Women with Animals

You can’t teach a dog new tricks… or can you


This was a contest entry where the requirement was 1 000 words or less and the theme was – magical


“Hey sexy, not sure I would be doing that.”

I heard the voice quite distinctly, yet looking around there was no one there apart from a golden retriever regarding me with its big brown eyes. Shaking my head at what could only be my imagination, I returned to trying to pick the lock on the trunk, where I hoped to find coins for food. With my belly rumbling and that I was hearing voices in my head, food was high on my list of needs.

Smoothing my tunic over my small breasts I drew myself to my full 4 feet 3 inches before adjusting my cap to its normal jaunty angle, then kneeling to recommence work on the lock.

I know what you are thinking, that I am large for an elf, but my father was human who happened upon my mother as she was bathing. To cut a long story short, he took what he wanted, and six months later I popped into this world, nearly killing my mother in the process with my huge 6lb frame. As a young girl, it was obvious that I was large compared to other children, and by the time I was 14 I was cast out of the forest for being a giant.

I lived on my wits by thieving what I could, and selling what I couldn’t eat, which included selling myself on occasion. The biggest problem I had was like all elves I loved to gamble and the sound of dice clicking had me salivating, and also like all elves I loved to drink but couldn’t hold it. This would lead to a pattern of winning, drinking, losing and sometimes having to service the rest of the table to pay off whatever debts I had incurred.

“You know if the magician catches you he will be upset. Yep, I know you think you are going mad but I really am a talking dog… and just to let you know the way your ass was wiggling had an effect on me.”

I could see that its angry red lipstick cock had started to show from its furry sheath. It was dripping pre-cum as almost like a magic trick, its cock started to swell, quickly growing before my eyes until it was at least seven inches long, quivering to attention as the flow of pre-cum increased.

Apart from gambling and drinking I also inherited another love that many elven women have which is the love of sex with humans. I know that to most humans, a six-inch cock is average but to a fully-grown elf of three feet that is a pretty big member. I remember my mother telling me how I had inherited my dusky looks from my father. He was black as coal and, according to her, had a cock of over ten inches. I am sure she was exaggerating, as no cock could be that big, but by the dreamy look in her eyes and the drool on her chin, he must have been a fair size.

“Now if you could just undo the collar we can both escape.”

“But why on earth would I want to do that?”

“Well if you don’t then when I start barking he will come running and you will get caught, but if you do I can make something magical happen and I may be able to magic up some food as well.”

Now if there is one thing that elves love, apart from drinking, gambling and sex, it’s magic.

It didn’t take me long to unpick the lock on the collar, and along with the attached chain, it fell to the floor and the dog was free.

“There is something else I want first,” the dog growled.

“And what would that be?” I said trying to sound innocent, while my pussy was churning at the sight of his angry red cock hanging down, thinking to myself, ‘I have never had sex with a dog before but it could be fun.’

“It’s been a while since I have felt a tight pussy wrapped around my knot,” the dog said panting slowly as it advanced towards me. “but it must be done willingly… I am no dog rapist.”

Shrugging as it had been almost 24 hours since my last fuck I pulled the tunic over my head in one movement revealing my small naked body under.

“Very nice,” the dog said licking its lips, “And do you give yourself to me of your own free will?”

“Of course I do,” I said with a tinge of impatience, getting onto all fours, and presenting my ass into the air.

What happened next was a bit of a blur as it was so fast. First, the weight of the dog on my back, then the jabbing and suddenly its cock drove inside me like a hot poker. The claws on his front paws tore at my hips as he pulled himself into me, his rear legs scrambling for purchase as he drove into me at speed I couldn’t believe possible. I could feel something banging against my pussy lips that I realised was the bulge I had seen at the base of his cock but before I could protest it would never fit, it was in me, sending bolts of white light through my brain. The feeling was so intense that I passed out and the whole world turned black.


When I came to I found myself on the floor looking up at a woman talking with an old man.

“The spell is reversed, she has taken my place so I am free of your magic,” she said as she left.

I went to move, but the collar around my neck was pulled tight by the chain attached to the wall. Looking down I saw the yellow fur of my front leg and then my paw. Slowly a scream bubbled up that came out as a bark as it dawned on me what had happened.

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