Women with Animals

On all fours


(c) by Z12A

The room was darkly lit and empty, except for the device in the middle of the room. It was some sort of constrictive device, with openings that looked like shackles. It did not take long for her to find out the purpose of this device. Her captor forced her to her knees.

“Crawl to it and put your head and arms in the openings.” He said.

Hesitantly, she got close to it but did not want to put her head in the device. A rough hand forced her down, and he closed the shackle around her neck. He did the same with both her arms and legs. The shackles felt cold and tight. She wriggled a little, testing her constraints. Quickly, she found out that there was no way she was getting out of it on her own.

The feeling of helplessness started to creep in. There she was, naked and vulnerable, on all fours on the ground. Her captor slapped and grabbed her exposed ass, leaving behind a red mark on her pale skin. She could not see what was happening behind her. All she heard was heavy breathing. Every touch made her jump. She knew what was about to happen, but that did not make it better for her.

She heard some shuffling behind her. He had knelt; the sound of his breath came from closer to the ground. Soon after that, she felt his breath on her vagina. The warm, wet sensation of his tongue on her pussy startled her. At first, she felt disgusted. This is rape. She did not consent to this. She could not consent to this. She did not have a choice. But why did it feel so good then? Her captor was clearly experienced. He knew exactly where to lick her, where to touch her.

He sensed her arousal and stopped eating her out. He teased her a bit with his fingers, before backing off. She heard him walk away from her. The door opened and closed. It was completely silent. The only sound she could hear was her own breathing. She felt frustrated. She wanted to move but could not. She also felt this strange form of arousal. Was it even arousal? Is this what insanity is like?

After what felt like a few minutes, she heard the door open again. She heard smaller, softer footsteps. This was not a human. She heard the sound of panting. It was a dog. Her captor closed the door and walked towards her and the dog.

“You’re going to enjoy this.” He whispered in her ear.

The terror slowly crept in. For a moment, she forgot that she had tested her constraints and tried violently to escape. She screamed.

“Sssshhh, don’t start screaming just yet. He hasn’t even started. Soon you’ll be screaming of pleasure.” He said.

He walked to the side of the room and came back.

“This will keep you quiet.” He said.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. He dangled the ball gag in front of her, before forcing it in her mouth. She could still groan, but the screaming was much harder now.

The dog was still panting loudly, right next to her. She tried to move her head just slightly, so she could see it. The dog was barely visible at the edge of her vision. All she could make out was his size. He seemed just as big as herself, in this constrained position.

Her captor moved the dog behind her. The dog started licking her pussy with his rough tongue. She tried to fight him. She wiggled her ass as much as she could to try and prevent the dog from licking her. It didn’t work.

She started sobbing. She could not believe that this is what her life had gotten to. Tied down to the ground in a place she did not know, with a captor who she did not know and a dog that was eating her out. Slowly, her groans of anguish started to turn into groans of pleasure. As she got closer to orgasm, she forgot for a moment that it was a dog that was pleasuring her. All she felt was the warm, pleasurable feeling that spread across her body. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She lost control of her body for just a few seconds, but every second felt like an eternity. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. Her mind even went black for a moment.

The dog stopped licking her, and her captor leaned in and whispered in her ear:

“See, didn’t I tell you, you would like it? And this is only the appetizer. Are you desperate for more yet?

He paused for a moment, almost like he expected her to actually answer the question.

“Don’t worry. You will be after I’m done with you.”

Her head was still spinning. She was not even aware of what was going on anymore. The dog mounted her and started humping her ass, trying to find her pussy. His thrusts were quite strong like she had never felt before. In a reflex, she arched her back instantly when he penetrated her. He fucked her violently, filling the room with sounds of the dog slamming into her wet pussy. She groaned as loud as she could. The dog slowed down his pace, and she felt him swell up inside of her pussy. She could feel the dog breathing on her back. Every movement that he made sent a jolt of electricity from her pussy to her entire body. She felt the rhythmic pumping inside of her. There was so much cum that it started leaking out of her.

It felt like an eternity to her. She had never felt something like this before. It felt heavenly. But it was wrong! How could she enjoy being fucked by a dog? Any objections that she had were fading away. The pleasure she felt was blurring her every thought. All her brain could process was a pure heavenly pleasure. Sex with a man was good, but this. This was on another level. She had not even noticed that her cries of anguish had turned into cries of pleasure.

When the dog started pulling out, his knot stretched her pussy to the limit. It was painful. But it was pleasurable pain, the kind of pain she had felt when a guy with a big dick had fucked her. She felt the cum flow out of her pussy.

“Push it out.” Her captor told her.

She did not even think twice. She tried to push out the dog cum out of her. It sounded like it went into a glass or some sort of container.

“Did you like the main course? It’s time for dessert now.” Her captor said.

He showed her a glass with a cloudy liquid. The glass was almost full. She did not realize how much cum was inside of her. He put the glass down in front of her and removed her ball gag. Her captor picked up the glass again and put it to her lips. She thought about hesitating for a moment, but her lips parted before she could decide. The mixture of her pussy juices and dog cum filled her mouth. It tasted strange, not quite like human cum. She used to think of it exactly like the analogy her captor used. Swallowing a man’s cum after good sex did feel like a dessert to her. And the dog fucked her good, alright.

After finishing her sex cocktail, her captor showed her the dog.

“Isn’t he a good boy?” He said.

She looked at the dog’s penis with curiosity. It was bigger than most men she had seen. At the base, it was so incredibly thick. She could not believe that it had fit inside of her. No wonder he filled her up. She got a strange desire to suck on the dog’s cock.

Her captor saw how she was looking at the dog. He saw her lips part slightly. He knew what she wanted. The captor guided the dog’s cock towards her mouth.

“Isn’t that what you want, you little slut?” He asked.

He guided the dog into her mouth. She opened it willingly. She used to love giving a blowjob after a good fuck. The dog deserved it; he was a good boy, a very good boy. While she was sucking the dog’s dick, her captor moved in behind her and took his turn on her. She started to moan softly as he slowly, gently fucked her. The parts of her brain that controlled her pleasure had taken over. Her entire body was radiating.

“You’re just like a bitch in heat, you little slut!” Her captor said.

He groaned as he came inside of her.

He undid her shackles. She rolled over to her back and lay on the floor. It did not matter that the floor was cold. She passed out within seconds.

Her captor got up and went to the side of the room again. When he came back to her, he was holding a dog collar. He put that around her neck and left the room. The door was still open. She was his bitch now. He owned her.

The End

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