Women with Animals
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Bim Bam


(c) 2010 by OutOfMyMind

Part I

My wife Deena and I live pretty quiet lives out in the woods near a large park. We are in our early thirties and both in great shape from all the outdoor activities available at the park. I’m 5′ 7″ and about 150 lbs. Deena is 5′ 6″ and around 130 lbs. We have a black cat & a big dog in the house with us and various critters outside to keep us company.

Now and then we have friends over for an evening of cards and drinking. Sometimes we go to one of their houses. Since we all live out in the woods, we don’t have to worry about the law when we drive home a little tipsy. One of these couples were Bim and Mick. Bim was the one that started this story, or maybe it was all my doing.

Mick was a short Irish guy who could drink straight liquor all day and not look the slightest bit drunk. Bim, on the other hand, was sturdy Polish girl with a decent body but couldn’t hold her booze at all. She would do ok for a while and then you could see that she had crossed the threshold and was drunk out of her mind and very obnoxious. I helped drag her drunken ass out to their car many nights. I always managed to get a handful of tit on the way. She never remembered anything after she crossed the threshold. From what Mick said, they fucked about once a month if he was lucky, and she had to be drunk if he was going to have a chance at all.

After Bim would reach that point we couldn’t play cards any more so we would just sit around and watch TV or talk. She couldn’t be left alone for long when she was like that because she didn’t watch what she was doing. Mick would just ignore the fact that she was sloppy drunk and avoid being around her. This left me with the job of following her around to make sure she didn’t burn the place down. This caused some resentment towards both of them over the years.

Most of our entertaining happens in our basement. I have it fixed up into a great entertainment area with a bar where we can watch TV, play cards or other things. It is nice and cool down there. There is a small bathroom so we don’t have to go upstairs to piss while we drink. I also happen to keep all my video recording equipment and computer there. Our 72″ HDTV is upstairs where we watch movies.

I was surfing the net one night and ran across a video showing a woman having sex with a large dog. The dog in the video snuck up on an unsuspecting naked woman bent over brushing her hair and mounted her. The woman frantically tried to shake off the dog but eventually fell to her knees to be taken by the dog. The dog fucked the woman at an unbelievable speed. The woman cried and screamed at first but eventually gave in to the feelings she was having and started fucking back against the dog. The woman was loving the fucking she was getting.

The video zoomed in on the dog’s knot going in and out of the woman’s pussy before going in and staying. At this point the dog pulled up tight and stayed there obviously dumping his load. The woman was cumming with the dog while rubbing her clit with one hand. The dog turned around and was knotted with the woman. She seemed panicked at first but relaxed, kept rubbing her clit and waited. When the dog pulled the knot out of her the cum poured out onto the floor. The dog laid down and started cleaning himself.

The woman stared at the large dog cock that the dog was cleaning and crawled over for a closer look. She reached out and touched his cock. Then she held it in her hand and slowly started stroking it. The dog let his head fall back and just enjoyed it. The woman slowly moved her face closer and closer until she gave it a tentative taste. She seemed ok with the taste and started licking it all over. As the dog’s cock started to regain some of its size, the woman opened her mouth and started sucking the tip at first, then all of it. As she sucked harder and harder the dog started to respond by humping her mouth. She was stroking the rest of the dog’s cock when the knot started growing larger. You could see the woman’s eyes watching the knot grow more and more. The bigger it got the harder she sucked. Eventually the knot was larger than a handful for her. The dog was trying to get it in her mouth but she wasn’t taking it. She was holding it with both hands sucking like she was possessed. Then the dog let out a howl and must have let loose with his cum. You could see the woman swallowing as fast as she could. She kept sucking until you could see the knot had shrunk down. She didn’t seem to want to stop. The dog had to get up and walk away before she would let go.

I was rock hard and so damn horny after watching that. I went to bed and gave Deena a good hard fucking. She enjoyed every bit of it and asked where that came from. I just told her I was backed up and needed a good one.

I had a dream for several nights after that about my dog Butch fucking Bim. In the dream Bim was drunk and Butch jumped up on her knocking her to her knees and fucked her. After thinking about it, I thought I just might be able to make it happen. I knew it would have to be a perfect setup to make it happen but I thought I could pull it off. I started right away to formulate a plan. My wife couldn’t be part of the plan as Bim was her life long friend from high school and she would never ever go along with it. She would probably never forgive me either if she knew I did it on purpose.

The plan I came up with was centered on the fact that Bim spent time many nights throwing up in the bathroom downstairs while we were upstairs to avoid the sounds. I planned for us to arrange to have them over for some cards and a movie that Mick and Deena wanted to see real bad. The movie would be watched upstairs in the den on the big screen TV and surround sound system. I planned for Bim to get too loaded to watch the movie so she could stay in the basement. With this movie running, Mick and my wife both wouldn’t want to miss a minute of the action. I saw this movie already so hopefully I could be attending to some other kind of action.

I would have my high resolution video camera set up to record straight to my hard drive on my computer. The camera would be hidden but positioned so that it was aimed into the bathroom where I hoped she would be and pre zoomed for the right view. I also had another camera on hand in case I had a chance to get some close up action. (I was hoping she would be passed out) This was going to be great if it worked and just embarrassing if it didn’t.

Our dog Butch was going to be a star in this project so I had to give him some special training which I knew would take some time. First I had to get him trained to mount and fuck a woman. That would be the tricky part. Luckily my wife worked part time in the afternoons which left me a lot of time to work with Butch.

Butch was trained to leave people alone when we had visitors so I had to undo part of that. Training him to mount people was going to be challenging since I didn’t have a willing female. I could have looked for someone on the internet to help train Butch but that might be risky. I decided that I would have to play that part for the training.

I wanted this to work so bad that I dressed up in Deena’s old dress and used thong panties that I had rubbed her off into the night before so they had a good fresh pussy smell in them. I wore a wig that sort of resembled Bim’s hair. I went to the basement with Butch following me. I went and started the video equipment to make sure everything was going to tape just right. I planned to erase it all later.

I went into the bathroom and bent over by the toilet to simulate someone being sick and throwing up. I called Butch over and stroked his furry shaft and he seemed to like it. I jacked him for a while before he started humping my hand and his slimy red cock came sliding out. I sat up and let him smell the crotch of the dirty panties that I had on and he started licking them. He must have liked the taste because he was licking vigorously. This felt pretty good for me because I got hard real quick. I kept stroking his shaft while he licked the panties. Then I bent over the toilet again and tried to get him to mount me. We fumbled around for a while before I could get him on my back.

It was a weird situation, me wearing a dress and panties trying to get a dog to hump me. I was trying to reach under me and let him fuck my hand but Butch was a large mixed breed and pretty strong. When he mounted me and started humping he knocked me off balance. I had to steady myself with both hands. While I did this Butch was humping hard trying to find a hole. I thought the underwear would protect me from penetration but I was wearing a thong. This thong only had a thin string running down the butt crack and his pointy cock was poking all around. I hadn’t counted on Butch really fucking me. I just wanted to simulate it.

Well, when Butch jumped on my back he meant business. His cock was sliding right past the little string of fabric and perilously close to my asshole. I decided to get out from under him but he had other plans. He gripped me with his front legs tight enough to squeeze the air out of me and tried harder to fuck me. He had me pinned up against the toilet nearly bent in half and in this little bathroom there wasn’t anywhere to go to get away. I was panicked but couldn’t see a way out. I could only hope he would give up before he got me.

Well, my luck ran out first because before I knew it he found my ass hole and drove his cock in as deep as it would go. I screamed out in pain as he started to fuck me fast. He drove his cock in and out of me faster than I thought was possible. It hurt like hell for a long while but then eventually, as I relaxed, it started feeling better.

About then I realized that my cock was as hard as it had ever been. I was looking right at it down under me. It was sticking out the top of the panties and looked ready to pop. I could see Butch’s balls slapping under me and an ominous looking knot on his cock shaft.

When tried to see better he decided to try to ram that knot into me. He jammed me harder against the toilet and about bent me in two. My cock was just about an inch from my face because of the bend I was in. Butch succeeded in jamming the knot into my ass and in the process I cried out and came at the same time.

In the position I was in most of the cum blasted into my open mouth. I was cumming more than I ever did before. I swallowed what was in my mouth instinctively and opened again to breathe and caught more cum. Butch was cumming in my ass at the same time. I could feel the cum shooting up my ass at the same time it was shooting out of my cock into my mouth. It was like he was cumming in my mouth. I was about out of my mind in bliss and pain at the same time. The knot was killing me and thrilling me at the same time.

Finally I stopped cumming and pushed away from the toilet to relieve my back. Butch was still cumming in my ass but let up on his grip enough for me to get straightened out. What a relief that was. I had been bent over double for what felt like a half hour but was probably 5 minutes. It took another 15 minutes for the knot to come out of my sore ass. I held his legs so he couldn’t turn around. I didn’t want him to tear my ass apart any more than he already did.

I couldn’t believe the miscalculation that I had made. My ass was going to be sore for a while. But, on the other hand I did cum better than I ever had before, even though most of it went in my mouth and the rest on my face. I sort of did enjoy it and I had to admit it didn’t taste bad. Then I remembered that it was all on video. After Butch pulled out of my ass, I stopped the recording and saved the file somewhere secure then went to clean up the mess, change clothes and shower.

Butch and I repeated this several times until when he saw me bent over the toilet he would jump right on and start humping. We did it the same every time with me shooting my mouth full of cum. Every time we did it, Butch pushed me closer to my cock. The last time I could just get my lips on the head of my cock and came right on my tongue. It was great and I had it all captured on video. I tried to suck myself without Butch but couldn’t get close to licking my cock. I needed to be bent up with Butch pushing me to do it.

Now that I had Butch trained I had to arrange for Bim’s introduction to dog cock.


Part II

We finally arranged for Bim and Mick to come over for some drinks. I made sure I kept Bim’s drink full. I didn’t mention the movie until Bim was starting to show signs of being tipsy. Before too long she would be needing to go to the bathroom for the rest of the evening. I had already seen the movie at the theater so I could walk away without them having to pause it. Mick and my wife both wanted to see this movie bad and would be absorbed in the plot so I would be able to go about my plan easily. I started the movie and everyone got settled in to watch it. I kept the drinks and snacks coming.

It didn’t take long for Bim to need to go to the bathroom. I helped her down and into the bathroom. I left the door open in case she needed to call for help. I started the video recording with a single mouse click anticipating something good.I went back up to watch the movie a little and get drinks for everyone else.

I quickly snuck back down with Butch to check on Bim and saw her bent over hugging the toilet with her ass in the air looking out of it. I reached in and lifted the back of her dress up some and she didn’t move. I rubbed her ass lightly and she still didn’t move. I pulled the back of her thong down some and she never moved. She was out.

I sat with Butch and started stroking him. This was where he got lucky with me so he was excited quickly. Bim was in the same position we used before so Butch was ready. I motioned for him to go get her and as he quickly went over to her, I left quick in case she protested. I went back to the movie upstairs. I wasn’t gone more than a couple of minutes.

After about 15 minutes I went back down to check on Bim and found her conked out on the floor. I picked her up and got her into our leather recliner. Her thong underwear were at her knees so I let them fall off and put them in my pocket. I made sure she was slid down so her ass was almost off the seat with the back reclined and her legs spread some. Her pussy was red and drooling cum. I repositioned the camera so it was pointing at Bim. I noticed a puddle of cum on the floor near the toilet so I cleaned it up before going back upstairs. Again I was only gone a couple of minutes.

Near the end of the movie I went back down and got her into a respectable position before she needed to go home. I cleaned another puddle of cum off of the floor then took Butch upstairs with me.

When the movie was over Mick and I gathered Bim and got her to the car. I got a handful of good sloppy pussy getting her in the car. Butch licked my hand clean when I went back into the house. Deena said she was going to bed. She had to go to work the next morning. I told her I was staying up to do some work on the computer.

I went down in the basement and checked the saved video on the computer. As it was playing I watched Bim throwing up all the good booze I had fed her. Then she was still for a while. I fast forwarded to when I came back down. I edited out the part with me in the video so it looked like Butch just walked up and jumped on her back.

When Butch started humping her she did move to get him off but in her state he was too much for her. You could tell by her reaction just when Butch penetrated her. She suddenly started struggling harder but Butch hung on and it seemed he fucked that much harder. Eventually she quit struggling and let him have his way with her. By this time she had her head on the floor.

It didn’t take too long for me to see her starting to work with him. She even pulled her thong underwear down more. She started pushing back to get it all. She closed her eyes like she was going to cum and Butch was getting close himself. I saw him give a few hard thrusts and plant his knot. Bim’s eyes shot open and I could hear her cumming. Butch pulled up tight also and dumped his load. Bim was grinding herself back against him seeming to be cumming continuously. She passed back out just after that.

Butch just stayed on her until his knot deflated enough to pull out like I taught him to. I watched the puddle of cum pour out of her pussy onto the floor. Butch went over into the corner to clean himself. He came back over and gave her pussy a few licks before I came back to check on things. Again, I edited me out of the video.

After I put her on the recliner and left I saw Butch come over pretty quick. He went right between her legs and gave her a good lapping. She started responding by grinding her pussy against him. Then to my amazement I saw her patting her stomach, calling him up. He wasn’t sure what to do with this but after she ground up against him a little he got the idea. He gripped her sides and started humping. She slid around under him until she got the position right. Then Butch went to town fucking her real hard. Bim seemed to be enjoying it too. She was bucking under Butch giving back all she was getting. She had her legs in the air and wrapped around Butch pulling him in deeper. I couldn’t see the knot from this angle But I knew from his actions that he was ready to plant it.

Bim was squirming like crazy and moaning so load I couldn’t believe we didn’t hear her. When Butch planted his knot in her she let out a small squeal and went into a convulsive orgasm that about made me cum just from watching.

I was rock hard from watching this and had to take a break and cum myself. It didn’t take many strokes while sniffing her underwear before my sperm were swimming in the toilet. I needed that bad.

After Butch’s knot deflated enough to pull out he went to a corner to clean himself. Bim reached down and caught some of the cum pouring out of her with her hand and brought it to her mouth and licked it clean. She did this several times before falling back to sleep.

Not too long after that I came down and repositioned her before we came and took her to her car.

I thought this was going to be my favorite video ever but I was wrong. I made many more where Bim didn’t drink so much but spent plenty of time in the basement with Butch. About a half year later Bim and Mick got themselves a huge male dog. I had no doubt why.


Part III

After making several recordings I purchased a few wireless cameras to place around the house. I also bought software that would record only when it detected motion. That way I wouldn’t have a lot of useless video.

I ended up with video of me and Deena fucking in about every room in the house and even in the back yard. I had video of most of our friends using the bathroom. I even have one of the husbands sniffing and stroking an impressive cock with Deena’s panties.

One video had Deena bent over the bath tub starting to wash her hair. She had on jeans but was topless to keep her shirt from getting wet. Butch came in and mounted her and was thrusting away. Deena was fighting him off and he gave up because with the jeans on he wasn’t getting anywhere. She scolded him but I saw her look under his belly and had an amazed look on her face. She chased him out of the bathroom but came back with an old shirt on and no jeans. When she bent back over the tub I could see she had no panties on either. She went back to washing her hair. When she got it all shampooed up I could see her calling Butch and wiggling her ass.

Butch came into the picture slowly and licked her from behind. She jumped from the contact but went back to doing her hair. Butch quickly mounted her again and hit the target right away. He was giving it to her and she seemed to not be sure if this was a good idea. It didn’t take too long for her to start to thrust back against him. They were going at it for a while before it was apparent that she was cumming hard. Butch went into overdrive giving it his best. Soon he pulled up tight and started cumming too. Deena seemed to be cumming right with him.

After a minute Deena went back to finishing washing her hair… with Butch still on her back. She was moving around while she washed and rinsed her hair seeming to purposely move her ass more than necessary. Butch, as trained, stayed on her back until he was ready to pull out, but this time he must have been stimulated by Deena moving around. He started to hump Deena slowly at first and then as fast as he could. Deena was bucking back against him like it was the best thing she ever experienced. Butch lasted a lot longer this time with Deena having several orgasms. Butch finally pulled up tight and dumped his second load in Deena. She was in extacy the whole time.

After Butch calmed down Deena tried to climb out from under him only to find she was knotted. She and Butch stayed like that for about ten minutes. The whole time Deena petted him and talked to him. When his cock suddenly plopped out of her she stared at his cock. She leaned down and took it into her mouth and sucked it clean. Butch got up and walked away leaving Deena exhausted. She eventually got up and took a shower.

I didn’t see any more activity between them after that. I guessed that Deena decided that it would be a one time thing. I wanted to see more so I talked to Deena about getting Butch fixed. I told her he seemed to be paying too much attention to peoples crotches. She protested strongly against it giving several weak reasons. I told her he was a horny dog and unless we could find a bitch to take care of his needs we might have to do it. She told me she might know someone with a bitch to take care of him.

I scanned the videos for any sign that Deena was going to help Butch out and finally struck pay dirt. I saw Deena and Butch go into the basement but out of the cameras range. They stayed there for a while but I couldn’t see what was going on. My only clue was once Butch walked into view with his red rocket exposed. I quickly repositioned the camera to catch the action.

The next days video caught Deena jacking off Butch in the basement. She seemed to be just doing a job, not really into it herself. Deena said she was trying some training techniques on the dog. She asked me if I noticed any difference in Butches behavior. I told her he tried humping my leg that day while she was in the kitchen. I again said we may have to get him fixed. She again was dead set against it.

The next days video showed Deena jacking off Butch but when he got pretty excited she got under him and started sucking him. That really drove him wild. He fucked her mouth for all he was worth. He was actually moving her across the floor with just his thrusting. She had 2 hands on his knot to make sure it didn’t go in her mouth. Finally he came hard in her mouth and she swallowed it all. She kept sucking for about ten minutes before his knot went down.

She sucked off Butch for three days in a row before asking if Butch was being any better. She said she was trying a different training technique. I told her he tried humping me just five minutes before she asked. That really pissed her off. She muttered something about what the hell do I have to do to train him. I said that we should just get him fixed and that would take care of it. She replied with a real sharp no. She said she still had a few things to try.

Well the next days video showed her on her knees with the same shirt as she used for shampooing. Butch mounted her real quick and went to business. She was trying to reach behind to control his knot but couldn’t keep her balance so he rammed it in and out of her. She didn’t seem happy about that but went with it. Butch was giving her a good hard pounding and she tried but couldn’t help but get excited and start cumming. Once she started she couldn’t stop. Butch finally pulled up tight and started cumming. Deena seemed in heaven. She was having one long orgasm.

When Butch was finally done Deena went over to the recliner, sat on the edge of it and collapsed backwards. I could see where this was going to go. Butch cleaned himself and then noticed where Deena was. This was a familiar position for him so he jumped right up on Deena. Being exhausted she didn’t seem to know what he was up to and just petted him. Butch repositioned, humped a couple of times and soon Deena found he was up her pussy and ready for seconds.

By then it was too late. Butch was fucking her full on. She was trapped on her back with a big dog fucking her missionary style. She got turned on right away and was quickly approaching a crushing orgasm. The different angle was rubbing fur across her clit and it was driving her wild. Butch loved this position. He could get his cock in as deep as it could go. He was pulling Deena down on his cock as hard as he could. Deena was feeling his cock hitting virgin territory. No cock had ever been that deep before. With the deep cock, fur rubbing her clit and now the knot swelling and ramming in and out, Deena went into what looked like convulsions. She was cumming hard and holding on tight to Butch and forcing him in deeper with her legs behind him. Butch kept fucking her like that for about 10 minutes before he pulled up tight and came too. Deena looked like she was going crazy under Butches body. He was just standing there emptying into her and panting. Deena was panting too.

She finally pushed Butch off of her and out plopped his cock. Cum poured out of her when she sat up. She looked down at it and reached down for a taste. Then she bent down and gave the puddle a lick before sucking up as much as she could and swallowing it. She left for what I assumed was a shower before returning to clean up.

That evening she asked how Butch was behaving. I replied that he seemed to be doing ok today. She said that it was about time. She said she finally found the right training technique. Without looking at her I told her she better keep at it to make it stick. I was hoping she would continue with his training.

The videos showed she was continuing exactly as before each time she had a chance. I was scheduling time away just so she had a chance every day. All this fucking with the dog didn’t take away from what I was getting at night. Deena seemed energized at night now.


Part IV

One day I came back early on purpose and caught Deena before she had a chance to shower and maneuvered her into the bedroom. we made out for a while on the bed with her trying to fight me off from going farther. I went to go down on her knowing that she had just taken care of Butch. She resisted a lot but I wasn’t giving up. I started sucking her pussy and she was still resisting. When I started sucking on her clit she gave in and started moaning. She started grinding against my face while I slurped hers and Butches juices. She was juicier than ever before and I knew why. The taste was pretty good, not like I expected at all.

She came a couple of times before she swung around into a sixty nine sitting on my face and she really went to town on me too. The cum really poured out of her when she came in that position. It only took a few minutes for her to suck the cum out of me. I pumped a really good load into her mouth and she swallowed it all I thought. She sucked me until I was soft. She climbed off of my face, cuddled up and then gave me a big cum laced kiss. It seems she didn’t swallow all of my load after all. She saved some for me, but not enough to make it obvious. I ignored it and we swapped cummy spit for a while. We both took quick showers and then crashed in each others embrace early for the night.

The next day was Saturday and I was outside moving a flower pot on a high shelf when it spilled over onto my head. I got dirt all through my hair so I went in to wash my hair. I took my shirt off outside and shook the loose dirt off of me. Deena was laughing at me when I came in.

Thinking about what Butch did to Deena when she washed her hair I stripped and went to the tub to wash mine like Deena usually did hers. Deena must of thought I was going into the shower because she didn’t follow me. I bent over the tub and quickly started shampooing my hair knowing that Butch wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. I could hear Deena in the kitchen, a few doors away busy with something.

Sure enough Butch came in and after licking my ass, jumped on and started fucking me. I waited until he was in real good before calling for help. Deena came running and tried to pull Butch off of me but wasn’t strong enough. Butch was holding on tight. He wasn’t about to part with a good piece of ass. I made a fuss about him killing me but my cock was rock hard. Deena told me to just relax and don’t fight him. She was laughing a little about my predicament but did feel sorry for me. I rinsed my hair while Butch pummeled my ass.

I told Deena it felt like my cock was going to explode. She looked under and said that my cock was as big as she has ever seen me. It was bobbing to Butch’s thrusting. She laid down and started sucking on my cock and said she could feel it throbbing with Butch’s thrusting. She started to suck real hard on it while Butch was hammering my ass. I could feel the knot swelling and pushing in and out of my ass giving me a good reaming. Butch finally pulled up tight and I could feel his knot swell up even bigger before he started unloading his cum into my ass. Deena knew what was happening and really sucked me in deep and I let loose with my cum. She sucked for as long as I was hard and then some. I think she didn’t want me to find out that i was tied to Butch.

She kept sucking me and I never went soft. She was kind of pushing me back like she was trying to deep throat me. I found out that she was really trying to stimulate Butch into doing a double on me. I was enjoying the sucking so much that I had almost forgotten about Butch, until he started thrusting again. I started to weakly fight against him but he was holding on tight. Deena acted like she didn’t know what was happening and kept sucking on me. She got up and said she was sorry. I told her that she might as well get back down and suck me because It might keep my mind off of it.

She went right back down and went back to work. She knew it would take longer for Butch this time so she started out with long slow strokes of her tongue. She would suck on the tip for a while and suddenly deep throat me. She was driving me crazier than Butch was with his thrusting. I was so hard it felt like the tip of my cock would blow off. When Deena saw that Butch was getting there, she started sucking harder than ever. That is all it took for me. I blew the biggest load of my life. Butch pulled in tight and added his second load to my ass. Deena was taking all I had and sucked until I had to pull her away by the hair. My cock was about as worn out as it could be.

After we calmed down Butch climbed off of me and pulled his still swollen cock out of my ass. Cum poured out of my ass onto the floor. I got up and jumped into the shower leaving Deena to clean up the mess. I watched and saw her lean down slurp it up. I called to her to join me in the shower. She got in and I immediately kissed her with a passionate kiss. I told her I never came so hard in my life and that maybe we could do something like that again if she would share the pain with me. She just kissed me back passionately as an answer.

We had many good times with Butch after that and eventually I even showed her some of the videos that I had captured, not the ones of me training Butch. They are in a special place under password protection.

The End

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