Men with Animals

Caught in the Open


© by AZ Exhibitionist

What am I doing? This is crazy! How could I let this happen? God, I love it.

It all started (relatively) innocently with some flashing. I’d get my cock out while I was driving and play with myself. It felt great. Risky. Knowing someone in another car might see me. I’d stroke myself and cum all over my shirt, then drive home with streaks of dried cum all over me. But it wasn’t enough.

I started driving fully nude. Then I’d pull over into deserted parking lots and jerk off with the door open. Then not so deserted parking lots. Getting seen made my heart race and my hands shake as I drove away. I was addicted to that rush.

Soon enough, I was pulling over on the highway, getting out of the car buck naked, and jerking off against the hood while cars zipped by. I needed more. I would sprawl out roadside and rail my ass with a dildo. It wasn’t about cumming anymore. I wanted to be a whore. Knowing that strangers could catch a glimpse of me degrading myself in such an exposed way. The vulnerability was a huge turn-on. I’d cum to the idea that someone would catch me and rape me right there by the roadside while everyone watched. I wanted to be used.

It was surprisingly hard to find anyone to fuck me like that. Plenty of guys loved the idea. Lots of “I’m going to fuck that faggot hole where everyone can see it,” but as soon as the time came to get together…crickets. I can’t blame them, I suppose. It’s a lot of pressure to perform.

By this point, putting on a little show in front of my apartment building was old news, quaint even. It’s amazing how little people pay attention to their surroundings. But today was different. I always tried to time my moments well. Moderate traffic went by, but there were no pedestrians. It was early evening, so there was light, but it wasn’t too hot—the perfect amount of exposure.

I’d already stripped to my sneakers and warmed up my hole with a nice 6″ dildo with some girth. This was just going to be quick. I’d walk out, bend over, fuck myself silly for a minute or two, and head back inside. Sometimes, I’d set up a camera in the window so I could watch later. I’d done it dozens of times.

I had the camera rolling as I stepped outside. I saw lights coming up the road in front of the parking lot. Perfect timing. I walked with purpose to the center of the lot. I was about 20 feet from the road and about the same distance from my front door. I could go inside quickly if I needed to, but not without being seen. I had my dildo in my hand, dripping with lube. I turned my ass towards the camera in my window, spread my legs, and slid my dildo into my hole right as the first car drove by. It was heaven.

It’s difficult to explain how it feels. It’s dangerous, and there’s definitely guilt. It’s exciting, and you feel like you’re getting away with something you know is wrong. But that makes it so much better! I moved from my feet to all fours, arching my back to really show the shaft of my dildo disappearing into my ass. I felt like a glorious slut.

Then, “HEY”


My head snapped up, and I saw a man coming around the retaining wall at the front of the lot, staring right at me. I froze. I’m totally busted. I’m nude except for shoes on all fours with a dildo shoved up my ass in the middle of a parking lot. Nowhere to run, no excuses to make. I’m clearly a pervert with no dignity left.

He rounded the wall and walked towards me. Nonchalant, unhurried, just looking. He was a vagrant, if I had to guess. One of many that popped up during the warmer months around town. Rumpled, dirty clothes, stringy hair, stubble a week past a 5 o’clock shadow. And he had a dog. Some kind of mutt. Nothing special.

He just walked up and stood in front of me. Not really doing anything but looking at me. No one had ever come this close while I was flashing before. It was terrifying, but I realized I was more turned on than I’d ever been before. I slowly started pumping the dildo in and out of my ass, getting deeper and faster with each stroke. If he wasn’t planning to kick my ass, I was going to put on a show.

I was staring straight into his eyes, stuffing my hole like a desperate faggot. I was living the dream! I saw his hands move to his crotch. He had a decent bulge that he kneaded with one hand. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I’d stayed out in the open too long. I was taking too big of a risk, but I was too far gone to care. I was in heat, and nothing else mattered. I wanted-no, I NEEDED this random stranger’s dick. I’d do anything to get it. I took the dildo out of my ass and dropped it.

I kept one hand on the ground and reached up with the other to pull at the button on his jeans.

He didn’t try to stop me. He just kept staring. I was fumbling with his zipper when I felt a rough tongue against my lubed asshole. The dog! I was so focused on getting to this stranger’s cock I’d completely forgotten about his dog. Right at that moment, his dick flopped out. It was uncut, hairy, thick, and beautiful. Maybe I was seeing it through rose-colored glasses because of my lust, but it was the most perfect cock I’d ever seen. Nothing else mattered at that moment. Not the cars that were still driving by, not the fact that I’d been nude outside for way too long, and certainly not some dog that was tonguing my hole. Let him! I was busy.

The man put one hand on the back of my head and guided his dick towards my mouth. I couldn’t believe it. It was finally happening! I was a filthy slut. And unrepentant whore. I was about to stay in the middle of my parking lot nude with my dick sticking straight out from beneath me and my ass spread wide, sucking the cum out of some homeless guy’s cock in full view of the street. I wanted this moment to last forever!

Right when his cock slid across my tongue, I felt a furry weight fall across my lower back. I felt scratchy paws on my thighs. And I felt something wet and pointy jabbing right next to my asshole. The dog.


The dog had jumped on me and was about to fuck me. To rape me! I should stop this right now. I have some random cock in my mouth and a dog about to rape my hole, and I’m naked where everyone can see me! Anyone could see me! Someone could walk by any second!

But I don’t care.

This is exactly what I want, what I’ve always wanted. I’m just a pair of holes waiting to be used. By anyone. Anything. Anywhere. God, I love it. I felt the change in my brain. A switch was flicked in my mind. I exist to be used to pleasure cocks, and nothing else matters.

I’m so focused on the dog dick about to impale me that I hardly realize I’m babbling around the dick pumping in and out of my mouth. He has one hand on the back of my head and is thrusting in and out of my throat, skimming his dick across my tongue. Right at the moment he starts to cum, his dog sinks into my ass. In one thrust, he’s buried up to his furry balls.

Thanks to the dildo and lube, his knot slid straight in. But not out. The stranger’s cum floods my mouth as the dog starts humping, yanking against the inside of my ass with his swollen knot. Fiery hot dog cum starts flooding me, starting shallow and then trickling up into my body. I could literally trace a line on my stomach. I’m his bitch.

Neither dick is huge, but that’s not the point. This man just walked up to me and decided he was going to fuck my mouth. He didn’t give a shit that his dog was going to rape some faggot. And that dick- that dog’s dick inside me, I was doing something I could never undo. Something I could never forget that I did.

The dick in my mouth softens and slides out, smearing my lips with spit and cum. My thoughts are fuzzy. I’m in ecstasy. I feel the weight of the dog leave my back. There’s a squishy rotation in my guts as he turns ass to ass with me. I’ve collapsed onto my chest with my ass being held up by the dog dick buried inside me.

Is that a horn honking? Do I hear laughing and shouting? I’m almost crying with desire- with happiness. I can’t speak. If I could I’d thank this homeless stranger for doing this to me. With a plop and a gush, the dog pops out of my gaping hole. I’m too spent to try to clench my ass shut, and I feel the slightest breeze cooling what used to be a tight pucker but what I now suspect is a glorious invitation.

Without a word, the man leaves, and his dog follows. I’m still face down, ass up on the pavement. Still fully nude, covered in sweat and cum, with a dildo lying discarded beside me. I know I should get up, get inside, get moving before I’m caught again. But I feel so right being here. Ready for anyone who stops by.

Tires on asphalt. Turning into my parking lot. A car parking nearby. My eyes look up to see a man getting out of his car. He’s looking down at me with a wicked grin. All teeth and no friendliness in his eyes.

“Well, what have we here?”

The End

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