Women with Animals

Abbie Gets Stuck!


(c) 2020 by Abbie8339

Part I

Abbie is a 22-year-old girl who has recently been dumped by her now ex-boyfriend Josh! She still loved him, but he was with someone else now. She left some old cloths of hers at his house that she really wanted them back and didn’t want to talk to him for them because it would be another lengthy conversation on her trying to get him back! She found out that he and his family are going on vacation for a week, leaving the house completely empty!

“Yes, this is my opportunity to get my things without anyone knowing!”

Later that week, she pulled up a block away from their house and walked over, making sure the close was clear! Getting to the door, she looked for a key, not seeing any around the doormat. She gets to the backyard gate opening, then closing it behind her as she tries to get through a window or even the back door! As she looked around, there was nowhere to get in. She placed her hand on her hip as on top of her blue skirt that she has on as she also had a white tank top and a pair of pink panties on as she didn’t try to dress up as someone suspicious in this very nice neighborhood. She looked at the backdoor and noticed a doggie door!

“Perfect, I can fit through this!”

Getting on her hands and knees, she tried to crawl inside! As she gets her shoulders in, she gets stopped by her hips as she tries to see if she could wiggle through but no luck.

“Damn, maybe I can try to start over!”

She starts to crawl backward as she gets one arm out and then stopped by her shoulders only this time she is stuck for good!

“Ow! What the hell! I’m… Oh god, I’m stuck I can’t move an inch!”

She wiggled even shakes her hips and kicked to try and get free, but no luck! Outside in a doghouse, there is a Spike, a large German shepherd who is about three years old! He woke up hearing a strange noise coming from the house as he gets up out of his favorite sleeping spot and start to smell for anything different! Spike keeps sniffing as he hears something coming from the backdoor as he looks in Abbie’s direction. He runs over as he gets closer, he realizes it a…. dog? Maybe a Human?! Spike sniffs in the air, and as he takes in the scent, he can tell it’s female whatever it is. Spike looked around as he looked at this creature behind. She was obviously stuck in the door!

Abbie doesn’t notice anything behind her as she stays calm and thinks of a way out of this situation, she got herself into!

“What am I going to do?”

Spike starts sniffing her feet as he starts to raise his head and up under her skirt, pressing his nose against her panties! She pushed his nose at her a little harder, making sure to get a good whiff of her scent! Abbie’s heart dropped as she felt something under her skirt!

“Huh, hello, is someone there?”

She stayed still as she tried to listen for any noise behind her. She heard something panting behind her as she could clearly tell now that it was a dog.

“Hey, boy, I’m sorry, but I’m stuck, and you’re going to have to stay outside for a little while!”

She felt him smelling her ass as she tried to keep his nose out of his reach, but it was no use in trying!

“What is he doing? Is he trying to get to know me?”

Spike starts to get aroused as he starts to salivate in hunger for this new possible mate in front of him! Spike starts licking at her panties as she yelps inside from his rough tongue!

“Oh my god, he’s giving my ass kisses! What should I do this is so gross! Get off me!”

Lifting his head as he licks under her skirt, she starts to wiggle her hips for him to go away! Her skirt gets raised up as she tries to pull it back over her butt to block his onslaught! She tried to yell, but her voice was muffled as the door blocked most of the sound out! Her skirt now up over her hips as the wing blew it over her making her butt exposed to the whole backyard!


A little boy who was neighbors with the owners of the house was walking to the backyard as he was asked to take care of Spike while they were gone! Not having a key to the house, he walked straight to the backyard as he went through the tall fence and locked it behind him! His name was Joey, and he’s only sixteen, but taking care of a dog shouldn’t be that difficult for him as his mom put him up to the task!

“Spike, come here, boy! It’s time to eat!”

He turns to the corner as he saw Spike and what it seemed to be a girl stuck in the doggie door!

“What the hell?”

Joey walked closer as he put down the book bag that he had from school on the ground!

“Spike, what are you doing?”

Joey watched Spike lick her ass as he was confused as to why! He looks under him as he could visibly see Spike having an erection! Joey was starting to put two and two together, and a weird image popped into his head!

“Does he think he can have sex with her? I mean, I’ve never thought of a dog having sex with a human before! Is it even possible? Has it ever happened before? Can… Can a woman and a dog make a baby?”

Joey started getting overwhelming with all these new crazy ideas popping in his head as he started to get more interested in watching what will happen! Joey sat down and looked closer as Spike was licking up and down her panties as he could barely hear the woman inside the door!


Spike kept licking her panties, making them completely soaked and even nipped them a couple times! Abbie felt her panties being attacked by his teeth as she could even feel him rip a small hole in the center of them!

“Hey, STOP! This is so wrong! Why does this dog have to be so gross!” Abbie said.

Spike tries to mount her as he is starting to feel ready to mate with her as his cock poked around her panties missing his spot as he was only hitting her ass cheeks! Abbie starts freaking out as she felt him mount her!

“OWWWW HEY! What are you doing, you damn dog!”

Abbie started to feel his prick as she now realized that it was, in fact, a male dog!

“Huh, oh, god! OH GOD! Get off me. I’m not a dog!”

She starts shaking her hips as she eventually gets him off!

“Oh my god, that was a close one. He was actually trying to have sex with me! But that is impossible over never even heard of a thing!”

Spike starts walking back and forth as he looks confused on what to do next!


Joey looks at her ass as he starts to get an idea to help Spike! He walks back over to his book bag as he opens it and gets out a marker! Joey then walks over to her, and he takes the top of the marker as he thinks quickly of what to draw on her!

“Maybe if I draw an arrow on her labeling where her vagina is, maybe that would help spike with his aim,” Joey said.

Joey places one hand on the door and places the marker on her skin as he slides the marker across her ass on each side and writes, ‘spike go here.’ On the left and then goes ahead to write, ‘doggie penis goes here.’ On the left of her ass! Abbie didn’t really feel anything going on as she was still shocked by what Spike tried to do to her! Joey thought about taking her panties off, but he didn’t want her to know that he was here mainly because he didn’t want to get in trouble! Joey grabs Spike, and he pulls him over to Abbie and places his face back at her behind. Letting him try again!


Spike looks at her ass again as he goes back to licking her panties! Abbie starts to feel his rough tongue again as she starts to freak out and shake her hips! She takes her skirt in her free and tries to pull it over her exposed ass and trying to stop his attack! Joey gets up under her as he slowly reached for her buttons as he pulls it open, making sure to not touch her! Each button was undone, and Joey gets out from under her, and she tried to pull her skirt a little lower as she accidentally pulls it off of her body!

“Huh! Oh no, my skirt fell off! How did that happen,” Abbie said.

Spike read this as an open opportunity as he mounted her for a second time! Only this time, he wrapped his front paws around he his and pulling his hips closer to her ass and holding on real tight so that he won’t fall off this time! Abbie shocked again as she tried to shake him off! But with no use, he won’t let go!

“Oh my god, get off of me,” Abbie squeals. “I’m not a dog, you damn animal! Stop!”

Joey watches in amazement as spike tip is slowly coming back out of his sheath and poking around her panties! The tip started to hit close to home as it eventually gets hooked into the small hole in the center of her panties! Spike pushes harder, ripping through her panties, and he slowly gets passed them! Sadly, for Abbie, this hole made it a perfect angle to go straight to her pussy! Abbie felt the dogs prick sliding up and down her labia!

“For the last time, I’m NOT A DOG!” Abbie screams.

Spike felt that he was getting closer to her warm pussy as he could feel the heat coming off her! Joey still in awe and in amazement as he is watching an unnatural event happen in front of him! Spikes tip wedges inside of Abbie’s pussy as it stays still after doing so! Abbie goes in shock as she freezes from the sensation happening behind her!


“Oh my god, he’s actually getting inside me! How is this possible!” Joey whispers.

The dog’s cock starts slowly pushing forward as is starts making the hole in her panties and her pussy wider by his girth! Spike gets about 3 inches in as Abbie’s jaw drops from then size, and he adjusts his grip and then starts thrust in half ways inside her! Joey grabs his phone, taking a picture of this event!

“Wow, he’s actually going inside her!” Joes whispers. “I really thought that it wasn’t possible, but now that I see it with my own eyes, it must be! Man, what will the baby look like?”

Spikes starts thrusting faster as Abbie starts to moan from the pain! He starts putting more of himself inside her as he is now about 6 inches deep! The tip of his cock starts getting closer to her cervix and starts bumping against it! Ever thrust started making a bulge in her belly as he kept putting more of himself inside his mate. Spike could feel her pussy wrapping around his cock, wanting more of his huge organ. Joey didn’t notice her belly yet as he was still amazed at how much he was thrusting inside her. The dog was way bigger than Joey, and he was actually a little jealous!

“Oh my god, this is so amazing he must be at least 10 inches long or something,” Joey whispers.


Spike gripped her waist harder as he thrust 7 inches now inside her hitting her cervix every time! Abbie started to feel pain as she could feel his cock getting deeper and making her pussy wider! Her body started to betray her as she started to feel good from this beast’s cock!

“Oh my god, I’m being raped by a dog, and I’m starting to enjoy it,” Abbie said.

Abbie started to moan as her body start to betray her and starts to milk this foreign sex organ that thrusting so deep in her! As his cock got deeper and closer to his goal, pushing harder into her cervix, wedging it a little harder, making it slowly open for him to push more of himself inside her into her deepest region’s! The bulge forming from her belly was getting bigger as he goes! Abbie felt him entering her womb as she started to feel faint!

“OH MY GOD, is this how dogs mate?” Abbie moans. “I can’t believe how deep he is! This is so wrong, how could he think that I’m a possible mate?”


Joey watched as he was still amazed, oh the sight he saw as he didn’t want it to end! Spike starts to slow down as his tip entered her womb, pushing in the deepest regions of her womanhood! His knot started to swell up slowly as it was finally getting stimulation. Joey got in a better position to see as he goes a little to the right and looks down to see the bulge that Spike was causing in Abbie’s belly!

“Oh my god, what is that!”

Joey crawled closer to her placing his hand on her belly as he could feel the thrust that Spike was giving her! Joey looked back behind her seeing her panties getting pushed over spikes knot. Her panties seemed to be locked behind now, moving with his thrust. Her hips were pushed a little harder, forcing her to arch her ass up a little allowing him to have even more access! Making the bulge even bigger. Joey takes his hand off as he sees spikes knot get pushed inside her, and then suddenly, he stopped thrusting!


Abbie’s face went into shock again as she realized he couldn’t pull out!

“What is he doing inside me?” Abbie squeals. “Is he pushing an egg in me?”

Spikes knot started to swell up slowly as his thrust started to get slower but with more force! Each thrust pushing even deeper into his mate, making sure he has everything he has inside her. His knot getting to the size of a baseball, if not a little bigger!

“Oh my god, he’s stuck inside me! He can’t pull out what is happening!”

Abbie’s pussy starts to milk on his huge canine cock, betraying her even more as she starts to get the harder orgasm ever! She feels his cock slide deeper just a little more as he is 11 inches pushing about four of those inches past her cervix!

Joey notices his tail start to move up and down a little as his thrust seemed to stop! Abbie felt the pulsating inside her as she had an idea of what was about to come. Spike howls as he shoots his big load finishing his job in this beautiful mate he has found as he is so proud of himself of a job well down!

He’s so pleased that this weird female was willing to take his fertile seed as she will become pregnant with his litter that will grow into a strong breed! Abbie felt his extremely hot cum flow into her womb push in the deepest areas of her fallopian tubes! She could feel that her womb couldn’t take anymore as it starts to expand from the pressure from being overflowed! Her cervix kept every drop inside as she kept pouring his seed in his new mate! Joey watched as her womb started slowly expanding in front of him like it was a water balloon on a sinks faucet!

“Her stomach is expanding, even more, he must be getting her pregnant,” Joey whispers.

Abbie felt her belly dropping as she was getting to the size of a baseball in her womb! She was shocked that her body could even hold this much volume! He kept shooting his load as he pulled on her getting her an inch out of the door! Abbie felt that she could possibly get free as she tried to escape! She pushed on the floor with her arm, but it was still no use, and she will have to hope that he pulls on her again.

“I can believe that I’m hoping a dog will be even rougher with me to get me free,” Abbie moans. “He’s made me his bitch, and I’m starting to really get into this!”

Abbie started pushing back into his knot, pushing his soft fur closer to her bare skin as he pulled on her again! Spike was so satisfied that his mate as finally accepted him as her mate and his seed as he lets go over her hips and turn 180 making it so that they are butt-to-butt! Joey was amazed at he could even do this as he was still stuck inside her tight pussy! His knot swelled up even more as the last shot of his load was about to end soon! He was making sure this bitch would get pregnant as he now has her womb expanded to having a cantaloupe inside her!

Her cervix still letting a single drop out as he stays still to wait for his knot to deflate! Joey was shocked but soon ended as he started to hear his mom calling for him! Scared that she might find out what he was doing, he took a quick video of this amazing sight and made sure to get a good angle of his knot stuck inside her and even her expanded belly! He looks at his camera and even explains that his cum was making her belly expand and that this dog impregnated her!

Joey made sure to save the video knowing well that he was going to show it to his friends and possibly try to find whoever this girl was and blackmail her with it! As he was finished, he ran off as he was going to come back later to check up on this situation, especially if she does get free yet.

Spike felt his knot swell down to the point where he could pull out as he slowly started to walk forward! His knot still being gripped by her vaginal walls making her labia get pulled out, and then her lips spread enough for him to pull out with a loud popping noise! Abbie so exhausted for this torcher/pleaser was so relieved that he was out of her as she expected to his cum to shoot out of her! But nothing was coming out. She felt her belly as she trying to push on it as get it out of her womb, but nothing was coming out!

“Oh my god! Is his cum stuck in me,” Abbie wonders? “This can’t be happening what am I supposed to tell my friends when they see this!”

A huge load of cum was trapped in her womb mainly because of her very tight cervix as it closed back up immediately after he pulled out, keeping his seed secured in her fertile womb with her egg still being attacked by trillions of canine sperm cells as they were determined to fertilize! Each sperm cell begging attacked by her immune system and her eggs defensive barrier it was a losing fight as the sperm outnumbered them one million to one! Eventually, on sperm got through as it connected to her egg pushing inside as the rest of the sperm still try to attack! The egg slowly started to process the DNA as it was confused as there was something different!

It wasn’t her species as it continued trying to match up the chromosomes. It somehow was connecting as continuing with the cell division slowly connecting to the uterus wall for nutrients as it still continued to grow and develop! What was happening it zygote wasn’t dying; it was magical staying alive as it was determined to keep dividing and growing, making a new species that has never been born before! Abbie was actually successfully impregnated by a dog as she will learn later in the future, but she will still need to get out of her predicament as she was still very well stuck in the back of her ex’s door!


Part II

Joey made it home as he went up to his mom as she wanted to make sure he did his homework! Joey’s mom, still looking good at her young age of 38, always made sure to be a good mother to her only child as she had him when she was in her early 20’s her husband always away at work as he is a police officer! Joey’s mom’s name is Kim, and she is a stay at home mom well until Joey is old enough to be home alone then she will try and find herself a hobby of her own!

“So was the neighbor’s dog doing alright?”

Joey blushed and responded to his mom with a small laugh!

“Yeah, mom, he’s doing just… fine, ha-ha!”

She was so proud of her young boy being responsible and taking care of someone else’s pet while they were away for vacation!

“Well, Joey, if you keep this up, we might get you a dog one day what do you think about that?”

Joey thought about a puppy and then remember the stranger in the doggie door that he believes will have puppies or maybe one puppy! Joey, for some reason, asked his mom a strange question, in all honesty, he was simply curious and wanted to make sure if it was possible!

“Hey mom is… um… is it possible for a dog to have a baby with a girl?”

His mom looks at him funny and then responded, “Oh, like a girl dog?”

Joey pauses as he was trying to word it correctly!

“No, like a woman, a human. Like if they had sex, could they have a baby? I was curious.”

Kim, in shock of what her son just asked her as it was a question she never expected to come out of his mouth! She totally didn’t know what to say as she almost wanted to laugh!

“No, I believe they can’t, Joey, it’s highly improbable for it to happen because they are a different species and different species can’t reproduce together, but some can like tigers and lions making a liger and horse and donkeys making a mule!”

Joey’s kinda disappointed but still hoping for the possibility to come in his favor!

“Oh ok, that makes sense, but I think someone in the neighborhood is going to have puppies! So maybe we should try to get one of theirs when they are born!”

Kim not sure what he meant but hopes he’s talking about normal puppies and not what he just asked her.

“Sure thing! We can check them out when they are born if you like, and I’ll let you pick. Do you know what breed they are?”

Joey answers thinking of the neighbor’s dog! “I’m pretty sure they will be a German shepherd well that what the dad is anyways!”

Kim still puzzled and hoping he’s talking about two dogs being together! “So why did you ask me that, sweetie? Someone didn’t tell you that it was possible, did they?”

Joey looking at her face with concern as he made sure not to tell her as he was going to keep it a secret from her as long as possible! “No, that was just a school thing in biology, yeah and my friends went over DNA last week!”

Joey still amazed at his lie, knowing that mentioning biology would keep his secret safe because it made it sound so believable! Kim smiling at him with no longer a concern for her innocent son. She ended the conversation by telling him to head to his room and finish his schoolwork and not to forget about Spike in a couple hours! Joey ran to his room doing what his mom said as he later finished his homework, then remembered the video he had on his phone! He went to his videos as he searched for it and then watched it to make sure it was a nice clear image!

“Wow, I can’t believe Spike tried to get a girl pregnant! I’m hoping she does because I want one of her puppies when she has them, and I could have… a little brother? Or maybe a really smart dog who could be a superhero… a super dog!”

Back in the backyard of the neighbor’s house, Abbie was exhausted from her assault from Spike as she was still stuck in the doggie door! She felt around as she could feel that something was different behind her! She felt that her panties were gone!! Using her free hand, she tries searching for them as they were clearly not on her anymore!

“Oh my God, where did my panties go?”

Spike back in his doggie house, cleaning himself off as he licked the pair of panties wrapped around his knot! Apparently, when he pulled out, the knot was still wide enough to keep the pair of panties around his exceptionally large cock!

Joey thinking of the strange girl, was hoping he could see her but from his window as he could still see their backyard from here!

“Oh, wow, she’s still stuck in there… but I can’t get an unobstructed view!”

His mother walking in as he jumped away from his window, acting like he wasn’t doing anything and praying she didn’t see! “What are you doing, honey?”

Kim starts walking to the window as she started to look around!

“Mom, I wasn’t doing anything!”

As he was trying to get her attention away from the window! Kim looked at him and then back outside, seeing Abbie’s ass sticking out the door!

“Oh my God, someone’s stuck in the dog door! Joey, did you know about this? Don’t you lie to me, young man!”

Joey, in a panic, started to try and say something as he tried to make another lie believable! “I don’t even go to the backyard, mom how could I know that! I used your spare key from them to get inside! Not through the back!”

Kim not really believing in what he said, but what was more important was helping that poor person! Kim started to speed walk to her backyard and walk through the shared gate as she saw Abbie’s naked ass in clear as day as she could see all the writing on her too!

“Oh my God, did he draw on her! What does this even say! Dog. Oh my God, Spike didn’t…”

Kim looks up, seeing Joey in his window as she was now furious at him as this proves that he was lying! She looked at her belly as she was even more horrified as she was pregnant!

“Oh God, she’s even pregnant! I need to help her!”

Kim walked into the front door going all the way to the back of the house as she finally gets to see the face of the person who was stuck in this unbelievable situation!

“Oh my God, honey, are you ok!? I’m the neighbor next door, and I’m here to help you! What happened? How did you end up like this?”

Abbie looking up at this angel this savor as she started to explain what happened to her and why she was it this mess in the first place!

“I was actually trying to get some old clothes of mine from my ex, and I got stuck and then their dog um…”

Kim looking shocked as she finished her sentence for her!

“Spike didn’t rape you, did he? Oh my God, sweetie, you don’t think he hurt your baby, did he?”

Abbie looking at her in confusion!

“My baby?”

Kim wonder why that was a weird question!

“Yeah, aren’t you pregnant? You are clearly showing back there, sweetie!”

Abbie now realizing how much cum the dog unloaded into her!

“Actually, I’m not pregnant that um… his… cum… his cock could actually amazingly get that deep.”

Kim shocked as she was now picturing a womb just so full of cum that it expanded, and not only is it just cum its dog cum!

“How umm. how is it still inside you?”

Abbie really wishing she would stop questioning things as help her!

“He’s cock passed my cervix, and my womb is literally holding his entire load! Please, and you just hurry up and help me out of this. I’ve gene stuck here for an hour or something!”

Kim realized that she was right and went straight to trying to push her out!

“Ok, sweetie, I’m going to push you out because I don’t think your swollen belly can be pulled this way!”

Abbie agreeing with her.

“Yeah, thank you so much!”

Kim pusher her hard as she was slowly inching out as she suddenly popped out! Kim cheered as she started to stand up as she opened the back door and to see Abbie still on the ground!

“What’s wrong!?”

Abbie’s not able to move her arm that was stuck feeling that it was dead asleep, and her legs still tried from being stuck in their knees!

“My arm is asleep, and my legs are tired!”

Kim kept looking at her, and she realized she needs to be covered up with a blanket!

Hang on I’m going to get a blanket I’ll be right back!”

Abbie smiled as she rested and watched her in a hurry to get a blanket from her house! As she was gone, Spike started to walk over to Abbie, not sure who she was! She was a human for sure, and she smells like my bitch from earlier! Spike pushing her forward as Abbie lands on her face as she felt someone push her!

“What the?”

She slowly pushed her upper body up as she couldn’t get her right arm to move as she tried to get her legs to help her up! Now getting in an almost doggie position, she saw between her legs a pair of paws behind her, and then as she was in now the realization of what was behind her she went into the scared mode as she even saw panties fall off his cock as he wasn’t erect anymore! Abbie started to crawl away as she was now scared for what was to come!

Spike taking this as her ready again as she was clearly shaking her ass at him made his move! Joey watching from the window seeing what was going to happen, started to go downstairs to see him mom, and she started to yell at him for letting a poor woman gets raped by a dog! Joey in surprise and shock, but still trying to tell him, mom, what was going on outside was almost impossible as she kept going!

“You are in so much trouble young man you aren’t going to be going anywhere because you are grounded you hear me! I can’t believe you watched someone do a bestiality act in front of you! That’s so wrong, and it was rape on the dog’s part!”

Joey confused as to what she said and still trying to get her attention!

“MOM! She’s in trouble outside, go help her!”

Kim stopped what she was doing as she ran back outside to aid Abbie! Joey stayed back as he went to his google app on his phone and looked up ‘bestiality.’ Multiplayer things popped up and even one that said reverse bestiality! Joey reading it to himself!

“Reverse bestiality? What is that? He hit the definition, was it said! The opposite order of sexual linkage between humans and animals from bestiality; here, the animals initiate the bondage as they mate with humans as an act of dominance and reproduction purposes!”

Joey finished reading the definition as he was amazed at what he found!

“Wow, so this actually happens! Maybe I should go help!”

Joey running outside as he finds his mom standing still as he gets behind her and sees what he is looking at! His eyes widened as he saw the girl being mounted by Spike again!

Abbie watching as he mounted her and started to look up, and we both Kim and Joey!

“Help me. He’s going to rape me again!”

Kim tries to help as Spike growls at her to stay away from his mate! Kim stops as she was scared and explained that he would attack her and possibly hurt Abbie as well! She tries to get behind them and sees his red rocket starting to form as it inches closer to his target! Kim shocked as she’s never seen this in her life as she is scared for her! Joey tried to get his phone out without his mom realizing what he was doing as he also had his black marker in his pocket from earlier! Abbie felt the pressure of his cock hitting her exposed backside as she had fear written on her face!

Spike trying to penetrate his mate for a second time today was struggling with the angle as she lifted her lower body off the ground a little higher trying to push himself forward into her. Her arm was starting to get feeling again as she tried to get up and crawl away without realizing that this made a perfect angle for Spike to force his cock back into her already filled to the brim pussy! Kim watched in worry as she sees spikes red rocket disappear in her pussy as the sound of his balls slapping against her backside started to echo in the backyard!

“Oh my God, he’s actually fucking her!”

Kim was so surprised as she never saw bestiality happen! Joey started to walk around as he got in a better angle as he passed his mover and placing his phone on the ground to make sure it recorded everything! His phone was capturing spikes cock go in and out of his mate as it was easier to put his massive cock then the first time! Abbie, still too tired, placed her upper body on the ground as she accepted her attacker and even started to moan out loud as she felt his cum still not leaving her womb!

“Oh…ooh….oh God… He’s so big…stoop…huh!”

Abbie couldn’t help herself as she couldn’t stop him, forcing his way back into her deepest regions. Spike had easier access going through her cervix as she was still had plenty of lubrication from all his cum still trapped inside her. He easily pushed through, pushing some more pre-cum! Kim was so frozen in place as she could see Spike getting deeper inside her as the sounds of his red rocket kept thrusting in and out at such high speeds!

“Wow… he really is trying to make sure she gets pregnant!”

Joey looked at his mom as he told her she needs to do something as he needs her to leave the backyard so he could go one more thing to this beautiful woman!

“Mom, shouldn’t we do something?”

Kim snaps out of it as she thinks of how to deal with this without messing up this girl’s life even more!

Kim thinks to herself. “Hmmm, well, I should ask for help. The less help, the better! She wouldn’t want more people finding out about this!”

Kim looks at her son as she tells him to make sure that no one else finds out about this! She runs back to her house, trying to find something to help her like a squirt gun or something to get the dog off her! Joey slowly got his phone as he made sure it was still recording as he got up closer, slowly pushing his phone under his tail to get a better view of him penetrating her pussy as drips of their juices hit his hand! Abbie spreading her knees some more as she pushed her ass up made Spike able to push the rest of himself inside her all the way to his knot as he tried to force that back inside her for a second time!

Spike pushing even harder getting close to his goal to a huge unload of his alpha seed into this human making sure his mate hold all of it inside her as he finally pops his knot in her pussy slowly swelling up to a tie as all he can do is push forward back into her expanding womb as her cervix still holds all of his k9 DNA! The tip of his cock stays in the middle of his leftover cum starts to release his second load! Kim shows up to help as Joey pulls his phone back behind him! Kim rush as Abbie says something to stop her in her tracks!

“He’s about to finish just wait for him to unload in me as please after he pulls off, don’t let him get back on me I can take any more or his cum!”

Kim doesn’t say anything as she agrees to her request as she looks up at her son, looking at this poor girl’s ass being fucked by this huge dog! Joey walking over beside Abbie as she watched her belly and noticed it looked like it was getting bigger! Joey points!

“Mom, I told you she was getting pregnant! Her belly is growing even bigger. She must be having a big puppy!”

Kim gets next to Joey to look at the amazing effect that spikes cum in doing to Abbie’s womb! Kim looks at him in concern as she knows he will be scarred for life from this! Kim walks over as Spike seemed to be less aggressive and more focused on breeding Abbie! Kim kneels next to them, feeling her belly as if felt stiff and full! Kim, weirdly getting turned on by this, asks Abbie if she can feel his cum inside her!

“How do you feel? Can you feel his jets of cum expanding you more!?”

Abbie turns her head towards Kim as she looks so exhausted, having the best orgasm of her life!

“He’s pouring more into me, and it feels so amazing! Huh, it’s like lava flooding my womb! Oh God, He going to take a while! I know it! Oh God, I’m so going to have a monster baby with all this cum stuck inside me! Ohhhhh!”

Abbie orgasms again as her vaginal walls milk this foreign cock for all it’s worth for a second time, making sure to keep every drop! Her fertilized egg was still cell dividing as it kept growing with no signs of stopping! Spike turns 180 degrees as he goes butt to butt! Spike starts pull as he keeps trying to walk away, gently pulling Abbie with her as she had no choice to follow! Joey jumped in front, stopping Spike from moving anymore! Spike stays still releasing the last little bit of his load inside her as his knot starts to swell down! Abbie’s womb looked like she was pregnant with a soccer ball and feels relieved that the jets of cum have stopped! Kim rubbing her back as she spoke softly.

“Good girl. He’s almost done baby just a little more!”

Abbie feeling even more like a dog as Kim called her down! Abbie felt his knot finally pull out as she landed on her side, having no more strength in her abused body! Her cervix closed for second timekeeping both of spikes load inside her! Spike turns around to lick his accomplishment and his new mate as a sign of compassion. Joey pulls Spike away while also hiding his phone as he knows he has such a good video of this amazing epidemic! Kim looking back at Abbie as she was passed out from the three hours of being raped and impregnated by this huge beast!

The End

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