Women with Animals
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A Day On The Farm


(c) 2015 by NightTigress

“BEEP BEEP BEEP!” The annoying noise echoed throughout the shed hiding the source of the racket from all but the well trained in this practice. Without even opening her eyes a hand lifted from the Rottweiler calmly sleeping unaware of the chaos of noise around him and hit the off button.

“Hmm, fall is coming the damn rooster is not even going off on another day of monotonous crowing yet. Wait, that means it is probably still dark out, there are perks to being the first one up each day.” With that cheery thought the naked girl rose from the soft furs, leaving the sleeping dog with a paw lightly twitching in his sleep. Without the need for a light she grabbed her clothing from a hook on the wall where it sat every night. Taking time she carefully donned the tight blue jeans and bikini top. The coarse seam of the jeans rubbed against her bare sex but she understood well the need to have it covered until her tasks were all done and not just because she was ordered to. As her last act before leaving the safety of her room she bent down and scratched the sleeping dog’s ears. “Catch lots of rabbits or whatever you are dreaming about dear Echo.”

The wind wrapped around her as she stepped out into the open air enticing goose bumps to form on her bare arms and midsection. Looking up at the sky she could not help but smile and do a little twirl at the full moon that seemed to be shining just for her. After her short lived moment of freedom she quickly straightened herself up and looked at the wall where a chalk board was screwed to the wall with a full list of the day’s chores carefully written in beautiful cursive. After a quick glance at her name written she knew it would be a long day, the Mistress had ordered her tasks for the day. Seconds later her thought was confirmed as she read through the whole list. “It sure will be a long day but then again I am always rewarded well when I complete all of her tasks.” With that pleasant thought the girl grabbed the protein bar and breakfast shake that was left on the ledge under the chalk board and started walking towards the chicken hut.

The sun was just starting to poke out from the horizon when she walked out of the hut, happy that for once she did not wake any of the hens or the fucking rooster. She has no idea how a man of any species can be that moody when he is getting that much sex. Carefully she placed the basket of eggs on the windowsill as she had been instructed to do. Pausing only a moment to imagine the wonderful egg breakfast those in the house will have before she turned away to continue her tasks, after all why would she want anything more than the paradise she has been given?

The day passed relatively quickly as she slowly crossed off all the tasks: moving the cattle from one part of the pasture to another, mowing the front yard and painting the fence. She knew eyes were on her throughout the day and their main reason was not to see if she was working so she made sure that she showed off her body to the best of her ability with every task she did. She was about ready to wonder if she could make it without something to drink when she heard the triangle on the front porch being rung. For everyone else on the ranch that meant to come in and eat lunch, she knew though that she was not like everyone else. With that happy thought she came back to her chalk board to view on the ledge a large bun filled with rich and meaty stew and a large glass of lemonade. She sat down on a hay bale and grabbed the bread bowl. A noise of stirring in the shed happened moments before Echo’s large head and body popped out of the dog door beside the human door. “You are such a man, crawling out of bed just in time for lunch.” With a chuckle she broke off a chunk of the bread, dipped it in the stew and gave it to the salivating dog. Enjoying the relative quiet of lunch she took her time eating up every scrap of her meal sharing every few bites with Echo.

She knew how much the dog’s presence affected her when the once calm Echo began alternating between sniffing at her now moist crotch and starting to try and jump all over her. Quickly before she could be distracted she got up and began walking towards her last task of the day. She wished she could have done more with the needful hound but she knows that severe repercussions would come to her if she was to delay her work for even a brief time. Anyways she knew this next task would require all of her focus. Spitfire does not always think jeans are a reason to stop trying certain activities. With that thought added to her growing list of things to think about she arrived at the barn, Echo still in tow, knowing better than to do anything when she is standing but still making it clear that if she got on the ground he would have one goal in mind.

The smell of horse overwhelmed her as she stepped into the barn, she saw the small movement of Spitfire’s ears and knew he was paying attention to her. She also knew from the motions and movements of the horse what she would find when she opened the door to his stall. With a slight squeak of the hinges the door opened up to a horse staring at her with the beginnings of a hard ready cock, already more than she could hope to take. “Now now Spitfire, you know I only play with you when someone wants to watch. It has been a few weeks though, so you will probably get lucky soon. I just hope I get the day after off, walking tends to be hard after you finish with me big boy.” With that thought in her mind she carefully placed the halter she was holding around the muzzle of the stallion, leading him to the other wall so he can drink from the kiddy pool that was set up in the barn as she worked. She thought for a second about giving him a quick caress of his shaft then remembered how hard it is to control a frustrated stallion and reconsidered.

The time flew by for her as she worked mucking the stall, cleaning the walls, oiling the hinges and ensuring that there was a good amount of fresh food for the seemingly always hungry horse, in more than one respect. Finally she got to the fun part for her, at least as far as her days chores went, she went to the tack room and grabbed the needed brushes and implements and returned to completely brush out the horses hair then braided his mane and tail then finished off with a gentle body massage, avoiding only one part, with an oil designed to make his coat glisten like a champion (which in her mind he was). With that it was time to put the giant beauty away for now.

After triple checking that all of her chores were done she happily skipped into her shed in preparation for the rest of the day. As she did every work day she hung up her jeans and top on the hook and headed to the house. She always felt weird going into the main house even though she knew she was supposed to. As she had been instructed she entered through the back door and took an immediate left into the small room that she used to clean off the day’s filth. After a quick admiration of her body in the mirror she stepped into the shower, revelling as the cool water cascaded down her naked form in droplets. Careful not to waste too much water she began washing her hair and body then proceeded to ensure all hair from the neck down was shaved as was the standing order.

Cooled and refreshed the girl stepped out of the shower smiling at the fresh fluffy towel that awaited her beside the sink. Happily she wrapped herself in the towel allowing the calmness of it all to envelop her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement but before she could react a hand was over her eyes and another one tightened forcefully over her throat, not enough to choke her but demonstrating enough strength to easily do it if he chose. The hand on her neck started pulling her out of the washroom forcing her feet to follow lest she be dragged. She was then forced to walk forwards down the hallway further into the house. She felt the floor change from the hard wood to carpet so she knew she was in a room but that is about all she knew. The hand over her eyes was replaced with expert timing with a blind fold so she did not have a chance to see anything. Suddenly without warning the hand on her neck lifted her up in the air and threw her, she only had a moment of panic before she landed on something very soft, a bed with satin or silk sheets. Before she could orient any more her limbs were grabbed and pulled out forcing her spread eagle on her back as rope was tied forcing her to keep that position whether or not she wanted it.

“So this is your house slut, prettier than I expected, is it true she will fuck anyone and anything?”

“Willingly, I dare say even greedily.”

She knew the second voice, that was the Master’s oldest son, Max, but who was the new man? She could only assume at this point that she was going to be used by him tonight at least, maybe more if he liked it. Her cunt started to moisten at the thought of being used, the smell hitting her nose and she was sure those of anyone else in the room too.

“Seems she is ready for you, try not to break her yet okay?” She could hear the chuckle in Max’s voice.

The bed shifted and creaked as the stranger crawled on the bed ending between her legs. His warm head probed at her slit rubbing up and down then slamming into her, he was not very long but she could not believe a man could be that wide. The man stretched her almost as much as Spitfire did, the only thing that might save her was unlike a horny horse this man was kind enough to use lots of lube on his large member. He was hitting the wrong angle to be hitting her G-spot but he sounded like he was getting off and right now that was what mattered, her pleasure would come later.

“She is so tight and wonderful, I am going to cum soon.” The man stretching her hole said as his body began to tense around her.

“Here let me help you cover the slut, pull out and I will finish you.” She blushed a little under the mask as she felt and wished she could see the son step up to the bed and begin to stroke the strangers cock when he pulled out fast and sure like someone familiar to jerking off another man, which she knew to be true in this case. She heard a grunt from the stranger moments before being showered in a thick, hot liquid all over her breasts and stomach. With a sound of a kiss she felt the stranger step off the bed and another step on. She felt who she thinks is the son align himself and then ram into her ready cunt.

“Man you stretch her out way to much, I hope you liked first because if I get my way I am going before you from now on.” With that conversation stopped and Max focused on pounding her already abused slit until he too came, this time deep inside of her. Stepping off of the bed she heard the door open, she did not have long to wonder what was happening before another form came on the bed, another cock rammed into her, but this time not her pussy, this man had lubed up and decided he wanted her ass, he was big for her ass but it still felt good, she liked the stretched feeling. After that man finished more kept coming, she is pretty sure there was even a woman or two with a strap on. By the end she had no idea how many people she had pleased, she just knew that everyone stayed until they came in or on her. She was beginning to wonder how long it would go for when a female voice, the Mistress, spoke as the last man was getting off of her.

“There are two alarms hidden in this room, when the first goes off you are to get up, when the second goes off you are to be out of the house; if not there will be consequences. Nod if you understand this simple instruction.” She nodded yes. Hands came and undid her bindings leaving her wearing only a blindfold and cum. BEEP BEEP BEEP! That was the first alarm, the second could be minutes or seconds away, she did not want to wait and find out. With that thought to hurry her she took off the blindfold and walked to the door, the cum on her flesh starting to turn tacky and the cum in her holes starting to leak down her legs as she walked to her hut. She would never tell them but she loves it when things like this happen to her, she feels so useful when she is pleasing other people and the degradation and abuse gets her off too. She is also sure they know that too, after all she has lived on this property full time for over five years.

Some days she would have a shower outside with the garden hose but today she had a different plan. As she entered the privacy of her shed she gave a distinct whistle and seconds later Echo came though the dog door to meet her. She was laying on her back legs apart looking at the stud of a dog looking back at her. Echo started his task with a joy few humans can muster, licking all the different people’s cum off of and out of her body. When Echo had decided he had licked enough he began walking around and trying to climb on her. This was her cue, she did as she knew Echo liked best and got on all four legs presenting her backside to the horny dog. Well trained in this art Echo wasted no time in coming behind her and probing her with his penis, just starting to come out of his sheath. Reaching her hand back she helped Echo slide inside of her. Echo began to thrust fast into her as she could feel his member growing inside of her until it hit her end in a magnificent wave of pleasure. As he continued to mount her she felt another change in his cock, the one she lived for, his knot started to grow inside of her and she knew soon she would be stuck tied, even after the abuse she had in the house she could count on Echo being big enough to tie them together until he was done. Sure enough as that knot grew she knew she was stuck tied to the big handsome Rottweiler until every last drop of his seed filled her. Minutes passed as wave over wave of pleasure rolled over her until finally she could feel him shrinking down, done for now. When he withdrew into his sheath once again she rolled over and let him begin to clean her up once more for the night.

Warn out from her long day the girl happily curled up with Echo on her furs with fond thoughts for what tomorrow holds. Her last thought before drifting off to the dream world was how thankful she was to have found paradise on earth.

The End

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