Women with Animals
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Dead Dove


© 2023 by alnney_forever

It was a year and a half ago that Yui bought Yuuki, a little golden retriever that was now 60 pounds and 24 inches. He was energetic, like one would expect of such a dog breed, and he always greeted her from work with a smile and waving his tail, raising her energy and bettering her mood. That’s exactly why she bought it.

After her parent’s deaths – a tragic car accident – and no close family in her city, she felt like her life was falling apart. She was 22, yes, but still young and living with them, and suddenly the house was too big and lonely for her. She heard pets could help with depression, and she was sure she was falling into it. She didn’t want to. It’s not what her parents would’ve wanted.

So she went to the pet store and bought a dog, an energetic one, one that required constant attention so she wouldn’t have to think about her loss. It worked, after a while. He was… an attention seeker. Oh, and he got the attention he wanted. She spent months training him so he wouldn’t pee on her mother’s couch or poop on her father’s garden, or accidentally kick things when he was too excited.

And now, a year and a half later, Yuuki was a well-trained, well-behaved, beautiful golden dog.

Yui came back from work, closing the door with a sigh. Yuuki immediately jumped over her, sticking his tongue out and licking her face energetically. Yui smiled, petting his head and letting her bag fall to the ground.

“Hello Yuuki! How’s my good boy doing? Did you miss me?”, she said with a baby talk voice. “Yees, you missed me. You missed me so much!”. She caressed his head’s fur, and he barked excitedly. “Okay, okay, time to get off of me”, she said as she grabbed his paws from her chest and put them down, making him stand in his paws again.

She started walking to her bedroom, being followed closely by Yuuki. When she got there, she took off her shoes and threw herself on the bed, letting out a groan. She stayed there, without moving or taking off any clothes, and before she realized, she had fallen asleep.

When she woke, she felt well rested and energized. However, she also felt the urge to masturbate. It was something to expect, she was ovulating, and when she ovulated all she could think about was getting fucked, spending most of her free time masturbating and watching porn.

So she undressed completely except for her bra, and laid on the bed. She started caressing her breasts over her bra, stimulating her nipples until they were hard and sensitive, and then she moved a hand towards her crotch, caressing her own skin and teasing herself before she finally put a couple of fingers on her entrance, which was already wet enough for her to take some of her juices and use it to slowly rub her clit.

She let out a soft moan, rubbing herself slowly as she touched her nipple with her other hand. The stimulation and the fact that she was ovulating combined resulted in Yui being way too turned on to care about her dog’s presence when he walked in.

He was simply smelling around, so she let him in and closed her eyes, enjoying the touch of her finger against her clit, though she felt like she needed more. She needed something inside of her and she needed it now.

So she moved her hand from her clit to her entrance and pushed in, immediately moaning at the welcome intrusion.

“Oh God…”

She started moving her fingers, caressing herself from the inside, until she felt something fall on the bed.

She opened her eyes, and was surprised to see Yuuki standing in front of her, still smelling around. Right as she was about to tell him to leave, he smelled her crotch, knowing the scent of a female in heat, and stuck out his tongue to lick her.

The contrast of his cold tongue against her warm skin made her shiver, and she couldn’t help but let out a moan as his tongue ran through her clit. She immediately put a hand over her mouth. Yui wanted to stop him, tell him to leave and let this be a weird experience, but something inside of her stopped her from doing so, and Yuuki simply kept on licking, as if he was really thirsty and just drinking water out of her pussy. She moaned on her hand, feeling Yuuki’s tongue sucking her every part with vigor and enthusiasm, as if he understood what was happening.

It felt better than anything she’d done before.

She let her head fall behind, hitting the pillow, as she moved her hips, incapable of stopping herself from doing so as Yuuki licked her pussy. When she looked at him again, he was thrusting in the air, and, as she moved a little to have a better view, she saw his dick was out. Her eyes opened up like plates and she swallowed hard, knowing what she was about to do.

“Yuuki, sit”, she ordered, and he immediately obeyed even though he was clearly uncomfortable, which made sense, given his throbbing erection. Then she proceeded to put her pillows under her hips to help them be higher, and opened her legs once again. “Come here”, she called, and he didn’t need to be told twice, too excited to be sitting, and positioned himself between Yui’s legs, putting his front paws at each side of her torso.

Yui was panting in excitement.

He immediately started thrusting, though it was in the air again, his cock barely touching her skin, like he was too excited to do it to actually aim. She knew this was probably a sign, an opportunity to stop all of this and keep her virginity. She also knew she wasn’t going to take it.

She grabbed Yuuki’s cock and tried to guide it towards her entrance until she felt the tip getting in. Yuuki walked closer, positioning himself better, and kept on thrusting, this time getting completely inside in one thrust.

Yui let out a loud moan, surprised at being opened up so brutally. Good thing she was used to using toys, otherwise he would have broken her. He kept on thrusting at a brutal pace, his knot hitting her skin with every shove and making a lewd sound, and Yui kept moaning of pleasure, feeling so full and so much better than when she masturbated. The dog came out almost completely before shoving his cock inside again at a fast, steady pace, which drove Yui crazy, her whole body moving with every thrust.

“Oh God! Yuuki! Ah! Ah!”, she screamed, her eyes getting out of their orbits as the dog pushed inside with brutality. His pace was that of a desperate animal. The thought turned her on more than it should have. It felt so good she was sure she was going to pass out from the overload of sensations. His warm breath against her skin, the way he panted quickly but didn’t slow down in any moment, how he was waving his tail furiously, happier than she’d ever seen him. It was all too much. “Oh God I’m gonna cum”, she whispered, incapable of believing she was about to orgasm to a dog’s dick, incapable of believing it felt so good .

She came with a silent scream, harder than she’d ever come, contracting her walls against Yuuki’s incredibly big cock as he kept pounding inside her pussy like there was no tomorrow. “Yes, yes, keep going! Don’t stop!”, she said out of her breath as she grabbed his back legs, as if to stop him from leaving. Like he ever would. He was too lost in his pleasure, in his animal need to fill her with his semen and impregnate her, make her bear his puppies. The thought sent waves of pleasure through her body, and she moaned, knowing she would soon come a second time. She couldn’t wait.

She closed her eyes, losing herself in the pleasure, when an idea crossed her mind. She opened her eyes, and let go of his legs to grab his head, making him look at her. She stuck out her tongue and licked his, to which he responded by pushing his tongue inside her mouth. Yui felt like she was in heaven. As he licked every corner of her mouth, she closed her eyes again, fighting his thin tongue with hers and feeling a warmth on her lower belly.

It was messy, both with their tongues out of their mouths, saliva fell from the corner of her lips and mixed with his. And as they kissed, she felt him moving harder before he broke the kiss and started to growl. She was unsure about what to do. He had never attacked her, but he was sounding frustrated and angry.

“Yuuki, quiet”, she ordered, a hint of fear in her voice, but he kept on growling and pushing inside harder than before. Then she realized.

She screamed as he finally pushed his knot inside of her, and soon felt him come inside her womb with a whimper. He knotted me! He knotted me! Yui’s legs trembled as her second orgasm hit her, feeling all his cum being trapped inside of her.

Yuuki then turned around, still joined at her, as her orgasm faded away. It took around 15 minutes for him to pull out, and when he did, she felt like she’d lost something important, her pussy having spasms and trying to close on the loss. She slowly felt his cum streaming down between her asscheeks and onto the bed, and it felt so dirty yet so hot.

“Come here, boy”, she said to him, patting at her side, and he laid down there with a satisfied sound. She managed to move despite how tired her muscles felt, and she hugged him, caressing his fur as he made happy sounds. “Thank you, Yuuki! It felt so good!”


She woke up earlier that morning, just by a couple hours, having slept early the night before after having sex with her dog. It had felt so good she just had to do it again. So she set the alarm for 5 am and woke up immediately, too excited about the start of her day.

Yuuki woke up too, sleeping by her side as always, he heard the alarm and woke up to say goodbye and beg her to not go. He barked to help her wake up, but she was already awake and ready to have some fun before going to work.

She sat above the bed sheets and got undressed, to which Yuuki reacted by bending his head to the side, looking curiously. She got on her knees and walked towards the golden retriever, putting her hand over his balls, hoping that touching them enough would stimulate him and make his dick appear again. She fondled and caressed them as Yuuki did nothing but breathe hard on her face, and right when she was getting disappointed and ready to give up, thinking that maybe she could have him lick her pussy and that’d make him get hard like yesterday, she saw a little red tip getting out of his golden fur. She smiled and her heart accelerated, excited about the prospect, and she decided she wanted a taste of it, so she bent down and pressed her tongue against the tip, gaining a little moan from him. She smiled to herself, and did it again, and again, still fondling his balls until it grew enough for her to put it in her mouth.

“You like that, Yuuki?”, she asked before pressing her tongue against his growing cock as she jerked him off with her hand, and he made a guttural sound in response.

It tasted weird, but she liked it, and she could feel it grow inside her mouth as Yuuki whimpered. She went up and down, giving him a proper blowjob – as much as she could, but soon it was too big and it didn’t fit in her mouth anymore. When she looked at it, she wondered how it could have entered inside her pussy yesterday. It was so big, so thick. No wonder she’d felt like he was pounding right into her womb.

She cleaned the saliva falling from the corners of her mouth as she sat again, and Yuuki immediately barked and stood in all four, like he was asking her why she had stopped.

“Don’t be impatient, Yuuki”, she said as grabbed his head and pulled it towards her breasts, putting his mouth over one of her nipples. “Suck. Suck”, she told him, and he obeyed, sticking out his tongue after smelling a little and pressing it against her hard nipple. Yui whimpered, feeling his warm breath hit her wet skin. He kept licking, like he was trying to get milk out of it and he was a puppy, and then he, by himself, decided to try with the other one. Yui was moving her hips, trying to get some friction but refusing to touch herself, until she couldn’t stand the stimulation anymore and she pulled apart.

Yui turned around and put herself in four, already panting.

“Fuck me, Yuuki! C’mon, I need it!”, she said, moving her hips from side to side to get the message. He seemed to understand, as he hopped and rested his body on top of her, grabbing her waist with his paws as he shoved himself inside. She moaned at the welcome intrusion, feeling him get so deep she was sure the pointed tip of his cock was touching her uterus.

Yuuki panted above her, thrusting with desperation. She put one of her hands on one of her nipples, stimulating it as she was fucked like a dog. Yui moaned with every thrust and smiled.

“Yes! Yes! AH!”

She felt his warm breath on her neck, the saliva falling from his mouth and onto her back. The lewd sounds of their panting, the occasional growl, the wet sound of her juices being slammed inside of her and the slap of his knot against her ass filled the room. The room was so hot, like an oven, and it was barely 6 am.

When Yuuki came, Yui did too, and she was glad it had been just as hard as the night before, and when she was asked why she was in such a good mood at work, she simply said she’d spent the night with someone, and got a wicked smile in return. Oh, it had been a wicked encounter indeed.

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