much tension off her various body parts as possible, but I noticed an undulating movement at her pelvis as she experimented with the sensations caused by this intimate bondage.

“I want to make sure, Kelly Anne, that you remember to come to the front door when you visit me in the future.” As I spoke, I unzipped and lubed myself with some hand lotion from my fishing kit. “To ensure this, I’m going to remind you what the back door is for!”

Her first indication of my intentions came as I spread her cheeks and planted the purple head of my cock in the tiny pink depression of her rectal sphincter. Without giving her time to prepare, I applied a steady pressure and forced my entire length into her colon in one long, smooth stroke. She shrieked in agony as her sphincters stretched to accomodate my girth, but pushed her bottom out to make sure she got all of me.

Since this was a punishment fuck, I didn’t give her time to adjust. I ripped my cock all the way out, then slammed back in, driving the pitch of her screams up an octave. I was quick and brutal. Normally I like to take my time and enjoy a good leisurely ass fuck, but this was more for her pain than my pleasure so I didn’t hold back. I pounded the tight, gritty velvet orifice hard and fast, occasionally pulling all the way out to punish her sphincter on re-entry. I could tell the pain was exciting her, but the last thing I wanted right then was a sexually satisfied slave, so I drove as far inward as I could, lifting her completely off the ground, and let go. I basted the inside of her lower intestine with my hot cum, and as soon as the last pulse had died, tore my still dripping cock from her sheath.

She moaned and begged me not to stop, but I left her there with my cum running out of her gaping ass and went into the house to wash up and change my pants. When I returned, she was humping the post and jerking at the fishing line that bound her to it, crying her frustration to the woods.

“Stop that!” I swatted her abused ass to emphasize my point. “While you are here with me, you will cum only when I allow it!”

“Tell me, Kelly Anne,” I removed any emotion from my tone, “what kind of slave are you? I need an honest answer, because it will determine how I deal with you while you are here.”

“I don’t understand what you mean, Sir.”

“Are you a true slave, who lives only to please your Master,” I asked, “or are you a slave because of the sexual gratification you get from playing the role? Think carefully before you answer. I will not tolerate a frivolous response.”

She studied the splintered wood of the whipping post for a few minutes. “I-I-I want to be a slave who lives only to please her Master, b-but up to now, I guess I’ve just been doing it for my own gratification. It just drives me so wild to be punished, that I sometimes do things to invite it.”

“In other words,” I hardened my voice a little, “you presume to manipulate your Master or Mistress for your own pleasure!”

She cringed against the post, “Y-yes, Sir.”

“That doesn’t make you a very good slave, by my standards,” I said, “but at least you answered the question honestly, so I won’t punish you this time. Tell me, Kelly Anne, are you a pain slut? Will you do anything, for anybody, if they hurt you enough?”

“Oh, please, Sir!” she wailed, “Don’t make me answer that, please!”

“You MUST answer!” I slammed my open palm against the post beside her head for emphasis.

“Yes, Sir!” She was trembling again. “I’m afraid that I must be a pain slut, Sir. If you had raped my ass a little longer, I would have come just from the pain!”

“How do you feel about sex with animals, Kelly Anne,” I asked, “dogs, for instance.”

“Oh, please, Sir!” she begged “Don’t make me have sex with the dogs! I’m so afraid of them!”

I cocked an eyebrow in her direction but didn’t respond directly.

“Here are the rules, Kelly Slave.” I started unfastening her from the post. “I am only your temporary Master, so while you are here, you will call me only ‘Sir’, as you have been doing. While you are under my care, you will respond to me in all other respects as if I WERE your Master. I am not a cruel Master. I will not punish you solely for my pleasure. You will find that I am much more demanding than many, in most respects, and when you displease me, you will find that my punishments WILL NOT give you pleasure. If you have any questions for me, this is your only chance to ask them.”

“A-are you going to make the dogs fuck me, sir?” her lower lip trembled.

“No, Little Kelly Slave,” I smiled thinly, “you’re going to beg me to let them fuck you!”

“Oh, I could never do that, Sir!” she cried.

I just smiled as I released her from the whipping post.

I gave a tug on the fishing line ‘leash’ and led her inside, through the hidden door in my pantry, and down the stairs to the dungeon.

“The first thing we need to do,” I said, jerking the line to her clit for emphasis, “is to get rid of this costume jewelry, and get some real hardware installed.”

I bound her, face up, to a broad, padded bench with her arms and legs spread straight out to the sides. She was fairly limber, so the position didn’t strain her hip joints too much, though I could see the concentration on her face as she tried not to fight it.

From a recess in the pad below her crotch, I extracted a padded, three-pronged device that looked like nothing so much as an eagle’s claw. The lower prong was curved upward and centered between the two upper talons, which curved downward. The claw was attached to a rod that extended down into the bench.

The lower prong I inserted into Kelly’s vagina, and placed the upper pair on either side of her labia, extending upward toward her abdomen. When I activated the remote, the upper prongs clamped down on her pubic bone, trapping it against the one in her vagina. The mounting rod stiffened and receded a little, securing Kelly’s pelvis immovably to the bench, but leaving her pierced clit exposed in the center of the flattened V of the upper prongs.

With straps already securing her outstretched arms near the shoulder, it only remained for me to place and tighten a strap across her chest, just below the mounds of her breasts. When I was finished, she would have had difficulty moving any part of her torso more than about an eighth of an inch.

I untangled the fishing line from her little golden decoration, and used a pair of diagonal pliers to clip off one end of the barbell. I could have unscrewed the little ball, of course, but the way the dikes deformed the cut end of the bar gave her a little extra jolt when I pulled it out of its hole.

With the area sterilized, I plastered her pubic hair to her labia with sterile jelly, then used a large, curved needle to create a new, larger hole just beneath the buried shaft of her clitoris, near the protruding bud. Kelly’s arousal was evident from the copious amounts of fluid leaking out of her tunnel, despite her pitiful cries. I worked the needle around until I thought the hole would serve.

When the hole was ready, I took a thick, stainless steel ring, whose ends were offset from each other, and worked it through the hole, eliciting more painful pleas from my victim. I didn’t worry too much about her, since she came at least twice during this procedure. Once the ring was in place, I cleaned the blood and her fluids off of it, and used pliers to align the ends so that they butted tightly together.

I refreshed the gel on her mound and laid an insulating sheet with a hole in the middle over it, so that the top part of the ring protruded. I then jammed a tapered copper rod tightly into the ring so that its sides made good metal-to-metal contact. The bottom of the rod was grooved to prevent damage to Kelly Anne’s clit, and there was a small strip of insulating tape on top, just below the split in the ring. The rod acted as a heat sink when, working quickly and using a very hot, fine tipped torch, I welded the ends of the ring together. The copper absorbed most of the heat from the torch, but the bottom of the ring got hot enough to cause Kelly some discomfort.

Putting away the tools I used for this procedure, I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “How are you doing, Little Kelly Slave? Did you enjoy that?”

She rolled her eyes in my direction and hoarsely replied, “That was VERY intense, Sir!”

“I’ve still to do your breasts,” I warned, “do you want some anesthetic, or would you like to receive the unadulerated sensations of my – ministrations?”

“I hate my body for this, Sir,” she replied tremulously, “but I don’t want the anesthetic.”

I had puzzled for a little while over what to do with Kelly Anne’s tits. During our session at the club I had discovered how sensitive her nipples were and how much she enjoyed having them played with. Of course, rings would increase that sensitivity for a while, but after a long period of being pulled, twisted, and otherwise manipulated, the rings would likely cause a lessening of that sensitivity. I thought of using spikes, as well, but they too might get in the way of a future Master’s or Mistress’s recreation.

I put my devious little engineering mind, and my little shop of pleasures to work, and came up with a design I thought might do the trick. I just needed some measurements, a few little snips, a teensy bit of machine work, a little grinding and polishing, and I was ready to go.

Most of these preparations were completed in my shop out back, and I took the dogs with me to keep them from getting any unsanitary ideas about Kelly’s immobilized nether regions.

I returned from the shop with a sealed jar of alcohol containing four stainless steel rods, and eight stainless steel balls.

Using a long, straight needle, I created a passage starting and ending just outside the edge of her aureola, on diagonally opposite sides. Taking one of the rods that was flattened in the middle, with a hole through the flat spot, I snapped one of the balls to one end of it. I then forced the other end, the flattened area, and the rest of the rod, into the hole under Kelly’s nipple. When it emerged from the other side, to a chorus of cries and moans, I cleaned the blood off and snapped the other ball on, adjusting the rod’s position until I was satisfied that the flat spot was centered under the nipple. The design of the rod was such that once the balls were snapped in place, the only way to remove them was to cut them off.

Using another needle, I lined it up and began pushing it through at right angles to the first. When it touched the embedded rod, I felt around with the end of the neeedle until I located the hole at the center of the rod. I continued pushing the needle through the rod and her flesh.

Judging from Kelly’s cries, this wasn’t amusing her a lot, but the puddle between her legs was growing.

Taking one of the rods that had no hole or flat spot, I attached another ball to one end. The other end, conveniently enough, fit into a recess in the end of the needle. Coupling the ends together, I used the rod to push the needle through, and out the other side, thus threading the second rod through the hole in the first. After cleaning the protruding end of the rod, I snapped a ball onto it, as well. When I had finished, Kelly had four shiny, stainless steel balls apparently attached to the northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest quadrants of her aureola.

I showed this to her in the mirror and she looked puzzled. It was not unattractive, but she couldn’t quite figure out what it was for. I demonstrated by attaching a four-legged cage, each leg of which ended in a small hook. When the hooks were placed around the rods just inside the protruding balls and pulled outward, they snapped into place. Now, in addition to the four balls, Kelly had a shiny cage around her nipple that was eminently tuggable, bindable, or otherwise abusable.

Her eyes went wide as she realized some of the potential. A slight inward push while holding the ends of one of the rods, and the cage unsnapped.

(AUTHOR’S NOTE/WARNING: I have been chided by more than one reader for not making my FANTASIES more realistic. In this particular case I think it might be important to at least be VERY clear about the fact that this is FANTASY. I have no idea if piercings like these can be done without serious damage to the delicate glands and ducts of the breast. Furthermore, my characters tend to make use of their hardware almost immediately after installation to keep the story moving. In real life, I’m given to understand that the waiting period for most piercings to heal is 6-8 weeks, so if you want body modification, consult a reputable professional – NOT a FANTASY writer! Now back to our regularly scheduled perversion… )

Kelly continued to serenade me with her tortured shrieks as I installed an identical contraption in her other breast, and by the time I had finished, she lay in a stupor, having cum so many times that the puddle had become a stream running off the end of the bench.

I brushed a sweat-soaked strand of red hair from her face, and asked, “How do you feel, Little Kelly Slave?”

Kelly turned her head in my direction, “Stunned, Sir! And exhausted! But I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited! I must have cum at least ten times!”

“Why are you stunned, Kelly?” I asked curiously.

“Because I’m still alive, Sir!” Kelly replied meekly.

“Oh.” I smiled, keeping my voice friendly, “Well, actually, you came eleven times in all. What did I tell you about that?”

She smiled in response to my tone, until the import of my words hit home, then the blood drained from her face and she stared, aghast, at my still-smiling countenance. “OHMIGOD! You told me not to cum without your permission, Sir! I’m SO sorry sir! I just forgot! It won’t happen again, I promise, sir!”

My voice took on a hard edge. “Let’s see if we can make sure of that, shall we? You are such a disrespectful little slut you don’t even REMEMBER the commands you’re given!”

I quickly released her from her bonds, and just as quickly bound leather cuffs around her ankles and wrists. I secured her ankles to a bar that spread them well beyond shoulder width. When I triggered the remote, her feet rose toward the ceiling until she was suspended head down from a turntable-like mechanism. Another bar secured her cuffed wrists to a similar device on the floor. A particular combination of buttons on the remote started the devices at her feet and hands turning slowly, causing Kelly Anne’s body to rotate like a pig on a vertical spit.

I used a short, single strand whip like a basting brush, leaving no space on her body untouched, except in the immediate area of her new hardware and her face.

“If you cum while I’m punishing you, Kelly Anne,” I warned as I planted a nice welt on her flank, “I will bypass the dogs and take you directly to the barn for the horses to use! Do you understand, slave?”

“Yes – AAAAIIIEEE! – sir!” she wailed from amidst the red hair that flailed about her face, as, in a vain effort to escape her torment, she moved the only part of her body that was not bound.

When my critical eye could detect no fresh targets for my lash, I stopped her rotation and, using the remote, raised her body slightly until her eyes were level with my crotch.

Removing my trousers, I stepped in close, presenting her tear-stained face with with my flaccid cock. “Thank me for making you a better slave, Kelly Anne, then show me your appreciation.”

“Thank you, sir! Thank you so much for making me a better slave!” Her mouth opened and eagerly engulfed the head of my cock. “Mmmmmmmph u uhwee unch!”

Her sharp, pink tongue swirled my glans deliciously around the inside of her mouth, but the only time I felt teeth was when she deliberately nibbled on some portion of my flesh. Her movement was restricted by her bonds but she made the most of what was available, moving her head from side to side and back and forth to get at various parts of my quickly hardening tool.

As my shaft started to stiffen, she plastered her nose to my balls, and moaned around the head as it plugged itself into the back of her throat. The effect was electrifying. My over-stimulated organ sprang to erection, plunging up her throat as it lengthened. Kelly kept her face as tightly planted in my groin as she could, and I helped out by thrusting my hips forward.

As my rod hardened, it continued growing, extending into the eager slave’s throat. Finally needing to breathe, Kelly reluctantly backed off, lovingly laving my shaft and head with her tongue and lips as it withdrew. With my cock fully erect, when the excited redhead plunged down on it this time, she twisted her head from side to side, corkscrewing her constricted throat onto the skewering pole.

When her nose was once again buried in my scrotum, she bit – not hard, but the unexpected pressure of her teeth at the base of my cock caused my engorged member to leap inside her throat. Kelly moaned and endeavored to bury even more of my excited spear.

Most women who have given me head tolerated the presence of my cock in their mouths and did their best to get me off quickly. Kelly Anne acted as if there was nowhere she’d rather be than with my rampant dick buried deep in her throat. Each time she went down, she worked my turgid organ over until she absolutely HAD to breathe, and on the way up, made love to the shaft and glans as though afraid she’d never taste them again. Her teeth never scraped, but would occasionally, deliberately, bite, sending erotic shockwaves up my spine. I was so engrossed in the sensations that I didn’t notice, until she spoke, that she’d removed her mouth from my sex.

“Please, sir,” she rasped, “please rape my mouth! Fuck my throat with your delicious cock, please?!”

How could I refuse? I held her head in both hands and started a long, slow thrusting rhythm. All the way in, all the way out. Red hair swinging to and fro with each plunge, Kelly Anne moaned and suckled, pushing forward to meet every stroke, keeping her tongue busy finding all the most exquisite places to use it.

Of their own volition, my hips increased the speed and violence of my thrusts. Kelly met them even more eagerly. I pounded her face unmercifully, feeling her chin hit my pubic bone and grind against it. Still she seemed to want more.

My hips were a blur and each thrust brought me to my toes as I tried to bury as much of my cock in Kelly’s milking orifice as possible. Kelly’s eyelids fluttered and the volume of her moans rose, while their pitch fell until she was practically growling at my balls.

I could no more have held back that orgasm than I could have carried myself around by my own hip pocket. Three, four, five times I slammed full length into Kelly’s rapacious mouth, finally arresting, completely buried, as my straining legs trembled and my balls erupted their contents deep into the excited slave’s grasping, convulsing throat.

Wave after wave of ejaculate bathed the inside of Kelly’s esophagus, new pulses being triggered every few seconds by some vibration, movement, or spasm of the ravishing redhead’s mouth and throat. Finally, my legs gave out and I stumbled backward to lean against another piece of equipment, my still-hard cock dripping the last few ripples of cum onto the floor.

“Jesus H. Christ and his brother Harry!” I exploded, watching Kelly-Anne’s tongue searching for leftover bits of my slippery discharge, “Where in the hell did you learn to give head like that?!”

Butter wouldn’t have melted in her mouth. “Did you enjoy that, Sir?”

“I can honestly say, Little Kelly Slave,” I gasped, “that that was the BEST blowjob I have EVER experienced!”

“Well, Sir,” she replied innocently, “You DID say to show you my appreciation, and I REALLY appreciate your helping me become a better slave!”

I righted myself on wobbly knees, and stroked Kelly Anne’s inner thigh. “Well, Little Slave, if you appreciate it that much, I’ll be sure to do an extra special job of it.”

“I warn you though,” I continued gently, “this will not be easy on you. Are you sure you want to keep going.”

“Oh, yes Sir!” she cried from her upside-down position.

“Then you must realize something, Kelly Anne.” I replied, “You must stop worrying about your own pleasure and depend on your Master to fulfill your needs. If you concentrate on serving to the exclusion of all else, he will show his gratitude, and I guarantee you won’t lack for either the pleasure or the pain you desire. If you throw your heart and soul into pleasing him the way you threw it into that blowjob, any Master or Mistress will be more than grateful, I guarantee!”

“Unfortunately,” I gently toyed with her clit ring as I spoke, reminding her how painful new piercings can be, “I don’t have enough time before your Sister returns to do a proper job of training you, so I’m going to have to take a few shortcuts.”

“What kind of shortcuts, Sir?”

I knelt down so she could see my smile. “THAT you’ll discover in due time, Little Kelly Slave!”

I released her from her bondage and instructed her on the care of her new hardware. I let her shower in the guest bathroom upstairs, but didn’t allow any clothing. When she had finished her ablutions, I cuffed her hands behind her back and commanded: “You will follow two paces behind me at all times, unless I instruct you otherwise. If I catch you trying to get off in any way, the punishment you just received will seem like playtime at kindergarten, is that clear?”

She bowed her head and stared past her newly adorned breasts at her feet. “Yes sir.”

“Understand me slave!” I continued “You are allowed out of the dungeon because you pleased me exceedingly well, but I have not forgotten your earlier disobedience, so take care you don’t end up spending a sleepless night in my dungeon while one of my evil little machines torments you!”

“Yes sir!”

I called Doc Miller while Kelly listened, wondering what my half of the conversation meant for her.

“Doc? Hi! Mike Brenneman!”

“Oh, doin’ ok, I guess! How about you?”

“That’s great! Say ‘Hi’ to Anna for me!”

“No, I just called to see if you got that device I ordered…”

“… and the instructions?”

“Any problems?”

“Pretty straightforward, huh?”

“Yeah… Oh good! Well listen, how’s tomorrow look?”

“Yeah, I’ll bring her in.”

“Great, see you then! Oh, say, while I’ve got you on the line, I may have something special lined up for you in a few weeks.”

“Yeah, that kind of special!”

“No, no – female!”

“Uh huh. All the way from Texas!”

“Now that’d be telling, wouldn’t it? You’ll just have to wait and see!”

“All right, Doc! See you tomorrow night!”

Doc Miller is the only one of the local residents, besides my neighbor Sarah Noonan and her daughter Penny (see “A House in the Woods – Penny”) who knows anything about my activities. He knows because I once saw him in a dark room in San Francisco engaged in his favorite pastime – being thoroughly abused by a dominant, in this case, male. I have since learned that the sex of the dominant person doesn’t matter much to him.

Having discovered the skeleton in his closet, I made a little pact with the Doc. Occasionally, he’ll do something under the table for one of my guests. In return, I provide him with partners and a place to receive all the abuse he needs, without having to go seeking it in public venues.

The Doc is an excellent community doctor and our little rural outpost is lucky to have him, so I try to keep from straining his sense of ethics too much. His wife, Anna, knows about and condones his hobby, but it’s doubtful if the rest of the community would look favorably on it. By making the arrangement reciprocal, and keeping my requests within certain bounds, it feels more like a mutual agreement than extortion, so it works well for both of us.

I prepared dinner and released Kelly Anne’s hands long enough for her to eat, but made sure she kept them above the table.

Kelly Anne slept in my bed, and I used her ass without allowing her to cum before falling asleep. In the morning, I woke her bright and early and treated myself to another of her artistic head jobs.

This time, I released her hands, admonishing her to keep them on MY crotch, not hers. If anything, I came even harder. With her hands free, she used her mouth on my scrotum and the edges of my shaft, kissing, sucking, licking – making exquisite love to my rod. She tongued and nibbled my asshole and perineum, not at all shy about what might or might not be lurking there. When her fingers penetrated my rectum, they did so as voluptuously as her mouth worked my organ. Instead of going direct for the prostate, as most women did, she played with the inside of my chute – pricking it lightly with her nails, teasing at the inside of my sphincter, and only occasionally flicking lightly at the sensitive bulb of my prostate. She seemed to know exactly what would give me the most pleasure, and was not reticent about giving it. Her eyes seldom closed, but instead of watching my face, as most women did when blowing me, she watched my cock as it slid wetly in and out of her mouth, as if it were the center of her universe.

This time, after another explosive climax, I had to push her off my super-sensitive rod as it wilted and leaked milky fluid on my belly.

Again, I kept Kelly naked with her hands bound and made her follow me around. Occasionally, I would pleasure myself in her mouth or in her quivering rectum, each time denying her orgasm. She knew better than to protest, but by afternoon, her frustration was beginning to show. I sat her in front of the TV in the dungeon for a few hours, bound so that she couldn’t relieve the growing pressure, and played a preprogrammed series of raunchy DVD’s for her, the last showing a bound slave being given to a kennel full of horny male dogs.

I made her dress in a simple, presentable shift and flat shoes for dinner, and spiked her wine with a little Rohypnol. By the time we had finished eating, she was already a little woozy. I bundled her into my truck and took off for town. Doc Miller’s office is located just outside of the town proper, and while there are more houses in that area than in mine, it’s fairly easy to slip unseen into his parking lot and pull up to the back door. This was convenient for me, but I had installed a custom security system for the Doc because the isolation would make it easy for someone who wanted drugs to break in.

Kelly Anne was gone by the time I unloaded her from my pickup, and Doc decided he wouldn’t even need anesthetic. I waited in his office, watching through the window as he implanted the little electronic device and its transducers in Kelly’s body.

One of the companies in which I invested heavily had invented technology that they hoped would revolutionize the field of pain management, though it was tough going to convince the medical community to get off the old tried-and-true drug therapy.

Their invention consisted of a tiny, remote-controlled electronic device that managed one or more even smaller pain inhibiting transducers, connected to the device itself by almost microscopic wires. The ‘PainHibitor’ had two separate effects that could be selected from the remote. The first flooded the targeted area with pleasurable sensations to mask the pain. The second blocked all nerve transmissions from the target area.

In discussion with the inventor and founder of the company, I discovered that there was a third effect produceable as a by-product of the other two, but which was not publicized or made accessible through the standard remotes. The device could also produce excruciating pain akin to acid being electrically fried under the patient’s skin.

Financial difficulties weighed heavily on the company in its bid to make the medical community sit up and take notice, so it didn’t take too much persuasion to get them to make me a special version of their device and provide the Doc with instructions on how to implant it. The device they delivered was capable of producing any of the three possible effects, and controlled four separate transducers. The magnitude of each effect was controlled by the amplitude of the signal from the remote. A dial on the remote controlled that amplitude for patients, but I had obtained the specs from the engineers and created some special interfaces for my own purposes.

In return for their indulgence in providing me with this special model, I bought enough stock to pay the company’s operating expenses for another year. Actually, it was a good investment, special edition device or no, and I fully expect to get many times my money back.

The device itself was implanted under Kelly’s pubic bone, between the bone and the wall of her vagina. One transducer was implanted in her G spot and another at the base of her clitoris. The almost invisible wires connecting these proximate transducers to the device were relatively easy to run under her skin using a short guide needle, though the procedure was tedious.

Getting the longer wires to the transducers implanted in Kelly’s nipples was an even longer and more tedious process involving a long, thin tube, about the diameter of a fine hypodermic needle, and guide magnets.

The transducers were implanted and the wires routed under the red-head’s lightly tanned, freckled skin in the first two steps of the procedure. This left her with five small punctures and some tiny wires hanging out of her vaginal opening. The wires were then attached to the device, which was inserted into the hole through which the wires emerged. I was impressed by Doc’s skill at performing this delicate procedure through such tiny, pin-prick holes.

As I put Kelly’s shift back on, Doc told me to wait two or three days before using her vagina, after that, the small puncture at its mouth should have healed sufficiently. He also gave me some antibiotics to give her, just in case.

(AUTHOR’S NOTE: Once again, in this FANTASY world, we can give patients antibiotics without knowing their medical history. In real life, allergies happen, so DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME!)

“So tell me about this Texan.” Doc probed, putting away his instruments. “What’s she like?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see for yourself, Doc!” I grinned, then relented a little. “All right, her name’s Goddess Jada, and I’ve seen some of her ‘work’. I promise you won’t be disappointed! She’s another redhead, though hers is more toward auburn than this one.”

“So what’s she into?” Doc probed again.

“I’ll let her show you, Doc.” I laughed, “I will tell you she has a tattoo of a pair of handcuffs across her lower back, but the rest – well you just have to wait and see. Now help me get Kelly back to the truck before she starts to come around.”

Doc knew me well enough to realize I wasn’t going to give him anything I didn’t want to, so he helped me pile Kelly Anne’s limp form into the pickup and get her harness buckled.

I got Kelly into bed in the guest room and retired to mine.

Early the next morning, I was shaking Kelly awake. “Get up, you disrespectful little slut!”

“Huh?” Kelly mumbled groggily, “Wha?”

“How dare you drink so much?” I blustered, “How dare you pass out in my house! Get your freckled ass down to the dungeon!”

“Yes, Sir!” Kelly responded, a very puzzled and chagrined expression on her sleep-ridden face.

She rolled out of bed and almost fell, but got unsteadily to her feet and stumbled toward the kitchen.

“I’m sorry, Sir! I didn’t think the wine was that strong, Sir! I don’t know how I could have drunk so much!” her litany of apology continued all the way to the pantry.

I felt a little guilty blaming this on her, but it was necessary for my plan to work in the time I had with her.

I snapped cages on Kelly’s tit implants. These particular cages had a threaded ring at the juncture of the four legs. Into each of these rings I screwed a rod whose inner ended narrowed and extended past the threaded portion, ending in a needle point. When the rod was screwed into the cage, the pointed end embedded itself in the center of Kelly’s sensitive little nipple. The outer end of the rod was about an inch and a half long and also threaded. Onto this, I screwed a heavy steel ball.

Each time Kelly moved, the ball’s inertia would cause it to displace slightly off-center. This would, in turn, jostle the needle tip and give her nipples a corresponding jolt, while magnifying the pain of the abused flesh around the implanted rods. I lifted and dropped the balls a couple of times to demonstrate for her, eliciting excited gasps from the slave.

“We’re going to up the ante today, slave!” I grinned. “You will wear these for the rest of the day, and if you cum – well, the horses haven’t had a mare in weeks!”

I bound Kelly Anne in front of the TV and put on a series of bestiality DVDs, leaving her room to exercise the weights on her breasts, then went upstairs to give the dogs their new collars. Before I left I silently pointed to the video cameras mounted around the dungeon, all their little red lights blinking.

I had made special collars for Caesar and Czar for this occasion. Mounted to each of these collars was a transmitter matching the specifications of the remote for Kelly’s implants. The transmitters were very weak, and would have little effect from more than about ten feet away. Whenever one of the dogs got close to Kelly Anne, however, her implant would start sending pleasure signals to her clit and G-spot. This would max out at about thirty percent with the dog’s head in her lap, so she wouldn’t be acutely aware of it, but each time she was near one or both dogs, she would feel a pleasurable tingling in her loins.

I returned to the dungeon with the dogs trailing along, and released Kelly Anne.

“Sir?” she asked meekly.

“Yes, slave?”

“I know I did a disrespectful thing in getting drunk and passing out,” she said, puzzled, “but I was expecting a harsher punishment. May I ask why you didn’t punish me?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t I, slave?”

I gazed pointedly at the slick puddle where she had been sitting.

Comprehension dawned on her face. “Oh my God! Are you EVER going to let me cum, Sir?”

I glared at her for a moment. “I’m not feeling so inclined, but if you asked me nicely, I might let the dogs help you out.”

“Oh!” she gasped, “I could NEVER do that sir!”

“Why not, Kelly Slave?” I probed.

“Oh, sir, it’s just too degrading!” she cried, “To be a dog’s bitch? I could never face myself afterward! Besides, I’m afraid of dogs!”

“Are you a slave, or not?” was all I said before turning toward the stairs.

As the day wore on, Kelly Anne’s frustration grew, and I did much to help it grow. I kept the dogs close by and kept us moving, the constant stimulation of her nipples coupled with the electronic stimulation of her G-spot and clit ensured a continuous stream of fluid that ran down her legs and left spots wherever she stood or stepped. Now and then, I would make her stop and spread her legs, allowing the dogs to sniff and lick at her dripping pussy, which increased almost to maximum the signal to her implant. Occasionally, I would press myself into her back, allowing her to feel the bulge of my cock, as I nipped at the curve of her neck or nibbled on her ear. I would intentionally brush against the weights on her tits, amplifying the sensation they caused.

By evening, Kelly Anne was moaning whenever I approached her. Unconsciously, whenever the dogs were nearby, she would move closer to their position, despite her fear.

After dinner, I made her sit on my lap, with the dogs snoozing nearby, as I read erotic stories, aloud, off the internet while idly playing with her piercings. By the time I let her go to bed, hands bound out of harms way, she was practically whining in frustration and pent-up lust. I made the dogs sleep in her room, but removed the cages from her breasts.

When I went to wake her in the morning, the covers were strewn on the floor around the bed, and the red headed slave lay face down, humping at the mattress, almost crying because it didn’t come close to providing the satisfaction she needed.

She didn’t see me and I silently removed my clothes before entering the room. Without a word, I mounted the prone figure and, not having relieved my bladder yet, used my piss-hardened cock to roughly penetrate her little pink sphincter. It took me a while to cum because of my full bladder, and I had to keep warning Kelly not to cum as I ravaged her ass.

When I had finally achieved a half-hearted ejaculation, I concentrated, and slowly released my urine. Kelly Anne gasped as she felt the warmth flood her bowels, and I had to warn her again.

“Don’t cum, slave!” I hissed, “It’s not your turn!”

“A-are you peeing inside me, Sir?”

“Yes, Little Slave,” I whispered, close to her ear, “I’m using you as my toilet!”

“Oh shit!” she moaned “That’s SO dirty! Why does it excite me so much, Sir?”

“Because its so degrading,” I replied, “and because you LIKE being humiliated!”

I reached into the drawer of the nightstand beside the bed and withdrew a butt plug I had placed there the night before. As the tip of my softened member slid free of Kelly’s distended sphincter, I pressed the plug home with a single push, allowing only a few drops of brown liquid to seep out.

I released her hands and allowed Kelly Anne to run to the bathroom, but stopped the door with my hand as she was closing it. I didn’t particularly want to watch her void, but I wanted the slave to experience me watching her in this most private of acts.

Kelly turned almost as red as her hair when she realized what I meant to do, but knew better than to protest, as I watched her remove the plug and dump my morning piss into the toilet along with the contents of her bowels. She turned an even brighter shade of red as she listened to the indelicate sounds coming from her abused rectum, realizing that I was listening too.

When she had cleaned herself I took her to the dungeon and clipped the cages on her breasts again. This time, however, I first placed a short noose around each nipple, and snugged it tightly to the pink flesh. The cages I used were taller than previous ones and fastened around the implanted rods instead of just clipping to them. From the center of each cage hung a hook threaded into a ring at the top of the cage. I looped the other end of the noose from each nipple to the hook and turned its top counterclockwise to pull outward on the noose until the nipple was distended about an inch and a half from the implants. I decided against using additional weights at first and just allowed the device’s length and its own weight to change the direction and strength of the tugging sensation each time Kelly moved.

The biggest drawback to this arrangement was that every so often I had to remove the noose to allow blood to return to the nipple. When I did, I sucked and licked the excruciatingly sensitive buds back to life.

For two more days, I did everything in my power to increase Kelly’s frustration and convince her of her love for degradation and humiliation. By the end of the third day, I almost had to hold her back to keep her from following the dogs when they moved away from us.

Finally, a little after noon on the fourth day, Kelly broke. She collapsed to the floor in a heap, sobbing, “Please, Sir! I can’t stand it any more! Please let the dogs fuck me!”

I knelt beside her and brushed the hair from her face. Cupping her chin I raised her face to mine. “What did you say, Kelly Slave?”

“Please let the dogs fuck me, Sir!” she cried

“I thought you said you couldn’t do that, Kelly Anne.” I chided, “What made you change your mind?”

“I-I don’t know, sir!” her voice was a hoarse whisper, “I need to cum, and, somehow, over the last few days, I’ve found myself getting more and more excited around the dogs. I’m still afraid of them, but I guess, after what you’ve done to me these last couple of days, it doesn’t seem so degrading, and, well, I just don’t know!”

“Then how do you know it’s what you want?”

“I don’t know sir!” she wailed, “I just DO!”

“Well then,” I rose, “come along and lets see if the boys want to help you out!”

Actually, I had feared I was going to have to force the issue on Kelly before Caesar and Czar let their own frustration drive them to take matters into their own hands. They’re good dogs, but there’s only so much you can do to inhibit an animal’s sexual urges before beasts as smart as these make their own opportunities.

I placed new cages on Kelly’s tits. From the center of each of these cages, an adjustable rod extended inward, expanding into a multi-taloned claw, whose sharp tips were spaced just a bit wider than the diameter of her little pink nipples. To the end of the rod that extended beyond the cage, I attached a device that consisted of a small electric motor whose shaft bore an off-center weight, so that when the motor rotated, the claw end of the device was forced to oscillate in opposition to the weight, pricking the tender nipple lightly all around with its talons.

The motor speed was, of course, adjustable.

Commanding the horny slave to kneel, I signed for Caesar to roll over on the floor in front of her.

“Well, Kelly Anne,” I said softly, “Caesar here has been watching your award-winning blowjobs all week, and I think he’d like to experience one for himself.”

Kelly shot me a stricken look, but seeing no mercy in my face, reluctantly bent over the beast’s furry belly. Caesar knew something sexy was coming, but he was an old hand and didn’t get excited all that easily. Only the pointed tip of his scarlet shaft protruded from its fuzzy sheath. Kelly’s pink tongue, several shades lighter than the dog cock, poked tentatively from the frightened slave’s lips. Watching Caesar’s face for any sign of displeasure (as if dogs had facial expressions!) she gingerly touched the pointy tip of her tongue to the pointed tip of his cock. She looked a little surprised at the taste, and when Caesar didn’t bite her head off, she gained confidence, licking down the length of the exposed portion of his dick.

Gradually, more of the vein-laced shaft emerged, and Kelly, now somewhat in her element, took it between her lips. She was still a bit unsure of Caesar, but most men would have shot their wad in seconds. The lovely redhead bathed the moist flesh with her tongue, then opened her pink lips and engulfed the tip of his spear. Caesar apparently appreciated that. He extended his neck, bending his head backward, and started humping motions with his hips, while using his front paws to press on the back of Kelly’s head.

Her eyes flew open and fear momentarily gripped her, but when she realized it was the canine version of same reaction she got from men, she smiled a little and returned to her task. Caesar’s shaft soon extended enough from his sheath to go into action, and since I didn’t want his knot inflating in Kelly’s mouth, I stopped her.

Leaning over my temporary slave, I whispered in her ear, “On your hands and knees now, Kelly. Be a good little bitch for Caesar.”

A shudder went through her, and she met my gaze with wide, frightened eyes, but as she complied, I could see the moisture running in rivulets down her thighs. I started the motors on Kelly’s tit cages rotating slowly as Caesar mounted, but once he was embedded inside her, I cut the signal from his collar. I didn’t want her getting dependent on the embedded device for her pleasure.

Kelly gasped as Caesar’s long slender rod penetrated deep within her on the first thrust, its hard, pointed tip stabbing at the end of her vagina. The half-wolf’s hind feet shuffled forward for better purchase, and his second drive sank the furry end of his sheath between her sodden labia.

Her breath coming in short, hurried pants, Kelly held her body rigid as Caesar wrapped his forelegs around her, grasping her hipbones for leverage, and laid his head alongside hers.

The gray-furred beast stroked long and brutally into the sparse red fringe surrounding Kelly Anne’s vagina, each thrust slamming his growing rod deeper into her cavity.

“Don’t cum until Caesar does, Little Kelly Slave!” I whispered into her ear. Her eyes swung wildly in my direction, as if questioning my sanity for even thinking she could cum with a vicious animal embedded in her cunt.

Soon, however, Caesar’s secret weapon made its appearance. The knot near the base of his shaft started growing.

Kelly Anne’s eyelids fluttered as the bulge shuttled back and forth across her G-spot and her arms lost their strength. With a strangled groan, she dropped to her elbows, raising her rump in total submission to Caesar’s mastery.

As the knot neared its full diameter, the subjugated red-head shrieked on each entry and exit because of the rapid stretching and relaxing of her vaginal tunnel. Finally, even Kelly’s elastic flesh could expand no more and the knot stuck fast in her quivering quim.

Shifting his hind feet once more, Caesar settled into his favorite part of fucking a female. His tail tucked between his legs, he began a staccato shuffle of his trapped organ within the hot confines of his bitch’s channel, banging her cervix with the pointed tip of his cock, then slamming the engorged ball against the cringing opening of her tunnel.

I leaned over the trembling slave again. “How does it feel to be a dog’s bitch, Kelly Anne?” I whispered.

“UUUNNNNNGGGHHHGOD!” She grunted, “I never dreamed… ! OOOOOOO! His cock is so… ! Oh, SHIT! It’s wonnnnderful, sir!”

The moans continued as her canine lover’s machine-gun fucking fisted her cunt with his softball-sized knot, occasionally changing pitch and volume as Caesar shifted and prodded some new region of Kelly’s surrendered insides.

Caesar’s hips became a grey blur and the impaled red-head’s groans changed to shrieks as he drove them toward their final release. Suddenly, Caesar slammed into Kelly’s buttocks, holding onto her hips for dear life as his hind feet scrabbled at the backs of her thighs, and his tail looked as if it, too, were trying to push him inward. The ravished slave screeched through her explosion as she felt the superheated liquid of Caesar’s lava blasting her insides. Her hips snapped back to take even more of the canine cock and her head flew upward, as she howled her own pleasure to the roof.

They held that pose for long moments, panting in unison, until Caesar, as was his habit when he was done with a bitch, lifted his hind leg and turned tail-to-tail with the exhausted slave. She whined her way through another small orgasm has his cock and knot rotated within her.

I swept the sweat-soaked red strands from Kelly’s face and asked conversationally, “So, was it everything you hoped it would be, Little Kelly Slave?”

She turned her head sideways to look up at me, shock in her expression, “What do you mean, Sir?”

“I mean,” I responded in my best paternal voice, “that I remember the conversation we had at that club while I was raping your luscious little ass, and how turned on you got when I talked about giving you to my dogs. I remember how vociferous your protests were, but that you came almost continuously as I described how I would make you into an eager bitch. I KNOW why you came here, even if you don’t!”

Kelly came again as comprehension dawned on her pretty, freckled face. “OH, UUUHHH, MY GOD! I CAME here so you could do what you talked about! I WANTED to be a BITCH for your dogs!”

I nodded, “Now you’re getting the picture, slave! You couldn’t just come out and ask – your upbringing wouldn’t let you – but I knew, the moment I saw you, why you came.”

We waited in silence until Caesar’s bloated locking ball shrank enough to slurp its way out of the redhead’s distended tunnel, letting loose a flood of female and canine juices.

“Get up, Slave!” I commanded, “It’s time I showed you the short cuts I told about!”

Naturally, Kelly was a little slow getting to her feet.

I hit the remote for her implant with the pain level set to a bit less than half.

Kelly Anne jackknifed into a rigid foetal position, clutching at her breasts and pussy, and screaming silently at the top of her lungs. When I saw Czar and Caesar pawing at their ears, I realized her scream wasn’t entirely silent.

“When I give a command,” I told her evenly, after releasing the button, “I expect it to be obeyed instantly!”

This time Kelly jumped to her feet, staring at me as if I were Dracula come to life.

“What did you do to me, Sir?!” she cried.

I blipped the button again, just for an instant, drawing an agonized screech from her, as she pawed once again at her breasts and crotch. “Silence, Slave!”

When she had calmed a bit, I ordered, “Lay there! On your back!”

The confused slave practically fell on her back where I had indicated. I bound her feet into stirrups much like those in a Gynecologist’s office, then ordered, “Masturbate!”

She looked puzzled, but her hands moved quickly to her pussy.

As she stroked herself, I knelt and whispered in her ear, “THAT, Little Kelly Slave, was one of my shortcuts. With this little button,” I showed her the remote, “I can give you instant agony. What you experienced was less than half power.”

Her eyes went wide, but she didn’t dare speak. The thought of the kind of control that gave me over her, however, had her nearing her peak as she strummed her little clit and its ring.

As she approached her climax, I thumbed the button that cut off sensation from the area around the implanted transducers, instantly numbing her most sensitive flesh.

“THIS,” I rasped, “is another of my little shortcuts!”

She cried in frustration as all sensation was removed from her clit in an instant, leaving a crashing void in its wake.

I removed her hands, which were still trying desperately to find what I had taken away, and cuffed them above her head.

“And THIS,” I said, as I cranked up the volume on the pleasure effect from her implants, “is the third!”

The helpless slave’s body twisted, moaned, and shrieked through a soul rending orgasm in seconds. Just as quickly, I removed the signal, leaving her gasping on the bench with only the memory of the sensations that caused her climax.

“M-m-may I ask a question, Sir?” Kelly panted.

“I expect you will have several,” I replied, “but let me speak first, then, if you still have them, I will answer those of your questions that it pleases me to respond to.”

“Remember the night you passed out?” I asked.

At her nod I continued, “You passed out because I gave you a roofie. While you were out, I had Doc Miller implant some special electronics in your body. You have just experienced some of what those implants can do. Remember how much pleasure you’ve been feeling when the dogs are around? That’s because their collars, when turned on, transmit to the pleasure function of your implant. That’s one of the ways I got you to cave in so quickly. The implanted devices have certain subtle variations on what you’ve already experienced, that you will become acquainted with shortly. Do you have any questions?”

“Why, Sir?” Kelly’s lower lip trembled.

I knelt again at her side, showing her the remote. “When you find a Master or Mistress you can trust, call me. After I have checked them out, I will give them this, which will, in turn, give them total control of you.”

She nodded solemnly.

“But, why this, Sir?” she asked plaintively.

“You wanted me to help you become a better slave. A good slave is completely subjugated to her Master’s will. Given a few months, I could have trained you to be that kind of slave. Since I had less than a week, this is what I came up with. I had been wanting to try this device on someone. I originally thought to use it on my regular slave, Amy, but she’s already so well trained it wouldn’t have added much to the experience. You now have a choice. You can continue being the kind of slave you’ve been, or you can give yourself completely to one Master or Mistress. If you do, it’s total surrender. You will have absolutely no control over your actions or sexual responses.”

I stood and retrieved a vibrator-looking device of my own design. I took a portable CD player and plugged a cord from the end of the vibrator into a dual adapter in the player’s headphone jack, alongside the headphones.

“Since you were so good to Caesar,” I told the red-haired slave as I placed the headphones on her ears, “I’ll show you one of the nicer ways to use this new part of you. This plastic phallus has some unusual features, including an interface to your implants.”

The electronics in the dildo worked off the same remote as Kelly’s implants. Once I had fully inserted it into Kelly Anne’s still leaking cunt, I activated the tiny inflator in its base. This pumped air into a collar a couple of inches up the shaft that, once inflated, acted like the knot on a dog’s dick.

With the phallus securely locked in the trembling girl’s vagina, I found the track I wanted, and started the CD player. ‘On My Own’ by Patti La Belle and Michael McDonald started pumping into the dildo’s electronics as well as Kelly’s ears. The pleasure circuits stimulated her in time with the music, as did the vibrator and motorized plunger. As Kelly’s brain was inundated with the song, her nether regions were deluged with a mechanical/electronic interpretation of it.

I sat and watched as the lovely redhead squirmed and pumped her hips in time to the music, her dance becoming wilder and less rhythmic as her passion outran the beat. The frequency of the vibrator was synced to the music, as was the speed and depth of the plunger.

Kelly Anne’s helpless body drove through almost continuous orgasm as the song played out in her head, until, finally, it ended, leaving her panting and heaving, quivering through a series of aftershocks as I unplugged the CD player and deflated the collar so I could remove the artificial phallus from within her.

It was a minute or two before she had breath to speak. “Ooooh, Sir! What a MARVELOUS way to listen to music!”

I smiled but said, “The music can drive the pain effect, too, so be obedient, or I’ll have you down here listening to ‘In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida’ on the pain setting, drum solo and all!”

I had to support Kelly when I unbound her from the bench, her wobbly knees unable to quite hold her up.

“Now, Little Kelly Slave,” I said softly, “you still have one more dog to go. If you kneel here at the end of this bench, it will support you while Czar uses your pink little ass.”

She shot me a dirty look, but knelt as I instructed.

I removed the cages from her breasts, but hung a nice sized weight from her clit ring.

“Your gonna love this.” I whispered, as Czar, his prick already hard from the smell of Kelly’s arousal, mounted her back.

“Czar’s knot doesn’t inflate until just before he cums,” I elaborated, “so you’ll get several minutes of long, hard stroking before he locks in.”

Kelly Anne shuddered, and the flow of juice down her leg increased, “Oooh, Sir! Do I have to wait for him to cum?”

“Not this time,” I smiled, “you just do what ‘cums’ naturally!”

She started to give me another dirty look for the pun, but just then, Czar sank his long red spear to the hilt in her rectum, and her face lost expression as her eyes rolled back in her head.

“Soooooo LLLOOOONNNNGGG!” she moaned.

Czar wasted no time on niceties like letting her adjust to him, but like the beast that he was, immediately started jackhammering Kelly’s guts with his pointed chisel, driving deeper and deeper as his cock grew toward its full extension.

Unlike Caesar, Czar likes the long strokes when he’s fucking, and he likes them fast and hard. Each of his thrusts takes every ounce of his considerable strength, and each lightning withdrawal is designed to re-cock the triphammer of his loins as quickly as possible. His whole body goes into the plunge and if I hadn’t watched him do this hundreds of times, I’d be looking for his dick to emerge from Kelly’s mouth.

Kelly, too, apparently liked the long strokes. She wailed her first climax a minute or two into her canine sodomy, bucking back to receive every lunge of her bestial lover’s fleshy sword. Czar never slowed or skipped a beat and Kelly climbed from peak to peak, going ever higher in her primordial lust as she surrendered her body to her grey furred master.

When Czar’s knot finally started to swell, it bumped through Kelly’s cringing sphincter for a dozen or more strokes, growing ever larger. The redhead’s cries became bestial grunts as the conquering cudgel beat her rectum into submission, and finally locked inside.

With less room to stroke, Czar switched to the rapidfire humping that would finish him off, as his bitch shuffled backward, trying to stuff his blood-filled organ deeper into her bowels, grunting and snuffling as she fought for enough air to fuel the fires of her passion.

His tail tickling her rigidly flexed abdomen, Czar gave his final thrust, deep into the bowels of the eager dog-slave as she reared back to meet him. The feel of his molten seed coating her intestines sent Kelly Anne of into space – sreeching and cursing, her ravaged ass devouring the engorged weapon. Kelly Anne and her master froze in a bestial tableau as together they savored the sensual explosions.

Czar relinquished his grip on the slender redhead’s hips and stood above her slumping form, the very picture of a conquering alpha male, then, nonchalantly, stepped over her limp form and turned his back on her. The surrendered slave shuddered through another climax as his cock squirmed to a new posture inside her convulsing colon.

Three days later, as I parked in front of Kelly’s sister’s house in Idaho Falls, I kissed her tenderly.

“Tell the boys I’ll miss them, Sir!” she said. After three days alone in the dungeon with her, they’d miss her too, but not until they had a chance to recuperate some.

I handed Kelly Anne a case containing the special dildo and the various attachments for her tits. Pointing to the phallus, I said, “All the functions except the interface to the implants work on this, and there are the instructions. Have fun!”

She smiled her thanks and kissed me on the cheek.

As she climbed from the cab of the pickup, I said, “Choose your next Master or Mistress well, Kelly Anne. That remote will give them total control over you!”

She nodded, then turned to look as my eyes were drawn to a shorter, more petite version of herself who stepped from the house. Naturally, I like to look at pretty women, but what really caught my attention was the severe black bustier and cat-o-nine-tails.

“Your sister?” I asked.

Kelly Anne laughed at my upraised eyebrows and said throatily, “How do you think I got started being submissive?”

She slammed the door of the truck and ran to kneel at the smaller woman’s feet.



My weekend guest had arrived early from Pullman and was comfortably ensconced in my dungeon. She was properly bound, but with one hand free to select from the array of sex toys I had placed within reach for her use as she watched a pre-programmed series of porn DVD’s. I had promised her she could play with my slave, Amy, when she arrived later, but didn’t want her wandering around the house since I was expecting some guys over for poker later that evening.

I was hoping Amy would arrive early so I could get her and her vehicle out of sight before the guys arrived. We live in a small, scattered community where everyone knows everyone else, and while it was no secret that Amy and I were seeing each other, I doubt that anyone would have liked knowing that, in private, she was my slave.

Amy solved that problem for me by calling to tell me she couldn’t come – her mother was sick and needed Amy there to take care of her. While I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to juggle Amy’s arrival with that of the guys, it left me with the problem of what to do with my guest in the dungeon.

I was in my workshop putting a final polish on the custom made wooden dildo I had promised the mayor’s wife. It was twelve inches long, quite thick, and a veritable caricature of a male erection. The basic material was ebony and the head was almost half again as wide as the shaft. Dark red veins, made of raised cherrywood inlays created an intricate network around the shaft. Even the attached ball sack, while hairless, seemed to bulge with cum-filled testicles under the crinkled surface of the scrotum. While beautiful to look at, most women would have found this toy somewhat intimidating to use, but the mayor’s wife was a big, strapping woman, and I knew she’d have little trouble taking full advantage of it.

As I put the artificial phallus in a locked cabinet to let the waterproof finish dry, Caesar, one of my Timber Wolf – Malamute mix dogs, flowed through the door of the workshop like a big grey ghost and sat at my feet facing the front of the lot where a dirt track came up from the main road. He placed his right paw on my leg to be sure that I knew someone was coming. From his demeanor, I knew it was not a vehicle he’d seen before, so I went through the back door of the house and waited in the shadows of my home’s interior to get a first look at the visitor without being seen. I don’t have a lot of enemies, but occasionally, one of my guests decides that he or she would rather not know the things I’d shown them about themselves, and comes back to vent their displeasure, so I’m careful.

I didn’t recognize the Lexus that pulled into the clearing. It sported a small religious statuette on the dash and a license plate frame from a dealer in Pleasanton, California. Nor did I recognize the trim, well-dressed Filipina who slid out of the driver’s door. The car had California plates, and the woman seemed a bit older than my usual “clientele”, so I waited in the shadows a bit to see if I could get some idea of what she wanted before confronting her. She checked something on a piece of paper, smoothed the travel wrinkles out of her clothes, adjusted her frameless glasses, and looked nervously about the clearing before squaring her shoulders and climbing the porch stairs to knock on my screen door.

She wore a large diamond ring, diamond pendant, and diamond earrings (for traveling, in the middle of the day!). Her Gucci shoes were a bit dusty from the walk across the clearing. Unless I missed my guess, she wore an Ann Taylor suit from last year’s line, and carried a Dooney & Bourke knockoff for a handbag. Her hair was almost boy-cut – short and tapered sharply to her neckline. This was a woman who dressed not to attract men, but to impress other women.

She seemed more nervous than angry, so I came to the door as if I had just heard her knock.

“Can I help you?”

Nervously, she consulted the paper again. “Uh, yes. I’m looking for a Mr. Mike Brenneman?”

“Whom shall I say is calling?”

“Oh! My name is Marietta Jameison.”

“How can I help you Mrs. Jameison?” I still hadn’t opened the screen.

“I’m not sure… Are you Mr. Brenneman?”

At my nod she looked nervously around the clearing again, and said, “My, ah my daughter, Vanessa, said I should talk to you.”

“About what?” I knew Vanessa Jameison, but to the best of my knowledge, she was quite happy with what we did together. I could think of no reason why she would send her mother to visit me.

“It’s, ah, it’s very hard to say, Mr. Brenneman. She said you might, ah, be able to help me?” she had reached for something in her handbag and started playing with it absent-mindedly.

I smiled as I saw the rosary trailing from her fingers.

I pushed open the screen door, saying “Won’t you come inside, Mrs. Jameison? May I get you something to drink? Wine? Soft drink? Cocktail?”

She stepped into the cool interior and said, “Uh, just ice water is ok.”

I waved her to a chair in my ‘sitting room’ and said, “I’ll bring ice water if that’s what you really want, but if what you came to talk about is so serious as to require a rosary, perhaps a little alcohol will make it easier… ?”

She looked down, and for the first time noticed the glass beads automatically crawling through her fingers in that pre-programmed sequence that lifelong Catholics know by heart.

She gave an embarrassed little giggle, put the rosary away, and nodded her head. “Maybe some white wine, then, if you have some?”

I nodded and left her alone while I went to the kitchen to retrieve our drinks. I had a nice bottle of Chardonnay chilling in the refrigerator so I opened it and filled a bucket with ice and water, toting the bucket and two glasses into the living room with me.

I poured a taste in her glass and offered it to her. She took a small sip and swallowed, hardly tasting the wine, but nodded affirmatively.

I went ahead and filled the glasses, settling into a chair across from her. I had thought about bringing out a plate of cheeses to snack on, but I wanted her to loosen up a bit, and the wine would do its work more quickly if she didn’t have anything in her stomach.

“So how does Vanessa think I can help you, Marietta?”

She fidgeted in the chair and played with the wine glass, finally taking a gulp before answering, “I – I don’t really know! We were talking the last time she was home from school, and she said she knew someone that might be able to help me – she didn’t say how.”

“So you drove all the way up here from the Bay Area to see me? It must be very important!”

She shook her head vigorously, “Oh no! No, no! I came to surprise my daughter at school, but her roommate said she was visiting friends for the weekend, and I thought, since I was already here, maybe I should see if you COULD help!”

“Which brings us back to the original question,” I replied, “‘How can I help?'”

Marietta was holding something back, and I was guessing, given my reputation at her daughter’s school, and her Catholic upbringing, that it had something to do with sex, but it began to look as though I might have to drag it out of her.

“I don’t know!” she repeated, frustration showing in her voice, “my daughter didn’t say!”

“Well,” I tried, “if we can’t get to ‘how’, maybe we can get to what you need help with?”

She drank some more of the wine and tried to avoid looking at me, but her eyes kept darting back to my face, and then away again, so I tried a different tack.

“Perhaps it would help if I knew what you and Vanessa were discussing when she told you about me?”

She stood and started pacing in front of her chair, then turned to face me, as if having made a decision. Her face, already a light shade of brown, turned darker as she softly mumbled, “Sex!”

“Did I understand you correctly?” I asked, “You DID say ‘sex’ didn’t you?”

At her embarrased nod, I continued, “Ah, now we’re getting somewhere! What, specifically, about sex were you discussing?”

I could barely hear her reply “I, ah, I have a, ah, problem.”

“What kind of problem?” this was like pulling hen’s teeth, but patience is a virtue, or so I’m told. I’m more accustomed to dealing with younger, less inhibited folks.

She paced some more, polishing off the wine. I refilled her glass, hoping the wine would start doing away with some of her inhibitions soon.

“What kind of problem?” I repeated.

She drank some more wine and I waited, watching her steel herself for the big one. Finally, she turned to me, saying, “I haven’t enjoyed sex since before I was married!”

I didn’t change expression. She was on a roll, and I wanted to keep her rolling, so I asked, “You haven’t enjoyed it at all, or you haven’t had orgasms?”

She flushed again, still pacing, and replied, “Oh, my husband was a nice man, and he tried to make it good for me, but I had to fake it to make him think I was having o-orgasms.”

“You speak of your husband in the past tense… ?”

She nodded, “Yes, he died two years ago, but he left Vanessa and me a substantial inheritance.”

I thought it interesting that she felt compelled to mention the inheritance.

“Ok, so you never climaxed during sex with your husband. Had you had orgasms before you were married?”

She nodded, and I thought I saw where this was going, but I needed a couple more bits of information to be sure. “With your husband?”

She shook her head, all but confirming my suspicions.

She had little accent, but the occasional ‘V’ turned into a ‘B’, and once in a while, an ‘F’ became ‘P’, so I was pretty sure she was not born in the States. Combine that with the excessive effort to appear respectable, the fact that in a strict Catholic state like the Philippines she had enjoyed pre-marital sex…

“Did you meet your husband in the Philippines, Marietta?”

She nodded again, staring into the woods over the top of her glass.

“How long did you work in the bar before you met him?”

Marietta turned slowly, her face gone yellow as the blood drained away from it. “How?” she whispered, “How did you know?”

I waved the question away, “It’s not important, Marietta. It’s not even important that you worked in a bar, except as it pertains to why you’re here. You’ve raised a smart, lovely daughter, who, by the mere fact that she HAS such conversations with you must love you very much. You appear to be doing well here, so the only reason I need to know about what you did before is to try to help you with the problem that brought you here.”

A little color came back into her face and she once again drained her glass. “You’re right, Mr. Brenneman, I did meet my husband in a bar where I worked as a bar girl. It was my job to talk the men into paying the bar to take me to a hotel room, pay for the room, then pay to have sex with me.”

“Is that when you had your orgasms – when you were having sex with the bar patrons?”

She shook her head. “No, that’s where I learned to fake them! Once in a while, though, one of the customers would throw a party, and pay several of us girls to come to the party and do whatever the people at the party wanted. Sometimes we’d put on girl-girl shows for them, sometimes we’d do things like sticking beer bottles into ourselves, things like that. Every time, though, we had to let anyone who wanted to, have any kind of sex they wanted. THAT’S when I had my orgasms, sometimes all night long, it seemed!”

“So what was it about these parties that excited you so?” I probed, “was it the fact that you had to do whatever they wanted? Was it that there were so many? Maybe it was the presence of the other women?”

She hid her face in her hands, shaking her head. “I don’t know! I think about it all the time and it jumbles up in my head! There was always so much booze and drugs!”

I thought for a moment, and a daring plan edged its way into my devious mind. If she went for it, I could get a little leverage on my poker buddies, AND solve the problem of my downstairs guest, all while helping Marietta figure out how to have orgasms. Hmmm! I felt like stroking an imaginary Van Dyke and twirling the tips of a non-existent waxed mustache.

“Marietta, how would you like to relive some of that experience that excited you so much, and see if we can figure out just what parts of it turned you on?”

She stared at me open-mouthed for a few seconds. “You mean, be a bar girl again?”

I waved my hand to slow her down, “No, no, let me explain! What I propose is that, just for tonight, you PRETEND to be a bar girl who was hired to entertain at a party. I’m having some guys over for poker later, and if you and they agree, you can be their party girl for the evening. It’s highly unlikely that any of them will know you or your daughter, so there’s no risk to your reputation at home. Furthermore, I know where there’s a willing young lady who likes other ladies. We’ll keep the two experiences separate – you’ll have sex only with the men at the party, first, then I’ll introduce you to the young lady, and that way, maybe we can figure out how to get you the pleasure you seek.”

“But what if someone recognizes me?”

That was encouraging. At least she wasn’t objecting to the idea.

“All of these men are local, Marietta,” I replied, placatingly “and I’ll give you a chance to see them before they see you. If you recognize any of them, we’ll call it off. As for the young lady, I’ll see to it that both of you are blindfolded, at least at first, that way neither could possibly recognize the other.”

She paced some more and drank some more wine from the glass I refilled as I spoke, then turned sharply.

“I don’t have anything sexy to wear!” she said, plaintively “When I was a bar girl, I always dressed in mini-skirts and low-cut tops. I don’t have any of those clothes any more!”

I smiled and led her to the guest room, turning on the light in its walk-in closet to reveal hundreds of women’s outfits, arranged by size. “I think you might find something suitable in here. Undergarments are in these drawers.” I pulled a few out to show her.

Waving toward the back wall, I said “Those racks should have some shoes that will fit you and go with whatever outfit you choose.”

I preceded her out of the closet and showed her the bathroom where she could freshen up, then said, “I want you to think about this carefully, Marietta. The only part about tonight that will be pretend will be the part about working in a bar. The sex will be real, and you’ll be expected to behave as if you were being paid to do anything the guys ask. I’ll be on hand to make sure they don’t injure you, but I can’t guarantee it won’t get a little rough. I’m sure you remember how guys got at the parties you attended before.”

She nodded, wide-eyed.

“I’m going to leave you to change, while I take care of some other things. Keep this door closed. You’ll hear the guys arrive. You can peek around that corner and get a good look. If you recognize any of them, or just don’t like the look of them, just go back in and change back to your own clothes. I’ll introduce you as a friend as you return to your car – or you can sleep in this room tonight and no one will know you’re here. If you show up dressed for sex, that’s what you’ll get, ok?”

I started to turn, then remembered something. I went to the jewelry box on the dresser and pulled out something I found on a trip to Bangkok. About 10 inches of silver chain hung between two small, adjustable loops. From the chain hung an ornate, bejeweled, triangular silver net whose long side was the chain and whose point was centered between the two loops about three inches below the chain. I held it up in front of Marietta to show her how it was worn.

Handing it to her, I said, “If you really want to drive the guys wild, wear this. They’ll love it.”

I went downstairs, fed my guest, and told her that Amy couldn’t make it, but, if things worked out, she’d have another beautiful lady to love after the poker party. She wasn’t happy about it, but hey, I don’t get paid for these services. They have to take what I can provide. I had a hunch she and Marietta would get along just fine.

I had just finished setting things up for the party, with plenty of beer and chips, when my first guest arrived. There were a number of men from the local community who regularly played poker at my house, but tonight was a little unusual – all of them were Sheriff’s deputies. I hadn’t planned it that way, but that’s how it worked out.

Mark Winslow drove his old pickup well into the clearing and parked beside Marietta’s Lexus. Mark was in his thirties and unmarried. He was about half a head taller than me and had to turn sideways to get through my front door, but a kinder, gentler, more soft-spoken man you’ll never meet. I got him settled, with a beer in his hand just as Randy Packard stepped through the screen door, removing his stetson as he came.

Randy was the quintessential cowboy. He was in his early fifties, thin as a rail, rawhide tough, and with his handlebar mustache and ubiquitous Stetson and cowboy boots, looked as though he’d been born in the saddle. To hear him tell it, though, he’d never even been astride a horse.

Right behind him came Travis Belson. Travis was about as non-descript as they come. Somewhere around forty years old, he never talked much, but his eyes took in everything. I figured if I ever had any trouble with the Sheriffs, Travis would be the one to watch. By the same token, if I ever needed backup in a firefight, he’s the one I’d want beside me.

Sam Garner was the last to arrive. Sam was in his late twenties and was a naturally friendly, garrulous person. He also tried to overcompensate for his relative youth with the other deputies by talking too much. Sam stood a bit over six feet and stayed fit by running.

I always invited four people to these games. They played poker while I played host and filled in when someone needed a bathroom break. I made them pony up a percentage of each pot for the house, even though I didn’t need it. As the ‘house’ I resisted all efforts to talk me into joining the game for myself, claiming conflict of interest. This also kept messy gambling debts from coming between me and my guests, and if any of them got in arguments over who owed what, I made sure they were squared away before anyone left.

I got everyone settled, and as Travis dealt the first hand, I saw Marietta peek around the corner of the door. When no one was watching, I raised an eyebrow in her direction, querying her willingness to proceed. She nodded, and I told the assembled players, “Boys, you may not want to get too involved in that game just yet. I’ve got a special guest tonight, and she’d like your help with something.”

At the word ‘she’ they all folded their cards and turned to look at me. I held out my hand toward Marietta, and said, “Boys, this is Tess. She’s asked me to help fulfill a fantasy of hers.”

Marietta slinked into the room on spike heels, all swaying hips and come-hither smile. She was wearing fishnet stockings, a black micro-mini, and a red, low-cut halter. The top clung to her bra-less tits, showing off her hardened, half-inch nipples as if it weren’t there. I grinned when I saw that she had worn my last minute gift.

Sam, leering openly at her, said “I was wonderin’ whose Lexus that was parked out front.”

The others, too, were checking her out. Mark watched her from the corner of his eyes, trying not to be noticeable. Randy stared almost as openly as Sam, but without the leer. Travis studied her as he studied everyone, expressionlessly, from under hooded brows.

“Gentlemen, I need to ask a favor of you.” I paused until I was certain I had at least part of their attention. “Tess is visiting with me, and has asked my help in fulfilling a fantasy. She grew up in a strict Catholic environment, and has never known what it was like to be a bad girl.”

Marietta’s eyes swung in my direction, and I thought I detected a hint of gratitude in them.

“Tess was divorced from her American husband a short time ago, and wants to know what it would be like to be party girl – someone paid to entertain men at a party.”

Sam and Randy were leaning eagerly forward. Mark’s ears had turned red, and he was now focused entirely on Marietta’s barely covered tits. Travis alternated between studying her face and mine.

“Now, I understand that one or two of you have girlfriends.” I looked around, and Mark nodded. Everyone else, except Travis, looked briefly in his direction. “Those who don’t want to be unfaithful to their girlfriends should leave now.”

Nobody moved, though Mark shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“Ok,” I continued, “here’s the scenario. Tess, here will pretend that she’s been paid to entertain the four of you. No real money has changed hands, so there’s nothing illegal going on here. Tess’ job for the next three or four hours, is to do ANYTHING you guys want her to do.”

Travis was the one who came back with, “Anything?” his eyes still studying Marietta.

It was Marietta, however, who turned toward Travis, and caressing a nearly bare breast replied throatily, “Anything!”

Sam let out a whoop and told me loudly to put on some raunchy music, so Tess could do a strip for us.

I held up both hands for quiet and cautioned, “We’ll get to that in minute. There’s just one more thing I need to tell you.” My voice turned deadly serious, “Let’s have fun, you can even get a little rough, but anyone, ANYONE who causes this lady injury, will answer to me.”

They got the message, though I think Travis was the only one who really understood it. He met my gaze for a few moments, then gave a short, quick nod. He turned to the others and said quietly, “And me.”

That sobered them. They didn’t know what I was capable of, and I’d just as soon keep it that way, but they all knew Travis and what he could, and would, do.

I triggered the remote for the sound system and a CD that I had selected in anticipation of someone requesting a strip started blaring through the speakers. There was plenty of brass and an overdone drum track, and Marietta took to it like a duck to water.

Her slender body strutted to the center of the room’s open space. She turned her back on the audience, feet spread a foot or so, hands at her sides, and snapped her head around to give them a slow wink over her left shoulder.

I’ve seen better stripteases but it wasn’t bad for a woman who hadn’t done one in twenty years. The guys ate it up. Even Travis was leaning forward a bit when she turned, after whipping off her top, and held her tits out for their inspection. Her nipples had hardened to thick, half inch spikes centered on small, chocolate aureolae. The little nooses of the silver chain I had given her held her nipples captive, and the jeweled silver netting hung between her breasts. Each time she moved, the weight of the silver tugged deliciously on the hard little buds.

By the time she was down to her thong, garter belt, and stockings, Sam was whooping and slapping the table. Randy’s mouth hung open, and Mark was practically drooling. A tiny hint of a smile curled one corner of Travis’ mouth.

When Marietta danced over to him, stuck her ass in his face, and offered him the strap of her thong, Travis proved his humanity by turning red, but didn’t hesitate to take the offered strap and slowly pull the thong down her legs. Marietta, fully immersed in Tess’ character, did a slow grind as the lacy thing slid down her legs. The others whistled and pounded the table when Travis leaned forward and planted a long kiss right at the top of the valley between her cheeks.

Tess moaned and ground against his mouth, to the utter delight of the others.

She deftly high-stepped away from Travis, leaving him holding the thong. Her next target was Randy. She plopped her ass on his leg and ground her pelvis against his thigh, then stuck a nipple in his open mouth. Mark and Sam were going crazy at this wanton display, especially when Tess threw her head back and cried, “Oh, Yes!”, while Randy did his best imitation of a suckling calf.

Tess slid away from Randy and swung a leg over Sam’s lap, lifted her hands behind her head, and did a slow bump and grind, while Sam tried to touch every part of her at once.

Spinning away from Sam’s over-eager grasp, Tess wound up with her softly rounded belly only inches from Mark’s surprised nose. Mark was leaning forward, elbows on knees, and Marietta pushed his face gently lower, until her almost straight pubic hair brushed against his nose as she swayed to the music. Mark’s face turned beet red, but he made no move to resist.

When she felt she had tormented the poor guy enough, Tess danced back to the middle of the open area. She humped the air for a while and played with her breasts, squeezing them and pulling them into elongated cones by yanking on the silver chain between her nipples.

When the music came to an end she was standing with her back to the poker table. One hip was outthrust, supporting a slender hand. A slightly breathless Tess looked over her shoulder and started slowly toward the living room, sighing “Coming, boys?”

As she reached the coffee table, she lay on her back, legs spread wide, and said, “Do you boys need all those clothes?”

I could see the moisture seeping from between her labia, and thought to myself, “Maybe it IS just the situation…”

Perhaps not surprisingly, Sam was the first undressed, and he wasted no time getting on his knees between the lovely Filipina mother’s thighs. He slid all the way in without apparent difficulty. Marietta’s legs wrapped around his skinny white ass as he pounded away with only one goal in mind.

Tess moaned passionately beneath him as Sam churned away at her insides. From the flexing of her abdomen, it appeared that she was doing her best to massage his long slender pole with the velvety flesh of her vagina. Sam, though not very vocal for a change, was apparently suitably impressed, and with a strangled groan, made one last thrust and collapsed on top of Tess. The temporary party girl let out a convincing shriek and went rigid beneath him.

“Well,” I thought, “there’s another skill from her bar girl days that she hasn’t entirely forgotten.”

No sooner had Sam collapsed backward than Randy stepped over him and swiftly planted his thicker tool in Tess’s well oiled sheath. Travis tilted the attractive Filipina’s head back over the edge of the table, and inserted his half-hard rod between her parted lips. With practiced ease, she nursed the fleshy shaft to full erection, then swallowed it as if she had done it every day of her life.

Randy was somewhat less anxious than Sam, and lasted a good ten minutes before letting go in a paroxysm of short, sharp thrusts.

Travis was still enjoying Tess’ mouth when Mark practically shoved Randy out of the way. Mark was generally a gentle fellow, but the weapon protruding from his pubic hair could have laid waste to entire armies.

Just to be sure, I placed a hand on his bare shoulder and said “Take it easy, big fella. That’s a small woman under you, so go slow and let her get used to you, ok?”

Mark looked embarrassed, but nodded his assent. Turning back to the task at hand, he caught the cautionary glance that Travis threw his way, as well.

Tess had been happily nursing Travis’ shaft with her eyes closed, lost in some world of her own. When Mark’s enormous cudgel started it’s slow inward plunge, her eyes flew open and she desperately shoved Travis away.

Raising her head, she stared transfixed at the huge member making its way into her belly.

“My God!” she cried, “I thought someone was pushing a fist into me! Oooooh, that’s big!”

Tess continued to stare as Mark, apparently practiced at getting women adjusted to his size, pushed in a little way, then withdrew a bit before stroking inward again.

The bulbous head and turgid shaft of Mark’s cock could be seen outlined in bas-relief against the taut flesh of Tess’ straining abdomen. Every eye in the room focused on the scene as stroke after stroke, quarter inch after quarter inch, the monster dick made it’s way into the diminutive Filipina.

Finally, with about four inches still unburied, Mark seemed to hit a barrier and could go no further. Gradually withdrawing until the outline of his plum blended with the bulge of Tess’ pubic bone, Mark waited a moment, then slowly but steadily pushed in to the limit. Tess began moaning as he began an increasingly faster series of thrusts.

As Tess grew accustomed to the size of the pole inside her, and started fucking back at it, Travis once againd tilted her head back and resumed his leisurely throat fuck. The sight of Mark’s cock plunging deep into her belly, and the feeling of Tess’ guttural moans around his sensitive glans soon had Travis matching Mark’s thrusts. In a few minutes, they were pounding so hard into her that it looked as though they were trying to meet in the middle.

Without warning, something gave way deep inside Tess’ abused vagina and she gave a muffled shriek as Mark sank to the hilt in her dripping tunnel.

“I’ll be damned!” Sam chortled “He’s fuckin’ her friggin’ womb!”

“Are you alright, Tess?” Travis and I echoed each other – Travis withdrawing for a moment from her mouth.

“Oooooooooohhhhh, please, honey,” she spread her well-manicured fingers across Mark’s muscular chest, “please go really slow for a minute! OH my GOD! Nobody’s ever fucked me that deep! Ooooo, that’s better – now, a little faster. Yes, like that! Now, all the way out… OW! Careful, baby! Ok, good, now – back in, but very slow. OooooOOOOooohhhh! Oh, damn, that’s wierd! Ok, baby, ou-OU-t, in, oooh! Faster now baby! I’m almost ready! Good! Oh yes! YES! Fuck me good, baby! Fuck me HARD! Mmmmmppphhh!”

Tess put her head back and opened her mouth, pulling Travis all the way in with one gulp. Her pelvis ground against Mark’s pole as he and Travis resumed their pounding of her now welcoming holes. Tess was writhing and twisting between them, spitted almost from end to end. She had a death-grip on Travis’ buttocks, pulling them toward her with all her strength on each of his thrusts. Mark raised Tess’ legs to his shoulders, but she wasn’t happy with that. She spread them wide and bent them backward until they rested on either side of Travis’ hips as he drilled her slurping mouth. The pitch of her moans rose an octave when Mark began pounding even deeper from the new angle, and her hips became a blur.

Travis was the first to let go, spewing his load down her greedily swallowing throat. Mark’s entire head turned a mottled red and looked like it might explode as he watched the wanton wench slurp up and swallow the last of Travis’ cum as he withdrew his wilting member from Tess’ still sucking mouth. Mark gave a final, mighty lunge that I thought would send his rigid member right through Tess and the top of the coffee table. His hips bucked lightning fast three or four times as Tess screamed hoarsely at the top of her lungs, doing a passable imitation of an epileptic seizure.

As the two on the table rested, Travis sidled over to me and said, sotto voce, “You sure she’s not a pro? I mean, she SEEMS to enjoy it, but that girl’s holdin’ somethin’ back.”

“You noticed that too?” I answered, “All I can tell you is that I’m helping her through something. No money has or will exchange hands. This may be a little crazy, but I swear it’s legal, and won’t get you guys in any kind of trouble – unless somebody tells Mark’s girlfriend. Will you trust me on that?”

He gave me a long, searching look, that I returned levelly.

“All right.” was his only answer.

Sam started to have another turn at Tess, but found her too stretched by Mark’s monster to do him much good. Not to be deterred, he sat in one of the chairs and had Tess sit in his lap with her back to him. Grabbing the chain between her nipples, he pulled her back to lean against his chest and called, “Hey, Randy! Come on over here and get in this hole with me. That ought to tighten her up some!”

Randy, though, wasn’t quite ready for that one. “Naw, man, I ain’t rubbin’ dicks with you! You just want an excuse to get to know me better!”

“Aw, come on, Randy!” Sam pleaded, “I’m not queer! I just need somebody to help tighten her up.”

When Randy still shook his head, he looked at Travis. “How ’bout it, Travis?”

“That all right with you, ma’am?” he asked Tess.

At her nod, he took his place between Sam and Tess’ legs and easily slipped his member into her gaping hole alongside Sam’s slippery shaft.

It took a little experimentation, but they soon found a rhythm they could use. Tess held still between them, while Sam and Travis alternated inward strokes. Once they had established the cadence, Tess took over. The two deputies held still while Tess snapped her hips back and forth, alternately burying each of their cocks to the root.

The exotic nature of the situation – a beautiful asian lady taking both their dicks at the same time – apparently excited the men, despite their having already cum once. As Tess tired of doing the work for them, they once again took over and started slamming simultaneously into her dripping cavern. This seemed to affect Tess a bit more than her previous activities, as the passion in her shrieks and moans seemed more authentic.

With both cocks hammering her insides at about ninety miles an hour, Tess gave a little squeal and lurched through her first true orgasm of the evening. It wasn’t earth shattering by any means, but it did bring a smile to her face as she shot a look of gratitude in my direction.

With Sam supporting her shoulders, Travis threw Tess’ legs around his neck, and using her hip bones as handles, started slamming her slender body up and down between them – masturbating the two rampant members with the Filipina’s sopping sheath. Tess emitted a guttural moan that crescedoed to a primal animal scream of pure unbridled lust. Her torso vibrated between the two men as Travis plunged her overstretched vagina one last time onto his cock. Simultaneously, Sam gave a mighty upward lunge, and the three of them were frozen in tableau of rigid muscles and bestial grunts as Tess released twenty years of pent up frustration in one mighty explosion. Travis gave one last thrust of his cock as Tess’ limp body collapsed on top of Sam’s heaving chest.

Tess lay so still atop Sam that, as Travis withdrew his dripping shaft, he placed a couple of fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. Apparently satisfied, he picked up his clothes and headed for the bathroom.

Tess finally came around as Travis emerged, fully clothed, from the toilet. He shook my hand as he headed for the door.

“That’s about all I can do for one night, Mike,” he shook his head wistfully, “but be sure to call me next time you’re putting together one of these ‘poke her’ parties!”

I grinned and clapped him on the shoulder as I walked him to the door. “Well, this was kind of a spur of the moment operation, but if a moment with spurs like these comes up again, I’ll be sure to give you a call.”

As I returned to the living room, Randy was placing Tess tits down over the coffee table as she knelt on the carpet, her luscious ass thrust high in the air. A quick foray into her gaping vaginal cavern provided him with the lubrication he needed for what he intended. He withdrew and placed the slippery head of his re-awakened cock at the brown, puckered, depression of Tess’ sphincter.

“OH NO!” she wailed, making no move to get away, “Be careful, Honey! Nobody’s ever done that before!”

From the ease with which the broad plum of his glans slipped through the opening, I guessed that this protest was another of Tess’ learned responses. She groaned as Randy’s cock made it’s slow way up her chute, but in one long, steady stroke, his pubes flattened against the tan flesh of the Filipina’s buttocks.

Mark and Sam sat stroking themselves as they watched the tiny woman taking Randy’s thick tool up her rear channel.

Randy, seeing how easily she handled his entry, wasted no time beginning a long smooth stroke, all the way out to the sphincter, then all the way back in. He quickened his pace and though Tess moaned and ground her hips against him, once again her lust was feigned.

By this time, Mark’s formidable tool was fully resurrected, and on a hunch, I suggested that Randy plant her cunt on it while he drilled her from behind. Tess’ eyes went wide, and she gave a little shudder, but made no objection as Randy withdrew and helped her to her feet.

Tess straddled Mark’s lap as he sat on the sofa, and gingerly lowered herself onto his massive spear, her eyelids fluttering, and eyes rolled back in her head as she sank all the way down. Randy straddled Mark’s legs and in one quick thrust, buried himself to the hilt in Tess’ stretched rectum.

She shrieked at the suddenness of his entry, and threw him a reproachful look over her shoulder.

Randy blushed a bit and muttered, “Sorry, Miss, uh Tess!”

The two deputies held still to let Tess grow accustomed to the stretching. Tentatively, she experimented with her movements, getting one sort of sensation with just hip movements, and an entirely different sort by raising and lowering her body on the impaling shafts. Her breath was coming in short, quick, gasps as her motion increased. Randy grew impatient as the gritty velvet of Tess’ rectum massaged his member, and started driving into her ass with increasing violence.

Tess held still under the onslaught, eyes closed, mouth half open, grunting with the impact of each thrust. She groaned and stuffed the middle of the chain that was attached to her nipples into Mark’s mouth. He quickly got the idea and started pulling on it with his teeth – stretching her abused nubbins deliciously.

Her lust and the feel of the cock pounding her backside just beyond the membranes separating her two tunnels soon had Mark’s passion aroused. He stood up with Tess impaled on his monster, almost toppling Randy. A hand from me and another from Mark kept him upright but at his protest, Mark spread his legs and bent his knees, lowering Tess’ ass to a better height for Randy’s cock.

Tess wrapped her legs around Mark’s massive waist and held on for dear life as the two began pounding her front and rear. Tess shuddered through a couple of small orgasms as the two rutting deputies reamed her passages with their turgid spears. Suddenly, Mark stopped moving and grabbed Tess’ ankles, placing them on his shoulders. Tess’ tiny body would have disappeared between the two men had it not been for Randy’s rail thin physique. Mark took a handful of Filipina buttock in each hand and lifted Tess to the end of Randy’s shaft. Without pause, he released her and let her weight impale her on the embedded weapons.

Tess screamed and thrashed between the two, and at first I thought she had been injured. Her eyes rolled back in head, and she shouted “OH MY GOD! DO THAT AGAIN!”

Mark began lifting and dropping her rapidly on their cocks. Each impalement drove Tess higher and higher until her body was a rigid, quivering mass of pent up lust. The boys were well on the way to their own climaxes, and Tess’ excitement sped them along. Each time the tiny brown body fell, the rampant javelins of the deputies thrust upward to skewer as deeply as possible into its liquid depths.

Randy came first, blasting the walls of her colon with his hot spew. The feel of his spasming tool and the warmth of his ejaculate sent Tess off into another galaxy. Pulling herself up by her grip on Mark’s neck, she snapped her hips down and forward three times, quickly, while leaning backward to increase the tension on the chain that Mark still held in his teeth.

Mark rapidly shook his head from side to side, tormenting the abused nubbins and pivoting his hips upward to meet Tess’ thrusts. As the blunt tip of his massive pole bruised the end of her womb, Tess went ballistic, shrieking at the top of her lungs, and spasming her way through one of the most demonstrative climaxes I’ve ever witnessed. Her legs flailed beside Mark’s head, as her hips blurred between the two deputies. She had a double handful of Mark’s hair and almost pulled it out as she violently wagged his head against the tension of her nipple chain.

Even Mark’s massive muscles gave out under the onslaught of his climax. As his load swelled Tess’ little brown belly, he collapsed backward onto the sofa. The sudden ripping of Randy’s cock from her abused rectum sent another violent shudder through Tess as her weight skewered her deeper than ever on Mark’s spewing pipe, her legs, still on his shoulders, unable to soften her landing.

For several minutes, Tess quivered atop her muscular lover as aftershocks periodically shook her semi-conscious body. She shuddered through one last climax as he gently lifted her off his wilting tool and lay her gently on the sofa.

Sam made as if to go after her again, but I shook my head, and he nodded and started putting his clothes on.

Mark was the last dressed, but the other two waited for him. As they headed for the door, each bent to place a tender kiss on Tess’ forehead.

“Damn, Mike!” Sam ejaculated at the door, “You sure know how to throw a poker party!”

“Yeah,” Randy piped up, “if Tess ever needs help with another problem, you just let us know!”

Mark just shook my hand and said “Thanks, Mike.”

“You’re welcome, Mark.” I looked at the other two, “So how long you think it’ll take to get back to your girlfriend?”

He glanced at his friends and said, “Oh, they won’t talk, but I’ll tell her next time I see her. She’ll probably want to fuck while I tell her all the details!”

I grinned and waved as they made their way back to their vehicles.

When I returned to Marietta, she was snoring gently on the sofa. I left her there and went downstairs to prepare my guest. I covered her head with a locking hood that covered her eyes and ears, but left the lower half of her face free. I then placed her on a padded bench on her back, binding her spread legs, but leaving her hands free.

I took a second hood like the one I had placed on my guest and returned to Marietta. I walked her to the guest bathroom and waited while she showered. When she had dried off and brushed her hair, I placed the hood on her and locked it, then led her into the dungeon.

I stopped her at the head of my guest’s bench and said, “Tess, there is a beautiful young lady lying naked before you. I promised her that I would bring another lovely lady to make love to her. Her legs are bound and spread, so she couldn’t resist you even if she wanted to. Would you like to please this young lady and have her please you in return?”

The hoods muffled the sound, but didn’t block it out, and Tess nodded her response.

I guided her hands to my guest’s ringed breasts, and stepped back. The reclining young lady gasped at the feel of Tess’ soft hands and thrust her chest upward. Tess knelt beside the bench as the young lady’s hands sought her mounds. She cooed in delight at encountering the jeweled chain that still hung from Tess’ nipples. Feeling her way, Tess bent over and captured the young lady’s eager mouth for a long, soulful kiss, while she played with the rings in the girl’s nipples. My guest had apparently been eagerly anticipating this event, as her hips were already humping the air. Tess slid one hand down to her hairless ‘V’, past the barbelled clit, and slipped her middle finger deep into the girl’s eager slit.

Reluctantly disengaging from the kiss, Tess began nibbling her way down the girl’s trembling neck, planting soft kisses here, little nips there. Every now and then, she’d suck a small flap of flesh into her mouth and clamp down on it, eliciting an excited gasp from the girl who now grasped the back of Tess’ head as if afraid it would leave her.

Working her way along the girl’s collarbone to one soft shoulder, she followed the gentle curve of the small breast, still kissing, nibbling, and biting. She stopped just short of the girl’s puckered aureola, teasing her by working at the bottom and sides of the tender orb for several minutes before finally swooping down on the nipple. In one motion, she sucked the hard nubbin, ring and all, and a couple of square inches of the surrounding breast deep into her mouth.

The young lady cried in ecstasy and humped at Tess’ hand as it toyed with her clit and its jewelry. By simply reducing suction while keeping her lips clamped on the girl’s breast flesh, she allowed all but the tip of the nipple to slip wetly from her mouth. Gradually increasing suction, she slowly drew almost the entire breast into her mouth, this time biting gently at the ripe, succulent fruit. Tess tormented the tender organ in this fashion for several minutes. By the time she switched to the other breast, the bound young lady was humping madly at three of her fingers.

On the second breast, Tess used only her teeth – biting the nipple and random chunks of breast flesh with almost violent abandon. Her young victim responded by thrusting the tortured tit upward, offering her free access to do as she pleased, while humping now at all four of Tess’ impaling fingers.

The young lady was screaming her lust, encouraging Tess to greater and more violent acts of outrage. Tess responded by tucking her thumb into her palm and pushing her entire hand into the eager girl’s welcoming tunnel. My guest shrieked and came, her hips bucking wildly against the bony impaler.

Abandoning the girl’s breasts, Tess swiveled around and sat on her face, leaving her fist embedded to the wrist in the girl’s sopping vagina. The young lady’s pink tongue eagerly burrowed into the folds of Tess’ well-used mound. Tess bent to return the favor, but found the way blocked by her own wrist. The Filipina yanked her still closed fist from the spasming orifice, sending the girl into another explosive climax. The older woman sucked the girl’s clit into her mouth, teasing the barbell with teeth and tongue. My guest, stealing a page from Tess’ book, slipped an arm through Tess’ legs and drove a slender, speared hand deep into Tess’ still stretched interior. Finding the open doorway to Tess’ womb, she thrust at it, gaining entrance with very little effort. Tess gave a muffled shriek around the girl’s mound and grabbed the pierced clit in her teeth, shaking it like a dog with a toy. The girl glued her mouth to Tess’ clitoris and made a fist deep in the Filipina’s womb.

As Tess worried at the girl’s passion button with teeth and tongue, the young lady beneath her started violently pounding her fist deep into Tess’ gut. Tess reached around the girl’s raised thigh and thrust two fingers into her opening. Feeling around for the little patch of roughness at the top of the tunnel, she stroked the young lady’s G-spot while tugging at the tender, pierced protusion between her teeth.

As the two women drove each other through climax after climax, I unlocked and removed their hoods. They hardly noticed. Their frenzied lovemaking continued for more than an hour.

At one point, I released my guest’s legs from their bindings. Still locked in a fierce sixty-nine, the two rolled off the bench, with Tess landing on the bottom. Her young lover, now turned agressor, began pounding harder into Tess’ spasming tunnel. Tess relinquished her hold on the girl’s clit long enough to scream out her climax. When she had calmed enough to return to her ministrations, instead of going back to the abused clitoral button, she plunged her pointed tongue deep into her young violator’s asshole. My guest squealed like a stuck pig and ground her ass onto the invading member. Tess replaced her tongue with two perfectly manicured fingers – stabbing them deep into her lover’s rectum, while returning to torment the girl’s oversensitized clit.

My guest grunted and froze. Suddenly her hips snapped forward and back several times in quick succession, shrieking her orgasm to the rafters. Her climax triggered Tess’ release as well, and she went rigid under the girl, lifting her off the ground, before collapsing back to earth, moaning around the barbell she still held in her teeth.

They lay like that for several minutes, catching their breath before slowly disengaging from each other, Tess slipping her fingers from the girl’s ass while the other gently extracted her arm from within the Filipina.

As her young lover turned to see who had driven her to such delights, Tess said, “That was the most wonder… VANESSA!?!?”


They stared, aghast, at one another for several seconds before scrambling apart. They both turned to me, outraged, and shouted, in harmony, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?”

I sat calmly, giving them a chance to breathe, before replying, “To you, Vanessa, I have done what you came to me for, albeit with a different person than you expected. To you, Marietta, I have given a truly loving daughter, and a chance to make that relationship even closer, while helping you to find out what pleases you sexually – what YOU came to me for.”

They both spluttered a bit. Marietta found words first. “But you have forced me to have incest with my daughter!”

“No,” I replied, still calmly “I tricked you both, a bit, by not letting you know who your partner was, but I forced neither of you to do anything you didn’t want to do. As for the incest bit, well incest laws have their place, but they are primarily to prevent inbreeding and the genetic problems resulting from it, and to prevent adult parents from taking advantage of their underage children. You two are consenting, if not fully informed, adults, and neither of you is likely to give birth to mutants in the wake of what you have done here tonight.”

Tess stared at me, open-mouthed, not quite sure how to react.

Vanessa, lagging a little, it seemed, tried to catch up. “But – but she’s my MOTHER!”

“That’s true, and obvious. What’s your point?”

She struggled with her reply, then after several false starts, “I can’t have sex with my MOTHER!”

“Why not?”

“B-because!” she was still lagging behind, “It’s not right!”

“Why is it not right?” I asked, “Is it a question of morality or legality, or just the fact that you don’t even perceive your mother as a sexual person?”

“I – we – Oh!” the padded floor greatly diminshed the effect of her foot stamping, though her breasts jiggled provocatively when she tried, “You’ve got me all confused!”

“Well, then,” I went into lecture mode, “let’s see if we can clear up some of that confusion for you.”

“All your life, you have had it pounded into you that sex between parents and their children is taboo, for unspecified reasons. I’ve already addressed inbreeding and child abuse, so let’s look at perceptions. Certainly, most kids grow up with an asexual image of their parents. That’s why teenagers get grossed out if they happen to witness their parents in a sexual act. For some reason, even though they might consider sex with other adults, kids just don’t think of their parents as sex objects. From now on, however, it’s going to be hard for you to look at your mother without remembering the pleasure you gave to each other tonight. I’d be willing to bet that none of the girls or guys that you’ve been with in your generation have made you feel as good.”

Turning to Marietta, I continued, “As for you, you may not have thought of your daughter in a sexual context before tonight, but you will never have that luxury again. Each time you see her, you will remember the pleasure you shared tonight.”

I paused and let them think about that for a while.

“Look, you have shared something wonderful tonight. The fact that your mother, and your daughter,” I pointed at each in turn, “was your partner makes it even more wonderful. Now, instead of sharing just the love of mother and daughter, you can also share the intimacy of lovers. If you don’t let the myths of your upbringing get in the way, you two can share many more wonderful moments together.”

I glanced at my watch, “It’s getting late. I only have one guest room, but the bed is big enough for two, if you want to sleep together, otherwise, one of you can sleep down here. There are blankets in that cabinet, and plenty of padded surfaces to use for a bed.”

They shared a look and followed me up the stairs, each retrieving items of Vanessa’s clothes on the way.

I locked the door to my room and let the dogs sleep inside, just in case, but when I heard moans and heavy breathing from the guest room, and heard the headboard pounding against the wall, I figured they’d made a decision.


Molly, the First Time

I had just pulled out of the dirt track that serves me as a driveway, intending to go into town, when a reflection of sunlight off of unmoving glass, glimpsed through the woods in the other direction, caused me to turn that way. I could think of no reason for that reflection unless someone was parked, trespassing on my property, or someone was in trouble. In either case I wanted to check it out.

I had just eased around the curve when I spotted a yellow Honda pulled off the side of road. An athletic-looking girl with fiery red hair was kicking it, repeatedly.

In these hills, you don’t leave anyone stranded, since it’s miles to anywhere, and there are still carnivorous predators that prowl the woods, so I pulled in front of the little car and got out to see if I could help.

As I approached the car, the red-head, who still had up a good head of steam, turned to glare at me.

“Just look at this piece of shit!” she yelled, “My dad just bought it for me last weekend, and now the son-of-a-bitch won’t even turn over!”

“Miss.” I said, quietly. When she ignored me and went back to kicking the tires, I said it a little louder, putting some sharpness in my voice, “Miss!”

She still ignored me, continuing to kick the tires, as if it were their fault.

I said nothing more, just turned and walked back to my truck. I made a U-turn and headed back toward town. As I passed her, she yelled, “Hey! Wait! Aren’t you going to help me!?”

I slowed and said out the window, “Not if you’re going to continue being rude to me and acting like a maniac.”

She had to trot alongside my driver’s door to keep talking. “I’m sorry! Please! I was just mad! Please help me!”

I stopped the pickup and said quietly, “I can understand your being angry. That’s no excuse for taking it out on the stranger who stopped to help, and it does no good to keep kicking a part of the car that, from all appearances, still works!”

She threw up her hands in frustration, “Are you going to help me, or lecture me on manners?!”

I looked around to call her attention to her surroundings, before replying, “Since I seem to be the only help you’re likely to get for a while, I’m going to lecture you first, then, when you’re sane again, I’ll help you.”

She, too, looked around, and seemed to realize for the first time just how isolated this stretch of road was. Her shoulders slumped and she seemed suddenly tired. “Geez, Mister, I’m really sorry! It’s been a really bad day, but you’re right, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

I smiled, put the truck in reverse, and backed it onto the shoulder across the road from the little yellow compact. I got out and walked across to where she had just arrived back at her car, holding out my hand.

“Mike Brenneman, Miss?…”

“Molly, Molly Pierce!” She blushed very nicely under a healthy spattering of freckles as she shook my hand with a good, firm grip.

“Hi, Molly!” I grinned, “nice to finally meet you! Do me a favor and pop the hood, will you?”

I could already smell burned wiring insulation, and sure enough, when she opened the hood, the primary battery cable had shorted out against the body of the vehicle because somebody having a bad day at the factory routed it wrong. I was surprised it took this long to wear through the insulation.

I closed the hood and retrieved my cell phone. Frank answered on the second ring.

“Frank’s Garage!”

“Hey, Frank. It’s Mike Brenneman.”

“Oh, yeah! The new guy! Hey how, ya doin’!” Frank had been to my house to play poker many times, and still called me ‘the new guy’. Probably would, until some other ‘new guy’ came along.

“I’m doing all right, Frank, but I’ve got a young lady here that’s got a problem.”

“Always willin’ to help out the young ladies, New Guy, what’s she look like?”

“Well, she’s about five-six or -seven. Fiery red hair,” I motioned to Molly to wait, as I could see her temper cranking up again, “and enough muscles to kick your ass up between your shoulder blades, you old letch!”

“Hmmmm,” Frank replied, “Sounds like just my type, but I reckon if I come home with any more bruises, the Missus’ll put me in the hospital! So how can I help the poor young thing?”

“I just took a quick look, but it looks like the battery cable and part of the wiring harness are fried on her new Civic.”

“Wall, I c’n bring the tow around and get ‘er off the road, but a repair like that’ll have to go to a dealer, either in Spokane or mebbe Seattle. Can’t get loose to haul it that far ’til early next week. Don’t s’pose she’s got Triple-A, does she?”

“Hold on!” I held out the phone and spoke to Molly where Frank could hear the exchange. “Your car needs to go to the dealer in Spokane or perhaps Seattle, and Frank can’t take it that far ’til next week. Do you happen to have Triple-A or some other roadside assistance program?”

She nodded, “Yeah, my Dad got me a roadside assistance plan, hang on…” she reached into the front seat and started rummaging through her purse, pulling out a wallet. The card she extracted had an 800 number on it.

“Do you have a phone, Molly?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she shrugged, “but it doesn’t work out here.”

“Hang on, Frank, I’ll call you back.”

I dialed the number on her card and let her talk to the person on the other end.

“Yeah, but… Uh, huh. Uh, huh.” I could see her getting frustrated as she talked, “That long? But I can’t wait out here that long! Hang on! Uh, huh, yeah, just hang on for a second, OK?”

She put her hand over the phone and said “They can’t get a tow truck out here ’til next week, either. It’s free, but they don’t usually have to go this far. They’ll tow it into Seattle, to the dealer where Daddy bought it, but I don’t even know where I am, much less how I’m going to get home or where I’ll stay tonight.”

I wrote my land line number on an old business card that Frank had given me and I had stuck in my billfold. “Ok, tell them to pick it up at Frank’s Garage…”

I finally had to get on the phone and give the person on the other end of the line directions on how to get to town. When we had that straightened out, I called Frank back and told him to come get the car, and bill me for the tow, then I handed the card and the phone back to Molly.

“There’s an old hotel in town, Molly, but if you’d like, my place is just up the road, and you’re welcome to spend the night in my guest room. Tomorrow, I’ll see that you get wherever you need to be. In any case, you should call whoever’s expecting you, and let them know what’s going on. That’s my number in case you or they need to contact me, and the other side is Frank’s card.”

She looked at me speculatively for a bit. “If I stay with you, you won’t try to rape me or anything, will you?”

I grinned lasciviously at her, waggling my eyebrows like Groucho Marx, while tapping the ashes off an imaginary cigar, “Only if you want me to!”

She laughed and said, “Well, I don’t want you to!”

I turned serious again. “Molly, it’s a hard thing to trust a stranger, though in these parts we sometimes have to. I’ll see to it that you’re put up safely in the hotel, if that’s what you want, but I would greatly appreciate the pleasure of your company at my table this evening. I was planning smoked salmon, a salad, and home-made apple pie a la mode!”

“That sounds delicious!” she beamed “Ok! Let me just call my Dad and let him know where I am!”

I wandered away to keep from eavesdropping on her conversation, and when she punched the ‘End’ button, she was looking upset again.

“Daddy has to go to Europe tonight! I’ve got my whole spring break ahead of me, and I’m just going to spend it sitting alone at home, talking to mechanics and people who want to tell me it was my fault that the car broke down!”

I helped her get her duffle out of the Civic, and followed her to my pickup, taking time to study her for the first time. She wore her wavy red hair in a ponytail that looked as though it might shake out to about shoulder length. Her clothing consisted of a pair of short cotton gym shorts and a T-shirt that hung straight down from the shelf of her prominent, but not overly large tits. Both garments bore the WSU Athletic Department logo. The shirt was cut short, showing a bare midriff that, though it seemed a bit thick, was flat and smooth and unadorned with navel jewelry. Her legs were muscular trunks covered in smooth tanned and freckled skin, through which the outlines of her muscles played as she walked.

Her face was pretty, and well covered with freckles. What little makeup she wore seemed only to highlight the natural colors of her facial features. She had strong cheekbones, straight, slightly pointed nose beneath clear grey eyes, and a wide mouth surrounded by delicate, narrow lips.

On the short drive to the house, I learned that Molly had decided to take the scenic route home from Pullman, and had gotten lost. As she tried to find her way back to the highway, the car broke down, leaving her where I found her.

Apparently, smoked Salmon was a favorite of Molly’s, because she went through three helpings, two salads, and still had room for a huge slice of pie topped with a generous scoop of homemade ice cream (I used the electric ice cream freezer this time, though I really get better results hand cranking it).

I offered her a drink, and she accepted a snifter of brandy. This was an eighty dollar bottle that I had left over from a recent trip to the Domaine Chandon winery in Napa, California, and though it wasn’t their top of the line, I liked it more than some of the better French cognacs.

With the brandy warming in our palms, I guided her into the living room and used the remote to start some soft jazz CDs. I sat on the sofa and Molly curled up in the chair opposite. We talked about school and sports, and she told me all about her role on the soccer team, and how she hoped to be the next Mia Hamm.

“Not Brandy?” I asked, to see if it would get a rise out of her.

“No, Brandy Chastain is a good player,” she replied confidently, “but she doesn’t have Mia’s heart. Mia just won’t stop for anything!”

We talked soccer for a while, but my knowledge of women’s soccer was not up to a lengthy discussion with someone who lived for it, and we moved on to other things. As the level of brandy in Molly’s glass dropped, the conversation turned to boys, then started skirting around the edges of sex. Suddenly, Molly was crying. She had gone from comfortable, sociable guest, to full-weep basket case almost between words.

I didn’t think we were close enough yet that she’d take comfort in my embrace, so I just waited silently for the tears to work themselves out.

Eventually, the sobs diminished and I handed Molly my handkerchief to wipe her face.

She drained the last of the brandy and said, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Brenneman! I don’t know what came over me!” after a pause, she shook her head and said, “No, that’s not right. I know what came over me, but it’s not your problem, so I don’t need to bother you with it.”

“Why don’t you try me? You might be surprised what I can help with. If I can’t help, it might be helpful to you to get it off your chest.”

She looked at me through red, tear-stained eyes, but shook her head. “No, it’s something I was born with, nobody can change that!”

Considering the topic of conversation just before she broke down, I played a hunch. “Does this have something to do with sex?”

She looked at me again, and gave a feeble nod.

I rolled the dice again and asked, “So something that you were born with interferes with your ability to have, or to enjoy sex?”

She nodded again, a bit more vigorously, while dabbing at her eyes.

“Molly,” I said, and waited for her to look at me, “it just so happens that I have a great deal of experience with sex and sexual matters. Why don’t you tell me about your problem, and even if I can’t help, I might know someone who can? At the very least, I’m less likely to be shocked by anything you have to tell me than most.”

She looked at me for a long moment, then, in the midst of shaking her head, suddenly sobbed, “I’m too BIG!”

I thought about that one for a moment. She obviously wasn’t talking about her body, and her breasts, though of good size, were not likely to be the source of such anguish. That left only a few possibilities. I chose the one I thought to be most likely.

“Do you mean that your vagina is too large for you to enjoy sex?”

She pointed at me, nodded, then burst out in fresh spate of weeping. “My ex-boyfriend said I was CAVERNOUS – that he couldn’t even feel me when he was inside!”

“Well, I’d say that makes him a good candidate for an EX-boyfriend!” I said, and got a tiny smile in return. “Look, Molly. There are any number of ways to look at this. If your ex wasn’t a real needle dick, and just saying that to compensate for his own shortcomings?” at her headshake I continued, “then you just have to think about finding ways to engage in sex that allow you to get the kind of enjoyment out of it that you deserve.”

She looked a little less desperate when she asked, “What do you mean?”

“Well,” I tried to strike just the right note of seriousness and lightheartedness, “have you tried anal sex? Most anybody, even a needle dick, would have trouble complaining about the tightness of that opening.”

“Oh, yeah,” she nodded, “that’s great for the guys, and I don’t really mind it, but it doesn’t get ME off!”

“Oral sex?”

“Mmmmmm!” she licked her lips, “Love it, but guys want to fuck, once the blowjob’s over!”

I lowered the pitch of my voice when I replied, “Not all guys – not every time…”

Molly’s eyes went wide and she shifted in her seat. “You mean – you?”

It was my turn to nod, “Me, among others.”

She put a finger to her mouth, thinking. I took the opportunity to splash some more brandy into our glasses. Molly took a sip and inhaled some of the fumes from the snifter.

“This is good stuff!” she held out her hand for the bottle and took a moment to examine the label. “I thought they made champagne?!”

I nodded, “Yeah, their parent company in France makes ’em call it ‘sparkling wine’ since it doesn’t come from the Champagne region, but a few years back, they started selling this stuff in limited quantities, and it kind of caught on.”

I swirled the amber liquid around the walls of the snifter, watching the little rivulets run down the glass, then turned it up and took a small mouthful, swishing it around to savor the flavors, then inhaling over the puddle of alcohol it formed on my tongue. The vapors filled my lungs as I swallowed the liquid.

“Molly,” I looked again into the glass as I spoke, “if you will put yourself into my hands for a few hours, I think I can show you some ways to enjoy and to understand how special your unique…” I paused to search for the right word, “… attribute is.”

I raised my eyes and met her gaze. Through her eyes, I could see the turmoil that seethed within her. Could she trust me? Was I some sort of crazed sex maniac? Would I help her or hurt her? She really wanted help, but how could she take it from a man she’d just met?

To help her decide, one way or another, I got up and beckoned her to follow. This was a gamble, but somehow I thought (or perhaps hoped really strongly) that it would sway her in the direction I wanted her to go.

“I’m going to show you why I say I am experienced in sexual matters. You may find this shocking, but try to keep an open mind, ok?”

I led her into the pantry and triggered the remote to open the hidden door to my dungeon. So she wouldn’t feel trapped, I preceded her down the stairs, and as she followed me, thinking hard about each step she took, I turned on the lights.

“Oh my GOD!” one hand flew to her mouth, the other to her chest, but she didn’t run.

I spread my arms and turned, presenting my wicked little world for her enjoyment “Down here,” I pronounced, “I have just about everything needed to produce sexual pleasure for just about anyone in the world. Turn your will over to me for twelve hours. Let me control your life for half a day, and I’ll show you ways to enjoy your gift that you never dreamed possible.”

Her troubled emotions boiled over. “Gift!” she said ironically, “More like ‘curse’!”. She clutched at the pit of her stomach and put her hand over her mouth. “I-I’m afraid.”

I nodded, “You should be. You don’t know me. This is all very new, and many of these things can be dangerous, even fatal if improperly used. That’s why I don’t want you to decide tonight. Get a good night’s sleep, think it over, and I’ll await your decision in the morning.”

As I spoke, two large, furred, grey shadows slipped into the dungeon and sniffed at Molly, analyzing her scent. When Caesar’s pointed red shaft began to emerge from his sheath, I knew she was aroused as well as frightened. I motioned the dogs to sit and introduced them to Molly, who, thankfully, hadn’t shown any fear at their presence.

“Molly, the horny fellow on my right is Caesar. The more polite gentleman on my left is Czar.” I waved a hand at each in turn, “Their mother was a Malamute who was bred by a Timber Wolf. These two boys, besides being an integral part of my life and my security system, are also chick magnets – all the ladies love them.”

I didn’t think it quite the right time to tell her what the ladies loved about them, as she knelt and extended a hand for each to sniff. They did so dutifully, and even suffered her to scratch them behind the ears and around their collars. The boys aren’t much for being handled, but they love young ladies.

I ushered them all back upstairs and showed Molly the guest room and bath, bidding her good night.

I was up early and had breakfast ready by the time Molly had finished her morning ablutions and appeared in the kitchen wearing a starched white shirt and shorts tennis oufit that nicely complemented her hair, which, unfettered, shone brightly as it swirled about her shoulders.

We ate in silence. I had my usual hearty breakfast, while Molly made do with a couple of slices of melon and a piece of dry toast.

She sat silent as I cleared the table, but when I held out my hand and led her to the dungeon, she followed docilely.

At the top of the stairs, I stopped and, looking into her eyes, I said “If you follow me down these stairs, you agree to give me control of your body for the next twelve hours. In return, while I won’t promise that you won’t feel any pain, I pledge that you will suffer no physical injury. I also promise that when you emerge from here, you will be a very different person, and there will be no going back!”

Without waiting for a reply, I descended the stairs and started making preparations. I knew she had already decided, from the look in her eyes, but still had some issues to work through.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the dogs, who knew what kinds of things went on in this room and had preceded me down the stairs, pricked up their ears. A few moments later, Molly’s white clad feet hesitantly appeared. It took her forever to make it down the stairs, and she was trembling when she reached the bottom. As she stood indecisively on the last step, I walked over and once again browsed through the emotions displayed within her eyes.

“Before you take that final step,” I said evenly, but not harshly, “I want you to remove all of your clothing, including undergarments and shoes, as a sign that you understand into what kind of agreement you’re entering. You may place your clothes on this table, and join me over there.”

I pointed to the bench where I had been setting things up for her arrival.

I didn’t wait to see if she complied, but returned to my preparations, my back toward Molly.

I could tell from the rustle of clothing behind me, and the dogs’ increasing agitation, that she was doing as I had asked. I heard a small gasp as her bare feet touched the cold stone floor of the dungeon, and covered my preparations with a black velvet cloth.

When I felt her warmth radiating just a few inches from my bare arm, I flung back the covering fabric and waved my hand over the items on the bench like a salesman offering beads to the natives.

“Choose!” I said.

Molly stared as if hypnotized by the array of plastic phalluses before her, giving a small gasp, more at the suddenness of my movement than anything else.

“Choose?” she whispered.

I nodded. “The dildo you pick will be your first fuck of the day, so choose wisely. Pick one that will be big enough and of the right shape to satisfy you, but not one so large as to injure you, since you won’t be given time to adjust.”

“Oh my!” she breathed, and her hand extended to hover over the objects on the bench.

She caressed one or two, as if to feel their shape, picked one up but returned it to it’s place and picked up the one to its right, holding it out to me as if it were made of glass.

“This one!” her breath was coming in short, quick gasps and I was afraid she’d hyperventilate.

I took the thick twelve inch monster from her, noting that she had chosen one whose diameter varied randomly along its length, making for a bumpy ride for its recipient. Without comment, I took her hand, as if leading her to the dance floor, and guided her to a fixture that was reminiscent of a weight bench, taking the opportunity to enjoy her naked form for the first time.

Her breasts were about a ‘C’ cup, with large, puffy, pale aureolae that camouflaged flat pink nipples and rounded off the tips of her pallid mounds. Her tanned, freckled stomach and thighs sharply outlined the white band of flesh that started just above her hip bones and ended about a quarter of the way down her thighs – clearly a soccer tan, rather than one got by lying in the sun in a bikini. The pale skin of her lower belly curved softly down the ‘Y’ of her pelvis to an unruly thatch of orange-red pubic hair. The muscular trunks of her legs were topped by well muscled buttocks that displayed no jiggle as she walked.

I had her lie on her back, and her breath quickened even more when I stretched her arms over her head and bound them with padded cuffs, kissing her lightly on the lips as I did so. I placed her feet in the stirrups atop arms that, on a weight bench, would support a barbell. When I fastened them in place, she lay on her back with arms extended above her head, legs raised and spread, with her feet just above and outside her shoulders, leaving her pelvis vulnerable and available for my manipulation.

Her red oulined vulva were glistening with moisture, but I lubed the rubber cock anyway, just to be safe, before attaching it to the hydraulic ram positioned between her legs. Molly watched in consternation as I adjusted the tip of her chosen weapon at the opening of her now dripping vagina.

“Your body is excited about what you see happening to you, Molly.” I whispered in her ear, “but your mind is afraid. Does your fear feed your arousal?”

At her moan, I reached over and pinched both nipples to erection, finally causing them to stand out from her now smaller, darker aureolae. I triggered the pre-programmed sequence of the fuck machine.

Slowly, the ram extended, easily parting the lips of her vagina and meeting little resistance as it journeyed inward, accompanied by the moans of a woman whose passage was being stretched, though not painfully, perhaps for the first time.

With three or four inches of the phallus remaining outside her body, the strain guage stopped its inward progress. Molly’s face was screwed up in concentration as her body adjusted to the fullness, but already her hips were grinding slowly against the intuder.

After a rest of several seconds, the ram withdrew as slowly as it entered, until just the bulbous head of the artificial penis was still embedded. Without pause, it started inward again. This time, it went in just a fraction further, and didn’t pause as long before returning. The speed increased gradually, and soon, Molly and the machine were humping vigorously at each other, eventually burying another inch and a half or so of the plastic member.

Her nipples were still hard, so I took the opportunity to capture them in a pair of clamps whose weaker springs were designed to increase the sensation rather than cause pain.

Molly’s moans filled the dungeon and I could hear the mechanical mounts on the fucking machine creaking and groaning as her muscular pelvis rotated around the shaft. The phallus had bottomed out with at least two inches remaining unbaptized.

I stopped the ram and withdrew it, over Molly’s fevered protest. To protect the machine, I threw a sturdy, padded leather strap over her hips, and bound them to the table. Then I leaned over my panting guest and whispered, “You need to take the rest of it. I’ve got just the thing to help with that.”

I took a long, slender instrument from a bench nearby and after lubing it, inserted it into Molly’s gaping cavern. I don’t think she felt a thing until its round, tapered tip bumped against the end of her cervix. Feeling my way, I carefully moved the tip around inside her until I located the indentation in the center of the tight ring of muscle at the entrance to her womb. Slowly, I increased the pressure until the tapered end parted the opening and slipped inside, as Molly groaned and squirmed under the strap.

“What are you doing!?” she asked, not sure whether it hurt or just felt strange.

“This is a little device I designed to open up your cervix.” I smiled, “Since most phalluses that are large enough to please you are also quite long, you need to be able to take them deep. I think you’ll find that will enhance your pleasure, as well.”

While I was talking, her hips had started involuntarily trying to grind against the instrument.

When the device had penetrated far enough into Molly’s womb, I withdrew the outer sleeve that covered the overlapping splines, each of which were attached along one edge to the elongated rubber bladder running through the center of the instrument.

Attaching the tube from a sphygmomanometer bulb (you know, the bulb from a blood pressure cuff) to the nipple in the exposed end of the cervix spreader, I started pumping.

Molly’s eyes grew enormous and her breath started coming in small gasps once more as the bladder, constrained along the length of the device by the splines and the constriction of her cervix, grew in diameter. The flat splines slid over each other as it expanded, to form an enlarging cylinder.

With the cylinder fully expanded, I left it in place for a while and leaned over to lick at Molly’s sheathed clitoris. This brought a different sort of gasp from her, so I continued, laving the top and sides of the smooth ridge of flesh with long, gentle strokes that had her cooing and trying to rotate her hips within the confines of the strap.

Occasionally I would concentrate on the bottom end of the sheath, rapidly vibrating my tongue back and forth, before resuming the longer strokes.

Within five minutes, Molly was on the verge of orgasm, and I pulled back, listening to her frustrated moan and watching the end of the enlarger pulsate with her internal contractions.

I released the valve on the bulb and let the air hiss out of the expansion device. When it had collapsed to about half it’s former size, I withdrew it and immediately restarted the fucking machine.

This time, the ram didn’t stop until the flared base of of the dildo was pressed tightly against the greasy lips of Molly’s vagina. When the head popped through the recently expanded opening and entered her womb, Molly gave a gasp of surprise and rolled her eyes back in her head, shouting, “Aaaaaaghhh! What are you doing to me?”

I smoothed the hair back from her face and said, “Pleasing you!”

With that, the ram resumed its relentless fucking motion, pistoning the full length of the dildo into Molly’s pliant body with each stroke.

In seconds, Molly’s body went rigid and she moaned through her first climax. As the ram continued pounding her, faster and faster, she leapt from one peak to the next, climbing ever higher as the insistent mechanism wrung orgasm after orgasm from her sweating body.

I lubed a middle finger and elicited a gasp of surprise as I inserted it into her rectum and began fucking her in time with the machine.

“What – what are you doing?” she croaked, then shuddered through another climax.

I kissed her again, plunging my finger in to the palm, and whispered, “Getting you ready for your next lesson…”

I added a my ring finger alongside the other, and after a few strokes, as her ass started to milk my fingers, pushed my forefinger in, as well.

When her anus started clutching at and releasing my fingers, I stopped the ram and withdrew the dildo from her gaping cavern. I released her from the bench and helped her stand, then led her, on wobbly legs, to a low platform. I sat on the edge of the platform and guided her ass down onto my cock.

She hissed as she sank onto my rigid shaft, then said “Oooh, that feels good, but I told you I don’t get off this way!”

I whispered my reply in her ear, “If you keep an open mind, I think you’ll get off THIS way!”

With that, I lay back on the platform, taking her with me. As always, Caesar was ready to go, and as I gave him the signal to mount his knot was already beginning to form.

Molly gasped and tensed up as the big grey dog lifted himself on top of her. “Shhhhhh,” I whispered, “Let him pleasure you!”

Caesar gripped us both around the hips as he searched for her opening, and I was grateful for my foresight in keeping his dewclaws trimmed and rounded off.

After three or four misses, the pointed end of Caesar’s purple, dripping shaft found the opening to Molly’s tunnel. In one powerful stroke, he buried it deep inside her.

“Oh my GOD!” she shrieked, as the half-formed knot entered her through a vaginal opening that was now constricted by my presence in her ass, and Caesar’s furry sheath nudged at her labia.

Caesar didn’t waste a moment on niceties, but went right to work, pistoning in and out of Molly’s spasming tunnel and spearing deep into her womb. His knot rapidly inflated to it’s full softball size, and the sensation of that huge bulge working back and forth inside her had Molly shrieking and moaning atop my body as I plunged in and out of her colon.

I could feel Caesar’s hard knot working back and forth against my cock and Molly’s internal muscles milking the two of us as I stroked deep into her steamy bowels. Molly’s legs clamped around Caesar’s waist and, seemingly of their own volition, her hips started meeting his thrusts, the two of them working in concert to bury his bloated shaft as deeply inside her as possible.

The dog’s machine gun assault had me nearing my own explosion in a very short time, but I hung on, waiting for Molly, who was on the verge of going ballistic over the sensations assailing her stretched orifices. She screamed and hollered at the top of her lungs, and when Caesar climbed the platform with his hind legs and tucked his tail between them, burying his entire spear and half it’s sheath in her quivering, spasming tunnel, then blasted the back of her womb with a load of cum several degrees hotter than her own body heat, Molly lost it. Her scream started in an almost subsonic register and quickly climbed past high ‘C’ to hit and hold a stratospheric note that had Caesar shaking his head and Czar pawing at his ears. Her ass milked and massaged my cock like a grease-coated fist as I matched Caesar’s blast with one of my own, deep in Molly’s seizing ass. Her legs went rigid around the dog’s waist, and I thought she might crush him as her torso vibrated like a cello string above me for at least ten seconds. Then every muscle in her body went limp as she inhaled a great shuddering gasp of air and lay panting between Caesar’s body and mine.

I stroked her hair and waited as her soccer conditioning quickly brought her breathing back to normal. Caesar just placed his head on her shoulder and waited for his knot to subside, enjoying, with me, the little aftershocks that shook Molly’s body.

“So, Molly,” I whispered in her ear, “still think you can’t get off like this?”

She grinned and rocked her head side to side on my shoulder, disturbing Caesar who licked her face as though he thought that might help.

“I’ve NEVER, EVER cum like that, Mr. Brenneman!” she rasped, licking dried lips.

“Well,” I said, “Caesar is just an available male. You don’t need a dog to do this if you have two willing guys. Another thing you can do with two guys, if they’re not too homophobic, is take them both in your vagina. That should tighten things up nicely, and still give them all the stimulation they need!”

“Oh!” she gasped, “I never really thought of doing TWO guys! Hey, that might be fun!”

After a few minutes, Caesar gave an experimental pull, and with a loud SLUUURP his shrinking cock extracted itself from Molly’s pussy, pouring their love juices over my balls. I helped Molly up and led her to the dungeon shower where, with much touching, kissing, and fondling, we washed the combined fluids from our various body parts.

After drying off, I tugged lightly on the nipple clamps she still wore, and said, “I didn’t put rings in these because I know you have to shower with your teammates, but if you like, I can put removable barbells through them, that will serve the same purpose, but can be removed if needed. You know, like in the shower, or at airport security… !”

She thought for a bit, then shook her head. “No, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet, but it IS tempting.”

I led her to another bench and had her lie down with her head hanging over the end of the bench. I then secured her ankles near her head, about shoulder width apart.

I kissed her for a moment then said in a low voice, “I’m going to try an experiment. You obviously like having large objects in your pussy, now we’ll find out if you like having them in your ass. I’ll start with something about the size of my cock, which you’ve already taken without difficulty, and gradually work up to larger objects, ok?”

Her eyes got huge and she blushed under her freckles, but nodded an affirmative.

For my own edification, I poked the end of my half-hard dick at Molly’s mouth as I bent over her supine body. Her delicate lips opened readily and her tongue eagerly drew me in, quickly transforming my cock into a steel rod.

I took the smallest of the dildoes I had earlier arranged on a shelf beside the bench, and slowly worked it into her ass. Molly moaned around my cock as it bottomed out in her colon, working my glans against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. I rotated the dildo in place and started a slow reciprocating motion, twisting and stretching her passage as I went. Within a few strokes, her pelvis was gyrating so much, I just concentrated on the in and out, and let her handle the stretching.

She was building up a good head of steam when I withdrew the dildo completely, enjoying the sensation of her frustrated moan on the head of my cock, that was now lodged part way down her throat. I switched to the next larger dildo, that was both thicker and longer, and smoothly inserted it into her still dilated rectal opening, getting a small grunt from Molly, but no tensed muscles that would indicate intense pain. Slowly, rotating gently as I went, I pushed the larger phallus deep into Molly’s guts, to the tune of a long, guttural moan. When I reached the point where the other dildo had bottomed out, there were still two inches remaining. Slowly, giving her intestines time to rearrange themselves, I sank those last two inches into her quivering rectum. Molly had pretty much forgotten about my cock, which was now buried to the hilt in her mouth and throat, but the vibrations from her vocal chords and the unconscious working of her tongue against my shaft were providing plenty of stimulation on their own.

I gave her five minutes with the new dildo, driving her through several small climaxes, before switching to the next. With each successively thicker insertion and deeper penetration, her excitement level grew, until she was thrashing around on the bench and screaming around my cock. I withdrew my excited rod to make sure she wasn’t in distress, but she got two handfuls of my buttocks and pulled me back in as deeply as I could go, taking control of my thrusts in the process. By the time I got to the largest of the monster phalluses I had prepared, I doubt if she even knew or cared where she was. Her hugely stretched anus plunged upward to meet each stroke, and her belly bulged obscenely around the massive rubber dong as it plundered her lower intestinal tract. The sight of the enormous mound advancing and retreating within her body, combined with the exquisite sensations of her wildly spasming, vibrating throat and mouth soon sent me over the edge to blast my load deep down her throat. I don’t think she even noticed, she was that lost in her own world of sensory overload.

I withdrew my over-sensitive cock from her mouth, and moved around to sit on the open end of the bench. I dipped my right hand in the tub of lube I had been using for the dildoes, and withdrew the enormous rubber cock with my left.

“Put it BACK! God DAMN IT!” Molly screeched, “Don’t you DARE stop NOW!”

“Your wish is my command!” I answered calmly, and tucking my thumb into my palm, I made a spear out of my hand, thrusting almost to the elbow in one long, slow penetration.

“Oh SHIT!” Molly lifted her head, staring wild-eyed at my arm protruding from her upturned rectum, “OH MY GOD!”

She looked at me with a panicked expression on her face. I grinned and slowly rolled my hand into a fist, the sensation of things moving inside her causing her eyes to get even wilder.

“What the HELL are you doing to me!” she shrieked.

Again I grinned, and replied, “I’m fisting your ass!”

With that I slathered more lube on my arm and shoved a couple more inches into her. I pointed to the bulge of my fist near the top of her abdomen and said “Watch!”

I slowly pulled back as she stared, mesmerized, until the bulge merged with that of her pubic bone and the ring of her anus against my fist stopped my withdrawal. Suddenly, as if she was realizing for the first time what she was seeing, her body began to shake and her ass spasmed around my clenched fist as she wailed her way through a powerful orgasm.

Not letting up, I plunged my fist back into her guts, slowly pistoning in and out as Molly climbed peak after peak, only to soar into the abyss, shrieking, quaking and moaning each time she saw the bulge of my fist in her belly or my arm stuck halfway up her ass.

Gradually, her responses weakened as even the incredible stamina she needed to play soccer failed her, and I slowly withdrew my arm from her insides, propagating one final explosion as I pulled my balled up fist from her gaping ass.

I left her there in a virtual stupor while I went upstairs to call Frank and check on her car. He verified that it was in his lot and safe for now. A voice mail message informed me that the tow company used by Molly’s roadside assistance plan would pick up the car Monday afternoon and take it to the dealer in Seattle.

When I returned to the dungeon, Molly was just beginning to stir, feeling gingerly around her slowly contracting anal opening to check for damage.

“That’s an amazingly flexible set of muscles, Molly,” I said, “and since we took our time about stretching them, they should be all right. There’s no tearing, but you may find that bowel movements have some urgency for a few days. Your intestines weren’t designed for that kind of abuse, but should have no trouble recovering.”

She carefully raised herself to a sitting position as I released her legs, and swung them over the side of the bench.

I sat beside her, our thighs touching, but nothing else, and asked, “So, how did my experiment turn out? It’s obvious your body enjoyed it, but how do YOU feel about it?”

She was thoughtful for a long moment, then looked at me earnestly. “When can we do it again?”

I smiled and gave her a quick hug. “Right after lunch! Only this time, we’ll give your ass a rest and see how your pussy likes it!”

She returned my smile and leaned into the hug, laying her disheveled head on my shoulder. “Mr. Brenneman, you are a bad, EVIL man! I’m SO glad I met you!”

Lunch was nothing special – turkey sandwiches – but Molly ate like she had been starved for a week, wearing nothing but the robe I wrapped around her as we left the dungeon. I removed the nipple clamps to restore circulation, as well. I filled her in on what was happening with her car as we ate.

When we returned to the dungeon, I gave her a choice: She could start with the fucking machine, as we had this morning, or she could let Czar start preparing her for her second fisting.

She didn’t hesitate, but went over and knelt beside Czar, smoothing the fur back from his head to his shoulders with both hands. “How about it, big boy? You want a piece of this?”

He had no idea what she was talking about, but he understood the hand signal I gave him, and stood up, the pointy tip of his growing cock beginning to show from the end of his sheath.

“Good golly, Miss Molly!” I said, cleverly – as if she hadn’t heard it a thousand times before, “Why don’t you come over here first? Believe me, you’ll be much more comfortable.”

I positioned her kneeling, face down, on a narrow bench that supported her torso and knees with firm, soft pads, leaving her posterior hanging a few inches beyond the end of the bench.

I got Czar positioned and his cock inserted, then left them there while I went upstairs to take care of a few details in my workshop. Knowing Czar’s habits, I returned about half an hour later to find them panting through the aftermath of what, from all appearances, was an excellent fuck for both of them. Czar lolled contentedly across Molly’s back with his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth, and barely flicked his ears in my direction as I entered.

Molly’s breath was just returning to normal when Czar lifted a leg over her back and turned his tail to hers. With all the other ladies he had fucked, this would have meant he had to stand there, ass to ass with his lover, for several minutes while his knot deflated. This time, however, with a kind of wet, muted POP, his fully inflated knot disengaged from Molly’s overstretched labia, freeing him to lie down in the corner and lick his turgid purple battering ram clean.

I placed a hand on Molly’s lower back to let her know I was there, and knelt behind her, bucket of lube at the ready, saying, “I was going to use the dildoes to stretch you some more, but if Czar can come out that easily, my hand should be able to go in. Ready to try?”

At her silent nod, I slathered the greasy substance over my hand and up to my elbow, once again making a spear of my bunched fingers. With very little resistance, and only a small moan from Molly, my hand went right in to my wrist. Using three fingers, I inserted them into the partially opened ring of muscle that formed her cervix, and started separating, twisting, and stretching to open it more. Soon, my little finger joined the other three. As her cervix spread and flexed, Molly moaned and humped gently against my hand, rocking her hips about a half inch at a time as my hand sank deeper and deeper into this most private of openings. Her cervix flexed and nibbled at my knuckles as the back of my thumb hit its muscular ridge. I withdrew until I could straighten my thumb, then, folding it inside my other fingers, I reinserted my hand, stroking gently in time with Molly’s rocking pelvis. In a half-inch, out a quarter, in a half-inch, out a quarter-inch. Gradually, the mouth of Molly’s cervix chewed up and swallowed my hand, allowing the last couple of inches to slide through to my wrist.

Molly gasped and spasmed through her first climax when I spread and bent my fingers, making spider-crawling motions inside her womb with the tips of my digits. Carefully, I closed my fist and pulled. Slowly, ever so slowly, her cervix relinquished it’s hold on my fist as I tugged, making sure that it came out gradually, even when her cervix slipped past the knuckles and wanted to squeeze me the rest of the way out. Without letting the opening close, I pushed the closed fist back in. Molly’s eyes, as I could see in the mirror on the wall, were squeezed shut and her hands had a white-knuckled grip on the handles mounted on the bench for just that purpose. I did this several times, going a little faster each time, until her body relaxed and started to respond. When she had relaxed to the point where I could stroke smoothly in and out and she even pushed back to help, I stopped, and leaving my hand embedded to its deepest point, had Molly turn over and lie on her back with her feet on the floor.

I turned my fist with her body until she was comfortably settled, then twisted it back to a more comfortable position for me, sending shivers through her frame. I positioned myself a little to the side so I could use my mouth on her clitoris while giving her full strokes with my fist. Each time I withdrew to the point where my knuckles pulled at her pubic bone, I twisted and rubbed at the top of her tunnel, stimulating her G-spot while I nibbled and sucked at her clit. She watched between her breasts as my fist traveled the length of her tunnel, forcing its way through her dilated cervix and stretching her womb to the utmost. Like the last time, the visual image of my arm disappearing so far into her body combined with the sight of my fist moving within her sensitive tissues stimulated her as much as the physical sensation of my bony, clubbed hand bludgeoning it’s way into her most private depths.

Faster and faster, I pummeled her womb, going deeper and deeper, until the widest part of my forearm, just below my elbow, stretched her abused labia while the hard knuckles of my fist mugged and violated the tender flesh of her baby chamber. She cried, she wailed like a banshee, and with each thrust, her pelvis rose to meet my fist with greater and greater violence.


As she rose higher and higher, cumming almost constantly, but never coming down far from the last peak, her body tightened like a bowstring, supported on her toes and shoulders. I bit hard on her clit and started rotating my fist as I stroked, corkscrewing it in and out of her clinging, clenching cavity. Her pelvis rotated around my forearm in the opposite direction to my motion, intensifying the feeling of her guts churning to make room for the massive cudgel that pounded mercilessly into the sacred cradle of motherhood. As she neared the precipice, her torso from hips to shoulder shaking at about Richter 7.9, I drove my fist as deep as it would go and suddenly opened my hand, straightening all five fingers to stab the interior of her spasming womb at five distinct points.

Molly screamed silently, her hips slamming up and down against my forearm, her eyes rolling back in her head and her hands pulling her abused nipples as far from her body as they would stretch. Four, five, six times her buttocks slapped against the padded bench, bouncing two feet into the air as I hung on for the ride, locked deep inside her by my extended fingers. Finally, her knees came up to her belly, curling into a fetal position around my buried hand, then flew straight out ahead of her, almost catching me and sending me across the room. Suddenly she was still and limp, her chest heaving as she struggled for oxygen.

I slowly pulled my hand from her flooded cavern, drawing shudders and spasms in its wake.

By the time I returned from washing my hand, Molly was snoring peacefully on the bench, her sopping, gaping pussy twitching occasionally. I covered her with a light blanket and went upstairs, surprised to see that it was twilight outside.

I prepared a meal of broiled venison with a salad of early greens from my garden and baked some potatoes from the root cellar. Molly appeared as I was setting the table, having showered and dressed in the outfit she’d worn that morning.

I smiled and waved her to a seat at the table, pouring an iced mug full of my specially brewed light ale and setting it near her plate. She nearly drained the mug without taking a breath, so I refilled it before filling one for myself.

I ate a small piece of the venison and some salad, everything else disappeared somewhere inside Molly. Eventually, she pushed away from the table, took a long swig of ale, and let loose a belch that would have turned heads at Mel’s tavern. She giggled and put a hand over her mouth.

“Oops! Sorry!” she looked at her mug and at the empty dishes in front of her and said, “Oh my gosh! I’ve never eaten like that!”

It was a warm evening for spring, and we took our beers out on the front porch, settling into the old-fashioned glider I had installed myself after the contractors left. Molly’s head settled on my shoulder and we sat, gazing at the stars and listening to the night sounds.

Those of you who’ve only lived in cities where the man-made lights mask the stars and have never heard the sounds that mother nature’s creatures make as the day shift settles down for the night and the night shift begins to hunt are to be pitied.

The sighing of wind through the trees, the rustle of leaves, the calls of insects, frogs, owls, bats and larger creatures are occasionally punctuated by the sound of a dead branch falling somewhere in the forest, the rustle of wings of a passing owl, or a wolf or coyote giving voice to its joy at being alive. The sky, away from city lights, is not dotted with stars. They form a continuous shifting, dynamic backdrop for the closer, constant stars. Constellations are hard to pick out because there are so many stars to choose from, and all are visible, not just the brightest. I have navigated my way for miles around my property on moonless nights with only the stars for light, and have had no trouble moving soundlessly through the deepest forest using only their diffuse glow and my ears for guidance. This is one of the primary reasons I bought this place and I hope that by the time the cities spread this far, as they must, I will be long buried.

After a long silence, Molly finally stirred on my shoulder.

“Mr. Brenneman?” she whispered timidly, as if afraid to disturb the sanctity of the moment.

When I looked her way, she continued, “Can I stay here for my spring break?”

I smiled tenderly at her and replied, “You can stay a couple more days, but I need to go into Seattle myself on Tuesday, and from there I’m going down to Dallas for a few days. If you like, I’ll take you to Seattle with me, when I go.”

If she was disappointed, she didn’t show it, but settled more comfortably in the crook of my arm and sipped her beer.

Most of the next two days we spent exploring the place. I showed her my swimming hole in the natural pool beneath a twenty foot waterfall, and we went skinny dipping. There were no repeats of the steamy sex of the first day, but on her last night we enjoyed a lengthy session of mutual oral gratification, eventually both falling asleep in my somewhat rumpled bed.

As she climbed out of the pickup in front of an upscale suburban home on Tuesday, I gave her a hand-rubbed, inlaid wooden case. When she opened it, she found a thick, fourteen inch wooden phallus whose shape, if exaggerated in size, was true to life in every detail, with veins and ridges lovingly carved in bas-relief on the exotic tropical hardwood. Molly almost dropped the dildo, case and all, as she leaped back into the cab of the pickup to kiss me.



My house is built on a rather large plot of land, but unlike my neighbors, I don’t try to make it produce income for me, so technically, it’s not a farm. When the last known heir of the original owner died in the eighteen-nineties, the land fell into a legal limbo while the possibility of living inheritors was investigated (they actually did such things back then!). Then in the early part of the twentieth century, a fire destroyed many of the records of who owned what, though, strangely enough, not the title papers for my place. Local, county, and state officials, however, were so busy trying to sort out the various claims to occupied properties, that the only reference to those documents was made to refute spurious claims by people hoping to pick up property they didn’t own.

When the ‘land rush’ finally settled down, folks had pretty much forgotten about this place until I came along. Brush and trees grew up and buried all the land the previous owner had tilled under lush greenery, adding foliage to the untrammeled parts of the forest that had never known a plow. Towering pines carpeted many acres with a slippery coating of brown needles. Elsewhere, hardwoods, sycamore, aspen, birch and ash built a cool, shady canopy under which only those plants that required a minimum of sunlight could flourish.

After a nasty divorce, I made a bundle on tech investments, but, knowing it was a bubble that had to burst, as quickly as I made the money, I transferred it to more stable investments, leaving only the original working capital at risk. When I had enough to live comfortably, even lavishly, for the rest of my life, I started searching for a quiet little place in the woods where I could build a home and not have to worry too much about prying eyes or overly sensitive ears.

My agents showed me several plots of land, but none offered me the possibilities that this place did.

As unobtrusively as possible, I had my agents make enquiries, grease palms, and finally, present the winning bid at the auction when, as arranged, only one other person showed up.

It took months longer to build the house than it might have otherwise, because I wouldn’t let the construction crews cut down any of the trees or pave the road. They were allowed to lay native rock and gravel in the mud of the overgrown dirt track that the original owners had used as a driveway, but that was it. Fortunately, the wheels of numerous wagons and the hooves of untold numbers of horses had packed the dirt of the track so hard that the forest was only now beginning to encroach on it. I used local companies for most of the construction, but went out of state for the basic security system. The enhancements I designed and built myself.

I offset the strangeness of my construction preferences by staying visible in town. I was friendly with anyone who wanted to be friendly, and left the rest alone. Soon, I was rubbing elbows with the Sheriff and his deputies, local businessmen, and pretty much anyone else in the community who wasn’t a shut-in. I listened, but didn’t pry, and answered most questions about myself with a good-natured, self-effacing joke. It wasn’t that I had anything to hide, I just didn’t see any point in advertising the details of my private life.

I wanted them to see that I wasn’t going to pry into their lives, and wasn’t going to make mine an open book, either. When anyone offered details about themselves, I listened politely, asking just enough questions to not seem rude. Before long, people were telling me the most intimate secrets – first about their neighbors, then, as trust grew, about themselves. I filed it all away in my memory, but never repeated any of it to anyone.

In this way, before the house was finished, I had wormed my way into the social structure of the community, if not yet as an insider, at least as an acceptable outsider. (Brenneman’s theory of how to be a successful recluse – be as outgoing as possible without actually revealing anything you don’t want people to know.)

With the construction crews gone, I set about making my private modifications to the house, still making and keeping social commitments lest my neighbors start thinking I had turned strange on them.

By the time I was finished, I had my dream – a comfortable house set so far into the woods that I could do pretty much anything I wanted, a fully equipped dungeon, and a security system that, along with my dogs, alerted me to the presence of people on the property long before they could become a threat – at least, in most cases. This story is about one of the times this system let me down – to my enormous delight!

At first I went as far as Seattle to find sexual partners who shared my interests, then Molly Pierce’s car broke down near the end of my road, and while we waited for a tow truck, we found some common interests. Molly spent the weekend in my dungeon and went back to Washington State sated and happy as a clam. Before long, I had so many students dropping by from Pullman and Moscow (University of Idaho), that I no longer needed to go into Seattle except for materials, supplies, and services that I couldn’t or didn’t want to get locally.

When I wasn’t entertaining ‘guests’ in my dungeon or working on the custom items I sold to other members of the community, I liked to wander through the woods with my Timber-Wolf, Malamute mix dogs, Caesar and Czar.

There is a stream that meanders through my property. This stream is filled year-round with run-off from the perpetual snow cap that tops the mountain on whose skirts my land is situated. Near the middle of the property, surrounded by some of its oldest trees, lies a moss-covered glade. At one end of this glade, ‘my’ stream plunges twenty feet down a natural waterfall, creating misty rainbows when the sun peeks through the surrounding trees. Over the years, the falling water has created a basin in the natural rock that, except at the bottom of the fall, sits still, deep, green, and crystal clear. At the downstream end, the water cascades, tinkling and splashing, over jumbled rocks for several feet before re-entering the channel it has dug over the years. This is my favorite spot out of many marvelous natural places within the bounds of my little piece of heaven.

On this particular day, I was headed toward this natural swimming pool with the idea of doing a little skinny dipping. The dogs, as was their habit, had ranged far ahead. I wasn’t worried. I figured they probably knew where I was going, and even if they didn’t they wouldn’t have any trouble finding me.

Suddenly, from far ahead, I heard a faint scream. I quickened my pace, and as I neared the swimming hole, heard what sounded like a young girl’s voice. The muted crash of the waterfall and ripple of water cascading over the rocks masked most of the sound, but I thought, from what I heard, that the voice sounded familiar.

I had no idea what to expect, and since I wasn’t carrying a weapon, I slowed as I neared the clearing, and crept slowly forward, the voice growing louder as I neared. I cautiously poked my head around the trunk of the last tree and stopped in amazement.

Not ten feet from where I stood, a platinum blonde nymphet with silken, straight, waist length hair knelt on a blanket thrown atop a moss covered rock. I recognized her as Penny Noonan, my neighbor Sarah’s daughter, so her presence wasn’t what shocked me.

The lithe little fourteen-year-old sprite was on her hands and knees, shrieking, as Czar pumped his engorged shaft into her hairless little mound for all he was worth.

At first I thought she was in distress and started around the tree to see if I could head off disaster before Czar’s knot swelled so large it couldn’t be extracted from her body. As I rounded the tree, however, I spotted the small stack of neatly folded clothing on one corner of the blanket, and began to make out the words issuing from the delicate lips of the diminutive teenager.

“Ooooh yeah, Czar! Ooooooh! Jam that hot doggie dick into my belly!” she was shaking her head and rocking her hips in time with his strokes. “Come on Czar baby, pump that big ol’ knot up and let me feel it inside me like a big balloon! Oh damn, I love your cock!”

She looked over at Caesar who, though he knew I was there, didn’t pay me any attention. This kind of activity went on in my dungeon all the time, so he didn’t see any reason why I would interfere.

Penny cooed at Caesar, “Don’t worry Caesar, you’ll get your turn! I want to feel that big ol’ knot of yours sliding back and forth inside me, too!”

I stepped into her line of sight and said quietly, “Well I should hope so! Wouldn’t be fair to let just one of ’em fuck you now, would it?”

Penny’s head whipped around in shock, her hair flying. “M-M-Mr. Brenneman! I wasn’t… ! I mean I didn’t… ! I mean… Ooooooh shit!”

Tears welled up in her eyes and her face flushed the cutest shade of pink. She turned away, then looked up at me again, Czar still pounding away at her nether end.

“You must think – aaagh! – think I’m – oooh! – aw-awful!”

I squatted beside her on the blanket, “On the contrary, Penny. I think you’re just about the sexiest creature I’ve ever seen!”

She stared at me in shock, her hips involuntarily resuming their rocking, “Really! I thought you’d be disgusted, or mad, or… I don’t know! How can you even look at me?”

I smiled and pushed a few strands of hair out of her face. “I can look at you because you’re beautiful and sexy, and the way you enjoy having Czar’s cock inside you turns me on big time!”

“Oh god, it’s getting bigger! His balloon’s finally coming up!” her eyes closed briefly as she savored the sensation of Czar’s knot swelling in her tiny belly, then looked back at me through hooded eyes, “So, like, you don’t mind that I come up here and fuck your dogs?”

“I think it’s great!” I said, “Would you like me to help you feel even better?”

“Ooooohhhh, yeah!” It may have been an answer or a reaction to what Czar was doing. I chose to interpret it as the former.

Reaching under the fragile-looking little fairy, I lightly pinched the tiny pink nipples topping the puffy cones of her aureolae. Her breasts were just beginning to mound on her skinny chest.

“Oh, yeah! Oooh I like that, Mr. Brenneman!” She arched her back, thrusting her chest downward to give me better access.

Keeping one hand on her little nubbin of a nipple, rolling it softly back and forth between my finger and thumb, I moistened the middle finger of my other hand with saliva, and gently massaged her tiny clit.

“OOOOOHHHHHH GGGGOOOODDD!” she screamed, jerking her hips spasmodically against my finger and the dog’s cock.

I felt Czar’s knot on my wrist as it rapidly shuttled back and forth inside her tight little belly. I could tell from the motion that he was almost home, so I grasped the sheath of her clit between thumb and forefinger, and as Czar’s cock pulsed inside her, I pinched with both hands, just hard enough to cause a twinge, but no real pain.

Penny shrieked incoherently for several seconds. Her hips did a 720 around Czar’s spewing firehose, then gave three hard jerks before her head and shoulders collapsed on her forearms while she mumbled something I couldn’t make out.

I leaned closer and finally understood her feverish words. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou… OH my GOD! Thank you!”

I let her rest for a minute as Czar lifted his leg over her back and turned around facing the other way. Penny’s eyes rolled back in her head and she gave another little shudder as the dog’s enormous cock and knot rotated inside her.

“So, Penelope Noonan,” I asked, with mock sternness, “how long have you been screwing my dogs?”

She looked up through silvery strands of hair, wide-eyed, then, seeing my smile, grinned back impishly. “This is my third time with Czar. I’ve only had Caesar twice, but I think he’s my favorite!”

I raised my eyebrows in question and she continued, “Czar’s the gentleman. He gives me time to get used to him before his knot swells up, so I like to have him first, but his knot doesn’t last long before he cums! Caesar’s balloon inflates right away and I get to feel it moving inside me for much longer. It’d kill me if he went first, but after Czar, I just go totally crazy when he gets that big ol’ thing moving inside me!”

“Is that all you like about them, Penny? Their knots?”

“Oh no! There’s a place inside me that they go through, like a hole into something else inside me, I thinks it’s my cervix, and even though it hurts like crazy when they first go in, it drives me wild to feel them poking that deep into me with their pointy tips!” she got a dreamy look in her eyes, “I also like the way their fur feels on my back and ass, and I just LOVE the way they hug me with their front legs! I don’t know why. It just makes me feel like they REALLY want me!”

With a prolonged “SLUUUUURPP!”, Penny’s sopping pussy relinquished its hold on Czar’s shrinking bulge, causing another tiny orgasmic shiver to ripple through her body.

“OOOOOHHHH!” she moaned. Then, looking around the clearing, she spotted Caesar. “Caesar! Come on boy! It’s your turn!”

As an afterthought, she looked up at me, “You don’t mind do you, Mr. Brenneman?”

“No, Penny,” I responded with a smile “but I DO have a concern.”

“A concern?” she looked alarmed, “About what?”

I lifted her to her feet with a hand under her arm. “Well, Penny, you were able to find this place and come here more than once without my knowledge. That means that someone else could find it too. I wouldn’t want one of our neighbors to come along and find you coupled with one of the dogs. They probably wouldn’t be as understanding as I am, so why don’t we take a walk back to my house, and you can finish up with Caesar there?”

She thought for a moment, then answered seriously,”Oh you’re right! I’d be totally embarrassed if somebody came along and saw me with the dogs!”

She started putting on the shorts and halter she had worn to the pool while I folded her blanket.

“You know, it’s not much further to my house, if you go through the woods, than it is to here from your mom’s place, why don’t you just come there when you want to ‘play’ with my boys? You’ll have to call first, to make sure I don’t have company, but nobody else will ever see what you do.”

She looked up at me, surprised, the shorts hanging around her knees. “You’d let me do that?”

“Sure!” I smiled.

She reached out to hug me, exclaiming “Oh, thank you Mr. Brenneman!”

I swear, I do believe she ground her pelvis against my thigh several times as she held me!

As we walked through the woods, Penny chattered incessantly about pretty much anything that came into her head. First it was the dogs, then music, then school, then boys, and so on. I found her to be a cheerful, delightful companion, and though some of her conclusions were flawed, primarily from lack of experience, she seemed to be in the habit of thinking for herself, and not just spouting what she’d heard from others.

As we got nearer the end of our walk, Penny suddenly wrapped both arms around one of mine and pulled me down to her level. “Mr. Brenneman, can I tell you a secret?”

Playfully, I stuck a pensive finger to my lips, as though thinking very hard. “Well, with what I already know about you, I suppose one more secret wouldn’t hurt!”

She giggled then whispered conspiratorially, “You know who got me started fucking dogs?”

I scratched my head. “Daffy Duck?”

Penny whacked me on the shoulder, “No, silly! It was you!”

“Me?” I really was shocked.

She nodded slowly. “Remember that night a couple of months ago when you and the sheriff sat at the table next to ours in Lily’s diner?”

At my nod, she continued in a rush, “I got such a crush just looking at you! My pussy got all wet just thinking about what it would be like to be with you. When I got home, my little dog Pepper was all over me, sniffing between my legs and everything. I went out to the barn to get my chores done, and he followed me and started humping my leg. Well, I was still horny as a billy goat, so finally I just laid back on a bale of hay and pushed my shorts down. Next thing you know, Pepper’s popped my cherry with his little dick, and his knot got big inside me, and I came like a freight train! Well, about a week later, I went skinny dipping in your pool back there, and here comes Czar and Caesar out of the woods, while I’m laying on a rock enjoying the sun. At first I was scared, but when they started sniffing and licking between my legs, I knew what they wanted, so I just got on my hands and knees and let them have it! I was lucky Czar went first, but it still hurt like hell at first. He’s so much bigger than Pepper!”

I looked at her, concern showing in my face, “You are lucky! Dogs have no concept of gentleness, and you could have been hurt really bad.”

“I know, now, but I got used to Czar pretty quick, and it worked out Ok.”

We walked on in silence for a little while, Penny still hugging my arm between her budding breasts. Finally, she stopped, and looked up with a serious expression on her face.

“Mr. Brenneman,” she asked, still holding my arm, “would you fuck me?”

I struggled with the best way to phrase my answer and finally replied, “In a heartbeat, Penny, IF” and I held up a cautionary finger “I could be reasonably sure of not being arrested, AND your mother said it was ok.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about me telling anybody! But I can’t ask my mom for permission! She’d go through the roof!”

I stopped and looked down at her. “Penny, this is very important! There are good reasons for the statutory rape laws, though I don’t think most of them apply here, and with the proper assurances that you won’t talk, I’m willing to take the risk. I can’t, however, be the adult that makes this decision for you. It’s what’s called a conflict of interest. Even though I like you, and would like to think I’d do what’s best for you, I want to fuck you at least as badly as you want me to, so I can’t be sure that I wouldn’t be selfish and say it’s all right when you might be harmed in some way by it. That’s why your mom has to be involved. If anyone in this world has your best interest at heart, it’s her. If you can’t talk to her and get her to agree, we can’t do it! It’s as simple as that”

Penny’s face lit up when she heard that I wanted her, too, but sobered again at the difficult choice I was giving her.

By the time we reached the house, Penny was no longer in the mood for sex with Caesar, so I gave her a soda and we argued some more.

“Come on, Mr. Brenneman!” she begged, “I didn’t need Mom’s permission to have sex with the dogs, and you went along with that!”

“I couldn’t turn back the clock, Penny,” I replied, “And there was no point in making you feel bad about it, since it apparently didn’t hurt you, but if I had been there before you did it the first time, I would have done my best to prevent it, or at least make you get the opinion of someone who really cares about you!”

“But mom’s already told me I can’t have sex with boys!” Penny opined, “I just know she won’t let me do this if she knows about it!”

I shrugged, “Can’t be helped, Penny. I won’t do it without her approval, no matter how much I want to.”

She tried a clumsy seduction then. My rejection came close to sending her into a tantrum – something I had been trying to avoid, but she held herself in check, dejectedly hung her head, and headed for the door.

“Penny!” I said, as she pushed open the screen, “There is a thing called experience that adults have and young people, no matter how smart they are, are only in the process of gaining. The role of the the adult is to use his or her experience to guide the young people so that their experiences don’t hurt them too badly, physically or psychology. Your mom’s experience is what you need to lean on before you dive into this. If you can’t do that, then it’s better that we don’t take the risk, ok?”

Penny, who had stopped to listen, nodded half-heartedly, then let the screen door slam behind her.

I figured I had gotten out of that one cleanly, until two days later when I got a call from Sarah Noonan.


“Mr. Brenneman, this is Sarah Noonan.” she didn’t sound terribly pleased, “I think we need to talk.”

I didn’t need to ask why. Sarah and I had previously spoken only to exchange pleasantries in passing, but just so she knew I knew, I asked “Penny?”


I thought for a moment. “I’m getting ready to barbeque some chicken. I can add some hamburgers and you two can join me for dinner, if you like.”

“That’s not necessary, Mr. Brenneman,” she WAS pissed, “what I have to say to you I can say right now!”

I heard Penny in the background, “Mom! I already told you it was my idea, not his! He’s the one that made me come to you!”

“Still, the way you talked to… !”

I cut her off. “Ms. Noonan! Are you sure you want to have this conversation over the phone? Please, come over. You don’t have to accept my food, but at least let’s have a conversation, not a shouting match.”

There was silence for a few seconds, then “We’ll be there in half an hour!”

They arrived twenty minutes later, and though Sarah seemed to have calmed down a bit, I could see she was seething inside.

I forestalled questions by leading them around to the back yard where the chicken and hamburgers were in full sizzle on the iron grate of my natural stone barbeque. I offered Sarah a beer, which she took by reflex, and gave Penny a soda, waving them to seats on the lawn furniture.

When the immediate business of getting them settled in was over, Sarah started right in, “What’s this about you wanting to screw my daughter!?”

I looked her square in the face and replied calmly, “Every male in the county wants to screw your daughter, Sarah. I’m just the lucky guy to whom she chose to offer the opportunity to do so.”

Penny giggled into her soda, earning a burning glance from her mom.

“So, instead of turning her down flat,” Sarah shot back at me, “you send her to me to get permission? What kind of pervert are you?”

I smiled through the smoke of the grill, turning burgers and checking the chicken for doneness. “It would take most of the evening for me to describe to you what kind of pervert I am, and I wouldn’t do that anyway. In answer to your question, however, I am the kind of pervert who will not screw your underage daughter, even though she practically threw herself at me, without your consent. Your daughter is very intelligent, Sarah, and has a mind of her own, I’m sure you’ve noticed. Had I tried to tell her I wasn’t interested while sporting a hardon halfway down my thigh, she wouldn’t have been convinced. I elected to tell her the obvious truth instead of treating her like a child. I also elected to place a couple of conditions on my acceptance of her offer: First, I would need to minimize my chances of being arrested, and second she had to have your permission. To be honest, I didn’t think she’d even have the nerve to approach you. I think it speaks well for your relationship with your daughter that, in spite of her reluctance, she was able to broach the subject with you.”

“So now you’re going to try to talk me into letting you have sex with my daughter!?” her head was snaking back and forth atop her neck as if she were poised to strike.

“Actually, no. I’m going to stay out of it. Convincing you is Penny’s job, since this whole thing was her idea in the first place. I will answer any questions you have as honestly as I can, but I’m not going to try to talk you into anything.”

Sarah glared skeptically at me. “You mean you really don’t want to have sex with Penny?”

“That’s not what I said, Sarah.” I replied evenly, “I’m just not going to try to help her convince you.”

“Why not? If it’s really what you want, why the fuck not!”

I looked at Penny. “Would you like to tell her?”

Penny flashed me an ‘I’ll get you!’ glare, then told her mom with an impish grin, “He’s got a conflict of interest.”

“Conflict of interest?” Sarah looked suspiciously back and forth between us.

Penny nodded, “Yeah, he really wants to fuck me, but he’s not sure it’s in my best interest.”

Sarah stared open-mouthed at her daughter, then at me, temporarily at a loss for words.

Finally, she said “So let me get this straight! You” she pointed at Penny “want to fuck him,” she pointed in my direction, “and you want to fuck her, but you won’t do it without my permission?”

Penny and I nodded in unison. I had taken some of the burgers off the grill, and offered them to the ladies. Penny got a plate and started assembling hers, her mother ignored the offer.

Sarah threw up her hands and said, “Well, the solution’s obvious. I refuse to give my permission!”

She looked at me with a ‘what do you have to say about THAT’ glare, but when I offered her a plate loaded with chicken and potato salad, she took it.

I just shrugged and said “Ok.”

Penny, however, was not so easily deterred. Through a mouthful of cheeseburger, she asked “Mom, do you know how I got to talking with Mr. Brenneman about this?”

Her mother, gingerly taking a bite of the still-hot chicken, shook her head, trying to keep from burning her mouth in the process.

“He caught me fucking his dogs.” Penny was enjoying this a little too much, I thought.

The chicken landed on the grass. “He WHAT!”

“He caught me fucking…” she paused, “actually, being fucked by… his dogs! He was so cool about it!”

Sarah whirled on me, ready to attack. “You found one of your dogs fucking my baby, and didn’t do anything about it!? You really ARE a sicko!”

I shrugged and stood my ground. “There wasn’t anything TO do. By the time I got there, Czar’s knot was already inflating, and to have tried pulling them apart would have injured both – perhaps permanently.”

I lied a little about the timing to avoid having to tell her how much her daughter was enjoying it. I didn’t know how much Penny was willing to reveal, and I wasn’t going to rat her out.

Penny tugged at her mother’s sleeve to get her attention. “Mom, calm down! I’ve been letting Czar and Caesar screw me for over a month now! I LOVE it! He just happened to walk up while I was in the middle of getting royally screwed by Czar! Thanks to him, I never did get around to Caesar, like I planned!”

It wasn’t the whole truth, but who was I to interrupt when Penny was on a roll?

Sarah stared at her daughter, aghast, “You’ve been letting them fuck you for more than a month? How COULD you?”

Penny just grinned that impish little grin of hers. She knew she had her mother on the ropes, but I wasn’t sure she was fighting the right battle. “It was FUN, mom! You should try it! Those dogs really know how to stick it to a girl! Besides, they weren’t the first.”

Sarah, reeling under the impact of Penny’s revelations, gasped “Not the first? Then who… ?”

“Pepper.” Penny said, simply.

“Pepper?” Sarah was still lost. “Pepper’s been screwing you too!?”

Penny relented a little and took her mother’s hand. “Mom, I’m a horny teenager! I promised you I wouldn’t let boys mess with me, but I had to do something! At least the dogs won’t give me AIDS or get me pregnant!”

“So why HIM! Why do you want to have sex with a man who’s so much older than you?” Sarah was having trouble tracking, apparently.

Penny gently cradled her mother’s head in both hands and turned it in my direction. “LOOK at him mom! He’s just SUCH a TOTAL HUNK! Even you said so – remember, that night in the cafe?”

Sarah flushed and replied, “I I didn’t… I mean that’s not… Oh shit! Why did you have to pick THAT night to finally listen to me!? Besides, I thought the dogs were doing it for you – not that I approve, mind you, but you’re right about them not giving you AIDS or getting you pregnant – can you say the same for him?”

They both looked at me with the same question in their eyes.

“I had a vasectomy years ago,” I volunteered, “and I can promise that I have no communicable diseases. I’ll provide medical certification, if you like.”

“Besides, Mom,” Penny chimed in, “as great as the dogs are, they don’t have hands, and they pretty much only care about getting themselves off. I want to see what it’s like with a real person – someone who knows what he’s doing.”

Sarah, finally getting her bearings, slumped into a lawn chair and took a long pull from her beer.

She looked pleadingly in her daughter’s direction. “Honey, I know I haven’t been the best mother, but what have I done to deserve this?”

Penny sat on the arm of her mother’s chair and put an arm around her shoulder. “But you HAVE been the best mother! I know it hasn’t been easy raising me by yourself, and I haven’t exactly been the easiest child to raise, but on the whole, I’d say you’ve done pretty well. I’m doing well in school, and even though I don’t have a lot of friends, it’s more their fault for being so narrow minded. At least you got me the karate training that kept their teasing from becoming bullying, and I’m really grateful for that!”

“I’d like to add,” I butted in, “that I’ve been expecting to hear the old ‘because I told you so’ parental cop out for some time now, and the fact that it hasn’t been forthcoming is a tribute to your dedication as a mother.”

Sarah looked from me to her daughter and back, then back at Penny. “Honey, I don’t know what to tell you on this. Every instinct I have as a mother screams at me to get you away from this pedophile as quickly as I can, but it’s clearly not him pursuing you. You know I love you, and I’d do just about anything to make you happy, but how can I give you permission to sleep with a man who’s old enough to be MY father? I know it’s what you want, and I know you think it’s the right thing to do, but how do any of us know that at some time down the road, when you’re older, you won’t turn into some crazed serial killer or worse, for having slept with him when you’re so young?”

Penny threw her hands in the air, frustration showing in her voice. “How can any of us know what the future holds? I’ve read about girls who were traumatized their whole lives after having sex with an older man, but in every case, the man somehow manipulated the girl into doing something she wouldn’t normally do. This is something I’m already doing – just with a different species. Maybe I WILL become a psychopath down the road, or MAYBE I’ll learn enough about sex to keep other men from taking advantage of me sexually and making me pregnant before I want to be!”

“Penny!” I said sharply “Play fair!”

She looked abashed, but Sarah shook her head, “No, it’s a fair argument. Maybe if I’d been more knowledgeable about sex, George Ralston wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of me and then leave me to raise Penny on my own.”

“I see,” Sarah said, studying me “that you know about that. What else do you know about me?”

I shrugged, “It’s a small community, Sarah, and people like to talk. I know you’ve got a reputation as the town slut, but from what I can see, after one major indiscretion you just kept to yourself and did your best to raise your daughter on your own. All the rest – gentleman visitors at all hours of the night, etc. seems to be based more on rumor than fact.”

She gave me a long look, “You’re a person who’ll bear watching, I think. There’s more to you than most people know.”

“People draw their own conclusions about what they see,” I said, noncommitally “I just try to make sure they only see what I want them to see.”

“Do you consider yourself a moral person, Mr. Brenneman?” She took another pull from her beer.

I shook my head. “No. Personally, I think morality is a smokescreen behind which corrupt people hide immoral deeds. I generally try to act out of what I think of as ‘enlightened self-interest’.”

Sarah raised an eybrow. “‘Enlightened self-interest’? Now that sounds like a smokescreen if I ever heard one!”

“No, not really.” I took a moment to organize my thoughts before continuing, “I made the effort, some time ago, to identify for myself those things that are most important to me – fundamental principles, if you will. In case you’re wondering, sex with underage girls, even ones as pretty as Penny here, is not one of them, it’s just one of the things I do for fun, if the opportunity arises. Most of my decision making is based on not violating those principles. In that light, pretty much everything I do, I do for my own reasons and usually for my own benefit.”

She looked confused, “So why didn’t you just go ahead and screw Penny when she propositioned you?”

“Because it would have violated one or more of those principles. Without revealing too many secrets about myself, I will tell you that I believe that until a person has proven him- or herself unworthy of respect, that person should be treated with respect. In addition, I have noted in my own life, that the better I treat those around me, the better my own life seems to flow. Had I accepted Penny’s offer outright, it would have been extremely disrespectful to you. As a possible direct consequence, even if Penny never said anything to anyone, you might eventually have discovered what we were doing and had me arrested. Therefore it was in my best interest to either get you on board or not take the risk of going through with it.”

I drank from my own beer, then continued, “Viewed from one perspective, the act seems selfless, even noble. From another it’s base and selfish. You fill in your own motivation. People are complex, but I happen to believe that even the most selfless acts have selfish motivations. If I give a homeless person money, do I do it because I’m just generous, or because I get a good feeling from doing it? If a soldier throws himself on a live grenade, does he do it because he wants to save the lives of others, or because he couldn’t stand the thought of being the one left alive after the grenade went off, with comrades lying dead around him? I don’t believe that viewing things in this light makes other people look worse, given that we’re all pretty much the same. It simply helps us to understand them better.

“All that said, I have other reasons, also in my best interest, that I don’t think I’m going to discuss with you, just now, except to say that I mean neither you or you daughter any harm.”

Sarah tried to turn my own argument back on me. “But isn’t that being disrespectful to me?”

“No, that’s not trusting you – a separate issue.” I replied evenly, “Another of my principles is to never trust anyone too much until they have proven worthy of that trust, or until I can verify that they believe it is strongly in their best interest to not betray my trust. For instance, I don’t yet know Penny well enough to trust her implicitly, even though I’m inclined to do so. For most interactions we’re likely to have, however, I can trust her not to reveal too much because it’s not in her best interest for me to reveal what I know about her and her relationship with my dogs.”

At the women’s alarmed expression, I held up a placating hand. “Don’t panic! You both know enough about me and the dog incident that it would be damaging to me if I were to tell what I know, because then you and Penny would tell your stories. So in this matter, at least, we can trust each other. The other part, about me not wanting to tell you all my motivations, is a separate issue that will become clear if and when we reach that level of trust.”

Sarah leaned back in her chair staring pensively into the darkening sky. “If, IF I should consent to this, God forbid, how would I know you wouldn’t hurt Penny?”

“I can’t promise she’ll not feel pain, Ms. Noonan. Just the disparity in our sizes makes that almost impossible. What I can and will guarantee is that she’ll sustain no physical injury. I can be a rough, demanding lover when the situation warrants it, but when circumstances are otherwise, as they would be with her, I know ways of preparing a woman for pleasure that the Kama Sutra never thought of.

Penny’s ears had perked up at this last exchange. “You mean you’ll let me do it?”

Sarah was taken aback, “I still haven’t decided, dear! I’m so afraid that you’ll be terribly hurt, or worse!”

“Let me show you something, Mother.” she plopped down beside Caesar who was engaged in his second favorite hobby – licking himself. Penny spit into one hand, and with the other started stroking Caesar’s sheath up and down his shaft. As the pink, pointy end nudged it’s way further out of the hairy tube, her saliva-slicked hand went to work on the sensitive flesh. She apparently knew what he liked, because in moments he had a full, dripping erection surrounded in the middle by his softball sized knot. When Penny was satisfied that he was at full staff, she moved aside, giving Sarah a good look at the angry purple spear with the enormous bulge near its base.

“This is what I’ve been fucking, Mom!” she gave it an obscene shake, causing Caesar to whimper slightly. “If I can take this without getting hurt, I think I can handle Mr. Brenneman!”

Sarah’s hand was at her breast, her eyes wide with shock. “Oh My God, Penny! How did you ever… ?”

Penny smiled back at her mom, “Oh, it hurt the first time, big time! But once I got used to it, it was DIVINE!”

Sarah looked at me, as if asking for help.

“Hey, don’t look at me!” I shrugged, smiling “I’m conflicted, remember?”

Penny went back to her mother’s chair and sat on it’s arm. “Please, Mom? Mr. Brenneman is a really nice man, and I just know he won’t hurt me!”

“But Penny,” Sarah wailed, “you’re only fourteen, and he’s…”

When she looked at me questioningly, I filled in, “… forty six.”

“… forty six!” she continued “By the time you’re my age, he’ll be sixty two!”

The tiny blonde teenager shook her head exasperatedly at her mom. “Mother! I want to FUCK him, not MARRY him! I’m way too young to even think about marrying ANYBODY!”

“No offense, Mr. Brenneman!” she shot over her shoulder at me.

“None taken, Penny.” Then, to Sarah, “Marriage wasn’t exactly on my mind either, Ms. Noonan.”

Finally, Sarah drained the last of her beer and said, “Look, let me sleep on it, ok? You don’t seem to be the monster I thought you were, but I’m still not sure this is right for Penny.”

I took her empty, saying “Sure. This is a decision that shouldn’t be made quickly.”

I saw them back to their pickup, then went around back and fed the dogs the uneaten hamburgers.

I didn’t hear from either of them for a couple of days, and was beginning to think that the whole thing would just blow over.

I was working in my shop when the phone rang. When I picked up the shop extension, Sarah didn’t wait for my ‘Hello’, but started right in.

“Mr. Brenneman, this is Sarah Noonan. Look, I’ve gone over this from every angle I can think of, and while I’ve still got butterflies in my stomach over it, I just can’t think of a good reason not to let it happen.” I could hear her take a deep breath on the other end of the line, “So I’m giving my consent, but there are conditions!”

I waited, muttering “Uh huh.” just to let her know I was listening.

“First, I need to be there.”

I didn’t see a need to tell her that that was one of my conditions as well, so I just said, “Ok.”

“Second, she’s got to stop ‘playing’ with your dogs!”

“I can’t promise that, Sarah. I didn’t even know she was doing it until the other day, and if she chooses to find another out of the way place to play with the dogs when neither of us is watching, she can do that. They like her.”

She thought for a moment. “Ok, but you’re not to encourage her!”

“I can promise that if it’s what you really want, but are you sure you want to make it so that the only way she can play with them is where neither of us can supervise?”

“On shit! I hadn’t thought of it that way!” there was silence for a moment “Yeah, you’re right. If she wants to do it, it should at least be where an adult can watch, and help if the dogs get too rough.”

I didn’t say anything, and after a while she continued, “So how do you want to do this?”

“Why don’t you two come over for dinner tomorrow night, and we’ll talk about it?” I invited.

I didn’t want to sound like I was in a rush, despite my own excitement over the prospect of bedding her beautiful young daughter.

“Ok. We’ll be there about seven?”

“That sounds good, Sarah,” then I thought of something else, “and Sarah? Why don’t the two of you dress up? We’ll make it a special night.”

They both looked ravishing when they arrived at seven on the dot. Sarah’s five foot four inch frame was tightly sheathed in a black evening gown that left little to the imagination. Her hair was a darker shade of blonde than Penny’s and cut just below her ears in a modifed pageboy, with bangs sweeping left to right across her forehead. Sarah’s figure was lush, with lovely, soft curves in all the right places, but in profile her belly was flat with only a slight rounding just above her pubic bone, which showed prominently through the clinging material of the dress. The cloth of the dress clung lovingly to her shoulders, sweeping low across the tops of her breasts and dipping to a daring depth between them. I thought if I got close enough, I’d be able to see her navel through the cleft.

Penny was similarly attired in black, though her dress clung less tightly to her slender hips and torso. I was pleased to see that she had elected not to wear a bra, and the flat little mounds of her budding breasts pushed her conical aureolae and tiny nipples fetchingly against the gauzy fabric of her gown, whose high neckline provided an excellent backdrop for a lovely diamond and ruby pendant. Her long platinum hair was gathered at the back of her head in a severe bun, that made her look very elegant while highlighting her long, slender neck, and delicate ears. She wore no other jewelry, and the effect was stunning.

Both ladies wore high heels which shaped their calves, highlighted tantalizingly by the slits running down one side of each skirt. As Sarah climbed the stairs to my porch, I thought I caught a glimpse of stocking top and garter.

In my tuxedo, I ushered the ladies into the dining room where a catered meal from one of the finest establishments in San Francisco awaited us, lit only by the candles in the middle of the table and on the sideboard. Only one of the caterers remained to act as waiter, and he had instructions to disappear immediately after dessert.

For this occasion I removed the large dining table and substituted a smaller, round one that allowed the three of us to enjoy a more intimate meal.

For the duration of the meal, which was served in seven courses, I kept the conversation light – steering it away from the evening’s real purpose, but allowing it to skirt sexual subjects, leaving plenty of opportunity for titillating innuendo and sexual metaphor. Sarah and Penny joined willingly in my little game, blushing prettily at the thoughts that were evoked, and contributing their own double entendres and risque anecdotes.

After dessert, the caterer served us each a small glass of excellent port, and, at my nod, took his leave. Penny picked up her glass and shot her mother an inquiring look. At Sarah’s nod of acquiesence, she took a sip of the sugary wine.

Delight spread across her face as the little girl made an appearance from behind the facade of the sophisticated young lady. “This is good!”

She made as if to down the rest of the glass, but I gently restrained her hand. “Easy, Penny, that stuff is stronger than it tastes. Relax, and sip it slowly.”

Looking across at Sarah, I asked, “Shall we move this into the other room?” I nodded toward the living room.

I deliberately left my untouched glass on the table as the ladies picked up theirs and followed me into the other room. I seated myself in the center of the sofa, and Penny, as if it were the most natural thing to do, sat on my left, close against my thigh. Sarah made for one of the armchairs, but I caught her eye and patted the sofa to my right.

She hesitated for a moment, trying to divine my intentions, but joined us on the sofa. I reached into my pocket momentarily and fingered a sequence of buttons. When I got the answering pattern of vibrations from my security system that told me the caterer had really left the premises, I turned to Sarah. “I understand that you have given Penny permission to have sex with me, is that still the case?”

This was as much for the security recordings for my protection should Sarah change her mind later as it was to confirm that we had the go ahead.

Sarah nodded. By now I had an arm around each of their shoulders, and was gently stroking them – Sarah, on her bare flesh with my fingertips, and Penny through her dress, with my palm.

I turned to Penny. “Do you still want to have sex with me?”

At her eager nod, I asked, “Do you mind if your mother watches, to make sure I don’t harm you?”

Sarah’s face twisted up, but kept its smile as she replied, “It’s a little weird, but no, I don’t mind.”

I leaned over and kissed Sarah on the cheek, whispering in her ear. “We’re going to ignore you for a little while, ok? This first part needs to be for Penny alone. Later, if you feel like joining in, well, just go with the flow.”

I took my arm from Sarah’s shoulder and reached across, lifting Penny’s chin with the edge of my forefinger. Slowly, gazing passionately into her eyes, I leaned over and kissed her gently. Her mouth opened to greet me, and her arms slipped around my neck as my tongue slowly entered her mouth. She moaned into my mouth and pressed urgently against me. I felt Sarah move to a chair across the room so she could get a better view.

Standing up, I held out my hand for Penny’s, helping her to her feet and turning her by the shoulders until she was facing away from me, offering a lovely profile to her mother.

I slowly pulled the tab of her zipper to it’s stop and slipped the fabric of the dress off one shoulder, taking care to use the flat of my hand whenever I touched her so I wouldn’t set off her tickle reflexes. I bent, open mouthed, and firmly, but gently, kissed the curve of her neck where it met her slender shoulder, sending a shudder through her body. I repeated the procedure on the other side, this time eliciting a low moan, as I gently bit the soft flesh of her shoulder. With the front of the dress still hiding her chest, I slipped my hands underneath her arms inside the fabric, and engulfed her delicate breasts, warming them in the palms of my hands.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Sarah rubbing her thighs together as she watched from her chair.

Penny’s hands came up and cupped mine from outside the fabric, pressing them more firmly to her chest. Returning to the other shoulder, I kissed and bit softly, just letting her feel the pressure of my teeth, while rolling her tender nipples between thumb and forefinger.

Penny moaned and wrapped one arm around my neck as I continued to nibble at her neck and shoulders, her other hand pulling mine tighter to her breast, her little buttocks grinding against me through the diaphanous cloth.

I gently forced Penny’s arms to her sides, and slid the dress off her arms, letting it fall to puddle around her feet. To my utter delight, she too wore a garter belt and stockings, surmounted by a sheer lacy panty that was cut high on the sides and only covered about half of her slender buttocks. I didn’t take a lot of time admiring her, since I didn’t want her standing there, cold and alone, too long.

Resuming my position behind her, I pulled her close against me by reaching across the front of her body to recapture her right nipple with my left hand, while slipping the flat of my right hand down to cover her mound. Penny gasped and when her head lolled back against my shoulder, I took her right earlobe between my lips and nibbled at it gently, sending chills down her spine.

Sarah was breathing heavily. She had both hands clasped between her thighs, and couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position in her chair.

“Undress me?” I whispered into Penny’s ear.

Reluctantly, she stepped clear of the ring of dress fabric, showing off a pair of long, slender legs that any model would have killed for. Fumbling from nervousness, lust, and unfamiliarity with the fastenings on men’s clothes, she still had me out of my tuxedo, shirt, trousers and shoes in very short order, and was kneeling at my feet staring fixedly at the tent in my boxers.

As she reached for it, I gently pulled her to her feet. I kissed her again, and cradling her shoulders with my right arm while hers were around my neck, bent quickly to sweep my left in behind her knees and pick her up. Looking over my shoulder at Sarah, with an ‘are you coming?’ glance, I carried my baby lover into my bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. The lights were on a dimmer and I had turned them low before the ladies arrived. In their softened glow, Penny’s face seemed to radiate a light of its own.

Sarah slipped into the room and headed for the chair beside the bed. As she passed me, I touched her shoulder, and reaching for the zipper at the back of her dress, asked “May I?”

She was torn by indecision but finally the sight of her lovely daughter waiting on the bed for my return overcame her and she nodded. I unzipped her and helped her slip the dress off, then held out my hand toward the chair in an invitation for her to sit, while I admired her more voluptous figure, laciviously clothed in garter belt, stockings, high heels, and an almost non-existent thong.

It was not Sarah’s turn, however, and I returned to the bed where my young lover lay, unconsciously licking her lips at the sight of her beautiful mother, clad in such a lust inciting manner.

One at a time, I lifted her long, shapely legs, and slowly slipped the high heeled sandals from her tiny feet, kissing each foot as it came free. From this angle, I could see the moisture seeping through the crotch of her panties. I reached past her knees and slowly peeled the garment down her legs, holding it to my nose and sniffing the delicate aroma.

Penny watched this display through lust-filled eyes. Dropping the panties over the bedpost, I quickly skinned out of my boxers and knelt beside her on the bed, my dripping erection slapping my belly each time I moved. The young teenager reached for it as I climbed on the bed, but I gently forced her hands up and back, whispering, “Pretend they’re tied there!”

She moaned in frustration, but did as I asked, and I bent and kissed her again on the mouth. After a long, lingering kiss, during which my hands roamed freely over her body, I worked my way down her torso, touching only with the flats of my hands, my lips, and my tongue. When I reached the tender mounds on her chest, I mouthed each of them for a good long while, playing with the nipples with my tongue, ever so gently nipping them with my teeth, and occasionally sucking the entire breast into my mouth.

Penny’s breath rasped in her throat between moans and her pussy leaked fluid over my fingers as they played inside her, gently stroking her G spot as my palm rested on her clit. Her hips rhythmically rose and fell, trying to suck my invading digits in further.

When I changed position and replaced my hand with my tongue, Penny shrieked her way through her first orgasm. I didn’t let up, though, and continued to suck, lick and nibble at her most private flesh, while my hands kneaded her breasts and abused her poor little nipples. Three more times she came, each louder and longer than the last. As she approached the precipice for her fifth climax, I suddenly backed off, leaving her moaning in frustration.

I changed position until I was kneeling between her slender legs, her diminutive body all but disappearing under my larger frame. With the tip of my engorged cock resting at the sopping entrance to her pussy, I bent and whispered in her ear. “Are you ready for me, Penny?”

She threw her arms around me and thrust upward with her pelvis, moaning, “Oooooh, yesss!”

I pulled back as she pushed forward, eliciting another frustrated moan, then grabbed her hips and held them steady as I allowed myself to sink slowly into her depths, watching her face for signs of pain. The ring of her entrance had no trouble accepting me, since it had many times swallowed the semi-inflated knots of the dog cocks, but when I started beyond the reach of their knots, her eyes shot open, and a small grimace tightened her mouth. I’m not as long as the dogs, but my shaft is thicker than the part of theirs that precedes the knot, so I slowed and allowed her to become accustomed to my girth.

With four inches of my cock still cooling in the breeze, its head came up against the hard bump of her cervix. Penny’s eyes could have burned me with the intensity of their passion as she said, “Oooooh, that’s the place! That’s the secret pleasure hole! If you push hard enough, you can go inside and it’ll drive me WILD!”

I held still and cautioned, “It will hurt, Penny. I’m bigger around than the dogs.”

She thrust upward and said loudly, “I don’t care! Just do it! I want you all the way inside!”

I glanced over at Sarah, whose left hand was pinching and pulling at her nipple while her right hand shuttled rapidly back and forth inside her thong. She shrugged and nodded, her strokes getting more intense as she contemplated what I was about to attempt.

Fortunately for both of us, the dogs had entered this inner sanctum a number of times, so it was accustomed to being penetrated, but try as I might, there was no way to push my cock gently through the muscular ring. Finally, on one desperate plunge, with Penny pushing against my thrust, the head of my cock burst through the constriction and banged against the end of her womb as my balls slapped the cheeks of her ass.

Penny went rigid and shrieked in agony. I didn’t dare pull out for fear that it would just magnify the pain. Sarah was at Penny’s side in an instant, but Penny, through gritted teeth, pushed her away. “I’m, aaaggghh! I’m o-ok, Mom! Just let me get used to it! This isn’t nearly as bad as when Czar did it the first time!”

Reluctantly, Sarah went back to her chair, and I held as still as I could while Penny’s insides spasmed around my bloated cock, struggling to accommodate its girth. Sweat broke out on her grimacing face, but after a while she was able to relax a bit. Soon, her hips started moving experimentally, then with more assurance, as the tortured muscles gradually stretched around me.

“Oooooooooh!” she cooed “Now try pulling it out, slowly!”

I did as she instructed, and we both shivered at the sensation of the tight little ring sliding off the tip of my glans. When I was almost all the way out, she grabbed my buttocks and guided me back in. This time, it took much less pressure to glide through the constrictive opening, and though Penny grimaced a bit, she kept pulling me inward. Once again my cock stretched the top of her womb as a beatific grin crept across her features.

Using her hands on my hips to guide me, she gradually increased the speed of my thrusts until she was satisfied that she could take me easily, then she threw her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, and whispered fiercely in my ear, “Now! Do it! Fuck me, Mr. Brenneman! Fuck my slutty little underage ass off!”

Those instructions seemed pretty clear, so, still mindful of the frailty of her fourteen year-old frame, I began pistoning rapidly in and out of her gushing, grasping little pussy, slamming her into the mattress as hard as I dared. Penny moaned, groaned, shrieked and spasmed her way through six or seven more orgasms as I did my best to nail her to the mattress, using every trick I knew to hold off my own culmination.

When I felt I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, I unwrapped Penny’s legs from my waist and gently pushed them toward her shoulders. As I suspected, she was quite limber and I had no difficulty crossing her ankles behind her head. At first puzzled, Penny soon caught on and helped me out by dropping her arms to trap her legs behind her.

I raised up on my hands and asked her, “Are you ready? I’m going really deep this time!”

She nodded and waited expectantly as I slowly pushed in as far as I could go, her hooded eyes going large and round as I probed deeper than ever before. When I saw no signs of pain, however, I resumed my thrusting, reveling in the exquisite sensation of her cervix gobbling up first my glans then several inches of my shaft before I collided with the spongy walls of her womb, then luxuriating to the feel of it sucking and nibbling at me on the outstroke.

I gradually increased my pace until I was once again pounding her fragile little pelvis into the mattress, going deeper and deeper with each stroke as my cock swelled to unheard of dimensions. Penny met every stroke and scrabbled at my waist with her hands, pulling me into her harder and harder. She thrashed and moaned beneath me as I plumbed depths that not even the dog’s formidable shafts had reached. As I reached my peak, I plunged deep into her womb and held her tightly to me as my abnormally swollen member grew even larger before finally erupting like a geyser deep inside her spasming belly. The heat of my discharge sent Penny over the edge and her hips circled my impaling shaft several times before jerking rapidly three or four times as she screamed her orgasm to the gods, her clasping muscles milking every drop of juice from my rapidly wilting member.

On the other side of the room, I heard Sarah’s moans, and, out of the corner of my eye, saw her body curl up around the hand in her crotch, then shoot out straight as a board, staring fixedly at the tableau on the bed.

My arms and legs felt like jelly, but I forced myself up and gently un-pretzeled Penny’s legs while she lay in a stupor beneath me. Hooking one of my legs over hers, I rolled sideways, bringing her with me, until I lay on my back with Penny’s body draped on top, still twitching and spasming occasionally around my still embedded cock.

We lay like that for several minutes, Sarah and I catching our breath while Penny slowly came back to life. When she had the strength to move, she stretched her face up to mine, and tenderly kissed my lips, whispering, “Thank you, Mr. Brenneman! That was everything I hoped for!”

We rested a few more minutes as our breathing slowly returned to normal, then, from Sarah’s corner, came a hoarse whisper, rasping out of her dry throat, “Finish it!”

Penny and I both looked quizzically at her.

She cleared her throat, then repeated, “Finish it! She’s got two more holes and she might as well get them all broken in at once!”

I pushed a few strands of Penny’s hair out of my face and looked at her. She didn’t seem as angry as the words sounded, but looked very determined.

“That’s pretty much up to Penny, Sarah!” I said, hoping to head off a nasty scene.

Penny rolled off me, moaning as my limp member slid from the grasp of her slimy hole. “What are you talking about? What’s to finish? What do you mean I have two more holes?”

Then it hit her and she gasped, “You mean my mouth? And my… ?”

Penny’s hand involuntarily reached behind her, as if to protect her backside.

Sarah’s face softened, but didn’t lose its determination. “That’s right, sweetie. If you’re going to learn about sex, you might as well learn all of it.”

Penny looked lost. “Can you do that? Can you get fucked in the mouth and the… butt?”

Sarah smiled, “Yes, dear, you can! In fact some men like those places more than your pussy.”

I thought it was time to put my two cents worth in, and said, “Yes, Penny, it’s physically possible to do that, and many women, though not all, enjoy it. In this particular case, however, you had an easier time accepting me in your pussy because you’d already had the dogs. That’s not the case with your mouth and ass.”

Penny looked at her mom, then back at me. “If I want to, will you help me? Will you teach me how, Mr. Brenneman?”

I studied Penny’s tiny body before answering. “There’s no way you’re going to get more than the head of my cock in your mouth without damaging something, so a true mouth fuck is out of the question. With time and patience, and a little luck, we might be able to get it up your ass, but it will hurt like hell! If I were you, I’d either find someone smaller, or wait until you’re bigger.”

Penny looked troubled. “Please, Mr. Brenneman! Isn’t there something you can do?”

Suddenly, as I listened to Penny, a bolt of inspiration hit me, and I snapped my fingers and exclaimed, “Yes! If your mom will help!?”

As I said this I looked pointedly in Sarah’s direction. She looked confused, and a little skeptical, but slowly nodded her head, after all, this part was her idea.

“Wait here!” I told them, and, still naked, I grabbed the remote from my pants pocket in the living room and made a mad dash to the dungeon. I returned a few minutes later with a small duffle filled with the items I thought we’d need. Dropping it on the bed, I unzipped it and turned to Penny.

“Now, there’s no way your throat can handle something the size of me, and even taking me in your mouth you risk a dislocated jaw, so I’m going to ask your mother to teach you the fine art of fellatio – oral sex performed on a man.” With that, I motioned Sarah over, and from the duffle, pulled out a dildo harness with a six inch, lifelike dildo already attached.

I had Sarah step though the leg loops, then snugged the device against her crotch, getting a little grunt out of her as the clit stimulator inside nestled into her folds and bumped her still sensitive button.

Comprehension dawned on both of their faces as I made the final adjustments and Penny’s mom stood there beside the bed sporting a new cock.

Penny giggled, and in a mock-seductive voice, asked “Can I suck your cock, mom?” Then went into fits of hysterical laughter at her own joke, rolling backwards on the bed as she did.

Moments later, she shrieked for a different reason as I jammed a fingerful of K-Y up her unprepared rectum. “Hey! What the hell are you doing!?”

I grinned down at her and said “Starting the process of preparing your ass for my cock!”

Penny grumbled a bit, but soon got used to the presence of my finger in her rear. At least her laughing fits had stopped.

“Ok, Penny, what I want you to do is lay down on your back with your head hanging over the edge of the bed, there by your mother. Sarah, I’ve laid out a series of dildos within easy reach there,” I pointed to the row of rubber cocks that ranged between seven and ten inches long, with varying thicknesses. “Start with the one you’re wearing, and as she gets used to it, swap it out for the next one. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how much she can handle. I’m going to be doing something similar on this end, and Penny, your job is to concentrate on giving each of those dildos the best feeling you can, as if they were real cocks. Can you do that?”

She looked dubious, but nodded her head.

“Ok, just so you know, I’m going to start putting things in your cute little butt. Each one will be a little bit bigger than the last, so there’ll be some stretching and maybe a little bit of pain each time I change dildos, but since we’re not going right to the big ones, hopefully it won’t be too bad.”

She nodded again.

Sarah looked flushed as she offered her ‘cock’ to Penny’s mouth, and I couldn’t tell if it was embarrassment or arousal, but she didn’t hesitate to stick the plastic phallus between her daughter’s lovely lips. “Wrap your tongue around it, dear. Imagine it’s a lollipop or an ice cream cone. That’s it, Penny. Make it feel really good.”

As she coached her daughter, Sarah rocked more and more of the dildo into her. “It’s going to touch the back of your throat pretty soon, sweetheart, and that’ll make you feel like throwing up, but don’t give in to that feeling. Take a deep breath and relax your throat. No! Don’t let it get to you! There you go baby! That’s it! Now relax a little more… Good! It’s all the way in now, Penny. Just relax and breathe through your nose. Just relax… That’s great, dear, now I’m going to pull it out and we’ll start again. Here we go!”

As the plastic shaft cleared Penny’s throat, I quickly shoved a four inch sharply tapered butt plug up her ass. It wasn’t much thicker at its widest point than my finger, so after a quick flinch of surprise, she relaxed and accepted its presence. As Sarah started inward again, I took hold of the flared base and worked the little probe slowly in and out a couple of inches at a time. Penny’s hips started working in time with the dildo as she rhythmically sucked and licked the dildo invading her mouth. I picked up the next size probe, a still slender six incher that was slightly thicker than the first.

I dipped it in the lube and showed it to Sarah. She nodded and unsnapped the dildo from her harness, leaving it embedded in Penny’s throat. She quickly attached the seven inch, slightly thicker one, pulled out the smaller one, and started inserting the larger as though it was just the return stroke from the first. Penny moaned a little as the two larger probes embedded themselves in her body, but didn’t seem to be in any real distress. Soon she was grinding her hips against the one in her ass while trying to strip the rubber off the one in her mouth.

Sarah and I continued for an hour like this, until we had progressed to the largest dildos I had made available. Try as she might, Penny couldn’t accept the ten inch dildo beyond its head, so Sarah went back to the nine inch and started instructing her daughter in the finer points of pleasing a man’s cock with her mouth – coaching her not only on what to do with her mouth and tongue, but how to use her hands to fondle available body parts, and even stick a finger or two up the guy’s ass to massage his prostate. Watching this, I just knew I had to test Sarah’s technique at the earliest opportunity.

Penny’s ass, being more flexible than her mouth, eventually accepted and ultimately enjoyed a thick ten-inch dildo. After plying her increasingly willing ass with the plastic for another fifteen minutes, and even wringing a small climax out of her, I pulled it out and turned her face down, with her little white butt in the air, telling her to grab her ankles and hold on. After lubing my own cock, which had regained its former glory some time ago, I aligned it with her no longer tiny pucker, and slid in to the hilt in one long, slow, greasy, exquisite slide.

Feeling the warmth of my cock, instead of the cool plastic of the dildo, Penny emitted a low moan into the bedclothes, and ground herself against me, squeezing and massaging my flesh with the tight sheath of her ass.

“How does that feel, Penny?” I breathed in her ear, “How do you like having a big cock in your guts?”

“Ummmmmmm!” she rotated her hips experimentally, “It aches a little, deep inside, but, oh GOD, it feels, uhhhh, wierd, oooo, wonderful, aaaahhh, soft and like, hard at the same time. It’s sooooo NASTY! I can’t BELIEVE how far it reaches inside me! OOOOOH GODDD!”

She shuddered through another small climax just thinking about what we were doing.

Just as slowly as I entered, I withdrew until I could see the ring of her anus bulging out around the collar of my glans.

Penny released her ankles and reached behind her to pull me back in.

“Tell me how you feel, Penny!” I whispered “Let your mom and I know what you’re feeling! Keep telling us as I fuck your tiny little butt with my big ol’ nasty dick!”

“OOOH, yeah!” she cried “I love it when you’re deep inside me! Fuck me deep and hard! Oh, no! Oh don’t pull out! I feel so empty! ooooOOOOO! Like THAT! It feels like you’re fucking my stomach, and my ass just loves feeling you slide in and out!”

I continued prodding her, slow and deep, for several minutes while she raved about the feeling, getting more and more animated around my shaft. The feeling around my cock of her guts churning to move out of the way, and her inner sphincter caressing the head and shaft like a tight, smooth, greasy hand as I stroked, while the mouth of her sphincter chewed and sucked at me was delicious and exciting. The sight of the tree trunk of my cock rooted in the diminutive little girl’s most private opening, while she cooed and reveled in the deepest of penetrations was heavenly, and when I put my hands on her waist and discovered that my fingers overlapped on her belly while my thumbs were touching on her back, I got a shocking realization of just how small my lover really was.

I was ready to explode any minute, and Penny was roller coastering through cum after cum.

I pulled her upright against me and stood beside the bed while my cock in her ass supported most of her weight.

“Spread your legs so your mother can see how deep my cock is in your ass!” I whispered.

Sarah, who had not moved from her position by the bed while I was sodomizing Penny, knelt as if in a trance and watched raptly as I slowly lifted Penny to the tip of my cock by the backs of her knees, and dropped her, repeatedly, onto my rigid pole. Each time she fell, Penny gave a little shriek, and shuddered through another climax.

I snapped my fingers to get Sarah’s attention. On about the third snap, she finally looked my way. I motioned for her to rise, and when she finally got the message, I grabbed the end of the artificial cock she still wore, and pulled it toward Penny’s hairless, dripping cunt.

Both of their eyes went wide, but Sarah, as if she had no power to resist, bent her knees to get the proper angle, and when I had the tip of the dildo securely nestled in the mouth of Penny’s opening, she abruptly straightened her legs, driving the nine inch plastic penis full length into her daughter.

In the mirror, I watched Penny wince as her little pussy, which was constricted by the presence of my pole in her ass, stretched to accommodate the artificial phallus. Sarah, still wearing her high heels, was at just the right height to match my thrusts into her daughter. She pulled Penny’s ankles up to rest on her shoulders while I played with her over-sensitive nipples and tiny tits.

“OOOOOO, NNNNNOOOO!” Penny wailed, feeling herself impaled front and rear, and helpless to do anything about it.

Sarah and I held still to give her body time to accustom itself to the double penetration, and soon, Penny’s hips were in motion again, rocking back to get me as far up her ass as she could, then jerking forward to take the dildo deep in her pussy.

Soon, her cries had changed to “OOOOO YYYEEESSS! I never knew two people could fuck me at once! It’s soooo dirty! Oh mom, YOU’re fucking me too! OOOOO SHIT!”

As she blasted through another climax, Sarah, as though connected to her beautiful young daughter by wires, bent and glued her mouth to Penny’s, giving her a long, loving kiss that Penny returned with gusto, while snapping her hips back and forth, fucking herself front and rear.

Soon, as if by some strange, silent agreement, Sarah and I took charge of the fucking, pulling out and slamming back in at the same time.

Penny climbed higher and higher, screaming, moaning, and clinging to her mother’s neck for dear life.

I couldn’t hold back any longer, and I stabbed deep into Penny’s colon, blasting load after load up her spasming rectum. The feel of my cum splashing against the walls of her gut sent Penny into space. She totally lost it, twisting and squirming between us, screaming to high heaven, then slipping down into a guttural growl as her body gave a final heave and collapsed limply on our impaling shafts. Her climax sent Sarah over the edge in a fiery chain reaction as she pounded and ground her pelvis against the clit stimulator inside the dildo harness, stirring Penny’s insides with her spasmodic movements.

Sarah collapsed backwards, just making it to the chair before her legs gave out, and I sat on the edge of the bed, steering Penny and myself onto our sides while my cock still jerked and spat inside her.

As we lay there, gasping for breath, Sarah asked, in a troubled voice, “So, where – where do we go – from here?”

I grinned as best I could over Penny’s heaving shoulder, and said “Straight to hell, no doubt.”

“Don’t joke with me, Mr. Brenneman,” she said soberly, “I’m really concerned about what we’ve just done, especially my part in it! I’ve just committed incest, for God’s sake! I don’t know what came over me, but I couldn’t seem to help myself! She just looked so damn sexy! What the hell am I gonna do now!?”

Penny stirred and propped her disheveled head, whose elegant bun had long ago vanished, on her hand, smiled tenderly at her mother and said, “Do it again?”

“Do it ag… !!!?” Sarah started to explode, but her face crumbled and she asked in a meek little voice, “You mean you’re not upset at me, baby?”

Penny slowy pulled her ass off my cock, moaning as it slipped slowly out, twitching and jumping, still hard. She shook her head to get the hair out of her face, and sat in her mother’s lap, taking care to avoid the dildo.

“Mom,” she said, wrapping her arms affectionately around her mother’s neck “this has been THE most WONDERFUL night of my life! I enjoyed sex with the dogs, but I never DREAMED it could be so totally AWESOME! I really enjoyed what Mr. Brenneman did, but when you joined in, and I knew you wanted me like a lover and not just a mother, it totally blew me away! This has been the most fantastic, awesome, incredible… ! I just don’t know how to describe how totally off the hook it was for me when you and Mr. Brenneman were fucking me at the same time! I mean, I know he likes me, and from the looks of him,” she glanced pointedly at my still rigid erection and giggled, “he REALLY likes me, but you LOVE me! I felt it in your kiss and in the way you held me, and it just drove me absolutely WILD!”

Sarah was not to be consoled. “But honey, what I did – that was incest! It’s wrong!”

Penny gave me a pleading look, and I said, “Sarah…” when she didn’t look at me, I repeated it, more sharply, “Sarah!”

When I had her attention, I calmed my voice, continuing, “Technically what you did was incest, but are you aware of the reasons for incest laws?”

She thought for a minute then her face cleared a little as she said, uncertainly, “To prevent inbreeding?”

I nodded, “That’s right. Doesn’t exactly apply here, does it?”

She shook her head, and I pressed the advantage, “You have just given your daughter a wonderful experience that she will remember and cherish for the rest of her life. While we hadn’t discussed this beforehand, she has learned more about sex and love in one evening than most people get to experience in a lifetime. Does she look traumatized? Sad? Upset? She practically glows! Using this experience she can now choose lovers and sexual activities that she finds most enjoyable. Most people go their whole lives without knowing that about themselves!”

I stood and headed for the bathroom to clean myself up, throwing over my shoulder, “If I were you, I’d take that dildo off and show her how to really love a woman! What better teacher could she have?”

I closed the door to the bathroom to give them some privacy, and took a quick shower, throwing on a robe before I returned to the bedroom.

They were sitting as I had left them, but Sarah seemed to have calmed down, and Penny sat with her head on her mother’s shoulder, smiling. The dildo and harness lay on the floor beside Sarah’s chair.

“You and I are going to have to have a talk about the ideas you put into my daughter’s head, Mr. Brenneman!” Sarah said, severely, but she was smiling as she said it. “We’ve decided to take your advice, but perhaps we should do that at home. It’s very late!”

I smiled and said, “Don’t you think our relationship has progressed beyond ‘Mr.’? Please, call me Mike. About those ideas, I’ve got a ton of them, all you have to do is ask! It IS very late, so why don’t you two make yourselves at home in the guest room for tonight? There are clean clothes and PJ’s in the closet and drawers, some of which should fit you, though they may be a bit large for Penny.”

“But we need to clean up,” she protested, “I – We – smell like a whorehouse!”

“You’re welcome to shower here, if you like,” I gestured toward the door from which I had just emerged, “or, if you prefer, there is a selection of ladies bath and shower products in the bathroom next to the guest room.”

I showed them to the guest room, then gave them a tour of the sundries cabinet where they each found their favorite shampoo and conditioner, and a body wash that was to their liking.

Sarah looked at me speculatively, “You must have a lot of female visitors!?”

I smiled deprecatingly and said, “I just like my guests to feel at home, so please, make yourselves at home, I’ll be reading for a while in my room if you need anything.”

Sometime later, long after the shower water had stopped running, I saw by the hall shadows that the lights had gone out in the guest room, so I turned my own light off and settled in to sleep.

I heard a low murmur of voices from down the hall, and as I drifted off to sleep, they changed to gasps and moans, interspersed with an occasional muffled scream. Sometime during the night, I was awakened by the brushing of hair across my face and a full breast pressing into my arm as I lay on my side. I turned to see who it was, and received a moist, sensual kiss for my trouble. Then she was gone and I fell back asleep.

Not long after – I was still in the same position – I again felt hair, this time much longer, brushing across my face as a small pair of hands held me and a tiny mouth planted a long, delicate kiss on mine, whispering “Thank you, Mike!” before disappearing like a ghost in the night.

I slept late the next morning, and when I awoke the guest room was empty, as if it had never been used, and a sumptuous breakfast awaited me on the kitchen table, still warm, accompanied by a note that said, simply “Thank you for a wonderful evening. You WILL be hearing from us again!”

It was signed “S&P”.



“That special dildo you made for me is wonderful!” the brunette gushed, “Your design is SO wicked! You just had to put the vibrating clit stimulator all the way at the base, didn’t you?”

I smiled, “That was to ensure that you got the full benefit of the phallus!”

“But, oh, how it stretches me!” she said, rubbing her thighs together, “I have to push the whole thing in to get the vibrator to touch my clit!”

“And how did you like the little red button?” I asked mildly.

Samantha gasped, “How did you know I… ?”

“Because I warned you NOT to!” I laughed, “So how was it!”

“Well, I understand now why you made it so it wouldn’t work unless it was fully inserted!” she replied sheepishly.

“So how was it?” I asked again.

“Oh my GOD!” she couldn’t sit still, thinking about it. “When that collar inflated inside me and I realized it was locked in, I thought I would DIE! But when it started FUCKING me… ! Mike, that thing is MEAN! I came and came and it wouldn’t stop! FINALLY, after about fifteen minutes of non-stop orgasm, it wound down and deflated. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed!”

“Yeah, be careful with that.” I cautioned, “It’s on a random timer. It can keep you going anywhere from five to twenty minutes!”

“Twenty minutes!” she gasped, “I’d die!”

“No,” I replied, “there are sensors that can detect if you pass out, thanks to modern technology, and it will shut down automatically.”

“That’s good to know!” Samantha couldn’t keep her legs still.

“So I take it you are happy with your purchase?” I asked, rather smugly.

She nodded, smiling, and said, “A little afraid of it, but happy, nonetheless!”

“So what brings you to my little house in the woods today, Samantha?” I asked, “Need something to stimulate another orifice while my little pleasure giver is at work?”

“Ooooh!” she exclaimed, thighs rubbing together again, “That’s VERY tempting, but another time, perhaps! No, I came to you because you seem to have some… At least I’m hoping you know someone who can… That is, well, look; I’m in my late thirties, divorced, and that dildo is the most exciting sex I’ve had in my life! I want to experience more, but in this gossip driven community, I don’t dare! I was hoping you might know someone who can help me fulfill a fantasy or two, without anyone knowing…”

My guard went up. I wasn’t really sure if she was on good terms with her ex, the Sheriff’s deputy, but I didn’t want to take chances, so I shrugged and said, “I can ask around. What kind of fantasies are we talking about?”

Samantha blushed deep red before replying, “This is SO embarrassing! You won’t tell anybody, will you?”

I pretended to think, very hard about that. “Let me see… ! Hmmm! Me, the guy who made and sold you a very expensive fucking machine… Should I embarrass one of my customers in public, knowing that my other customers will stop buying from me because I can’t keep my big mouth shut? Nah! I guess it’s better I don’t say anything!”

To be honest, I didn’t need the money from the sale of those little custom gadgets that I made for the local women, but it gave me a pseudo-visible means of support, and made me someone with whom people knew they could share secrets, so I got to learn more about the workings of the community and the people in it. If I had wanted to, I could have blackmailed half the leading citizens and embarrassed the hell out of the rest, but that wasn’t my purpose. All I really wanted was a little leverage, should I ever need it.

“Well,” Samantha began, “I’d kinda like to experience what sex is like with another woman…”

“Okay.” I said, “What else?”

When I didn’t react adversely to her first fantasy, Samantha became more bold. “I want to be in a sandwich – to see what it’s like to have two big, hard, cocks pounding me at the same time!”

“Is that it?” I asked.

“Isn’t that enough?” she cried.

“That’s up to you. I’ll make a few calls, and if I can set something up, I’ll let you know.”


Two days later, I called Samantha at home.

“Friday night, 8:30PM, my place. Plan to stay overnight.” That’s all I said, then I hung up.

She drove up a little early, and I checked the security system for any sign that she might have been followed. Neither it, nor the dogs, gave any sign of anyone else being around.

I held a hypodermic syringe in plain sight as Samantha came through the door. It contained one of two knockout doses that Doc had given me.

“What’s that for?” she asked, eyeing the syringe suspiciously.

“The person who owns the place where we’re going,” I replied, “doesn’t know if you can be trusted, so he doesn’t want you having any clues about how to find the place. This will knock you out for about an hour, but shouldn’t leave much in the way of lingering effects. I’m sorry, but that’s the only way we can do this.”

Samantha was still suspicious, but she finally said, “Well, I guess I have to trust you. You’re not going to sell me to some slaver in Timbuktu somewhere, are you?”

“Don’t know any slavers – in Timbuktu or anywhere else,” I answered seriously, “but if I ever met one, one of us would wind up dead. I believe in slavery only when the slave consents to his or her enslavement. For some people it’s a chosen way of life, but for those who don’t choose to live their lives that way, it’s hell. Believe me when I say that even if I hated you with every fiber of my being, I wouldn’t subject you to that.”

She saw the truth in my eyes, and simply pulled up the short sleeve of her top, exposing the meaty part of her upper arm.

The drug was fast-acting, and I barely had time to set the syringe down before Samantha collapsed into my arms. I let her fold over my shoulder and used a fireman’s carry to get her through the kitchen and down to my dungeon. You know, on TV, when the girl passes out and the hero carries her cradled in his arms? Try that sometime with someone who’s truly out! With all the muscles relaxed, it’s very hard to keep a body from slipping out of your arms. That’s why I prefer the fireman’s carry for unconscious people.

Doc assured me that the dose would not last very long and the side effects would be minimal. Amy and I undressed our victim and bound her, face up, on one of the benches, her legs held wide apart.

While she was out, I took the opportunity to pierce Samantha’s clit and nipples, installing short, stainless barbells, each with a screw-on ball at one end, and a soldered-on ball at the other. This would help keep her pliable for this session, but could be removed if she didn’t want to wear them all the time.

In a short time, Samantha began to stir and I nodded at Amy who took her position astride Samantha’s bound body. The first thing Samantha saw when she blearily opened her eyes, was Amy’s auburn bush and pierced clit. I watched as her startled eyes traveled upward, taking in my slave’s lovely breasts with their shiny jewelry, and landing on her smiling face.

At first Samantha showed no sign of recognition, then some of the fog of the drug cleared away and her eyes flashed wide open!

“Amy?!” she cried, “What are YOU doing here?!”

I answered in Amy’s stead, “Amy is my slave. She will help you with the first part of your fantasy. Since you weren’t specific about HOW you wanted to be with a woman, I took a few liberties in arranging this little scenario.”

“Oh, NO!” Samantha cried, “I can’t do this! She’ll tell everyone at the diner! I’ll be the laughingstock of the community!”

“Amy, please tell Samantha how long you have been my slave.” I commanded.

“One year, eight months and…” Amy’s eyes looked upward for a moment, “sixteen days!”

“Samantha, did you know that Amy was my slave?” I asked.

“Well, no…” she replied, “I mean, everybody knows you two have a thing going on, but I never DREAMED…”

“So would you say that Amy is capable of keeping a secret?” I interrupted.

Samantha gazed at the young lady’s smiling face and replied slowly, “I guess she MUST be!”

“Amy,” I asked, “are you going to tell anyone about what goes on here tonight?”

Amy looked as if I had slapped her, and retorted, “Of course not, Sir!”

“Does that ease your mind any, Samantha?”

There was a long pause before Samantha answered, “Yes, I suppose it does.”

As if seeing it for the first time, Samantha’s wide-eyed gaze swept the dungeon, taking in the fixtures, toys, devices, and restraints.

“What IS this place?” she asked in wonder, apparently noticing a few other things for the first time too, “Why do my nipples and pussy hurt, and why can’t I move?”

“The owner of this place doesn’t wish to be identified.” I replied, “He has allowed us to use it for tonight. You can’t move because Amy wants to be paid up front for the services she’s about to perform. Amy, would you be so kind as to show the nice lady why her nipples and clit hurt?”

Amy held up a length of cord with a loop tied in each end, so that Samantha could see it. Smiling wickedly, she stepped backward along Samantha’s body, until Samantha’s breasts were positioned in front of her. Samantha’s eyes followed the small loop in Amy’s right hand as it descended toward the bound woman’s left breast.

When Amy dropped the loop over the ends of the barbell and pulled, Samantha gave a sharp gasp as her newly pierced nipple was stretched away from her body. Amy got her attention, and repeated the action with the loop in the other end of the cord, trapping her victim’s right nipple in the same manner. Samantha gasped even louder. Holding the loop of cord taut with one hand, Amy backed up until Samantha’s pierced clit was in front of her. Giving the cord loop a twist, Amy pulled and stretched until she was able to hook that twisted loop under the barbell in Samantha’s clit.

When she let go, the cord was stretched in a tight V between three tender points of Samantha’s anatomy. Samantha raised her head to get a better look, and immediately screeched her way through a powerful orgasm!

When she finally came down, she gasped, “Mike, this feels deliciously wicked, but I can’t keep them!”

“Don’t worry Samantha,” I responded, “They can be removed and replaced with ease. No one will ever see them but us, unless you choose to leave them in.”

“Um, don’t you think that ‘Samantha’ is a little formal for the present situation?” she asked, “Sam will do, if that’s all right with you.”

“Ok, Sam.”

Amy got a wicked gleam in her eye, and reaching down, started plucking the taught strands of the cord like the strings of a harp, sending Sam once more into throes of ecstasy!

When my slave finally relented, and let her calm down, she asked, “What did you mean about Amy wanting to get paid up front?”

“Well,” I smiled, “I promised her that if she would fulfill your fantasy about being with another woman, she could ‘play’ with you for a while first. How do you like being her toy?”

Before she could reply, Amy pulled both cords up sharply and let them snap back.

“Aaaaggghhh! You bitch!” Samantha cried, “I’ll get you for that!”

Amy just smiled and moved forward, settling her dripping pussy on Samantha’s mouth.

“That was just to let you know what’s in store for you if I feel even a hint of teeth!” she hissed, grinding against her victim’s mouth. “You wanted to know what it was like with another woman. Well this is it, Sam! Get that tongue to work and make me cum!”

I could hear muffled mumbling from underneath the squirming girl, but Amy must have been enjoying whatever was going on, because she started cooing and working her hips rhythmically against the other woman’s face!

“OOOOH! Yeah!” she moaned, “You sure you haven’t done this before, Sam?”

I let Amy work herself through three orgasms on Sam’s tongue before I interrupted,

“I think you’ve been adequately compensated, slave!” I said, “Now it’s time to give your toy what she came for.”

Amy bucked once more against Sam’s face, then backed off, panting, “Yes, sir! Thank you sir!”

“Just make it good, slave.” I commanded, “She’s a valued customer and I want her to go home satisfied.”

Amy stepped off Samantha’s bound body, and knelt beside her. She gently removed the cord tethering Sam’s barbells together.

“That was one side of girl-girl sex, Sam.” she said in a low, husky voice, “Now I’ll show you another side, and fulfill a fantasy I’ve had about you for years! You didn’t know I’ve had a crush on you, did you? Ever since I started working at the cafe, I’ve wanted to make love to you!”

“I – I knew you were awfully nice to me,” the helpless brunette replied, “but you’re nice to everyone. It didn’t occur to me…”

“Ssshhh!” Amy whispered, “I’ll show you…”

She leaned close and tenderly kissed Samantha on the mouth, their soft lips melting together as Amy slipped her leg once again over the supine woman’s body to press her breasts and pussy against Samantha’s. Amy did something between them with her hands, and when she raised her torso, her nipple rings were linked with Sam’s barbells, stretching both pairs of breasts to elongated cones!

Slipping a hand between her widespread thighs, Amy linked her clit ring to Sam’s third barbell, then carefully slid her knees forward until she was crouched above the other woman on hands and knees, bound to her by their most sensitive flesh!

Again, she bent to kiss Samantha, with more passion this time, undulating her torso to alternately tug and release breasts and clit. Sam’s response was electric! She screamed into Amy’s mouth and jerked spasmodically beneath her! Her reaction was so violent that all Amy could do was hold on for dear life and try to keep things from getting too far out of hand.

When Samantha finally came down and lay panting under Amy, whose own orgasm was still giving her twitches, I said, “Fun, huh?”

She gave me a baleful look, but smiled and said, “You DO have a certain evil twist of mind that digs into all the forbidden corners of mine and finds those little secret perversions I’ve hidden even from myself!”

“Oh, this little scenario was all Amy’s idea.” I smiled back, “I had no idea she was going to do that!”

She gazed in wonder at the dreamy expression on my slave’s face, then raised her head and kissed Amy sweetly.

“Thank you!” she whispered.

“You’re welcome!” Amy replied, “But the best is yet to come!”

So saying, she gingerly unhooked their body jewelry and knelt between Sam’s widespread thighs. Samantha gasped when Amy stuck her little upturned nose deep into the older woman’s swampy gash and inhaled deeply.

“Mmmm!” my eager little slave hummed, “Delicious!”

She dove back in, tongue first, this time, and set about cleaning up the juices coating the bound woman’s aroused pussy with playful flicks of her little pink tongue and long licks from anus to clit. Samantha’s breath was coming fast and shallow, punctuated by little moans and gasps as Amy’s educated tongue worked her into a frenzy. For long, slow minutes, Amy made leisurely love to the trembling womanhood before her, driving Samantha higher and higher, but never quite letting her cum. Slipping two slender fingers into Sam’s dripping tunnel, she gently caressed the other woman’s g-spot while sucking and lightly nibbling at her newly pierced clit. Again and again Samantha approached the precipice, only to be dragged back as Amy eased her ministrations.

“You little Bitch!” Samantha cried, “Let me cum! Oh GOD! You demoness! Spawn from hell! LET – ME – CUM!”

Amy smiled a wet smile from between Sam’s legs and said “All in good time, dear Samantha. Patience is a virtue, you know!”

“AAAAGGGHHH!” Sam screamed in frustration, her head flying back and forth in denial.

For several more minutes, Amy teased Samantha, building pressure and frustration to an unbearable level. Samantha was screaming and cursing almost continuously when I finally tapped Amy on the shoulder, signalling her to have mercy on her poor victim.

Once again into the breach Amy dove, capturing Sam’s barbell between her teeth and shaking it like a dog with a rat, while two fingers attacked her g-spot. Another finger wormed its way swiftly into the demented woman’s anus, casting her into the abyss as Samantha’s body spasmed through paroxysms of orgasm greater than any she had ever thought possible! Her pelvis raised a foot off the bench and her entire body bridged between shoulders and heels as she quaked and screamed! For several long seconds Samantha hung suspended above the bench, before collapsing bonelessy onto it, twitching and spasming through a series of aftershocks.

Slowly, gently, softly kissing Sam’s lower belly, Amy withdrew her invading digits from the other woman’s body as she lay gasping for air.

Amy released her from her bonds and came to kneel at my feet.

“So, Samantha,” I asked, “how was your first experience with another woman?”

“Incredible!” she sighed, “Though that wasn’t quite how I envisioned it happening!”

“Are you ready for the second part of your fantasy?” I queried.

“If it’s going to have as many ‘twists’ as this one,” she smile tiredly, “I’m not sure, but, ‘In for a penny, in for a pound!'”

“Ok, while we’re waiting for your second lover, why don’t I get your backside prepared? Have you experienced anal sex, Samantha?”

“Once or twice with my ex,” she replied, “he wasn’t much into it, though I kind of liked it, after I got used to it.”

“Okay,” I said, “your little floor show with Amy has pretty much gotten me ready, so I’ll lube myself like so…”

I slathered my rigid cock with gel and handed her the tube while I continued to stroke my slippery member.

“… now, if you’ll squirt a big glob of this on my fingers,” I instructed, “then bend over and spread for me, I’ll prepare you for me. Be generous. There’s no such thing as too much!”

I packed her chute with the lube as Samantha leaned away from me, shuddering at the sensation of my fingers in her butt.

Wiping my fingers on a towel, I grasped the brunette by her hips and guided her backward toward my upright pole.

“Now, just ease down onto me…” I lectured, “That’s it. Take your time. It’s going to stretch so push out, like you’re taking a dump… There! Now that the head is in, just ease down…”

Slowly, with a gutteral groan, Samantha lowered her quivering buttocks onto my shaft. When she came to the inner barrier, I said; “Okay, one more opening to go through… Easy… Push out… There! Now down slowly…”

Samantha shrieked as my bloated plum penetrated her lower intestine, but bravely continued downward, ever so slowly impaling herself on my pulsating cock. Finally, her buttocks rested on my hips, and she gingerly moved them around my rod, carefully finishing the job of stretching herself to accept me.

“God! You’re deep!” she husked, “No one ever went that far inside me before!”

“Ooooooh!” she cooed, as she experimentally raised and lowered herself on my dick.

I pulled her hair back and whispered in her ear, “Amy’s going to blindfold you now, and get your second lover! I want this to be a surprise for you!”

“Ooooh!” Samantha trilled, “I like surprises!”

Amy fastened a blindfold securely to Sam’s face, and I reclined our bodies on the bench while Amy went to fetch us another cock.

Samantha idly rocked her hips as we lay on the bench. As Amy returned with Caesar, one of my Wolf-Malamute mix dogs, I used my thighs to spread Samantha’s.

“Okay, Samantha,” I whispered, “you wanted two big cocks at the same time, and your other lover is here, so open wide and let him in!”

“Wha… !” Sam started to say as Caesar’s furry body landed on her belly, “What’s that?! Who’s there?!”

Amy guided Caesar’s red, pointed shaft to Sam’s dripping vagina, and he wasted no time driving home!

“Oh my GOD!” Samantha cried, “Is that a DOG! Ohno-ohno-ohno-ohno-ohno!”

As usual, Caesar’s knot was quick to inflate, and soon he was locked firmly inside his conquest! I whipped the blindfold off of Samantha’s eyes.

“You remember Caesar, don’t you, Sam?” I asked conversationally, “Caesar, meet Samantha!”

Caesar, uninterested in formal introductions, was busy ‘treading’, his cock and knot still growing inside his hapless bitch.

“Oh shit!” Sam moaned, “That feels like that dildo, except the knot doesn’t move on the dildo, and it’s not as HOT as this one! Oh God! You ARE a twisted individual, Mike! Oooooooo!”

I started stroking in her ass in counterpoint to Caesar’s machine gun delivery. Since I couldn’t hope to match his rapid-fire fucking, I timed my strokes to match every third stroke of his. (In, out, in, out, in[in], out, in, out[out], in, out, in, out, in[in]… ) or something like that.

Samantha could have cared less. She was lost in a whirlwind of orgasm, one coming right on the tail of another, over and over! Caesar, undeterred, continued his single-minded drilling of the soft flesh beneath him, and I just hung on for the ride, trying not to blow it too soon!

Between Sam’s twisting, spasming and moaning, and Caesar’s knot massaging the underside of my cock, it was all I could do to keep from cumming too soon!

Samantha’s orgasms were slowing, mostly out of fatigue, before I felt Caesar’s cock, driven as deep as it would go, pulsing with his bestial discharge. Sam, feeling the superheated lava coating her insides, shrieked and blasted through her strongest orgasm yet! That was it for me! My organs turned themselves inside out, blasting deep into the brunette’s siezing colon!

Samantha, feeling my cock fountaining in her ass, wailed like a banshee and rocketed off on yet another orgasmic journey, finally collapsing onto me, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

“OhGod-ohGod-ohGod-ohGod…” she mumbled over and over, trembling and shaking with aftershocks.

Caesar, never a patient lover, dismounted and stood ass to pussy with his erstwhile bitch. The rolling of his cock and knot inside her set Sam off on another, smaller climax.

Almost as quick to deflate as he was to inflate, in a few minutes, Caesar slurped out of the semi-comatose woman’s body, dragging that long, red, dripping log after him, and sending new tremors through Sam’s body.

“Well, Samantha,” I whispered, “you wanted to experience two cocks at once. Did it live up to your expectations?”

Slowly, her sweat-soaked head turned in my direction, “I wasn’t sure, after that dildo, Mike, but now I know for sure that you’re some kind of sexual demon! That much pleasure is just not possible in the real world! A fucking DOG, for Christ’s sake! How can I ever go back to my other life after this? You have ruined me for ‘regular’ sex, you evil, evil man, and I love you dearly for it! How can I ever repay you?”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I got a fair amount of pleasure out of this, too.” I replied, “Amy, too, and Caesar. I think that’s payment enough, on one condition…”

“Anything!” she sighed.

“If you’ll get off me sometime soon, so I can breathe, we’ll call it even!” I smiled.

She giggled as she sat up and slowly raised herself, ‘oohing’ occasionally, off my still semi-hard cock.

We took turns showering in the dungeon shower, and as we finished dressing, Sam asked “Do you have to give me another shot?”

“I think we can trust you not to say anything.” I said, pointing at the video cameras mounted around the dungeon.

“Oh my God!” she cried in alarm, “You TAPED this?!”

“For my protection only, dear lady.” I replied, “If you keep my trust, I’ll keep yours. This is just insurance.”

She searched my eyes for a moment, apparently seeing what she sought.

“I’d better not get any blackmail letters!” she retorted, softening it with a smile.

“I don’t need the money, Sam,” I said, “and no one else has access to the tapes. As I said, they’re just for my protection. If I intended to blackmail you, why not start now? Don’t worry, sex is my thing, not extortion.”

I led them out of the dungeon and Sam gasped as she recognized my kitchen.

“You never took me anywhere!” she exclaimed, “So what was all that rigamarole with the needle about?”

“I needed to know that I could trust you, Sam.” I replied, unperturbed, “Now I know that. If you ever want another fantasy fulfilled, you know where to come.”

She gazed at my face for a few moments, then tiptoed, leaning forward to kiss me. “I might just do that!”

She started to give Amy a peck on the cheek, but my auburn haired slave was having none of it. She grabbed Samantha and gave her a deep, soulful kiss, grinding their loins together for several long moments.

When she finally released her, Sam was flushed and flustered, and seemed a little unsteady on her feet.

“Uh, ‘bye Amy!” she said distractedly.

“‘Bye lover!” Amy replied throatily.

Samantha held tightly to the rail as she made her way down the few steps from the porch. She looked back and smiled before climbing into her car to leave.



Czar was out patrolling his territory, so only Caesar was with me in the corral as I worked the horses. When his ears came up, I watched him for clues as to the disturbance that had alerted him.

The half-Arabian colt I was working was a smart horse, and though he had taken to neck-reigning like a duck to water, he had also started trying to anticipate what I wanted. He didn’t know me well enough for that to be effective yet, so I was putting him through his paces, guiding him in intricate patterns around the barrels I had set up. He was coming along nicely, and had started picking up on my body shifts and knee pressure, and though he still guessed wrong now and then, I was convinced that he would soon be one of my best. Eventually, he’d get to know me well enough that those guesses would get more reliable, but that would only come through long association.

When Caesar’s tail started wagging, I knew he’d picked up the scent of someone he knew and liked. When the pink tip of his cock slipped from its furry sheath, I figured there was only one person it could be, coming from the direction he was looking.

“We’re in the corral, Penny!”

She came around the corner of the barn, her straight, platinum hair shining in the morning sun. A vision if I ever saw one!

“Hi Mr. Brenneman!” she called as she climbed up on the fence and leaned over the top rail, “How’d you know it was me?”

I nodded at Caesar, who was trying to stick his head between the rails of the fence so Penny could pet him. “Your boyfriend told me!”

Penny giggled at my reference to her having sex with my dogs (see ‘A House in the Woods – Penny’) but said, “Dogs can’t talk!”

I rode over to her and said, “All animals can talk, Penny. You just have to know the language they use when they’re talking to you.”

“What language do Czar and Caesar use?” Penny had always been bright and curious, and I was only too happy to further her education.

“A lot of dogs communicate by barking and growling,” I said “but I’ve trained Czar and Caesar to give me silent clues when someone’s about. That way I know about whoever’s around before they know I know about them.”

“In this case,” I continued “Caesar looked in your direction with his ears up. That’s not a learned behavior, by the way. Almost all animals do that when they’ve detected something and want a better idea of what it is. It brings all their senses to focus on whatever alerted them. Dogs aren’t very visual, but they do get clues from what their eyes tell them, like you and I get clues from our ears, and their noses provide most of the detail about what their ears are telling them.”

“Caesar heard you first, and then he smelled you. When he smelled you, two things happened. The first was, he wagged his tail. That told me it was someone he knew and liked. The second thing that happened, you can still see under his belly. That told me it was someone he knew in the biblical sense, and REALLY liked!”

Penny’s laugh tinkled across the clearing.

“There could only be one person in that category,” I finished, pointing, “coming from that direction.”

“Hey!” she said, “That’s pretty good! I see Pepper doing things like that all the time, but I never paid much attention. Guess I should, huh?”

“You’ll be amazed at what he’ll teach you!” I grinned.

“Nice horse!” Penny exclaimed, as if seeing the colt for the first time. She reached over the fence to scratch the blaze between his eyes. The colt shied a little at her sudden movement, and I stroked his neck and spoke gently to calm him.

“You don’t want to make quick movements around animals, Penny.” I admonished, “They’re not so far removed from wild things and you set off their ‘fight or flight’ reflexes. With an animal this big, that can be dangerous.”

“Sorry!” she slowed her motion and the colt let her pet him. “What’s his name!”

“Haven’t decided yet.” I mused, “The dogs kinda fit their names from birth, but this one’s smart as a whip and eager to please. He still tries to buck a little when I first get in the saddle, just to make sure I still deserve him, but I think he’s going to be one of my best, and I’m reserving naming him until I know his personality better.”

“Personality!” she snorted, “How can he have a personality? He’s a HORSE!”

“I see you haven’t spent much time around horses.” I laughed, “Strictly speaking, I guess you’d have to call it an ‘equinality’, but I don’t think that’s even a real word. Every horse, and every animal, for that matter, exhibits different quirks and characteristics that make it unique from every other animal. The more intelligent the animal, the more pronounced those characteristics become. This guy…” I rubbed his sweaty neck, “Is not only smart, quick, and fast, but he’s hung like a, pardon the expression, stud horse!”

Penny glanced under his belly, just as the horse started to urinate, and her eyes got huge.

“Holy shit!” she cried, “He IS hung!”

“Yeah,” I laughed, “but I’m pretty sure you didn’t walk all the way over here to talk about the size of my horse’s cock!”

“No,” she laughed too, “but I wouldn’t mind seeing it in action some time!”

“So what does bring you here, blondie?” I asked, “Czar’s off patrolling somewhere, but if I’m not mistaken, he’s still one up on Caesar here. Did you come to even things up?”

“Ooooh! I forgot about that!” she looked at the dog’s cock, bobbing in the breeze, “Maybe later! There’s something I want to talk to you about, first.”

“Ok, hop on behind me here,” I sidled the horse up to the fence so she could climb on, “and we’ll talk while we groom him and put him out to pasture.”

“It’s about my mom.” Penny began, as I walked the colt toward the barn.

“What about her?” I removed my left boot from the stirrup, and held the lithe teen’s hand as she used the vacant stirrup to dismount. “Aren’t you two getting along?”

“Oh, yeah.” She replied, as I swung down. “We get along fine. Even better since that night we spent here!”

Her giggle reminded me of the little creek trickling over rocks at the bottom end of the pool where I first saw her with Czar.

“Then what’s the problem?” I asked.

Penny loosened the cinch and I took the saddle while she threw the sweaty blanket over the rail of a stall.

Handing Penny the curry comb, I kept the brush. The colt stamped and tossed his head in pleasure as we worked him over.

“Well, I’m not even sure she’d like me telling you about it,” Penny started, “but something’s got to be done. She’s still young and good-looking, but she doesn’t date, and except for me, hasn’t been laid in God knows how long! Probably not since that jerk made her pregnant with me!”

“Don’t be too hard on your mom, Penny.” I cautioned, “It’s not easy raising a child out of wedlock in a small community like this, or anywhere else for that matter.”

“I’m NOT being hard on her.” I had to catch her hand to keep her from getting too rough with the comb. She gave me a sheepish look, and continued, “She’s being hard on herself! She’s so worried about her reputation and the flak that I catch from the kids at school because of it, that she won’t even go out and have a good time! I’m worried that she’s going to miss her whole life to protect me from something that I can’t be protected from!”

“What do you mean,” I asked, more out of curiosity about how her mind worked than anything else, “‘can’t be protected from’?”

She rolled her eyes in that ‘adults can be SO slow’ way that kids have and said, “People are going to talk, no matter what. Stupid people will talk about things they know nothing about. Their kids will hear it, and they’ll try to pick on me. Most of the time, I just ignore them. Sometimes, one of them wants to prove he or she is better than me by picking a fight. If I can’t get out of it, I do my best to kick their asses. Most of the time, I do. Occasionally, my ass gets kicked, but so far only when there’re too many of them. Anyway, unless mom wants to ride herd on me all day, every day, there’s nothing she can do about it, and I wouldn’t want her to. I’m good enough at Karate that I can take care of myself, thanks to mom, and that’s all anyone can ask!”

“Doesn’t it bother you that they treat you like that?” this young lady intrigued me in more ways than one.

She shrugged, “I wish they didn’t, but wishing won’t keep it from happening. Sometimes a good kick to the balls will, but then they just go away mad, and want revenge. So I find ways to survive. I treat everyone, even the assholes, with respect, and I walk away when I can, so people know I’m not looking for a fight. When someone corners me, I try to hurt them bad enough that they won’t do it again, but I don’t brag about it. I even helped out one or two of them, when they got backed into a corner. I don’t carry grudges and I don’t badmouth people. It’s slow, but I’m starting to get respect instead of fear, and now, I’ve even got a few people I can call friends. That’s what counts.”

“And of course,” she continued, brightly, “there’s Czar and Caesar and you!”

I took her hands in mine and looked her in the eye as I said, “You’re an amazing young lady, Penny. I’m proud to be counted among your friends. If there’s ever anything you need help with that you can’t handle by yourself, you call on me. I’ve got ways of getting things done that most people hereabouts don’t know about.”

Penny blushed and I saw tears starting to form before she turned away, feigning her usual cheer as she wiped her face on her sleeve, “I AM calling on you for help with something, remember!”

“Ah yes!” I played along, “Getting your mother laid!”

Penny laughed, the tension broken, and hit me on the arm, “Come on! I’m serious!”

We walked the colt to the other end of the barn and let him wander off. He seemed in no hurry to leave, and just meandered off, cropping a mouthful of grass here and there and stopping at the trough for a drink.

“Penny,” I said seriously, “are you sure your mom would appreciate us meddling in her love life? I mean, matchmaking’s not exactly my specialty, you know.”

Penny smiled a little Mona Lisa smile and looked up at me from under a wave of her gleaming platinum hair, “No, but sex is! You did pretty good with me that night, anyway.”

I tried to give her a stern look, “Just what are you suggesting, young lady?”

She gave an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes again, “Do I have to spell it out for you? I want you to seduce my mother! I want you to fuck her brains out so maybe she’ll enjoy some of her life instead of worrying about ME so much!”

“What makes you think she’d even give me a second look?” I teased.

“Are you kidding?” Penny looked astounded, “Didn’t you see the way she ogled your body the night you made love to me? She wanted that big ol’ slab of meat inside her so bad she could taste it!”

“I don’t know, Penny,” I waffled, “I thought she was ogling that beautiful little body of yours!”

“Pfffpph!” she blew air out in a deprecatory puff, “she’s seen me naked every day of my life! What she’d never seen, and couldn’t take her eyes off of, was that horse dick you were sticking in my poor little pussy!”

I grinned at the melodramatic way she said ‘poor little pussy’, and said, “Tell you what, why don’t you guys come over for dinner tomorrow, and we’ll see what happens. I’m not promising anything, but if your mom goes for it, you might have to spend the night in the guest room alone. Will that be a problem?”

Penny looked in Caesar’s direction and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Ok, maybe not alone!” I laughed and she cracked up with me.

“Oh, and Penny,” I continued, “remember what I told your mom about treating those around me with respect? I’m not going to conspire with you against her. I’m going to be up front with her. I value your friendship and hers, and you don’t plot against your friends, even with the best of intentions, Ok?”

Penny turned serious, thinking, then nodded. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We wouldn’t be very respectful if we didn’t think she could make her own decisions, would we?”

“OK! See you about seven tomorrow night!” she cried as she skipped across the clearing toward the woods.


Sarah was smiling when she and Penny showed up at my door the next evening.

“My daughter says you need to fill me in on some heinous plot to get me laid!” she laughed, “What’s up with that?”

I took their jackets and hung them from the coatrack in the entry hall, laughing with her.

“Yeah, a couple of ne’er-do-wells from the neighborhood,” I pointed at myself and looked archly in Penny’s direction, “have been conspiring to get you a love life!”

As we sat down to eat, I summarized my conversation with Penny the day before, stressing her daughter’s concern for her mother’s happiness.

Sarah cocked an eyebrow in Penny’s direction, but let me finish.

“… so here we are.” I continued, “But before you speak your mind, I’d like to tell you why I agreed to go along with this.”

I got the eyebrow treatment this time, but Sarah nodded, so I went on.

“First, I like you and your daughter.” I said, sincerely, “I think you’re both exceptional people. When you know me better you’ll know just how much it means that I tell you that, but for now, just take it at face value. Second, I, like most of the male population around here, find you quite attractive. Third, while I admire your desire to protect Penny, I don’t think you give her enough credit for the strength you’ve instilled in her, and last, I think you’ll be an even better mom if you let a little fun back into your life.”

To her credit, Sarah thought over what I had to say, instead of launching into a tirade at my meddling.

“And you think that by bringing me over here, wining and dining me, and then sweet talking your way into my panties, all my problems as a single mother in Gossip-town will magically disappear?”

“Hey!” I laughed, “Sweet talk is not my forte! I’m telling you straight out what Penny and I would like to happen. The decision is yours to make. And no, I don’t think it will make all of your problems disappear. I think it will have little bearing on the real ones, except possibly to put them in a slightly brighter light. I also think that some of the things you imagine happening to Penny either won’t happen, or she’ll take care of them with no more trouble than she has before.”

“I understand and sympathize with your concern for your daughter, Mrs. Noonan” I continued earnestly, “but have you ever sat down and listened to her talk about what goes on between her and the other kids at school? I don’t mean just incident reports, I mean listen to how she handles herself. You’ve done a hell of a job raising her and have given her the tools and the strength she needs to take care of whatever comes her way. Now it’s time to LET her take care of herself! You still need to be there for her, but you already know you can’t fight her battles for her, now stop trying to, as she puts it ‘protect her from things she can’t be protected from.'”

Sarah looked at her daughter, and Penny nodded solemnly.

When she looked back, some of the tension had drained from Sarah’s face. “All I can say, Mike, is that this is the STRANGEST seduction technique I’ve ever heard of! Even stranger, it seems to be working!”

We all laughed and dropped the subject as we finished our meal. We made small talk about various subjects, and underneath it all, I got the distinct impression that Sarah was testing me in her own way.

Sarah and I each took a cognac ‘digestif’ into the living room. Penny begged for another glass of the Port that she had tried on our last evening together, and her mother finally relented. The dogs followed.

We chatted some more, and Sarah began to relax with her head on my shoulder.

“You know,” she murmured at one point, “I think sometimes I miss THIS more than the sex.”

When Penny finished her wine, I suggested pointedly, “Penny, there’s a PS-2 and some games with the TV in the guest room, if you want to try them out!”

She pretended to pout, saying, “Not even an X-Box?”

“No,” I answered, “I don’t have a problem with Bill Gates getting rich, but I remember enough of my history not to like monopolies, so I try not to support them any more than I have to.”

Penny grinned, showing me that she was only playing, and headed for the guest room.

“Come on, Caesar!” she said as she passed the dogs, “You and I have some unfinished business!”

“Penny!” Sarah sat bolt upright, “You’re not really going to fuck that dog!?”

“Mom!” accompanied by another of her patented eye rolls, “We’ve been OVER this! I’ve done it before, you know, and it didn’t hurt me! I LIKE it! Maybe YOU should try it!”

Sarah looked at me for help. I’m afraid she didn’t get the kind of help she wanted.

“We’ve talked about it too, Sarah. We can be open with her about it, or we can make her sneak around and fuck the dogs in hiding. Either way, we can’t keep her from doing what she really wants to do. But if you’re worried about her, let’s go with them and make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”

Penny’s mom was at a loss. She knew about Penny and the dogs, but apparently had never expected to get this close to them when they were having sex.

She nodded dazedly, and we followed Penny and the dogs into the guest room. Penny was already half-naked by the time we got there. She flung her panties on a chair and flopped backward on the bed, legs hanging over the edge. Sarah made for one of the chairs, but I pulled her down beside me on the bed next to her daughter.

“Come on, Caesar!” Penny cooed, “Put that tongue to work and get me ready for your big ol’ cock.”

Sarah was mesmerized. I stroked her nipples and clit through her clothes as she watched the dog molesting her willing daughter. Without disturbing Sarah too much, I started undressing her. She offered no resistance. All her attention was focussed on the erotic sight of Penny going wild under Caesar’s bestial tongue-lashing.

I took a good sized vibrator from the nightstand drawer (I like for my guests to have EVERYTHING they need!) and handed it to Sarah, saying, “Better use this to get her ready. She usually has Czar to warm up because his knot doesn’t inflate until he’s about to cum. Caesar’s not so patient, his knot will inflate right away.”

Sarah tentatively reached in under Caesar’s jaw and found the opening to her daughter’s dripping pussy.

“Oooh!” Penny moaned, thrusting her hips upward as the smooth plastic sank into her depths.

When the vibrator was fully seated, Sarah turned it on at a low setting and started moving it in and out with short strokes, sending waves of pleasure through her slender daughter’s frame.

I raised one of Sarah’s legs and started tonguing her clit. Sarah came almost instantly. I licked her through a couple more orgasms, then backed off and signalled Czar to take over.

Sarah noticed the difference right away, but when she realized what was happening, she moaned and thrust her hips hard against the dog’s long, rough tongue.

I heard the vibrator speed up as Czar’s tongue started having the same effect on Sarah that Caesar’s was having on her young daughter.

“Use that vibrator on yourself a little, Sarah.” I whispered as I stroked her writhing body.

The plastic dong was quickly transferred from the younger Noonan to the older, and Sarah’s ecstasy began to mount, manifesting itself in a series of small explosions.

Penny grabbed Caesar by the fur around his neck and pulled his head out of her crotch. Quickly squirming her slender body onto her belly, Penny let her knees fall to the floor beside the bed.

I stopped Sarah’s hand and urged her to watch as Caesar mounted the eager young teen.

“Come on Caesar, you big stud!” Penny cried, “Get that big ol’ drippy thing inside me!”

Caesar didn’t need a second invitation.

His muscular frame floated atop the diminutive girl and his forepaws tucked themselves into the crease at the top of her thighs. His stabbing thrusts had a little trouble finding the mark.

“Penny,” I kept my voice low to avoid breaking the mood, “you’ll need to be still for a minute. It’s hard for him to hit a moving target. Sarah, why don’t you help Caesar’s aim?”

Penny’s mom looked like she was afraid the thing would bite her, but she tentatively took Caesar’s red, dripping shaft in her own small hand, and pointed it at her little girl’s tender cleft.

One more thrust, and Caesar found himself socketed halfway into one of his favorite bitches. He held on with his forelegs and shifted his hind legs for better purchase, then WHAM!

Penny screeched as Caesar’s bestial lust took over and he began the locomotive ramming that he used with all his bitches, his knot already slipping in and out of the tiny teen’s tight opening. (Yes, I know, you wanted me to say ‘twat’ but that’s just a little TOO much alliteration, don’t you think?)

“Penny?!” Sarah’s voice was filled with alarm, “Are you all right?”

Penny gave her mom a beatific smile from under the fan of her hair, “Oooooooh, yessss! I’m in HEAVEN!”

Sarah calmed down a bit when she realized that Penny wasn’t injured by the bestial assault. Then Penny cried out again.

“AAAAAGGGHH! OH GOD!” the tendons on her neck were starkly outlined for a few brief seconds, “DAMN that’s intense! Ooooh MAN! His cock went through my cervix, ugh, at the same, AHH, time that his knot forced it’s way into me! Felt like a freight train plowing into me! Ooooooohhh!”

Sarah tensed up again but when she saw Penny’s hips ratcheting back to meet her canine lover’s strokes, she started to relax again, getting increasingly aroused as she observed her daughter’s obvious enjoyment of her bestial ravishment.

I took Sarah’s hand and helped her to her feet.

“Come on,” I said, “let’s leave these two lovebirds alone. Caesar knows better than to pull out until his knot is fully deflated, and that’s the only way he could hurt Penny now that she’s taken all of him, so she’ll be ok. If she gets in any trouble, all she has to do is call out and we’ll hear her.”

Sarah looked a little dubious, and cast an anxious glance backward as we left the room, but she came with me.

As we made the short trip to my room, she asked, “Are you going to sic those dogs on me?”

“Not tonight.” I smiled reassuringly, “Tonight I’m going to be selfish and not share you with anyone.”

Sarah smiled warmly at my words and said, “I think, sometime, I should experience it, so at least I’ll know what my daughter goes through.”

“Sure!” I replied, “If you really want that, I’ll be happy to arrange it, but tonight I want you all to myself, Ok?”

That earned me another little smile and a hug of my bicep, complete with a brief laying of her head upon my shoulder.

I reclined on my bed, feet toward the head of the bed. Sarah blushed a little, but wasted no time in complying when I urged her to straddle my head.

She was facing my feet, and I reached up to fondle her breasts as I put my tongue to work on her clit. I gently tongued the sides of the little nubbin, eliciting shivers that ran the length of her body. Occasionally, my tongue dove deep inside her to lave the walls of her tunnel almost to her G-Spot. When I did this, Sarah nearly smothered me with her soft, shapely buttocks, trying to drive my tongue as deep as possible.

Suddenly her weight shifted forward and the bulbous head of my erection was engulfed in soft, wet, warmth.

As my tongue battled with her rigid clit and my fingers delved into Sarah’s newly accessible opening, I felt soft hands urging my buttocks apart. A slender digit tickled the sensitive ring of my anus as her velvet tongue bathed the rim of my plum.

I slipped a moistened finger from Sarah’s pussy and probed gently at her anal opening. The muscular ring seemed to open up and swallow it with little effort. Sarah’s groan vibrated deliciously around my cock head.

Her mouth lifted off me long enough to ask, “Lube?”

I pointed to the nightstand. It was a little bit of a stretch for her, but Sarah managed to retrieve the tube of K-y without losing contact with my tongue. Her mouth returned to my shaft and she managed to uncap the tube and lube her fingers without breaking stride in her loving treatment of my manhood. One hand pulled at my left buttock and I felt a slimy finger start to inch its way inside me. At the same time, Sarah’s mouth started down my rampant shaft. Both reached bottom at the same time, and my buttocks arched off the bed of their own accord, under the intensity of the sensations bombarding my nether regions.

I sucked gently at Penny’s mom’s stiff little clit and slid the forefinger of my other hand far enough inside her vaginal opening to softly massage her G-spot, while exploring her clutching anus with a deeply embedded finger of the other hand.

Sarah began fucking her mouth onto my cock, corkscrewing up and down the shaft, as her finger, now joined by a second slender digit, ravaged my ass. Occasionally, my body would spasm as if electrocuted when one or both of her fingers deliberately tapped at my prostate.

We fell into rhythm with each other, mouth, tongue and fingers, licking, sucking, poking prodding, and stroking as we built toward a leisurely peak and held each other there, each just savoring the pleasure provided by the other.

It couldn’t last, of course. Sarah had been too long without, and she was too good at what she did for me to hold out too long.

As I felt the pressure building in my loins, I captured Sarah’s clit gently between my teeth, and rocked my head rapidly from side to side. She screamed around my pole and slammed her lips into my pubic bone, setting up a rapid drumming with both fingers on my prostate. As her explosion coated the lower half of my face, my own orgasm fired the contents of my balls down the eager woman’s esophagus!

Our bodies lay locked together in orgasmic rictus for long moments while the initial spasms ran their course and left us limp and twitching. Sarah rolled gingerly off me, creating aftershocks for both of us as sensitive body parts relinquished contact with each other and we lay gasping on our sides, inhaling the aroma of each other’s lust with each breath.

“Whoa! That was HOT!” Penny’s voice roused us from our semi-stupor, “You guys are AWESOME!”

I was already facing the door, and had but to raise my head to see the naked teen standing there with two fingers buried in her almost hairless crotch.

Sarah flipped end-for-end and snuggled her back against me as she mock-scolded her daughter, “This is NOT a spectator sport, young lady!”

Undeterred, Penny stepped over and sat on the edge of the bed, half-turned toward us and replied, “I don’t see why not! You watched me and Mike, and both of you watched Caesar and I. I can see why, too. Watching is FUN!”

Her silvery laugh doused any real objection her mother might have made, “Yeah, I guess I kinda got carried away watching you, so it’s only fair that you get to watch too. I thought you and the dogs would be at it all night, what happened?”

“Dunno.” Penny shrugged, “I guess Caesar hadn’t had any for a while and it didn’t take him too long to finish. Czar must be out hunting rabbits or something. Anyway, I’m kinda glad it worked out the way it did. So that’s ’69’ huh?”

She tittered again.

“Well, I can’t speak for my part of it,” I chimed in before Sarah could reply, “but you’re lucky you had your mom teaching you about blowjobs. She’s one of the best!”

Sarah threw a sardonic look over her shoulder at me and said, “Thanks, I think! But you’re no slouch yourself. If that jerk that got me pregnant had been good at that, we might never have gotten around to fucking, and I wouldn’t have had to go through all this!”

“Now Sarah,” I gently reminded her, “I know it hasn’t been easy for you, but I for one, am happy about the result. Regardless of the circumstances, you have a national treasure in that daughter of yours, and I suspect that when you’re not being bitter about what’s his name, you, too, are glad she came along.”

Sarah flushed a bit and replied fervently, “Penny is the one bright spot in the whole affair, Mike. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank every diety who might have had a hand in her creation for bringing her into my life. My bitterness arises from the fact that she had to be raised without a father.”

Penny, in her own endearing way, bless her heart, changed the subject. “So are you guys going to fuck now? I REALLY want to see that!”

Sarah and I had no choice but to burst out laughing. Between gasping for breath and trying to suppress the giggles, it took us a while to formulate a coherent answer.

“Well, Penny,” I managed, “I had hoped that your mother would still be in the mood, but let’s wait ’til she stops laughing and find out, shall we?”

When Sarah stopped laughing, she pulled Penny’s head to hers and whispered intensely into her ear for several seconds. Penny giggled and nodded, her eyes twinkling as she sat up.

Sarah rolled me onto my back and crawled between my legs. In just a few minutes, her magic mouth had resurrected my flagging manhood and it bobbed above my stomach as Penny’s mother straddled me and slowly slid down it’s length. Her eyelids fluttered and she moaned softly as is penetrated her depths, finally coming to rest against the hard lump of her cervix.

“Oh God!” Sarah breathed, “It’s been so LONG!”

She rode me slowly for a few minutes before falling to the side and pulling me on top of her, our loins still locked together.

Sarah pulled her legs back until her knees almost touched her shoulders, and growled, “Fuck me, Mike!”

I moved my arms outside her legs so they could rest on my shoulders, relieving Sarah of the strain of holding them, and began a long, slow, dirty fuck. I pulled out until the muscles at the entrance to her tunnel hugged the rim of my cock-head, then corkscrewed my cock back into the clinging wetness of her sex. When I hit bottom, I ground my hips against Sarah’s buttocks, stirring her insides witht the bulbous tip of my rampant member.

I felt a feather-light touch on the inside of my thigh, and Sarah’s vagina constricted my shaft even more as something hard was forced into her backside. A familiar click, followed by vibrations that shook my spine told me that Penny had just slid a vibrator into her mother’s butt.

Sarah cried out and told her daughter, “That wasn’t part of the plan, Penny!”

“I know, Mom,” Penny laughed, “but you always liked that when WE made love, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt.”

Sarah’s only answer was to shove her pelvis upward and groan loudly, burying both shafts deep inside herself.

I continued my probing of her pussy, drawing several small orgasms from her, while trying to keep the vibrator from sending me over the edge too soon.

A few minutes later, the electric phallus withdrew completely, and a small hand urged my pelvis higher, causing my dripping cock to pop out of Sarah’s tunnel. The unseen hand repositioned my cock and urged me forward and down, slipping my shaft into the cavity recently vacated by the vibrator.

Sarah moaned and thrust upward as I sank into the depths of her nether hole, her eyes rolling back in her head.

“Yes!” she whispered hoarsely, “Fuck my ass! Ooooh yeah, really slow, really deep! Oh SHIT, your cock feels good inside me, Mike!”

I skewered Sarah’s willing ass for several minutes, loving the way she rotated around my cock as I slid in and out.

Suddenly, a slender, slippery finger wormed its way into my ass. I looked over my shoulder at Penny, who gave me a sunny smile and rotated the digit within me. A second finger soon joined the first, and the sensation of the young teen’s manipulation soon speeded my strokes into her mother.

I felt the fingers withdraw, only to be replaced by the lubricated tip of a vibrator. Penny didn’t push it in, but followed my ass on its inward stroke, and held the vibrator steady, allowing my withdrawal to impale me on her dildo. Within a few repitions of this cycle, the device was firmly implanted in my ass. Penny’s hair spilled silkily across my nether cheeks as she leaned over my buttocks to get a better look.

The plastic phallus started buzzing inside me, and the young teen grasped its base and began fucking me as I sodomized her mother. I’ve had any number of dildoes and vibrators in my ass, so that, in itself, was no novelty. Something about being screwed by the young daughter of the beautiful lady whose ass I was reaming, however, set my sphincter twitching and made my cock diamond hard as it plunged in and out of Sarah’s willing butt.

My pelvis made wet smacking sounds against the swamp of Sarah’s upturned pussy as I slammed faster and faster into her grasping anus. The young mother’s hips gyrated around the hardness of my pole, swirling its hardness through the soft tissues of her intestines.

Alternating banshee wails with bestial grunts, Sarah met every thrust and together we drove ourselves over the precipice. My seed blasted the walls of her colon as she shrieked out her climax and her sphincters milked every last drop of fluid from my spasming cock.

When my body finally quit trying to bury itself hips first inside Sarah, I rolled to the side and stayed embedded in Sarah’s butt as I turned her to face away from me. The plastic buzzer was still humming away inside me. I gingerly slid it out and dropped it on the floor.

I glanced in Penny’s direction and did a double take as I watched three of her fingers plunging into her tight little snatch. In no time, her slender hips jerked as if shocked, and she emitted an almost supersonic screech as she keeled over sideways, hips still jerking spasmodically.

After we had cleaned up and re-convened on my bed, I said “That was some plot you two cooked up there! It’s been a while since I came that hard!”

Penny giggled and snuggled against my left shoulder. Sarah, already occupying the right side, smiled and said, “I just wanted to see how open-minded you are. You’re pretty inventive when it comes to doing things to others, and I wanted to see if you could take as good as you gave.”

“And did I pass?” I inquired.

Sarah smiled and snuggled closer, “With flying colors! Which brings up something I’ve been toying with ever since Penny told me about this scheme that you two cooked up.”

Her expression turned thoughtful before she continued, “Mike, Penny’s right. I need some sex in my life, but I need to do it in a way that won’t feed too much into the rumor mill. I enjoyed tonight immensely, and I think you did too?”

She trailed off and gazed at my face, at my smile she continued, “What I’d like to do, basically, is use you for sex. I can slip over here, or you can come to our place, and no one will be the wiser. Even if they see us, we’re just neighbors visiting…”

I smiled and stopped her with a finger across her lips.

“You forget, Sarah,” I cautioned, “that that would be a change to both our normal patterns. Someone will eventually take notice, and the rumors will start to fly again. No, instead of trying to be furtive about it, why don’t we allow ourselves to be seen together in town, at church, at the movies, and so on. That way, they’ll get the idea that we’re dating, and since we won’t be ashamed of it, there’ll be nothing to whisper about, or at least not as much.”

“It’s a nice offer, Mike,” Sarah replied solemnly, “but I’m not ready for a relationship, and as much as I like you, all I really want from you right now is your cock. I’m sorry if that’s a blow to your ego, but that’s how I feel!”

“You’re not listening, Sarah.” I admonished, “I’m not offering a relationship, only the appearance of one. I love having sex with you, but I’m not ready to commit to anyone right now, either. Appearing to be ‘dating’ you would serve each of us. You’d have a ‘respectable’ relationship, as far as anyone knew, and I’d stop getting so many advances from the female citizens of our fair community.”

Sarah thought for a moment before answering, “What about Penny?”

“What about her?”

“I don’t want to just leave her alone while you and I go off screwing each other.”

“Sarah,” I replied solemnly, “I really like your daughter. Penny, you’re welcome here any time.”

“Here?” Penny asked impishly, “In this bed?”

“As far as I’m concerned,” I laughed, “you are! But you know your mother has to agree, as well.”

We both looked expectantly at Sarah, who smiled and said, “That’s exactly the response I was fishing for! I think you’re ok, Mike, and if Penny’s going to screw around, I’d rather she did it with you than with the kids at her school.”

“This is a pretty big step, you two,” I said, “so before either of you make any final decisions, I think you should know something about me.”

At my urging, they followed me, all three naked as the day we were born, to the pantry. I watched their eyes widen when I triggered the remote and the back wall of the pantry receded. I followed them down the stairs to the dungeon. As she reached the landing at the bottom, Sarah’s hand went to her chest, and Penny uttered a heartfelt ‘COOL!’ under her breath.

They stood speechless, staring around in wonder at the array of fixtures and devices that populated my own little sex hell.

“Occasionally,” I said softly, “I get visitors. Some of them come to me with a request for help with this issue or that related to sex. Some of them, I turn away. Most, I try to help. So far my ‘clients’ have all gone away happy with the result. Many of them are young ladies or gentlemen from Pullman or Moscow who’ve heard about me from classmates. This is my ‘treatment room’ where most of their problems are dealt with in my own unique fashion.”

“I’m showing you this,” I continued, “so you’ll know just who you’re dealing with. There is one other thing you should know. You know I’ve been ‘seen’ with Amy, from the cafe?”

They nodded and I resumed, “She’s my slave.”

Both heads snapped around to stare open-mouthed at me.

“S-s…” Sarah started.

“Slave.” I finished for her, “Amy is a submissive. To really enjoy sex, she needs someone else to tell her what to do, to make her do things she wouldn’t normally do herself. I oblige her, and in the process, use her for my own sexual gratification.”

Sarah seemed at a loss for words, but Penny resumed eagerly scanning the dungeon.

“What if I needed a ‘treatment’?” the lithe teen asked in a small voice.

“I think you know the answer to that, Penny.” I replied.

“Yeah, yeah.” she sing-songed, “‘Only with Mom’s permission!’ So what about it, Mom?”

Sarah shook her head, as if trying to clear it, and murmured in a faraway voice, “I think we may both need those treatments!”



“You said in your emails that you met online.” I asked “Is this the first time you’ve met in person?”

She sat at one end of the sofa, arms folded under her modestly sized breasts, while he sat at the other end, leaning away from her on the arm of the sofa. From their body language, it wasn’t a promising start.

They both nodded and shot each other embarrassed glances.

“You were wise to meet on neutral ground,” I continued, “and to enlist the help of an experienced person before embarking on this journey.”

My smile did no more to break the ice than had the glasses of wine that sat untouched next to each of them. Well, it WAS kind of an awkward way to meet.

“I understand from your emails that neither of you has played dominance and submission games before?”

Two more silent nods.

“Then let’s start at the beginning. Shea…” she gave up her contemplation of the dust on her shoe for a moment, and I continued, “What is your safeword?”

“Ah, I, well…” she flushed red, embarrassed.

“Ok, Shea, you don’t have one yet. Dennis?”

He too turned red and shook his head.

“Do you know the purpose of a safeword? Shea?” I asked in my best classroom voice.

“T-to protect the submissive from doing something she really doesn’t want to do?” she didn’t sound too sure of herself.

“That’s one reason.” I turned to the sandy-haired, slightly built Dennis, “Can you think of another?”

He thought for a while, but shook his head.

“Listen carefully, then.” I lectured, “The safeword, by not being used, lets the top know he’s NOT exceeding the bottom’s limits. No matter what else the sub says, no matter how much she pleads for mercy or screams bloody murder, unless she uses the safeword, it’s all part of the fantasy. That’s particularly important when the two don’t know each other well, as in your case.”

I turned back to Shea. “A safeword needs to be something that you would not normally say while in pain or in the throes of passion. It must be something – a word or phrase – that you can think of and use quickly even when in dire straits. You should each choose one now.”

Dennis looked confused. “Why do I need one? I’m the top!”

I met his gaze coolly and his eyes dropped. “On this property, there is only one top! I agreed to teach the two of you, and there’s no better way for a dom in training to understand his sub than to be one for a little while, got it?”

At his embarrassed nod, I turned to the brunette. “By the same token, if you want to truly understand your role as a submissive, you should take the dominant role for a little while, see yourself through the other person’s eyes.”

Shea looked a little non-plussed, but nodded.

“I have a rule about safewords, however.” I held each one’s gaze for a few seconds before continuing. “The bottom who uses his or her safeword will be punished severely, each time he or she uses it!”

They both gasped, but I continued, “Can either of you think of a reason for this?”

They thought for a while, then just as I was about to break the silence, Shea’s face lit up.

“Of course!” she practically bubbled, “If the bottom is allowed to use the safeword whenever she feels like it, she’s in control, not the top! So by punishing her, or him, for using the safeword, you ensure that they only do so when they really mean it!”

I smiled at her, “You get an ‘A’ for the course! Now, before we move on to something else, I want to know your safeword. Shea?”

She cleared her throat, tossing glossy brown hair over her shoulder, “I, um, I guess, uh… Oh! I know! Woodpile! Yeah, that’s it! Woodpile!”

I nodded and repeated, “Woodpile. Dennis?”

“Oh, hell, I don’t know!” he muttered, “How about dog-dish?”

I shook my head, “Probably not the best word you could use. In some humiliation scenes, you might wind up eating from a dog dish. Pick something that’s not likely to come up in any sexual scenario.

“Crap, I don’t know! Ah, Banana Slug?” he looked dubiously at me.

“Can you remember to say that, even under extreme duress?”

He nodded, and I repeated, “Banana Slug.”

“Now I need to learn a bit more about you.” I even sounded pedantic to me! “You should each listen to the other’s answers so you’ll get to know what the other’s all about. I’ll start with Dennis.”

“Um, ok.” his nerves spoke for him.

“Tell me why you want to do this.” I was a little nervous about him too, and I wanted to get a feel for the kind of person I was dealing with. “What is it about dominating a woman that turns you on?”

He cleared his throat before answering. “Uh, well, it’s just the idea, you know? I mean to be able to make a woman do whatever I want just really turns me on!”

“So, is it about having power over another person,” I prompted, “or is it about her willingness to do what you want?”

He thought for a few moments, then said, “A little bit of both, I guess, but mostly it’s just having control over a beautiful woman. I don’t know.”

“What will you do with that control?” I tried to keep my voice neutral, but I was getting a bad feeling about this.

“Pretty much anything I want, right?” He wasn’t even being flip! He was serious as a heart attack! “I mean that’s what being in control is all about.”

I watched Shea’s mouth drop open from the corner of my eye, and signalled her to keep quiet. I wanted to make sure she knew why I was about to do what I was about to do.

“What about your partner’s needs?” I asked in as neutral a voice as I could muster.

“Well, if she’s a sub,” He shot back, “then that’s what she gets off on. As long as she keeps me happy, then we’re cool!”

“And you, as top,” I fed out a little more rope, “don’t have any responsibility toward your sub?”

“Well,” he waffled, “I mean, I’d stop if she used her safeword, but like you said, she’d get punished if she did! I don’t think she’d use it much after that!”

He sounded like he was trying to impress me, and he was, but not in the way he thought.

“Ok, Dennis, that’s all I need from you,” I stood and motioned for him to follow me. “Let me take you and get you situated. Shea, if you’ll wait here for a few minutes, I’ll be right back. Ok?”

I blindfolded Dennis and led him down to the dungeon by a circuitous route. Czar, one of my wolf-malamute mix dogs followed in our wake, while his brother stayed to keep Shea company.

“Go ahead and hang your clothes on those hooks over there.” I instructed as I removed his blindfold.

He was a little self-conscious about undressing in front of me, but managed to get it done without too much blushing.

With his slender build, pale skin, poor muscle tone, and light coloring, from behind he looked almost like a pre-pubescent girl.

I’m no Mr. Universe, but I keep myself in shape with weights, martial arts workouts, and working around this place, so compared to this guy, I might as well have been King Kong. I manhandled him into the stocks, over his protests and ineffectual struggles. Locking him securely into place, I lubed a medium butt plug and shoved it unceremoniously into his ass. When he screamed, he sounded like a little girl.

“Oh, shit!” he cried, “Banana Slug! Hey, Banana Slug motherfucker!”

These stocks were built low to the ground so that their occupant had to be on his knees, ass exposed, while head and hands were locked into cutouts in the board. I walked around to his front end and asked mildly. “Are you SURE you want to use your safeword right now?”

I pulled the oiled, knotted strands of a well-used cat through my fingers in front of his face. I had removed my shirt and my biceps and chest showed to advantage through the tight singlet I wore.

“Fifty lashes with this little toy is your alternative.” I continued.

He swallowed hard, and realized at the same time that his ass wasn’t hurting quite as much as it had at first.

“Uh, never mind.” He mumbled.

“Very well.” I kept my voice calm, as I let the other shoe drop, “However, there’s still the little matter of the disrespectful way you addressed me. In the future, you will call me ‘Sir’, not ‘motherfucker’. For your first offense, the punishment is ten lashes. If you fail to address me properly in the future, the number will increase by five lashes for each infraction. Now prepare yourself. This will hurt.”

“Wha? Wait! I didn’t know! Please!” He begged.

I had gotten to my feet, but at his protest, knelt again. “Again, you neglected to call me ‘sir’. That is your second infraction. Fifteen strokes will be added to the original ten.”

He started to say something else, and thought better of it, electing to cry, instead.

I striped him thoroughly from neck to ankles, aiming the last stroke between his legs, but didn’t use enough force to break the skin on any of my blows.

By the time I had finished, he was a blubbering mess.

“Why? Uh Sir?” he whimpered, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“I’m being the kind of top you want to be.” I answered mildly, “I can do pretty much anything I want until you use your safeword. But I’d think twice about that. What you just received was half of what you’ll get if you use your safeword, and I wasn’t hitting you full force. You’d be a bloody mess right now if I had hit you as hard as I could have. I’m going up to talk to Shea now, but I’ll leave Czar here to keep you company.”

With that, I pulled the plug from his ass and signalled Czar to mount. I got him lined up and when he was properly seated, I left to a serenade of anguished cries.

“Oh God, no! Please, Sir!” my victim shrieked, “AAAAAAAAGGGH! Oh no, Sir! Please, not the dog! ARGH! He’s too big!”

Shea must have heard some of that as I opened the hidden pantry door to leave the dungeon, because she wore a look of concern when I got back to the living room.

“What did you do to him?” she asked.

“Just gave him a taste of what it would be like to be a sub to somebody like him.” I replied, off-handedly.

She looked a little dubious, but let it drop.

“Now, where were we?” I started, settling onto the couch beside her, my thigh just touching hers, still wearing only the singlet. “Ah yes. I was going to ask whether you still wanted your first experience as a sub to be with Dennis.”

I cocked an eyebrow in her direction, silently asking the question.

Her face was flushed and her breathing a bit faster at my proximity.

“I, uh, from what I heard,” she fidgeted with the folds of her skirt, then, noticing, quickly folded her hands in her lap, “I don’t think so, Mr. Brenneman.”

I smiled and said, “That’s probably a wise decision. But let’s not send you home disappointed. Tell me, Shea, why do you want to try being a sub? What is it about the idea that lights your fire?”

She fidgeted some more, staring off into space, before answering, “I don’t really know! I mean, I do, but I don’t know how to describe it, or what to call it.”

“From what you told me in your emails,” I said, “you have a great deal of responsibility in your daily life. A lot of people depend on you. Is it that you want, for however brief a period, to abdicate responsibility – to make someone else responsible for your pleasure and his?”

“Yeah, I guess that’s a big part of it,” she nodded, “but there’s more, you know?”

“There usually is,” I smiled, “people are not generally one-dimensional, despite our tendency to think of each other that way. How about the potential danger, and the fear that goes with it? How does that play?”

She flushed again, and nodded, studying her lap.

“Helplessness, being in someone else’s control?”

Her blush deepened and and I noticed her fidgeting had become thigh-on-thigh rubbing as she nodded again.

“Tell me Shea,” I probed further, “are you interested in pure dominance, or do you want to expand into related areas?”

“I’m not sure what you mean.” She gave me a puzzled look from under a glossy brown wave of hair.

“I’ll demonstrate.” I said mildly, then hardened my voice.”Stand up, please!”

She looked alarmed, but obeyed. I stood and walked deliberately around her, speaking in her ear as I passed behind her.

“I’m going to give you a series of commands.” My volume was low, but my tone brooked no disobedience. “You will obey each one without question or hesitation, is that clear?”

Shea was trembling as she nodded. I completed my circuit, ending in front of her, inches from her face, looking down. Next to my six-foot-plus frame, her slightly less than five and a half feet or so seemed small.

“Unbutton your shirt and pull it out of the waistband of your skirt.” My voice stayed low and hard.

She looked apprehensively at my face, and her hands shook as she struggled with the buttons.

“Remove your bra.” I’ve always been fascinated by the way women have of removing a brassiere without taking off the outer garment. She had a little more difficulty than most, in her nervousness, but got the bra off in short order. I took it from her trembling hand and dropped it on the sofa.

“Turn your back to me.”

I thought her knees would buckle as she turned, but she managed to stay upright. I could almost feel the tension increase as she realized she could no longer see me, and would get little if any warning about anything I decided to do to her.

“Drop your hands to your sides, and keep them there.” I grasped her shoulders lightly and pulled her back against my chest, sliding the shirt partway down her arms.

She gasped and threw her head back when my teeth took hold of the muscle that attached her slender neck to her shoulders. I didn’t bite hard, but her breathing quickened and her hips bucked involuntarily.

My hands molded to her B-cup breasts, letting the rock-hard nipples dig into their creases. I flattened my hands and used the roughness of my work-hardened palms to scrub the hard little nubbins, causing her to inhale sharply and thrust her chest outward.

“Drop your skirt!” I whispered as I nibbled at the delicate shell of her ear.

She struggled to do as I commanded while I pinched and rolled her nipples between calloused fingers, and nibbled and sucked at the sensitive skin between ear and shoulder, grinding my pelvis against her ass.

The cloth finally fell away, and I dropped my right hand into the front of her panties while my left continued abusing her tits. Her pussy was soaked with her arousal and I had no trouble slipping two fingers inside to collect some of her fluid. Those two slippery digits backed up and trapped the tender bud of her clit, sliding up and down each side of the sensitive nerve bundle.

Shea gasped again and pushed against my hand.

Abruptly, I stepped away and sat in a chair nearby.

“Shea, drop your panties, then come stand in front of me, feet shoulder-width apart.”

She looked a little dazed, but did as I asked, gazing intently at my face. She looked so utterly sexy and vulnerable with the shirt hanging half-off her shoulders, wearing nothing else.

I slid the same two fingers deep inside her dripping pussy. “Now, Shea, fuck yourself!”

Her expression slid from shock to outrage to arousal to unbridled lust and her hips ratcheted back and forth on my stiffened fingers. She was still locked on my eyes when, after only a few strokes, she came, collapsing forward as I caught and held her, waiting for the spasms to pass.

I settled her in my lap and stroked her hair as I spoke, “THAT my dear, was pure domination. A forceful person can control a person who is inclined to be submissive without resorting to restraints or punishment devices. When you’ve had a little chance to catch your breath, we’ll go down to my dungeon and let you get acquainted with the bondage and discipline aspects of dominance and submission.”

While I was waiting for Shea to calm down, Amy, my part-time slave (See ‘A House in the Woods – Bethany’) drove up. As she was trained to do, she removed her clothing on the porch before entering the house to kneel before me, thighs spread, hands behind her back.

Amy was too well trained to say anything, but her eyes were hungry as she took in the attractive brunette sprawled across my lap.

“Shea, this is Amy. Amy has been my slave for some time now, and is quite an experienced submissive.” I introduced Amy to Shea.

“If you remember,” I turned the brunette to look at me as I spoke, “I told you that you should spend a little time in the dominant role, so that you better understand your chosen role. You will practice being a top with Amy.”

Shea was shocked. Her gaze shot from me to Amy and back to me.

Eyes wide, she shook her head slightly and stammered, “B-but, I’ve never, that is, I’m not… I mean, uh, I’m not, uh, experienced with, uh women!”

I turned her to look at Amy’s delectable form, her auburn hair shining in the light from the windows, while the the rings through her nipples rose and fell with her breathing.

“Look at her, Shea!” I whispered through her hair, “Doesn’t she look delicious? Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like with a soft, gentle, smooth-skinned woman? No scratchy stubble on your thighs. No calluses, no hairy arms or legs. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have someone who knows what pleases a woman, without having to guess? Now think of her as your slave for the next couple of hours. She’ll do anything you want, please you in every way you command!”

As I spoke, Shea’s breathing got fast and shallow, and moisture ran down my thigh where she sat. Finally she nodded microscopically and breathed, “Yes!”

Shea hadn’t moved so I whispered, “What do you want her to do?”

“I – I want her to make love to me?”

“If you were in her position,” I murmured, “how would you want to be informed of your mistress’ wishes?”

Shea cast a sidelong glance at me before turning back to Amy “Make love to me, Amy!”

Amy, of course, didn’t move.

Shea looked to me for guidance.

“Amy hasn’t been ordered to obey you yet, Shea.” I answered her unspoken question, “And that won’t happen until you ask my permission to use her. Remember, you are in my house, and she is my property. Before you use anything of value that belongs to me, you must, out of courtesy, if nothing else, ask my permission if I don’t volunteer it.”

Shea flushed, embarrassed as much by the reference to Amy as property as by my reminder.

“May I use your slave, Mr. Brenneman?” she asked meekly.

“You may,” I answered, “on the condition that you don’t cause her injury. She enjoys pain, but I will not have her damaged in any way beyond a few welts or scratches, is that clear?”

At her confirming nod, I turned to Amy. “Slave, until I tell you otherwise, you are to obey Shea as you would me, understood?”

“Yes, Sir!” I could see the gleam in Amy’s eye. She was unabashedly bisexual, and it had been a while since I let her play with another woman.

“Uh, Mr. Brenneman?” Shea almost whispered, “What’s her safeword?”

“Good question.” I smiled. I had thought I’d have to remind her to ask. “Why don’t you ask her?”

“What is your safeword, Amy?” Shea asked softly.

“Ticket, Mistress!” Amy answered, “Mistress, may I make a request?”

Shea nodded.

“Mistress,” my young slave continued, “I am a slave by choice. I enjoy being a slave and all that goes with it. It would please me more if you would treat me as a slave and not worry about hurting my feelings. And please, call me ‘slave’. I get a little tingle every time someone calls me that!”

“Think of how you’d like to be treated as a submissive,” I added, “and do my slave the courtesy of treating her that way.”

Shea flushed again, and said “Yes, of course…”

“Slave Amy!” she addressed the kneeling girl sharply, standing up from my lap, “I’m going to sit over here, and I want you to make love to me!”

Then, as an afterthought, she added, “And you’d better do a good job or you will be punished!”

“Yes, Mistress,” Amy moved to comply, “So that I may fulfill your wishes as best I can, would it please Mistress to tell me how she would like me to proceed?”

I had not instructed Amy about what to do when I put her under a novice, but she was instinctively training Shea about her duties and responsibilities as a top.

Shea had obviously not thought that far ahead, expecting Amy to take the initiative, so she had to collect her thoughts before responding.

Finally she said softly, “Begin by kissing my neck, then slowly work your way down to my breasts. You may use your teeth, gently, but don’t bite hard! I will give you further instructions as you go.”

Amy smiled and moved to comply, kissing the tender flesh under Shea’s jaw line. Shea trembled and gasped as, for the first time in her life, another woman made love to her.

“Aaaah, that’s it!” she cooed, “Ooooh, yes! Just like that. Oh, that’s good. Now lower. Work your way down the slope of – Aahh – my breast! No, don’t go for the nipple yet! Yeah, kiss the underside of my tit. Ooooh! Your mouth feels so good!”

Shea was starting to fuck the air as Amy’s talented mouth worked her upper body.

“Now. NOW do my nipple – Aaagh! You little devil! I’ll get you for that!” Shea cried as Amy bit down on her erect nipple just enough to send a shiver up her spine. The brunette’s hips ratcheted against the air and her hand crept to her sex, two fingers delving deeply into its folds.

Shea panted and heaved, instructing her temporary slave “The other one! Do the other one now! Oh shit! I never imagined… ! Oh God!”

Shea’s pelvis was a blur and her fingers sloshed and slurped as they stirred her honeypot. Her left hand was buried in Amy’s auburn hair, pulling her this way and that.

Suddenly, the brunette’s fingers ripped from her sex and with both hands she grabbed Amy’s head and shoved it unceremoniously into her dripping pussy. Amy lapped gleefully at the gooey mess, slipping her own slender fingers into the entrance just far enough to stroke Shea’s G-spot.

Shea’s tight little butt raised a foot off the chair as Amy’s magic mouth first sucked gently at her clit, then nipped and nibbled, sending bolts of electricity through the brunette’s body.

“Oh DAMN, you little minx!” Shea cried, “You’re driving me crazy! Oh! Oh! Oh! YESSS! RIGHT THERE! GOD THAT’S GOOD! Oh SHIIIIIITTT!”

Shea’s pubic bone slammed into Amy’s mouth, then jerked away, only to flatten her mound against the girls face one last time as she shrilled through her climax. Not having been told to stop, Amy enthusiastically continued her ministrations, driving the incoherent woman through one pinnacle after another until Shea finally capitulated and jerked Amy’s head violently from her crotch.

Instantly, Amy was again on her knees, hands behind her back, Shea’s juices smeared over the lower half of her face.

“Oh my GOD!” Shea panted, sprawling like a teenager on the seat cushion of the armchair, “Thank you both! I was always curious about what it would be like with a woman, but I had no idea!”

“If my slave has pleased you,” I said softly, “don’t you think it would be a good idea to reward her, so she’ll be even more eager to please you next time?”

“Uh, well, yes, but I don’t know,” Shea mumbled, “I mean, it doesn’t seem, uh, in keeping with the, uh, role to return the favor? I mean, I’m all for it, but, well, you know… !”

“Since you are not familiar with Amy’s likes and desires,” I lectured, “and we don’t have time for the two of you to go through the familiarization process, I will tell you this: Amy’s biggest orgasm’s happen when she’s bound face down over something, or on hands and knees, with a large dildo plowing her from behind.”

Amy had the audacity to smile gratefully at me.

“But I don’t have…” Shea began, but I stopped her.

“Perhaps it’s time we moved to the dungeon.”

So saying, I headed for the kitchen. When I looked back, Shea was behind me, but Amy still knelt where she had been.

I looked at Shea. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

The brunette, her shirt hanging off one shoulder, fetchingly framing one lovely breast, flushed deep red.

She turned back to Amy and commanded, “Come along, slave!”

Amy rose to her feet and followed, two steps behind her temporary mistress. While these days, the following behind is considered subservient behavior, I’ve always believed that it originated in the days of sword and knife when a man preceded his family at a distance that would afford them protection while giving him room to wield his blade, should trouble arise. Strange how customs get transformed over time…

Shea gasped, and Amy giggled when we got to the Dungeon. Dennis still knelt, locked in the stocks, with Czar standing butt to butt behind him, his knotted cock still firmly locked in the panting man’s ass. Cum coating the mat underneath him, and dripping from his chest and belly, spoke of Czar’s total conquest.

“Well, Dennis!” I said jovially, “It would appear that the role of dog’s bitch pleases you!”

I squatted where he could see my face if he strained upward a bit. “I’m going to tell you something, and if you don’t listen and understand, you will eventually wind up in jail.”

I waited for him to look up at me before continuing, “Your idea of being a top sucks. Self centered people make lousy lovers no matter what role they take. I’ve just given you a taste of the kind of treatment a sub could expect at your hands. I gave no thought to your pleasure. For my amusement, I let one of my dogs mount you. Did that give you pleasure?”

His face turned bright red with anger, “No! Uh, Sir! I hated it! I don’t know why I came, because I didn’t enjoy it!”

“Your ejaculation had little to do with desire or pleasure, I suspect.” I let him off the hook on that one to make a bigger point, “You came because that big knot of Czar’s practically forced it out of your prostate. My point is this: You might have enjoyed your experience as a sub had I taken any interest in your pleasure. I did just what you said you would do as a Dom, pretty much anything I wanted, not what YOU would enjoy. Had you realized that the dominant person is responsible for the pleasure of BOTH parties, and not just his own, I would have treated you somewhat differently. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I understand that I’m going to kill you the next time I see you, you son of a bitch!” Spittle flew from his mouth as he spat this at me.

“I see you’re a slow learner.” I said mildly. “What did I tell you about how to address me?”

I took the cat from the wall as I stood up. Czar, not wanting any part of the cat, pulled himself out of the guy’s ass before he was quite fully deflated.

“OH GOD, NO! PLEASE SIR, I DIDN’T MEAN IT, SIR!” he blubbered as I walked behind him. Dog cum ran down over his balls and dripped on the mat.

“This being your third infraction,” I said evenly, “your punishment will be twenty lashes.”

I laid them on somewhat more vigorously this time, though still not full force, and a few small streaks of blood showed on his back by the time I had finished.

Shea stood, hand to mouth, eyes wide with shock throughout this. Amy simply smiled and looked hungry.

“Shea,” I thought I’d better give her something else to do while I finished Dennis’ lessons, “What would you like to do to my slave, now that we’re better equipped?”

Her whole body shuddered as if coming out of a trance. Her glance swept around the room, lingering on this piece of equipment, or that device. Finally she went over to the X-frame.

“Can she be bound to this,” she asked tentatively, “head down?”

I glanced at Amy before replying. She was suppressing some emotion but I wasn’t sure whether it was glee or fear. I decided that it must be the former, since I had given her no reason to suppress her fear, but had made her suffer a couple of times when she got TOO happy about something.

“Do you want her facing the frame, or away from it?” I asked, fingering the remote that lowered the frame flat to the floor.

“Away from it.”

“Then just have her lie down on her back and fasten the cuffs on her wrists and ankles,” I instructed, “and let me know when you’re ready. Anything else?”

She looked around again, “Uh, where, that is, do you have any dildoes?”

I pointed at a set of drawers under a bench along the wall.

“Amy will want one or two of the ones from the top drawer – the big ones.” I said.

Once I had the frame upright with Amy’s inverted body suspended from it, I went back to Dennis.

“Now, boy,” I said quietly, while removing the rest of my clothes, “You’ve been very slow about learning your lessons, so we’ll try again. I’m going to take my pleasure with your body, without regard for your needs, desires or wishes, the same way you would have done with Shea.”

I jacked myself a few strokes with a handful of K-Y to get my cock fully erect and provide some lubricant.

“Now, what I want you to do,” I said gently into his ear as I leaned over his back, the tip of my rod nestled in the slowly contracting dish of his anus, “is squeeze your ass real tight! That’s good, now tighter! Really, really, tight! Good boy!”

With that, I drove full length into his colon. For a moment, he was shocked into silence, all the air evacuated from his lungs. When he finally got a breath, he screamed bloody murder!

I held my cock deep inside him until his screams faded to sobs, then leaned over and whispered, “Now that felt very, VERY good! Don’t you agree? Oh, what am I saying? It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not!”

With that I began slam-fucking his ass, occasionally pulling all the way out to give his sphincter a little extra ‘stimulation’. It was kind of a nothing fuck for me, since I prefer willing partners, but I dragged it out for a good fifteen minutes, changing angles to batter his prostate or rotating my hips to stir his guts. He sobbed and moaned through the entire ordeal.

Occasionally I would lean over and ask, “Having fun?”

Invariably, his answer was a vigorous negative head-shake.

Since I wasn’t emotionally invested in fucking Dennis, I had time to observe Shea’s interaction with Amy. She had the auburn haired slave’s head buried in her crotch, while she drove two enormous dildoes into Amy’s pussy and ass. Amy, of course, was cumming non-stop, and Shea was not far behind. The two were so engrossed in each other that I doubted they even remembered Dennis and I were there.

“Are you getting my message here, Dennis?” I rasped in his ear. “Do you understand what I’m trying to teach you?”

“Yes, SIR!” he shouted through his tears, “I’m getting that the bigger asshole gets to do whatever he wants with the smaller asshole, SIR!”

“No, Dennis.” I whispered, grinding my pelvis against his ass for emphasis, “That’s always been patently obvious. What you SHOULD be getting is how the smaller asshole FEELS about it! And you should be committing that to memory, so that if you are ever lucky enough to find a submissive, you keep her feelings in mind and take a little responsibility for her as well as for your pleasure! This is a role playing game, Dennis, and people won’t play with you if you’re too selfish. If you hurt them too badly, they’ll have you arrested! The punishment for using the safeword should be sufficient to deter frivolous use, but not ALL use! Is any of this getting through to you?”

He was silent for a long moment, but finally nodded as best he could within the confines of the stocks. “Yes, sir. I get your point.”

I pulled out of his ass and unlocked the stocks, handing him some wipes to clean himself.

As he started dressing, I said, “I hope you learned what you needed to learn here. Whether you did or not, you should know something. I’m not an easy person to get to, much less kill, so if you intend to carry out your threat, you’d better come prepared.”

He blushed a little, but said nothing. I took that as a good sign.

I blindfolded him again and led him up the stairs and out of the pantry. I gave him a blindfolded tour of the house to confuse any memory he might have about the dungeon’s location, and wound up at the front door.

I removed the blindfold and opened the door to let him out, saying, “Don’t come back here, Dennis. If you’re smart you’ll forget all about me and what happened here, except for the lesson. I have video tape of everything that goes on in this house, and I will see to it that your sister in Salt Lake City, and your parents in Phoenix, not to mention your employer at ______ Corp will get copies of your performance with Czar in living color if you should make any move to come after me or anyone I know, in any way. Is that clear?”

His face had gone white at this disclosure of information I shouldn’t have had, and he just nodded and stumbled down the steps to his car.

I watched him out of sight, and verified via the security system that he left the property, but sent Czar to patrol in the area of the house, just in case. I didn’t expect any real trouble from Dennis, but it never paid to be careless.

When I returned to the dungeon, Shea was still feebly pushing at the dildoes implanted in Amy’s pussy and ass, as Amy struggled to shove her tongue weakly into Shea’s dripping gash.

I removed the trousers I had donned to see Dennis out and slid behind Shea, murmuring “I think you’ve both had about as much of this as you can take. Let’s move on to something else, shall we?”

I lowered the tired brunette to a sitting position on a nearby bench and released Amy from her bondage, leaving it up to her to remove the artificial cocks from her body cavities.

“Go on into the shower and freshen up, Amy.” I told her.

She smiled tiredly and accepted my hand to help her up. As she staggered across to the dungeon shower, I turned back to my pupil.

“So, Shea, what have you learned?” I asked

She smiled ironically and replied, “I’ve learned to pace myself with that little hellcat slave of yours! She almost ate me alive!”

“Yes,” I smiled back, “Amy can be rather… eager, especially when she’s being treated the way she likes to be treated.”

Shea nodded, “I never realized how much responsibility falls on the top. Basically he or she needs to make pretty much every decision for both of them.”

“There is one decision the slave must make.” I countered, “Whether to obey a command, accept the punishment for not obeying, or use the safeword. Everything else falls squarely on the shoulders of the dominant party. If he or she makes good decisions, it’s win-win for both. If not, at least one, and possibly both will not enjoy the scene.”

“Tell me, Shea, why would a person want to dominate another?” I asked

She thought for a few moments before she replied. “I can think of two reasons. One, to have control, at least within the sub’s limits, of the kind of sex, when and where, and how often. Basically, as a sexual convenience for the top. The other would be just the thrill of having another person in your power. Unless the sub was really into pain and humiliation, though, that sort of top would be hard to handle. A person on a power trip would be less interested in sex than in making the sub do whatever degrading thing came to mind – more of a mental than physical kind of thing.”

I nodded, pleased with her insight. “There are aspects of humiliation, pain and degradation in the first instance as well, but they are secondary to the sexual aspect. In the power scenario, humiliation, degradation, and pain are inflicted to emphasize the power of one over the other, and thus become the principle acts of the relationship while sex becomes secondary.”

“From your reaction to Dennis’ speech,” I continued, “and from things gleaned from your emails, I suspect that you are more interested in the sexual aspects of D/S?”

At her nod I went on, “For the next part of this exercise, you will resume your role as submissive, and we’ll explore the Bondage and discipline aspects of dominance and submission.”

“Do you remember your safeword, Shea?” I asked, as I guided her body to lie face down, lengthwise, over a low bench, knees still on the floor.

She nodded and replied “Woodpile!”, as I cuffed her hands and knees to the legs of the bench.

“Alright, Shea,” I said gently, “I’m going to start using your body. Each time you protest at or try to prevent me from doing something I attempt, you will receive five lashes of the cat. The blows will be hard enough to raise welts, but not to break the skin. If you use your safeword, you will receive ten lashes at the same intensity, is this understood?”

“Yes, sir.” the trembling brunette, only now beginning to fully realize her vulnerability, replied.

“You have not done anything wrong,” I continued, “but since you haven’t felt my lash yet, I will give you five strokes now, so that you will truly understand what you’re facing should you displease me.”

Shea screamed and sobbed as I reddened her back with the cat, but fluid ran freely from her pussy, and her hips rocked in time with my strokes.

“Ok,” I said, “now you know what the punishment feels like. You also know you can survive it. Shall we begin?”

Shea’s head rocked back and forth on the padded surface of the bench. “Yes, sir!”

I stroked her glossy brown hair and pulled it back from her face. “Ok, we’ll start easy. First, I’m going to fuck you, hard and fast, to take the edge off. If you cum, I will punish you. This fuck is for me, is that clear?”

“Yes, sir!”

I tested her pussy with a finger and judged that lubricant would be superflous. Kneeling behind her, I grasped her hips and pulled her back toward me as I drove all the way in with a single determined push. Shea’s gutteral groan of pleasure rose to a shriek as the blunt helmet of my turgid cock slid off the bump of her cervix and continued inward, stretching her to accomodate my length.

I paused briefly at full depth, flexing my cock within the tight confines of Shea’s clinging flesh. Each pulsation of my rod elicited a fresh moan from my victim.

When I thought she had stretched enough, I began a rapid pummeling of the cringing brunette’s tortured vagina. As I shuttled back and forth, rapidly approaching a culmination to my efforts, I motioned Amy over and whispered instructions in her ear. The auburn-haired slave flashed me a feral grin and went to one of the benches along the side of the dungeon to make preparations for carrying out my wishes.

I was somewhat stimulated from fucking Dennis, and from watching Shea and Amy work out, but had not cum yet, so it didn’t take long for my first load to fill the novice submissive to overflowing. Shea’s body was ridgid as I withdrew my cock, and I realized she was attempting to obey my order not to cum.

“Body tension contributes to orgasm, Shea.” I whispered in her ear, “If you want to avoid it, it’s better to relax.”

“Yes sir.” She made a visible effort to relax, and finally the crisis passed.

I released Shea’s cuffs and moved her to an apparatus I had ordered from a buddy in the plastics business. It was essentially a clear three-eighths inch acrylic sheet that had been heat softened and shaped to fit the front of a female in a wide spread-eagle position. I had sent my friend a mold of Amy’s body, positioned just as I wanted, which he had used to create the form on which the acrylic was shaped. It was a perfect match for Amy, but Shea was close enough to the same size that it would work for her just as well.

When she was positioned in the clear form, I fastened her in place with straps so that her body was virtually immobilized. Shea’s legs were supported and held at almost right angles to the side by the plastic as it curved around them to form troughs, leaving a gap of several inches at her crotch.

Her breasts protruded through openings in the plastic that were small enough to constrict them at the base, transforming them into a pair of bulbous globes.

The face form forced her head to bend well back and had a large ring protruding a short way into her mouth. When her head was strapped in, her mouth was forced open by the ring wide enough to accept a large cock – whether she wanted to or not.

Holes drilled through the plastic allowed air into her nostrils. There were also air holes from the sides of the sheet, making it virtually impossible to block her breathing.

The plastic over the victims eyes was close to optically flat so that she could see what was being done to her without fear of getting things in her eyes.

The entire contraption was supported on the sides at the mid-point in such a way as to allow it to swivel to any angle and be locked in place.

Shea, once bound in place, trembled violently. In her outstretched right hand I placed a red scarf.

“Since you can’t use your safeword,” I whispered in her ear, “this will substitute. If you drop this scarf, it will be the same as using your safeword and will have the same consequences. Wave the scarf if you understand.”

She still trembled, but the scarf waved.

“I can see from your body’s reaction,” I continued, “that you understand at least some of the possibilities of this position, so I will tell you at least the major points of what I intend to do to you. First, I’m going to fuck your mouth and throat until I’m sufficiently aroused. If you aren’t accomplished at the art of ‘deep throat’, you will find this arduous. If you feel like throwing up, don’t. If you do, you will be punished and when you have been cleaned up, I will start over. When I am finished with your mouth, I will change positions and fuck your ass. I will not be gentle, but you will not be damaged. While I’m enjoying your tight little butt, Amy will decorate the exposed parts of your front. You may cum when I do, but only when I do. In fact, I insist that you do! Wave the scarf if you understand what I have told you.”

When the scarf waved again, I rotated the device so that Shea lay horizontally with her bulging breasts pointing toward the ceiling, then adjusted the height so that her mouth was at the level of my flaccid member.

“Slave,” I ordered, “put your talented mouth to work on Shea’s pussy, but don’t allow her to cum or I shall punish you both!”

I fed the limp mass of my penis into the warm, wet cavern of Shea’s mouth. She couldn’t move her jaws, but her tongue went eagerly to work, so I pushed my pubic hair against the plastic and waited as blood pumped into my flesh, lengthening and strengthening, until, with nowhere else to go, its head pushed through the opening of Shea’s spasming throat. I watched, but though she was breathing rapidly and shallowly, she seemed to be getting enough air, so I stayed where I was.

As my shaft gained enough rigidity with which to thrust, Shea’s chest started heaving, and I withdrew long enough to let her catch her breath. When she had calmed a bit, I started stroking slowly, all the way in, all the way out until only the purple head remained within her mouth. Shea gagged a few times, but got it under control quickly and soon relaxed and allowed me to use her throat as I had her cunt.

I langorously enjoyed her mouth for several minutes as Amy, in that short space of time, brought her to the verge of orgasm at least a dozen times, backing off abruptly each time, just at the edge of the precipice. At one point the scarf slipped and almost fell from her hand. Shea’s fingers scrabbled frantically to gather the material back in.

I signalled Amy and adjusted the device until Shea’s body was inclined slightly forward, just past vertical, while her face gazed at the mirror on the ceiling.

I lubricated the dark, crinkled ring between her clenching cheeks and slathered the gel on the entire length of my shaft.

“Try to relax, Shea.” I breathed in her ear as I took up position behind her, “Push out like you’re taking a dump.”

The tip of my rod nestled into the little depression of her anus and I felt it wink and relax once, twice. On the third time, I pushed – somewhat more gently than I had with Dennis – but I was not to be denied, and slowly sank into the gritty velvet glove of her rectal tube, forcing my way into her colon until her buttocks flattened against my abdomen. Shea emitted an incoherent series of moans and cries as each new sensation forced its way painfully into her consciousness. As I had with her front hole, I flexed deep within her, the twitching rod stirring her guts as it stood at attention inside her.

Slowly, exquisitely, I withdrew, savoring every nuance, every bump, every fold of the tight, tight orifice, until the ridge at the back of my cockhead tugged at the cringing ring of Shea’s anus.

“You have a lovely, tight ass, Shea.” I whispered in her ear, “I’m enjoying it immensely!”

As I began rhythmically stroking Shea’s ass, I signalled to Amy.

Again I whispered in the brunette’s ear, “Amy’s going to start decorating you now. You can watch in the mirrors.”

Amy brought a tray with a covered bowl in the center, from which trailed three stainless steel chains. Around the bowl, several lumps deformed a second cloth cover.

Amy placed the tray on a small table, and removed the cover of the bowl. Shea couldn’t see clearly what was in the bowl until Amy lifted one of the chains and withdrew the large fish-hook at its end from the alcohol bath. The brunette’s body tensed and she tried to struggle within the confines of her plastic prison. The tension tighted her sphincter so much I had trouble moving, even with the help of the lube.

The scarf slipped again and as Shea scrambled to retrieve it, Amy approached her left breast.

Using a pair of pliers, my slave drew Shea’s nipple away from her breast and deftly worked the sharp point of the hook through it, to a chorus of incoherent croaks and screeches from the form’s mouth opening.

Shea trembled and sweated and screamed, but kept a firm grip on the scarf as Amy gave her left breast the same treatment. I was having trouble maintaining my own control through the spasms in her ass, but I hung on, waiting for my planned finale.

The scarf fell to the floor and Shea emitted an ear-piercing screech as the third hook was pushed through her sensitive clit.

I told Amy to wait, and withdrawing from Shea’s ass, I retrieved the scarf.

“I’m going to place the scarf back in your hand,” I told her, “if you dropped it unintentionally, take it and hold it. If you intended to drop it, take it and drop it again.”

The quaking girl’s hand took a death grip on the fabric and didn’t let go.

I nodded to Amy, and without preamble, resumed fucking Shea’s ass. I was astonished to feel it opening to welcome me on the instroke, and grasping my shaft to hold it in on the withdrawal.

Amy hung a plastic covered, egg shaped weight from the end of each of the chains, increasing the volume of Shea’s cries.

I was hammering the poor girl’s ass now, nearing my pinnacle, and I signalled Amy to deliver the final blow.

As I slammed deep into Shea’s guts and released my pent-up discharge, I shouted “NOW! CUM sHEA! CUM FOR ME NOW!”

Amy triggered the vibrators in the eggs and all three started bouncing and dancing on the ends of their chains, jerking spasmodically at her pierced nipples and clit.

Shea wailed like a banshee and vibrated like a banjo string as her body released its lust in a thundering crescendo, crashing over her in wave after wave. Her spasms drew aftershocks from me until my knees turned to jello and I collapsed to the padded floor of the dungeon, my cock slipping reluctantly from the grasping depths of her clenching anal cavity.

I asked Amy to help Shea from the apparatus and clean her up as I regained my own strength.

When we were all breathing more normally, and smelling somewhat less raunchy, I sat down beside Shea.

“How are you feeling, Shea.” I asked gently.

“Tired, sated, happy,” she turned to look at me, “and a little dazed, not to mention Sore in a few places!”

The hooks still hung from her body, sans vibrators, and I smiled.

“Well, there are just two more things we need to take care of.” I put my arm around her and she leaned against my shoulder. “First there’s the matter of the dropped scarf…”

Shea gasped and sat bolt upright, her hand going to her mouth. “Oh my GOD! I had forgotten about that! Oh, no!”

“Normally, that would cost you five lashes, but I think this time I will incorporate your punishment with the other task at hand – removal of those hooks!”

So saying, I bound her on her back to a padded table and strapped her down enough to limit her movement. With a pair of diagonal pliers, I snipped the barbs off of each of the hooks. Slipping the hollow end of a split, stainless ring, over the cut end of each hook, I withdrew the hook while pushing the ring through the hole behind it. When I withdrew the hook, I sluiced the ring and the flesh around it with alcohol, the snapped the smaller end of the ring into the hollow end, creating a solid, circular ring that could only be removed by cutting.

Shea screamed shrilly through all three of these insertions, but when I was finished, her front glinted dully in three places.

I noticed that her slit was once again leaking copiously and asked, “Would you like one more good fuck before you go?”

Shea nodded and whispered “Please, sir?”

I winked at Amy and bound Shea once again on her hands and knees, her torso supported lengthwise by a wide padded bar that ran between her breasts.

I sat on another bench and Amy slid her willing ass down the lenght of my rigid pole as I handed her a large vibrator to use on her pussy. Shea looked at us in confusion.

“I thought… ?” she began.

“Oh you’re going to get fucked, Shea,” I smiled, “never fear!”

I signalled Caesar, who had watched everything quietly from a corner, to come get his reward. His pink, pointy shaft was already out and dripping, so without preliminaries, he lifted his forepaws and settled lightly on the brunette’s back, humping the air in search of a warm place for his swelling meat.

“Oh, no!” Shea wailed as the furry beast settled on her back and tucked his forepaws in front of her thighs.

“Are you protesting this treatment, Shea?” I asked menacingly.

“Ohnosir!” she cried, “I just never expected… I mean… AAAAAGGGGHHH!”

Whatever she meant, it was lost in her cry as Caesar’s poker found the fire and rammed itself home. Not one for finesse, the half-wolf started machine-gunning poor Shea’s abused slit, his knot already growing, slipping rapidly in and out of her entrance.

Each time the swelling bulb near the base of the dog’s dick forced its way into her, Shea let out a shriek that was abruptly ended as Caesar just as quickly yanked it back out. Finally, though, the beast gave a mighty shove, seating the knot firmly within his bitch, and when he pulled back, the knot stayed in.

This was what Caesar lived for. Like a jackhammer, his hips shortened their stroke and shuttled the softball sized lump back and forth within her as his pointy tip stabbed forcefully against her cervix and the end of Shea’s vagina.

“You may cum when you feel like it, Shea.” I said, then to my slave, “YOU, slave, wait for me!”

“Yes, sir!” Amy cried, bouncing vigorously on my cock and the vibrator she had plunged deep into her vagina.

Shea, never before having felt the complete possession of being locked to a bestial master by his conquering weapon, wailed and shook, climbing from pinnacle to pinnacle, losing herself completely in the animalistic coupling. Her sweaty hair flew in a cloud around her head as it shook from side to side in futile denial of her total surrender to the sensations that her body and imagination heaped upon her overloaded consciousness.

Caesar was truly masterful in his conquest. Each thrust was powered by every ounce of strength from his sinewy muscles. Each stroke having only one purpose: to impregnate this bitch.

Shea bounced helplessly on the bench beneath him, as, with a last mighty heave, Caesar buried himself as deep in his bitch as he could go. The maddened brunette was driven over the edge, keening like a lost soul as she felt the hot flood of his lava filling her to capacity.

Even in unconsciousness Shea’s body twitched and spasmed, going through another series of tremors when Caesar turned around, and his knot and still spitting rod rotated within her. The dog stood panting, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as Shea snored and twitched in her bondage.

I came up Amy’s ass as Caesar blasted Shea’s insides with his cum. Amy jammed the vibrator so far up her pussy that it disappeared, only to come flying out as her body went rigid and expelled the fake phallus like a watermelon seed.

Later, as I walked Shea to her car, I asked, “Are you sorry you came here?”

She grinned impishly and replied, “I loved all of the times I came, here!”

I laughed and asked “Ok, do you feel like you accomplished your purpose?”

Shea nodded and said, “And then some! But I’m not too sure I’ll remember everything I learned. I might need a refresher course… !”

I opened the door for her, laughing again, “Perhaps we’ll bring you back for the advanced class!”



With rings in both eyebrows, several in each ear, a nose stud, and another ring through her black painted lower lip, not to mention the obligatory navel bangle, this girl was a walking hardware store!

She stood sullenly on my front porch, slouching in her low-slung black pants and black tube top, her heavy black eyeshadow making her look a little like a raccoon.

She paid no attention to the dogs as they sniffed at her. I continued studying her for a few moments as she again knocked impatiently at the doorframe. Although her hair was black with a neon blue streak, the pallor of her skin made me think that she had probably started life as a blonde.

“What do you want?” I said from the shadows, before stepping out where she could see me through the screen.

She started a bit then shrugged, trying to hide her surprise, “I want you to pierce me like you did Bethany.”

“Did Bethany tell you how she got those little items?” I asked.

“Uh, uh. She’s my roommate but we don’t get along all that well.” there was a hint of vulnerability behind the tough facade of her Goth look.

“So she didn’t tell you what they cost her?” I probed.

“Uh, uh. Like I said, we don’t get along that good.” Her look got even more sullen. “She just told me how to find this place and that this was where she got them.”

I smiled inwardly. If Bethany didn’t get along with this girl, she might have sent her to me for an attitude adjustment, much like the one she had received at my hands.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Cassie.” was all she said.

“Your full name, girl!” I said menacingly.

She peered defiantly through the screen, but decided against a rebuttal. Her blue corneas flashed startlingly from the depths of her black outlined eyes.

“Cassandra,” she muttered, “Cassandra di Carlo.”

“That’s a beautiful name – straight out of Greek Mythology.” I said, “Some say that the original Cassandra was raped when Troy fell, others that she was enslaved. What do you think happened to her?”

She gave me a penetrating stare, then answered, “Doesn’t matter. She knew what was coming and didn’t do anything to prevent it. Whatever it was, she wanted it. She had that gift of prophecy from Apollo.”

“And what about you, Cassandra?” I asked in a low voice, “Do you have the gift of prophecy? Do you know what’s coming – what it’s going to cost you to get those spikes in your little pink nipples?”

She stared at me for a very long time. I could almost see the wheels turning in her head. Her slouch had suddenly gone stiff as she contemplated the possible meanings behind my question. Smart cookie! I liked that.

A slow smile spread across her features and she said, “Doesn’t matter. I want them.”

“And what will you do with them, once you have them, Cassandra?” I asked.

“Use them to shock my lovers.” she said with a secret little smile “And once they get over the shock, I’ll show them how to use them to control me while they have their way with me.”

“How many lovers do you have, Cassandra?” I asked.

“Two, so far.” she was trying to shock me, but she had come to the wrong place for that.

“Men, or women?” I asked.

I think she wanted to spring that on me, to see my reaction, but I beat her to the punch. “One of each.”

“So these lovers are… aggressive?” I prodded.

Her lip curled a little, “Not as aggressive as I’d like! That’s one of the reasons I want the spikes! I want them to use me, not make love to me!”

I opened the screen and stepped out.

“Strip!” I ordered, “I want to see what I’ve got to work with!”

Her blue eyes shot a challenge in my direction, but the black, full length coat landed on the porch, followed quickly by the spandex top. The calf-length boots with thick platform soles looked like they would take about an hour to unlace, but were velcroed up the back and came off easily. She wore no underwear, so when the baggy black pants slid off her legs, they left her bare, glinting in the sunlight from the various pieces of metal attached to her body.

“No one believed your namesake’s predictions because she promised Apollo something then didn’t give it to him, and he cursed her.” I whispered in her ear as I stepped behind her, “I’m not Apollo. I will take what I want, whether you promise it or not. I will give you two minutes to decide if those spikes are worth the potential cost.”

She stared straight ahead as I pinched her nipples from behind, squeezing her breasts in the process.

“I don’t need two minutes.” she rasped, “That bitch was a tease and a liar. She told Apollo he could fuck her, then after he fullfilled his end of the bargain, she changed her mind. You go ahead and take what you want. I want those spikes.”

I reached inside the screen door and retrieved a set of chains – one long one attached to a ring from which three shorter chains radiated. I kept the chains there for certain other visitors, and thought Cassie might benefit from them, as well. Each of the short chains ended in a small, adjustable clamp. I attached one clamp to each of her nipples, tightening them until she gasped from the pain, then did the same to her clit.

Cassandra’s blonde-fuzzed pussy leaked fluid down her pale thighs and her back and shoulders curved as though trying to protect her sensitive front, but her hands stayed at her sides.

Taking up the longer chain, I ordered, “Hands and knees, now!”

She shot me another glance, but did as ordered.

“Heel!” I told her as I opened the screen door and marched her inside.

Caesar and Czar followed along behind, but the ‘Heel’ command meant nothing to them. I had trained these dogs as companions and partners, not slaves.

The journey to the dungeon was uneventful, though I got a few gasps from the little black-haired bitch when she failed to keep up and the chains tugged at her most vulnerable parts!

“Eyes down!” I commanded, as we descended the stairs. At the bottom, I tugged on the leash to get her to her feet.

Cassandra’s eyes went wide as she surveyed the dungeon and she muttered, “Holy shit! I have died and gone to heaven!”

“You think this is what heaven looks like?” I asked.

“It’s what MY heaven looks like!” she said in wonder as her eyes continued roving around the room, devouring the whips and bondage equipment.

“Have you ever been in a place like this, Cassandra?” I asked.

Her eyes continued surveying the dungeon and she drifted toward one of the nearby devices, running her hands lovingly over its surface.

“Only in my dreams, Mr. Brenneman.” she sighed in wonder, caressing leather of the cuffs. “And every time I dreamed about it, I woke up with three fingers in my pussy and the bed soaked under me.”

“I hope you made plans to stay the weekend.” I said, tugging on the chain to bring her back to my side.

“I don’t plan, I just do.” she said defiantly.

I pulled her in close with the chains and told her, “Well, here are the rules. While you are here, you ‘just do’ what I say. You call me ‘Sir’, and you speak only to answer questions, is that clear?”

“Yes, SIR!” there was still a note of defiance in her voice.

I smiled. Good! She wanted to be treated roughly, but she was going to make damn sure I was strong enough to handle her.

I shoved two fingers deep into her cunt and lifted her off the floor until she was eye-level with me. Cassandra’s eyes went wide with shock as she found herself impaled, a foot off the floor, balancing on my hand.

“You keep that attitude, girl!” I said in a low voice, “It will make this weekend a lot more fun for me!”

“Y-yes, sir!” she whispered meekly.

I wriggled my fingers inside her, then clamped them onto her pubic bone. “I didn’t hear you, slut!”

“Yes, Sir!” she gasped.

With that, I bound her face up on the bench I use for such things, and secured her so she couldn’t move.

“Do I need to gag you,” I asked, “or can you keep your mouth shut while I do this?”

The challenge was still in her eyes as she answered, “I don’t need a gag… sir!”

I gelled her nipples and attached the suction/implant device to her right, making sure the nipple got drawn straight into the vacuum tube. When I triggered the spring-loaded device that drove the spike deep into her nipple, Cassandra gave a startled cry.

Withouth a word, I jammed a large ring gag between her teeth, and dropped the end flap of the bench so her head hung down. She struggled valiantly with her breathing and gag reflex as I shoved my erection down her throat, but still there were tears making tracks through the heavy eye makeup by the time my pubic hair tickled her chin.

“If you can’t keep that mouth shut, then you can put it to good use.” I told her, stroking slowly in and out, but making sure to give her time to breathe.

In short order, I had installed the second spike, then, for good measure, I put a heavy barbell through her clit. She managed to stay quiet for the second nipple, but her groans and muffled cries vibrated my cock as I worked the large guage needle through the little pink bundle of nerves between her baby-like labia.

The shaft of the barbell was stainless steel, and would stand up to some pretty rough stuff without bending. The balls on each end were steel with a high iron content and were each about a half inch in diameter. Once snapped on, the only way to remove the balls was to cut the bar. The bar was just long enough to allow attachment of narrow hooks on either side of her clit, and I snapped on a U-shaped piece, also stainless, to which a leash or weights could be attached.

I had been experimenting with attachments for the spikes, in case Bethany decided to return, and had come up with a very special apparatus.

“Want to be my guinea pig?” I asked Cassandra as I withdrew from her mouth.

Without hesitation, her head nodded in the affirmative and “Eth thuh!” emanated from the ring gag.

I removed the ring gag and released her from the bench. I suspended Cassandra upright by her wrists, then cuffed her ankles to chains that made her do a wide split – spreading her body into an inverted ‘T’. From the small case of accessories I had prepared for the spikes she now wore, I extracted two round discs, each about a quarter inch thick. A threaded rod protruded from the back of each disc. I screwed them into Cassie’s new spikes until they were snug. By the time I finished, there was a small puddle of slime on the floor beneath her crotch.

I then wheeled my experimental contraption over, adjusted the breast cups to fit over Cassandra’s pale, flattened mounds, centering them over the spikes. Built into each of the cups was the modified core of an audio speaker, sans paper cone.

A similar device fitted over Cassie’s new barbell. Since Cassie wasn’t completely immobile, I strapped the devices to her body and left the adjustment joints on their mounting arms loose. This would allow her to move as much as she wanted without dislodging the devices.

I plugged the audio cord into the speaker jack of my PC, and programmed in a set of MP3 files for her listening – and feeling – enjoyment.

Placing a set of headphones on her ears, I started the sequence playing. To get her in the mood, I started her off with some dirge-like Goth music. There wasn’t enough bass or beat to really take advantage of the apparatus, since it responded best at low frequencies, but it would get her started.

As the audio signal played through the speaker cores in my little sex machine, the electromagnets pulsed in time with the music. Each pulse pushed and pulled at the magnets screwed into Cassandra’s spikes as well as the balls attached to her clit.

Her mouth opened as the music started, and her breasts and pussy began pulsing in time with the sound in her ears. I slipped behind her hanging body and slid my rigid cock deep into the molten cauldron of her pussy. A continuous moan issued from her mouth, rising and falling with the relative volume of the music.

Cassie came around my cock for the first time in the middle of a rap song with a heavy beat, and continued cumming throughout the selection of songs with heavy bass and drums. Heart’s ‘Crazy on You’ wrung four tremendous spasms from her!

I slipped from her pussy, and shoved myself unceremoniously up her ass as the last song began. She shrieked at the intrusion, but pushed backward to meet it. When ‘Inna gadda da vida’ got to the drum solo, Cassandra went ballistic! She shrieked and twisted in her bonds, slamming herself backward on my cock, and came almost continuously as the sound of the drums rotated from channel to channel, stimulating first one breast, then the other!

I had rigged the device at her clit so that each stereo channel acted on a different side of her barbell, which nearly tied her clit in knots as the sound shifted from one channel to the other!

My cock was almost torn from it’s roots as her orgasm began, and she shuddered, trembled, and moaned through the entire drum piece, collapsing in her bonds just as the other instruments started back for the finish of the song.

I released Cassie from her bonds and helped her into the dungeon shower. When she came out, she looked less like a raccoon and more like a desirable young lady. Without the armor of her makeup, she also looked more lost and vulnerable. Something clicked in my mind as I watched her towel herself dry – something connecting her behavior with the apparent vulnerability.

I thought it was worth a little exploration, at least.

As I positioned her over a padded bench, with her newly spiked breasts dangling through a gap in the bench, I interrogated her: “You’re a beautiful young lady, Cassie, why the Gothic makeup and clothing?”

She made a noise of dismissal. “So what if I’m beautiful? There’s a lot more to me than that, but all the guys see is this chick they want to fuck. Who needs that shit?”

“Let me see if I understand you correctly.” I said as I secured her wrists to the sides of the bench, “You don’t like being treated as a sex object, so you come down here and put yourself at the mercy of the biggest pervert in the state for a pair of shiny baubles?”

“Hey, at least I’m getting something that I want out of it!” She shot back. “The guys I’ve dated all want to use me, too, but all I get from them is torn clothes and a cheap meal somewhere. If I’m lucky they’ll throw in a movie. Life sucks! Get used to it!”

“So that’s it?” I asked, binding her knees far apart, to leave her nether end open and vulnerable. “Life sucks and there’s nothing you can do about it, so you might as well accept it?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up.” she replied sullenly.

“Cassandra, if someone came up to you on the street and slapped your face,” I asked softly, leaning over her, “would you have any choice about how you reacted?”

To her credit, she stopped to think about it before answering.

“Well, yeah, I guess so.” she said, “I mean, you could choose to ignore it, or you could slap them back, or, if you were really pissed, I guess you could just go postal on them and kick the living shit out of them.”

“Okay,” I continued, “let’s say that person slapped you every day, and you weren’t big enough to ‘kick the living shit out of them’. Is there anything you could do to make them NOT slap you?”

“Well, I guess you could take a different route to wherever you were going.” she said, sounding puzzled, “Or you could talk to them and try to find out why the hell they were slapping you, and maybe stop whatever it is that’s pissing them off.”

“But is that you making them stop,” I asked, “or you changing what YOU do so as not to get slapped?”

She was silent for several long moments.

“I guess it would be me changing what I do.” she finally replied.

“So take it a little further.” I said, “Can you EVER, without using force or some form of coercion, make other people do what you want?”

“No!” she replied, “Like I said: ‘Life sucks, get used to it.’!”

“But it’s the next part of that sentence that’s important, Cassandra.” I said softly, “Do you know what the next part is?”

Silence again, as she thought over our conversation, then with a tinge of wonder in her voice, Cassie replied, “… so you have to change what YOU do if you want it to get better! But that’s so damn simple!”

“Exactly!” I said, “Life can get very complex, and no one does anything unless they think it will benefit them in some way, so you can’t control how life treats you, only what you do about it! Surrendering, you see, is NOT your only option.”

“Now,” I said, “I’m going to give you a small taste of the kind of thing that can happen when you surrender, then we’ll talk some more.”

“What do you mean?” she asked suspiciously.

“You’ll see!” I replied.

I gave Caesar his cue. He and Czar had been watching the festivities and both sported enormous pink erections beneath their furry bellies, knowing that sooner or later, they’d get a chance to mate this hairless bitch. Caesar wasted no time. In a flash he was covering his bitch, pulling her to him with paws tucked in front of her hind legs, searching for the opening.

“What the… ?!” Cassie started to say, fear in her voice, “Oh my GOD! Not the damn DOG! Hey! I said YOU could take what you want – I didn’t say anything about any damn dogs! Get him off me!”

“But Cassandra,” I replied sweetly, “this IS what I want!”

“Oh SHIT!” she cried, as Caesar’s spear found the target, and sank deeply into her moist pussy. “You fucker! I didn’t agree to let a dog fuck me! I’ll sue your ass!”

“Well, Cassie,” I knelt beside her and yanked on her spikes. “Before you go to your lawyer, you should know that everything that’s happened from the time you entered my property has been recorded – both audio and video – so you have to decide whether or not you want to watch those videos in a public courtroom, along with the press, your family, and a judge and jury. Especially the part where you told me to take what I want, stripped off your clothes with no help from me, and stayed, even when I gave you the chance to leave. That’ll go over big, don’t you think?”

As usual, Caesar’s knot inflated rapidly, and soon he was irrevocably locked inside Cassie’s pussy.

“What the hell, ungh, is that!” she cried “I feel so goddamn full! It’s like somebody shoved a fist in me!”

“Have you ever watched dogs mate, Cassie?” I asked.

“Why would I do that?” she replied, “Fuck no!”

“Well, then, this will be a marvelous new experience for you!” I said brightly, “You see, when the male dog is firmly seated inside his bitch – in this case, that would be you – a large lump forms near the base of his cock to ensure that he stays inside her until he’s pumped her full of his seed, and it’s had time to go to work. Since Caesar likes to feel that knot moving around inside his bitch, his knot inflates quicker than most, so I’d guess you and he are going to be intimately coupled for at least the next half hour.”

Actually, Caesar was in no hurry. He was loving the feel of his knot shuttling back and forth within this pale little bitch.

“Now, Cassie,” I whispered in her ear, as she grunted under Caesar’s assault, “you are in a situation beyond your control. You cannot make Caesar quit fucking you. Do you have ANY options?”

I could see the wheels churning and I knew she realized what the options were, but didn’t want to admit it to herself.

“NO!” she croaked, looking defiantly at me. “Fuck NO!”

“Does that mean you can’t think of any options, or are you just denying them?” I asked.

“I know what you want me to say, fucker,” she growled, “and I’m not going to say it!”

“That’s a choice. Just so you understand, though,” I caressed the hair away from her face, “I’m not advocating that you take one path or another, I simply want you to understand that, even in this situation, you can choose how you react. You can continue to surrender and suffer silently, or you can choose to try to get something for yourself out of it.”

“Oh, yeah!” she grunted derisively, “‘Just lay back and enjoy your rape, baby!’ That’s been the mantra of guys like you since we lived in caves! I’m not buying it!”

“As I said, the choice is yours.” I continued, “So long as you realize that you DO have options and you make your choice consciously. By the way, you made a bad choice in calling me ‘fucker’ instead of ‘Sir’.”

Her eyes went wide at the realization of the implications of that.

“We’ll get to the consequences of that shortly.” I smiled, “In the meantime, what do you think of your choice in coming here?”

She glared at me without answering.

I decided on a change of tactic.

“Now, I want you to realize, Cassandra,” I said, “that this is not just any old dog fucking you. His name is Caesar. He and his brother over there, Czar, are half timber wolf. They are two of the smartest animals you’re ever likely to come across. They are also trained, experienced lovers. Many’s the human bitch who’s come back begging for more after one or both of these master cocksmen has had them.”

“You feel that sharp thing poking around your cervix?” I continued, “That’s the bone that ensures his cock will stay rigid even when he’s not aroused. It also enhances the sensation for the female, especially human females who are accustomed to the blunt nosed cocks of human males. Now, the real treasure with a big cocked dog like Caesar, is the knot. Of course, you’re feeling that right now. It should be about the size of a softball by now. See, unlike a human male, whose cock is mostly sensitive around the head, a dog’s cock is sensitive for most of the length of his shaft. That’s especially true of the knot.”

I put my hand under Cassie’s belly and applied a little pressure. Caesars rapid stroking increased in force and speed at the added sensation.

“See? That’s the part that Caesar likes best – feeling that knot rubbing the tightly stretched walls of his bitch’s vagina!” I lectured, toying with Cassie’s barbell. “In a little while, he’ll start taking short, hard strokes, trying to drive that cock as deep as he can before unloading his seed into your belly, to maximize the chances of making you have his puppies. Of course, his knot will ensure that none of that seed escapes until it’s had time to impregnate you.”

“Don’t be stupid!” Cassie snorted, “He couldn’t get me pregnant even if I wasn’t on the pill!”

“He doesn’t know that,” I replied softly, “nor does he care. It’s all instinctive. It’s hardwired into him.”

True to my word, Caesar started slamming into Cassie’s pale buttocks with increasing force. I picked up a couple of weights I had placed under the bench earlier. Each was hung from a strong magnet, and they clicked into place with some force when they approached Cassandra’s spiked nipples. I let the weights drop, then picked up the third and hooked it to the U-shaped clip on her barbell. Caesar’s stroking did the rest. Each thrust of his loins slammed Cassie’s hips forward, setting the weights swinging.

Now instead of grunting under the assault, she was moaning with pleasure/pain as the weights stretched her tits and clit toward the floor, swinging vigorously to and fro.

“Argh! You bastard!” she shot me a venomous look as her body began to betray her, then remembered her situation with a belated “Sir!”

Then she lost the ability to speak for a while as orgasm overtook her. Caesar flooded her insides with hot lava as Cassie gave in to the physical sensations and mental pictures I painted for her, going rigid underneath the dog as he did his best to bury his entire pelvis in dripping sex.

“Now, let’s review.” I said, as Cassie slowly recovered from her climax. “What have we learned so far, Cassandra?”

“You’ve been trying to tell me that I always have choices,” she panted, “but you just proved yourself wrong!”

“Did I?” I asked, “Or did I prove that you aren’t yet disciplined enough to make a choice and stick with it? Or, did I prove that it’s sometimes possible to change your mind about the choices you’ve already made?”

“I didn’t change my mind!” Cassie snapped, “It was just… overwhelming!”

“So since we don’t seem to be in agreement,” I said, “perhaps we’ll call the results of this experiment inconclusive and move on to the next. Czar is just dying to try you on for size, but to be honest, he prefers the smaller, tighter orifice…”

Cassandra glared at me with a mixture of fear, anger, and arousal, then relented, “You’re right, sir! It felt so strange and good that I decided to stop fighting it, damnit!”

“Is that truly your analysis,” I asked softly, “or are you allowing me to intimidate you with threats of letting Czar fuck you?”

She glared at me again, but answered: “I don’t want the other dog to fuck me because I’m afraid I’ll surrender to him again, so it’s both, okay?”

Caesar chose that moment to dismount and turn around, still locked inside Cassie’s body. As his cock and knot rotated within her, she shuddered through another mini-orgasm.

I smiled down at her and said, “You know, Cassie, a true submissive revels in her submission. You fight it. Instead of being a true submissive, you’re just trying to be apathetic, but you aren’t, really, and that makes you just pathetic. You try to go through life as if you don’t care what it does to you, but in point of fact, you DO care. You simply keep making choices that, on the surface, prove to you that you have no control over your life.”

I knelt and looked into her face. Cassandra’s eyes were really beautiful when they weren’t scowling.

“Wouldn’t you agree?” I asked.

Cassie tried to glare at me, but Caesar, whose knot shrinks almost as quickly as it grows, chose that moment to pull himself out of her, turning her glare into an unfocussed stare for a moment. When she returned her attention to me, she smiled wanly instead.

“I don’t know if you’re right or not,” she said, “but it’s hard to argue with all these distractions!”

“Fair enough!” I replied, beginning the process of freeing her from her bonds.

I handed Cassie a robe, and patted the bench beside me as I took a seat. She sat, leaning forward, crossed arms on her knees, staring off into space for a long moment.

Finally, she turned toward me and said in an accusatory tone, “You’re trying to make me be somebody I’m not, and I don’t like it!”

“Far from it, Cassie.” I wanted to slap her for being so dense, but realized that this was a hard thing for her to accept, so I replied, mildly, “I simply want you to be conscious of ALL your options and make your lifestyle choices appropriately. Of course, to do that well, you have to emulate your namesake somewhat. You need to try to predict the outcomes of your decisions, and make the choices that promise to produce the best outcomes for you.”

“That’s hard!” she replied.

“Life’s hard,” I shrugged, “and it needs to be. If it were easy for everyone, we’d wind up with a world full of lazy, pampered, ne’er-do-wells with no ambition and no particular reason for living. It’s only by contrast with how hard your life has been to date that you have any reason to strive for something different. So you try to choose a path that will give you a life that’s better in the ways that are important to you, and make your individual decisions to stay on that path.”

“You know, of course,” she finally said, “that you’re trying to turn my whole world upside down!”

“Actually,” I said, “I think your world’s been upside down for a long time. I’m just trying to give you the tools to get it on an even keel again.”

Cassandra was silent again, still staring off into space. Finally she turned back to me.

“I’ve got all these friends,” she said, “all these clothes, and this whole collection of music! If I decide to change my outlook, like you seem to want me to, what happens to all that?”

I shrugged. “Depends on how you see all those things with your new ‘outlook’. Those are choices you’ll make as you come to them. But I’m not trying to get you to DO anything, only to realize that you have choices you may not have considered. It’s your life to live, your choices to make.”

“Don’t bullshit me, uh, sir!” she said, “You know perfectly well I can’t have an epiphany like that without reconsidering all the choices I’ve made over that last few years!”

Well, I never said she was stupid! I smiled in approval.

“As I said, those are choices you’ll have to make as you come to them.” I replied, “I don’t think I’d go throwing out all my clothes and looking for new friends right away. You’ll decide how much of your current life is worth hanging onto, and how much is worthless baggage as you go. Friendships, true friendships, in particular, are valuable things. You’ll want to consider very carefully how you handle those.”

She stared at me for a long moment. “I don’t get you, sir! You bring me down here and use me like a sex toy, then give me what’s maybe the best advice I’ve ever had! What’s up with that?”

I smiled back at her.

“Two separate issues.” I said, “Well, not entirely separate. My use of you for my pleasure was, as we agreed on the porch, payment for giving you what you wanted. I thought I saw something else in you, though, and chose to use my abuse of your body as a way of focussing your attention on the, shall we say, gaps in your understanding.”

“Nobody does anything for free.” Cassie snorted, “What do you get out of it?”

I turned to face her, drawing her eyes to mine. “It’s what I call enlightened self-interest. If I can help one person to use her brain, instead of moping through life as dead weight on the rest of us, then life gets that little bit better for me and those about whom I care. Over the long haul, such things have a way of spreading, and if two or three of your friends like your new philosophy enough to follow it, then it helps me even more. Who knows, it could even become a movement, and THEN imagine the possibilities!”

She had started to cloud up at my comments about dead weight, but decided to laugh as I delivered that last sentence.

“And besides,” I continued, “advice is free. It’s your choice as to whether to follow it or not.”

One corner of her mouth quirked up. “Yeah, I guess it is. So where are my clothes?”

“They’re over there,” I pointed, “but you’re forgetting something.”

“What?” she asked sharply.

“There’s the little matter of your earlier bad choices in addressing me disrespectfully…” I said.

“You mean… You’re still…” she started to say.

“Yes, Cassandra.” I said, “I told you how I was to be addressed, and on at least two occasions, you chose to ignore that and address me disrespectfully. You are free, of course, to make such decisions, but when the other party is capable of enforcing his requirements, you must understand that there are consequences to making such choices. That’s the other part of our discussion, if you’ll remember.”

“Oh, shit!” she mumbled.

“I’ll tell you what:” I said, “In the spirit of the lesson, I’ll give you a choice of punishments. Twenty five lashes with this…” I showed her a well-oiled cat with knots on the ends of each leather strand. “or you can be Czar’s bitch.”

She tried to fix me with another glare, but I saw the way her thighs involuntarily opened and closed under the robe. Her eyes darted back and forth between my face, the cat, and Czar, who lay in the corner, licking his favorite lollipop. (Who says dogs don’t masturbate? You think it’s just cleanliness? If you could lick YOUR cock that way, would you do so just to keep it clean?)

“D-does he really like to, you know,” she stammered, “uh, fuck girls in the, uh, in the ass?”

“More than anything in the world!” I grinned, “But his knot only inflates just before he cums, so it gives you time to get used to having him in your butt.”

She looked once more at the whip, and I swished it through the air for her benefit.

“Choose, Cassandra.” I said, “Do you want the cat?” I smacked a nearby bench, leaving indentations in it’s vinyl surface, “Or the dog?”

“Th-the dog, I guess.” she mumbled, but her hands were between her thighs as she said it.

“Then take your robe off, and go present yourself to him like a bitch in heat.” I said, hardening my voice a little. “He’ll know what to do.”

Cassandra gave me a startled look, but there was no give in my expression, so she let the robe slip to the floor, her new hardware glinting in the dungeon lights. I was a little amused to see that she got on hands and knees immediately, then crawled to where Czar lay. I gave Czar a hand-signal and he looked up briefly at her approach, then went back to licking himself, ignoring Cassie completely.

Cassandra turned until her butt was in Czar’s face, or at least where his face would be if he wasn’t otherwise occupied. He continued to ignore her.

Cassie looked at me, confused.

“I guess you’ll have to get his attention.” I suggested.

She tried petting him, but Czar warned her away with a low growl. Cassandra looked to me for help again.

“What would you do if it was a boy you wanted to fuck?” I said.

She thought for a moment, then gave me a dirty look and shook her head.

I shrugged, picked up the cat, and started to rise.

Cassie’s eyes went wide, and when she shook her head this time, it meant something entirely different.

Tentatively, she put her head down toward Czar’s belly. My hand signal this time told him she had my permission, and he lifted his own head out of the way. Lightly, quickly, Cassie’s tongue flicked out and barely touched the pointed pink tip of Czar’s semi-erect cock. Apparently deciding she could live with the taste, she took the pointed shaft delicately between her lips.

Czar lay down on his side and lifted his hind leg, giving Cassandra full access to his rapidly growing shaft. Having got started, she didn’t stop until her pink lips encountered the furry ring of his sheath.

With her eyes closed, Cassie began sliding her mouth back and forth along the length of Czar’s cock. She gave a start at one point as the bony tip hit the soft tissues at the entrance to her throat, then changed her angle and let the expanding rod slip down her throat. Czar began humping at her mouth and using his front paws to instinctively clutch at Cassie’s head. The angle was wrong, and only his upper paw found any purchase, but that one pushed Cassandra’s black-dyed head hard against his belly as his lower half bent almost into a U shape, trying to bury his cock deep in her throat.

I let Cassie suckle for about five minutes, noting the growing wetness between her nether lips. As she nursed on Czar’s rapidly lengthening cock, I used a tube of gel to lubricate Cassandra’s quivering anus.

By the time I had her lubed, Cassie seemed to have forgotten all about the fact that her lover was a dog, and was enthusiastically sucking away, cramming as much of the now purple shaft as she could into her mouth and throat. It took three tries to get her attention.

“He’s ready for you now, Cassie.” I said, guiding her to her hands and knees once more.

Czar needed no command. He knew his part and immediately lifted his forequarters over Cassandra’s inviting ass. What surprised me was the needful way she moaned and grasped at Czar’s thrusting cock, guiding it eagerly into her hungry ass!

Cassandra turned to look at me as Czar slammed himself home and immediately began ‘treading’ – throwing his rigid spear rapidly into his bitch’s depths with a smooth, rhythmic motion of his loins. Cassie’s eyes rolled up in her head as she felt that long, pointed weapon stabbing deep into her colon.

“Aren’t – ungh – you – unh – proud – ungh – of – ngh – me?” she grunted between thrusts, “I – mmh – made – ugh – a – ungh – choice!”

“Two, apparently.” I replied, “Not only did you choose the dog over the cat, you apparently chose to enjoy the experience!”

“Under – ungh – statement!” she tried to grin, but found it difficult to do anything in the midst of Czar’s enthusiastic reaming of the young college student’s fundament. “Oh – ungh – God! Ungh! Big! Unh! Hard! Unh! Fast!”

When Czar’s knot started growing, shuttling rapidly through the spasming ring of Cassie’s anus, her eyes grew large and she cried out with every breach of the barrier: “Oh! Oh! Oh!…”

It took less than a minute for the knot to get too big for the opening, and Czar settled into the sprint for the finish line, taking short, powerful strokes aimed at driving his spike as deep as possible into the bitch before spewing his seed into her. Cassandra was somewhere else. Her eyelids drooped and fluttered as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, as if looking inward to the source of the sensations that overtook her body. She moaned continuously, bracing with her arms to meet Czar’s assault and help him in his quest!

A guttural growl started low in Cassie’s chest and quickly rose to an ear-piercing shriek as she felt Czar’s cock pulsing within her, then hosing her bowels with his super-heated discharge. As her breath ran out, she began taking short, quick breaths and “EEK!”ing them out on the exhale, twitching and clutching around Czar’s locked rod.

Finally, exhausted, Cassandra’s arms collapsed and folded under her, dropping her head and shoulders to the padding of the dungeon floor. Czar, unable to rest on her back as he might have liked to do, turned around, the rolling of his cock and knot driving another soft spasm from the tired girl.

I waited for Czar’s bulb to shrink and slurp from the clutching ring of Cassie’s anus, then helped her once more into the shower. After a good cleaning and mild antiseptic enema, Cassandra emerged, tired and sated.

I put her to bed on the cot in the dungeon, and left Caesar to watch over her. Leaving the door to the dungeon open, I went upstairs to bed. About two o’clock in the morning, I was awakened by Czar’s cold nose nuzzling my hand. His demeanor suggested that it was something he thought I’d be interested in rather than something to be alarmed about, so I checked the security monitors. None of the sensors had been tripped, but one of the dungeon cameras showed Cassie on her knees, her upper half still on the cot, cooing and moaning as Caesar ravished her pussy once more. At some point she saw the camera lens zooming in for a close-up and, wearing a broad grin, extended her hand, middle finger raised, into its field of view. I laughed and went back to bed, first giving Czar a good scratching behind his ears in appreciation of his diligence.

The smell of bacon, eggs, and sourdough biscuits brought Cassie up into the kitchen wearing the same robe I had given her the day before.

Over breakfast I asked, “So what changed your mind about the dogs?”

She shot me a wicked grin and replied, “I just realized that they’re the kind of lovers I’ve been looking for – rough but not mean. They take what they want without worrying about me, and when we’re finished, they don’t need a lot of conversation. They just go off somewhere and lick themselves clean. Hell, if I’d met them first, I might not have asked for these!”

She flicked her nipples to indicate the spikes still imbedded therein.

“They can be removed, you know.” I said.

“Are you kidding?” she laughed, “After what I went through to get them? No, sir! I’m keeping these puppies!”

We were silent for a while except for the sounds of food being vigorously and copiously consumed. When Cassie’s plate and the serving dishes were empty, she finally sat back in her chair.

“I know I said you should plan on staying the weekend,” I said, “but I think I’ve been adequately repaid for my little baubles, so you’re free to go whenever you like.”

Cassie was quiet, studying me. Without the heavy makeup she was really quite attractive, with that hint of vulnerability I had noted earlier.

“Do I have to leave?” she asked finally, quietly.

I grinned. “If you choose to stay, I’m sure we could find something to fill your time!”

She smiled back, but it faded quickly. She played with the remains of her egg, making patterns in the yellow muck with her fork.

“Mr. Brenneman,” she finally said, “I want to thank you. I mean, you could have just been the asshole I thought you were, fucked me all weekend, shared me with your dogs, and sent me home the same as I was when I got here.”

She paused, looking up at me from under her hair, “I’m still not sure how I feel about your teaching methods, but the lesson was well worth learning. So, um, thank you.”

I smiled warmly back at her and said, “Any time. And by the way, I’m not too sure about my teaching methods either, but the boys and I enjoy them, and we don’t get too many complaints!”

For the first time since she had arrived, Cassandra laughed the unreserved belly laugh that one saves for the company of friends.


Molly Rewarded

(See ‘House in the Woods: Molly – the First Time’ for details on Molly Pierce’s first visit to the House in the Woods.)

“Did you do as I suggested?” I asked the redhead as she came through the door.

She gave me a pained look and nodded. “Since yesterday morning, like you said. Do you know how hard it is to walk with this thing all the way inside me?”

“I know,” I smiled, “but I’ve got something ‘big’ planned for this weekend, and that’s just to get you ready. Come on down to the dungeon and we’ll get started.”

Molly’s eyes got bigger as did her smile when she heard the emphasis I placed on ‘big’.

“So,” I said conversationally as we walked through the house, “I hear you have a new pet…”

Molly’s eyes lit up and she replied, “Oh yes! Daddy bought me a Great Dane, and he lives up to his breed’s name! Fluffy’s dick is even bigger than Czar and Caesar, and he’s little more than a pup so he’s horny as hell! Fortunately, he’s also gentle as a lamb, or he’d be raping me in front of guests or in public and there wouldn’t be anything I could do about it!”

“Fluffy?” I gaped, “You named your Great Dane ‘Fluffy’!?”

The incongruity of such a name applied to such a huge, ungainly, short-haired breed had me roaring with laughter.

Molly smiled smugly at my amusement and said, “Yeah. You know how they call big men ‘Tiny’? Well, I called my big, strong, almost hairless dog, ‘Fluffy’! Dad was disgusted with me, in a fatherly sort of way, but I doubt that he’ll ever suspect I’m having an affair with a dog named ‘Fluffy’!”

“No, probably not!” I chuckled.

“So what’s the ‘big’ occasion, anyway?” Molly asked as we descended the stairs to the dungeon.

“I had a very enjoyable visit from an acquaintance of yours, and just thought I’d say ‘Thanks!’ in my own perverted way!” I replied. “Here, let’s get those clothes off so we can get you ready!”

“Can I take this damn dildo out now?” the redhead asked, shedding clothes almost absent-mindedly.

“In a few minutes!” I replied, making final adustments to the items I had prepared for Molly’s arrival.

“So Bethany came to see you?” Molly said, “From the changes in her behavior since she got back to campus, you must have taken the little bitch down a peg or two!”

“Let’s just say her visit provided Bethany with some ‘penetrating’ insights into her character.” I replied.

Molly saw the look in my eye and realized I wasn’t going to reveal any more about Bethany’s visit – that was between Bethany and me. Even Molly’s trust in me would eventually be shaken if I talked about what went on with my other ‘clients’.

I admired Molly’s athletic figure as she disrobed. Her muscular physique still had enough feminine curves for even the most discrimating of tastes, and the spattering of freckles all over her body only served, in my eyes, to enhance her desirability.

When she was completely bare, I placed a blindfold over her eyes.

“Do you trust me, Molly?” I whispered through the flames of her hair.

She nodded, trembling. It’s one thing to trust someone in your mind, and quite another to trust them in your heart. It was eminently clear that Molly’s trust didn’t yet extend that far.

“I’ve neutralized your eyesight,” I told her, stroking her gently with my hands, more for her comfort than for arousal, “now I’m going to temporarily block a couple more of your senses. This will make your surprise complete, when it’s finally revealed.”

“Okay, uh-huh,” Molly had to clear her dry throat before continuing, “Mr. Brenneman.”

I placed sweetly scented cotton balls in each of her nostrils, then covered her ears with headphones connected to an MP3 player. The ‘phones were well insulated against sound, and the music should cover anything that got through the insulation.

I then guided Molly’s quaking form to recline upon the table where I had made my preparations. The straps of my home-made harness were wide, soft nylon – strong but not too harsh on tender flesh. I velcroed her securely into it, placed flip-flops on her feet, then helped her stand.

It took a little time and a great deal of care to guide her safely up the stairs, out the back door and across the yard to the stables. She must have known that we went outside, just from the sun on her bare body, but she wasn’t all that familiar with the layout of the buildings and I hoped my surprise would be complete – and welcome.

In the stable, I put her on her back on the small, blanket covered hydraulic lift table I had placed there for the purpose. I used the thing for working on heavy pieces in my workshop because I could easily adjust its height for my convenience.

I postioned her with her feet on the corners of the table. Finally, I gave her a respite from the fourteen inch dildo, my gift at the end of her last visit, upon which she had been impaled for more than a day. I worked it in and out a few times, but needn’t have worried. Molly was well and copiously lubricated by her own juices!

Just to be sure, I slipped my hand inside her, and found her dilated cervix also open and ready for the next step. I made a fist and worked it back and forth inside her a few times, drawing groans and hip movements from the young college student. When I judged she was as ready as she could be, I brought in Captain – a beautiful chestnut stallion.

I bound Molly’s legs back along her body so that she was spread wide and flat, then I lowered the table as far as it would go. I coaxed Captain into a show stance – fore and hind legs extended – and rolled the table under him. The mare scent that I had rubbed into his nostrils earlier ensured that his massive cock was erect and ready!

With one hand, I guided his flat, mushroom-shaped head, while the other operated the table’s hydraulic controls. I tilted Molly’s hips upward, then slowly raised the platform. There was only a little resistance as that broad, fleshy glans pushed its way into the lovely soccer star. Molly groaned and swiveled her hips, unsure, as yet, of what was entering her.

When about a foot of that enormous shaft was buried in the young redhead, I raised the table to the horizontal position and fastened the straps draped over Captain’s back to the matching places on Molly’s harness. When I was finished, I lowered and removed the table, and Molly swung freely beneath the beautiful beast. I placed her hands in the handholds designed for the purpose, and her bare feet went into loops along his flanks.

Then I removed the headphones and the blindfold.

“What… ?” Molly began, staring up at the horse’s massive chest, then darting her eyes downward to see what had her impaled so deeply, “OH MY GOD! I’ve got a HORSE cock inside me!? No way!”

“Yes, way!” I replied, “Of course, if you want to stop, I can just pull here and here, and you’ll be free…”

“Don’t you DARE!” Molly cried, undulating her hips around Captain’s shaft, “Can I get him to go deeper?”

“Sure,” I smiled, “just pull with your arms. If you want to go the other way, push with your feet.”

She pulled experimentally, and groaned as a couple more inches of giant dick sank into her.

“Oh Christ!” she shouted, “This is WONDERFUL! I wonder if Daddy will buy me a horse!”

“Won’t Fluffy get jealous?” I teased.

“Ungh!” Molly grunted as Captain got tired of waiting for her to push, and did a little humping of his own, “That, um, big clown hasn’t… AAH!… got a jealous bone in his body! Oh shit! This sucker fucks HARD!”

I looked down, expecting to see Molly’s legs straining to push her away, but instead saw her biceps bunched under the freckled skin of her arms! She was pulling herself toward the invader!

I never measured Captain’s cock, but I can assure you that I never expected even a big girl like Molly to take what was disappearing inside her! Each time they thrust together, Molly gave a “HUH!” as the blunt tip of Captain’s cock battered her diapragm, forcing air from her lungs! Molly didn’t seem to mind. She had gotten the hang of the leg-push, arm-pull mechanism pretty quickly, and was doing her damnedest to sink every inch of that massive cudgel into her body!

Captain, perhaps a little distracted by the diminutive size of the mare who was milking his cock, was taking his time about cumming. Molly, on the other hand, was feeling no such constraints! She was cumming almost continuously as, for perhaps the first time in her life, a single living cock was giving her as much as she could handle, and more!

“Want to go for a ride?” I asked, as she came down from another orgasm.

“Huh?” Was all she managed to say.

Never mind. I guessed she would enjoy what I had in mind, and if she didn’t, I’d stop!

Clipping a long training lead onto Captain’s bridle, I walked him out into the corral. Molly was so far out of it that she hardly seemed to notice, at least until I coaxed the horse into a stiff-legged trot! The jouncing gait had the young redhead bouncing uncontrollably within the harness and on the long, hard shaft of Captain’s spear!

Three more times she shrieked through intense climaxes as I tried different gaits on her. I didn’t let the horse gallop as I feared the higher lifting of his hooves might batter the poor girl, but when I got him into a long, ground-eating lope at the end of the lead, Molly lost her mind!

Everyone who’s ever watched a western knows the rhythm of the horse’s lope – it’s the same one that made the ‘William Tell Overture’ so popular as a theme song for ‘The Lone Ranger’. It’s also the driving beat behind the old ‘Bonanza’ theme song.

When Captain got into his rhythm, Molly was rocked mercilessy back and forth on his shaft, screaming and cumming the whole time! I thought she had had enough, so I slowed the horse to a walk. Boy was I wrong!

“More!” the redhead rasped, “I may never get a chance like this again! More!”

More? Okay.

I twitched the lead rope and Captain dutifully reared up on his hind legs. Molly gave a grunting cough as she slid all the way down to his sheath! Her body racked with powerful spasms, she barely had strength in her legs to support some of her weight as I got Captain doing a two-footed jump. Each leap and descent allowed Molly to slide almost a foot up his shaft, only to come crashing all the way down to his sheath as his hind feet hit the ground!

Molly screamed, cried and thrashed in her harness, cumming wildly on that incredible cock!

When I let Captain down, he had had enough. Standing in one spot, he bent himself almost in half in his effort to drive as far up this strange mare as he could. The young college student went ballistic as a never ending stream of hot horse cum pumped deep into her womb, inflating it until she looked like she was pregnant!

By the time I got Captain calmed down, Molly hung limply in the harness. I walked the horse back into the stable and gently raised the table to support her as I unfastened the harness. I checked to make sure she was breathing, and was relieved to see that there was no blood in the flood of slimy liquid that poured out of her as Captain’s wilting shaft finally slipped free. I first cleaned the mare scent off his nostrils, then gave him a quick genital wipe-down before putting him out to pasture.

Molly was beginning to come around as I carried her inside.

Her arms draped themselves limply around my neck and she pulled me down for a kiss as I deposited her on the bed in the guest room.

“Thank you, Mr. Brenneman!” she said warmly, “I just LOVED my surprise!”

Then she was snoring daintily as I pulled the covers over her. There would be time for a shower and clean sheets later.


Sarah and Penny Try Out the Dungeon

(See ‘House in the Woods: Penny’ and ‘House in the Woods: Sarah’ for an introduction to the characters in this story and how they came to be where this episode begins.)

Penny sat facing away from me, watching her mother enjoy the attentions of my half-Wolf companion, Caesar, while she slowly rode my cock.

Sarah, her mother, had just screamed her way through her umpteenth orgasm as Caesar blasted his superheated dog cum deep in her body, his knot swelling her belly as if she were pregnant. Caesar’s brother, Czar, another half-Wolf, half-Malamute brute, lay in the corner licking Penny’s essence off the pink flesh of his own cock, and watching to see if he’d get a chance at the other hairless bitch when his brother was done.

Penny, having been thoroughly screwed by Czar, was in no hurry to get either of us off, and frankly I was enjoying the sight of her not quite fifteen-year-old body as it languidly slithered up and down my rigid pole. With an ease born of trust and familiarity, Penny settled back against me and tucked her head under my chin, her silver-blonde hair tickling my neck. She took my large, calloused hands in her small, slender ones, and placed them on her breasts, sighing contentedly as I gently kneaded her budding mounds, pinching lightly at the little pink nipples centered on puffy pink areolae.

“Mr. Brenneman… ?” Penny started to say, but I interrupted.

“Penny,” I said, with mock severity, “you’re sitting on my cock. You’ve just finished fucking my dog, and have been in my bed, God knows how many times. Don’t you think it’s time we moved past ‘Mr. Brenneman’?”

She giggled a little, which, by the way, felt delicious around my cock.

“So what shall I call you?” she asked, “‘Mike’ doesn’t feel right… hmmm!”

She put a finger to her pursed lips as though thinking very hard.

“How about ‘Dad’?” she asked seriously, looking intently over her shoulder at my face to guage my reaction.

“I would be delighted to have you call me Dad!” I replied, smiling, “but I think that’s one we should pass by your mom first, don’t you?”

“I HATE when you do that!” Penny pouted, “Can’t you just once accept what I want to do instead of making a federal case out of it with Mom?”

“Okay,” I said, “Let’s review: Why don’t YOU tell me why I want to get Sarah involved?”

Penny sighed, resignedly, and said in a sing-song voice, “I know, ‘enlightened self-interest’! Basically you don’t want to take a chance of making her mad at you.”

“Well, yes,” I replied, “but it’s more than that, isn’t it?”

“Well, yeah,” she said, reluctantly, “I guess if she got mad enough she’d stop coming over here, and probably tell me not to come here anymore, too. Then you wouldn’t get any more of this little teen-age pussy!”

She gave me a mischievous look as she finished.

Knowing Penny as I did, this didn’t really come as a surprise. She’d always been a bright, perceptive young lady, which was one of the reasons I replied as I did: “That’s true, and I’d miss it a lot, but what I’d miss most is your company and your Mom’s. You two brighten my world considerably, and frankly, I don’t want that to end, so I try to make sure not to step too hard on your toes OR hers, okay?”

“Okay.” she sighed.

“No need to make a fuss about it, you two!” Sarah said, shuddering through a mini-gasm as Caesar dismounted and turned around, causing his enormous cock and knot to roll inside her. “I have absolutely no problem with you calling Mike ‘Dad’. You just need to realize that people will talk if you do it in public.”

“Thanks, Mom!” Penny said, then turning back to me, “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Dad… !”

I smiled down at her. “What’s on your mind, Penny?”

“Well, I was just wondering when you’re going to take Mom and me down to the dungeon… ?” she looked expectantly over her shoulder.

“I hadn’t really thought about it, Penny.” I replied, “I guess it never occurred to me that you two would be into the kind of thing that goes on down there.”

“How will we know unless we try?” Penny squeezed down on my cock for emphasis. A very persuasive young lady, that!

I raised a questioning eyebrow in Sarah’s direction as she knelt, waiting for Caesar to disengage.

“Actually, AH!” she gasped as Caesar gave an experimental tug, “Actually, I was kind of wondering the same thing. I must admit my curiousity has been piqued!”

“If you’re serious, we can make a visit to the dungeon tonight,” I said, “but I need to be sure that you’re both aware of what’s in store for you before we go, so why don’t we get cleaned up, and discuss it over dinner, then if you still want to, we’ll give it a try.”

Sarah looked at Penny who shrugged and nodded, then back at me giving me a nod of her own. Caesar’s cock chose that moment to slip free of her body, leaving her shuddering as it snaked out of the gaping orifice, accompanied by a flood of their mixed fluids.

We shared the large shower in the master bath, and, despit some playful touching and feeling, managed to get to the kitchen without screwing each other again.

Sarah and I collaborated on a quick meal of pasta and salad using the homemade marinara she had brought with her. Penny, without being asked, set the table.

Our afternoon activities had apparently taken their toll, and little was said as we wolfed down our meal. Pushing back from the table finally, I addressed these two ladies who had become such a big part of my life.

“You realize, of course,” I went into lecture mode, “that all that stuff in the dungeon is used either to bind a person, and/or to cause a person pain or humiliation. Both can be very erotic to someone in the right frame of mind, and terrifying or disgusting to someone who’s not ready for the experience.”

Sarah’s eyes were wide, and a quick glance showed Penny’s expression mirroring her mother’s.

“The binding, pain, and humiliation, besides being erotic,” I continued, “are primarily used by a dominant sexual partner to reinforce his or her dominance over one or more submissives. Trust is an absolute necessity in such a relationship. The submissive partner must be able to trust the dominant absolutely. This places the burden for maintaining that trust squarely on the shoulders of the dominant party.”

Penny shivered and Sarah swallowed, hard.

“I think, for your first visit, since you two already have a deeper trust relationship with each other than with me,” I said, “that one of you should be the dominant and the other the submissive. I’ll kind of act as referee.”

Sarah said, “Sure! I’ll be dominant and Penny can be submissive.”

Penny just kind of shrugged.

“Actually,” I said, “that’s pretty much maintaining the roles you already have, of necessity, in your Mother/Daughter relationship. To really feel the roles, I’d suggest reversing that ‘natural order’. You be submissive to Penny for this one session.”

Penny’s interest level suddenly shot up and she leaned forward to hear more. I didn’t have to look at her face to know that she liked the idea! Sarah, naturally, was a little more reluctant.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” she temporized, “I mean, I still have to be her Mother, and giving her that kind of power over me, well, I’m just not comfortable with it!”

“I understand your reluctance, Sarah,” I said, “but first of all, it’s role-playing, not a complete role reversal. It will give you both insights into yourselves and into one another that I believe will only strengthen a relationship that’s based on love. You’re only surrendering your power for a little while, and at the end of the time, if Penny tries to continue to try to dominate you, I’ll take over and show her what it means to be REALLY dominated. Is that clear, young lady?”

Penny, whose fantasies had been running wild, stammered, “Yes, Mr… uh, Dad!”

“Just try it, Sarah.” I said, “It WILL change your relationship with your daughter, but I believe that change will be positive.”

Reluctantly, Sarah agreed.

“Okay, now you need to choose a safeword, Sarah.” I said

“Safeword?” she looked blank for a moment, then comprehension dawned. “Oh right!”

“What’s a ‘safeword’?” Penny asked.

“It’s a signal that the sub, in this case, your Mom, has reached her limits.” I told her, “She can scream and cry and give vent to all kinds of emotions, but as long as she doesn’t use her safeword, you, as the top, know that she’s play-acting. If she does use it, though, you must stop, immediately, whatever you’re doing.”

“Oh, sure!” Penny said lightly.

“Look at me, Penny!” I said seriously, “This is a solemn promise you must make to me and to your mother. You will NEVER ignore a safeword. Do you promise?”

Penny gulped, then nodded. “Yes, Mr… , Dad!”

“Okay, now on the other hand,” I said, addressing Sarah, “to forestall any temptation to use your safeword too frequently, I, as referee, will deliver ten lashes with a cat o’nine tails each time you use your safeword. Do you understand?”

It was Sarah’s turn to gulp, but she nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay, so what’s your safeword?”

Sarah thought for a minute and said, “Hot dog?”

I twisted my mouth up and replied, “I’ll grant you that it’s not likely we’ll be using hot dogs tonight, but their phallic shape makes them a natural for some kinds of sex play, so you probably should pick another word.”

Sarah’s face screwed up for a moment, then cleared. “Sunrise!” she said.

“Okay, Sunrise.” I looked at Penny, “You repeat it too, so that she knows you’ve heard.”

Penny looked puzzled for a moment, then shrugged and said, “Sunrise.”

I nodded, then got up from the table. Sarah and I had used aprons while cooking, to protect sensitive parts from painful splatters, but during the meal we had remained nude, as had become our habit.

“Wait here.” I told them, and left the room.

From the little cabinet I keep by the front door for car keys and other items that might come in handy when entering, leaving, or greeting a ‘guest’, I withdrew a collar and leash. When I returned to the sitting room, I handed them to Penny and said, “Here. Take control of your slave.”

Sarah, still sitting at the dinner table, gasped. Penny’s eyes got as big around as saucers!

“She’ll never let me put this on her!” she cried.

“Then you’ll have to make her.” I replied. “She’s your slave, and your responsibility, but if you need any help, just ask.”

She approached her mom with trepidation, and Sarah shied away from her. “You’re not putting that on me, young lady! I don’t care what games we’re playing!”

“Please, mom?” Penny whined, “It’s just play-acting!”

“Play-acting or not, Penny!” Sarah said, “You’re not leading me around on a leash!”

Penny looked in my direction, and said, plaintively, “See, I told you!”

“Mistress Penny,” I said seriously, “you have a willful slave who is refusing to do what you command. What are you going to do about it?”

Penny’s mouth gaped and comprehension dawned, “P-punish her?”

I nodded, “I think I’d be quick about it before she starts thinking she’s in charge.”

Penny looked around, as if looking for something, then noticed the leather leash in her hand. I could see her mentally steeling herself to do something that went totally against her nature. Quickly, as if to get it over with before she could change her mind, she brought the doubled leather strap down sharply across her mother’s pale thighs. The snap of leather on flesh was quite loud in the small kitchen.

“You will do as you’re told, slave!” she said severely.

“OW! Penny!” Sarah cried. “Stop that!”

Penny, confused, looked at me.

“She didn’t use her safeword, Penny.” I reminded her.

The light began to dawn in the diminutive blonde’s eyes and she turned back to the kneeling woman.


Three times in quick succession the strap descended, each blow a bit more confident than the last.

“OW! OW! OW!” Sarah cried, “Penny! Stop hitting me!”


“I’m MISTRESS Penny, slave!” Penny said crossly, “If you don’t shut up, I’m really going to punish you when we get downstairs! Now put this on!”

Sarah looked shocked at the change in her daughter’s demeanor, but meekly accepted the collar and buckled it around her neck.

The little teen shot me a look of triumph and quickly clipped the leash to the collar. With a jerk, she yanked Sarah off the chair to her knees, then forced her mother’s head up.

“Sit on your heels!” she commanded, “Hands behind your back!”

Sarah, eyes wide, seeming as shocked at her own compliance as at her daughter’s behavior, assumed the ordered position.

“Penny,” she started to say.

SMACK! The end of the leash left a white stripe across her left breast.

“It’s my turn to talk!” Penny nearly shouted, “And it’s Mistress Penny!”

Sarah, tears running down her face, answered meekly, “Yes, Mistress Penny.”

Penny’s expression fell at the sight of her mother’s tears and she started to weaken until I said, “Penny, check her pussy.”

She looked at me as if I were crazy, but her fingers came out from between her mom’s legs slimy with fresh fluid.

“She’s turned on!” she cried.

“That’s why she’s crying, isn’t it slave?” I asked Sarah.

Sarah hung her head and nodded, sobbing, “I can’t believe I’m enjoying being mistreated by my own daughter!”

“With your permission, Mistress Penny?” I said.

Penny nodded, and I knelt beside the young mother.

“Who better to help you learn this about yourself, Sarah?” I asked, “You and Penny have perhaps the closest Mother/Daughter relationship of anyone I know, so who better to be the one to bring this side of you out? You can see she’s afraid to really hurt you. This beautiful young lady is the perfect companion for your journey of exploration. Look how far you two have already come together. Can you deny that it’s been a wonderful journey?”

Sarah looked at me with tearful eyes, “Why does perversion always seem to make sense when it comes out of your mouth?”

“Because,” I said, “I happen to have a different definition of perversion than most. To me, denying one’s desires for the sake of some ill-conceived, outdated social taboo is worse perversion than anything you and I and your daughter have done together. What we do hurts no one, and brings us a great deal of love as well as physical pleasure. You have the power in this, Sarah. You can stop it with a word. But you haven’t used that word because deep down inside, you know I’m right. It’s just society’s antiquated morals that make you feel bad.”

“You are either a demon from hell, or a messenger from God, Mr. Brenneman,” she said, “and I’m damned if I can figure out which, but I have to admit, Penny and I have gotten a lot closer since you came into our lives, so I’ll go along with this too.”

“I’ll settle for that, but just for the record,” I said “I’m just a man who thinks for himself.”

I stood and bent to whisper in Penny’s ear. She grinned and nodded.

“Head up, Mommy slave!” she said, twitching the leash, then looking into her mother’s eyes, she said quietly, “Just so you know, I LOVE that this turns you on, but tomorrow I’ll still be your sweet little daughter.”

Sarah gave her a wan smile and a slight nod and whispered, “Thank you, Mistress Penny.”

“Good!” Penny said, “Now, eat me!”

Sarah looked shocked, but it took only a slight pressure on the leash to bend her to her task. Penny locked her hands in her mother’s hair and guided her tongue where she wanted it, moaning and sighing.

“Come on, Mommy Slave!” Penny urged, arching against her mom’s mouth. “Eat your daughter’s pussy! You know you want to! Oooh that’s it! You’re a born carpet muncher, aren’t you slut!”

Sarah moaned into her daughter’s pussy at the verbal abuse, and I could see her trying, without much success, to rub her own dripping slit against her heel.

“You are a slut, aren’t you, Mommy Slave?” Penny continued, relishing both her power and the effect it was having on her mother. “You’ll be my little slut for the rest of the night, won’t you!”

“Yes, Mistress Penny!” Sarah raised her head long enough to answer fervently. “I’ll do anything you ask of me!”

“Then finish what you’re doing, slave!” Penny ordered. “We’ve got a long night ahead of us!”

In just a short time, Penny shrieked through a magnificent orgasm, soaking her mother’s chin and neck with her juices.

“Oh, GOD! That was good!” she cried, “I may not have to punish you after all, slave!”

Penny took a few moments to regain her composure, then, without a backward glance, she commanded, “Heel!” and headed off toward the dungeon.

When Penny reached the end of the leash, she kept a firm grip, and Sarah had no choice but to follow on hands and knees.

Sarah had a little trouble negotiating the steps going down on her hands and knees, but managed okay. At the bottom, Penny stood wide-eyed and surveyed the possibilities. Unable to make up her mind, especially since she wasn’t familiar with all the equipment, she turned to me.

“I want to tie her so I can, you know, do things to her,” she said, “but I’m not really sure what to do!”

“Do you know what kind of things you want to do to her?” I asked.

“Well, I’d kind of like to play with her tits some, and maybe stick things in her pussy or up her butt – you know!” she said.

“Big things, little things, painful things… ?” I queried, seeking some parameters to work with.

Penny grinned and said, “Some of each, maybe?”

I nodded and asked, “And what kind of things do you want to do with her tits? Bind them, stick sharp objects in them, clamp them, stretch them, suction the breasts and or the nipples,,, ?”

“Oooh!” Penny said, squeezing her own budding mounds, “All of the above!”

“Okay,” I replied, “but just so we’re clear: Another time, you’ll be the one wearing the collar, Penny, and your mom will be your top, so be wise about what you choose to do to her.”

To my surprise, that didn’t faze Penny in the least. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that I love that this turns her on, Dad. I just want to see what rings her chimes. I’m not out to hurt her.”

I smiled, and said, “Good! Well, for maximum access, may I recommend a good old fashioned wrist suspension with leg cuffs to keep the legs open and the sensitive parts accessible? Or, if you prefer, you may suspend her by her ankles…”

I triggered the remote to lower a pair of chains bearing fleece-lined cuffs from the ceiling.

“If you’ll be so good as to strap your slave in… ?” I said with a wave of my hand.

Penny jerked upward on the leash, bringing Sarah to her feet. “Come on, Mommy slave! Time to play!”

Sarah, who had overheard our earlier exchange, seemed a little more calm about the situation.

“I think I want her upside down, Mr… , uh Dad.” Penny said, eyeing the chains and cuffs.

“Easily done.” I replied, “Just fasten those cuffs to her ankles. It’s probably safer if she’s lying down to begin.”

Penny pulled down on the leash and when Sarah was a little slow to respond, smacked a nipple with the strap.

“Down, girl!” she commanded.

Sarah, still not sure she wanted to be hung up like a piece of meat, took her time about complying, and Penny turned to me and asked, “Do you have something a little more, um, persuasive than this leash, Dad?”

I pointed to the rack where the whips and punishment tools were hung.

“Stay, slave!” Penny told her mom, and I thought she was really getting into the role until she giggled.

Walking over to the wall, Penny fingered a couple of quirts and short whips, but settled on a riding crop. The flat fold of leather at its business end would sting, but it was unlikely to cut the skin, and could be used reasonably safely by a novice. I nodded to myself at Penny’s choice.

Smacking the crop against her palm a couple of times, Penny smiled and walked back to where her Mom knelt, still not having complied with her mistress’ earlier order.

Without a word, Penny struck her forehand, backhand, the crop jolting first her left breast then her right.

“AHH!” Sarah cried, clutching at the places where the crop struck.

“I gave you an order, slave!” Penny said, as menacingly as her wood-sprite’s voice could manage, “On the floor, on your back! NOW!”

“P-Penny, please!” Sarah murmured, even as she complied.

SMACK! This one landed on the inside of her thigh, splattering the juices that had leaked from Sarah’s pussy.

“Be still!” Penny ordered.

In short order, she had figured out the buckles on the cuffs and fastened them securely around her mother’s ankles. Soon she had Sarah’s wrists secured to the floor chains, as well.

“Okay, Dad.” she said, “let’s raise her up!”

With a quiet whir, the winches in the ceiling pulled in the slack on the reluctant sub’s ankle chains. Sarah gave a quiet sob as her legs, then her body were raised into the air, her legs forced apart by the chains. I left her dangling with her face just about crotch level on Penny and took up the slack in her wrist chains.

Penny, like a kid on Christmas morning, couldn’t resist playing with her new toy.

“Ooohh, Mommy slave!” she cooed, “You look SOOO delicious all spread out like that!”

With loving hands, she caressed her mother’s inner thighs, then slipped her hands down Sarah’s buttocks and abdomen, simply enjoying the feel of the helpless woman’s trembling flesh.

“Before we go any further,” I said, “I think a small demonstration is in order. I promised you ten lashes with a cat if you use your safeword, but it’s hard for you to know what that really means until you’ve experienced it. I’m going to give you three lashes now, so that you’ll know what you’re facing, okay?”

Sarah gulped and nodded slightly, her hair brushing the padding on the floor.

I went to the wall and selected one of the lighter cats, made from soft nylon cord instead of the oiled, knotted leather I use for punishing experienced subs.

“Stand here, Penny,” I instructed, “and watch, but don’t interfere. Ready, Sarah?”

“I guess so.” she mumbled.

She wasn’t, of course. No one who hasn’t experienced the lash can be prepared for the fire even a light whip sets on one’s flesh.

Sarah shrieked as the fire blossomed on her back. Penny’s hand flew to her mouth. She wasn’t ready for this either.

The second blow brought another cry from Sarah, and had Penny tugging at my arm.

“Stop, Mr. Brenneman!” Penny cried, “Please stop!”

I gently disengaged her hands and said, “Watch, Penny, and learn. This is very painful, but it’s not causing her injury, and you’re about to learn something important, okay?”

Penny reluctantly nodded and let go of me as her mother sobbed, hanging from the chains.

The final blow landed between Sarah’s thighs, and as her agonized shriek filled the dungeon, her pelvis jerked and her cries quickly changed tone. A powerful orgasm ripped through her body, and Penny stared in shock.

“She came!” Penny exclaimed. “You hurt her and she came! Why did that happen?”

“Some people’s bodies and minds feel pain differently than the rest of us.” I said. “Your mother has the unique ability to translate pain into ecstasy. That’s not to say it doesn’t hurt her. It does. But somehow the wiring gets crossed, and that pain translates into exquisite pleasure for her.”

Penny knelt by her mother’s face and asked in wonder, “Is that true, Mom?”

“Apparently so, baby!” Sarah gave kind of a choking laugh, “Maybe all these years I’ve been making myself miserable because I enjoy it!”

“It doesn’t really work that way, Sarah.” I said, “It’s physical pain that gives you pleasure. The other stuff is just the everyday mistakes we all make in trying to figure out how to live our daily lives.”

Penny apparently wanted further evidence. Her slender hand found her mother’s pussy, and three fingers sank easily into its depths.

“Oooohhh! You are SO wet, Mommy slave!” Penny cooed, adding her little finger to those already plumbing the swampy cavern. “You just LOVE being my little sex toy, don’t you?”

“Mmmm!” Sarah moaned, “Oh yes, Mistress Penny!”

When Penny’s thumb, rolled up in the spear of her fingers, slipped through the opening, Sarah’s hips jerked, and she came again!

“Look, Dad!” Penny cried, “I’ve got my whole hand in her pussy!”

I nodded, “That’s called ‘fisting’. While you’re there, try spreading your fingers out and crab-walking them around the inside…”

Penny’s nails were trimmed short, though they had shallow little points at the tips. Sarah cried out and came again as those points poked at the inside of her vagina. I could see the little bumps in her abdomen as Penny’s fingertips pressed outward.

“Oh my God!” Penny exclaimed seeing her mother’s reaction, “She’s really into this!”

“Such a GOOD slut!” Penny purred to her mom, using her other hand to squeeze a nipple. “You make such a wonderful hand puppet!”

“Mmm-hmm.” I nodded, “Want to crank it up a bit? Try making a fist, like you do in Karate class. Now, punch!”

Sarah shrieked as her daughter’s bony knuckles crashed into her cervix, and seized up, cumming hard!

“OhmyGOD! PENNEEEEEE!” the suspended woman cried as she came.

“Now, three or four times, quickly!” I said.

Sarah thrashed and wailed and came under the brutal assault, nearly wrenching Penny’s arm from it’s socket.

“You’re killing me!” Sarah wailed. “… SOOOO wonderful!”

“Oooh, Mommy Slave,” Penny cooed, watching her mother’s reaction, “I think I’ve found a new way to practice my Karate!”

“NNNNNGGGGGHHH!” Was the older woman’s reply as yet another spasm took over.

“Okay, Penny!” I said, “She may be enjoying it, but remember, she’s already had Caesar pounding away in there and we don’t want to injure her! Since she can’t help herself, you have to be responsible for her safety.”

Perversely, Penny kept her fist clenched tight as she pulled it from her mother’s vagina. Her little fist was nowhere near as big as Caesar’s knot, but it was still a pretty good stretch! Sarah moaned and came again.

“Dad,” Penny said, studying her mother’s body, “Can we raise her up some? I want to play with her tits a little.”

With the remote, I did as she requested, until Sarah’s breasts were about eye level to her. Penny licked and sucked at them for a few moments, then turned to the tray of instruments I had laid out on the table next to her. From the alcohol bath, she picked up a long, straight pin.

Approaching the suspended body of her slave, she showed it to her.

“I know how sensitive those nipples of yours are, Mommy Slave.” She teased. “After all, I inherited mine from you. This is going to hurt a lot, and I want you to cum for me when I stick this in, okay, slut?”

“Oh no!” Sarah cried.

“Oh yes!” Her daughter replied.

Penny poked the sharp end of the pin at the center of Sarah’s nipple. It sank inward about a quarter inch, and stopped. No matter what else she did, the breast merely deformed and the pin would not go in any deeper. It’s easy to misjudge the toughness of nipple flesh when it looks so delicate, but keep in mind that it’s designed to survive months of sucking, teething baby mouths.

“Is there a way to get this to go in more?” she asked me, over Sarah’s moans.

“Let’s try this.” I said, taking several tight turns around the base of the breast with soft, supple nylon rope, until the remaining globe stood out from Sarah’s body like a balloon. With most of the slack taken out of the flesh, and the remainder stretched somewhat, this time when Penny pushed on the pin, it sank about an inch into Sarah’s tender breast!

Sarah cried out and came again!

“Penny! My God, Penny!” she cried, “What are you DOING to me?”

Penny, on impulse bent down and kissed her deeply.

“Do you like it, Mommy Slave?” she asked.

“I LOVE it, baby!” Sarah gasped, as her daughter rotated the end of the pin with her finger, “but I hate myself for loving it!”

“Don’t do that, Mom!” Sarah continued playing with the exposed end of the pin, “You are the sexiest woman alive, and you have no idea how GOOD it makes me feel when you cum for me! Now hold still, and I’ll do the other one!”

This time, Penny bound her Mother’s breast first, as I had done the other. She placed the sharp tip of the pin in the tiny indentation at the center of the flattened nipple, then fed her own small tit to her mother.

“Suck on it Mommy slave!” Penny hissed, and when she felt her mother’s mouth engulf her breast, she gave the needle a hard shove.

Sarah’s scream was muffled by Penny’s little tit, and Penny gave a scream of her own when her mother bit down on her tender nipple!

“BAD Mommy slave!” she scolded, smacking Sarah hard on the pussy with her open palm.

Penny backed away and checked for blood on her breast, but found only the indentations of her mother’s teeth.

“You do NOT have permission to bite me, slave!” Penny lectured. She took the riding crop and delivered four hard smacks to her mother’s pussy. The last one landed square on her clit and sent Sarah crashing through another orgasm.

“A question, Mistress Penny,” I said, “if I may…”

“Uh, huh.”

“Is it punishment if your slave enjoys it?” I asked.

Penny didn’t even stop to consider. “Of course not. But she wanted to be whipped, and I love the way she cums when I do that. Mommy slave and I understand each other, don’t we?”

“More than I ever knew, Mistress Penny!” Sarah gasped, recovering from her climax.

“How would you like a nice, deep, hard fuck, slut?” Penny asked, twirling the ends of the pins in Sarah’s breasts. “You want your daughter to ravish you, don’t you Mommy Slave?”

“Yes, Mistress!” Sarah gasped. “Anything you want to do to your slave, Mistress! Please, GOD, FUCK ME!”

Penny, smiling, turned back to me. “I want to fuck my slave now, Dad. Can we tie her on her hands and knees?”

“Even better…” I replied, indicating the low stocks that would capture Sarah’s neck and wrists, leaving the rest of her body in the doggy position. “Do you want to use a strapon or a handheld, or would you like to watch as a machine fucks her?”

“Strapon?” She asked. “What’s that?”

I brought out the smallest harness I had and helped Penny put it on, adjusting it for her slender hips.

“Pick any dildo from that drawer there…”

Penny looked them over and selected a long, slender model that wouldn’t stretch an orifice much, but would penetrate VERY deeply.

“Since her pussy needs a rest,” she said, “let’s try this one…”

I showed her how to attach it to the harness, then selected a smaller one for her pussy that I slid through the harness and snapped into place. “See? Strap – on. Strapon. Otherwise known as a strapon dildo.”

“Oh, it’s like what Mom fucked me with that first time! I like it!” Penny cried, staring at her reflection in the mirror. “I think this will do just fine, don’t you Mommy Slut?”

Sarah’s eye’s went wide when she saw what Penny was wearing as we released her from the chains and moved her to the stocks.

“Oh, no, Penny!” she cried, “That’s way too big! You’ll rupture my poor pussy! Please don’t fuck me with that!”

Penny found the riding crop where she had left it, and punished her mother’s buttocks as I fastened her into the stocks.

“That’s MISTRESS Penny, slave!” She scolded. “You WILL learn to address me properly, and I WILL fuck you with anything I want!”

“Yes, Mistress Penny!” Sarah sobbed. “Of course, you’re right, Mistress Penny!”

I gave Penny a jar of lubricant and told her to be generous. She confirmed my suspicions when, after lubing the rubber shaft, she applied a healthy dollop to her mother’s asshole and worked it in with two fingers.

“Oh no, Mistress!” Sarah wailed. “Please, not there?! Please?”

“Hush, Mommy Slave!” Penny commanded, smacking her on the buttock for emphasis. “You know you’ve been dying for a good, hard, ass fuck, and I know you want your daughter to be the one to ream you, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress Penny.” Sarah cried. “God help me, but I do!”

“Then you need to ask me nicely, Mommy Slut.” Penny giggled.

“Please, Mistress Penny,” Sarah wailed, “Please rape your mother’s ass! Please fuck me like the slut I am!”

The slender teen was a picture of concentration as she slowly forced the bulbous tip of the artificial phallus into her mother’s butt. Sarah gave a whimper as it slipped through her sphincter, but tilted her pelvis to give Penny a better angle for the penetration. Penny gave her only a short respite from the stretching of her sphincter before gliding the entire shaft deep into her mother’s bowels.

Sarah moaned loudly as she felt things shifting around inside, and Penny used it as an excuse to invite me to play.

“Will you stick that big cock of yours in her mouth and shut her up, please Dad!” Penny asked, giggling again. “All that noise is distracting me!”

In the beginning, Penny’s giggles had been born of nervousness. Now she was giggling to emphasize the age difference between her and her slave. I don’t know if it was instinctive or deliberate, but the effect on Sarah’s psyche was obvious. She was torn between her enjoyment of her daughter’s abuse and her duty as a parent, and the raging conflict translated into a very hungry libido!

Nothing loathe, I presented my dripping erection to Sarah’s mouth and she sucked it in like the nipple of a baby bottle.

“Don’t be so nice, Dad!” Penny scolded. “She’s a slut and needs to be treated like one. Fuck her head!”

I smiled at the way Penny had adapted to her role, partly due to the fact that Sarah embraced hers so thoroughly. Sarah gagged and heaved as my cock slid down her throat, but came again at the realization that she was now fully impaled at both ends.

Lying over her helpless parent’s back, Penny kissed the back of her shoulders and whispered, “My turn to screw you, Mommy Slave. How does my big cock feel buried in your butt? You love it, don’t you, you naughty Mommy!?”

Penny swiveled her hips for emphasis, swirling the end of the phallus around in her mother’s lower belly, sweeping other organs and folds of intestine out of the way to make room for it.

“Yes!” Sarah cried as I withdrew momentarily, tilting her pelvis to give her daughter even better access. “I’m a godforsaken slut, Mistress Penny, but I love having your big cock deep inside me, and I adore the sweet warm pressure of your lovely breasts on my back! Please sodomize me, baby! Possess your Mommy Slave completely!”

“I thought you’d never ask!” Penny giggled, withdrawing several inches of the phallus, then slamming it back in, full length.

“Don’t cum, Mommy Slave!” The young teen warned. “I’ll tell you when you can cum, but don’t you dare cum until then!”

Penny’s pelvis slapped rapidly against her mother’s buttocks, each slap followed closely by an impassioned grunt from her slave.

“You look absolutely lovely from this position mother.” Penny crooned, slowing her thrusts and allowing Sarah to savor the sliding in and out of the plastic phallus. “No wonder those dogs like screwing you this way. I love the way your butt just opens up to swallow my dick, then clings to it like you don’t want to let it go! You have got to be the sexiest Mommy Slave in the world!”

Sarah practically purred at the praise, swiveling her own hips to increase the sensation for both of them.

Slowly, the speed of their collisions increased until, once again, Penny’s hips bounced off the spongy flesh of her mother’s buttocks. On and on, faster and faster they crashed together.

I was slamming into her face almost as hard as Penny slammed her butt, but when the sounds she was making changed, I withdrew again to let her breathe.

“Please Mistress,” Sarah gasped, “may I cum? Please?”

“Soon, baby.” Penny soothed, “Very soon…”

The lithe young blonde lay once more on her mother’s back, but this time, her long, graceful fingers reached around and grasped her mother’s turgid nipples, with the pins still embedded. Squeezing them tightly Penny used the stretched nipples to pull herself forcefully into her mother’s willing ass. Still pressing her young breasts into Sarah’s back, and using her tits for leverage, Penny rose onto her toes and began slamming hard and fast into the older woman’s colon.

My rigid rod, too, was sliding in and out of Sarah’s mouth, her gag reflex a thing of the past, and she moaned around my shaft as though in ecstasy. She couldn’t move back and forth much, but she twisted her head as I stroked in and out, corkscrewing up and down my pole.

Her pelvis barely visible, it moved so fast, Penny whispered into her mother’s ear. “Now, Mommy Slave! Cum for Mistress Penny!”

As Penny drove hard into her bowels one final time, she released one nipple and grasped, instead, the slippery nubbin of Sarah’s clit, squeezing and yanking as she had with the nipples. Sarah shrieked to high heaven and went rigid, her legs straightening and holding her daughter aloft for several long seconds, as Penny mauled her nipple and clit, and writhed around on the end of the buried phallus, her own orgasm gripping her in its throes.

My ejaculation, triggered as much by the sheer eroticism of Penny’s mastery over her mother as by the physical sensations, blasted down the young mother’s throat!

Finally, Sarah’s legs lost their stiffness, collapsing back to the padded floor of the dungeon. Penny, unable to hold on, bounced once and fell to the side, ripping the dildo from her mother’s ass as she fell. Sarah, held on her knees by the stocks, when I withdrew from her mouth, panted and heaved as though she had just completed a marathon. Her daughter lay completely boneless beside her, muttering “Wow!” repeatedly.

I waited to see what would happen, my own rigid shaft slowly wilting in the aftermath of the drama of the mother/daughter coupling I had just facilitated. Weakly, Penny struggled to her own hands and knees and made her way to the stocks, releasing the catch with trembling hands and pulling apart the two halves.

“Are you all right, Mother?” She asked solicitously. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

Sarah managed a tired smile. “Of course you hurt me, dear. That’s what was so hellishly delicious about it, but you didn’t injure me, so don’t worry sweetheart.”

Penny fell upon her mother and the two rolled together, kissing passionately, not to rekindle the sex, but simply to share their love with each other.

I left them there and went up to the kitchen to prepare a late night snack of steak and eggs and steamed rice. I had just finished setting the food on the table when the two naked ladies, freshly showered, came sniffing into the kitchen like a pair of hounds on a scent.

Little was said, beyond the usual “Please pass the…” until both plates were clean. Not having had the workout they had, I satisfied myself with a single egg on buttered toast.

Sarah was first to push her plate away with a sated sigh.

“Every time I’m with you, Mike,” she said pensively, “I wind up on this enormous, twisting emotional roller coaster. At times I think you’re a demon from hell, and at others, the smartest, most insightful man on the planet. I don’t think anyone would mistake you for an angel, but damnit, every time we leave here, somehow, through all the turmoil, Penny and I are closer than we’ve ever been before. For that, I will always love you.”

There was moisture glistening in her eyes as she gazed at me, and I didn’t know quite how to react. I mean, in my own way, I had come to love both of these two lovely ladies, but I wasn’t sure what kind of love Sarah was expressing here.

Penny apparently did, because she broke the silence with, “Well, kiss her, dummy!”

I did, and she responded with at least as much passion as she had when she kissed Penny earlier. When we finally came up for air, I turned to Penny and said, “I thought we agreed that you would be calling me ‘Dad, ‘ not ‘dummy.'”



My fishing trip to the small lake on my property had been a success, both in terms of relaxation and of providing for my table. I had a nice string of pan-sized Bream and Crappie that I was looking forward to frying up for dinner. Amy was due to spend the night, and I was anticipating a relaxing evening of sharing her with my pals, Czar and Caesar.

As I entered the clearing at the back of the house, both dogs alerted and took off like the ghostly predators they were. Czar went around the house to the right, while Caesar took off to the left. That meant that someone was either in the front yard or just coming up the drive.

I threw the stringer of fish in the water trough and drew my sidearm. Today I was carrying the Desert Eagle fitted with the .50AE Caliber six inch barrel. The eight shot magazine and 350 grain slugs gave me enough stopping power for even the most ornery of bears. Normally, the bears and I leave each other alone, but it was never safe to assume that uneasy truce would hold, so when I was out and about I liked to carry some heavy artillery.

I hadn’t gotten any signals on my remote from the alarm system, so I was pretty sure the house was secure. I slipped through the back door, holding the screen so it wouldn’t slam shut. A feminine shriek, followed by a tense, but calmer, male voice told me the boys had corralled their prey. I made my way to the front of the house and stood in the shadows of the front hallway for a few moments to study my uninvited guests.

The girl would have been on the ground by now with one of the dogs at her throat had the guy not been keeping her panic in check by sheer force of will. He didn’t really know what to do in this situation, either, but he was determined not to let her get eaten. The placating motions he made with his right hand as his left arm protectively circled the girl were more likely to lose him some fingers than calm the dogs. His attempts to edge the two of them back toward the car were also inciting my two Wolf-Malamute mix companions, since they knew I would not want to allow intruders to leave without discussing, in detail, the reason for their visit.

“Freeze where you are.” I told them calmly, still without revealing myself. At this point, since I wasn’t expecting visitors, I didn’t much care whether the dogs ate them or not, but I was curious. The girl would have made little more than a snack for them, but from the look of her, it would have been a tasty one. The guy, on the other hand, would have been a banquet.

He stood about a foot taller than she did, around six feet, and had the look of someone who worked out regularly but ate just a bit more than his body burned. His dirty blonde hair was almost as long as her silken black tresses.

They did as I said, but the young lady couldn’t help herself.

“Mr. Bren…” she started when a warning growl from Caesar cut her off. She shrank back against the blonde dude.

“Don’t move. Don’t talk unless I ask a question.” I told them.

Since my examination had not revealed any weapons, and more importantly, had not shown either of them to be standing or moving like they had a weapon, I stepped out on the porch, Desert Eagle still in hand. (A person carrying a concealed weapon will instinctively position his or her body in a way that will allow access to draw the weapon when threatened. An astute observer can notice the differences in posture.)

As I approached, I noticed the guy going into a karate stance – until Czar voiced his displeasure with a throaty growl. The dogs had watched me work out often enough to know what that stance meant.

“Why are you trespassing on my property?” I asked. Not the friendliest of greetings, but people who knew me also knew to call ahead before coming out.

“Um, my uh, friend Katy said you might be able to help me – us – with a little problem.” The girl took the lead, giving me an opportunity to examine her more closely. Her ass-length black hair and square-cut schoolgirl bangs set off her pretty asian features nicely, making her look a few years younger than she probably was. Something in her breathing and body language told me that the danger of the situation was exciting her sexually. A quick look at my boys, and their twitching noses and emerging erections confirmed my suspicions.

“Katy who?” I asked, walking slowly around the pair.

“Katy Ellis-Kingman.” she answered.

I grinned. “So she actually married that jock she was dating, huh?”

“More like indentured him!” The young lady’s face twisted into a strange expression. “She bosses him around like a queen with a servant, and he eats it up.”

“As well she should.” I smiled, knowing what she apparently did not about Josh and Katy’s relationship (See HIW: Joshua and Katy). “She didn’t tell you to call ahead?”

The young lady blushed. “Well, yes, but I wrote it down in a hurry and couldn’t read my writing.”

“So what brings you here.” I kept waiting for the guy to speak up, but the girl seemed to be in charge.

“Well, it’s um, hard to um, talk about…” She began.

“If Katy sent you, it’s about a sexual matter.” I told her, feeling a little irritated and thinking of the fish that still needed cleaning. “There’s no one else to hear, so spit it out and quit wasting my time.”

“Uh, y-yes sir.” She stammered. “It’s well, you see, my boyfriend Jim,” she indicated her protective companion, “Jim Andrews, that is. And by the way, I’m Mai. Mai Hart.”

She stuck out a hand which I ignored.

“Mai…” I mused. “A Japanese name. Do you know its meaning?”

“Mom said it meant ‘Brightness.'” She replied, puzzled as to why I cared.

I already knew the name’s meaning, but I wanted to get a clearer picture of who I was dealing with.

“Was your mother a romantic,” I asked, “or did she not know that your name comprises two separate word plays on terms of endearment?”

She looked puzzled when she answered. “Well, ‘My Heart’ is obvious, and she knew about that one, but I don’t…”

“‘Hart’ is a male red deer.” I filled in for her, “‘Deer, ‘ ‘Dear, ‘ ‘My Dear.’ She probably didn’t realize that because most people don’t think about the meanings or origins of surnames in this country. Continue.”

“Well, anyway,” she said, pausing to backtrack to the original topic, “Jim is a really nice guy, and well, he’s kind of too nice. I mean, most of the time, that’s really sweet, and I love him for it, but when it comes to, uh, you know, in the bedroom, well, he, that is, I, well he’s just too nice.”

“You mean he’s not assertive enough?” I asked, still pacing around the motionless couple.

She shrugged, “Well, yeah, but it’s, I mean I want him to, you know, not worry so much about hurting me.”

I stopped in front of her, looking down into her eyes. “You want him to take what he wants from you, without regard for your feelings? You want him to be, what, a Neanderthal?”

There was a pleading hunger in her eyes as she nodded.

“So what’s you’re problem, boy?” I turned to him. “You’ve got this young lady begging you to have your way with her and you don’t take her up on it? Are you gay?”

“No!” He retorted, turning red, “It’s just, well look at me! Look how big I am next to her! I’ll hurt her!”

“But she WANTS you to hurt her, don’t you Mai?” I glanced down to see her gazing at him and nodding solemnly.

What I was going to say next was interrupted by another car coming up the path that serves as my driveway. From the dogs’ reaction, I knew it must be Amy.

“Ah, just in time!” I said as she got out of the car and came to kneel at my feet. “Stand, Amy. I need you to do something for me.”

I whispered instructions in her ear and sent her, grinning, off to the house.

“Amy!” I said to her back, “Don’t forget what you’re supposed to do before entering the house!”

She turned, gave a nervous glance at the other two, then at me, and replied, “Yes, sir!”

Mai and Jim watched, astounded, as Amy mounted the porch, then stopped to remove her clothes, folding them neatly before entering my home.

“Where were we?” I asked rhetorically as I returned my attention to my uninvited guests. “Ah yes! How can you be so cruel, Jim? Can’t you see that your girlfriend has certain needs? I’ll bet she even has a safeword already picked out, don’t you Mai?”

“Um, yes sir.” She replied, a little shocked. “How did you know?”

“I know a submissive slut when I see one, girl.” I replied, assuming the role she wanted for her boyfriend. “Amy is my slave. I acquired her in the cafe where she works as a waitress. You think I don’t know what you are? Tell me your safeword. NOW!”

She jumped a little at the hard edge in my voice, and Jim started to get protective again.

“Uh, Plumeria, sir!” Mai responded. “It’s a…”

“… flower used for, among other things, making Hawaiian leis.” I said impatiently. “When I ask a question, just answer it. Don’t EVER assume I’m stupid again, girl! You got that?”

“You don’t need to be so hard on her!” Jim jumped in, still not getting it.

I jacked the slide on the Desert Eagle I still held in my hand, holding it up but not pointing it at him. I didn’t want any accidents. “Back off, boyfriend, or get the fuck out of here. If you had the balls to treat her right, she wouldn’t be coming to me, so do yourself a favor: watch and learn, but don’t get in my face!”

Between the handgun and the snarling of my companions, he figured he was outnumbered, and subsided, but I could tell he was still smoldering. His stance and body language told me he had some martial arts training and was itching to use it in defense of his helpless girlfriend.

“So, Mai,” I turned back to her, but kept him in my peripheral vision, “You want me to teach Billy Bad Ass, here, how a fragile flower like you needs to be treated, is that right?”

“Y-yes sir.”

“You know that this is going to be very painful, right?” I asked.

She swallowed hard, but answered, “Yes, sir.”

“You know that I am going to do things to you that will humiliate you, as well as being painful?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And you want me to do these things, and teach Jimbo here how to do them?”

“Yes, sir.”

Amy returned, carrying a tote bag with the things I had asked her to fetch. She knelt submissively at my feet while Mai and Jim tried not to stare at her naked form.

“You’re sure you want me to do this?” I asked again. “To treat you like a slut and teach your boyfriend how to do the same?”

“Yes, sir.” She replied. “More than anything, sir!”


Jim was unprepared for the elbow I slammed into his solar plexus, which jacknifed his body and allowed me to knock him out while he gasped for air.

“Shut up, slut.” I told Mai as she started screaming. “This guy is far too protective of you to stand by and watch while I do what I’m about to do, so I’m making sure he can watch without interfering and getting himself seriously injured by me or the dogs.”

With Amy’s help, I undressed him and chained him, standing, to one of the log posts that supported the porch and its roof. I gave Amy her instructions and sent her to fetch some water. He came around quickly enough when the water was thrown on his naked body, and tried to lash out at me. Finding both hands and feet chained to the post, he resorted to angry threats.

I gave Caesar a hand signal, and he casually walked up to the shouting boyfriend and took his cock between his teeth, not yet applying much pressure. That was enough to shut him up temporarily.

“Listen to me, boy.” I told him. “If you love this girl, you will keep your mouth shut and learn from what you’re about to see. Mai needs something from you, but you and your pig-headed sense of chivalry are keeping it from her. Now watch and keep your mouth shut.”

Amy took Caesar’s place, filling her soft, warm mouth with Jim’s cock.

I turned back to Mai without warning, grabbed the t-shirt she wore, and tore it from her body. She gasped and tried to cover her breasts with her hands. Jim started yelling again, and struggling against his chains. Amy playfully slapped his balls a couple of times, giving him something else to worry about.

“From now until I release you,” I told her, stepping behind her and forcing her arms above her head, holding both slender wrists in one calloused hand while Jim watched the other roam freely over her B-cup bosom. It was a nice, firm bosom, and under other circumstances I would have loved to play there longer. “You are mine. I will do what I want with you and you have only one recourse.”

“Mai!” Jim shouted, struggling again. “You son of a bitch!” His voice broke into a high-pitched scream as Amy bit down hard on his scrotum

“Don’t talk to my Master like that!” she scolded.

Mai shivered as I pinched and pulled at her eraser-sized nipples. I stripped her shorts down to her ankles and made her step out of them. Jim, still cursing under his breath, in spite of himself, now sported about seven inches of hard meat as Amy continued her expert oral manipulations.

“You can stop anything by using your safeword.” I told her, staying behind her so Jim could watch as my hand slid under her thong and played between her legs. “But think twice about that.”

I withdrew my hand to show her boyfriend the moisture running down my middle finger. “This could be you, Jimmy boy. This little bitch is hotter than a two-dollar pistol but she needs her man to BE a man. Since you won’t, I guess I’ll have to.”

“If you use your safeword,” I continued. speaking to Mai, and reached into the bag that Amy had brought to remove my favorite cat, “You will receive ten lashes with this.”

I trailed the oiled, knotted strands across her breasts so she could feel their weight and get an idea of how they would swing.

“Don’t you dare hit her with that!” There was a note of desperation in Jim’s voice now, but his erection bobbed in front of Amy’s face as her nails toyed with the shaft.

“You have done nothing to deserve it, but I always feel it best to let a new slut feel my lash at the beginning so she knows what she’s facing and doesn’t use her safeword unnecessarily.” I told the dark haired girl. “I will give you three lashes now, just so you know what they feel like. Lace your fingers behind your head and keep them there.”

She did as I commanded, and I savored the sight of the flawless expanse of skin on her back as I measured off my swing distance. She shrieked as the first blow landed high on her back, but managed to keep her hands in place. With the second lash, across her buttocks, her hands dropped protectively behind her as she cried out. I had anticipated this and without pause, gave her the third lash backhand, across her cute, bobbing breasts.

Jim was struggling in his chains and hollering for me to stop hurting his girl, but Amy applied a little pressure with her own teeth to remind him that the dogs weren’t the only ones that could bite.

As Mai reached for her chest, shrieking from the pain, I gave her a hard shove that sent her to her knees in the grass.

“Open!” I commanded.

Mai’s mouth opened, but whether it was to question my command or to obey, I never found out. My rising cock slipped unerringly between her trembling lips. Without using undue force, but never pausing, I sank the entire shaft into her throat. Her tears and struggles against her gag reflex had Jim straining at his chains again.

“You bastard!” He cried, “How can you do that to her!?”

Amy took that opportunity to shove her middle finger up his ass, taking his mind, temporarily at least, off Mai’s struggles.

The tiny Amer-Asian was finally beginning to regain some control as my shaft, stimulated by the working of her mouth and throat achieved full rigidity.

“Ever been face-fucked, slut?” I asked, holding her in place with a handful of silky black hair.

Her movements were restricted, but she managed to wag her skull side-to-side, staring wide-eyed at my face through her tears. The mascara running down her face made her look every bit the victim she wanted to be.

“Well, you won’t be able to say that after today…” I told her, beginning a long, slow stroking, in and out of her tightly stretched throat.

Mai had apparently given enough blowjobs to know that scraping teeth were taboo, but my cock, being somewhat longer and thicker than her boyfriend’s made keeping her teeth out of the way a real struggle. Her gagging and heaving were slowly subsiding, and she finally learned the trick of breathing on the outstroke, though her face changed color several times in the process.

I glanced at Jim and noticed that Amy was whispering in his ear, one hand busy at his backside while the other stroked his cock. I don’t know what she was saying, but it apparently had him more interested in sex than in coming to Mai’s rescue, for the moment.

The sight of that beautiful, tiny, Asian face absorbing the entire length of my cock excited me tremendously, and I was tempted to unload down her throat, but I had to hold off if I was going to complete my demonstration for Jim.

I pulled my dick from her mouth and stepped around behind the diminutive girl, ordering her to hands and knees. Ripping her thong down her thighs, I entered her in one hard stroke. As I suspected, her pussy was even wetter than when I played with it earlier. Her tiny body trembled under my hands, in fear and arousal.

Without finesse or any sort of technique, other than animal passion, I drilled my cock deep into her core, savagely raping her cunt as she wailed in pain and passion. I wrapped her long black hair in one hand and used it to pull her head up and drag her body back against me as I slammed repeatedly into her dripping pussy.

Jim, I could tell, was torn between his own lust and his protective instinct. To try to put things in perspective for him, I asked Mai, “Do you want to use your safeword, slut? Am I being too rough on you?”

“NO SIR!” She cried. “Not rough enough!”

Jim’s jaw dropped. “Mai?!” he almost choked on her name. “How can you let him do that to you!”

“You want more?” I hissed, pulling out of her. “Okay, let’s see how you like a little of this…”

So saying, I touched the head of my cock to her anus and shoved it all the way into her guts in one long, firm plunge.

Without waiting for her screams of pain to subside, I began pistoning rapidly in and out of Mai’s little ass, my cock, somewhat larger than her boyfriend’s, looking like a telephone pole as it plundered her rectum.

“Stop it, you son of a bitch!” Jim cried, getting rambunctious again. “You’re killing her!”

As Mai’s pain began to subside, and she started to feel as if she might survive, I pulled her head up again, so Jim could see her face, and asked, “Rough enough now?”

“Almost, sir!” She replied, gritting her teeth and slamming her butt back against me to show her boyfriend that she was enjoying the rough treatment.

“Good answer!” I told her, as I jerked my aching cock from her tiny anus.

Jim’s jaw hung down around his chest while his hard on almost slapped his belly, untouched by Amy who was running her hands over his body as she whispered to him.

I gave a signal to Caesar, who had been waiting for the chance, and he mounted Mai instantly. The diminutive girl gave a startled shriek as she felt the furry warmth of the giant beast settle on her back and buttocks. A look of consternation screwed up her features as my pal wrapped his forelegs around her little waist and began searching for an opening.

“NO! Godamnit!” Jim cried. “That’s going too far! Stop this right now!”

His bobbing erection, however, never lost a whit of its rigor.

“Do you remember your safeword?” I asked her.

“Yes, sir!”

“Do you want to use it?” I was watching Jim as I asked the question, since I was fairly certain what her answer would be.

“N-no, sir!”

“Then you’d better raise up a little unless you want him in your cute little butt.” I told her. “He’d love that, but you might not appreciate having his knot forced through that little pucker of yours.”

Mai’s eyes got huge in her delicate face, and by the alacrity with which she cocked her hips and pressed her buttocks against Caesar’s belly, I could tell that she understood what the knot was, but hadn’t thought about it in connection with herself.

Jim was going berserk, trying futilely to break the chains that held him, and/or tear the post out of the porch. Amy gave his balls a hearty squeeze from behind, but none of it had any effect at all on his rigid shaft.

I watched as Caesar’s long, red, dripping cock slipped it’s pointy tip between Mai’s pussy lips. As soon as he felt the warm wetness, Caesar shifted his hind feet to get better leverage, then slammed his full length into the pale, tiny bitch he was mating.

Mai gave a startled cry, at both the heat and the ferocity of his assault, but having been stretched by my shaft, she was not ill-prepared for the onslaught. Almost immediately, Caesar’s knot began to blossom near the base of his cock, and for about four strokes, he savored the delicious friction as it slipped in and out of Mai’s little pussy. On the last inward plunge, Caesar achieved the state he lived for – locked securely to his bitch. Now he could tread to his heart’s content, enjoying the additional friction caused by the girl’s overstretched vagina wrapped glove-tight around his softball sized knot.

“Rough enough now, little girl?” I asked.

Mai gave me a wan smile as she replied, “Just barely, sir!”

I left them there, knowing that Caesar would be at it for a good twenty minutes before he allowed himself to impregnate his bitch. Mounting the porch, I pulled one of the cane-bottomed rockers up close to Jim’s back and relaxed in it, rocking gently as I watched Mai becoming more and more appreciative of my companion’s skill as a lover.

“So, Jimbo,” I asked conversationally, “what do you think of your girlfriend now?”

“She’s a goddamned whore!” He spluttered, spittle flying from his mouth.

“Really?” I asked, still keeping my tone conversational. “Is she any different than she was before you came here?”

“Goddamn right she is!” Jim would have been foaming at the mouth if he had just a few canine genes. “She used to be a very nice girl! Now look what you’ve turned her into!”

“What’s different about her?” I queried.

“LOOK at her!” He yelled, not noticing or not caring about the tears in Mai’s eyes as she heard his words. “She’s fucking a goddamn dog! How low can she get?”

“Actually, Jim, the dog, who happens to be one of my best friends, so be careful how you talk about him, is fucking HER.” I pointed out. “And so what? She came here looking for something, and she’s getting at least part of it. How does that make her different? Hmmm?”

“It… !” He paused searching for words. Not finding any, he finished lamely. “It just DOES!”

“I beg to differ, sonny.” I leaned forward and spoke close to his ear, noting as I did that he was still hard as a rock, despite the fact that Amy’s jealous attention was more on Mai than on his genitals. “Look at her face. I don’t know her that well, but even I can tell she’s putting up with the treatment I’ve been giving her. She may be physically excited, but she’s scared to death right now.”

Jim was silent for a long moment, then grudgingly admitted, “Yeah, so what? She’s still fucking… being fucked by a dog!”

“Why would she do something that scares her so much, Jim?” I asked. “Why would she submit herself to that when she could stop it with a word?”

He didn’t want to concede that I might have a point, but he knew his girlfriend.

“She’s trying to prove a point.” He sighed. “Mai’s like that. She’s usually shy and demure, but when she gets it in her head to do something, there’s not much that will stop her.”

“This is going pretty far, even for a willful person, don’t you think?” I asked, relieved that he was finally starting to think instead of letting his emotions speak for him.

“Yes, it is.” He slumped in his chains. “I guess she wants this pretty badly.”

“That’s always been obvious, Jim.” I replied, “But do you understand what it is that she wants from you, and are you willing to give it to her?”

He ignored the first part of the question. “I don’t know if I can, man! I mean, I can see how badly she wants it, but I’m still afraid of hurting her!”

“Is that fear for her,” I asked, “or are you afraid that once you release that beast inside you, you won’t be able to control it?”

Jim’s head whipped around and he stared at me as if he’d seen a ghost.

“How did you know?” He almost whispered.

“All of us have a few primal urges, Jim,” I told him, “and until we release them, we don’t know for certain that we can control them. My question for you is: Do you love this woman? If you look deep inside yourself and find that you do, then that love will balance out those predatory urges. That’s what she’s counting on, and why she wants you to be the one doing these things with her. She trusts in you – in your love for her. Do you?”

“But how can I ever look at her the same way again after, after THAT?” He shot his chin in Mai’s direction as Caesar’s efforts came to fruition, and she shrieked, finally succumbing to the heat of his discharge after the savagery of his assault, in spite of her fear.

“Maybe you can’t.” I shrugged. “Or maybe you can see it as what it is: Role playing to heighten her sexual excitement. Everyone has their favorite fantasies that, if they can be acted out, enhance the sexual experience. For some, it’s as little as enjoying having certain body parts stimulated a certain way, or a preference for one position over others.”

“But why… this?!” he asked. “Why does she want to be treated like a slut?”

“That’s a question only she can answer for you, but I can venture a guess.” I replied. “How many times, in the course of making love, do you ask if she’s okay, or stop what you’re doing because you think it’s hurting her?”

“I don’t… Oh!” He interrupted himself. “But I’m just trying to be considerate of her!”

“Sure. And she knows that,” I told him, “but how much enjoyment do you think she gets out of being interrupted every few minutes with such solicitous crap? It’s very sweet, but I’d bet it’s damned annoying!”

“But I just want to be sure I’m not hurting her!” He cried.

“That’s what the safeword is for, bubba!” I told him. “You both know the safeword, and if she doesn’t use it, you’re not exceeding her limits!”

I could see the light beginning to dawn as Caesar, who is as quick to deflate as he is to inflate, pulled his swollen red member from Mai’s tiny body and found a corner of the porch to lay down and lick himself.

“Bring her down to the dungeon, Amy,” I told my slave. “and don’t do anything to her until I tell you.”

I added a set of handcuffs to Jim’s bondage, these passing around the post from the other direction so that when I took off the first pair, his hands remained bound, but not to the post. I then formed a slip knot in leather thong and looped it around his balls from behind, running the loose end back between his legs. When I released his ankle cuffs, I gave a sharp tug on the cord to let him know the consequences of sudden movement.

“Okay, Jim,” I said, guiding him up the stairs from behind with a hand on his shoulder and the other on the ball-strap, “time for lesson number two!”

Both of them were distracted by the appointments in the dungeon and he hardly noticed that I had him once again secured, this time to an X-frame.

Mai was ogling the dungeon’s fixtures, devouring their possibilities, as I led her to a low table and bound her face up, arms and legs spread wide.

“There is a price to pay for my services, Mai.” I told her. “I will collect some of it from your body later, but for now, I think those cute little tits would look even nicer with some jewelry. This part is not negotiable nor subject to use of your safeword. Do I make myself clear?”

Trembling, she nodded.

To keep her mind at least partly off what I was doing, I put Amy’s eager tongue to work between her legs.

“What is she doing?” Mai asked as Amy positioned her face between the trembling girl’s thighs. “Ohmigod! I’ve never… I don’t… OOOOOHHHHH!”

Amy loved this part of her service almost as much as being plowed in the ass by a large phallus, and to judge from the reaction of her ‘victim, ‘ she was really good at it!

To keep Mai’s torso from moving too much, I ran a broad strap tightly across her hips and two slightly smaller ones above and below her breasts. Thanks to Amy’s ministrations, she hardly noticed.

Mai gasped when I swabbed her nipples with betadyne, just because she wasn’t expecting it, then again when the pliers stretched one of the brown nubbins away from her chest. The needle brought a scream and a small orgasm, followed by others as I inserted my new design for nipple jewelry. The other nipple elicited even stronger reactions, culminating in a fierce climax as Amy timed her lingual assault perfectly.

I examined my handiwork, nodding in approval as both pieces seemed to be perfectly horizontal.

“Stop now, Amy.” I told my lovely slave. “Let me show this young lady what I’ve done to her.”

Stepping to the other side of the table so that Jim could, finally, see what I had done to his girlfriend, I explained the pieces to both.

“These are a modified barbell design.” I told them, squeezing Mai’s right breast to show it’s new adornment better. “The only way to remove them is to cut them off. You’ll note that the ends of the bar protrude beyond the balls, which nestle tightly against the sides of the nipple. The ends of the bars are threaded. This is to allow the addition of accessory devices to the bar. The simplest of these is a ‘C’ shaped piece, like this, which, when added to the bar and secured with these additional threaded balls, offers the same advantages as rings.”

I removed the ‘C’ rings and retrieved a pair of slightly conical disks about the size of Mai’s brown areolae. The center of each disk was slotted in the approximate outline of Mai’s nipple and the bar that pierced it. I placed one of the disks on her right nipple, aligning the slot so that when I pressed the disk into her breast, her nipple and it’s new bar protruded through the slot. A quick quarter-turn, and the raised detents in the disk snapped into place beneath the bar. Mai’s brown nipple was now stretched a bit away from her body, and her areola was covered by the disk.

After I applied the second disk, I retrieved another pair of devices, these with moving parts.”You may both decide you like these better when you, Jim, want Mai to follow you around at the end of a leash. When properly attached, you will note that this sharpened, spring-loaded spike rests just above the center of the nipple. The clips on the end of this chain then fasten to these two rings like so… Why, you ask? So that when the chain is tugged, thusly…” I gave the chain a demonstrative yank. “… the spikes are plunged sharply into the center of both nipples, reminding the slut to keep up!”

Mai cried out as the spikes dug into her nipples, but I noticed her hips struggling to rise against the strap that held them. Jim was speechless, hard as a rock, and wore a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Thinking of the possibilities, Jimbo?” I asked. “Imagine leading the little slut around the house like this, then tying the leash off to a chair leg to force her to bend over its back so you can rape her hot little butt…”

Jim’s rod twitched and dripped, and a gleam came into his eyes.

I turned my attention back to my ‘customer.’ “These two are mandatory. The third is optional, but would make a great addition to the set, and you’ll note that the third branch of the chain is already in place.”

“Third… ?” Mai looked confused for a few seconds before the light came on behind her eyes. “Ohmigod! Really?! Yes, please!”

Jim looked a bit confused. Not to worry, he would understand soon enough.

I told Amy to go show our little ‘customer’ the other side of girl-girl sex and got busy between Mai’s legs, first with the betadyne. I watched as Amy’s hairless pussy settled over Mai’s face. At first, Mai’s head shook from side to side in denial, but as Amy’s labia brushed the tip of her cute little nose, her tongue came out of its own volition and began to lap at whatever part of my slave’s pussy was presented to her.

I parted the fine, almost straight black pubic hair and examined Mai’s clit. From a box, I chose the right size attachment for her somewhat shy, but not invisible clitoris.

I had thought long and hard about how to design the clit hardware for this set to properly compliment the breast adornments. My final design consisted of a two part rod that locked together under the sheath in the middle of the clitoral shaft, forming a solid bar perpendicular to the clit’s body. The plate accessory for Mai’s clit ornament was more elongated to conform with the shape of her folds, and instead of rotating into position, the detents for the bar were integral with the two covers that slid over the ends of the opening through which the bar passed when the plate was attached. Once the detents were in place, Mai’s clit also stretched away from her body, and a modified version of the spring-loaded spike-lever mechanism could be mounted to pierce the little bud dead center.

When I demonstrated THIS one to her and her boyfriend, in conjunction with the first two, Mai went ballistic, shouting “Again!” repeatedly as I tugged on the chain that speared all three of her most sensitive places, sending her into a series of climaxes.

Jim’s hips pumped futilely at the air in front of him and pre-cum dripped copiously from his enraged spear.

After Mai’s fourth or fifth explosion, I decided I’d better save some for later, and dropped the chain on her belly.

“I take it you like my little invention?” I asked Mai as she lay panting on the table.

“Oooooh, YES SIR!” She smiled. “A LOT!”

“But doesn’t it hurt when I pull on the chain?” I asked, more for Jim’s benefit than hers.

“Mmmmm Hmmm!” Mai answered, squirming in her bonds. “But it’s such a DELICIOUS pain!”

“And what about you, Jimbo?” I asked, “Wouldn’t you like to be the one yanking her chain?”

He grinned and nodded grudgingly. “Yeah, I guess I could get used to it.”

“Well, you’ll get your chance.” I told him. “But first, I think Mai owes me one more payment…”

I removed the spike attachments and disks, and replaced the ones on her nipples with a small pair of spring-loaded clamps that mounted on the bar, clamps outward.

Mai gave me a puzzled look, and Amy, more familiar with my ways, grinned evilly.

I released Mai’s wrists and reattached them to the cuffs on a pair of chains that hung from the dungeon’s ceiling. I then had Amy replace her ankle restraints with a spreader bar. As Amy removed her other restraints, I fingered the remote in my pocket and raised Mai toward the ceiling by her wrists before removing my trousers and shirt to stand naked behind her. I then sent Amy off to deal with the fish I had left in the watering trough.

“Ever wondered what it would feel like to have two hard cocks in you at once?” I asked Mai in a low voice as my body warmed hers from behind.

“… Yes, Sir…” She replied tremulously, breathlessly.

“Good!” I said, “Because you’re about to find out!”

Like a carcass on a meat hook, I pushed her body in Jim’s direction. The tracked wheels above allowed her chains to follow, and soon the slender Asian was suspended just at the tip of her boyfriend’s rigid cock.

“Please… !” She begged, staring into his uncommunicative face.

“‘Please, ‘ what?” he asked. I listened for a hard edge to his voice, but heard none.

“Please do me… !” Mai whispered, her gaze riveted on his.

“Use the words.” Jim said, forcefully, but not cruelly. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”

Mai searched his expression for clues, but found none. “Please, Master Jim,” she pleaded, “Please force your stiff cock into my fragile little pussy and ravish me while this cruel stranger rapes my ass!”

“Is that really what you want, Mai?” Jim’s old self reappeared for just a moment.

“Yes, Master Jim!” Her cry was part elation, part supplication. “More than anything else in the world!”

“Okay, slut!” He replied, arching his hips savagely upward. “You want it, you got it!”

Mai cried out in pain and ecstasy as her boyfriend’s hard cock speared inside her, tilting her pelvis to receive his assault. I used the remote to lower her a couple of inches, and Jim began slamming her in earnest.

I had to hold her hips still to gain entry to her back passage, but when Jim felt my shaft penetrating alongside his, and saw the effect it had on Mai, he redoubled his efforts, machine-gunning her pussy with rapid-fire strokes. I reached up and unfastened Jim’s wrists, watching warily for any aggressive movements.

There were none. At least not toward me. He grabbed his girlfriend’s small hips with one hand and her hair with the other. Bending the little black-haired submissive’s head back, he kissed her savagely as the two of us pummeled her between us, growling into her mouth as he punched repeatedly into her pussy.

As Jim’s rhythm increased, I reached around and found the clamps attached to Mai’s freshly pierced nipples. Holding the clamps open, I stretched her small tits far enough to close the clamps upon Jim’s smaller pink nipples. He gasped and looked down. When he noticed that his nipples were now attached to those of his girlfriend, he went into a frenzy!

It couldn’t last long. I was still aroused from my earlier treatment of the diminutive girl, and her tight little ass, squirming around on my thrusting prick, while her boyfriend’s cock hammered her from the front, soon had me ready to blow. Like a boiler popping its safeties, my insides spewed out, coating Mai’s colon with the heat of my cum.

Jim was right there too, slamming once, twice, three times, hard, into Mai’s poor little pussy. For her part, Mai sailed off to neverland, singing a raucous, discordant, primeval song of lust and passion that was as old as the act itself. Her body went rigid for about three seconds, then ratcheted wildly back and forth on the fleshy spikes impaling her. Dark eyes fluttered and rolled back in their sockets as Mai’s climax took her to places she had only dreamed about. Finally, expended, the little girl slumped limply in her chains.

I waited a few moments to regain my own strength, then released her chains and the nipple clamps and lifted Mai off Jim’s cock. I carried her to the bed in the corner of the dungeon. Though her body was feather-light, its total relaxation would have made that carry difficult had my still hard cock not given me a ‘third hand’ with which to support her.

I returned to release Jim’s ankle restraints. As I had suspected he might, Jim took a swing at me as I rose from removing his ankle cuffs. My block turned into an arm lock which I held long enough to tell him. “This isn’t TV, Jimbo. You don’t get any free paybacks for me sucker punching you earlier. Take this as fair warning and be glad the boys and I are feeling generous.”

That was when he noticed my companions, teeth bared, crouched on both sides of him, ready to leap.

The tension drained out of his muscles and I let go of him.

“You are one mule-headed son-of-a-bitch.” I told him as he rubbed the kinks out of his arm, “I hope Mai’s message, and mine, have gotten through to you, because if I have to defend either of us against you again, I’m going to take you down hard and let the boys finish you!”

“I won’t give you any more trouble, Mr. Brenneman.” He said. “I guess I just wanted to pump up my ego a little. Mai kind of looks to me as sort of a protector, and, well, I guess I haven’t done a very good job of that since we got here.”

“On the contrary.” I told him, “There’s always going to be someone smarter, faster, meaner, sneakier or whatever it takes to beat you. You’ve had the courage to try, even with the odds against you, and I doubt if she’d ever ask for more than that from a protector. The problem, and the reason you’re here, is that you’ve taken your role as protector so seriously that you’ve failed to see that she needs some other things from you as well. I’d like to think we’ve helped to open your eyes on that score, but only you know for sure.”

“I don’t know, Mr. Brenneman.” Jim sighed and sat heavily on one of the benches nearby. “I mean, I understand what she wants of me, and after that last, um, episode, I think I can give it to her. I’m just having trouble reconciling the girl who enjoyed being double-raped with the sweet young lady I’ve always known her to be, you know?”

“Look, Jim,” I answered, “I can’t give you a grand epiphany that will clarify everything for you. All I can do is suggest that the person who came so hard as we ravaged her body is, and has always been, an integral part of the sweet young thing over whom you’ve been so smitten. It doesn’t keep her from being a sweet young thing. It just makes her a lot more fun in the bedroom. Hell man, this girl is begging you to let her be every man’s dream: A lady in public and a slut in the bedroom! I can’t say for sure, but the fact that she went to all this trouble to get you into the place where she is seems to indicate that she really only wants to be one man’s slut: yours! She’s not going to go flashing her pussy at every Tom, Dick and Harry she meets unless you tell her to. I don’t see what the problem is!”

“She practically begged YOU to rape her… !” He retorted.

“Yes,” I replied, “but she went out of her way to find someone she thought would be discreet, and to bring you along. It wasn’t ME she was after so much as getting you to see the rest of her. Since you wouldn’t do the things she asked, she had to find someone to show you how much they meant to her while minimizing the risk to her body and to her public persona. I’d say that makes her determined to be as exclusive to you as possible, wouldn’t you agree?”

“But…” he said, “… I mean, did she have to let you and your dogs screw her? I mean, couldn’t she just have, I don’t know, gone through the motions or something?”

“Come on, Jim!” I snorted. “Do you really think anything like that would have convinced you? Now, I’ll grant you that she could have stopped at the dog. That might be another hint for you, boyfriend. You might want to consider keeping a large male dog or two around the house. You can’t deny that watching Caesar screw the daylights out of her turned you on.”

A sheepish grin crossed his face and he said, “Yeah, I guess it did, at that. Hell, if I’m honest with myself, you’re right about everything. Mai’s not likely to be any different inside, just because our sex is rougher than it’s been, and I DO care about her…”

“So do you think you can be the kind of lover she wants?” I prodded.

“Yeah,” he said, after some thought, “yeah, I guess I can. Truth to tell, I NEVER came so hard as I did a few minutes ago, and I KNOW she never has, at least not with me.”

I had noticed a change in the girl’s breathing several minutes before, and on hearing this, I said, “Okay, Mai. I think we’ve convinced him. If I were you I’d get over here and thank him properly.”

In a flash, the diminutive Asian girl was on her knees before her boyfriend. With a smile, she buried his cock in her throat. With her small nose flattened in his pubic hair, her tiny hands grasped his larger ones and placed them on her head. Her dark eyes gazed worshipfully up at Jim as he got the message and began a long, leisurely skull fuck.

Mai was just swallowing the last of his load when Amy let us know that dinner was ready. We washed up quickly, not bothering with clothing, and went up the stairs to the kitchen. Amy was just removing the apron she had donned to protect sensitive parts of her anatomy from hot oil as she fried the fish.

My guests looked askance at the table where only two places were set. Mai saw how my slave first worked my cock to hardness with her mouth, then settled her ass over it, and got the message. Seating Jim at the other place setting, she did as Amy had done, wincing a little as her tiny butt settled onto her boyfriend’s rigid shaft.

I fed Amy bits of the fish and vegetables she had prepared, in between bites that I took for myself. Our new apprentices did the same, but by the end of the meal, Mai was having a hard time holding still enough to eat. Jim looked at me and I nodded, sweeping dishes out of the way to give him room.

Mai screamed through four or five tremendous climaxes as Amy and I watched, my slave slowly sliding up and down the length of my shaft. Jim’s inhibitions seemed to have fled as he vigorously pounded the tiny Asian girl’s ass, exploding, finally, in his third orgasm in as many hours.

Amy tried to speed up to keep up with them, but I had other plans for her ass and my hands on her hips kept her pace frustratingly steady.

Finally, I dumped my slave unceremoniously on the floor, commanding her to go to the dungeon and wait for me. I found a couple of items of clothing that would fit Mai well enough to get her back to civilization and let them use the guest shower.

As we said our goodbyes, Jim stood in the front doorway holding Mai’s leash, which disappeared under her clothing to attach once more to the spring-loaded spikes at her nipples and clit.

“Come back when you get tired of holding that chain in your hand.” I told him. “I’ll put a stainless steel ring through your nipple to attach it to, then you’ll have both hands free to play with your slave. I won’t charge much…”

I looked once at Czar, then let my gaze travel slowly to Mai’s cute little ass before raising my eyes to meet Jim’s. Mai trembled as Jim returned my look with knowing grin. “I might just do that!”



I watched on the security camera as the cab pulled up next to my mailbox, disgorging its passenger. She paid the driver from a meager wad of bills pulled from the pocket of her jeans. It was Wally’s cab, so she must have taken the one bus a week that came through the little town, then hired Wally to get her to my place.

Turning to survey the trees lining the dirt-and-rock path that served as my driveway, she double-checked the paper in her hand before letting herself through the gate and beginning the long trek to the house.

“Right on time,” I told my companion, who gave me a predatory smile in return, then accompanied me and the boys out to the porch to await the arrival of my guest. Since I was expecting this one, I signalled the dogs to hold when they alerted to her scent. We waited patiently, and ten minutes after she alighted from the cab, the young lady trudged into view, then stepped into the cleared area in front of the house.

We stood waiting in the shadows of the porch, and she didn’t see us until she was almost at the bottom of the steps.

A small exclamation escaped her as she noticed the four of us waiting there.

“Mr. Brenneman?” Her voice was tentative and she shaded her eyes with her hand and the piece of paper it held.

“Who’s asking?” I thought I knew, but one couldn’t be too careful.

“It’s me, Kishi, sir,” She answered, her nervous glance taking in the figure beside me. “We arranged…”

“I know the arrangement, girl!” I cut her off. “I asked only for you to identify yourself!”

“Y-yes sir,” She replied meekly, hanging her head.

“I have decided, after reviewing your needs,” I told her, “to leave your training in the capable hands of my associate, Mistress Jade, and her sister.”

Kishi’s head came up as she stared in astonishment and some trepidation at the black-clad figure of my companion.

Jade was one of the tiniest women I had ever met, but her regal carriage, austere expression, and platform boots made her look much taller than she was. I had the feeling that the image didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of how dangerous she was, however. Her jet black hair was drawn tightly to the back of her head where it was tied in some sort of complicated knot that left the straight, silken strands hanging only to the top of her buttocks. Her makeup was as severe as her expression, though her lovely Asian features and flawless skin could have graced the cover of any fashion magazine with no makeup at all.

Jade wore a tightly cinched black leather corset that pinched her already small waist to about the size of my wrist. Below that she wore a black leather micro-skirt that came just to the crease between her delightful thighs and tiny, delicious buttocks. Her black leather boots covered most of the elegance of her legs. Her extraordinarily erect posture was enhanced by the broad black leather neck stretcher that highlighted the elegance of her already long, slender neck. Mistress Jade’s small, upturned breasts were bare, save for the needle tipped conical metal spikes that covered, by attaching to, her nipples.

Those spikes were how I had come to know Jade and her twin sister. The two had made a very lucrative business in San Francisco by dominating successful businessmen and -women. Despite the strong sexual content of their business, the sisters kept out of the grasp of law enforcement by never engaging in sex with their clients. That didn’t mean that the clientele were not sexually satisfied. On the contrary, no customer ever left their care without cumming at least once, but never through contact with any part of the sisters’ or anyone else’s bodies.

Since I had already made arrangements for this assignation with Kishi, but was not sure I could adequately meet all of the needs expressed and implied in her communication with me, when they came to me for the spikes, I persuaded the them to ply their trade on the young lady as payment for their dangerous new adornments.

While I had facilitated other such meetings without direct participation, I much preferred the role of participant to that of voyeur, but in this case, I felt that Kishi’s needs would be better met by the sisters than by me, and I decided to step aside and see what these two fearsome ladies would do.

“S-sir?” Kishi stammered, gazing in awe at the imposing figure of the young Asian.

“Are you deaf, girl?” Jade’s voice was like an ice-knife. “Or just too stupid to understand what you have been told?”

“Uh, no ma’am,” The girl replied. “Just, um, surprised, ma’am.”

“Do you have an objection to being trained by my sister and me?” The diminutive domme’s voice had not softened one whit.

“N-no, ma’am,” Kishi stuttered. “It’s just, um, I’ve never, uh, you know, uh… with a woman, uh ma’am.”

“What makes you think I would soil myself by having sex with a pitiful, untrained slave?” If anything, Jade’s voice got sharper. “The way you’re going, I despair of making even a foot-slave of you, much less one that I would allow to please me sexually! What is my name, girl?”

“Uh, Jade, ma’am.”

“MISTRESS Jade, you worthless tramp!” From her belt, Jade unclipped a small flogger and struck Kishi a sharp blow across her large breasts. “When you address me, you will address me as ‘Mistress Jade!’ Not ‘ma’am, ‘ not ‘mistress, ‘ not ‘Jade.’ ‘Mistress Jade!’ Always ‘Mistress Jade!’ Do you understand?”

“Ow! Yes m-, uh, Mistress Jade!”

An evil smile crept across Jade’s features, unseen by Kishi’s downcast eyes. Mistress Jade’s voice turned low and seductive. “You are here to be trained as a slave, are you not?”

“Yes, Mistress Jade.”

“Then please be so kind as to tell me exactly why you think you deserve the right to wear clothing?” There was steel hidden under the honeyed words, but they were delivered so sweetly that it took Kishi a moment to realize their true import.

“N-nothing, um, I mean, I don’t… I… AAAIIIIEEEE!” Her confused attempt to respond ended with a vicious lash of the flogger.

“You are still clothed, girl!” Mistress Jade’s voice was more painful than the leather tips of the flogger.

Hurriedly, Kishi stripped off her outer garments to stand before us in bra and panties, hands demurely covering her femininity as best she could.

“She is not worth training, Mr. Brenneman!” Mistress Jade told me in disgust. “She cannot even follow a simple command!”

“I agree that she’s a little slow, and perhaps needs a punishment to remind her,” I played along, “but it may be just a bit early to discard her. Maybe the boys can help.”

“Why that is an absolutely splendid idea, Mr. Brenneman,” Jade replied, staring hungrily at her charge. “Would you be so kind?”

I gave Czar and Caesar a hand signal, and my huge, half-wolf companions advanced silently on their prey. Kishi tried to back warily away from Caesar as he came at her from the front, but she was unprepared for Czar’s weight when his front paws landed on her shoulderblades, forcing her to hands and knees. Swiftly, each of the huge brutes took hold of one of the flimsy scraps of cloth that still adorned Kishi’s body, ripping and tearing at them as the poor girl screamed in fright.

When my canine companions had completely removed the scraps of cloth, Mistress Jade bent her knees until her face was close to Kishi’s right ear. “When I give a command,” she said menacingly, “I expect it to be obeyed completely and instantly! Is that clear?”

“Y-yes, Mistress Jade!” Kishi trembled, still on hands and knees before her regal Mistress.

“Now let’s see what kind of slave you are to be…” A slender, leather gloved hand dipped momentarily below the trembling girl’s quivering buttocks.

I noted the slight, involuntary cocking upwards of Kishi’s hips and the hissing of indrawn breath.

Mistress Jade grinned evilly and wiped the slippery goo coating her glove in Kishi’s hair as she stood. “Just as I suspected. You are positively dripping, slave. You’ll have to wait though. You must first earn the right to be fucked by those magnificent beasts who turn you on so.”

Kishi gave a startled gasp at the declaration, and trembled even more.

Turning to me with a delighted smile, Jade tiptoed and whispered in my ear, so low that Kishi could not have heard if she’d been right next to us, “I would have done this one for free! She’s going to make a delightful slut. Do you have a collar for her?”

“Of course!” I said out loud.

I opened the screen door and reached inside for the collar I had prepared in anticipation of Kishi’s visit. While I was at it, I took down one of the leads I use for the dogs on the rare occasions when we go somewhere where people don’t know us.

Jade bent to fasten the collar around her trainee’s neck. The oiled, almost black leather with stainless steel rivets and heavy-duty buckle was a no-nonsense, ‘you ain’t goin’ anywhere’ sort of collar, and Kishi quailed even more when it was cinched around her slender neck. She gave tiny gasp as the leash clicked home on the collar’s steel D-ring.

“Let us go meet my sister Jasmine, shall we?” Jade said lightly.

I held the screen open for them as the diminutive Asian set off at a smart pace. Kishi, perhaps instinctively, never tried to rise. Her breasts and buttocks jiggled delightfully as she did her best to keep up with her Mistress on hands and knees.

As do most humans unaccustomed to walking on hands and knees, Kishi had a little trouble negotiating the steep stairs down to my dungeon. She had to concentrate very hard on the placement of her hands and knees, especially since Mistress Jade slackened her pace not at all. As a result, it wasn’t until she reached the level floor of the dungeon that she got a chance to survey her surroundings.

The first thing she saw, of course, were two pair of rather short, but elegantly slender legs disappearing into identical leather micro-skirts. From her vantage point, they must have looked as though they went upward forever. Jasmine wore a costume identical to her sister’s, and indeed, had the entire silken mass of her hair not been piled artfully atop her head, one would have been hard-pressed to differentiate between the two.

Kishi, remembering her lesson from the porch, bowed her head low and said “Mistress Jasmine!”

Whereupon, Jasmine gave her a vicious cut with her own flogger.

“Who the hell told you to address me in that beastly manner?!” Her voice, sweet as the scent of the flower after which she was named, nonetheless cut deep, and Kishi cringed before her. “I am Goddess Jasmine to you, slave! Don’t you forget it!”

“On your hind feet, NOW, bitch!” Jade commanded, giving the leash a sharp jerk. “Let my sister see what we have to work with!”

The two walked slowly around the trembling girl, poking and prodding, inspecting her as if she were a piece of meat in a butcher shop.

“Hmmm…” Jasmine mused, hefting Kishi’s breasts in her gloved hands. “Far too much tit, but I suppose it can’t be helped. Perhaps we can find a way to have some fun with these later.”

The soft leather of her gloves caressed the girl’s nipples to hardness, then pinched sharply. Kishi gasped, but her chest involuntarily pushed itself outward, offering her breasts up for the Goddess’ abuse.

“Ass has no muscle tone,” Jade said from behind as her sister was inspecting Kishi’s breasts. “Spread your legs, slave! Never attempt to deny us access to any part of you!”

Once again, gloved fingers slipped into Kishi’s pussy from behind, trailing moisture back along the crease of her buttocks. As Kishi offered her breasts up to the sister in front, the one behind plunged a long, slender, leather covered finger deep into the slave’s rectum. Kishi gasped and trembled even more, but something was different…

“Please, Mistress Jade, Goddess Jasmine… ?”

“What is it slave?!” Jasmine replied sharply.

“Please… May I cum, Goddess Jasmine?”

“Of course not, slave!” Jasmine snorted. “You haven’t even begun to earn the right to pleasure! How dare you even think about such a thing!”

“A moment, sister, if you please,” Jade said from behind their charge.

They stepped aside, closer to me, and I overheard their whispered consultation.

“This one is clearly a slut, Jasmine,” Jade said. “I do not think we will be able to keep her from cumming frequently, and punishing her will get tiresome, as she will most likely continue cumming during punishment. I think a different approach is needed here.”

“Perhaps, perhaps,” Jasmine nodded. “What do you suggest, sister?”

“Since carrot and stick are one and the same to her,” Jade continued, “perhaps withholding punishment would be the best punishment. I think this one is so eager to please that she will do anything for the privilege of being hurt until she cums.”

“Then let us give her a choice and see how she chooses,” Jasmine replied. “If you would be so kind as to find a very large, two pronged strap-on, I will solicit Mr. Brenneman’s assistance.”

The girls, having explored my dungeon thoroughly when they first arrived, already knew where things were kept, and Jade had no trouble finding what she sought.

My suspicions about what the other choice was to be were confirmed when Jasmine turned to me and asked, “May we enlist the aid of those lovely companions of yours, Mr. Brenneman?”

“Of course,” I replied. “Simply tell me what you want them to do, and I will give the appropriate commands.”

“At the moment, all we require is that they display themselves to full advantage,” Jasmine smiled.

No problem there. The boys had been contemplating mating with this hairless bitch ever since I had them remove her undergarments, and all I had to do was have them pose in profile for Kishi’s eyes. Said eyes, I daresay, grew much wider upon seeing what the boys had to offer.

“We have decided to allow you to cum after all, slave,” Jasmine addressed the trembling girl as Jade made the final adjustments to the straps of an enormous double pronged dildo.

“You must choose the instrument of your pleasure, however,” Jade continued her sister’s speech. “Either submit to bestial rape by both dogs, or beg me to fuck you silly with my little toys. What will it be?”

Kishi gaped open-mouthed at the formidable rubber weapons protruding from Jade’s harness, then her eyes swung to the enormous, red, dripping cocks of the dogs. Back and forth her eyes swung, but no words emerged from her mouth.

“Choose, slut!” Jasmine gave her a cut with the flogger to get her attention.

“Ow!” Kishi cried. “I’m sorry Goddess Jasmine! It’s just that… I mean…”

“Are you afraid slave?” Jade sneered.

“A-a little, Mistress Jade. But that’s not, I mean… Mistress Jade, Goddess Jasmine, could I perhaps… I mean I know I’m not worthy, but would it be possible to somehow, uh, have both? I would do anything you ask!”

Jade gave Jasmine an ‘I told you so’ smile before replying, rather more softly than before. “Not just yet, girl, but your answer pleases me. Now choose!”

“Then, Mistress Jade, if I must choose, of course, I choose you!” Kishi said hurriedly, as if afraid she was saying the wrong thing.

“Are you sure? I will not make love to you, girl,” Jade warned. “I will ravish you deeply and completely in both of your nether openings. I guarantee pain, nothing else.”

“Yes, Mistress Jade!” Kishi was trembling again, and I couldn’t decide if it was fear, arousal, or both. “Please, Mistress Jade, I beg you to allow me the privilege of being ravaged by you!”

“Then you won’t mind if my sister plays with you while I take my own pleasure?” Mistress Jade, pressing her dual shafts tightly into the crease of Kishi’s ass, reached around and squeezed the mass of Kishi’s breasts for emphasis as she whispered in her ear. “She, too, will give you pain, you know.”

“I-it is my pleasure to be at your disposal, Goddess Jasmine, Mistress Jade,” Kishi bowed her head, then, as Jade pinched her nipples, gasped and threw her head back or her Mistress’ shoulder.

“Very well.” Jasmine eyed the fixtures in the dungeon with a critical eye, evaluating them for her purpose.

“This one, I believe, will serve us well, sister,” She said, leading Kishi by her leash to position her under two fleece-lined leather cuffs suspended by chains. “Do you want to take from the front or from the rear?”

“Oh, I’m going to want to watch as her little ass greedily swallows this big dick, Sister,” Jade smiled.

“I’m unfamiliar with the workings of your equipment Mr. Brenneman,” Jasmine said sweetly to me. “Would you be so kind as to assist us?”

“Of course. You can handle the cuffs, I believe. If you want her spreadeagled, we can use these cuffs for her ankles, or these if you want her split, but more vertical. In the latter case, this bar may be mounted like so to give better access from the rear, if desired, by forcing her hips backward.”

“Ooh, I like that idea!” Jade cooed, beginning to fasten the latter cuffs to Kishi’s ankles. “That will give you better access to her front, sister.”

“Hmmm. I shall need some clamps, since we haven’t pierced her yet…” Jasmine sounded almost like a project manager. “I believe I know where to find the other things I shall need. Tell me, girl, are you going to cry when I poke holes in those rather large teats of yours?”

“Y-yes, Goddess Jasmine,” Kishi stammered.

“Do you have an objection to my doing so?”

“N-no, Goddess Jasmine,” Kishi replied. “I-I’m afraid, Goddess Jasmine, but I am yours to do with as you please.”

“Will you cum while my sister hurts you?” Jade asked softly into her left ear.

“P-probably, Mistress Jade.”

“Very well, then,” Jade smiled. “Let’s begin.”

I used my remote to raise the ankle cuffs until Kishi’s feet were level with her shoulders, her legs pulled far to the sides. Since Jade had installed the bar across the front of her hips, Kishi’s butt stuck out provocatively.

“You should get well inserted before I begin, sister,” Jasmine said, selecting several clamps and other implements from my cabinets and drawers. On a rack of implements she found a harness with a mechanism projecting from its side. Jasmine puzzled over this for several moments before an evil smile spread across her face. I watched her fingers tracing the mechanism, understanding exactly how it was designed to work.

“You made this?” she asked me.


“Have you tried it?”



“Yes,” I smiled.

“Were the subjects pleased?”

“I’m not sure that ‘pleased’ would accurately describe how they felt, but even after they were released, they had no complaints.”

“There are two different shafts…” Jasmine had correctly located the other parts that went with the device.

“These are designed for temporary use, ease of removal being a consideration.” I showed her another set of devices. “These are designed for use with the permanent shaft. The ‘v’ shaped portion for the middle, the other two pieces for the sides. They attach to the shaft in a way that makes it extremely difficult to remove.”

“I see…” She turned to the bound girl. “You have been listening. Do you understand what this device is for?”

Kishi’s face turned pale. “Y-yes, Goddess Jasmine.”

“Shall I use it on you?”

“I-if it pleases you, Goddess Jasmine.” Kishi was, understandably, even more nervous.

“And which shaft should I use, girl?” Jasmine asked softly, her face only inches from that of the bound girl. “Temporary, or permanent?”

“Oh!” Kishi cried, a strange combination of pain, fear, lust, and sheer emotional overload, as Jade chose that moment to swiftly insert the lubricated tips of both her shafts into Kishi’s body.

“Oh! Goddess Jasmine, please!” She cried grimacing as Jade forced her plastic phalluses slowly inward. “The – the p-permanent one, if it pleases you!”

Jasmine, surprised, leaned forward and kissed her charge tenderly upon the lips. “My sister was right about you, girl. You just might be a keeper.”

Then, just to see her reaction, Jasmine hugged the bound girl tightly to her, the needle tips of her breast adornments poking deeply into the soft flesh of Kishi’s breasts.

Kishi gasped, staring into her Goddess’ eyes, and came, shuddering, as Jade bottomed out inside her.

“Thank you, Goddess Jasmine,” She panted.

“Hmmmm…” Was Jasmine’s only reply.

“Will you assist me with this, Mr. Brenneman?” she asked, backing away and hoisting the stainless steel contraption much more easily than one would expect of someone her size.

Together, while Jade plundered Kishi’s nether openings, wringing orgasm after orgasm from her, we got the contraption fastened around Kishi’s torso, not unlike a stainless steel bra. Guaging the pressure in the distended globes, Jasmine tightened the portion encircling the base of each breast until each stood firm and hard like a balloon inflated just to the bursting point. A few minor adjustments to the side and center supports that held the accessory pieces in place, a final check of alignment, and Jasmine inserted the chosen shaft into the side extension, cocking its spring like a crossbow. Indeed, without the part that fastened around the subject’s body, the thing would very much resemble a medieval crossbow aimed straight at the center of Kishi’s distended breasts.

“You’d better stop moving for a moment, sister,” Jasmine warned her sibling.

Smiling, breathing only slightly faster than before, Jade replied, “Oh, I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

Kishi stared with wide eyes at the fearsome weapon now attached to her breasts, trembling in her bonds. A whole gamut of emotions ran wildly across her face. I doubted that, when she made her arrangement with me, the young Canadian had ever envisioned anything like this. Nonetheless, one of the emotions most strongly represented on her face was desire for the woman who was about to alter her forever.

“Last chance, girl,” Jasmine said softly, swabbing the tightly inflated sphere of one breast with alcohol, then moving on to the other. “Do you still want this?”

“It is not for me to choose, Goddess Jasmine.” Kishi’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I am yours and Mistress Jade’s to do with as you will.”

“That is as it should be, girl.” Jasmine’s voice was still soft as her fingers deftly removed the plastic safety cap from the tip of the shaft poised next to Kishi’s breast. “Nonetheless, you must, this time, speak your own mind.”

Kishi was silent for several long moments, eyes closed, as she searched within herself.

“Goddess Jasmine,” she finally replied, “Mistress Jade, for most of my adult life I have longed for someone who would possess me completely. I have never feared anything more than I fear what is about to happen, but even greater, at this moment, is my fear of disappointing you. I MUST do this, Goddess Jasmine. I simply must!”

Again, Jasmine kissed her, her soft lips lingering on those of her slave.

“Very well, girl. Do you have any questions before I do this?”

“A request only, Goddess Jasmine, for Mistress Jade, if I may… ?” Kishi’s voice trembled and shook, but was clearly audible.

“Make your request, girl,” Jade said, her own voice reflecting her sister’s tenderness.

“Will you please withdraw, Mistress Jade,” Kishi said, and Jade’s face began to cloud up like a thunderstorm, “then, at the instant that Goddess Jasmine triggers the mechanism, plunge as hard and fast into me as you can?”

Jade’s face cleared and a genuine smile broke its severity for the first time. “Of course, dear. It will be both our pleasures.”

Jade’s twin spears traveled slowly outward until only their heads were still imbedded in Kishi’s body. Giving a nod to her sister, Jade held up three fingers. Jasmine understood and placed her hand on the trigger mechanism. One, two, three…

As the last leather clad finger folded into Jade’s fist, Jasmine triggered the device, driving the pointed shaft straight and true through both of Kishi’s distended breasts! A moment later, Jade’s belly slammed forcefully into Kishi’s soft buttocks.

Kishi, overwhelmed, keened her pain and passion high into the ultrasonic, quivering like a bowstring as her body took over and drove the unresisting girl through a titanic climax, made all the stronger by the repeated whipping of Jasmine’s flogger on her unprotected clit. For many long seconds Kishi’s body held rigid in its bonds, her hips struggling to drive Jade’s impaling phalluses even deeper.

Finally, not unexpectedly, the sated slave slumped, completely limp in her bonds. A quick examination showed her to be breathing normally, though very deeply.

I gave the device a quick inspection, noting with satisfaction that the shaft had passed smoothly through, not only the girl’s breast flesh, but the holes designed to receive it in the metal ‘bra’ that was now a permanent part of Kishi’s attire. She would never have to worry about having enough support again, but neither would she be able to wear brassieres or form-fitting tops unless they were specially designed to fit around the shaft between her tits.

Jasmine and I removed the installation device from Kishi’s torso as she slept, and I unscrewed the sharp tip that, while it facilitated insertion, would be dangerous to leave exposed. In its place I screwed on an end cap with a swivel ring, then did the same at the other end, removing the notched piece used to launch the shaft from the crossbow device. I showed the girls, though I probably didn’t need to, how a ‘Y’ shaped leash could be attached to the rings.

I knew too, that both were familiar with body piercings, but insisted, nonetheless, that they hear the entire ‘care and cleaning’ lecture again.

“A moment, if you please, Mr. Brenneman,” Jade said. “You are assuming that we will be the ones taking care of her. Why is that?”

“I suppose I could be mistaken,” I shrugged, “but I do believe you two have found a plaything who pleases you greatly, and I can’t imagine HER wanting to be anywhere else than with you. Do you disagree?”

The two exchanged glances, then smiled. Jade answered for both. “You may be right, Mr. Brenneman, but there is one other little test to which we wish to subject our little slave before we make a final decision.”

“Of course…” I said, and signalled the dogs.

“Not that, Mr. Brenneman,” Jasmine said. “If she would submit to what she has just been through for us, I have no doubt that allowing those two magnificent brutes to ravish her would cause her not a moment’s hesitation. No, if you will help us get her to this bench, we’ll show you what we mean.”

In short order, we had the unconscious girl on her back on the bench, unbound. She began coming around moments later.

“Oh my God!” she whispered, staring at the steel bar through her breasts. For long moments she inspected it, touching it gingerly here and there, then her eyes turned to the two sisters. “Thank you, Goddess Jasmine! Thank you Mistress Jade! I have never cum like that before! I never dreamed anyone COULD cum like that!”

“We are pleased that you enjoyed it, girl,” Jasmine said. “Now, it is time for you to return the favor.”

“Gladly, Goddess Jasmine!” Kishi gushed. “Anything! I will do anything in my power to please you!”

Swinging a leg over the bench, Jasmine said, “Then put that tongue to work, girl. See if you can give me back some of the pleasure I have given you!”

With that, she straddled Kishi’s head and settled her pantyless crotch upon the the subservient girl’s face. Her sister, meanwhile, having unstrapped the dildo she had used earlier, inserted one end of an enormous double-ended dildo in Kishi’s pussy, as far as it would go, and another, of the same size, deep into her butt.

Jade raised the girl’s feet, saying, “If you would be so kind, Sister… ?”

Jasmine smiled, grasping Kishi’s ankles and spreading them wide.

Turning her back to the other two, Jade also straddled the bench just below Kishi’s upturned crotch. With a look of intense concentration, she inserted the end of the dildo protruding from Kishi’s pussy into her tiny little ass, then took the one from Kishi’s ass into her pussy.

With a moan of pleasure, Jade slowly lowered herself onto the two shafts, impaling her dainty body far deeper than it looked as though she had room for. When she finally ended her slow downward slide, Jade’s buttocks rested on Kishi’s mound while the ring on her clit nestled in the valley of the girl’s buttocks.

Eyes closed, Jade slowly swiveled her hips upon the two shafts, grinding them even deeper into both bodies. Kishi’s muffled moans emerged from between Jasmine’s thighs as her own hips rotated opposite those of her Mistress.

“I’m going to fuck you now, girl,” Jade said huskily, “but this one is for me, not you. Your job is to make these dildoes please me as much as possible. Understood?”

A slight nod and a muffled “MMMGPH!” were her response, but the meaning was clear.

Jasmine’s hips rotated in time with those of her sister, instructing her charge about where and how to apply her tongue to maximize her pleasure.

“Lick my clit, little one,” She said, “No, up and down, for now. Save that crossways motion for later. That’s good, baby, now I want your hands on my tits. Play with my spikes. Yes, baby, just like that! Now pull! Yes! Harder! Mmmm! Beautiful! Now move your tongue to my ass… There, now, push it in… Don’t be shy, girl! That’s the finest ass you’ll ever have the privilege of licking, so get your tongue right up there! That’s better. MMMMM! See how it opens up for you? Now back to my clit… Keep playing with my tits!”

Meanwhile, Jade was giving herself a good workout on the dildoes connecting her with their slave, her hips performing impossible acrobatics upon Kishi’s crotch. Swiveling, thrusting, corkscrewing, harder, faster, those impossible shafts burrowing so deep, I expected them at any time to force the air from her lungs!

The scene was incredibly erotic, and I unzipped and gingerly worked my rigid shaft from the opening of my trousers. Jasmine, apparently satisfied that her slave now knew her business, motioned me forward, stroking me with leather gloved hands that couldn’t even encircle my shaft. Her mouth opened wide and those scarlet painted lips stretched around me as, faster and faster, she and her sister rode their slave.

There was no way my bulbous glans was going to fit down Jasmine’s delicate throat, but her tongue, lips, and teeth were so talented that it mattered little.

The two were building rapidly toward their own peak, refusing the smaller climaxes that begged to be released, but building toward a crescendo of titanic proportions. Kishi apparently sensed this and redoubled her efforts, alternating squeezing Jasmine’s breasts and yanking at her spikes, while moving her tongue rapidly back and forth from clit to asshole. Her hips couldn’t keep pace with the rapid dance of Jade’s pelvis, but she held herself up, presenting her body and the dildoes for Jade’s pleasure.

I expected sparks to begin shooting off of us any moment as the electricity of our coupling built. In truth, it was less the manipulation of the beautiful Asian’s mouth than the sheer energy of the joining that had me very close to my own point of no return.

Sensing the time was right, I reached over and began abusing the spikes on Jade’s nipples, the unexpectedness of it triggering her explosion! Her hips slammed and screwed hard into Kishi’s pelvis, sending shockwaves through her body. Fearing that she would commit the unpardonable sin of cumming before her Goddess, she vibrated her tongue rapidly across Jasmine’s clit, and plunged a single middle finger deep into her ass.

Jasmine shrieked her climax around my glans, pulling me to the back of her throat where the vibration of her throat sent me over the edge. My guts turned inside out through my cock shooting white hot lava into the lovely mouth of the Asian Goddess. For long moments the tableau froze in ecstasy, suspended in the timeless void of orgasmic release.

Finally, the sisters collapsed upon their charge as I stumbled backwards to find a place to sit, my legs unable to hold me up.

For many moments all that could be heard in the dungeon was the panting of sated lovers and the occasional gasp or moan as an aftershock hit here and there.

Eventually, this was interrupted by urgent, muffled cries from beneath Jasmine as Kishi’s hands pushed feebly at her imprisoning thighs. Reluctantly, Jasmine slid backward, giving the girl room to breathe, then, impulsively, leaned forward and captured her mouth in a soul-searing kiss.

“Well, sister?” she asked when she came up for air.

“Quite well, sister,” Jade replied exhaustedly, gingerly removing her body from its self-imposed impalement.

“You have done us a service, Mr. Brenneman,” Jasmine told me with a smile.

“And we shall not forget it,” Jade continued for her. “If you and this one agree, we should like to keep her.”

“That is entirely up to Kishi,” I said, though I suspected I knew what her answer would be.

“So, girl,” Jasmine addressed the still reclining slave. “Would you like to come to San Francisco and be our slave? We make no promises except pain and pleasure.”

“Oh, Goddess Jasmine!” Kishi gushed, pushing herself upright, “Could I? I would like nothing better than to spend the rest of my life pleasing you and Mistress Jade.”

“Of course, girl!” Jasmine pretended irritation. “You don’t think I would have asked if I didn’t mean it, do you?”

“Oh, Goddess Jasmine! Mistress Jade! I am SO happy!”

“Mr. Brenneman, could we impose upon you for one more, well, two more small adornments for our new slave,” Jade asked.

“Nipple rings?” I asked.

Jade smiled. “You know us so well.”

That wasn’t all that true, but the request was not a hard guess.

“May I suggest a clitoral ring as well,” I said, studying Kishi and the bar that now pierced her breasts, with its permanent metal bra. “In this case, also, I would suggest that we pierce her nipples from top to bottom and mount the rings vertically instead of horizontally. This will allow for some very attractive chain work connecting her nipples to the bar and the bar to her clit.”

“You are a true artist, sir,” Jasmine smiled. “Of course, we shall do it that way.”

A couple of hours later, the sisters departed with their charge in tow, her leash attached to a chain that threaded through both nipple rings to the rings mounted on the ends of the breast bar, then clipped to her larger than average clit ring. At the moment, each tug of that chain would bring, at the very least, some discomfort from all those places. When the piercings healed, however, Kishi would, no doubt, derive both pain and pleasure from her new ornaments. Jade and Jasmine would see to that.

The sisters insisted that they owed me, not only for their own adornments, but for Kishi and her decorations as well. Since they were adamant, I suggested that the two of them could spend a weekend serving me and my canine companions. They said they would think about it, but I saw the look they exchanged and the way their eyes followed the dogs after that.

They’ll be back. Count on it.



Dear Mr. Brenneman,

My classmate Aisha at Washington State suggested
that I write to you and explain my problem and
that you might be willing to help me. Although she
would not tell me exactly what you did to help
her, she did say that you helped her with a unique
research project and that she learned some things
about herself that she could not have learned

First, I should tell you about myself. I was
raised in the US but my Father was very strict and
my maiden Aunt home schooled me. As soon as I
turned 18, I applied to a college on the West
Coast and moved here as soon as I was accepted. I
have no brothers or male cousins. I have never
been kissed or even had a boyfriend. In fact,
until I left home for college, I had never seen a
man other than my Father.

My problem is that I have been taught all my life
that men and women must never touch unless it is
for procreation, never for pleasure. But I am
torn because I have such feelings around men that
I fear myself around them. Aisha says that what I
feel is a natural response but I don’t know what
to do or how to react. I cannot speak to the men
in my classes but I cannot think of anything other
than men. If I cannot resolve this soon, I will
have to leave school and return to my Father’s

Please help me, Mr. Breneman. Aisha has given me
your address and I will come to your town for
spring break. If I do not hear from you, I will
not return to school next semester.

Sincerely yours,
Rhyslynn al Kendra

I read the email twice, thinking about my response. Finally, I decided on a reply. It would either scare the hell out of her, or ensure that I had her permission to do with her as I chose.

Dear Miss al Kendra;

For your purposes, you may find the tutelage of my
friend Ted Marks more suitable, as my lessons are
neither tender nor loving.

If I undertake to instruct you in these matters, you
will learn, not how to love and be loved, but how to
serve a man sexually.

If that is the sort of instruction you desire, you
may present yourself at my front door promptly at
8:00 am on the first morning of your Spring break.
Do not wear clothing of any kind and be prepared to
spend the entire week with me. During that week, I
will do with you as I please, but by its end, you
will most certainly have experienced sex in many forms.


When I turned on the computer the next day, her reply was waiting in my inbox:

Mr. Brenneman,

Thank you for your reply. As my upbringing was neither
tender nor loving, I fear that I am unsuited for that
kind of instruction. I will arrive at your address as
you have requested. You should know that it will be
the first time in my life that I will be unclothed before
a man. I hope you find me a worthy student. I have
withdrawn from school and will only re-enroll if I
successfully complete your tutelage. I place myself
willingly in your hands as Aisha have advised me that
your are worthy of such trust.

Thank you,

I shook my head in exasperation at the same time my cock began rising in anticipation. I quickly shot off a reply:


You will NOT use me as an excuse for abandoning your
future. Your education is your responsibility regardless
of the outcome of your stay here.

If you learn one thing, learn this: Sex is recreation and/or
procreation. That’s all. If it is more to you than that,
I cannot solve the problems for which you need solutions.

Now, stop this foolishness and get back to class. I will
see you on the appointed hour of the appointed day, not



The appointed hour of the appointed day arrived, as did the young lady. I was a bit surprised to see that she had taken my instructions literally and had apparently driven here nude. She parked her Honda next to my pickup and tried to walk across my front lawn barefoot while doing her best to hide her private parts with her hands.

I stood on the front porch waiting.

“Drop your hands, girl!” I told her as she stepped gingerly through the dew-laden grass. “Why do you think I told you not to wear clothing?”

She shot me a stricken look, but reluctantly dropped her hands to her sides. Her chocolate skin glistened with moisture from the morning mist, and her waist length dreadlocks did nothing to hide the voluptuous curves of her figure. I racked my brain to come up with the name of the actress of whom she reminded me. Kim something or other. Fields! Kim Fields.

She was about the right height – five three or four – and her face had the same sort of wide-mouthed, elfin beauty. Her heavy breasts were slightly pendulous, primarily because of their weight, and I looked forward to testing the sensitivity of the huge dark nipples that centered her large brown areolae.

As she reached the porch, I said nothing, but left her standing there while I walked around her and completed my inspection. Her back was firm enough and her rounded buttocks tapered to thighs that could have used a little time on the thigh-master, but weren’t too bad. All in all her backside was congruent with the overall voluptuousness of her figure.

When I returned to her front, she made as if to speak, but I shushed her with a finger over her lips. Grasping both nipples I tugged downward. At my first touch, her eyes closed and a shudder passed through her body. Her hands involuntarily moved toward mine, but stopped midway.

I continued applying downward pressure until she whimpered and her knees buckled. She continued downward until she was kneeling on the boards. I released her nipples and stood, towering over her nude, trembling figure.

“Why are you here, girl?” I asked.

“I wrote to you…” she began.

“I know what you wrote!” I told her, bending to slap the side of one breast. Even with her skin color the imprint of my hand was clear on the flesh. “Now tell me why the rebellious child of a repressive father would come to someone who promises to be even more repressive for instruction about sex.”

“I-I do not know, sir,” Rhys answered, head bent. “I – it seemed the best way to learn…”

I slapped the other breast, even harder.

“Do not lie to me girl! How many other avenues did you explore before you decided to come here?”

Her answer was almost a whisper. “None, sir.”

“And yet, here you are. Why?”

“As I told you in my email, my friend Aisha recommended you, sir,” she mumbled.

“And… ?”

She shot me a pleading look, but my face remained impassive.

Finally, she continued, ” … and it seemed the answer to my prayers that there would be someone who could help me with the sexual problems when I so needed such help.”

“Your family is Muslim, right?”



“Algeria, sir.”

When the problems in the Middle East first showed signs of spilling over into the rest of the world, I had made it a point to learn what I could about Islam and the Muslim people just to avoid the kinds of hysterical reactions that I knew would prevail, thanks to the unwillingness of the media to do their own research so they could properly inform their readers and listeners.

“So they are Sunni.” It was a statement, not a question, and safe enough since the vast majority of Algerian Muslims are Sunni. As it turned out, I was wrong.

“Ibadi, sir.”

I searched my brain for what I could remember about this conservative and less popular sect of Islam.

“Your family is from the M’zab region?”

“Yes, sir.”

“How is it that a daughter of such a conservative sect is allowed to grow her hair in such a fashion?”

“M-my father never saw my hair under my haik,” she answered, trembling, remembering once again that she knelt completely naked in front of a man.

“What would your father say if he saw you now, Rhyslynn?”

“He would disown me, sir,” she answered in a low, trembling voice.

“So, have you decided to become khafir (unbeliever)?”

“I-I do not know what to believe anymore, sir,” she was on the verge of tears, “only that I have become obsessed with thoughts of sex. I know that it is against Shariah law for me to be here and allow you to see me like this, but I no longer live in Algeria, and I am surrounded by people to whom sex is a daily part of their lives. They seem happy, and most of them are good people. How can it be so wrong when so many people enjoy it?”

“Then you are beginning to become wise, girl,” I told her. “Do you, then, doubt the teachings of your Imams? How could they be wrong after so many hundreds of years?”

“It is … difficult to continue to believe as I have been taught,” she said in almost a whisper. “I have studied Islamic history at the University, and it seems that all the sects are simply based on different interpretations of the meaning of the Koran. Even The Prophet’s life is full of contradictions.”

“And how is it that a mere girl comes to believe that she understands Islam better than all the scholars in its history?”

“That is not so!” she trembled, still not having come to terms with what she was about. “I merely question the logic of their interpretations. I do not presume to know…”

“Yet here you are, showing your body to a strange man,” I mused for her benefit, “in violation of all that they have taught you. Put your clothes on girl, and go back to your father, or grow a spine and admit that you think the teachers of your religion are wrong!”

She burst into tears, but the mind that had brought her thinking to this point was still working.

“It – it must be true!” she cried. “If I did not believe them wrong, then I could not have come to you like this! Allah forgive me!”

“Tell me, Rhyslynn,” I said softly, raising her face to mine with a hand under her chin, “Do you believe that the Allah who supposedly blessed the consummation of the Prophet’s marriage to a nine year old girl – a girl far too young to have children – could possibly think badly of an adult woman who gives herself to an adult man?”

“I … It … It is not for me to say, but I do not see how the Prophet could have been blessed for having sex with a child. It – it is too much to think about. I only know that something drove me here today. Whether it is my own base desires or the will of Allah, I cannot say.”

“If Allah is all-powerful and all-knowing, how could anything not be His will?”

“I-I do not know, sir.”

“Very well,” I stood and freed myself from my trousers. She hadn’t come here for lessons on religion. If these sessions haunted her later, at least the foregoing would make it hard for her to blame it on me. “Suck me.”

She looked puzzled at first, and started to speak. I stopped that by shoving my groin into her face. Finally understanding, she reached for my cock. Her fingers were soft and cool, their touch tentative and innocent enough to begin erecting me despite the lack of physical stimulation.

She inspected my phallus from a few inches away, then took the very tip into her mouth and suckled tentatively.

“First lesson, girl,” I told her, taking a handful of brown dreadlocks, “When a man says ‘suck me’ he means ‘I’m going to fuck your mouth’. Now open up!”

She did as I commanded, though I suspect she intended to speak rather than have me shove my cock down her throat. I felt the sharp edges of her white teeth as I pushed inward.

“No teeth!” I told her, slapping a breast sharply.

Obediently, she opened wider, and soon realized that covering her teeth with her lips would provide further insurance. That was fine, but the best blowjobs include lips and tongue as well as throat. Never mind. There would be time to teach her the finer points later. For now, the lesson was about establishing our relationship – indelibly and irrevocably.

To that end, I slowly pushed my rapidly hardening shaft all the way down her throat until her brown nose was buried in my pubic hair. Her body convulsed and heaved as she fought her gag reflex, but it wasn’t until she began to panic from lack of air that I withdrew far enough to let her breathe.

“Control your breathing,” I said, not unkindly. That was all for the better. The longer she could keep me down, the more firmly the relationship would be planted in her mind. “Get ready.”

She took a deep breath and opened to receive me, cringing a little, but braving it out.

Again, I planted myself root deep in her face and held, flexing my cock in her throat. The heaving and convulsing was less, and she kept me down longer before running out of air.

“Now, I’m going to fuck you. Control your breathing.”

I started slowly, but it still took a few strokes for her to get the idea that she needed to exhale on the inward stroke and inhale as I came out. Once she got the timing, I forgot about her gag reflex and just started fucking, taking care to withdraw far enough to allow her to inhale.

Somewhere in the middle of my stroking into her, a change came over Rhys. Her lips uncurled from her teeth and wrapped lovingly around my shaft. Each time I withdrew, her tongue devoured my glans as if was the most delicious lollipop she’d ever had, and when I started inward, she came to meet me, swallowing my entire rod eagerly. Unbidden, her soft hands wrapped around my buttocks and urged me deeper as her face snuggled against my pubic bone.

I released her head, but Rhys never missed a beat. This was not the kind of frenzied face-fuck seen in so many porn movies. Rhys took her time, lovingly swallowing my full length with each stroke, and sucking and licking as if reluctant to let me go on the way out. Her eyes were closed and her face was relaxed and blissful, as if she had been transported to another world – a world centered on my cock.

For ten minutes she made love to my manhood, never letting me out of her mouth. I held out as long as I could, but something magical was happening here, and my will was not strong enough to hold it back.

“Take a deep breath,” I told her, once again placing my hands on her head.

It was as if she had been driving toward that moment – and perhaps she had. Rhys inhaled deeply then opened her big brown eyes to stare into mine. I didn’t have to apply any pressure. Once more she buried me in her face, completely submerging her nose in my pubic hair. I strained to meet her as my organs spewed their contents deep in her throat.

As she felt the pulses of my ejaculation, Rhys growled and shook her head from side to side, like a dog destroying a rag doll. As the first blast subsided, she backed off, again closing her eyes, and drank from the end of my penis as burst after burst of ejaculate shot from my urethra.

As my spasms subsided, she gently sucked me dry, then looked up for permission to release me. I could not find words, so I used my hands to pull her head away.

When I finally caught my breath, I commanded, “Explain!”

She knew what I meant, and dropped her head in shame.

“I – I do not know what happened, Sir. I was trying to learn, and suddenly I understood why a woman’s mouth is made to fit a man’s penis. It is not meant to be easy for the woman, so she must truly dedicate herself to pleasing a man that way – to give him the gift of herself. Once I understood, something changed within me, and well, it seemed as if you were meant to be inside me – that I was meant to provide this pleasure for you…”

She trailed off uncertainly.

I grasped her nipples and used them to raise her to her feet. Women all over the world had probably felt a disturbance in the force when Rhys uttered those words, but for now, for my purposes, her ‘epiphany’ would serve me well.

“You did well, this time, so I will not make you crawl to the dungeon. Come!”

She followed docilely behind me as I led her through the hidden pantry door and down the stairs to my dungeon. The expected intake of breath as I turned on the lights did not come and I turned to find Rhyslynn standing, head lowered, staring at her bare feet.

“Rhyslynn,” I said, “look around you. This is your home for the next few days.”

Now, her hand went to her mouth and she almost doubled over, the breath leaving her body as she gazed at the instruments of pain and bondage on display. She went pale and looked as if I had punched her in the belly.

I didn’t give her time to adjust. “You said that you realized why a woman’s mouth is made to fit a man’s penis. Let us test the logic of that revelation, shall we? You realize that there are two other portals to a woman’s body that can accept a man’s penis, do you not?”

She looked puzzled for a moment and started to form the question, “Two?” with her lips, when it dawned on her which apertures I was talking about. When it did, her eyes grew wide, her mouth clamped shut and her hands flew to her buttocks as if to shield that portion of her anatomy.

“Surely you do not intend to…” she began, only to be interrupted by the ball-gag I shoved between her teeth.

Before she realized what had happened, I had it secured behind her head, trapping her dreads within its straps. While her mind was struggling to understand the gag, I took advantage of the position of her hands on her buttocks to quickly trap her wrists in leather cuffs. These particular cuffs were suspended from a pulley by a chain. When I pulled on the other end of the chain, her cuffed wrists were forced upward, giving her no choice but to bend forward at the waist.

I squatted near the young lady’s head as her breath snorted in short, heavy bursts through her nose.

“In this place, I do whatever I wish to do,” I told her evenly. “You came to me, and I have the emails to show that you’re here of your own free will. Now, with the preliminary explanations out of the way, let me give you an idea of what you can expect.”

As I spoke, I took a length of tubing that was attached at one end to a vacuum pump. Into the quick-disconnect at the other end, I inserted a ‘T’ fitting that connected two shorter lengths of tubing. Into the quick-disconnects at the ends of those tubes, I inserted a pair of glass tubes that were about twice the diameter of the vacuum tubing and open on the other end.

To ensure a good seal, I lubricated the tubes with gel and placed each of them on a nipple. In short order, Rhyslynn’s chocolate nipples had been drawn about two inches into the tubes, impaling them about an inch and half onto the steel needles mounted inside the tubes. I don’t think Rhys realized at that point that her nipples had been penetrated. I left the suction tubes in place briefly, just because I liked the appearance of the poor girl’s elongated flesh.

When I broke the vacuum and removed the tubes, the needles stayed behind, protruding about half an inch from the brown flesh. It wasn’t until I placed a thumb over the blunt end of each needle and rotated them within her tit flesh that she gasped and stared downward at her pinned nipples.

Sweat poured from her face and she strained to look at mine, struggling to say something through the gag. I gave her a friendly slap on the side of each breast and said, “Not to worry. These are temporary. You will get more permanent hardware later.”

I moved around until I could examine the bound girl’s nether regions. Her clit was large and would suit my purposes nicely, if I could fit the suction tube just right.

This tube was slightly different than the ones I had used on her nipples. I positioned it carefully before triggering the valve that opened the business end to vacuum, drawing Rhys’ sensitive bud deeply into the glass cylinder. I inspected the position of her flesh within the tube and decided it could be better. I released the vacuum and repositioned the tube slightly, adding a bit of gel on one side. This time the result was pretty close to perfect.

Rhys had been trying to protest through her gag as I prepared her, but when I released the spring that drove the needle lengthwise down the little bundle of nerves, she shrieked loudly and tried to jerk away. The suction tube was tenacious, though, and followed her every move. All she managed to accomplish was slight changes in the angle of penetration, causing the sharp end of the needle to poke her even more than it would have.

“Be still,” I commanded.

When she obeyed, I broke the vacuum and removed the tube, once again leaving the needle embedded. The movement of the needles as I attached the wires from the TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit drew some new squeeks from behind the gag, but the needles were only an accessory to the torment I had in mind for the young lady. I strapped the unit around her waist and released her from her bondage.

She was free only long enough for me to walk her to the St. Andrew’s cross. and bind her to it. Once she was secure, I removed the gag.

“Now, just hold still while I finish up here,” I told her.

I attached an adhesive pad on the outside curve of each breast and connected each to the other half of the pair of wires attached to the needles in her nipples. Each pair of wires formed a complete circuit through one breast, electrically isolated from the other circuits. This would ensure that no current flowed through her heart when I turned the unit on.

Instead of a pad to complement the needle in her clit, I inserted a slender steel electrode into her urethra to complete that circuit. Since the TENS unit had four outputs, I inserted a dildo with an inflatable collar into her vagina, noting as I did the absence of a hymen.

“You’ve been experimenting on your own, I see,” I told her as I inflated the collar inside her, ensuring that the dildo wouldn’t move.

Rhys hung her head and nodded, “I was so desperate to experience sex … I tried it with my roommate’s hairbrush.”

“Well, you are going to experience sex,” I told her, “but perhaps not in the way you anticipated.”

With the collar of the dildo inflated, the metal band around the shaft would stay fixed in the vicinity of her G-spot and the wire attached would connect that band to the TENS unit. To complete that circuit, I inserted a slender steel butt-plug in her nether orifice, attached to the other wire of the fourth output.

I like to tinker with things a bit, and I had modified the TENS unit to accept an audio feed which would modulate the frequency, pulse width and amplitude of each output. Since my dungeon sound system had five channels, I had set it up so that I could select which channels fed which outputs. In Rhyslynn’s case, I left out the right rear channel and sent the subwoofer signal to her clit. Her tits received the front speaker channels, and her rear, the remaining rear channel, of course. I scrolled through the menu on the attached MP3 player and selected a song that started slowly, with a lot of guitar and violin, but eventually built up to heavy bass and crashing drums. At first, Rhys could only hear the music, but as I gradually increased the ‘volume’ of the signal going to her TENS unit, she began to twitch and jump as each peak in the music sent a modulated frequency electrical current through one or more pairs of the wires attached to her body.

Soon she looked like she was having a seizure as pulses of high frequency electricity flowed through the needles into some of the most sensitive nerves of her body. Now mind you, TENS units are intended to supply their current transcutaneouly – that means through the skin. Sticking the needles into her made the pulses a lot more potent – partly because they were flowing through a very concentrated area, and partly because there’s not as much electrical resistance in moist, internal tissues as there is in dry skin.

Suddenly, violently, and completely involuntarily, Rhys exploded in orgasm, her entire body going rigid while still twitching to the rhythm of the music. She had not even finished the first spasm when a second, even stronger one took her, followed closely by a third and a fourth.

I let this go on for about five minutes before turning off the unit and gently removing the electrodes. Almost by reflex, another small spasm shook her as I pulled each needle from its burial spot, the strongest coming as the needle in her clit was removed.

For many long moments, Rhyslynn hung suspended from the X-shaped cross, struggling to regain her breath and her strength.

When she finally regained confidence in her voice, she asked, “Wh- what did you do to me?”

“I demonstrated one of the goals of sex,” I told her standing close enough to feel the heat radiating from her body.


“The reason your body has been demanding that you discard the restrictive teachings of your religion and see to its needs. The reason that sex is so addictive to so many people, and the means by which nature, God, or Allah, ensures that mankind continues to reproduce.” I placed my lips near her ear and whispered, “Orgasm.”

I swear, she shuddered through another tiny spasm as the feathers of my breath tickled the fine hairs of her inner ear.

I stood back and spoke to her again.

“You have just fulfilled your primary reason for coming here without being penetrated by a male organ. Do you wish to continue?”

There was hunger and pleading in her voice, which sounded like a little girl’s, when Rhys answered, “Yes, please.”

“Very well. You came to me to corrupt you, but I do not believe you truly understood just how much corruption awaited you here. Now, you will learn.”

My planned next move was a little risky. If her psyche was even a tiny bit more fragile than I believed it to be, this could damage her beyond recovery, but there was steel in a woman who could, on the strength of her intellect, set aside the teachings of her religion, and I was confident that she could handle it. It would shock her to her core, but she could handle it.

I released my charge from the cross and placed her face down over a low, padded bench, securing her hands and knees to the bench. I blindfolded her and placed earphones over her ears. The music I selected had a solid, primal beat, and a wild, primordial melody.

As she lay on the bench, isolated from her surroundings, I gave a short whistle. In a few moments, my companions, Caesar and Czar, flowed down the steps of the dungeon like a swift grey waterfall. On seeing the girl bound to the bench, both knew why I had called them. They only waited to see who would go first.

For Rhyslynn’s first time, I gave Czar the nod, since his knot would not inflate until he had given her a good screwing – and time to grow accustomed to her bestial lover.

On seeing my hand signal, Czar wasted no time mounting his new bitch. His long, pink, pointed cock already extended from its sheath, but not yet swollen to its full, massive thickness. Three searching probes was all it took for the experienced stud to find his mark, and Rhyslyn who had been struggling a bit under his furry weight, shrieked at the entry.

“No! Please, no! I did not want … Agh! What? Oh no, oh no, oh no … I … Oh!”

Rhyslynn’s barely coherent crys faded as Czar’s magic wand worked it’s diabolical juju on the helpless girl. As his arousal grew, so did his cock, driving painfully against the end of her almost virgin uterus at machine-gun speed, while it expanded to stretch the entire fleshy sheath of her vagina.

Small, involuntary cries issued from the poor girl’s throat each time that bestial spear violated her, but her body had no choice but to stretch and accept the invasion. Czar was not going to be denied.

My guest was having a hell of a time reconciling what was happening to her with the effect it was having upon her. Her submissive nature allowed her to accept the virtual rape as her due, but a lifetime of familial, cultural, and religious prohibition battled mightily with the physical sensations that were driving her inexorably toward fulfillment. The music raging in her ears pounded home the sheer barbarity of the act while making it virtually impossible for her to marshal her thoughts. The only choice with which she was left was to follow her emotions as they careened from despair to joy to an agony of surrender and back to exquisite rapture.

Czar could not care less. His job – his only purpose at the moment – was to plant his seed inside the bitch and see to it that it did not escape before it had time to impregnate her.

I could only guess at the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions tumbling through Rhyslynn’s consciousness, but from her expressions and the motion of her body, it was not hard to see that she had soon surrendered to the sensations, and strove to experience, once more, what the TENS unit had forced upon her.

Czar obliged – his knot growing in anticipation of the culmination of his mating ritual until it had locked him firmly inside the girl’s body. His cock had expanded to its fullest extent and girth, and the extra stretching from the knot supplied both pleasure and pain. With the knot in place, Czar’s thrusts, though still rapid, became shorter and more focused as he strove to plant his seed as far inside the bitch as possible.

Rhyslynn’s body could take no more. With a bestial roar of her own, the poor girl bucked and writhed through a tremendous orgasm under the influence of the knot, and when she felt the superheated geyser of the dog’s eruption inside her, filling her, she blasted off again, and yet again as Czar jerked and strove to pull himself as deeply inside as he could go.

Czar, knowing that his seed was being planted, was now done until his knot deflated enough to release him from Rhyslynn’s body, so he dismounted, dragging one hind leg over her back to stand ass-to-tail with her. In the process, his still-swollen cock turned over inside her, triggering yet another spasm.

Rhys’ chest heaved as she struggled to regain her breath, while Czar, satisfied with a job well done, stood with his tongue hanging out, panting at little above his normal rate. Occasionally, he would test his connection to the girl by pulling away, each time drawing a feeble complaint from his lover.

I knelt by her head and removed the blindfold and headphones.

“You have now had sex with a male,” I told her. “Was it all you hoped for?”

Rhys shot me a venomous look, but I do not believe there was a dishonest bone in her body as she answered, “It was not what I expected, but I cannot deny that my body derived much pleasure from the – ooh – act. Please ask him to stop pulling! That is very painful.”

I imagine it was. For a girl who had not had anything inside her bigger than a hairbrush handle, Czar’s equipment would indeed be an adjustment. I signaled him to stand still, not to save her the pain, but to keep from being interrupted.

“Did you feel a paradigm shift?” I asked, half expecting her to tell me that it was Czar’s cock that shifted.

Instead, she answered like a student, “I – I am confused. No, I am confounded! How could I receive pleasure while being the – the mate for a dumb animal, when no procreation is possible?”

“You are still thinking within the framework of your religious education,” I told her, pinching a nipple to get her attention. “The answer to your question is biological not theological.”

“This, I understand,” she answered, “but if Allah designed this body, why would he make it respond to a beast?”

“That is a good question,” I answered, “but questions of that sort can seldom be answered with knowledge. They can only be answered with beliefs, which leaves the answers always open to question and doubt. We can, however, apply a bit of logic to it, to test the integrity of the beliefs that form the assumptions on which it is based.”

“I do not understand. What assumptions?”

“First, that Allah is omnipotent, and second, that he controls everything that happens.”

“These are not ass … Aiiee!”

Czar chose that moment to pull completely out of her, and though his knot had shrunken from its full size, it was still large enough to cause Rhys some pain.

“You do not think they are assumptions, yet, because they have been drilled into you as fact from childhood, but stop and think about it: Has anyone ever proven to you that these things are fact?”

“But they must be! There is much around us that supports those arguments. Who created the Earth and the heavens? It was not man.”

“That’s what we’re going to test. If Allah is the creator of all things, could He not have created a perfect world, wherein all creatures live in peace and harmony?”

“But that is not His plan. I do not know His plan and neither do you. There must be a reason why he created a world full of strife.”

“Must there? That argument is valid only if you accept the original assumption, which makes it circular. You are educated. Can you not think of another possible explanation?”

“Many,” Rhys admitted grudgingly, “but not all of those explanations contradict the assumption of omnipotence.”

“Granted,” I replied. I had to admire a woman who could think coherently while strapped face down on a bench in the aftermath of having been royally screwed by a dog. “But the most likely of those contradict the second assumption, do they not? Perhaps in his omnipotence, Allah created the Earth, then stepped back to see how it would turn out. In which case, he is not controlling everything that happens.”

“I – I see what you mean, b-but we are taught that nothing happens that Allah does not cause to happen”

“Then if we accept both of these assumptions, it leaves us with a few possible conclusions that we can draw about Allah. Either he is one cruel bastard, or we are mere playthings for his whims.”

“P-perhaps He is trying to teach us something.”

“And what do we learn from this?” I asked, having led her where I wanted her to be.

“Oh!” she exclaimed.

“You said earlier that you now understood why a woman’s mouth was made to fit a man’s cock. Have you had the same revelation about why her pussy can take a dog’s cock?”

“B-but that is just coincidence, is it not? After all, dogs are similar in size to humans.”

“Oh, then Allah does leave some things to chance.”

“No, he…” Rhys stopped, confused.

I didn’t give her time to think about it. I released her from her bonds and reclined on the bench.

“Use your mouth to make me hard,” I commanded.

Back in familiar territory, Rhyslynn fell to with admirable gusto, and in a very short while I was standing tall.

“Get up and straddle me,” I ordered.

Without a word, indeed, with some alacrity since she anticipated finally getting what she came for, she complied with my command.

I positioned her above my revived erection and said, “Sit.”

Eagerly, she held me in position and began lowering herself onto my shaft. Having been stretched by Czar, she had no trouble accomodating me.

“Do you know why you find it so easy to submit to the things I tell you to do?” I asked, using her nipples to guide her up and down on my staff.

She moaned a bit before answering as her buttocks slapped my pelvis. “No.”

“Because you have been trained to do so since your were born.”

“No!” She cried. “My father would never have allowed such a thing!”

“And yet, he’s the one who trained you. You have been conditioned by your family, your culture, and your religion to be subservient to men. It’s not such a big stretch for you, then, to take orders from me, even when those orders cause you to perform shameful and degrading acts.”

“Oh. Oh! Surely … No. I see that you are correct, but…”

“But you are here because you are rebelling against that teaching, or at least certain aspects of it. Tell me, do you think that being submissive means that you are weak?”

“I must be. Why else would I submit to another’s will?”

“Perhaps because you have the strength to survive it. I know many people who adopt submissive roles and others who prefer the dominant role. In many cases, the submissive is the stronger of the two. Think about it, Rhyslynn,” I told her as I made her rise off the end of my cock.

I positioned myself an inch or so further back and watched her eyes widen as I again took hold of her nipples. She grimaced at the pain as her virgin anus slowly stretched to accommodate me, but continued downward, pushing through it, in spite of the pain and her religious conditioning.

“Why do you do this?” I asked as she gasped and shook with the tension of resisting the agony in her ass. “Why do you, with no more encouragement than my fingers on your nipples, impale yourself upon me in this unnatural way?”

“I don’t…” she began, but as she settled onto my pelvic bone, she changed her mind, “I – it excites me to be required to do such things, even though they are forbidden.”

“Or perhaps, because they are forbidden?” I prompted.

A shiver went through her body as she heard that, and we both knew the answer to my question. Without words, she groaned as she ground her pelvis against mine, completing the stretch that began with her taking me in.

“Ay! Allah protect me! I am lost! I must not feel what I feel, but I can do nothing to stop it!”

“Then why try?” I asked. “You came here for a specific purpose. Are you not achieving that purpose?”

“Allah help me, but I am!” she cried, rising to the very tip of my shaft, then dropping herself heavily upon her impaler.

I pulled her forward until her heavy breasts flattened against my chest, and whispered in her ear, “By binding yourself to me in this way, you not only derive sexual gratification, but you break the bonds of your religion and culture, do you not?”

Suddenly, she was an insatiable harlot. Her teeth sank into my collar bone as her pelvis hammered mine. I could feel the muscles of her sphincter gripping me as if she never wanted to let go. The sensation of her virgin ass upon my cock was exquisite, but it was not me that she was fucking. She was fucking a lifetime of oppression – releasing decades of frustration in a single act of defiant self-gratification. I was merely the implement with which she flensed those restrictions from her soul.

With a strangled cry of tortured ecstasy, Rhyslynn thrashed upon me, reveling not so much in the physical sensation of her climax as in the sudden sense of freedom that it represented.

Long moments later, as she lay panting on top of me, I said, “Get up, girl. There is more to learn.”

“More?” she asked querulously as, too weak to stand, she just rolled off onto the floor.


I checked my watch. If she was her usual obedient self…

“Amy!” I called up the stairs.

Naked as the day she was born, my slave Amy came down the steps to kneel at my feet. Rhys, on seeing another person, sat up and again tried to cover herself.

“Come here, girl, and meet my slave,” I commanded.


“Are you going to repeat everything I say to you? Drop your hands and get over here before I turn Caesar loose on you!”

As she came to me I pushed Rhyslynn to her knees facing Amy. Her eyes grew large as they took in the permanent heavy duty jewelry that adorned my slaves nipples and clit.

“Slave, this is my toy for the rest of the week. Her name is Rhyslynn, but she has not yet earned the right to use it.”

Rhys turned a startled glance in my direction. Amy remained silent. She had not been given a command.

“Slave, tell this girl who you are and why you are my slave.”

“My name is Amy,” the auburn-haired submissive said, gazing hungrily at the lush figure of the girl before her. “I am Master Brenneman’s slave because he showed me my true submissive nature and consented to keep me as his slave. When I am not serving him, I am a waitress in the cafe in town.”

“Consented?” Rhys asked, “You wanted to be his slave?”

“Once I discovered the joys of submitting to him, I could do nothing else. It is not for everyone, but being his slave is what makes me happy.”

Rhyslynn stared at her for a moment as she absorbed that statement in the light of her own experiences of the past couple of hours.

“I think I understand. Submission that brings such pleasure is hardly submission at all, no?”

“Yes,” Amy smiled, “Master Brenneman often shocks me with the things he demands of me, but never fails to give me such pleasure that I am willing to be his slave for as long as he will have me. I suppose that you could say I am addicted to him.”

“H-he has made you submit to his dogs?”

“Many, many times,” Amy’s eyes closed for a moment and a blissful smile crept across her face. “I love those dogs, but would never have had the courage to submit to them had my master not demanded it. For a submissive, they are the ultimate objectifying lovers. To them, you are only a bitch to be bred. They care nothing for your pleasure and your pain is of no consequence.”

Rhys shuddered a little as she listened to Amy, and said softly, “Yes, I know.”

“I think, slave,” I told Amy, cutting the conversation short, “that it’s time for you to show this girl another kind of sex.”

With that, I raised Rhyslynn to her feet and caught her in an armlock, holding her immobile with her breasts outthrust and her arms held helplessly behind her. I’ve found this to be a more personal form of bondage, and much more effective in certain situations.

“My slave is going to use you now, Ms. Al Kendra,” I murmured in her ear, “and I’m going to narrate.”

“Use me?” She did not even attempt to free herself, but her rate of breathing increased dramatically. “What … How? She is a girl. How can she … Ohhh!”

Amy stopped that line of questioning by capturing one of the girl’s sore nipples between her teeth and tugging while lapping at the sensitive tip with her tongue.”

“Oh, no! This is not allowed! She must not … Aiyeee!”

Two of Amy’s fingers speared deeply into Rhyslynn’s interior shocking her into a desperate silence. My slave’s educated and talented fingers first found the girl’s G-spot, giving it a few quick strokes before withdrawing to play wetly against her clit, still sensitive from the needle that had been imbedded within it.

In spite of herself, Rhys thrust her hips toward the fingers as they withdrew, then gasped again as Amy’s teeth sank briefly but painfully into her nipple. The quick flash of sensation served only to excite the girl’s newly awakened senses, and she moaned in frustration as Amy, following the script on which we had earlier agreed, withdrew from her completely and went to one of the drawers along the wall.

“Do not worry,” I told her, holding her arms with one of mine while my right hand continued the breast stimulation that Amy had begun, “she will be back to rape you soon.”

Rhys, pressing her breasts into my manipulating hand, barely heard what I was telling her. “Rape me?”

“Oh yes,” I said, nipping at her earlobe. “She’s going to rape you in ways you never dreamed possible, and you’re going to love every moment of it.”

Rhys’ eyes were closed and she moaned as I spoke. I had to believe that her submissiveness was not entirely imposed by her culture. She liked being treated this way. Amy soon returned carrying a cloth covered tray. She set the tray on the floor between the girl’s feet and took a large dildo from beneath the cover. Rhys, still reveling in my treatment of her breasts, never saw the dildo before Amy plunged it deep into her core. It was not quite as large as the ones Amy likes to have used on her, but pretty big for a beginner.

Rhyslynn, shocked into rigidity by the sudden intrusion, held her breath for a long moment before releasing it in a howl of pain, pleasure, and lost innocence. In spite of herself, the girl’s pubic mound ground against the heel of Amy’s hand as it pressed against her clit, shoving the plastic monster as deeply as it could be driven.

Incoherent cries accompanied Rhys’ struggle to alternately evade the assault and cooperate in it – a seeming contradiction that reflected the battle raging inside her. When Amy’s lips clamped onto the poor girl’s clit, all thought of resistance faded, and she began humping eagerly against the skewering phallus.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Rhys began chanting as Amy stepped up the pace and began using her teeth as well as her lips and tongue to torment the tender bud surrounded by her mouth.

“So you like being raped!” I told the hapless girl as she teetered on the brink.

The word ‘raped’ triggered her release and she spasmed violently against Amy’s dildo. In the subsiding twitches of her orgasm, I said, “Amy. Now.”

Without missing a beat, my slave tore the dildo from inside her victim and replaced it with her slender hand, fingers and thumb bunched together into a blunt spear of flesh and bone. Amy’s hand was only slighter wider than the dildo, but Rhyslynn screamed and came again as Amy’s knuckles bulled their way into the girl’s abused vagina.

“Look in the mirror, girl,” I whispered intimately to her.

We were facing one of the many mirrors that I had installed in my dungeon for just such moments, and when Rhys saw Amy’s arm foreshortened by her own dripping labia and the tightly coiled hair of her pubis, she drew in a sharp breath and held it, standing stock still for several seconds as the import of what she was seeing sank in.

“Her hand!” Rhys shook her head in denial, trying desperately not to believe what her eyes told her, but when Amy closed her hand into a fist and punched like a boxer, Rhyslynn had no choice but to believe. “Allah! Her whole hand is inside me!”

“Correction,” I whispered. “Her whole fist is inside you, raping you!

Again, the magic word sent poor Rhys flying and her body nearly dislocated Amy’s shoulder as she quaked and trembled through yet another orgasm. Had I not had a firm grip on her arms, she would have collapsed to the floor as her knees buckled.

Again, Amy captured Rhys’ swollen clit between her teeth, nibbling at it like a mouse with a piece of cheese, while her fist pistoned in and out of the tormented girl’s vagina.

I knew it was coming, whether I said anything or not, but just to mess with her head, I commanded, “Come for me, girl! Come while my slave rapes you with her fist!”

Come she did, shrieking and crying her anguished climax to the cabin above, meeting every thrust of Amy’s bony fist. As her spasms subsided, Rhyslynn Al Kendra drifted away, leaving her body limp and seemingly lifeless. I lowered her gently to the floor as Amy, grining from ear to ear, slowly extracted her hand from the unconcious girl.

With Amy’s help, I put her on the cot in the corner of the dungeon, and handcuffed one wrist to a ringbolt on the wall, then Amy and I went upstairs for lunch, leaving Caesar to watch over Rhys.

“May this one speak, Sir?” Amy asked as she busied herself with lunch preparations.

“You are not in slave persona until lunch is over, Amy,” I told her. “You may speak freely.”

“Thank you, Sir. You told me that this girl came from a culture that keeps women subjugated to men, but with her, I think it’s more than that. I think she’s naturally submissive.”

“Yes, I think you’re right,” I answered. “She not only submitted to everything I’ve done to her, but the more it hurt or humiliated her, the more she got off on it. You know how you react to the word ‘slave’?”

“Oh, yes,” Amy smiled.

“Well, her word seems to be ‘rape’. Every time I mention raping her or her getting raped, she gets very excited.”

Before Amy could answer, a sharp cry wafted up from the dungeon through the open pantry door. I used the remote to switch the TV in the kitchen to the dungeon monitor that kept watch on the area of the cot.

Rhyslynn had awakened from her stupor, and Caesar, ever the considerate companion, was busy cleaning her up with his tongue. Although she had one hand free, Rhys made no effort to stop him. Instead, her heavy thighs spread widely to give him better access, as her free hand pinched and tugged at one of her nipples. Amy and I continued to watch as Amy completed making the sandwiches for our lunch and we ate.

When Caesar had finished his cleanup to his satisfaction, he must have figured that Rhys owed him for his services, and he wasn’t waiting for her to decide what the payment should be. Taking the ankle nearest him between his teeth, but not applying enough pressure to break the skin, he pulled the girl off the cot. Because of the way she was cuffed, Rhyslynn had no choice but to turn face down over the edge of the cot with her knees on the floor.

Strangely enough, she did not cry out or protest Caesar’s treatment of her. When she felt his warm, furry weight on her back, and his dewclaws dug into the tender flesh of her sides as he wrapped her tightly between his forelegs, she moaned in what seemed to me to be anticipation.

The first stab of Caesar’s bony, pointed cock missed the mark, and Rhys involuntarily cringed away from the pain – a move which cocked her hips downward. Big mistake. Caesar’s next thrust sank home but not in her pussy. The long, pink, rapidly swelling length of his cock shot entirely into her nether opening. At least, from the angle of her hips and the cry she emitted, that appeared to be the case. We were not going to get a good view of this from the security cameras, so I left Amy to clean up, and took a couple of sandwiches with me when I went back down to the dungeon.

Neither Caesar nor Rhyslynn seemed to notice my return, though I would have been shocked if that was really true of my companion. No matter what he was doing, Caesar was enough of a wild creature to be aware of his surroundings at all times.

Rhyslynn, on the other hand, was busy trying to cope with idea that the dog was fucking her ass – and with the sensation of his huge knot swelling within her. Caesar, of course, relished the sensation of his knot shuttling back and forth within the tight confines of whichever bitch he was fucking at the moment, and inflated it almost as soon as he gained entry.

I knelt beside the pair and whispered in her ear, “So here you are being raped by a dog again, you nasty, sinful girl! What a slut, to let the dog fuck you in the ass!”

Rhys, if she heard, gave no other indication other than a shudder at the word ‘rape’. She was too far gone to be coherent. The sheer depravity of being mastered by a dog and taken as if she were nothing more than a fuck toy to him, combined with the overwhelming sensations of his long, thick cock rapidly reaming her colon while his grapefruit-sized knot filled her rectum to bursting had taken the former innocent to a place where heaven and hell came together as one crashing, dissonant symphony of the senses; where confusion destroyed logic and emotion devoured thought, leaving only the primitive, instinctual beast. Stripped of civility, and even of humanity, Rhys had little choice but to surrender to the overwhelming assault on her senses and senibilities.

Crying raucously, incoherently, Rhys thundered through climax after climax, climbing higher with each explosion. When Amy, having finished her chores in the kitchen, knelt beside me, I motioned to the bestial pair beside the cot and Amy smiled, immediately understanding what I wanted.

Twisting her body into the space beneath the cot, my slave worked her head between Rhyslynn’s open thighs and once again captured the girl’s clit between her lips. Rhyslynn, already near her pinnacle, climbed even higher, completely surrendered to her body’s demands. Amy played her masterfully, keeping the girl aloft like a balloon batted around by a gaggle of children. Rhys jerked and twisted, seeking just that extra little prick from Amy or Caesar that would puncture her balloon and send careening into ecstasy.

When Amy saw Caesar grip the girl even more tightly, and begin trying to climb inside her ass, she knew it was time for him to come. As he did, Amy bit hard upon Rhyslynn’s already sensitive clit. The combined sensations burst her bubble and sent her consciousness off on a wildly erratic, intensely erotic exploration of unknown worlds, searing indelibly into her psyche the burning need for more. Amy, gripping Caesar’s balls, felt each pulse of his organs as he began the long process of impregnating his bitch. Each time she felt him pulse, she nipped at Rhys’ clit, continuing the chain reaction for several minutes.

Caesar, finally finished emptying his glands, quickly deflated and dismounted, finished with the bitch for the moment. Amy crawled out from under the cot and, smearing her right hand with gel lubricant, quickly slipped her hand into the cavern left by Caesar’s departing cudgel.

Rhys moaned and thrust her buttocks upward as Amy’s speared hand slipped past her super relaxed sphincter, not yet knowing, or caring, what the new intruder was. I took her head in both hands, where it lay upon the mattress, and turned it to the other side – the side where another mirror showed the two of them locked together as securely as she had been locked to the dog.

“She’s raping you with her fist again, girl,” I whispered insidiously in Rhys’ ear. “And you’re just lying there enjoying your rape, khafir. You cannot be a believer, because you worship sex more than Allah.”

Rhys said nothing at first, only stared, wide eyed and unbelieving at the reflection in the mirror. Her head tried to shake, as in disbelief, but she had already experienced so much today that was foreign to her world and bizarre to her sensibilities, that she could only accept that this, too, was to be visited upon her.

“Do not shake your head, little one,” I said softly, stroking her forehead. “You are a beautiful, intensely sensual creature, and these things we do to you only serve to educate you in the art of savoring your sensuality. This is not something that is being done to you, pretty girl. This is a process in which you are a willing participant. Look at your body, arched and ready to receive yet another rape, not cringing away, but opening to accept it.”

Rhys’ eyes rolled in my direction, silently pleading for my words not to be true, but she knew. We all knew. Even my canine companions knew.

“Do not be ashamed, Rhyslynn,” I soothed. “A gift has been bestowed upon you, one that you never knew until today was part of you. This is why you came to me. This is what will guide your path through the rest of your life. When I finally release you, you will go through a period of denying that this is you, then you will begin the search for that man – the one who will rape you better than anyone else, for the rest of your life. When you find him, you will give yourself to him as Amy has given herself to me.”

“Are you not to be that man?”

I shook my head. “You fear me too much to trust me enough. I deliberately created that fear because you needed it for these lessons, but in the end you must not fear your master. It must be another.”

Rhys’ ability to answer was snatched away by Amy’s fist.

Amy, taking advantage of the passage opened by Caesar’s enormous cock, soon had her arm inside the poor girl almost to the elbow. Once she was deep inside Rhys’ colon, she gently closed her fist and began pumping. Slow, short strokes, working up to long, deep penetrations. The unaccustomed intrusion into her intestines caused unbearable cramps, yet in Rhys’ hypersensitive state, each cramp triggered yet another explosion as her body no longer differentiated between pleasure and pain.

I allowed Amy to work her over for a few minutes, but the poor girl was near exhaustion, and I finally told Amy to withdraw. Rhyslynn, in a stupor on the edge of consciousness, had to be almost carried into the shower. Despite her exhaustion, however, when I sealed the handheld shower wand to the crease of her buttocks, forcing warm water deep into her bowels, Rhys came again, and yet again as she voided the dirty water. When I did the same to her vagina, once more triggering her release, she finally passed out.

We dried her as best we could and carried her naked body up to the guest room. I amused myself with Amy for the rest of the afternoon. When we returned to the kitchen to prepare for dinner, I checked on my guest and found her to be still fast asleep. She must also have been hungry, because just as Amy was placing the steaks on the table, my guest stumbled into the kitchen wrapped in a robe she had found in the guest room’s closet.

“You are overdressed,” I told her.

Rhys stopped in the doorway, seeing me still naked and Amy removing the apron that had protected her sensitive skin while she cooked. Without a word, she reversed her course, returning in a few moments in all her naked glory. I smiled as she entered the kitchen. Gone was the shy, uptight young lady who had stepped nervously from her car that morning. Her voluptuous figure swayed sensually at the hips as she walked, and her hands hung naturally at her sides, not bothering to hide what we had seen and played with throughout the day.

I indicated the place that Amy had set for her, and she walked over and stood behind the chair while Amy finished her preparations.

“For the duration of this meal, you are our guest,” I told her. “Please, sit.”

Smiling gratefully, Rhys, settled her naked buttocks onto the wooden chair, her breasts bouncing fetchingly as she positioned the chair properly for eating. She saw me smiling at her.

“What is it?” she asked, a bit of uncertainty returning.

“‘It’,” I replied, “is a beautiful, voluptuous, and extremely sexy girl. You are a beautiful, voluptuous, sexy girl.”

In case you ever wondered, brown girls can blush, but since it appears only as a slight darkening of their complexion, the light must be just right or you’ll miss it.

Long, dark eyelashes lowered over Rhys’ downturned eyes as she answered, “Thank you.”

“Please, eat,” I said, slicing off a bite of rare ribeye from my own steak.

Rhys ate as though she had had nothing to eat for weeks. I remembered the sandwiches that we had brought to the dungeon for her. I also remembered feeding them to my boys when I found them untouched after we had put Rhys to bed.

Amy ate with more decorum, but left nothing on her plate.

“I have been thinking, Rhyslynn,” I said between mouthfuls. “Since you slept the afternoon away, I suppose we shall have to continue your training tonight. However, since I intend to get a full night’s sleep, I shall have to leave that little chore to others. I cannot decide who it shall be, however, so I shall leave the choice up to you: Do you want Amy or Czar and Caesar to share your bed tonight?”

Rhys almost choked on her food, then shot me a pleading look.

“If you do not choose, I shall do so for you, only I will add to the treatment that you receive in some very creative ways.”

“I – it’s not that, sir. It’s just that, well…” she hesitated then screwed her courage to a sticking place. as some famous person once said, and blurted, “can I – would it be possible to have both, I mean all three?”

That took me by surprise. I had not thought her even close to that point in her education. I recovered quickly, however and said, “Your answer pleases me so much that I shall also give you the choice of sleeping in the guest bedroom or the dungeon.”

“Can – can we begin in the dungeon, then move to the bedroom if we should grow tired?”

The question did not apply to Czar and Caesar, since they found ways to get their rest that didn’t include bedding down for the night, but Rhys and Amy were still human, and if I knew Amy, they would both be needing some rest before the sun came up.

“That is a reasonable request,” I smiled. “I’ll leave a light on so you don’t trip over things in the dark.”

I slept well that night, but when I later viewed the video tapes from the cameras in the dungeon, it was clear that Rhys, Amy, and the dogs got very little sleep. Amy taught the girl how to please a woman, and made her practice for hours – on Amy, of course. She also made Rhys practice giving head – to dildos, and to the dogs. Throughout Amy’s lessons, whenever one of the boys got the urge, he would mount whichever pair of buttocks was conveniently positioned at the time. Following Amy’s example, whenever this happened to Rhys, she would simply continue whatever she was doing until her bestial lover drove her to climax.

Amy introduced her to strap-ons, using several on Rhys, and insisting that she return the favor. Included, too, in the night’s lessons was the art of fisting, which Rhys learned from both ends – giving and receiving.

The girls finally retired to the guest room a little after three a.m., Czar and Caesar let themselves out through the doggy door and resumed their nightly patrols of the property. I found Rhys and Amy asleep in each other’s arms, and from the condition of the bedclothes, it was clear that the sex had not stopped when they left the basement.

It was pretty clear, too, that they needed some rest, so I shortened the day’s agenda for Rhys. When she and Amy emerged about mid-morning, famished, and devoured the food I had prepared for their breakfast, I told Amy that I wouldn’t need her for the rest of the day, but that she was to return the following day.

After Amy left, I took Rhys to the dungeon and strapped her docile body to the table that I use for, among other things, installing jewelry in my clients.

“You said that Aisha sent you to me,” I began. “Has she shown you the jewelry that I gave her?”

Rhyslynn had clearly seen the industrial strength rings I had permanently attached to Aisha’s nipples, and her eyes grew large as she nodded, her head being the only part of her body with any freedom of movement.

“Each person who comes to me for help leaves adorned with some of my custom jewelry attached to his or her body. Today, I will give you yours, then you can go back to bed and rest while you grow accustomed to it. I have decided to do something special for you; something that will give you and your future master many options.”

Given the large size of Rhys’ nipples and clit, I decided on a different approach for her decorations. It would engender a bit more pain for her than simple piercing, but her future master, I was sure, would be pleased with the flexibility it afforded him. To help Rhys enjoy the pain, I inserted a large vibrator into her pussy and switched it on.

I began with a large, sharp needle and, taking care with the alignment, worked it all the way through one nipple. Then using the needle’s hole as a pilot, I slowly worked a much larger awl into the hole, stretching and enlarging it considerably. With another, thicker awl, I enlarged the hole to about a quarter of an inch in diameter. With the awl still projecting through the nipple I took a short length of stainless steel tubing which had one end flared outward, and slid it down the shaft of the awl until it protruded through the nipple and the flared portion snugged up against the flesh on the other side. Withdrawing the awl, I clamped the ends of the tube into a plier-like tool made especially for this purpose. The flared end of the tube rested against a flat anvil on one arm of the plier, while the rounded nub on the other arm nestled into the straight end.

When I applied pressure to the long handles of the tool, the nub gradually widened and flared the previously straight end of the tube, creating a permanent grommet through Rhys’ nipple.

Rhyslynn, of course, shouted and screamed throughout the process, but the vibrator and her helplessness sent her to that place where the pain became pleasure – a place that she was finding with greater ease each time – and her body reacted with arousal. When I showed her, with the help of a mirror, what I had done to her, it took only a light touch on her clit to send her over the edge.

The second nipple was almost anticlimactic, but my young student still found occasion to celebrate with yet another orgasm when I demonstrated one use of the grommets by sliding a slender rod through both nipples and pulling upward on the eye in its center.

“Do you like my gift, Rhyslynn?” I asked as she gazed in shocked wonder at her elongated breasts.

Her head turned side to side in reflexive negation, but when she finally found her voice, she croaked, “Oh, yes!”

“Good,” I replied. “Now we must install the third one. This will be painful.”

If she had been noisy during my manipulation of her nipples, Rhys’ was a one woman cacophony when I gave her clitoris the same treatment, but she came three times as I tortured the sensitive bundle of nerves.

When I showed her various ways in which the lower grommet could be bound to the upper two, Rhyslynn’s excitement knew no bounds. When I placed her face down over a low bench and bolted her clit to the end of the bench and her nipples to the sides, she became even more aroused, especially when I pointed out how easy it would be to rape her in that position.

Czar promptly demonstrated my point by mounting her. With no freedom of movement in her pelvis, Rhys could only endure when Czar’s pointed tip found her anus – a fact that blossomed within her submissive persona and exploded into numerous orgasms, enhanced, no doubt, by the tugging at her newly pierced flesh as Czar plunged deeply into her colon.

Rhyslynn, now fully submerged in her senses, and surrendered to her submissive nature, rose to new heights of pleasure as her bestial lover used her for his gratification. She seemed lost in one long orgasm as my pal completed his mission, then turned tail-to-ass with her to await the deflation of his knot.

Eyes closed, panting, still spasming with every shift of that enormous tool within her, Rhys lay lengthwise over the padded bench and sobbed.

“What have I become?” she asked plaintively.

I stroked her face and replied, “You have not become anything. You have simply learned what you always were. You have discovered the source of the burning need that brought you to a complete stranger to find and fill that need. You have become free.”

“Free? How is this freedom? I am bound to this bench and to this beast, and could not move if I wanted to!”

“That is bondage that you chose, Rhyslynn al Kendra. It is bondage that frees you from the tyranny of your rigid, restricted life. It is, in short, liberation from the antiquated ideals of your father, your culture, and your religion. It is affirmation that you are now free to choose your new master and to draw pleasure from being his slave. Not only that, but in discovering the strength to break free of the bonds of your culture, you now know that you can break free of any bondage that is not to your liking or in your best interest.”

“I – I see,” she said, wonder in her voice. “Yes, you are right. I have broken the ties that bound me to that existence, but suppose I should discover, at some time in the future, that I do not want this life either?”

“That is not an ‘if’, Rhyslynn. This is merely the next stage in your development. When you decide that you are ready to leave this behind, you will. That is the strength that you discovered by coming here.”

“But these, these things in my nipples and my…”

“You will have a choice. I took care not to destroy anything during their insertion. By using a pointed implement instead of a punch that would have cut the flesh, I merely moved milk ducts and nerves out of the way, rather than cutting them. Because of that, you can leave those pieces in place and still function fully, though your babies might have some awkward questions for you, should you have children. If you find that you cannot live with them, return to me and I will remove them.”

I could do that by compressing the flesh and cutting one of the flared ends off of the grommet, but it would be a delicate procedure, not easily undertaken.

“Mr. Brenneman?” Rhys asked, then. “Does this make me a, what is the word? A ‘slut’?”

“Only you can make you a slut, Rhyslynn,” I smiled. “Others can give you the opportunity, as I will do tomorrow, but whether you choose to cooperate in being a slut is entirely up to you. Even if you cannot choose not to participate physically, even if your body betrays you and reacts to external stimulation, you will be a slut only if you mentally participate in the acts imposed upon you. Do you understand?”

“I think so,” she replied, but her mind was still working, “but that implies that I can be a slut sometimes, and not at other times.”

“You are beginning to understand,” I smiled. “Choices like that can be made at any time.”

Czar put an end to the conversation by choosing that moment to uncouple from her ass. I unbolted her and sent Rhyslynn to shower, giving her explicit instructions about how to clean and care for her piercings. I told her to go back to bed after she showered – she would need her energy for tomorrow.

“Why?” She asked, “What will happen tomorrow?”

“You will find out tomorrow,” I told her, smacking her butt to speed her on her way.

While she was sleeping, I called my agent in San Francisco to verify that his arrangements were complete, then busied myself with the everyday chores necessary for the upkeep of a place this size.

Rhys was subdued at dinner, and full of nervous energy at breakfast. She had asked to let one of the dogs stay in the room with her, but I was adamant.

“You will rest tonight,” I told her. “I will be checking on you periodically, and if I see any sign that you’re trying to get yourself off, I will chain you to the bed.”

She had slept, but restlessly. Not only were her dreams filled with the events of the last couple of days, but her waking thoughts hounded her with fears of what awaited on the morrow.

What awaited, as Rhyslynn was to discover a little after noon, was a skimpy french maid’s outfit that barely contained her bosom, and scarcely covered the scarlet thong that I required her to wear underneath. Through holes in the top, her nipples protruded, locked in place with tiny padlocks threaded through the grommets installed the day before. Her clitoris received similar treatment, being padlocked through the hole in the front of her thong.

Amy arrived early, dressed conservatively, as I had commanded, and retired to the kitchen to serve as our chef for the evening.

Soon, the “guests” began to arrive. Each was supposed to be a professional actor in adult films and they had been briefed on the script for the nights festivities. They had also been carefully screened for HIV and other potentially harmful infections and diseases.

I kept Rhys busy serving them drinks and hors d’oeuvres. As she passed among the guests, they played with the locks and with her breasts, and between her legs, doing everything in their considerable power to drive her to sexual distraction. Since the guest list was divided equally between men and women, it promised to be a memorable evening for the young student.

Once the last guest had arrived, I called Rhys to my side, where she stood, breathing heavily, until I led her and the guests into the dining room. for this evening, the table had been removed and extra chairs set up in two arched rows facing a small circular platform. I cuffed Rhyslynn’s hands behind her with leather cuffs, and guided her to stand on the platform. A touch of a switch, and she began rotating, her skimpily clad body displayed for all to see – the locks making her seem more exposed than if she had worn nothing at all.

“Welcome to the auction, ladies and gentlemen,” I said, taking the part of auctioneer. “As you can see, if you direct your gaze to the rotating platform before you, we have some wonderful things to auction off tonight.”

I waited until the rotation brought Rhyslynn’s face around to my side before announcing, “The first item to be auctioned off tonight is this key.”

I held the tiny silver key up so the audience could see it.

“What is so special about a key, you ask? Well I’ll tell you. This particular key will open, or re-lock, the padlock on the young lady’s left nipple.”

As I said this, Rhyslynn’s eyes grew large. Until now, she and the locks had been a curiosity. Now, she realized, I was about to sell someone else control over at least part of her anatomy.

“I’ll start the bidding at fifty dollars. Do I hear fifty? Thank you, sir. How about fifty-five? Over there thank you madam. Do I hear…”

As planned, a short blonde woman won the first round of bidding at $550. The right lock went to a hispanic-looking man for $600, and the lower lock sold to a stunning asian woman in black stiletto boots for well over two thousand dollars. None of the bids would actually be paid, of course, but Rhyslynn didn’t know that.

I paused the bidding long enough to let the winners claim their keys, and the locks to which they belonged. The petite blonde took her time about fitting the key into the lock, tugging unnecessarily at the nipple to which it was attached, then licking and nibbling at the chocolate morsel until I thought Rhys was going to come just from being treated that way. When the lock was finally off, she folded the cup that cradled Rhyslynn’s left breast down, out of the way, and devoured breast and nipple. Rhys’ knees almost folded from this treatment as she gasped and moaned, thrusting her breast into the blonde’s mouth, and I finally signalled the girl to back off.

The muscular latino wasted no time. He roughly pulled the lock skyward, elongating Rhys’s nipple before unlocking it and slipping the lock into his pocket. He then tore the flimsy dress from Rhyslynn’s body, and bent her backward as he took her right nipple between his teeth and bit sharply, just behind the grommet, pulling away until it seemed that the flesh must surely tear.

Rhyslynn almost swooned from this treatment, and when the man finally released her, stood unsteadily, panting as if she had just finished running a tight race.

The woman who had ‘bought’ the final lock stalked forward, her butt-length black hair falling in heavy waves about her shoulders, imperiously eyeing her target. Rhys did not notice her at first, but the platform, still turning, moved enough to bring the asian woman into view, and Rhyslynn froze, as if struck by an arrow. The woman stopped, as well, as their gazes locked, only for a moment, then Rhyslynn’s eyelids drooped as her eyes turned toward the floor. A slow smile spread across the woman’s face.

With all the grace and power of a panther, the black leather encased woman stalked forward to claim her prize. Without touching the lock between the girl’s legs, she leaned forward and flicked at Rhys’ engorged clit with her tongue. The young student jerked as if touched by a cattle prod, then her legs opened, as if willed by the woman.

“Please,” I heard Rhyslynn whisper, desperation in her voice.

The woman smiled a secret smile, then went off script. Turning away from the girl on the platform, she came to me and asked in a low voice, “How much? How much to cancel the rest of this farce and sell her to me?”

“I did not know that you had become a pornography actor, Mistress Jade,” I smiled. I had been surprised to see her among those hired for the occasion, especially without her twin sister. “And where is Jasmine?”

“Jasmine was detained in San Francisco,” Jade answered, “and while neither of us perform in such mundane productions, we do have our connections. When I learned that this was your party, I could not resist. Now, to my original question…”

“Ah, but you and your sister still owe me for Kishi, if I recall,” I smiled. The debt had been their idea, not mine, but once made, it would not do to allow it to go unpaid.

“Indeed we do, and we fully intend to pay. In fact, I will be happy to make the first installment tonight if you will set a price for this one. She and Kishi will make such a lovely pair.”

“Hmm, an interesting proposition,” I mused, “but you realize that I do not require money, do you not?”

“Of course,” Jade answered, a bit impatiently. Neither she or her sister were accustomed to being trifled with.

“Very well,” I answered, “if Rhyslynn agrees to the transaction, I will tell you my terms.”

I beckoned to Rhyslynn who stepped down from the platform and came to stand beside us, nervously avoiding Jade’s penetrating gaze.

“Mistress Jade and her twin sister would like for you live with them in San Francisco,” I told her, watching the puzzlement spread across her features before continuing, “as their slave.”

Rhyslynn’s eyes flew open wide and her nostrils flared. She began to tremble all over.

“Please do not tease me, Sir!” she said.

“Tease you? Girl, you obviously do not know this man!” Jade interjected. “If you agree to be our slave, I promise you only one thing: the most pleasurable pain you will ever experience. Now decide!”

Rhy turned to look at me with a mixture of emotions crowding her features, “Mr. Brenneman?”

“What she says is true,” I told Rhys. “I have known Jade and her sister for some time now, and they are very good at what they do. But that is not the point. I saw the way you looked at her. I saw the hunger in your eyes. Look inside yourself and tell me if what I say is true.”

Rhyslynn’s eyes closed, then she dropped to her knees and hung her head, “It is true. When I saw you, Mistress, my knees turned to water, and I prayed that you would be the one to have me tonight. It is beyond believing that you wish to keep me.”

Jade looked at me and arched an imperious eyebrow.

“Rhyslynn,” I said, still looking down at Jade, “go to the bedroom and wait for us. Do not come out until I come for you.”

Rhyslynn did as I asked. When she was out of earshot, I turned back to Jade. “The price for one is high. The price for two, you may not be willing to pay.”

“Name it, and we shall see.”

“As downpayment, you will take Rhyslynn’s place upon the platform and serve as tonight’s entertainment,” I said, watching her eyes grow large. “Then, you and your sister will return for two days as my slaves, on a weekend of my choosing.”

“We do not… !” she began, then cut herself off. “I must call my sister.”

I ushered her into another room and waited for her to make the call. I could hear her voice raised a time or two during the conversation, but my Mandarin is not good enough to have followed what was said. When she returned, Jade’s face was flushed and she looked agitated for the first time since I had met her.

“Tell me one thing, Brenneman,” Jade said. “Is this girl worth it?”

“Only you and your sister can determine that, since you are the currency to be paid for her, but I will tell you this: Two days ago, she was an innocent, never having been penetrated by anything but her roommate’s hairbrush. Since, she has had me, both of my dogs, and my slave’s dildoes and fists in both of her portals numerous times, and has climaxed frequently from the treatment I have given her. If you do well tonight, I will even tell you her keyword.”

“You assume much, Mr. Brenneman,” Jade warned.

“No,” I smiled, “I saw the look on your face, too, Jade. You are just as much a slave to your hungers as Rhyslynn is to hers. I know that your sister took some convincing, but I also know that you are not going to leave here tonight without that girl. Now quit wasting time.”

I pointed to the platform and ordered, “Strip!”

Jade was reluctant, but like all of us, there is more than one dimension to her. I watched, and participated in the ravishment of her exquisitely petite, and infinitely sensual little body – but this is not her story. Perhaps, if the reader is patient, the story of Jade and Jasmine will be told, but not here. Not now.

I gave Rhyslynn one final night with the boys and Amy as I packed up a few little accessories to go with her adornments, then, as Jade slept off her downpayment, I bound Rhyslynn to a bench with her feet locked in stirrups, much like a gyno exam table, and slowly, carefully, worked my over-lubricated hand into her vagina.

“One final rape before you go to your new mistresses,” I told her as four fingers plunged repeatedly into her. “Are you ready?”

“Oh yes sir!” she anwered, without a clue as to my intentions.

I added my thumb into the recess of my rolled palm, and continued plunging my hand into the willing girl, going a little deeper with each thrust. Rhys was panting and moaning, and pushing back, and when my knuckles slipped through the tight entrance ring, she cried out and flooded my wrist with her fluids. I gave her no respite. Carefully, I closed my fingers to form a fist inside her, then began, slowly at first, twisting and thrusting at the same time.

My fist, being about three times the size of Amy’s, was about the size of the dogs’ knots, but with bony knuckles giving it hard corners. This fact was not lost on my victim. The hair on my forearm and the bones in my wrist were playing a raucous symphony on her G-spot, while my fist twisted and stretched the membranes inside her. It wasn’t so much painful as unbelievable, and Rhyslynn lost herself in the reflection from the mirror in the ceiling that showed my arm buried to the wrist inside her and simply let the sensations capture her.

When I finally took pity on her exhausted, sated body, and gently removed my hand from her vagina, she stayed where she was, unable or unwilling to move.

Even after I released her bonds, it was a long time before she found the energy to get up, shower, and prepare herself for the journey to her new home.

Jade awoke about midafternoon, and emerged from the guest bedroom, once again clad in black from neck to toe, her hair wound tightly into a bun at the back of her head.

“You look only a little the worse for wear,” I told her. “How did your evening go?”

“It was…” she paused, looking skyward as if searching for a word on the cieling, ” … an education. But then, that was at least part of your intention, was it not?”

“I just figured that your sexual experience was a bit too narrowly focused,” I shrugged. “If nothing else, broadening your horizons will make it possible for you and your sister to serve your clients better.”

(See HIW: Kishi for an understanding of how Jade and her sister serve their clients.)

A slow smile lifted the corners of her mouth out of its prim and proper attitude. “Perhaps it will, after all. Is my new slave ready?”

I nodded to Rhyslynn who stood in what appeared, at first glance, to be a severe grey business suit, Her dreadlocks arranged neatly around her head. Jade’s smile widened when she saw the silver triangle that adorned the front of the suit – a fine silver chain threaded through her nipples and clitoris, all three of which protruded through carefully arranged holes in the suit. Attached to the lower apex of the chain was a leash – black leather and silver, of course – which she diffidently proffered to her new mistress.

“Has she been trained?” Jade asked.

“She has only just discovered the pleasures of her body,” I answered. “She has also discovered that she is naturally submissive, and often confuses pain with pleasure. Training will be your responsibility.”

Another smile spread across Jade’s face, this one several degrees cooler than the last.

“You mentioned a keyword…”

“Before I give it to you, there is condition on this trade to which you must agree.”

“I must hear the condition before I can agree.”

“Of course,” I smiled at Rhys as I continued, “At some point in the future, the excitement will wear off of this lifestyle for Rhyslynn al Kendra. When it does, she will need the tools with which to make a life for herself. I had hoped that she would finish her education before finding her master, but since that is not the case, you must ensure that she educates herself well enough to become self-sufficient when the time comes.”

“That is not a problem, but how do you know she will want to leave this life?”

“Because Rhyslynn is, at present, on a voyage of discovery,” I answered. “She finds it, at the moment, thrilling and exciting, but within a few years she will find it as restrictive as her home life was before, and will want to cast off those restrictions. You and your sister will notice the signs and you will set her free, just as she has set herself free from the confines of her culture and religion.”

“I see,” Jade contemplated her new charge thoughtfully, smiled again, and said, “then we shall just have to make sure that she discovers everything she can before her voyage ends. Now, the keyword?”

“Rhyslynn al Kendra,” I said in response. “Please tell your new mistress the word that excites you beyond all others. The word that makes your sex wet and your knees weak.”

Rhys shook her head in denial and pleaded with her eyes, but my countenance remained firm. Finally, reluctantly, barely above a whisper, she said, “Rape.”

“Speak up, girl!” Jade commanded. “If you are going to be our slave, you must speak up when given permission to speak. I will not be bothered asking you to repeat in the future.”

“The word is ‘rape’, Mistress Jade,” Rhyslynn told her, looking as if her legs would give out at any time. “I cannot help it. When I hear that word, I become very excited.”

A frigid smile shaped Jade’s perfect features and she cooed, jerking gently and rhythmically at the leash in her hand, “Then we shall have to find some creative ways of saying that word. A word like ‘rape’ is very powerful, however, and is not to be used lightly, so I imagine that you shall be raped frequently while in my care. You will like that, won’t you?”

Rhyslynn stood half a head taller than Jade, but she looked small and vulnerable when she answered, “Yes, Mistress.”

I escorted the pair to the front door and as they left, handed Jade a card bearing a date and time.

“This is when you and Jasmine will repay your debt to me,” I told her.

“I look forward to it,” she smiled.

Jade lead her charge to Rhyslynn’s Honda – their most convenient transportation, since Jade had come with the group of actors who had long since departed. Before they entered the car, however, Rhyslynn said something to her mistress that I couldn’t hear. Jade unclipped the leash and nodded.

Rhyslynn ran back across the lawn to where I stood on the front porch and threw her arms around me.

“Thank you so much for everything, Mr. Brenneman,” she said. “I will never forget you.”

As she released me, I smiled and said, “When it is time to remove your jewelry, come to me.”

“I will, Mr. Brenneman,” she said, then shifted to Tamazight, her father’s language, “Ad ak irzm rrbi lbiban n ljnt.” (May God open the doors of paradise for you.)

My studies had taught me a few phrases in the language, but not much about pronunciation, so I probably mangled it horribly when I replied, “Ad ig arrbi str.” (May God protect you.)

Rhyslynn had the grace not to laugh at my pronunciation as she turned to begin the journey to her new home.


Jade and Jasmine

I caressed the long, silken tresses of the exquisitely nude young Asian who knelt proudly before me, then turned to her equally exquisite sister – a three-dimensional photocopy of the one I had just petted.

“Lovely,” I proclaimed softly. They were, but I had an ulterior motive for letting them hear me say so. These two were obviously proud of their beauty and used it to great advantage in their lives and in their enterprise.

The twins ran a business in San Francisco catering to the needs of business executives. Their clients included people whose names and faces you would see in Forbes and the Financial Times, but in the hands of these diminutive ladies you’d never know they were giants of the business world and pillars of their communities. Stripped of their clothing and their dignity, they reveled in the humiliation and pain administered by the twins.

These lions of finance must have been satisfied with the service they received, because they returned, time and again. Oddly enough, in the course of fulfilling the needs of these hungry men, flesh never touched flesh. Jade and Jasmine were so adept at their craft that they did not have to engage in actual intercourse to fill their clients’ needs.

If the black-haired twins had a weakness, it was for submissive women. I know, because the two they currently kept had been former ‘clients’ of mine. Kishi adored the two and would probably be their slave for life. The hardware that pierced her large breasts, and would likely remain part of her forever, had been installed in my dungeon. (See HIW: Kishi).

Their newest acquisition, Rhyslynn al Kendra (HIW:Rhyslynn), had also gotten to the sisters through my dungeon, but that was only the first stop on a voyage of discovery, and unless I was badly mistaken, her ship would soon sail from the port known as Jade and Jasmine to pursue new adventures, but not until she had enjoyed all the painful pleasures the twins could provide.

Since I do not traffic in human flesh for money (and would not have entered into any bargain without the submissives’ consent) I had made an in-kind trade with these lovely young ladies: For two days, they were mine to do with as I pleased.

I let them hear the compliment to their beauty because I knew just how much privilege they expected from those who worshipped their loveliness. If they expected me to go easy on them because of it, however, they would be very disappointed.

Many lovely young ladies passed through my dungeon, and I defy anyone to persuade any of them that their beauty had earned them respite from my tender mercies.

“My dear Jasmine,” I said softly, taking a knee in front of the second of the pair. The sharply pointed golden spikes that covered their nipples and areolas were of my manufacture. I had also done the installation. “Have you enjoyed these little toys that I made for you and your sister?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, hiding her face demurely between the waterfalls of lustrous, straight, black hair that fell on either side. The act did not fool me. The twins knew something of my nature and hoped to gain an advantage by seeming to capitulate from the start.

I knew better. The pride that these young ladies felt in their beauty and the things it had accomplished for them bordered on arrogance. They were natural born manipulative bitches, but having been married to the queen of manipulative bitches for a number of years, I was aware of the tricks that they would employ. I, however, have developed a few tricks of my own.

“I told you that they were permanent, did I not?” I asked, raising her head with a finger beneath her delicate chin. As I expected, she couldn’t resist returning my gaze defiantly.

“Yes, sir,” she answered, some of the belligerence I knew to be there showing.

I took a cup-shaped object from my pocket and fitted the inverted cone that I had milled into its flat side over one of Jasmine’s nipples and its jewelry.

“Actually, if you recall,” I told her, “my words were ‘Only I can remove these without tearing your nipple’, were they not?”

“Y-yes, sir,” her bravado lost some of its fervor as a tiny click sounded inside her nipple cone, and it came away inside the cup-shaped device, leaving her nipple bare for the first time in more than a year, save the barbell to which the cone had been attached. The precisely placed magnets within the cup device had operated the release mechanism just as they were designed to do.

“Good girl,” I told her, patting her head like a little puppy. “You’ve done a fine job of keeping them clean.”

In spite of herself, Jasmine blushed at the praise.

I made short work of the other piece, then removed Jade’s matching set without fanfare. Moving quickly, I placed a stainless-steel ring over each of their four nipples so that it caught behind the barbell and hung from nipple and jewelry. Using a pair of fine, stainless-steel chains that I had prepared ahead of time, I routed one chain through the ring on Jade’s left nipple to Jasmine’s right then fastened the loose end to the hook where the other end already hung. I then repeated the process with Jade’s right nipple and Jasmine’s left, so that they were now chained together, face-to-face, by their nipples, with the chains suspended from a hook above their heads.

I had many motorized winches in my dungeon that I could have used for this purpose, but I chose to operate this one by hand. It was designed like an industrial chain fall, but adapted to fit a smaller chain than that required for moving heavy machinery. It would still, if necessary, easily support the entire weight of both girls. Pulling down on one side of the loop of heavy chain that operated the winch, I began the process of raising and tightening the chains attached to the girl’s nipples. As the ends rose, the length of chain between the stainless rings became shorter and shorter, leaving the twins with the unpalatable choice of knee-walking closer together or having a significant chunk torn out of their delicate brown nipples.

Toying with them, I inched the hooks higher, forcing the girls closer and closer together. Link by link, the chain between them slipped upward through the rings, each slippage leaving one fewer link separating them. All three of us knew how this tableau must finish, but the girls, who thoroughly enjoyed sex with other women, were extremely reluctant to enter into sexual situations with each other.

Finally, after half an hour of being forced together one chain link at a time, Jade and Jasmine knelt breast to breast, their nipples bound together at chin level as their tiny tits strained upward under the tension of the chain. All it would take to give them relief would be for one of them to stand, but both knew, from their own practice, how severe the consequences of such defiance could be. Not only that, but the winch was mounted high enough that with a flick of the wrist I could tighten the chains again, forcing them into the same predicament while standing.

I knelt behind Jasmine and whispered in her ear as the two of them strove to keep their faces as far apart as possible.

“Do you know what a sacrifice your sister made to acquire Rhyslynn al Kendra for you?”

“Y-yes sir,” she strained away from her twin even harder.

“Then don’t you think you should thank her for her selflessness?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered reluctantly, knowing it was the only answer I would accept.


“Thank you, sister, for the sacrifice you made to acquire our latest slave,” she said stiffly.

The riding crop made a white streak across her buttocks, which quickly turned bright red. Jasmine’s shriek held as much surprise as it did pain.

“Lovely,” I murmured mockingly. “Her sacrifice was physical. Do you think hollow words can repay such dedication?”

“What do you want?” Jasmine asked desperately, her tone flirting with anger. “We are bound, unable to move…”

I could see the light dawning behind her eyes even as she spoke. Both jet-tressed heads shook sideways in negation.

“Are you refusing my command, Jasmine? Will you, Jade, refuse this gift I give you through your sister?”

Their eyes locked for a moment, and the silent communication was almost visible between them. Jasmine looked away first.

“No, sir, ” she answered in a low voice.

I looked expectantly at her twin. Defiance faded from her expression, and finally she answered, “No, Sir!”

Still, they had to take time to steel themselves, but when the crop smacked loudly across my palm, both of those exquisitely lovely faces jerked, then moved toward each other as if drawn by a magnet.

The kiss was tentative, at first, then, as the lovely ladies realized that it may not be the end of the world, after all, it became sweet and tender. Finally, as long-suppressed passion surfaced, the kiss became a ravening, hunger-driven thing that threatened to consume them with its primeval lust. Now, it was not only their lips, but their loins that joined in a frustrated dance, begging for release. Had their hands not been bound behind them, I daresay they would have been groping each other madly, even as tears of shame and humiliation fell from their eyes. It is devastating when long-held beliefs crumble, and the sisters suffered, even in the throes of their passion.

I am not a heartless man, and I would be the last to stand between two lovers, so I released their hands, which promptly took hold of each other as a drowning man would grasp a life-ring. A pair of large, chain-suspended hooks, whose tips were round, stainless steel balls, slipped easily into their anal openings and raised them high into the air at the touch of a button.

With legs and arms now free, the two tiny bodies writhed and twined themselves about each other. As a precaution, I ran a strap around their torsos and put enough upward tension on it to keep them from falling.

I positioned a small tripod under them. It was topped with a flexible fiberglass rod attached to a large U-shaped double-ended dildo. I don’t think they even noticed the entry of the ends of the dildo into their tiny pussies, what with their natural lubrication flowing so freely, but it didn’t take them long to make use of it.

Jade was the first to slam her hips forward onto the thing, driving it more deeply into Jasmine. Jasmine retaliated with a vengeance, and soon they were swinging back and forth on the ends of their butt-hook chains, being alternately impaled on the plastic monster.

As the power of their passion built, Jasmine changed her rhythm for just a moment, and now they were slamming themselves simultaneously onto the conjoined phalluses, their cries echoing through the dungeon.

As much as these two loved playing with beautiful women, I had always wondered at their hands-off policy toward each other, but both had declaimed, on several occasions, that they would never turn their attentions to one another. This did not seem to me to be consistent with their other interests and I had resolved, at first opportunity, to test that theory. The acts that were playing out before me confirmed that all they had needed was a little incentive. Once the floodgates were cracked open, the dam burst and fell asunder.

I let them bring each other off several times before removing the dildo tripod and releasing their nipples. As I lowered them to the floor, they stepped quickly apart, faces red with embarrassment. I took two handfuls of black silken hair, one on each tiny head, and passionately kissed, first Jasmine, then Jade.

“The cat’s out of the bag, babies,” I told them, not unkindly. “Neither of you can go back to pretending that you do not lust after your sister.”

Jade shot her twin a sheepish look, and Jasmine, head down, shyly put her arm around her sister’s waist. I could have sworn I saw Jade’s pussy grind itself into Jasmine’s thigh.

“H-how did you know?” Jasmine asked. “We did not even know this about ourselves!”

I tucked a knuckle under her chin and lifted her gaze to meet mine. “Yes, you did,” I told her, “but you had told each other the lie so often, you convinced yourselves that you believed it. How could two who appreciate beautiful women as much as you and your sister ignore such beauty in each other? I had a theory, and I tested it. It would seem that my hypothesis was correct.”

“So is this the price you intended to extract in exchange for our submissives?” Jade asked.

“Oh, no,” I told them. “This was a service provided to you out of the great goodness and generosity of my heart. It was just cruel for two such beauties to stay in close proximity without enjoying each other’s charms. No, we will get to my payment in due time. First, however, I have a question for you, Jade, and I demand an honest answer.”

“Yes, Sir,” Jade answered demurely, still hoping to use her feminine wiles on me.

“Do you believe that your sister has done enough to repay you for the sacrifice that you made to acquire your newest slave?”

I could see it deep in the dark wells of her eyes. She wanted, oh so much, to spare her sister the price she knew I would exact to bring them even, yet she feared the price I would exact from her for a lie. I had to give her points for courage when she answered, “Yes, Sir.”

A broad smile creased my face as I replied, “I had so hoped you would say that, especially since we all know it to be a lie. Now I shall punish you for the lie and give your sister what she deserves.”

Fear swept across Jade’s tiny, lovely features as my expression hardened, but I ignored her as I captured Jasmine’s wrists in a pair of fleece-lined leather cuffs and suspended her from the ceiling with the tips of her perfectly manicured toes just brushing the floor. With another pair of cuffs and chains, I forced Jasmine’s shapely legs far apart, leaving her open and vulnerable.

I took a rubber object shaped like a dumbbell with a hole through its long axis, and forced one end past Jasmine’s sphincter. Through the hole in the object, I inserted a rubber tube whose thick walls gave it a certain amount of rigidity. The end of this tube was rounded, and the passage through the tube’s center emerged on each side of this rounded tip. Twisting and turning the tube, I was able to force more than a foot of it into Jasmine’s colon.

I turned on the valve that admitted the warm enema solution to the tube, then positioned a barrel with a large funnel between Jasmine’s legs. While her lower intestines filled with solution, I turned my attention to her sister.

“Since you were so concerned about your sister’s well-being as to lie for her, it is only fitting that you administer her punishment,” I told Jade. “Step into this harness.”

Jade knew it was a harness that would accept a dildo, but since there was none attached at the moment, she readily donned the harness. I took great pleasure in helping her adjust its position and tighten it to ensure that there would be no slack. The mounting for the dildo was centered on her pubic bone for better control, and as far she could see, the inside of the triangle that covered her little pussy was featureless.

I left Jade standing there and turned my attention back to Jasmine, who, by this time was moaning and squirming under the cramps caused by the deep enema she was receiving. Her abdomen bulged like she was in her third trimester of a difficult pregnancy. I turned off the fluid and let her ‘soak’ for a few minutes as her bowels continued to complain about their inability to empty themselves.

“You know, of course, what this harness is for,” I said to Jade.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered, sardonically.

“Good. Now we must choose the phallus that you will use to administer your sister’s punishment.”

So saying, I flipped back the linen that covered a tray, exposing the bases and about six inches of a number of dildos. The business ends were covered by the rest of the linen and a metal lid that left no clue as to their relative lengths.

“Choose,” I ordered, standing back to give Jade a better look at the exposed portions.

She moved to raise the cover, but I grasped her wrist and waggled a ‘no-no’ finger in her face. Flushed with embarrassment, she examined the exposed portions of the instruments, finally choosing the slenderest of them all. This one would still rival the diameter of my own penis, but would not stretch her sister’s sphincter nearly as much as the others. I watched dismay creep across her face as I began withdrawing the chosen phallus from beneath its cover; and continued withdrawing until its full eighteen inch length was exposed.

“Good choice!” I whispered in her ear as I fastened the dildo’s base to her harness, then flipped back the cover to show her that none of the others, though thicker, were more than eight inches in length.

Jasmine was too preoccupied with the sensations in her abdomen to notice what I was doing with Jade, so when I led Jade behind her, she still hadn’t seen the instrument of her punishment.

Finally, I removed the rubber plug from Jasmine’s ass and positioned the funnel to catch her dirty discharge. After a quick cleanup, I reinserted the barbell plug and shoved another tube through its axis, this one not going quite so deep.

Once again, I allowed her belly to fill to overflowing, but this time, I set Jade to work stimulating her sister orally as her abdomen grew and stretched under the pressure of the fluid.

Jasmine, in spite of the cramps, or perhaps because of them, came even more vehemently than she had on the shared dildo earlier.

After emptying her again, and again cleaning up her nether regions, I inserted a longer, more slender tube into her colon, twisting and turning it to ensure that it snaked all the way to the end of her lower bowel. I then turned the valve that started the flow of lubricant and slowly withdrew the tube, copiously lubricating the entire passage as it went.

With Jade still at work between her legs, Jasmine flew through climax after orgasm, driven in part by the humiliating strangeness of the extraordinarily deep penetration of the tube.

“Now, we begin,” I told the sisters.

I positioned a padded leather horse in front of Jasmine and lowered her wrist chains until she was, perforce, bent over the horse at the waist. Standing behind her sister, I whispered, “Begin.”

Jade shot me a stricken look, but having experienced the deviousness of my retribution, dared not hesitate too much. Steadying the snakelike phallus with both hands, she inserted its bulbous tip into her sister’s anus. Jasmine was fully aware of the purpose of her preparation and prepared for the insertion. Since the plastic phallus was not much bigger than the barbell plug that had recently penetrated her, she had little trouble with the initial insertion.

With about six inches buried, however, Jade apparently hit a barrier and turned to me. “That’s as far as it will go, Sir,” she said, hopefully.

Behind her, I had already lubed myself, so I stepped into position and bent my knees.

“Perhaps you just need a little help,” I told the diminutive fairy, nestling my well-lubricated cock head into the dark depression between Jade’s buttocks. “Keep going, my dear.”

Desperate to avoid the pressure I was putting on her own ring, Jade stiffened her plastic shaft with her hands and pushed forward, helped by my own push into her resistant sphincter. The barrier inside Jasmine yielded at the same time as Jade’s sphincter, and the sisters sang in harmony of their pain and outrage.

Several more inches of the dildo penetrated Jasmine before it came to the inevitable bend in her colon. She shrieked at the cramps caused by the unnatural stretching of her lower intestine, and Jade, empathizing with her sister, said, “Please, Sir! It’s killing her!”

Instead of answering, I gave her even more reason to empathize by breaching Jade’s colon with my own cock.

“Keep going,” I commanded, swiveling my hips, which caused Jade’s hips to follow.

The motion transferred to the embedded shaft and caused it to worm its way past the point of restriction, straightening Jasmine’s colon inch by inch, and rearranging her intestines in the process. With another agonized duet from the sisters, the plastic phallus continued its slow inward journey. Provided with both incentive and impetus by my cock in her own rear, Jade continued her inexorable progress deeper into her sister’s body. In fits and starts, the dildo writhed its way fully into the helpless young victim, finally ending entirely embedded, as Jasmine’s buttocks flattened against her sister’s softly rounded belly.

Unbelieving, the twins held their pose, the one struggling to absorb the reality of being penetrated by a foot and a half of thick plastic, while the other tried, with limited success, to believe that she had been the one who accomplished that obscene skewering of her twin.

“Oh my God!” the sisters whispered in unison.

“It feels like it is pressing against my diaphragm,” Jasmine gasped, restricting herself to short breaths.

“Are you all right, sister?” Jade asked fearfully.

“I am … astonished!!!” Jasmine gasped. “I have the most fearful cramps, and expect to feel the end of that … thing in my throat at any moment, and I have never been so extremely humiliated and outraged and… excited!”

“Sounds to me like she wants you to fuck her,” I whispered in Jade’s ear, giving her an extra little push for emphasis.

“But … Sir!” Jade began.

“You don’t want to?” I asked, then without waiting for an answer, “Very well, I shall fuck both of you.”

Grasping Jade’s slender hips, I pulled her back with me, then, with my hands, pushed her forward until my cock almost slipped out of her. At the exact instant that Jade’s hips slapped Jasmine’s buttocks, I drove my own pelvis forcefully into Jade, causing her, at least momentarily, to penetrate her sister even more deeply. Both cried out involuntarily, but I didn’t pause.

Gaining momentum, I gradually increased my speed, perfecting my rhythm, until we were slamming into each other at a good clip. Jasmine surrendered to the plundering we were dealing her, and began shouting hoarse obscenities at both of us. Jade, understanding now her sister’s surrender, stopped worrying about her twin and began cooperating in the rape of Jasmine’s intestines.

With the rhythm established and almost self-sustaining, I introduced Jade to one of the additional features of the harness she wore. Triggering the remote, I started the vibrator that was positioned against Jade’s clitoris.

Jade cried out in surprise and slammed even harder into her sister in an instinctive attempt to increase her own sensation by pressing her clitoris against the inside of the harness. Jasmine, surprised by the violence of this new assault, gasped and tried to draw away.

The horse over which she was folded would not allow this, of course, but it did not seem fair to me that Jade should enjoy more stimulation than her sister. Fortunately, I had a ready solution to this little inequity.

With a silent hand-signal, I gave Caesar, one of my half-wolf companions, permission to enter the fray. Bushy tail wagging, the brute homed immediately in on the delightful aroma emanating from Jasmine’s pussy. His long, rough tongue swiped along the entire length of her labia, scrubbing a violent, involuntary climax from her clit in the process.

Jade, meanwhile, had forgotten her concern for her sister in her demonic drive toward her own completion. Her tight little butt gnawed and nibbled at my erection, and I no longer had to move to reap the rewards it offered. Still, I thought, Jade could use just a little extra incentive.

Using the slider on my remote, I activated the electrical stimulation feature of her harness and slowly increased the magnitude of the stimulation. This circuitry, though hidden within the fabric and straps of the harness, was almost a replica of the circuitry in a basic TENS unit like the one I had used on Rhyslynn al Kendra.

As I advanced the slider, the pulses grew stronger, especially when Jade ground her pelvis against the inside of the harness in an effort to enhance the sensation from the vibrator.

Jade shrieked and jerked spasmodically as this new sensation invaded her senses. Too far gone in her pursuit of the ultimate orgasm, she continued to slam the dildo deep into her sister’s ass in her effort to maximize the sensation. I obliged by turning it up even higher.

Jade lost all sense of the here and now as she savaged her sister’s ass and colon, slamming in hard as she twisted and turned her pelvis on each impact, searching for that spot that would stimulate her in just the right way to send her over the edge.

I considered turning the electrical control higher, but more is not always better, especially when you’re talking about electrical current. Instead, I changed the angle of my own attack on her tender anal tissues, forcing the head of my cock to gouge deeply into the tender membranes separating her rectum from her vagina. It must have felt to her as if she was being violated from front and rear at the same time. I can only speculate, since I do not have the anatomy to conduct experiments that might confirm my theory.

Whatever the case, Jade’s body chose that moment to explode violently into a spasmodic orgasm that left her in rictus, deeply rooted in her sister’s body as her own shook and trembled convulsively. Jasmine, aided by Caesar’s talented tongue, went off like a secondary explosion from a bombing run on an ammo dump, the twin’s voices once again harmonizing in an ancient, wordless song of lust, surrender and fulfillment.

What could I do but enjoy the ride? When a tight, lovely ass like that devours one’s cock so eagerly, despite the seeming impossibility of the fit, one has little choice but to cum, and cum I did, deeply, strongly, and for a very long time.

So caught up in my own pleasure was I that I almost forgot the remote that was sustaining Jade’s orgasm far longer than was natural. Finally, I hit the kill button and the dungeon became suddenly silent, except for two sounds: The rasping of our mutual stertorous breathing, and the lapping of Caesar’s tongue.

I considered letting him continue, but I was not yet done with the lovely ladies and I didn’t want either of them passing out on me just yet. I tapped Caesar on the snout to get his attention, then signaled him to back away. Reluctantly, he obeyed, consoled by the knowledge that I would, eventually, let him have his way with one or both of these human bitches.

“Now,” I asked, as I withdrew from Jade’s delectable rump, “do you think your sister has paid for her half of Rhyslynn al Kendra?”

“If she has not,” Jade answered breathlessly, “I do not know what else I could collect from her to balance the books.”

“Perhaps you are right,” I smiled. “In which case, it is time for the two of you to begin paying me.”

Two pairs of almond shaped eyes turned in my direction as both mouths dropped open in surprise.

“What?” I asked. “Did you think I would accept this as payment? No, this was simply the two of you settling your own account with each other.”

“But … you just sodomized me!” Jade protested.

“Why, yes,” I answered thoughtfully, “and if you lie to me again, I shall think of an even harsher punishment for you, but that was simply reminding you of your position in this deal you made. Surely you are not suggesting that your punishment be considered as payment for your debt.”

Jade’s face fell as she answered, “No, sir.”

“Very well,” I said, releasing Jasmine from her bondage as Jade gingerly backed the long, long phallus out of her tender backside.

I waited for Jade to remove the harness, then, holding a coin where she could see it, I turned to Jasmine. “Your call, Jasmine: Heads or tails?”

“Heads,” she answered without hesitation.

“Heads it is,” I said returning the coin to my pocket.

“But you didn’t flip the coin!” Jasmine cried.

“No, I didn’t,” I replied, smiling.

Taking a handful of Jasmine’s long, silken tresses, I steered her to lie on her back on one of the ubiquitous low, padded benches that populated my dungeon. With my other hand between her legs, and two fingers buried in her tight, wet interior, I moved her body until I was satisfied with her position, then I strapped her in place and bound her hands along her sides.

Jasmine’s position left her head hanging over the end of the bench.

I then turned to Jade, who stood trembling, wondering what new horror I would visit upon her and her sister. Any notion of leniency due to their beauty had long since fled, and without her primary weapon, Jade was a frightened little girl.

“Since your sister chose ‘heads’, you get tails,” I told her, leading her by the hair to another bench set parallel to her sister’s, but a couple of feet away.

I bound Jade face down with her legs hanging over the end of the bench. She was so short that her knees didn’t quite reach the floor. Oh well, the bench would support her sufficiently for what was to come.

“Now, ladies,” I told them, once they were both secured, “you both know me and my ways, so which of you can tell me what happens next?”

“T-the dogs?” Jasmine stammered.

“That’s right,” I said, “For answering the question correctly, you get to choose: Which of these two magnificent studs will be your lover for this evening?”

Both had seen the boys in action, and Jasmine was no dummy. Knowing what her position and her choice of ‘heads’ implied, she chose Caesar.

“A wise choice, indeed,” I told her. “Caesar’s knot will inflate rapidly, reducing the chances of it getting locked behind your teeth.”

“And you, Jade, get Czar. Before he is done with you, I believe you, too, will think your sister’s choice wise. Before knotting with you, Czar will stroke you long and hard, then he will lock himself inside your body and let you know, in no uncertain terms, that you are now and forever, his bitch.”

I signaled Czar to begin, but knelt beside his bitch-to-be to ensure that he found right hole. Jasmine’s implied choice for her sister was, after all, ‘tails’. Fortunately for Jade, she had not closed up completely from my earlier use of her, and was still well lubricated.

The lovely chinese girl grunted at the suddenness of my companion’s entrance, despite the fact that she had known it was coming. She continued emitting guttural sounds as Czar made a final adjustment to his position and began ‘treading’, forcing himself even deeper as his cock grew and lengthened. Fortunately for the girls, I kept the boys’ dew claws rounded off. They still dug into their bitches’ flesh, letting them know who was in charge, but did not leave scratches or permanent marks.

Satisfied that Czar was well taken care of, I gave Caesar his signal and waited as he mounted Jasmine’s face, gripping her head between his forepaws to hold it in place for his assault, the same way his brother gripped Jade’s hips. I kept an eye on him until his knot had grown too large to fit between Jasmine’s teeth and only battered her lips from the outside, then stood back to watch as the girls became the vessels for my boys’ pleasure.

Jasmine’s throat stretched horribly as Caesar’s enormous cock forced its pointy tip further and further inward, and she had trouble getting her gag reflex under control, thanks to the rapidity of his strokes, but this was clearly not the first time she had been throat-fucked, and soon she found her lover’s rhythm, and managed to breath as my boy took his pleasure from her. To add to her humiliation, I fitted a butterfly vibe around her pelvis, centering it on her little clit, thus ensuring that she would cum at least once while servicing my pal.

Jade was lost. Until Czar’s knot arose, all she could feel was the rapid shuttling of his cock in and out of her already stretched colon, and the involuntary rubbing of her clit on the edge of the bench in time with her lover’s strokes. I gently stroked the sweat-soaked hair away from her face and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

“You are quite beautiful, you know,” I whispered into her ear, “but Czar cares nothing for that. He does, however, appreciate the tightness of your cute little ass. You can tell by the way his hindquarters try to follow his cock inside you with each thrust. He wants you for his bitch, and he will have you. When you return to San Francisco, you will find yourself daydreaming of the forcefulness of his fucking, and the feeling of being completely possessed by his cock, especially after his knot inflates and locks you to him. It is a feeling of complete and utter subjugation that you will know you can never ever instill in your clients.”

As if to emphasize my point Czar’s knot began to inflate and Jade’s eyes took on a stricken appearance as the knot shuttled several times through her sphincter before growing so large that her sphincter would no longer allow it egress. Czar’s strokes shortened and he concentrated on forcing himself as deeply as possible into Jade’s colon, unaware that he could not impregnate her.

I chose that moment to reach between his legs and give her clit a pinch. It wasn’t all that hard, but it did the trick.

Already humiliated by being forced to accept a dog as her master, Jade was devastated by the orgasm that overtook her as Czar’s white-hot seed inundated her colon.

Returning to her sister, I was just in time to watch Caesar pump her esophagus full of his potent seed. Put off by his knot banging against the hardness of Jasmine’s teeth, however, Caesar did not strive so hard to penetrate to maximum depth. In fact, once he began ejaculating, he was done with the whole teeth-around-the-hole thing, and pulled his cock out in mid-spurt. He was in no hurry to dismount, however, and Jasmine was forced to cope with several minutes of doggy facial.

“Open up,” I told her, as she tried to close her lips against the tide of his discharge. “Caesar is giving you a gift, lovely Jasmine. Granted, it’s more a testament to the warmth and tightness of your throat than to your beauty. Still, he has condescended to bestow it upon you, and the least you can do is not let it go to waste.”

Jasmine’s face turned a deeper shade of red under the slime of her lover’s cum than it had been when Caesar forced his cock down her throat, but she did as I commanded, taking the rest of Caesar’s nectar into her mouth. I didn’t even have to tell her what to do with it.

When Caesar’s spasms had finished, he joined his brother in the corner, gingerly nursing with his tongue the tender ring at the front of his knot that had been so abused by Jasmine’s teeth.

I released the sisters and allowed them to clean up in the dungeon’s shower, but insisted that they wash each other. This, of course, led to petting, then kissing, etc. At first, it was a show they put on for my benefit, perhaps hoping to win a bit of leniency in whatever was to come next, and I have to admit that watching two tiny, wet, shapely ladies please each other was not unpleasant. I allowed it to continue and when the pretense slipped away and they became serious about loving each other, I ordered them apart.

Panting and looking a little sheepish, the sisters took the towels I offered and began to dry off. With their hair wet and their makeup removed, they were still quite attractive, but in a more girl-next-door sort of way. I kind of liked that naive, innocent look on them and didn’t give them a chance to discover the hair-dryer or to re-apply their makeup.

I wrapped an arm around each slender waist. Their skin was flawless and satin smooth; a rare pleasure just to touch. Touching, in fact, was what I wanted them to do next: to each other.

I gently guided Jade into a recumbent position on one of the larger padded mats, then urged her onto her side. I gave her a double-ended dildo and some lube and instructed her to get it started. She looked at me speculatively for a moment, but decided that the lube answered the question she was about to ask and proceeded to insert one end of the phallus into her posterior.

I smiled my approval, then positioned her sister behind her, feet toward Jade’s head and facing away from her. When I took the lube from Jade and handed it to Jasmine, she did not have to guess what I wanted her to do. Since both had been recently sodomized by much larger objects, it was no trick for each of their little derrieres to receive approximately half of the plastic phallus.

The two lovely twins lay butt to butt, inverted from each other, and began undulating their hips, thinking I wanted to watch them screw each other with the dildo. No such luck.

I knelt and whispered, first into Jasmine’s ear, then, after getting her nod of understanding, went to her sister and whispered the same instructions in her ear. Two fingers from each girl’s hand, speared into her sister’s pussy, soon joined by a third and a fourth as they became more excited and accepting of the penetration.

I could easily hear the slopping of self-lubrication as the two fucked each other, the finger action in their pussies enhancing the undulation of their tiny butts on the ends of the dildo. On my nod, each girl joined her thumb with her other fingers, and began spearing the bunched fingers with greater and greater force into their moist target.

At almost the same instant, the knuckles of each hand broke through the elastic ring of the pussy it penetrated and the twins were wrist-deep in each other’s pussies. Per my instructions each now formed a fist inside her sister, making it almost impossible to remove their hands.

With closed fist, each twin mugged the other’s tender cervix, then pulled sharply back, pulling her sister toward her and impaling both asses more deeply on the dildo. When I had given my instructions, each girl had thought mostly about the effect the fisting would be having on her sister. Now it became apparent that whatever happened to one sister, happened to the other.

Looking over their shoulders, the two caught each other’s eyes, then, as if drawn by a magnet, each girl’s eyes dropped to the place where her arm disappeared into her sister, realizing that her twin was seeing and feeling exactly the same thing.

An expression akin to fear crossed each lovely face, followed closely by a sense of realization which was quickly washed away by passion as two slender limbs began pistoning like the drive arms of a locomotive, slowly at first, but rapidly gaining speed and power. Jade was first to go, followed only seconds later by Jasmine, as if they were singing an old-fashioned ’round’ (row, row, row your boat, etc.) as each screamed her orgasm somewhere above high C, causing the dogs ears to perk up and their heads to tilt curiously from side to side as they tried to determine what was making that noise.

After another shower, I fed the ladies, then put them to bed, face down over opposite ends of one of the benches, with their nether regions fully exposed. It was warm enough that they would not need blankets, but I left the pantry door open to ensure that they would not have to depend solely on each other’s company.

Watching the security tapes later, I saw with satisfaction that my canine companions took turns visiting them during the night, in between making their rounds of the property. I noticed, too, that Caesar kept returning to Jasmine, while Czar claimed Jade. If the lovely ladies slept, it was only fitfully, between sessions with their lovers.

I locked the boys out of the dungeon when I awoke in the morning and allowed my guests a few hours sleep while I awaited Amy’s arrival. At noon, just as I was putting lunch on the table, I heard a knock on the screen door and answered it to find my lovely slave kneeling, completely nude, on my porch as she offered up the neatly folded bundle of her clothing.

I allowed her to sit at the table with me as we ate and I explained her role in the coming events. After Amy cleaned up the lunch dishes, I took a plate of sandwiches to the dungeon and fed my charges while Amy prepared herself.

I don’t think the twins even noticed that she was there, they were so groggy from hunger and what little sleep they had managed after I locked the the dogs out of the dungeon.

I blindfolded the twins and bound them into a pair of gyno exam tables, side by side. When Doc arrived, he administered a soporific to each of them and waited for it to go to work.

“What was that?” Jade asked, realizing she’d just been injected with something.

“Nothing harmful or addictive,” I told her, “but it will make you float for an hour or so. You both know that no one leaves my dungeon without a parting gift, and since you already wear my jewelry on your breasts, I had to get a bit more creative. This will allow me to give you that gift without causing you undue pain.”

“Ohh,” Jade’s head rocked as if she was in a boat. The drug must already be taking effect.

When Doc thought enough time had elapsed, he took the devices that Amy had prepared and carefully inserted them; one in each lovely breast, and another in each tiny pussy, near the G-spot. He then carefully threaded the tiny wires subcutaneously into the nerve bundle that served each girl’s clitoris, and did the same for their nipples. The whole procedure took no more than ten minutes per patient, and Doc was gone before the drugs wore off. In his wallet, when he left, was a gift certificate for a free weekend at the Dragon’s Lair in San Francisco, Jade and Jasmine Li, proprietors.

The girls had given me the certificate some time ago, and it seemed the most appropriate currency with which to pay a dedicated masochist like Doc.

The devices he had implanted were advanced versions of those I had him implant in Kelly Anne (see HIW: Kelly Anne). These were simpler in function and each device was a transceiver. Jade’s implants would act as the remote control for Jasmine’s and vice versa. Whenever Jade felt pain or pleasure in any of her major erogenous zones, those impulses would be transmitted to her sister, as well. The reverse was also true. Whatever Jasmine felt would be repeated in Jade’s body.

Since the devices were almost microscopic and had been inserted with a tool akin to a large hypodermic, the trauma to the area of insertion was minimal and Doc had said that they would not have to curtail their sexual activities.

Amy proceeded to test the devices while the girls were still emerging from the effects of the drug.

Kneeling before Jasmine, Amy gently kissed her way from the girl’s well-turned knee down the sensitive, flawless skin of her thigh, pausing to delve into the tender fold at the junction between thigh and abdomen with her tongue.

Jasmine moaned and squirmed with pleasure. Jade heard the sounds and turned her blindfolded head in her sister’s direction, but showed no other reaction. When Amy took her sister’s tiny clit between her luscious lips, however, both girls’ hips lunged upward.

“W-what… ?” Jade whispered.

As scripted, Amy bit Jasmine’s clit hard enough to send a jolt of pain through her, and both girls screamed, jerking their hips back as far as their bondage allowed.

Amy then moved to Jasmine’s right nipple and took it between her teeth, nibbling gently at the sensitive bud. Both girls moaned and arched their backs. A similar experiment with Jasmine’s left nipple yielded similar results.

Amy then repeated the experiments on Jade, drawing identical reactions from Jasmine. Satisfied that the devices worked as advertised, I removed Jade’s blindfold and turned Jasmine over to my slave. Jade, I unbound and sat upon my lap.

“What did you do to us?” Jade asked breathlessly as Amy’s talented tongue went to work on her sister.

When Amy nibbled an ear, or kissed Jasmine’s neck, Jade’s only stimulation was visual. When, in the process of working her way down Jasmine’s body, Amy pinched one of her nipples, Jade jumped in surprise and arousal. Since both of my hands were on her waist, she knew I hadn’t touched her nipple.

As a counterpoint to Amy’s manipulation of Jasmine’s left breast, I gave Jade’s right nipple a squeeze, causing Jasmine to wonder at the extra stimulation.

“I, my dear Jade, traded your gift certificate for the good doctor’s services. In return, he consented to implant, in both you and your sister, my gift to you. When he comes to visit your establishment, I shall expect him to receive the royal treatment.”

“If you don’t answer my question,” Jade gasped, as Amy’s slender forefinger caressed the inside of Jasmine’s vaginal tube, “he will not even be admitted!”

“Isn’t it obvious?” I grinned down at her upturned face. “I have made you and your sister even more inseparable. You are intelligent enough to realize that each of you now carries transponders in both nipples and in the more sensitive areas of your genitals. Each time one of you is afforded stimulation in one of those marvelous spots, the other feels it, almost as if she had experienced it. At the moment, you are simply a hitch-hiker on your sister’s pleasure at the hands of my lovely slave. If I should do this, however…”

So saying, I gave Jade’s clitoris a quick pinch. Jasmine’s hips jerked reflexively, which rubbed her G-spot even more vigorously along Amy’s finger and that sensation transmitted to the lovely lady in my lap, who squirmed with pleasure.

” … her pleasure and yours are multiplied,” I finished. “Now, imagine the two of you making love together…”

I could almost see the scenes playing out in Jade’s head. Every action she took to pleasure her sister would be reflected back to her, and vice versa, creating a feedback loop that, unless consciously broken, could send both of them spiraling out of control.

“Oh my God!” Jade cried, as scenario after scenario chased itself across the cinema of her mind. “You must remove these diabolical devices at once!”

“Three months,” I told her. “You must keep them for a minimum of three months. If, at the end of that time, you still want them removed, I shall do so.”

I didn’t tell her the other option. That could wait until the end of the trial period, but with the transmission of a rather complex digital signal, I could switch the devices so that they would respond to a manual remote, instead of to each other.

“Buddha, teach me strength!” she breathed, as Amy’s slender hand worked it’s way into her sister’s vagina at the same time her lips closed on Jasmine’s clit. In only moments, Jasmine was reaching for her peak, but Jade, not receiving the full benefit of Amy’s ministrations, had a little way to go. To help her out, I raised her tiny body and sat her upon my erection, sinking once more into the delicious tightness of her anus.

That was when Jasmine discovered the other erogenous zone that connected the two. Yes, one pair of the fine wires that radiated from the unit implanted in their genitalia connected with the nerves from the rectal opening. As I entered her sister, Jasmine felt that she, too, was being anally probed at the same time that Amy’s fist was reaming her pussy.

Jade, realizing her sister’s dilemma, exploded into her greatest orgasm so far, and Jasmine was not far behind. The unexpected sensations, not yet explained to Jasmine, sent her mind caroming across the stars as her body twisted and spasmed under physical and seemingly metaphysical forces.

While Jade was busy with her climax, I stood and carried her to a small vertical post that was rigidly fastened to the floor. From an anti-bacterial bath nearby, I took a small plastic rod with a bulbous tip and inserted the other end into a hole in the top of the pole. A quick flip of a lever locked the rod securely to the pole.

Jade’s eyes were still closed until I raised her body nearly off of my cock, and by feel, guided the bulb on the end of the semi-flexible rod into her tiny urethra, lowering her again onto my cock.

“What are you… ?” Jade started to ask, then as she felt the new intrusion, her head turned until she was staring at me in a kind of horrified wonder.

I expected a tirade, or at least a protest, but what came from her mouth almost floored me.

“How did you know?” Jade asked, her voice taut with sexual tension. “I never told anyone, not even Jasmine about this fantasy!”

“I guess great minds think alike,” I smiled as I recovered my composure. “So you do like my little surprise.”

So saying, I began to raise and lower her diminutive form, alternately impaling her ass and urethra on their respective invaders.

Jasmine could feel sensations from her sister’s butt, but since her urethra wasn’t wired, Jasmine had no idea what was happening to the rest of Jade’s body.

The diminutive Asian’s excitement at the unconventional penetration was causing spasms in her colon that soon did the job for me, and I withdrew, leaving her standing, deeply impaled on the urethral invader with an ass full of cum.

“Amy, come here,” I commanded my slave.

As my slave left the still blindfolded Jasmine wondering what was going on, I spoke softly into Jade’s ear. “Your job, now, pretty girl, is to give your sister as many orgasms as possible.”

“Then release me from this infernal thing so that can go to her and…”

“No.” was my only reply.

Comprehension slowly dawned as I backed away. Bound in place by nothing more than the rod penetrating her pee hole, Jade would have to make use of her new implants to get her sister off without touching her.

“May I have a vibrator, at least?” she asked.

“No.” I answered again.

Jade turned to face me by shuffling her feet around the stanchion supporting the rod that held her in place, and shot me a complex glare that was part murderous intent, part pleading, part lust, and part, in spite of herself, joy. The task that I had set for her would not be easy, but neither was it anywhere near impossible, and by implication, it left her sister at her mercy.

I saw these realizations in the expression on her beautiful face, but they faded slowly as Jade came to the final realization: Since the implants transmitted only a small fraction of the sensations felt by the person experiencing them firsthand, she would have to stimulate herself to a much greater level to get her sister off.

I smiled as I watched Jade’s mind work upon her emotions, then gestured for her to begin.

Amy cleaned me with a warm washcloth, then buried my cock in her own throat as Jade started the show. Slowly, sensuously, both tiny hands sought her breasts, squeezing, but not yet touching her nipples. As she did this, she turned to watch her bound sister’s reactions.

Jasmine felt only small tremors as Jade manipulated her small breasts, until she lightly brushed her fingertips across her erect nipples, causing Jasmine to jerk and gasp.

“What’s happening?” Jasmine asked. She could tell that no one was near her, and yet she couldn’t deny the sensations she was feeling.

“Pleasure,” I told her, knowing it wasn’t the answer she sought.

Jade apparently hoped the mystery would heighten her sister’s arousal. She curtailed any further conversation by pinching both of her nipples violently, then trapping the barbells that penetrated them between two fingers, jerked her tiny breasts into elongated cones.

Jasmine’s head flew backward in synch with her sister’s as both reacted to the dramatic stimulation. With the immediate danger of her twin discovering their electronic connection avoided, Jade reverted to making slow, sensuous love to herself.

I stopped Amy’s ministrations to my cock and silently guided her to stand before me, facing the girls, so that she, too, could enjoy the show.

Jade’s caresses of her body exuded the passionate poetry of one lover for another, and I realized that that was very nearly what it was, only one body housed both lovers. Jade’s vanity blossomed fully as she soothed her flawless skin, shivering to her own touch, and only slowly arriving at the foci of her physical passion. Her tiny hands flitted like butterflies over her smooth, tender flesh, worshipping her own body as ardently as she might another lover’s. Jasmine writhed in her bondage, feeling only fleeting, ethereal suggestions of stimulation as Jade flirted with, but never quite arrived at, her own erotic centers.

As her own arousal grew, Jade’s calves flexed rhythmically, raising and lowering her torso slightly as she fucked herself on her secret lover. This provided no stimulation for her sister, however, and Jade had presence of mind enough to continue with her manual play. Swift, fleeting touches, at first, were all that she allowed her twin to feel of the sensation that so inundated her own physical being. Soon, however, her lust held sway and she abandoned the subtle approach, going now directly for her clitoris with a slender right hand, while fiercely mauling her left nipple. Finally included more fully in her twin’s efforts, Jasmine bucked and strained against her bondage, seeking both the source of her own stimulation, and to multiply its effects.

Finally overtaken by her lust, Jade screamed a release of her passion to the dungeon ceiling, only to be answered by her sister’s cry of frustration.

“God! What are you doing to me! Let me cum!”

Amy stood resting comfortably against the front of my body as the show continued. We watched in amusement as, twice more, Jade achieved her climax without doing more than torturing her sister with its promise.

“Do you see what’s wrong, slave,” I whispered in Amy’s ear.

“I think so, Sir,” she whispered back.

“Would you care to instruct the beautiful Jade?”

“May I use the crop, Sir?”

“You may, but be mindful of her condition. Do not cause her to injure herself.”

“Of course, Sir.”

Amy selected her favorite riding crop from the assortment of whips, quirts, cats o’nine tails, floggers, etc. that adorned one wall of my dungeon. Approaching Jade from behind, she commanded, “Hold!”

Instantly, Jade froze. Having used the command many times, herself, she understood its import.

“You have cum three times while your sister still begs for release,” Amy told her sharply, then, striking one small breast after the other, in time with her words, she said, “Stop – thinking – of – your – self! Your job, you stupid bitch, is to make your sister cum!”

To her credit, Jade accepted the punishment with no more than the expected painful exclamations, but when Amy had finished, she cried, “But … How can I… ?”

“Shall I begin again?


Smack! The crop left a white slash on Jade’s left breast which quickly turned red.

Glaring sullenly at Amy, Jade again began her manipulations. Again she started with the slow caresses, but suddenly her eyes widened as she began to understand how it had to work. Walking herself around the impaling rod, Jade turned until she could see her bound, blindfolded twin.

“I am going to help you, sister,” she said softly, then began lightly rubbing her palms over her erect nipples. “Do you feel that, Jas?”

“Oh yesss! Do it some more!”

Jade complied by pinching both nipples sharply. “And that? How does that feel, sister?”

In reply, Jasmine gasped and arched her back. “I do not know how you are doing that, but please continue!”

Jade accelerated the game by sliding her right hand to the top or her ‘V’ and running the two middle fingers down the sides of her engorged clitoris.

“Ooooh! Yes!” Jasmine cooed, raising her hips in invitation.

Tugging at the barbell through her left nipple, Jade now began strumming her clit in earnest as Jasmine’s excitement grew and she thrashed within her bonds.

Lifting her left leg while balancing on the right, Jade abandoned the nipple tugging and plunged two fingers of her left hand into her tight, wet, pussy.

Jasmine’s hips reflected her arousal at this, as they undulated wildly in response to the remote stimulation. As Jasmine’s flailing threatened to tear the bench to which she was bound from its moorings, Jade began slapping at her own clit with the flat of her right hand.

That was enough to send Jasmine over the edge in a thundering, screaming climax, made all the greater by her earlier frustration.

I sent Amy to release her, and used my remote to lower the rod impaling Jade.

“Go to your sister and explain your situation, Jade,” I told her.

Jade practically flew to her twin’s side, and their mouths molded together in a passionate kiss before Jade began whispering in Jasmine’s ear. I watched the expression on her beautiful face turn from consternation to fear, then, ever so slowly, to a sly smile as she began to truly understand the impact the implants would have on their lives.

Suddenly Jasmine sat up straight and spoke to me, asking, “What is the range on these devices?”

“About half a mile,” I told her. “Less inside a building.”

Her silken hair shook in waves as she nodded sharply. “Well, sister, it seems that the next few months are going to be very interesting.”

Jade, picking up on her sister’s thought, smiled her own smile and answered, “Yes, I believe they will be.”

“Have you finished with us?” they asked in unison, then burst out laughing.

“What do you think, Amy?” I asked, “Would you like to play with these lovely toys for a bit longer?”

“I would rather they played with me, Sir,” Amy replied.

I raised a querying eyebrow in the twins’ direction, and receiving feral grins in reply, turned and left my slave to the sisters’ tender mercies.

After an excellent dinner cooked by the three ladies, I gave them a choice of sleeping arrangements: They could sleep, unbound, in the dungeon, and be visited by my boys as they made their rounds, or they could share the guest bedroom.

The three shared a silent conversation with their eyes, then, smiling, headed for the hidden door inside my pantry. I still take out the DVDs that were shot on the dungeon cameras that night, whenever I want a special voyeuristic thrill.

Needless to say, none of the three got much sleep that night. I locked the dogs out of the dungeon when I got up in the morning, and around noon three hungry, bleary-eyed young ladies staggered into the kitchen, following their noses to the steaks I had grilled for our lunch.

After we ate, I replaced the cones on the sisters’ nipples, and Amy and I saw them into the limo that would take them to Sea-Tac airport for their return flight to San Francisco. It took Amy most of the rest of the day to clean up the dildos, bondage equipment, fixtures and miscellaneous toys that the three of them had found a use for during their night of debauchery.

“Will they be coming back soon?” my slave asked as she slipped tiredly under the covers with me that night.

“Probably not until they owe me another debt,” I answered. “As much as they enjoyed their weekend with us, their pride will not allow them to ask to return.”

“But how will they come to owe you another debt?” Amy asked with childlike innocence.

“They will find a way,” I answered, turning her pliant form face down on the mattress so that I could mount her from behind.

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