Women with Animals
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A New Place, Servitude, a Wolf and a Pack of Dogs, emptied my Bucket List


Entering my thirties, there were several things I had wanted to achieve, just not sure how to make it happen.

The unexpected death of my grandfather, mom being his only only child, me being mom and dad’s only child. I was more then surprised when he left me his entire estate, making me financially free for the rest of my life.

Contacting a real estate agent, telling her I was looking for a place, near the mountains, lots of property and not close neighbors.

Within a week, she had found several places that fit what I was looking for, one standing out. over the rest. Located at the end of a road turning into a national forest, the property sharing the forest line on a couple of sides, the other, joined a single lady’s property, whose home was more then a few miles back down the single road.

The home was fairly new, the one who built it, died under suspicious circumstances, then to add more mystery, the second owner, also a single lady, passed away in the same way. Not much was known, but it was believed both were in severe pain triggering a heart attack.

My realtor and I walked around the whole property, everywhere inside, a full investigation had been done on both deaths, but nothing was discovered out of the ordinary. The property was perfect, so I made an offer, it was accepted, a few weeks later I was moving in.

The crew had started early, leaving me most of the afternoon to finish up a few areas, by early evening, I had just finished taking a shower, wrapped in a towel, when the door bell sounded. Not expecting anyone, more then surprised when a stunning blonde, huge chest, easily as big as my own. A short jump like suit, seeing her nipples, it was obvious she wore no bra, wondered if she was going commando as well. “Hi my name is Jennifer, most people call me Jen. I’m you’re neighbor down the street, thought I’d bring a welcome basket”

She had wine, cheeses and crackers as well as some grapes, a perfect way to welcome someone to the neighborhood.

I have heard it said, a lesbian can easily spot a sister of the same belief, if that is true, seeing her told me everything I needed to know, “So glad to see you, I’m Nikki, but I just got out of the shower. Please come in and let me get into something more then a towel”

She looked me up and down, “Please don’t change on my account, you look amazing in that towel. I have some wine, if you have a couple of glasses, we can get to know each other much better” Then she laughed, “Who knows you may not be wearing it before the evening ends”

Smiling, grabbing some glasses, we moved to the patio area. The place has a slopping back yard, bordered by the forest on one side and bottom, the other was Jen’s place. Jen gathered some cheeses and finger food, I poured two glasses, then joined her on the sofa.

It was as if we had been long lost friends forever, sipping the wine, snacking on the cheese and crackers, more and more contacts between us, our hands on each others arms, bare legs and so on, soon the first glass was empty. Jen stood to refill the glasses. Standing behind me, handing the glasses, she began rubbing my bare shoulders, it felt wonderful, especially after lifting and moving so many boxes, then to my surprise she leaned forward, kissing my neck, running her hands down the front of me, releasing the towel so it fell away from my body, kissing me again, “I sense a submissive side to you. One you keep hidden very well, but one that is always present. Am I correct?”

A second ‘bucket list item’ has always been a desire to be owned, enslaved by someone, some dominant female who would lead me into the BDSM world, controlling me, subjecting me to all kinds of pain and punishments, so when she asked such a personal question, all of my fears washed away, not saying anything, just nodding while my breathing became labored. She moved in front of me, standing there, my body totally nude now, nipples have never been as erect and hard as they were at this moment, the moisture between my legs building. Looking up at her, inside my body shaking, suddenly she slapped me across the one cheek. It was so hard, shaking my head, a surprised look on my face … but before I could react, she slapped me again, this time on the other side of my face …”Now drop down on your knees, let’s see if that tongue of yours has any real talent. My pussy needs pleasing”

A wave of submissive shock washed over me, not able to wrap my mind around what was happening, but dropping on my knees, she sat down, pulling the small skirt up, no panties were being worn … running my hands up her bare legs, kissing the inner thighs, running a finger over her shaved pussy, then leaning forward to take my first lick, tasting how good the moisture was.

This was not the first time I’d licked a females pussy, but it was the first time as a potential slave licking what had the potential of becoming a new owner.

The more pleasure I gave her, my submissive nature continued to increase, washing over me, feeling like it was changing every cell in my body. When she finally grabbed my head, squeezing my head with her legs, exploding her juices, covering my face, swallowing as fast as I could ….. pulling me back, “I think we have found a new life for you. I’ll be back tomorrow, giving you time to think about this new life style”

She got up, pulled down her skirt and left. The emotions I was feeling were all over everyplace. I had revealed my most secret desires to a basic stranger. Had opened up about a submissive side of me and now my future may be in her hands.

Sleep was uneasy that evening, staying nude, after breakfast, I was on the patio, cup of coffee in hand, when she walked in, holding a bag. Looking at me, “Have you thought about submitting to me, becoming my sex slave?”

There wasn’t anything else I had thought about since she left, moving to a submissive kneeling position, dropping my head, “Yes I’ve thought about it and I’d like to see if this can be my new life style”

Taking a small leather collar out of her bag, securing it around my neck, locking it in position, then giving me some rules. First I cannot cum unless given permission, will join her at club meetings she belongs to, then many more, all designed to make me more dependent on my new Mistress and her desires.

The club meetings had me leashed, on all fours, nude and behind her. By the first meeting, my bottom, back of my legs, both beasts, had red marks on them, where the punishments had been administered. A small vibrating bullet had been put in me, my Mistress activated the vibrations on a random basis, each time it became active, I’d loose all ability to think, eyes would roll up in my head, small little whimpers and moans would escape me.

It only took a few weeks and I was comfortably settling into this new life style, for the first time in my life, owning my own place being in a slave to a dominant Mistress, one that was controlling every part of my life. Being controlled when I enjoyed an orgasm, had me in a constant state of arousal, the need for relief mounting each week.

One afternoon not being given permission for relief for over a week, I was out in the back, nude relaxing on a lounger, my eyes had been closed, when a strange feeling came over me. It felt like someone was near me, slowly opening my eyes, a sudden surge of fear hit me, standing over me, legs on either side of the lounge, was the biggest wolf I have ever seen. Much bigger then any wolf I’ve ever seen, more like a regular size horse. Just when I was about to scream, his eyes, those deep red flashing spinning, circular spiral eyes captured mine. Drawing me in, somehow telling me to relax, taking away all fear.

Those eyes had a hypnotic effect on me, relaxing me, subliminally programming me, never moving, not touching me, just those eyes doing something to me.

I have no idea how long he kept me like this, slowly his mouth opened, two large fangs seemed to roll out then lock in place. Plunging them into me, on either side of my clit, sinking deeply in the soft tissue, his tongue entering me, much like a flexible cock would do. The pain of the fangs soon faded away, the shaft pushing, pumping, twisting from side to side, all the time the twin daggers pumping some unknown substance into me.

This combination of pumping fluid in me, the tongue doing everything a well designed cock could do, set off a climax, one that shook and rocked my whole being, one that kept it going on and on. The fluid shooting out of me, coating his tongue, his mouth all down my thighs, pooling around my bottom. My hips were humping against him, but he never moved, just kept the milky liquid entering me, while the tongue kept me cumming …

How long, anyones guess, finally the tongue pulled out, the fangs retracted, his eyes released me and in an instant he was gone.

There was dried cum everywhere, sticky and a smell of arousal I’d never encountered. Finally able to raise my head, the two puncture wounds, slowly healed before my eyes, leaving the lips between my legs, puffy, more sensitive then they have ever felt before.

Still in a daze, my hands between my legs, the feelings and arousal spiking mini orgasms one after the next, when suddenly Jennifer, my Mistress was standing a few feet from me. “I see you have decided to break one of my main rules, not cumming without my permission” Then she got closer, reaching out, touching my pussy area, almost where he had bitten me … her eyes meant mine, this time, but filled with anger. “No one cums like this unless they have had someone with them. Have you had a male here to do this to you?”

Tears were in my eyes, nodding that there had been a male here, but it wasn’t what she thought it was, before I could try and explain she unlocked my collar … “When you decide you can live a true Mistress/slave life style, give me a call, maybe I’ll reconsider”

She was gone without letting me try and explain.

The next few days were hell, I was always on the edge of the cliff, just running my hands between my legs, triggered an explosion. Pulling on my tits did the same. I noticed a fine white hair was appearing all over my body. It was so soft, loved to rub my arms and legs, my bottom sent erotic tinglings all over me when I rubbed it. A strange feeling was becoming more and more present each day I woke, most days I just lay in bed, feeling the changes taking place, but for some reason not worried, although I couldn’t get out of my mind the previous two owners, did he visit them, is this why they died?

Around three weeks after the wolfs encounter, I noticed we were just entering the first phase of the full moon cycles when that evening a severe pain started in my hands and feet. They seemed to be changing, the pain made me cry out for help, but of course no one was near to hear me. These changes had only begun when my face began to burn, it felt like my whole skull was reshaping … barely able to focus, the hands were becoming paws, dog like paws, the same with my feet. Legs ached, then my stomach and back followed, dropping me to the ground, curling up in a ball, the whole body writhing, twisting, flopping from one side to the next … eventually it was too much, when I thought I was going to die also, my eyes closed and I passed out.

How long I was out was unknown, when I woke, I felt better then I have in a long time if ever. Reaching up to feel my face, my hand was now a wolfs paw, beautiful white hair covering it. Standing on all fours, looking at a full length mirror, I had changed in a beautiful female wolf, long tail, and a distinct scent instantly telling me I was in heat.

That same feeling I felt when he bit me, was there again, turning, the huge beast was back, laying on his side, watching me inspect my new body. My eyes zeroed in on his cock, it was pink and huge, licking my lips, waving my bottom, wanting him to know how much I needed him to use me, to take me, making me his bitch.

Standing once again, it was hard to realize just how big he was, moving behind me. licking the needy area under my tail, then moving outside to the back yard. Following him closely, he bolted up the hill into the forest, I was right behind him, amazed at how easy I could run now.

We ran, jumped, growled and played for miles in the dense area, finally coming to rest at a high mountain pond. When I stopped, he once again licked me, then in one motion mounted me, that massive cock slipping in without any resistance. The feeling was something I’d never dreamed of, never knew was even possible, how deep he went, how exciting he was making the insides of me feel, could only be felt, words would not explain what was happening to me. The warm liquid he emptied in me, sent me on an erotic cloud of sexual excitement, making me howl, like only a wolf can howl. My body exploded, making me feel pleasure, real pure pleasure, like I’ve never felt before.

We slept, me curled up in his body, enjoying the cool night air, around midnight, he took me again ..

The next few days, we ran, fucked, ran and played with each other. I submitted to him over and over again, finally leading me back to my place, taking me one last time, then he was gone. Somehow I knew in my heart in less then a month, we’d be back again, doing what I had began to throughly enjoy. Enjoy beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

Sleeping that evening, the next morning waking, feeling as fully fulfilled as I have ever been, when I moved out onto the patio, something inside me, instructed me how to change back into the same girl I had been in previously. Stretching, checking everything over, I was back normal like I had been, except my tits were super sensitive, the area between my legs the same, more easily aroused then ever before.

Relaxing enjoying what had happened to me, completely satisfied in a way I could never have dreamed of, but after a little more then a week had passed, I was so horny …looking at the calendar, wondering how I’d ever make it … One afternoon, relaxing in the back, a group of four wild dogs came running across the bottom of the land, heading for the woods.

I had noticed they passed through almost everyday at approximately the same time, that gave me an idea.

The next day just before they were due to appear, changing back into the animal form, making sure my back end was facing up wind from them. As soon as they appeared, the scent of my arousal reached them in moments. Stopping, looking up at me, it was easy to see I was a wolf, but a female wolf in heat. Cautiously scanning the area to make sure no male was present, all of them moved towards me.

The closer they got, the more submissive i became, when the alpha was just a few feet from me, moving towards him, brushing my body against his, then he was behind me, sniffing, tasting and finally licking under my tail. Jumping up to mount me, feeling him entering me, dropping my head, a low moan escaped … he was smaller then my lover, but so much faster, triggering the first explosion, providing me with the pleasure I was not only looking for but this is what I needed.

Seeing the three hounds waiting to have their turn, but not really looking at them, so when one stepped up in front of me, angling his shaft into my mouth. Needless to say, this dog wants a blowjob from a wolf, gave me a small chuckle. But before I could grasp what was happening to me, his tool pushed down my throat, cutting off my air. Gasping but unable to breathe, he pulled back, then slamming that monster down my throat.

These two were in opposite rhythm, when the one in my pussy pushed in, the one in my throat pulled out, then in and my pussy out …. my eyes had rolled up in my head, a sexual cloud was carrying me away … The knot in my pussy was the first to be pushed in. Not much pain at all, just some discomfort, my creator had broken me in, his was so big, the one pushing in my mouth however was a different matter. It started pressing against my teeth, and my lower jaw. The constant pounding finally forced the jaw down, when it was in, it was locked like a ball gag does.

That was when the warm cum flooded my pussy, this was actually warmer then my wolf lover, while the same warm feeling flooded my throat, the two combined effects triggered a massive set of mini explosions, coming over and over.

When the two pulled out of me, never being used like these two had done, my legs gave way, dropping me to the ground, a wave of sleep over taking me almost immediately.

The ones left unfulfilled, sniffed and licked me, but I was completely out, finally frustrated they all left.

A few hours later, waking covered in dried cum, but never feeling as good as I did at this moment. Changing back into my original form, heading to the shower, spending time relaxing there, then grabbing a bite, and drink, back out in the yard enjoying the perfect weather.

For the next few days, I was in the wolf form when the dogs came by, each time they fucked me in both holes, emptying the warm seen inside me, sometimes I had swallowed so much it looked like I was several months pregnant.

Then one morning, a new thought hit me. The dogs were use to me being part of their daily routine, this morning I stayed nude, but not in my animal form, instead staying in my own nude body.

I watched them start towards me, then stop to watch. My smell, my scent was the same, the fact I was in heat, also was the same as they had experienced before, but I was no longer a wolf but now a female human.

I had a secured small padded ottoman on the patio, kneeling over it, my bottom facing them, there was a light breeze, blowing from where I was at, down the hill to them, now all I could do was wait, see if there need to fuck over comes the change in looks.

Finally they moved up to me slowly, the big one approaching me, walking around, sniffing me, then licking between my legs, his tongue sending shivers all through my body. A few more licks, finally satisfied I was still in heat, jumping up on my back, that wonderful cock found its mark on the first strike. Bottoming out with one jump.

When Jen took me as a slave, that was exciting, then the wolf took me, OMG, unbelievable, progressing to being taken by the dogs, sexually was as exciting or maybe more so then with my wolf – but now this dog was fucking me, rapidly pounding me, sending my pussy, my whole body into a dream like frenzy, my hips writhing back and forth.

It was hard to tell if multiple climaxes were hitting me, or some other pleasurable feelings were blanketing me like a warm wrap.

Just when this one’s knot started pressing against my opening, a second one moved to my mouth, forcing his cock down my throat. In my lupus form, it was easy to take in the big cock, but now, he forced it deep in my throat. Normally my gag reflux would have kicked in, but when I started giving the blowjobs earlier, it must have calmed me down, so it slipped so deep, his balls were hitting my chin. The way he was rapidly pumping in and out of me, I thought he may end up cracking my teeth, instead this along with what was happening between my legs, plunged me into an erotic haze, so happy I made this decision, being used like this in this form.

The knot would not fit in my mouth, no matter how hard he pumped or pushed, it simply was not big enough, finally he started pumping the warm seed down my throat … filling me, stimulating every fiber in my body.

When these two were finished, two more replaced them, but I was in such a wonderful place, nothing mattered, I was being used, had become a slave to two different animals and subconsciously checked off the second important item in my bucket list.

Each morning until the full moon phase started, I was out in the back yard, leaning over the ottoman, being used by as many dogs that attended that day.

My lover appeared one afternoon, just as the phase was starting, I was in my wolf form waiting. We nuzzled, rubbed against each other, so happy to be together again, running all over the mountain side. Stopping again at the mountain lake, he took me, having him in me, was like heaven … we had become so close, we could communicate easily now … he was not at all upset that I had been enjoying sex with the group of dogs … I was all his for this time period and that was why he created me.

As soon as we had rested, I changed back into my human form, explaining to him how much I wanted him to take me like this.

Moving to a moss covered log, he sniffed my bottom, then licked between my legs, sending shivers all the way through my body. He was so big, he didn’t have to jump up on me like the dogs had, instead, just move close, his cock slipping in easily. In this form, his cock was massive … stretching every cell and muscle between my legs. As soon as he was all the way in, an earth shaking orgasm washed over me, leaving me panting, finding it hard to catch my breath. Clinging onto the moss, gripping the tree bark, his slow and steady thrusts of in and out, was exciting every small centimeter inside me.

I think he sensed how much pleasure this was giving me, keeping the slow steady rhythm of in and out, it went on forever …. I was on the edge, waiting for the warm feeling of his nectar to fill me, but he kept me at that point, making me moan, cry, scream for him to finish me off … but still he kept me there…

My toes were curling up then stretching wide apart, frantically rubbing my erect nipples on the moss, trying to do something to make him finish me off …

How long he kept me like this, was lost to me … I had slipped into a sexually exciting erotic haze … floating, enjoying where I was at … when suddenly he stopped, filling me with what I had been needing, what my body had been begging for … triggering an earth shattered explosion inside me, one that covered his cock with my juices … leaving me so spent, my body instantly shut down, leaving me laying on the log, taking time to come to a complete rest.

Waking, looking at him, both of us knew at least one time every month this is how he would enjoy me. The rest of the time, we ran, fucked, rested and enjoyed the time we had together.

When he left me at my place, watching him disappear, wondering where he went for the rest of the month … but knowing he’d be back.

The following morning I was once again nude relaxing on the ottoman when the group of my lovers came running towards me. We jumped, kissed, hugged … they had missed me … then laying across the soft surface … that familiar feeling of a cock in my pussy and one in my mouth was once again giving me the pleasure I had been lucky enough to discover.

The End

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