Women with Animals
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Training to Take the Horse


(c) 2021 by Want2BeKnotted

Here is a story I wrote. It is a little long, but hope you like it.

The closest I have ever had to K9 sex was when I was19. I had a little Pekingese dog. It was hot as hell so I was asleep naked and he got up in the bed and started licking my pussy while I was asleep. It was a hard sleep so I thought it was a dream, and woke up horny as hell. It felt so good I let him keep licking. I let him lick me whenever we were alone, he was to small for anything else, and I had a vibrator for other times.

Years later I found my husband Dave looking at a zoo site and told him about my experience. It really turned him on. We looked at lots of stuff together and talked about it a bit. We were renting and no dogs allowed so all we could do is watch the videos.

One night I saw a lady take a pony and I got so hot. I told Dave I wanted to do that. He laughed at me and said I was way too small and could never take it. I told him I have had two kids so I am sure I could get it to fit if I tried.

Dave went out the next day and got me the biggest dildo he could find. “Here” he said, “If you can take this, we will look into finding a pony for you.” I got so hot at the idea, I practically raped him. After I got him off, I laid back on the bed, spread my legs wide and told him to use the new toy on me.

It was tight and felt so good. He wasn’t sure about putting it all the way in but I told him if he did, he could have my ass. That he could never pass up. Dave worked the dildo in and out slowly until it was in all the way. I rolled over on a pillow with the dildo still inside me and told Dave to fuck my ass now. Every time Dave pushed into me the dido moved too. I got us both so hot we came a lot.

The next day Dave went to a different sex shop to look for something bigger. He started talking to the clerk at the shop when Dave asked about the biggest sizes. Dave told him what I wanted, and the clerk told Dave about a friend that trains ponies to fuck women and she also get women in shape to take a pony. Dave got her number and set up a little “vacation” for me.

That night Dave, the big dildo and I had another hot heavy session with Dave using it on me again and again fucking my pussy hard and fast with it. He kept saying “You want it big and hard so that is what you will get” and “come on bitch take it all!!”.

I got up in the morning when I could walk again and made us some coffee and breakfast. That is when he dropped the little surprise on me. He told me to pack a bag, your out of here. “What the hell?” I yelled, ready for a fight. Calm down. Dave said, I am sending you to a little training camp so you can have your dream. You leave today for a weeks, then you get your pony ride.”

I didn’t know what to say. What do I pack, where am I going? Dave told me just to get a few toiletries together and a few shirts and shorts. They have specialty clothes for me to wear. A car will pick me up in the morning and take me to the training site.

The car showed up at 9AM and I was off. We drove out into the country side and down a tree lined driveway. We pull up to a large colonial mansion that looked like it came right out of the old south. There were white fenced corrals with horses in them, a large red barn, and lots of big dogs running around.

When I got out of the car, I was greeted by 3 dogs that all stuck their noses in my crotch to get a good sniff. It felt exciting but the driver chased them away and took me into the house where he introduced me to the owner Lila.

Welcome, I here you want to train for ponies Lila said as she extended her hand for me to shake. Ye Yes I stammered. Well, Lila continued, we have rules here and the training is not easy. If you fail to follow the rules you will have to leave. The training lasts a week and it is very hard on you pussy. It has to make ready for the pony or you could be severely injured. Do you understand? I nodded yes.

Good. Here are the rules.

  • You will wear the special clothes you are given for training.
  • When out of your room, you will wear a face mask. It is for your privacy.
  • You will take whatever cock we give you. They will get larger and larger as your training progresses.
  • There is no contact with the outside world while you are here.
  • We will be taking movies and photos of your training, another reason to wear the mask.
  • You will be fitted with a clitoral stimulator that you will wear at all times. Do not remove it.

Do you understand these rules and agree to them?

Yes, I replied, when do we start?

“First, Lila said, Maria will show you to your room, put your things away and put on the outfit that is laid out on your bed and then come back down. We will have our technician check your pussy size to start your training.”

I followed Maria up to the second floor to a beautiful room. There laid out on the bed was a Jumpsuit that was crotchless, leaving my pussy and ass fully exposed. There was also a mask that covered enough of the face so you would not be recognized by anyone looking over the fence. I changed my clothes and went downstairs.

Day 1. Testing: Maria showed me to a room that looked like a doctor’s office but had a lot of sex toys in it. Mark, the “technician” told me to jump up on the table and we would begin.

I hopped up on the table and laid back, Mark put my feet in the stirrups and said “First we will be checking your size so we will know where to start with your training. Then we will attach your stimulator. Now just lie there and try to enjoy it.” Mark took a tube of KY jelly and started rubbing my clit and then inserted his finger in me so I was really lubricated. But after seeing him stand there and rub my clit the KY was not needed.

Marked rolled a tray over and I could see it was covered with all kinds of dildos of different sizes. Some looked like a real penis, some just like a big round rolling pin. Mark stuck two fingers in my puss and then 3. OK, I think we will start with this one he said as he picked up one of medium sized real looking dildos. Mark hit a switch and it started to vibrate. He teased my clit with it. He would rub just a second and then pull it away, rub and pull it away. I found myself straining to push my clit to the vibrating cock.

“Alright” Mark exclaimed, then shoved the dildo in me. He moved it in and out, around and around, turning up the vibrator to high. He played with my pussy until I was about to cum and then stopped. “You can’t get off until I tell you” Mark said. “Not until we get to the right size”. He smiled and picked up a larger one. Again, he teased my clit and fucked my hole with the vibrating cock, bringing me to the edge but not letting me cum.

“Well, well, well, looks like you are going to graduate to the big one!” Mark said as he picked up the largest dildo on the tray. It was the biggest one I had ever seen, and I wasn’t sure if I could do it. “If you can take this one, tomorrow we will move on to the next step in your training.” Mark said with a wicked gleam in his gorgeous eyes.

Mark got some more KY jelly and applied it to the big dong. He turned it on and rubbed it up and down my slit, stopping for a brief second on my clit. Slowly he started pushing it into pussy, twisting as he pushed. It was huge and a bit painful but I bit my lip. When he hit my cervix, I winced in pain. “OK, now we know how deep”, Mark said, pulling out a marker and putting a line on the dildo.

He continued to fuck me with the giant dildo, trying to get it deeper each time, and each time he went deeper he made another mark and wrote a note in a little book on the cart. After an hour of torment, he finally let me cum. Mark came over with a device in his hands.

Now I am going to fit you with a stimulator, it’s called the butterfly. It will press on your clit and switch on and off automatically. This way you will be ready to fuck at any time. You must not take it off. You will be fucked 8 to 10 time a day by increasingly larger cocks each day and you must be wet and ready or it will be more painful. Mark unzipped the zippers on my jump suit and pressed the stimulator against my clit. He attached a strap around my waist and around each leg to hold it in place but left the entrance to my pussy open. He zipped me back up and told me to return to my room.

While walking back the clit butterfly went off. Just enough to get me hot, but not enough to cum. I made it back to my room and found a new chair in my room. It had a huge dildo attached to it. If I was still horny, all I would have to do is sit on it. But I was a little sore and just wanted a bath and a nap.

There was a knock on the door and Maria was there with a tray with dinner on it. She told me to just leave it outside the door when I was finished. She handed me a bottle of lotion and said to rub it on my pussy after I got dressed in the morning and be downstairs at 8am. I closed the door and placed the tray on the table and had a few bites of dinner and 2 glasses of wine.

While I was sitting there the butterfly went off. Two minutes later, it went off again, and again. Only long enough to get you hot, but not get you off. I started playing with my pussy and rubbing the butterfly against my clit. That huge dong on the chair was staring to look really good. I knew it would hurt, but I needed something inside of me. The butterfly went off again and it was all I could take. I went to the chair and there was a little tube of gel there. I rubbed the dildo with it and some on my pussy. It had a numbing effect and it tingled too. I positioned myself over the dildo and slowly lowered myself on it.

It hurt a little and as I started to pull off of it the butterfly started to vibrate again, this time it didn’t stop. I lowered myself slowly onto the giant cock until it was fully inside me. With the butterfly rubbing my clit, I rocked back and forth on cock and then moved up and down on it until I came. My pussy was sore and I needed a shower and some sleep.

Day 2. 1st day of training: Marie was there with breakfast at 7AM and told me to get dressed and ready, training starts at 8AM. Just as I closed the door, the butterfly started it’s teasing little vibrations. On and off all through breakfast and while I was getting dressed. Another zippered jumpsuit and today the mask.

I went downstairs and was introduced to my trainer Lisa. The butterfly went off on high and I shuttered. “Good, good” Lisa replied. “By the time we get out to the barn, you should be ready for Max.” “Max? Who’s Max?” I asked. “He will be the first one you will have sex with and start to make you ready for the ponies. He will mount you at least 8 time.” I was a little confused, but followed her outside.

We walked out to the barn and when we entered, it didn’t look like a barn at all. There were many cubicle’s with large windows and doors. In each was a small padded bench, shorter at one end. There was a small sofa, table with magazines and an entertainment center with a TV and stereo. We walked up to the first cubical and there was the name Max on the door. “Did you remember to put the lotion on?” Lisa asked. Yes, it smelled bad but I rubbed a little on I said. “A little won’t do. Lay on the bench and spread your legs.” Lisa ordered as she walked to a shelf on the entertainment center. She got a bottle and brought it over and rub some on my pussy, making sure to get some inside of it.

“Now, Lisa said, you will stay here for the day. Max will be brought in and spend the day with you. You will bend over this bench and present yourself to him whenever he signals you he is ready. He will do that by coming over to you and licking you pussy or climbing on you. Every two hours you will reapply the lotion to your pussy. This will keep him interested in you.” “Are you telling me Max is a dog?” I asked. “Yes, didn’t you know?” “If you can’t handle it then you need to leave now. This is all part of your training.” I had always had a fantasy of being taken by a dog and getting knotted, but I was a little scared. “Well?” she asked.

OK, I will do it, I said. “O. K. I will get Max and you two can get started.” Lisa left and came back with a big beautiful Doberman. Max came right over to me and sniffed all over me and then right to my crotch. Max started licking me and Lisa pushed me back on the couch so he could get at me easier. He licked me from ass to where the butterfly was and then started sticking his tongue deep inside of me. Lisa told me to look at his cock, “See how it is starting to come out its sheath? That means he is ready and you need to take your position.” “Go to the bench, and lean over with your head at the low end and your ass in the air. Spread your legs wide and put them on the knee pads. Max will do the rest.” I will stay with you this time to make sure it goes well, so take your place.”

I got on my knees and leaned over the bench. Before I was down, Max was licking my pussy again, sticking his tongue in as deep as he could, licking out all of my juices and making me wetter and hotter than I have ever been. “Max, fuck.” Lisa shouted. And Max obeyed. He jumped up and wrapped his paws around me, humping and jabbing, searching for the hole. It only took a couple of tries and he found my opening. Two more thrusts and he was in. Max pumped fast and hard. “OK, get ready, he is getting ready to knot you.” Lisa said. “This is how we will stretch you out and get you open and ready.” I only half heard her, my mind was on the ponding I was getting and the large knot that was being pushed into my pussy. Oh fuck, it hurt and felt wonderful at the same time. The butterfly started vibrating, Max was fucking me had and fast and I was losing my mind. Each thrust caused me to orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure with a little pain.

Max started coming and pumping hot cum into me. He was pressed right up against my cervix and I could feel him fill me up. Max shot his load then collapsed on my back, waiting for his knot to go down. “He’s been trained not to turn so you should be ok” Lisa said.

Max pulled out of me and started licking my pussy, lapping up our juices, then jumped up on the couch to clean himself.

“OK, you are doing fine. Just relax until he is ready for you again. Remember the lotion and I will be back to check on you in a few hours.” With that Lisa walked off, I got up and went over and sat on the couch with Max as I waited for the next session.

By the end of the day, Max had taken me 9 times. I was raw and could hardly walk. Lisa came and took me back to my room. She told me to get a good night’s sleep and we will start again at 8AM. I showered and went to bed, too tired to eat.

Day 3. 2nd of training: After breakfast, I dressed and went downstairs to meet Lisa. We walked to the barn and Lisa told me today I would be with Brutes, and American Bull dog. He’s not as big as Max but has a bigger knot and will fill me up tight. Lisa showed me how to adjust the bench so Brutes could get a good angle into me.

Lisa stayed with me for the first time, making sure Brutes liked me and would actually fuck me. It didn’t take long to find out, Brutes came in the door and right for my pussy. He was licking me and growling under his breath. “You better get into position now.” Lisa said. “He doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

As soon as I bent over the bench, Brutes was on my back and in my pussy on the first try. He pounded me hard and deep. He fucked me longer than Max before he started to knot, and he pushed right in so it started swelling inside me. It was bigger than Max’s and a little more painful at first. But the orgasm’s seemed to wash the pain away.

Brutes was more of a selfish lover. The rest of the day he fucked me 11 times. Each time he fucked me hard, turned butt to butt and pulled out as soon as he could then went over and sat in the corner. At the end of the day, Lisa came back and walked me back to the main house. “You are doing really good, she said. Tomorrow we will have you with Bullet. We will be filming you when he knots you. This will be his first knotting with a woman, and we want him in our training video.” “What kind of a dog is he?” I asked. “A Labrador retriever” Lisa replied.

Day 4. 3rd of training: I know while they call him Bullet. He shot through the door like a bullet, and jumped up on me. He sniffed me all over, rubbed up against me for pets and scratches. He wanted some affection first. It didn’t take long before he was at my crotch so I leaned back and spread my legs. Bullet had a tongue that drove me crazy. He stuck his snout in my pussy as far as he could get it and licked out every drop of juice he could get. He kept trying to get under the butterfly so Lisa took it off. Bullet licked my clit and made me cum the licked it out of me.

I could see Bullet was ready so I went to the bench. I had just gotten my knees on the pads and Bullet was on me. Lisa was right behind him with the camera, getting his every thrust into my pussy on film. As Bullet pounded me I could feel his cock well inside of me and his knot harden at my lips. It was already quit large when he pushed it in me. I let out a scream as it entered me. Then, a moan as I went into orgasm after orgasm as his knot moved up and down inside me. Bullet lasted a long time and pushed in deeper than the other two. It felt like the tip of his cock was going to go through my cervix into my womb. All of a sudden Bullet locked up and shot his load into me. He started humping again shooting load after load of hot cum inside of me.

Bullet rested on my back for a few minutes then pulled out of me. He licked me deep inside and cleaned me getting every drop, then cleaned himself. I got on the couch and Bullet came over and laid down beside me putting his head in my lap.

Bullet took me 12 times and every time he wanted to cuddle up after each session. He was the best fuck and could lick me into complete bliss.

Days 5, 6, and 7 I had a Rottweiler, then a Mastiff and finished up with a Saint Bernard. Each time the knots got bigger and cocks a little longer. But none of them were as good a Bullet.

Day 8. Lisa came to room. She told me I was finished with the dogs and congratulated me on the videos we made. Today we will be using some dildos called “Fister’s” and two that look like horse cocks but are a little smaller. Tomorrow, we will let Davy fuck you. He is the pony with the smallest cock. Your husband will be here tonight and he will get to watch you get your first horse cock.

Lisa took me to a room at the barn that had a post with rings. She explained it is where they tie the hors up to when he is getting groomed. She showed me where I will be when Davy fucks me. We will use it now for training she said. I was to lay a padded bench and the pony will come stand over me. There are steps on each side that he will put his front legs on.

Once in position, Lisa took a bottle of gel out and started rubbing my pussy with it, spreading it from clit to my ass and pushing her hand inside my pussy rubbing the gel in as far as she could. A real warm feeling spread everywhere the gel was. Then Lisa blew on it and it was the wildest feeling. It was hot and cold at the same time and it made every inch of the area tingle.

Lisa started with something called The Magic Hand that looked like a small hand with the fingers pointed. Slowly just the finger tips were twisted in. She turned it with the thumb side up and started pushing it in deep so the thumb would rub my clit. She twisted it again and pushed in deeper. I don’t know if I can make it. My puss is so sore. But then then she rubs my clit and twists the dildo fist so it rubs my g spot. It took 3 hours but she finally got it all the way in up to the wrist. I think I will try something new Lisa said and took out something that looked like a small traffic cone. She inserted it in me and slid the tip in and out each time going a little deeper, stretching me wider and wider. When she got the wide end all the way inside, she put a strap across it to keep it in place. Lisa got out a vibrator and started rubbing my clit with it causing my pussy to clamp down on the cone in my pussy and squeeze it.

Next came the small horse dildo. Lisa inserted it in me an pushed it in as far as she could. “No, no, no” she said. “It is still not deep enough.” Lisa left and came back with a table that had a machine mounted on it. It had a long rod that she attached the horse dildo to. She turned it on and the machine started to fuck me with the horse dildo. Slowly, it kept going deeper and deeper. The flair of the dildo felt like it was going to pull my insides out. But the strokes were like nothing I have ever felt. Evening came and Lisa put the cone back inside of me and said I was to wear it to bed to keep the muscles stretched. We went back to the main house and a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is the big day.

The Big Day. When I woke up, Maria was in my room laying out my jumpsuit for the day. In addition, there was a wrap to wear over it. She reminded me to remove the cone before I dressed. I asked her what was wrap for. “You will be having breakfast with Ms. Lila and your husband downstairs this morning.” Maria replied. I dressed and rushed down stairs. Even though I have had the greatest sex in my life this last week, I couldn’t wait to have Dave hold me in his arms. Dave arrived just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, and Maria came down right behind me and showed us in to breakfast.

Lila was already at the table. Welcome she said. I want to congratulate you on your training. You progressed rapidly and you took all of the training very well. Dave, are you ready to see your wife take on a horse? “Yes”, Dave replied. “I have been looking forward to this for weeks.” Lila explained what was going to happen over breakfast. There would be cameras shooting from each angle, I would walk in take off the wrap and lay down on the bench. Since I progressed so well, I would get a real horse and not just a pony. The trainer, Bill, will bring him in and position him. Bill will get the horses cock to drop and then place his cock up against my pussy. You are to push back against the cock and the horse will take it from there. Shall we proceed then?

We walked out to the barn, and there were indeed cameras set up everywhere. Dave came over and kissed me and helped me take the wrap off. He reached down and tickled my clit and wished me good luck. Bill helped me on to the bench and adjusted the angle for horse’s height. Bill turned to Dave, “I have some gel that needs to be rubbed on your wife’s pussy, do you want to do it?” Dave came over, grabbed the gel and started rubbing my pussy slowly, letting a finger tease my clit then pushing two inside of me rubbing the gel inside. Dave got another dab and pushed it inside of me and rub it inside of my hole.

“OK, it’s time”. Bill called out as he led the horse in. Dave stepped back and the horse placed over me. Bill rubbed the horse and his cock dropped under him and began to swell. Bill rubbed the head of the big cock against my pussy and I pushed back automatically. The horse scooted closer pushing his cock closer, trying to push his way into me.

Another thrust and he was in. Oh, fuck that’s bigger than I thought. The horse moved out a little and shoved back in again and again. I could feel the flair of his cock rubbing my G spot, making me cum over and over. Then he pulled all the way out and shoved in again. This time, all the way to my cervix. He didn’t pull out, but shoved hard again and again. I could feel the head of his cock wrapping around my womb, almost as if he was locking on to it. “Oh god that feels sooo good” I moaned. When he came he filled with so much cum, my belly swelled up. He stood there, his cock jerking inside of me, making me cum with every twitch. I turned my head to look at Dave, he was having a great time. His eyes were transfixed to my pussy full of horse cock while he was jerking off.

The horse pulled out and there was a flood of hot cum running down my legs. I was so overcome by it all that I couldn’t even stand for quit a while. When I was finally able to stand, we walked back to the main house to get cleaned up. As we were leaving, Lila gave me a DVD. “Here is a copy of your training to enjoy over and over again.” I hugged her and told her I will never forget my time here.

The End

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Views: 4206

One thought on “Training to Take the Horse

  1. Great story. Love the in depth details.would love to know if you had some first hand experience to be that graphic.

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