Women with Animals

Woody the Dog


(c) by Nancy Drew

It all started innocently enough, as far as innocence can go anyways. A little about myself and then onto my story…I’m 23 years old, 5’4″ tall, 100 lbs, long blonde hair, 34c breasts with tiny pink nipples, bright blue eyes, perfect tan all over ( I get to tan naked outside because we live on property). I keep myself completely shaved, that’s how my husband Ken likes it, and I enjoy the feeling myself. We have a Great Dane, fawn coloured, 175 lbs and an absolutely gorgeous animal. He’s very loving. His name is Woody. My husband and I have been into various types of role playing since we met several years ago, not to mention all sorts of bondage. I must admit, I’m more the submissive type and very much enjoy being tied up…the thought of it makes my pussy tremble.

Today was like any other day, I tended to some chores around the house, Ken wasn’t due home until around 6 and I had made some plans to be tied and gagged for him when he arrived…but that was later on….the thoughts of it were driving me wild and it was all I could do to keep my mind on the projects I was working on. Finally, I finished my list of things to do. “Oh, it’s only noon, I should give Woody a bath and pass some time” I thought to myself. Changing clothes into my bikini, I gathered some towels and his soap and off to the back yard I went. Woody loved bath time, so he was very excited. The day was very warm, nearly 100 degrees outside. The cool water would feel good.

I called Woody over to the wading pool we used to was him in…and while filling it with water I stepped inside…the water felt so good, it made my nipples erect the moment I stepped inside. “God Woody, the water feels wonderful” I said to him. He seemed to understand me and began wagging his tail as he stepped in with me. As I washed him, my mind roamed to later tonight, being tied up and at my husbands mercy…my pussy began to get wet and I was getting extremely horny. Woody must have sensed this, because he turned and stuck his nose right between my legs. “Woody! No!” I scolded him. Although, his cold nose felt pretty damn good for a second there.

I unconsciously started washing Woody’s cock…not really paying much attention to what my hand was doing as my mind was still very focused on the evenins events…I somehow started stroking him. I didn’t notice at first, at least until his cock began to swell in my hand and he started humping against my fist. “Oh, what the hell am I doing?!” I looked in amazement at the size of his cock, and for some reason, it made me even hotter. “What are you looking at his cock for? He’s a dog. Let go of his cock and go back in the house” I thought to myself. But almost as if in a trance, my hand just wouldn’t let go…I really WANTED to see how big his cock was! It kept growing, leaking pre-cum all over my arm…it was so red and veiny, and his precum was so warm…it felt really good. He kept thrusting against my hand…that’ s when I noticed his knot….”HOLY CRAP that is the size of a softball!”.. .his cock was about 10″ as it was, and this knot made it seem 15″ long! Not to mention how thick it was.

I continued stroking him….and then finally, he came. I’ve never seen a dog cum before. But he came A LOT. Seeing this made me extremely horny. But I still had at least 4 hours before Ken got home! I finished rinsing Woody and stepped one foot out of the pool, as I was about to step out with my other foot, Woody turned and stepped on my foot…anyone who has had their great dane step on their bare foot knows how much it hurts. As I screamed ouch, I stepped back and fell onto the grass, knocking my head on the wooden lawn chair. I was out cold. I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up, I noticed my bikini bottoms were pulled to the side, my legs were spread wide, and I was experiencing the best oral stimulation I had ever felt in my life.

I thought it was Ken at first, came home and found me out in the yard….but then, the sensation was so different. The tongue was wide, long and rough. It was actually slipping inside my pussy and driving me wild! “Ohhhhhhhhh yessssss” escaped my lips. My eyes fluttered open while my legs seemed to spread further apart…it was Woody! Licking my pussy like no man has ever doen before! And it felt WONDERFUL!!! mixed emotions started racing through my mind…”it’s so wrong…it’s a dog…what would people think?” and then, like a freight train, one of the most powerful orgasms I have ever felt, ripped through my body. “OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD! !!!!!” I screamed. Woody kept licking as if he knew what he was doing to me. I tried closing my legs some, but he was so strong and so intent on continuing what he was doing to me….as if to say “Thank you” for the hand job earlier.

Part of me was feeling disgusted for allowing myself to have an orgasm with a dog…the other part of me was overwhelmed with joy as I discovered this new afternoon past time! I pushed Woody’s head away and closed my legs…catching my breath…”Good boy Woody” He stood there wagging his tail and this look satisfaction on his face. I gathered my things and went in the house…Weak in the knees, I walked through the house in a sort of orgasm trance. I noticed the clock…”5:30! Shit, I had been out back for hours! Ken is due home in 30 minutes!”

I rushed about the house, kicked on the shower and made my preparations whitle the shower warmed up. Pulling our favorite bench out, grabbing the velcro straps for my wrists and ankles and my ball gag…I set them on the bed and jumped in the shower. The warm water felt good, but my mind kept going back to the orgasm Woody gave me earlier…it felt so good! I gathered my composure and got out of the shower. Wrapped in my bathrobe, I went downstairs and wrote a note to Ken…”Your servant awaits you upstairs” and placed it on the table where he puts his keys. I looked out back, and saw Woody sleeping on the patio. I ran upstairs, with my heart pounding from the excitement.. .I couldn’t tell if it was from what Woody did to me or the pending position I was about to put myself in.

I knealt on the floor in front of the bench, securing my ankles in place which also spread my legs apart. I slipped a finger inside me…god I was WET and tasted my juices. I love the taste of my own pussy, it drives me crazy! I placed the ball gag in my mouth and secured it behind my head. Placing the velcro restraints on each wrist, I knealt over the bench…struggling to secure myself, I finally managed to secure my wrists to the loop hole underneath the bench…I was now totally helpless. “5:45…plenty of time” My mind wandered again…thinking back to the back yard…feeling Woody’s tongue inside me…oh it felt good.

Suddenly, it hit me, my eyes popped WIDE open as I flet Woody’s tongue licking my pussy again! “MMMMRRFFFFFF! ! Nnnnnnnnnooooooo” was all I could partially yell through my gag. He kep licking me…my body began to betray me…wiggling my hips against his tongue, I felt myself slipping into surrender… my heart started pounding as yet another orgasm began to build….”OOOHHHHHH ….yessssssss” I hissed from behind my gag. He kept licking, his tongue raking across my clit and his cold nose pressing into my ass. It felt so good. I was panting now, like a bitch in heat. My orgasm building to all new heights…then suddenly, it raced through my body again!! “OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH!” was all I could scream…my body convulsed against his tongue…he licked me for a few minutes more as I came on his tongue. Then he stopped.

I lay there, nearly breathless. And that’s when he jumped on my back. He gripped my by the hips and started thrusting, searching for my pussy! “Noooo!!! Bad Woody!” But it didn’t sound like that coming from my gagged mouth! He was intent on fucking me! I tried to move my ass away from his proding, this only aggrivated him and a low growl escaped him, followed by the sensation of his teeth on the back of my neck. I laid there motionless. He continued to adjust, his cock rubbing on my inner thighs, spraying pre-cum on my thighs and ass. My mind went to the pool where I gave him a hand job…and then I remembered how big his cock was !!! I started struggling against my bids…trying to buck him off! He renewed his dominate position over me by biting down again on my neck…as he did so, his cock found my very wet pussy!

One hard thrust and 6 inches entered me. “Ohhhhh God….he’s fucking me!!” I thought to myself. ANother adjustment, 8 inches inside me. His cock was hot, and growing thicker inside me. He began to slam his cock inside me with no remorse. Fucking me like the new found bitch I was! My body gave into the sensations, opening my legs as wide as I could to give him better access. His cock continued to swell, now it felt like there was 12 inches of cock being forced deep into my pussy. I felt his knot expanding and slamming into my clit. Every thrust he went deeper and spread me wider. I was loving every second of this. My body was craving the fucking I was getting. “Yes…fuck me….harder. ..good boy….fuck me….you’re going to make me cum!!!” were the noises muffled by my gag. Woody gripped me tighter…fucking harder and harder with each thrust.

His knot was now pressing hard against my pussy. Part of me wanted it inside of me to know the feeling. Another part of me remembered just how HUGE that thing was and thought there was no way it would fit! He adjusted again…his knot was stretching me wider and wider…pressing hard, my body took over and pushed back against him! Without warning, POP! he was locked inside me. My eyes popped open at the sudden intrustion of his knot! It hurt like hell. I screamed against my gag…but my screams fell on deaf ears. Woody didn’t care, he was fucking me and loving every minute of it. As my body relaxed and accepted the pain, I noticed Woody was now delivering short, bone jarring thrusts, his cock swelled even more now and my body was loving it!

My pussy tightened around his cock, almost pulling him deeper inside me. And that’s when another earth shattering orgasm ripped through my body! I felt Woody tense up too and suddenly, what felt like gallons of cum began fill my pussy. It was incredibly hot and I was craving every drop of it! His cock swelled up and felt like a tree trunk inside me! It felt…WONDERFUL! !!

I was panting like no tomorrow with my dogs cock locked inside me. Every breath I took my pussy would tighten around his cock and make his cock throb inside me. I was going crazy…another orgasm was building in me from his cock throbbing inside me…as I reached the brink of no return, I felt hands on my ball gag, unlocking the straps that held it in place…my orgasm ripped through my body again…as I opened my eyes, with my mouth hanging open, I see my husband standing there, with his cock in hand, guiding towards my open mouth. ” swallow him completely as he looks down at me and says “That’s a good servant, you belong to both of us now”….

I don’t know how long he was there, we haven’t talked about it since, but I enjoy servicing both him and Woody daily now!

The End

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