Men with Animals
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(c) 2003 by tltmth

I came home from work one afternoon to discover someone was moving into the apartment next door. The new tenant was a young lady. She was in her twenties, she had light brown hair, sexy blue eyes, and a nice body. She was not spectacular to look at, but she was definitely very attractive.

I did not introduce myself right away. I wanted her to have a chance to get settled in before I intruded on her. After about two weeks I finally introduced myself to her. I was coming in the front door of the building, and she was coming to the door with her arms full of bags. I held the door for her and offered to help carry her bags in. When we got her bags into her apartment, I said, “By the way, I’m Chuck.” She offered me her hand and told me her name was Alice. I took her soft hand and gently kissed the top of it.

I didn’t see Alice again for a few weeks. My work schedule left little time other than a few hours sleep at night. One night, there was a light knock on my door. I opened my door to find Alice standing there, soaking wet. “I locked myself out of my apartment, and the manager is out.” she said, “May I come in until they get back?” I, of course, invited her in. I told her that I normally don’t drink coffee, but I have some instant if she wanted some. She then told me that she would love a cup of coffee, if it wasn’t too much trouble. I told her that it would be my pleasure to make it for her, then I offered her a robe so she could hang her wet clothes to dry.

After changing into my robe, and drinking a cup of coffee, Alice asked if she could spend the night. She stated, “I don’t want to be alone again, tonight.” I tried to conceal my excitement as I told her she was perfectly welcome to stay with me anytime she liked. She then sat on the sofa, next to me, and placed her feet in my lap. “It’s been a long, hard, day,” she said, “Would you please, massage my feet for me?” I didn’t tell her that I have always had an attraction to women’s feet, and I was overjoyed when she let me touch her beautiful feet. Her toes were long, slender, and she had a perfect pedicure. I noticed that her feet had not gotten wet from the rain. In fact they were hot, and a little sweaty. A mild aroma caught my attention, and I was totally intoxicated from her lovely feet.

As I massaged Alice’s feet, she started to fall asleep. When I was sure she was sleeping, I lifted her right foot to my face and smelled it. It smelled wonderful! I pressed my lips to her gorgeous foot and kissed the bottom from toe to heel and back. Alice stirred a little and went back to sleep. I did the same to her left foot, then put it back down in my lap. I was about to go to bed when Alice asked, “Do you like my feet?” I said “As a matter of fact, I do like your feet, they’re beautiful.” Then she said, “Why did you stop kissing them? I was enjoying it very much. Would you suck my toes?” I answered by lifting her right foot to my mouth and sucking her toes. Alice squirmed with pleasure as I kissed, sucked and licked her wonderful feet. “That really turns me on!!” she said, “I’m getting really horny.” My raging hard-on gave my excitement away, and we headed for my bedroom.

She laid back on my bed and spread her legs. “Eat me! Make me scream!” she demanded. I ate her pussy with everything I had and she rewarded me with several mouthfuls of sweet cum as she screamed her way through six orgasms. She then turned over and offered me her asshole for the same treatment. After another five orgasms, she turned back onto her back and spread her legs again. By now my cock hurt with anticipation. I slid my cock into her sopping pussy, and fucked her. I pulled my cock out just in time to shoot my huge load all over her tight stomach. I collapsed onto her and we fell to sleep.

Alice was gone when I woke, in the morning. At first, I wondered if my encounter with her had been just an erotic dream. The only evidence that anything had happened was the cum stuck in the hair on my stomach, and the faint smell of pussy in my mustache. I had a really good day at work, for some reason. Maybe it was because my attitude was better than it had been in a while.

A couple of weeks later, Alice locked herself out again. This time it was not raining, but had been hot all day. When Alice asked me to massage her feet, they were very sweaty and smelly. She, again, had me suck and kiss her feet, then indicated that she wanted to have sex.

“I want to do something very different, this time.” she said, “I want to be in complete control, and I want you to do whatever I tell you to do.” I had liked everything we had done before, so I agreed. Alice then told me to get undressed and lie face up in my bed. She then told me to spread my arms and legs to the bed posts. Alice straddled my stomach then handcuffed my wrists to the upper bed posts. Then she cuffed my ankles to the lower posts.

When I was completely secured to the bed, Alice sat on my stomach and placed her feet on my face. “Smell my feet!” she commanded. Then she told me to suck her toes. She began to writhe in ecstasy, then planted her ass on my face and said, “Now, smell my farts!” Alice forced out four very big and potent farts, right up my nostrils. She sat square on my nose and wiggled until my nose entered her asshole. Alice held that position for a few minutes, until I almost passed out from lack of air.

Next, Alice told me to eat her ass out. I ate her ass out for nearly an hour, until she had a raging orgasm. She then sat right on my mouth and told me to open my mouth wide. As I did so, Alice started to shit. “Eat my shit! Eat all of my shit, or I will leave you cuffed to the bed, until someone finds you covered in my shit.” she quipped. I ate her entire load. Alice made me lick her ass clean, then left.

I was not sure what to think about what had just happened. I was repulsed, and aroused at the same time. I never expected things to get this carried away, but somehow, I was not sorry. I did not know that I could do such perverted things, and not be turned off. It seemed that the more bizarre things got, the more I got turned on. But the worse was yet to come.

It had been about a month since our last encounter when Alice knocked on my door again. This time, Alice had brought a friend with her. “This is Casey,” Alice said, “she wants to join us in our fun.” I told Alice that I wasn’t sure we were going to have any more “fun”, then introduced myself to Casey.

Casey was eighteen years old, and absolutely stunning. She stood about 5 feet 6 inches, and weighed about 110 lbs. Her blue eyes were perfectly framed by her beautiful light brown hair. Her slender body was perfection, right down to her gorgeous feet. I decided that I would do whatever the two of these girls wanted me to do.

I was again, handcuffed to the bed. Then Alice had me smell her extra smelly feet, and kiss, lick, and suck her toes. Next, Casey had me service her feet. I really enjoyed making sweet love to Casey’s feet with my face and mouth. Casey actually had two orgasms while I kissed her feet and sucked her toes.

Alice and Casey then had a farting contest on my face. I smelled fart after fart, and kissed their asses for a solid hour. Then they had me eat their asses out, until they had several orgasms each.

Suddenly, Casey announced that she needed to use the bathroom. As she started for my bathroom, Alice stopped her. “Chuck is our bathroom for the night,” she said, “He will eat and/or drink all that we give him, tonight.” Casey looked at Alice, then at me, then she came back to the bed and sat on my face. She placed her pussy on my mouth, and told me to drink her pee. I opened my mouth and Casey, very slowly, pissed into my mouth. I drank every drop, easily. Alice then emptied her bladder into my mouth.

After I had drank both girls’ piss, Alice sat on my mouth again, but this time she offered my mouth her ass, and shit. When I had eaten all of her shit, Alice demanded that I lick her ass clean. Alice then washed her shit down my throat with a glass of soda.

I had just gotten my breath back when Casey decided she wanted to shit into my mouth, as well. Casey straddled my face and lowered her ass till it was about ten inches above my mouth. Then Casey said, “I want to see my shit go into your mouth. I also want you to watch my shit as it comes out of my ass, and catch it in your mouth. Then I want to watch you eat it all.” With that she started to shit. I watched a giant turd begin to push out of her gorgeous asshole. I opened my mouth and caught it as it started to fall. The first turd was about eight inches long and about an inch and a half thick. Just as I finished swallowing the first turd, Casey pushed out another one almost as big. Casey then pushed out a third and fourth turd. Then she made me lick her ass clean.

By this time, my cock was rock hard. Casey sat on my cock, guiding it into her tight asshole. Alice sat on my stomach and put her feet on my face again. As I kissed Alice’s feet, Casey ground her ass on my cock, until I blew the biggest wad in my life, straight into Casey’s bowels. Casey sat on my cock until she was sure I had cum all of my jism into her ass. Then Casey climbed off of my cock, and sat on my face again. “Open your mouth!” she barked, “Eat your own cum from my ass, then lick me clean, again” With that she shit my cum into my mouth, and I licked her ass clean. The girls then released me and went home.

A few days later, Casey showed up with another friend of hers. Lisa was a lovely blonde. She was petite, and very shapely, with alluring blue eyes that said, “I want to fuck the shit out of you!!”

Casey told me that she did not want to bind me this time, but she wanted me to take real good care of Lisa. Casey sat in my big over-stuffed chair and spread her legs. She then told me to sit on the floor with my back against the chair, between her legs. After I was seated between Casey’s legs, Lisa stood in front of me and turned her back to me. Lisa dropped off her panties and offered her ass to my face. Casey pushed my face into Lisa’s ass and told me to eat Lisa’s ass out until Lisa was ready to cum.

Lisa shook for almost the entire time I ate her ass out. After about half an hour, Lisa announced that she was about to cum. Casey grabbed my head in a near death grip, and Lisa turned around, revealing a twelve inch dick!! Lisa shoved her cock down my throat and shot spurt after spurt straight inside my throat, forcing me to swallow every drop. Lisa held her cock deep in my throat until it went completely limp.

Right after Lisa pulled her cock out of my mouth, Casey stood up, pushed my head back onto the chair, and sat on my face. I felt her asshole pucker and opened my mouth to receive her shit. I ate Casey’s entire load and the two of them left.

The next day, Alice, Casey, and Lisa, came to my door, together. Alice said, “It’s time we all had some fun.” We went to my bedroom where I was handcuffed again. Only this time, I was handcuffed to the foot of the bed, face down with my knees on the floor. Casey climbed onto my bed, face down, and slid her legs under my arms until her ass was in my face. Then Alice sat on my head, forcing my mouth against Casey’s asshole. Then Lisa shoved her twelve inch cock up my ass and started fucking me. As Lisa fucked me, Casey shit into my mouth. With Alice sitting on my head, it was impossible for me to do anything but eat Casey’s shit. After about half an hour, Alice and Casey switched places and Alice shit into my mouth. Then Lisa pulled her cock out of my ass and shoved it into my throat and shot her giant load.

I was then turned over and re-handcuffed to the bed. Lisa then sat on my face. Alice grabbed my balls and squeezed them until I opened my mouth. Lisa then shit into my mouth and told me to eat it all. After I had eaten all of Lisa’s shit, I was told to lick her ass clean. I had just finished licking Lisa’s ass clean, when she turned around and came into my mouth. Lisa then pissed into my mouth and made me drink it. The girls released my hands and then left.

I was totally confused. I didn’t know what to think about all of the things I had just done. I was extremely turned on and repulsed at the same time. I was afraid of what might happen next, and, at the same time, couldn’t wait to find out what else the girls, especially Alice, had in store for me.

I didn’t have to wait too long to find out what was next. It had been two days since my adventure with Alice, Casey, and Lisa. Alice asked me to come over to her apartment. When I got inside, Alice closed and locked the door. She escorted me to her bedroom, where there were two men sitting on the bed. Mark stood about six feet seven inches and was very muscular. Fred was about five feet ten inches and had an average build. They were both nude, and each sported twelve inch cocks, which they were stroking, just enough to keep them hard.

I started to leave when the two men jumped me and forced me over to and onto a weight bench. I was stripped out of my clothes and tied, face up to the bench. My feet were tied to eye bolts that were screwed into beams in the ceiling. My arms were tied behind my back and my head tied to the bench, so I could not move.

Alice sat on my face and farted several very potent farts into my nose. Mark positioned himself between my legs and pushed his cock straight into my ass, and started fucking me. Fred came around to my head and started fucking Alice, as she straddled my face. Fred pulled his cock out of Alice’s pussy and shoved it into her ass. Alice lowered her pussy to my mouth and I ate her pussy until she came all over my face.

About this time, Fred shot his load into Alice’s ass. He then pulled his cock out of her ass and shoved it into my mouth, telling me to suck all of Alice’s shit off of it. As I sucked Fred’s cock clean, Alice turned around and offered her asshole for Mark to cum into. Mark shot his load into Alice’s ass and re-inserted his cock into my ass and continued to fuck me.

Alice then came around and sat on my face again and shit both men’s cum into my mouth. After I swallowed the cum, Alice began to shit the biggest load of shit I had ever encountered. Just as Alice finished shitting in my mouth, Mark came inside my ass. I was then untied and sent home.

Again, I did not know what to think. I had never considered myself to be gay or bisexual. However, in the last three days I had had sex with a transsexual and two men. I had eaten their cum, sucked their cocks and even been fucked in the ass. I had even eaten the transsexual’s ass out and even eaten her shit. How far can I go, before I cannot take any more? Where will I draw the line?

The next day, Alice and Lisa came to my apartment. Alice asked me if I would give her and Lisa a ride somewhere. I agreed and we were off to somewhere. When we got to where we were going, I noticed that we were at a stables. The stables were in a very secluded location, about five miles from town. We had to enter through a gated road. Lisa stated that these were her stables, and that she did not allow just anyone on the premises.

We went into a barn and I immediately noticed that the floor and everything else in this barn were immaculate. Then I noticed there was a bench in the middle of the room. We walked to the bench and sat down. Lisa reached into her purse and pulled something out. I did not notice Alice had gotten up and walked behind me. Alice grabbed me around my chest, pinning my arms to my sides, and Lisa placed the rag she had pulled from her purse over my mouth and nose.

When I came back into consciousness, I was totally nude and I was tied, face-down, to the bench. I noticed that my asshole was wet, then I noticed that Lisa was leading a pony toward me. I started to ask what was going on, when I realized that I was gagged.

Lisa led the pony around behind me. I felt the pony sniff my ass, then he climbed over me. I could not believe what was about to happen. Alice guided the pony’s cock to my asshole, and the pony thrust his cock into my ass and started fucking me, wildly. I thought I was going to split into two, but eventually my asshole relaxed and the fucking actually began to feel good. The pony’s cock was so big, that it could not help but massage my prostate, which made me cum, violently. The pony emptied his balls into my ass, and Lisa led him away.

I was too weak to move myself, so Alice and Lisa untied me and rolled me over onto my back. I was again tied to the bench and the gag was removed from my mouth. Lisa attached two clips to my balls. She flipped a switch, and a shock surged through my balls. I knew right then that I had better cooperate.

Alice led a huge black horse over to the bench. She guided him over the bench so that his cock hung over my face. Then Alice began to stroke the horse’s cock. The horse seemed to enjoy the attention to his cock, and before I knew it, his twenty inch cock was fully erect. Alice guided the head of the giant cock into my mouth and told me that I was to swallow every drop of cum, when her horse came. After about half an hour of my sucking the head and Alice stroking the shaft, Alice’s horse shot a full quart of cum, right into my mouth. I swallowed every drop, and the horse was led away.

While I was sucking the horse off, Lisa stroked her own cock and while Alice put her horse away, Lisa shoved her cock down my throat and came. Then Lisa sat on my mouth and shit. When Alice returned, she shit into my mouth as well. Alice then told me that I would be spending the weekend in this room and that I would not only eat her and Lisa’s shit and drink their piss, but I would also be required to eat the horses’ shit and drink their piss. Before the weekend was over, the big horse got to fuck my ass. I don’t know how I survived the weekend, but I do know that before it was over, I learned to love horse cock in my mouth and ass.

It has been three years since I met Alice. We are now married and I am her total slave. I smell her feet and suck her toes every day. I also eat her shit every time she goes. Lisa and Casey have moved in with us and I am their slave as well. Mark and Fred are frequent visitors, and they fuck my ass and mouth every time the are over. I also spend many a weekend at the stables. Only now, the whole group is present and involved. I now love the taste of shit and cum and I love to smell women’s feet and asses. I even love to smell their farts.

Well, I have to go now. Alice has invited all of her sexy girlfriends over, and I have to service them all. There are twenty of them, so I am going to be very busy. And I have to lick Lisa’s ass clean before I go. Good bye for now.

The End

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