Women with Animals

Not believing in VooDoo, punishes me as a Dog’s Bitch


Graduating in a computer technology degree, opened an extremely well paying position with a company located in Haiti.

I’d never been to Haiti, had heard just a little bit about it, I knew they practiced Voodoo, something again I didn’t know much about – but considering the money being offered, I quickly accepted the position and started to study more about this place and the peoples beliefs.

Just before I left, my mother mentioned the fact my grandmother was from Haiti but she didn’t know much about her life there – other than a Priestess who she loved dearly.

Arriving in country on a Wednesday afternoon, a cute blonde named Becky was waiting for me … as soon as she saw me, a huge hug, one that lasted longer than a first time hug normally does, pulling back, but still holding me in her arms, “I knew we’d become the best of friends as soon as I saw the interview you had – I’m Becky, your work partner and until you get settled, your suite partner – if you’re ok with that”

Grabbing my luggage, explaining places to stay were hard if you wanted anything near our offices – so since she had a large two bedroom suite, we could share expenses until I decided what I wanted. I think I fell in love with her that moment or at least on the way to her place.

Dropping off my stuff, we headed to the facility where I’d be working, meant my supervisor, as well as the CEO of the company – she was female, most of the staff were female – being alone in her office she explained some of the culture here – “I give the utmost respect to the local religion here – the entire place is governed around this belief – so I have arranged a meeting with the ruling Priestess a Miss Mirlande – we never know how long one of these interviews take with her, so you’re not scheduled to start work until Monday morning – Becky will take you to the ladies home … good luck we’ll see you Monday”

Becky drove me out to a large plantation – remembering her first meeting with the Princess – it was obvious she kept some of what happened a secret, telling me that transportation would be provided when the interview was over.

My skin coloring, large ample breasts and an unruly head of hair, made me look like I was one of the natives – knocking lightly on her door, more than shocked when what had to be the most stunningly beautiful women I have ever seen, opened the door – Her larger than life breasts were visible and yet somewhat covered, they shook proud and free – flawless skin … long legs, a short, really short skirt barely covered her perfectly shaved pussy, allowing the puffy lips to be on display – Arms outstretched, wrapping around me, “Oh Nicolette it is about time you came back home … please come in and let’s get reacquainted”

Shaking my head, telling her I’d never been here before – she must be mistaken, “Oh you personally weren’t here but you look just like your grandmother – she and I were very close when she had your mom and now you’ve come home”

I didn’t really know much about my grandmother, other than she was single when she had mom… the same way mom was when she had me, but other than what mom said about Haiti ,,, but this lady couldn’t possibly be more than in her mid thirties – but by this time the new exciting scents inside the house, the way she danced and moved – her breasts swaying back and forth, were capturing my attention .. chanting some strange language – all were taking me on a trip, I’d never been on before – one that was relaxing me to the point nothing else mattered.

Pouring me a sweet tasting tea, she wanted to know all about me, my mom and as much as I could remember about my grandmother – it only took one sip for the effects of the tea to plunge me into a different world – one I felt free, one that I’d answer any and all questions – all inhibitions were gone.

While we talked, she moved in behind me, reaching around, squeezing, massaging my boobs – kissing my neck … slowly removing my blouse .. .then somehow my slacks were slipped off – continually kissing my neck, her hands started playing between my legs, making me whimper, raising my hips, writhing from side to side –

I’ve been with a lot of women in my short life, but what she was doing to me was hotter, mind blowing – exciting more than anyone before. She knew just where to touch – how long to make contact – an experienced sexual mistress that knew how to keep me on the edge for hours and hours.

When she finally allowed me to explode, she made sure her mouth covered my entire pussy … swallowing all the juices I could give her.

This seemed to satisfy her desires and needs …licking her liips, “That is what keeps me young, the juices from innocent little silly girls” helping me relax in a warm tub of scented water … We talked more about my grandmother – than she surprised me by telling me things about my grandmother’s family – when I was ready, she started the seduction all over again …

Like before she made sure to drink all the juices I gave up – Between the time I arrived and Sunday evening, I have to admit it was the most enjoyable time I’ve ever spent – We were laying in bed holding each other, when I looked at the various photos she had on the wall – “Wow your mother and grandmother and maybe way beyond that all look exactly like you, how is that possible?”

Laughing she once again told me they were all pics of her – which made her well over 200 plus years old … adding that was the blessing a Voodoo Princess normally called a Mambo – closing my eyes, shaking my head, “I appreciate what you may believe, but I really don’t believe in any of the strange things your VOODOO has to offer”

Looking at me, not saying anything … reaching in a night stand, bringing out a small handmade stuffed doll . reaching out to pull a few of my hairs out of my head .. wrapping them around the doll – “Then you won’t mind it I do something that might convince you of the power my religion controls”

I had no idea what she was going to do with a few strands of my hair – then an unfamiliar chant – placing the doll on the dresser – we hugged, she thanked me for coming – Totally exhausted when I came back to my place – we talked, it seems each person interviewed was something each of us kept close to us – I also didn’t tell her about the doll or my hair.

Almost 4 months later multiple subtle things started to change – first it seemed my body was picking up a different scent – it wasn’t a strong change, just something I started to notice – then one evening Becky and I had just had a marathon love session – we were relaxing, sampling each others juices … sharing it with one another by licking the juices off our fingers – my now full time lover – stopped for a moment- “It’s funny when I was young we had a female dog that would come into heat – I enjoyed sticking my finger in her pussy .. making her whimper – then I’d lick her juices off that finger – it tastes like you are coming into heat. What do you think is happening?”

I had no idea, but I knew something was changing, something strange was happening to my body – none of the symptoms were listed on Google – so calling a physician would be useless, I just felt different, but nothing I could put a finger on.

The uncomfortable feeling kept building, until one Saturday morning I was up early, slipping on a short sundress – no panties, , heading to a park near our place. As soon as I entered the area, one huge dog came up by my side, walking with me – I wasn’t nervous. I love dogs, but then a second one joined us, walking along – an unfamiliar attraction kept me looking at the two of them, running my hand over their backs. Trying to clear my head, something beyond my power was happening to me … just as a third one came up behind, slipping his large snout under my covering, rubbing his nose back and forth between my bottom cheeks .. I was wet, more like dripping wet when I entered the park, I knew he was licking the juices – flashing back to what Becky had said, that I tasted like I was coming into heat.

Deep in my subconscious it felt like I was in heat and I needed to be fucked, hopefully impregnating me.

The three of them guided me to a bench, the one between my legs had started aggressively liking my pussy, making my legs weak, which in turn dropped to my knees facing the bench – Trying to stand or move to set on the bench, he jumped up on my back, his weight more than I could move, to my sudden surprise – his cock slid up inside my well lubricated pussy, making me gasp, as I dropped my head.

I was so confused, on one hand I felt like I was in heat and needed to be used, while I realized I was kneeling on a park bench about to be fucked by a dog, a stray dog of some sort. What was happening to me … before I could make any sense of it, he started to pound me, so fast and hard, my body shook, the first of what would be many orgasms hit me, making what was happening more than just enjoyable.

The rapid pumping seemed to go on forever, much longer than any dog I’d ever seen – during this a lady took a seat next to me …. I wasn’t able to focus on who it was, but I couldn’t believe someone would not try to stop what was happening to me …

Before I could try and see who the lady was, his knot started applying pressure – it was huge and normally never would have gone in without a lot of pain – but the fact my body was acting more dog like than human, it slipped in easily, at the same time he started flooding me with the most wonderfully warm feeling – multiple things happened all at the same time, the flooding with his liquid – the way the knot kept stimulating me … triggered a massive body shattering climax that seemed to go on forever and ever. It took a long time, but when he started to calm down, the strange lady by my side was running her fingers thru my hair, “Silly little girl – for being so rude and not believing in a powerful religion and way of life, you’ve been punished by thinking your a dog, a female dog in heat – but as with all punishment – you’ve also been able to peak into a world of sexual satisfaction – very few ever enjoy”

My head was down, my eyes opening and closing, still unable to speak or see anything – but I recognized that voice – the Priestess was the one who cast this spell on me – I’ve never been so embarrassed, so sorry for what I said and at the same time, so sexually satisfied as I was at this moment.

When he pulled out of me, I wanted to tell her how sorry I was, but she was gone – the second one was up on and in me, before I had a chance to do anything – the fucking was better this time then before – he was longer with a bigger girth – the pounding triggered a new explosion – one that continued to go on and on, seeming to never end – waves of pleasure just kept coming.

This one was harder on me than the first one had been – the Priestess had to have enhanced these dogs … this one kept pumping in and out well over an hour plus – when the knot pushed in, I was totally exhausted – so much so I couldn’t move a muscle – the warmth relaxed me, enjoying how good this made me feel… by the time the third one was in me, there wasn’t any gas left in the tank – I couldn’t move … it felt like my body was enjoying this … all I could do was lay there – he eventually pulled out – the shadows were becoming very long in the park, so as near as I could figure they’d been using me most of the day – it took some time to be able to stand – the walk home was struggling – Becky was worried when she saw me … that was when I came clean telling her what I had done and what had happened today.

She was more than upset with me, “I can’t believe you’d insult a lady who easily could be over 200 years old – who knows how far she has decided to punish you” Then she laughed, “It would serve you right if you’re pregnant with a litter of puppies now”

That was the first time I’d really realized the power she must have and the trouble I could be in … the week passed without any incident – I didn’t feel sick, didn’t feel like I had any morning sickness – I’d purchased several pregnancy tests, but each one came back negative – by Friday night my roommate was still mad at me, but not as much now, I had tried several times to get an appointment with the Goddess, she refused to see me … Saturday morning I woke, feeling better than I had all week, grabbed a bite to eat before Becky got up, slipped on a men’s long tee shirt, nothing under it – jogging to the park – happy as hell to see a dozed big strays waiting for me… Dropping down on the bench like I had been the previous week, the first one licked my pussy that had been dripping all the way here – he was up and in me … the quick fast fucking had me roll my eyes up in my head, almost in a whisper, “OMG I’ve missed this so much …. Thank you guys”

I hadn’t noticed at first but the bench was a flat seat, no back, so one of the big boys drove his rigid cock deep in my mouth, fucking while pushing the length down my throat, when he emptied his cream it went directly to my tummy. The third one missed my pussy, instead filling my ass – this was a new feeling, instantly triggering a body shaking explosion –

It was late at night when I headed home, sticky droplets of cum dripping from my pussy and ass my tummy looking like I was pregnant.

By the time six months had passed, every Saturday was spent on my knees being used by numerous hounds – some I recognize from previous weeks, a few have become one of my favorites …. I’m sorry I didn’t believe – but I love the punishment.

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