Women with Animals

Dog Day Afternoon (by MsDeelight)


(c) 2005 by MsDeelight

They lay curled on the bed together, his hand stroking the curve of her breast, tracing the inside of her arm. He told her of the dog he had brought home a large black lab he was watching him for the weekend for a friend.

She thought, “This is it !”

She had longed to have a dog mount and use her body. The pictures made her so hot that just looking was not enough any more. She had been afraid to tell him of her fantasies at first, so there was the day she let him “catch” her with the pictures on the screen. She had a hand deep in her pussy and the other one rolling her nipple. She heard him coming, and continued to touch herself, feeling his eyes on her as her body shuddered with completion. He came into the room filling both hands with her breasts, kissing the back of her neck and looked up at the screen. She held her breath, the woman on the screen, a dog deep inside her.

“So”, he had said, “You found my file what do you think?”

“His file?” She looked at him with surprise!

There was no time to talk. He covered her mouth with his, his hands insistent, igniting her body like sparks. Her pussy was on fire and flooding. Bending her over the table, he took her as his bitch. His mind was in flames as he thought about her. She was more than he’d thought. A woman who would dare anything. Wanting her badly, he took her again over the table, entering her with a brute thrust, filling her all the way. He felt her pussy grab and hold him for an instant, and pulse. This was more than she thought possible, a caress she’d never known in a place she wanted to stay, milking him. She was moving, moaning, and crying out, draining him dry stroking deep, rolling his hips into hers she pushing back to meet him. Her pussy sucked and pulled at his cock, kissing and touching in a way that reached his soul. Gripping her hips with his hands, firm, powerful, controlling, pushing her. Moving faster thumping her clit into the table she was cumming and grasping his dick and cumming more. He filled her, as her sweet pussy grabbed him almost locking him inside. The thought of being knotted to her screamed in his brain forcing the orgasm up to a higher place than he’d ever experienced. Rolling her to the bed, his cock still deep inside he wanted more ! As he lay on top of her caressing her neck with his lips he felt his cock rise again, still inside her. She groaned and started rotating her hips in the only motion she could make.

“I want to see your face”, she moaned. He turned her, looking deep into her eyes, started stroking again…”mmmmm”. His tongue deep in her mouth. He pulled her upright into his arms, still deep inside, still moving as one, they stepped backwards towards the bathroom where her full length mirror was. Slowly, not missing the strokes they worked together, one step, one stroke. God her hips were beating his in a slow symphony of emotion and sensation. They stepped across the threshold and she saw his face in the mirror behind her shoulder and squeezed him inside her, pulsing madly his face in pain, pleasure. The look of desire, release, lust on his face knowing it was all hers and came screaming his name. He felt her contract, exploded again, spurting deep inside her. Feeling her grab and release, grab and release. They collapsed, still intertwined on the floor.

Slowly, she became aware of a sound, whining? She had forgotten about the dog. Opening the door the black dog entered, pushing it open all the way with his snout. His nose pushed between her thighs, followed by his tongue. Shocked, she didn’t move. Her eyes met his, they twinkled and his grin returned. Eyes locked on his, she opened her thighs allowing the lab deeper access.

“I want to be near you,” she said.

“Take my hand, baby…”

Pushing the lab away for a moment she lay beside him, opening her knees again to allow the lab’s hot tongue access. She could feel his fingers touching her as the lab’s tongue reached deep inside. As much pleasure as they had shared, she couldn’t believe she was getting hot again!

Your mouth covered mine, your tongue deep in my mouth as the dog licked at your sweet juices I pushed my tongue into your throat almost trying to meet his tongue from above. My hands found and held your breasts, hard little nipples becoming hard BIG nipples under my palms. My heart is pounding it will explode with all the pleasure from everywhere! I feel it thumping against my chest or is that yours? I don’t know, can’t tell and don’t care. My eyes open and I see his pink cock, you look at me and reach for his sheath as he gets bigger.

He’s hot for you, and I’m on fire! You roll, to lay on top me and I hold him back. I raise my knees and your ass is higher now. I have his cock in my hand, waiting. He wants you, I want you, and he rears up wrapping you in his front legs, clutching you. You let him go, I’m afraid, I’m so hot my body is shaking!

I raise my knees a bit more and your bottom is way high in the air. He feels your sweet ass and he wants you. I whisper in your ear as I kiss your neck….”Ready, baby?” Yes my voice shakes husky with desire. My cock pokes at your tummy, no where to go THIS time but I’m content with that. I release my grip on him and he slips forward and misses, his next stroke hits your entrance and he humps his hips. I feel you shudder and know he has you, his tongue is dripping on your back as he wiggles and adjusts himself to you. I’m rubbing my cock on the soft skin of your tummy and then I feel the jolt of him fucking you.


Bump, bump, bump. You’re taking all he has, rocking on his cock over my knees. I can only feel it, not see it. I watch your face run a gamete of lust, emotion, desire, you stare into my eyes. I SEE you coming almost continuously. I can feel it. But I can SEE it in your eyes, the whites roll back all but gone and I feel you shudder yet again. The dog is filling you, his strokes are deep enough now for his knot to form.

The pressure, the feeling, so hot. I take a breath, relax and let him fill you. He’s swelling, not so big as a baseball bumping against your muscle ring, his movement all but stops as he slips into you and locks. The pulsing in your pussy continues and the pressure builds, I feel him pulsing, not stroking just pulsing deep inside, I feel it against my knees and you my sweet one, feel it deep inside hot and sweet. He fills you, precum shooting up inside of you a precursor to his cumming.

I want your mouth on mine, I want my tongue in your throat feeling you cumming on his dick over my knees. My mouth is devouring you, in the mirror I can see your pussy, mmmm chew my tongue, lover kiss me hard, come for me, come for daddy; teach that mutt who’s boss.

Aha ahaaa ahaa, I can’t catch my breath. I want you, but not yet, not yet. And now his pulsing gets stronger, his cock reaches up into you deeper than anything has before, its lengthening just a little. Bumping at your womb, you groan. a little.

Your pussy is pulsing, my mouth sucking at your tongue, a lot of sweet pleasure and he’s in all the way. I’m on fire when I feel you buck back against him, wanting, demanding more, taking all of him and wanting more. Oh God I can’t believe it, this is so good, and he squirts you full, so full even his knot won’t hold it all in you. It’s hot, running down your pussy to your clit; which I want to suck badly; I want to be part of this but he’s got you. I want you, you’re mine in a way he can’t be. But you’re his just now, in the way I want to be. You squirm on my chest catching your breath, he’s got you, buns up and locked inside…

Mmmm, I am in your arms, I feel safe to let go and let you be the slut you are.

Yesssssssssssss. My slut and I want to fuck my slut brainless, both of us till we go oblivious to the world and it’s just us. I slip out from under you. The lab is actually holding you up, he grips your hips and you get your knees under you a little so he’s not holding you up so much. I watch your eyes as I slip off the bed, I can see the wonder in them, that we’ve found this that it’s so simple, but so good and you wonder what I’m doing. The dog swings his leg over and now you’re butt-to sweet ass with him, I can’t move.

No, you can’t move but I see your hips roll and I see his balls pulsing, I know he’s unloading his hot doggie cum way inside you. I have to; I HAVE TO be a part of this. I climb onto the bed, and the lab just grins. He has what he wants, you’re squeezing his knot like a fist and he’s happy. I touch your ass and feel how soaked you are. His dribbling cum and your sweet juices are flowing. I want that on my cock. He’s got you and I want you. I smear my fingers through your pussy, stroke your little slut-button and your hips jump and flush fresh juice down your legs. I want you, I want this for us. I stroke your back as you remain tied with the lab. My hand is wet from you and from him. You moan as I push my wet fingers into your ass and push back against my hand. I take more juice from your pussy and smear it around you as your lubrication you for what is gonna be…US …locked together. I put the tip of my cock to your asshole. You moan. “no, baby, no” but it sounds like ‘yes’ and then it is yes as you feel my cock making little circles around your ass. You start to move yet again, I place myself at your backdoor, knocking, and grinning and you push back for me, you want this as much as I do! Slowly, so we don’t hurt you I push in. You push back and I reach under you for more lube. You’re almost gushing it now and then I’m in you all the way. I feel the heat, way hotter than the dog cock, you’re stuffed so full you don’t think you could hold any more. I stroke gently and I’m almost locked too, the pressure of him against me has us both tight in you; and now he feels me too, he stars to pulse again, against me! You feel us both filling you in all the secret places.

I’m stroking your back and rolling my hips as you bump against mine. Slow, but surer now, as you see that it doesn’t hurt, confident. You yes YOU can fuck two males to a standstill. I’m inside you right along with him and the thought strikes me all of a sudden and I cum. He’s shooting again, he wants more of you and I want all of you, you’re moaning and cumming and bucking back all in slow-motion, sweet hot and ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the explosion in my head is almost as wild as the explosion in our loins. I shoot what seems like a gallon of come way inside your ass. He’s slowing down now and you are moaning through the little aftershocks of US, little moans

I lean down, asking “you okay”? You turn and smile almost sleepily

“Okay…? I’m terrific…! “(big sigh) we grin. The lab quietly pulls loose and now I’m free too. But in a way I’ll never be free again. I throw my self down next to you and shove a towel under you, nuzzle your throat making you smile. With your ass still in the air, you may be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.


“Yes, lover? “

“Do you think we might get our own lab? “

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