Women with Animals

Meeting a new creature, became heavenly


Deep in the darkest part of the jungle lived a larger than normal, a unique creature named Raj. Being similar to a Bengal Tiger, he roamed freely, no real threats to his life – he preferred playing with his food prior to enjoying how good they taste. It seems the more afraid they became, the tastier they also became.

His size was not what made him so unique, taking his meal high in the trees was strange … the fact he made sure there were no tel-tale traces of him enjoying a fresh kill – again strange, but what made him most unique was his ability to hypnotize any living creature within moments of seeing him.

Easily carrying a hypnotized creature high in the trees, allowing them to come out of the daze, realizing where they were and who had them, always frightened them so much, many times they would simply die – making the meal so much more enjoyable.

The local villagers were aware of his presence, although none had ever seen him, at least none that were still alive, therefore they kept their distance … occasionally one would wander in his area, not believing the old stories – humans had a different taste, one he savored above most meals –

That brings us to a group of explorers who had been researching myths which had been handed down for years – as luck would have it, eventually they came across the stories of Raj the larger than life tiger like animal who could seduce any who wandered into his hunting area.

A small team of four males, named Larry – the director, Ben, Alex and Josh, as well as Ashley who maintained the IT part of record keeping, day to day activities and constant communication between the team and base camp along with recording what they had found.

All were seasoned travelers, all trained in survival – so the fear of what they may find, did not worry them. Arriving by plane to a small town closest to the hunting area of this mythological creature – then traveling by rented SUVs as close as possible, the remainder of the trip had to be on foot.

By foot it took close to a full day before they felt the group was within his region … what they didn’t know – he was high in the large trees, watching them making their way through the heavy growth – they all looked yummy, but the female caught his attention – her big tits, small waist had a stirring taking place between his legs. It had been ages since his last play toy … this one had so much promise.

Locating a flat area, close to a small river, plenty of overhead foliage incase rain caught them – Larry assigned specific tasks to complete prior to them starting their research.

Mine was to gather some firewood, since everything had to be in place before I could set up the communication and various equipment we had brought. Walking deeper into the area, the massive head looking at me at eye level, did not register as an animal – before I could react – his eyes flashed, swirled, spun in multiple directions while all the time changing colors.

Mine were locked onto them, drawing me closer and closer to him, the sweet warm breath taking away any fear I may have had. He didn’t speak to me, but instead spoke to my mind, “You are a very pretty young lady, do not be afraid of me, I only want to be friends with you. I can show you so many things you have never seen, do things, fun things you’ve never experienced – all you have to do is be my friend. Do you want to be my friend?”

I could only nod my head, I was still being drawn into him, going deeper and deeper under his control. He told me this would be our little secret – when I was alone, he’d come to me, tell me more fun things we can do … then he was gone.

My eyes were still swirling, when I finally shook my head, I couldn’t remember why I was standing here – but at my feet was a large bundle of dry firewood.

Everyone in camp was impressed at how easy I had found so much dry wood – all agreed I’d be the official wood gather from now on.

We finished setting up camp before the darkness came upon us … we had hired two native guides to help us with some of the equipment – tents were set up – it had been a long day, so everyone turned in early. The next morning one of the guides was missing – searching everywhere, no physical signs of him or any struggle – the one remaining immediately blamed it on Raj – a complete search didn’t show any footprints, only the ones we had made when we set the campsite.

After breakfast I went down to the river so I could wash – as soon as I was nude, Raj appeared, within seconds plunging me back under his control – licking my large boobs, teasing the nipples so they stood straight out and harder than they had ever been – the large tongue played between my legs, causing my body to writhe from side to side – sexually I was as aroused as I’d ever been … but he didn’t finish me off, instead left me wanting/needing more – just like before he was once again gone.

The cold water of the river didn’t help me … by the time I returned to camp, the lust in my eyes was more than obvious. Leaving my shirt unbuttoned so the tits were easy to see, flirting with my associates – as well as the guide … a few drinks was all it took for them to enjoy a gang bang with me … unknown to any of us, the huge cat was just a few feet away, enjoying what he was seeing, while finishing off the last amount of our missing guide.

The goals of our research seemed to change – from seeing if this creature did live here to a sexual playground, everyone taking turns with me all day and into each evening. When I’d go to the river to wash, my big tiger would be there, making me more excited and aroused than I had been before – in camp I couldn’t get my companions to fuck me enough – it seems there just wasn’t enough cock to satisfy me.

Everytime I’d go to the river to wash, he’d be there, exciting me more than before, doing new things to me …. When I’d join the group back at the camp – I was slowly turning our camp into a erotic whore house …. Not at all being surprised when a couple of the guys started to hook up –

At the end of the second week there, everyone was so involved with the next sexual adventure, either no one noticed or didn’t care when the second guide wasn’t there one morning.

We had almost stopped communicating with our home office, it seems no one was worried about the creature we had initially came here to find out if it did live in this area – instead we had lost two guides and no one seemed to care.

Approximately one month after we arrived, waking early, Raj was resting in the middle of our camp, instantly plunging me back under his control – I didn’t notice my four work companions were gone –

Easily picking me up, carrying me high in the trees near this site. Stripping me nude, his magical tongue licking all over my body, the arousal higher now than ever, but he could sense the worry in me, “Don’t worry about your four friends, I took them to a safe place, they’ll be just fine until I can enjoy them at my leisure”

That was what I needed, now relaxed enjoying the most marvelous tongue anyone could have ever enjoyed … laying me back in the crotch of the tree … between my legs, something was stroking the inside of my thighs, I had never seen my new companions entire body, only his head and shoulders – but it felt like I was being stimulated along the insides of my thighs, the lips covering my pussy, my clit as well the super sensitive area around my back door.

It was too much, arching my back, trying to wrap my legs around his massive neck, enjoying how soft his fur was, pulling at his ears, all the time that tongue was licking my boobs, my neck, sliding deep in my mouth.

Just when I thought I couldn’t go any higher, become more aroused than I already was experiencing, a huge shaft slid deep in my pussy .. making me whimper – eyes floating away, head rolling back, mouth wide open … the stimulation around and between my legs kept going, but now this thing – whatever it was started pumping slow and methodical in and out of me. It was doing something inside me … it felt like all of the lining inside me was being scraped, teased and excited.

It only took a few seconds like this, screaming loudly I exploded in a total body shaking climax – leaving my body exhausted … but he didn’t stop, the steady pumping continued, the things he was doing to my body continued –

Too my surprise the next wave of pleasure began building – bringing me quickly to the same place he had taken me before

With his help, I had turned our research camp into a sexual play area … the five of them would take turns using me, allowing me to enjoy two or three explosions over a couple of hours – now he was bringing on my second one in less than an hour.

For the next few hours, he kept doing exactly what he had been doing, triggering multiple orgasms – finally stopping … pushing in deeper then he had previously been. His tongue pushed down my throat as far as its length would go …

The warmth of his seed shocked my body … almost instantly the chemical make-up of this nectar made my whole body shake. There was so much of it, what the marvelous shaft had done to the interior of me … opened up each pore to start absorbing this sexually warm fluid.

Flooding me over and over … What was happening was so new to me, so erotically fulfilling that over the next hour or so, I occasionally passed out, only to rewake – it felt like my body was enjoying a prolonged orgasm, one that had no real beginning or an end.

He stayed hard inside me, until all of his seed had been absorbed by me, pulling out, I immediately fell into a deep sleep, while the necessary changes could take place.

My body was aware of the sun coming up and setting once, possibly twice … finally waking, my whole body felt different. My chest was extremely heavy, touching my nipples made me moan, but there was a liquid on the ends … feeling the breasts, they felt full of milk – I was lactating.

My legs were spread out wide open, closing them rolled my eyes up in my head, making me whimper, forcing me to open them back wide immediately.

He had brought lots of different fruits for me, that is when I found it was easy to move around in the top of this tree – I was starved, the fruit tasted fantastic … I had almost eaten everything there, when he came back up to me.

This was the first time I’d seen him without being under his hypnotic influence – he was a magnificent creature – much larger then I had first thought – his eyes were dancing, as he zeroed in on one nipple, licking it two or three times started it flowing the milky substance, his mouth covering most of that breast, the sucking caused me to moan a deep low mournful sound – my legs opening wider, hips raising up to him … this time he didn’t play with my thighs, didn’t tease my clit, instead a huge rigid shaft slipped all the way in me, the heavy balls slapping my bottom – this time the fucking was faster, deep strokes of all the way in then pulling almost all the way out … the sucking was driving me insane – grabbing his neck, pulling on his ears … my hips thrusting up to him, begging him to go deeper, to move faster …

This time, I didn’t explode like before – he kept pumping … all the time emptying one breast, then switching to the full one. It took a couple of hours for him to drink all the milk I had stored, the need to cum, was beyond any feeling I’d ever been put through.

There were times I needed to cum, needed the release so badly I thought I might pass out … but as soon as I was empty, he pushed in deep – stopped then flooded me with the warm cream, that triggered my own body to explode – so intense … mixing my juices with his … my body was shaking – like before, he stayed in me, his seed taking time to soak into me, finally pulling out, he moved to a branch close to me, while I relaxed and basked in the erotic feelings we had just enjoyed and shared.

Looking at him, the pole between his legs was massive – well over a foot long, probably closer to a foot and a half – his balls looked full … how he had excited me the first time, was not obvious – but the way I was now feeling had to do with the size of this monster.

Snacking on the remaining fruit, I was surprised at how quickly my breasts filled with the sweet milk … Raj seemed to sense when they were full – standing, moving over the top of me, latching onto one nipple, just as his cock slid inside me. The pumping started immediately, once again grabbing his neck, trying to wrap my legs around him.

Back in camp, the five guys had used me, in most cases my male companion lasted a few minutes, sometimes even ten or so, but with my tiger-like companion – he pumped in and out closer to two or three hours … When he flooded me, both breasts were empty. Like earlier he stayed in me until the seed was absorbed.

That was when it made sense to me, his seed was converted into the milk – he seemed to love … each time I’d fill quickly, each interval being shorter … as soon as I was full and needed milking – he’d be pumping in and out of me while he enjoyed the sweet milk.

During the daytime hours, as soon as I was ready, he’d empty the boobs, at the same time filling me with his warming nectar. When the sun set, I’d sleep, he’d gather fruit for me, plus I’m sure he’d feed …

Enjoying him in me usually happens six or seven times each day – then sleep and repeat. Approximately a month or so since he had enslaved me, I heard voices talking down below. I assumed a rescue group had been sent to see what had happened to us.

At least one of the members was a female – after a few days, I assumed Raj had hypnotized the female, the sounds in camp were filled with the sexual games taking place below us.

This worried me, if he seduced her like he had me, it would have been impossible for him to take care of two women … the logical path, that when she was ready, he’d simply do away with me … enjoying me like he had the males in our group.

A few days later, one or more of the males had disappeared, I assumed Raj had captured a new body to play with – again worry was becoming part of my life, even though the way he used me daily, kept me erotically aroused then enjoying an orgasm that only a few have ever experienced.

Waking one morning … surprised to see one of my best friends, laying, dazed – stripped nude, Janice was waiting for him to prepare her to supply the enjoyable creamy milk.

To my surprise, just as Raj joined me, a second creature, almost a duplicate to mine, moved over my friend’s body …

That day I caught glimpses of her with him covering most of her body – the moans and whimpers reminded me of the things that had taken place not too long ago – Like me, when she was ready for the change in her body, she was sound asleep. While she slept, I was amazed at how beautiful she was – especially now that she was being changed.

When she woke, both enjoyed the fruit that had been gathered. I explained the pleasure that was going to be enjoyed today and everyday from then on … I loved how full her breasts had become –

Our companions joined us shortly … while I was being fucked, I loved the sounds, screams, moans and whimpering she was emitting – along with mine – anyone below would have only stared upward in disbelief.

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