Women with Animals

Being a Host at the Famous ‘Sex Museum of Amsterdam’ is not what I expected


Graduating from a reputable university, I thought getting position at where I could continue my education, would be easy .. but a few months told me, that was not the case. I speak several languages fluently … but that didn’t seem to matter, the offers that came in made it impossible to continue to pursue additional eduction at the pace I was looking for.

Needless to say when an offer came in for a position at a Museum located in Amsterdam, I almost threw it away, but reading further – they were not only offering an excellent salary but would pay for all my future education, no matter how far I decided to go … one catch, I had to prove to them I was skilled in multiple languages , by conducting a live interview over the phone with several different interviewers.

That part of the exam was easy, speaking fluent in all the languages needed, the job was mine … but a caution, the lady named Zoey, the one who offered the position, “Nikki you’re more then qualified … the job is yours if you want it” Then she paused, “One thing I didn’t mention we deal in ancient artifacts and rare specimens that’s sole purpose was for the pleasure of sex … it is a Sex Museum … you’ll see some of the strangest things anyone could have ever imagined and a few animals or what ever they are, that we do not find in most of our history books .. you still interested in working for us?” From what I could see this lady was more then interesting … being a lesbian by nature, I was more then interested in her as well as the position.

I have to admit that was a shock, but they were just ancient items that past civilizations had used for entertainment .. it meant fantastic pay, all of my future schooling would be free and I’d have a great education when it was all finished .. I accepted the offer.

Three weeks later I was on my way to my new home. Zoey, was waiting at the airport when I arrived … she was even more exciting then I had earlier thought, extremely easy on the eyes, bronzed skin, dark brunette hair … large breasts, that were on full display … the skirt was so short, within minutes I realized she wore no panties .. hugging me … making sure our bodies were together longer then just a friendly hug … sending a signal to me, that I did not miss, or at least I hope I was reading her correctly.

“I’m so glad you are here and arrived safely, housing is very short here, so as of now is it OK if you stay with me? I have plenty of room, I live alone and the first time I saw you, I just knew we’d get along”

That sounded better then just Ok, hugging her again, this time making sure my hardened nipples rubbed against hers a few times, “Oh I’d love that .. funny I had the same thoughts when I saw you”

She suggested that since I’d be with her, why don’t we take a tour of the museum and see what I’d be taking care of as well as what most visitors wanted to hear … the area was a little over an hour from the airport, we talked, her hand rested comfortably on my bare knee, occasionally moving up the inside, to make sure there were no mixed signals, each time it would move to the inside, I open them wide … hopefully telling her I was all hers if she wanted me.

Arriving at the facility, instead of stopping in front, we drove around back, two very cute young ladies were waiting for us … drinks in hand … welcoming the two of us, accepting mine, we toasted to a new position … an excellent taste .. finishing it off quickly.

Starting down one isle .. various dildos were displayed, some made of wood, some stone, all looked exciting … the next area were the torture toys – this took up more then half of the total area … the more of this area we stopped in front of and she told me the story behind each one,

unaware of the fact my drink had been drugged .. for some reason the displays were spiking my arousal.

Making it becoming difficult to focus, the normal path was altered when we entered a small private type of room, closing the door, making sure we would not be disturbed, there was a small single exam type of bed, made of wood, covered with a soft leather covering, filled with goose down … “I have found I can explain the various items we have if I have personally experienced the pleasure they were designed to provide … this love table is a good place to start. Why don’t you strip down nude, I’ll help you understand what the ancient North American Indian tribe had built”

She had said we need to experience some of the items so we could easily explain the use to patrons … that along with the way I was feeling, stripping nude, sounded like a perfect idea.

The two new companions helped me up on the item, laying on my back, as soon as I was relaxed, a sudden feeling hit me all over my body where it was touching the surface, heels, lower legs, upper legs, bottom, my upper back, arms and head .. it felt like the tiniest of pin pricks punctured my skin, followed immediately by a wave of the most erotic pleasure I have ever experienced, ever dreamed of experiencing … it washed over me, spiking my arousal, between my legs, instantly becoming soaked, nipples hardened, eyes rolled back in my head causing a low moan followed by a whimper …

Leaning down next to me, “A series of small needles coated with a combination of Peyote, as well as some sexually enhancing drugs enter your body as soon as you are relaxed … placing you in the position to be open for any and all erotic adventures.”

She helped me stand, the drugs were so effective, my body was shaking with desire … staying nude seemed logical … she explained to me, as far as they could tell, when the tribe kidnapped a female, laying her nude on the table, made her more then ready to enjoy any Buck who wanted to use her.

Assuming all their sex toys were coated with this mixture, I could only imagine what day to day life was like for any female being captured by the team … the way I was feeling, having no idea how long this would last.

Taking me into an adjoining room, “In here we have a creature of some type … as far as we can tell it seems to be a cross between a bear and a large wolf … we’ve come up with a combination of names, but none seem to fit what he is”

Walking ina total shock hit me … a huge creature, more like the size of a small elephant, a deep redish color … the thing that I noticed first was the huge cock, fully erect …. with him laying on his back, raised, so he could see between his legs … the thing looked like it was moist, seeming to have a partially hypnotic effect, pulling me to it … “looks like it is wet, can we touch it?”

Moving me to it, “We have no idea why or how, we’ve had this for well over twenty years and yet, the shaft still stays moist – we’ve analyzed the substance, it’s definitely sexual in nature, but we can’t find out how it works” She went on to explain more about him, where they’d found him, and so on, but I was drawn to the wet looking shaft, glimmering in the light … reaching out – taking hold of it … as soon as I made contact, the liquid was quickly absorbed, plunging my whole body into an erotic frenzy … it felt like the same drug I had experienced from the ancient seduction table – looking back at Zoey, knowing something was terribly wrong – she was smiling

“I’m so sorry my love, but he and the warrior tribe lived together – he has agreed to give us his juices in exchange we provide him with a toy to play with. The last one wore out, seems they don’t last long … when we could see she was fading, I contacted you – but from what I’ve observed, all of his past play things have enjoyed their time with him”

An arm moved, guiding my free hand to the shaft … that was when it hit me, this thing whatever is … was definitely alive.

With both hands absorbing the strange drug … in moments my legs gave way, easily lifting me into his lap .. the fur was softer then anything I’d ever felt before – warm and inviting, even though I knew I was in trouble, it felt safe as he wrapped his arms around me …. My legs were on either side of that huge shaft … when he placed his hands on my breasts, a new pleasurable feeling spiked my arousal again … this time making my hips start to writhe.

Barely able to focus, watching the shaft I had just been holding, starting to dance back and forth, much like a cobra does when it hears the music … moving rhythmically , so seductively … seeming to hypnotize me …

Directly above us, a series of mirrors showed what was happening between my legs. Staring at my body, while his penis dance snake like, just inches from my opening … the lips looked like they were opening and closing, begging him to slide in … looking closer, he was spraying some sort of a mist all over the area … making my vaginal lips open and close … I could feel me begging to have him inside me …

Eventually he slid in all the way without actually moving his body … the heavy gel like substance covering him, coated and excited every square inch inside … triggering not only the most intense climax I’ve ever had, but one that continued to roll over me, wave after wave of pure pleasure.

He kept moving in and out, my body kept shaking from wave after wave of ecstasy … eventually he exploded, filling me with drugged nectar, now plunging me into the deepest erotic fog I’d ever enjoyed … when he pulled out of me, rolling on my side, two young ladies moved in quickly placing a suction type funnel between my legs .. a slight sucking felt ticklish, but I was so exhausted, nothing mattered.

They seemed extremely happy, giving Zoey over a cup of the liquid they were using … as they left, my eyes slowly closed … enjoying a much needed rest from the days events

He was so warm and wonderful, his arms wrapped around my body, keeping me safe and comfortable …

Waking slowly, looking at the mirrors, once again that marvelous play thing was exciting my opening, making me horny as I’d ever been … no longer needing to prepare me, sliding in easily … just as before the wave of orgasmic bliss started rolling over me … aching my back … this time it seemed a shorter time when he filled me – but as before, a cup was placed between my legs, the juices sucked out, while I rolled my head, kissing him, letting my tongue explore he inside of his mouth … a short nap took over … waking we fucked again … kissing him, then a short nap became a routine 6 times a day. The seventh one was late in the evening, slipping me into a long – eight plus hours of rest … waking was always the same … reaching between my legs, guiding him in … the day started.

I have no idea who I am, where I am or where I came from .. my days and nights spent in his lap … sleeping or fucking ….some days we mix it up … fucking or sleeping.

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