Women with Animals
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Animal Daycare


© 2021 by Valteigar

“Animal Daycare!” said the article on the flyer. “24 hours of taking care of the sweetest most majestic pets for 30,000,000 dollars! First come first serve at 3 AM.”

Lily reread the article again and again. “Animal Daycare…. 3 Am.”

She put her phone down and looked back at the rundown barn and “majestic pets” she was said to take care of. A gathering of german shepherds, rottweilers, and horses. Each mutt was nearly as big as she was. Somethin which usually wouldn’t be too intimidating. She had worked with hundreds of dogs before. Well, dozens… Okay, two. And they were both hers but she did have some experience, damn it! No, the real thing that truly made this whole thing uneasy was having to go to some abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere. To top it all off, there wasn’t even anyone to see her come in? For a moment, she wondered if this was someone’s version of a sick, twisted joke.

She took in a deep breath.There were animals here, and this did seem to be the place. Maybe she just had to suck it up and get to work. Despite her best wishes, Lily wasn’t exactly one who got by on her smarts. Sporting red hair, which she cutely tied up into two pigtails, she was clad in her favorite blue tank top, which did absolutely nothing to hide her twin set of G cups from being on display. They did however stop just before her nipple would be exposed, as bras remained a foreign aspect to her wardrobe. The nips were at the very least hidden. Further down, past her slim waist and slight chub of her belly, her waist expanded into wide, near waspish hips and shapely thighs that were bound to draw out lewd fantasies from male and female passerbys alike. And the only thing covering this was a simple white denim skirt that once in a blue moon would somehow succeed in hiding her ample rear and panties from behind. That being said, she quickly found she never needed to use her brain much.

Walking in her high heel platforms towards one of the mutts, she squatted down to reach his height. Each animal regardless of species sported the same shade of dark brown to their coat. Maybe the dogs were all one big family. Luckily, while she didnt expect horses to be apart of all this, she did bring a few dog toys. She reached into her purse, which was slung around her shoulder, and pulled out a purlple toy shaped like a cartoonish bone. “Here ya go, big guy.” Smiling, she offered the bone to the dog in front of her and ran a hand through the fur of another facing away.

Although, Lily began to feel… uneasy. Moreso than before. The same kind of lustful gazes she’d get from people was here. She could feel it. But there was no one here…

The busty redhead looked around the room, and her smile quickly melted into a look of shock. Each and every one of these animals were staring right at her, and all of them were sporting the same raging erection. Horses and dogs alike started to drool at the sight of her.

How… was she supposed to react to all this? Maybe she would have to. As she stared back, stunned at the horny animals around her, the dog in front of her jumped onto his hind legs and pushed her onto her back. With her already balancing in a squat, it was easy for the powerful mutt to make her topple over. “Hey!” She protested. Following with quick utterances of “bad dog.” Although to literal animals, these words meant nothing to them.

Now, Lily was forced onto the ground, her already parted thighs spreading further as she landed, giving the eager dog a nice view of the panties underneath her skirt. Without wasting a second, he carefully bit down onto the flimsy fabric and proceeded to turn his head to tear it off of her, accompanied with a low snarl.

She gasped as bits of fabric flew through the air. “B-bad d -ah” Lily couldn’t even finish her line, for only a moment later, the dog’s tongue found her entrance, and found her entrance, and along with it, a burning appetite.

The mutt between her legs lapped away at her cunt, gradually pushing in deeper as he flicked his tongue in dipping and scooping motions. To him, it was just like digging a hole! Only with a more addicting taste to go along with it.

Lily wanted to push him away. She really did. But his tongue felt too good to just make him stop now. Especially considering how much longer a dog’s can get compared to a human’s. And the moment the canine reached the point he could fully extend his tongue to dig into the deepest parts of her pussy, she was already letting her head back to howl at the ceiling.

But it didn’t stop there. There were dozens of those animals after all, so while one was busy lapping away between her thighs, two others took to tearing apart her blue top, letting her massive G cup tits flop out to the sides  All the while, a fourth stood atop of her and pressed his throbbing red prick to her mouth. Admittedly, she’d never seen a dog penis before, but if all of them were this big, she may have to rethink preferences… The amount of fuckmeat this dog was packing had to be at least 8 inches, and was probably as wide as her fist. After repositioning his hind legs for balance, he thrusted down, not caring at all if she was ready or her surprised, muffled gasp. The dog at her lips drilled his cock into her gullet like a… well, an animal, his enthused panting mixing in with the muffled moans and wet slurps in the room.

He was eager but wild. She had no time to get used to his size as he beat his way into her throat. All she could hope to do was close her lips around him, and hope her mouth could get him to get him off fast enough.  It wasn’t long before his cock had been buried deep enough for the knot to reach her lips, and for the mutt’s huge, sweaty balls and girthy knot to slam into her face.

Meanwhile, the mutts at her breasts began to slobber their tongues over every inch of her tits. The poor redhead was being pleasured from all sides by four horny dogs. And she was loving every second of it. Without even thinking, the redhead lightly pumped her hips up into the dog face and started to push her lips forward to provide a little bit of suction for the dog using her mouth.

Soon, she had felt the long, malleable tongue burying itself in her vagina being replaced by something hard. Almost pointy even. Then two paws pushing down on the slight chub of her belly before the hard rod drove into her, immediately pumping away in soft, steady movements.

Then one of the others followed suit. Specifically the ones at her tits.  Although without a proper hole to plunge into, they opted instead to use her oh so squeezable mounds as soft , pillowy fleshlights. She was completely helpless under them, held there entirely at the mercy of literal dogs violating her body.

Eventually, after what he’d felt like an hour, the dog using her mouth finally finished. His pumps quickened, and he buried his length down her throat. Had his balls not been blanketing her eyes, Lily would have had a firsthand view of that knot swelling to clog whatever hole it needed to to breed.

Wave after wave of hot canine spunk poured into her throat and directly into her stomach. Lucky for her too. It took a full minute before he had reached his wave. She was just happy she didn’t have to actively swallow any of it. Finally, the dog pulled away from her mouth, letting her free to finally catch her breath… right before another dog took his place.

This was the cycle. As soon as one would finish, another one would take over. Each one all too eager to breed the busty bombshell of a woman with their pups.  Surprisingly organised given their animal nature. The only thing slowing down this process was whoever took the honors of fucking her taint as the knot would swell inside her until they could no longer slide out for about ten minutes. Needless to say, a lot more of them got to fuck her mouth than those who actually fucked her.

Lily went through mutt after horny mutt before finally, they had enough. The very last of the canines pulled out from her throat. With weary eyes, she watched as his doggy dick drooped down to drag along the floor behind him. All while its thick contents covered and spilled below him.

From head to toe, Lily’s body was completely drenched in sweat and dog cum. Her pussy pooled with thick, white seed. Her breasts stood painted in doggy jizz, and her face was a complete mess of baby batter.

In spite of her knees which grown as weak-as-jelly, Lily forced herself to her feet and walked to the nearest window. She had to get at least some fresh air. Something that didn’t smell of animals. But as she leaned against the open window, with semen dribbling out from her gaping pussy, she had hardly noticed the clicking of horseshoes moving closer behind her. Before she knew it, something hard was already prodding against her entrance. DIfferent from the pointed tips from the canines. Panicked, she looked back to see what it was, and was met with the sight of one of the many horses carefully walking towards her. And what was pushing against her… was his penis.

The horse whinnied as it took another step forward, while Lily, too tired to move, could only let it happen. Gritting her teeth as his flared cockhead forced its way in, she looked back at the equine, watching with an exhausted gaze as 24 inches steadily eased its way inside of her. Naturally, he was thicker than every dog who came before him and the goopy semen dripping out from her cunt could only do so much as a lube. All she could do was grip onto the bottom fence.

Soon, the stallion could stand comfortably over her. And it only took easing in an entire 19 inches of his dick. Lily whimpered as the horse simply whinnied again.

She was going to be here for a while. By the time anyone came along, night had already began to fall and Lily was found laying in a puddle of semen. Her ass pointed up, her holes gaping and drooling with white, leaving no mistake what she’d been doing. She looked dazed. But every animal seemed to look satisfied. And also had their flaccid dicks exposed and dripping with cum.

Lily hardly registered the promised cash falling in front of her in a bag or her mystery employer’s voice. But unconsciously, she did give a slight nod“You took such good care of my boys. Same time next week?”

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