Women with Animals
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(c) 2021 by Wemb17

Daughter’s Story – Synopsis

What I am going to write now is going to come as a shock to Dad or Mum or both. Neither of them know what I have been up to with the other, and there are some things I have done that neither of them know about. In fact the only person who knows about everything that I have done is Robertbi who has either encouraged me to do sexual things or I have told him, and I have trusted him to tell no-one, and so far he has been very true to his word. The only other “person” who knows everything is Patch, our German Shepherd Dog lol. This is only a synopsis of what has happened. The full graphic details will be in further stories.

During lockdown I got very frustrated and the only sexual satisfaction I was getting was from Patch licking my pussy through my knickers. This had to happen before I went to bed because Patch wasn’t allowed to sleep in my bedroom, he always had to sleep in the kitchen. I have got this changed, and Patch is now a regular sexual partner in my bedroom. He often licks my wet cunt which I now offer to him, whilst I enjoy wanking him off, gathering his cum in to a glass which I then drink.

I am 20 years of age, definitely not a virgin but I wouldn’t say I was hugely sexually experienced. The naughtiest thing I had done before lockdown was to wank 4 guys off and get them all to spunk over my large naked tits. I have also had a couple of lesbian experiences.

My sexual incest and full bestality liberation began during Lockdown 3 in England. Dad was often on the computer late at night after Mum had gone to bed, and I was usually on the sofa watching TV. I presumed that Dad was “up to no good” because he only went on the computer when Mum was out or she had gone to bed. It turned out that he was regularly chatting to a guy called Robertbi so it didn’t take much education to gather what he was talking about although this came as a big shock to me because I had only ever thought of him as being straight. It turned out that he had also been talking about me, and one night Robertbi asked if he could talk to me. This began my sexual “downfall”.

I found Robertbi very easy to talk to and we both got each other sexually excited. This led to me within a week of first chatting to him of fucking my cunt with my fingers and squirting, exposing my tits to my Dad, Dad spunking all over my tits, and then over my shoulder as I wanked him off. The following Saturday when Mum had gone shopping Dad caught Patch licking my open cunt. This led to Dad fucking me for the very first time, not only bareback but spunking direct in to my womb, then him helping Patch to cum in my mouth.

Dad & I have fucked many times since, on my bed, over the computer table, on his car bonnet, in the local woods and most daring of all in the kitchen when Mum has been in the next room. I have also fucked Patch as well now, assisted by Dad holding his big cock so that it enters my pussy. I just love the feeling of dog sex, especially the amount of cum that dogs produce. However, it is not only me that Patch has now fucked. He has fucked both Dad, he loves it as he imagines that it is a male cock whilst very recently Mum has joined in the Patch family fuck. This was the biggest shock of all as I always knew Mum as being a boring frigid cow. We never got on very well until recently when we have started to have lesbian sex. Dad doesn’t have a clue about this but he has mentioned that Mum & I have started to get on better recently but he doesn’t have a clue why lol (well unless he reads this).

Mum caught me one night with my tits out downstairs but I told her that I was checking for lumps and she believed me, she was so gullible. However she didn’t know that I had my soaking wet knickers stuffed up my cunt whilst I got her to feel me for any lumps. This was purely for my sexual gratification and not any health reasons.

I have also found out that Mum is not the sexual novice I thought she was. She may have been frigid for many years but when she was only 15 she was fucking dogs and licking her sister’s pussy. Dad has also fucked his own Mum who despite being married to a Vicar was a sexual bunny, as was the Vicar who had his own party trick with his big cock.

I have not fucked my ass yet in real sex but I have used Mum’s hairbrush to do it when it has just been Robertbi and I alone, and we have got so turned on together. I can’t wait to try it for real but I am not sure who should be my first, Dad or Patch.

Lockdown has now been relaxed and I am back at college and able to see my friends again. However, my family sex is continuing and I hope that it does for a long time yet. I am getting all sorts of different sex and I love it. Now that travel is allowed again I am hoping that Robertbi will come down to visit us as I so want to see him fuck Dad, then him fuck my wet cunt which will be dripping after masturbating to them sucking and fucking each other. I think that he also wants to try Doggy sex, after all, why should he be left out. Perhaps then when Dad goes to work he will fuck Mum, even though she has said she is now not in to men anymore. If she sees him fucking me she will hopefully want a piece of his big manhood.


Daughter’s Story  – Part I

This story starts early during Lockdown 3 in England. As I didn’t have to go to College, lessons had moved on-line, I often stayed up later than normal, and this normally involved watching TV on the sofa whilst Dad was on the computer. He spent a lot of time on the computer when Mum had gone to bed, which was usually earlier than a married woman should go, but it gave me peace. I didn’t particularly get on with Mum and haven’t done for quite a while. Dad was my favourite even though he was just my Dad, nothing more.

One Tuesday night, Dad unexpectedly asked me if would I like to speak to a “friend” of his on a Sex forum. I wasn’t naive enough not to know what a Sex forum was, but I hadn’t been on one before. Having been locked down for early 9 months at that stage I thought I could do with a big of fun and to see what happened on a Sex forum, so I said yes. What I didn’t expect was that the Username of the person I was going to chat to was Robertbi, and that Dad had deleted all of the previous chat. He obviously didn’t want me to know what he had been talking about, but seeing the Username I could guess. I never ever thought that Dad had any gay tendencies, I thought he was totally straight. Was he bi/gay or was it just a fantasy?

Anyway I started to chat with Robertbi, and we exchanged pleasantries, finding out about each other. I asked him about Dad but he wouldn’t disclose anything which I thought was very good of him. I thought it would just be a short chat but the time went on. The chat got more sexual and I started to get really turned on. Was this really happening? Robertbi then asked me to get my tits out. Without thinking I pulled up my night shirt to reveal my big tits almost forgetting that Dad had swapped seats with me. I looked over at him but he was engrossed in the TV. Fuck I felt sexy and hot. I started to feel dampness in my knickers and my nipples were getting bigger. The chat with Robertbi started to get even sexier and I started to finger fuck my cunt with 2 fingers. I was sopping. Here I was, a 20 year old girl getting sexua!ly excited by a middle aged bi guy on a Sex Forum. I started to finger my cunt even more, my knickers were pulled to one side. I thought that taking them off was going too far. Shit, I was going to cum and squirt. My rubbing got faster until I squirted all over the chair. The dripping of my cum off the chair on to the floor was not ideal. I was going to have to clean it up somehow. I got off the chair to start to clean up when I noticed what a mess I had made on the chair. It was at this point that Dad spotted me and asked what had happened. I had no option but to tell him the truth, he smiled and helped me clean up.

The following night Dad was once again on the computer when he said that he needed to walk Patch, our German Shepherd Dog, and would I like to chat to Robertbi again. I said yes, hoping that he would turn me on again. Dad took Prince out and he was gone for about 45 minutes. When he came back he couldn’t believe the sight before his eyes. I had taken my night shirt off and was playing with my big tits. I didn’t care about what I was doing. I looked at Dad’s crotch and saw that he was getting a hard-on. I didn’t say anything as he went and sat on the sofa. I then proceeded to play with my pussy, and because the TV wasn’t on Dad could hear the squelching noises coming out of my very wet cunt. I could see that now he was looking at me and his erection was getting bigger, this only turned me on even more and led me to say “do you need to do something with that?” He started to go very red, and asked me what I meant. I said “it looks like you have problems there and if you don’t do something with your big cock soon you are going to be in even more pain. Cum and unleash your hot sticky spunk all over my tits”. I think he thought I was joking but he could tell by the look on my face that I was serious. He walked over to the chair and started wanking hard in the direction of my large tits. I was frigging myself so hard hoping to get him off quickly. I could see by the look on his face he was close to cumming so to finish him off I said “cum on Daddy, give your slut Daughter your spunk, I need it, fuck my tits”. He then exploded his spunk all over my tits, there was loads of it, I had never seen so much spunk before even when 4 guys spunked over my tits at the same time. Dad had beaten 4 young lads, what a man. I felt so hot and sticky, it was amazing. After about 2 minutes of the amazing feeling I thought that I had better clean up, so I just picked up my night shirt off the floor and used it to clean up the spunk off my tits. By the time I had finished it was soaked, as wet as my knickers were. Dad and I just looked at each other and said “time for bed”, we said nothing else. Even though it was late I couldn’t sleep so I ended up masturbating myself to orgasm again just reliving what had happened earlier. Being the slut I was starting to become I slept in my cum soaked night shirt and knickers.

I was starting to get addicted to my chatting with Robertbi and what he was doing to me that the following night I asked Dad if he could log on to the forum for me. Dad said “I will leave you to it” and took Patch out for a walk. This time his walk was even longer and when he came back I was naked, and playing with my tits and cunt. He looked at me and said “having a good time?” . This was the most ridiculous question of all time lol. He asked what Robertbi did to get me so excited so I told him to come and stand behind me so he could see what we were talking about. My chat with Robertbi was getting dirtier all the time as was my language to him, and him to me. We both find that dirty talk got us both even hornier. The chat descended in to pure filth and I felt something prodding in to my shoulder, Dad’s big cock. I turned to him and said “Dad, take your trousers and pants down”. His hands never moved so quickly. I then leant back and for the first time ever took Dad’s massive cock in my hand and started wanking him. I was gent!e with him as I knew it wouldn’t take long for him to cum. After a couple of minutes Dad said “I’m cumming”, I didn’t say anything. I removed my hand and Dad came all over my shoulder. I could feel it dripping down my back, so as to avoid it dripping on to the chair and the floor I moved my hand to stem the flow. I now had Dad’s cum on my fingers. What should I do with it? There was only one thing to do, put my fingers in my mouth, God it tasted good. I went back for some more and just smiled at Dad who looked as if he was going to explode again. After a final bit of cleaning up we both went to bed again.


Daughter’s Story – Part II

The following week and a bit Dad & I were fairly quiet with each other, both probably thinking about what had happened but neither of us wanted to talk about it. I also had a falling out with Robertbi when I thought he started to get too clever and sophisticated, but I decided that I had over reacted due to it being my period, so I apologized to him after a few days of being off the forum.

The following Saturday I went on to the forum when Mum had gone shopping. Dad was in another room whilst Patch sat in the corner of the room. Having apologised to Robertbi I just wanted to get dirty with him because after a week or so of “no sex” I was fucking horny. The chat soon went “downhill” when I told him that during lockdown Patch had occasionally licked my pussy through my knickers. This really turned Robertbi on as he said that he had never chatted to anybody before who was in to dogs in any form. I told him that it was just like a human licking my pussy apart from the fact that Patch’s tongue was rougher than a human’s and far bigger. He asked me where Patch was, and I told him he was in the corner of the room. He told me to call him over, open my legs and get Patch to lick me. I thought “why not”, Mum is not here and Dad is in another room so I quietly called Patch over, opened my legs, and because he could smell my sex juices and had done it before he knew exactly what to do. He licked me for about 5 minutes whilst I described the feeling to Robertbi who then told me to pull my knickers to one side so that Patch could lick my open cunt. Without thinking about it I did and my life was about to change for ever. Wow, what an incredible feeling, I had never felt anything like it before. My legs were akimbo over the arms of the chair as Patch’s tongue started to get further in to my wet pussy, my sex juices were exploding over his face and he was just licking them up. I started to orgasm big time and without thinking I was saying quite loudly “lick my cunt Patch, good boy, lick my pussy, deeper, fuck, oh fuck”. I then noticed somebody standing in the doorway, eyes on stalks. Dad was standing there, don’t know how long he had been there, but basically, I didn’t fucking care, I was having the best sex and orgasm of my life. Dad just looked at me and said “I’ll get a towel” .

Dad fetched a towel, I took it and tried to stick it on the chair, not easy when you have a big dog licking your pussy. In any case I think the damage had already been done to the chair. Dad just stood their watching, obviously not believing what he was seeing. I couldnt take anymore of Patch because I wanted something else, I thought, so I pushed Patch away, said “Patch, corner” and he went off to the corner of the room. I called Dad over, undid his trousers, took his pants down, and his cock stood in front of me erect like a flag pole. I wanted it in my mouth so badly so I opened my mouth and said “Dad, fuck my mouth”. Dad didn’t even think about it, and proceeded to fuck my mouth. He tasted so nice, and he was so big I was struggling to fit it all in. All the time I was still trying to chat to Robertbi on the forum, not easy when she are in the middle of an orgasm or have an enormous cock in your mouth. I had never felt so horny in my mouth but I had a massive decision to make. So far Dad had spunked over my tits, I had wanked him off, now I was giving him a blow job, was this incest or just sex. However the next step WOULD be Incest but I wanted full sex with Dad or did I? It was so wrong but I was so fucking horny. I asked Robertbi what I should do. He was no help, saying that he couldn’t tell me what to do in this situation, it was MY decision. This to and fro continued for about 5 minutes, all the time I was getting hornier and wetter. Eventually I told him to make a decision, he said “Fuck him”. This was what I wanted to hear. I said to Dad “stop”, I got up out of the chair, leant over the desk, pushed my knickers down to my ankles, and told Dad “fuck me, fuck my pussy”. He hesitated for a moment knowing that we were about to overstep a line but then he did what I wanted, to be honest it was what I had wanted since I was 15, he moved up behind me and thrust his big fat cock inside my wet cunt. At this I became an animal, “fuck me Daddy, fuck your slutty Daughter, give me your big fat cock up my fucking cunt, fuck me”. He felt so big inside me, every dirty word I said made his cock even bigger, so I continued “fuck me Daddy, you know you have always wanted this, I fucking need you, my cunt is so fucking wet, rip my cunt apart, give me your spunk”. Dad continued to pound away, this was the best fuck of my life. He said “I ‘m cumming, I ‘m going to shoot” , to which I replied “give me your spunk, cum in my slutty womb, spunk your Daughter Daddy”. He then proceeded to fill me with torrents of hot sticky spunk, even more than had he had shot over my tits. Fuck, I felt so slutty but so good. However I wanted more spunk.

“Dad, I need more, I want more spunk, I am a whore, give me more” I said to him. However he said that he was totally gone, so there was only one option, Patch. My cunt was sore so I wasn’t ready for my first doggy fuck but I needed spunk, so it was going to have to be a doggy wank and possibly blow job, if I could go that far, but the mood I was in I might have done anything. I laid on the floor and called over Patch and started stroking him nicely then moved my hand to his sheath. I tenderly caressed his sheath until his cock started to peek out. With my gentle urgings his cock started to get bigger until it was nearly fully erect. His penis felt so warm in my hand and being so bigger than a male penis I encouraged Dad to give me a hand wanking him. I needed his spunk before I came to my senses so there on our living room floor was a Daughter and Dad wanking off the family dog. I wanted Patch to cum in my mouth so that I had spunk running throughout all of my body with human and canine spunk meeting in the middle. I needed to feel Patch in my mouth so I took his cock in to my mouth and sucked the little amount I could get in. We could see Patch’s knot getting bigger which meant only one thing, he was close to cumming. I so wanted him to cum in my mouth so I told Dad to continue wanking him whilst I continued to suck his big knob. His panting got louder and some cum started to dribble out so Dad wanked him even faster and then it came, torrents and torrents of dog spunk. However, being a dog, and like most males (lol) he wasn’t the most accurate shot so even though a lot of his spunk went down my throat, wow it tasted good, not as salty as male spunk, some of it went over my face and in my hair. I looked a mess, in fact I looked like a slut that I had been for the last hour.

We had lost track of time but we knew that Mum must be back from shopping any time soon, only essential shops like supermarkets were allowed to be open, so we thought that we had better clean up the mess we, well mainly I, had created. The chair was going to be a difficult one to sort out as anyone who has squirted over anything knows it stains, so Dad said that he would tell Mum he had spilt a drink. I was still naked with cum all over me when we heard Mum’s car pull up so I rushed in to the toilet, picking up my clothes on the way, not that there were many of them as I hadn’t bothered to change out of my night shirt all day. I sat on the toilet and felt cum dripping out of my cunt, it felt so good. However, the spunk in my hair and on my face was going to be more difficult to get rid off without a shower, so I thought that I had better go and have one. I heard no-one outside so I thought it was safe to creep upstairs in to the shower. Wrong, I opened the door and Mum was coming down the hallway. My life flashed before my eyes, how the fuck am I going to explain my look. Even my frigid Mum could smell the sex coming off me and see the cum in my hair, it was like a bird had shit on my head, but no, the thick cow told me off for still having my night shirt on. This was my “get out of jail” card, I said ” I am sorry, I was just going to have a shower and change”. She said “be quick, tea will be ready in half an hour”. Thick fucking bitch!


Mum’s Story

My name is Amy, wife of Simon, daughter of Kate. I have been sexually starved for many years, mainly my fault, until the last few weeks.

About a month or so ago I came downstairs late at night to get a drink from the kitchen when I saw Kate at the laptop with her night shirt off and her large tits fully exposed. I said “Kate, what do you think you are doing?” , and she replied by saying “I am checking my breasts for any lumps”. Being sexually naive for many years I didn’t think anymore of this, especially when she asked me to help her to check for any lumps. I did this, I hadn’t felt any tits for many years, more of this later, but I did notice Kate’s nipples starting to get erect which slightly excited me but I did not say anything. Kate thanked me for helping her and I went to get my drink and back to bed. To say that Kate and I had a difficult relationship was an understatement, she is definitely closer to her Dad.

A couple of weeks later Kate was in her bedroom when I went in to her room to take some clean clothes. She said “Mum, can you show me how to feel properly for any lumps in my breasts”. It seemed a strange request as she had only checked them a couple of weeks ago, but I felt that it is better to be safe so I said “ok, take off your top and bra”. I gave Kate a good feel, all over her breasts. She seemed to be enjoying it rather than checking what I was doing. I hate to say it but I started to get some dampness in my knickers, this hadn’t happened for many years. After I finished Kate said that she should check mine. I said I suppose that it is best to check as well, so I took off my blouse and bra. Looking back now I was extremely quick to do this. I hadn’t exposed my breasts to anyone for many years, not even my husband.

Kate was extremely keen with her hands, rather too keen I felt but I was enjoying it. My dampness was increasing, then all of a sudden I felt a cold feeling on my thigh. It couldn’t have been my sex juices because I was damp but not leaking. The feeling moved further up my thigh then on to my knickers. What was it? I looked down and Patch, our German Shepherd dog, had poked his nose under my skirt and was now licking my knickers. It felt so good and brought back many happy memories of when I was a teenager. This will all be explained in my next story. Despite my enjoyment I was feeling embarrassment especially with Kate feeling my tits, what must she think. I pulled up my skirt so that I could open my legs wider to give Patch better access to my knickers which were now sopping wet through his tongue and my sex juices. I started to orgasm and my body started to shake. Patch was going harder and harder on my pussy and I noticed myself slipping down the bed. Kate had removed her hands, not that I needed anything else to help me cum. I could feel Patch’s rough tongue through my wet knickers they were so wet. By now I was flat out on the floor, my whole body convulsing, something that hasn’t happened to me for nearly 40 years. I started to scream “get him off me, stop him”. I didn’t want it to happen but I thought that I might die as my body was doing things it hadn’t for many years. Kate dragged Patch off me and out of the room.

I was flat out on the bedroom floor looking totally disheveled, tits out, skirt revealing totally soaked knickers. How do I explain to Kate what just happened. I looked over to her, and said sorry, I don’t know what happened there. She had a big smile on her face. She said “it’s ok Mum, come here and put your hand in my knickers”. I said “I can’t do that, I am your Mum”. She persisted, and eventually I thought the only thing that would keep her quiet would be to do it. I went and sat next to her, and put my hand in her knickers. Her pussy was soaking. She told me that it was so hot watching what had just happened she had cum in her pants. I not only felt her pussy I inserted two fingers inside. She felt so hot, her nipples erect, my pussy was on fire. She took my fingers out of her pussy and licked them. That felt so slutty, but I was loving every minute of it. We then heard keys in the front door, Simon had returned from having his Coronavirus jab. We quickly put our clothes on, and told him that I was in Kate’s room having just brought the washing up. Fortunately he did not come upstairs otherwise he may have been asking why we both looked so flustered.

For the next week Kate and I were quiet with each other, probably feeling awkward with each other. As I have said previously we did not have the strongest of Mother/Daughter relationships. Then one morning after her Dad had gone to work early Kate came in to my room and got in to bed. She snuggled up closely to me and I really enjoyed the feeling as she started to stroke me. She started to kiss me and play with my tits and I didn’t stop her. I then said “Kate, I have something to tell you”. I decided to tell her about my past which would come as a big shock to her.

” Kate, when Patch licked me last week it wasn’t the first time I have been licked by a dog, in fact it has happened many times when I was younger. We lived on a farm, and one day I went out in to an outhouse and I saw your Aunty (my sister is 2 years older than me) having sex with our dog Fido. She was 17, I was 15. I was in shock, said it was gross and I was going to tell Mum and Dad. She said it is not, it is great, dogs have massive dicks and they can’t get you pregnant. She said sit down and watch. I did as she said and it was very sexy. I started getting aroused and began to play with myself. Sis said “” do you want me to help? “” , and she went down on me to start licking my vagina, so now not only was I watching my sister having sex with our dog I was having incest sex with her. Over the next few weeks the same thing happened many times. Your Aunty then got me to enjoy Fido licking my vagina before progressing to me having sex with a dog. All of this time your Aunty and I were having sex together. I am ashamed to say it but it was the hottest and sexiest time of my life “.

I could see that Kate was shocked but had also enjoyed what I said because her nipples were very big. She took off her night shirt and I could see that her knickers were very wet. I was very aroused and also took my night shirt off, then without thinking my knickers. I told Kate that even though I was happy when I had married her Dad, over the past few years my feelings were back more towards girls even though I had never done anything about it but she had rekindled passion in me that I thought had gone forever. Kate gave me a massive kiss, not a Mother/Daughter kiss but a girlfriend kiss. We held each other tight, our near naked bodies caressing each other, when I shocked even myself. I said “Kate, I want to have sex with Patch, see if it is still as good as ever with a dog”. I couldn’t believe what I had just said and there is no way that I would have even thought about it a couple of weeks ago, but Patch licking my vagina and feeling Kate’s sexy body had made me ache for sex again, and besides, I had many years of catching up to do. I asked Kate if she thought that Patch would know what to do. She said that I am sure he will and she will assist him.

Kate went to fetch Patch whilst I laid on the bed on my back with my legs wider open. I thought that if Patch licked my vagina first he would get erect and be ready to have sex with me. Patch didn’t need much encouragement to lick me, his big rough tongue licking all the way from my anus to the top of my vagina. I started to have my first orgasm when Kate said “I think he is ready, get in to the doggy position”. I moved towards the end of the bed, got on to all fours and waited. Kate guided him in to my wet vagina, and he started to pound me hard. The way he went about it he obviously knew what he was doing. I looked over at Kate and she was sitting on the chair fingering herself. She had a massive smile on her face whilst mine felt contorted as Patch’s knot entered my vagina. He felt so big it felt as if he was going to come out of my stomach. Then it happened, his first burst of cum exploded in to my womb as I screamed. It kept cumming, torrents of the stuff filling up my womb until I felt as if I was pregnant again. Eventually he finished but he had to wait for his knot to go down before he could get out of my vagina. Spunk was oozing out of my vagina when Kate came over and started licking my vagina. Wow she was good, bringing me to orgasm again very quickly. Her tongue lapped up all of mine and Patch’s juices. Her face was covered in my sex juices as she came up to kiss me. At that moment I forgot about her being my Daughter, just an amazing sexy lover.

A week later late at night I went downstairs and Kate was on the computer with her tits out of her bra and no knickers on. Without even thinking about it or the consequences I went down on her and licked her wet vagina. She tasted so sweet but different, almost a doggy taste, but I didn’t say anything to her. I asked her who she was talking to and she said it was a lovely middle aged guy who she enjoyed getting naughty with. She told me to take my night shirt off which I did, so all I was wearing was a pair of white cotton knickers which were getting wetter by the minute. Kate then said that the guy wanted her to lick me, but she said that the only way it was possible was if we swapped positions which would mean me going on the forum. I had never been on a Sex Forum before so was very nervous of what to expect. I noticed that there was no “history chat” so I don’t know what Kate had been talking about but I didn’t care. I introduced myself and said that Kate was licking my wet vagina. The guy “Robertbi” said that “vagina” was a very old word. I had never used bad language even during sex but without thinking I typed “she is licking my wet cunt”. Another taboo broken, and it got better as I said to Kate “fuck my cunt”. My pussy juices exploded as I said it and Kate looked up at me and smiled. “Fuck me Kate, fuck my cunt” I continued as I typed with one hand and played with my small nipples with the other. I orgasmed again all over Kate’s face, and this time I licked my juices off her face. We both then came to senses and decided we should go to our beds before we got caught and would have a lot of explaining to do.


Dad’s Story

My name is Simon and I had been chatting with a guy called Robertbi on a sex chat forum. We are both in our 50’s and have enjoyed both men and women over the years. My hottest gay sex was in a toilet in Germany when I was fucked over the toilet by a very large young German cock with many German guys watching through the open cubicle door. The sex was amazing as he fucked my ass twice dumping large loads of spunk in my ass. Robertbi and I discussed this and other gay sex and how much we missed guys during lockdown.

After a couple of weeks of chatting I mentioned about my Daughter sitting on the sofa whilst I was on the laptop at the table. Kate is 20 and has a very large pair of tits. She usually just sat there in her night shirt and knickers watching TV. Robertbi asked if he could speak to Kate, so I mentioned it to her never thinking that she would want to chat to a stranger on a sex forum. However, she was well up for it. I removed the previous chat so that Kate knew nothing about my gay adventures before she started chatting to Robertbi. I expected this to be a very short chat but it continued for ages. After about an hour I saw that Kate had lifted up her night shirt and was playing with her tits. I tried not to look but my cock was getting excited. Kate then moved her hand inside her knickers playing with her pussy. What the fuck was she talking about with Robert? She then pulled her knickers to one side, inserted two fingers inside her wet cunt frigging away hard until she squirted. Her pussy juices were all over the chair, they would take some cleaning. I couldn’t believe what my Daughter had just done. I had never seen her like this before.

The following night Robertbi and I were chatting again when he asked if Kate was there again. Knowing that they may be chatting for some time I decided to take Patch, our German Shepherd dog, out for a walk. When I got back 30 minutes later and went in to the front room Karen was naked, with fingers in her cunt again. Her nipples looked massive, which my cock was very quickly. I sat down on the sofa trying to hide my massive erection. Karen quickly noticed, and said “Dad, you can see my tits and wet pussy, show me your cock”. I was in disbelief at what Kate had just said, but if I didn’t release it from my trousers I was going to be in so much pain so I took my trousers and pants down. My cock was rock hard, with pre cum seeping out. Kate then said “Dad, I want you to wank over my tits”. Who wasn’t thinking right here, me or my Daughter? “Come on Dad, I need your hot cum over my tits” Kate said. Well one doesn’t get an offer like this every day so I spunked all over her massive tits, it was everywhere. I don’t think I had ever cum as much. Kate said “wow, that is more than 4 guys spunked on to me combined”. I was very pleased with myself but at the same time thinking what else has Kate done if 4 guys wanked over her tits at the same time.

Kate couldn’t get enough of chatting to Robertbi and the following night when I got back from walking Patch I said to her what do you and Robertbi talk about as once again she had her tits out. She said come here, stand behind me and have a look. I went and stood behind her, and she was certainly having a very graphic sexual conversation. I then felt Kate move her hands to my trousers and undo them. She told me to take them down which I did. She took my hard cock in her hand, and began to wank me off. Her hand felt so good on my cock, and she started to wank me hard. Obviously having wanked 4 guys at once before she knew what she w Zas doing. Before long I exploded my cum all over her shoulder. She told Robertbi what had just happened, and he told her to lick up some of the cum which she did. The last 2 nights had been incredible but this was nothing to what was come the following weekend.

The following Saturday my wife Amy had gone shopping so Kate said could she go on chat and see if Robertbi was on-line as she was feeling horny. I logged on for her, and went to do some work on the house. After about 30 minutes I went in to see Kate to see how she was getting on, basically I wanted to see if she was naked. These are not the right thoughts of a father but after what had happened earlier in the week I was thinking with my cock rather than my head.

However, what I saw shocked even me. Kate had her legs akimbo over the chair and Patch, our German Shepherd dog, was licking her naked cunt. Her knickers were on but she had pulled them across to reveal her wet cunt. Kate didn’t even notice me initially such was her state of sexual excitment. My cock was ripping at the seams of my trousers watching this. Kate’s tits were out of her night shirt. She hasn’t bothered to get dressed when she got up. I said “Kate was is going on”, despite her not wanting her to stop. She said “Patch was licking my pussy through my knickers, and I told Robert, who told me to pull them to one side. This is incredible, the most amazing feeling I have ever had”. It looked as if Kate was in a continuous state of sexual frenzy, and all I could do was watch. The more Kate came the more Patch licked her dripping cunt. I thought my cock was big in the week now it was even bigger watching this. However, the size of my cock was nothing compared to Patch’s that was fully erect with his own sexual excitement.

Eventually Patch finished, and he went and laid down in the corner of the room. Kate said sorry, then said that it wasn’t the first time that Patch had licked her pussy but it was the first time he had ever licked her naked pussy. Previously it had always been through her knickers. I was in shock again but I was loving every minute of this sexual liberation of my Daughter. I often wondered what this smell was on Kate’s knickers when I got them out of the wash basket to smell and lick, now I know.

Kate was still in a state of sexual exctasy when she just said “Dad, I want you to fuck me”. Now this was going too far. I was happy to spunk on her tits, have her wank me off and she get licked by our pet dog, but fucking her, no. She was my Daughter, I was married to her mother although it is now a sexless marriage, it is wrong on so many fronts. “Dad, please, I need you to fuck my wet cunt, I want you so much, I know you want it”. She was right, I did want it, but I couldnt. Kate then got off the chair, leant over the desk, and said “Daddy, you telling me you don’t want this?” . At this point my cock took over. I took down my trousers and pants, took my throbbing cock in to my hand and proceeded to enter Kate’s wet pussy. She was so wet my cock slipped in so easily. “Daddy, that is so good, fuck me, fuck my wet cunt, fuck your slut of a daughter”. Her dirty language was turning me on even more. My cock felt so big, I was amazed that I didn’t cum immediately. Somehow I managed to last about 3 minutes which is not very long but seeing the situation I was very happy with. As I was about to cum I told Kate that I was, and she said “impregnate me Daddy, giving me your fucking spunk, give it to me, oh Daddy, it feels so fucking good”. I emptied my balls of spunk direct in to Kate’s womb not thinking of the consequences.

I was done with but Kate wanted more. She wanted more spunk but I had no more to give. There was only one thing that would do, Patch. Kate got on to the floor and called Patch over. His cock was still out of it’s sheath, but not fully erect. Kate started stroking his cock and it started to get bigger. She then became the ultimate slut by taking his cock in to her mouth. She took as much of his cock as she could in her mouth, whilst I started to get involved in this sordid situation by wanking Patch. His knot started to get bigger. Kate continued to suck, I continued to wank, then I felt a tenseness in his cock, and a gag from Kate. Patch had started to unleash his spunk in to Karen’s mouth, and he continued to do this for at least 2 minutes. Her mouth was full, it started to squirt out of her mouth as she couldn’t take any more and pushed Patch out of her mouth. However, he wasn’t finished and he finished off by spunking all over Kate’s face and hair. She looked like a total slut. She looked at me, and said “Daddy, that was fucking amazing. My womb and stomach are full of spunk, human and animal. I am a slut, but I don’t fucking care. I needed that, lockdown has been sending me crazy”. Perhaps that is what it was, lockdown.

My cock had started to get erect again but I knew that the wife would be back from shopping very shortly, and we had a !of of mess to clean up. Well, I did, as Kate was in no state to do it. She had spunk coming out of all of holes so she went in to the toilet to get rid of some of it and to be out of her Mum’s way when she got back. Unfortunately when she got back Kate and her Mum bumped in to each other on on the stairs. Her Mum told her off for not getting dressed and still being in her night shirt but didn’t notice the spunk all over her face and hair. Kate’s quote “thick frigid bitch didn’t even notice the spunk, just told me off for not getting dressed, stupid cow”. Later that evening Kate and I finally came to a sensible decision in that we needed to go to the Chemist the following morning for the “Morning After” pill.

The following morning Kate told her Mum that she wasn’t feeling very well, not surprising as she was full of human and dog cum, and that she had asked Dad to take her in to town to get some “tablets”. I was surprised to see Kate wearing a summer skirt as the weather was still quite cold but it all became clear on the journey in to town. On the way Kate started lifting her skirt up and playing with her pussy. Her legs got more open, and I could see that she was trying to shock me. Then she said “Dad, yesterday was amazing, I want you to fuck me again. I need to feel your big cock inside my cunt”. This wasn’t exactly helping my driving as I was struggling to concentrate as my eyes veered to what Kate was doing. I asked Kate how she suggested that I fuck her. She said “pull in to the next lay-by and fuck me over the car bonnet”. This would be very visible to passing motorists but Kate was insistent. I pulled in to the next lay-by, Kate put her hands on the hot car bonnet, pulled up her skirt, pushed her knickers to one side and said “Come on Daddy, I am ready”. My cock was throbbing, and once again my cock was overruling my brain, so I undid my zip, got my rock hard cock out and proceeded to fuck Kate’s very wet pussy. I put my hands inside her top, and pushed up her bra so I could hold on to her tits, and proceeded to fuck her roughly which she loved. The thrill of motorists seeing us made my cock even harder, along with Kate’s dirty language. Eventually we both climaxed together, and I shot more of my hot spunk in to Karen’s womb.

We got back in to the car, and Kate took off her knickers, confusing me yet again. She went in to the chemists, and came out with a big smile on her face. I said “did you get what you wanted and what are you smiling about?” . She said she that she did, and that when she was in the queue she had an old couple behind her, and she could feel the spunk running out of her cunt and down her leg. She asked for the morning after pill in a loud voice and turned to the couple behind with a big smile on her face, leant down to her leg with her finger and licked up some of my cum. She said that the look on the old couple’s face was priceless. My daughter had become a slut, but this was only the start of it.


Daughter’s Story – Part III

Dad and I continued to fuck whenever we could. We didn’t always need the assistance of Robertbi on the Sex Forum to get us hot and horny. Any time Mum was out of the house we would fuck, often on my bed with Dad either fucking me doggy or me riding on his big cock with him facing me. That was the sexiest because Dad had to look at me when he fucked my cunt with his big cock. He fondled my tits and sometimes kissed me in a sexy way, not kisses of a Father and Daughter. Even naughtier we sometimes fucked when Mum was in the house. Being a young adult I always had my phone with me, and I would be sitting in the living room with Mum and Dad when I would text Dad asking him how his cock was. Was it hard and if so did he want to fuck my wet pussy? I would tease him by licking my lips, discreetly rubbing my pussy, flicking my hand across my nipples to get his cock even bigger in preparation of fucking me. I always made sure that I would be wearing a skirt on these occasions to ensure that Dad had easy access and in case of an emergency like Mum coming in I could just lower my skirt. Dad and I would go in to the kitchen where he would fuck me up against the wall, pulling up my skirt then my knickers to one side where he would find a very wet cunt. I would try and wrap my legs around Dad so that I could feel his cock hard penis deeper in my pussy and so that he could feel my big tits against him. This was very much “quicky” sex and this Dad would sometimes not cum did to the time window available, but sometimes he would. when he did cum to make me feel even dirtier I would just pull my knickers back across my pussy keeping Dad’s spunk inside my knickers with some of it dribbling down my legs as I went back in to the front room. I would just sit back on to the sofa sometimes sitting next to Mum so that she could smell my sex but she never noticed anything. As I have said previously she wouldn’t know what sex was even if a 12 inch cock was dangling in front of her face.

Patch started to spend a lot more time in my room and I managed to convince Dad to let him sleep in my room at night when I “needed” him. Patch would pick my cunt mainly through my knickers but if I was very horny I would take off my knickers to let him lick my naked cunt. His big rough tongue licking my wet cunt from my ass to my clit drove me to orgasm very quickly but I had to try and be quiet so as not to wake Mum and Dad. I also regularly started to wank Patch when I collected his spunk in a glass which I then drank. I didn’t want to “blow” him when I was alone as I thought that there was no way I would be able to control my bodily functions and the risk of anything going wrong. I couldn’t believe how much of a slut I had become but more was to come.

As Dad and I got closer spending more time together we became more honest with each other and I started to ask Dad about his sex life. He never said anything about his gay experiences. I still didn’t know at this stage if it was still a fantasy of his or her been reality but what he did tell me shocked me greatly. My Gran who I loved dearly was married to a Vicar who had a massive cock, so Dad told me. Dad said that when he was a teenager he would sometimes spy on his Mum and Dad (Gran and Grandad) when they had sex if they had left their bedroom door open which happened usually when they had too much to drink. They had a very hot sex life, unbecoming of a Vicar, and Grandad had such a big cock he was able to suck himself. Whilst doing this Gran would lay on the bed naked playing with her big tits, something we have in common, and wet pussy. Whilst they played and fucked Dad would be peeping through the bedroom playing with his young cock that he took out of his pyjamas.

However, what he told me next was the biggest shock. He told me that when he was a teen he had fucked Gran. I thought I had got my hormones from Dad perhaps it was Gran. Grandad often went away regularly on Church business, and it turns out that Gran was a horny fucker. Unbeknown to Dad she had seen him wanking outside their bedroom door on occasions so she knew for his age he had a pretty big cock. Apparently she had masturbated about his cock both when Grandad was sucking himself and when she was alone when he was away with the Church. Being married to a Vicar she had very strong morals but she also loved sex and the thought of her son’s cock became too tempting in the end. When Grandad was away she invited Dad in to her bedroom and Dad’s descent in to hell began. When Dad told me this my own wicked mind switched in to overdrive and I started to role play as Gran. I couldn’t totally dress as her but when I was with Dad on my own I would turn him on by saying “How I am looking today son, your Dad is away and my pussy is wet, do you want to fuck Mummy, I need you, Mummy’s cunt is so wet, fuck Mummy, Mummy needs you know”. This worked best on Dad when he was driving although it wasn’t probably the best idea as he struggled to concentrate on his driving. However I loved it as I could see his cock growing in his crotch, struggling to stop within his trousers. I would stroke him as he drove whilst fingering my wet cunt as I spread my legs to show him my wet panties. He would call me a fucking tease, a fucking whore but all this did was to turn me on even more. Sometimes I would show him my tits dependent upon what I was wearing, all the time knowing that we would end up having great sex. We would pull over in to a lay-by or the local woods and have dirty sex up against a free or the car. Sometimes he would push me against the car and fuck me doggy on the car bonnet, whilst sometimes he would push me up against a free and fuck me whilst looking in to my eyes. All the time I would be saying things like “fuck your Mum, your Mum is a dirty whore who needs a big fucking cock, I have seen you spying on me you bad son now repay me, give Mum your huge cock”. I am ashamed to say all of this occurred bareback and I wasn’t on the pill so our trip would end with a detour to the chemist to get more Morning After Pills. I should have had my own seat in the chemists I was such a regular visitor.

I used my role play as a Mum on Robertbi as well when we chatted on the forum. He had never actually fucked his Mum and wasn’t really in to it the first time but the second time and beyond he loves it. My other great role play with him was playing a 15 year old, the age when I really started to feel horny and wanted to fuck Dad. It took me 5 years to fuck him but I got there in the end. However, my depraved few weeks was about to take an ever more sexier turn .


Daughter’s Story – Part IV

Fucking Dad regularly, role playing with him, wanking Patch, having him lick my cunt, was all very exciting and naughty and was generating even dirtier thoughts in my head. Dad had a great cock and satisfied me, but having seen Patch’s cock at its full size I wondered what it would be like to have it in my cunt. However I knew that if I was to do this I would need the help of Dad. What would he say? Would he be happy to help satisfy the depraved fantasies of his slut Daughter?

I thought that the best way to do this would be when I was on the Forum one night chatting to Robertbi getting all horny, having Patch lick my wet cunt, then see how it progressed from there. I could always blame Robertbi for suggesting it although I know it was myself who wanted this. Anyway, one night Dad was on the computer, I presumed on the Sex Forum chatting to Robertbi when I saw him starting to stroke his cock. He had only previously done this before when I encouraged him. He noticed me looking at him and started to blush. I don’t know why as I had now seen his cock many times and been fucked by it many times. I told him it was OK and to let himself go, just as I had many times on the computer. I asked him if he was talking to Robertbi, and he said Yes. Perhaps this was why he was getting embarrassed although I didn’t know what they were talking about. If it was about gay sex I wanted to know. I said “Dad, what are you chatting about?” He said “Come and have a look”. They were talking about me, what I had done, and how sexually hot everything was at the moment. If only they knew what I had planned. My knickers were getting very wet, and I put a finger inside my pussy and gently stroked myself. All the time I could see Dad’s cock getting bigger inside his trousers so I undid his trousers, pulled down his zip and saw his cock bulging inside his pants. I told Dad to stand up so I could pull his pants down. As he did I wrapped my hands around his massive shaft, and then started to kiss the top of his penis. He tasted lovely as he always did, precum was already starting to dribble out. I licked across the top of his shaft taking the precum in to my mouth.

At this point I started to feel something pushing against my bum. It was Patch, did he read human minds? His nose started to sniff my pussy juices through my night shirt so as I took more of Dad’s cock in to my mouth I lifted up my night shirt so that Patch could lick my knickers. Fuck I was starting to feel so dirty, and as Dad noticed what Patch was doing his cock got even bigger. I know he loved seeing Patch eating me out. My cunt was getting soaked so I pushed down my knickers to my knees so that Patch could eat my naked cunt. I was struggling to keep Dad in my mouth because of the noises I was making from the pleasure that Patch was giving me. However, it was now or never, I needed Patch’s big cock in my cunt and Dad was in no position to not help me.

I looked at Dad with “puppy eyes” and said “I want Patch to fuck me but I am going to need your help”. He looked at me with a mixed picture of amazement and bewilderment before saying “are you sure about this?” I told him that I had never been more sure about anything. He said “ok, move to the sofa and lean against it with your head and get on to all fours, in a doggy position” with a chuckle about the last few words. I knew that Patch would be pretty erect from his licking of my cunt so I wouldn’t have to wait long. I got in to position, Dad called over Patch and gave his cock a gentle wank to make sure it was lovely and firm for my pussy that was dripping with my sex juices so I knew it wouldn’t be a problem going in. My knickers were off but my night shirt was still on. Dad had a final check that I was ok with what was about to happen and if I was ready. I said “I am fucking ready, give me my first doggy cock, I want to feel it deep in my cunt”. Dad proceeded to put Patch in to position, his front paws either side of my body, then he guided his cock in to my pussy. Fuck, it already felt bigger than Dad’s cock and it wasn’t even halfway in. He continued to push in, then he started to fuck furiously. This was definitely different to human fucking when they start gently and build up. It seems that dogs have only one speed, very fast. He thrust away and I started to scream but Dad told me to try and be quiet so I pulled up my night shirt to gag myself. I then felt something push in to my cunt past my wide pussy lips. It got bigger as it got inside my pussy. Dad whispered to me “you’ve been knotted” , then he stroked my breast and smiled at me. I thought “fuck, I am in trouble now, how does this end?” Patch continued to pound away and I was starting to orgasm when I felt his cock start to shudder and thrust even more wildly. I was about to get my first load of doggy cum in my womb. I had already had it in my stomach via my mouth but never in my womb. Then it came, and came, and came, in fact his explosion of spunk seemed to go on for ever even though it was probably only a minute. Fuck it felt so hot in my womb which felt so big. I have never been pregnant but it must be a similar feeling. However, his cock still felt big and his knot was still inside me. What happens now? Well the answer is that you have to wait for the knot to go down before they can pull out of your pussy. We were stuck together and I didn’t know how long we were going to be like this. I looked at Dad for help but be just smiled at me and said “how I am supposed to know, I am not an expert on dog knots”. It turned out to be about 10 minutes before there was a plopping sound and Patch pulled out dribbling doggy cum all over the floor. I am sure I will do something similar when I get up but I wasn’t ready for that for a while as my legs were like jelly. in the mean time I could cross another of my sexual fantasies off my list, but more was to come.


Daughter’s Story – Part V

I was now becoming a complete slut. I had fucked Dad and Patch, there was only Mum left but that was never going to happen. I was really enjoying Dad fucking me which we still did regularly but it was Patch that really got me excited now. During the following week another opportunity arose to fuck Patch but as before I would need Dad’s help. I had been on the computer chatting to Robertbi getting fucking horny as usual, my cunt wet, two fingers inserted inside my pussy, nipples hard and erect. Dad had taken Patch out for a walk so I was naked in the chair when he returned. This no longer shocked Dad, he loved to see me naked as it usually meant that he was going to fuck me.

Tonight though I wanted Patch’s big cock in my wet cunt and I told Dad this when he came in. He had a slight look of disappointment that he wasn’t going to fuck his slut of a Daughter tonight but he knew that I wouldn’t be for turning and that he didn’t want to ruin his future chances of fucking me. I knew that Patch got excited by licking my wet pussy so I called him over to the chair whilst Dad sat on the sofa. I was more interested tonight in getting Patch’s cock hard rather than getting off to him licking me. It didn’t take long to get his cock out of his sheath and hard. When it was I moved out of the chair and got on to the floor on all fours. I asked Dad to give Patch a hand in getting his cock in to my wet cunt. Well he not only gave him a hand he gave him his mouth as well. What the fuck was he doing? He sucked Patch so well that it quickly became obvious to me that it wasn’t the first cock he had sucked. He really got in to it, but this wasn’t helping me in delaying me getting fucked. However, I have to say it was fucking hot seeing Dad sucking a cock and enjoying himself so much. Dad tried to take as much cock as possible, then told me to join him. I stroked Patch’s cock whilst Dad continued with his mouth so we swapped. I just had to mand sure that Patch didn’t blow in my mouth, I wanted that in my pussy. I told Dad that Patch was ready, so he got him in to position and Patch inserted his cock in to my wet hole. Patch had still not learnt anything from his last fuck with me as he still continued to bang away like there was no tomorrow. His knot quickly got inside me and it felt even bigger than last time. I quickly orgasmed, but still Patch went at it like a pneumatic drill. I was building up to a second orgasm and he still hadn’t blown his load. Fuck, this could be a long night but I was determined to enjoy it. Well, in fact I had no choice because I now knew that it took at least 10 minutes for Patch’s knot to go down before he could get out of my pussy. Patch started to hump me even deeper then I felt it, the first dollop of spunk, followed by more lengthy spurts of hot sticky cum. Wow, it was even more than last time and I definitely felt more worn out than the last time. I lay flat on my stomach and waited for Patch to leave my pussy. I started to feel sleepy then finally his knot plopped out of my pussy. Cum was seeping out of my pussy when I felt another prick inside me. What the fuck? Dad was raping me, I hadn’t asked him to fuck me. I said “Dad, what are you doing?” . He said that he was so horny he thought I wouldn’t mind if he came for sloppy seconds. Cheeky fucker, but I let him continue even though I could hardly feel him due to being so wet and my pussy well lined with doggy spunk.

Dad fucked me for about 10 minutes before he deposited his load in to my wet cunt. It wasn’t the most memorable sex I had with Dad and for the first time I felt that he was using me and taking advantage of the situation. When he finished I just got up, picked up my clothes and went to my bedroom. I felt it was best not to say anything that I may regret the following morning. I left Dad to clear up the mess.

I was so exhausted that I went straight to sleep which is very unusual for me because normally after a great fucking I have to have a great masturbation session. When I woke up after a very solid sleep I needed the toilet. When cleaning myself up I felt large solid dollops of cum on my pussy and thighs so I thought I had better take a shower. Mum and Dad had both gone to work so I took a nice leisurely shower and just put my night shirt back on as Mum wouldn’t be there to tell me off for not getting dressed.

A few days later I went on to the computer after Dad had gone to bed. This meant that I wouldn’t be getting fucked by Dad’s big cock tonight but I was getting very turned on by Robertbi on the forum. He is so good at “pressing my buttons” that I ended up with my knickers off. My pussy was so wet, then Robertbi told me to stick my knickers up my cunt. I had never done this before but there were many things I had not done a few weeks previously. My knickers were already soaking so it was not as if they were going to get any wetter. If anything they were going to stop my Sex juices flooding all over the chair and save another cleaning up job. Obviously my tits were out as they always were when chatting to Robertbi. Unfortunately something happened then that I wasn’t expecting. I was so much in my own little sex world, playing with my tits, knickers up my cunt, that I didn’t hear Mum come down. What the fuck, she never comes down after she has gone to bed. How do I explain this? Mum is a frigid cow who has not been in to sex for many years. “Kate, what are you doing?” she asked sternly. I don’t know how I managed to think of this reply but I said ” Mum, I am feeling my breasts for any lumps”. Was she going to fall for this, of course she did, thick cow? I asked her to feel my first to check, not for health reasons of course, but purely for my own sexual gratification. I made sure that I sat on my night shirt and crossed my legs so that Mum couldn’t see my knickers in my cunt. I was getting great perverse satisfaction out of this, and my nipples started to get even bigger. Mum had never felt my tits before and I presumed that this was the first time she had ever felt tits apart from her own, well that is assuming she had masturbated which I couldn’t even be sure of knowing her personality. After about a minute Mum said everything seemed fine and went back to bed. I pulled my knickers out and they were soaked, so much wetter than when I had put them in. I hadn’t expected my evening to finish like that but I loved it.

Was I wrong about Mum…


Daughter’s Story – Part VI

This episode is slightly out of order with my other stories which were all chronological but I wanted to continue the story of Mum and I.

In the last story I wrote about Mum catching me with my tits out whilst I was on the Sex Forum and how somehow I had convinced her that I was checking for breast cancer lumps. This story picks up two weeks later.

Over the previous two weeks my mind has been working overtime as to how far I could push Mum who you all know by now to be a frigid cow who hasn’t had sex for many years. I have had a couple of lesbian experiences but my warped mind wanted to see if I could get Mum to do anything. After all she is the only member of the family that I hadn’t fucked so far.

I was in my room when Mum came in with some clean washing. I was feeling very horny after the previous evening’s sex (this will all be explained in the next instalment) so I decided to give my dirty thoughts an airing. I told Mum that I was concerned about how to check my breasts properly for any lumps. I said that I knew she had only felt my breasts a couple of weeks ago but I was very tired when she did it, and could she show me now when I was properly awake, I am a conniving cow lol. Mum said OK so I took off my tee shirt and bra. Mum then tenderly felt all of my big tits explaining as she went what she was doing and what were the most important areas to check. I had to put on “my game face” and listen carefully whilst all the time I was thinking how sexy I felt and what I was going to do to Mum if she gave me the chance. After a thorough five minute examination Mum said she had finished. I told her Thanks and that I should repay her by letting me check her breasts. I couldn’t believe it when she said Yes, I struggled to suppress my smile, and even more so when her blouse and bra were off so quickly. This was my big chance but I did not expect what was going to happen in the next few minutes.

Mum sat on my bed and she looked pretty vulnerable sitting there topless and her little pert breasts looking very sexy. It wouldn’t take me as long to feel her breasts for lumps as it took her to feel mine but I was going to take as long as possible. I gently felt her breasts all over and carefully took her nipple inbetween my finger and thumb, exerting just enough pressure not to spook her. Then to my surprise Patch entered the room and started sniffing Mum’s legs. He had learnt very quickly to sniff out sex juices so was Mum getting turned on by what I was doing? Mum’s legs started to open as Patch explored further, and her skirt became ruffled as he pushed further up her thighs. Was I dreaming, was Patch really licking Mum’s thighs and she was letting him? I removed my hands and went back to sit in my chair. Patch pushed further up Mum’s thighs until he reached her knickers, she had pulled her skirt right up to reveal her cute little knickers. Before Patch reached her pussy I could see she had already started to get wet as there was a lovely damp strip down the centre of her knickers. Patch then started to lick her roughly on the outside of her knickers, fuck this was hot, and probably the hottest thing I had ever seen knowing what Mum was like when it came to sex. I was sat in the chair frigging my cunt whilst Mum’s body started to contort as she slipped down the bed as she began to orgasm. She fell off the bed and shouted “get him off me, stop him”. Trying to suppress my smile I dragged Patch off her and out of the room.

Mum looked like a real slut on my bedroom floor. No blouse or bra on, skirt up around her waist and her knickers soaking wet. She was struggling to breath never mind talk. After a couple of minutes she came to her senses and said “Sorry Kate, I don’t know what happened there”. I told her that it was ok, it was very hot and sexy but she now has to come and satisfy me. I told her to come and feel my pussy. She said “I can’t do that you are my Daughter”. I persisted and then basically inferred that after what had just happened she “owed me”. I was fucking soaked and had cum in my panties whilst watching Mum orgasm to Patch’s licking. Finally, basically to shut me up, Mum came over and sat by then put her hand in my knickers. She looked at me when she felt how wet I was, and I told her this was because I had just cum. She then gave me the final surprise of the day by putting two fingers inside my sopping cunt, swirled them around, took them out and micked my cunt juices off her fingers. Now I was dreaming, this could not have just happened, could it, and I only came to my senses when I heard Dad’s keys in the front door. We both rushed to put our clothes back on before Mum shouted downstairs to let Dad know where we were. Even by what I had planned to happen this was beyond my wildest dreams.

Over the next week or so Mum and I didn’t mention anything that has happened, and in fact if anybody looked from the outside our relationship was exactly the same as it had always been, pretty frosty. Dad was now very busy at work so it meant that he was leaving for work earlier and when he came home he was very tired, meaning earlier nights and less sex. Mum was normally an early riser as well but when one morning she decided to have a lie-in I decided to join her in her bed. I snuggled up to Mum and gently started to caress her. I started down her arms, moved to the outside of her thighs, then moved on to her little tits playing with her nipples in my fingers. I was not getting any resistance, so I started to kiss on her neck when she turned her head around and kissed me fully on the lips. My nipples started to harden so I took off my night shirt. To my surprise Mum sat up, pulled her night shirt, a very old fashioned night shirt worn by women in their 50’s, over her head, then to my astonishment slipped her knickers off. This immediately gave me dampness in my knickers. Mum fully turned around, we started to kiss each other passionately and grope each other. Once again I was surely dreaming. My dream was now about to turn in to a very very wet dream. I

Mum said that she had something to tell me. She told me that this wasn’t the first girl girl sex she had ever had and even more incredible that she had sex with the family dog when she was younger. Well, fuck me, my pussy was now about to flood my knickers, the only item of clothing the two of us had on. She told me that when she was 15 she caught her older sister, my Aunty, being fucke by their family dog Fido and that she was appalled by this but curious. She threatened to tell their Mum and Dad but her sister convinced her not to, told her how great a dog’s cock was and to stay and watch. Mum said that for some reason she started to enjoy what she was watching and started to feel inside her knickers. She was very sexually naive and when her sister told her to sit down in front of her she just thought her sister was being nice. When she sat down her sister pushed her down and started to lick her wet knickers. Mum said she knew everything going on was wrong, even more so when her sister pulled her knickers to one side and licked her wet cunt, wetter than it had ever been because she didn’t masturbate much and had never really got herself off. Her sister finger fucked her whilst Fido fucked her sister with his big knotted cock until he exploded his spunk in to her womb. Mum had never seen or tasted male spunk before, never mind dog spunk, so when her sister invited her to taste the spunk on her fingers she was curious. She said that she tasted it and it was quite nice.

Her sister told her to keep quiet about everything that had happened, and they could have more fun together. As time developed her sister taught her how to masturbate, suck and finally be fucked by Fido, whilst all of the time they were having wild incestuous lesbian sex. Mum told me that she had always preferred woman to men although she did love Dad when they had married but over time they had drifted apart sexually, well, probably for at least the last 20 years. She said that she had thought about girls in the past but not done anything about. However I had rekindled her feelings. It wasn’t all that bad been rekindled. She told me that she wanted to fuck Patch to see if it was as good as she remembered. Now, not only was I dreaming but my hearing was going. Did she really say that she wanted to fuck our dog, a woman who hasn’t had sex in over 20 years now wanted to restart her sex life with a dog. She was serious.

I called Patch up to the bedroom, and Mum eagerly laid on top of the bed with her legs open and her cunt on full open view to Patch. I couldn’t say anything Patch knowing what to do, how I kept myself from saying how great a fuck Patch was I don’t know. He started to lick her wet pussy, and his cock started to grow. When it was fully erect, don’t ask me how I knew when it was lol, I told Mum to get in the doggy position with her ass hanging off the end of the bed. I moved Patch in to position, not easy as he was a big heavy dog, and eased his big erect penis in to her pussy that was now soaking and ready to be fucked. I have to say that I was now starting to feel jealous that it was Mum getting fucked and not me, but I couldn’t wait to watch. Patch started to fuck away in his machine gun mode and then pushed his knot inside, Mum let out a massive squeal. Her face was contorting in to all sorts of pictures, whilst Patch was ramming hard. I had moved on to the chair in the corner of the room where I had a great view, took off my knickers which were of no use in any case as they were soaking wet, and fucked my cunt very hard with my fingers. I looked over at Mum and could tell from the look on her face that Patch was filling her womb with torrents of spunk, an amazing feeling I knew for myself. I also knew that it would take at least 10 minutes after he had cum for his knot to go down and out of Mum’s vagina.

I couldn’t wait for Patch’s cock to leave Mum because I wanted to dive in to her pussy and lick up hers and Patch’s spunk. I knew that she would be in no state to refuse and more than likely would love it. Eventually he left, I pushed him out of the room, cum still dribbling off his cock, and within a micro second my tongue was lapping on Mum’s sticky cunt. I hadn’t licked a pussy for a couple of years so I was going to enjoy this, and wow, so did Mum. She was loving my tongue licking her sexy clit and pussy lips, and started to orgasm again. the taste of hers and Patch’s juices mixed together was intoxicating. Her juices exploded all over my face, so I moved up the bed to kiss Mum with my face covered in her sex juices. Not an ordinary kiss, but a kiss between 2 lovers, she loved it and all of a sudden looked years younger. Mum didn’t say anything but just held me and we cuddled in bed for a while longer.

The ice between Mum and I eased and Dad noticed but I couldn’t tell him why. I couldn’t tell him that I was now fucking him, Mum and Patch.

A week later I was on the computer chatting to Robertbi with my tits out and no knickers on when Mum came down. I thought I couldn’t use the “feeling for lumps” excuse anymore. However, no excuse was needed. No words were exchanged, Mum just smiled at me, got down on her knees and started to lick my cunt. Earlier in the evening I had been licked out by Patch so I was just hoping she didn’t notice. After a while she just looked up at me, smiled and went back to licking. I was in absolute heaven. My juices started to gush over Mum’s face, so I told her to take her night shirt off which she did without any hesitation. She asked who I was chatting to and I just told her the truth. Robertbi then told me that he wanted me to lick Mum’s pussy but there was no way that I could do this and continue to write to him on the forum, so I suggested to Mum that she chatted to him. “New” Mum said ok, and I could see her typing as I licked away. Then I was almost stopped in my tracks as she said “Fuck my cunt”. Wow, I nearly orgasmed again without even being touched but Mum did orgasm, all over my face. “Fuck me Kate, fuck my cunt” she said again. What was Robertbi saying to her, I had never heard her swear before now she was saying fuck and cunt. I looked up at her and she was playing with her nipples, fuck she was getting turned on as I could tell by how wet her pussy was. She orgasmed again all over my face then pulled me up and licked her juices off my face. My Mum had become a fucking sexual animal, just like her Daughter. I was having the most incredible time and I was sure that nobody was enjoying Lockdown as much as I was.


Daughter’s Story – Update Part I

I thought that I would give everyone an update as to what I have been up to over the summer here in England. Full lockdown ended in June so we have been free to meet and mingle with people, and go to pubs and restaurants. Colleges had been open since early March but most of my course remained on-line so I still had not seen many of my friends until lockdown ended.

My last update ended with the shock news that not only did my Mum like girls but that she also enjoyed being fucked by dogs. I had seen Mum in a new light and even though our mother/daughter relationship got better our mother/daughter sexual relationship really flourished. One thing Mum didn’t know about me was that I had previously had sex with Patch, the family German Shepherd, as has Dad, whilst I loved being licked by Patch and wanking him off. I wanted to fuck Patch in front of Mum but I had to try to convince her that I had never done it before, and somehow get Patch to act naive to the licking of my cunt juices that he so enjoyed. One morning after Dad had gone to work, Mum and I were having passionate lesbian sex and I was licking her wet pussy when I said “Mum, can you show me how to have sex with Patch”? As she was in the throes of a massive orgasm I thought this was the perfect opportunity and she couldn’t say no. To tip her even further over the edge I inserted two fingers deep in to her sopping twat, and said “please Mum, I want to be just like you, I have never wanted anything more in my life, and there is no better teacher than you”. Her naked body continued to writhe on the bed to my touch, shouting “yes, yes, yes”. I knew that this was due to her orgasm but I could hold this against her. When she had come back to Planet Earth I said “so when are we doing it”? She knew I had her and wouldn’t let it go so she said “after that orgasm now is as good a time as any, go and get Patch”. The problem I had was that my pussy was so wet of my Sex juices Patch would have gone mad as soon as I got on the bed and opened my legs, so I decided I had better go in to the toilet to clean and dry myself up.

I did this, then went and fetched Patch to take him in to the bedroom. Mum had put her knickers back on so as not to attract Patch’s tongue but this didn’t stop him trying to lick her through her panties. Mum told me to lie on the bed and take all of my clothes off, you don’t have to ask me twice! She then told me to stroke my pussy to get it wet to attract Patch. I opened my legs wide and in a flash Patch was on the bed licking my wet cunt. After not feeling it for a few weeks his coarse tongue on my cunt felt amazing. I knew that he was an expert pussy licker and it wouldn’t be long before I would be having my first orgasm. His long tongue was licking me all the way down my pussy lips, and I pulled my cunt lips apart so that he could get even further in. I saw his cock getting bigger in his sheath and I was desperate to feel it in my mouth. I asked Mum if she had ever given a dog a blow job and she said No. I said “how about we both try together for the first time”? She looked at me, and said “you are bad, you are a sick young girl” but all said with a stupid grin on her face. Mum took Patch’s cock in her hand, started stroking his thin big cock, whilst I opened my mouth ready to take Patch deep. I made a tentative move to put Patch’s cock in my mouth, not wanting to alert Mum that I had done it before, and swallowed all of his dog spunk in my throat. I can be a very good actor at times, so made a gagging noise as I took the first few inches of the big dog cock in to my mouth, but then got in to a steady rhythm enjoying every inch that got further in my mouth. Mum’s eyes were wide, and she started stroking her knickers that were now very wet again. My cunt was now dripping wet, juices starting to dribble down my leg. After a couple of minutes sucking, I asked Mum if she wanted her turn, she said “thought you would never ask”. I removed my mouth, gave Mum a big kiss so as to get an initial taste of Patch’s cock, then she took Patch in her mouth. The sight of this really turned me on so I started to frigg my pussy with a couple of fingers. I noticed that Patch’s knot was getting bigger which meant he was ready to cum. Did I want to take all of his cum myself or was I ready for Mum to take the initial load? I was enjoying myself so much watching her that I didn’t have a decision to make as Patch began to explode inside Mum’s mouth, and deep in to her throat. It was all over her, seeping out of her mouth, down her face, on to her chin and dripping on to her pert tits. She looked a sexy fucking mess. I wanted some of the spunk so I took Patch in to my mouth and cleaned him up, it tasted so good. Patch looked exhausted so I was thinking a doggy fuck was out of the question, so I went over to Mum, gave her a big French kiss, exchanged cum with her, then licked the excess spunk off her body. Mum’s eyes looked glazed, then she surprised me by saying that it was the first time anything, human or animal, had cum in her mouth before. She said that she had sucked Dad off when she was younger but had never let him cum in her mouth, but now she had experienced it she would definitely let Patch do it to her again. I said to Mum that it had been an amazing experience and we would leave the actual fucking until another day, she agreed.

The following weekend I arranged to go to the pub with two of my best female friends, Mia & Jenny. We had not been to the pub together for over 6 months due to the Lockdown conditions. We were also going to stay over at Mia’s house as her parents had gone away for the weekend. As I had not been out for a while I decided to glam up and wore a short little black dress, one of my best push-up bras that accentuated my big tits but no knickers. I was rather overdressed for the pub but it had been so long since I had dressed up that I wanted to feel sexy, and to be honest, a little naughty. Mia wore usual pub attire of top and jeans, but Jenny did make an effort by dressing smart but I was sure she would be wearing knickers.

We were only allowed to sit at tables, and all orders were taken at a table so you could not flirt at the bar or get touched up at the bar unfortunately. The drinks started to flow, and very quickly because we were out of practice we started to get tipsy, or in my case, horny. A group of lads were sitting at a nearby table so I decided to give them a bit of a peep show, gradually opening my legs, and with my dress only coming halfway down my thighs, very soon my freshly shaven pussy was on view. I felt eyes peering at my pussy which was getting wetter by the minute. I was wanting cock but knew that it was unlikely as we were not allowed to mix with other tables, so my flirting was going to end up fruitless.

We got a taxi back to Mia’s house, and I sat in the middle seat of the taxi giving the driver a good view of my sopping cunt. I was feeling so turned on that I pulled my dress up to my waist and put a finger in my twat. the girls were shocked at what I was up to but didn’t stop me. I think they were enjoying the show as they were giggling away together, and couldn’t stop staring at the finger in my pussy. I am sure that if I had been alone I would have paid for the taxi with a fuck on the back seat. However, un-be known to me the night was going to take an unexpected turn.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the family Labrador, Murphy. I had forgotten all about them having a dog. He greeted Mia first, then me, and he started sniffing my thighs, smelling my sex, just like Patch does. Without thinking of the consequences or where I was I lifted my dress to give Murphy access to my cunt, and he started lapping my pussy juices. Do all dogs instinctively know what to do? I was loving it but the girls just stared and said “what the fuck are you doing”? I pretended not to hear because I was in sexual bliss, and just carried on ignoring them. “Kate, Kate, do you know what you are doing, are you fucking sick?” shouted Jenny. I just looked at them with a stupid grin, partial orgasm, partial guilt. This may take some explaining. Anyway, why are they shouting at me and not the dog? Finally I pushed Murphy away, and said “fuck, that was good, a dog’s tongue is amazing on your clit”. The girl’s seemed to understand what I was saying, and Mia said “I take it this is not your first time”. I just laughed, and said I will tell you all about it when we are in bed.

We made ourselves some drinks, and went up to the bedroom. In there was a double bed and a “put up” bed. The girls laughingly me that I could have the “put up” bed because they didn’t want to sleep with a dog’s bitch, to which I replied “at least I won’t be a lesbian in the morning”, knowing this to not exactly be the truth. However my comment got a strange look from the girls which made me think there was something the girls weren’t telling me.

The three of us got on to our respective beds, me on the “put-up” and Mia & Jenny on the double. They were dressed in bra and knickers, but I was just dressed in my bra because I had “forgotten” to put on my knickers to go out in. Jenny said to me “so are you going to tell us all about you and dogs?”, to which I replied “yes, I will, if you promise to tell me the truth about you two”. Both of the girls had a quizzical look on their faces, looked at each other, then together said “Yes”, then kissed each other passionately. Jenny said “we have been having an affair during lockdown. It just happened, we were both bored, got together “illegally” and we have been seeing each other ever since. We didn’t expect it, but I suppose we got bored during lockdown, and things just developed”. They French kissed each other and started to fondle and play with each other. Fuck I was getting jealous, my pussy was feeling red hot. “We are sorry we didn’t tell you” Mia said, “but anyway, you dirty fucker, it looks as if you have been keeping some secrets from us, I suppose you got bored during lockdown as well”. My face went instantly red, and my slightly pissed brain thought “how much do I tell them”. This could end up so embarrassing if I tell them everything I have been up to so I decided just to keep it to the dog licking, well that is my plan.


Daughter’s Story – Update Part II

Well girls, this is all rather embarrassing. During lockdown I fell asleep on the sofa in my night shirt, and I was awoken by feeling something on my pussy. I thought that initially I was dreaming but when I looked down I saw Patch licking my pussy. He was giving me a right good licking and it felt so good. I didn’t even think that it was wrong, I was just loving having my pussy licked after so long. I was getting really wet and turned on, my pussy was so hot. I let him continue for a few more minutes until I felt an orgasm coming on when I pushed him away. “So it happened just the once?” Jenny said. No, actually it has happened quite a lot and I fucking love it. One day I was on a Sex Forum chatting to a guy when Patch was licking me, and he told me to pull my knickers to one side so that Patch could lick my wet cunt. That took me over the edge, my legs were over the side of the chair, my cunt was soaking, I was orgasmic and I nearly passed out through the pleasure I was getting. I made a huge mess all over the chair, stains that I knew wouldn’t come out so I had to say I spilt a drink.

“How does a dog tongue compare to a human tongue?” asked Mia. There is no comparison, I said, it is rougher and obviously a lot bigger, you should try it. I was hoping that Murphy would lick my pussy again, I was so fucking horny and then I could watch the other girls getting doggy tongue fucked. “No way” said Mia, “I’d like to give it a go one day” Jenny said. I could see the look of disgust on Mia’s face when Jenny said that. Well Mia, it looks as if Murphy knew what he was doing when he licked me, so he is either a very randy dog or he has done it to someone in this house before. The bedroom went quiet for a while, thinking I had pushed someone’s guilty secret. I suggested to Jenny that we could try now as we were all pretty drunk, and we could blame the drink in the morning. Jenny seemed well up for it, and said how do we start. I said that dogs seem to love the smell of sex, and they seem to know when you have a wet pussy, so you need to get it wet if it is not already. Jenny pulled Mia closer to her, started kissing her, then said “lick my pussy baby, make me wet”. Despite her reservations Mia went down on Jenny, pulled her knickers to one side and started licking her twat. Fuck, I was getting my very own sex show from my two best friends who I only found out were lesbians thirty minutes ago. I so wanted to join in, not that I am a lesbian lol, but thought that would be taking it too far when Mia surprised both of us by saying “Kate, don’t just fucking sit there, get your cunt lips over Jen’s mouth”. I didn’t need a second invitation, I moved over Jen’s head and she took my pussy lips in her mouth. She pulled and chewed them as only an experienced lesbian could, so I was sure she had been a closet lesbian before she got together with Mia. My juices were dripping all over Jenny’s face, but I wanted to save some for Murphy. I took the plunge and said “when is Murphy going to join us?”. Jenny and I looked at Mia with pleading eyes, and she said “ok, I will go and get him”. She threw on a night shirt, went downstairs and returned with a four legged friend. “So what happens next?”asked Mia. I told Jenny to take off her knickers, get on the edge of the bed, open her legs wide and let nature take its course.

It didn’t take long for nature to take its course. Within a few seconds Jenny was getting her first doggy lick, a big tongue licking her wet pussy. “Oh fuck this feels so good, amazing, keep going Murphy, fuck, fuck, aaarggh, fuck, I am cumming” shouted Jenny, her eyes rolling in the back of her head. “I have never had anything like this in my life, it is fucking amazing, fuck”. At that point Jenny was writhing on the bed having a massive orgasm, the biggest one she had probably ever had in her life. Mia was looking on in amazement seeing her girlfriend out of control. She stripped off, and said “my turn, you have had your fun Jen, but I want it doggy”. Dirty fucking bitch I tbought, as she lay down on her stomach on the edge of the bed with her ass n the air. Murphy got behind her and started to lick her cunt, inciting gutter language to spew out of Mia’s mouth. I thought there was only one way to stop the language, so I got on the bed and pushed my cunt in to Mia’s dirty mouth. The look of delight on her face told me that she had always secretly wanted to fuck me as she continued to lap up my Sex juices. I felt my first orgasm coming and I exploded all over Mia’s face. She just continued to lick when I suddenly thought what was happening with Murphy’s big cock as I didn’t want Mia getting a big surprise. I got off the bed much to Mia’s disappointment and there it was, a full 10 inches of erect dog cock with a bulbous red knot. Jenny noticed me looking, and went “oh my fucking God, that is enormous”. I so wanted the dog cock inside me, I was the “dog on heat” but I had to resist in front of my best friends, this would be a step too far.

“Jen, Jen, get the dildo, I need my pussy fucking now, get it quick please” screamed Mia. At this my ears opened wide and my eyes lit up, dirty wicked thoughts crossed my mind. “I have an idea” I whispered corruptly to Jenny “how about we put that big cock to good use”. Jenny looked at me in disbelief, giving me a “what the fuck are you talking about” look but I could tell that I had pricked something in her brain. Without saying a word, our combined sick minds decided to club together and the plan to get Murphy to fuck Mia’s cunt was quickly instigated. I didn’t know whether this would work or whether Murphy would know what to do but seeing how he licked all of our pussies I think he would have a good idea what to do. Mia was thinking where Jenny was with getting the dildo when we pulled Murphy off her, repositioned him over the bottom of her back, put his front paws to the side of her, and thrust his cock in to her cunt. Her reaction surprised both of us, she wasn’t angry, she didn’t go mad, she just said “oh fuck, that feels so fucking good, give it to me Murphy like you know, fuck your bitch, come on boy, you know I love it”. Jenny and I looked on in disbelief but this confirmed my very initial thoughts when Murphy licked my wet cunt as we arrived that he was an experienced dog at fucking. However, I would not put my money on Mia as being Murphy’s fuck buddy as she seemed the most inhibited of the three of us. What other dirty secrets did she have in her closet, just like I had many more. Jenny had never seen her girlfriend being fucked by anyone else apart from her, and she was loving it after the initial shock. She couldn’t believe how big the cock was, and seemed scared for her girlfriend when his knot went inside her cunt. Mia thrashed about on the bed, shouting obscenity after obscenity, she got a right sweat on, and when Murphy started to pump torrents of spunk in her womb she was in heaven. I knew exactly how she felt. When he had finished Murphy dragged her off the bed as he tried to release his knot but we both knew this would take a minimum of ten minutes. Jenny got scared when this happened thinking her girlfriend was getting hurt, but Mia reassured her, gave her a big kiss, and said “hopefully Baby, you will want to experience this one day” to which she replied “I would love to, I want to share everything with you”.

My friends were in love even more than I imagined, but it looks as if our mutual love of dogs could become an amazing three way experience. Our night out had not turned out in the way I had expected. I had been shocked, even I, by what had happened during the night but I couldn’t wait to discover more secrets. I doubted that we would get much sleep during the night but for now we all needed another drink and to reflect upon what had just happened.

The End (?)

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