Women with Animals

The dog came with the house…


….now he has me cumming

Being married for over five years, enjoying sex every evening, most of the time, still laughing at each others jokes and all around being each other’s best friends – was what my life was like when my companion was offered a new job – almost double what he had been making – a better environment for him, the place he was at was literally drowning in politics – so it made sense to leave, one drawback was the time he had to be on the road. This new position required him to be in Chicago for a week, actually 5 days, once a month and occasionally covering an area where the company was having problems with a representative.

We rationalized everything, all the positive and negative points – the positive weighed so heavy for – that he accepted the position.

One of the things we had been considering was buying a new home, the neighborhood we were in was becoming unsafe, so we had been looking – a home for sale with a big back yard all private, neighbors not close and the asking price was doable – now with the bonus we’d been given, the new house payment was actually less than we had been paying – there was one stipulation – the three year old dog had to stay at the home. The couple were older, moving into a community that didn’t allow pets. He had been her companion since they got him, but they didn’t want him to be sent to a pound or worse – I loved dogs, so when the offer was accepted, I went over to get acquainted with my new companion.

Sammy was huge, a cross between a English Sheep dog and a large poodle, called a Sheepadoodle – he was close to 150 lbs, had all the pluses of these two great dogs, he had been trained by one of the best training kennels in the area, he had a small spot, behind some trees where he did his business – had the full run of the house, but was never around when food was being prepared or enjoyed – and if that wasn’t enough he was also a fantastic watchdog.

Being out in the country, with neighbors being a good distance away, this was something I loved, since my lover would not be around as often as he once was.

We moved in, the new place was perfect, my new best friend was even more enjoyable than I could have ever imagined – he had a favorite ball we’d play catch – this could go on for hours –

It didn’t take long for the two of us to become even closer, I loved how soft he was, on cooler evenings, he’d let me curl up next to him – the softness and warmth was like the ultimate blanket – not too hot but just wonderful.

With this increase in pay, we’d planned on a short vacation to a tropical resort, one where being topless was not frowned on – since we had several weeks before that was taking place, I decided I’d try and get a good tan, but with no lines anywhere on my upper body. Since we had a secluded backyard, tanning with only my bikini bottom would assure me of reaching that goal.

One morning while hubby was away, I was out back, soaking up the sun on a lounge chair, by now my skin was starting to get a deep bronze look about it – but it was also one of those mornings when I was feeling somewhat depressed … Stan had come home, after being on a two week road trip – he was tired and even though I was horny as a billy goat with four cocks, he just wanted to relax by the pool and sleep. I fully understood, slipping into the hot tub, concealing the large pulsating vibrator I had carried in witn me, while he relaxed, I was pumping the beast in and out of my pussy … Just as I exploded, my eyes locked on Sammy’s … he wasn’t moving, tail wasn’t wagging – just staring at me with those big beautiful eyes. I know in my heart he knew exactly what was happening – he’d been present when my lover had fucked me on the very lounge he was now sleeping on – his reactions at that time were the same they were now, just watching.

Sammy sensed I was down, his solution to everything was play with the ball. Dropping it by my side, quickly throwing it down the yard – he retrieved it and came running back, dropping it again – throwing it a different way, no fooling him he was back in no time. Deciding to see if I could trick him, I pretended to throw it, but instead hid it – it wasn’t surprising that nothing like this fooled him – when he saw I still had it, he was trying to get it – jumping around while I tried to hide it … his soft hair kept brushing my nipples, at first making me gasp – the more he jumped on me, the more I tried to stop the arousal that was slowly building deep inside me … in the battle he jumped up on the lounge with me … trying to grab it – I moved it over my head – he had straddled me, that’s when I felt a familiar pressure against my bikini bottom – the only problem it wasn’t my husband. I should have pushed him off immediately, but it felt so good –

I think he was also surprised, his slow steady movements, had my eyes rolling up in my head – then he moved off of me, at the same time when I was thinking more clearly – that was the first time I had seen his penis.. It was out of the sheath, long in length, so big around it would have been impossible for me to have wrapped my hand around it – the real shocker, he wasn’t fully aroused … realizing some lines may have been crossed, he stopped looking for the ball, moved under a tree, flopped down to relax, all the time keeping his eyes on me.

When I sat up, a sticky feeling was between my legs, looking down, there was also a glob of white cum on my bikini between my legs. Reaching down, wiping it up on my finger, for some reason I tasted it … the wildness made my eyes roll up in my head … OMG he tasted so good.

Somewhat embarrassed when I went back inside, the inside of my suit was soaked, the area between my legs, also soaked – he’d turned me on, triggered a small mini climax … taking a shower … washing between my legs, it didn’t take long to realize I was really turned on and this or a dildo was not going to help me ….

Wrapping in a towel, I headed out back to find him – as soon as he saw me, he came running, dropping down to my knees, allowing him to lick my face, “It’s OK boy, you didn’t do anything wrong – it just happened, you’re not in any trouble”

While I continued to rub him … he always rolls on his back to have you rub his tummy, this time however he was still excited – that large red rocket was now in full display. – shiny … surprisingly inviting for me to touch it … I have no idea why I did this, but reaching out, touching it, then running a single finger up and down the smooth surface – he wasn’t bothered, but the more I moved up and down the length, the longer it grew – being only wrapped in a towel, almost immediately the wetness between my legs started to increase.

Suddenly I became embarrassed by what I was doing – giving him a final pat, I headed back inside – breathing heavy, laying down on the sofa, taking a short nap, one that was filled with dreams of a yummy looking cock – waking 20 to 30 minutes later, my body was still in an aroused condition. Looking outside, he was still on his back, the shaft still visible, which didn’t clear my mind or my condition.

By the time evening came, the only thing I could think of was a beautiful penis and how much I needed to play more with it.

As usual when the sun started to set, the big loveable Sammy joined me either on the patio or inside if it was cooler.

I was in such a dream-like haze, walking out to the patio, taking a seat in a large overstuffed chair … I didn’t give the fact I was still wrapped in the same towel after my shower – so when he pushed that huge head under the towel between my legs, the pressure and mere contact to the over-aroused lips, made me gasp, reach down to push him away, but realizing he was far to big and strong to make him change what he wanted.

Due to the aroused state I’d been in all day, I’d leaked juices all over my pussy, down the inside of my thighs – his nose kept pushing all around, the long tongue licking every inch between by sex area – my hips were bouncing all over the place, while my hands held his head – I’d never been as excited or horny as I was at that moment –

My head was rolling all around, hips rocking … suddenly I couldn’t take it any longer – my body shook then exploded, flooding his nose, mouth, all over his eyes. Excited he started to lick up the juices – which plunged me deeper into the erotic I’d been in – when he finished, my mind was clearing – embarrassed, I barely made it back inside, standing under a warm shower – eyes filling with tears, wondering what was happening to me, I’d let a dog, my dog, trigger a massive climax – but not only a climax, one of the most body shaking ones I’d ever felt.

Grabbing a bite to eat then turning to the bed, I needed some sleep – some time to try and sort through the things that were happening to me – instead the night was filled with dreams of Sammy, doggy cocks, huge tongues licking me all over my body –

My guardian sleeps at the bottom of my bed, so it was not surprising when he heard me moaning, whimpering, tossing from side to side – my legs opening and closing – he jumped up on the bed – seeing how exciting I was becoming – natural instincts told him to start licking the juices, which only added to my dream like excitement – suddenly I came out of the dream – grabbing his head, just as the long awaited explosion washed over me.

This time when I started to calm down, he had licked me clean – laying on his side, licking his poor cock – I had brought it out like it had been before, I felt so sorry for him, crawling off the bed, joining him on the floor – stroking his rock hard shaft, not completely understanding why, I leaned over, taking the head in my mouth, moving up and down on the rigid pole … all the time squeezing it while I gave my first doggy blow job

After all the excitement he’d had, it only took me a few minutes to give him the relief he’d needed for many hours –

The strength, the wildness of his cum surprised me … swallowing the first warm load, made my eyes roll up in my head – the second, third, fourth and on and on continued to fill my mouth, making me swallow as fast as humanly possible – it seemed he had more than I could keep up with – finally some started running out of my mouth …. When he finally relaxed, I was able to catch up …. Then being overly full, flopping back – thinking about what had happened to me – first I’d let him give me an orgasm, repeated this process again and now I’d given him a blow-job, swallowing everything he’d been able to give me …

Shaking my head from side to side, wondering what was coming next. The two of us relaxed for well over an hour, eventually he headed outside, I got a snack along with a soft drink – staying nude, heading out back to relax trying to figure this all out.

He was on the grass, not far from me, laying on his side, but his eyes locked on me, watching my every move. Laying back in a relaxing lounge chair – drifting slowly off into a much needed nap. Subconsciously not wanting to burn, I rolled over onto my tummy – he watched joining me as soon as I moved. Very carefully licking between my legs, making my legs spread wide apart, at the same time my hips raised up …. This time he was not missing an opportunity, moving between my legs, that huge cock found its mark, slipping all the way in where his balls could start slapping my body –

The size of his shaft, the speed he started moving in and out, woke me – when I realized what was happening, I started to push him away, telling him to stop, he was a bad dog … but his weight and strength was too much, all I could do was lay there. It took a few minutes before my body started to betray me, instead of fighting him, a strange funny feeling started to cover me – head came up, eyes opening wide – suddenly a wave of pure pleasure covered me like a soft warm blanket on a cold day – my body shook, exploded, shook again – exploded the second time – that was when the huge knot started applying pressure at my opening –

Reality hit me, this was way too big to be in me, twisting, “Sammy, Sammy no, please stop, Sammy no don’t push in me … Sammy OMG PLEASE don’t do this”

He was smart, the smartest dog I’d ever seen or even heard of – he understood everything said to him, but now it was obvious he was ignoring me – he didn’t stop, didn’t slow down, just kept the pressure of that huge ball trying to get inside me.

Finally the continual hard pounding, my body gave way, the pussy opening – the knot slipping in.. I was not ready for the reaction that took place – my eyes shot wide open, head came up off the lounge – the knot landed directly on my hidden and magical ‘G’ spot – the most intense, mind blowing explosion I’ve ever imagined, ever dreamed of. He stopped pumping, my whole being was exploding, every cell feeling like it was exploding – being as smart as he was, he stopped so I could enjoy this first time experience …

Just as I started to slow down the new feelings, he began slowly moving in and out again – after a few seconds, the wonderful feeling of his warm cum flooded me. This caused my head to drop down and a slow orgasm started to build deep inside me … it was taking over all of me – every cell, every fiber – my mind, my whole being … started shaking – followed by a low morn – then tears flooding my eyes, just as I let out a scream – a scream easily louder than I’ve ever had ….

He stayed still – the two of us locked together …. Trying to come to grips with what had just happened. Finally the knot shrunk down enough to be pulled out of me … he quickly licked up all the juices I couldn’t hold … then returning the favor by cleaning his cock with my tongue … Moving into the hot tub, I just had been fucked by a dog … pussy still tingling … I’d cheated on my husband, had a sexual relation with our pet … thoughts rushing through my mind, how to face him, what to say … wondering how he’d react?

We had a face-time call scheduled that afternoon – I showered, dressed in a skimpy sundress – we talked about non-important things – even though he had said I never looked better, he sensed there was something wrong – Figuring the best was to face the music and tell him what happened. Starting out with what led up to this morning – then finally explaining what had happened, how good it made me feel – not that I loved him any less .. but this was like sex I’d never thought was possible.

I had gone into complete details, so nothing was left out … when I told him what happened when we separated and my cleaning his cock – that’s when I looked at my companion to see what his reaction was … totally shocked to see his eyes were glazed over … his hand was moving back and forth, just off camera … “OMG Stan are you masterbating?”

He was so close to exploding, opening and closing his eyes … I could see when his body shook and exploded – then finally clearing his mind, coming back to earth, sheepishly looking at me, “Honey I’m so sorry, but I’ve never heard of anything more erotically exciting than what you just described. OMG I can’t wait to get home and watch that”

I don’t think I’ve ever been as shocked as I was at this time – as soon as I realized I was not in trouble but the opposite – he was looking forward to seeing it in person – Sammy was waiting at the door, sensing everything was OK he joined me, – he was wagging his tail, looking at my husband. I’ve never been so thrilled that he not only was not mad, but loved the idea of what had happened – couldn’t wait to get home and see for himself.

Needless to say, between my legs was stiff and somewhat sore – but couldn’t wait for the next day – when I was sure I’d be ready to enjoy this again.

Relaxing in the tub, my new lover rested in the grass, not far away … never taking his eyes off of me – that’s when I realized what he had done to me, what I had allowed, crossed a line that we could never go back on – he now owned me .. all of me, especially sexually all of I me.

Throughout the rest of the day, it was obvious our relationship had changed, he was more dominant now and despite my best efforts, I was more submissive around him.

Waking the next morning early, grabbing a light breakfast, staying nude, heading out back to kneel on the edge of a large ottoman – one that was hard to move … I had also set my phone on record so everything that happened could be recorded.

I had just knelt down, when he was behind me, this time no licking, no preparation – just jumping up on my back – driving his cock all the way in – immediately started humping me … everything was so fast, I didn’t have any chance to enjoy what was happening – the pounding had my whole body shaking – thankful I’d picked this heavy piece of furniture – like the previous day, his stamina for fucking went on and on – the knot slipping in easily this time … as soon as it landed on my magical spot, my body shook, exploding a gush of liquid – this was blocked from escaping by the secure knot in place – he emptied numerous loads of warm liquid – all of this immediately shot me into a dream like state – having no idea what was happening …

This time when he pulled out, he didn’t clean me, but I was on my knees between his legs, licking and sucking on his cock to clean it up …. Then I surprised myself by coming back and cleaning up the cum I’d lost –

Eventually stopping the phone from recording, reviewing the video, sending it to my hubby ….until he returned home, my old pal Sammy would nudge his snout between my legs, telling me he was ready to fuck – it was taking place four or five times each day ….

Sran had walked in, I jumped on him, in a few minutes I had his cock in my mouth, making sure he was hard – then we fucked like rabbits all evening – it felt so good to have him in me, actually making love instead of just being used, like I had been recently

Finally relaxing in bed, just before we went to sleep, turning to kiss me, “I can’t wait to see him fuck you .. OMG that will be so hot”

Waking early, we were both super excited – he wanted to watch it happen and even though I had enjoyed being with my companion I was looking forward to enjoying what only Sammy could do – grabbing something to eat, along with a cup of coffee, neither of us bothered to get dressed – the old hound seemed to understand I was a fuck toy to both of them – but as soon as I was in position – he was up on my back, that massive cock sliding into a well lubed opening – just before it started, I locked eyes with my hubby, leaning over a lounge chair – to get as close as he could – I could see how excited he was, his left hand stroking a rock hard cock –

Neither of us had showered, so we had dried cum all over our bodies from the previous evening – that combined with how excited the three of us were – none of us considered the scent was picked up, drifting out front, which caught the attention of a large male lab –

He carefully came around to the back yard, I was being fucked, hubby leaning over a chair – his bottom wide open. The lab seeing one was being impregnated by a different dog, he licked between Eric’s legs, picking up the juices I had left there – my poor hubby in such a daze watching me, it didn’t register he had been licked – before what was happening took place, the big animal was up on his back, this cock finding it’s mark in hubby’s ass – one small jump he was all the way in …

I looked over at him, when he began to scream – I was sure the pain was unbelievable – but the hound was in, he was way too large to be easily pushed off and besides my husband isn’t that strong – I was able to focus, just as the rapid pounding in and out of him started – The pain was obvious on his face … he came in and out of focus, since the pleasure in my pussy was continually building, making me whimper – but the pain on his face slowly turned to some pleasure –

He stopped crying, stopped screaming, stopped twisting and trying to get away … his cock started to flex and leak … breathing became heavy – when the knot started pushing inside him – just as he exploded cum everywhere.

That was when my world turned upside down – the knot slipped in, the explosion hit – everything went blank … when Sammy finally pulled out of me …. My poor husband was laying on a lounge chair – his eyes wide open …. The lab laying by the lounge, it was obvious he’d had his cock all cleaned and Eric’s ass was clean as well. “He fucked me, this strange dog fucked me … nothing has ever been in my ass, but he fucked me in my ass”

Rushing to him to see if he had been seriously hurt, there was a satisfied smile on his face … “I know we have one dog, but I think we should consider keeping this one as well”

We’re now a family of very close relationships – hubby and I fuck, he has the lab and Sammy fuck him, I do the same – we’re just waiting to see if the two hounds start doing each other.

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