Women with Animals

Induced Nymphomania


(c) 2016 by DOBERMAN

Chapter One

Hi, I’m Joey.

I was around the age of nineteen when I realised the pulling power a handsome dog could exert; even on a nice college -girl.

I’m an average white boy who’s parents run a nice little pet-store; got my grades at college and so forth but the only dates I got were the dull left-overs; and they all ended in mutual boredom.

I wasn’t much of a hunk myself you see; I liked girls the same as the next guy but it was always the other guy the choice chicks went for.

That day I had been exercising Captain, my dad’s Boxer dog, round the country-park.

It was during the school spring holidays and I was simply relaxing on a bench when a shapely girl came up the steepish path in her jogging togs.

Captain had noticed her too and as she neared us, he pottered towards her wagging his tail.

Surprisingly she stopped to ruffle his head and then smiling, asked me what his breed was.

I called Captain to me, and giving her some detail on his pedigree; she’d sat on the bench too.

She was around sixteen or so, fair braided hair, intelligent hazel eyes, sharp tits, slim waist and heavenly hips. I forced myself not to look any further.

For nearly ten minuets we’d fell into a diverse conversation while both stroking Captain!

Amazingly she then agreed to join me for a coffee in the park café after completing her run.

I had only been out with Captain that morning ‘cause Dad had injured his foot; but I’d discovered he was the missing link between me and the company of a hot chick.

Don’t worry; I didn’t for a moment imagine she was unattached or fancied me for gods sake; she’d have them queuing up.

But she’d duly turn up at the café where I was sat outside with Captain at a picnic table.

She sat with me and we exchanged names and she asked me for a cold milk-shake and I ordered two of the same. As before we conversed quite naturally together.

I asked Elaine what career her studies might lead too and she hoped to be a biologist.

“How about you?” she asked, “Oh I’m interested in dog breeding.” I said off the top of my head.

“Wow; there you are, their related occupations aren’t they Joey!”

“Yes, I suppose they are … in a way … Elaine.”

“Has Captain sired any offspring yet? He certainly seems to have the confirmation for it?”

I could feel myself blushing because I was already out of my depth with this conversation.

“How do you mean Elaine?” I said lamely.

She glanced at me and I saw a brief compassion; then she grinned, “Well If I was a lady dog, I’d be pleased to have his puppies!”

A jolt hit my groin and I blurted, “Oh Captain would love that!”

Elaine threw her head back and her chuckle was the sweetest thing I’d ever heard.

“Oh Joey, your a real tonic! But I’m really running late now. Look I’ve only started this jogging lark recently but I might see you again over here OK?” Then she bent down alongside Captain and fussed him some; slowly running her fingers all over his underbelly.

I pulled out my ‘phone saying, “Please Elaine, can I have a snap of you with Captain?”

“Oh ok then, go on.”

Then she’d waved whimsically; leaving me at the café with Captain to watch her walking away.

I bought up the snap of her onto the screen and stared.

The dog is sat on his hunches, showing his under-belly.

Elaine’s arm is around his body.

Her hand holds his sheath! The tip of his cock is evident!

Even more exciting is Elane’s quizzical expression.

She was suggesting something.

My mind went wild.


Through the following days my mind was on my encounter with Elaine and her attraction to Captain.

I also gained praise from Pa as I continued to give up time to exercise his dog.

I’d drive over to the park and hang around the café area with Captain, in the vain hope of another encounter with Elaine.

On my third trip to the park centre she appeared, after having done her jogging!

“Oh hi there Joey!”

She looked every bit as enticing; in fact more so. She was in a short tennis skirt.

“Hey, Elaine, good to see you!”

When she sat on the bench, her thighs were on view up to her crutch-line.

Captain’s head went onto her lap; his tail wagged.

“Captain! Good to see you too! Ahaa … so handsome!”

Then we were chatting over trivia like old buddy’s; no gender embarrassment between us; like I was her brother.

Then she said about her biology studies; and how Captain could be a special opportunity for her to do some genuine field work.

I felt excited; fascinated and encouraged her to elaborate.

She said that as I was going into dog breeding it would go glove in hand with her work.

It would be invaluable experience if she could witness part of that dog breeding process.

My jaw dropped and it took more control than I knew seeing her with my dog’s head almost sniffing her cunt.

Amazed, I asked her casually how we could go about it.

Elaine suggested that she wanted to see a Captain’s initial sexual excitement; to see his sexual organ activated.

Suddenly it came to me that she was winding me up and I grinned, “ Aha, your joking me right?”

“Oh I’m sorry if I’ve offended you Joey, I’ve expected too much.”

“No Elaine! No offence … really. I just wanted to know you were sincere.”!

“Oh yes Joey … I’m sincere … I respect you, I do really.”

I looked into her and realised she saw me as a trusted brother; so I responded,

“Well; I think your intelligent; advanced for your age; I can also see Captain has taken a shine to you Elaine. I think he would be pleased to help you advance your studies.”

“Oh Joey! Your just wonderful – I’m so lucky to have met you!”

“There is an old saying Elaine; Strike while the iron’s hot.”

“How do you mean Joey?”

Look, we’ll all go somewhere now; simply follow me OK?” I said getting up from the bench.

“OK?” she said.


Chapter Two

We walked towards the park’s toilet facility; the dog at my heel and Elaine following.

Then I casually entered the baby-changing facility; holding the door ajar for Captain and Elaine to enter; then locked the door.

The baby-changing platform would be ideal for raising our subject to eye-level; allowing Elaine to observe the biological stages of a dog’s erection process; and maybe more besides.

“OK Elaine, lets see if we can get some proper research material for you here.”

“Oh this is such a rare opportunity to advance my biology studies Joey.” she enthused.

I thought – and for me honey bun, and for me.

I lifted Captain; stood him on the changing platform and held him steady,

“Now Elaine, if you set about stroking round his genital sheath area, it may activate an erection; but you need to keep your eye on it.”

With the realisation of her involvement she was surprised and hesitant. “Oh, I see; Right OK.”

Swallowing her nerves, she slowly began fondling between his hind-quarters but felt she was in unnatural … perhaps taboo territory … yet

“Take hold of his sheath and softly work it back and forth.”

“Oh, … like this Joey?” she whispered guiltily.

Her nipples had hardened and the dog was picking-up her sexual odour; chemistry was at work.

I egged Elaine on,

“Yes that’s it; see his red tip poking out now – it’s beginning to work for him.”

Captain had began panting pleasurably.

“Oh, how marvellous! He likes it doesn’t he! I do too!” she thrilled softly.

“Now Elaine, do you see his testicles at the back?”

“Yes! Their quite a size aren’t they!”

“Well that’s what you need in a good stud dog; include that in your research write-up Elaine.”

“Oh I will – this is all good research!”

Captain was panting hard now.

“Oh my god! Look at the size of his penis now Joey; I cant believe it!”

“Yea; the poor bitch I mate him one day will have to take all of that Elaine.”

Her knees squeezed together and beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. “Lucky Bitch!” she moaned as her hand manipulations became more elaborate.

She wasn’t alone in her excitement; I was breathless also and my cock was thumping.

“Right; keep working on his shaft, he’ll be ejaculating at any moment; do you want to taste some?”

“Oh can I!”

“It’s a once in a lifetime field-study experience for you Elaine!” I urged.

That sweet sixteen year old with her fair plaited hair and kissable lips looked at me with gratitude and whispered tenderly, “Thank you so much Joey, I’ll make it up to you somehow.”

It will remain one of the regrets of my life that I was unable to video the sensual performance of this brave, adventurous girl.

It would have captured her amazement at his red tip expanding into an astonishing shaft; her failure to conceal her own sexual excitement; and her enthusiasm an eagerness to have his jizz in her mouth; in the pursuit of knowledge.

With her mouth now fully occupied, her head bobbed along the cock’s full length.

She was oblivious to me now; in a fantasy world of discovery and understanding.

My own cock had been busting until I unzipped and sprang it free.

As Elaine choked on Captains cum, my load shot over the rear of her naked thighs; mingling with her own love-juice.

Suddenly Elaine shuddered in climax; her plaintive wail echoed around the chamber with an erotic beauty; seeming to demand a place in a Mills & Boon romantic novel.


Chapter Three

Hello!; I’m Elaine Richmond,

I was over sixteen when I first realised that I could be sexually attracted to a certain kind of dog.

A sizeable smooth-haired handsome well-bred kind of dog.

In a way, I consider myself well-bred.

Our house stands in a select part of town where my father runs his consultancy practice.

Mother runs a department at the university which I’m due to attend before long.

I’ve had the same boyfriend since I was fourteen; Gerald.

His parents have always known mine and plan for us to marry after we graduate.

We’ve progressed sexually in a respectable fashion; avoiding any penetration other than a French kiss.

Gerald is gentlemanly; but I get sexually frustrated.

At college I get a lot of attention from guys and a lot of propositions.

Some of the propositions I’m tempted to take up; yet dare not.

Instead I lay in bed masturbating over them.

Recently I managed to get a small vibrator off the internet.

But I yearn for a real cock.

Upon discovering there was a bus, that went out of town to the big country park, a vision of some freedom beckoned.

It offered a simple form of escape however short-lived, from the pressures of being a teenager at home.

I announced I was taking up jogging at the park as a pastime; much to my parent’s approval.


It’s odd but stepping from that bus at the country-park and setting-off in my sport-togs I felt sort of invisible.

I wasn’t that college-chick anymore. I’d became something else, with a sense of isolation and anonymity.

Then the steady rhythm of jogging; a kind of spiritual cleansing from the clutter of home-life.

At the end of that first jog while I relaxed at the park-centre café, I knew I had found another side to my life; a fresh mentality which was stimulating.


It was on my second trip to the park, that a new sensuality was triggered within me; by a handsome dog.

He stood proudly watching me as I jogged towards him and it struck me how sexy he looked.

He was in his prime and clearly masculine; packing a prominent cock between his legs.

But most of all, I could sense he fancied me.

My snatch stirred and for once here was an admirer I wouldn’t have to spurn.

Upon reaching the dog I paused to fondle him, while chatting to the man with him…

but I felt a physical attraction for this animal.

Then sitting on the bench next to the man, I fondled the dog further feeling a growing sensuality.

I suppose it was just a few moments I shared with that man’s dog before I was jogging off along the trail;

but not before I’d agreed to join the pair of them at the cafe later after my jog.


I duly turn up at the café after finishing my jog and saw the man was good to his word!

They were sat outside at a picnic table!

We greeted each other; exchanging names with humour.

His name was Joey and the dog was Captain. He often called him Cap though.

Then he offered to get milk shakes if I minded Cap.

Being alone with Cap, I was able to caress him more intimately.

As my hands ran through his warm fine coat I was filled with a heady sensuality I’d never felt with Gerald.

Within a few moments his cock began to emerge from its sheath! Gerald was just about done for now.

My snatch fizzed with excitement but I abruptly ceased; so we could both cool down.

A moment later Joey was back with our milk-shakes and asking me about my studies and stuff.

I gave my stock response; that I hoped to be a biologist.

“How about you?” I asked,

“Oh I’m interested in dog breeding actually.” Joey replied.

“Oh; has Captain sired any offspring yet? He certainly seems to have the confirmation for it?”

“How do you mean Elaine?” Joey asked.

I glanced coyly, saying with a grin, “Well If I was a lady dog, I’d be pleased to have his puppies!”

“Oh Cap would just love that!” Joey blurted out.

I threw my head back and chuckled, “Oh Joey, your great fun!

But look I’m running late now. I’ve only started jogging recently but I do hope I see you here again; OK?”

I knelt alongside Captain and fussed him some; slowly running my fingers all over his underbelly.

Then I waved them goodbye; my snatch smouldering…

Latter that night; alone in bed, manipulating the vibrator inside me; that dog was uppermost in my mind.


It was more than a week before I could get out to the Park again.

I had no idea if Joey would be there but even so I was excited at the prospect and brazenly wore a revealing tennis skirt.

Then upon seeing them waiting at the café for me I was thrilled.

“Hey, Elaine, good to see you!” Joey called.

“Oh Hi Joey!”

I sat on the bench near him, knowing my thighs were on view up to my crutch-line and smilled at him.

Captain’s head came onto my lap and my snatch fizzed.

“Oh Captain! Good to see you too! Ahaa … he;s so handsome!” I cooed.

Then Joey and me were chatting like buddy’s; like I was his cousin.

Then I mentioned my biology studies; and how Captain could be a special opportunity for me to do some genuine field work.

Joey encouraged me to elaborate.

I said that as he was going into dog breeding it would go glove in hand with my work.

It would be invaluable experience if I could witness part of that dog breeding process.

I realised I had suggested a really taboo idea and avoided his gaze while I stroked Caps head;

which was now almost under my skirt.

I could feel his breath right on my snatch.

Amazed, Joey asked me casually how we could go about it.

My heart beat as I suggested seeing Captain sexually excited; to see his sexual organ activated.

“Aha, your joking me right?”

“Oh I’m sorry if I’ve offended you Joey, I’ve expected too much.”

“No Elaine! No offence … really. I just wanted to know you were sincere.”!

“Oh yes Joey … I’m sincere … I respect you, I do really.”

Joey looked hard at me and he could see I meant it. He smiled saying,

“Well; your advanced for your age but Captain has taken a shine to you Elaine.

I think he would be pleased to help you advance your studies.”

“Oh Joey! Your just wonderful – I’m so lucky to have met you!”

“There is an old saying Elaine; Strike while the iron’s hot.”

“How do you mean Joey?”

“We can go somewhere now; simply follow me OK?” he said getting up from the bench.

“OK?” I said, my heart thumping.

We walked towards the park’s toilet facility; the dog at Joey’s heel and me following.

Then he casually entered the baby-changing facility; holding the door ajar for Captain and myself to enter; then locked the door.


Chapter Four

That first time I sucked Captain off in the baby-change cubicle, Joey had tried his luck with me.

My head was still nussled against Cap when I felt his finger brushing my neck, saying softly,

“What you did with Cap there is something rare and beautiful Elaine, do you see?”

“How do you mean? “ I asked meekly.

His hands gently swivelled me round to face him.

Then leaning forward he spoke in my ear of his fantasies.

They were lurid visions of sex between Cap and myself; causing obscene images to swim through my mind. His fingers had slid up my naked thighs and into my snatch.

His voice was lulling me into submission and my thighs opened.

But then I snapped into control of myself and pulled away from him.

He was OK about it though saying it was cool and everything was up to me; so I made a pact with Joey about our future working relationship with Captain.

For me it would be about exploring those lurid sexual ideas Joey had sown in my mind.

But for Joey it was simply the privilege of helping me.


On our following meeting, we met near the picnic table again.

When all seemed clear I went into the cubicle alone.

A minute or so later he knocked; I opened the door and let Cap in. I locked the door.

Joey had returned to the picnic table.

I turn to find Cap is stretched out on the floor and I kneel down near him.

Watched silently by Cap, I slowly undress.

First my tennis skirt and damp knickers. Then my track-top and bra.

I finger my sticky snatch and then pull and pinch my nipples

I lay back onto my bare skin and tremble with excitement.

Chum has sat up; his eyes are fixed on me.

I’m pleasuring my snatch and my juices flow. I call him over to me.

His warm coat is up against my skin.

The intimacy of the moment is intoxicating.

My nipples tingle and harden.

Tentatively reaching into his warm loins I begin fondling his silky black sheath, whispering encouragingly as I do so.

Soon I feel a throbbing in my hand.

His sheath is expanding; his red tipped cock glistens as it emerges provocatively.

I study in awe it’s evil beauty, its provocative base-knot it’s insidious veins.

I’m perspiring from the obscene urges running through me.

His wet nose pushes rudely into me; I’m panting and loosing control.

His glossy cock wags lewdly in my face.

Instinctively I suckle on it and a heavenly jet of hot jizz slides down my throat.

With a fervent cry I hurriedly kneel on all fours.

He sniffs my cunt, then he’s on me in a single athletic leap;

His hot hairy chest against my naked back, his strong paws encircling my waist, his panting head alongside my own.

Then the bliss of union; penetrating into me up to his knot: hard and deep.

At the pace of a machine gun he fucked me. He was such an eager lover.

My mind span in ecstasy and sensing he was nearly there I screeched with passion.

I climaxed savagely just before he did: a great blinding climax; my snatch pulsating as his spunk filled me.


That night as I lay in bed with my vibrator, I realised what I had done was strictly taboo.

But there was no resisting the ecstasy Captain could give me.

I fantasied of taking Cap twice daily; mornings before I got dressed and evening before I took a shower.

I’d spend the daytime thinking about my evening fuck, and much of my nights dreaming about my morning fuck.

And Captain would always deliver; at full throttle; with oodles of spunk… “Ohh Yeaaa!”

The End

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