Women with Animals

Angela and Bruiser


(c) 2008 by djohmari

Part I

After my divorce I managed to buy a nice little place right on the beach front. It wasn’t large but large enough for me and my dog “Bruiser” a Staffordshire Bull-Terrier. Bruiser was a great dog very obedient. It was probably the best thing that I’d managed to keep at the “settlement”. He didn’t like strangers or anyone approaching “my space” but all I had to do was look at him and say the word “O.K.” This made him relax and treat whoever was with me as a “Friend”.

ne side of the chalet Bungalow was open space where the end of the crescent of the beach could be seen. The other side had a row of similar chalet bungalows, about 20 altogether. Next door lived a rather attractive lady and her 16 year old daughter. I was later to find out that she was also a divorcee but a bitter one who hated men and that the daughter was actually her Step daughter, from the marriage. Apparently the Step-daughter also disliked her father enough to want to live with her Step-mom instead.

Most mornings I would jog along the beach, in either one direction or the other, to the head of the crescent and back home. Bruiser enjoyed our time together, he was very loyal and wanted to be with me all the time and whenever I could I took him to work with me. As a self employed electrician this was mostly possible but not always. On the days I left him at home on his own he pined and made such a fuss upon my return I was sure that his enthusiasm would damage one of us. His one feature which was an embarrassment was his “Groin attack”. Whenever I introduced him to a female he would shove his snout into their groin with quite some force. Not always welcomed but mostly laughed off with embarrassment.

One Saturday morning, on returning from one of our early morning runs along the beach, as we approached home past the bungalows, I noticed the Step-daughter sat in her gate that lead from the bungalow to the beach (each bungalow had one). I looked down at Bruiser, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth from the exercise and gave him the command “O.K.” The last thing I wanted was for him to growl or snarl at my neighbours.

We steadied from a jog to a walk as we approached. “Hi” I greeted the young lady “I’m Djohmari from next door, and this is Bruiser” I noticed the look of apprehension on her face as she stared at Bruiser. Apparently he looked mean to everyone else, to me he was a handsome dog. “It’s o.k.” I told her “He’s as good as gold” I assured “Say hello Bruiser”. Now normally when I told him to say hello he would “gruff” and then stick out his tongue with a kind of smile on his face. Today he decided he was going to do his “ Groin attack”. He pushed the young ladies knees apart, effortlessly, and rammed his snout up the short skirt she was wearing and into her groin. Startled by this invasion the young lady gasped and with her mouth wide open she looked at me. “I’m sorry” I said “It’s his way of saying hello to pretty young ladies” trying to make light of the situation.

“Well helloooo to you Bruiser” she said to him gathering her composure whilst pushing him away. “I’m Angela” she informed me with a smile for the recent assault on her person, a smile I hoped that was forgiveness. She had the most incredible green eyes I had ever seen and a smile as wide as the bay we lived in. As we were about to enter into conversation a voice bellowed from within her yard “Angela come here, you know you shouldn’t talk to strangers, especially MEN!” Angela stood up turned around and headed back into her bungalow “Sorry” she said “Got to go”. I watched as she walked up the pathway back to her door. She had shiny long brown hair that swayed from side to side as she walked, much as did her hips. It was then that I really noticed what an incredibly beautiful young lady it was that I had just met. Dam, I thought to myself as I continued back home next door.

Later that day I went, with Bruiser, to the local supermarket. I left him in the car as I went to collect my shopping. Whilst at the check-out I bumped into Angela. “We meet again” I said “ But not with quite the same greeting as this morning” I continued, referring to Bruiser’s greeting. Angela smiled that smile again, her eyes shone as she replied “No and where is that rather friendly dog of yours?” “Oh I’ve left him in the car” I informed her “I can’t have him greeting every woman he meets as he did this morning”. She laughed, thankfully I must have been forgiven. “You’ve got quite a hand-full there I said, referring to the shopping she was holding, she looked down at her cleavage, she was wearing a “V” neck sweater. “I meant the shopping” I interjected, realising what I had said could have been taking the wrong way. “Oh” she replied “I thought you were as rude as your dog” she laughed. “Need a lift?” I offered . “Yes please” she responded “If it’s not too much trouble?” “No trouble at all” I said “I happen to be going near to where you live. She again laughed and beamed those eyes at me.

As we approached the car Bruiser, sensing someone approaching, leapt up to the window. I mouthed “O.K.” to him and although he continued to eye Angela suspiciously he allowed her to climb into the passenger seat. “He’s o.k. isn’t he?” she enquired. Bruiser gave her the biggest lick on the side of her face. “I suppose that answers your question?” I asked her. Again she giggled “That tongue should be locked up!” she said with a half smile. It was on the journey home that she told me all about her Step-mom and their circumstances. They had not long been in the area themselves. Angela hated it here, there was no-one her age around she was “Bored as hell” as she informed me and her Step-mom kept a very close eye on her and any male she may come into contact with.

We got along great on our short but pleasant journey, I didn’t want it to end, end it must, as I pulled up to the entrance to her home. My mind was working overtime, there must be some way I could get her alone. “Say” I approached her with my excuse, “I’ve got to go on a job tomorrow night and I need a dog sitter, Bruiser doesn’t like being alone and seeing as he knows you… I wondered if you might. After all” I continued “You can tell your Step-mom I won’t be there so?”. “Why not” she replied, turning and stroking Bruisers head, he enjoyed the fuss. My plan was set.

The next evening Angela called around, with her Step mom in tow. “I thought you were going out?” the wizened old witch accused me. “I er I am” I stammered “Just want to show Angela the place first. “It’s the same layout as ours” the witch said “She won’t have a problem!” “Right then” I said “I’d better be off. I might be late as I don’t really know what I’ve got to do but it’s a cash job and I can’t afford to turn it down. Bruiser didn’t like the old witch either and he bared his teeth. The old witch didn’t like the look of him either and walked with me to my car. “Now make sure you walk her back when you return” she said. “Don’t worry” I replied “ No-one and nothing will get near your daughter with Bruiser in the house.” She huffed and walked off.

What I haven’t told you, nor anyone else for that matter is that I’ve installed hidden spy cams all over the bungalow. Pictures from the cams can be accessed onto my mobile, (The technology is out there folks, believe me). Whilst going about the work in hand, which didn’t turn out to be as much as I’d anticipated, I kept an eye on what was going on back home. I dialled the number and a picture came onto my mobile screen, Angela was sat in my favourite chair, Bruiser was watching T.V. Now I’ve been told dogs can’t see the picture but Bruiser always watched T.V. with me? Angela called Bruiser over, he obeyed and as he approached her she parted her knees. Bruiser not wasting the opportunity stuck his snout into her groin. “Good boy” she said. Bruiser nuzzled between her legs. From where the cam was positioned I could see him from behind, his tail wagging and his head buried up her skirt. Angela had her head back and was stroking the back of Bruiser’s head. “Good boy” she repeated. I couldn’t believe what was happening, this young lady was allowing my dog to nuzzle his nose into her crotch. I was glued to my screen. Angela then sent Bruiser away, he looked dejected. She then hooked her hands into her skirt and took off her panties. She then called him back to her. Bruiser rushed back to resume his and apparently her pleasure. She lifted her skirt up onto her stomach allowing her, and me, a good view of what Bruiser was doing. Bruiser now having no restriction was lapping his huge tongue up and down her pussy. Obviously the smell of her juices attracted his taste and attention. Angela laid her head back and enjoyed he oral stimulation she was receiving. To be honest I had a boner just watching it and almost a “birds eye view”. It wasn’t long before Angela started to pant, she again placed her hand on Bruiser’s head and pulled his snout into her, he must be burying his tongue deep inside her, from what I could see, as she writhed on the chair.

She came and Bruiser, probably enjoying the juices quenched his thirst. This seemed to drive Angela even more crazy as she seemed to have a second orgasm almost immediately. “Good boy” she said “Very good boy”. She praised him with a head massage with both hands and kissed hi on the snout. The very snout that had been on her juicy pussy just seconds earlier.

I quickly finished what I had to do, got paid and leapt into my car, I had to get home quick. I once again dialled my cam number as I drove home. Angela had gone to the kitchen and made herself a drink, returning to my chair. I silently crept the car into the driveway. I didn’t want the witch to know I had returned. I switched the engine off and continued to watch my phone screen. Angela had looked at the clock, put her drink down and then proceeded to take off the rest of her clothes. I enjoyed watching her strip, she was in no rush. Bruiser was also watching somewhat confused.

With all her clothes off Angela knelt on the floor, her ass not only facing Bruiser but also giving me a wonderful shot to camera. Her pussy was clean shaven and looked as sweet as honey. Bruiser must’ve also thought so as he once again got up and approached her rear. “Like another lick?” she asked him. Oh to be that dog I thought to myself as I rubbed my cock inside my jeans. I continued to watch as Bruiser resumed his pussy licking. Angela again didn’t take long to reach orgasm, screaming “Good dog.”.good dog” as he lapped at her. Now I don’t know if it was Angela’s intention but Bruiser receiving all this encouragement stopped his licking and in a flash had mounted her. “Bruiser… what are you doing?” she asked as he gripped her with his front legs. It didn’t take long for her to find out as Bruiser entered her with his doggy cock. “Owww” Angela squealed. Now I couldn’t see which orifice the lucky son of a bitch was entering but it certainly made her buck as he hammered home at record breaking speed. That was enough for me, I had to get a closer look at what was going on. I crept in the house and opened the living room door. Seeing Bruiser and Angela literally in “Doggy fashion” I noticed that he had “Locked”. His cock had swollen into a knot and there was no way that his cock which had just dumped doggy cum inside her was going to be removed. Angela was panting like a bitch, when she saw me she looked shocked and then tried to explain “He pushed me over and mounted me, and now he’s stuck up my bum”. Well that answered one question. “I suppose he took off all your clothed and folded then onto the coffee table as well?” I questioned. Angela knew her little game was up. “Look” I said “It’s going to take a while for his knot to go down so get comfortable”. I sat in my chair “Now whilst your going nowhere for a while and I have your attention you can suck on this, I pulled my cock out of my jeans and slid forward on the chair, presenting it to her mouth. “Now be a good girl and no-one will find out about your doggy fetish” I assured her. Angela pleaded. “I’m sorry I was bored and… well I haven’t been near a boy for ages and things just happened”. “Well things are going to continue to happen” I told her “Unless you would like me to broadcast to the world you like doggy cock up your ass”. She explained that she didn’t want it to happen it just… did and so quick, before she realised Bruiser was up her arse. “Enough talking” I said “Try explaining with a mouthful of this. I pushed my cock into her mouth. At first she reluctantly accepted it then as Bruiser, seeing that the fun was going to continue for a while moved his hips, just once. This must have spurred Angela on as she then started to suck my cock with relish. She wasn’t a bad cock sucker at that. This green eyed beauty was mine!

Bruiser eventually slipped out of Angela’s arse and went over to the corner of the room to lick himself clean. Wouldn’t most blokes kill to be able to do that? Sensing my opportunity and feeling my balls starting to tingle, I pushed Angela’s head form my cock.

“Stay in that position” I commanded her, as I crept around behind her. I saw Bruiser’s cum leaking out of her anus and gave myself a little chortle as I stuck my cock up and into her pussy. I wasn’t going to be gentle with this little doggy whore. I pummelled my cock in and out of her. Now I’m much bigger than my dog and she bucked and writhed as I forced my hard big cock into her. She moaned as I pushed deeper and deeper and faster and faster with each thrust. Again she came hard and loud. I almost came too but gripped the base of my cock, withdrew from her juicy lip swollen pussy and shoved it right up her doggy lubricated arse. Again she squealed, this time much louder. I continued to bugger her arse good n proper. I was going to enjoy this!

It wasn’t long before I came, squirting my cum up her and mixing it with the cum deposited by my dog earlier. My cock didn’t knot though and slipped out of her anus, even though her anal ring tried as it might to hold me inside her. Unfortunately she didn’t reach another orgasm as we fell onto the floor, side by side. “That was fucking awesome” she said to me “I’ve never done anything like that before”. Bruiser, having finished cleaning himself came over to us, Angela lifted her legs up I the air and commanded him to “Clean me now you naughty dog”. Bruiser did as he was told. I told you he was obedient. Angela had her final orgasm of the night with Bruiser cleaning her out. Unfortunately it was now late and I had to walk Angela home.

As I walked her next door, with Bruiser at my side, Angela turned to me and said “You promise not to tell a living soul about tonight?” “I promise” I replied “Providing e do this on a regular basis?” I questioned her. “You betcha” she responded. The old witch was at the door, “See you” Angela said to me, she bent down and kissed Bruiser on the snout “And see you, you little monster.” Bruiser and I turned around and went home.

It wasn’t to be our last encounter with Angela, in fact it was a regular thing as soon as the old witch was out the way we were at it like dogs on heat, Bruiser joined in most times but not always although he mostly got to “Clean up”.


Part II

Unfortunately I had to go to a job, rather a distance from home, it would mean lodging out and the digs didn’t take animals. Fortunately I was able to organise Angela looking after Bruiser whilst I was away, after all they both new each other, intimately.

The first evening away and I logged on to my camera. What a shock! There , to my amazement, although it probably shouldn’t have been, was a view of Bruiser, from behind. He was stood with his hind legs on the sofa, one either side of a young ladies waist. Between his legs were a pair of splayed naked legs and a full frontal view of what I recognised as Angela’s pussy, her puffy lips and pink folds in full sight. She was reclined on the sofa, her bare ass barely sitting on the edge, I could hardly see what was actually going on and could only assume, given the position of the dog, his front paws on her shoulders and hips thrusting, that she was giving him a blow job. That damn dog was fucking her mouth! Angela had one hand on his back and the other fondling his balls. I could hear the slurping as he plunged his cock into her hot little mouth. Soon Angela moved her hands onto Bruiser’s shoulders and pushed him down her body, he tried, with his front paws not to be dislodged but she had taken him by surprise. Now with his hind legs on the floor he wasted no time in slamming his cock into her pussy, almost missionary position, and nested his head up and between her pert little boobies. Angela had her head back and eyes closed, with her chest raising and falling as she took deep breaths as he doggy fucked her, his arse going ten to the dozen as he drove his cock into her.

It didn’t take long for Bruiser to cum, Angela letting out a deep long groan as his doggy sperm filled her tight young pussy. He didn’t move, having his cock locked into her, he just stood still, front paws either side of her waist and his head nestled between her boobs, tongue hanging out, panting and looking up at her face. Angela craned her neck forward and kissed him on his snout. “Who’s a good little doggy?” she said as she stroked the back of his neck. That was one hell of a lucky doggy!

After much stroking and fussing of his back and neck, Bruiser’s cock knot finally deflated. He lowered himself, so that all four paws were now on the floor. Still between Angela’s legs he stuck his tongue up her pussy and licked his sperm from her. Angela squealed with delight, locked her legs around his neck and pressed the back of her head against the sofa backrest. Good old dog that he was he soon brought the little girl to another orgasm. Bruiser moved away and left me with a full on view of Angela, legs akimbo panting. A big smile spread across her face “In a couple of nights I’m going to give you a new treat” she said to the dog as he lay licking his cock and balls. As if he hadn’t just given him enough “treats”, what on earth could she mean? I thought to myself.

This was all too much, if I couldn’t actually be there I certainly wasn’t going to miss anything. Making some lame excuse I left work early, raced to my “covert camera supplier” and spent a fortune on hidden, full colour, cameras with audio and zoom facility as well as recording equipment. I wasn’t going to miss a trick! I drove the long haul home, arriving late at night. I parked away from the house, not wanting anyone to know I was there and made my way home. Bruiser, as you may imagine was more than pleased to see me. I set too and placed my cameras, strategically, so I could catch all angles in most rooms. I bade Bruiser farewell and drove back to where I was working, shattered but happy with what I had done.

Logging onto my cameras at home, the next lunch time, just to check on my dog and also to check that Angela was looking after him, feed and water wise at least. I saw the back door open.

It was the wicked witch, what the hell was she doing in my house? Bruiser, although intimidating, wasn’t dangerous but he certainly let his presence be felt, following her legs very closely. “Angela can’t make it today” she told him as she nervously looked to see how dangerous he was, “She’s asked me to see to you, if that’s all right” she asked, expecting an answer but taking the fact he hadn’t bitten her as acceptance.

I watched as she went from the kitchen into the living room and look out of the patio doors. All that could be seen was the garden as it was enclosed by a thick hedge, about 7ft tall. She suddenly turned to leave and fell over Bruiser, who had followed her in and was stood, attentively, behind her. She managed to break her fall without hurting herself and whilst down on the floor twisted herself onto her back. This was all the opportunity Bruiser needed. He was clearly as horny as hell from his previous days experience. Instantly his head was between her legs, up her dress and pressed onto her snatch. Shit! I thought.

I expected the shit to hit the fan but instead of pushing him away his victim raised herself up onto her elbows to see what the dog was doing. “Oh you naughty dog” she said as she looked, mesmerised, at what the horny animal was doing.
(Wasn’t it fortunate that I had placed my cameras so strategically?)

Bruiser, frustrated at not being able to get at her snatch appeared to be tugging at her panties with his teeth. A big smile spread across the ladies lips. “Having trouble are we?” she asked the dog. She lay back down, lifted her dress, dug her heals into the carpet and raised her bum off the floor and started to slide her “Bridgett Jones” big panties down her legs. Bruiser merely stepped over her arms and legs, not wanting to loose his prize. With her knees raised and bent apart meant that Bruiser now had full access to her hairy bush. He attacked it with his long wet tongue. The witch was clearly happy with the situation, moaning in pleasure as his tongue parted her pussy lips and tried to bury itself up her love tunnel.

The wicked witch was swaying her shoulders, grinding them into the carpet, enjoying this sudden and unexpected pleasure. She pulled her right arm through the strap of her dress and then her left. She then pulled the top of her dress over her breasts, rather large breasts I may add but still contained by a heavy bra.

Next she arched her back and proceeded to undo the clasp of her bra, brought the straps from around her back and threw it to one side. This exposed those full, round bosoms, huge areole and nipples about an inch long stuck out from those soft fleshy mounds. Bruiser was now well into her pussy, licking away, making sure that his tongue scrapped along her clit. This dog was better at giving head than any guy!

The witch shuddered at his administration, her hands clamped over her boobs and she massaged them, firmly. She then started to pull, quite strongly at her nipples, already erect and about an inch long she stretched them even longer. “Oooh you naughty naughty dog” she said as she tugged and pulled at her nipples. Her panting became ever faster, one hand reached down to clamp Bruiser’s head into her pussy, she raised her hips off the floor and started to orgasm. She hadn’t had sex for a long time, which probably explained why she came so quickly.

Bruiser now having access to her “forbidden” rear hole stuck his tongue into it. This sent her way over the top and she writhed in ecstasy for what appeared to be minutes, raising and lowering her hips from the floor, on each lift Bruiser again buried his tongue up her ass.

Finally she came down from what must have been more than one orgasm, or if it was only one, it was a hell of a big one! “You naughty naughty doggy” she admonished the poor dog, waving a finger at him. Bruiser, cock stuck straight out under him and firmly erect was still panting, obviously wanting his own pleasure. She noticed his doggy cock, long and red, twisted herself so that she could take him in hand and proceeded to slide her grip up and down his throbbing member. “What a nice doggy cock you have there” she said to him “Do you want me to help you with that?”

Bruiser may not have understood her question but he certainly what he wanted as he thrust his cock into her grip. The wicked witch continued to tease and torment Bruiser by giving him a hand job, stopping, then starting again. “Would doggy like some pussy” she laughingly asked as she withdrew her hand from his cock and turned and raised herself onto all fours, her ass facing him. She turned her head to look around at him, “Come on doggy, let’s see what you can do” she said to him.

Bruiser, no slouch in accepting this type of invitation was instantly behind her, front paws on her back and cock attempting to push it’s way into whichever hole it could find. She reached between her legs, took hold of his cock and aimed it at her sopping pussy entrance. Bruiser needed no more encouragement and with one thrust buried himself inside her. Once in that was all he needed, front paws pulling at her hips he fucked her furiously. Her whole body rocked backwards and forwards as Bruiser pulled and withdrew from her. His speed was extraordinary. “No…no…slow down a bit” she said and somehow managed to pull herself forward enough to get Bruiser’s cock from penetrating her love hole.

Bruiser, frustrated by this bitch stopping his pleasure, dug his front paws into her hips and pulled himself back into position. No bitch was going to stop him! Unfortunately for this particular bitch Bruiser’s aim was not the best, frustrated by her stopping and not particularly caring, he drove his slippery cock into her ass. Shocked and surprised by this sudden invasion all his bitch could say was “Oh”. It was too late for her to do anything, Bruiser had his cock buried deep up her ass hole. Having never had a cock up her ass had taken her by surprise but after a quick shake of her pendulous boobs she started to thrust back at him. “You are a very naughty doggy” she managed to say, through partially gritted teeth. Bruiser sped up, there was no way his cock was coming from out this tunnel until he had shot his wad. Faster and faster he went, tongue now hanging own the side of his mouth, his victim was panting as fast as he was and he suddenly arched his back as he thrust his cock as deep as he could into her and held. She groaned as she felt what must have seemed like gallons of doggy sperm shoot up her ass and joined him in his orgasm, shuddering and her arms collapsing under her.

After a couple of seconds, her face buried into the side of the carpet, she looked around at her friendly attacker. “You can take it out now, you horny dog, you’ve had your pleasure”. Unbeknown to her Bruiser had locked with her. The swollen knot stuck well into her ass. She wiggled her ass and then must have felt his knot as it spread her ass ring wide. “Oh my god” she said as she suddenly realised what had happened. She looked around the room, suddenly scared of getting caught in the act. Having seen that nobody could see her she seemed to relax and let nature take it’s course. As Bruiser turned away from her, still knotted, she slipped her right hand between her legs and started to lay with herself, slowly rubbing her pussy. Addressing the dog but not directly she mumbled, “You know I must come and see to you more often”. She laughed as she spoke, her laughing caused her anal ring to tighten on Bruiser cock and have the effect on reigniting his erection. Bruiser suddenly turned, grabbed hold of her hips and started to fuck her again. “Oh no not again” she moaned to herself. Bruiser fucked her hard and fast, she continued to pleasure her pussy herself and both quickly came to orgasm. This time Bruiser didn’t knot with her, timing had his cock out of her as he came and his cum shot over her, broad, bare ass.

Quickly realising she was free she turned onto her back. He wasn’t getting another go, well today at least, she thought, wickedly, to herself! Looking down herself she could see her dress had been pulled all over, her ass cheeks were covered in doggy cum, she hadn’t a clue what she had done with her panties or bra and there, in the corner was a dog happily licking his cock.

Realisation suddenly dawned on her! Had this dog done a similar thing to Angela, whilst she visited him regularly? She had certainly seemed a lot happier lately. No, surely not her sweet little Angela, there was no way she was being fucked by a dog?

There again, never in a million years would she have believed that she would be either. She was going to have to keep an eye on her and this dog!


Part III

It was getting beyond a joke! My dog was getting all the boning he could handle and there was I, miles from home, phone in one hand and cock in the other! It was going to have to change, I was going to get this job done and get home as soon as I could.

I worked my arse off but still didn’t manage to get ahead with my work, or even catch up, having left early to install the additional cameras. Whilst working away I thought about what I had seen. The Wicked Witch getting “Dogged”, I had it recorded, I suddenly remembered, blackmail? O.K. she wasn’t the most attractive flower on the wall but still as shag is a shag. And what was the “Treat” that Angela had promised my faith-full hound? I couldn’t let on I knew, nor that I had cameras about the place but I had a plan.

I phoned Angela and told her that I wouldn’t be home until Saturday morning, whereas in reality I intended to be home Friday night. She promised to look after Bruiser and I was sure she must have had the biggest smile on her face as she chuckled to herself whilst talking to me. Was Friday night going to be “Treat” night?

Friday, I wrapped up at work and set off home, phone laid on the passenger seat and “logged on”. After a couple of hours, about seven o clock, I saw movement on the phone, it was Angela plus she had a friend with her. I couldn’t quite make her friend out as I was concentrating on driving, as there was no actual action going on I put my foot down and decided to keep driving until I needed to stop to look at my phone properly. I turned the volume to high and listened in.

“This is Bruiser” I heard Angela say “And he’s the dog I’ve been telling you about” she continued. “Oh he’s lovely” exclaimed her friend. With a quick glance at the phone I saw my mutt making a fuss of the new girl and her making a fuss of him. Was she to be his “Treat”? It didn’t take Angela long to strip off and she soon had Bruiser licking her boobs and nipples. “Come on try it Karen” she encouraged her friend. Karen was a petite little thing, curly blonde hair and a “Barbie doll” figure, form what I could make out. Sure enough she removed her top and bra and sat next to Angela, on the sofa. Bruiser soon moved over to his new play mate and gave her pert little mounds the benefit of his long tongue, I’m sure he was sucking her nipples, can a dog do that? I thought to myself. Whatever he was doing both were having fun. “This is the best bit” Angela said as she leant back, parted her legs and splayed her pussy lips open with her fingers. “Bruiser come lick my pussy” she instructed. Bruiser didn’t need asking twice. Tail wagging her buried his tongue up Angela’s snatch. Karen, her friend leant forward to see the action. “Ooh he’s got such a LONG tongue” she told her friend. Angela was moaning with pleasure “Mmmm get your panties off and try it” she instructed her friend. Karen slid her leggings off and then her panties. “Are you sure no one will know”? she asked. “Nobody can see us and I’m not going to tell, are you”?

With that Karen took the same prone position as Angela, parting her pussy lips through the matt of blonde curly hair, which matched her head. Angela took hold of Bruiser by his shoulders and encouraged him onto her friend. Bruiser wasn’t bothered whose pussy he was licking, he just licked the taste of pussy juice. He soon had his head between those long slender legs of Karen’s. “Oooh” she squealed as he dug deep into her. Angela I could see now had her right hand between her legs, massaging her pussy and sliding a finger between her slit, her left crept around and under her butt as she fingered her butt hole, burying a finger up to the knuckle into her anus.

“Oh you bad dog” Karen suddenly said. “What’s the matter”? Angela enquired. “He’s just stuck his tongue up my bum”. Karen replied. “Nice isn’t it?” Angela responded, “Just wait until he sticks his cock up there and fills you with cum!” Karen looked across at her friend, now with her eyed shut tightly and biting her bottom lip. “You are joking” she retorted to an Angela almost in the throes of orgasm. “I thought you were making that bit up” she added with surprise on her face. Angela groaned in response “Pussy, ass, whatever, he doesn’t mind”. Karen relaxed and enjoyed Bruisers’ attention. “You wicked, wicked doggy” she chastised him.

I should have pulled over but as I wasn’t far from home now I decided to welly my foot down and get home and join in the fun. I heard Karen reach her first orgasm and a quick glance and I saw Bruiser giving Angela a seeing to from behind. “Not far from home now” I whispered to myself. I pulled slowly and quietly into my driveway, turned off the engine and grabbed my phone. I wondered what the girls were up to before barging in. Bruiser now had Karen on all fours, his front paws on her back and his back arching as he went ten to the dozen. “He’s stretching my bum hole” Karen squealed as he pounded into her. “Don’t let him knot inside you” Angela said to her friend as she watched the action. Not knowing what she meant Karen just let bruiser her shove his cock deep into her. Her whole body shook as she reached yet another climax, Bruiser also reached his and sure enough knotted up the poor girls back passage. “Oh shit” she shouted as Bruiser’s cock knot spread her anal ring even wider.

Time for an entrance. I raced inside, pushed the door open to be confronted by a curly haired little vision of beauty, dog on her back and Angela knelt beside her friend consoling her and rubbing her boobs. Angela looked up and smiled “Hello, I didn’t think you were back until tomorrow”. Karen ,her friend had a shocked look on her face but couldn’t manage to say anything other than “Oh noooo”. “Looks like fun” I said as I took Angela and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, delving my tongue into that sweat mouth of hers. “Can I join in?” I asked. Angela whooped with joy “Yes please” she shouted. I quickly removed all my clothing and knelt in front of Karen, pointing my cock straight at her face. “Needs a little lubrication before I stick this in your friends pussy” I informed her. Karen still grimacing, wrapped her hand around my shaft and slowly swallowed half my member down her throat. My could she suck cock! Being so horny from having a week without anything other than a wank, I quickly instructed Angela to take the same position along side her friend. I then, alongside my faith full mutt, slipped my rather hot and hard cock into her smooth, silky pussy. I could feel every muscle inside her as I slid in. Bruiser, seeing his master alongside him, jerking in and out of this beautiful dark haired girl next to him, copied my actions in the blonde he had at his mercy. Unfortunately his cock was on the wain and slipped out of it’s tight little dungeon. He strolled over to the corner and started to lick his cock, satisfied that he had had his fun.

Karen’s butt hole was still gapping open, doggy cum leaking out of her. She gave a relieved gasp as he took his now quickly shrinking cock from her sore anus. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, I pulled my cock from Angela’s sweat pussy, shuffled to one side and aimed my shaft at Karen’s open hole. Her gasp of relief was soon followed by a quick shriek as I penetrated her rear end. Angela, a bit disappointed turned around to see what was happening. I mouthed a “Sorry” to her and nodded towards Bruiser. “Oh no not again” Karen squealed “My ass is sooo sore!” Angela made her way over to Bruiser and stroked his cock as I continued my assault on the little blondes’ rear end. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper I penetrated her. Enforced abstinence made may balls soon tighten and I felt my “Big vein” fill with cum, squirting into my poor victim, her sphincter muscle milking me. “Aaargh” I exhaled as I filled her with my cum. Luckily I didn’t knot and Karen was able to collapse onto the floor onto her back. Her legs were still splayed wide open and her pink pussy lips were soaked with juices, from her, from my dog and from me. “Thank God for that!” she said as she relaxed her back onto the carpet.

Angela, on hearing her friend, came back over to join us. “Well the only one not to have had you is me” she stated as she crept up between her friends long legs and planted a kiss on her clit. “What are you doing?” Karen said in astonishment. “Licking up all the juices” Angela replied as she lapped at her friends’ pussy. “But…but I’m not gay” exclaimed her friend. “Me neither” replied Angela “But it doesn’t mean I don’t like doing this.” She said as she continued lapping at her friend.

“May I join you?” I asked as I took position next to Angela.

We took turns in lapping at Karen’s pussy and anus, Karen through either reluctantly or acceptingly lay back to enjoy the oral pleasure. We had fingers probing and stroking. In between my turn at licking I made my way to Karen’s pert little boobs which were about the size of large oranges and just as firm. Her small but erect pink nipples just begging to be licked and nipped between my lips. Soon she started to pant, like the little bitch she was and writhed and moaned as she climaxed.

Now sporting a fresh erection, which didn’t go un-noticed, I was soon on my back with Angela jumping onto me, straddling my cock. I felt every last centimetre as it slipped up inside her tight quim. She rode me like a stallion, bucking up and down. She turned into the “Reverse Cowboy” and continued to buck onto me. I saw her reach over and grab her friends hair, dragging her over between my legs. “Lick my pussy” she commanded. I couldn’t see what was going on but soon felt Karen’s chin on my shaft and balls, her tongue touching my cock as she attempted to lick at her friends’ pussy as she jumped up and down on me. I felt Angela’s pussy tighten on my shaft and with a final downward plunge her juices flooded out of her as she reached her climax, y cock twitched at the clamping and I followed suit, what little cum I had left trickling down the side of my shaft. Angela fell back onto me, my cock still inside her as Karen continued to lap at the both of us. “Mmmm tasty” she mumbeled between licks. Angela twisted her head and we somehow managed to French kiss. Karen, now giggling soon joined us as we shared a three way tongue sharing exercise.

“That was awesome” Karen said as we cooled down from our passion. “Told you” Angela replied. “So who’s been spoiling my dog?” I laughingly asked as I remembered my mutt, sat in the corner, tongue hanging down the side of his mouth.

We all laughed. “I’ve got to go” Angela suddenly informed us. “Why don’t you tell your mum your stopping at my house and you can stay here?” she asked her friend, “If you don’t mind” she turned and asked me. “Don’t mind” I flusteringly replied, “As long as Karen doesn’t mind me fucking her pussy raw” I said as I glanced at Karen. “Mmm, so you like fucking 15 year olds do you?” she asked. Excited at the illegality of what was going to happen that night I could only reply “And no dogs allowed!” as I shot a glare at Bruiser. “Aaaaw” Karen groaned “Not even for a little bit?”

The rest I will leave up to your imagination. Needless to say her ass and pusssy got drilled good and proper all night. I soon made up for my lack of sex the previous week.


Part IV

During the rest of the week, if it wasn’t Angela getting doggy fucked it was Carla, or both. I was looking forward to the week end when I could join my beautiful young dog sitter and stick my cock up, her prudish step mom.

I got a call on Thursday, it was Angela. “Hi, everything is o.k it’s just that me and my step mom are going away in the morning and won’t be back until Sunday night”. I left a pause, I didn’t want Angela to know that I had seen their relationship blossom on my secret cameras. “Oh, I didn’t think you got on?” I replied, “And what about Bruiser?” I enquired. “Karen is going to pop in on Friday daytime… er are you back Friday night?” Angela responded.

Again I paused before replying, “Well I don’t think I’ll be back until Saturday lunch, do you think Karen could stop over Friday until I get back?” I heard Angela talk to someone and then respond “Yes she can” before whispering “And if you get back Friday you can have another night with her”. “Fine” I replied “Thanks, I’ll see you when I get back, have a nice time”.

Well my plan hadn’t quite worked out for the week end but I was certainly going to get finished and back for Friday and Karen. As luck would have it everything went better than expected and I was home for Thursday night. Bruiser was as pleased to see me, as I expected and I was as horny as hell. I downed a large scotch, showered and went to bed. Although tired I couldn’t sleep, I was too horny, so I decided to have a wank.

I threw the bed covers back and took hold of my old John Thomas, stroking it slowly as I shut my eyes and thought of all the pussy Bruiser had been having, which was going to be mine. Bruiser, the lucky dog, Bruiser the horny dog, Bruiser… Bruiser who was licking my balls!

The damn dog had jumped on the bed and decided to give his master the benefit of his tongue. Well, I thought to myself, there’s no one else around so why not. Good as he was at licking pussy he was equally expert at licking cock. His wet muscle wrapped around my manhood several times and although there was no way I was going to put my cock in his mouth, his efforts were appreciated and certainly different. He licked my bell end, my shaft, as I stroked it and my balls. Not the best blow job I had ever had but I wasn’t complaining. Then he did something which took me, albeit by pleasant surprise. He licked from my ball sack to my ass and tried to stick his tongue up my poo tube. “Whoa boy” I said in sudden surprise. Bruiser stopped, lifted his head, looked at me and then went back to licking my ass. I have to admit, embarrassingly, I was enjoying it . I continued to stroke myself as Bruiser tried to bury his tongue up inside me. He was having difficulty as I was laid on my back. I don’t know if it was the drink or what but I got up, assumed the doggy position reached under my belly and continued to enjoy my wank. Bruiser crept up behind me and gave my ass hole the benefit of his wet tongue. I was now enjoying what I had seen the girls experience and ashamedly have to admit it was rather pleasant.

I didn’t notice Bruiser stop licking but I felt his paws grab my waist and before I knew it he had the point of his cock at my ass, before I had time to react he had driven it into me. I felt pain, sharp pain, my sphincter stretched and a hot hard rod up my bum! I instantly stopped stroking my cock but my hand instinctively grip my shaft hard as I tensed. I was about to give my dog the biggest telling off in his life when he started to hump me, this caused my hand to shoot up and down my shaft as my whole body rocked to his rhythm.

It was new, it was different, it felt not too bad. So this is what it felt like for the girls? I let him get on with it, my ass relaxing to grip his cock just enough for him to slide his dick inside me. Was I gay, bisexual? I certainly am not but I was enjoying this new experience. His doggy cock reached something inside me, as he thrust and with my hand wanking my cock it didn’t take long for me to shoot my jism onto me bed sheets. What I had forgotten though was that dogs knot and I suddenly felt my sphincter stretched to new, painful, widths as his cock swelled inside me then really hot fluid shoot up inside my bum! I had never felt anything like it. I couldn’t move, my hand was still firmly around my cock, which was as hard as rock and wouldn’t go down my eyes firmly clamped shut in pain, or ecstasy, and I had a dogs cock up my bum and it wouldn’t come out. What was I to do? I crouched motionless for a minute before once again pumping my cock. I hadn’t stayed hard like this since I was a teenager. Having only just come, the first time, my second wank took longer and I enjoyed what can only be described as an outer body experience as I came again. Bruiser slipped out of me and I lay on the bed, breathless, in a puddle of my own cum, his oozing out my ass. Bruiser, bless him, licked his cum from my ass and I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning, ass sore, sticky with dried cum all over me. Shit, what a night, what an experience, how the fuck did that happen? I showered, dressed, fed and walked my faithful hound and awaited the arrival of young Karen, but that’s another story.


Part V

Sure enough, mid morning Karen arrived. Not just Karen but a Karen clone, her sister Kim, small, same blonde curly hair and baby doll looks, as innocent in the face as could possibly be. “Hi, I didn’t think you were going to be home yet” Karen said, seemingly a little disappointed, “Oh this sis my younger sister Kim, she twelve” she added for some reason telling me her sisters age. Kim was wide eyed, she seemed to search the room and then saw Bruiser. “Oh this is the dog” she said as she knelt and beckoned Bruiser to her. I gave Karen a questioning glance.

“It’s alright” Karen assured me “She’s O.K.” as she gave me a reassuring wink. “So how do you make his thingy come out” asked Kim as she looked under Bruiser, at his cock sheath, the biggest smile on her face and eyes glistening. “What on earth have you been telling her?” I asked Karen, glaring at her. “Don’t worry” replied a calm Karen “She can keep a secret”. Baffled I glared again at her, “You mean she knows?” Karen calmly and maturely replied “Yes, I’ve told her all about Bruiser and if you hadn’t been here, well you know”. I didn’t, at first but then realised what the girls had got planned, “Well don’t let me stop you, just pretend I’m not here” I said with a grin. Kim looked at me then her sister and the biggest grin appeared on her face as well.

The three of us walked through to the lounge, I sat in my arm chair and the girls sat on the sofa. Bruiser, pleased with female company, quickly put his head between Karen’s parted legs. She widened them even further and he pushed his snout up her short skirt.

“Oooh Bruiser” she squealed as his cold wet snout touched her privates. She lay further back on the sofa and it became instantly apparent that she had no panties on. Bruiser quickly went into licking mode, much to the delight of Karen. Kim, who sat beside her sister, nervously but excitedly asked, “Can he do me?”

Reluctantly Karen pushed Bruiser away, reached over to her sister and pulled her short skirt up and pushed her sister’s knees apart. She too wore no underwear and revealed an almost hairless pussy. Bruiser, not particular who’s pussy was up for attention, saw his new target and dove straight in. His wet nose making contact with her warm smooth skin made Kim jump and giggled when he stuck out his tongue she gargled, shut her eyes tight and slipped down the sofa with a long soft moan of pleasure. Bruiser now having even better access buried his tongue deep into the young girls snatch. Kim’s eyes opened, rolled back, a huge grin on her face, turned to her sister and said, “You’re right his tongue is a lot bigger and longer than yours”.

Karen looked at me, realised I had sussed what Kim was talking about and grinned herself. Seeing the ever growing bulge in my pants she made her way over to me. “Looks like someone else needs some attention” she said as she delicately took hold of my cock through my joggy bottoms.

She rubbed me gently and then pulled my bottoms down, then my boxers, releasing my now rampant hard on and took hold of me again. She slowly stroked her hand up and down my shaft, then placed the tip of her tongue on my sensitive knob end. She delicately rolled her tongue around the bulbous head of my cock and then engulfed me inside her mouth. Kim let out a sudden shout, shook about, opened her eyes wide and said “Wowsa”. Obviously having had an orgasm. She then looked over to see what her older sister was doing, her curly haired head bobbing up and down on me. “What you doing?” she asked as she too made her way over to me. As she got closer her eyes nearly popped out her head, “Oh my, it’s huge” she said as she clasped eyes on my cock, licking her lips, unconsciously. She knelt by her sister to get a better view. Karen looked out the side of her eyes at her sibling, she pointed my cock towards her little sister and said “Come on you have a lick”. Kim placed her hand around my cock shaft, a delicate little hand, she paused, “It’s so hard and hot and” she didn’t finish her sentence as she glared at my swollen member. Karen released her grip, move to the side a bit and instructed, “Just think of it as a popsicle and lick it and suck it” then adding “And then put it in your mouth”. Expert instruction, no one on the receiving end would have ever known this was the first cock Kim had seen, let alone touched. Her tongue danced around my cock as she licked up and down, at first tentatively then with gusto, her lips sent me to heaven as she clasped the end of my cock between them and when she slid them down the shaft I thought I was going to die, willingly!

Bruiser made his way to Karen, her ass in the air as she watched her little sisters’ performance on me. Assured that her sibling was doing o.k. she concentrated on Bruiser as he stuck his tongue up between her pussy lips. Long slow laps at Karen’s pussy, making sure he reached up to her anus. I reached down to Kim’s head, placed my hand on her curls and asked “Enjoying yourself?”. She gazed up at me, mouth full of cock and mumbled “Aha”. No amount of money could buy the look, no fantasy image could be better than the face of this 12 year old relishing her first taste of cock. “Will you let your dog fuck me?” she asked as she took a breath, almost pleading. Jokingly I replied, “Ass or pussy?” Kim squeezed my cock with her hand, raised her head to mine, gave me a delicate little peck on the lips and replied “Both please”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, pressing my luck I asked, “What about me, do I get to do both as well?” Kim looked me in the eye, looked at my cock, looked me back in the eye and replied, “You’re a bit big”. Cursing her thoughts I responded, “Well after Bruiser has been inside you I might fit”. Kim looked over at Bruiser, who was now fucking her big sister with all the speed and effort he could muster, she looked back at me then said “O.K we’ll see”.

The thought of fucking this little minx almost made me cum, she was hot she was horny she was willing and if my dog was going to fuck her then so was I!

I somehow managed to pull Bruiser off Karen, he wasn’t very happy, as you can imagine but he was obedient. His long pink doggy cock hanging out his sheath. “Can I lick it?” Kim asked. Now I’ve never seen a dog raise it’s eyebrows and smile but I am sure that Bruiser must have done just that as he, seemingly knowing what the little girl wanted, raised is hind leg. Kim lay on the floor beside him and enveloped his cock with her mouth. Bruiser craned his neck to see what was happening and nature took its’ course as he started to face fuck her, bucking his hind quarters as he thrust his cock down her throat. I sat back on the sofa to watch, Karen made her way over to me, turned her back to me and started to sit on my lap, I positioned my cock towards to approaching pussy as she lowered herself onto me, it slid in like a precision fitting, her juices lubricating the entrance to her tight teenage pussy. Her hands on her knees she raised herself up and down as she watched her kid sister sucking doggy cock. Gasping as my full length penetrated her she managed to say “Don’t suck him too much or he’ll cum I you mouth and won’t be able to fuck you” to her sister. Kim pulled off Bruiser, disappointed but aware of what her sister meant. “How do I get him to fuck me?” she asked. Karen laughed, her tight little body quivering around my cock as she did so. “Just kneel on all fours and wait” she instructed.

Kim did as she was told, frowned as she didn’t get the instant penetration she was expecting and then looked back at Bruiser. He pounced on her back as she did so and rammed his cock into her. “Oh fuck” she screamed after expecting and not getting cock inside her and then having her pussy filled with pink meat. Bruiser gripped her waist with his front paws and rammed into her, I could hear the squelching as her juices squirted from her virginal body. “Oh fuck..oh fuck..oh fuck” she said as Bruiser drilled her, Kim’s pert firm boobs, with pencil eraser nipples,hardly moving below her, as Bruiser drilled her tight little body Kim shot forward, splaying herself flat on the floor. “Oh fuck, he made me cum in seconds” she said in wonderment.

Bruiser wasn’t going to let her get away with that, he crept forward, lowered his hind quarters, felt the end of his cock between her butt cheeks and dry humped her buttocks.

Kim began to giggle at his effort before her mouth dropped wide open in astonishment, letting out a deep “O” that seemed to come from the base of her feet. Bruiser, whilst dry humping his victim had somehow managed to locate the rear orifice and penetrated her. Karen seeing what had happened dropped onto me hard, forcing my cock right up inside her. She turned her head, gave me an “Ooooo” look which I immediately understood. I coated my finger with saliva and managed to squeeze it between my stomach and her derriere, located her sphincter and lubricated it, circling her anal ring with my wet finger. Karen’s pussy flooded my cock with her juices. I placed my hand under her buttock and lifted her slightly, pointed my cock at her anus and released the pressure on my hand, holding her up, she plopped down, my bulbous purple cock head slipping past her tight anal muscle ring and my cock slipping up her tremendously tight poop shute. I tried to reach around to give her clit some attention, only to find Karen’s hand, three fingers buried in her pussy, already there. Both girls now had their respective anal tubes filled with cock, enjoying every second. Karen started to buck hard onto me, my balls tightened with the inevitable consequences and I shot wads of spunk up into her. I shook with pleasure, Karen shook and our bodies relaxed in the after orgasmic pleasure.

Karen suddenly shot up off me, cum squirting a foot into the air, from her rear passage as she shot over to her sister and Bruiser. “Don’t let him lock inside you” she squeeled as she saw Bruiser give one last long push. It was too late, his cock knot had swollen inside the little girls ass, Kim screaming in pain as her anal ring was spread wider than it had ever been. Bruiser turned, leaving poor Kim unable to move, tears streaming down her face. Karen comforted her, stroking her hair and telling her to try to relax. Kim turned her head towards her sister, managed a small smile, grabbed her older sisters’ hair and kissed her passionately. The two girls enjoyed their embrace, in truth I enjoyed watching it and Bruiser, with only himself in mind, slipped quietly from the little girl. I could see her whole body relax as he slipped his cock from her. She twisted, pulling her sister on top of her as they both embraced. Karen looked deep into her sisters eyes, they both grinned like Cheshire cats as she said “Told you you’d like it”. Kim giggled her little girly laugh as she hugged her sister tightly. “Any chance of me having that sweet little pussy and ass of yours’” I asked Kim. She frowned, looked over to me and replied. “Not today, I’m too sore”. Disappointedly I asked, “Tomorrow then?” She once again gave her big sister a big hug and replied “Most definitely!”

The End

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One thought on “Angela and Bruiser

  1. Great story. Angela, Karen and Kim certainly had lots of pussy and anal fun with Buster and his tongue and cock

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