Women with Animals

A Dragon and the Ladies


Living high in the mountain tops – in a cave completely covered in a soft moss – a moss that only grows due to the constant heat my breath gives off. I am a dragon, a fire breathing flying dragon whose range covers well over a half dozen villages – each providing life support for more than four hundred or so on any given day. Most people have no idea what a dragon does or likes or enjoys or much at all about them – they know they’re large, can at any time breathe a stream of fire destroying anything it comes in contact with. My appetites range from eating an occasional villager, enjoying scaring people who run and scream when I appear, playing with the never ending supply of ‘Dragon-Killers’, who have no idea that I never sleep, when I’m relaxing and my eyes seem closed, they are totally aware of things happening around them, since I can see clearly through my eyelids.

Another gift I was born with is the ability to hypnotize quickly, much faster than my distant cousins the large snakes or the ability to change my breath, easily filling the caves cavern with a muscle relaxer – rendering anyone who is there completely helpless.

That is more than enough about me, this story is about a pretty little girl named Elisa – who was born in a village not far from my cave.

One other thing I did not mention was my extremely sharp eye sight, giving me the advantage of watching the villagers from a great distance – On this particular morning, from high in the forested area, I watched this young mother set on her front area, nursing this little child – her breasts were heavy with milk, sweet tasting milk – she had not put on much weight during the pregnancy, so the sexy figure she has had for years was still there – now that she had been nursing the milk was flowing regularly on an hourly/daily basis —

The husband and father of this lovely little one, was out in the fields plowing – getting the ground ready for the spring time planting.

Flying low over the main part of the village, hissing, growling, shooting flames of fire – the ones below started running in all directions. Two additional passes had everyone scurrying in all directions – the young lady did as any good mother would do, running inside, placing the baby safe in a crib, then coming back out to see what she could do to help with the destruction that was coming – the small homestead had an old barn, one built by grandparents, one that only had few seasons left of still standing … I flew low over it, covered the entire structure with fire, it was completely engulfed in the flames – both adults ran towards the flames and smoke to see what could be done so the flames did not spread to other structures – that was my opportunity – flying back on the second pass, picking up the young mother, holding her so our eyes locked – in moments she was under my spell, relaxing in my arms, flying high towards the cave – once inside – where it was calm – she was even more beautiful than I had expected.

Telling her she was safe, to relax – nothing was going to harm her, deeply programing her to forget about the baby, her husband and the life she had just a short time ago – the cave was warm … since part of my hypnosis was to rid her of any inhibitions she may have had .. when I suggested she might be more comfortable if she removed the heavy clothing – quickly doing as I suggested … I gasped – her body was lovely, perfect in every way and the way the large breasts hung from the weight of the milk, made me drift into an erotic state … breathing heavy, “Maureen is there anything I can do to help you be more comfortable?”

Lifting each mound, “My breasts are so heavy with milk, they are becoming terribly uncomfortable, would you think it strange to help me – I’d really be in your debt?”

I could have just taken the milk, but if it was her suggestion, even though she was completely under my spell, she’d be more comfortable with me emptying them six to eight times each day. .

A woman’s breast is super sensitive when she is lactating – since I’ve been enjoying these type of women for hundreds of years … carefully lifting the heavy orbs, lightly caressing them .. leaning down to taste her particular sweet tasting warm milk … moving my tongue to excite the sides of her nipple – a low whimpering moan took place, telling me I’m doing just what needs to be done in order to thoroughly enjoy this lovely creature.

I’ve never tasted sweeter milk than what I was enjoying at this moment. Making sure her bottom was being massaged, at the same time applying a light pressure against her pussy – as soon as I emptied the first breast, she was trying to push that lovely pussy into me, her breathing coming in pants – the eyes lost while they rolled up in her head, opening and closing slowly … when the second boob was empty – her knees had collapsed – needing to be supported – looking at me, “Thank you so much, they feel so much better, but now I need you to help me … ahhh help me … OMG I need to be fucked. Could you help me with this need also?”

Just being this close to her, the way warm milk made me feel, I was already rock hard – another plus to enjoying a lady who has recently given birth is how soft and pleasurable her vaginal canal is – knowing she was not used to any thing like my size – I slowly pushed in – giving plenty of time for her to adjust to this new pleasure. Almost immediately her body started squeezing me – moving in and out slowly, it felt like she was milking me … this slow steady rhythm triggered her body to start writhing from side to side .. her fingernails clawing at me, strange whimpering and moaning sounds intertwining between screams – that’s when I kicked it up a notch – taking hold of her body, pushing hard in and out – that was what she needed … it only took a few minutes for her body to explode around me – now I needed to keep pumping, exciting her body to new levels – her eyes had lost all ability to focus … this didn’t take long for a second wave to rip through her …. At that moment I slipped a single digit in her back door opening – her eyes shot open, mouth opened wide – no sound — that was when I released the full load of my warm seed – it flooded her body … triggering the third and final climax her body could stand – it was like a wave of unbelievable pleasure wrapping her body, opening a door to satisfaction she’d never known … when I pulled out … her body fell into my arms … sleep overtaking her … gently carrying the exhausted to a bed I’d made years ago for the various women I’d entertained.

She slept until the milk woke her – I had plenty of fruit and snacks for her to eat, then without being asked, I started to empty the full breasts at the same time, slipping my cock deep in her pussy – her body immediately started riding me … this time, instead of triggering an orgasm, a steady wave of pleasure started covering every cell in her body … I kept pumping while I emptied the milk – the entire time her body was shaking … moaning, while whimpering confirmed she was now all mine – this time when the breasts were empty … she completely collapsed – but sleep didn’t take over, instead she was now sexually keyed and excited – I was still hard … it was easy to turn her over on all fours, circling the head of my cock around the anal opening … when I pushed it slowly in, her head dropped down, “OMG FUCK … NO in MY ASS … OMG IT FEELS SO GOOD”

Pumping in and out, it didn’t take long for me to start her body shaking … this time her body exploded when I emptied a second load of the warm cream inside her.

This one did leave her exhausted, requiring more sleep – now all I needed was to show her how to give a good blowjob and the days would be complete.

For years I drank her milk, fucked her in everyway possible … all the time watching her young daughter grow up. Elisa was a spitting image of her mother, growing up hating me, even though she’d never actually seen me – I watched her practice with swords, knives and spears – all designed to someday kill me.

Being this hot and good looking, I only had to wait for her to get pregnant – it did not take long, before I knew it she and her new husband moved in with the father – and much to my enjoyment gave birth to a young beautiful girl – looking like her mom and so much like her grandmother … Since she was so set on destroying me, a couple of weeks after the baby was born, I did a fly by over the village, setting a few hay bails ablaze – taking care of some other old shacks that were ready to fall down on Elisa’s property – but this time I took an older lady, one who had been a mother to her since I took her own one away – however this new captive was fat, big sagging boobs, no sexual excitement at all – so I merely ate her. However that triggered the rage this young one felt – making sure the baby was taken care of, with all the weapons she could carry, she was on the way to my place to do away with me. Judging the time it would take to reach me, I fucked the brains out of her mother, leaving her exhausted, sleeping soundly against the wall. I pretended to be asleep, just as the young one entered the cave.

In moments she recognized her mother – nude, the cream still dripping from her pussy … her tits still huge, but unlike hers, now empty – For a few moments she froze, not sure what to do – that’s when I changed the air in the cave, in moments she was unable to move her arms or legs or nothing, just staring at me … Moving slowly to her, my razor sharp claws easily disrobing her – like her mom she was absolutely beautiful … Tossing the weapons to the side, “Well well well little one – seems your plans did not take into account all of the secrets I maintain. I captured your mom when you were born, she provides me with sweet milk 8 to 10 times each day, in turn I fuck her the same numbers” … reaching out, teasing her nipples … in less than a minute she was moaning … “Now you have a choice, I can hypnotize you, make you into a play toy like your mom, you can voluntarily become mine or I can just eat you – your choice?”

She thought for a few minutes, “But what about my baby, what will happen to her?”

Smiling, “In 18 or so years I’ll seduce her, so your mom, you and her granddaughter will all be here enjoying the best sex anyone could have ever wished for. You see in here combined with my juices – nothing ages – so I’ll be enjoying three sets of milk filled tits, while the three of you will be fucked multiple times each day. What do you think?”

Looking at her mom, who seemed to be extremely happy, although asleep – the only logical choice was to stay and let me enjoy her body – after destroying her weapons, I decided to not hypnotize her – she had come here to harm me, her mom was kidnapped – Moving close to her, licking her overflowing tits, the nipples started to leak as soon as they were touched – Driving my cock deep inside her, watching the surprised look on her face – the pain was instant – tears started to roll down her cheeks, she pushed and pounded my chest but there was nothing she could do – I did however treat her boobs like I had her moms each time I empty them, so even though the pain was unbelievable, what I was doing to her tits slowly built up the arousal she eventually enjoyed when her first orgasm hit —

The tears slowly stopped … she began pushing back to me, opening her legs wider, needing more of me in her .. by the time I emptied the last drop of milk – she was more than ready to have me fill her with my nectar – the look on her eyes, as they floated up in her head, told me there would never be any problems with her not wanting to stay.

When her mom woke, it took sometime to realize who the new girl was, but as soon as she did, the reunion was unbelievable – they were hugging and kissing – neither thought they’d ever see one another … since mom was ready to be milked, I let her daughter do the honors since she had only nursed for a short time, while I introduced Elisa to the joys of anal sex … now we all share in the milk provided by the two of them, when I’m not fucking them, they’re making out – seems the time away has made them even closer than they could have imagined. Now we’ll wait for the granddaughter to join us while the three of us enjoy sex every waking hour.

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