Women with Animals
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House on the Hill


(c) 2001 by Shadow Deamon

This is the story of a very embarrassing experience that my mom received at the hands of our neighborhood and it’s inhabitants. I have been wrestling with my conscience, about whether or not to betray my mother by revealing her humiliation to the world over the Internet. She has always been a sweet and caring person but the sheer depravity of what I witnessed is just too good to keep to myself.

We live at the top of the hill, separate from the rest of the community. My mother is very well off due to her inheritance, and her Law practice, this drew a very clear line between us and the rest of the town as most of its inhabitants struggled to make a living. My mom is a single mother, I’m an only child, and we have three Rottweilers for protection but they are more like big puppies. Mom had become pregnant when she was 16 and my dad was never in the picture. With the support of the rest of the family she was still able to achieve her goals. She was now in her early 30’s and was still amazing looking, about 5″4, 110lbs, with long black hair, pouting lips, toned body, amazing butt and large 36D breasts. I know I really shouldn’t be talking like this but you need to know the details. Basically everyone in the community was jealous of her, either for her looks or her money. Anyway, I’ll get on with the story. I guess the scene was like a dream come true for my young eyes. As I mentioned, my mother is the bastion of a decency and proper upbringing.

It has been frustrating to mature in her house as she does have an amazing body and some ‘accidental’ nudity displaying of herself to me would have been appreciated but that was always out of the question. Once, I did get the chance to check mom out when I put a ladder outside her bedroom on a night when I had heard her bed springs squeaking. I knew it would be murder if I was caught but the night was dark and there was little moonlight. Unfortunately all the light in her bedroom was from a plug in ‘nigh lite’ so I really got little more then eyestrain trying to make out my sexy little mother pumping fingers into her pussy. Still, I always figured that scene would be the dirtiest I ever would get to see, that is until this past Tuesday morning. The situation is that there is always a stray dog in the neighborhood getting into the garbage and making a real mess. Garbage pickup is only every Tuesday so mom got her bright idea to wait until the morning of trash day before putting out the garbage. I guess the idea was sound in its logic, seeing as the dog wouldn’t have enough time to make a mess, but as I now have witnessed, the execution went horribly wrong for my poor little

mother. I can only thank god I had been battling the flu that day and was awake when my mother’s alarm woke her for her trip outside. Mom was unaware of my being up and I guess she was figuring on a very quick excursion out to the ally and then back to dreamland because her attire was limited to just a robe over her panties. As I have already mentioned, I have always been a bit of a pervert in enjoying my mother’s hot little body so I started to touch myself with a little fantasy of how mom might get met in an ally by some stud for my entertainment. Maybe the garbage collectors could be two black studs deciding mom was just white trash. I confess I have never been averse to the idea of mom being raped. I just had no way of knowing how it would all eventually come true. Anyhow there I was at my bedroom window watching my mother out of the back door, going to get the rest of the trash, when the first link of the chain of events broke. Actually it was the bag of trash that broke. I could almost imagine my perfect little mother actually cursing, if even to herself, at the fate she was now experiencing. Her sudden minute excursion into the backyard was now an ordeal of trying to scoop up the spilled trash and she was certainly not dressed for modesty. It was ironic that mom’s bad misfortune was playing itself right into my fantasy.

I was almost giggling to see my proper, clean churchgoing mom down on her knees in the trash while I worked my young cock with images of two very aggressive blacks about to give her the raping of a lifetime. I was so involved with trying to picture a big hard black cock putting mom in her proper place that I almost missed the entrance of mom’s real defeat. Mom did not sense the dog at first as he approached her from behind. The truth is I was mostly picturing my mom in a nice little Oreo sandwich not realizing the more perfect destiny for the little angel, and it was as much a surprise to me as to her when the dog made his move. I actually heard mom’s yelp of surprise as the dog’s inquisitive nose worked up between her legs, and right up under her robe. Mom spun around on the beast like a banshee. It was amusing that even this mostly innocent little action from the dog had already obviously embarrassed my mother. It was also quickly evident from the stream of uttered obscenities that mom knew exactly whom she held accountable for her little

predicament. I guess in a way it is fortunate the dog was horny for my mother or she might have got herself mauled because she actually kicked the beast while cursing that it was his fault for her having to get dirty in the trash. I even heard mom tell the beast that she was going to arrange a trip to the pound for him, as the sound was carrying beautifully in the crisp morning air. The dog had backed off when mom kicked it, but still had an eye on her ass as she went back to complete the cleanup. At this point, I was now beginning to hope to see an attack even though such a possibility had never before entered my mind. I actually whispered an encouragement out loud, almost as a little prayer.

I had no real hope of actual intercourse but the mounting alone would be fuel for my fantasies for years to come. I envisioned mom’s robe coming open and the dog getting a good hump at the crotch of her panties. It was like magic as the dog made his fateful move and tried to mount her.

Poor, little, unsuspecting, simple mom was jumped before she could even think of reacting. Maybe the little church girl did not even realize it could be possible but in any case the dog gave her a couple of good thrusts before she even began to fight. Of course mom’s panties and robe were frustratingly in the way of any real satisfaction for the beast… or me. The words out of mom’s mouth were the most non church like I had ever heard from her as she again foolishly threatened the animal. I don’t blame him at all for putting the arrogant woman in her place. The dog probably had no malicious intent on humiliating her. He was just an animal aroused and mom was a perfectly acceptable little bitch suitable for servicing his doggy desires. It looked to be “show over” as quickly as it had begun, with the dog meeting nothing but panties with his first few thrusts of his beastial prick, he dismounted from my mother in seeming defeat. She was quick to take advantage of the moment in a quick return to her feet.

I admit my own heart took a tumble as I had almost been on the verge of witnessing my mom’s breeding from the savage animal’s assault, but it would probably never be. The attack would have likely come to an end, but mom took one more kick at the dog and that was enough to infuriate the beast. The growl was definitely not for show and translated perfectly to “Your mine, BITCH!” I think mom interpreted the growl herself, as the look on her face seemed to say, “Oh-oh I’m in trouble now. ” Mom didn’t scream, almost as if the humiliation of someone witnessing her little love tryst with the filthy animal would have eclipsed the actual act. Mom was cut off from the house by the big beast as he showed off his formidable teeth with a snarl and a growl. She took a step backwards as if to move toward the garage and the dog matched with a step of his own. Another growl was like telling her “Don’t be stupid you little cunt or I will fuck you up good. ” Mom was speaking to herself in a half plea, half trying to sound assertive little voice “Bad Dog. Down. Bad Dog. “

Still there was no scream from her which I will be eternally grateful for, as I am sure, most people alerted to my mom’s plight would have immediately interfered and spoiled all of the fun. I admit that I would have had to descend to her aid myself if the dog had chosen to get overly vicious in the rape but fortunately mom’s charms was the real goal for the beast and I was able to just watch the show. The moment hung like an eternity for us all: Mom obviously wishing there could be some way to get past the beast and back to the safety of our house just tantalizing yards away, the dog with the difficult aspiration of taking a human bitch needing to be overcome, I was still not fully committed to allowing this wonderful dream to come true. I was also torn between not wanting to miss what might be over in mere seconds and my desire to get my video recorder so I could have a permanent show for ceaseless enjoyment. It might have been the classical Mexican standoff, but once more mom made what was the worst possible decision in allowing the dog’s conquest. I guess she thought she was close enough to the garage to make a break, but the horny beast was on her in a flash. Mom, not watching where she was going, tripped over our big lounge chair, falling with her stomach slamming against it.

The wind was knocked out of her, she momentarily lost the ability to fight and the dog was now on her waist positioning himself to secure his bitch. Mom’s head hit the ground hard, her head came up cut and I could see she was more then winded, she was knocked senseless enough to daunt any sign of resistance. Mom was slumping over the chair just enough to thwart any real penetration even if her panties weren’t in the way. The dog was all over my her body, stepping on her as he worked to get her ass up. Mom was senseless from the dog’s tackle and was in no shape to consciously submit to the dog’s demands even if she could ever willingly allow herself the degradation. In a choice between giving up her cunt or her life, mom may have made me an orphan but there were really no options being presented to her Tuesday morning. The dog was determined to have a human cunt and the great decision maker in the sky must have decided proper was proper, because almost in a direct dishonor to all that is logical the animal broke through my mother’s protection. I guess the dog knew he had to make mom put her ass up and I assume he was now at least partially in awareness that those panties had to be dealt with before access to the yum- yums would be his.

As the beast nipped, jumped and shifted, all over my mom, her robe was the first thing to break loose. The sun was only just now beginning to crack, but with the full moon also still in play this was my best look ever at mom’s bare breasts. My cock could not have replied any harder and again I whispered out loud and prayed for the good lord to make this scene end up with total, full penetration. The dog could not have cared less that mom’s loose robe was showing her bouncy tits but the success in losing it seamed to give him additional idea of how to finish preparing her for breeding. The dog actually bit down on the robe and started to rip like a little tug-of-war. It would have been nice to see mom totally naked if the robe had been pulled off but the tears still got her nice and interesting from my perspective. The dog jumped and moved grabbing mom’s robe again and again.

Mom was now audibly sobbing in her terror but inexplicably there was still no scream for assistance. The robe was in tatters, virtually nothing remained and little trickles of blood were evident of the dogs claws on mom’s hot little body as he worked her. Still, her panties were not dealt with and despite the beast’s success with the robe I could not imagine how this final frustrating obstacle would be overcome. The dog had tried a couple of times to remount my mother but she was too low on the ground. I guess his shredding her robe had been his attempt to force her ass up. The robe had practically vanished and she was not even budging at his attacks on it. For a mindless animal the beast’s next action was wild brilliance. Maybe it was by accident, but with an attempt at what was remaining of her robe simply missing its mark, the dog’s bite secured a mouthful of mom’s hair instead. As the dog went to tear, mom obviously jerked upwards.

I guess dogs do learn new tricks because his next attack was no accident… again biting a good hold of mom’s hair. She was finally nothing more then his rag doll, as the dog jerked her a good two more times, before losing his tight grip. It was the first time mom screamed. I just thank god no one lived close enough to hear. It was like watching a good erotic horror movie to see the dog bite mom’s hair. With the dog’s bite of mom’s hair, she was his. The dog had her good. Mom was limp as he pulled her into position while jerking her head back and forth. I blew my load. Mom was actually keeping her screams down as final proof that she just could not allow herself to get discovered at the mercy of an inferior beast. Mom and the dog were in final endgame. When the dog released my mother, I saw him give her another growl. The message was unmistakable. “You see whore. I have you now fair and square. I will rip out that beautiful hair or snap that very little neck but one way or another your mine,” this is what his actions were telling me. I guess mom was not as stupid as I thought because she placed herself in a submissive dog position and braced herself with her hands. The body language broke through the communication barrier between dog and human. Mom had been bullied and terrified into compliance and was now ready for use.

I almost expected an immediate attack on her cunt but the dog took one last pause to admire his work, this gave me time to get my video camera. I was going to tape the whole thing. The dog moved around, still keeping alert for any last hint of betrayal from her. Then it was up-up and away. The dog was now visibly excited. It was very red and looked slimy. I wished the dog was into oral. The site of mom’s angelic little face soaked in a doggy load would be exquisite. Alas the place of the voyeur is to take pot luck and make do with what is. Mom’s panties were still the final problem before breeding could begin. Surely she wasn’t going to be that foolish? Had she not learned her place yet? The dog was about to thrust regardless of the obstacle when mom laid my fears to rest and made her surrender, she reached back with trembling hand and tugged off her only chance of escape. The panties were now lost. Even as she did this, she seemed to have second thoughts. She tried to wiggle him off, but he was way too strong. He growled forcing her to calm down and stop moving. She moved her body just enough to look back and it was then I could see more terror in her eyes. Mom had focused on the dog’s hanging cock, it had to be at least 10 inches long and 2. 5 wide. She was obviously scared at what his massive tool was about to do to her.

The dog started to poke for her slit, as he did this, his tool ran along her pussy and clit several times, her body reacted with a shiver. With tears in her eyes her body trembled as her clit was dragged, back and forth along his cock while he was still attempting to gain entrance to her love tunnel. You could see shame in her face, shame at the fact that she was being aroused by the undesirable movement. Her shame didn’t last for long though, she had other things to worry about, The dog finally hit home and submerged his cock all the way in, all in a single, mighty thrust.

It had to be the largest one she had ever had inside her, it filled her pussy to the limit, I thought she would tear. She didn’t even get time to adjust as the dog started humping her hard, with long strokes at menacing speed. Her mouth opened, her eyes enlarged and rolled back almost in a trance as the dog fucked her over and over in a way I never thought was possible. His cock must have hit the heart of her vagina with every blow.

Lust was rising in her face, you could see she was beginning to cum but she still tried to stay silent. Again, not wanting to alert anyone or not wanting to give the dog the satisfaction. Her body convulsed and heaved, her pussy contracted over and over again. After a while her orgasm subsided, but the dog kept fucking her, and now his knot was hitting her pussy kips. There was no way he could get that knot inside her, but he proved me wrong. He kept pummeling away, with each blow sending it deeper inside, her pussy stretching more and more. It looked like someone was trying to shove a large orange in there. Finally it thrust past her lips and deep into her snatch.

Once inside it grew even larger, the dog was now locked in her. He kept fucking, but the blows were now very short and the knot was obviously causing mom more stimulation. Her body shook like an earth quake, and she finally began to scream with pleasure. If anybody was walking by, they would surely hear her. Then with mom cumming like an insane woman, the dog howled and thrust his seed deep into her, his cum poured deep inside, flooding her womb. She orgasmed again, this time even more frenzied. As his cum continued to pour into her, mom’s orgasm faded and she was left with the feeling of pure shame. The dog pumped her a few more times, then stopped. They stayed locked together for a while then he ran off to clean himself. Mom just rested their crying, not able to move.

Just then I had a wonderful idea. Duh, we have three dogs… I’m sure they would like to have some fun. Mom picked them up as guard dog, and like I said we are rich in a poor town, so she felt safer with them around. When we brought them home, mom let me name them. She regretted that. The first Rottweiler is Damian, then Omen and finally Lucifer. Lucifer was a very extraordinary dog, he was only part Rottweiler, the rest was Great Dane. He was a gargantuan dog, imagine a Dane’s height with the build of a Rottweiler. Giant!

I quickly went to the basement and awakened the dogs. They just figured I was letting them out to roam the property, so they trotted up the stairs and out the opened door.

Mom suddenly heard sounds behind her, she looked backwards, still slumping over the lounge chair, and she saw her three dogs. She laid there full of cum, legs still spread wide. Omen saw this as an invitation and had no problem finding her gaping pussy. Within seconds he had buried his cock to the hilt. He was smaller then the stray, so he didn’t seem to hurt mom as he thrust deep into her, with the same speed of the other dog.

Although she was obviously ashamed at the fact that she was being fucked by dogs, there was nothing she could do to prevent it and she was finally acknowledging it. Her body was again starting to get aroused by the dog fucking. Within a short time, mom’s body started to shudder from Omen’s deep thrusting, her snatch milking his cock while her orgasm was ravaging her body, then he finally locked his knot inside mom’s body. He came much quicker then the stray, probably from his own lack of sex. Omen dropped a large amount of cum inside, spurting jet after jet in her, and as he pulled out it all flowed onto the ground. Mom went delirious as he pulled out, his knot making a popping sound. He was still remarkably hard, but the stray had loosened her just enough. The knot caused her to cum frantically as it exited.

Damian didn’t waste anytime mounting her. By now mom was exhausted and her legs spread just enough that her tummy was flat on the lounger and her hands were no longer supporting her. She couldn’t hold herself in the classic doggie position Damian tried to plunge into her, but her butt had slipped and bit from her original position. It was then mom realized what was about to happen. He was stabbing and stabbing trying to find her pussy, but it was too far down. He thrust again and again, then he finally found a hole. His cock head hit her anal opening and he rammed his way inside. Her head bucked backwards and her eyes opened wide. She shrieked in pain. The dog was fucking her asshole like it was her snatch. At first she squirmed and tried to break loose, the pain was just too much, but after a few thrusts the dog’s precum must have lubricated her butt. The Rottweiler howled triumphantly as he forced his cock in and out of her sphincter. Her tight ass clenched and released on every stroke. Damian was even larger then the stray, just a bit, maybe about 11inches. Luckily for mom her ass was probably too tight to fit the knot, but that never stopped Damian. He was giving her the best fuck so far.

His big cock was stretching her anal opening and he seemed to have her on the verge of another orgasm. Mom was in a dazed state but she started to push back against the hammering dog cock, Damian constantly driving into her at his rapid dog speed. He seemed to get a tighter hold on her and thrust even deeper in her anal cavern, I thought he would shred her asshole apart. His knot was finally against her puckered bumhole. It looked immense. After one last thrust he was finally locked inside her. The pain on her face, the pain from the fullness of the thrusting knot was unspeakable. It looked like he wanted to separate her body by ramming between her legs, his shaft up her ass and his swollen balls bouncing off her pussy. It was then Damian began to fire his dog cum deep in her. Squirt after squirt he filled her up. Finally after about 10 minutes he pulled his cock out of her ass and left it gaping open. Mom took this chance to roll over, sitting with her used butt on the grass, slumping against the well-used lounger. She must have thought there would be no way to fuck her two holes if the ground was protecting them. She was right. Mom just laid there, slumping down, just her head against the lounger. She seemed too tired to get up, almost in a sleeping state.

Lucifer, the giant one, was now ready for his turn. Suddenly, mom felt the dog brushing against her, he had found her belly button and began licking her there. Lucifer kept moving closer to her, licking her stomach, then her breasts. He licked slowly, one by one causing her nipples to become erect, he moved closer and closer, his face now right in front of hers. She could feel his hard shaft brushing against her stomach. Staring at the face of the huge dog, she couldn’t help but be fearful of his towering physique. He reached her neck and began licking it. She closed her eyes in disgrace as she felt his tongue wash over her like that. She knew what he wanted, but she tried to deny it. Mom actually broke her silence and asked the dog to get off her. Lucifer took this occasion to slip his huge tongue past her lips, into her mouth. She opened her eyes in shock as Lucifer frenched kissed her. She didn’t know what to do. So she reluctantly allowed the beast to have his way. Without any conscious thought, she found her own tongue slipping into the beast’s mouth and returning the kiss. Her chest rose and fell as she began taking very deep breaths. Lucifer pulled his tongue out of her sucking mouth and he continued to move further up. Reaching the other side of the lounger, he placed his paws on the ground and moved forward a little bit more. Mom wasn’t sure what the dog was trying to do, she had figured he wanted to fuck one of her holes. I guess she now thought he wasn’t interested.

Mom was about to get up when her eyes traveled down his body. Her eyes caught a glimpse of something, something long and red. She lowered her eyes and gasped as she saw the dog’s engorged cock swaying just above her. She didn’t want anything to do with something so obscene, but her eyes would be drawn back to it regardless of her feelings. She had never seen a cock so big, so mammoth. It was 14 inches long and very fat, then it tapered off like the rest. She was confused, and didn’t really know what to do. Lucifer started humping, trying to locate her mouth. When mom came to the understanding of what the dog was trying to do, she turned her face to the side. Nothing could make her do something so loathsome. Then she remembered the biting and the snarling. Lucifer began to drip precum just above her head. She didn’t realize what had dripped on her, she opened her mouth to question out loud, then the drops hit her lips and then her open mouth.

Still dazed, she swallowed the dog’s precum. Her tears swelled up in her eyes when she came to the realization that this dog was going to fuck her mouth. Resigning herself to her fate she opened her mouth and swallowed more of his juices. Lucifer’s next cock thrust began hitting her face, this she didn’t turn away. She simply let the sultry dog cock past her lips. Lucifer, feeling her warm lips wrapped around his cock began to fuck into her furiously. The only thing she could do was suck the dog off as fast as she could, so that this atrocity could end. Mom lifted her head slightly and sucked in even more of the huge cock. Eight, nine, ten inches, she was hesitant to swallow the whole thing. She was going to have to concentrate on her breathing as it drove deeper down her inflated throat. Eleven, then twelve inches, it was getting very hard to swallow, her throat and mouth were just too full. However, Lucifer had other ideas. He kept pounding her mouth, pumping in and out. Finally, she was at the base of his knot, just like the knots she was fucked with earlier. This was as far as she could go.

Allowing the lumpy knot past her lips would surely choke her to death, as it would have locked the thick prick in her throat, blocking off her breathing. Lucifer seemed to understand and didn’t try to push the situation. He must have sensed her laboured breathing. I looked on in admiration as mom slowly moved her mouth back and forth, simulating a fucking motion for the dog. Eventually, she could no longer keep pace with his thrusting, so she just remained passive under the dog and let him fuck her mouth. His thrusts kept getting quicker until he suddenly tensed up, she could probably feel Lucifer’s heart beating through his cock, then he released a gigantic amount of cum. He howled as he kept thrusting, she swallowed again and again and again, choking on every gulp down her throat. She swallowed gushing, sloshing waves of beastly hot cum. Her arms were suddenly behind him, holding his cock to her lips, then her fingers stroked his shaft up and down, then they were on his rapidly emptying testicles, caressing them, squeezing them delicately, until every last drop was drained into her throat. She was quite the site.

It was then I noticed we had company. It was an older man, of about 60-65. I think his name is Mr. Henderson, a retired merchant marine. The dogs all wandered off and were sleeping, Lucifer was about to do the same. They got what they wanted, and now they didn’t care what happened. Like I said earlier, they were more like puppies and were never trained, they were just around for show. Anyway, he found my mom’s robe, put it back on her, then picked her up and carried her into the house, and up the stairs. He asked her what room was she in, ” The one on the left,” I heard her whimper. He consoled her, saying he knew this was an attack, not at all her doing. Then offered to run her a bath, the one connected to her room, she agreed. The old man told her he would wait down stairs till she was done. He said he just wanted to make sure she was going to be ok, then he would leave. My mother spent about an hour in there, during that time I began to think of what was going on. I heard one door shut, but not two. I positively did not hear feet going down the stairs. I quickly peeked out my door to see what was going on. Mr. Henderson never went down stairs. He was waiting for her, he was naked, he was going to fuck her! How the hell was I going to tape that! My mom would surely see me then. I had no choice. I had to talk to him.

“Excuse me sir, uh, Mr. Henderson” I said quietly so my mom couldn’t hear. He turned and faced me. Shit! He was ugly, fat, and really old. However, with his 6’5 300lbs frame went the cock to go with it.

“I know what you’re up to, and I haven’t got a problem with it, but I do want to video tape you fucking her. ” Basically I told him about my little documentary.

He was cool with the idea, then he explained how he had seen the whole blow job. He was out looking for his dog and heard the screams. He gave me a smile when I told him it was probably his dog that started this whole thing. I went back to my room, put on my ski mask, cut a hole in my bed sheet, which I used as a poncho. Mr. Henderson pulled the drapes shut, and I stood outside the room. Once the main event started, mom would be too preoccupied with Mr. Henderson and I wouldn’t be noticed.

The bathroom door opened, then she screamed. She found the naked Mr. Henderson. He quickly threw her on the bed, face up, with her legs to head of the bed. This man had planned ahead. While I was getting my disguise ready, he had ripped apart some of her clothes to use as restraints. Mom struggled and screamed but Henderson held her tight. He then ordered me to tie her hands to the bottom bedposts while he held her in place. Now I was frozen still. Do I help him, or do I just keep filming? I figured I better not piss him off so I quickly put my camera down and tied her wrists to the post. There she was, naked and bound to her bed. I was so excited about helping to get her in this position that I started to get a hard-on again. Henderson pulled her by the hair, moving her head low just off the edge of the bed. His huge prick dangled just above her face, then lifted it and dropped it right on her lips. She twisted her head away in defiance. He figured he’d have to do a little convincing so he grabbed both of her big breasts and twisted them, not the nipples but the melons themselves. She screamed again but still wouldn’t grant him access. Henderson went on to plan two. He took one hand and yanked her hair, almost pulling it out at the roots, then his other began to viciously twist her nipples. Again, she cried in pain.

” So can we make this easy, or is it gonna be ruff” he asked her

“Easy, easy, just don’t hurt me,” she cried

Finally my mother opened her mouth so he could shove his cock down it. The spongy head was again at her lips, this time she gently sucked on it as he fed it into her mouth. She felt his massive rod poke at her throat as she swallowed, stuffing more of his hot cock into her mouth. She seemed to have some problems, but her throat muscles got the massive prick past her esophagus, then she needed to get a deep breath. She mumbled something to that effect and Henderson withdrew to the tip, she took a deep breath, then grabbing her by the head he hammered his cock back into her mouth. Henderson pulled her by the armpits and positioned her so he had a clear fuck right down her hot throat. This act, along with grinding harder into her lips, allowed him to bottom out. He withdrew allowing her to take another deep breath. That’s when he spoke to me. ” Yo, buddy, join in. I don’t think she’d mind,” after saying that, he plunged his cock back down her throat and started to rub her upturned breasts. I didn’t need to be asked twice. With my camera held tight, I hopped up on the bed and stared down at her. My mother, tied naked on the bed, a black man’s cock all the way down her throat and now I was going to fuck her.

Henderson still had one hand in my mom’s raven hair, just to keep her in place, while the other continued to massage her melons. I was already naked, I had planned to due some stroking under the sheet but that’s the furthest I had imagined. Kneeling down on the bed I lifted my disguise up just enough to let her legs, pussy and midriff in. Then I trapped them all inside with me. With my only free hand I spread her right leg, then the left. I was surprised at the lack of resistence, but then she had a huge dick in her mouth to keep her busy. Moving between her spread legs, touching my cock against her pussy lips, I held it there and paused for a moment. Damn, with this bed sheet on I couldn’t get a shot of me fucking her, only her oral activity. Returning my concentration to the task at hand, I pushed into her, then a little further, feeling her tight snatch gripping my shaft like a vice. Mom’s once loose pussy must have tightened back up after her dog fucks. Her warmth, her tightness, those beautiful breast, and the black dick fucking her mouth, they all did nothing to help my stamina. After about a minute of plunging I came, spraying her womb with my cum. She didn’t even seem to notice. Maybe this was because my mom could feel Henderson’s prick getting fatter and longer, or because his balls thumped and bumped against her eyes. He pulled out one last time, she again took a deep breath, then swallowed his massive cock as it jerked and spat out clumps of hot cum deep into her stomach. Henderson, again, grabbed mom’s breast’s with both hands, then pulled her to him as he thrust one last time unloading more cum into her sucking mouth. My camera didn’t miss a thing.

Mom struggled against her binds figuring Henderson was through with her and would now let her up. She thought wrong. He was only getting started. He did agree to let her up, but again, only if she was going to be a good slave. She fought the binds again, then agreed. I guess she figured she’d let him have his way then finally this whole day could come to a conclusion. Henderson untied her, and let her stand up and stretch her legs a bit. He looked her up and down, admiring her lovely raven hair, her luscious breasts, beautiful round bum, and finally her sweet shaven pussy. Pulling her close he planted a kiss on her mouth. She didn’t return the favor. His lips moved to her breasts, his tongue gently exploring her nipples. Henderson moaned as he fondled and massaged her heaving chest. Removing his hands from her breasts, he placed them on her shoulder and applied downward pressure. It was obvious that he wanted her on her knees, but she didn’t budge. More force was added and she seemed to get the suggestion.

” Baby, I want you one more time and the only thing that can get me hard again, is if you suck my dick. So suck it!” he barked. She was now on her knees, staring right in the eye of the monster. Reluctantly she gripped his muscle, polishing it up and down. Mom looked at his huge belly, his mighty arms, then his unmerciful eyes, and finally agreed to perform the task. She opened her mouth and forced the limp, yielding cock into her, circling her tongue around the head. Henderson was hardening fast. Mom could feel his shaft was stiffening. Life was returning to his massive cock. It was so big that you could see her jaw forcing open, filling her completely. She backed away from his massive tool, but kept swirling her tongue around it, seemingly in sync with her hand-jacking of his immense cock. I was beginning to appreciate her ability to suck dick! His pole continued to swell, thicken and lengthen. It was a giant rod again. Mom opened her eyes and looked down the enormous prick. It had to be at least 12 inches long and the width of a forearm. Henderson then forced her lips to his cock, shoving it deep in her mouth. Again he lunged in and out of her mouth. It seemed like she had a harder time breathing from this position but he skull fucked her just the same.

“Ok baby, that’s enough. I don’t want to cum in your mouth, been there and done that. This time I want that sweet, bald pussy of yours. ” He grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto the bed, then jumped on seconds later. Mom took one peek at Henderson, he was on his hands and knees aiming his massive prick at her delightful pussy, then she closed her eyes. His mighty cock entered her, stretching her snatch, moving inch by inch deeper inside her. The complete mass of the huge tool took her breath away, Henderson was much wider then the dogs she had taken in her snatch and ass. It didn’t seem possible that she could be extended so wide, but she was, and she was getting pleasure from it. Mom moaned as he fed more of his monster into her sweet little kitty, then slowly backed it out of her, feeling it clench as if it was resisting its exit. He thrust back in again, holding her by the waist, this time going even deeper. His gentle thrusting continued with slow, long strokes, feeding her more and more with every re-entry. Just then a look came over Henderson’s face, a look of ultimate lust.

I could see how badly he wanted to ram his whole monster in her, cum deep inside her. At his age he probably hadn’t had a woman in years, and with the size of his prick I doubt he’d ever been able to get the whole thing in. He paused for a moment and looked at his massive cock, 3/4 of it stuffed in my mom’s pussy, then grabbed her waist even harder and slammed into her. She screamed in pain. Henderson had gently fucked her pussy up to this point, but with that savage lust in his eyes he didn’t seem to care anymore. He seemed to say, ” this bitch is gonna get it,” then his weapon pounded her again and again. Mom’s pussy finally gave way under his massive sword, he was now ball’s deep, she was impaled on his colossal cock. Her body jerked at the brute fucking she was taking, she was screaming in orgasm, thrashing around, arching her back causing those beautiful breasts to lunge upwards. Being the devil that I am, my hands moved to fondle those mouth-wateringmelons. I turned my attention back to Henderson and I was glad I did. He had stopped thrusting and I assumed he was about to cum. I was wrong. With his hands still firmly around her waist, he pulled his cock out so that only the head rested inside her bald snatch.

There he was, spreading her sweet lips with his huge prick, then he savagely jerked her to him, impaling his staff completely into her. The force was so strong that she easily bounced off of him, then back to her original position with his head just inside her pussy. Over, and over he continued to do this with mom moaning on every slam, then after about a minute she must have past out. She opened her mouth to scream in pleasure, but she went silent, the barbaric fucking was too much for her mind to take, so she passed out. He continued fucking, jarring her back and forth on his cock like a rag doll. When she finally returned from her pleasure, induced catatonic condition, Henderson was finally about to cum. He yanked her back onto his cock sending his cum deep inside her, and again she bounced off him. With one last wrench, he rammed her onto his prick, spraying her womb with another blast of cum. Mom passed out again, this time in the middle of her orgasm.

Henderson pulled out, got off the bed, and looked down at her convulsing body. He had given her such an intense fuck that although she was still passed out, her body was having an orgasm. Looking at her in that pose I had an idea. I was going to get my own rocks off. Handing my camera to Henderson, I hopped up on the bed, grabbed moms’ huge melons and began to fuck her tits. It didn’t take me long after watching all that fucking, with one last thrust between her jutting breast, I fired my load right on her lips. Moving up to her head, I straddled her and pressed my dwindling erection against her lips, pushing some of my cum inside. She was still in a senseless state, but instinctively, she licked my cum off her lips and opened her mouth allowing my prick to enter. She licked me clean!

Henderson handed me my video camera, then said he was going out for some beer and he’d be back in a little bit. Just as he was about to depart, he asked one intriguing question. “Do you have lots of video tape?”. This man must have big plans for my mom, so I assured him I did. Then he walked out the door.


I had to launch my plan into extreme gear. I walked a couple of miles to the corner store and made a call home. I asked her if I could stay at my friends for the weekend. I wasn’t surprised when she said I could. With all that had happened she probably didn’t want me around for a couple of days… silly Mom. When Henderson finally returned he had all the supplies he needed. A keg of beer, a huge garbage pale to keep it cold, his clothes, lots of rope and his dog…” I need a place to stay, and I’ll be here for awhile.” Henderson said. He explained that his friends went back to their home towns and he couldn’t afford the rent and he had no money. There were no decent hotels in our small town even if he had money, besides he was going to have much more fun here. “Of course you can stay,” my Mom told him, visibly looking distressed. She awkwardly teased him and said, ” but you have to be a good boy” but that’s what friends are for. She showed him upstairs to the spare bedroom but he ignored her and put his clothes in her bedroom. They ate dinner and talked about his job, then her’s and then other small talk. He dropped some insinuations about what had happened earlier, and wanting similar events to take place, but she changed the subject. Mom asked about his family but he was more interested in finding games they could play and with a devious smile he asked if she liked playing cards, then said he’d like to show her some great card tricks that he had learned while in prison which seemed to intimidate Mom even more. Darkness came early, perhaps we were going to get a storm. Just then the doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone (we didn’t get a lot of visitor) and wasn’t sure what to expect. Mom opened the front door and there were 5 men standing on the steps.

“May I help you?” Mom asked. They were probably goddamn door to door salesmen or maybe those annoying Jehovah’s witness’? From my view I couldn’t make out who they were. They looked past my Mom, saw Henderson and hustled their way past her into the house.

“Henderson, how ya doin’?” One of them yelled.

“Hey, guys, let me introduce you to the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever seen, this stunner is Chantal. You don’t mind if they hang out with us tonight, do you?” he asked Mom, as if she had a choice. What could she say? She was paralyzed by him and what he might do to her. The next thing I knew, they were all sitting around the dining room table playing poker and drinking beer. Of course nobody had any money so Mom pulled out some poker chips that she had from when my Gramps had a regular game. The guys took it easy on her in the begining, they even tried to teach her the rules but it didn’t seem to help. They played for awhile and things were pretty even, then Henderson asked if anyone would like another beer and sent Mom to the kitchen and get beers for everyone. As she was getting up to get them, when one of Henderson’s buddies commented that the game was getting boring. Henderson agreed and suggested they play for clothes… Mom laughed and said, “I don’t think so.” The guys in the dining room teased and tried to convince her into saying yes even though they knew it was a pointless effort.

Mom moved over to the keg and began to draw the beer from the tap. As she turned and stood with the beer in her hand, Hendersson 1st buddy, Mat, was facing her and stood very close. Quietly he said, “C’mon Chantal. I think you should play.” He was standing kind of stiff and her eyes instinctively lowered and came to rest on a gun. Ripples of fear ran up and down her! “Really, Chantal. I think you should do whatever we want you to do, I think you should be a good girl and tell them you want to play.” He moved the cold metal barrel of the revolver against her bare thigh and slid it up her skirt. She laughed nervously with her eyes locked on Mat’s. “Okay, guys. You talked me into it. But you guys gotta swear you won’t tell anyone I did this.” Her knees looked weak and she was in a cold sweat of fear. She grabbed another beer, deciding she wanted to drink to help her relax. Mat looked at the beer and smiled. He pulled his gun away and hid it again. She looked at Mat and hissed, “You can’t -” but before she even got the words out he interrupted, “Oh yes, I can. Don’t worry. If you cooperate, you won’t get hurt. In fact, we just want to play and have fun. Let’s go.”

Between the effects of the 1st beer and the fear, she wasn’t able to think straight. Even if she wanted to play, she should’ve thought about the obviousness of the situation. She was wearing only a blouse, bra, mini-skirt and panties. They were each wearing shoes, socks, pants, boxers, shirts and undershirt. But, like I said, she didn’t think about that. The first hand went quick and she lost, a pair of two’s but Mat had a full house. She seemingly started to lose her nerve. I wondered whether she could take off her clothes in front of these guys. Mat stood, moved to her and pulled her up. He turned her so she had her back to Henderson, he then reached for the initial button of her blouse. “I can do it,” she protested. I guess she felt bad enough that she had to strip but I don’t think she wanted this guy touching her. Henderson’s 2nd buddy, Gary began to laugh. “You playing our rules, Chantal. Mat won that round so he gets to remove the article of clothing of his choice. He won so he gets a trophy, do you understand?”

Mom was overwhelmed and frightened. I knew she couldn’t physically battle this guy and he had a firearm as well. He promised she wouldn’t get hurt if she participated, so I stood stiffly while he unbuttoned her blouse. As he unfastened the buttons, his fingers lightly trailed along her cleavage but he didn’t pause in his duty. His eyes opened wide when they saw her “D” chest. She had worn a white silk blouse and it was now being slid off her back, dropping to the floor. Grinning, he turned her around for everyone to see and held the chair out for her. Mom sat down, her face red with shame. The dining table is lofty, but not high enough to hide her Bra-covered boobs. The dealer stopped shuffling, the guys stopped drinking and stared at her when she sat down. I guess they didn’t think she’d really strip but more likely they were in awe. The dealer quickly dealt another hand, and. Mom groaned. Nothing, not even a pair. She had no luck. The 3rd guy, named Darcy, he had a brilliant hand. He got up and walked over to Mom with eagerness. She seemed a little upset and quite alarmed.

Then Henderson spoke up. ” Chantal, you need to relax. We’re just playing a game here. Taking off your clothes never hurt anyone. Here, I’ve got something to help you relax.” He pulled out a joint. I don’t think Mom had ever smoked pot. She took a toke from it and began to choke. The guys began to laugh. ” You can tell she’s a wild one. Take another hit baby, it’ll make you feel real nice.” Joked Henderson, he had one arm resting on the back of her chair and his other was holding the joint in front of her lips. “It’s okay, Chantal, we’re just playing game. We’re just having a good time and want to make sure you do too.” Mom put the joint to her mouth and inhaled. She held her breath, holding in the potent smoke for as long as she could and later took some more. By the time they were finished smoking, they were all laughing and rambunctious. Henderson was about to deal a hand but waited. We had almost forgot, Gary was supposed to remove an article of her clothing. Gary approached her and reached behind her for the hook of her bra. He fumbled around as Mat began to heckle him about his lack of training. He took the hook in one hand and deftly flipped it open then walked away while Mom slid the straps down her arms and let the bra fall to the floor. Henderson passed out the next hand, Mom looked intensely at her cards so she didn’t notice the looks and the nudges the guys were giving to one another. Hey, she did have an astonishing rack!

They played the next hand. Mom again had nothing. I don’t think there was a more mismatched combination of cards in the deck. Mat won. He had Mom stand up, then knelt down in front of her and to everyone’s surprise, he reached under her skirt.”What are you doing?” she asked, nudging him away.”I won. I get to take off any article of clothing of yours that I want. I want to remove your panties.” He said.”You can’t do that. It’s not fair.” Mom contended, pushing him a little harder. Gary and Henderson began to chuckle.”Hey, that’s the rule,” Henderson maintained. Mat reached up and grabbed hold of her panties and yanked them off. Damn, she wasn’t any more exposed then before, although I bet Mom felt like she was. I doubt she’d ever gone out without underwear, so having her panties off even with a skirt on, must have made her feel very exposed and helpless. Gary dealt a hand, then she looked at her cards in distress. While she was looking, Mom felt a hand on her leg and cringed. It was Mat. Mom looked at him and he had a very immersed face, as he rubbed his hand up my Mom’s thigh. She twitched at the touch and gasped. It’s pointless to say that she lost that round. Henderson had four aces in his hand and i’ve never seen that happen before. Nobody looked surprised.

“I want you to remove your own skirt baby, and do it real sexy.” Henderson said.

Mom stood up to submit but her movement was straining and I doubt she could think straight at all. All I really knew was that there was loud music with a dance beat and she was supposed to take off her skirt… I couldn’t wait. She turned her back on the guys and started swaying her hips slowly, seductively to the beat of the music. The song was “My Fantasy” by Ludicrous. Mom began to slide her hands down her sides, over her hips, grasping her sensuous breasts, she was still swaying in that erotic manner, still turning, still wavering, her tits bounced up and down in her hands. She reached down and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt as if she were going to pull it down, but then diverted. She coiled slowly and seductively once again and withdrew the back of her skirt just far enough to show the crest of her bottom but released it back to its initial position. She faced them again and pulled the skirt down in front, just far enough so that her lips didn’t show. The guys raged and encouraged her, Mom then turned her back to them and bent way over grasping the bottom edge of her skirt and slowly lured it from her diminutive waist, to her curved hips, then down over her exquisite ass, and then let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of the skirt, did a few more titillating bouncing maneuvers, then stopped, on her back with her legs in a sprawled position. Mom started laughing as the next song came on but the guys weren’t laughing, they all had the same wicked look on their faces. I was trying to think about what I had heard. This was just a game?, That no one was going to get hurt. What a pile of crap, and thank god for that. I was beginning to think Henderson had gotten weak. Mom must have been glad the game was done because their stares must have scared her. She reached down for her clothes but they were gone. I looked around. I didn’t see her clothes anywhere. Mom muttered, “Excuse me” and turned to go upstairs and get dressed. Mat followed. “I need to use the bathroom,” he uttered.”You don’t need to go upstairs,” I told him. “There’s one downstairs”

” Ya, but I want to use the one upstairs” Mat asserted.

By this time, I was already up stairs. Mom pointed him to the bathroom and she ran into my bedroom. A hand grabbed her arm, it was Gary’s and immediately after, Mat joined them. I heard Henderson stomping up the stairs with the other 3. Mom sobbed “What was going on? I mean this is getting carried away, I wasn’t thinking clearly, and this is so insane. Henderson, you said you were my friend. We were just playing poker.” Mom started to struggle her way out of Gary’s grip but Mat picked her up and threw her on my bed.”I think you’d better be a good girl, Chantal. I don’t want you to get hurt. We’re just here for a good time, right? We’ll all have some fun together.” Mat said. Gary and Mat had a good grip on her when Henderson walked into the room. He jumped onto the bed and straddled Mom. She struggled to get up but his weight held her firm. Gary had a hold of her arms so she couldn’t swing at anyone and Mat tied her feet to the legs of the bed with some soft but sturdy rope. Henderson leaned down to kiss her. She wasn’t sober but Mom was scared enough to react. She turned her face away and began flailing with her arms. Fortunately, Mat was finished with her legs and had started on her arms. He pulled the rope tight. He and Gary stepped back and inspected their work. Mom was naked and powerless, tied with her legs and arms spread on my own bed. They guys were quite pleased with themselves. They grabbed chairs from the den and brought them in and sat down. They were ready for the show to begin.

“Chantal, I’m doing this to show you just how much I care about you,” Henderson said. He then tried to kiss her again and she turned away. He grabbed her face and held it, mashing his lips against hers. Mom gave in, letting his mouth do what he wanted, but not responding. He let his cold hands trail down her sides developing goose bumps on her stomach, sides and chest. He flicked his hand across her nipples. They responded at once, turning into hard raisin-like nubs. He laughed out loud. “You don’t want me in your life. You’re making that clear, but in the end I don’t care. You belong to me.”

This was insane! This man was raping my Mom and claiming he cared about her? He thought she’d want him for treating her like this? She pulled on her arms and legs, moving as much as the restraints would allow. It seemed no use. They were tied firmly. Henderson licked her nipple and watched it stiffen up and respond more than it already was. He focused on Mom’s left nipple, licking and sucking it. I couldn’t believe the way her body responded. She tried to slide as far away as she could but the restraints held her tight. He sucked hard on her nipple, pinching it with his teeth and lashing it with his tongue. She couldn’t get away. She felt so helpless. She began to moan. It felt so good, she didn’t want it to, it wasn’t that she liked what he was doing to her but Mom couldn’t stop it from feeling good. She closed her eyes trying to pretend it wasn’t happening. Mom was breathing hard but quietly. Henderson sucked even harder and a touch more gently with his teeth. She mewled softly. When he released the nipple, she recoiled and waited for him to give the same treatment to the other nipple, but he didn’t. He got off the bed and turned away from her. I couldn’t decide which was worse – him doing that to her or stopping with the job only half done. Her head was a little clearer, probably from fear, so Mom knew she had to do something. She turned her head and saw Henderson walking back towards her. He was now completely nude and his large cock jutted out erect and demanding attention.

“Please don’t do this. If you really care about me, you wouldn’t want to hurt me, please stop! I won’t report you guys or anything if you’ll just let me go right now.” she pleaded.”Nah,. I’ve gotta teach you a lesson.” Henderson said.

“Please, you’ve made your point and had your fun, now let me go. I was trying to oblige you and this is how you repay me?” Henderson climbed on the bed and straddled her rising chest. His bloated prick was an inch in front of her mouth. His weight on her and the restraints didn’t allow much body movement but she tried to move her head as far as she could. “No, don’t do this. Please.” Mom said with tears streaming down her face. Henderson held her head and began to force his cock into her mouth. Mom looked at him with fear but didn’t do anything.”Gary,” Henderson said. “Ya wanna get this bitch to be good? She doesn’t seem to wanna suck my cock. She should know all good girls suck cock.”

Gary walked over to the bed. “This ain’t no joke, Chantal. You’d better start sucking his dick like it’s the best indulgence you’ve ever had or you’re going to be in worse trouble than you can imagine.” Gary pronounced. He pulled out his gun and showed it to her. Slowly she inhaled against Henderson’s cock. “Keep going, bitch. Suck him until he comes or tells you to stop. He’s your boss right now, get the picture? You just need to be a good girl and do what he wants.” Gary barked. Mom continued to give Henderson a blow job. She sucked him in as hard as she could then let him slide out of her lips, then pulled it in again, deep throating him. Again he slid to the beginning of her lips, this time she sucked him more gently and teased her tongue on his shaft and pulled him in deep again. Mom’s tongue encircled the head then tormented the slight slit at the cap. Her hips began to move and buck, she tried to control them but was having a difficult time. She propelled her lips to his organ once again, sucking on him, hard and deep, in a very slow tantalizing way, using her tongue, throat, and mouth all at once to add to the sensations. Henderson made some moaning sounds and stiffened a bit, then pulled his dick out of her.

“Whaddaya think?” Henderson asked his buddies.

“The bitch is perfect,” Darcy replied. “Did you feel her thrusting up at you? Check her out. I betch’ya anything she’s wetter than the ocean.”

“Not a bad idea. Let’s see if she’s ready to go!” Henderson asked.

He leaned down and sucked on both of her pussy lips at once. Mom screamed and her pelvis jumped. He was rougher than she liked but she still responded surprisingly. There’s nothing a woman likes better than some good tongue action on her pussy. He lapped at her wet slit.

“God yes, she is drenched!” Henderson looked up, her juices glistening on his chin. “This bitch really does want it bad.” he insisted. Tears were running down her face but she still gasped when his raspy tongue touched her sensitive labia. He held her pussy lips apart with his fingers and went to work with his mouth, sucking hard and pulling on her erogenous womanhood. She was panting, moaning and wiggling at his assaults. How could anything so bad, feel so good? He thrust his tongue inside her constantly, licking down below her snatch and taunted her asshole. He licked at Mom’s puckered hole, tickling her, causing her to writhe with hunger. I could hear Darcy and Gary in the background jacking off slowly as they watched them. Henderson worked his way up again, tonguing her, and sucking on her womanly secret. Then he put his lips gently around it and began to prod it with his tongue. Mom sighed at his touch. He slowly licked her clit back and forth, dragging his tongue across that sensitive spot. She wailed and pushed, frustrated at her own response. He moved faster, circling her clit with his tongue and flicking it over and over. She was in the thralls of orgasm and didn’t want him to stop. He invaded her with renewed energy. His fleet tongue forced heartlessly against her clit causing her to cry out and she heaved uncontrollably with an volcanic orgasm. Mom moaned and shouted as she came, completely unaware of the certainty of her situation. She wanted to come down from her orgasm but Henderson wouldn’t let it happen. His tongue kept moving on her clit and Mom’s body kept convulsing. In a very short time, she orgasmed a second time. Henderson looked down at her and, he didn’t have to say a word. His eyes showed his conquest. He had control of her body.

Mom was whirling and had almost passed out when he penetrated her. His hot hammer slid in effortlessly, mom was excessively lubricated from the tongue bath. He pulled out and pounded back into her. He had been on the verge of coming when she blew him and watching her orgasm had brought him even closer. His body kept slamming against hers as he drilled into her. She couldn’t think straight but her body kept rising to meet his every attack, then with a few more callous and starved thrusts, he came inside her. Henderson bent down, kissed her and laughed as he got off the bed. “I guess I’ve made my point, you’re mine and you’ll do whatever and whoever I want. I just wanted you to know that.” Before Mom could figure out what he was saying, Darcy and Gary untied her feet and hands from the bed, but retied her arms behind her back. They lifted her and placed her on the floor.

“On your knees, Chantal. Be my good girl.” Darcy said. Mom had a hard time rolling over and getting onto her knees but when she finally did, she was facing Darcy’s cock. It was hard, dark and throbbing. ” Suck it good, and suck me like you did Henderson.” Mom opened her mouth and he stepped forward slightly so his cock rested in her mouth. She could feel his whole body flinch at the sensation this caused. I didn’t know if he could progress without coming. Mom felt something cold and hard resting against the crack of her ass, it slid up and down the crack, wiggling a little to separate her buns and slide in between. Mom realized the barrel of the gun was in the crack of her ass. I guess that was motivation to preserve her cooperation. Mom pulled Darcy into her hot, wet mouth and began to suck hard. She let him slide out and she teased its head with her tongue, running it up and down the length of his shaft, concentrating on the underside then sucking him into her mouth again, deep throating his engorged cock. His reaction told me he’d never enjoyed a woman taking in his entire length. Mom continued to work on him, bringing him pleasure and feeling her own pussy aching for attention. It wasn’t going to take long for him to cum, after all of the masturbating he did while watching Henderson with my Mom. Finally after a few more lunges into her mouth he pulled his dick out and squirted his cum on her chest. He kept Mom on her knees but bent her down so her face was against the floor. He kneeled down behind her, his cock was still semi-erect and he forced it into her. By the time it was in, it was fully hard again. He fucked her hard and then slowed down, then fucked her hard again. Mom was just a hole for him to fuck. She didn’t matter and she belonged to Henderson. He went at her for a long time and when he finally came they were both standing, with Darcy controling her body with her tied hands.

Mom looked like she was so glad it was over with. She was numb and disoriented. Her body wasn’t injured but it didn’t feel normal either. Someone reached from behind her and shoved a ball into her mouth, then used a scarf to secure it by tying it to the back of her head. Mom felt a man’s hand on her ass as he slid his hand down her crack and probed around her asshole. She finally realized it was Gary! How could I have forgotten about him? He’s not the type to sit back and watch. Mom felt something cold and wet against her asshole. He worked it around with his finger then tried to slide one inside. “Oooooh, is she tight! Wow! She’s a good fuck all right! Holy shit, she’s something else.” Mom felt the heat of his prick push against her asshole. There’s no way that thing was going to fit inside her! He backed off a bit and teased the hole with his finger some more. He poked a finger inside and moved it in and out slowly. He pushed another finger inside and felt her sphincter muscles relax a bit. He slid in and out more easily. He pulled his fingers out and pressed his cock against her hole again. He pushed with steady pressure and her ass canal eventually gave way and expanded for him. His head was tightly sealed inside of her. He grunted loud. “Gawd, she’s so tight. This is going to be awesome.”

Henderson and Darcy stood on either side of her so they could get a good view her face and the action at her back. Gary held Mom’s hips with his hands and pulled her onto his humongous cock. It took a few minutes for him to get his entire length inside her, but once she was fully impaled on his shaft, he stopped and just held himself in for a moment. “I could explode right now if I wanted to. This is so hot and tight, goddamn she’s good.” Gary moved himself out, ever so slowly, until only his cock-head was inside, then he slid back in relishing the feeling. He moaned as he got into a steady rhythm, fucking her ass. He let go of her hips with one hand and reached under and pinched Mom’s nipples. He fucked harder as she shuddered from his touch. He grunted and reached down to finger her clit. She quivered at his touch. This was the worst. This abusive pig had molested her in one way or another all night. He was fucking her asshole and now her body told him she liked it. He wiggled his finger across her clit and her body moved and jerked and wiggled from the feelings it sent through her. He moved faster in and out of Mom’s forbidden zone. Mom tried to gasp and moan but the gag restrained her from doing so. She kept coming close to orgasm but then he’d change his speed or move his hand away. He thrust his finger up inside her cunt and moved the palm of his hand against her clit, then as he slammed sadistically against her from behind, and came in Mom’s ass. As she was about to come he stopped and pulled out.

The other three picked her up, laid her on the bed, then untied her hands, her feet and finally removed the gag. She was too exhausted to speak and instantly passed out. “I suppose we have to wait for her to wake up before it’s our turn” Tie bellyached. “Fuck, no!” Henderson said, She’ll wake up as soon as you start banging her and she’ll do it all night long. ” They looked at her, spread out on the bed, and knew what they had to do to her next. Bryan was squeezing his cock hard, trying to hold back his load until he was into Mom. “I can’t wait much longer, guys. Who’s next?”

“Why should any of us wait?” Shayne asked. “She has three fuckable openings, and we have three cocks to fill them. Let’s all do her together!” Mom came to at that moment and I saw more horror in her eyes. She must have been somewhat aware of what they were planning, and she did not consent to the idea. Mom tried to get up quickly but their hands grabbed her. “Let’s roll her over and tie her to the bed. I bet she loved being bound and helpless.”Shayne grinned The three of them rolled her over onto her stomach and secured her wrists and ankles to the bed. There was enough slack in the ropes to allow her to move to her hands and knees, but not enough to reach the bindings to free herself, nor permit her to close her legs. Mom was alert and loathing the planned assault on her. They wasted no time getting in position. Tie slid his face up between her thighs, his cock rock hard and sticking straight up. As his cock slid under her, he reached up and grabbed both of her ass cheeks and impaled her cum filled cunt on his spike. She squirmed, drawing her knees as far forward as the ropes would permit, then arched her back and opened her mouth to accept Shayne’s offering. Bryan got behind her and placed his knees between Tie’s closed legs and her spread ones.

Shayne and Tie were already driving their members into her defenseless openings. Each time Shayne stuffed his cock down her throat he would drive her back towards Bryan, so he aimed hi cock at her greased asshole and waited. The next deep thrust down her throat impelled her back onto his waiting rod, and as the head entered her incredibly tight ass he shoved the full length in with one abrupt attack. Mom thundered in pain. Bryan could feel her ass contract at the invasion, but ignored the muffled moan from her cock-filled mouth and began to pummel her. I bet Bryan could feel Tie’s cock through the thin membranes between her pussy and her ass, as they set up a counter thrust so that either cock was driving in at all times. Shayne countered with his own tempo, grasping her hair with both hands so that it looked like she had pig tails, keeping his cock deep in her mouth most of the time but letting it occasionally sneak out to the tip. The three of them had her imprisoned, helpless and were buffeting her in three different directions. Knowing this, Mom again showed the extent of her cock sucking finesse by pushing her gifted tongue out past his cock and lapping at his balls as he fucked her mouth.

Shayne was already on the verge, and this extra effort by a girl getting fucked by three guys at once was too much for him. He let out a loud yell and Mom made unmistakable sucking sounds as she took all his cum and sucked for more. Blast after Blast, she swallowed each one. Bryan then felt Tie erupting in her cream filled pussy. Shayne jumped off the bed and went to get something to drink, Tie also finished, crawled out from underneath Mom and relaxed on the floor, watching as Bryan got down to business and started to really fuck her ass. She dropped her head and shoulders down on the bed, and although she was whimpering and moaning, she began to push her ass towards him with every thrust. Bryan grabbed her hips and increased the tempo, giving her all he had. Mom’s asshole opened up, as she totally submitted and took what she was getting. He yelled for her to get ready, he was about to cum and with that he buried his shaft deep within her bowels, shooting load after load of hot sperm into her. It was the most incredible climax I had ever seen her experience. As he started to shrink, her ass contracted and forced his cock out. Her legs were shaking and she slid down flat on the bed. She turned her head to the side and whispered “Please, no more. Please don’t fuck me anymore”

I looked at the clock by the bed, and as she fell asleep I whispered in her ear “Rest up, Mom. You’ve been fucking for a long time, and they are done for now. I’m sure they’ll all be back for more and I’ll still be here to get it all on tape” With that being said I went down stairs to see what the guys were doing, they were all drinking and smoking trying to figure out what to do next. We all talked for as awhile and came to the same conclusion. They all loved fucking my Mom, and since Henderson and I were the only ones to witness her with the dogs the rest of them really wanted to see her get fucked by even more dogs, but we all craved fresh meat. That’s when I had an idea, My aunt Crystal.

The End

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