Women with Animals
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Luna, wearing only her bathrobe, looked at the calendar again. It was Halloween and, more importantly, it was the full moon. It would rise soon. Once again, she thought about her name and the control the moon had over her life. Her father had named her after her mother had died giving birth to her. He often told her that she had been his one light in the darkness. She frequently asked herself whether her name was fate or a coincidence, but she didn’t know. However, she did know that it was her name that first attracted Edward’s interest.

They’d met at university. He was tall and ruggedly handsome with black hair and blue eyes, but more than that he possessed a charisma which most people would describe as animal magnetism. Everyone could see he was a leader. He was confident and decisive without inner doubts. He could also be intimidating when he needed to be. Yet he lacked the arrogance you usually find in such people. They dated for several years and fell madly in love. Their love was almost instinctual. When Edward proposed, he confessed his secret. The men in his family were werewolves. It took some convincing for Luna to believe, but she ultimately did after meeting his family. Only after reassuring her that he knew how to control his condition did she agree to marry him.

There were two ways to control his condition, isolation of the wolf during the full moon or by satisfying the wolf’s one other powerful instinct than feeding. That instinct was breeding. The wolf was compelled to either feed or breed, but the latter only with his faithful mate.

Edward had spent every full moon since shortly before puberty in a fifty foot deep by twelve foot diameter concrete lined pit with an iron cover over its mouth. Before he started turning at puberty, he remembered the terrible roars and bone-chilling howls coming from his father’s pit and the long climb up the rope ladder after the full moon had set. After getting married, Edward continued to spend every full moon in his old pit at the home of his parents until after Luna gave birth to their first child. Their child was currently at the home of her father and stepmother, the woman who raised her.

After Luna had given birth, Edward was able to convince her that the beast wouldn’t harm her. That it could sense she had carried its young and would recognize her as its mate. Only then was she even willing to consider offering herself to the beast. She was so afraid the first time she witnessed her husband change that she peed herself when the beast roared at her, but what Edward had told her was true. While the beast certainly didn’t make love to her, they did passionately mate until early in the morning. She woke the next day with Edward laying by her side, and her no more worse for wear than a few superficial scratches.

The alarm on her phone interrupted her thoughts. It was followed by Edward’s phone buzzing seconds later.

“Honey! It’s time,” she shouted.

Edward hurriedly joined her and together they walked down the cellar steps and over to the fortified room Edward had built. They hung up their bathrobes and entered the room naked. It was an almost empty and bare room with thick concrete walls and a thick metal plate for a ceiling. It wasn’t nearly as secure as his old pit, but then with Luna present, the beast would not attempt to escape either. Edward securely closed the time-locked door behind them and double checked it. The only furnishing was an pair of old stacked mattresses sitting on boards and cinder blocks.

Edward laid down on the top mattress and began stroking his impressive cock. Luna admired him for a second and joined her husband. She pushed his hand out of the way and began working the foreskin down his shaft as she stroked him to hardness.

“This should get the beast in the mood don’t you think?”

“You’d know better than I,” Edward answered. “I love you Luna. You’re everything to me.”

“I love you too Edward.”

Luna took his member into her mouth and applied some suction. She tongued his urethra the way he liked in his human form. Edward groaned in response. Luna detected a sliver of pain in the groan, but continued to fellate her husband. Not wanting to witness the transformation, she closed her eyes, but continued working his cock with her mouth, lips, and tongue. She started massaging his balls. They enlarged and grew hairier. She pushed down until his cock entered her throat, hoping to distract what remained of her husband from the pain of transforming. His cock changed; it became smooth, the tip tapered, it became hot, and a knot formed at the base. She continued the blowjob through it all.

The young wife and mother squeezed her eyes tighter when she felt coarse hair growing on his belly where her other hand rested. From past experience she knew it wouldn’t be long before the transition was complete. Her husband would be reduced to a dim glimmer of recognition in the werewolf’s eyes. Luna heard a deep rumbling growl, but it was one of pleasure instead of ferociousness. She slowly opened her eyes and beheld the beast staring back at her.

The young mother kissed the tip of the canine cock and, after rising to her hands and knees, crawled on the bare mattress facing away from the beast in a display of presenting. The werewolf sprang up onto all fours in a rush and pushed his muzzle into his mate’s dripping sex. The beast scented her deeply and gave a low satisfied rumbling growl. He grasped her ass-cheeks and gently pulled them apart, causing her slit to gape slightly. He lapped roughly at her folds long enough for his knot to partially deflate. Deciding she was ready, the beast pulled her off the bed and laid her across the mattress with her feet on the floor and raised her ass high in the air. The werewolf shifted his rear paws for a stable stance and reached down with one hand to align his red canine cock with her opening.

“Take me Edward,” she begged to uncomprehending ears.

Luna’s mouth dropped open with a gasp as the hot werewolf member entered her pussy with a powerful thrust from the beast. She would have been driven forward when the hairy inner haunches impacted her ass had it not been for the its powerful grip around her waist. The gasp was followed with a staccato series of grunts as the monster fucked her hard and fast. She felt his growing knot striking her cunt mouth as it pried its way deeper into her tightness. The wetness allowed the knot to enter with an audible pop that was joined by a moan from Luna. The beast continued to push against its mate while pulling her against his loins. Luna whimpered at suddenly being so full and getting fuller as his knot expanded to its maximum. The whimpers turned to moans once she became accustomed to his size. She loved her husband, but the beast’s knot did things for her Edward couldn’t. The red beast cock throbbed inside her. The first blast of hot werewolf cum spurted into her furthest reaches.

Luna reached between her thighs and palmed his large, hairy, and slightly sweaty balls. They contracted with each pulse of his cum. The werewolf growled at the touch of her hand. The wife and mother gave them a little squeeze and released them. She moved her hand to her lower belly and her fingers worked her clit while the beast’s knot worked her g-spot less than an inch away. The knot slightly bulged her smooth mound outward. She detected his knot through her front wall and enjoyed its firmness. The werewolf Edward panted heavily over his mate as he shot pulse after pulse into her tight pussy. Luna strummed her fingers faster to hasten her climax.

“OH GOD!” Luna screamed as her orgasm approached. “YES! YES! YES!” spilled from her spittle covered lips as her orgasm broke in waves over her.

Her knees started to buckle but the werewolf held her on his cock and knot with a waist encircling grip. The throes of Luna’s release elicited a rumbling groan from the werewolf as her cunt rhythmically milked his knot and spurting cock. Each enjoyed the fuck and the mutual orgasms. Luna’s cum burned brighter but shorter than the beast’s. After her climax was over, she lightly stroked her nether lips and the exposed portion of the red cock past the knot. Once her clit lost some of its sensitivity she slowly stroked it, edging herself, as she waited for the werewolf to release her. The beast panted over her with ragged breaths.

The hot wetness of werewolf slobber dripped on Luna’s back. The coolness of the cellar contrasted delightfully with the heat they generated. The beast bent over and licked up his slobber and her sweat. Luna purred as the beast tongued her back while he continued to spurt cum in her. Nature as always took its course. The werewolf’s arousal, cock, and knot began to abate. The mated pair waited. Eventually the two were able to part with a pop and a gush of opaque watery cum splattering on the concrete floor. The beast staggered back two steps and his mate flopped onto the mattress, rolled over, and scooted up far enough so that she lay fully on it.

The beast watched her for a moment. The shrunken remnant of his red rocket slipped back into his sheath. He stepped to the edge of the bare mattress and eased himself down to lay by his mate. He rolled over onto his back and Luna snuggled into him, her smooth breasts pressed into the coarse dark hair on his massive chest. Her left hand tenderly stroked his chest and abdomen. Her fingernails occasionally circled the beast’s dark nipples. The werewolf softly growled in contentment.

Luna worked her strokes down to his sheath and large werewolf balls. She started gently, but gradually became more insistent. She wasn’t done yet. She wanted more and knew from past experience that the beast would as well. It didn’t take long before the tip of the pink canine cock made another appearance.

Once a couple of inches were exposed, the young milf slipped down the mattress and spat on the soft palm of her left hand. She eased the sheath down the growing shaft until the was past the slight bulge of his knot. Slowly she stroked the beasts prick, maintaining eye contact as she did so. The werewolf threw his head back, flattened his pointed ears, and issued a deeper rumbling growl.

It surprised the wolf when Luna slipped the tip of his cock past her lips. He brought his head down and opened his eyes to watch his mate pleasure him. The young mother rose to her knees without interrupting the fellatio. She squeezed the sheath covered shaft behind the knot then lightly tickled the beast’s balls and taint with her finger-tips. Up and down she bobbed on the swelling smooth red shaft while also using her tongue and lips for the beast’s pleasure. She fed on the werewolf’s pre-cum. The salty metallic taste overwhelmed her taste-buds before it was swallowed down.

The werewolf gripped the back of her head with one clawed paw-hand and insistently pushed her down his shaft until her lips kissed his growing knot and the tip of his cock was well past her tonsils. Luna opened her eyes and watched the knot engorge under her ministrations. Despite enjoying the blowjob, she wanted to feel him fill and stretch her deliciously again. She pushed against the werewolf’s wrist. The beast yielded to her wishes and released his grip.

She rose up, letting the canine cock drop from her mouth. After slowly licking it from the bottom of the knot to the tip, she straddled the werewolf. Using one hand to line up the beast’s cock she lowered herself onto it and felt the tip pierce her pussy’s entrance. She pushed down, enjoying the sensations of the smooth canine cock pushing against her cunt walls. The beast’s pre-cum and their combined juices from the earlier fuck eased the way.

Her small, soft, and fair hands came to rest on the werewolf’s massive hairy chest. The werewolf gripped her waist in its clawed paw-hands, almost encircling her. Up and down she moved on her mate’s shaft. At the bottom of the down-stroke, she’d grind her clit and labia into his knot chasing her orgasm. When she did this the beast raised his pelvis and pull her hips down attempting to knot her.

Ultimately her tightness was no match for the werewolf’s strength. The fully expanded knot invaded her pussy with a pop, causing his angled cock tip to jam against her cervix and his knot to push against her g-spot.

“OH MY GOD!” Luna shouted as her orgasm started. The echos reverberated off the concrete and steel of the tight space.

The werewolf gave a deafening roar as he began unleashing torrents of cum into his mate with his pointed ears flattened against his head. The sensation of his mate’s gripping cunt around his knot and cock elicited a low growl from the werewolf. Luna fell against his hairy chest as she rode the waves of her own orgasm. Her erect nipples rubbed against his coarse hair and her nostrils sucked in his beastly musk. The werewolf continued to fill her long after Luna’s climax ended. She smothered his hairy muscular chest with kisses and lifted her body perpendicular to the werewolf’s once more. Desiring another release, she gently rotated her hips and stroked her clit and shaved nether-lips as her mate continued to pump hot werewolf cum into her. His twitching cock and knot worked her insides and she worked her exposed bits with her fingers.

The panting beast eyed her hungrily as she rode him. The young beauty smiled back and gripped his cock and knot tightly by contracting her pussy muscles, causing her transformed speechless husband to whimper. The power she held over the preternaturally strong creature thrilled her.

Luna was soon rewarded for her efforts. Her lips opened in a silent scream as she climaxed once more with her mate’s cock and knot filling her. Afterwards, she slumped forwards, satiated for the moment.

She and the lupine Edward continued to suck, fuck, lick, and mate until the early hours of the morning when their exhaustion finally overcame their lust for each other. When Luna woke the heavy steel door to the fortified room was open from where it was slightly off balance. The time mechanism had unlocked the door fifteen minutes past the setting of the moon. The beast was gone. The nude form of her still sleeping husband lay beside her. She loved her husband dearly, but she loved the werewolf too, for he was part of her husband and, she suspected, made him the forceful powerful man he was in everyday life. Smiling, she knew the beast would be back in twenty-eight days. Until then she had Edward, but for the moment she let him sleep as she started her day.

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