Women with Animals

Jack and Randy


(c) 2021 by Story Teller 101

Chapter One

“Are you ok Beth” asked my friend. Stupid question as I had just been told my husband, Andrew, had been killed in a car accident. We had been married for 10 years and now I was 30yo and a widow. After appointments with Lawyers and Accountants I learned than my husband, who was 40, had built up a portfolio of 2 rental houses, stocks and cash in the bank. I knew he was clever but I was surprised. “You will never have to work again” said the Accountant. That was the only good news as I hated my job. I resigned on the spot, thinking of taking a year off to decide what I wanted to do. Two years later I was sad, bored and fat.

I decided I had to do something. I joined a gym and went every day religiously. Gym in the morning, lunch and then a walk around the park in the afternoon. It filled my day but not my need for intimacy. You see Andrew and I had what could be described as a torrid sex life. Even after 10 years we made love nearly every night and experimented with every position possible and several we thought were impossible – but weren’t. Part of killing my boredom was the use of sex toys. First I bought a small vibrator and a larger one. They gave me certain relief but lacked the intimacy of another people. I tried dating but I kept comparing them to Andrew and they failed, usually on the first date. In short, I hadn’t had sex for those two years.

I had just finished my run one Friday and sat on a bench near home when this guy walked past with a dog on a lead. He was a black Labrador. The dog walked close to me and stopped, looking at me. “Hello boy” I said and patted his head. He immediately made a dive for me, forcing his head between my knees. “Stop Randy” shouted the guy and pulled his away. Meanwhile I was in shock. “You should be careful with that animal” I said sharply. “Oh I am so sorry Miss” he said “he can get a little excited at times”. I looked at the guy. I guessed he was in his 60s but the dog seemed quite young. “I am sorry too” I said “I guess I just got a fright”. “Let me make it up to you” he added “can I buy you a coffee or something? I am Jack, by the way” He seemed harmless enough and, quite frankly, it would break the monotony. “OK” I replied “a coffee would be nice”.

We walked a short distance to the coffee shop and sat outside. I asked him about the dog for no other reason than for conversation. I learned that it was his wife’s dog and she had passed away a year earlier and he kept it to remember her by. She had him for maybe two years but she had always had dogs. “She loved dogs and dogs loved her” he said. “Randy?” I asked. He smiled “yes each dog she owned she called him Randy”. “Very appropriate” I thought but didn’t say. “How about you” he asked. I told him a little about my life. “You must get lonely” he said “you should get a dog”. I laughed “I live in an apartment and dogs are banned. Anyway a dog would have no yard to play in”.

I finished my coffee and said I had to go. I went to pat Randy and he stopped me. “He is a bit sensitive in the head region” he said. I looked at Randy he cocked his head to one side and just stared at me. It was a little un-nerving to be truthful. I said goodbye and headed home. I don’t know what it was but as I lay naked on the bed with my vibrator I suddenly thought of Jack and Randy. His wife loved dogs and they loved her. Don’t pat him on the head. What had his attack all about? Was it an attack? And called all the wife’s dog Randy? I moaned loudly as I came for the second time. Was I over-thinking things? There was something weird about the whole Jack and Randy thing.

I didn’t see Jack for several days but I hadn’t forgotten our talk. I started thinking all sorts of nasty thoughts. Yes, I had heard about bestiality. I thought it was rubbish. An animal having sex with a human? Nonsense. But still, alone on my bed the thoughts returned again and again. I decided to try and settle things once and for all. I went for my run and spotted Jack and deliberately ran towards him. “Hi Jack” I said “It must be my turn to buy the coffee”. “That isn’t necessary” he said but I insisted. “Hello Randy” I said and he started to wag his tail. We went to the café and as I sipped my coffee and tried to think of a way to broach the subject that was playing on my mind.

“He is looking at me funny Jack” I said “it would so interesting to know what dogs are thinking”. He smiled. “Oh probably wondering why an attractive woman like you is drinking coffee with an old guy like me”. I laughed “how old?” I asked. “I’m 71 and long passed chatting up young women”. I was surprised “well maybe your wife didn’t think you were old” I said. I saw a twinkle in his eye “no Joy and I had a great life together”. “With Randy of course” I said. He smiled again. “Yes with all her Randy boys” he added. He then looked at me “tell me Beth, what do you really need to know? What are you dying to ask me? What have you been thinking? I blushed. “Yes you are wondering about my wife and her dogs. Do you really want to know?” he asked.

He saw my embarrassment and before I could answer he decided to take the lead. Just after we got married, God that was 50 years ago, we got a dog. My wife was a virgin but she soon enjoyed sex. One day I got home to find Joy naked and the dog she had called Randy with his nose in her crotch. She had her eyes closed and was moaning “Jack, yes lick me”. No the dog’s name was Randy but she was saying MY name. She opened her eyes and screamed. I sat beside her and kissed her. I had never performed oral sex on her. She explained that she would let Randy lick her and pretend it was me. It turned out that my efforts fell short of Randy’s oral abilities. So Joy and I decided to allow Randy to take charge. She trained him that when she patted his head that was his signal. Of course as the months passed Randy became more boisterous. One night he was licking away while I watched and he suddenly leapt up and tried to mount her. Completely by accident he actually thrust his cock into her and so began a lifetime obsession. I realised I would have to share her.

I sat totally numb. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Finally I blurted out “I thought stories of bestiality were fake. Made up or something”. He chuckled. “Do you really want to know more” he said and asked the waitress for a piece of paper and a pen. “Next time you are on the internet type in this address” he said, handing me the paper. I looked at the paper and then at him. “I think you will understand more” Jack said and then he and Randy headed home leaving me shocked. “My God, it might be real” I thought “or is just telling me a yarn”. I rushed back home and turned on the computer. I typed in the address and page after page of bestiality sites were listed. I clicked on the first one and sat stunned. There were video after video of women with dogs. Mating with them and even performing oral sex on them. Jack had been right. There was indeed such a thing as bestiality. But was his story true or had he made it up because he looked at these sites. Nevertheless I quickly got out of my running gear and used the vibrator to get myself off as I watched dogs mounting women and them squealing and moaning as if they were enjoying it.


Chapter Two

My boring life might be changing after meeting Jack and Randy.

The next day I couldn’t wait to run into Jack again. He saw me coming around the tan and sat on the bench waiting for me. I sat beside his with Randy giving that enquiring look. Jack at me and I had this wide grin. “You looked at those videos didn’t you?’ he said. I nodded, slightly embarrassed. “Don’t be embarrassed Beth” he said “it is human nature to be curious. It is what follows curiosity is knowledge and the want to experience what one learns”. I realised he was throwing down a challenge. Did I want to take what I learned in those videos and experience it? “I not sure” I said “I don’t know if I could do that”. Then I looked at Randy “he must miss your wife” I said.

Jack looked at me. “You are not with the tax department or anything?” he asked. I laughed “no Jack I don’t work at all” I replied. “Well yes, Randy is a fully trained dog and would be lonely but we have a little business going don’t boy? You see Joy joined this chat group and chattered about experiences with dogs. When she passed away I saw people trying to contact her. I began to chat and found a lot of women, ever some couples, who couldn’t have dogs but wanted the experience. I was in Marketing before I retired so it was a natural progression to lease Randy for a day or a weekend to anyone wanting dog sex”. I sat gobsmacked. Jack leased out Randy to women wanting a dog.

Gathering my thoughts I said “so you take Randy to the women and charge them?” He nodded. “This happens often? I asked. “Well not as often as I would like” he replied “some women baulk when they find I am a man and they are too shy to go ahead”. I smiled and said “so you would like to have a woman on-board to ease their minds?” He hesitated and then said “yes, that would be a great advantage. I just need to find someone who is free and willing to help me”. Then he looked at me and smiled. He knew what I was thinking and I knew he knew. I saved him asking. “I would be happy to help” I said “so we need to come up with a plan. Maybe I can meet you at your house to work it out?” He said that sounded like a good idea and gave me his address.

Later that afternoon I knocked on his door. I had changed out of my running gear and put on a skirt and top. He opened the door and smiled. “You look very nice Beth” he said. I thanked him and we went inside. The house was beautifully decorated, obviously his wife’s work. “Sit down Beth and I will make a coffee” he said. No coffee thanks. Do you have anything stronger? I asked “I think I will need something to relax me”. Just then Randy came into the room and looked at me. “How about Randy?” Jack said. I guess I should have said “no thanks” but instead called him over and patted him on the head. Immediately he dived between my thighs and began to push his nose into my crotch. I gave a little squeal as he lapped at my knicker-covered pussy. “It is much better without the panties” Jack said. I quickly slipped them off and I got the best oral sex ever. His tongue was broad and rough and he had me moaning like the women in those videos. “Good boy Randy” I said “good boy” and then had my first dog initiated orgasm.

“Oh Jack, he is amazing” I spoke in barely a whisper “I never thought it would feel that good”. But I kept patting his head until I came once more before pushing him away. He seemed a bit confused. Then I saw his cock showing a little bit. Obviously licking was just foreplay to him. The main event was to follow. I gathered my thoughts and turned to Jack who was sitting quietly in a chair opposite. “Jack you are marketing but I was in logistics” I said “looking at a situation and deciding the way forward. Do you want to expand your little enterprise?” He nodded and said yes but he had already told me the limitations. “Ah yes, the male thing. Well I can help there. With me involved that takes care of that problem. What else is a problem? I asked. “Well the neighbours have mentioned there are lots of women coming to my house” he said “I told them the women are health workers and cleaners but I don’t think they believe me” and he laughed.

“I own a property out of town and the lease is due and the couple there want out. That would be perfect to set up properly. You supply Randy, I supply the house and we work out how to split the profits. After all, some dog food is really the only outlay and I can arrange the furnishings. What do you think?” I asked. “That sounds great Beth” Jack said “I can supply some names and I am sure the word will spread through the underground network”. I smiled “see Jack, there is always an answer to every problem”. It was his turn to smile “I can see one more. You are going to arrange for women to take Randy but you yourself haven’t. Wouldn’t you like to try him?” he asked.

He was right. Randy had licked me and got me off but I hadn’t experienced the whole bestiality thing. Even as he mentioned it my heart began racing and my pussy tingled. “Maybe another day Jack” I said trying to delay what was probably inevitable. “No time like the present honey” he said “Randy is certainly ready having have that sweet pussy”. Of course he was right. I had seen Randy little cock peeking out, all red and ready. “My wife loved it all our married life and I am sure you will too. I will leave if you would rather do it in private” he said. I looked at Randy and he locked eyes with me. I swear he understood what we were talking about.

“Ok Beth, I am going to leave. I will be in the kitchen if you need me. Just a suggestion. Kneel in front of the couch and rest your body on it as he is quite heavy. That will stop you collapsing” and Jack walked out. I looked down at Randy. “Well boy what do you think? Are you ready to mate with me sweety?” I said. As if he understood, he came up to me and stuck his head under my skirt. I hadn’t put my knickers back on and I gasped as I felt his wet nose against my pussy. It was now or never. Taking Jack’s advice I knelt down and rested on the couch. Randy had obviously seen women in this position before and immediately mounted me. He began to thrust at me and after a couple he found my pussy. He thrust again and again. With each thrust his cock grew longer and my squeals grew louder. It had been so long since I felt a cock inside me and I moaned and groaned as Randy went to work. I had never been fucked so vigorously and I loved it.

I knew about the mechanics of dog sex, and particularly about a dog’s knot to hold him inside a bitch so he could impregnate her. Now I was his bitch and he worked hard to push that knot inside me. I felt a moment of pain as it slid inside me and then relief as he stopped moving and began to pump his juice into me. We remained tied for about five minutes and I could feel myself filling up with his cum. He tried several times to pull out and finally he did and I felt myself oozing cum from my pussy. I looked around and saw how big he was. I couldn’t believe that I had all that cock. I quickly placed my hand between my legs and rushed to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet until I had stopped dripping. I reached down to check and my fingers found my clit. It took barely a minute for me to orgasm. I was moaning with pleasure when Jack called out “are you ok Beth”. I called back “never better Jack”. I was now officially a bitch and I couldn’t have been happier.


Chapter Three

Jack and I talk business and Jack thinks I need to have Randy fuck me to get experience. I am so glad he did.

I came out of the toilet to find Jack sitting on the bed smiling from ear to ear. “You brought back so many memories” he said “how about you?” “I didn’t believe there was such a thing” I replied “but now I know it is real I am so excited about the business”. “And Randy? What about him? Jack continued. I looked over and Randy was looking so happy. I looked back at Jack and grinned “I would say that was the first for me but certainly not the last. I can understand why women enjoy it so much. God he is big”. I walked back out into the lounge and retrieved my knickers. Putting them back on and said bye to Jack and blew a kiss to Randy. Back home I kept playing the afternoon over and over in my mind. I used my vibrator to calm down but it didn’t feel the same anymore. Randy had ruined me for mechanical devices. I needed the real thing.

It took almost a fortnight for my tenants to leave and for me to renovate the house. Everything my tenants didn’t take I threw out. I have the whole house repainted and new carpet laid. It had three bedrooms but I only furnished one. I thought, if needed, someone could stay for a weekend. The lounge room I also furnished as well as the kitchen. One of the other bedrooms I set up as a play room. I bought a couple of low benches and attached restrains. Something I saw on a video. I also set up a small camera in both the play room, the lounge and the main bedroom. I justified it by telling myself it was for security. It had a remote feed back to my apartment.

When I told Jack all was ready he was really excited. He had satisfied a small portion of the calls he got. He believed that having a woman involved it would bring more clients. He was right. We advertised our “special services” and the phone ran hot. The calls came into my apartment and I gave Jack a nightly update. Our first booking was a couple, husband and wife. I spoke to the husband and he said his wife had been with dogs for years and he wanted a quiet place where she could enjoy her fetish and he could record it. I must admit I wasn’t sure. If he recorded it then we wouldn’t get any return business from them. But he assured me we would be well paid. Having laid out money I welcomed the chance to get some back.

They were to arrive at 10am and planned to stay for several hours. I drove to Jack’s house and picked up Randy. He was very excited and I had a feeling he knew what was going to happen. We got to the house around 9 and he ran around the house as if to check it out. Then he came up and sniffed at me. “No boy, you have a date today” I said and laughed. He settled down without Jack being there probably because he had been with me and so was happy. I heard a car drive up and I went out to meet them. Anthony and Becky were early 30s, both well dressed. He was quite handsome and she was attractive. Just a normal couple except Becky had been a dog bitch for many years. When Anthony got a new job it included a company apartment and so they had to sell Bobby, a Blake Labrador. When they saw our ad they were overjoyed.

I took them inside and introduced them to Randy. Becky was smiling from ear to ear. She said it had been over a month since she had been “serviced” as she put it. Anthony had this huge video camera and judging by the lump in his trousers he was ready to go. I took Becky into the bedroom and showed her where the ensuite was and asked if she needed anything. “Just the dog honey” she said “what’s his name?” When I said “Randy” she burst out laughing. “I hope he is randy Beth because I certainly am. I then showed them the play room and Becky went back to the bedroom, I assumed to take of her knickers but a couple of minutes later she came back stark naked. She had a mask and put it on which covered half her face. Anthony was fiddling with his camera and I said if they needed anything to yell out. I then went into the spare bedroom where I had screens set up to keep an eye on things.

Anthony kissed Becky and asked if she ready. Randy certainly was as he eyed Becky off. Anthony started the camera and Becky called Randy to her. She rubbed his head as I had told her and he immediately began to lick her crotch. She leaned against one of the benches and spread her legs. She began to moan as Randy lapped her pussy. Anthony was walking around filming. She began to fondle her breasts with one hand and her clit with the other. She was totally into it. Obviously she had really missed what Randy was giving her. Then she quickly turned and, still leaning on the bench spread her cheeks and squealed as Randy began to lick her anal opening. I stared at the screen and slipped my hand inside my knickers. It was so erotic.

Now totally turned on, Becky dropped to her knees and patted her bum. That was all Randy needed and he mounted her. A couple of false starts and Becky squealed as he found her already wet pussy. Thrusting rapidly he buried his throbbing cock into her equally throbbing pussy. Squeals turned to loud moans and pleas to “fuck me harder Randy”. In another angle I could see her face. It was a picture of sheer lust. “Oh fuck Tony I have missed this much” she wailed as Randy rammed that large knot inside her. He stopped moving and now she gave low moans and groans as he began to pump his cum into her. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds as I had a delicious orgasm.

For several minutes Randy attempted to escape his bitch, finally succeeding which caused Becky to again squeal. Not quite done Randy lapped up some of the cum dribbling out of her pussy and then attended to himself. Becky turned and gasped at his size. “Do you want to do it?” Anthony asked. Becky dropped to her knees, grabbed Randy’s still fully extended cock, and began to lick and suck it. There was no doubt she was the complete dog slut. I watched in awe as she deep throated him and began to rub her clit. She shook all over as she came and then looked at Anthony and blew him a kiss. A fitting end to what was a premier performance.

I waited until I heard Anthony call out and walked into the Play Room. Randy has laying down still panting from his workout. The bulge in Anthony’s pants looked even larger. “Becky has gone to have a shower” he said “she was so happy. Thank you Beth. Randy did a great job. Have you ever thought of being in the movies?” The question was totally left field. “Becky is bi and if, you know, you wanted more money I could pay”. I smiled sweety. “Anthony, Becky is lovely and I am sure you would like to get more film but I have never been with a women”. “Well there is always a first time. If you ever think you might like to try just give us a call. Perhaps a threesome with Becky, you and Randy. That would be awesome”. “I will keep it in mind” I said. Becky came back glowing. She hugged me. “That was so good” she said “we have it on film but it isn’t like the real thing. I am sure we will be back”. Anthony gave me a wink. I knew what he was thinking. I have to admit that in my heightened state I hadn’t discounted it. Always a first time? Hmm.


Chapter Four

Our first clients were a couple. The wife was definitely into dog sex and the husband enjoyed filming her being serviced.

After Anthony and Becky left I quickly cleaned up and took Randy back to Jack’s place. We had a new client on Sunday and I was loath to leave Randy at the house alone and couldn’t take him home with me. “How did it go?” asked Jack. “Fine Jack” I said “the wife was so happy”. I left Randy there and went back to my apartment. I turned on the computer and replayed the day’s events. I wasn’t surprised that Becky had enjoyed her little romp. I started to get feelings too and a session with a toy didn’t help. I cursed that I hadn’t availed myself of Randy after they left.

Sunday morning I again picked up Randy just after lunch and headed for the house. Randy was particularly active as he obviously now related the house to sex. At 2pm on the dot a car pulled up and Ruth got out. She looked nervous so I made a coffee to calm her down a bit. She told me that she had been a dog “lover” for about a year without her husband ever suspecting but when the dog died her husband refused to get another one. I thought that probably he did know and that was the reason. I assured her she would total safe and that no-one would know. This seemed to ease her mind. Ruth was mid-20s, slim with brown hair. A nice figure with piecing brown eyes.

Randy had been locked in the play room so I took to meet him. She was so excited. Randy seemed to know she was into dogs and greeted her by rushing up and pushing his nose under her dress. “I don’t want to get naked in case he scratches me” she said. I said there was no need “just remove your knickers and that is enough” I assured her. She didn’t waste any time, taking them off and patting him on the head as I suggested. Her squeal as Randy stuck his nose between her thighs echoed throughout the house. This was a woman who had been denied of her pleasure and now was going to make full use. “Yes my darling lick my pussy” she gasped. I had walked out of the room and into what I called my control room. I watched as Ruth gave Randy full access to her crotch and shouted “oh yes my lovely doggy, make me cum”.

In a flash she dropped to her knees and again he licked away making her cum a second time. “Fuck me darling” she wailed “fuck your doggy whore”. I don’t know if Randy understand what she said but seeing her on all fours was probably enough and he mounted her. So well trained was Randy that he found her pussy almost immediately and begun to do what Randy does. Ruth’s moans grew louder as Randy’s cock grew bigger. “Fuck me darling” she wailed again “it has been so long”. All too soon he slowed as he buried his knot deep inside her quivering body. She continued to moan quietly as he deposited his seed into this most willing bitch. He seemed almost reluctant to withdraw but his knot, having served its purpose, shrunk and he pulled away.

Ruth remained on all fours still moaning, such was the pleasure that she had endured. Some time earlier I had stopped resisting and had an orgasm of my own. I was turned on watched a woman get so much pleasure from an animal. I got up and walked to the play room. “Are you ok Honey” I asked. Her face was a picture of pure lust as she raised herself up on her knees. “I want him again Beth” her voice almost a whisper. “I want him to fuck me again. I need him” she said, her eyes welled up in tears. I looked over at Randy and he was still licking his fully erect cock. I think he enjoyed that as much as plunging into a pussy. “Can he do it again?” she begged “I will pay extra”. I squatted down and told her I wouldn’t take extra money. “Just give his a few minutes Ruth honey” I said “I am sure he will want another chance to please you”.

Thankfully Randy did rise to the occasion. Ruth got on all fours again and I called him over. He licked her still soaked pussy and seemed to know she wanted more. He certainly did and mounted her. She looked over at me and mouthed the words “thank you” and then squealed as Randy drove his cock into his bitch’s fuck tunnel. She again moaned and urged him to fuck her. Of course he didn’t need any encouragement as he performed. I had thought of leaving but the room was electric as Ruth surrendered to her furry lover. I abandoned all propriety and sat on the floor beside them and masturbated. All three of us were groaning as all three of us had orgasms. It was so unreal.

Ruth’s second round seemed to excite her more than the first. I was wondered she would want to go again. Fortunately, for Randy’s sake, twice had been enough. One thing was certain, however, Ruth would become a regular client. I could not imagine anyone more willing than her. Still it was early days and who knew what was ahead. Finally separated I handed Ruth a towel to hold against herself until she could have a shower. It was about 15 minutes before she came back, fully dressed, fully satisfied and smiling. The tears in her eyes were gone and instead they almost glowed. “Thank you Beth” she said and kissed me “I never knew how much I missed my dog until today”. I hugged her and told her we were always there if she needed us.

After Ruth left I looked at Randy who was lying there looking at me with those gorgeous eyes. It was if he had hypnotised as I pulled off my knickers and called him. He padded over and started to lick me without any pat on the head. He could probably smell my scent. I moaned deeply as my heart rate increased and my body shivered in anticipation. “Fuck me you horny dog” I shouted “fuck me with your big cock. Punish me darling”. Without delay he mounted me, found his target and drove that lovely cock hard into me. He humped me franticly and I howled my appreciation. I slipped my hand down and delayed him knotting with me. His frustration sent me over the edge and I pulled my hand away. “Do it Randy. Ram that knot into me” I squealed. In an instant we were tied together.

It took maybe 5 minutes before he eventually pulled away. My pussy was humming and my heart was pumping. I began to understand why women liked mating with a dog. No bullshit, no excuses, no demands, just pure unadulterated sex. It was so simple and so satisfying.

I cleaned myself up and cleaned the room then retrieved the tape of Ruth’s adventure. I grabbed Randy and returned him to Jack. “Everything ok” he asked. “Yes, our client today could not get enough. I am sure she will be back” I replied. “You looked a bit flushed Beth” he said and smiled. He knew that Ruth wasn’t the only one to be entertained by Randy. I smiled sweety and didn’t answer. He had been involved for far too long not to know what had happened. “Want a coffee Beth?” he asked but I was keen to get home. “Next time Jack” I said and got to my apartment. I had a light dinner as I was still buzzing. Randy had serviced me and I was still on fire. I slept well that night.


Chapter Five

Our next client was Ruth. Denied of the pleasure of a dog she sought us out to satisfy a need so strong she wanted it twice. I found myself wanting pleasure myself.

Jack rang me on Monday afternoon to say a previous client wanted a session and was bringing a friend with her. She had taken Randy at Jack’s house so it was obvious she wasn’t shy. Jack her friend was a virgin (with dogs) and she wanted to show her the joys of bestiality. But the friend was very nervous. I knew personally how that felt. He wanted me to handle it. I told him I would be happy to and we arranged for them to come to the house on Wednesday afternoon at 3pm.

On Wednesday I did the usual. Gym in the morning and then picked up Randy and went to the house. I got there about 2pm, prepared the house and managed to fend off Randy who decided he was ready to go with me. I put him in the play room wishing that we had time. But business came first and I wanted him fit and active for our clients. They arrived just before 3pm, obviously anxious to get started. Marge was late 30s and obviously the instigator of this adventure. Her friend Marie was early 30s. Both women were married and, how can I put this, passed their slim best. But they were well dressed and Marge in particular was eager to meet Randy.

I took them to the play room and I think Randy recognised Marge as he ran up to her, tail wagging. “I will leave you to it” I said “if you need anything just yell”. “Oh you are not staying?” questioned Marge but Marie said they would be fine. I left and went to the control room and powered up. I had only been out of the room a matter of minutes and Marge was already naked with Marie almost naked. Marge started to give Marie directions but I could see she was reluctant. “Ok I will go first” said Marge and patted Randy on the head. She squealed and laughed as he pushed his nose into her crotch. I could tell that this was a woman with a wealth of experience. Marie stood wide-eyed as Randy lapped at Marge’s pussy. “Oh Marie you are going to love this honey” she sighed.

Marge was now “in the zone” and looked at Marie. “I will go first honey” she said and before Marie could respond she dropped to her knees. Randy immediately mounted her and probed away until he found what he was probing for. A nice tight, warm pussy. Marge moaned loudly as he drove his growing cock into her. Marie watched transfixed as her friend surrendered to Randy as he humped her furiously. “Oh fuck” muttered Marie “that is so evil”. Marge laughed “not evil darling it is amazing”. By the time Randy had finished with Marge Marie was rubbing her clit and moaning in unison. Randy pulled away and Marge looked up. “Are you ready honey” she gushed “are you ready for the fuck of your life?” Marie smiled broadly. She was ready.

Now I thought Randy would like a few minutes to recover but Marie wasn’t about to wait. She called Randy and he came to her. “Pat his head honey” Marge said and Randy did what he did best. “Oh Marge that feels so good” moaned Marie. I think the fact that she had already got herself off watching Marge helped her make her more sensitive. Any fears I had with Randy not being up for it were dispelled when I noticed his cock starting to show. Marie quickly dropped to her knees. “I want him Marge” she shouted. As if hearing Marie plea Randy mounted her and plunged his cock into her accompanied by screams from Marie and applause from Marge. “I feel like a total slut” moaned Marie. “It is nice isn’t it darling” said Marge. “Yes, so nice” was the response.

Randy having done his work withdrew and laid in the corner. He was panting from his efforts. The two women were in raptures. They hugged and kissed. I got the impression that they were more than good friends. Two women, each married, into each other and now both into dogs. What a great life they had. As for me? Well I had a couple of orgasms while I watched them, rather jealous of their affection for each other. I went and directed them to the bathroom and the ensuite shower. I could hear them giggling and moaning. I wished I had put a secret camera in there too. I waiting in the lounge as they returned fully dressed. “Thank you Beth” they both said together “we had a wonderful time”. “My pleasure” I said “and Randy’s pleasure as well” and we all laughed.

I had pity on Randy, even though I would have loved to be under him. I returned him to Jack, we talked some business and then I returned home. That night I stared at my toys and somehow they were not exciting. Still, I did have a burning desire between my legs and they were better than nothing. Two orgasms later I fell asleep with the image of Marge and Marie in the shower together buzzing around in my head.

Over the next month Jack and I were busy. Our “service” had obviously been spread by word of mouth. I think because we offered secrecy. Weekday clients were generally older married woman who enjoyed dog sex while their husbands were at work. Weekends were mainly younger single women who enjoyed no nonsense fucking with a dog. I began to worry about being exposed by the increased clientele but Jack said not to worry. When I questioned his confidence he finally revealed that the council animal welfare office was a woman who availed herself of Randy’s skills. I chuckled. “Does she avail herself of you?” I asked. He got serious. “No woman could ever take the place of my darling wife” he said “even you”. I said I wondered why he had never tried it on with me. Even after seeing me “entertain” Randy. He smiled “even you, you sexy dog bitch. Even you”.

It was a Saturday and Jack rang to say that he had a booking for Sunday. “She is an experience dog lover. Her name is Toni” he said “she has heard about us and is very keen”. “OK” I replied “Sunday at 3pm.” He chuckled “still addicted to that damn gym are you?” “Yes Jack, I love how I look in the mirror” I replied. I got to the house at 2pm as usual and checked all was ready. I heard a car pulled up and there was a knock on the door. I opened it and froze on the spot. Standing on the front porch was a woman from the gym. We had nodded at each other, even said a quick hello, but never exchanged names. Getting over my initial shock I said “Hello. This is awkward”. She smiled and said “Hello. No not awkward. Now I know your name is Beth. May I come in?”

I led her into the kitchen. There was an awkward silence and she said “so Beth now we know each other we don’t have to be shy. Are you just a fascinator or are you also a bitch?” I began to relax. There was no use pretending. “Yes” I said. “I thought there was something about you. I have been a dog lover for years. You?” she asked. “Only for a month or so” I replied. She laughed. “Addictive isn’t it? In fact it is the only cock I let near me”. I knew exactly what she was saying. Perhaps she was sounding me out to see if I was the same.


Chapter Six

With business going well I am very happy. But an appointment turns out to be someone I know.

Toni was smiling at my embarrassment. Although we had not really spoken, the fact that she knew me had me on edge. The other thing that un-nerved me was that she seemed so calm about the situation. “So am I going to meet your dog?” she asked. “Oh, yes, umm, come with me” I stammered. We went into the playroom where Randy was waiting. As soon as I opened the door he came up, tail wagging and tongue out. “Eager beaver isn’t he” Toni said “I like that. It has been a couple of weeks since my last encounter with a dog. I am really looking forward to this”.

She immediately began to undress. She was still wearing the tight Lycia she wore at the gym. As she peeled it off I gasped. She had always looked good but the Lycra top flattened her breasts that now showed how large she was there. Her nipples were swollen. I shuddered. Then she peeled her Lycra pants off and then her knickers to reveal a smooth shaven mound, her pussy lips showing. I tried not to stare but the sight of her had my heart beating faster. “Umm I will leave you Toni” I said “just, you know, call me if you need, umm, help”. “You are not staying Beth?” she asked, smiling broadly “you don’t want to keep me company”. I was startled and said “if you want me too”. “Well if you are staying you better get naked too” she said and laughed as I excused myself and left the room.

By the time I got to my control room Toni was already leaning again one of the benches with her legs spread wide and Randy feasting on her pussy. “Oh you are such a lovely boy” she was moaning “yes doggy, get me all wet so we can fuck”. A minute or so later she turned and got on her knees and bent on the bench she encouraged Randy “come on boy. Come and get your bitch. Ram that doggy cock hard and fast baby. Take this doggy bitch”. I knew Randy didn’t understand words that women said but he knew the position and immediately mounted her. She squealed as he found his mark and began his work. I closed my eyes and imagined how it felt to have him inside ME as I worked on my clit. I didn’t need to watch the screen. I could hear her moaning and urging him on as I peaked.

I had cum twice and opened my eyes to see Randy trying to pull away. “Not yet darling” Toni moaned “not yet. Let me feel your lovely cock a little longer”. But Randy had done his work and he wanted to get free. Finally he succeeded and Toni groaned as he broke away. Quickly she turned around, grabbed his still extended cock and began to suck it while she fingered her cum-soaked pussy. It took barely a minute before she began to shake all over and, pulling Randy’s cock out of her mouth she screamed “OH YES” and orgasmed. I waited for a minute or so and then walked into to the room. Toni was lying on the front on her back still coming down from her high. “Are you ok Toni?” I asked. She smiled broadly “fuck that was so good Beth honey” she said “he is fantastic”.

I helped her up and led her into the ensuite. “Take a shower” I said. “Only if you take it with me” she said. “Toni, I am not that way” I countered but she gave me this evil grin. “How do you know if you have never tried?” she asked “you don’t want people to know your business do you?” I was shocked. “Why would you do that?” I said angrily “and how will you tell them about YOUR fetish”. She put her arms around me and kissed me. “I would never betray you darling” she said and kissed me again “I want to make out with you Beth. Please sweetheart. Just once. Try it”. I found myself quivering. Trying to rationalise the situation I thought “once would be ok wouldn’t it? Just for the experience?” As if she had hypnotised me I began to undress.

Toni eyes brightened as I stood naked in front of her. “Oh wow, you are even more beautiful than I imagined. “You imagined?” I said. “Yes darling. I have lusted after you for months. Now let’s have that shower”. Toni seemed very experienced and soon had me shaking all over as she soaped me up. “Now do me” she whispered. The feeling as rubbing soap over another woman’s body was strangely exciting. And when she began to rub my clit I came faster than ever before. “Let’s get dry and go and see Randy again” she whispered in my ear. I nodded enthusiastically. “But first I want to taste your pussy” she said. I was so wired I immediately agreed. I had been licked by my late husband and by Randy. Neither made me feel so turned on that having Toni toy with my clit with her tongue.

I had cum again and didn’t want Toni to stop – ever. But she looked up at me. “Let’s go and see Randy now” she said. We walked arm in arm into the play room and Randy must have thought it was Christmas as he had two naked bitches to choose from. He needed have worry because in the following he got both. Toni had told me she liked fucking dogs naked as the fur on her skin made the whole experience so much more exciting. She was right. It did make it better, more intimate. I sat fingering myself while she was mated and then she fingered herself while I was mated. Poor Randy looked a bit weary afterward so Toni and I ended up in the bedroom having a very tasty 69.

After another shower we both dressed and Toni kissed me passionately before she left. She gave me her phone number and said she would love to take me to another place that entertained dog lovers. I couldn’t help but think that would be fun. After all, Randy wasn’t the only dog in town. I went back to the play room and cleaned up. The bedroom too, smiling as I did so. That bedroom would never be the same after what had gone on there. I popped Randy in the car and dropped him off with Jack. I told him the day had gone well but I certainly didn’t go into details. Back home I pondered the details. Toni was a dog lover and she admitted she was a lesbian. Did that make me bi? There was no doubt that I had enjoyed my romp with Toni. She certainly knew how to get me going. Hmm.

I was still on a high and I gave my sex toy a good workout. As always, I feeling so excited using it but so let down when it was over. I then thought how I felt after Toni had make out with me. Excited, glowing, satisfied. Something a lump of vibrating plastic couldn’t duplicate.

I was sort of dreading going to the gym on Monday. I almost didn’t go but I did. Toni was already working out and my pussy twitched when I saw her. She smiled sweetly and said hello. It was like nothing had happened. But as she passed me she whispered “hello darling” and I giggled. I winked at her and it was all good.

Things had settled down. I had rung Toni and we talked about going to this other place. She said they had several dogs, all trained like Randy. She even said they made videos if I was interested. I wanted to see Toni alone to see if we replicate our first time together. Jack rang and said he had a Saturday booking for me. “Anthony and Becky” he said “they enjoyed it so much they have booked again. This time for the weekend. You must have really impressed them”. I remembered Anthony’s parting words. “Oh God I know what they want” I thought “but this time I was ready to perform as well as Randy”.


Chapter Seven

My first lesbian experience was wonderful, added to by more time with Randy. Now we had a return booking by a couple who were looking for more. I was ready.

As the weekend drew nearer I began to get excited. I recalled how Becky had enjoyed Randy and how enthusiastic Anthony had been for me to get involved. After my experience with Toni I was ready for anything. Well, almost anything. I just hoped Anthony wouldn’t expect me to have sex with him. I had to make that clear from the start. I got to the house straight from the gym. I just told Toni I had a booking. I didn’t go into details. I saw Jack, picked up Randy, bought take-away and then prepared the house for my guests. Randy kept looking at me and wagging his tail. “Settle down boy” I said “save your energy, you are going to need it”.

Anthony and Becky arrived at 2:30. “You are early” I said and chuckled. Becky was positively glowing, obviously excited about two days of dog sex. Anthony smiled as I suspected he was thinking of something else. It was time to set some rules. I made coffee and we sat in the lounge. “Just some rules” I said “Anthony, I am not into sex with you. That is out of bounds”. He looked a bit put out but nodded. Becky’s smile grew larger. She had obviously realised I had not included the ban on her. We finished our coffee and I added, as we walked to the playroom “let’s try not to kill poor Randy”.

Anthony had his camera again so I was sure he wanted to get footage of me and Becky together. I wasn’t sure about that but he put my mind at rest when he casually mentioned he had two masks. He was prepared and I was getting that way. We went into the playroom and Randy was his energetic best, wagging his tail and panting. “Hello boy” gushed Becky “I have been dreaming of this all week darling”. Anthony fiddled with his camera while Becky got undressed. Last time I was interested in how she looked. Now I took particular notice. Nice breasts, shaved mound and a smile that said “take me”. She immediately called Randy over and patted his head. He pushed his nose between her legs and licked her pussy. “Hang on honey” said Anthony “I am not ready yet”. But Becky certainly was and ignored him as she spread her legs wider. She looked at me and the look of sheer lust on her face made my pussy throb. At that moment I wanted to be the one to lick her.

I quickly regained my composure. “I will leave you to it. Yell if you need me” I said and scurried down to my control room. I watched spellbound as Becky continued to pat Randy’s head. There was no doubt she wanted a long session with his tongue. He was getting more excited, obviously the scent of her pussy was getting stronger and she climaxed with a loud squeal. Quickly she turned and dropped to her knees. “Come you boy” she wailed “come and fuck your bitch”. Randy only needed the sight of a woman on her knees to signal what he was trained to do. He immediately mounted her, found his target and began to pound her vigorously. “Yes, oh yes, do your worst” she screamed. Anthony wandered around her with his camera. Becky ignored him. She was locked in to Randy and his growing cock. “Yes boy. Ram that knot inside me” she moaned “I want your doggy cum. Fill me up Randy” and a minute or so later he tied with her and unloaded in her several times.

Anthony put down the camera and began to get undressed. “I am going to fuck your dog soaked pussy when he is finished” he said. Now naked I had to admit he was quite well built. Obviously fit and completely shaved all over. His cock was maybe 7” long and stood to attention. He leaned up against the other bench and began to slowly stroke his cock as he watched his wife moaning under Randy. I smiled as I wondered how Becky would respond to him after Randy. After several minutes Randy managed to disengage from his bitch. He looked at Anthony and padded over to him. “What are you doing” yelled Anthony and then moaned. Randy had begun licked his cock and balls. I watched amazed and then it dawned on me. He had been trained to do it. “Jack, you old devil” I said aloud “your wife wasn’t the only dog lover in the family”.

Anthony seemed reluctant to stop Randy. It was Becky who called a halt. “Fuck me Tony” she yelled “I want your cock NOW”. He reluctantly pushed Randy away, moved in behind his wife and drove his cock balls deep into her soaked pussy. He grunted, she squealed and Randy sort of growled. Obviously he wasn’t keen on Anthony sharing his bitch. I suspect that Randy’s attack on Anthony had really got him going as he only lasted maybe five minutes before his orgasm made him groan. “That was quick honey” Becky said, sounding disappointed. However he kept pounding her until his cock went limp. He pulled out and sat down on the floor. Again Randy padded over and began to lick him again. I laughed as I watched Becky turn and looked at the scene behind her. The shock on her face was priceless. “Oh shit Tony. He likes you too” she said. He just smiled with contentment.

I went down and entered the room. “Come on Becky” I said “it looks like Anthony is busy”. She didn’t need to be led to the bedroom but I did anyway. Getting to the bedroom I pointed to the ensuite. She smiled “thank you for saying you didn’t want Tony too, you know, with you” she said “but I noticed you didn’t include me in your not to do list. Honestly Beth, I hoped we could, you know, get together”. I smiled at her attempt to tell me she wanted to have sex with me. I began to get undressed and her eyes grew large. “Oh Beth honey, I was hoping for this” she said, almost in a whisper. “Becky, I have wondered if I could but I was horny right now” I said, and handing the task back to her I added “take me into the shower with you if that is what you want”.

Now, under the water, we began to kiss and then fondle each other. “Beth, you are so lovely” she sighed. I smiled and tweaked her nipples. She giggled. “Let’s get dry. I want to lick your pussy. I want to make you cum darling” she said. Now dry we fell onto the bed. She slid down the bed and her tongue started to tickle my clit. “Yes Becky, just like that” I moaned. It didn’t me long to reach orgasm. My whole body shook as I pulled her head harder into my crotch. Then I moved around. “One good deed deserves another” I said and lying side by side we continued in a delightful 69. Anthony appeared. “Again you started without me” he complained. “This is not for a camera darling” Becky explained “this is just for us. Now go away for now”. It was around half an hour before we both came up for air. Another shower and we went down to the playroom to find Anthony pouting. “Oh does the poor man miss his pussy” Becky said sarcastically. “Yes” he said “and I don’t have you on film”. Plenty of time for that honey” Becky said “we have all weekend”.

With that she called Randy over. “I know you love Beth” she said to him “why don’t you show her while I take care of hubby”. She looked over at me “your turn honey. I want to watch you take him. Tony, don’t even think of using your camera unless she puts a mask on”. He rushed back to the kitchen and came back with a mask. I put it on. Randy looked quizzingly at me but as soon as I got on my knees he was no longer confused. I didn’t even need to call him. He instinctively knew what his bitch wanted and he was only too pleased to do his duty. My moans told him he had hit the spot. Anthony had the camera running and Becky sat watching me intently while she fingered herself. A scene worthy of an Oscar.


Chapter Eight

My weekend booking with Anthony and Becky got off to a flying start. I hoped we all could go the distance.

I squealed as Randy disengaged. I turned and sat on the floor still coming down from my high. Becky tackled Randy to the floor and began to lick and suck his cock. “Come and help me Beth” she said “his cock is so big and tasty”. I smiled as I watched her arse wobble as she pleasured Randy’s cock. I wasn’t sure if he liked it or not but she obviously did. I knelt down and joined her. I felt exposed as my cum-dripping pussy was on display. I was prepared to call a halt if Anthony tried anything but he zeroed in on Becky and began to hump her. With a cock at both ends she was in heaven. I had trouble convincing her to share Randy.

After our attention to Randy, and Anthony’s attention to Becky, the two of us again headed for the shower and more fondling. Becky seemed insatiable. “Oh Beth I am so turned on” she sigh, as if I hadn’t noticed. After the shower Becky and I went into the Lounge, still naked, and sat on the couch together. Anthony wandered in with Randy. He sat down opposite us and spread his legs. Poor Randy didn’t know what to do. Anthony called him over and I watched spellbound as Anthony again had his cock and balls licked by Randy. “I want this on tape honey” Becky said and rushed off to get the camera. She filmed him for about five minutes and then handed him a mask. “Put this on for our production” she said. Production? Just what were they planning?

I had stocked the fridge with food and Becky and I got dinner. I was starting to enjoy being naked. It felt so free. Becky and I kissed several times and that made it even more exciting. We sat in the lounge and ate our meal. I had wine and we shared that. I was busting to know what Becky meant by “our production”. She explained that several people she knew were interested in a video of her and Anthony when she told them about their “dirty” weekend. I was unsure but she insisted it was ok. Any footage of us unmasked were for them alone. Scenes when we both wore masks were for their video sale. While still unsure I said that as long as they promised not to show me unmasked I was happy to be in their video. She kissed me. “Don’t worry darling. It is all good”.

Anthony said he already had footage of me with Randy wearing a mask. He wanted Becky next. She certainly didn’t hesitate. Back in the playroom he started the camera and Becky, in her mask, had Randy licking her and then mounting her. She moaned a series of obscenities while Randy humped her. If I didn’t know better I would have said she was doing it for the video but she wasn’t. Like a true bitch she was enjoying Randy as he ravaged her. My pussy was tingling as I watched. She was quite the performer. When Randy finally pulled out she went down on him with Anthony filming every lick and every deep throat suck. He was hard again himself. I think he was as excited as Becky.

Again I took her to the ensuite and showered with her. “That was amazing” I said “you really do like doggy dick don’t you?” She laughed “don’t say anything to Tony” she whispered “but I like being fucked by a dog more than my husband”. We again got dry and Becky called to Anthony to come to the bedroom “and bring the masks. Both of them”. Anthony appeared with the two masks. “Put yours on honey” she said. I figured this was where Anthony would film us together, perhaps in a 69. Becky opened her carry bag and pulled out a strap-on dildo. I gasped. Not only was it about 10” long but she could hardly get her hand around its girth. “Where the fuck did you get that” Anthony exclaimed. Becky just smiled. Then she turned to me. “You will lick me sweety and then put this on and fuck me. OK?” I told her it would be my pleasure. “No darling, it will be mine” she said.

Anthony was still shocked at the toy and how she had it. But not too shocked to start filming. We began to play act with me supposed finding her naked and she being horrified. Then I pushed her to the bed and began to pleasure her pussy and clit. Her orgasm was real. She was right into it. “So you like my tongue” I said, hamming it up “then you like this” and retrieved the strap-on. “No. NO” she cried as I put it on and approached her. “It’s too big. I can’t take it” she wailed. Of course I knew that wasn’t true as she took Randy’s knot with relish. I pressed her down on the bed and eased that silicone cock into her. She began to moan and groan and I knew she wasn’t faking it. For my part, I felt a strange power. I suspected it was the same feeling a guy gets when he mounts a women.

For the next half an hour I fucked her on her back and then doggy style. She was like a limp doll, taking thrust after thrust of that monster cock. Finally she collapsed on the bed as I pulled it out. I looked at the camera and smiled. Well, as much as I could wearing a face mask. Anthony stopped the camera. His cock was actually throbbing. “Oh shit” he said “that the most erotic thing I have ever seen”. Becky rolled over and Anthony got on the bed. “No not now” she moaned “my pussy is wrecked”. He looked downcast until she said “but my mouth is fine” and she sucked him off. She then climbed off the bed and waddled into the shower.

When she came back I asked if she was ok. “Better than ok darling” she said “that was the best fuck I have ever had. Before this weekend is over I will show YOU how good it is”. My pussy twitched. I stared at the dildo now lying on the bed. I hoped I could take it all.

It wasn’t late but we were all tired. I went down to the playroom to find Randy looking ready to go again. While hard to resist I had to put him on hold. “There is always tomorrow boy” I said “don’t worry. Both your bitches will want you to perform”. I feed him and then shut him in the playroom. Back in the bedroom Anthony and Becky were cuddling and kissing so I made a hasty retreat to the lounge. Still wired from the strap-on adventure I began to finger myself. I had cum twice when Becky came looking for me. She saw three fingers in my pussy and chuckled “getting ready for the strap-on darling” she said and sat down beside me. “I am really looking forward to fucking you Beth. Making you moan and squeal while I thrust that big boy in your sweet pussy”.

I kissed her passionately. “Yes my sweetheart. I want that so much” I said softly “but right now we need sleep”. “Not yet” she whispered and replaced my fingers with hers. Three, then four, then she folded her thumb into the centre of her hand and I moaned as she began to fist me. “Good God honey” she said “you are going to have no trouble taking that cock are you”. I had to agree. I was primed and ready for whatever she wanted to do to me. In fact, I welcomed it.


Chapter Nine

I find out that Anthony is making a video for sale. I make sure he only films me with a mask covering most of my face. Becky has a huge strap-on dildo and I fuck her with it. She promises my turn is later.

As there was only one bed in the house we had to share. I made sure Becky was in the middle in case Anthony got frisky during the night. Of course I need not have worried as we all slept well. Next morning Becky and I prepared breakfast. Still naked I was so into it. The fact that all three of us were naked certainly made life interesting. We sat and chatted over breakfast and planned the day ahead. Becky said they would leave around 4pm, which was fine with me. It give me plenty of time to drop off Randy after cleaning up. Then get home in time to wind down.

After breakfast we headed for the playroom to check on Randy. He had been asleep. I took him into the yard to do any business he wanted. Standing naked in the open was great. I kept hoping someone would see me. But I didn’t see anyone. Back inside Becky cuddled Randy which led to him servicing her with his tongue. I saw her close her eyes and throw her head back. She looked so into it. She moaned softly and then louder. She had orgasmed. Randy licked up her juices and then got very excited as she dropped to her knees. “Yes boy. Come and get me” she said and squealed as he mounted her. Thrusting madly he found the wet warmth of her pussy and drove his cock hard. More squeals as he humped her vigorously. “We have to get a dog” she screamed as he endeavoured to bury his growing knot. “Yes give it to me” she cried and moaned loudly as her pussy lips wrapped around and tied him to her.

Anthony was filming and it was hard not to see his rigid cock throbbing. He filmed up to the point where Randy pulled away. He handed me the camera. “Just point it” he said and immediately took Randy’s position behind Becky and sunk his cock balls deep in her soaked hole. “Get it wet Tony” she cried “get it wet and fuck my arse”. I am sure it will show that the camera shook when she said that. I watched through the view finder in shock as he pulled out and redirected his cock into her anal opening. Obviously they had done this before as he eased into her, careful to control his movements. She gasped, squealed and then moaned as he slowly pushed deeper. I am in awe as my late husband once tried it and it hurt like hell and I made him stop. But Becky was taking him easily.

He orgasmed and they were both moaning. He slowly withdraw and Becky gripped the bench she was resting on. “I hope you got that Beth” said Anthony. “Every bit” I said, still shaking “I hope I held it steady”. They got up and headed off to have a shower. Randy looked at me with his head tilted to the side. “Yes boy I know what you want” I said and leaned on the bench. It had gotten to the point where he no longer needed a pat on the head. He knew what to do, what I wanted. I giggled as his nose pushed between my thighs. “Yes boy, give your bitch some tongue” I said. But I was too horny to delay any longer. Dropping to my knees he knew very well what this bitch wanted. Mounting me and finding his target he gave me what I wanted, what I craved, a good hard doggy fuck.

We were still at it when Anthony and Becky came back. “Look at that bitch go” said Anthony “I would love to fuck that bitch after him”. “Calm down Tony love. Just sit there and watch me fuck her”. I looked over my shoulder to see Becky already wearing the strap-on. That caused me to have an orgasm. “Hurry up Randy my dear. I am so ready to give this to your bitch”. I found myself moaning louder with the realisation that Randy was just the entre. Anthony picked up his camera. “Put your masks on ladies. I HAVE to get this on tape”. Randy pulled away and Becky was quickly behind me. Both of us were masked. “So you enjoyed fucking me you whore” she shouted “now it is your turn to be fucked” and she immediately aimed the dildo and jammed it all the way in with one enormous thrust for her hips. “OH FUCK” I screamed. “Yes take it slut. Take my big cock” Becky yelled. Pumping like she was possessed she had me squealing and moaning. It was the biggest thing I had even taken and I was delirious with pleasure. “Yes baby fuck your slut” I wailed.

By the time she was finished we were both exhausted. I don’t know how long it went for but it seemed like hours. Each thrust was so good. I don’t even know how many times I orgasmed. It just felt like one continuous one. By the time she pulled away I knew I would always want it again and again. I looked over at Anthony. He was holding the camera in one hand and jerking off with the other. “God Becky that was so hot. I am so about to cum” he moaned. Becky crawled over, wrapped her lips around his cock and took his load down her throat. She looked up and smiled “I didn’t want you to mess up the floor” she said and laughed.

The rest of the day was spent either Randy fucking me or Becky or we two fucking each other. 4pm was approaching and I think we were all sad. We got dressed, the first time we had clothes on for more than 24 hours. A tearful goodbye with promises to do it again. They left and I was a little sad. I cleaned up the house, not that there was much to do, rounded up Randy and returned him to Jack along with half the money Anthony and Becky had paid me. “A good time?” asked Jack with a smile. “Oh very good Jack. Randy performed brilliantly and he even did something that Anthony didn’t expect” I said. Jack smiled sweetly. “Yes I should have mentioned that” he said without any hint of embarrassment. “Oh Anthony was very pleased” I said and we both laughed.

Monday morning I was back in the gym. “Missed you yesterday” Toni whispered. “Yes I had a couple booked for the weekend” I said “I must tell you about it later”. “Oh good” she replied “and I have some news for you too honey”. We finished our workout and Toni suggested a coffee. We got to the coffee shop “let’s sit outside so no-one hears us” Toni suggested. I detailed my weekend, stressing that I never let a male touch me. But when I told her about the strap-on she got very interested. “So what is your news?” I asked. “Remember I told you about the place I usually go to” she said and I nodded “well I have booked for next Friday afternoon and I want you to come with me”.

I told her I would love to come with her. “What time?” I asked. “Well I finish duties at the gym at 3pm so what if I come to your apartment at 3:30. The appointment is for 4pm”. “That sounds perfect” I said “and after perhaps we can have something to eat at my apartment”. She gave me a devilish smile “yes sweetheart, I think I would like to eat you”. I squeezed her hand. What a wonderful idea. The perfect way to spend the evening.


Chapter Ten

Randy, Becky’s strap-on and Anthony always hovering with his camera. It had been a wild weekend. Then I find Toni had been making bookings. The wild times continue.

Saturday could not come soon enough. Each morning Toni would whisper a reminded when I went to the gym. By Saturday morning I was so horny. My vibrator had been working overtime all week. Toni picked me up and we drove to the breeding place. I was surprised that it seemed to be in the centre of town. I wondered how the owner managed to keep it a secret. Sure, it ran a dog breeding program but the side business was, after all, illegal. “Hi Toni” said who I assumed was the owner. A woman in her mid-40s with a big smile. “This is your friend is it?” she added “hi honey, I am Cindy. Pleased to meet you”. Pleasantries exchanged we went into the office.

“Toni, I know your desires but Beth I am not sure” Cindy said “are you experienced?” I said yes and Toni laughed. “Let me take you down to the pens and you can *********** your companion” she said. Walked out of the office I was quite surprised at how well she was set up. “It’s very large” I said. “Yes” said Cindy “it keeps me very busy”. We passed several pens and she told me they were part of her legitimate business. We came to a large shed and walked inside. A shed on the outside but well-furnished inside. I smiled as I saw the same type of low benches I myself had put in the house. Walked out the rear door there were several more pens. “And these are my special dogs” she said. There was no need for further explanations.

I looked in the pens. “That’s Goldie, a Golden Lab. That’s Blackie, a Black Lab. That is Butcher, a very large Rottweiler” she said. “Butcher?” I said, laughing. “Yes honey. He has the meat” said Cindy. I was curious. “You are in the centre of town” I said “how do you keep it a secret?” Cindy laughed “well the Animal Welfare Officer is a man and every now and then he and his wife pay me a visit. I take care of him and one of the dogs takes care of her”. It seemed like a cosy relationship. “Now ladies which of my boys would you like?” Cindy asked. Toni smiled at me “I think Beth would love Butcher” she said “and I will take Blackie”. Cindy got the two dogs and they followed us back into the shed. “OK ladies. I will leave you as I have business up the front” said Cindy “just lock them up when you are finished”.

Toni had told me to wear a shirt which she did also. Knickers off and I leaned against one of the benches and called Butcher. He padded up to me and I patted my pussy. “Come on boy” I said “come and get to know me”. He didn’t need a pat on the head either. He pushed his nose into my crotch and licked me, getting more excited as he made me wetter. I looked across to Toni and she was having her own oral experience. I was moaning and so was she. I couldn’t wait any longer. I dropped to my knees with my body resting on the bench. Like any well trained dog he knew exactly what to do. He rose up, mounting me. “Yes boy” I said “take me”.

He found the warmth of my wet pussy and rammed his cock into me. It grew larger as he pounded away. I gasped as I felt it grow and then squealed as it reached deeper than even Becky’s strap-on. “Oh fuck he is so big” I screamed but Toni wasn’t listening. She was too engrossed in her own pleasure. I finally knew why he was called Butcher. He really did have the meat. After a couple of minutes of frantic humping I could feel his knot rubbing my clit. I moaned as the combination of his huge cock and growing knot sent me over the edge. “Push it in boy” I moaned “tie with this slutty bitch”. With a couple of extra thrusts he slipped the knot inside and it swelled more to seal me so tight. I gripped the bench as his cum began to flow. And what a flow. His knot making sure that none escaped. I heard Toni moaning and muttering obscenities as she too tied with Blackie. Two sluts now captives by two excited dogs.

I heard Toni squeal as Blackie obviously withdrew. Butcher, on the other hand, seemed quite at ease jammed tightly in my stretched pussy. But all good things must end and after several attempts he too withdrew. I stayed flopped over the bench. “Look at his cock” Toni said. I looked around and gasped. “Oh fuck did I take all that” I cried. His cock was huge both in length and girth. “Oh thank you Toni” I said “thank for suggesting I take him”. She grinned “honey I have had him several times. I knew you would love it”.

Cindy have placed towels on a table and we cleaned ourselves up the best we could. Knickers back on, we took our lovers back to their pens. We walked up and thanked Cindy. Toni had already paid for both of us. “My turn next time” I told her. “I hope the boys were to your liking?” Cindy asked. “Better than ok” I said “and I now know why he is called Butcher. He delivered his meat very well”. I suggested that Toni come in for coffee or something when she drove me home. “Something sounds perfect” she said. Once inside I suggested a shower first. “Oh no darling. I want to taste your doggy cum soaked pussy” Toni said. “Sounds like a plan” I said but I would like to taste you”. What followed was a frantic striptease and then a very delightful, if not messy, 69. The great way to end the day. After we had a shower some more oral play Toni left me naked and satisfied.

I was still drifting, slowly, from my high when the phone rang. It was Jack. “Hello Beth” he said “are you doing anything right now?” I chuckled and said “no, just sitting naked in my lounge room”. He laughed. “Listen honey, can you come and see me. I have something to tell you”. “OK Jack” I replied “do you want me to get dressed first or come as I am?” A few seconds silence and then he said “you are such a bad girl” to which I asked if he wanted to spank me. Then I said “Jack I feel naughty and I am sorry. I will put some clothes on and come over”. “Oh good” he said “I will get the strap and wait for you”. Honestly, I love Jack. He is 71, alone but always makes me laugh. He is so cool.

So 30 minutes later I am sitting in his lounge room drinking coffee and he starts to tell me what this is all about. “Honey I am going to move north” he said “my ex-next neighbour rang and she wants me to come and stay with her”. I was thinking “with Randy?” He went on “my late wife and Rose shared some of the same interests and she thought it would be nice if Randy and I go and live with her”. “The same interests” I thought, yeah I know what that means. “So I am going to rent out this house to make sure I have a steady income. I wanted you to know because I know you will miss Randy”. “Oh Jack” I replied “I will certainly miss Randy but I will also miss you too. We made a great team. Have you got someone for your house?” “Well no not yet. I will advertise it next week” he said. “I will take it Jack” I said “I am sick of living in an apartment. I have met someone who, as you put it, shares the same interests. Remember Toni? Well we are involved”. He smiled. “Of course honey. Let’s work out a deal and get the paperwork done. Honestly, having someone I like in my house makes me feel much better about leaving” I got up and kissed him on the cheek. “Do you want to come tomorrow Beth?” he asked “you can say goodbye to Randy”.


Chapter Eleven

My fun with Butcher, the Rottweiler, and making out with Toni was tempered by Jack telling me that he and Randy were moving.

I got home and sat pondering life without my favourite pooch. Randy had become such a part of my life and now he would be gone. Jack asked if I wanted to have a good-bye session with him. Silly question really. I resisted the temptation to call Toni. I wanted to talk face-to-face. The same on Sunday at the gym. I wanted to have all my ducks in a row before telling her my plans. I had a quick lunch, a snack really, and headed for Jack’s house to say my good-bye to Randy.

I found Jack very excited about his move. I wondered whether he had shared Rose with his wife and with the several Randy’s over the years. None of my business really. Jack made a coffee for us both. He said he had already spoken to his lawyer who would take care of all the details. He planned to be gone as soon as Wednesday. Randy was prancing around, his tail wagging, as if he sensed something was afoot. Jack said he had started packing and disappeared. Thinking I would be alone with Randy I quickly stripped naked and enjoyed some oral stimulation. He really was a great pussy licker.

Down on my knees he quickly mounted me and found the target. I squealed as he drove into me again and again. “Yes boy. Fuck your doggy slut one last time” I yelled. I felt his knot rubbing against my clit and I came as he continued to press his attack. The knot slipped in and swelled until I was sealed tight. He growled as if to say “take that” as he coated my insides with his cum. “Yes Randy” I wailed “that’s my good boy”. After a couple of failed attempts he managed to pull away. He turned to lick himself but I said “let me do that” and I grabbed his slippery cock and licked and sucked it. As I finished I heard a noise. I looked around and Jack was standing in the doorway watching me. “That brings back so many memories darling” he said “my wife always liked to lick her dog lover clean”.

I stood up and smiled. If he had of asked me I would have fucked him right there. But he had told me he was a one-woman man and I respected that. Instead I played with Randy, roughing him up and teasing him. Then I dropped to my knees and prayed. I didn’t need to worry as Randy was up to the task and took me again. Moving a little slower this time but with the same intent. To fuck this bitch, tie with her and pump her full of his juice. Again I licked and sucked him clean and then went and had a shower. I returned to the lounge, dressed now, and kissed Jack good-bye. He wasn’t leaving until Wednesday but I didn’t want to cry as he grabbed his gear and left for good. Back home I spent the evening playing with my vibrator. It always left me wanting a real cock but it did the job – sort off. At least I had multiple orgasms.

On Monday I told Toni we had to talk. My plan was to move into Jack’s house. Get a dog from Cindy and continue using my house for play. I hoped Toni would at least consider moving in with me. After gym I went to start outlining my plan when she stopped me. “Let me start honey” she said “I have taken a full time job at the gym. I will work 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday”. “That’s great” I said. “Wait, there is more” she continued “Cindy rang and said SHE had a job. I suggested you love”. “Doing what?” I asked. “Dog training Beth. You know, special dog training” she replied and smiled. “Oh wow, that is amazing. How did that happen? I asked. “She has been looking for someone for a couple of weeks and decided either me or you” Toni replied. “Ok honey, count me in” I said. “There is one disadvantage Beth. You have to be fucked by dogs all day” she said and laughed out loud.

I then gave her MY news. “Jack is moving and is renting his house to me. I was sort of hoping you would move in with me”. She squeezed my hand “I would love that” she said. I continued “I would still have my house for weekend sessions and I would buy a dog from Cindy. How does that sound honey?” Again she squeezed my hand “I think that is a great plan love. You can count me in 100%” and not worrying what others in the café thought we kissed passionately. “I just have to see the lawyer and sign the papers so we could probably move next weekend. I might have to pay to break my lease but I am not worried” I said and she agreed. Walking out of the café she suggested we head to my apartment to seal the deal and that night we did indeed spend hours doing lots of sealing.

Tuesday, after gym, I went to the lawyer’s office. He already had the papers ready. His name was Robert and he was a real sleaze. He spent the whole time I was in the office undressing me with his eyes. Finally he asked “are you going to live there by yourself my dear”. “No Robert, my girlfriend will be living with me” I said and smiled. The shocked look on his face was priceless. He gasped and then coughed and finally said “well that is all Beth. I hope you are very happy there”. “Oh I sure we will be Robert, thank you”. I left the office chuckling. He was shocked I had a girlfriend. I wonder what he would have done if I mentioned a dog too. Probably had a heart attack.

My next stop was Cindy’s kennels to tell her I would take the job. I had lots of experience being fucked by dogs but none actually training them. But Cindy assured me she was there to offer advice. “I am really happy to have you on-board” she said “Toni speaks very highly of you and apparently you took Butcher quite easily. I think you will fit in very well”. “Yes and your dogs will fit in me very well too” I thought but didn’t say. “I have some loose ends to tie up” I said “but is next Monday ok to start”. “Perfect” replied Cindy “I will ask around and get a couple of new dogs for you to start with”. “One other thing Cindy. Any chance of buying a dog from you? I will be moving into a house on the weekend”. “Ok, let’s get you started and we can discuss terms” she said and then smiled “I think you will like my terms”. I have a feeling she wasn’t talking money.

The move went well. I called into the lawyer’s office and picked up the key’s to Jack’s house. I then went to my apartment’s agent’s office and dropped those keys off after moving my stuff into Jack’s house. Then back to start unpacking. It seemed strange to not have Jack’s smiling face and Randy’s wagging tail there. I had almost finished unpacking when Toni arrived with her stuff. She had also handed her keys in. We both were denied return of our bonds but it didn’t matter. We were together and in a house. We snacked a couple of times as we sorted out what to keep and what to throw away. We laughed when we found we had identical vibrators. All squared away we took a shower together and christened our move with love making. It was going to be so wonderful.

We decided to go to the pub for dinner and then enjoyed a walk in the park before going back home. I had enjoyed a quiet, single experience but having someone sleeping beside you was far better. Sunday and off to the gym and then just chilling out. Life was just so complete. Tomorrow I would start work at the kennels. A new adventure.

The End ~ Look for the sequel : Beth goes to the dogs.

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