Women with Animals
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You life now…


(c) 2022 by CommanderFox

Feng Min jumped over a window, missing the killer’s blade by just a few inches. She broke out into a mad sprint, trying to make the distance between them as large as it was possible. She climbed over a pallet when she was out of sight for a moment, and leaned against a boulder the was not far from it. She took a deep breath and then exhailed, trying to calm her exhausted body, the bunny ears of her hoodie swaying up and down. The grass was tall and there were small bamboo forests around the place, so hiding was easy. The loud steps of the killer grew stronger, and she felt her heart beat more and more loudly in her chest. He broke the pallet into pieces, and slowly countinued his search. Min silently sneaked around the boulder in an attempt to get behind the killer…

Suddenly the blade of a giant sword struck into the boulder where her head was a moment ago, biting deep into the rock. After a surprised yelp she jumped up, trying to reach the closest window, but her attempt was stopped by a giant palm that grabbed her from behind. Before she could react the killer pulled her back and threw her against the boulder, knocking the air out of her lungs and making her vision blurry. Before she could run again the monster grabbed his giant kanabo and slammed it into her belly, making the woman fall to the ground. She hunched over from the pain, cluching her stomach with her hands. The monster towered above her; his glowing eyes, horns and animalistic body reminded her of the Minotaurs of fiction… well now no longer just a myth.

He grabbed her by her head, his giant palm easily reaching around her head. Min uselessly trashed around as the monster almost crushed her skull, slowly lifting her from the ground. Her legs trashed around and her small hands tried to pray off his fingers as she was now face to face with the monster. The pressure around her skull was unbearable, she was about to die!

Then the monster grabbed her waist with his other hand. His giant palm almost reached around her slim waist, his fingers dug into her soft flesh, savouring her tender body. Min looked down in shock to see the monster’s cloth rise, a giant flared cock slipping out from benath the fabric. He pushed his erect rod against her belly, the tip almost reaching all the way up her chest as his balls pressed against her thighs. Min went pale, and in a last panic fueled attempt she started kicking around, trying to hurt the monster. Her attempts were met with an irritated grunt and a decisive punch into her stomach. The Minotaur slammed her small body into the boulder again and pinned her to the cold rock with his giant body. All the air left the small girl’s body as she was punched and then squished below the weight of the monster. He began to rip away her clothes, tearing at the fabric around her waist and crotch. Soon the pale skin of her belly and crotch was exposed to the cold air, and open for anyone to use.

Min started to furiously shake her head as tears slowly clouded her vision, the girl finally realising that her faith will be much worse than a few punches. The Minotaur grinded his long cock against her soft body, the heated flesh pulsating against her belly. He lifted her left leg up to the side, pinning it to the stone. The killer kept a strong and firm grip on the girl’s head, theatening to crush her if she disobeys him. After a minute of grinding he pulled back and pushed his cock right against the innocent and pale entrance of her womanhood. Min’s tears streamed down on her face, unable to scream as her body was squeezed flat by the muscular body of the monster. It was clear that Min’s small body wasn’t designed to take in objects of this size, and that Minotaur’s giant flared penis was never supposed to fit into anything of her size. The tip of his cock pressed against her small hole, the wide tip pushing her delicate lips apart. The pinned down girl couldn’t do anything but weep as her innocence was slowly taken from her.

Min’s nether lips pulled wide, but it was still not enough to fit anything of that size. The Minotaur poked her hole a few times, making her tiny pussy gape a little each time. Then he completely laid upon her, and pushed forward with all his might. Min opened her mouth to scream but her body and head was also trapped below the beating chest of the monster. The inhuman strength of the monster slowly stretched the small hole wide, the rim of the flaired tip squishing itself between her lips. The monster kept on pushing, and after a minute of struggling his tip passed her entrance with a bestail roar. Min almost passed out from the weight above her and the unbearable pressure inside her small hole. She felt the flared tip press against her hipbone from the inside, widening her entrance. This couldn’t be happening… not to her!

The Minotaur pushed forward, his enormous cock abnormally stretching the small girl’s pussy. Min’s tear-filled eyes turned up into her skull as the dick slowly travelled deeper inside her, a visible bulge travelling upwards. The monster didn’t stop and forced himself all the way up to the entrance of her womb under just a minute of struggling. There he rested, taking joy in the small girl’s walls trying to clench and pulsate around the impossible insertion. He wasn’t all the way in, the sheath of his flared cock still couldn’t fit in. After savouring her warm embrace, he pulled all the way back, and after a long bestial howl he slammed back, stretching her even further.

Min grinded her teeth together as she was forced to take a cock as big as her thigh. Her whole body hurt as she was technically crushed beneath the monster using her hole as a glorified fleshlight. She felt the salt on her lips as more tears streamed down her flushed cheeks. The giant cock painfully forced her wide as the monster slammed himself inside her with growing pace. Min’s face turned into a grotesque sculpture every time the giant flared tip hit her womb’s entrance like a battering ram. She couldn’t take it anymore… the mixture of extreme heat, pressure and pain was too much for her. She wanted to just leave, or get over with it, yet she couldn’t escape.

Min barely noticed her first orgasm. Her muscles were so stretched in her abdoment that they were barely able to flex and twitch. The bliss flooded her mind for a few seconds, making her grind her teeth in shame. Then the pleasure was quickly replaced by the pain of the Minotaur slamming his cock against her cervix again. He fucked her relentlessly, the girl’s convulsing muscles milking his cock even faster. The small body around his thick member proved to be more pleasurable than he expected, and after some time he felt his own need to release, rise. He kept thrusting in and out, the small girl’s body slowly giving up from the assault. His enormous balls clapped against the girl’s thigh, eager to be released of their burden.

The Minotaur’s moves became more dedicated, his thrusts packing the force of a battering ram. With a long roar he slammed forward for once more, shooting his thick cum into the insides of Min. She groaned as the warm liquid filled her stretched hole, some seeping into her womb as it poured into her. His virile seed kept flowing, load after load shooting into her pussy. After taking a few deep breaths, the monster tried to pull away, but his giant tip got stuck in her small entrance. After a minute of tugging and pulling the semem-lubricated penis slid free, dropping the used girl onto the ground. The groaning Min grabbed her tummy as the rest of the monster’s cum flowed out like a waterfall, the thick substance slowly forming a slimy puddle in the grass.

The killer seemed unbothered by her. He stepped to her side and grabbed his sword that was still stuck in the boulder. While he tried to pull it free, Min – despite her pain – tried to crawl away from her abuser. The Minotaur pulled his sword out, and after noticing her attempts casually walked over to her crawling on all fours. He reached down to grab her by her hoodie and bunny ears, but her head slipped free as her ruined clothes easily separated fom her body. The monster with his palm now full of scraps threw away the hoodie and stepped after the girl who was pulling a trail of cum behind her. He grabbed her head and slammed her into the ground, then put his palm onto her, pushing the small skull into the ground with his weight. Min groaned as the side of her head was pushed into the ground, the painful pressure on her skull trapping her again.

The Minotaur’s still raging boner wasn’t satisfied yet. He had to do everything to ensure that she will produce offspring. He looked down onto thr girl: the sways of her small ass and ripped leggings were mesmerising. He brushed his tip against her entrance again, the flared tip seemed enormous compared to her small ass. With a bestial moan he pushed forward, making the ruined hole yield under his cock. It slid in easier than before, her walls clenching weakly around the intruder. The monster pushed the girl’s back down, making her ass rise into the air. His enormous rod forced itself all the way to her womb again, painfully pushing against her cervix. Min moaned into the dirt, her face halfway sunk into the soft soil from the weight above her. The monster slowly pulled back, and with a powerful thrust slammed his tip against her entrance. The girl screamed from the assault of her most sacred place, an abnormal bulge of the monster’s cock forming on her tummy. He slowly pulled back again and rammed her cervix with even greater force. He slowly found his pace, instead of truly fucking her drenched little hole he decided to ram the tight seal of her womb, craving to conqure the girl’s deepest parts.

They lost track of time. Min groans were interrupted only by the bestial moans of the Minotaur and the sloshing sounds of her wet hole being pounded. Saliva and tears mixed and dripped to the ground below, her face slowly sinking into the soil from the weight of the monster. Her raised ass went lower with every smash, the strong ring of muscle screaming in agony as it slowly gave up protecting her womb. After a few minutes she finally dropped to the ground, where the monster countinued to fuck her in prone bone. Desptie how much it hurt, Min’s body still choose to react to the massive cock grinding inside her hole. The felt the all-too familiar heat slowly but steadily rise, the dick ramming her cervix sending confused jolts up her spine. She felt her walls clench while her womb slowly opened up in an unnatural way.

Min’s eyes crossed as pleasure, pain and shame washed over her body. It was unnatural, it wasn’t right nor fair. Why was this happening to her? She couldn’t hold it any longer, she was on her breaking point. Not only mentally, but also physically. The giant cock that has already ruined her now widely stretched hole has already forced open the seal of her womb, and was close to reaching his goal. The minotaur kept ramming her, trying to weaken her muscles as much he could do. Then with a monstrous howl he pushed forward, pushing his flared tip against the brutally weakened ring with all his might. Min’s mouth opened to scream, but no sound came out as her body was turned into a living fleshlight. She felt her womb yield under the unbearable pressure, and with a final push the tip squeezed itself in, filling her most sacred place to the brim with cock.

The Minotaur growled, enjoying the tender, untouched flesh of the girl’s womb. He shifted his weight back and relaased his cocksleeve’s head. He grabbed her by her short black her and pulled her back, the shape of her skull indented into the ground. He bended the girl back, but she wasn’t reacting; her eyelids and the corner of her mouth were twitching, but she wasn’t trying to flee anymore. He pushed forward, streching her womb as he finally hilted himself into the girl. His cock forced out a quiet groan from Min, but nothing more. He kept her head in the air by her hair, and started slowly grinding the insides of her womb. The tender flesh easily bended under his might, hugging and milking his cock. His flared tip pulled on her womb as it got stuck in Min’s cervix. He pushed forward again, stetching her womb up into her body. Min couldn’t do anything but groan as the giant dick used her insides mercilessly. It wasn’t long before she felt her pathetic body heat up again. A tears rolled down on her cheeks as she felt her orgasm approaching. The giant cock frocing her womb open made her cum early and hard. The blissful orgasm made the feeling of her stretched womb wonderful, but only for a few seconds. The minotaur pulled on his cock again, and despite the tight muscles he popped his dick free, pulling completely out to examine the gaping remains of his work. He casually dropped the girl’s head back to the ground and examined the pathetically winking hole.

The monster then laid on top of the girl, hugging her waist with one hand and grabbing her throat with the other. He pushed forward until he reached her womb again, and with another thrust he entered the sacred place. After pulling out he slammed back again, and with a steady pace started fucking her wet pussy and womb. The slushing sounds of wet flesh being displaced gave a nice undertone for the Minotaur clapping her cheeks with every thrust. Min’s choking groans as the monster’s thick fingers wrapped around her neck were like a bird’s song in the night. Her messy face was drenched with tears and saliva, and her jaw was hanging open.

“I’m going to die…” – she thought to herself as her womb was stretched wide with every push of the monster. She slowly felt her vision blur as his grip around her throat slowly tightened, while the speed and ferocity of his thrusts increased. It felt like her entire torso way penetrated by one giant, hot, pulsating rod that was about to flood her with buckets of cum. The Minotaur was groaning louder with each thrust, ramming her womb with full speed. Her body kept switching between the feeling of her gaping hole being completely empty and being filled to it’s absolute limits. Min’s ass slowly turned red from the muscular creature pounding her, all kinds of juces covering her crotch and back.

The Minotaur finally felt the moment arrive… the moment when he can deposit his seed into a fertile womb. He released the girl’s neck who almost passed out, and grabbed her by the hair again. The monster pounded the girl hard, and howled when he felt his cock reach it’s limit. He exploded into the ruined womb, filling her insides with thick, virile semen that could impregnate anyone. It flooded Min who helplessly felt her womb stretch under the pressure of the semen pouring into her. She moaned from the pressure building inside her, but it kept coming. His dick locked inside her womb, the monster shot load after load into Min. The outline of his dick was quickly replaced by her growing belly. Her eyes crossed as the feeling of being completely stuffed flooded her mind. And despite everything that should’ve killed her, she reached another shameful orgasm, her inflated belly shaking from the mindbreaking pleasure. After a few more spasms, the Minotaur pulled out, dropping the girl’s head onto the ground unceremonically. As his tip left her destroyed cervix, the thick semen started pouring out, the pathetic ring trying to close itself. Her ruined, gaping pussy was also flooded with cum, the extra flowing out onto the ground below.

The Minotaur examined his work; she will be a good mother indeed. However, his insatible lust kept him erect… there was no one else around to satisfy him. He kicked her from the side, rolling her over with the grace of a barrell. He grabbed her by her legs and pushed them above her head and behind her shoulders. Then he pulled her arms up, and took hold of all of her limbs above her head with a single hand. He lifted her like a sack of flesh made for breeding, and casually dropped her with her bloated belly on his cock. Min’s only reaction was a shift in her eyebrows, her empty eyes were staring into the invisible distance.

The monster turned around and walked into the a bamboo forest where thick fog soon consumed them, never to be seen again.


Min dropped to her knees again, the giant cock brushing against her cheeks. She was pregnant again, her giant belly looked wonderful in contrast to her slim body. But this wasn’t her first time… 5 of her children surrounded her in the feudal house, some even feeding on her breasts. Her Lord, her… husband looked down onto her with fiery eyes. Min knew she was supposed to swallow his entire cock, and also knew what sill happen if she failed to do so. He was the only one left for her, there was no one else. Him, and their children.

She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the tip of his penis. It was enormous, but the hardest part was just about to come. She obidiently pushed her head forward, the throbbing cock filling her mouth and entering the back of her throat. Min closed her teary eyes, and with a determined push she made her throat yield under the throbbing member, making it unnaturally bulge. She gagged and shook, trying to fit the enormous thing into her throat. She was 1/3 done… halfway done… almost at his base! But despite how hard she tried, her tight throat wasn’t designed for this. She couldn’t hold it any longer, and grasped her deformed throat as she started gagging and convulsing, her children watching with burning interest.

With a dissatisfied roar the Minotaur slammed his dick down, and started pumping her face with his entite length. Her children watched as their Mother was turned into a gagging fleshlight. The Father came soon, hilting his cock and cumming directly into her stomach. He quickly pulled his cock out, and sent her to the floor with a single slap. Min looked back up with teary eyes, cum dripping from the corner of her mouth. He raised his hand, hitting her again. Min put up her hands in defense, trying to avoid more pain.

“P-lease, not while I have the baby…” – she begged. The Monster hesitated for a while, and after another punch to her upper body he was done without hurting his future child. However, his cock was still erect, ready to shoot its load inside her. He grabbed Min by her throat and turned her around, her small ass gently brushing his giant cock. He shoved his cock between her thighs, her slim thighs grabbing onto his shaft. He pulled the girl’s head all the way back by her throat until she was facing her. He pressed his lips onto hers, pushing his tongue down the girl’s mouth. She gagged as he invaded her mouth, his warm breath giving her uncomfortable calmness. He started pushing his cock between her thighs, his shaft griding against her pussy. It took only moments for Min to start gently moaning, her pussy already wet from the enormous cock. The Minotaur pulled back, pressing his tip against her drenched hole. Min pulled away for a moment, then looked at her husband with pleading eyes.

“If… you’re gonna do it again… please… don’t hurt the baby.” – she quietly said with his palm around her throat. She grabbed one of his hands and slowly guided it to her swollen belly. The Minotaur quietly snorted, and slowly pushed his cock in. Min closed her eyes as the enormous rod invaded her body again. While it was still for his own pleasure, at least he didn’t rape her brutally for days like he did on their first weeks together. He was surprisingly gentle, stopping his cock just before her womb. Min moaned again… despite all he had done do her, he was the only one left for her. So she obeyed, even if she didn’t want to.

Only after a few minutes he came, flooding her pussy and the floor with his semen. He casually pulled out and walked away, leaving Min and their children for themeselves. She sat down, semen still flowing out from her overflown pussy, and hugged one of her children. She had nothing else to do…

This was her life now.

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