Women with Animals



(c) 2021 by johnnie666666

Sarah and I were on a business trip. We were in a bar in Nyhavn the old harbour of Copenhagen, not far from the “Little Mermaid”. Sarah and I had been having an affair for a year or so and Sarah was definitely the most horny woman I had ever had the privilege of sleeping with.

It was a Thursday afternoon, we were a bit bored with the convention we were attending, so we extended our lunch break somewhat. We had already eaten but were sitting nursing a couple of glasses of wine and checking out the local talent.

I should tell you a little about Sarah. Sarah is a pretty strawberry blonde woman, about 5’2” with enormous 38E breasts that seem to come into a room before she does. Sarah loves her breasts, and fortunately for me that means she is often braless. On this occasion she was also braless. I loved watching her tits swaying around as we walked around, and the looks she gets from other girls and their guys. Oh, another thing. Sarah doesn’t wear knickers, she hates them with a passion. She likens them to feeling as if she is wearing a nappy as they bunch up between her thighs. My view is that knickers would just suffocate Sarah’s huge labia lips which hang down 2 or 3 inches from her pussy. As she doesn’t wear knickers they are free to hang.

As I said we were sitting in this café. I was sitting next to her with my hand nestled between her thighs stroking her pussy lips with my little finger. Her skirt was so short I hadn’t even had to ask her to hitch it up. When I leaned forward I could see all her shaven pussy and her big pink lips. My attention was obviously having an effect on her because I could feel her getting wetter and I could see her nipples were erect under her tight top.

I looked up at her and I could see she was looking at the bar. I looked over and I could see an attractive blonde sitting on a bar stool drinking a glass of wine. She had a big dog, an Afghan type, lying on the floor under her stool. This fit blonde was clearly the focus of Sarah’s attentions. I asked her what she was thinking. She turned to me and smiled. She said that she was trying to decide whether the blonde had any underwear on, because she couldn’t see any sign of any under her tight clothes. I was a bit stunned, so I asked Sarah why she wanted to know. She just giggled and said she was just nosy and wondered if the other woman was braless and knickerless as she was. I asked Sarah if she fancied the blonde. She went a bit red and said she did “sort of” fancy her. I didn’t even know she was interested in other girls.

I sat quietly for a while thinking. Then I looked at my watch. It was 4pm. We had a dinner with the convention people booked for 8pm. I turned to Sarah and told her that she should go and find out whether the blonde was naked under her dress and if she was she had until 7:30 to do what she liked, but she had to be back here in this bar at 7:30 sharp. I think my suggestion startled her a bit and I could see her struggling with her own mind. She asked how she would find out if the girl was naked, and she didn’t even know if the girl liked girls. I told her that the only way to find out was to be direct. That she should go to the bar, smile at the girl, bend down to pet the dog, (making sure that I could see her pussy please), then look up the girl’s short skirt. If that didn’t work she would have to either get the girl to open her legs, or slide her hand up her skirt. I could see Sarah’s frown as she thought through what she was going to do. I said the worst thing that could happen is the girl could scream at her, or maybe slap her, but as we only had a couple more days in Copenhagen it wouldn’t matter because we didn’t need to come back to this bar ever again. This seemed to cheer Sarah up. She finished her glass of wine, gave me a quick kiss before grabbing her handbag and getting up. She walked to the bar and put her bag on it. This caught the attention of the blonde. They smiled at each other. Then Sarah bent down to pet the dog. She did it perfectly from the waist and I had a clear view of her pink puffy pussy lips as she rubbed the dog’s head and turned her head to look up the girl’s skirt. Then she stood up and moved close to the girl’s knees, she pushed herself against the girl’s knees and pushed them apart, before sliding her hand up the girl’s skirt and leaning in to whisper something to her. The girl was obviously a bit shocked and her hand quickly went down between her thighs to grab Sarah’s wrist. But she didn’t pull it away! Sarah was standing between the girl’s thighs with her hand right up her skirt. Then her left hand came across and brushed the girl’s right nipple, then moved across and brushed over the left nipple. Even I could see the girl didn’t have a bra on now. Her nipples were huge and sticking out through her top. She clearly didn’t have any knickers on either as Sarah’s hand was still busy up her skirt. Sarah leant in and put her mouth close the girl’s ear and whispered something else. The girl nodded, she quickly finished her drink and jumped off the stool, called to the dog and the two girls left the bar holding hands with the dog in pursuit.

Fortunately I had taken a rucksack with me and it had my book in it. I sat there drinking very slowly until Sarah burst back into the bar at precisely 7:30 and plonked herself down next to me and leant over to give me a big kiss. I went to the bar and got another drink for me and a glass of wine for Sarah and took them back to the table. As I put the drinks down Sarah had opened her legs enough for me to see that her labia were completely red and engorged and her clitoris was erect and showing from its little hood. So, I said, tell me what happened then? Sarah looked at me and smiled. She put my hand between her thighs and spread them wide to allow my finger to slide into her pussy. It was completely soaked. I looked at her quizzically. She put her finger into her pussy and rubbed it around, when it came out I could see it was coated with spunk! Come on, I said, tell me how you walked out of this bar with a girl for a little “girl-on-girl” action and came back with a cunt full of spunk!

This is what Sarah sat and told me about her 3.5 hour adventure in Copenhagen.

We left the bar holding hands. I think we were both a bit unsure of where this was going, but my fingers playing with her naked pussy under her dress and then rubbing her nipples through her dress had really turned Sabine on. We exchanged names and ages as we walked, I told her about you, and your wife, but she didn’t say anything about any male companions. Before we arrived at her apartment I was convinced she was completely lesbian.

When we arrived at her apartment building and got in the old lift up to her apartment we began kissing and fumbling with each other’s buttons. By the time the lift opened on her floor both our dresses were open and our tits were protruding from them. She grabbed my hand and we walked quickly along the corridor with our dresses flying out behind us. She stopped at her door and found her key in her handbag, she opened the door and we went in together and started kissing again as the dog pushed between our knees to get in to the apartment. Then Sabine closed the door and slipped my dress of my shoulders as she kissed me. Then she stood still while I did the same and slipped her dress off. Both dresses stayed in a heap on the floor as she dragged me into her bedroom.

She laid me on the bed and kissed me passionately as she stroked my breasts and nipples until they ached. Then she moved her kisses down my neck to my breasts, kissing everywhere and licking my nipples like lollipops. I remember gasping as I felt her hand touch between my legs and I quickly opened them wide to give her access to my burning pussy flesh. She then sat on my tummy and kissed me while playing with my tits and started to work her kisses down my neck to my breasts as she gradually slid her body down until she was kneeling between my thighs. Sabine is a superb kisser and she was kissing my clitoris and licking it until it was rock hard, she was licking it and every so often she would lick my pussy from bottom to top and suck my clitoris and swirl her tongue around it. She was telling me how attractive my shaved cunt was, with its little trimmed landing strip with absolutely no hair below my clitoral hood. I was panting by now and had lifted my knees to give her complete access to my pussy for whatever she wanted to do to me. What she did was to lay on the bed and hold my lips apart with her thumbs while she licked and sucked my pussy and clitoris until I had a huge orgasm. Then she crawled back up my body and began kissing me again, sharing the taste of my pussy with me.

My cunt was absolutely throbbing and I could feel how soaking wet it was, my labia felt like they were down to my knees! I managed to get her onto her back on the bed and slid down gradually while kissing her whole body and rubbing my tortured nether lips down her tummy leaving a snail trail of my juices on her body. I was pleasantly surprised to see that her pussy was completely shaved. While her pussy lips were smaller than mine her clitoris was much bigger and stuck out a lot more. I couldn’t wait to get it in my mouth! Soon I was licking and sucking on her adorable pussy, then to tease her I moved back up her body to suckle on her tits and licked her nipples until they were huge before sliding back down and resuming my pussy licking. It didn’t take long before she had an enormous orgasm and I crawled back to her mouth to share her taste with her as we kissed.

At this point I thought I would be back in the bar by 5pm! Only Sabine had a different idea. We laid there talking and fondling each other. I told her my pussy was throbbing because I needed a cock. She said hers was too. Before I could say another word she leant over to the nightstand and opened a drawer and brought out a rampant rabbit. She put it between her legs and began to draw it between her pussy lips and rubbing it around her cunt, gradually pushing it in as her pussy expanded to accept the plastic cock. I quickly took over and began to gently ease the toy into her, asking her how she liked it. She said her clitoris was still tender from the orgasm and just wanted to be fucked gently by the rabbit with the slowest rotation as that would rub over her G-spot. I did as she asked and laid next to her kissing her as I fucked her with the toy. It felt very erotic and made me hot as she began to hump against my hand urging me to fuck her harder and harder until I was ramming into her, pulling it nearly all the way out and then ramming it back in. I lost track of time but when her orgasm came it was a drencher. Her pussy just burst with floods of juices and she screamed as she came.

She turned to me and grabbed me by the shoulders and began kissing me passionately. She pushed me onto my back and spread my legs and lifted my knees so that my pussy was fully exposed. She knelt between my thighs, I looked down and could see my huge lips stuck to my thighs and showing all the wet pink flesh inside. She kissed my cunt, making sure she didn’t catch my sensitive clitoris with her tongue or her lips. Then I felt the plastic of the toy touch inside me as she gently spread my cunt lips and slid the toy inside. She worked it around a little before turning it on. It was a very gentle rotation. It was only a few inches inside my cunt but it felt fantastic as it rubbed on my G-spot. She barely had to move it in and out at all I was so ready to come. She was kneeling on the bed with her arse in the air as she fed the toy in and out of my cunt. I heard her say “not now boy” and looked up to see that her dog had his two front legs on the bed and was busy licking her cunt. That took me over the edge! I just came in waves and waves as the orgasm rocked me. I held her wrist tight to stop her moving the toy inside my sensitive cunt. She slowly slid the toy out from my soaked pussy and collapsed next to me. She threw one leg over me and I turned to face her and we just laid there sweating and kissing each other.

I suddenly remembered the dog licking her cunt as she was fucking me with the toy. I asked her what was going on there. She told me that it had been a long time since she had been with a boy and that one day she was kneeling down cleaning the kitchen floor, it was hot, she was naked, and the dog started to lick her cunt. I asked her what it felt like as a dog’s tongue is much rougher than a human tongue. Sabine told me that it was fabulous and she came so much that without thinking she had spread her legs even wider to let the Afghan fuck her. After that, she said, there was no going back. She fucked the dog every day, or rather it fucked her as it was quite insistent whenever it smelt her being aroused. She told me that was one reason why she didn’t wear knickers as it allowed her aroma to attract the dog and she could simply spread her legs and allow him to lick her. She loved her dog and didn’t want to see him treated unkindly so she made a rule that if ever anything caused the dog to get an erection she would let him fuck her. If for any reason that was impractical, like when she was having her period, she would lay the dog on his back and suck him off.

I laid there gobsmacked. I know we have talked about doggy fucking but it was still astounding to hear someone that did it – regularly. I begged her to let me see her being fucked by the dog and she eventually agreed, but I had to make the dog’s cock hard first. I agreed, although I didn’t have a clue what to do. Sabine did though! She showed me how to stroke his cock to get it to start coming out of its sheath, then she helped me push him down onto his back so I could lick and suck his cock. It was hard very quickly, with pre-cum already coming out of the end. Sabine knelt on the mat with her arse really high in the air. She put her hands between her legs and spread her pussy lips. I could see right into her cunt! She told me to guide the dog’s cock into her cunt. I was fascinated. I grabbed the dog by the cock and made him walk up behind Sabine. I think he could have done it without my assistance. I think that was just Sabine having a bit of fun with me. Anyway, I rubbed the dog’s cock around her wet lips before placing it right at her opening and letting him go. He knew what to do and was soon humping Sabine hard and fast. I could see her tits bouncing as she held her big nipples to stop them getting burnt by the carpet.

The doggy fuck was frantic. His red cock was pumping in and out of Sabine at an incredible rate. I heard her shout that she was coming and I saw her shudder as the dog brought her climax on. Her cunt muscles seemed to do the trick on the dog and he rammed his cock into her one last time before leaving it there as he pumped his spunk into her. When he had finished I saw Sabine put her hand under her cunt when she felt him pulling his cock out. She had a handful of spunk and I could see it was still dribbling out between her lips and running down to her clitoris. She quickly licked the spunk off the palm of her hand before putting it back under to catch the droplets of spunk that were dripping from her engorged clitoris. She rolled onto her back and pulled her legs up high so the spunk couldn’t run out any more. She looked over to me and grinned and asked what I thought. While I was finding words she was dipping her fingers into her cunt and licking off any spunk that came out. I told her I thought it looked awesome and asked how it felt to be fucked by a dog. She gave me a coy smile as she stood up and continued to explore her cunt for spunk with her fingers. She told me that only having the experience yourself could you understand it.

I thought about if for a few seconds, then I said that it didn’t make any difference because the dog had just ejaculated inside her and I had to be back at the bar by 7:30 and it was already 6:30. Sabine asked if I was prepared to be fucked by her dog. I said that I was but couldn’t see how it could happen. Sabine shocked me by walking to the dog and pushing it onto its back and dropping to her knees and taking his cock into her mouth. I was sitting behind her admiring her cunt lips as she stroked and sucked the dog’s cock in her expert mouth. It was less than 2 minutes before the dog’s cock was rock hard and it was my turn to be fucked by him.

I just followed Sabine’s expert instructions. Kneel down, arse pushed up high, lips separated and cunt pushed out as much as possible. She brought the dog behind me and guided his hot pink cock into my soaking cunt. As soon as he felt my tunnel close around his cock he thrust all the way inside me. I already knew his cock was huge because I had seen him fuck Sabine, but when it was inside me it felt enormous and boiling hot. He wasn’t waiting for anything though, he immediately began to fuck me hard, pulling out and ramming in. I was in ecstasy. Sabine was distracting me by playing with my tits and squeezing my rock hard nipples, but my entire focus was on what was going on inside my wet cunt. The dog never stopped for a breath! Probably because he had just fucked Sabine he continued to pummel me for up to 15 minutes. I came several times but my cunt muscles just couldn’t stop him and he carried on fucking me relentlessly until he finally rammed it into my uterus and begin to fill my channel with his hot spunk. I had seen the copious amount of spunk he had injected into Sabine’s cunt, so I was ready with my hand when he began to pull out. Sure enough I quickly got a palmful of spunk and had to lick it off quickly before he had fully withdrawn. As soon as his cock was out of my cunt I slapped the palm of my hand over it and rolled over onto my back. I was exhausted. Sabine was sitting there smiling. She asked how it was in real life, and I had to tell her that it was awesome! Sabine asked me if I wanted her to lick the spunk out of my cunt, but I told her no, but not why. We kissed some more as I got my breath back from the pummelling, then I looked at the clock and saw it was past 7:00. I told her that I had to go. She asked if I wanted to use her shower to get rid of the smell of sex, but I laughed and said that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I went into the hallway and picked up my discarded dress. I pulled it on and did a few buttons up. I picked up my handbag and turned and gave Sabine a big hug and kiss. We didn’t exchange proper names or phone numbers, we both knew this was a one-off. Then I left her apartment and here I am.

As I was sitting there listening to Sarah’s story my cock was getting hard inside my trousers. I desperately wanted to get back to our hotel so I could get my cock into her mouth!

I congratulated her on a brilliant guess that Sabine was both naked under dress and would be up for some girl-on-girl action. Sarah smiled at me and said she had one more surprise for me. She stood up and grabbed me by the hand, I got up and she took me to the ladies toilet. Once inside a cubicle she pulled her dress up to her waist and put her foot on the lavatory. Then she stuck two fingers into her cunt and scooped out a load of spunk – dog spunk, which she licked off her fingers as she smiled at me. I watched her until she couldn’t get any more out. She put her foot back on the floor and let her dress fall down. She gave me a quick spunk-tasting kiss then dropped to her knees and fished my cock out of my trousers.

Sarah gave me a fantastic blow-job and eagerly swallowed my spunk when I came in her mouth. Another kiss and we left the cubicle and the ladies toilet, unseen hopefully. We paid our bar bill and left to go to dinner with the guys from the convention. I was thinking how it would be great to tell them what Sarah had been doing all afternoon, and wondered if, after enough drinks, Sarah would do it herself?

The End

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