Men with Animals
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Husky Kennel


© by unknown

It was already five years that I was working in a kennel. I saw quite a few dogs in all these years, and managed to control myself. But that was about to change. We were only two working there : my boss and me. My boss announced me that he was going to take a long vacation. I asked him how long and he told me six months, and added that I will be in charge for all that time and could even hire someone if needed. The only thing I was thinking off was my biggest fantasy.

I bought everything I needed and waited for my boss to go on his vacation. When he did it was mid-december, almost the dogs mating season. Three days after my boss left the place, I brought in the kennels basement all the stuff I bought and homemade. The basement was a huge unused space, and I could easily fit a chest freezer (the ones you open from the top), a self heated bathtub, a cage and my homemade “invention”.

In the first days of January while I was giving food and cleaning the dog’s cages I saw that two females were already going into heat and that the males where getting horny, some where even humping my leg. “It was time for cum”. The kennel closes at 6pm, I had to wait. I waited until 6:30 to be sure that nobody will come bother me. I first brought one of the females that were in heat in the basement and putted her in the cage. And then choose five medium to large horny dogs and brought them in the basement. They were all on leach and I attached each leach on five different hooks I had added to the wall. The dogs where spaced enough so that they couldn’t fight or harm each other.

I will finally be able to use my homemade machine : there were five dummies that were the size of a medium size dog and each one had a sophisticated artificial vagina. The entrance of the artificial vaginas was large enough for the dog’s penis to enter but once their knot grew they were stuck like in a natural mating. The interior was made of rubber witch had to layers, the rubber was extendible to adapt to every dog, and in the middle of the two layers there was water so that it would be the most comfortable possible. Each artificial vagina was attached to a small and quiet pump which will activate itself every 30 seconds and inject water; it was to simulate the contractions of a vagina. At the other end of the artificial vagina was a semi rigid container that could contain up to 150 ml (5 ounces) and that could be easily be attached, taken off and stored.

I lubed each artificial vagina and brought one at the time each dog to their dummies. With the female present they were eager to have sex and in less than 10 minutes they were all knotted. I could see their pre-cum, cum and prostatic fluids (after cum) drip into the containers. I couldn’t just look at them unload their juices, so for those that didn’t turned around and were still lying on the dummy, I went to their rear and started to massage and suck their balls, but this would be the first and last time I was going to do that, I was getting to hard and I needed to control myself. They unknotted one after the other and after 40 minutes they were all free. I then took the males back in there kennel cages.

Once back in the basement I took the containers and putted them in the freezer after looking at how much fluids I’ve collected : there was an average of 75 ml (2.5 ounces) per container. My goal was to collect 50 liters (13.2 gallons), and after some math, I figured that I needed 134 sessions like this one and with an average of 34 per week (7 per day the week-end and 4 per day the rest of the week) I could achieve my goal in 4 weeks. But that was also for how long I needed to abstain myself and not cum, I wanted to keep my cum for a special occasion. So for the next 4 weeks I would see all those male dogs pleasure themselves in my homemade dummies without being able to pleasure myself. Anyways I didn’t lose any more time and brought 5 new male dogs. I didn’t had to worry for any shortage of semen I had enough males. I repeated this until I reached my goal.

Finally 4 weeks after I had my 50 liters of dog cum and my balls full. It was February the middle of the dogs mating season. I had already chosen my lucky winner and was waiting 6pm to close the kennel. At 6:30, I went to the dogs cages and all the males that I already brought in the basement were looking at me. They all wanted to have sex again, but this time they won’t be able. I brought six male huskies in the basement; it was a common race where I worked. I attached them to the wall, but this time two on a same hook. I then went back up to get my lucky winner, it was a beautiful red/orange/brownish husky with light brown eyes, she was in heat and ready to have sex. I brought her down to the basement and attached her to a sixth hook that was next to the bathtub. She looked me right in the eyes, turned around and showed me her rear. She moved her tail on the side to show her bouncing vulva. I was already rock hard and pre-cum was flowing but I couldn’t have sex yet.

I turned on the self heated bathtub but I didn’t fill it with water. I pulled out the containers from the freezer and extracted the frozen semen to put it in the tub. It took some time but I finally managed to put all the semen in the tub, for the moment it was an icy mixture so I decided to go back up and pass time on internet and some featured videos on YouTube.

Half an hour later I went back to the basement and I could smell the cum, it was wonderful. All the dogs were going crazy : the female was licking her pussy and the males were starting to hump each other, I knew it would be a good idea to attach the males two by two, like that only one out of two would satisfy himself. I took my clothes of. I held the female husky by her collar and detached her. The first thing she did is to jump into the tub to eat the cum. I rapidly joined her in the tub and I putted myself under her and facing her. My back was in the hot cum, like if it was fresh and just came out. She had each one of her front paws next to my head and her rear paws on each side of my pelvis. She started to lick my face and I took advantage of that and started to french kiss her. I lower her so that we would be chest against chest, her fur was so warm and soft. I guided my cock into her pussy and started to trust her, all my precum was cuming and I could see all the dog cum starting to go on her fur. While I was thrusting her, she started to breath heavily with her tongue hanging out, I licked her tongue and we french kissed again. Always while thrusting her, I heard the male dogs fighting and then I heard a wine, I stopped thrusting to take a peek out of the bathtub and saw that one the three male pairs where already butt to butt and for the second pair, one of the huskies was thrusting into the others anus, I knew this would happen, they were so horny it could only be this way; for the third pair, the hierarchy wasn’t settled yet. I continued to look at the second pair until the husky that was satisfying himself turn around to start to cum in the others anus. I went back in the tub and continued thrusting in my beautiful girl. After a few minutes I reached the point of no return, I was going to give at that female husky my ultimate gift, all my cum, that cum that I accumulated for a full mouth, while all the dog cum that was surrounding us was given by all these impatient and disrespectful male dogs that are even willing to fuck another male dog to satisfy themselves. I came and came again, filling her and putting all my cum into her. I held her so that she stayed on me until my cock pooped out. I touched her pussy and felt a lot of my cum coming out of her, she was so full.

We jumped out of the bath and we were covered in cum, she laid down and started to clean herself. I looked at the pairs and saw that two pairs were still butt to butt and nothing happened in the third one. I went to see the third pair and they licked me. I decided to unleash them and they went to see the female. I knew bitches in heat were never satisfied and she accepted the males. The males had a little fight and finally one of them started to hump my beautiful female husky. I went to see the other male and started to tease him, which was enough to make him hump me. I grabbed the lube and put some around and in my anus and I then felt his penis poke around and giving me his pre-cum. It wasn’t long before he found my entrance. Thrust after thrust I felt his knot becoming bigger and bigger until it stayed in me. He turned around and we were butt to butt that’s when I felt is fluffy tail on my back and most important, is pulsing cock giving me is cum. I looked towards my female lover and she was also butt to butt. I went towards her and we had a french kiss. While we were attached the two male pairs went free. It was our turn now and after 30 minutes we were finally free.

I attached to two males that pleasured my lover and me. She looked at me with her brown eyes and I knew she could take another cock. I went towards the first and second pair and detached the huskies that were anally fucked. Once again they had a little fight and one of them started to hump my lover. But this time I was horny again and my cock was hard. I took the male husky and put him in the tub, I putted him on his back and went on top of him, he was covered of dog sperm and his anus and tail were totally in the cum. I lubed my dick and started to thrust in his anus, it was now the second dick his anus saw. While thrusting into him I felt all his fur on my chest and belly, but I also felt his fully loaded balls and his shaft. I continued to thrust into him until I came for the second time, I dipped my cock in his anus so that my cum could mix with the other huskies cum. I stayed in him until my cock pooped out.

We jumped out of the tub. My lover was still being filled by the male husky. I want towards the husky I just came in and started to give him a hand job. He immediately started to thrust in the air and his cock finally came out of its shaft and appeared fully. He turned around and a few seconds after started to unload his balls and cum, but I was already ready and while he was coming, his cock was in my mouth. I swallowed every drop of cum and prostatic fluid (after cum). After 10minutes his dick started to shrink and finally went back in its shaft. At the same moment my lover and the male husky separated.

I attached my lover on the hook next to the bath and the two males on separated hooks. I went near the remaining pair of huskies and detached them. I brought them upstairs and cleaned them because they had a little bit of cum that transferred from myself and my lover on them. Once clean I putted them back in their cages. I brought up the two huskies that dominated and fucked the other huskies; they didn’t need to be cleaned. I brought up the two last huskies, cleaned them and putted them back in their cages.

I went back in the basement and there was only me and my beautiful lover. She was still not satisfied whereas the males that were already sleeping. I took a vibrator that could stimulate her pussy has well as her clitoris; I turned it on maximum and shoved it in her pussy being careful that the part that stimulates the clitoris was actually touching it. I lubed my cock, her anus and decided to take her doggy still. I gently inserted my cock in her and once fully in and I grabbed her rear legs and started to thrust her. Every time she contracted her pussy, I could feel her anus contracting as well but I also felt the vibrator threw her anus. After a few minutes her anus, and therefore her vulva, were contracting stronger and more often. She was breathing really fast and I felt all her muscle contract. She then looked at the selling, bent her ears back, closed her eyes and howled, I never heard a howl like that one. I was going to cum but I didn’t expect her to cum as well. After a minute of thrusting and howling, I dipped my cock into her virgin anus and came, it was wonderful to cum while she was howling. I took my cock and the vibrator out of her, she first lied down and cleaned herself and then came and cleaned my cock.

We want back upstairs and I cleaned her as well as myself. I put her back in her cage, she lied down and looked at me; I will always remember how she looked at me, it was like she was thanking me for making her cum.

The day after, I took everything back to my place and cleaned the basement. But I still pleasured my lover until she went out of heat…

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