Women with Animals
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What Happens When a Stupid Husband Dumps His Gorgeous Wife


(c) 2006 by Tom Land

Jennifer Anniston was devastated at finding out exactly what her husband Brad had been doing. She had never thought she would have to suffer such humiliation from having her husband going after another woman. She taken the pills and then followed them with some booze to try to ease her emotional and psychological pain.

While Jennifer was still very much groggy and feeling the effects of what she’d put inside her, she actually thought her thoughts about her and Brad were nothing but a bad dream. She felt him messing around with her naked ass as she lay there undressed on the bed, and then she felt Brad’s hands pawing her back and shoulders and she suddenly felt probing and a wetness around her pussy. Jennifer had been incredibly horny lately and she’d known that she was ovulating, and she felt very much like she was “in heat”. “In heat” was the thought that stuck in her mind as she realized that the cock probing at her horny pussy was positioning itself and then Jennifer felt her pussy being entered by the biggest cock she’d ever felt. Was Brad’s dick that big and hard?

“Oh, Brad, yes, yes, oh honey, fuck me,” Jennifer moaned and spread her legs further, but she suddenly realized that her pussy was being so aggressively fucked that it caused her to become more aware of what was going on. Jennifer tried to rouse herself more and then she realized that she was hearing the grunts and sounds of someone other than her husband Brad. She felt strong force on her back and she suddenly turned and saw that instead of Brad inside her, she was being fucked and powerfully taken by their big black Labrador retriever. Her and Brad’s dog, Buddy, had somehow smelled her sex and he had mounted her while she lay there unconscious and now he’d mounted her like a randy bitch and Buddy was fucking his big hard wet dog cock in and out of Jennifer’s unprotected pussy.

At first, it hadn’t even fully registered in Jennifer’s mind that her dog instead of her husband was the one fucking his hardon deep in and out of her wet pussy. Then, she realized as Buddy ardently buried his hardon deep into her pussy that Brad had never been able to fuck her this well. He’d fucked her countless times, of course, but he’d never been the hot lusty lover that the world had always expected he would be. As Jennifer felt Buddy really throwing his hard doggy cock into her pussy, she began to really warm to the rampant cock filling her tight hot cunt. Buddy knew a hot horny pussy when he smelled one and he was having the best fuck of his entire doggy life.

Finally, Jennifer found herself so caught up in being taken by her own dog that she began to talk to him as he was fucking her like she used to talk to Brad when they’d make love.

“Yeah, Buddy, do it, baby, do me, Buddy. Fuck that big cock into me, baby,” Jennifer moaned as she felt buddy quickly bringing her to an orgasm as he fucked his doggy dick in and out of her pussy in a steady deeply penetrating rhythm.

Like all horny dogs in the mood for a hot fuck with a ready bitch, Buddy wasn’t going to do anything but fuck Jennifer until he got his nut. His instincts told him that once you smelled a ready wet pussy and got your cock inside it, you fucked it until you climaxed. And, Buddy knew just exactly what to do. He had Jennifer held down securely and he was thrusting his big thick doggy cock in and out of her tight pussy as hotly as he could get his ass back and forth. Jennifer tried to actually lift her ass and help Buddy get better position as he fucked her pussy. She couldn’t move; he had her right where he wanted her and it was working just fine for him.

“Oh yes, yes, Buddy, fuck me, baby, fuck me,” Jennifer moaned. As Jennifer realized more and more what was really going on, her pussy became increasingly wet and she found herself actually loving the fact that at least her dog Buddy wanted her enough to fuck her with his horny cock. At least she was getting some dick from Buddy even though Brad wanted to be off fucking some other temptress like Angelina. “Ah, fucking look at this, Brad; your own wife is getting fucked better by her dog than she does by you, asshole.”

Jennifer felt Buddy’s fucking thrusts becoming more and more frantic and powerful in and out of her pussy as he could sense that he was about to ejaculate in the hot pussy he was ramming his cock into. She also felt her pussy feeling much fuller as Buddy’s knot was now inside her and then she heard the big dog behind her panting as his balls began pumping his cum deep inside her pussy. When Buddy was finished fucking her and shooting his dog cum deep within her, he lay there on top of her, their bodies joined for some time as his doggy knot kept them from separating. Jennifer lay there underneath buddy, her pussy seeping his dog cum and her cunt never having felt that hotly fucked before in her entire life.

Jennifer assumed that when Buddy’s cock knot went down, he’d pull out of her pussy and they’d be finished. She was far from correct; when Buddy’s knot had started to go down, her sexy dog didn’t pull out but instead his dog cock began to harden again inside Jennifer’s wet hot pussy and in only minutes his cock was fully erect again and he was ready to fuck once more. Jennifer knew Buddy had already fucked her the first time better than Brad ever had; poor Brad — outfucked with his wife by his own horny dog. What a pity! Now, Buddy was doing Jennifer again and he was really doing her this time. With Buddy having already mounted Jennifer once and fucked her until he got his cum inside her, now he was really fucking his mistress good and she already had his copious first cumload in her pussy so Buddy’s cock was not only lubed from his own pre-cum but his jism made her pussy a very wet, well lubricated channel for him to fuck in and out of. Buddy was just a fucking horny dog with his cock buried inside a wet hot bitch in heat, and he was going for it. He was hunching in and out of Jennifer’s pussy like he’d never fucked a bitch before. He was getting all over it.

Jennifer just lay there underneath Buddy, letting him have his way with her. There wasn’t anything she could do about it. Buddy fucked her good and within minutes he ejaculated his second cum load into her body and then his knot kept them joined together again at the groin and she lay there underneath her sexy big dog while he recovered from having fucked Jennifer twice over.

When Buddy’s knot finally went down, and he pulled his dog cock out of Jennifer’s well-fucked pussy, she’d gotten so horny now from just the experience of having Buddy fuck her that she decided to do something even more radical than letting her dog be her lover. When Jennifer felt Buddy finally pull out of her pussy, she turned around and had her dog lie there beside where he’d just finished mounting and fucking her. Jennifer got him to turn over so she could get down in his groin. Jennifer felt her heart begin to pound as she looked at Buddy’s big dog cock half out of the hairy sheath that normally covered it. His cock, the covering sheath and his dog balls were coated with his jism and her pussy juices that had leaked out while he was tied to her pussy earlier. Now, Jennifer calmed herself and then she reached down, wrapping her smooth hand around Buddy’s cock and she talked to him gently as his head came around to see what his mistress was doing down there between his hind legs.

“Mommy’s not going to hurt you, Buddy,” Jennifer said in a reassuring voice as she let her hand caress and play with Buddy’s balls and his half exposed cock. As her dog felt her hand on his cock, the sexy smooth red dog-dick started to come out of the hairy sheath again, and Jennifer felt her pussy growing wet as she realized how sensitive her big dog was to manual stimulation. Buddy began to whine and push his nose down as though he wanted Jennifer to stop, but she was determined to do this.

“It’s OK, Buddy, settle down, baby, Mommy’s not going to hurt this nice big doggy dick of yours, sweetie,” she cooed as she tightened her grasp on Buddy’s cock and then she got up on her knees and bent over to be closed to Buddy’s cock and balls. She stroked his wet dog cock and then she let her hand play with his big round balls. He whimpered as though to say to her that it felt really good, and then Jennifer settled into a steady stroking of Buddy’s cock back and forth. She watched as the touch and grasp of her hand brought Buddy’s dick back to full erection and then Jennifer leaned over further and she opened her mouth and flicked her tongue across the pointed tip of Buddy’s big hardon. Buddy’s cock jumped as Jennifer licked the tip and then she closed her lips over the head of Buddy’s cock and began licking and sucking on it more hotly.

As Jennifer was sucking Buddy’s cock, her hand was stroking up and down over his hardness and she felt Buddy trying to fuck his cock in and out of her hand, and into her mouth. Jennifer managed to keep from losing control and she licked and sucked on Buddy’s cock for several minutes until she felt him start to cum. She managed at first to keep his cock in her mouth as he began to pump spunk down her throat but finally he was cumming too copiously and she pulled her mouth away and let him blast his dog jism down the cleavage of her tits.

Finally, Jennifer laid back, trying to grasp all that had happened to her within the last hour or two, and it was totally overwhelming. What a fucking wimp you are, Brad, that your own dog did me better than you ever could. Bastard.

The End

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