Women with Animals

So Enjoy the ‘Bitch-in-Heat’ Pussy Spray


Being born into a wealthy, fashion driven, politically ambitious family is not what it is cracked up to be. That was my life – mom was a fairly famous model – making an extremely good living, she married the star college quarterback – tall, well built, good looking with a family that had controlled the politics in this area for several generations – so when he became the District Attorney – no one was really surprised.

Until I was in middle or high school, I always thought I had a normal life, just like everyone has. Something opened my eyes to realize moms are designed to spend time with their children, as far back as I could remember – on a weekly basis I’d see her a few times, as she was going from one photo shoot to the next – my mom was a nanny named Phyllis, who fed me, bathed me, put me to bed, read bedtime stories and was always available to check my homework and even share a carton of ice cream with when my first true love broke my heart – that was in 8th grade.

Dad on the other hand was even less present than my mother – he had places to be, deals to be made – I would bet if asked what my name was on the spur of the moment – he’d hesitate and have to think about it.

Even though my life was like this, it wasn’t much different than a lot of kids my age who have very successful parents – but all that changed when I was a senior in high school. A gentleman had been making the news lately by the name of Juan Salvadoro, who supposedly was a drug dealer, gambling and prostitution involvement – some said he dealt in human trafficking of young women, my age – selling them south of the border to brothels he dealt with on a daily basis.

The reason I was paying so much attention to him, despite everything that was being said about him, in my eyes he was the hottest, most handsome looking guy I’d ever seen. I’d lay in bed at night, rubbing my hands between my legs, dreaming of him capturing me, seducing me then selling me to someone just as handsome to be used at their discretion.

One day he was picked up by the local police charged with possession of illegal firearms in his home – at best it was a minimum sentence – my dad was the prosecutor who was going to try this case.

This was all taking place in late April – by mid May the story was on every news network being broadcast – Juan claimed the guns had been planted there – he’d been out of town for a week. Leaving his home with minimum security –

School this day was a bust, we only had a few days left, so that afternoon I headed home early – there were plenty of things for me to do besides wasting time in school. Dad’s car was in the driveway, so I went around back, parking near my bedroom, then entered by the back door – planning on going up to my room by the back staircase. What I hadn’t planned on was Dad in the dining room, not his office, papers spread all over the table – he was talking with the police chief and one of the detectives investigating this case. None of them saw me, but from where I was standing the papers on the table were easily visible – the conversation was focused around some guy nick-named ‘The Fixer’, the detective was telling the other two how he had used this guy to place the guns in Juan’s home, but now he was demanding more money to keep quiet. That’s when I started recording the conversation, while taking pics of the papers on the table with my phone.

I was a kid, I had tons of information, but had no idea what to do with it – what scared me even more, a few days later in the news, a low level criminal named Marty something had been shot dead leaving his home, the police were investigating – this guy Marty went by the nickname of ‘the Fixer’ – so now I was fairly certain my dad was crooked, was in on planting evidence and possibly had been involved in a murder of this Marty guy.

At eighteen I was confused, a few months later Juan was convicted of the crime, sentenced to three to five years in prison – when they had pics of him in handcuffs being led away, he was still the most handsome and hottest man I’d ever seen.

Not really understanding what I should do with the information I had, the first thing that made any sense was to write to Juan, letting him know I knew he was innocent and that someway I’d figrue out how to let him get justice.

Sending a pic of myself, I told him I knew he was innocent and somehow I’d find a way to prove it. What I didn’t count on was just how good his lawyers were. First being 18 but looking like I was much older, the oversized boobs mom had agreed to me having, since she had the same enhancement when she was my age – the bronzed skin, jet black hair and a thin waist a person who quickly caught his eye, when the team found out who my father was, and the fact I was saying I knew he was innocent – peeked more interest.

Since this was a low level crime, when Juan’s mother passed away, after serving less than six months, the judge released him on his own recognisance to attend the funeral – as soon as he was out and the moment the funeral was over, he disappeared. Warrants were issued, my dad was furious.

By this time I was away at college, one afternoon I received a letter from him, thanking me for believing in him – he gave me a private number if I’d like to talk to him – I sent off a reply immediately, which started a long relationship between the two of us, eventually leading to me telling him what evidence I had and how I had obtained it.

I should have been smart enough to realize he was only interested in me to get the evidence I had, but being a silly young girl with a crush on a guy that was much older and in many ways mad at my dad for being dishonest – I agreed to go on a date with him.

When he picked me up in a limo, I was so impressed – up close he was even more sexy than I had ever imagined – we talked, he told me due to the authorities still looking for him, would I mind if we had dinner at a private restaurant he owned – I was so excited, anyplace I could be with him was fine.

The dinner was fantastic, conversation stimulating, plenty of touching between us … as the meal wound down, we moved to a balcony overseeing the large river running through our city, he was standing behind me, kissing my neck, “So tell me Jessie, what kind of info did you have that made you think I was innocent?” At that exact moment his hands slipped under my breasts, lifting them slightly – plunging me into an erotic haze, I opened my phone – showing him what I had recorded and the pics I’d taken – needless to say he was more than a little interested.

Moving the two of us to a sofa, he studied the information closely – looking at me, “You know if I use this it will ruin your dad. Are you OK with that?”

Knowing how much I had pleased him, at the same time realizing my dad had been completely dishonest as well as possibly involved in a murder, the choice was an easy one, “He doesn’t care anything about me – go ahead and do what you need to, that is why I recorded it so I could help you”

As soon as I had agreed, his defense team and some associates must have discussed what I might have had – they joined us immediately. His hand was on my bare leg, massaging the inside of my thigh, while they talked about what to do with this information. He had me so excited, I wasn’t interested in what they were discussing, only how good it felt to have him by my side and the possibility of what might be waiting for us later that night.

Everyone broke for a few minutes to do their thing, he whispered something to one of his associates – then turned all his attention on me. Leaning in, kissing me on my lips for the first time, my eyes closed, what I had dreamed of so many times was now coming to life – his hand moved further up my legs, causing me to open them up easily for him – I had not worn any panties – when he started to rub the folds between my legs, they were already soaked, arching my back, opening as wide as possible, he pushed a single finger deep inside me, while continuing to kiss me – tongues dancing with one another – pulling his soaked finger out, I didn’t notice his associate had once again joined us, placing a small hallucinogenic drug soaked patch on his soaked finger – he pushed it easily in my mouth, thinking I was enjoying the way my juices were tasting. The drug was powerful, in no time I was floating on a cloud like trip, every cell in my body felt sexually aroused – the team came back in to finalize what was to be done. With the help of two of his female associates, I was stripped nude – he picked me up easily, pushing his cock deep inside me … my boobs were on fire, my pussy ached and my long dreamed of lover was fucking me.

I vaguely remember them talking about my mother, maybe being passed around and fucked by some or all of the gentleman there but none of this mattered, I’d never felt as good as I did at that moment.

His associate’s name was Eric, “Eric take her to the kennels – that new sex drug we’ve been giving our prostitutes in South America, make sure she is injected on a daily basis – tell the staff to use her as they wish, just keep her sexually satisfied until we need her”

Sexy Eric took me for a long ride, he gave me somekind of a shot that made me want to fuck someone, anyone – just needed to be fucked.

While all this was happening several other things were being worked out,

First, a preview of the evidence they had was sent to my dad – nothing else accompanied it, only what they had
Second, my mom was returning from an overseas shoot, her regular limo driver had been replaced by Eric, when she asked where her regular driver was she was told he had caught the flu and he had been asked to drive her where she needed to be. As usual she opened a bottle of water, drinking most of it – unfortunately it contained the same drug I had been given – by the time she arrived at the kennels – she also needed to be fucked.

That was when the two of us were put in the same locked room, both nude, both being filmed and both being heavily drugged, so much so that even though we recognized each other – the drugs, the need for some sexual relief overpowered any fears oh inhibitions we may have had.

Rushing to each other, deeply passionate kisses being shared, each other’s hands exploring the other’s body, moving quickly to a ‘69 position where we could give one another some type of sexual satisfaction – cumming multiple times.

A copy of that film was sent to my dad, telling him it looks like his wife and daughter really miss each other when they’re apart.

My dad was in a panic, he knew Juan had the evidence to ruin him, now his daughter and wife had both been kidnapped – but the way they were making out, made him wonder if he really knew them at all – it didn’t look like they’d been drugged.

The next day Juan joined us … we had just been given our daily shot, that was when it’s effects were the strongest – while the three of us were being filmed, he made out with both of us, playing with our tits, sucking on our nipples, both mom and I were on our knees sucking, licking and worshiping his huge cock.

He took mom first, getting behind her, doing her doggy style, while I kissed her, sucking on her breasts – enjoying what she was feeling by being fucked by his cock. When he emptied his load deep inside her, she turned, “OMG Juan you are so much bigger than that little dicked husband of mine, it is so good to be fucked by someone who knows how to please a woman – but please now do my daughter, she has been in love with you for such a long time”

While he had a chance to recouperate – the two of us played with his semi-hard shaft, making out with one another – as soon as he was hard again – he took me the same way he had my mom, doggy style – pushing that marvelous cock deep into my pussy, making me drop down on my elbows, pushing back to get as much of him in me as possible – the steady way he was enjoying my body, made me cry out in pure enjoyment – mom was teasing, squeezing and biting my nipples, making me writhe even more – he was one guy who really knew how to fuck and with the stamina of a porn star, he kept me on the edge for well over 30 minutes – finally emptying a full load deep inside me, at the same time my body exploded mixing our juices, which mom eagerly drank down all she could suck out of me, while I cleaned our lovers cock.

Mom and I relaxed in each others arms, Juan and the team did some editing of what they had filmed, when the final version was ready, it was published on a porn channel he owned, titled, “What the DA’s Wife and Daughter enjoy doing with the escaped Fugitive” A copy was sent to Dad, but distributed to everyone they could think of and put on the Porn Channel for viewing.

Overnight mom and I became X-rated stars – however we never knew since we were continually being drugged.

At the same time a full video and pics of dad conspirinig to frame Juan was released, the lead detective resigned, The Chief of police commited suicide and the Governor was asking for dads resignaton.

He maintained his innocence, stating it was a frame job, but made no comment on the new sex video that all of his associates and friends were enjoying.

Mom and I were moved into seperate rooms with only a mattress on the floor – trippled up on our injections, turning us instantly into sex craved animals, needing to be fucked so badly we didn’t care who or what did us. I tried fucking the door knob but it didn’t work, the mattress was too soft to get the action I needed from the edges – my eyes were glazed over from a need that never lessened.

Juan had a special room designed to film his Beastality Movies – heavily padded flooring, ottomans secured in place also padded and a large ‘fuck-me-bench’ secured so no movement was possible.

While we were being isolated and drugged a dozen of his largest dogs were also being drugged the same way.

When we were all brought into the ‘Breeding Room’ for filming the poor dogs were humping air, cocks hanging down between their legs, all had huge dicks – mom and I were glazed with lust – kneeling at a bench, we both needed to be fucked and it seems finally there were cocks to go around.

Both mom and I had been sprayed between our legs and all over our pussy, with a special drug designed to tell the males we were in heat and ready to be impregnated.

I never saw the hound that licked my pussy, jumped up on my back, sliding his larger than life cock all the way in. This thing was bigger than anything I’d ever had in me, but it felt so good, just what I needed. As soon as he was all the way in, grabbing my hips by his paws, rapidly pumping in and out like there may not be a tomorrow.

My head was on the surface, eyes wide open, hands gripping the surface – in the back of my mind I realized I was being fucked by a dog, normally I’d have been terrified, but somehow the way he was using me, the sheer size and the rapid pounding was giving me all I had ever wanted.

Looking over at mom, she had a beautiful large Mountian dog fucking her – the satisfaction in her eyes, the way she was moaning each time he pushed in, told me she was feeling the same way – complete satisfaction.

These dogs were obviously trained to fuck for a longer period of time, before the knot slipped in – this allowed me to enjoy a body shaking orgasm, the amount of juices that emptied out of me, were quickly licked up by one of the dogs waiting their turns. Just as his baseball sized knot slipped in me, one of the watchers decided my mouth was a good hole to fill, slipping his shaft all the way down my throat – surprising me by not gagging – he, like the one behind, started to really pump.

The knot landed on my special spot, started applying pressure and move back and forth over it – I’ve never enjoyed the pleasure my ‘G’ spot could give me, now my head dropped down, I started to cry out, with some sort of gibberish,due to the cock in my mouth, it made no sense, but felt so good screaming it.

The beast in my pussy started pumping load after load of the warmest liquid I’d ever enjoyed or felt in there, so much hotter than any man can ever give. All of this triggered a new explosion in me, one that made my whole body shake — at the same time, the one in my mouth actually forced his knot between my teeth, forcing me to breathe through my nose. By the time this one started to pump the warm liquid down my throat, the one behind me pulled out, quickly replaced by number two. This one was bigger in girth but not as long, the way he pumped more than made up for the difference – I’ve never been shaken like I was with this one.

By the time number two pulled out of my mouth and was quickly replaced, the one in my pussy had just forced his knot in me, causing me to lose all ability to know or understand what was happening.

At some point my pussy was missed, but my ass was filled – the knot made me come back to consciousness again … that didn’t last long.

Mom and I had finally satisfied all their needs, both of us had swallowed so much cum we looked like we were pregnant – droplets of cum were dropping out of our ass and pussy – the hounds were taken back to the kennels – we were helped into a warm smoothing tub to soak and try to calm down. Sometime later we were helped to bed, the mattress felt so good, sleep overtook both of us in minutes.

I have no idea how long we slept, it was more than just a day, waking there was a full course breakfast waiting for us, we had also skipped our normal injections, but we’d had them for so long – it didn’t seem to matter, the need to fuck was still there.

After breakfast, we were laying on a double lounge, enjoying some sun. Mom was laying sideways facing me, lightly rubbing a finger over my nipple … “I think Juan has achieved all he set out to do, more than likely your Dad has disappeared, he’d never stay around to face what is coming his way. Our home is in my name, I bought it with my dad’s money – my career is shot, I have a feeling we’ve become famous porn stars who fuck dogs – not someone people want modeling a product”

We went on talking, in no time I was more than excited, moving to her, kissing the way lovers do, our boobs rubbing back and forth – pussies dripping – it didn’t take long for both of us to explode – which satisfied us for the moment, that is when mom suggested we go back home, live as a lesbian couple – college was finished with the videos of us making out, fucking then enjoying becoming dogs bitches – I did love her body – smiling, “Sounds perfect, but I may have an idea that would help us out”

Juan joined us later that afternoon, explained all charges had been dropped, there was a small problem of him escaping, but he figured they weren’t looking hard and he could stay out of sight, we were free to go, unless we were going to press charges of being kidnapped. He went on to say the release of our dog experience had downloaded 200,000 copies the first day – he was projecting it to reach new standards, making a tremendous amount of money, which he was more than pleased by sharing some for our part.

Without consulting mom I proposed an idea, “What if we continued to make fuck movies with the hounds on say a once a month basis, you keep the profits, we’d do it for the excitement – in turn you supply us with the fuck drugs – so we can give each other shots when we need them, and a good supply of that ‘Bitch-in-heat’ pussy spray. What do you say?”

Mom had a grin as wide as I’ve ever seen on her, he loved the idea – loaning us a car to get home, we stopped at a Boutique mom and I visited frequently – the young sales clerk recognized us immediately saying she loved the videos we’d made … she helped us pick out a wardrobe of the sluttest outfits available – heading home to make sure the shithead was gone, dropping off our purchases and the things Juan had given us, injecting each other with the fuck me drug, slipping on an outfit that made our tits easily accessable and pussy in full display – we headed for a biker bar, both of us had passed multiple times.

A monster of a guy was behind the bar, when we walked in, recognizing us immediately since the video of us fucking the dogs was on the big screen behind him. “Well well well, the two dog fuckers have come to say hi, what brings you in here today?”
Both of us were already glazed over from the shots, looking at him, “Mom and I were just wondering if guys would still fuck us once we’ve fucked dogs?”

A broad smile spread all over his face, multiple guys had gathered around – unzipping his jeans, what had to be the biggest cock I’ve ever seen on any guy was plopped on the bar, obvious it was coming to life – looking at it – then back to him, “Oh fuck I had no idea, your momma was fucked by a horse – your dad was a stallion”

Reaching over, picking me up as easy as if he were lifting a mug of beer, plopping me on the bar, my legs automatically spread wide open – there wasn’t any need to build up anything – that monster was in me all the way, I was amazed at how loose and stretched my pussy had become – I saw mom being spread out on the pool table – we had arrived around 7pm – it was just after 2 in the morning when we stumbled out to our car. Neither of us could walk straight – cum was dripping from our ass and pussy – smiling at each other, mom leaned over kissing me for the longest time … “We need to do this maybe once a week, what do you think?”

I loved the idea … shower, much needed sleep, waking in each others arms – enjoying a good breakfast – taking the coffee out on the back patio, that overlooked the large forested area bordering our place – “Well honey we’re going to be fucked at the studio for one week, the bikers will take care of us between that – any ideas on what we can do to keep us satisfied during our down time?”

Going back inside, picking up two injections, and the bottle of Bitch pussy spray – we gave each other the shots, sprayed our asses – then waved them in the air – what mom didn’t know, was a pack of wild dogs roamed the woods below us – I’d seen them several times, dad had hired some hunters to see if they could be shot – but they were cagey bastards – it only took a few minutes before the scent of bitches in heat was picked up by them … in a full sprint our way, maybe 8 or 9 were coming – mom smiled, “Well this will take care of that down time we were wondering about”

These were nothing like the tamed ones we’d enjoyed a few days earlier – the one who jumped on me, drove his cock deep inside me, grabbed onto my neck with his teeth, scratched the hell out of my arms all the time pounding me like mad. His knot was huge, when it slipped in it set off a series of explosions in my body, just as one of them plunged his cock in my mouth. I could hear mom moaning – but had no idea where she was or what was happening to her.

One after the next emptied their seed in us … it was down and dirty – all of them used us multiple times – when they were on their way, our bodies had scratches all over them, bite marks on our tits – both of us had been ass fucked a few times … crawling to the hot tub, easing in the warm water … mom kissed me again “Well not sure I can take that too many times, but it’s good to know they are out there – OMG they really know how to fuck”

One Year Later
We’ve made several more movies, we deliver a new one personally to the biker bar for them to review – the wild dogs come and see us a few times each month, sometimes when they leave we have to visit a clinic to get the cuts and bite marks taken care of – mom and I are still madly in love with each other – all in all life couldn’t get much better.

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