Women with Animals

And It’s Only 5:30


“Did you ever have a secret yearning
Don’t you know it could come true…”

Klaus Meine was wailing through the living room stereo speakers, over top of a crunching, palm-muted guitar riff. The noise was not quite dense enough to muffle the wet, raw sounds of dog-fucking emanating from the bedroom.

Karen had always considered herself a “dog fancier,” but right now she was pinned underneath her dog Raider, and there was nothing fancy about how he was pounding her. It was just plain old-fashioned animalistic fucking, the way nature intended.

Raider was a mixed breed of no discernible ancestry, but he had what you might call hybrid vigor – over nine inches of it. He was short but stocky, and he could knock you down and nail your ass forcibly if he wanted to. But he was a gentle soul at heart, and had no need to knock anyone down anyway; he had a very willing partner.

And now, with his jaws open and his tongue hanging out, he was pummeling her with a combination of power and undiluted lust that reminded her, sadly, just how much she had been missing out on before he came into her life. His bulk held her securely in his place; his round, furry doggy balls bounced against her soft ass; his cock continued to expand and stretch her pussy. Her legs, she knew, would be turned into rubber bands by the end.

“Make it real, not fantasy!” the music urged her.

“Yeah, you bet,” she mumbled under her breath. “This is as real as it gets, buddy.”

Raider stopped thrusting, and she clenched around the base of his enormous cock, crying out wordlessly. When he felt the tight grip, his knot swelled even larger in response. Karen could feel him shuddering as he ejaculated, spurt after spurt inside her. Her body spasmed in her own orgasm. He was panting heavily as he finished.

A few minutes later, he jumped off of her and stood there, still panting, as he looked down at her. Then he hopped off the bed, and she lay back, flushed, staring vacantly at the ceiling.

She was feeling good, her muscles loose and her brain pleasantly foggy, but she was not fully satisfied yet. She stared off into space and let her mind flip-flop back and forth over what to do next. The truth was, she already knew what was going to happen, but it was still fun to play will-I-or-won’t-I for a while.

Will I be nice, or will I be naughty?

Will I be bold and take what I want, or will I be a chicken and go without?

Will I be a Good Girl?

“Hey, Raider.”

The dog looked up at her from his spot on the floor. His tail wagged, just once.

“The back door’s open if you want to slip in.”

Wag-wag-wag-wag-wag went the tail. Karen figured that was as close as a dog could get to saying “Fuck yes.”

Karen wasn’t often in the mood for anal. In fact, sometimes the thought of it turned her right off. But every once in a while, she got a crazy itch. When she caught that itch, she wanted to be a Bad Girl. She wanted to be Nasty. And she wanted to prove that no one could stop her if that’s what she wanted.

Today, she’d had the itch since early morning. It had grown and grown through the day, and now it was all but consuming her. She wouldn’t be satisfied until it was out of her system.

“Okay, puppy, here we go,” she said, her voice thick with lust.

She got back on all fours and patted the bed. Raider hopped up and put his front paws on her shoulders, bending his head down toward her. He licked her neck. Karen loved it when he did that.

“Yeah, baby,” she said. She reached back and felt for his cock. It had a natural tendency to point straight at her pussy, and she had to maneuver things a bit to get it where she wanted it.

The horny animal grabbed her more firmly. “Woof!” he said, and thrust forward.

She squealed in surprise as his whole body plowed into her and almost knocked her forward on her face. She managed to grab the bed frame, catching her balance. He hadn’t got anything in her yet, but he grabbed her hips and began thrusting again.

With a few stabs here and a few stabs there, he finally managed to find the hole and immediately started to pound her like a piston. She let out a series of loud, ecstatic yelps as he did. Her ass clenched involuntarily around his cock even as she willed herself to relax everything.

“That’s it,” Karen gasped. She squeezed his cock with her ass muscles. “Oh God, that’s it. You like fucking ass, don’t you?”

The dog barked in agreement.

“Do it, baby. Fuck me harder.”

They were both grunting and groaning, and Karen could feel a whole range of intense sensations building in her pussy and ass. Raider had the motions down pat now, and he was pounding her ass without mercy. Clearly, he was oblivious to everything except his own fuck-drive. It took all of her control to keep from screaming her voice hoarse.

Karen continued squeezing her butt muscles around his cock, with the best semblance of rhythm she could manage. “That’s it, pup, you want my ass, then take it. Make it yours. I need it. I need to feel it all.”

She could feel his cock swelling even further, and she could also feel his knot growing snug against the walls of her ass. Her pussy was on fire. Even though she’d done this before, it still shocked her just how hot her pussy could get while her ass was getting all the action. It had to be something psychological, she figured.

As the knot grew to full size, she could feel the pressure building inside her.

“Oh yeah, stud, I got you in me good, now. You aren’t going anywhere. Now drop a load in me and make me cum with you.”

Raider barked and released a long jet of hot cum into her butt. He squirted and squirted and squirted, pumping more and more. Karen felt every drop, and it pushed her over the edge. She arched her back and screamed out. Her pussy and ass spasmed and bucked, and through it all she could still feel him cumming into her butt. She was utterly flooded with his warm cum. It was incredible. She felt it leaking out of her ass and soaking her pussy as it mixed with her own fluids.

When the last drops were drained, and he finally pulled out of her, she collapsed on the bed, both exhausted and ecstatic. They both breathed deeply, and her dog licked her ass. She could feel the cum as it trickled down through her hairs and along her belly before dripping off.

“Awww man,” she said. “I needed that.” She curled up into a ball and fell into a cat nap before she even realized it was happening.

When her eyes opened again, the music had shuffled through a few songs, and now Klaus was telling her that “Good girls get their kicks after six.”

“Well, la-di-da for them,” thought Karen. “I’m a Bad Girl. I’ve got a butt full of dog cum. And it’s only 5:30.” At that, she started laughing. At first, it was just a giggle, but then it grew to a full-on belly laugh until she lost control of herself entirely and cum squirted out of her ass. And that just made her laugh even harder…

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