Women with Animals

Pure Pleasure with Big Pigs


Growing up on a farm in Iowa, was what a lot of young girls would have loved. Mom was a college beauty queen, dad grew up on the same farm, but was on the college football team until he injured his leg, which ended his hopes and dreams of going pro – it didn’t bother mom at all – she still thought he was perfect in every way – shortly after graduation, while she worked at a Veterinary hospital and he worked on the farm … they got engaged, were married a couple months later, moving into an extra home my grandfather had built for his mom when his dad passed away and grandma needed more help.

I was born a few years later, getting my moms good looks, my grandma’s huge breasts, dad’s thin waist … basically all in all I had it all going for me except for one thing – the farm multiple generations of my family had owned and lived on was raising pigs. We had a huge pig farm, one of the biggest in the state – due to the money it generated everyone lived very well, including me who had anything and everything I wanted – except for the harassment I’d receive at school. Comments like, ‘Little miss Piggy has joined us, or my goodness is that a pig farmer we’re smelling and so on … the older I got, the early development taking place with my body, quickly brought an end to these comments when I was in high school, but I remembered each and every piece of shit who had teased me, making sure they got a good look at the body they once harassed and knowing they’d never enjoy any part of it at any time.

When I’d get asked to a dance from someone who had been mean as hell to me earlier, I’d make sure to tell them not today, I have so many pigs to take care of. Due to my heritage I was active in sports, easily making the cheerleaders squad – using my influence and money to make sure none of the guys who were so mean when I was young, never dated anyone I could sway to tell them ‘no way in hell’.

However all this retaliation took a sexual toll on me, my sex life was lacking – living in a small town there are only so many cocks that can bring a young girl pleasure and since I’d basically boycotted most of them, I was left with a few married guys, a couple of teachers and occasionally a ranch hand dad had hired on a temporary basis to help when the heavy workload hit.

I suppose that is why I became so interested in the way pigs mated for breeding purposes. That wiggly cock fascinated me from the first time I’d ever seen one full aroused mode. I think I was just entering my teens, dad had brought in a big boar to introduce a new line to his sows. He had corralled several of his best sows for breeding in the back of the barn. I don’t think anyone would have minded if I’d just watched them, but for some reason I was in the hay loft where I had a good view of the group below.

The big old bear was much bigger than most of our boars, I assumed that was why dad had brought him in … it looked like to me all the sows were not only ready to have him mount them, they all seemed to be wiggling their fat behinds to be the first to enjoy this new boy and what he had to offer.

I’m sure I’d seen a pigs penis’ before but probably never paid much attention – when I saw the size and length this one had, I became mesmerized by it. The way it seemed to be dancing just before he was all the way in the first lucky female. That was also the first time I’d ever heard a big sow make that strange noise. It wasn’t a squeal like they sometimes make, not a grunt or bark like normal – instead this one was more like a sound of pure pleasure. I heard the same sound each time this big boy mounted a new mate –

He was in the pen for hours, when he had jumped on everyone at least twice, dad took him back to the owner – asking dad later that day why he did this, “It was a good deal Nikki, I introduce a new line to our herd, he gets several piglets, males and females which will strengthen his group as well’

Mom had been listening when she laughed, “Let’s not forget the sows who enjoyed an afternoon of pure bliss” Then she looked at my dad, “Lucky girls maybe I should have stripped down and had him do me”

Dad didn’t say anything, just got up and left – I knew they had problems, there seemed to be tension in the home lately, but had no idea how bad things were – less than a year later the two of them separated – mom moved into town taking a job at the Vet hospital – dad stayed on the farm to continue what he had been doing for as long as I had remembered.

I loved the farm, really missed mom but in my mind dad was the perfect person, so I stayed on the farm helping him where I could.

Graduating with a degree in Veterinary medicine – following moms guidance – instead of setting up my own practice or joining mom, I decided to be a Vet with the herd I’d grown up with – dad was getting older, so he could use the help, I took jobs at neighboring farms when they needed me – all in all it was a good decision – I was making good money – building a small clinic away from our barn and home – neighbors could bring animals to me without having to be near the homestead – however as good as it was, we weren’t expecting dad to fall off of a tractor, having to be rushed to the hospital – his injuries were more serious than we thought, he passed away less than a week later, leaving me the entire farm, since he and mom had divorced legally.

Since I had a successful practice of my own, I hired a couple of young men to help with the day to day duties – which allowed me time to keep doing what I loved.

Around six months or so after dad’s passing one of the guys I hired, stopped in the clinic telling me about one of the neighboring farms was bringing in a prize boar to impregnate a few of his breeding sows, he wondered if I’d like to join with him, sharing the cost and have the big fella brought to our place before they sent him back. This was a prize animal with fantastic breeding lines – I jumped at the chance, knowing in a couple of years we’d have a totally new line of pigs, bringing in more money due to their increased size.

I remembered how I’d felt when dad had brought in that big boar many years ago – I’d arranged to have this one for two full days, which meant picking out a dozen or so sows all ready to be impregnated by this magnificent creature. ‘

I was at the pen when he arrived – once again a funny tickly feeling started taking place between my legs, when he mounted our first female. The lucky girl made the same noise I’d heard years ago – since I hadn’t watched our regular group breed, I had no idea if this sound was something they always did, but everyone of the females had made the same sound when that big cock slipped inside her.

The longer I watched what was taking place, the more excited I was becoming which made no sense – why was I becoming turned on by a few pigs humping?

I stayed both days – we thought we had a good chance to have most if not all of our ladies pregnant – so all in all it would end up being the best decision.

That evening when I got back home, slipping in the hot tub, I had my laptop for some unknown reason started to look at stories and videos of women enjoying sex with pigs of various sizes. What I noticed almost immediately was each time one of the ladies felt that strange penis enter her body, their face looked the same – a combination of mild shock and pure pleasure – it was always the same. Continuing to look at more clips, my hands down in the water, exciting me more and more. That evening I had one of the most enjoyable orgasms I’ve ever enjoyed for a long long time.

This became a routine each evening – I grab some food, a drink then head to the hottub, watching beastality clips between pigs and human females – stroking between my legs, eventually an explosion between my legs left me breathless and wanting more.

I’d been enjoying this for more than a month, when a pop-up advertising a lightweight covering allowing the female or male to enjoy a sexual encounter with a big boar, protecting my body from his hooves as well as his weight. Looking at this, realizing how light weight it was, easy to conceal from my workers – easy to move – I ordered one just to see what it would look like, but not seriously considering having one actually mount me.

I paid extra for express shipping, the next day it arrived at my place – unpacked it was just as advertised, a surprise was a spray when applied to my back side, would drive the animals wild or at least that was what was advertised.

The more I looked at it the more excited I was becoming, eventually calling the part time staff, telling them to take the weekend off, I’d cover what was needed – so enjoy the time off.

That evening I had the place to myself – easily carrying the new device to an area where we keep several large boars … Singling out one of them in a private pen, placing the device in the area, stripping down nude, then spraying my bottom with the liquid provided – as soon as I did he started sniffing the air, I moved under the protection feeling my bottom completely exposed.

He was sniffing and licking my bottom between my legs, when what I was doing finally hit me – just as I was about to stand and put an end to this foolishness, he jumped up on the protection, thus pinning me to the ground.

Pigs are so smart, by licking me he not only liked I was ready to be bred, but it gave him the perfect height he’d need on his first mounting – so as soon as he was up on me, that wiggly cock slipped in my pussy.

My wildest dreams had no way of preparing for what was happening to my body the deeper that strange cock slipped in. I let out a whimpering moaning type of sound – almost immediately started shaking, triggering the first explosion between my legs and he’d only just started to push in all the way. It was sliding along multiple sides of my lining all at the same time, everywhere it was touching seemed to be exciting me more and more –

When he bottomed out then started really fucking me, I tried everyway possible to get out, to get away from the most intense pleasure I’d ever known – dropping my head, screaming for him to stop, there was no way I could take what he was doing to me.

Obviously pigs don’t listen to you, especially when they’re fucking an enjoyable pussy. This one set up a good steady rhythm of in and out, each time it would go in, it felt like I was going to explode, the same way when he pulled out – I was like a tiger being caught by the tail, twisting this way and that, screaming for him to please stop what was happening, all the time a wave after wave of erotic explosions were taking place.

He wasn’t in me long, but during that time I nearly lost my mind – just before pigs pull out after depositing what they hope will make many tine piglets – they plug up the pussy with a wax like plug. He did as expected, plugging me when he was finished – his warm seed had set off what felt like waves of climaxes – leaving me in an exhausted erotic haze – one I wasn’t sure what had happened to me. Finally lifting the container off of me, rolling on my side, his nectar locked inside me started to slosh – making me whimper again.

Removing the plug was an easy process, but my limbs were too shaky to do much of anything. It took me time to finally stand, supporting my body with the help of the walls of the barn. Taking close to an hour, but finally making it to the porch – each step had the liquid sloshing inside me, bringing back what he’d done to me.

My pussy wasn’t sore, but the insides were so sensitive now, the liquid moving back and forth inside was continually triggering more spiking pleasure over and over. Finally being inside, I collapsed on the sofa – falling asleep immediately.

During the rest, every time I moved the liquid moved, making me whimper again. Waking I’ve never been more aroused than I was at that moment. In a warm shower I easily removed the wax like plug, flooding the floor – but allowing me to taste our combined juices. Just like what his strange penis did to my insides, our combined juices made me gasp, while my eyes dilated – drifting up in my head.

The shower helped me come back to some kind of normalcy – but it didn’t decrease the unbelievable need to be fucked again. I tried pumping a dildo in and out – finally enjoying my body exploding, but as soon as I calmed down, the intense need came crashing back. What the hell had I done, does this mean I will have to be in the pen continually in order to get some relief?

Finally I couldn’t’ take the itch any longer, stripping down nude, spraying the special liquid between my legs, walking to the pen, easily bringing in a big guy, I’d had my eye on – as soon as he was secured so no additional ones could join us – crawling under my special protection – feeling a few licks, when he jumped up on me, now I knew what was coming – that wonderful curly cock slid in me … making my whole body shake … dropping my head while the first orgasm hit me – now knowing what was happening – his pounding triggered the second wave of pure pleasure

This was when I realized for the first time, normally when I’m being pounded by a guy who knows his way around a woman’s body – the climax builds then triggers – leaving me breathless and exhausted – I can’t ever remember having two at the same time with one guy, but now the way that curly monster was exciting all the areas inside me, the explosions were coming one after the next – a continual wave of them – seeming to go on and on, non stop.

The warmth of his seed spread to all areas inside me – calming and smoothing out the spikes I’d been experiencing. As before a wax plug was put in place.

This time, I was not in the same state that I had been the first time, still enjoying the sexual haze his golden appendage had brought to me. Lifting the cage off, standing with the help of the small fence that secured area.

The sloshing inside me, set off a body shaking orgasm – one that I wasn’t ready for, one that took a long time to calm down – carefully moving to home – taking a shower, but this time leaving the plug in, Everytime I’d shake, mini waves of pleasure would wash over me – enjoying a long relaxing nap – waking, this time I had a shaped container which fit between my legs, as soon as I took the plug out, the flood of liquid caught in the container – drinking the mixed solution the two of us had mixed.

As soon as I had finished it … my eyes rolled up in my head, breathing coming in panic gasps … I think I was having the most intense climax I’d ever dreamed of, but I was in such a hazy state nothing made any sense.

Sunday evening the now familiar tingle was taking place between my legs. Going nude to the barn, moving in a big boy I hadn’t tried yet, moving under the cover after spraying my bottom, as soon as he was in me, dropping my head, thanking whoever had made this protection.

While he was pounding me, I realized they all have wonderful cocks and it seems all of them know how to make a girl feel so good – so from now on, I wasn’t going to be so picky, any would do.

Arriving back in the safety of my home, a shower was first on the agenda, then something to eat, while I enjoyed the liquid sloshing around inside.

Monday I had sent out a revised work schedule to all my clients – from now on taking Monday off, in the Clinic Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – always available for an emergency. That way I’d have multiple days with my newfound obsession. My temporary staff arrived, I explained the new schedule, but offered to pay them as normal for one full month – early afternoon, I told them I’d see them in the morning.

By the time they drove out from the area, the itch between my legs was becoming unbearable .. I’d ordered more spray, stripping nude, spraying my bottom on the way there – quickly placed the protection in the pen, jumped under it, just as a big guy mounted me, his wonderful cock sliding in … just as a second boar came around front – fuck I’d forgotten to lock the group up, now they all had access to me.

For a few seconds panic set in, until I realized they put the wax plug in when they’re finished, no need to worry, I’ d be fine. One in back had just jumped up on me, when one of them in front had his cock wiggling, jumping up on the protection, that damn wiggly projectile, entering my mouth – I tried to turn away, but there wasn’t any place to go, my hands were by my side, unable to push him away – at the same time one pushed all the way in my pussy …. The missed feeling of pure pleasure was rushing through me, just as the one in front pushed the curley tool down my throat. It wasn’t so big it was choking me, somehow it even felt good, wiggling deep in me, while the one in my pussy was doing the same.

Both of them were doing things to me that had my body flying in a sexual cloud – one I’d never knew was possible – my mind was flying, body shaking – the orgasms had now turned to continual waves of unbelievable pleasure.

My head was locked around this one’s cock – he was pumping that thing in and out of me – something I now knew was on the agenda from now on – due to the excitement the one behind was doing to my bpdy. I felt like I needed to scream, writhe, jump up and down, toss my head back and forth while up and down – but I was contained for my protection – both of them on my cubicle – easily using me like they wanted.

When the one in my pussy pulled out, I could easily feel he had not added the protective wax-like plug, but as soon as he pulled out, another one jumped, slipping his banger deep in me – now his thrusting containing the seed the previous one had emptied.

Just trying to figure out what had happened, the one in my mouth unloaded all his seed down my throat – plunging directly into my tummy.

This was pure swine seaman – strong, wild and so addicting. The effects overpowered me, making me give out a whimpering moan,

When he pulled out, a second one entered my throat as fast as possible. The one in my pussy emptied but to my surprise this time – plugged me full of the two loads I’d received.

I assumed when the one down my throat would empty, they’d be done with me, but then one jumped up on the back of me, confused by what was happening, I had a plug in, surly they wouldn’t try and break a seal – that’s when my eyes went wide open, wiggling my bottom, screaming for him to stop … but no matter how much I was screaming and trying to make him stop, that damn curly shaft, pushed its way up my ass – making me feel pressure I’ve never felt at any time.

I wash back there, by barely slipping in a small finger just inside … his cock was easily as big as my finger but so much longer … that combined with the wiggly way it went in – didn’t hurt as such, but sexually sent me to a new zone – one that me lost in the pure bliss I was experiencing.

He didn’t stay long in my ass, unloading the cream he had and like most, sealed me with a wax plug – that was when the second one in my mouth filled me again –

That was all it took, when they were through with me, all moved back to the regular area, eating then sleeping – it took me a long time to realize what had happened was over. Somehow moving the cage off of me, crawling on all fours back to the home, the sloshing now being felt in my pussy as well as my ass – the effects of swallowing two loads of the pure cream – still had me in a daze like state.

I made it as far as the floor of the family room, collapsing on the soft carpet, falling into a much needed slumber.

When the part time workers found me the next morning, they thought I might be sick, helping me to bed, calling a good friend of mine that’s a physician – when she arrived – it didn’t take her long to find the two plugs in me, removing them, releasing the huge amount of cream they’d left in me – this brought me partially back to some normal feelings.

She helped me shower, then dried me, feeding me some soup and a soda, “You know fucking pigs is one thing, swallowing their cum has already addicted you – there’s not much I can do except tell you to only do one at a time, not the whole herd”

I knew what I had done, what had happened to me, thanking my staff for helping me, then thanking my good friend for saving me – when everyone was gone and I was feeling the strange tingling that always tells me I need a good fuck … walking nude to the pig area, carrying my cage for safety, spraying my bottom, I settled down in the middle of all the males – thinking, ‘This should be the best yet’.

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