Women with Animals

The Loan


Visiting my sister back east, I ran into a new business, a great idea, and from all indications doing a bang-up business. Watching the business for several days, I could see where some improvement could be made to streamline the idea, making it more efficient from the start.

Arriving home, the one thing I needed was money to get started. Since I was blessed with a killer body, big 34DD breasts, nipples larger than normal, a slim figure, standing only 5’4”, and platinum blonde hair, I knew my body was easy to look at. Dressing in a pullover, loose-fitting on the top so anyone could see how fun my tits would be to play with and a short skirt, short enough to easily see I never wore any panties.

Once everything was in place and the business plan in hand, I began hitting lending institutions to get the money needed. By the end of the second day, my body had been looked at, googled at, and all but mauled, but no money was available. One guy said he’d loan me the money out of his own pocket if we could come up with a suitable arrangement to not only pay back the money but paying the interest in-person. I left being so glad I was all lesbian. Now I really understood why I preferred girls over guys.

Frustrated, sharing my woes with some girlfriends on a Friday evening in a private club, one of them told me where I could get the money. The guy was into everything illegal, but if an idea were good, he’d loan the money. The only catch, people who didn’t pay him back disappeared suddenly. No one ever heard of them again.

The idea of getting money from a loan shark, especially one who lives out of the country, scared me, but I did need the money and knew I could easily pay it back. I had even picked out a place, putting down earnest money from a credit card. Finally, contacting his representative here in my hometown, I was on a video chat with his wife a few days later, showing her my body and a brief description of what I needed the money for.

“Nikki, I really like the idea. It had potential. I think my husband would like to talk to you. I’ll arrange for a flight on one of our planes. You can pick up a car in the city and come up the mountain to our home. See you soon.”

I was so excited. I didn’t sleep for several days until it was time to meet the plane. It was a cargo plane, I had no idea what cargo they transported, the ride took a few hours, the rental car was waiting for me, and in a little more than two hours up the mountain, armed checkpoints all along the way, I pulled into this beautiful Hacienda, spread out over many acres.

Families were working in the orchards around the residence, it looked like they were harvesting a purple berry from the trees, but I had no idea what kind of fruit it was.

I had changed into a similar outfit I applied for the loans with. Camila was waiting for me. She was breathtaking, to say the least. Rushing up to me, hugging me, bringing my body close to hers, a hand slipping down between us, rubbing between my legs, slipping one finger up inside me, then pulling back, all the time pumping it slowly in and out of me, “When you have finished with my husband, I think you and I can find someplace to get to know each other. Do you like that idea?”

She had taken me by such a surprise, my breathing coming heavy now, nodding but unable to speak, nodding that I’d like that. Taking me by the hand, she escorted me inside the home to her husband’s office. He was a tall, extremely handsome man, setting in the room also, was a man they introduced as ‘Doc,’ after the introductions, Mr. Perez asked me to sit.

“Doc is our staff doctor. He checks on the girls who work for my wife. Many people want to steal from me, the men I kill, but the women work for my wife. She has a large dog breeding operation, bringing in a lot of money for the company. I do hope you won’t be a future employee of hers. Now let’s see why you need the money.”

I presented my plan. Both of them liked what I wanted to do and decided he’d finance my adventure, but first stay here tonight. I’d get the money in the morning. Then I’d be on my way.

Camila showed me the home and grounds. A huge staff working in what appeared to be a commercial kitchen, producing not only food for the main house, but she explained she had several dozen ladies working for her in the kennels. I could see them, but she did not take me over there to show me. A big barn-like building was also off-limits, it was her husband’s, and I assumed where he did his drug business.

The dinner was fantastic. She sat by me, her hand on my bare leg, occasionally running her fingers over my dripping pussy. I had asked her about the trees and so many people harvesting the fruit.

“It is a local bush, really, producing a berry when properly prepared. It is used on my dogs to help them become the true companion to many women who purchase one.”

That didn’t explain what it was, but just then, she had pushed two fingers up inside me, causing me to gasp, my body now humping her hand. The new fruit was the last thing on my mind. She seemed to know just how to excite me, spiking my arousal as high as I’ve ever been, keeping me there, not allowing me to enjoy the much-needed and building orgasm that had arrived but not allowed to be enjoyed. Finally, she suggested we go to her place, being led by my hand, my legs shaking so much, it was all I could do to follow behind. Once inside, what appeared to be a massage type of table, was opposite her large king bed.

Helping me strip nude, guiding me to the table, laying face down, legs spread wide apart, she started on my feet, massaging them, the arches, then each toe, sucking on it, keeping so horny, my hips were now moving in circles, writhing under her skilled hands, fingers and tongue, all combing to give me an experience I would never forget. She moved slowly to my knees, then starting on my shoulders, back, arms, neck, and scalp, slowly progressing to the cheeks on my bottom, now had me in a sexual haze, my hips constantly moving in so many different directions.

Eventually, she had me roll over, starting again on my feet, but she crawled up between my legs this time. As soon as her fingers rubbed the outer lips of my pussy, my whole body exploded in the most intense orgasm I have ever had. She continued to lick, suck, tease between my legs, my nipples, and my tummy, letting me enjoy multiple climatic explosions until my body was completely exhausted, falling asleep in her bed, wrapped up in her arms and legs.


The next morning we made slow passionate love, where I was able to return the favors she had given to me the previous evening, then joining Senior Perez, his wife holding my hand and Doc at breakfast, where I was given $25,000 in cash, along with a timeline and amount I would repay. His private plane would again take me back to the states, so I was on my way as soon as breakfast was over.

I had only driven a few miles when my car began coughing, finally stopping altogether. Almost immediately, one of the guys from the compound stopped behind me. As soon as I got out, he hit me with his fist square on my chin, knocking me to the ground. Straddling my body, he hit me again and again and again until I passed out. Dragging me into the heavy jungle-like brush, he fixed my car, drove it off the road, the dense underbrush easily hiding it as well. I got my bag of money, leaving me for dead.

When my assailant hit me, it was so hard. It knocked both of my high heels off. When Doc drove past a short time later, he noticed the shoes, stopped, found me, put me in his car, took me back to the compound, and attended to me, with his nurses’ help to see if they could save my life. Mr. Perez sent two men to take my car to the rental place, turning it in. When I or if I survived, he’d find out who did this to me. I was unconscious for over three weeks, then for a couple could barely speak, but finally giving them a description of who had beaten me. I found out his name was Ricky, who had not been around since the incident.

One day when I was almost completely healed, Senior Perez came in taking a seat on my recovery bed, “I am so sorry that you were robbed, I know there is no way of recovering the money I loaned to you, but that being a different subject, when I heard how badly you had been beaten, I sent my sister to Southern California to open up some shops that you had shown to me. She now has twelve opened. All are extremely positive cash flow, which helps me clean up some of my drug money. She will have 50 open by the end of the year, and I can move through at least one hundred million a year of clean money. So your plan was a good one. Congrats”

I was terrified. “But I can’t pay you back because I was beaten and robbed.”

He just smiled. “Don’t worry about any of that. We can discuss that later, but I think Doc has a congrats party for the two of you this evening, celebrating that you lived. Enjoy that. Then we can talk.”

When he left, I was less worried. Doc stopped by just after for one last check-up. “Your body seems to have healed successfully. I thought we’d celebrate my place, just the two of us if that is OK with you?”

After all, he had done for me. It sounded perfect. Just as he was leaving, he said, “Oh, and by the way, the guy who robbed you was located. He’ll never hurt anyone again, but he had spent most of the money, so no help there.”

Doc’s place was down a path behind the main home. When I arrived, he greeted me in a loose-fitting shirt and shorts. This was the first time I noticed that he carried what looked like a huge toy between his legs, hugging me, handing me a drink.

“Here, try this. We have some ladies who harvest then make this drink, it is non-alcoholic, but I think you’ll like it.”

Taking the glass, a bright purple in color, it smelled delicious, sipping it … looking at him, finishing the entire glass.

“OMG, that does taste fantastic. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything like it. May I have another one?”

A very pretty young native girl had two more drinks ready for me, smiling. My host said he knew I’d love it. The meal was perfect in every way, and I was a little bit ashamed, but I lost track of how many glasses of the mystery drink I had.

After dinner, my handsome host suggested we spend some time in his hot tub. It had a perfect view of the canyon behind the place. That was when he surprised me by standing, stripping down nude. His cock was semi-hard.

“A hot tub should be enjoyed in the buff, and since I’ve seen every square inch of your body, no need to be shy. Please join me.”

Something was happening to me, normally I have no use for a man’s penis, but now I couldn’t take my eyes off of his. My whole body seemed to be responding to how beautiful it looked. Thoughts were racing through my mind and how much fun it would be to play with it, maybe lick and suck on it, possibly even have it rubbing between my legs, just before it slipped inside me. I was nude in no time, joining him in the tub. We sat side by side on a small bench, the water just covering our legs, his marvelous cock now becoming harder, raising out of the water, moving up and down on its own. My eyes, for some reason, were glued to it. I knew something was changing me, reaching out, touching it, then taking hold of it.

“What is happening to me? This isn’t normal for me, Doc?”

Turning so he could play with my breasts. “The small bushes you saw the families picking the purple berries are called The Mierda Berry or the fuck berry. We feed it to the dogs Camila raises, I drink the juices continually, and now you are experiencing why it has that name. The drink you loved is making you want and need cock. It is like the old Spanish Fly compound that never really worked. This one does. Go ahead and taste the drop of precum I have on the tip.”

I heard what he said, normally would have been upset, but that drop looked so good, and I think I could smell it now, leaning forward, licking the head of his cock. The droplet ignited every nerve in my body, exciting me like I never knew possible. Looking at him, my eyes opening and closing slowly, losing all ability to focus on anything specific, his cock becoming more and more appealing.

“How long do the effects last?”

His cock was rock hard now, reaching up to me, guiding my mouth over the head, helping me go up and down on the shaft. “Oh honey, as soon as you had the first sip, you were addicted to it. Normally the drinking leads to a slow process of addiction, but Camila really needs you, so we’re speeding up your body needing it, go ahead, give me a blowjob you’ll never forget.”

Still not fully understanding what was happening to me, I seemed to be enjoying doing what he had asked. His cock tasted so good in my mouth. Each time I took it as far in as I could, the gag reflex seemed to be adjusting so I could take more of him in. I have no idea how long I was bobbing up and down on him. Eventually, I felt him stiffen, the head of this cock swell, then without any warning, my mouth filled with his cum, making me swallowing as fast as I could, consuming more and more, feeling him emptying more and more inside me.

Very little escaped my mouth. When he was finished, I sat back, licked the remainder off of a finger that wiped my face and lips, then still stroking him, surprised he was not becoming any softer. The only boy I had let use me got soft as soon as he emptied his load, but Doc was not getting any softer, if anything, maybe a bit larger and harder.

The effects of his seed were almost immediate, causing me to sit back, try to focus on what was happening to me, knowing my entire body was changing. Laying me back on the tub, teasing, sucking, and massaging my huge nipples on my oversized tits, my mind was experiencing something happening, as well as my body, kissing me on the lips, letting his tongue explore the inside of my mouth, then pulling back.

“Right now, you’re confused. You have no idea who you are or how you got here. In a few minutes, you’ll have a hard time remembering your name or any of your past life. We will continue to call you Nikki, so it becomes something familiar to you. Just lay here and enjoy the changes taking place.”

Hearing what he was saying wasn’t making much sense to me. Something was happening to my tits, a funny feeling like they were changing on the inside, my nipples feeling like they were thickening and maybe becoming longer as well as larger.

Rubbing my tits, he was smiling. “They are the first to change, so when your milk comes in, it will be laced with the drug you are just beginning to receive.”

My vagina was the next to start doing something to me. Plunging two fingers up inside me helped a little, but the change felt like it was deep inside me. I was writhing, moaning. It felt like my insides were being torn apart and rebuilt. I have no idea how long this change took place. The warm water of the hot tub was helping out. Eventually, I lay back, closing my eyes, a big whimper escaping me. Opening my eyes, eyes went immediately to his cock, reaching out, stroking it, moving my body over his lap, rubbing the head back and forth between my legs, separating pussy lips, loving how it feels making contact with my body.

Finally, pushing it up inside me, it was huge, but I continued to press it up inside me. Pulling it out, then back in further up inside me, then back out until I had him all the way inside me, stopping looking at him, he could see it in my eyes. He began to move up and down inside me, picking up speed and rhythm.

The faster he was pounding me, the more I was enjoying the new feeling, so much so, I had long forgotten that I had been a lesbian, but now, that was all forgotten. Rolling over onto my back, pulling him on top of me, spreading my legs as wide as they would go, moaning all the time he was fucking me, then suddenly a warm liquid washed over me, letting my body relax, looking up at him, his cock still hard and buried deep inside me, his warm seed, soaking in every pore of my pussy.

When he pulled out, we shared some more of the drink that started all of this, then he took me again and again and one more time.

My whole being completely exhausted now, he led me to his bedroom, helping me lay down, falling asleep almost as soon as my head touched the pillow.


Waking completely relaxed the next morning, smiling when I realized he was deep inside me, moving slowly in and out … laying there for a moment, wondering why I had not enjoyed a cock before, rolling so I could kiss him. “Good morning, a nice way to be slowly awakened, but I need you to fuck me harder.”

He started to move faster and faster, slamming me harder with each inward stroke, causing me to grab my breasts, squeezing them, pulling and pinching my nipples, having one massive orgasm following the next one, knowing I’d never tire of him using me like he was.

Suddenly, just as before, he emptied his load deep inside me, holding himself deep in me, letting load after load fill me. Just like the previous evening, it didn’t run out when he pulled away. It seemed to have soaked into my body.

Finally pulling out of me, explaining he has to go into town, he’ll be back later on, I am free to roam the grounds, making sure I know the path behind the hot tub leads to the kennels, I may want to go and see the beautiful dogs Mistress has raised.

Enjoying a lazy breakfast, a nice long shower, and exploring my body in front of the full-length mirror is me, but it feels so different.

After a light lunch, a need is not sure what it is, but something inside me feels like an itch with no beginning. My body needs something. Following the path to the kennels, stepping inside, the smell surrounds me, much like a warm blanket would. Not the expected dog smell, but a warm and comforting sweet smell, causing my eyes to roll up in my head. Mistress sees me walk in, joining me.

“You look so good, and I can tell you’d like to see the doggies. stay here, and I’ll get one for you.”

My hand was absently rubbing my pussy between my legs. The room had a large custom-looking bench in the middle, padded so one could kneel and still have their knees resting on leather pads. Just then, the door opened, the biggest prettiest dog I have ever seen came running to me, his hair long and so soft, all colored black with white areas. His tongue immediately replaced my hand, licking my now wet pussy, sending an instant shot of arousal through me.

My legs gave out, causing me to sit back on the ottoman. That is when I saw his cock. Long, big, and all pink. My reaction was just like it had been with Doc the previous evening, reaching out, taking hold of it, pumping it a few times, my body was begging me to take the next step. His nose nudged my pussy several times. Instinctively I knew what he wanted, scooting down on the bench, knees spreading wide apart, his tongue now licking me again and again, my head dropping to the soft surface, waiting for him to jump up on me.

When he does, his hair is so soft and warm on my bare back and bottom. I instantly feel warmth cover my whole body. He jumped one time, his cock slid deep and easy inside me. It was larger and longer than Doc’s was, but he had conditioned me to enjoy it bottom out.

The speed that he began to fuck me was so much faster than Doc had done. It was so fast. I experienced a mini orgasm almost immediately, followed up by many more. Completely in a sexual haze, his cock pumping in and out of me instead of his knot growing and pushing in me. This breed grew inside me. The knot pushed down on my G spot, triggering a massive orgasm. Before I could enjoy this taking its full effect on me, he emptied his first load of seed deeper than I had ever felt with Doc. His nectar was much warmer than Doc’s had been, so warm that it surprised me, causing me to whimper, the warm cum filling me, then more and more emptied inside me, sending me into an erotic haze.

My head was on the soft surface, enjoying rolling eruptions ripping through my body. He finally pulled out of me, just as with Doc. None of his seed left my body, but it took me almost an hour to gain enough strength to know where I was at. Finally, looking up at Camila, she was smiling.

“Welcome to your new family.”

She showed me the pens. Some had girls in them being fucked just like I had been for the last hour or so. Each kennel had a small ottoman, similar to the one I had been leaning on. Each day my duties would include moving down the numbered kennels, enjoying training the dogs to fuck a human female. She showed me the new puppies. At that time, two young ladies were relaxing while four cute puppies were sucking on their nipples, drinking the milk they were supplying. Next, I was taken into my new housing area, showing me my area.

“All of the girls who train the dogs are lesbians just like you. I think you’ll enjoy as much sex as you could ever dream of.”

My body was still enjoying the afterglow of my first coupling with a dog, so I laid down to enjoy the feelings my body was going through. As the girls came in, I greeted each of them, but my body seemed to be adjusting to the new me.

The next morning, I joined the girls in the kennels. After a few hours, I moved down the row, climbing in, excited to be mounted the second time in one day. As soon as she pulled out of me, the feeling of so much cum inside me had me drifting in a sexual haze, something that didn’t seem to go away when I was back in a kennel the following morning.

By the end of my first week, the drug in their seed had all but taken over my body and mind. That is when one morning, my breasts felt really strange and heavy. Stopping to see Camila, telling her what my breasts were feeling like. She broke out in a huge smile, stepping up near me, squeezing one nipple, looking down. I was surprised a few drops of milk appeared.

Hugging me, she said, “One of those naughty dogs you have been fucking has knocked you up. You’re pregnant.”

Placing both hands on my tummy, a wide grin all over my face. “Really, I’m going to be a mom to some of these cute puppies.”

She took me into the nursery, helping me get two hungry puppies sucking the milk out and getting the milk flowing steadily. Kissing my neck, she said, “When they feel heavy, come on here. They are always hungry for more milk.”

Laying there, a cute redhead set down by my side, two puppies jumped up on her immediately. After a few minutes, she kissed me, then slipped a leg over mine and began tribbing. It only took a few minutes for her to have an orgasm.

Now everything was complete in my life, soon to be a mom and puppies drinking milk from my tits.

The End

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