Women with Animals

A Dog for Mom … and me


The love of my life turned out to be a first class slob, chasing every skirt he could all the time we were married – during this time my mom had fallen, was unable to get up, but by sheer luck a neighbor stopped by to check on her – helped her out – after she was checked out medically the lady told her where she had picked up a dog to help in these situations. A kennel nearby specialized in dogs that could help when emergencies happened such as falling, passing out and so on – she had a beautiful collie that was by her side at all times.

I talked to mom, since she lived alone and the fact he’d be a great companion – I drove her to the facility, she instantly fell in love with a big white lab named Louie. He was beautiful, well trained – if she fell now, he’d first be there to help her up, next retrieve the phone so she could call for help – last resort set up a barking, howling noise that neighbors could easily hear. Even though I still lived with a jackass, at least I wasn’t worried about mom and her safety.

The next two years went by quickly, until one day coming home early from work due to a gas leak that needed time to repair – walking into my bedroom, that worthless creep I was married to was on top of a sleazy blonde pumping that puny penis he called a cock in and out of her. Without saying anything I called the bank, freezing our account and transferring the money to my name, called a realtor to list the home – since the truck and SUV were in my name – I took the keys, then entered the bedroom, telling him to pack his things and be gone in one hour.

Calling home to tell mom what had just happened, crying that I had no idea what I was going to do, financially I was fine, but being lonely was not something I was looking forward to since this wasn’t what I’d planned. That was when she suggested I move in with her, she had plenty of room, the fact she was getting older, an extra pair of hands would be welcomed, at least until I found something or someone better. She was getting older and even though she had Louie, that sounded like the best decision – the following week I had my things packed heading back home.

Mom had gotten even slower, but still was able to take care of most of the household areas … I loved her new companion – he seemed perfect in every way.

I had an appointment in town just after I’d been there a month or so after I’d moved in, mom was in the shower when I was leaving – “Mom I’m about to go – you OK?”

“I’m fine honey, I have some clothes in the dryer, I’ll get them when I am finished here, see you when you get back”

“Mom, do you want me to get the things out of the dryer before I leave?”

She told me they weren’t dry yet, she’d get them when she got out.

I had been gone for just over two hours, when I walked in … a sudden shock hit me. Mom was nude, on her knees, leaning in the dryer – sobbing. Quickly going to her side, she’d gotten a knot in her legs when she crawled inside the tub to get her clothes out – they had locked up and she couldn’t move. The towel had slipped off of her while she was struggling, laying to one side – that’s when I noticed between her legs, the vaginal area was gaping wide open … all swollen, puffy and red … with what looked like globs of a white sticky liquid seeping out of the opening.

Glancing back at her trusted friend, he was on his side, licking what had to be the biggest cock I’ve ever seen – turning back to mom while I was rubbing her legs, trying to relieve the knots, so I could help her move.

I asked her if anything else had happened, she almost yelled that nothing had – pleading with me to continue to rub the tightness out – eventually I was able to move the legs – helping her back out and finally stand – she looked so flushed, her normally soft nipples were hard as rocks – heading for the bedroom she slipped on a pull over gown, got a cup of coffee collapsing on the easy chair.

It was obvious what had happened, she’d gotten stuck, the towel had slipped off, the horny old hound had mounted her, fucked her until she became his bitch, then moved away, that’s when I came in …

She didn’t want to talk about it so I didn’t bring up the subject, I had however tasted some of the nectar seeping out of her and the smell of sex was everywhere –

We had converted the third bedroom into my office, since she was OK, I left her so I could get some work done, however what I had seen, the way her body looked, the taste and smell of sex was still haunting me – logging onto a beastality site reading a few stories about women and dogs enjoying sex – it seemed everyone was the same, ‘best sex they’d ever had’.

Porn sites show most of the women moaning in a fake way, claiming to have an orgasm, but most are just as fakes as the moans and whimperings – but watching a women being fucked by a dog or donkey, sometimes a horse all showed the same thing, pure one hundred percent pleasure. All of their faces showed the same.

The more videos I watched the more stories I read. I had my hands comfortably between my legs, rubbing until I’d arch my back, enjoying small mini explosions.

That evening just after I’d gone to bed, I could clearly hear my mom moaning – at first I thought she was in pain, just as I was about to open her door, her voice was low … whispery like, “You raped me this afternoon, at least this evening you can fuck me while I can move and enjoy it”

The bed started rocking, ‘Son of a bitch, he’s fucking her again’. I stood at the door for the longest time … finally going back to my room, laying on my back, trying to figure out what the hell was happening to my mom and why it sounded like so much pleasure from a dog – a damn dog that fucks like there is no tomorrow.

Every night from then on, the two of them were at it for hours – each morning my mother seemed more alive, happier even a little ‘jump’ in her step.

The one thing that wasn’t getting better was the bad shoulder she’d been suffering with for years. Taking injections every few months helped but now the pain was more than she could live with, so finally a date was set to do the operation – which meant she’d be in the hospital for a few days – then recovery for a week or so …

As soon as the operation was over, and I’d spent some time with her in the recovery room, I came home knowing she was going to be just fine – as soon as I walked in the hound was at the door to greet me.

Looking down at him, “Well Louie you old hound, your favorite fuck bitch won’t be coming home for a few days – are you going to rape me then use me every night until she comes home?”

He was just staring at me wagging his tail, looked like he had no idea what I was talking about.

Rubbing his head, moving to my bedroom, stripping down, heading for a good shower, with a towel wrapped around me, I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat, being starved, with a few choices and a drink, I slipped into a chair around the small table we have.

The waiting time with mom at the hospital, the operation then recovery until I joined her in her room, where we talked – all of this had left me exhausted.

My head was laid back, eyes slowly closing, legs relaxed, spread wide apart. The big guys head moved up slowly between my thighs … the softness of his body felt so good, being in a slight dream like state, my legs opened wider – his tongue barely made contact with my bottom, then slowly drawing it forward, covering the freshly shaved pussy lips, lightly touching my clit, making me whimper, but not wake.

The second time more pressure was applied, separating my bottom cheeks – moving to do the same to my vaginal lips … this made my hips raise up, the legs widening again making me let out a low moan.

By now my body was responding by the moisture flowing – that’s when his tongue now solely concentrated on my pussy – slipping the tip deep inside me – that woke me up … confused by what was happening, but being so aroused and excited – pushing my chair back, grabbing his head … just as he licked again.

Not sure what my feelings were with all this, I tried to stand, his head stayed buried between my legs, the licking never stopped. Now I was trying to stop him, to let me have time to process what was happening – he was just too big – trying to turn to get away, his head pushed me, knocking me off balance. Catching myself with the sofa, I tried to stand, but his weight was just too much, both front legs landing on my back, knocking me down again, this time his weight landed on my back, making it impossible to move or get him off of me – at almost the same time I felt that huge cock poking between my legs. Trying to close my legs, he surprised me when his teeth grabbed both sides of my neck – the pressure let me know he wasn’t breaking skin, but the pain was still enough to make me stop trying to get away – I relaxed, legs spread wide open, this time the poking found its mark, penetrating me part way, a small jump sent him all the way in.

He was not only thicker but much longer than anything I’d ever felt – when he bottomed out for some reason he stopped – I wasn’t sure why but never been so grateful for what he did. I took a couple of deep breaths, just as he started pounding me … he was fast, hard – the feeling of him sliding in and out of me, triggered a huge explosion in me … I grabbed the edge of the furniture, my body shaking – his steady rhythm immediately started the aroused excitement to build up again.

I never realized I’d be feeling like this so fast – this had to be why my mom was allowing him to use her each evening and why the videos I’d seen all seemed so satisfied – I was on the verge of a second explosion in a short time – as soon as his knot started applying pressure to slip in, my body shook again – the second wave hitting me … that must have been why the huge ball was able to slip in so easily – but as soon as it was in me, the thing landed on my magical spot – triggering a wave of spiked pleasures … The super warmth of his seed, sent a wave of relaxing pleasure all over me, topping off what had to be the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me.

His ball was so big we were tied for more than a half hour, when he finally pulled free, a gush of liquid followed … quickly he turned around, began licking it and my aroused super sensitive pussy – making sure it was clean.

Even though this spiked my excitement again, when he laid down on his side, I was right there to clean and lick his cock, loving the taste of our combined juices – both of us were exhausted, easily falling asleep with his front leg over my body.

Waking – he was still sleeping, now coming to the realization I had just fucked my moms dog, just been fucked by the same one that had been using her – now how to tell her what happened.

Heading to the shower, I smelled like old dried sex – when I came back out, he was still in the same place, but that wonderful shaft was once again hard as a rock. Kneeling by him, taking hold of it, a few strokes had the tip starting to produced the creamy liquid – licking the head, then for some reason swallowing as much of him as possible – I’d given a few blowjobs in my life, I had no idea if dogs liked them, but I loved the taste of his seed.

Stroking him with both hands, my head bobbing up and down on the shaft – he gave out a strange whine of some sort – the huge ball appeared at the base, then he flooded my mouth with more nectar than I could possibly swallow. It just kept coming, I was swallowing as much as I could – eventually having to clean up the excess when he stopped pumping – rolling back against the sofa, my tummy looked swollen from so much cum I’d consumed … rubbing his head, “So besides making mom and me your personal bitches you love a good blow job also?”

That afternoon I was back at the hospital visiting mom – as soon as I walked in she smiled, “Looks like he seduced you also – I’m so sorry for not telling you what happened when I got stuck, but I had no idea how you’d take it. Now tell me all about your experience?”

Taking a seat by her bed, I told her every detail on what had happened – the fact I had known she was being used each evening as well as how he loved the blowjob.

When I walked back in the house from the hospital – he pushed that huge head between my legs, in moments I was nude, on my knees over an overstuffed ottoman mom has. He licked me a few times, mounted me in one motion then fucked like I’ve never thought was possible.

As soon as she was out of the hospital and rehab center, he set up a routine of taking her every evening, me every morning – both of us stay nude most of the time, at least once a day one of us gives him a blowjob, it is not uncommon for him to take one or both of us a second time each day – I’m sure getting him has extended mom’s life, it has for sure made mine a lot more enjoyable.

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