Women with Animals
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A Real Fox


(c) 2002 by Claude Raines

Janice jumps down from the five-ton six-by-six truck onto the gravel shoulder; “Thanks for the ride, Claude! See you Monday!” and firmly closes the door she can just barely reach, waving as her friend pulls away. Looking both ways, she crosses the road and scrambles over the fence into the field, avoiding the longer walk down the muddy lane.

Once she walks away from the gap in the fencerow, the bushes along the fences cut off sight and sound of the county road and everything else, allowing her to feel like she’s the only person in the world. She loves the country hush, broken only by the sigh of the wind through the trees.

Today, though, she’s not enjoying it as much as usual. Glancing down, two reasons for her impatience are immediately obvious, rubbing and jiggling against the inside of her white blouse, poking the thin cotton out in hard little peaks. “Darn! Why’d I let her talk me into this…” she whispers to herself, and blushes, knowing that she did it because she thought it would be fun and would make her hot. She just hadn’t figured on getting this hot, even if she hadn’t been able to get herself off right since Wednesday morning, when she usually did it at least twice a day. “That’s at least four I missed…”

Then she blushes again as another idea settles into her overheated mind. “Oh! Oh my!” she whispers, lightly tanned face scarlet. “I – I could…” If going braless gets her this hot, what would taking off her panties do? And when she gets home, she’ll be alone, and can do whatever she wants, once she’s called her parents and told them she’s home…

She touches her right titty, twitching at the added friction, unaware that she’s drifted to a stop. The extra rush decides her, and she looks around before raising her skirt to push her panties down, baring her tight creamy bottom and the triangle of sparse raven curls at the base of her flat tummy. Stepping from the filmy garment, the elfin cutie nearly falls before she gets it off over her sneakers, but she does manage to avoid falling or getting mud on anything.

Tucking the dampened underwear into her little purse with her bra, she straightens up, feeling so daring and sexy. It’s so exciting! She blushes again, thinking about doing this at school… The boys would cum in their pants if they realized she wasn’t wearing panties! The idea of so much cum soaks her virginal slit even more as her hard pink nipples pulse in time with her racing heartbeat.

Setting off once more, she thrills to the feeling of the cooler air blowing freely across her bare skin under the skirt and the soft dark cloth swirling over her bare buttocks, stroking places that haven’t been stroked before, not even in her bedroom at night…

At the far end of the field she walks behind a clump of berry bushes; standing spread-legged and looking around again, she raises her skirt to let the breeze blow directly across her tight little mound and between her slender legs. Paradoxically, the cool air heats her up even more…

Then she whirls in panic, dropping her skirt, face incandescent, as something rustles in the bushes behind her! Sure she’s been caught, she frantically looks for the intruder, trying to decide whether to run or hide, but unable see anyone… until she looks down.

At the base of the bushes, a pointed furry red-and-white face is looking at her, shiny black nose sniffing carefully at the frightened teenager. “Oh! Foxy! You sure scared me!” she says to the little fox. “What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in ages!” He’d hung around for a while after he healed, but then he’d just started staying away longer and longer and finally stopped coming home. “I thought maybe somebody’d… something had… ” The thought’s depressing, and she drops it as the sleek red fox slides out of the thicket to curl around her shins, looking up at her, obviously happy to see her. She shivers at the feel of soft fur on her smooth skin.

Bending over, she pets him, sliding her slender fingers through his luxuriant fur, scratching behind his pointed ears and smoothing his soft coat as he croons softly to her, leaning happily against his teenage human friend.

The strain on her lower back’s too much for more than a minute, so she squats down to run both hands through his coat while he makes soft little pleasure-sounds, obviously enjoying the grooming. He jumps up, putting black paws up on her bare knee, his white bib and fiery coat shining cleanly in the sunlight. After a minute longer, he drops back to the ground, then she shivers at the soft friction as he brushes past her bare legs and dives under her skirt!

Before she can do anything, she gasps with unexpected pleasure as his silky fur rubs against the sensitive inside of her legs; then his whiskers tickle exquisitely at the top of her thighs and he sniffs audibly as he inspects her exposed groin. “Fox-eeeeee!” she gasps in startled excitement as his hot wet pink tongue slashes vigorously up through her hot wet pink pussy.

“Oooohhh! Wha-t ‘re you doooing?! Aaahhh!” The sensations racing through her overload her rational mind and she instinctively spread her legs wider, opening herself up to his amazing tongue. “S-stop that! Right n-now.” She’s losing what little conviction she had to start with and Foxy totally ignores her rapidly fading protests.

“Ooooh!” she sighs quietly, rocking her hips upwards at the fox’s sharp nose, jerking as the cold wet tip touches her hot wet core. Foxy snuffles, clearing his sensitive nose of musky fluid, but not missing a lap at the delicious treat in front of him as Janice writhes in ecstasy, leaning back on her hands to raise her overheated mound so he can reach every bit of her.

The new angle opens her up even further and raises her tight creamy bottom up where he can reach everything better as she spread her slender legs wider, feet under her buttocks as she gives herself to the animal. Obligingly, Foxy starts licking from her tight round little bottom up through the crack of her ass all the way to the soft, damp black curls at the base of the passionate girl’s flat tummy.

Janice squeals quietly, feeling like she’s rising into the blue sky as the sleek little beast eats her out enthusiastically, then her orgasm is upon her and she gasps for breath as waves of passion wash over her spasming slender body. It’s the best cum she’s ever had, as well as the first she didn’t do herself…

The red fox doesn’t stop; he takes her steaming juices as his due reward for getting the short teen off and slurps them up happily. Of course, Janice immediately starts climbing to another climax, and she does nothing to stop him. For this moment, she belongs to the thirsty animal.

Foxy tosses his head in annoyance as her dark skirt settles over his ears; a second later, he does it again, stopping licking this time. Overheated by the delightful cunnilingus, Janice lifts the fabric up her belly, baring herself from the waist down, not allowing anything to interfere with her pleasure.

Looking down as her first lover returns to the business at tongue, the sight of his furry body between her soft bare legs excites the already overheated girl even further, and she abruptly explodes into a mind-bending cum, twitching and jerking her slender hips up as the happy fox slurps up her hot, creamy juices.

This time, though, she loses her balance, and falls backwards, landing on her back in the grass and mud. The damp grass-blades prick at her soft bottom as the cool dark mud plasters her heated white ass-cheeks; the contrast with the hot pink tongue still relentlessly slashing at her tight pink pussy rockets her to another sharp cum.

This one only lasts a few seconds, though it seems like an eternity to her, then she comes back down to find herself lying spread-eagled on her back in the field with Foxy still crouched between her legs, happily slurping up her fragrant juices.

“Mmmm, Foxy, that wasss… wild. Mmmm. That’s good. But you better stop… stop now.” Finally finding the energy to sit up, she pushes him away, blinking in startlement as sitting up pushes her tight hot little pussy down into the icy-feeling mud.

As she slowly staggers to her feet, the disappointed fox swarms around her ankles, looking forlornly at the now mud-smeared fox treat that, like the grapes of fable, is out of his reach.

“No, Foxy, we can’t do that again. We – we shouldn’t have done it this time…” She trails off as she remembers the exquisite pleasure of his hot tongue sliding wetly over her inflamed wet flesh…

Shivering, she walks away on rubbery legs, the eager fox swarming around her slender ankles.

Foxy sits disappointed at the end of the sidewalk, watching his human friend disappear into the house; at least he’d gotten a good ear-scratching and a snack out of it. But maybe she’ll come back. With that in mind, he settles down to wait, lying in the warm sun.

Inside, Janice dials the phone. “Hi, daddy, I’m home.”

“No, everything’s alright, I’m just tired.” She yawns. “I didn’t sleep much either night.”

“Oh, Foxy’s back. He surprised me when I was coming in from the road.”

“Daddy, I’m not an idiot. And I am almost eighteen!”

“Yes, Daddy.” She rolls her dark eyes resignedly.

“Okay. See you tonight.” Hanging up the phone, she yawns again. It’ll be hours until her parents are home, so she has time for a shower and a nap. She’d been tired enough before her encounter with Foxy; now she just wants to curl up and go to sleep, but she’d get mud on her bed.

Kicking off her shoes, the short teen wanders down the hall to the bathroom, pulling off her blouse as she goes, revealing her pointed creamy titties topped with delicious-looking pink nipples, still hard. She squeezes herself gently, feeling the soft flesh yielding under her fingers; it feels so good!

In the bathroom, she unzips and steps out of her muddy skirt as it falls to the floor; looking in the mirror, she admires herself, turning around to see the dark mud-smears caking her soft white bottom, bending forward to see the cold dark mud on her hot creamy pussy. The contrasts in the view heats her up, and she jumps into the shower before she gets… distracted…

That doesn’t work very well; she has to clean herself carefully, and that’s even better for heating her up. The feeling of soapy hands sliding over her soft tight little body is so erotic, and she suddenly realizes that she’s only cleaning herself with one hand; the other’s busy between her slender legs, massaging her creamy little mound into a lather.

Seconds later, she reaches a peak, collapsing against the side of the shower and moaning softly as the rhythmic waves of passion crash over her like surf on a beach. “Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm! Ooohhh! Eeeeee!”

An uncertain time later, she’s roused from her dazed collapse as the hot water runs out. Turning off the chilling spray, she dries herself sketchily, stumbles to her room, and falls facedown, still naked, across her bed, asleep instantly.


Hot feelings of pleasure awaken her as she nears a nice climax; awakening more fully, she’s disappointed to realize it’s her own hands. Then she peaks, and her mind momentarily blanks as her tight pussy spasms and twitches through her cum.

Lying in the afterglow, she tries to remember what she’d been dreaming; all she can remember is a pointed red-and-white muzzle, tipped with a black button of a nose… and a long, agile pink tongue…

That recalls Foxy to her mind, and she shivers at the recollection of what he’d done in the pasture that afternoon. Had they really done that, or was it all a dream? The naked little brunette’s erotic thoughts soon have her black-furred creamy mound throbbing between her thighs again, but somehow her fingers just don’t seem like enough…

Pushing herself up, she looks at the mud-smeared tangle of clothes near the hamper. “Oh… it was real. Oh wow… would he…” She breaks off, face flushed, looking at the clock. She hadn’t been asleep long; she still has hours before anyone else is home.

She shivers at the thought/memory of a soft furry body between her slender legs.

Rummaging through her dresser, she finds an oversize tee-shirt and pulls it on; as she digs for some shorts and panties, she abruptly stops, thinking for a moment, then steps into sandals, thrilled with the idea of being nearly naked outside.

Foxy rolls to his feet as the door slams behind Janice; he greets her with a soft crooning whine, curling around her calves once she’s nearly to the end of the sidewalk.

“Well, hello yourself, Foxy,” the small teen murmurs back. “Did you… like your snack earlier?” she finishes in a whisper, blushing. The sleek fox stands up, front feet braced against her right leg above the knee, looking at her eagerly, and she scratches him gently behind his pointed ears. He croons gently, pushing back against her wiggling fingers, and she smiles.

Then he drops back to the concrete, and she starts to bend forward, stopping as he ducks between her legs and stand up again, this time under the tee-shirt! “Oooh! You like that? You want – ah!” she squeaks as first his cold black nose and then his hot pink tongue delve into her hot little pussy. “Ah! Oh!” Her knees go weak.

Looking down through the open neck of her tee-shirt, she can see between her white conical breasts to the pitch-dark triangle at the base of her tummy and the sharp nosed fox slurping at her tight pussy. A sudden thrill races through her and she nearly falls, staggering back away from Foxy. He drops to the ground with a disappointed whine, cocking his head to the side curiously.

“Come on, Foxy, let’s go in. Somebody could…” She doesn’t want to get caught.

Foxy takes two steps forward, then sits down.

“Well, come on. Don’t you want me… more?”

He’s visibly eager, but doesn’t move forward, rocking from one front foot to the other instead. It takes her a moment to remember that he never would come in the house and they’d never tried to force him, since they’d wanted him to go back to the wild.

“Oooh! Drat!” She exclaims, nearly as disappointed as he is. “Where… ?” She runs through the possibilities in her fevered mind. “The fort!” She knows he’d slept in the old play-fort she and her friends had built years before. If the path’s not completely overgrown, that’d be great. Foxy doesn’t mind being there, and she’d still have privacy.

She dashes back into the house and grabs a beach towel.

“Okay, come on!” Foxy follows his human friend happily as she dashes towards the woodlot by the creek, perky titties and tight ass jiggling pertly under the thin garment. The fox curling around her ankles nearly trips her in his eagerness.

In the edge of the trees, Janice stops, looking about for the trail, bending forward to peer beneath low-hanging branches; her vulpine lover takes the opportunity to stand up under the hem of her shirt again, under the back this time, licking the inside of her slender legs. She gasps as his cold black nose touches her warm white bottom, instinctively spreading her legs for his eager lapping.

That gives the happy fox a clear road to what he wants, and his tongue immediately splits the raven-haired teen’s pink pussy-mound wide open; she squeals ecstatically, dropping to all fours as her knees give way. Looking down the open neck of her tee-shirt again, she watches her first lover’s slender muzzle and agile pink lapper working industriously as his long black whiskers tickle her upturned cheeks erotically.

The back of the shirt drops over his head, and his black-furred ears try to flick the fabric away; she instantly pulls it up around her middle, not wanting him to stop for anything. Foxy shakes his head, settling ruffled fur and straightening the creamy hairs inside his ears without missing a lick at the hot little fox-yummy before him.

She reaches to touch her soft little titties, but the cloth gets in the way and Janice impatiently pulls it clear up over her head, baring her elfin body to the world; she’s too hot to care. Her very first touch to her hard nipples is enough to bring on a nice cum, and she humps mindlessly back at the happy fox as he laps up her slick creamy juices.

It’s a terrifically erotic sight, the dark-haired teen kneeling naked before the sleek red fox as he enthusiastically licks her wide-split pink cunny and soft creamy ass. She jerks and twitches, tight bottom and perky pointed titties jiggling, as she gasps and moans her pleasure there in the tall grass.

Gliding gently down from her cum, head hanging, Janice looks back between her spread thighs at her grinning lover as he happily slurps her overflowing pussy. Then she looks past him, and gasps. “We can’t do this here! They can… could… see us from the house!”

Staggering to her feet, she looks frantically around as yanks her tee-shirt back on, letting it fall into place around her; Foxy whines in disappointment as his strangely compelling fox-treat not only rises out of reach, but is covered up… again! He stands up again, trying to reach her bottom, but she steps away, leading him into the woods.

It doesn’t take her long to reach the ramshackle “fort” they’d built, despite the excited fox swarming around her legs and threatening to trip her. It doesn’t look like anyone’s been here since they quit playing in it years before.

Carefully pushing a briar aside, the short brunette opens the door; the inside’s in surprisingly good shape after being abandoned for so long. Closing the door and looking around, she spreads her beach towel over a half-log bench, then, smiling at the eager fox, pulls her tee-shirt off over her head. Foxy whines eagerly, half-standing on one front foot as he stares at her dark-haired cuntmound.

“You like that? You want more?” she teases, face flushed. Foxy pads forwards, rising to sniff at the fragrant fox-nummy he’s already sampled three times today. “Oooh, you do, don’t you!”

She shivers as she runs a finger through her soft wet folds, then holds it down to her new-found lover. He licks her fingers clean happily enough, though he obviously prefers his snack straight from the raven-curled source.

“Hmm, would you lick other things… if they had… ?” Janice blushes, then wets her fingers again, shivering as she smears the abundant fluid over her soft breasts and inflamed nipples. “Now…” She gets some more, coating her sensitive titties liberally with the fragrant girl-oil, then sits on the end of the bench.

Foxy immediately dives for that black-fringed treat again, but she closes her thighs, murmuring “No, not there! Up here!” as she raises the sleek little fox’s black front paws onto her knees. “Lick… lick my… tits.” she finishes in a whisper, blushing.

Trembling, she watches as the sleek red fox sniffs her soft little breasts and swollen nipples, twitching as his black whiskers tickle soft sensitive flesh. Then he tastes her gently, long pink tongue curling around the underside of her tittie; Janice squeals happily “Ooh!” and pushes her chest up, offering herself to the busy little beast.

Rapidly replacing the musky liquid with his own saliva, Foxy soon moves across to her left breast; Janice reaches between her slender thighs for more, recoating the sensitive skin as fast as the excited young fox can lap it up. Her tight dark little pussy’s flowing like a river as she quivers beneath that incredible tongue.

It doesn’t take long before the steady wet friction over her sensitive mounds has the slender brunette so hot that she flops onto her back, spreading her soft thighs for her eager first lover. He dives happily back into the delicious pink fox-treat, agile tongue splitting the dark-furred mound wide open as his human lover squeals in ecstasy.

After only three hot slurping strokes, the overheated teen explodes into another mind-blowing orgasm, bucking her slender hips up at Foxy so hard that she slides down the bench until her tight creamy little bottom is perched precariously on the very end. He takes that as a signal to clean up all the tasty girl-lube that’s trickled down the crack of her soft ass, driving Janice straight to another incredible cum in only a few seconds, and earning himself even more yummy Janice-juice.

This time he doesn’t give her enough time to come down from her orgasm before his talented pink lapper pushes her to new heights; she grunts rhythmically as her hips jerk, driving her split-wide sopping-wet cunt up into her furry lover’s sharp nose, unconsciously trying to get him inside her any way she can…

Whether from her behavior or not, Foxy finally realizes what’s so compelling about this yummy little fox-treat, and he stops licking. He looks at his human lover for a long moment, head cocked to the side, then tentatively puts one black forepaw up on her soft white tummy…

Janice raises her head to see why her eager lover’s stopped, meeting his golden-eyed gaze. “Oooh, you gonna lick my titties again? C’mon, do it!” she pleads, motioning the uncertain fox up. “Come on! That’s it!” she adds as he puts his other foot up alongside the first. There’s something strangely exciting about having her lover on top of her, even though he can’t… fuck her.

The sleek red fox slowly half-crawls up her slender belly; as he gets further up, his soft creamy belly-fur tickles through the soft wet black curls at the base of her slender belly, then trails gently up her soft white belly. Janice shivers delightedly at the contact. “Mmmmm.”

Then, just as she expects him to put a hind foot up, something hot, slick, and hard touches her hot, soft, slick little pussy; her dark eyes widen in surprise. “Foxy, what… Oh!” she exclaims delightedly. “Can you… ?”

She’s stunned by the realization that he can fuck her, but isn’t sure if she really wants him to. Foxy, on the other hand, or paw, knows what he wants, but isn’t sure if he can get it.

He humps forward tentatively, pushing the tip of his slick red prick through slick pink pussy-folds, and she moans softly “Ooooh! Do… that… Ooohhh!”

Her overheated little mound makes the decision for her: as her hips rock in mindless reaction, she puts herself at the right angle and moves the tip of Foxy’s stiff probe into her vulnerable cherry! As soon as he feels the soft folds nibbling at him, he humps again, and Jan squeaks as he pushes into her tight little hole, tearing her cherry easily. “Ow! That… that hurt! I… I… oh… oh my!” she says wonderingly. Her pelvis rocks, and she moans again. “That’s… Oh yes! That’s good!”

Then she frowns, startled to realize that, no matter how good it feels, he’s not even two inches inside her. She’s had her fingers in deeper than that! “That’s all?” she whispers, disappointed. Standing over her with his front paws on her belly, Foxy doesn’t move, happy to have finally figured out how to get inside her hot wet hole.

It feels good, but Janice was saving her cherry and now… “I let you… Hunh?!” Her dark eyes widen in delighted surprise at the sudden squirm of the slick red invader in her belly as her inner muscles milk at it. “Oooohhhh!” His cock’s growing inside her, getting longer, and thicker, too…

She strokes his silky fur, starting just behind his erect ears and going all the way down to his hindquarters, delighting in the soft silkiness of his flaming coat, savoring the slow steady swell as his rising hard-on works deeper and deeper into her wet slit. She gently tugs her vulpine lover forward, encouraging him, and he slowly presses further, only stopping as the first half-inch of his creamy-furred sheath enters her open pink lips. She shivers happily at the strange sensation, hunching up just a little before she can control herself, then holds herself motionless to feel the slow erotic growth inside her belly.

“Mmmmm!” she moans, feeling the steady swelling; it’s so strange… “Ooooohh yes! Yes!” It takes every bit of what little self-control she has left to hold herself still; the slow growth is so inflaming… The overheated teen moans again, and the little fox croons delightedly as his new mate’s slick wet heat sucks at his male hardness.

Long seconds pass while the two delight in the incredible sensations of their cross-species coupling. Janice savors the slick hot hardness deep inside her and the soft silky fur brushing her soft belly and the inside of her slender thighs, Foxy feels the slick wet heat and rippling muscles pulling his hard penis deeper into his human lover’s eager body.

Janice’s pelvis rocks again, involuntarily, and Foxy whines and pushes his pelvis forward to meet her thrust; the slow, steady growth finally stops and he thrusts a little further into her, tentatively, then slowly pulls back. She whines at the withdrawal, then grins in delight as he humps back into her tight pussy. “OOOOH! Yes! Yes! That’s the waaay! Yes!”

Foxy picks up the pace, moving faster and faster as he gets the hang of this new joy, and Janice is soon squealing in ecstasy “Ooooh! OOHHH! YEEESSSS!” as she explodes into the best cum of her entire life, bucking madly beneath her bestial lover. Her exuberant orgasm nearly shakes Foxy from his somewhat precarious perch, and he drops flat onto her belly, soft black-furred limbs firmly clasping her soft white body, hind paws scrambling under her soft tight bottom as her bucking, arching body lifts her first lover clear off the ground. She holds that position for several seconds, every muscle quivering in her mindblowing cum, then collapses with a soft groan.

Foxy shifts his back feet, settling into a stable position again, then humps gently into her open mound, holds for a moment, pulls back, thrusts,… renewing his interrupted drive towards his own orgasm, but not releasing his grip on the slender brunette’s creamy body. He’s not taking chances on being bucked off…

Janice moans, then opens dark eyes to look at her first lover again, savoring the hot feel of his stiff slick joystick plunging deep inside her juicy love-tunnel as his soft belly-fur strokes her soft belly like a furry hand. “Mmmm, that’s gooood… Mmmm.” She raises a trembling hand to pet his head and neck; he arches his neck, pushing back against the gentle attention, but not interrupting his own vigorous strokes.

Janice blinks at the strange sensations between her legs; concentrating, she realizes that there’s an odd swelling in the middle of Foxy’s slick red cock, and it’s getting bigger… It feels really strange… Not at all unpleasant, just delightfully strange…

“Mmmm.” Smiling, she reaches down to where he’s plunging into her wet heat, drawn by the slick wet sounds; her hand slides between her own soft flesh and the eager fox’s soft fur to find the inflamed folds drenched and slippery with her fragrant juices. She shivers at the mix of erotic sensations: Foxy’s soft fur, her own soft skin, his hard wet cock sliding into her own soft wet pussy, her slender fingers probing her soft folds, the slippery girl oil cascading over her fingers and down the crack of her soft bottom…

Drawing her hand back up, she smiles at the pinkish liquid dripping from her fingers… Pink?! What?… Right! Her cherry. Former cherry? She smiles again, sexily.

Foxy looks at her hand, sniffs, and then reaches over to lick up the tasty juices. She blinks, then smiles as an idea pops into her overheated mind. Without considering further, she wipes her wet fingers on her soft little titties and rock-hard nipples, shuddering joyously at the slick slide, then gasps as Foxy happily laps up the yummy fluids; he whines as her inner muscles clamp down firmly.

Once he’s cleaned the last of her juices off the shuddering girl’s pale tit-meat, he stops licking; she shivers and reaches for more. That’s too good to stop!

The sensations are even better this time, and she gasps in disappointment when he stops, her shivering muscles loosening. Foxy peers at her curiously, then tentatively licks her left breast again; she moans and her pussy clutches at his cock. Grinning happily, he slashes his hot pink tongue across her quivering chest steadily, delighted at the way she milks his rampaging fox-cock when he does that. His swollen cock-bulge has locked him firmly inside her now…

“OOOOOH! OOOOOOOOHH! OOOOOOOOOOOHHH!” Janice wails into another powerful cum; this time the fox is ready too, and he throws his head back and howls resonantly as he thrusts full depth into her tight, spasming pussy and sprays his thick, white, scalding-hot cum deep in her unprotected pink pussy. Janice screams joyously as the bucking, spitting prick fills her up for the very first time; she lifts him clear off the ground again, but neither of them cares as they ride their shared cum to new heights.

Foxy’s howl resonates in his human love’s chest, shaking her pert titties, vibrating through her flat belly, and meeting the waves trembling through his throbbing girl-fucker in the sleek brunette’s spasming, clasping womb, sustaining Janice’s incredible orgasm until she faints with joy. The fox clings determinedly until she finally collapses, then lays limply atop his first mate, panting rapidly, head resting on her heaving chest.

After a long moment’s rest, the sleek, tired little beast raises himself and pushes back; his mate stirs too as his still-swollen cock-bulge tugs at her insides. He tugs again, trying to free himself, and the discomfort in her buzzing pussy rouses the slender little teen from her dazed collapse. “Hmm!? Wha… ? Foxy? Wha… ? OH! We… AH!” she gasps as the fatigued animal tries a third time. “No! Don’t…” she grabs for her still-coupled lover to stop him, then instinctively scratches behind his pointed ears. He croons happily, relaxing atop his new mate, happy at this turn of events; Janice sighs in relief and savors having his still-stiff cock inside her as he stops his movements and relaxes.

“Mmmm. That waas… nice,” she mumbles as she combs her fingers through her lover’s soft crimson fur. “But how long… ?” she trails off, considering how long they might be tied. Dogs go down and uncouple after a few minutes, unless the bitch has muscle spasms… She giggles suddenly. She’s not a bitch, because she’s not a dog, but what’s a female fox called? Right! She giggles again and Foxy cocks his head curiously. “I’m a vixen!” She giggles at the idea, stroking the little fox happily. “Do you like your little Janice-vixen?” she asks him.

He doesn’t answer, tipping his head the other way, then sniffing interestedly at her right nipple, long black whiskers ticking her chest; her nipples instantly start swelling back to full hardness and her pleasantly full cunt grips at the fox-cock still inside her. “Oooh, you like that?” she inquires, gasping as he glances at her face, then licks the creamy little mound. “Oooh!” She spasms again, and her bestial lover grins at the milking sensation and laps steadily at the sensitive pink-and-white treats in front of him while Janice moans appreciatively.

His hot pink tongue rapidly brings his mate’s swollen nips up to little pink pebbles; her eager panting makes the soft, pointed little mounds jiggle enticingly and drops of feminine honey slowly trickle down the crack of her tight soft bottom from their joined loins. Foxy licks her titties for more than a minute, then slowly starts to thrust again, dropping his forelegs around her torso and meeting Janice’s rocking pelvis as her rising lust moves her body without her will.

“Mmmmm. I like… Yeeesssss. That’s niice…” She’s delighted at her lover’s stamina. “Thought guys had to… rest more. Mmmm yes!” She moans at his increasing tempo. The two young adults are both grinning and writhing happily as they take their mutual pleasure, convinced that this is how love should be.

The happy red fox is up to full speed now, and she’s meeting his every thrust, moaning her delight as her soft creamy flesh jiggles under the relentless pounding and his silky-soft fur strokes her gently.

Seconds later, she flashes over the top into a sudden orgasm, clutching him inside and out as his humping slows and stops under the increased friction. She shudders through a nice little cum, more girl-oil gushing forth inside her and lowering the resistance until Foxy can move freely again, sliding his swollen knot deep inside his ecstatic mate. He’s NEVER been this hard before, and he’s enjoying these delightful new feelings almost as much as the slender girl is.

It takes him a few seconds to get his rhythm back; she drops slightly from her wild climatic high before starting another incredible climb to orgasm. “Ooooh, Foxyyy! You’re sooo good! Didn’t know I coouulld…” She trails off, incredulous that she’s going to cum again, for the fourth time in minutes… He’s driving her insane with his incredible cock and that bulge in the middle is so neat!

The slick wet sounds of knockout sex mingle with the quiet grunting of two straining bodies, then Janice gasps “Oh! Oh! Ooohhh! Again! Again!” as she reaches her next hot cum, arching upwards and lifting her vulpine lover off the ground again.

This time he’s prepared for it and his firm hold on the thrashing brunette allows him to keep going, though her tight grip on his maleness slows him down. Her copious lubrication overflows her contracting love-tunnel, running down the soft pale curves of her tight little bottom, mingling with thick creamy fox-cum and matting the dark fur on the front of his hind legs.

“Ummm!” Janice moans as she slowly sinks back to the rude bench. Her thrashing has dislodged the towel, and now the naked girl’s soft, smooth skin is directly against the rough wood. She doesn’t care; she hasn’t really come down from her cum and the jerking of the stiff rod inside her well-fucked pussy says Foxy’s not going to last too much longer either.

Sure enough, mere seconds later his stiff slick peter twitches, swells, and squirts another hot dose of thick white fox-sperm deep inside the short teen’s belly, filling her innermost recesses with liquid heat. That’s enough to set the overheated girl off again, and she bucks upwards into an erotic arch as the two unnatural lovers share mutual ecstasy in their cross-species climax.

The two hang, suspended in time by the fury of their mutual pleasure, then collapse into a panting heap as they slide swiftly into afterglow, savoring the aftershocks coursing through their sated bodies.

“Oooooh, Foxy, that was soooo goood.” she mumbles at the exhausted fox draped limply atop her. “I hope… oh, you did.” Janice giggles at the obvious exhaustion of her first lover. “Did I wear you out?”

He doesn’t react, lost in his need for air and rest. This has been exhausting, but he just needs a little time to recover…

After a long moment, the sleek little beast raises his head to look at his first mate. It’s been really great, but his shrinking cock just isn’t up to any more action for a while; he’s come twice and he’s drained. He reluctantly pushes himself up, and pulls backwards; Janice squeals as his still-swollen knot jerks at her insides and pops free with an obscene slurp before she can stop him.

Janice shivers as freed liquids slowly flow out of her stretched, thoroughly fucked pussy and down the crack of her tight ass. “Ummm, I hope we can… Eeeee!” she breaks off with a disbelieving squeal as the curious fox shoves his cold wet black nose into her inflamed red folds. “Ooohhh!”

Pulling back, Foxy snuffles, then licks his nose clean; that’s still tasty, even if he’s really tired, and his tongue’s not that tired… Janice squeaks as he hunkers down and swipes his pink taster up alongside the friction-reddened flesh between her slender thighs, cleaning up the cooling girl-oil before going after the hot, fresh stuff.

“Ooohhh, yeah! You caaa… Aaahh!” She weakly spreads her legs as far as she can, opening herself obscenely wide to that incredible tongue, incredulous that he can start her heating up so fast and so thoroughly…

The happy fox cleans his love’s groin rapidly, even nosing down under her soft bottom to get the delicious liquid that’s trickled down her heated flesh. Janice moans at the licking and the exquisite tickle of his long black whiskers, shakily raising her slender legs above her head until her lover’s cleaned her backside, too, then collapses back into her obscenely splayed position as he returns to her sloppy pussy.

She’s still stretched out, her reddened folds slicked back around her open cunny; Foxy sniffs interestedly, then rapidly laps up the juices leaking from inside her and mingling with fresh arousal. That’s better, even if it is a little thicker…

He cocks his head curiously for a moment, considering, then licks her again; Janice moans happily. Then Foxy tries to get more yummy fluids and since there isn’t any more on the outside, he tentatively slides his long, agile pink tongue into her open, flowing pussy! “OOOOHHHHH!” Janice screams ecstatically at the feel of that flexible organ sliding and stroking and lapping so deep inside her freshly-fucked pussy as she humps mindlessly at her new lover.

Foxy pulls back out of the clutching tube, spooning the thick mingled juices out. He was right! There’s more up there! He dives back in, feeling a little resistance as her pussy-muscles grab at the intruder, but he doesn’t care. Janice wails her delight again, and a third time as he repeats the performance, but the fourth time is too much and she cums hard, bucking and spasming, nearly pulling the little fox’s delightful taster right out with her gripping pussy before she faints from the incredible pleasure.

Oblivious to her unconsciousness, he continues with the business at tongue, cleaning his mate up as she sprawls before him, then rising and stretching once he’s sure he’s gotten all that delicious juice. Considering her carefully for a moment, he walks around her, sniffing her slender body, before carefully stepping up on her and lying down. His still half-hard dark-red penis lies on her pale belly like a hot weight as he settles himself comfortably. He’d cleaned her, but he’s too tired now to clean himself and he licks his nose gingerly, concerned about the strain she’d put on his tongue. Ah. It seems to be okay now, just tired… He lays his head down between her pink-tipped titties happily.

Long black whiskers gently tickle the creamy inner curves with the lovers’ breathing.

The fatigued fox relaxes, golden eyes closing.

The patches of sunlight shift as the sun moves on its appointed course.


An insect buzzes past, loud in the stillness.

Foxy’s pointed ears twitch and his long bushy tail swishes, the white tip brushing across the sleeping girl’s bare knees; she stirs, and her lover shifts his weight to maintain his perch.

Janice’s dark eyes open as the rub of soft fur against her soft bare skin penetrates her satiation-fuzzed mind. “Hmm? Wha? Where… ?” Her first lover raises his head drowsily, golden eyes gazing into her dark ones.

“Oh… Foxy, what… Oh wow! We…” She blushes, then grins. “But it was sooo good…” The elfin cutie stretches as best she can without dislodging the fox perched on her belly, then reaches up to scratch behind his pointed black ears. He sighs contentedly, dropping his head back onto her chest and making her shiver as his whiskers tickle her breasts… again.

“Mmmmm.” Her nipples are starting to harden again, and she smiles at her contented lover, basking in the afterglow as she smoothes his fiery coat. “We shouldn’t have… but I really liked that.” She grins. “And you won’t tell everybody what we did, either. Boys always blab.” She thinks about the boys at school and the way they talk about which girls ‘put out’, making a face of distaste. They’d really freak if they knew what she’d just done. She grins again, wider. “But it’s our little secret, isn’t it, Foxy?”

Foxy croons, rubbing his muzzle on her chest happily; she shivers as his soft fur rubs over her small breasts. “Mmmm.” She stretches again, and the sleek fox copies her, then stand up and stretches elaborately. Janice looks between his hind legs, eager for a look at his instrument of pleasure.

He jumps down, and paces in a small circle as she sits up and stretches, blinking startlement as her pussy presses against the weathered log bench.

“C’mere, Foxy. Good boy!” she praises as her lover responds to her call. “Up here,” she adds, patting her lap. He regards her for a moment, then hops up; she strokes his back, slowly sliding her slender fingers around into the soft creamy fur beneath his belly. The happy fox leans against his human lover, crooning his pleasure, then flops on his side against her tummy and rolls over so she can groom his underside.

Janice giggles “You know what you want, don’t you?” and reaches further back, gently probing though still-damp fur. “I really soaked you, didn’t I?”

Parting his soft coat, she find what she’s looking for, just peeking its red tip out of his wet, white-coated sheath. “Mmmm, what’s this?” she teases, stroking him gently.

Foxy humps his hindquarters as she gently teases his slick red penis out of hiding; she shivers at the feel of soft fur on soft skin, but continues her explorations, watching him harden under her fingertips. Her fingers aren’t sliding as well as she’d like, and without thinking she licks the tips to lubricate them, only realizing what she’s doing as the salty musk fills her mouth. Her busy hand stops as she rolls the flavor across her tongue.

“Ummm! Yummy! You taste good.” she whispers to the little fox as she brings her hand back to her mouth to suck her fingers clean. She giggles. “Finger-licking good!”

Then her face goes scarlet as she wonders what his prick would taste like… directly… in her mouth! Some of the other girls, the ones that admit to sucking guys, say they like the taste… And what she’s gotten so far is good…

Without consciously deciding, she leans forward and finds she can’t reach his genitals; he whines and starts to roll over as she lays him on the towel and leans forward. He freezes in place, startled, as she carefully licks the exposed tips of his stiffening love-muscle. “Mmmm.” She licks again, all the way down to his sheath, then sucks him into her eager lips while he twitches at the exotic sensations.

Janice’s dark head bobs slowly over her first lover’s white-furred loins as she happily sucks him; he croons happily as he humps up into her hot mouth. She shivers as he swells into her, filling her mouth like he’d filled her pussy, stiff rod gliding deeper and deeper, even though the bulge isn’t up yet.

Foxy’s humping picks up speed, and she freezes, letting him fuck her mouth; after a moment, he starts trying to roll over without losing that magic connection. She tries to hold him down, but he whines, not liking this position.

Obligingly, the slender teen rolls over, clutching her lover to her, never severing the hot connection to his swelling prick, letting him stand above her, humping her sucking mouth.

Now that strange bulge in the middle of his cock starts its swell, and Janice gurgles happily around a pleasant mouthful as her lover pumps into her mouth and throat, his black-furred front paws dancing around on her chest, squeezing, flattening and massaging soft white titty-meat and hard pink nipples. She moans her pleasure and Foxy groans at the magic vibration in his groin as it races down his stiff shaft to settle in the fuzzy white sack swinging before the dark-haired little girl’s unfocused eyes.

The little fox is humping rapidly now, driving into her hot mouth with long, rippling strokes, amazed by the terrific pleasure she’s giving him. Janice spreads her slender legs and reaches down to stroke her open, wet pussy, moaning continually at the delicious sensations and the salty-musky taste of her first lover’s hot cock as it glides sensuously through her lips. The steady vibes inflame the fiery-coated little beast and he croons his own joy back to the elfin brunette.

Seconds later, he reaches his peak, ramming as deep into her as he can reach and howling his pleasure while he empties his balls into her hot, sucking mouth. Janice shudders through her own mini-cum as her lover’s tasty hot white seed fills her mouth pleasantly. She doesn’t stop sucking until she’s sure she’s gotten the last delicious drop.

Reluctantly releasing him, she flops down flat on her back on the ground, moaning “Oh, I need you again!” as she fingers her steaming pussy. Sucking him off like that is just so hot! And she was right: he does taste good!

Standing over his love, Foxy shifts his weight, then hops off the slender girl to circle around between her slender thighs, licking his chops in anticipation. He knows what he’s going to find there! And it’s so tasty!

The distracted brunette jerks as the sleek red fox slurps his long thin pink tongue up through her wet, swollen pink pussy, squealing happily at the erotic sensations; he grins happily as he goes after the hot girl-oil wetting the delicate folds and slicks down her cunt-curls with his saliva. There’s more of that delicious stuff there now!

Janice moans appreciatively at her vulpine lover’s steadily more-skillful cunnilingus, busy hands stroking and caressing her soft little breasts, tugging at the hard pink nipples as she rises rapidly to a nice little cum.

It only takes a very little time for the fox to drive his human mate to her own release, making her curve upwards into a sexy arch as she bucks through another happy climax. Pleased, he rapidly cleans up the yummy Janice-juice that drips out of her spasming love-passage and down her soft white little bottom to puddle into fragrant mud. Janice makes soft pleasure-sounds under his relentless attention. That was really nice, but there’s something missing… the first few times were incredible, but this was just nice…

After a moment’s lust-befogged thought, the overheated teen realizes what’s wrong: there’s nothing inside her! No hot, stiff rod plunging back and forth in her needy pussy! “Ooh, Foxy, I – I need you inside me again…”

Suiting actions to words, the eager girl rolls over, displacing the thirsty fox from his fox-treat; he yips in frustration, then pounces as it comes back into view as she starts to crawl back to the bench. When she’s in this position, he can get the lubricating juice that ran clear down under her ass!

The inflaming sensations radiating from her tight little slit and soft white bottom make it difficult for the already aroused teen to navigate to the bench, even though it’s only a few feet away. When she finally reaches it, jerking and twitching under the erotic assault, it’s even harder to spread the towel back over the weathered wood. Once she’s done that, she just collapses forwards over the cloth-covered object, slender legs spreading wide and soft little titties mashing against the uneven hardness as she yields to the pleasures of the hot, pink lapper splaying her tight raven-haired mound open. She’ll just have to cum from this round and then roll over so they can do it – make love – again. Such a hardship, another cum! This’ll be… this already is the most times she’s ever cum in one day!

Foxy, though, has other plans. Seeing the position of his teenage mate, he pauses for a moment, gauging the relative heights while she whines in frustration and begs “Nooo! Don’t stop! I’m, I’m… Please!” Finding everything workable, instead of returning his tongue to the tasty black-haired fox-treat, he jumps up, dropping his black-furred front feet onto the soft white resilience of her ass-cheeks, then shuffles forward while Janice gasps in delighted surprise.

Just about the realization of what he’s doing finally penetrates her inflamed mind, the tip of his still-hard cock penetrates her inflamed pussy and he sinks it to the knot with a long, sustained push. Janice squeals happily: she won’t have to wait! Then she blinks as the hot hard ball of his cock-bulge seats firmly against her saliva-wet pussy-lips. Before she can assimilate that, the horny little animal pulls back, thrusts vigorously, and she yips as he fully seats his hard cock in her tender young cunt, stretching her tight pussy entrance as his swollen knot pops through.

“Eeee! That… Oh yeah! That’s it!” She doesn’t have to wait after all! She can get the prick she needs so badly right now! “MMMM! Thatta boy! Ooooh!” She humps back at the energetically thrusting fox eagerly, tight creamy bottom jiggling slightly from the rapid pounding as she moans her delight. This is just what she needs! Two hours ago, she didn’t know what a hard fucking felt like and now she needs it so much!

Foxy needs it too, and his bushy white-tipped tail waves happily as he tops his furless mate with energy and enthusiasm, pushing the tip of his white-furred sheath into her wet pink pussy-lips. The sleek little beast croons softly, delighted with the liquid heat clasping his hard-swollen prick; Janice moans back, shivering at the feel of soft wet fox-fur and hard wet fox-cock thrusting into her sensitive teenage cunny. The feeling of her vulpine lover’s soft pale belly-fur stroking her soft pale bottom is utterly inflaming, and the furry legs brushing against the inside of her thighs add even more to the experience.

“Mmmmm… Mmm yeah… Oooh, do… yeah! Ah! Ah! Yessss! Unh! AAAhhh!” Suddenly the slender little brunette snaps into a short, sharp little cum, grunting and humping backwards at her sleek-furred first lover, lifting him off his hind paws. Fortunately, he’d remembered her first cum, and has a firm grip on her, stopping her from bucking him off and allowing him to keep thrusting, even though she throws his rhythm off.

Janice collapses back onto the bench, shivering in the aftershocks of her unexpected orgasm, as her bestial mate resettles his hind feet and renews his steady thrusting into her willing body. In seconds, she’s returning his thrusts again, soft little titties and lust-hardened pink nipples rubbing delightfully against the rough terrycloth beneath her small white body.

Foxy croons again, a little louder, sending thrilling vibrations racing through Janice’s wiggling frame to settle in her small pink-tipped breasts and tight pink cunt; she shivers again and humps back harder, moaning quietly.

The diminutive teen unconsciously closes her dark eyes to savor the incredibly erotic sensations of soft fur stroking her subserviently presented buttocks, her open crotch and the insides of her shapely legs. That just feels sooo good! She’s about to cum again, and will Foxy… ?

Yes! As she concentrates on that incredible, delightful, ecstatic slick joy-stick plundering her juicy little pussy, she realizes that it’s starting to swell and twitch – Foxy’s about to cum too!

Summoning her last remaining vestige of willpower, the incredibly aroused teen concentrates on not cumming until Foxy does… It’s not working… Too late! Janice gasps joyously and explodes into another hard come, vaguely disappointed that she couldn’t hold off until the fox came too… until her vulpine lover throws his head back, howling his pleasure as he rams to full depth in her pussy and his twitching cock sprays more hot white fox-sperm into her clutching depths, his orgasm triggered by the sudden grab of his mate’s love-tunnel!

The slender brunette shudders and shivers through a sustained orgasm as her lover whitewashes her insides, filling her womb with his hot sperm; it feels so hot, even hotter than his stiff prick, and it’s sooo exciting! Foxy thinks it’s exciting too, and he clings tightly to his much-larger mate, black-furred legs locked tightly around her pale torso, holding himself as deep inside her as he can, trying to fill her unprotected teen womb with his sperm and his fox-kits…

For both of the joined lovers, it seems like a long time before the spasms and after-shocks of their incredible orgasm fade away, then for a while longer they sprawl together, panting, breathing and pulses slowing towards normal.

The slender dark-haired teen presents a terrifically erotic sight, her delicious pale body sprawled limply over a towel-covered log with the exhausted fox draped over her soft creamy ass, black legs hugging her sides and bushy tail curled over her left leg.

Still panting, though slowly, Foxy raises his head off his mate’s back, then pulls his feet up onto her back, stands up, and stretches. Janice stirs at the movement, drowsily opening her eyes, then squeals as her still-coupled lover twists sideways and throws a hind leg up and over her tight white bottom to stand butt-to-butt with her!

The sudden twist inside her well-fucked pussy sends her to yet another short sharp cum as his hot prick rubs across that magic spot. “Ahh! Eeeee! Oh! Oh… Foxy, what… Oh wow.” she says as she twists to look over her shoulder. “How did you… Oh.” It’s obvious when she thinks about it. “That was wild.”

Looking back over his shoulder, the happy fox grins and wags his long bushy tail, stroking the soft crimson fur over soft white asscheeks. Janice shivers in delight at the outrageous sensation. She always lies on her back to get herself off, and having her bottom exposed to the air is thrilling enough, but having Foxy brushing his tail over it is even better! She shivers again as the silky brush goes back the other way. “Ooohhh, yes…”

Pleased at the delight in his mate’s voice, the fiery-coated fox keeps wagging his tail; it takes only a dozen swipes to bring her to a soft orgasm that washes gently over the exhausted girl. “Mmmm, Foxy…”

As soon as Janice relaxes, Foxy pulls away, making her wince as his shrinking knot pops out of her with an obscene slurp, freeing the mingled juices trapped in her pussy. Turning around, the drained fox sniffs the open, reddened slot, and Janice groans as he sets about cleaning her sore mound, long pink taster laving her opened sex gently and removing the fragrant fuck-oils before delving into the well-used passage. “Mmmm… Oohh! Unh!” Another weak orgasm rocks the disbelieving girl, and she curls onto her side as it passes, cupping her hands over her groin protectively. He’s so good with his tongue, but she just can’t take any more loving.

Foxy understands; he can’t take any more either. She does taste good, but if she’s through, so’s he. Staggering around by her head, he licks her cheek lovingly, then curls up on the edge of the towel. His cock is almost entirely inside his sheath by now, only the very tip showing beyond the soaked, pink-stained white fur.

Admiring the fatigued fox appreciatively, Janice suddenly notices the angle of the shadows. Startled, she looks at the sun. Oh. It’s not that late, but she’d better get back to the house before her parents get home.

Slowly pushing herself to all fours, then staggering to her feet, the elfin cutie stretches slowly, small pointed tits rising invitingly and the inside of her slender thighs shining wetly in the slanting sunlight, then looks around for her discarded T-shirt. Finding it, she stretches again, then slowly drops it over her head as the drowsy fox admires her slender body.

Kneeling next to her lover, she kisses his forehead; he licks her cheek again, then stretches before rising to accompany her back to the house.

The two lovers slowly stroll to her home, the fox rubbing against her slender legs and sprawling on the lawn for a nap in the sun while she goes in to clean up. He’s out of sight, though not out of her mind, when her parents get home.


Webmasters Note: One of the common issues with amateur erotica writers is often they run out of steam, and they don’t complete their stories. This is due to writing in ‘seat-of-your-pants’ style. As the sexual arousal from writing the story wears off, so does their interest in completing it. We can’t do anything about this, sorry, as authors offer their content for free we take what we’re given. Other erotica writers are welcome to take up this series where the author has stopped.

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