Women with Animals

Alone at the Barn


It was a windy day and the barn was usually a lively place on a weekend afternoon. Today was different however, as the cross country trainer I worked for was away at a show out of state. He had left me in charge of caring for the remainder of the horses he didn’t bring along which left seven remaining. This included a six-year old gray Irish sport horse stallion that had arrived only a week prior. I was a little nervous as I entered his stall to grab his grain bucket, as I didn’t yet know his mannerisms, making him challenging to predict.

Immediately I was set at ease as I felt his warm breath on my back and his long whiskers tickling my cheek. Giggling, I turned around to give him a scratch. His lower lip drooped and he stretched out his neck with a sigh. Reaching under to scratch his chest, I noticed that his sheath was beginning to drop. Normally I wouldn’t think much of this, however his shaft proceeded to grow far longer than any of the other horses. Primarily the barn consisted of geldings and so I wasn’t used to the large set of testicles hanging alongside his now exposed penis. I was oddly captivated and surprisingly, I felt a stirring in my crotch. As if it were begging me to humor my curiosity and take a closer look.

Despite knowing that I was alone, I turned and peeked outside the stall door to ensure my privacy before proceeding to satisfy my peaked interest in the stallion’s anatomy. I wandered to his flank and peered under. I was now only inches from his long, pink shaft hanging out of the folds of his gray sheath. It was easily over a foot in length while flaccid and I couldn’t help but wonder how much bigger it would be erect. His balls too were large, each resembling a softball in size. I found myself reaching out to touch them but paused, shocked at what I was about to do. Am I crazy? I thought to myself, disgusted by my deviant behavior. But I couldn’t ignore the wetness seeping into my underwear or bring myself to walk away.

I placed one hand on the stallion’s belly so as not to spook him while the other reached under to gently cradle one of his balls. It filled my entire palm and radiated an inviting warmth. Gradually my other hand left the horse’s belly and lifted the other testicle in its palm. Subconsciously I found myself squeezing them gently and massaging the thin skin with my thumbs. The stallion seemed to enjoy the unusual massage because he stretched forward, allowing me to have easier access to his genitals.

My hands left his balls and migrated to his penis that was gradually beginning to stiffen. I admired its milky pink color and firmly grasped just under his sheath. The stallion nickered and I felt a quiver run through his penis. I ran my grip thoroughly over his shaft in a rhythmic motion paying close attention to how the long and defined veins bulged into my palm. I watched in awe as his penis grew larger and longer with each stroke. It now curved upwards with the tip nearly touching his stomach and it was easily both as long and wide as my forearm.

Precum spurted from the tip and oozed along the outside of my hand. I could only imagine how much cum those huge dangling balls held within and fantasized about being showered by his warm, sticky seed. My unoccupied hand slipped into my breeches and was immediately coated in my own juices that had soaked through my thong. I easily slipped two fingers inside my quivering pussy in an attempt to satisfy its arousal. My fingers could only maneuver so far and I reached for the long thin carrot in my back pocket while lowering my thong and breeches to my knees. The carrot slid between my legs and into my dripping hole with ease as I steadily pumped it in and out. Never before had I fucked a carrot, I thought jestfully, but could acknowledge that it made for a decent toy in a pinch.

While still playing with the carrot in one hand, I lifted the stallion’s massive cock to my lips with the other and began to suck on its flared end, tracing delicate circles around the tip with my tongue. Eagerly I lapped up the drops of precum that continued to form, savoring their salty flavor. Slowly I slipped the impressive shaft deeper into my mouth and began to suck, the stallion was getting excited by this as his penis began throbbing. With a loud snort, he plunged his cock deep into my throat causing me to gag, I was not prepared for him to take such control of the situation. Nearly knocking me over with his forceful thrusting, I fought to regain my balance. The carrot fell to the ground and I reached out with both hands for anything that could steady me. With each push I could feel his cock going deeper into my mouth and stretching the skin on the very back of my throat. My airway was completely blocked by its sheer size and I struggled to breathe.

At last my battle for balance was lost and I fell to the ground in a restless heap. As I gasped for air, I was incredibly grateful for the fresh shavings I laid down earlier. I was mesmerized by the force in his thrusting and imagined having my tight pussy filled by such raw power. Never had I taken a member of such size and strength into my body before, could I even handle it? Was I actually going to let myself be fucked by a horse?

As these thoughts raced through my mind, I grabbed the stall fencing for support and heaved myself off the ground. My bottoms were puddled around my ankles and I proceeded to step out of them so that I was completely exposed. I walked towards the front of the stall and tightly gripped the railing on the door. Leaning forwards, I arched my back and spread my legs so that my dripping hole was readily accessible.

The stallion needed no enticement and eagerly accepted the invitation. With rumbling knickers he positioned himself directly behind me. I felt his warm breath on my back and felt the tickle of his nose as he guided it down to my pussy and along my thighs. To him I was no different than a broodmare in heat and his only intention was to breed me. Lifting his head he took another step forward and rested the weight of his chest on my shoulders. His cock heavily slapped my back as he awkwardly clamored to get into the right position.

Pulling back, I felt the tip of his penis jab at my inner thighs and navigate its way to the lips of my soping hole. I could now feel just how much bigger the flared tip of his cock was than the entrance to my pussy. I immediately regretted everything and attempted to stand up so that I could escape but the stallion’s weight had me trapped. “Wait, stop”! I yelled in a futile attempt to halt what was already in motion.

The stallion’s cock poked vigorously at my hole but it was too large to enter. “Thank god” I sighed in relief, hopeful that I would in fact get out of this wild mistake. But I had celebrated too soon because with a strained grunt and a forceful heave, his cock plowed inside my body. A shrill cry escaped my lips as I clamped my hands tighter onto the railing holding me up. He jumped forward with long, robust strokes digging deeper into my cavity and stretching me wider with each thrust. Never before had I felt so full and I worried that my body may tear in half. His pulsating cock painfully rammed into my cervix, railing my pussy with more than it could take.

“Please stop” I wailed pitifully, knowing that my cries fell on deaf ears. I was going to have to give in and take it until I was bred. With a step back, giving me a moment’s relief, he lunged forward sinking his enormous shaft into me down to the sheath. I felt as though I had been impaled and my body was thrown against the metal stall door. Load after load of hot cum filled my pussy, shooting itself into my battered insides. After what felt like gallons of semen had been forced into me, I felt his cock start to slide out of my now cavernous pussy and leave my throbbing hole agape. A downpour of cum followed behind it, spraying my legs and puddling between my feet. I fell to the ground shaking, further covering myself in the stallion’s massive sticky load unsure if I would ever recover from what had just occurred. I was reduced to a horse’s fuck toy and he had made sure that I was bred.

The End

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