Women with Animals

Real Happiness is in Being a Bitch! – Part 2


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In the early morning inside Dogon’s dungeon, these phrases were heard around on a loop until Dogon finished his morning fuck session.

“Yes, Daddy, you are hitting me deep.”

“Please don’t stop, master”

“Daddy, you are altering my guts.”

“Daddy, I’m owned. You own me. I’m your bitch, your fuck meat.”

Once done, Pixie would have her appetizer of cum before breakfast. It was going smoothly for everyone. Pixie even started calling Dogon daddy. Since they were lovers, she felt calling Dogon master would be too formal, and she couldn’t call him by his name due to hierarchy, so she took to calling him daddy. She would be called “daddy’s princess” instead of “Dogon’s princess” as per her collar by the audience logging in for streams.

This huge popularity made Dogon become a hot favorite for clients to buy, so they scheduled his departure and informed Pixie that they needed to have one last breakup fuck session. For Dogon, Pixie was just another bitch, but for Pixie, Dogon had become the savior and partner that would protect her. So during the breakup fuck session, Pixie was crying and sobbing.

“Daddy, don’t go… I love you, please. I’ll be a good girl. Take me with you.”

Dogon couldn’t care less, so he was just quenching his lust. After Dogon left for the next whole day, Pixie fell into depression. The staff wanted to pair her with a perfect candidate, so they needed time to profile a new candidate. They had attached a dildo for her to fuck herself, but she didn’t even try it once.

As a temporary solution, they thought of having Pixie choose a partner for herself among the dogs currently present in the facility. So, they arranged a get-together of dogs in the open field with food and treats to keep dogs occupied. Pixie could enter and choose her partner. She was told just to sniff the butt of the dog she liked. If he likes her back, he will fuck her right then and there, on which later she would be lodged with him as his fuck meat until further notice.

Pixie was still down but knew she needed to move on, so the next day, she was led to the field where all the 12 dogs were gathered. Suddenly, looking at these dogs, Pixie became wet. It’s as if she completely accepted being a bitch that she listed after these hunky dogs. She wanted to get fucked by all of them if allowed, she probably would have let all the dogs fuck her if she had spoken what was in her mind, but as per rules, she was supposed to talk only to the dog that fucks her. Her eyes caught a huge black cane Corso (an Italian breed of mastiff) just sitting in the back.

His muscles made her drool as she dashed straight towards him and started to like his ass while fondling his ball, she even started to suck his balls and sheath, but the dog didn’t move an inch. Pixie kept trying but was informed by a staff that this dog is extremely moody and picky when it comes to his bitches. He wants his bitches to act in a certain way, so it’s better to give up.

Disappointed, Pixie tried to find another dog to own her. Still, her heart didn’t feel right with any of the other dogs, so she requested to know what she needed to do to get that black came Corso to fuck her by just circling the dog with a look of “Please help me fuck this dog, face” .they took her away and showed old videos of how bitches were supposed to act to get him to like them.

The first thing was the way bitches needed to walk, while on four, only hands and knees were supposed to touch the ground, and the ankle should be touching the butt with a tippy-toe posture as if ballerina.

They were very formal around him, calling him master and using only honorifics to address him.

None of them tried to suck him to get him to fuck them; instead, they were supposed to just take a position in front of him with all the knees only touching the ground part and could rest arms in front with ass raised. If pleased by the begging, he would grant the pleasure.

Pixie felt like this dog had the soul of an old man but this made her hot, wanting to submit to such a difficult dog.

Staff still advised not to mate with him as he is picky. He is actually the oldest dog they have. He was trained according to Victorian customs but was abandoned here once his previous owner/lover moved on. He usually doesn’t get much work done around here, but out of charity, they have kept him around as he is a very good dog.

Pixie nodded that she didn’t agree and tried to tell them she wanted to try with hand signs. Staff agreed and moved her into his chamber that night. He was fast asleep, so Pixie didn’t bother to do a “mating dance” and slept cuddling with him. The next morning, they were woken up to eat their breakfast. Pixie saw that there were two food bowls, as usual, labeled as “Bosco,” and as usual, another one was “bitch.”

After they ate, Pixie thought of giving them some time as she explored his house, it was somewhat the same as that of Dogon’s but outdated and old. What intrigued me was the title of the house -“Bosco the Goblin.” She took a big breath and went on only her knees as she arched her foot like a ballerina trying to keep it in touch with her butt. She walked into the house and sat announcing to Bosco.

“Dear master, I am completely in love with you. It will be my honor if you choose me to be your bitch and make use of this fuck meat to satisfy yourself.”

She turned around with her face down. She opened her asshole to him while on her knees. She knew she had to be patient with him as she held position. Due to sweat, her hands were slipping from stretching her holes, although with her hand in the back, she could rest her ankles on them. To get back the grip, she would wither, which looked like twerking. After holding the position for 20 minutes, she was feeling the exhaustion with her face on the ground.

She couldn’t even know whether he was looking at her. After a while, she felt him licking her holes, and soon he pissed on her head, claiming her. This made Pixie happy as she braced for him to mount. As he climbed on top, Pixie understood she couldn’t lift herself using her hands as he was too heavy. He penetrated hard with one try and started to fuck the living daylights out of Pixie.

Pixie planned on buttering him up by complimenting his skills, but with the force with which Bosco was fucking her, she couldn’t form any thought in her mind as it went blank. Pixie truly felt like a piece of meat that time, and he inserted her Knott and went ass to ass as he started to dump his cum. Bosco effortlessly dragged Pixie to his bed as he went to take a rest, Pixie was limp. She didn’t lose consciousness but was completely drained to do anything.

“No wonder they call him goblin,” she thought. Once he popped himself from her, Pixie was struggling to keep her ass up, trying not to spill the cum. But she knew it if she spilled it on his bed, she might not be in his good grace, so she crawled her way to her food bowl, emptied the cum from her vagina, and as she was trying to lick it, she fell asleep with her face in the bowl.

After a while, she woke up. She was actually in another room, strapped to a bench. As she tried to look around, someone asked her to stay still from behind.

“Your performance with Bosco was exceptional, so we have decided to put you two on stream officially. This will be Bosco’s debut despite being in this facility for a long time. So, we are altering his house with camera setups, and your look is being altered to match your lover.”

Once she had removed her makeup and jewelry, Pixie could feel that her hair was being dyed. She stood in front of the mirror.

Her hair was dyed grey with roots being kept black. She was supposed to leave her hair free as she would be fucked. She didn’t have a collar; instead, a bib necklace of Persian Design adorned her neck, and her earrings were brass with the words “goblin’s pet.” She had a bicep bracelet with thin chain dangling going in wave around her smooth hand not obstructing the sponsorship tattoo on her arm. She was given a scarf to cover her crotch so that Bosco doesn’t see it all the time and may lose interest in her exposing it when asking him to fuck her. There was one chain around her thighs and one that went around her waist through her newly pierced belly button.

She was encouraged to sit and massage the old dog instead of jerking off, hence the heavy decoration of her torso. She was informed that a sperm-enhancing drug would be added to Bosco’s food to stimulate him for sex more, but because of his old age, one fuck session per day would be enough. But she was encouraged to hump or finger herself. She was led into the renovated house now, which had an enema station for her, “cum treat” bowl was back. Multiple mirrors around the walls and a mounting support table so that the audience gets to see her breasts jiggle while being fucked, and a gramophone which was supposed to be played before their fuck session, set the mood.

Now alone with Bosco made Pixie horny as she took off the scarf and went on the table, spreading her asshole as some old piano tune started to play on a gramophone. This time Bosco proceeded to mount his bitch just after 6 minutes. His hard trust made Pixie’s breast flop back and forth along with the necklace, making it a spectacle. As her head was just below his, Bosco proceeded to lick her face, and Pixie returned the favor making it look like lovers engaging in a passionate kiss mid fuck. This time Pixie was able to moan as Bosco messed up her asshole. Once done, she went to the cum bowl and proceeded to eat the reward her master gave.

She went to massage Bosco, the muscular body of Bosco made her horny. “The goblin’s pet” was a massive hit in streaming, but like everything this was also supposed to end as feeding Bosco stimulants daily will affect his health. After a week Pixie was moved to another enclosure where she would meet her new master that staff finally found.

It was a bully whippet, which looked like a chihuahua on steroids. But this time, instead of having them meet inside the enclosure, they arranged for a date in a public park. Pixie was in a floral picnic mini dress with a hat, sitting on the blanket with a food basket. Shortly, she was introduced to “Chuck.” He had a long face and was an ugly-looking dog, yet Pixie’s heart raced to look at his muscular body, her nipples getting hard, but they both were ordered not to indulge in any type of sexual activity.

Chuck just sat next to the bitch he’ll be fucking from now on. Pixie felt up his body in the guise of petting him. The picnic went on with Pixie flirting with Chuck, and soon, a group of young men approached Pixie, trying to flirt with her. Pixie, with a stoic face, announced that she already has a boyfriend and that he owns her, so she has no interest in human males, weirded out by her words, they left.

Once Chuck ate food, both were boarded in a van and were taken back.

Once in her new enclosure, Chuck ripped her dress off aggressively and went on to fuck and claim his bitch. Pixie felt like a can of food that got opened, eaten, and thrown away as Chuck went away after using her .as. Usually, she dumped the cum gifted to her in a bowl and ate like a good girl. Next, she was taken inside to dress for her new master. She was bathed, her scarf stayed, which gave some power to Pixie over choosing when to fuck, her white hair stayed, she now had a collar with the tag “Pixie, Chuck’s fuck doll,” a waist chain going through her Belly piercing. A tattoo of a paw was made on her neck, indicating she was for the dogs exclusively. Things were kept simple for Chuck. Every week, Pixie would be loaned to Bosco with her old attire, necklace, etc.

Pixie would follow the rules Bosco thought her even with Chuck, with her bitch walk and addressing everything. After spending two months being a good bitch to Chuck and Bosco, she was sold to a royal family of English. There she was confined in a big room, and she was informed she would never see sunlight in her life, but this didn’t bother Pixie as she only wanted some good fuck. She was given the title dowager (widow), and she would attend dog of a queen, a Labrador named Ronald.

He was smaller in size compared to her previous lovers. Her left sleeve, which was tattooed, was removed, and new skin was added, the same thing for all tattoos on her body. After a few months of healing, the new skin blended with her skin color. Her old skin was kept in frames and hung on the walls of her chambers, giving it an eerie feel. She was kept completely nude with no accessories, she was fed good food, the queen would visit her chamber with her dog, the dog would fuck the girl, and the girl would have to go down on the queen from licking her pussy to giving her a rim job, all were Pixie’s responsibility.

The name Pixie didn’t sit quite right with the queen as it didn’t sound royal, so she named her “Lady.” Eventually, the prince started to visit the lady’s chamber. He loved to fuck her anally after she was very beautiful, he couldn’t resist. Lady, on the other hand, felt weird getting fucked by humans, but she got used to it after all twist of fate snatched her royal lifestyle and brought back the same thing. Her blowjobs became famous among royal guests who were given access to her. With all fucking going on lady missed her previous masters who would rip her apart while fucking, so she would hump the pillows in frustration.

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