Women with Animals

Laura & King


(c) by Bob Hawkins

After work, Laura took a shower and watched some television with the rest of the family. King, the German shepherd, stretched out on the living room floor beside his mistress and now and then lapped at her ankle or hand. When she finally went up to her room, King padded along behind her. Laura hugged him, and whispered to him, and smiled to herself all evening long.

“Good night, everybody,” she called down the stairs, and before the rest of the family could respond, she’d closed and locked her bedroom door.

“Now, King,” she said, rubbing her hands together. “We have the whole night ahead of us.” King’s tail wagged happily. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth in a silly grin.

Laura’s dressed casually in a short skirt and a blouse. She had on shoes and socks, and beneath her clothing, she wore a pair of white panties and a well-worn bra.

“You want to watch me strip, King?” Laura giggled, fingering the top button on her blouse. “Or do you think you can strip me yourself?”

The big shepherd yipped quietly.

“Let’s try it, doggie. Then we’ll fuck every hole in my body.” King yipped again, quietly but eagerly.

Laura unbuckled the belt around her slender waist and let the loosened ends dangle freely. She slipped the button open over her hipbone and ran the zipper down her thigh.

“OK, fella. I’m all opened up. Here,” she said, flipping the hem of her skirt toward King’s mouth. The dog grabbed at the material and caught it neatly in his teeth.

“Pull, King. You can do it.”

King tugged backward, lowering his body and growling low in his throat. This was a great game. He felt the skirt give, and suddenly it swept down Laura’s long legs to her ankles.

King let go of the girl’s skirt and stepped back. Laura kicked her skirt into the corner.

“Oh, that was a good boy, King,” Laura told the happy animal. She knelt in front of him and hugged his powerful neck. She kissed his forehead.

King lifted his foreleg and pawed at the front of Laura’s blouse. He was getting the hang of this game fast. He caught his claws between the buttons and pressed downward. The button popped off Laura’s blouse and flew under the bed.

“God, King. Don’t be in such a fucking hurry, will you? Or are you trying to rape me? Is that it, fella? You want to rape poor little Laura?”

King snorted loudly and lifted his paw again. Laura squatted back on her heels and thrust out her big tits. The material of her blouse stretched taut across the valley between her tits, and her nipples poked out into the blouse like two hard thumbs.

King’s paw ripped open another button, but his claw scratched the girl’s stomach. She pushed the animal away.

“Good try, King, but you’d better let me help you. I don’t want to be scarred for life, you know.”

King sat down and watched his young mistress strip off her blouse. She tossed it into the corner, on top of her skirt. She stood up, clad only in her panties, bra, shoes, and socks. She bent her knee, lifted her foot behind her ass, slipped off her shoe and sock, then repeated the action with her other foot.

“Now for the good part, huh, boy?” she laughed. She started dancing in small circles and twisted her arms up high behind her back. She fingered the hook in the strap of her bra, turning her back toward the shepherd and pretending he was her audience at some sleazy strip joint.

But before she could undo the hook, she felt King leap up against her body. He shoved her forward, and she landed face-down on her bed, her arms still behind her back. Before she could get them under her, King had gripped the waistband of her white panties in his teeth and was hauling them down off her ass cheeks.

Laura got her hands under her and stayed still, lightly laughing as she felt the big dog behind her tearing at her panties. King tugged and growled and shook his head hard, the panties caught in his teeth. He hauled Laura’s panties down to her knees. She spread her legs and let the animal get another grip on the crotch of her panties, right between her knees. She lifted her feet off the floor, and King backed away from her, the panties in his mouth. She helped him get them over her heels and feet, but King had done most of the work of stripping off her panties all by himself.

Laura rolled over on the bed, her long legs handing off the edge. She spread her legs wide and called for the doggie.

“Here, King. Eat my cunt, baby. You do it so nice, honey. Eat my wet little cunt. It’s waiting for you, King. Nice, hot, wet, and tasty. Just for you,” she whispered to the animal.

King stepped forward and shoved his snout against Laura’s warm cunt. He sniffed the heady aroma of her cunt juice, and his tongue shot out and lapped roughly across the soft lips of her eager cunt.

“Oh, Jesus, baby. It’s gonna happen so fucking fast!”

Laura cupped her big tits and stroked her palms firmly over the tight, taut silk cups of her big bra. The hard flesh of her nipples throbbed inside the silken cups, itching to feel her fingers pulling and twisting them.

“Ooooo, King, you fucking wonderful animal,” Laura cooed to the great beast. His tongue slapped wetly against her cunt mound. The broad wet mass of the dog’s tongue felt like wet sandpaper scraping over her soft cunt lips.

Laura reached down with both hands and carefully parted her cunt lips. King’s long tongue stroked right down into her cunt slit and rubbed roughly over her swelling clit.

Laura groaned in pleasure and arched hard, thrusting her whole cunt against the animal’s snout. King butted his nose into her wet cunt and twisted his head, driving his tongue deep up inside her cunt channel. He scooped out a tongue full of her sweet fluid and gulped it down. Snorting loudly against the downy curls of her blonde cunt hair, King pushed his snout into her cunt hole again and lapped out more of her juices.

Laura’s cunt was oozing fluid, getting ready for another hard fucking. King ate the juice down eagerly, slurping his long flat tongue over the girl’s dripping cunt as fast as he could gulp the good stuff down.

“Please, King. Not so fucking fast, baby. I want it to last. Please, honey. Not so hard. Not so deep. Not yet,” Laura begged. She pushed at King’s head with her hands, but the animal snarled at her, nipping at her hands.

She yanked her hands back up to her tits and cupped them. She kneaded and massaged her big tits through the smooth cups of her bra. Then she arched her back up off the bed and twisted her arms under her body. She found the hook in the middle of the bra strap and quickly slipped it open. Her bra cups loosened on her tits, and she brought her hands in front of her again. She slipped her fingers up under the loose cups of the bra and cupped her warm tits fully in both hands.

She rubbed her hands in circles over the whole surface of her tits, feeling the hard nuts of her nipples rubbing against her palms.

“Oooooo, I’m so fucking horny, King. That’s a boy, doggie. Eat my cunt for me, honey. Eat me good, deep, and hard.”

She pulled the bra from her tits and threw it aside. Then she cupped her tits in her hands again and squeezed the lush, firm globes hard. She worked her nipples between her fingers and thumbs and pinched and pulled them, rolled them, tugging them far away from the balls of her tits.

And all the while, King ate her cunt. His tongue drove wildly against her cunt, sucking and slobbering at her gushing cunt hole. He snorted into her cunt and blew his hot breath against the wet curls of cunt hair that covered her delicious cunt lips.

Laura pumped her cunt upward against the dog’s long hard snout. She brought her thighs together and trapped his beautiful head between her legs. She held his head tightly against her cunt and humped her cunt mound against his mouth.

King gnawed eagerly at her cunt lips with his sharp teeth. Her cunt hair caught in his teeth, and when he pulled backward, fighting the tightness of her thighs against his head, he tore the lovely strands of blonde cunt hair out by the roots.

Laura arched hard on her bed, quivering at the pain in her cunt. The sharp stabs of pain made her wild with lust. She spread her legs wide and drew her heels up onto the bed. King had all the room he needed between her thighs, now. He went to work on her cunt, eating the dripping fluids right out of her tight young cunt hole.

Laura rolled and thrashed wildly on her bed, trying to keep her cunt against the dog’s lapping mouth. She was hotter than hell, ready for fucking. Her cunt dribbled fresh lubrication into the big shepherd’s mouth.

Naked, she bucked and spasmed on her bed. Her knees waved wildly in the air, and her legs flopped off the bed, jumping and dancing beside the dog’s incredible body.

She let go of her tits and threw her hands down to King’s head. She hugged his face tighter into her crotch and pumped her sopping cunt against his lips.

The animal yipped and yanked his head from her hands. He danced away from her.

Laura groaned and sat on the edge of her bed. Her eyes glazed with lust as she looked at the giant animal. King stared back at her haughtily, as though he didn’t need her cunt at all. But she needed his giant cock.

Laura rolled over onto her stomach and slipped far enough off her bed so that her knees dropped to the floor. She stayed there, bent over the edge of her bed, her bare ass sticking out toward King.

“OK, fella,” she said, lowering her face to the mattress and wiggling her ass at the animal. “Come and get it, baby. Come and fuck my cunt. Fuck me, King. Oh, baby, please come and fuck your little girl’s cunt!”

King leaped forward. He jammed his snout into Laura’s ass, twisted his head so that her ass cheeks spread apart. His tongue lashed out and slapped against the dark pucker of her ass-hole.

Laura sucked air in loudly as the pleasure coursed through her body. She wiggled her ass against King’s snout, and the dog responded by lapping her ass-hole again. He drove his nose right into the brown pucker of her ass and snorted hard, blasted air against her ass-hole.

Laura groaned with the pleasure of her dog’s nuzzling snout in her ass hole. She reached back and gripped her bare ass-cheeks in both hands and spread them wide. King licked her ass-hole thoroughly clean.

“Oh, Jesus, that feels so good, baby,” Laura moaned. She was panting quietly, her pretty face pressed against the mattress of her bed.

She held her ass cheeks spread wide open and felt King’s tongue licking down along the whole wet slit. He stroked his tongue along her cunt lips into the crack between her ass cheeks, from the top of her cunt to her ass-hole. It felt fantastic.

Laura grunted as King shoved his snout harder against her ass-hole. He twisted his big head and thrust his tongue harder against her ass as though he was trying to fuck her guts with his tongue.

“Fuck me, damn you. Fuck me with your cock, doggie. I want your fucking cock, King. Now stop this playing around and fuck me. Right now.”

Laura let go of her ass cheeks. King backed away from her ass and glared at her for a moment. He yipped.

“No. Fuck me first. Then I’ll let you eat my ass-hole. But first, you gotta fuck my cunt, damn you. Now put your fucking prick in my cunt, doggie. I want it right now!”

Laura clawed at her mattress with her fingernails. She’d never felt so fucking horny before. Her body undulated against the edge of the bed. She was on fire, her cunt sizzling with need. Her nipples felt like they were about to blow apart, and her lungs ached for more air.

She wagged her ass at the dog again and pleaded for his cock.

King came forward. He jumped his legs up onto Laura’s back. His cock was already stiff, and the pointed tip jabbed painfully into Laura’s wet cunt lips. The dog fucked his prick against her cunt mound repeatedly, trying to stab it into her cunt hole.

Laura was panting hard, thrashing her tits back and forth against her bed. She violently trembled as she reached down between her legs and grabbed King’s cock head. Laura parted her cunt lips and stuffed the dog’s cock into her cunt hole. She thrust her cunt back, sliding her cunt hole down along the dog’s cock until she was sure it wouldn’t pull out.

Then she gripped her mattress again and growled her lust. “Fuck me, you fucking animal. Fuck my cunt hole, King. Now!”

King slammed his doggie cock into the young teen’s wet pussy. It sank instantly to the hilt. His huge black hard balls slammed hard into Laura’s cunt mound, mashed between her cunt lips.

Laura groaned as she felt the pressure of the dog’s big balls grinding against her pulsing clit. His cock filled her cunt hole, stretching her cunt lips wide open around the rigid cylinder of his prick.

His balls battered her clit as he thrust in and out of her cunt. His cock sliced her cunt channel like a hard hot piston, pumping faster and faster into her belly.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Laura growled into her mattress, pressing her mouth into the bed to stifle her cries of lust. “Oh, fuck my cunt, King. Damn you, fuck my hot cunt. I need it hard and hot, baby. Do it to me, doggie. Fuck my cunt as hard as you can, dog!”

King obeyed the girl. His cock raced in and out of her sopping, gushing cunt hole, slamming into her pussy to the hilt, then yanking back out so that only the pointed head of his doggie prick was still splitting her cunt lips.

He jammed his cock into her again, rubbing her clit with his cock, battering it with his balls.

“Good. Good. Oh, that feels so fucking good, King!” Laura gasped with each violent thrust of the animal’s cock into her cunt.

Her body slammed forward in time to the dog’s fucking. Her thighs hit the frame of her bed, and her knees were quickly rubbing raw against the rug as she slid back and forth under the animal’s fucking assault.

King fucked her hard. His front paws clawed welts into her back.

Laura’s big tits rubbed against the mattress. She forced her upper body up off the mattress just enough to let her hard nipples rub against the bed. The friction of her throbbing nipples against the sheets of her bed drove her wild with lust. Her head lashed from side to side, whipping her long blonde hair back and forth across King’s face. The dog yipped, nipping at the flying blonde strands.

Laura bit her lips to keep from screaming her pleasure. She glistened with sweat as King fucked her tight cunt hole harder and harder, faster, and faster. She panted hard, and the sweat popped out all over her naked young body.

She grunted, and in her fucking frenzy, she jerked forward too far, letting King’s cock slide from her cunt hole.

“Nooooo!” Laura howled in agony.

She threw herself backward on her bed and spread her legs wide open. She rolled over quickly, her body heaving with lust. She arched hard and patted her bare belly. King instantly leaped up onto her body, his front paws grinding into the softness of Laura’s tits as his cock stabbed into her cunt again.

“Oh, yesss,” Laura hissed.

She threw her arms up around King’s neck and hugged him against her body. She felt his cock thrust deep into her cunt hole, and this time his cock rode hard against her clit.

“Oh, my God, this is good,” she moaned.

It was like fucking a man. King was on top of her, fucking the hell out of her cunt. His paws pressed hard into the tissue of her tits, crushing her pulsing nipples deep into the lushness of her big tits. Laura could barely breathe this way, but the fucking was so good she didn’t care. She urged the big dog to fuck her harder.

“Oh, King, fuck my cunt hole. Baby, baby, fuck me, fuck me, fuck my damned cunt, baby.”

King knifed his cock in and out of the girl’s cunt with all his massive strength, slamming her back and forth on her bed. Her legs danced beside his body. Finally, she threw her ankles up over the animal’s ass and clung to his body tightly. His cock ripped in and out of her belly, searing her clit like bolts of lightning.

Laura bounced wildly under the animal’s hard fucking. Her whole body jiggled on the bed. Her legs spasmed, tightening around the dog’s body. Her cunt tried to suck his cock and balls into her belly.

“God, I need it. I need your fucking cock, baby. It feels so fucking huge. I can’t believe it. You’re ripping my cunt in half. Oh, baby, it feels so good. Fuck me,” Laura begged, over and over.

She clawed the dog’s neck with her fingernails. She hugged the gigantic dog’s neck and lifted upward, pressing her lips against his mouth. She ran her tongue all around the dark ridge of loose flesh along his lips, then thrust her tongue into his mouth, seeking his tongue.

King opened his mouth wide, and warm and sticky, doggie saliva spilled into Laura’s eager mouth. She sucked the fluid down, then wagged her tongue in deeper. She found his tongue and began sucking on it hard, pulling on it, tasting the thick mass of the dog’s tongue with her tiny tongue.

King whimpered as he felt his cum filling his balls. His cock thrust in and out of the girl’s cunt. His claws dug into her big tits, scratching the flesh. The pads of his feet sandpapered her nipples and drove the girl mad with lust.

Laura’s body shook under the dog’s heavy fucking. His body slammed into her crotch again and again, pumping his cock deeper into her guts with each new hard thrust.

Laura released the dog’s tongue and threw her head far back on her bed.

“Oh, fucking God,” she cried out. Her head whipped madly from side to side, and the sweat flew everywhere. Her long hair matted to her forehead and shoulders.

King bent his head low and started lapping the sweat from Laura’s throat and chest. He stepped his paws back off her tits and began lapping her tits clean of the salty meat. His paws jabbed hard into her stomach, crushing the air from her lungs. Laura gripped the dog’s head and held his mouth to her nipples.

“Good boy, good boy,” she purred. Her eyes were tightly shut. She cooed and purred to the big dog on top of her. “Oh, such a good fucking doggie,” she whispered, clawing at King’s furry neck and head.

King nibbled the girl’s nipples, his sharp teeth raking her sensitive nipples and making them harder than ever. The throbbing flesh of her nipples tortured her, screamed to be hurt. The dog’s teeth bit into the soft flesh, and he yanked his head back. Laura’s nipple pulled out far from the ball of her tit. King twisted his head, and Laura gagged back a terrible scream. She felt like the dog was about to rip her nipple from her tit.

But King let go and snorted his wet lips across her bare tits toward her other nipple.

There, he nipped into the dark skin around the hard nipple and pulled it away from her tit. He chewed the thing lightly, torturing the girl.

Laura’s passion rose high. Her clit was on fire, and her cunt gushed. Her cunt hair was soaked with sweat. She panted violently, never able to suck in enough air.

Her body ached with the weight of the enormous heavy dog on top of her. Her cunt walls were rubbed raw by the hard fucking of the dog’s immense prick.

She felt herself rising over the edge of a violent cum. Her clit seared with pleasure and her belly muscles suddenly went rigid.

She arched upward, bumping her head against King’s head and snout. The animal yanked his mouth from her nipples and threw his head far back.

At the same instant that Laura felt her cum spurting violently into her cunt channel, King’s heavy balls blasted apart. His cock fucked deep into the girl’s cunt hole and began spewing thick clots of doggie cum into her belly.

Together, the girl and her dog climaxed hard. King’s cock pumped wildly in and out of her tight cunt, rubbing hard against her swollen little clit. Laura’s cunt walls clutched madly at the fucking cock as her cunt gushed cum. The dog’s cock flooded her cunt hole with doggie cum, filling her belly.

Laura bounced and bucked insanely under the German shepherd’s incredibly violent fucking. His body arched hard, and his cock seemed to grow to twice its normal size. It split Laura’s cunt wide open. It knifed wildly into her belly, stabbing her guts with the pointed head of his prick. His huge balls slapped her cunt lips hard.

Laura jumped and jerked under the dog’s heavy body. She twitched and twisted madly, arching and pumping her cunt up and down in a mad mindless fury as her cum gushed all over the dog’s cock and balls and furry thighs.

She spasmed hard, gasping for air. Her arms dropped away from King’s neck and flopped like dying fish at her sides. She couldn’t control her body. Her legs slid from King’s body and jerked and spasmed against her will, jumping all over the place.

Her cunt fucked itself into a foaming frenzy on the animal’s monstrous cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Laura muttered weakly, over and over again.

King did just that-fucked her shitless and mindless. His cock tore her apart. His balls flooded her cunt with thick doggie cum and filled her so fucking full of his cream that it spilled out around the base of his cock. The white cum spurted and squirted out of Laura’s cunt lips and sprayed the dog’s furry cock and balls.

Her hard cum gushed into her cunt, spilling out of her cunt lips mixed with the dog’s cum. She grunted and gasped in deep pleasure with each deep thrust of the doggie’s cock into her cunt hole.

“Oh, oh, baby, uh, Jesus,” she managed to grunt between gulps of air.

Her body was burning up with lust. Her cunt spasmed tight against the dog’s cock. Her clit rode the animal’s cock like a well-oiled ball-bearing. Her whole cunt was filled with cum, thick and creamy and hot.

King’s cock suddenly jammed itself to the hilt inside her cum-filled cunt. His balls gave a violent squeeze and sprayed the girl’s cunt with the last gob of creamy doggie cum. Laura’s cunt clamped tight around the massive rod of King’s cock, and she jerked off the last of her hard cum.

King yanked his cock out of her cunt hole. Laura lay there, unable to move. She flopped limply back onto her bed.

King thrust his nose down into the hot wet nest of the girl’s drooling cunt. He thrust out his tongue and began lapping the thick cum from her cunt lips and thighs.

Laura lay still, panting for air.

King’s tongue stroked the cum from her cunt mound. The animal loved the flavor of the girl’s delicious cum.

“Oh, King,” Laura sighed with deep loving pleasure.

The big German shepherd looked up from her cunt, his handsome eyes glittering with animal lust. Laura smiled at him. Then she sighed heavily as King dipped his mouth down to her cunt again. “Easy, boy,” she whispered to her doggie lover. “We’ve got all night, honey.”

She rolled away from the animal for a moment. She stretched her whole body slowly, yawning and groaning with pleasure. Then she rolled back to the dog and spread her beautiful legs wide apart.

“Eat me, King,” Laura whispered.

Instantly, King leaped to her cunt and began lapping up her sweet, warm cum.

The End

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