Women with Animals

Whatever She Wants


© 2023 by piesama

It’s way past midnight on a muggy June evening when Britt, my girlfriend, pulls her car up in front of a wide, empty plot of land. I’m sitting next to her in the passenger seat, my heart hammering and nervous sweat already building up on my palms. I turn and look out the window. There isn’t much to see. We’re by an old wooden fence with a worn-down gate in the middle of it. The fence wraps around a wide, hilly plot of empty grassland. It looks like an old horse pasture. I don’t even know if it belongs to anyone.

I swallow. My throat feels thick.

“Is… i-is this the place?” I ask.

She gives me a devious grin. “It is. What do you think?”

“It, um, looks empty.”

“Yep. So we don’t have to worry about getting caught! And there’s so much room for ~fun~.”

The little chirp she puts on the word fun sends a trill down my spine. I’ve been wet inside my panties all evening. But now I’m a total mess down there. Everything about Britt is perfect. She’s blonde, tall, with an athletic figure from four years as captain of our school’s volleyball team. She’s been a straight-A student as long as I’ve known her, and she was even the class’s valedictorian. She’s the sweetest, smartest, most successful girl I’ve ever met. I’m obsessed with her.

And I can’t believe I’m dating her. I’m not exactly in her league. To be honest, I’m surprised she even likes girls, let alone a girl like me.

I’m nothing special. So the fact that she drove all the way out here with me for another night of our weird little game is amazing. I’m already ready to just give myself to her, to do anything she wants. But at the same time, my stomach is all twisted up with fear.

Because Britt has a secret.

She’s insanely stressed from being so perfect, so desirable all the time. And she takes out that stress by being a bit of a… domme, I guess you could call her. When we first started dating, she made me promise that, once or twice a week, we’d have a night where she makes all the rules. Anything she says, I have to do it. At first, she’d just make me strip naked and do a dirty dance for her, or play with a dildo in front of her. And I loved every second of it. But she wants more and more each time…

And now here we are, on the outskirts of a dark field at night. I have no idea what she has planned.

But I’ll do it.

I’m wringing my sweaty hands together in front of my chest. Britt reaches over and takes them in hers, stroking the backs of my hands with her thumbs. It soothes me instantly.

“Nervous?” she asks.

“Y-yeah. Like crazy.”

“Awww. I promise, I’ve only got fun stuff planned! You’ll love it~.”

“R-right. Yeah. I know I will.”

Britt smiles. Her perfect blue eyes glitter with nothing but love for me, and she runs her tongue over her soft pink lips. I almost melt.

“I love you so much, Maddy,” she says to me.

“Y-yeah! You too. Love you too.”

“Now. Ready to start?”

“I guess so, hah…” I say, my voice ending in a nervous chuckle. My feet are sweating inside my shoes.

“Perfect! Now, remember. Once you’re out of the car, you’re doing everything I say, right?”

“Everything. I promise. I love you.”

“Love you too~. Now let’s go! I can’t wait, oh my Godddd… 

She gets out, and I get out after her. It’s a super warm night, and the muggy air wraps itself around me, making me sweat even more than I already was. It’s peaceful too. I hear crickets chirping in the trees all around us. There aren’t even any sounds of other cars. We came here on a one-lane road, and there aren’t any highways or houses around.

Britt leans against the car and bats her eyelashes at me.

“Well? Get naked~.”

“Y-yeah! Sure, okay.”

I start to clumsily strip out of my clothes, beginning with my shoes and socks. The ground is soft earth, and it doesn’t feel so bad. It’s nice to have some fresh air against my feet. I get to my shorts next, and I slide them down along with my panties. Britt has seen me naked a ton of times. I don’t even feel embarrassed. In fact, I’m trembling with the thought of having her eye me up again.

I’m… not exactly the hottest girl ever. I’ve been an anime and book nerd my whole life, so I’m pale and kinda pudgy. My hair is a big bushy mess, and all I can do with it is tie it back in a messy ponytail. I’ve got glasses, and I’m totally blind without them. My tits are okay, I guess. They’re pretty big, but they’re also kinda saggy for a girl my age. I’ve got a wide dumptruck butt that I’ve always thought looked fat and gross, but Britt loves it. She loves every inch of me. And I can feel her gaze creeping over me as I chuck off my tank top. I’m not wearing a bra, so now she’s got a full view of 100% naked Maddy.

“Tah-dah…” I say, and I do a dumb little pose that makes her giggle.

She licks her lips, eyeing me up like I’m a peace of meet. “ God you’re so fucking hot.”

And that compliment sends goosebumps racing over me. Because she means it! She wants me! A perfect girl like Britt really wants me!

I’ll do anything just to make her keep wanting me. “It feels so good…” I say, half-moaning.

Britt winks. “Good. Now. Just… start walking. Towards the middle of the field. Lemme admire you.”


I do as she says and just start marching forward. I climb over the gate, probably giving Britt a fun glimpse of some dirty angles as I spread my legs to get over it. And for a bit I just walk. The smooth grass slips beneath my bare soles, and the summer breeze caresses my face, my chest, my ass, and every other exposed inch of me. I’m super aware that with each step I’m getting further away from my clothes. The field seems empty, but if any random farmer or whatever comes by, they’ll just see me totally naked…

And I don’t think I’d mind that. Actually, I really wouldn’t mind that.

A small, hot droplet of my arousal spills down my thighs. Behind me, Britt sucks in her breath.

“Oooooh, Maddy~. Enjoying this?”

“A lot, yeah…”

Even without looking back, I can totally feel her hungrily eyeing up my ass. And I’m loving it. I put some playful sway into my hips, letting her enjoy my rear end bouncing. And Britt groans. This perfect girl’s bubblegum-sweet voice just cracks into an animal grunt of lust. It’s so hot…

“Hey,” she says. “Stop here, okay?”

I come to a dead halt. We’re at the bottom of a hill. The ground is kinda muddy here, and my feet sink and inch or two into the gooey terrain. Britt steps closer.

“Bend over,” she says. “Lemme get a good look at that booty.”

“S-sure!” I say, and I do what she told me to, bending at the waist and arching my back to give her a perfect view of my booty and my flower, which is an unshaven little valley of dark hair, just the way she likes it.

“Mmmmm. Nice, nice. Now spread it for me.”

“Hah, sure…” I say. I grab two fistfulls of my ass and spread it, shamelessly showing her the dark ring of my anus. The summer air slips over it like a tongue, making me shiver.

“Oh my Godddd, Maddy. Your little hole is so perfect!”


“Yeah. Now put a finger in it.”

“R-right now? Um, s-sure! Okay. A-ah… uuuhhh… 

I’ve played with my butt for her before. And honestly, I don’t hate it. It feels weird but… kinda good? Usually I have lube though, and I’m not just fingering my ass out in the open.

But I shove a finger into myself anyway, feeling its tip push through the tight bud of my hole, then squish up into my dirty insides. I groan, and push the finger in deeper, until it’s in all the way to the knuckle.

“Whoa! All the way in? You’re so eager!”

“Y-yeah. I was thinking about you, so…”

“Such a good girl. I should make you walk around with a plug next.”

“I’d love that…” I squeak. Even without being told to, I’m pushing my finger in and out of myself, stroking my squishy innards.

Britt watches for a moment. I can see her rubbing her thighs together. She’s totally loving this! Oh God, knowing that I’m turning her on just makes me lose it. This perfect girl is watching me do awful things to myself, and loving every second of it…

“God, that’s so hot,” Britt coos. “I could watch you play with your ass all night. Buuuuuuut, I’ve got something even better~. Keep walking.”

“Y-yes. Alright.”

“Actually, wait. Roll around in the mud a bit first.”

“T-the mud?”

“Yeahhhh. I wanna see my lil’ cutie get all dirty for me.”


And I just splash shamelessly down into the mud, letting the cold, clotting goop splatter all over my nude skin. I grab fistfuls of muck and smear them over my tits, then over my soft, chubby tummy. And Britt watches the whole thing, the tip of her finger in her mouth, her eyes burning with lust.

“Oh. You’re into it, huh?”

“It’s k-k-kinda fun. I like being your… your dirty little girl.”

“ Oh. I’m gonna cum if you keep talking like that.”


“Yep. C’mon, cutie. We’ve gotta get to the best part still.”

She reaches out her hand and helps me to stand. I’m dripping with mud, but I don’t mind? It’s pleasantly cool as it runs over my back, my chest, my thighs, my butt, all the way down to my feet, where it leaves a dirty trail in the grass behind me.

Britt’s holding my hand now. She doesn’t seem to care how muddy it is.

I squeeze her back. I want her to feel just how much I love her.

We crest the hill together. When we look down, we’re standing over a small valley bathed in the dark blue of midnight. And grazing in that valley is a single horse. He looks lonely.

I like horses. And Britt starts to lead me towards him.

My stomach twists a bit, but I follow her. I’m expecting the horse to run, but he doesn’t. He raises his head and his ears flick. Then he starts to come toward us.

Britt leads me closer. She’s grinning now, and has this devilish, perverted gleam in her eye.

My stomach clenches. Oh no. She wouldn’t… right?

“W-won’t we spook him if we get too close?” I whimper.

Britt winks. “Nope! I came by earlier. He likes girls! And it seems like he really likes cute naked girls.”

The horse’s dark animal eyes fall on me. And for some reason, I cover myself with my free hand. I suddenly feel really, really exposed, standing naked and muddy in front of this massive, powerful creature. He takes a few steps closer and leans in, sniffing me, his hot musky breath washing over my face.

“B-Britt… s-should we really be doing this?”

“Hey, remember the rules. Anything I want.”


The horse nuzzles my neck. His breath is like a furnace on my nude skin. His mouth opens and his tongue flicks out, licking my armpit.

“A-ah! Britt, really, this is… this is a lot…”

“I know~. And it’s so fucking hot. Let him lick you.”


The horse’s tongue flicks over my armpit again, then against my neck. Then he licks lower, his tongue slithering right over my exposed tits. And I’m starting to shiver. Partially from fear, but also because it kinda feels good. Kinda really good. His tongue is wide and hot, and when it touches my nipple I almost scream.

Britt squeezes my hand. “You’re doing so good, dirty lil’ girl. I fucking love this.”

“A-ah…” is all I can say back. The horse is definitely taking a serious interest in my chest. He laps the dried mud off my tits, then just keeps going at them until they’re dripping with his spit.

Britt glances down between his legs and gasps. I follow her gaze, and I already know what I’m gonna see.

His massive, sleek black-and-pink cock is dangling there, already half-erect, and it’s as big and thick as my forearm. And I know what Britt’s thinking.

“Britt… babe…” I groan.

“Think he’ll let you touch it?” she asks. Her eyes are glittering with desire now.

“That’s… I can’t, Britt, that’s so gross…”

“But you’ll do it for me~. Right~?”

“I… I g-guess…”

She kisses my cheek. “I love you so fucking much, lil’ cutie.”

“Y-yeah. You too. Oh, God…”

She gives me a reassuring pat on my butt, then gently shoves me towards the stallion. I reach out and touch his flank. It’s hot and rippling with muscle. He snorts and gives me a friendly lick on my hip. I trail my hands along his body as I slowly get down on my knees. The grass is prickly against my legs.

I’m not really doing this, right?

But I hear Britt breathing really hard behind me. She’s obviously really into this. So… for her, I can…”

The horse’s cock is almost completely hard now. I reach out and very gingerly brush my fingers over his shaft. It’s red-hot and smooth, and it twitches a bit at my touch. The horse lets out a satisfied grunt.

“Oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” Britt coos. I glance back, and she already has her hand in her panties, stroking her pussy in quick, messy circles. Knowing that she’s loving this makes me a bit bolder. Maybe, if it’s what she wants…

I grip the stallion’s cock. I start to gingerly pump my hand along his rod. His massive body shivers, and he presses his incredible length against my palm.

“Yes. Oh, babe, you’re doing so good. So, so good… oh my Goooodddd~”

She’s plunging her fingers into herself now, masturbating so hard that her thighs are trembling.

The stallion is loving this too, grunting and twitching as I stroke him. A few droplets of clear precum dribble down over my fingers.

“Yes, yes, yes…” Britt moans. “Now see if… see if he’ll let you suck him.”


“It’ll be so fucking hot. Please? For me?”

I shudder. She’s begging me! I completely worship this girl, and she’s begging to see me do something so dirty. I’ve never given a real blowjob in my life. I don’t even really know how. But…

I need her to keep loving me. And if this is what she wants, then…

I scoot closer. The stallion’s dribbling tip is only an inch or two from my face. I smell the musty, earthy scent of him, like hay and animal musk. I shut my eyes.

For her. I’ll do it for her.

And I gingerly press my mouth against his tip. The skin is leathery and warm against my lips.

And he loves it. A powerful shudder rolls through his massive animal body. Behind me, Britt is moaning.

“Yes. Yes yes yes yes, oh my God, babe…”

I can hear her fingers shamelessly squishing in and out of her pussy now. She must be so wet. And it feels so good to make her happy…

I open my mouth. I let my tongue swirl over the horse’s tip. It tastes gritty and slightly salty. There’s this part of my mind that’s screaming at me. Seriously, I can’t be doing this. It’s a horse! A wild animal! And I’m putting my mouth up against the dirtiest part of him!

But Britt…

Oh God, I love her so much.

“More, babe… ung~… lemme see how much of him you can take…”

Britt’s voice is almost cracking, she’s so close to cumming. And I can’t say no to her. Her words course through my body like blazing wires. And I obediently open my mouth, letting the stallion press his rod against my tongue. It forces its way past my lips, between my jaws, and slams into the back of my throat.

My whole body clenches up. Oh God, this thing is huge. I feel myself choking, and my stomach and chest spasm as molten panic flows through me.

But I still don’t pull away. My body won’t let me disobey Britt…

“G-guh… guck…” I sputter. My spit’s dribbling down my chin and splashing my tits.

The horse rears back, and I can feel him trembling with delight as he bucks his hips, forcing his cock further down my neck.

“Mmmmf! Mmmmy g-guh!”

Spots are starting to swim in front of my eyes. Tears are streaming down my face. I can’t handle something this huge! I can feel my throat bulging, and my head is swimming with the filthy, overwhelming taste of this animal’s cock.

“Oh God, oh God, Maddy, baby… this is amazing~, you’re such a… such a dirty little angel…”

Britt is on her knees. She’s only a few inches away. And she’s panting, moaning, writhing on the grass as she strokes herself toward orgasm.

“Make him cum… I wanna see it… soooo bad…”

I can’t resist. I obey.

My body goes soft and limp, just turning into a plaything for this massive beast. Britt’s words turn me into a puppet for his cock. I just let him thrust himself all the way into my throat, and I can even feel his tip forcing its way down towards my chest. I spasm and choke, but instead of pulling away, I start stroking him with my hands, fondling his length like it’s a precious treasure.

His rod is slippery with my saliva, and I can feel hot droplets of his precum rolling down my throat. I’m really swallowing them, all while Britt watches…

“Yes, yes! My dirty little angel, this is… this is so goooooooood…”

The stallion’s cock is pulsing against my tongue. He’s close.

I don’t slow down. I stroke and stroke and stroke, until…

Suddenly, he comes in a massive, salty, bitter wave. I feel the first spurt go down my throat and settle in my stomach. It’s too much! Even for Britt, I can’t handle another. So I pull away, letting his pulsating dick slither out of my mouth.

And the next wave hits me in the face.

Hot, sticky filth splatters my cheeks and lips, then runs down my neck to cover my chest. The next spurts hit me on my breasts, then on my stomach. I shut my eyes, shuddering as he plasters me with wave after wave of his seed. The stallion throws his head back, twitching and bellowing as he cums. It’s a weird feeling, but a tiny glimmer of perverted delight flares up in my chest when I think about how I probably gave him the best orgasm of his life.

By the time he finishes, I’m a dripping mess. His cum is in my hair and all over my face. It’s glazing my tits with glistening white streaks, and it’s running down my soft belly towards my crotch.

I slump against the ground, panting desperately as I try to get air into my lungs. I almost choked on that thing! I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, then look over at Britt.

Both of her hands are in her pants. And her crotch is darkly wet. I can tell she came hard.

And she’s staring at me with a look that’s hard to describe.

There’s love in it. So much love. I don’t think anyone’s ever looked at me the way she does. So soft, so tender, but at the same time she’s as much of an animal as the horse. When she stares at me, I can tell that she wants me. Not just to cuddle or to hold, but she wants to devour me, to enjoy every bit of me. And oh God, I know it’s messed up, but I love that. I’m so glad I belong to her.

“W-was… was that… did I do good?” I squeak out.

Britt doesn’t answer. She just throws herself on top of me.

“Maddy! Oh! My! God! Maddy, Maddy, Maddy, I love you so much, I love you, I love you, I love you… 

She smothers my face with kisses, not seeming to care that she’s tasting horse cum. I reach up to hug her. My whole body is shaking. No, I’m quivering. Because I can tell how horny she is. And I really want what happens next…

My pussy is flooded with arousal now. And when Britt’s fingers touch me, I throw my head back and scream.

She’s kissing me like a madwoman now, her tongue swirling against mine. From just a few strokes of her fingers, I’m almost ready to cum…

“Fuck, fuck… ” Britt moans into my mouth. “I wanna feel you… dirty girl… you perfect little slut… 

She starts tearing her clothes off, just throwing them away randomly. Before I know it, my perfect girlfriend is as naked as I am, straddling me. I’m lying back in the grass, feeling the cool blades lick my skin. The horse has wandered off a bit, but he’s still nearby. Maybe he wants to watch the show.

Britt runs her hands along her own body, shivering and groaning.

“God, yes, yes… Maddy you’re so fucking perfect… ugh, I’m so lucky…”

I think it’s the other way around.

The moonlight caresses her incredible body. Her golden hair falls to her pale freckled shoulders. Her stomach is flat and lined with subtle curves of muscle. Her breasts are firm, with nipples the color of strawberry ice cream. Her whole figure is sleek and sexy and amazing.

And she wants me. Plain old me.

I reach up to embrace her.

And she shoves herself against me. She doesn’t even seem to care that I’m currently dripping in horse cum. The hot white goo smears across her body as her chest squishes against mine, our breasts sliding over one another. I clutch her silky, slender body against my own, feeling the sweat, cum, and muddy grit covering my also start to slather her own flawless skin.

Our mouths meet. I can taste the sweet tang of her lust. Already, my head’s spinning.

“Maddy… Maddy, I wanna… I wanna fuck you so bad…”

Her voice is this girlish squeak of pure lust. I spread my legs for her immediately.

She does the same, and her red-hot, dripping pussy slams against mine.

It’s heaven. That’s all I can say. The silky caress of her petals, the heat of her cunt, the way she rolls her hips to stroke her folds against mine…

I cum. Like, instantly. But it doesn’t fade. She just keeps rubbing herself against me. So my orgasm builds. And builds. And builds.

Everything is bright. White hot. Oh fuck. I don’t care what I have to do to earn this. For Britt, for this kind of amazing feeling, anything is worth it.

I’m kissing her messily, letting our mingled spit drip down both of our faces.

She’s licking my face, and my neck. And she must love the taste of my sweat, of the dirt on my skin, of the cum I’m drenched in. She’s fucking me like an animal. I’m screaming out, practically about to lose my mind. My cunt is just feeling splattering the glass with my juices.

And she just. Keeps. FUCKING me.

It really is heaven. Filthy, terrifying, wonderful heaven.

At some point, I’m on my back in the grass. My body is still twitching and shuddering as the aftershocks of a mind bending orgasm slowly filter out. I can feel dirt and weeds pressing against my bare ass. But I don’t mind. It’s rough, but gentle at the same time. Like her.

I look over at Britt. She’s lying next to me, as naked as I am, staring up at the sky.

We’re holding hands, our sweaty fingers intertwined.

She’s as filthy as I am now. A mess of sweat, dirt, and horse juices. But when she looks over at me, her smile is brighter than the moon and all the stars combined.

“Thanks~. I um… I didn’t go too far, right?” she asks.

“N-no! No, I loved that. I mean, it was a bit weird, but…”

The hungry, horny look is back in her eyes. “But you liked it?”

I look away, blushing. “Yeah. I think I… I r-really did…”

“God, Maddy… I really don’t deserve you.”

She leans over and gently kisses me on the mouth. I kiss her back.

“I’m bringing you with me, alright? No matter where I go. I need this. I need you. Because oh my God… I don’t think I could ever feel this way with anyone else.”

“Y-yeah,” I say. I touch my hand to my chest, and I swear I can feel it burning as hot as a miniature sun. Just being next to Britt does this to me. And I don’t care what happens to me, just this feeling it worth it.

“I… I always wanna be with you too,” I whisper to her.

And we kiss again, our naked, filthy bodies intertwining atop the rough grass and beneath the pale cascading light of the moon above.

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