Women with Animals

Famous News Anchor Becomes Submissive


My sex life would have been best described as ‘Vanilla’. The few encounters I’d had were collegues that I worked with, all were married and the entire encounter consisted of us kissing, while he rubbed my breast and I did the same to his crotch. We’d stop to take off our clothes, a few more kisses, then on my back, while he entered me … all of my lovers had average sized penis’ – a few quick pumps, he’d fill me with that warm seed and we were done. Occasionally if he lasted long enough, I’d roll over on top – but before I could enjoy any type of orgasm – he’d explode and we’d be through.

Out of pure frustration I started looking at a few porn sites – strictly ones between a male and female, I didn’t think I’d like to be with a woman, but to be honest I did watch a few lesbian massage videos – causing me to book a massage, while on vacation. She was a cute brunette, complimenting me on how perfect my naturally large breasts were – I was determined if she made any advances, I’d just enjoy them. When she removed the towel covering my bottom, she asked if I’d like to have a more aggressively arousing massage – it would cost more, but she guaranteed I’d love it. I was already floating in a sexual haze, just having someone touch me, so I quickly agreed.

Her skilled hands worked the insides of my thighs, brushing lightly over the wet and aroused lips covering my sex area. A single finger separating the folds caused me to moan, the same finger slipping inside gave me my first orgasm without my help. She sucked on my nipples, pumped her fingers in and out of me, allowed me to enjoy two more explosions – I had booked the vacation for a full week, before I left that day, I booked a session each of the remaining five days.

Our second day she taught me how to return the favor she had given me … that was when I learned to love the taste of the nectar produced between a woman’s legs.

The last day of my vacation, Lill brought in a couple of nipple clamps, as soon as they were hooked on my rock hard nubs – a funny new feeling shot directly between my legs … she reached down to check, smiling, “I think we may have found something else about you – a pain slut may have been awakened. We both laughed, but when I exploded with them on me, it was the most intense pleasurable explosion I’d ever enjoyed.

Leaving, promising to return – next time maybe staying for two weeks – on the flight back taking the time to look over the various bondage toys that were available, there was even a well stocked, highly recommended bondage equipment store in my own town. The problem was my position. Being a well known news anchor with the top station in the area, my face was easily recognized anywhere I went. That left me to look at toys online or travel out of town, like I did on my vacation. Being spotted in a company like this would have been bad for ratings.

This opened up me watching a lot of bondage porn, where women were punished, teased, whipped and caged. Chastity devices were placed on them, then aroused to the point of begging for some relief.

The more I watched, masterbated while doing this made me realize I was not only submissive, I was becoming more and more so. I needed to become someone’s sex slave … to be punished, used – to become a submissive sex slut for someone, but in my current high profile position it was impossible for me to do what I wanted so badly.

Everything fell into place when I did a story about a gruesome murder – which had been committed by ancient replicas obtained on the Dark-Web. Having to get access to this area, the station hired an expert to teach me what was contained there.

This had almost everything that was illegal, which for some reason curiosity had me searching various areas, that is when I did some research on Female BDSM. This opened up a huge variety of information covering toys, ways to use them, clubs where a person could join these underground places.

Knowing the majority of these were dangerous, but the more I searched, one name with high recommendations kept showing up. A Dr. Steven was the name he went by … specializing in introducing, training then practicing the bondage and discipline lifestyle.

Assuming the title was something he added to make him sound more legitimate, he did have a private home, located on a large acreage of land – fenced and full time security – making sure no one got in that hadn’t been invited.

The only way to contact him was through an email, listing your interests in bondage any experience as well as any hobbies and lifestyle – a pic was required, in addition to what your current job situation was.

This sounded like something I’d enjoy seeing if I wanted to pursue this lifestyle. Sending him an email, listing everything he’d wanted as well as why I had to be careful since I was a well known figure, not only locally but in many markets my face was familiar as well.

A few days later, early one morning, he called to just talk, and get to know you. I told him of my inexperience, of the nipple clamps, what they had done to me – a few toys I had ordered from the internet, even though I reached multiple orgasms this way, it left me unsatisfied and that was why contacting him or someone like him felt like my next move.

He listened, told me he’d check some things out and maybe get back to me. The second phone call was a face to face meeting. I was totally shocked, he had to be one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. Olive skin, dark hair, a well kept body, eyes that seemed to pierce your soul and an easy going personality.

Before we got into this discussion, “Nikki I need you to understand something about the pupils who eventually become slaves to me – if we get that far, you will be available for my use 24/7 365. That would not happen until we’ve meant multiple times and you decide to take it to to the next level – also as one of my slaves, I use drugs of various kinds, some to excite, some to make you submissive – some will get rid of any inhibitions you have and some may become addictive. Do you understand what I’m saying and have no problems with this?”

This was the first time I realized what I was looking into may end up being a lifelong commitment. No more broadcasting, no more freedom, serving him at his pleasure for the rest of my life. I took a long time thinking about this – finally looking up at him, “I understand this may be a new lifestyle I’ve dreamed of but never had any experience in it – I think I can truthfully say I understand where this may lead”

He went on to say his lifestyle as well as the support of the slaves he currently owns, requires a lot of money, for this purpose I may not be doing what I had dreamed of, but every thing, the rest of my life would be sexually oriented in some way or another. He showed me his playroom, it was like a dungeon from hell, designed by Satan himself. Every toy, piece of furniture, suits were made to inflict pain on a submissive individual.

As the tour came back up into the main living room, I could hear some barking in the background. “Do you have dogs Dr. Steven”

Smiling, “Yes I have a small kennel where I raise a unique breed of dog, one that has become popular with certain groups of people. This part of my life is very profitable and supports much of what goes on here at my ranch”

We talked several more times, eventually I had made the decision to see if this lifestyle was what I wanted – so I agreed to become his newest applicant of servitude. The last thing he said before giving me the address of where he lived, “I operate on the Dark-Web for a reason, what I do is not to be made known to anyone or any organization – therefore you must not tell anyone where you are going, why or anything about our conversations. No one and I mean no one must know. Do you agree with that?”

There were red flags going off inside me, but I had been searching for so long, I ignored them, agreed with what he asked and received the address.

I had never taken any vacation since I began working at the TV station, so taking a couple of weeks off was not hard – a few weeks later I had packed a minimum amount of clothes and personals – headed out to the address he’d given me – in less than six hours arriving at a guarded gate. Introducing myself, directed how to get to the main house- Dr. Steven was waiting for me – he was more stunning than I had thought when we talked, doing a curtsey in front of him, “Doctor, my name is Nikki, I have come to be trained in the pleasures of bondage”

He hugged me, walked around looking at me, than smiled, “Oh yes you are just perfect – please come in, I have a meal all ready after your long drive – after we can talk more”

A young very pretty girl came out, totally nude with a white maids apron on, bowed to him, was handed the keys to my car – nothing else was said, she took it somewhere away from the main entrance.

He showed me around the home, indicating the playroom was down stairs – several young ladies, all nude and all wearing the same apron helped us, bringing out some drink and food, as we sat and talked more.

The meal was excellent, the wine the same – towards the end of the second glass of wine, a strange tingling began to take place between my legs. Rubbing my crotch area wasn’t helping, it was becoming more and more intense – the longer we sat and talked, the worse it was becoming – that was when he suggested we take a look at the playroom. Walking down the winding staircase was becoming almost impossible – by the time we entered this huge area, the need to scratch or rub that area was unbearable – that was when two more young ladies showed up, he wrapped his arm around my waist … “I drugged you with the wine, the itch your pussy is feeling will only get worse – these young ladies are here to get you ready for the new life you’ve chosen”

By this time, it would have been impossible for me to put up any resistance – they stripped me nude, secured me to a make-shift St. Andrew’s Cross, lined up a vibrator, so it barely touched the vaginal opening – snapped on a weighted pair of vibrating nipple clamps, lubed and pushed in a vibrating anal clamp … this wasn’t helping, the need to be fucked, to have something in me, was increasing by the moment – I couldn’t focus, only whimper between begging him to help me – that was when he kissed me, telling me to enjoy what was happening – the lights were turned off just as they left.

Twisting, turning, trying to cum, anything to get rid of that damn itch – screaming, crying, begging and whimpering – just when I started to blank out, one of the girls came in, switched the cross so I was laying on my back while still secured, moved the pussy vibrator so it applied pressure against me … changed the nipple clamps to ones that pulled while applying pressure causing me intense pain … once all done, she was gone.

This session was so intense – the sexual haze came over me – drifting me into an erotic cloud, plunging me into a nap-like state.

Each time someone would come in, I was so thirsty – I’d gulp down the drugged water, keeping me in the same state – needing something, anything in me. The vibrator between my legs was always adjusted, eventually slipping inside, but for some reason nothing was helping. At that point I’d have done anything, agreed to any thing – just to get fucked.

In this state I’d lost track of time, so when the drugs eventually wore off, Dr. Steven joined me, rubbing his hand between my legs, making my body writhe while whimpering, “So sorry for not being totally honest – thanks to the drugs you’ve been given the last few days has made the only thing you want it to get something between your legs – deep inside you”

I have never been so exhausted … understanding what he was saying, didn’t lessen the need for some relief between my legs, “Why are you doing this to me, I thought you wanted a play thing?”

Laughing, “Oh honey as you have seen I have plenty of drugged play things at my disposal anytime I want them, but I’ve found the real money is made in porn – outside in the back I have a state of the art filming studio – where we produce some of the finest porn videos. Since you are so recognizable a series of porn videos with you as the star will make me millions if not more – so I need your mind to only be able to focus on being fucked – then we’ll make some quality products”

As one of his play things prepared two injections – he told me one was the same drug I’d been given since I arrived – but so much more powerful – the second one would change my scent to that of a female dog in heat. These would be given to me on a daily basis for around two weeks – then any male dog I came in contact with would be ready to impregnate me.

Dogs, females, heat – porn movies, missing work – nothing made any sense, but before I could try to process it – the first injection kicked in, causing me to cry out in a low mournful growl … rolling my eyes up in my head, never in my life have I needed to be fucked like I was at that moment. Nothing else mattered, didn’t care who saw me, just needed something to pound me hopefully getting rid of this horrible itch.

Each morning the two shots were given for how long, I had no idea. They helped me shower in the morning as well – even in this aroused state, the new smell, my new smell was strong – just moving my hips caused it to encompass me, like any new scent does, spreading out to cover everything. He had come down a few times – being more than pleased at how strong my new odor was becoming. I however had all but given up on ever riding my body of the intense itch

By the time they released me from the cross, I was taken to have my hair and make-up done, I no longer remembered who I was, what had happened to me, only one thing was on my mind – when they wheeled me into a new area, cameras were everywhere, covering all angles, was possibly enjoying a large penis. A big male dog had also been drugged, making his cock sticking out of the sheath, laying on his side – it looked so inviting … on my hands and knees moving to him, stroking the pink rocket, leaning down to lick it, then take it all the way in my mouth – giving him the first blowjob I’d ever given in my life.

While I was on my hands and knees with him a second hound, sniffed my bottom, licking the liquid that now flowed freely … jumping up on my back, that wonderful huge cock, the one I had needed for so long, slid easily in it’s home, the heavy balls slapping my pussy, making me whimper. This is what I had needed, what I’d begged for, cried for and now it was in me. The speed he started pounding, set off a series of explosions – the liquid could be seen spraying out between us, the one I was giving a BJ to exploded, filling my mouth with a warm liquid, I instantly fell in love with this taste.

A staff member pushed a padded bench under my body, so I’d have something to rest my tummy and boobs on – a second dog started fucking me in my mouth, just as the one behind’s knot pushed in, setting off the most mind blowing climax – shaking my whole body.

The one fucking my mouth, somehow forced his knot behind my teeth, locking his shaft down my throat, forcing me to breathe through my nose, while he filled my tummy with a wonderful warm tasting cream.

My eyes were rolling in my head, the one in my pussy filling me with a super warm cream, bringing on a low whimpering moan – never in my life had I dreamed of being used like this, of enjoying what was happening so much.

Both knots seemed to shrink down at the same time, just as the one behind pulled out, a second one jumped up on my back, but missing my pussy, sliding that rigid pole in my bottom. Screaming at the top of my lungs, “OH FUCK – HE”S IN MY ASS …. HE’S FUCKING MY ASS”

But it was too late for anyone to help, he was in me, the rapid pounding had started – much to my surprise there wasn’t any pain, only a new exciting feeling of pure pleasure – dropping my head, in a gravelly voice, ‘OMG I DO LOVE GETTING IT IN MY ASS”

I couldn’t say anything else, a new one was in front of me, his cock sliding easily between my teeth – now my jaw was stretched enough, his knot slipped in easily – the one in back was not able to get his ball in, but the feeling of his warm liquid triggered a new climax in me, one that surprised me as well as the film crew from how they gasped.

The dogs were removed from my area when these two dismounted me – Doc came up, knelt down, “We have well over two hours of good footage – once we’ve edited it, this one will be an all time seller – how did you enjoy what happened?”

My body was so sore, totally exhausted, finally the need to be fucked had been satisfied – all I could do was smile – being helped into a nice tub to soak, a fantastic meal was prepared and consumed, then sleep was next on my agenda. Being out cold for over two days, when I woke, I joined the Doctor in the kitchen for breakfast, since I was famished.

“We did an ad on what a famous news anchor does on her day off, the video ran for just over 45 minutes – I put a price tag of $50 just to see what would happen, it sold out in less than two hours, our production department is working 24/7 to produce copies just to fill the back orders. Your sex film will make us so much money, we could retire and not worry about money again – I’ve been contacted to sell the rights to any future ones we do with you, but
I need to talk to you. Are you OK with doing a second and maybe a third or more sessions like you did a few days ago?”

Eating as fast as I could, looking at him, “Will there be doggies fucking me?”

He realized my mind was gone, I had no idea of who I had been or where I was, but I did like doggies fucking me in every hole.

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