Women with Animals

A Lawyer, A Working Girl & my Dog Completes My Sex Life


My second floor office is directly across from a hotel that never has any vacancies. From what I could gather, every room was occupied by one of many working girls. They never pick up marks around the hotel, only come back to have some privacy.

I had leased this office over a year ago, the routine had been the same everyday, that was until one morning a stunning brunette, olive skin, huge oversized boobs was standing in front of the place. For some reason I watched her, not sure why … a few cars stopped to talk to her, dismissing each one had me watching closer. Finally one guy pulled up, they talked with her leaning in his window, crawling in they were gone. I figured she’d be back in a few hours, but she never showed up again, at least not before I left for the day.

Two days later she was back – just like before cars would pull up, she’d ignore them, picking one particular one -this time she was gone for several days.

I have no idea why she was so intriguing to me – her hours were anything but regular, and even though she was good looking, she wasn’t anything specific or outstanding. She also didn’t seem to have a room in the hotel, as far as I could tell she always went someplace with them, I assumed it was to their home.

Over the next few months the more I watched her, curiosity continued to increase – that was until one Saturday morning, I had to come into the office to pick up some papers I needed for the weekend – it had been raining, when I pulled into the underground parking, only staying in my office for a few minutes, just before I left, the mystery woman was there standing in the rain.

Why she was working on a weekend was confusing, it looked like she made good money, so why work on a weekend especially when it was raining. Back in my car, pulling up next to her, rolling down my window, “Hi, my name is Eric, I work in the office across the street, can I give you a ride someplace, to get you out of the rain?”

Leaning in my window, “Eric I know who you are, I’ve seen you watching me,my name is Nikki, do you want to have a party?”

That really surprised me, I was only offering to get her out of the rain and I just got propositioned. That wasn’t what I was looking for, but I had watched her for so long, “So what would a party cost me Nikki?”

She leaned in, so I could easily see the two magnificent pairs of breasts. Without any hesitation, “You can fuck me for $50, I don’t do my ass. A blowjob will cost you $30 – I’ll let your dog fuck me for $100 … if you want to fuck him or have him fuck you, we can discuss the price. What do you think?”

That was not the answer I was expecting, which left me speechless – not something a lawyer has experienced, trying to come up with some response, “How do you know I have a dog?”

By this time she had crawled in my car, turned in the seat so it was easy to see, she shaved her pussy and wore no panties – sliding close to me, rubbing her hand on the inside of my leg, “Oh honey I know all about you – you watch me every day, since the first time you saw me you’ve had a mild hard on – the dog is named Elwood – he’s a big beautiful mix of several breeds. But while you’re thinking of what you want me to do first, why don’t we head to your place”

When I first saw her, there was something unique and interesting about her – now that she was in my car, so close to me, the perfume she wore seemed to surround me, making it difficult to think clearly. What I was seeing between her legs felt like I was being hypnotized – it felt like her boobs were dancing, drawing me in … heading to my place, her right hand rubber the hardness between my legs, those golden lips kissing my neck

The forty five minute drive was done in a haze, both of us going inside … Elwood seemed to not only be happy to see her, but it looked like he knew her … I had just closed the door, our lips locked on one another … breaking a few minutes later, she dropped in front of me on her knees, “I think a good blowjob would be a perfect way to start this long weekend”

My belt was undone, pants down around my ankles, the hardest shaft I’ve ever supported made my eyes roll back in my head – when those soft hands started stroking me. I have no idea how many women have had their hands on my penis, but somehow this one had a special way of stroking me, arousing me, making me feel like I had floated into an erotic cloud, never knowing it was even possible. Her tongue licked the underside of my hardness, making me whimper – the mouth swallowed the entire length .. this was so excitingly different I couldn’t say anything, my legs gave out, dropping my body to the floor.

She was so skilled, in less than a minute I was on the verge of exploding, but her hands massaged my balls, mouth moved up and down along the shaft, I was grabbing her head, my body, my hips writhing … looking to my side, with her free hand she was stroking Wood’s cock, he was on his back, legs spread wide apart … he looked like he was in heaven as well.

Finally she allowed me to plunge over the edge, filling her mouth with my seed – she never missed a beat, swallowing all I pumped into her.

Being totally exhausted, I could only watch her head to the kitchen, opening a jar of peanut butter … spreading a little between her legs … poor Elwood was so excited he was humping air – calling him to her, he licked between her legs, then in one motion mounted her, sliding his poor overly excited shaft deep inside that velvety pussy. She had him so horny, as soon as he was inside, he started to fuck her with a faster speed than most dogs.

His knot was huge, but slipped in so easy, she must have fucked a lot of dogs. Even though I’m sure this was old hat to her, it still had her screaming, scratching and clawing at the carpet – her climaxes must have been coming in waves.

I was getting hard again watching them locked bottom to bottom – when he pulled out, a rush of creamy liquid followed … gathering a handful – she had me licking it between her fingers – tasting it only made my need to cum again spike even higher – while I was in this erotic state, she smeared my shaft with more peanut butter from the jar she’d used earlier – calling Ellwood … he was licking my penis in no time, making me once again – zone out, dropping my head on the carpet, my hips humping up and down like mad … Right now I needed to cum, to obtain some relief, much more than I ever had before in my life, but somehow she was controlling how he was licking me, the way she was playing with my balls – it went on and on to the point I was begging her for some help … pulling my companion away, rubbing his side and tummy, whispering something in his ears … she helped me on my knees, directly behind him … Lifting his tail – “He’s ready to have you in him, you need some relief – he’ needs you deep in his ass … go ahead, push in”

I’m not gay, never thought of doing anything like this, but I needed relief so badly, without thinking – I pushed the entire length of my good sized cock in him … then started pumping in and out – it felt better than I have ever felt doing this to a human female – he must have liked it also … his head down, a low guttural growl – not one of anger but of pure pleasure – t he was enjoying this new experience – I was so horny it only took a few minutes for me to grab his body, empty my creamy substance inside him.

When I pulled out, she guided me to his bottom, licking the combined juices running out of him … this was a new tasty treat, instantly plunging me into an erotic haze … not really sure what I had done or where I was at – in some sort of a sexual haze I’d never been in.

She helped me to the front of my sofa, staying on my knees, leaning my body forward over the seat – looking at my K9 pet, his cock was in full display, looked like it was bigger, possibly longer then I can ever remember … a few dabs of peanut butter around my anal opening – had him immediately licking me there – then without any warning, jumping up, mounting me, sliding that monster all the way in my back door.

I’ve never had anything back there in my life, when I shower, barely slipping in a small finger to make sure I’m clean – but how a large full sized cock was not only in there, but rapidly moving in and out … surprisingly it wasn’t painful, just the opposite – it felt great, better than great, wonderful even … the more he pumped the more I kept thinking why I hadn’t done this before … The tip kept opening up new areas making me amazed at how deep he was going – my head on the sofa, low mournful whimpers were escaping while my hips were writhing back and forth, praying he’d go deeper. The knot was just too big to go in, but I knew the next time he took me, I’d enjoy being locked to him.

The warmth of his seed, triggered my explosion pumping through my hard on while I had it pressed against the surface of the sofa, making it painful … His cock was followed by a flood of liquid when he pulled out of me … so grateful for what he had given me, turning I licked his shaft clean … watching with satisfaction it slowly retreated back in its sheath.

Rolling on my back, still hard as I have ever been, she straddled me, slipping me up inside her, placing both hands on my chest, her pussy milking me, treating me to feelings that were all brand new … “You realize you have now become his bitch – he’ll let you do him occasionally, but you can never turn him down now that he owns you. That means three to six or seven times each day. You’ll have to start working from home to satisfy his needs, but I can see in your expression this was the best sex you’ve ever had”

Riding me for well over an hour, plunging me into a new cloudy dream of sexual excitement – when she finally allowed me to topple over the edge … satisfied she had also enjoyed multiple orgasms … standing, “I think I’ve done everything you picked me up for, when you can stand I’m ready to go back”

Pulling up in front of the hotel late Sunday evening, handing her a check for $10,000 – thanking her for what she did for me … as soon as I arrived back home, Elwood plunged his nose deep into my crotch, causing me to strip nude, moving to my knees leaning over the sofa – he mounted me without any licking – dropping my head on the sofa – the rapid pumping excited me faster than ever possible. This time the knot slipped in easily, triggering a mind blowing orgasm.

Twenty minutes later, he had stopped filling me with his warm seed, turning so we were locked … Speaking to no one in particular … “Oh Nikki, Nikki, how can I ever thank you for enabling me to become his bitch?”

The End

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