Women with Animals

A Stray Enslaved Me


Many things happened when I graduated from college, first I was of age to have access to a small fortune my grandparents had left, purchased a log cabin type of home located in the mountains, with the property and national forest bordering part of it, I was assured I’d never have to worry about ‘nosey neighbors’. Second, I had been watching beastality movies for years. Now I had the place where I could find out if all the movies I’d seen were real, was this the best sex any human female could ever experience?

One afternoon I had been in town to load up on supplies, when I spotted a couple selling what looked like purebred labs. Stopping to look, this one large white male caught my attention, holding him for a few minutes, dreaming of him locked with me, making me explode time after time …. In a few minutes he was in my vehicle, we stopped again to pick up some puppy food, a nice water and food bowls … bed to sleep in – then we were on our way home, looking at him, “You look like a Charlie to me, so Charlie it is”

He was easily trained, almost from day one, slept in his bed, which was located at the foot of mine – as he got older, I stayed nude most of the time, so he’d become familiar with my body, taking every opportunity to play between his legs, allow him to lick between mine – then a good friend was over one afternoon, she played with my new friend, looking at me with all seriousness, “He is the perfect pet, but to keep him that way and not have him so hyper, I’d get him neutered. It will calm him down, won’t change him in anyway, just make him the perfect companion for you”

Her parents raised dogs, so figured she knew what she was talking about, making the necessary arrangements, I had him taken care of.

It did calm him down, but much to my disappointment it also made it so he had no interest in sex of any kind. He’d occasionally lick between my legs, but then lose interest – he was a perfect companion, great watchdog, protected me at all times, but had no interest in us becoming lovers.

I had him for almost 12 years when he passed away. Still interested in becoming an active member of this exclusive club, I booked a weekend at a private farm in the southern part of the states … arriving, the owner, a big breasted lady, hugged me like we’d just discovered how much we loved each others bodies, showing me her kennels … picking out a large Mountain Dog as my first … she helped me get nude, secured me to a fantastic breeding bench, lubed up my pussy both inside and out with a special spray … then brought in my chosen companion.

My arms and knees, as well as my ankles, had been locked down. Same with my head and across the main part of my body, all this so I wouldn’t hurt myself. She was by my side, playing with the sides of my boobs, kissing my neck, all designed to relax me, even though I was the one who had paid money to experience what I’d dreamed of so long. .

Charlie had excited me when I could get him to lick my pussy, but this one knew how to really lick pussy. Over and over, covering every super sensitive part, pressing that rough hard tongue against me, exciting me more than I’d ever dreamed of in my life.

Just when I was convinced I couldn’t take anymore, he stopped, jumped up on my back, the way the bench had been built, his paws rested on the side, making it easy for him to slide deep in me with the first jump.

No matter how many times I’d watched the zoophilia videos, no matter how much pleasure I had seen on the multiple female faces, nothing had prepared me for what happened to my body at that moment. I don’t have the ability to explain how full I suddenly felt, how the size and pumping triggered an unprepared wave of pure pleasure – triggering the most intense, erotically magical explosion taking place between my legs. The climax hit, then continued to thunder over me, matching the rapid pumping taking place by this huge beast.

The host took hold of his cock, preventing the knot from slipping in … something I wouldn’t truly appreciate at that time – when he started pumping that wonderful warm liquid inside me, additional explosions took place, collapsing every fiber in me …

He was licking his cock, the restraints taken off, slumping into a heap of jelly, at the base … she scooped up some of the seed running out, giving me a sample to taste … explaining when I became more accustomed, it was common to clean his cock off, then curl up next to him, letting him know you were now his bitch and grateful.

I understood what she was saying, but my body was in no shape to do anything. I was helped inside, given some food and drink, then allowed to sleep … Waking hours later, asked if I’d like to try a new companion, my body was in no shape to say yes, instead contracting some of the plans she offered for a playroom similar to the one she had.

Choosing a breeding bench like the one I was on, but without any restraints. The whole room covered in a soft surface, a large round relaxing rug for my soon to be companion could relax on, while I licked him clean. Adding some special sprays to excite him, when needed… then I headed home, still so sore between my legs, but never feeling like I was, so anxious to get my room set up, then picking a new master for me.

Her crew arrived in a few days, installing the well padded breeding bench, then the soft covering around the room. I had gone into town wanting to pick up the food and treats my soon to be pet – I had talked to her about purchasing an adult beast, one already trained … The workers had left as I drove up, but to my surprise was a lonely looking stray collapsed on the front porch.

Approaching him … he kind of looked like a dog, but not really. So big … bigger than any hound I’d ever seen. Kneeling down, “What’s happening boy … are you … you … y…o…u?”

He’d opened his eyes, they locked on mine, nothing like any animal I’d ever seen – they seemed to be dancing, twinkling, capturing me, drawing me in —- how long I stared at him, unknown … eventually confused, “let me help you inside boy, I’ve got some food and water, then you can rest”

Even though he looked near death, quickly jumping up, following me inside to my special room. I still had a lot of food, pouring him a bowl full, along with some water.

Taking a seat on the new bench, trying to shake off the effects he’d had on me, still not sure what I was looking at. He looked exhausted, but like any hungry animal does, stopping to eat, still locking those strange looking eyes – twinkling flashing making my body tingling, creating new feelings I’d never felt before.

His ears were round like an African wild dog, but this one was jet black with soft fur like hair.

When he finished eating, walking cat-like towards me, again locking those hypnotic eyes on mine … he was so big, with me setting he towered over me, looking down when he was inches from my face, his strange shaped tongue slipping in my mouth, the taste of his saliva making me whimper … he was slowly dominating me, somehow I had no way of preventing it, but the new strange feelings he was flooding over me, felt better than anything I’d felt before.

Surprising me by stopping, moving to one side, laying down, sleeping, overtaking him quickly. I refilled his food bowl, then headed to my room, still confused by what had happened, taking a long shower, sleep over took me quickly as well.

Even though I was asleep quickly, it wasn’t restful, my body tingled, a new itch between my legs, the taste of his saliva kept me trying to figure out what was happening to me and what kind of a creature he was.

Sleeping in late the next day, awake, but still feeling like I was in a cloudy haze … taking a second shower in the morning, wrapping a towel around me, stepping in the special room, he had moved by the bench, looking like he was sound asleep. Figuring he was enjoying the peace he now felt, filling his food bowl again, doing a water bowl next … Turning around, he was standing on all fours by the bench — to my surprise, instead of being thankful, his eyes locked on mine – this time they were mean looking, he started to growl, moving slowly towards me …. So frightened, instead of going back out, I moved towards the closest corner – accidentally dropping my towel, making me more frightened. Reaching out to try and calm him .. he bit me – not hard enough to break the skin, but hard enough to cause a lot of pain.

Dropping down in the corner, waving the opposite arm, crying, begging him not to hurt me … the growling and snarling intensified, turning to hide my face, his tongue licked the area between my legs …. This was not expected – the excitement had so many mixed emotions … what was he doing to me, biting me, licking me, scaring me, then trying to be kind.
His nose pushed me, followed by a bite on the back of my leg, again not enough to break the skin, but this time more pain.

Trying to get away, moving to the structure in the middle of the room … thinking maybe this would protect me, but he was so fast, as soon as I reached it, he bit my bottom, making me drop down, turning to set, trying to protect me … that’s when his eyes once again locked onto mine.

So grateful to not have him biting me, even though I was still locked into his eyes, I could sense his cock was close to my mouth. I’ve never given a blowjob to anyone – but faced with this or having him biting me, was a no-brainer. Licking the head of his shaft, taking hold with both hands running my tongue up the underside … that made him give a low guttural growl, not one that frightened me, but one telling me he was enjoying what I was doing.

Stroking him, moving my head back and forth, up and down … the taste excited me, the slick surface, the wild aroma, all added to my own excitemenet . I kept pumping him, eventually pressing my head back against the bench, suddenly filling me with a wonderfully tasting nectar … swallowing as fast as possible. As soon as I was empty, he’d fill me again, swallow, fill, swallow, fill … over and over until it felt like there wasn’t any room left inside me.

That was when he pulled out, moved to the food bowl, eating, paying no attention to me, as if nothing happened.

Remaining slumped where I was, my poor tummy so bloated, it looked like I was pregnant – where he’d bit me still hurt … looking at him, so confused with what had happened, finally when I was able to get up, he was relaxing on his side, it looked like sound asleep.

Leaving on shaky legs, making it to the kitchen, getting a drink, still feeling so full from all the seed I had consumed, heading to my bedroom, sleep overtaking me quickly.

Sleeping well over ten hours, waking, trying to figure out what had happened … he was nice, then mean, then forced me to give him a blowjob. Feeling my tummy, still full of the creamy seed. Showering, fixing a light breakfast, staying nude … carefully opening the door to peek inside – it looked like he was asleep, quietly filling his food bowl and water ….. Still watching him, moving closer, suddenly his eyes opened, locking on mine – slowly rolling on his back, legs going wide open, his cock at least 12 inches long, hard as a rock, seemed to be more than ready.

Looking closely, he didn’t have a sheath where the penis could be hidden, instead it just hung there, being a lot longer and thicker than the big Mountain dog had been or how big Charlie had been.

Even though this thing looked so yummy, I didn’t feel like I wanted to give him a second blowjob, shaking my head, with all my will looking away. I never saw him move, but in seconds he bit me between my legs, on that soft flesh in my upper thighs. This time he did break the skin, blood instantly flowing down my leg. Fear gripped me, dropping on my side, tears rolling down both cheeks. He was standing above me, anger all over his face …. Biting me on the opposite thigh, the teeth marks instantly started blood flowing … convinced he was going to kill me … turning to get away, crawling up on the bench … as soon as I was kneeling over the padded area … he mounted me, pushing that monster pole in my ass. He sunk it as far in as possible, then stopped.

The pain was indescribable, so intense, my mouth opened, tears running down my face, but no sound was heard. My body shook, he pulled out … started to lick the area between my legs, instantly thrusting me into a confused area. The pain was evident, the licking eventually started to arouse me …. The thought kept coming back, ‘why had he bit me and why did he go in my back door?’

The licking continued until my hips were humping the bench, he stopped, leaving me unsatisfied. Watching him leave the room, tears running down my cheeks… what had I done, why did he treat me like he did – slumping by the bench, figuring he had punished me for not doing what he expected of me.

Finally wiping my tears, staying on all fours, crawling in the family area, he was asleep in front of the big picture window …. His cock laying limp along one leg …. Cautiously taking hold of it, stroking and kissing it …. It didn’t take long to start to harden – leaning over, sucking it in my mouth …. When he rolled on his back, I let out a small sigh of relief – he had forgiven me. This time he started emptying the creamy substance in my mouth quickly – swallowing, filling my mouth, swallowing over and over, again and again … just like before my poor tummy was bulged. Making sure he was totally clean, rolling on his side, it looked like he was relaxed and asleep immediately.

Moving to a lounge chair, curling up on it … looking at him, he no longer looked homeless, his coat sparkled, unlike most dogs, his yummy shiny penis lay against one leg – while I watched him, the taste of his seed, kept me floating in an euphoric haze, never tasting anything like this… it kept making me feel excited.

He was not a dog, looked like a dog, but so many things made me realize this was a dominant creature – that was working to enslave me. Rubbing my boobs, it felt so good, surprisingly if he was doing this to me, I did not have any negative thoughts or objections, but I kept wondering what it would feel like if he fucked me. .

After a short nap, I got up to clean a few drippings near the bench, leaning over … a total shock hit me, when I felt his tongue, moved between my legs, touching both thighs, moving upwards to my clit, finishing off by separating those lips, up and over my anal opening.

My whole body shook, a small whimpering sound emitted as I dropped to my knees, leaning over the bench for support. The second lick sent my eyes up in my head, dropping it to the surface ….. the next feeling was him jumping up on my back, this time, the marvelous rigid shaft slipped inside my pussy. Gripping the surface, this was what I had been looking for, what I had needed for such a long time …. Instead of pounding me rapidly, like that first dog had, this one moved slowly in and out, in deep and out slowly. My body was wreathing all over his pole, trying to have it make contact with every part of me, enjoying the way the head expanded the insides …

No one was by my side to stop the knot from entering me, he didn’t have a knot … instead the steady continual pumping, plunged me into a dreamy like sexual state, never dreaming it would be like this. The first climax hit me just after he entered me … within a few minutes the second one blew my mind … shaking every cell. Wave after wave of explosions followed one after the next.

He kept pumping – a lot longer then the one I’d hired, longer than any I’d seen on the porn flicks, finally he emptied a huge load of the addicting, smooth tasting cream I had come to enjoy, but now it was inside my pussy, allowing me to taste our combined juices when he pulled out of me.

Crawling between his legs, licking his cock, swallowing the excess juices still on him, loving the new taste I was enjoying.

By the time I had him clean, the shaft was rock hard again … seeing this, our eyes locked – I knew in my heart what he wanted. Walking to the room without turning to see if he was behind me, I knew as soon as I was in position, he wouldn’t disappoint me. Kneeling down, legs
spread wide apart, that marvelous cock slid inside in one motion, causing my head to drop down enjoying the pure pleasure he was going to give me.

This time the pounding was a little harder, trying to go deeper, while his huge mouth clamped around my neck, those razor sharp teeth letting me know how much he was in total control.

Like before my body started to explode almost instantly, my juices were running down my legs in a steady stream … he kept pumping in and out … my hips moving from side to side, rubbing my boobs back and forth on the padded surface, enjoying what he was doing to me in every fiber of my body.

The fucking went on and on until I could no longer enjoy any climax … my body was completely exhausted when he finally flooded me with his juices. The warmth of this creamy substance coated a well used tunnel, making me moan, never feeling anything like this before, never realizing how much I not only enjoyed this but now needed it.

The pressure was released from my neck, just as he pulled out … even though my body was wasted, gathering all the strength I could muster, moving between his legs, knowing I’lll never get over the love of our combined juices. Licking the length, all around his balls … then collapsing by him, a deep sleep overtaking.

Waking after an unknown amount of time, he was ready for me to enjoy a good blowjob …. Loving how good he tasted, how much I loved the texture of his skin – this time it didn’t take long for him to empty a full load of the creamy juice for me to swallow. Rolling back, enjoying how good my swollen tummy felt …. Feeling it, looking at him, it dawned on me, his sweet tasting cream was providing nourishment for me, so I could spend more time being his fuck pet.

No sooner had this all made sense, he nuzzled my side, rolling over to the bench, as soon my body was ready, his cock slipped in, the powerful jaw clamped on my neck, making me close my eyes when the fucking started.

Each time he had mounted me, the domination taking place lasted longer and longer. This one went on for well over an hour, as soon as he emptied the warm flood in me, my body was becoming more used to what was happening. It was not as difficult for me to clean his shaft, when he pulled out … like before, when I finished he was back on me again. Today he took me three times, preceding with a good blow job and ending in the evening with more of the yummy substance.

A shower, good night sleep, waking, staying in bed, realizing I was now living a new life, sleeping at night, drinking the warm creamy substance, servicing my new master multiple times, more warm cream and sleep again. Rolling on my back, teasing my nipples, “What a fantastic life this new creature was giving me”

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