Women with Animals

D.O.G. goes Home


Do you think I could call Mistress Kim directly. I know your Master usually is the go between but I want to thank her for turning me on to Regal Kennels.

Let me call him and see what he says. Master thank you for letting me help pick out a dog. Eve would like to thank Mistress for her input. Oh and Eve would like us to come to dinner tonight so you can meet D.O.G.

Let me call her and see if she will call you. You know how touchy she can be. I will give her Eves number. Yes to dinner, I would love to meet him. Will this be dinner and a show?

Oh I’m sure, Master.

So what do you think Bob is going to say about him?

He knew I had my mind made up to do this Eve told her. He has become more and more submissive to me lately. Now I just have to figure out how to replenish the budget.

So you are taking the role of the Dominant I gather.

It would seem that would be the case. Just then the phone rang. Mistress Kim, I am so great full for your help with me purchasing my dog. The kennel is a wonderful facility. The people are quite professional and their animals are top notch. We found just the right dog and are on the way home.

Why don’t you stop by and show him to me. I heard a lot about you and would like to see if we could find a role for you in my enterprise.

Oh thank you Mistress I have been dying to meet you.

They arrived and rang the bell. Mistress answered the door in conservative clothes. I’m not working today this not the attire you would normally see me in. Please come in. Oh he is a beautiful animal. What’s his name?

D.O.G., Mistress.

That’s precious she responded. And so well mannered. I take it you were able to evaluate his talents before the purchase?

Oh yes, Mistress. Their training program is wonderful. He responds to a large list commands and preforms wonderfully.

So yo would like to join our team so I am told? However you really don’t have any training.

Yes I am new to this but extremely excited about learning all about it.

Well as you may have heard here I am in complete control. You will sign an agreement that includes safe words to insure you are not beyond you limitations. It also gives me the rights to all photos and videos. I will be pushing those limitations all the while you are here. Are you with me so far?

Yes Mistress.

As you undoubtedly have heard I have been expanding my enterprise to incorporate beastiality. You seem to have the potential to fit into that realm. However you will have to complete all of your training as a submissive in the meantime. Are you interested in preforming publicly? We share in all the profits and public performances yield a much higher return. We also do live cam shows here in the dungeon.

Thank you Mistress. I am very interested. However even though I am the Dom of the house at home, I need to discuss this with my husband.

Understood. You will start at the bottom here a lowly sub until you work your way up through the ranks. Now about your new friend. You ladies are so enthralled with this beastiality it has sparked my curiosity. Can you give me a little sample of what I’m missing?

Of course Mistress. What would you like?

I hear they are very talented at cunnilingus. I would like to experience it first hand. She shed her clothes and laid back on one of the benches.

Eve walked him over. Nuzzle. He went right to work licking way into her crotch.

Oh my this is quite different. His tongue is so long and rough. Oh my he knows all the right places too. It wasn’t long before Mistress was griping the sides of the bench quaking to an orgasm. Oh god enough call him off.

Sit boy.

Ok I can see the appeal of this.

That’s nothing wait till you get knotted Eve told her.

Another time perhaps but yes I would love to have the entire experience.

Mistress thank you for everything and I’ll talk to Bob this evening on your offer. Let us get going, I have together a dinner for these guys tonight. And a private show to confirm my investment. I will talk with you soon.

Back in the car. Well that went very well I thought. I can’t imagine Bob declining an influx to our economics.

I dropped them off and headed for home .

See you at six ok? She entered the house. Bob we’re home.

Bob answered I’m in here watching the game.

She entered the room with her new found lover. Here he is isn’t he beautiful? He walked over to Bob wagging his tail.

Yes he is but how much?

Yeah about that……..One grand. But let me explain.

A grand that is more than I expected.

I know but I have a plan……. We stopped by Mistress Kim’s and she made me an offer to join her enterprise. We could see a return on this in no time. But I wanted to run it by you before signing up. There would be weekly online shows from the dungeon. And if we wanted to make more money there would be an opportunity to do live performance’s.

Wow I know you wanted to visit the dungeon but I really wasn’t prepared for this. Bob remarked.

The neighbors are coming for dinner. Maybe their input would put you more at ease. Finish watching your game. I will get you another beer. And I have to start dinner. After you will get to see us in action.

We arrived promptly at six and all set down to a lovely meal. Needless to say the conversation quickly turned to Eve’s shenanigans.

Bob shared his concerns on Eves plan to increase their income. I’m not sure I’m ready for this.

Well Bob I’m not going to argue that Eve is on the fast track. We moved into this at a much slower pace. But I was the catalyst in our endeavors. And let her move into this letting her accepting things as we expanded as to when to take the next step. Now she is quite comfortable with being a full blown slut and enjoying the rewards.

Eve on the other hand knows who and what she is and is ready to go for it all. You have to realize this is why you were attracted to her in the first place. You just fell into a rut and let it die. Well now she wants it back and wants it now. All you need is to embrace it and enjoy the ride. Or loose her in your Non acceptance. She loves you that will never change. You need to be there for her. The more supportive you are the stronger your relationship will become.

I see what you are saying and you are right. What about the Mistress?

She is the least of your worries. She has no intention of stealing her from you. She is financially motivated and wants nothing more than happy submissives. And she is generous with sharing her financial gains.

Ok in this light I feel more at ease with the situation.

Eve remarked thank you for your insight and advice. Now for the entertainment part of the evening. Everyone get a fresh drink. There will be no intermission. Everyone make yourself comfortable while I get ready.

She entered the room clad in garter stockings and heels. D.O.G. At her side.

Sit boy,good dog. Now belly. He rolled onto his back. She knelt beside him , and making sure her husband and I had a good view. She massaged his sheath till his big dick came into view. She slowly licked him and took him into her mouth. Mmmmm he tastes so good. She climbed over him and started to ride him ah yes that’s a good boy. Before his knot fully formed she got on her between Bobs legs on her knees. Pulling Bob hard on out his pants . Just before taking him into her mouth. Mount. D.O.G. was up and on task driving his knot deeper and deeper until he was fully into her. Ah that’s it take your bitch fill me with all that hot cum. Yes, yes that aboy fill me. Oh god yes I’m coming aaaaa yes. Bob coated her face with hot sticky cum.Oh it feels so nice being stretched and filled like this. He finally got free. They took turns cleaning each other off.

My Sub couldn’t take any more she joined in licking the cum from her thighs.

As long as she was on her knees. I thought no sense in being left out. I plowed into her from behind filling her with my load.

Wow Eve you sure know how to throw a party l told her.

So I guess I’m all in Bob remarked. That was awesome.

Oh your journey has just begun. Be leave me you are going to love it.

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