Women with Animals



(c) 2020 by Jade

Elaine Richmond was discreetly sunbathing in her pale blue bikini; in a spot of the large garden that was hidden from the view of neighbours.

The house stood in a select part of town where Elaine’s father ran his consultancy practice while mother worked at the University.

Elaine felt the sun tingling her untanned skin while her teenage thoughts roamed freely.

She’d had the same boyfriend since being fourteen; Gerald Fairweather. He was a bit boring really. His parents were old family friends and planed for them to marry after graduating.

But that’s a long way off and she wanted to enjoy everything going on before getting tied down with little ‘ole Gerald. He was a little too respectable to be any romantic fun really. When they did get to necking, the nearest he ever came to any penetration was a French kiss!

After all she was 18 and had been told she was pretty cute by more than a couple of college guys; one saying she put him mind of Princess Diana; which was half true.

One of them is Steve Crudmore; who was ‘a really common lout’, according to her friend Jennifer.

Elaine knows Steve would fuck her given half a chance; but then it would be out all over campus; she would be branded a slut and her future as Gerald’s wife dashed.

What Elaine Richmond expected in a secret lover, besides passion and sex, was loyalty, trust and discretion; something Steve Crudmore was incapable of.

Steve Crudmore delights in showing her obscene stuff on his cell-screen at college.

She’s usually disgusted; which delights Steve; but sometimes Elaine get’s turned on by certain things which makes her feel like a slut. That’s what Steve Crudmore is aiming for; because he knows full well that Elaine sort of fancies him in a strange way.

Recently Steve cornered her; wanting to show her another of his porno vids; but she refused to look at it. But he’d grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm really painfully. He’d forced her to watch a video clip of a dog fucking a girl! … Because that girl actually looked a bit like Elaine!

It had really shocked Elaine … It’s cock was huge and the girl was moaning and climaxing on it! She felt her pulse pounding with excitement; her throat had dried while her snatch had drooled.

Her face coloured up; yet she’d watched it through with Steve leering her; until she’d pulled away, calling him “ A fucking little pervert!”

But but even so, she’d creamed her knickers over that video; the mental image of which was once again, juicing her snatch up as she lay sunbathing; but she’d lain on her back too long; she could distinctly feel her cunt smarting against the heat of the sun. As she sat up she was startled to find Tango’s head right between her thighs! “Tango!”

Tango was her father’s dark-brown Boxer; he often roamed the garden.

As Tango licked at her crotch again she tried to bring her knees together, but he’d gotten in between them; his hairy body was thick and muscled and when she squeezed, the solidity of it shot a thrill up her backbone.

“Go away Tango,” but she didn’t really mean it. His nose snuffled deeply into the bikini-bottom; increasing the tingling in her snatch. She felt a sudden guilt and looked furtively about her before deciding to let dad’s dog continue doing his own thing.

Tugging the towel down over herself, Elaine let the dog have his way; besides, it felt so good. Then she lifted her butt and gave a wiggle, helping her slide the swim suit off.

Quickly then, she made a tent of the big towel and spread her knees so Tango could stick his soft, hairy muzzle back into place over her crotch. He returned eagerly, to get his hot wet tongue going on her soft-haired pussy.

Ever since her periods began he was hungry to lick her snatch; Mother was always saying, “Watch out for that dog Elaine! Slap him where it hurts most when he does that!” But father who considered Tango to be a ‘proper man’s dog’ said he was only doing what came natural.

“Ooohh!” Elaine said out loud, arching her back some as the dog licked hotly right into her pussy-lips. He’d never gotten right in there before; the sensation was wild. His tongue shot a wet fire up her cunt; she began to roll her ass, the way she did when she was finger-fucking herself; getting to the point where she might come!

But Elaine kept her head enough to look quickly around the garden, to peer into the tall hedge that separated the neighbours. She sure didn’t want any of them to catch Tango snuffling at her pussy and she spread the towel wider over his head, pretending to be wrestling with the dog.

That big brown dog worked his tongue furiously into her pussy, spreading the cunt-lips apart and slurping into her hot slit while whining deep in his chest.

It was getting to Elaine in a way finger-fucking never had!

Elaine reached beneath the towel and pushed his head down, shoved his hairy muzzle deeper into her snatch. She rolled her hips and kinda fucked his nose rapturously. What she couldn’t see was that Tango’s cock had now fully extended from it’s leathery sheath; pulsating and ready.

The boxer seemed to understand, for his tongue pushed harder, licked more avidly her engorged clitoris as her cunt got juicier.

Suddenly the girl humped jerkily on his muzzle, quivered and gasped. “Oh, Tango!” she panted, swinging her head from side to side, “Oh Tango, eat me up! Just eat up my pussy like dog-food! … you … big … horny … dog … your making me…”

A staggering climax caused her to shudder; her slim legs to jerk and her fingers to dig into Tango’s broad head positioned between her thighs.

She panted some as she recovered. The dog’s brown head emerged from beneath the tangled towel and suddenly his forelegs were around her; his drooling cock prodding against her slippery snatch! Sheer panic struck at her heart as she struggled to push him away from her!

She only succeeded in bumping her belly up against his. The dog held tight, humping his back and thrusting that long, pointy cock across her little cunt mound.

She bucked wildly beneath his weight. Panting in terror she turned her head aside from his dripping tongue but the movement threw her cunt onto his oozing purple cock. Her pussy was so slippery, skidding beneath that stiff dog cock … which suddenly … had poked inside her pussy!

Elaine quivered sharply while trying to wiggle off the pulsating rod, yet somehow it still went right between those slippery lips; up into her cunt where only her finger had ever been before! Elaine froze. She was scared. She just had to fight Tango off before he ripped her cunt wide open and took her cherry!

The dog had the feel of her inner cunt now, and would not be denied. He bent his back and ploughed his cock deeper; hitting against a membrane that stretched near to tearing.

She clawed at the powerful dog but her fingers only slid down his short-haired hide. She tried to push him up with her bent knees, but he was too heavy.

She was about to scream when suddenly her feminine intuition came into play. Tango was like a guy right? So what do all the girls giggle over at college when a guy gets over amorous? You give him a blow-job!

Elaine wrapped her arms around his heavy neck and wrenched him to one side; the action almost pulled his cock clear of her snatch! She grasped his shaft and pulled it from her cunt. An umbilical cord of jizz hung between their genitals. She held his full length now and began a pleasing stroke action that soothed him as he stood on all fours panting eagerly. Having seized control Elaine knelt along side him; her hand still busy with his cock; then ducking her head down low between his loins, she cooed to him encouragingly.

The man who had been spying on her saw her nipples were erect as she pulled the hound up close to her naked flesh. He could see the sweat glisten on her face and he wiped the sweat from his own brow before his hand returned to masturbating.

She was staring at the dog’s cock now; in awe of it’s blue-veined evil beauty. Then opening her mouth she bravely but gradually swallowed the entire length.

With innate feminine ability she soon had Tango’s pent-up dog jizz flooding into her mouth.

The sight of Elaine eagerly swallowing the dog jizz also triggered an instant ejaculation for the prying pervert.

But the attention of both he and Elaine were arrested by the voice of Mrs Richmond calling from the patio, “Elaine darling! Are you there? There’s a phone call for you! It’s Gerald, your beloved: do hurry!”


Mrs Margo Richmond was relaxing in her bath-tub after a trying day at her office.

With her head rested back and her eyes closed she softly sponged her breasts as her thoughts swam around her head.

Her day had started well enough, having carefully dressed in a prim grey formal suit that subtlety showed off her sensual lithesome figure.

She’d had an important staff meeting with her underlings and at 39 she still enjoyed the lecherous admiration from male colleagues, for there was no doubt she was a sexy looking vixen.

That’s what frustrated Margo; she could so easily have an affair. Get some proper cock inside her once again. She was bored with her dildos. She longed for a hot throbbing cock!

But she had worked her attractive butt off to reach the top; while other able females had fallen by the way-side; bogged down in affairs.

No! she was not going to throw it all away on an affair with a man! … or a woman!

Oh yes! … she’d had women make a play for her too!

Lesbianism was all in fashion; but still just as messy; that’s for sure.

Men she came into contact with socially, at the country-club or at concerts, occasionally indicated they were up for a fling with her; seeming to sense she was in a sexless marriage?

It was true; she and George no longer shared a bed; or had sex.

The medication he takes since having his heart bypass gradually drained him of any sexual appetite. So George got himself a dog to share his affections; a chocolate coloured Boxer.

It was a ‘proper man’s dog’ according to George; muscular intelligent and strong.

He’d wanted to call it ‘Nigger’ after the dog from his childhood; but Margo had persuaded him to name him ‘Tango’.

George was still OK with his business and golf buddies though.

He was an independent financial advisor dealing largely with fellow Country Club members. That’s where he was now and Margo didn’t expect him back home before ten this evening.

As for Elaine, she was coming along just fine and was at the Valentine Hop with Gerald. Elaine would marry into a respected family with ‘The Goodfellows’. Margo rose out of the bath and stepped onto the bath-rug.

After mopping herself with a fluffy towel she slipped into her large white terry-towel bathrobe and stood by the hand-basin, brushing her teeth. It was a habit she’d had since her honeymoon; a pre-cursor to love-making.

Then she put on some tasteful jewellery; a pair of drop diamond earrings and a matching chocker necklace.

You see, when Tango reach puberty it was much the same time as her daughter began her periods!

The scent of Elaine’s snatch during her periods was as nectar for Tango.

When coming-in from school, Tango’s snout would poke right up her short skirt and his Todger would come sliding out! ‘Jesus! that was some cock!’

Sometimes his weight would throw the girl; and if Mago hadn’t intervened his snout could have easily penetrated her pussy! Margo would slap his Todger hard; making it retreat!

Elaine was too naïve of the attention to realise.

Margo though was alarmed yet very curious and it wasn’t long before she’d began masturbating over an outrageous idea.

Then came an opportunity to be alone in the house with the big chocolate-brown dog.

Those first steps of making herself available to the dog felt like free-falling from an air-plane; the excitement had been almost unbearable … and then Tango found her cunt just as inviting as her daughter’s! Heaven! ~ ~

Since then Margo had carefully groomed Tango; and tonight, she would go the whole way!

A dinner-date with a dog; candles, napkins the lot!

She entered her bedroom and stood before a mirror. She pulled on a pair of long satin dress-gloves; and felt ready.

She called for Tango.

He padded in from the hall-way where he’d been patiently waiting.

He came into her room and lightly sprang onto her bed; slowly licking his thick seven-inch Todger in anticipation.

Margo sat beside him; stroking and cooing to him; one hand going to his glistening cock; her breasts and nipples tingling.

‘I better fuck him strait away’ she thought;’ make him screw me long and strong!’

Margo knelt doggy-fashion and spread her thighs so he could find her cunt more easily.

He whined excitedly, and smoothly mounted her!

Her hand found his cock and placed it in position and Tango slid his cock powerfully into her snatch without any hesitation.

“Uhhh God!” she groaned.

Margo was thrilled! She’d been hot and ready for it! Otherwise his shaft might have hurt; sliding into a dry cunt.

Tango didn’t give a damn she laughed; once the head of his cock touched her wet hole; he plunged his rod in; all the way to his balls! It was wonderful!

Margo soaked up the penetrating lunges; her earrings and long tits swinging wildly.

He had a rapid rhythm, driving deep into her cunt with every stroke, hunching his back so that his balls swung into Margo’s thighs; it was heavenly!

Eyes closed, face turned upon her forearm, Margo took his hard cock and the jolts of it against her cervix and the grinding gristly shaft across her clit. Her necklace felt too tight!

“Uhhh!” she grunted, and swung her arse furiously, grinding her cunt around the dog’s driving prick, not giving a damn about anything but the hot, blazing excitement of being screwed by a big brown nigger dog!

Margo came in a violent spasm that shook her beautiful tits. Her clit and cunt muscles squeezed down on churning cock that was quaking her.

Her pussy rippled, let go, clamped again, and the flashes of juicy, hot feelings radiated through her.

“Uhhh! Tango you horny bastard! Aaarrhhhh fucking … fuck!!”

George’s large brown dog now pounded his heavy shaft even more savagely into his wife; mixing growls with whines, deep in his chest. Then he climaxed!; … and Margo began sobbing with relief as his sizzling dog juice sloshed into her flexing cunt. ‘Oh … my … big darling … doggy!’

~ Margo’s cry would be clearly audible on the video that her husband George was secretly recording: and at some later stage in the Clubhouse, George and his old buddy Archie Goodfellow would giggle over it together.

Just as they had done with the smart-phone video Archie had taken of his dog fucking Elaine in the garden!

George would get the same satisfaction from watching Tango fuck his wife as if he’d done the job himself! Tango was simply doing the work for him; getting the jobs done that his master found a bit to much to cope with these days.

Tango sure was a real man’s dog.

The End

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