Women with Animals

The Fuck Pack


I am one of those women who find themselves in their prime years, not really enjoying any meaningful relationship with a male or female … being in my mid thirties I am not particularly choosy … but sadly there doesn’t seem to be anyone interested in this adventure.

I have a fantastic job, paid extremely well, house paid for, a brand new SUV, also paid cash for and a body that I keep in good shape, a nice firm set of C-cup tits, with nipples always begging to be played with, but for some reason – I’m not attracting anyone interested in seeing what I have to offer.

By no means am I a virgin, just the opposite … when I first secured this position, being in my early twenties, my work employees all seemed to be settled down with families and the last thing I wanted was to break up a marriage or a relationship, so that was off limits – the night clubs were next on my adventures … the sex sometimes could be fun, most of the time it was a ‘wham-bam-thank-you-mam’, if it was with a guy and lesbian bar hookups tended to go from submissive and want to be dominated or a dominant one who had so many kinky ideas of what they wanted to do with me … soon that lost its interest as well.

Online dating had so many liars, that when you thought you found a good one, they turned out to be nothing like they had portrayed on line … so this is where I am at … not a lot of choices to pick from.

My home was located near an entrance to a national park, one that had trails to walk and ride my bike, one that was never crowded, due to the size and one that I loved to be in. The bike trails covered well over twenty miles, the specific walking ones were over five miles, but of course one could use either trail, no rules were in place, only that you treat the others the same way you would expect to be treated, with respect and kindness.

This, it turned out, was my best hope of hooking up with someone. One Saturday morning, I had started jog slowly along one of the lesser populated trails, when I meant Emily … a cute blonde, about my same age, had been in an abusive relationship with some guy, fortunately she had recognized the signs before any real physical damage had been done, now she was free and like me, looking.

I don’t remember how it happened, but we struck up a conversation, which led to us jogging together .. that led to us stopping at my place for a drink, since I was so close.

Everything seemed magical, we were getting along so well, when I suggested we cool down in the hot tub … a naughty look told me what she was thinking, “I don’t have any swimwear and I don’t want to get this outfit wet … do you have something I can borrow?”

“I do, but we’re both adults here, why don’t we enjoy the water nude .. you OK with that?”

Being more than a little surprised when she jumped up, stripped off her running shorts, pulled off her top … those luscious big D tits, shook as she moved to the tub … I was right behind her, sliding in behind, cupping those beauties, kissing her neck … as she started to whimper, I knew she was what I had been looking for.

Running my hand between her legs, as soon as my index finger slipped inside her, the whole body shook, experiencing a massive climax … taking time to taste her juices, moving in between her legs, looking up, “it’s been a long time since you’ve enjoyed anything like this … I’m so happy we meant”

Leaning forward, sharing a passionate kiss … our companionship was secured – that afternoon we shared multiple-orgasms …

The next few days, weeks, then months convinced both of us, what we had was real … after the year mark, we began discussing moving in together – since my place was more convenient and owned .. she’d sell her condo, buy a brand new car, which she needed – then we’d be together for as long as time allowed us to enjoy one another.

However just after all of this took place, on her way home from work one day, she simply disappeared. The authorities found evidence of her ex-boyfriend having been involved, but he never admitted to what he did … but was found guilty of murder and sentenced accordingly

That left an emptiness in my heart, one that didn’t seem to be easily filled .. I missed her so much.

That catches up on my life where it was at when on Saturday morning early, I took my bike for a leisure ride in the park, heading into the back side, a place where very few people travel.

There was a perfect spot to stop and rest, a small stream running slowly along, the sounds of the water over the rocks, the area secluded by large trees and soft feeling grass … since no one was around, stripping off my top and shorts … leaving me relaxing totally nude, except for my tennis shoes. Spreading out a blanket, laying on my front to enjoy the warm sun and hopefully not have any tan lines … I had only been there a short time when a beautiful large multi-colored Party Poodle came running by. She stopped a few feet from me when suddenly she spotted a huge Mountain Dog …

Growing up our neighbor raised several breeds of dogs … helping them when school was out, it was easy to see when a female was in heat, this one had all the signs and I was sure as she moved to him, there were visions of what the new puppies would look like.

Surprisingly, I knew he could smell her, but unlike most horny males, he just sat there watching her get closer. Suddenly, several more large males of various breeds started to join the two, from various directions. She sensed something wrong, turning to leave, no matter how receptive she was to be impregnated … She trIed to leave, but was blocked from every side.

The big male, who had been the first one she spotted, moved effortlessly behind her … not worrying about tasting and sniffing her readiness, he mounted her, slipping that massive cock deep inside, at the same time a second one moved to her head, jumping up on the big black and white’s body, his cock was forced in her mouth.

That had me completely captivated, never seeing or even watching this happen, he was forcing her to give a blowjob ….

These two used her body much longer than normal dogs, when they finally pulled away, the one in her mouth had forced her to swallow the seed he had shared … a third one replaced the one behind, at the same time one replaced the one in her mouth.

This was unheard of, prompting me to move closer. There was a bench just a few feet away from the activities, being as quiet as possible, leaning on the seat, now just a few feet away, looking at them through the slats in the back.

Watching what she was experiencing made me more than a little excited … when the second one’s knot pulled out, a third one was ready, but instead of penetrating her the same way, this one slipped his shaft in her ass. Looking at her, it was obvious she’d never experienced anything like this before, shaking her head from side to side, trying to pull away, the one in front of her stopped her … the one behind was all the way in, pumping like mad.

Fucking this poor thing in every hole, had me so aroused, I didn’t notice one of them slipping in behind me. When his tongue licked the aroused area between my legs, instead of trying to stop this, dropping my head … a low mournful whimper escaped … one lick is all he took, quickly jumping up, a huge cock slid easily deep inside.

That was when I realized what was about to happen … I love sex, love dogs, but in no way was I going to allow a dog to have sex with me. Screaming for him to stop, trying to turn, his weight and the bench made it impossible … Sliding to the end didn’t help, one of the pack waiting, his cock in full rigid mode, easily sliding it in my mouth – at first I was tempted to bite down on it, but then better sense took over, figuring this would only make them mad and I had no idea how many there were. That combined with the arousal the one behind had me so excited … I was already enjoying a mini-climaxes washing over my body, making it impossible to think clearly.

The pounding behind had me sucking the cock in my mouth so hard and aggressive – it only took a few minutes for him to empty a load down my throat. Their semen was strong, wild tasting, but the way my body was enjoying, made it easy to swallow as much as he was willing to give.

Finally the knot slipped in, the warm feeling inside triggered a massive explosion in me .. when he pulled out, a second one jumped in before I could try and stand. Swallowing more cum, more explosions washing over me, everything taking place had me in an erotic haze, I’d never planned on, never dreamed of, only enjoying what was happening to me – no matter the fact it was dogs doing this to me.

Not sure how many had fucked me, I was becoming sore back there, when a new one jumped up, but this one, slipped in my ass. I’ve never been a rear door enthusiast, so as soon as he was in, wiggling my ass, swatting back at him … the one in my mouth sensed the problem, pressing against me, making it impossible to stop him. Clawing at the bench, the pain was unbearable – he was pounding faster and harder than any of the others had used me .. when his knot pressed in the opening …the shaft in my mouth prevented me from dropping my head, but my eyes closed, trying to endure the pain, while still sucking on this pole

The knot didn’t go in, he emptied his load in me … easily pulling out another one sunk in the same opening, almost as if they knew exactly what they were doing.

I had arrived mid morning, when they left me lying on the bench, it was becoming late afternoon, they had used me easily for four or five hours. When I finally was able to stand, slipping on my clothes, I was so sore, using the bike as a crutch, I headed home. My jaw ached, my stomach was bloated from the excess cum I’d swallowed … walking slowly, it seems luck was going to smile on me after all, a park ranger pulled up by me on a side-by-side, “You OK MIss, it looks like you’re in a lot of pain?”

Being at my breaking point, bursting into tears, “They raped me, used me, fucked me … over and over – everywhere. What are they, normal dogs don’t act like this?”

Helping me in the vehicle, loading my bike in the back, “We call them the ‘Fuck-Pack’, they are a group of wild dogs that may have been trained by someone or a facility. I found a poor female poodle, so I knew they were close”

I told him she was what caught my attention, I’d never seen dogs force blowjobs, fucked in both openings. I was safe now. Taking me home, making sure I was safe inside … promising he’d continue to look for them and destroy them when they were found.

A long shower, then even longer soaking in a warm tub, helped but didn’t take away the shame of what had happened. That night sleep didn’t ever completely take over, I kept thinking of how they had all used me for their own pleasure.

Dogs, lots of dogs had shared sex with me, that thought kept running through my mind … for some reason I couldn’t shake it, however at night when I was on my back in the dark room, my hands would play between my legs, bringing back how good it felt to have a huge cock pounding my pussy … these evenings led to a realization, a submissive side of me had been awakened … they had used me, they dominated me and deep down my body not only enjoyed it but had in some perverted way, loved it. .

Dreaming of what had happened, moved from night time to waking, then during relaxing times while at home … Eventually, on a Saturday morning approximately six weeks after the initial contact, I loaded some supplies in a two-seater side by side, heading back to where I had been, thinking maybe I’d get lucky and find them.

Less than a mile from the secluded area, a female collie was laying by the side of the trail. Stopping to give her some water, there was evidence of sperm all over her mouth, leaking from both of her rear opening … holding her head, it was obvious she was still in the erotic haze they’d placed her in … the little ones body still shook – when she had drank as much as she needed, moving her to an area – allowing her to rest and heal, until she could stand .. I was on my way.

Rounding the corner – to my surprise all eight of them were waiting, almost as if they knew I was coming. A few I remembered, others I’d never actually seen … parking, taking out a specially ordered bench … one I could lean on the padded surface, the four legs would drive spikes into the ground – making it secured … then stripping down nude, moving to the bench, looking at them … “Well boys, you used me once against my will, now I’m making myself ready for you if you still want me”

They all watched me, but didn’t move, just sat there looking at me. Then the big Mountain Dog moved to me, stopping a few inches from my face, his tongue licking my lips – then moving closer, kissing me, just like humans would do, the tongue slipping in my mouth, exploring, battling with my own.

What he was doing, the way it was happening, had me so excited, making it impossible to focus or think clearly. At some point pulling back, his huge cock slipped easily in my mouth, sucking on it, with everything I had – it did not take long for him to empty the first load down my throat, by passing my having to try swallowing all of it.

Pulling the marvelous shaft out of me, replacing it with his tongue … the kissing, the way it was making me feel … warming my whole body. That was when one of his companions slipped his cock, deep in my ass. They knew exactly where the rigid shaft was to be placed. This one had me excited, the kissing added to that, but not enough to have me topple over the edge of the cliff … I needed something in my pussy.

After filling me with his seed, a second one slipped in the exact same opening, making me more and more excited, but not what I had come here for, desperately needing the relaxing relief only these guys could give me, but now, for some reason, they were playing with me, teasing me, making me whimper while he was making out with me.

By the time the third one entered me, like his two companions, deep in my rear door …. Barely able to keep my head up, tears running down my cheeks … he suddenly pulled out, reinserting his pole where I needed it. Sliding it and his knot all the way in … the hard ball landed on my magical spot, making me moan, but because there had not been any buildup … it just made me writhe … no climax, so very close … What were they doing to me?

He kept pumping the delicious seed directly to my body, then making out with me, his companions were in my back door, or entering my pussy – knot and all, making me so aroused … I was losing the ability to understand what was taking place … I needed to cum, to enjoy an orgasm – but they were not allowing it.

They had triggered so many explosions in my body the first time we’d meant and now it seemed they only wanted to tease me, keep my arousal at the highest possible, making sure I was kept on the edge, but not allowing me to enjoy anything more than just the arousal.

Eventually everyone had used me at least three times, some a few more … the big alpha pulled out … leaving me shaking and barely able to stand. They all seemed to sense the help I’d need, bumping the fuck bench loose, then dragging it to the back of the side by side, the big white and black one – climbed in the passneger seat.

Nothing was making any sense, but heading home, the full pack followed. Arriving, they all went out black, but my new companion followed me inside, to my surprise, he moved directly to my bedroom, jumping up on the bed, rolling on his back, legs spread wide apart … that massive cock sticking straight up.

Needing that thing in me, licking my lips, straddling him, easing the pole up inside … as soon as he was balls deep, I started to ride him .. slowly at first but increasing the speed, bringing on the orgasm that had been building, ever since that first evening. Rocking my hips as I went down on him, then twisting the same way when I pulled off, shot me to the edge in record time … as soon as I was there, he flooded my body with his warm seed, triggering the most intense climax I’d ever known, one that allowed me to continue to ride him. Making the whole thing last on and on and on … finally my body was totally exhausted, collapsing by his side, sleep over took me … falling into a dream like state – the dreams of dogs, lots of dogs fucking me.

It was late Sunday afternoon when I woke, he was waiting for me … this time helping me get up on all fours, shoving his pleasure pole deep in me, like any normal dog would have done, rapidly fucking … eventually pushing the knot deep inside then filling me with the warm juices … once again triggering a body blowing orgasm. When the knot shrunk in size, allowing us to separate, a long shower helped rejuvenate my body, then a nice breakfast, although it was late in the afternoon, hit the spot.

I ordered several hundred pounds of dog food, went out back to relax, now staying nude seemed appropriate. The pack were all relaxing on the lawn, I have a small mountain stream running through this area, they’d get up occasionally and drink, they didn’t seem to be interested in sex of any kind with me, but when I went to bed that night, my new lover fucked me for several hours. Waking late the next day, he again took me like the previous morning.

By the time Saturday came, we had enjoyed sex every evening and morning … I had reinstalled the breeding bench by the side of the hot tub. After my morning fucking and a bite to eat, my lover pushed me onto the bench, just like the previous Saturday, slipped his tongue in my mouth while we made out, his pack began fucking me in the ass … his cock down my throat, filling me with cum, then making out … the pack bringing me to the edge of pleasure, then keeping me there, not allowing me to enjoy what was building up inside my poor body.

They had enjoyed my body for most of the day, when the last one pulled away, my new lover walked back into the house. It took some time, but eventually I was able to make it in, sometimes crawling, others having furniture to lean on … as soon as I stepped into the bedroom, he was on his back, legs spread wide apart, that marvelous cock hard as ever waiting for me ….

This time I had so much cum I’d swallowed, it was difficult to straddle him, my tummy was swollen – eventually I got him up inside me, then like the previous week, started to ride him. Twisting my body, rolling it back and forth, it only took a few minutes to be there … Just like the previous week, as soon as I started to cum, he flooded the area with warm liquid, adding to my pleasure, enabling me to ride the explosion for a much longer period of time.

They had used me most of the day, my poor body was sore, tired and hungry – but sleep took over … Sunday, like the previous week, he was ready to fuck me properly, then a long shower, a massive breakfast … a couple of hours in the hot tub, watching my new companions, particularly my lover … Going back after being raped was the best decision I’ve ever made and now I’m in a routine of sex and sex and even more sex.

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