Women with Animals
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Daddys Adventures


(c) 2018 by Vestlandsfanden

Part One

I had been planing this trip for a while, and had he alarm set for 8 am. Put on some coffe and made a lunch pack, before I opened the doors on the dogs cage to let them know the day had started. Dexter was out out in seconds, already ready for the hike!

Dexter beeing a mix of unknown heritage, was medium sized,brindeled with white markings and a high energy level. His”brother” “Ben” the Bichon Frisee was more laid back.

I desided to to leave “Ben” at home , and took “Dexter” along for a hike in the mountains.We had a long lovely walk and did’nt return to the house before 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

This beeing a saturday afternoon, Iwas not surprisesd to see the parking lot fillled when I got back. We had a 4 bedroom house with a large garden, and a apartment for rent down stairs. Beeing a “modern houshold” there were my kids and your kids. The downstairs apartment was rented by my 22 year old stepdaughter, and as always she had been out the night before, and woke up as I returned from the hike with Dexter.

As I sat down by the kitchen table having a cup of coffee, my grumpy stepdaughter Sarah and her friend Silvia, came up from the basement. My wife had just taken the car to go shoping, so I was alone with the kids. Sarah my stepdaughter, was a 180 cm tall blonde beauty, and had a obcession with carbs and work outs, as did all of her friends. So when she and Silvia emerged from the basement to prepare somerthing to eat, I could not help sneaking a peak of their young tight bodys.

As allways Sarah was wearing tights as if she was going to the gym . Black tights and a white tank top, Silvia was wearing the same tight pants but a bright yellow t-shirt. The girls are about the same height, Sarah a bit taller with her extremely long legs. Sarahs blonde curly hair is flowing down her back, and Silvia has her raven black hair in a ponytail. I had a full view to the kitchen from where I was sitting, and as they were gigeling and fooling around , I’m enjoying the view! My right hand is stroking my cock under the table as I watch the girls. The tight pant has crawled up Sarahs ass and parted her lovely buttcheeks. And I can feel my heart rate increase and my cock tingle as she bends over to pick up a clean plate from the dish washer.

My cock is rock hard by now, and in the corner of my eye I can see that Silvia has discovered what I’m doing under the table. She blushes as our eyes meet. And I can see her nipples poking through the thin fabric of her t-shirt. She is not wearing any bra! Her eyes wanders back down, and I continue stroking my cock knowing that she is watching. She starts to move around on the chair, looking like she cant find a good position. Is she getting horny?

I think so.. I cant take my eyes of Sarahs perfect ass! Her amzing butt and long muscular legs are the result of hours and hours spent on the gym. I just want to go over and grab those well trained butt cheeks with both hands and press my hard cock up between them!

The two girls had finished preparing their food, and took the plates with them downstairs. As Silvia got up and followed Sarah, she looked over at me and gave me a quick nervous smile. As she turned her back at me I could not help giving her ass a long longing look to. Same perfect pear shape as Sarah!

Ben got up and followed the girls down. Dexter got in his cage and fell asleep. 30 minuts later I heard Sarah going in to the bathroom and turning on the shower. I took my dirty clothes from the hike, and walked downstairs to the laundryroom. After putting everything in the hamper, I turned to go back up. But as I got into the halway I could hear Bens plyfull barking coming trough the half opened door to Sarahs apartment. I walked slowly over to the door, trying not to make any sound. I stoped outside the door and listened. Ben had stoped barking. From the the smal opening, I could see Silvia sitting on the couch with her back to the door. Her pants where lying on the floor, and she had her t-shirt roled up above her perfect, perky smal breasts. With to fingers she was playing with her rock hard nipples. Her right leg was lying over the backrest on the couch, the left were on the table.

Between her tan thighs I saw Bens white curly tale wagging franticly. He was licking her bald pussy with high intesity! And she was loving it!! She tried to be quiet, but could not help letting out smal whimpering sounds. I could se her thigh was starting to shake , and her hips was moving back and forth to meet Bens eager tung on her pink pussylips. I put my hands down my shorts, and started stroking my hard cock. The erection was painful, and I was so horny I had trouble controling my breath! Suddenly I fellt a hard bump against my leg, as Dexter came running past me! And he jumped at the door and pushed it wide open. At the same second Silvia reached her orgasme, She turned around with panic in her eyes only to see me standing in the doorway with my hands down my shorts stroking my aching hard cock! She looked at me with panic, at the same time as the violent orgasm was making her body shake out of controll! When the orgasm started to fade out, she got up from the couch trying desperatly to cover her self up. And with panic in her voice she said:-Oh, I’m so sorry !! Please forgive me!! Please, please please don’t tel Sarah!! I’m sorry plase forgive me!

I could see the shame in her eyes, as she realiced that I had busted her getting her pussy licked by my dog!

As she tried to cover her self with her clothes, Dexter saw this as an invite to play! He took her pants in his mouth and started a tug o’war with her, draging her across the floor. Somehow she tripped and fell, landing on her stomack with her bare ass in the air. Ben jumped of the couch and burried his nose in her dripping wet pussy. I instantly ran over to her to help her on her feet, as I reached out my hand we could hear the bathroom door open and Sarah coming out. Dexter ran out of the room, and seconds later a loud scream from Sarah:- THAT FUCKING DOG, HE STOLE MY TOWEL!!

She came runing into the room, naked and with her wet hair hanging down her back. She froze with her eyes wide open to the sight that met her in her livingroom: On the floor was her best friend lying with her naked ass in the air, and the dog planted between her tighs licking eagerly on her stil dripping wet pussy. Her stepdad standing over her with a hard erection poking out the front of his shorts.

I was anticipating a hysteric tantrum from her, but that did’nt come. To my and Silvias surprise, she started laughing! Silvia was still lying on the floor getting her pussy and asshole licked by Ben. With her eyes wide open in shock, she looked up on her friend laughing at her.
-He is good is’nt he? Sarah said to her and smiled. -I have trained him well have’nt I?

Silvia did’nt say anything, still in shock! Sarah looked over at me with a weird smile. -And you, you pervert! Like spying on my friends do you? I have felt your eyes on me when I walk around the house! Well, do you like what you see now?

She held her arms out to the side and started slowly spinning around. And what a sight she was! Firm soft c-cup breast, flat stomack and a bald shaved pussy. – Ahm, yes I do. I finaly studderd.

Sarah walked over to me, and with no hesitation grabed my hard cock with her hand. -And what is this? She asked while she slowly started to move her hand, up and down my hard cock.

From the floor came low moaning sounds from Silvia, she was stil beaing licked from behind by Ben.


Part Two

Sarah walked around me, and reached around slowly putting both her hands down my short. Slowly she started to jerk me off, and whispered in my ear:- So you like watching the young girl don’t you? Staring att their firm asses? And perky tits? She literally had me in her hands..
My brain was like porridge. I could’nt talk, and hardly hear what she was saying because of the blood rushing through my head.

I had fantasized about fucking her many times in the shower, and even while fucking her mother. But in my fantasies, it was allways me having the upper hand on her!

I was clearly not running anything wright now!

-Hey Silvia, do you like my little doggy? Sarah said to her friend.
-Oh yes! He’s so good!! She moaned. She had lifted her self up from the floor, and was now standing on all four with her ass up in the air. Little Ben was standing on his hind legs, and had his front legs placed on each of her butt cheaks. And he was still licking her, like he was possessed.

Dexter came back, still with Sarahs towel in his mouth. He looked a bit disapointed that nobody had followed him. After a couple of seconds he dropped the towel, and came over to see what Ben was up to. And it did’nt take him many seconds to join him in the task att hand!

Meanwhile Sarah had slowly started to remove my shorts, and I was standing there with my pants around my ankles, and my erection pointing out in the air. She then started to remove my t-shirt, and I was just standing there like a drooling mental patient. She let her hands stroke my body and said with a teasing voice : – Well are’nt you the embodiment of a dad bod haha!

When she said that, I could feel the mist clearing my brain. An it started to dawn om me, the situation I was in. I was in my stepdaughters living room naked.. I had my right arm around my beautiful naked 22 year old stepdaughter. My hand was stroking her ass, and her hand was stroking my cock. On the floor, one of her best friends was standing butt naked on all four, having her pussy and perfeckt asshole licked by the houshold’s pets. And her body was shacking through what must have been her fifth orgasm.

Please take them off, Silvia pleaded. I can’t take it any more!!

Did you train them both? I was surprised to hear my own voice..

No just Ben. Sarah said. – Looks like Dexter is a natural!

Sarah helped Silvia up, but only so she could sit on her knees. She grabed Silvias ponytail, and jerked her head back. Silvia looked scared out of her mind when Sarah leaned over her face and hissed: -Don’t get up bitch! First you have to suck my stepdads cock!!

Then she guided her mouth towards my erection and Silvia closed her lips around my pulsating penis. I could feel her toung cirkel the head, and I could not help letting out a sigh as her soft mouth whent slowly up and down my shaft. I looked down, and into her blue eyes as I came in her mouth.

I stumbled over to the couch and sat down. My knees was shacking so hard I could’nt have walked another step.

Silvia sat on the floor stil, looking kind of shocked. She had sperm running down the corner of her mouth, and her black hair was klinging to her sweaty face. -Oh sweety, go have a shower. Sarah said with a smile around her face. Silvia said nothing, she just got up and went into the bathroom.

Sarah walked over and sat down beside me. She looked up with a big smile: -Well that was fun!!

I could’nt help but smile to and said,- yes it was actually! I have to say I’m pretty surprised by you, to say the least!

We sat in silence for a minut or so, before I asked :- So, you said you have trained Ben for this?

-Yes, Sarah said. He’s been my lover for a year or so. She laughed. -It started with him licking my pussy, but lately he’s been fucking me to!!

She stil had that wide smile on her face, and she was talking like she told something funny that had happened at work!

-But how did you come up with this idea then? – Remember Janet?, she said.

Offcourse I remembered Janet! She And Sarah shared a flat up to one and a half year ago when she moved to our house and rented the basement.

Janet was childhood friend of Sarah. A real bundle of smile and perkiness! Allways a big smile, long wild dark hair and cute little freckles on her nose. But what I realy remembered about her was the stories Sarah had been telling her mother in the kitchen when they didn’t know I was listening!

Turned out Janet was kind of a little nympho! Apparently she would often start to masturbate anywhere anytime. They would be in the bathroom getting ready for a night out, and she could start masturbating in front of her in the bathtub, or in the shower, or in the kitchen!

-Yes I have allways liked her, I said.

-Yes I bet you do, Sarah said with a teasing smile.

-Anyway, what happened was: We were sitting in the livingroom in our old apartment. Watching a movie. We only had our bathrobes on, cause it was Sunday and we both had a shower. And you know Janet has this little chihuahau wright? Rocko? Anyway, Janet was lying on her back and the dog started to sneak his way up between her legs! First she tried to brush him off, and I could see in the corner of my eye that she was looking at me to see if noticed anything. So I just looked straight forward! And that little rat didn’ t give up so easy! After a while I could see she started to blush and I could hear her breath was getting heavier! And she spread her legs just a little bit so the dog managed to sneak his way up to her pussy! Then she tried to hide him with her robe, but that was only good for a little while!

All of a sudden she was lying their, rocking her hips against the chihuahua little tung!!

And it made me so fucking horny I could barely sit still! My pussy was throbbing and I was realy REALY jellous!!

I looked att her and said:- What the fuck are you doing with that dog Janet!!!

She said: – I don’t care if you see this! It’s so fucking gooooooood!!!!! If you could feel this you would not judge me!

”-Who’s judging ?” – I said, and without thinking I opened my robe, and let it slip of. Then I got up and went over to Janet. I opened her robe and helped her out of it.

While Sarah was telling her story, could feel my cock stating to get hard again. Sarah noticed this to, and without anything said she started stroking me while she continued her story.

-When Janet was out of her robe, she pulled her legs up letting the dog have full access to her shaved pussy. I got down on my knees beside them to get a god look att Rocko as he was pleasuring his owner! While I was fingering my own pussy from behind with one hand, the other was stroking Janets thigh and butt cheaks. Janet twitched as I grased her asshole with my fingertips, so I let my index finger cirkel her little rose befor I started massaging it. She loved it! She threw her head back, letting out a long howl, as I pushed my finger in her ass ! – Ohhhh, please don’t stop! I love your finger up my ass !! Janet screamed.

-But then I noticed something under Rockos belly! A long red dick was poking out! I could not take my eyes of it, and I could not help myself! I had to touch it! I let my fingers stroke up and down Rockos penis, and he started drymhumping the air. I don’t know why but I moved my head closer to his cock, and opened my mouth. I took his cock between my lips and he started to fuck my mouth like crazy! I moved my finger back to Janet’s asshole and started to finger her again.Then I put two fingers up my own pussy and started fucking myself to. It did’nt take long before Rocko started to cume in my mouth, so much sperm from such a small animal! I could feel the orgasm building in my own body to, and as Rockos sperm started to run from the corner of my mouth, and Janets asshole started to pinch my finger when she came; I had the most amazing fucking orgasm I have ever had!!

-And we have done it many times after that, she said with a laugh.

Sarah finished her story. All the time she had been talking, her hand was stroking my cock, balls, chest and thighs and I was rock hard and ready for action. My hands had been exploring her young firm body to. She was sort of halfway lying at my side and I had my right arm around her. And now that she lifted her right leg and put it to the side, I could finaly let my fingertips run down her shaved pussy! I started to stroke her thighs, grasing her clit every know and then. She was realy wet, and I could feal her hips move juuuust a little when I slowly pushed a finger up into her.

She shifted position and moved her head down. And it was like heaven on earth when I could feel her soft lips started to move up and down my shaft. Suddenly she looked up at me with a big smile: – I want you to fuck me!…… ”daddy”…

She then got up, and placed her self across my lap. She took my cock and guided it. And when she slowly eased her self down my shaft, I looked into her ice blue eyes and we kissed. I could not belive how tight she was! She moved her pussy up and down slow and steady. She started to breath faster, moving her pussy faster, breathing faster. We were like a steam engine going faster and faster!! When she came she let out a smal cry and bit my shoulder, and I grabbed her ass thrusting her down over my erection as I emptied inside her.

As we were sitting there clinging to each other, enjoying the tingeling sensation after a perfect orgasm: The front door opens above us and I can hear my wife calling, -Honey, I’m home!!


Part Three

I don’t know how, but I was out of the room in 16 seconds. Running through the basement nude, with my t-shirt and shorts in one hand I headed for the laundry room. On the way I almost knocked Silvia over who just came out from the bathroom.

Our eyes met in the narrow halway for a little moment, before she gave me a blushing smile.

Out of nowhere, she leaned over to me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips before walking in to Sarah’s flat.

When I reached the laundry room, I quickly wiped my cock with the t-shirt. Then I found some cleen clothes in the dryer and put them on.

I reached the kitchen just as my wife finished putting away the groseries. -Hi honey! She said with a smile. – What are you up to?

I’m aaaaaaaah, just doing some laundry, I said.

Is Sarah home?

Aum, yes. She and Silvia was up here a little while ago..

Oh how nice! I’m gonna make us all some dinner now, there is beer for you in the fridge! Why don’t you have one and go into the livingroom and relax? You look exhausted!

What did she mean? Could she tell? – I think I’ll go in the shower first, I said.

I showered until there was no more hot water. Which did’nt take that long really since the two girls had showered before me.

I put on a pair of loose pants and a sweater before going back to the kitchen.

When I came around the corner I saw my wife standing by the counter making dinner. And she was companied by the two girls. Sarah was sort of standing by the kitchen table with her left knee on a chair and leaning over the table. Her ass pointed in my direction. I stoped, like a deer caught in the headlight. She was wearing tight denim shorts that hugged her butt cheeks and disapeared into her butt crack, and a really wide t-shirt. When she was leaning over I could see into her shirt, and I could see her soft sexy breasts dangeling in there. Oh my God! What was she doing to me!! she knew exactly what buttons to push.

Her but was slowely swaying from side to side, as where her tits. I could feel all the blood in my body rush to my penis and I had a hard erection before I knew it. Thank God my wife was standing with her back to me. I walked fast over to the fridge and got a beer. – I’ll be in the living room, I said to my wife. -Ok honey!

Silvia was standing in the doorway to the livingroom. I could see her eyes was looking att my crotch, then she looked at me with a teasing little smile. When I squezed by her through the door, she licked her lower lip as her hand graced my cock.

I walked quickly over to my chair and sat down.

What was it with these two girls? Did they get some sort of laugh out of teasing me like this?

From where I was sitting I had a perfect view to Silvia. She was standing with her back to me. Tight white shirt with buttons in the front, a short demin skirt and nothing but silky tan legs all the way down to her bare feet. Her feet was crossed. She to was swaying her ass slowly from side to side like Sarah. Almost like bitches wagging their tales.

She was definitely teasing me! As I took a long sip from my beer and rested my eyes on her hot little body, she moved one hand on her back. Slowly she moved her hand up and down her butt cheek a couple of times. Then she moved her fingers down to the edge of the fabric and lifted it up for me to see. She didn’t have any panties on..She arched her back and stuck her sexy ass out. I could see her lovely pussy was glistening with juices. Her little show had also caught Dexters attention. He got up from his bed, and started to walk over to her. He stuck his snoute up between her ass cheeks and sniffed her. Then he started to lick her from behind. Silvia didn’t move an inch, but she turned her head and looked at me. They had a mix of horny and panic. My wife was standing 8 feet in front of her and could turn around any second.
I decided I would turn the table on her. Sow instead of helping her I just looked into her eyes, while I put my hand down my pants and started to stroke my cock. Silvias face started to turn red and her eyes was more panic then horny. She turned her head in Sarahs direction. Two seconds later Sarahs voice called out Dexters name. -Dexter, come here buddy!! Where are you?

I jumped out of my chair and was over by Silvia in a blink of an eye.

I one move I draged her out of the doorway with my right hand and graebed Dexter by his color.

Here he is Sarah, I said. I bent my knees down beside him so I could hide my erection.

I pushed Silvia against the wall and in a whim I moved my hand down under her skirt between her legs. She was drenched, and without hesitation I jamed my finger into her pussy and it went knuckle deep in one swift move. Silvia could’nt help letting out a whine!

I held Dexter in front of me like a shield while I started to finger fuck Silvias tight cunt.

Sarah looked att me with that teasing smile on her face. -Oh dear stepdaddy of mine? I need your help with something in my car! I have a big box in there, but it is to heavy for me. Maybee you could cary it in for me? Silvia can help you with the door!

Offcourse I can, I said.

Want to help me Silvia?

Yes! Silvia said a little bit to enthusiastic.

Whel you two do that, my wife said. – Dinner is ready in 15 minutes.

I got up and turned around. Without taking my finger out of Silvias pussy I started walking towards the door. Draging her with me like a little bitch on a leash. I turned my head and looked at her. She looked back at me with pure horny eyes biting her lip. Her nipples almost tearing a hole in the thin shirt fabric. I could se the colour af her areolas through the shirt.

I ran outside and got the box from the car. Then I ran down the outside stairs to the cellardoor.

Silvia was holding it open for me. I got inside and we moved fast through the halls into Sarahs appartment. I placed the box on the floor of her bedroom.

When I tourend around Silvia jumped me. She put her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist. I grabbed her ass with both hands. Our tongues met in a violent fight!

I let one hand find her dripping wet pussy, and started to finger her with two fingers. I could feel we had company as Dexters tongue likced over my hand, her pussy and her asshole. Silvia was going mad with the treatment. She wiggled like a worm, arching her back and sticking out her ass so my fingers and Dexters tongue could reach every inch of her crotch. She was whining and moaning into my mouth as her hungry tongue was fighting mine.

I lifted her of me and threw her on Sarahs bed. She got up on her knees, and ripped her shirt of. Dexter jumped up on the bed with her. He licked her tits, neck, face, back; everywhere he could as he jumped around her. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. Dexter started to lick the inside of her mouth and her tongue with great dedication and she loved it!

She got down on all four, and started to move around like a playing dog with him. It didn’t take long before his attention was directed to her dripping wet cunt. As he started to lick her and really get into it, she placed her head and shoulders on the bed. Then she arched her back and pushed her ass out in the air like a pro pornstar. Dexter was dryhumping while licking her and a huge red dick was pointing out of his sheet.

Then he mounted her. He tried feverishly to find the opening but he kept poking her thighs and ass with it. Cum was constantly dripping from the tip. Silvia had her face down, screaming and whining into the cover. Her body was trembelling with pure animal lust! I reached over, and with one hand I guide Dexter into her.

With one hard thrust he jammed his cock all the way into her and started to fuck her like a machine.

It was so fast , and so furious I almost thought he would brake her!!

While he was fucking her brains out I moved around to her face. She had her arms stretched out in front of her gripping the cover for dear life.

The sounds she made was out of this world! She didn’t scream or howl or anything. Just a long unbroken guttural groan. Her eyes were half open, but I could only see the white in them. Her head was wobbling back and forth with Dexters thrusts!

I leaned down and took her head between my hands, and kissed her. Forced my tongue into her mouth while my dog fucked her. My cock felt like it was going to explode. For the third time today!

Suddenly Dexter stopped the violent rampage on her pussy. I could feel Silvias body stiffen. She pulled away from me, and closed her mouth. Her eyes were wide open in shock. -Oh my God! She whispered. It’s getting bigger!! Oh I’m gonna burst!!! What is happening? ? She looked at me with panic. I walked around them, and could see a huge red bal at the end of the dogcock. And it was slowly diassapering into her pussy! – I don’t know what it is, I said. Should I take him of you? I asked.

No it’s the knot it’s normal! Sarahs voice came from the door, she had been looking at this all the time.

What is happening? Silvia asked with a nervous voice.

Just enjoy it! You little slut! Sarah smiled .

Oh and by the way, dinners ready in 5 minutes. I’ll just tell mum you had to go to the toilet. Cause this part can take up to 20-30 min or so.

What!! Silvia moaned. I could see she started to enjoy the knot. Her hips were slowly rotating against Dexters pelvis.

And you should do something about that you pig! She said pointing at my cock poking behind my pants. Then she laughed and left.

Silvia had started to move her hips faster now, and she was moaning and whining. – How you feeling? I asked her. She turned to me, and her horny eyes where back..

I’m absolutely loving it! She said with a naughty smile.

Suddenly Dexter lifted on leg and tried to get of her. He turned around but his cock was stuck inside her pussy. So they were left standing butt to butt. Silvia let out a long moan from his movement.

This feels so good!! She cried.

I realiced I had to get upstairs very soon. And I realiced I had Silvia in a position that she could not get out of! I reached down between her legs, they were dripping with dog cum! I scooped up a hand full and then let it drip down on her exposed beautiful little asshoel.

What are you doing? She asked nervous.

I’m going to fuck your ass, and then I’ll go have dinner with my wife. I said with a low grunting voice.

No, I havent had anyone fuck my ass before, she whined.

I guess you havent been fucked by a dog before either? I asked

I started massaging her asshole with my index finger. Then I applied some pressure,and slowly I pushed my finger all the way into her ass. She let out a long moan again, and pressed her ass against my finger as I started to move it in and out of her lovely little asshole. With the other hand I scooped up some more of the dogsperm. Then I started smearing it on my hard dick.

I got up. Placed one foot on each side of her, and put the tip of my cock against her little opening. Slow and steady I pushed my hard cock into her ass. When the head was in I paused a little. Started to move a little back and forth. Silvia started whining again, arching her back and rocking her hips. I reached down and put my hand around her throat. Then I lifted her up so that she was standing on her hands and knees. Slowly I started to inch my cock into her ass. She was whimpering and moaning as I pushed all the way into her. I stoped and held my cock deep into her butthole. I could feel Dexters pulsating dick inside her pussy. Slowly I started to pull out, then back in. She loved it. I loved the feeling of her tight ass around my cock. It was as if it was sucking me in! I pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in, again and again and again. By each thrust I tightened the grip around her throat. The harder it was for her to breath the more tens her body and ass got. I couldn’t take this lovely feeling anymore! As I thrusted down and sprayed my cum deep inside her I let go of her throat. She fell forward , and trembeling all over her body she milked my cock empty. Both exhausted from the powerful orgasm.

After a while I stod up and pulled my half stif member out of her ass. I paused to take a mental picture of what was infront of me. And as I stod there, Dexter started to lick my cock and balls clean.

5 minutes later, I was sitting by the dining table. Having a wonderfull dinner with my wife and stepdaughter. They were both sitting opposite of me.

To bad Silvia wasn’t feeling god! My wife said.

Yeah, I think she has had a rough day, Sarah said.

Oh bye the way ! I got a e-mail from work today! My wife said.

I have to go to a conference next week. I’ll be leaving wednesday. And i’m not coming back until sunday.

Oh no, mom that’s almost a week! Sarah sounded horrified. As she said this, I could feel a foot stroking my leg.

What are we going to do without you for so long? The foot moved up and pushed my legs apart. I looked down and saw Sarahs perfect pedicured toes fondeling my cock through my pants. And surprise surprise, I got hard again. I sat there enjoying her massaging me with her feet when my wife said:
Well, this is a perfect time for some father/daughter bonding don’t you think?

Unfortunately unfinished due to the closure of the Beastforum…

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