Women with Animals

Twisted Butterfly


© by Gingersnap

Chapter One

Hello, my name is Anna, and this is how I became a dog slut.

I was 18 years old then, four feet eleven inches tall, and weighed 95 pounds. I had dark auburn hair past my shoulders and green eyes. I was slender, with small A-cup breasts and perky nipples.

I was staying the weekend alone at my Uncle Liam’s cottage outside of Belfast on Friday night, half eleven. A thunderstorm was raging outside, the winds shaking the roof. I was curled up on the wee sofa, wearing a long tee shirt as a nightie, with plain, floral cotton panties beneath, reading a Dragonlance novel.

It was then that I heard scratching and whining at the door. I went to see what was going on and opened the door. There stood a soaked, tall English mastiff with a tan body and black face.

“Aw, you poor boy,” I said and let him in, closing the door against the wet behind him. I saw that he had a collar about his neck with a tag reading “Toby.”

I toweled Toby off, after which I put the leftover stew in a bowl for him to eat. He gulped it down in great bites. Then he lapped the water I had given him. Toby then lay down. I thought he would rest for the night, so I lay back down on the sofa to sleep as well.

Sometime later, I was awakened by something pushing against my bum, something large, wet, and cold. I gasped in surprise, and to my horror, the huge dog was snuffling at my butt and nethers through my panties.

“Get off me; what the hell are you doing??” I yelled but then froze as Toby growled, low and menacingly. I tried to push him away, but then he nipped at my ass cheek, drawing a bit of blood and making me cry out in pain.

Toby sniffed at me more, licking, exploring, seeking my sex, but the cotton panties frustrated him until they did not. He grabbed the crotch of them, shook his head, and tore them, leaving them in tatters on me. I then felt his hot breath on my pink-shaven pussy, and then his long, rough tongue lapping the labia of my innocent vagina. “Please, no, Toby??” Stop, stop!!” I begged, squirming, but Toby growled!

I froze again, shaking, crying at the horror of this fucking dog violating me so.

For long minutes, Toby lapped at me, licking and nuzzling. To my shame, I felt my pussy begin to moisten from more than just his dog spit. I did not want this at all, but my body was betraying me! I was becoming aroused by the bullying dog’s tongue having its way with me!! Soon enough, his tongue was inside my pussy, and I shook, moaning a little as my captor enjoyed my taste and my cowering submission. “Yes Toby, yes, god, lick me!! Oh, my pussy!!”

After a while, Toby relented and went to lie over by the fire. I covered up, hoping that this had just been some aberration or nightmare.


Chapter Two

I woke in the morning, and went into the bath, took a long hot shower, trying not to think about what the dog had done to me. Worse, how a part of me had enjoyed it, and been so turned on, excited even. “No, Anna, you mustn’t feel so,” I told myself, “It is unnatural and beyond wrong.” “You cannot act like a wanton slut with an animal!”

I toweled off, stepped out of the bath, and began to walk to my dresser for clothes when Toby stepped in front of me, blocking my way forward.

“Toby, no, leave me the hell alone ??” “I need to get dressed!!”

I told Toby, but he looked me in the eyes defiantly and thrust his head between my legs, pushing them apart to get at my nethers again. I tried to push him away, “Get off me, god damn it!!” but then the Mastiff growled menacingly, stood on his hind legs, and pulled me down to the floor.

I rose to my hands and knees to get up but felt the dog’s snout at my nethers again. Toby licked at my pussy, as I shook and trembled, crying some. That was only the beginning of the bad, though, as I then felt a heavy weight on my back! Toby climbed atop me, mounting me and wrapping his strong paws around my waist, and I felt something hard poking at my ass and legs! I struggled to pull free, but Toby was too strong, claws digging into me, taller than me on the floor like this.

“Oh god, no, Toby, please, you are a dog, do not do this!!” I begged. But it was useless. as the huge Mastiff thrust his Dog Cock at me, missing but persistent, as I tried to avoid being taken by this powerful animal. After some time, frustrated, Toby nipped my shoulder and growled.

I cowered in fear, lowered my head to the floor, and stayed still, raising my ass as my new Master commanded. “Do not do this, Toby, please??”

My canine dominant did not care. He mounted me again!! After a few thrusts at me, covering me in doggy pre cum, I felt the alien slender Dog cock split my labia and enter my soaked pussy. I cried at the shock of him inside me, moaning from the Mastiff penis rubbing the sides of my vagina. It felt so good to me, and I did not understand why, but my body was thrilled.

Now inside his new bitch, Toby shoved his red penis inside of me. The Mastiff fucked me rapidly and hard, like a jackhammer! His dog cock grew, stretching my pussy, making it longer somehow, forcing my cunt to accommodate its deeper pounding and thrusts.

The dog continued to fuck me furiously without mercy breaking my spirit, making me his own. Toby was dominating me, first physically, now mentally and emotionally as well!

The initial pain faded away to a terrible growing sense of pleasure! my pussy clasped the growing Dog Cock inside of me. I panted and groaned. “Oh, oh god!! oh no, Toby, please no!” “Yesss!! Fuck me, harder, more! Deeper!” ” Slam my pussy more!!” Make me your little bitch” I heard my traitor mouth saying.

I should have been ashamed of myself; no, I was not, though. Instinct was taking over, I was a new bitch in heat, and this alpha dog was fucking me and would have me.

My pussy fluttered as an orgasm rocked my body, sweat covering me. Something larger was pressing at the entrance of my vagina! The dog was trying to get it in, but it felt too big, too large, like a ball or some bulb. I tried to move away. “God no; it’s too big, it hurts!!

But Toby would have none of that, pulling my body closer, slamming his cock deeper as his Knot painfully opened my pussy, until it could fit, and then it was in, stretching my cunt even further.

My master fucked me more, his Knot sliding in and out of my soaked cunt, until it would no longer exist! It was far too large for that now. I felt something hot and wet begin to spurt inside of me like a hose, hitting my cervix. My hips bucked, pushing back against the dog, cunt gripping the Dog Cock like a glove as Toby pumped loads of hot thick Dog Cum into me, his new Anna Bitch.

Afterward, I took a bath, cleaning my sore pussy. I was shocked a bit to see the copious amounts of Dog Cum come out of my vagina in white globs. I looked in the mirror as I toweled off, seeing in my green eyes a girl who had done something bizarre, awful even, with a dog. Was it really so awful, though… I had never felt such intense pleasure before, such a bond like when Toby knotted my cunt. Hmm…

I opened the bathroom door and stepped out to find Toby standing there waiting for me. “Come on, let’s go outside, Toby. Be a good boy?” I coaxed, but instead, he thrust his snout between my legs, and I cowered, backing away from him.

“No, Toby, please stop this??” I begged, but the bully Mastiff ignored me

I tried to move towards the door or grab my bathrobe, but he would have none of that. The Mastiff growled softly, blocking me with his huge body towards the bed. I fell back, my towel falling to the floor.

As I lay on the bed, Toby lapped at my pussy again, long tongue teasing my clitoris until it swelled, despite my pleading, “Ah Toby, yes! Oh oh!! I cannot take more ah!”

Toby lapped at me until my pussy was wet again, both from his spit and my body betraying me. The Mastiff then tried to mount me on the bed, paws around me, moving his Dog Cock against my thighs and soaked vagina. His red penis was teasing my opening but never quite succeeding. I moaned, frightened and trembled, aroused too, but hoping that Toby would give up on this.

Frustrated, Toby bit my thigh, making me cry out, and then pushed with his head, and I looked at him confused.

“What do you want from me??” “I do not understand!!” I gasped.

He nudged me several more times with his big head until I knew, and I knew that there was no hope; I had to obey, or he would bite me and hurt me.

Crying a little, I crawled off of the bed, got onto my knees, lowered my chest onto the bed, head down, and raised my ass, as the cruel dog demanded. Satisfied with his bitch submitting, Toby licked my face a few times and then lapped at my pussy some until I felt him climb atop me again, mounting me once more.

The huge dog knew my body better now, and his growing Dog Cock found its mark soon, ramming into my pussy with a powerful thrust!! Toby pulled my hips to him, fucking me rapidly and hard, slamming my cunt deeper and deeper. He was stretching me, forcing my vagina to accommodate his full 10-inch length and wide girth.

I grunted and moaned as the pain subsided, “Oh god fuck me!! Yes!! God Toby!! Harder, harder!! ” replaced by the perverted pleasure of it all. My mind might be conflicted, shame versus intense desire. But my body, my cunt wanted this, demanded it, and squeezed his Dog Cock, my hips meeting his thrusts with my own! I was fucking him back, I realized! A powerful dog-induced orgasm overwhelmed me, making me cry and scream in bliss and light in my eyes like fireflies.

I felt my Master’s Knot hit the entrance of my clasping pussy then and spread my legs wider so that it went in, out, in, out, and then stayed in! We were locked together as he mated me, his Anna Bitch. His huge knot pressed against the g spot of my cunt, making me whimper and shake as he pumped sprays of hot Dog Cum into me, mixing with my girl cum.


Chapter Three

Later that evening, as Toby watched me, I heard a knock at the cottage door. I went to answer, the Mastiff following me. I called out, “Who’s there?”

A woman’s voice answered, “It’s Shannon. I am looking for my dog Toby. Have you seen him?”

I opened the door in joy, thinking that this nightmare was over. I saw a tall woman, perhaps five feet ten, large-breasted in a black sweater and jeans, with dirty blonde hair in a ponytail and green eyes. She had another dog with her, a tall Irish wolfhound, a massive boy weighing maybe 140 pounds, standing nearly three feet at his shoulder.

“Come in, Shannon. Toby is right here, so glad that you are here to get him!”

Shannon grinned unkindly and grabbed me by the hair, fastening something around my neck. “Oh no, Anna, you little rebel bitch, I set Toby on you, and I can tell he has been at you. Now take off your clothes, slut! ”

I attempted to run, to get out the door around her, but the wolfhound jumped on me, taking me to the floor. Shannon kneeled over me then, taking out a long knife, cut off my tee shirt and my white bra, then sliced away my jeans, then my black panties deftly. After that, she attached a leash to the collar she had around my neck and pulled me into the cottage, locking the door behind us.

I looked up at Shannon in terror. “I won’t tell anyone, Shannon. Please, let me go!”

Shannon shook her head grimly. “Now, my wee Anna whore, if you think what happened before was bad, now it gets much worse for you. ”

I saw Shannon take out a syringe, tap it, and then inject it into my ass cheek, and then she stood by, watching, waiting for some minutes, the dogs watching me. “This is freshly extracted, concentrated canine estrus, Anna, just the thing for you,” Shannon cooed.

I began to feel dizzy, light-headed, and fuzzy as Shannon petted my head, teased my small breasts, pinched my nipples, and talked to me like a new pet. “Now, little bitch, feels so good, does it not? Tell your Mistress how you like it?”

Part of me tried to tell her to sod off, leave me be, get out, but that was a remote thing, and I found myself saying, “Yes, Mistress, feels… lovely”

“Now reach under Caleb, pet his belly, and tease his Cock sheath, my little Dog Slut!” Shannon commanded.

Intrigued, I obeyed Shannon, rubbing the dog’s furry tummy, then caressed the wolfhound’s sheath. Caleb humped at my hand. His red Dog Cock tip started to emerge from his sheath. Behind me, I felt Toby snuffle at my nethers, pushing my thighs apart with his snout. The Mastiff was lapping my moistening cunt and butthole rosebud as well.

Shannon knelt and pulled my head closer to Caleb’s Dog Cock. “Open your slutty mouth, my little dog bitch, and suck on him, and do it well, please your new Master!”

I found my mouth opening. I took the swelling purple-veined dog penis into my mouth, tasting metallic doggy pre cum as I sucked, moving my lips back and forth on it. While I sucked Caleb, and he fucked my mouth, Toby mounted me, and unthinkingly I raised my ass for him, legs spread.

Within a few thrusts, Toby plowed into my wet cunt, slamming me hard, while Caleb began to ooze dog cum into my mouth and throat, making me have to swallow it or gag. I moaned around the Dog Cock in my mouth, my cunt squeezing Toby as he pounded me, stretching me. His Knot soon was pressing at my pussy opening until he could shove that into my gaping dog slut cunt as well. It was intoxicating, two dogs using me as they please, me wanting them to, and my odd obedience to this strong woman, Shannon.


Chapter Four

When I next was aware, I was no longer in the cottage but in some sort of damp cellar or basement. A new collar was around my neck, metal this time, and no opening or way to slip it off; it was too tight! A chain was locked on the collar to a bolt in the wall, and I could only move about six feet in any direction. There was a bowl of water on the floor and some dubious-looking scraps of meat and vegetables in a bowl, too. Thirsty and hungry, I lowered my head to each, drinking and eating the best that I could when my hands could not reach.

Soon after, I started to feel woozy again, realizing too late that the water or food was drugged, like Shannon’s syringe before. Shannon walked into the room not long after and unhooked the chain from the wall, tugging at me to crawl after, swatting my ass with a riding crop when I did not move fast enough to please her.

She led me into a carpeted room, with an odd bench in the middle, with several cameras set up, being controlled apparently by a large, muscled bald man with a goatee beard and many tattoos. ‘So, my little dog slut, welcome to your new life. And you shall call me Mistress and the man there, Master, as well as my hounds.”

“Now, what is your name, slut?” Shannon asked me

Out of my mouth came, “My name is Anna, Mistress. ” I wondered why I obeyed the woman so, did not even feel like defying her…

Mistress walked around me, then rolled me over, spread my legs, and took a new syringe, injecting the contents first into my hooded clitoris and then into each nipple, then stepped away to watch for some minutes.

“Stay, little bitch” Shannon ordered.

I felt my skin tingle, my nipples harden, and my pussy was suddenly wet, labia swollen. My breath quickened, my heart raced, and I wanted, NEEDED to touch myself desperately, to play, caress, but Mistress had told me to Stay, and so I had to. “Oh, god, Mistress, please, I can’t, I cannot take this, my body, help me??” I begged

Mistress laughed cruelly. “Aww is Anna’s little puppy cunt in the heat?? Does it need something?”

I moaned, squirming, legs apart, body, my cunt out of control, my mind separate from those. “yes, Mistress, please, it does!”

Shannon smiled down at me. “Tell me what you need in your slutty cunt, Anna?”

My face flushed with shame, as I knew, and answered, “My slutty cunt needs a Dog Cock, Mistress?”

Mistress walked to the door and let in Caleb, the wolfhound from before, who trotted over beside me. “Reach under and suck his Cock, Anna. Get him ready for you as you so need now.”

I obeyed, my small hand caressing Caleb’s sheath until the angry red lipstick color tip of his penis emerged, and then I put my lips around it, sucking. I doubted myself but needed what he could do, as my body was so desperate to please Mistress and to be fucked by the huge dog. Soon enough, he humped at my hand and mouth, and Mistress nudged him away.

“How does Caleb’s Dog Cum taste, little slut?” Shannon asked me mockingly

I lowered my head in shame, saying, “I like it, Mistress, so warm.”

“Climb onto the bench, Anna, be a good little bitch” She commanded me, and I did so awkwardly, shaking, trembling. Mistress fastened cuffs around my wrists and then ankles, which forced me to keep my legs apart, ass high, head low to the floor.

Mistress let me stay so for a few minutes, softly moaning, and then said, “Beg your Master Caleb to fuck your slutty cunt, Anna!”

I tried to hesitate, not do it, but then whimpered, “Please fuck my slutty cunt, Master Caleb?”

And sure enough, the huge dog mounted me, claws digging into my thighs, as his Cock poked at my ass and legs, and then was in, slamming me, thrusting violently, more so than Toby ever had done. WHAM, WHAM, WHAM! He pushed into me, hitting my cervix, and I thrust back at him, hurting but needing it like a last gasp of air as he ravaged me.

Caleb’s Knot was huge, and it took a while for him to get it inside of my cunt, and then it was in out in, as I tried to clench down on it, in pain, before he finally settled enough that he Knotted my cunt and locked us together, my pussy walls massaging his Cock, as I cried, shook, screamed a little “Yes!! Yes, Master Caleb! Harder!! Deeper, don’t stop!!” Dog Cum bursting into me like a torrent.


Chapter Five

Some time passed after that; I was unsure how much, as Mistress Shannon would take me from my cell, bringing me to that horrid training room. She would then bind me to a chair naked, legs spread, and force me to watch the video of myself with Caleb, sucking his Dog Cock, and begging him to fuck me. Mistress would inject me with that drug and then put a vibrator inside of my poor cunt, while attaching electrodes to my sensitive nipples.

As I watched that awful video of me being fucked by Caleb, and other pictures of dogs, with their huge cocks out, a mantra would play in headphones on me: “My name is Anna, and I am a Dog Slut. I love to suck on Dogs’ Cocks and eat their doggy Cum. I live for Dogs fucking my slutty cunt. My purpose in life is for Dogs to Knot me and fill my whore cunt with their seed. All I think and desire is to please Dogs and be their bitch. ”

Saying the Dog Slut mantra correctly got my cunt vibrated. Failure to do so got my nipples painfully shocked. Soon, when I lie on my cold cell to sleep, I would hear my voice begin the Dog Slut mantra “My name is Anna, and I am a Dog Slut…” over and over. My dreams and nightmares were filled with fucking dogs, being knotted by them, sucking their huge cocks. My pussy was constantly wet, wanty, and needy, and my perky nipples were swollen as the frustrated desire to be a bitch again grew.

Finally, Mistress Shannon led me outside on my leash to a grassy area, then tied a black lacy mask over my eyes and nose.

“Good morning, puppy; please introduce yourself to our audience?” Mistress ordered

The wee rebel in the back of my mind wanted to tell the truth and beg for help. Instead, I said meekly, “My name is Anna, and I am a Dog Slut”

Shannon reached down, teasing my pussy with her fingers. “And what do you like to have in this, Anna?” she asked me.

I moaned, getting wet already. “I love to have Dog Cock in me, Mistress.”

Shannon smiled. “And how do you get your Dog Master ready for you, my doggy slut?”

I blushed, then said, “I reach under them and play with their sheath until their red tip is out, and then I suck their Dog Cock, Mistress!”

Mistress nodded her approval, caressing, then gently pinching my nipples. “And what position do you get in for a Dog, little bitch?”

“I… I get on my fours, raise my ass, spread my legs, and lower my head, Mistress,” I gasped.

Shannon then asked, “And how do you like a Dog to fuck you, Anna? What do you love Him doing to your cunt?”

I was out of control now, so I wanted this… “I like a Dog to slam me hard with his Cock, stretching my pussy, taking me, owning me, until he shoves his huge Knot into my Dog Slut Cunt, and fills me with his hot thick Dog Cum”

“Such a good puppy!!” Mistress praised, and I smiled a little, hating that I felt good to please Mistress.

Master then entered the yard, leading in a large pair of Malamute dogs, like fluffy huskies with blue eyes. “Present yourself to them. Ginger, Brian, and Dutch are very happy to meet you,” Shannon Commanded

Trembling, I crawled over the wet grass to the large dogs. I whined, rubbed against them, spreading my leg apart and lowering my head so that they could inspect their new bitch. Soon two wet noses sniffed me all over, lapping at my pussy, as they took their taste.

Brian seemed most interested, so I reached beneath him, teasing his sheath, making him hump at my hand. I slapped my ass for him and said in my soft voice, “C’mon, Master Brian, mount me, fuck my dog slut cunt?”

After two attempts, Brian grabbed me closer to him with his huge paws and then shoved his dog cock into my soaked vagina.

Unlike Toby or Caleb, Brian was clearly used to being with a human bitch, and took his time, fucking me with building violence. I gasped at how wide his Dog Cock was growing inside of me, long too, battering my cunt savagely. Minutes went by as I found his rhythm with thrusts of my own, panting like the little bitch in heat that I was becoming. Despite all the precum and my juices, Brian’s Knot struggled to get into my pussy, making me whimper and weep as it finally spread my bitch hole enough to get in.

Brian worked that Knot ball in and out cruelly, impaling me until we were locked together. For the first time, I realized that I had not struggled, I had asked Master Brian to fuck me, and there was something dark about that willingness, as hot Dog Cum sent me to orgasm after orgasm.

Brian and I were knotted for a long while; he stood panting over me, spurting more and more. Eventually, his Dog Cock slipped out, and white canine cum gushed out of my gaping pussy, making obscene noises. I started to roll over to move away from Brian but felt new paws wrap around me, as Dutch now wanted his turn with their little dog slut bitch.

“No, please, Master Dutch, I am not ready?” The large, fluffy dog did not care at all.

Dutch was methodical and cruel, slowly slamming me in a building rhythm into my already-soaked cunt. I attempted to move from him, in some discomfort, but Dutch growled and cowered, lowering my head and spreading my legs more.

It seemed forever before the Malamute pressed his Knot against my pussy opening, then he fucked me faster, forcing it in and out. I felt stretched more than ever before, my new existence being just to please my canine masters and tormentors, my cunt just a ready hole for them to breed and dump their seed.


Chapter Six

Some time passed, days perhaps, I do not know. Mistress Shannon continued to take me to the Training Room, binding me to the chair. My breasts felt swollen, nipples were so sensitive. The video of me fucking Brian and Dutch was added for me to watch as I said, “My name is Anna, and I am a Dog Slut”

Then Mistress came to get me from my kennel, commanding, “Get on your fours, Anna, spread your bitch legs apart!”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered softly, obeying her.

I felt Shannon’s hands, fingers on my bum, spreading my ass cheeks apart, then rubbing something warm and slippery onto my rosebud asshole, and then working it in with her fingers.

I whimpered in some discomfort and pain, and Mistress chuckled. “Does that hurt Anna slut? All of you, all of your bitch holes, belong to me, do you understand?”

I shook my head slightly but found myself saying, “Yes, Mistress, all of my bitch holes belong to you.”

Shannon then pressed something against my tight asshole, pushing slowly until it was in, painfully stretching me. “Look in the mirror there, Anna; tell me what you see?”

I did as she ordered and gasped, seeing a fluffy red-haired tail curling up from my bum, perhaps 18 inches long. “I have a tail, Mistress??”

Mistress laughed cruelly. “Oh yes, Anna, no dog slut bitch is complete without a tail, is she? Now shake your arse, wag it for me!”

I wiggled my small hips, feeling the large thing inside my bum vibrate, caused by the tail moving.

Shannon “Aw, look at that, your tail is making your slutty cunt wet, in heat, isn’t it?”

I whined and answered, “Yes, Mistress, my slutty cunt, god, help me?”

Shannon knelt beside me. “I own you completely, my little dog slut, even these tiny excuses for tits,” as she massaged my small breasts, caressed, and squeezed my nipples, making them throb and pulsate. Somehow, they began to feel moist, then wet, as Shannon squeezed my breasts around my nipples.

She laughed in delight and held her fingers to my mouth. “Have a taste, my Anna bitch?”

I licked her fingers off, tasting something warm, sweet, and rich.

“How do you like your new milk, slut?” Shannon asked me

“Oh, god, how did? Yes, I do, Mistress.”

Mistress Shannon laughed cruelly as she pushed me over to lie on my side while Master carried in a box with two young Irish Setter puppies, whimpering and whining.

Shannon, “Their mum was hit by a lorry down the road, but fortunately, I have my bitch right here, who has milk for them to suckle. ” With that, Mistress set one puppy at my right breast and then the male one at my left breast.

I gasped as they explored my small tits for a few moments and then latched on each nipple, and the few drops of milk became more for each puppy as their mouths stimulated me, and my milk let down for them.


Chapter Seven

Perhaps a week later, Shannon attached a leash to my collar, leading me outside. I was very distracted as I crawled after her healing, both by the little drops of milk from my lactating breasts and by the plug in my bum, which vibrated each time my new tail wagged.

Master walked over behind me, and I felt him press something hot and metallic against my left ass cheek, and I screamed a little in pain! God, it burned, and I smelled my tender flesh.

He laughed and said in a Russian-accented voice, “There you go, little bitch, now you are branded for what you are.”

He took out a mirror and showed me. To my horror, on my bum was a large black dog paw print with the words below it “Dog Slut”

Afterward, as Master readied the cameras, Mistress Shannon rolled me over, then injected each labia of my cunt with a syringe. I whimpered at the sting and the pain from the larger vials of the drug flowing into me. Shannon then brushed my vagina with some musky scent, making me pant a bit, rubbing against the brush, body, cunt on fire.

Shannon smiled down at me. “Do you smell that, Anna? Now your slutty cunt smells like a bitch in heat, just like your body, mind is reacting, changing you.”

It was so difficult to think like a girl woman now; my mind was consumed with my needy cunt, throbbing nipples, and the vibrations from my tail. The last bits of rebel in me wanted to say no, but my head was filled with images of dogs fucking me, sucking their cocks to please them.

“Please, Mistress Shannon, I need Dog Cock in me now? Please have them knot me? Fill my whore cunt with their Doggy Cum? Please?”I begged the cruel woman

Mistress Shannon laughed in delight, then whistled Toby, trotting over from the tree he had been lying down under. “You have to earn it, Dog Slut Anna. Get Master Toby’s Cock ready for your bitchy little cunt” she commanded

Eagerly, under Shannon’s evil spell, I reached under Toby and caressed his sheath, rubbing it until the red tip of his magnificent Dog Cock was out.

The Mastiff walked around me then, snuffling, then licking at my soaked pussy. I could hear him start to pant as my bitch scent excited him. I kept waiting for him to mount me, but instead, he licked and teased me, making me squirm and whimper, my breaths in my pants.

Mistress Shannon, after some time, then said, “Beg Toby to fuck your whore cunt, Anna? Unless you prefer to remain like this, your heat unanswered?”

I shook my head and begged, “Please, Master Toby, fuck my whore cunt? Make me your bitch? I need your Knot in me?”

Finally, Shannon called out “Toby, Mount!” and the Mastiff climbed atop me, claws digging into my thighs. I lowered my head to the wet grass, raised my ass, and felt the huge red Dog Cock slam into my wet cunt. The violence of Toby’s thrusts made my tail shake and wag, and the vibrations in my bum reached my pussy, making it grip the canine penis within me greedily.

I tried to thrust my small hips back at Toby, but he held me tight, violently fucking me, forcing his Dog Cock deeper and deeper, claiming me, his slutty bitch in heat.

“Yes, Toby, yes, god, more, you own me,” I whimpered as he pounded me.

After what seemed forever, the Mastiff bully forced his Knot into my gaping cunt, and in my mind, I knew this day was a turning point; no matter what happened in the future, I truly was a Dog Slut now, ruined for sex with humans, broken to Shannon’s will.


Chapter Eight

A few weeks passed, with me in my cell and the training room, being given the canine estrus drug, and repeating the Dog Slut Mantra “My name is Anna, and I am a Dog Slut” over and over again. My breasts were tender, my nipples swollen, as Mistress Shannon had me nurse the puppies, and my milk supply grew a bit.

My body seemed to be changing in other subtle ways, my vaginal labia seemed enlarged some, I slept far less now, my body was more toned with lean muscle, my reflexes felt quicker, and my sense of smell was far more sensitive and receptive.

The worst part was the boredom and waiting, watching the dog porn video of myself fucking dogs and other erotic images of dogs with their huge cocks out; I felt like I was in a constant state of heat, my cunt constantly wet, needy. But I was not allowed to touch myself. Shannon had commanded me not to, or else.

Then, one early morning, Mistress opened the door to me and tossed me an oversized black T-shirt and black lacy thong. “Put those on, Anna. We are going on an adventure!”

“Yes, Mistress!” I replied in shock and hurriedly dressed. Then Shannon attached the leash to my collar and led me outside to a car park, where a white van with tinted windows awaited. The master picked me up and loaded me into the back, which was separated from the passenger area by a mesh wire wall.

Mistress Shannon drove us for a long while on a major motorway; I judged from the sounds of the lorries and big tourist buses that we passed.

When we parked, and Master placed me on the ground, Shannon walked over and placed cute furry dog paw slippers on my feet. She then took off the leash and collar and placed them in her purse. In the distance, I could hear ship and barge horns blowing and a large river running.

“Listen closely, Anna, this is important. We are going to walk through a club, to go down into a basement. You will walk beside me and keep your bitch mouth shut, not cause any trouble, or Master will take you to the docks with an anchor chain and toss you in, do you understand?”

I nodded in fear. “Yes, Mistress, I will be good.”

Mistress continued, “When we get down to the basement, I will ready you, and your whore cunt is going to earn some good money, keep you in kibble and such. If you do well, I will have a present for you, Anna. If you sod this up, skive around, there shall be consequences for you, which will teach you to Obey.”

With that said, Master pulled an Ireland Football Hoodie over me, which went down to my knees as much as a dress would, and we entered the club, where there seemed to be some sort of rave going on, people dancing, wearing glow necklaces, the smell of cigarettes and marijuana in the air.

We made our way through, and then a muscled blond bouncer opened a door. We descended some old stairs, where a crowd of people, mostly men but a few women as well, were watching two men fight in some sort of cage match.

Shannon led me through a door to a dressing room, where she told me to sit down, which I did. She took off my hoodie, T-shirt, and panties and then worked on my auburn hair, putting it in two pigtails, as wee girls wear. She handed me a costume mask, which looked like an Irish Setter.

“Put that on, Anna. It suits you, with your hair and cat-green eyes.” I did so, and the mask covered the top of my head, went over my eyes, and covered my nose with a dog nose but left my mouth and cheeks free.

“Alright then, Anna, your job tonight is to help entertain the crowd in between those stupid fights. I will lead you out to the ring, and we will put on a good show for them,” Mistress told me and handed me a bottle of water to drink, then put some makeup on me, emphasizing my green eyes through the mask holes and whore red lipstick.

30 minutes passed. From the clock on the wall, it was half eight now, and then Shannon put her phone away, took out the collar, locked it on me, and attached the leash to it. She led me out through the crowd of several hundred people and into the ring, where Master held a young Golden Retriever on a leash.

Shannon took the microphone and spoke to the crowd. “We have a special treat for you all tonight, ladies and not-so-gentlemen! Meet my new puppy!!”

There were lewd cheers and cat calls from the crowd, some I heard, “She’s a cute little bitch, look at that tiny ass!!” and “Are those tits, or mosquito bites??” And “She’s a timid little whore, look at her shaking!!”

Shannon waited until they calmed down a bit, then asked me, “What did you do before I claimed you, puppy?”

It took me a few moments to remember. I had been her pet for over a month now, but then I answered Mistress, “I was Anna, and I was a history student at university.”

Shannon laughed mockingly and said to the crowd, “A history student, well, not much future in that, except being some nerdy cat lady professor, maybe, right?” The crowd laughed, jeering at me.

Mistress continued “And what is your name now, Puppy, and who owns you?”

The wee bit of Anna in me wanted to tell Shannon to fuck off, to stand up, try to flee, but she was buried deep within me, just a faint flicker. “My name is Anna, and I am a Dog Slut, and you own me, Mistress.”

Shannon petted my head in approval, and I felt warm inside. “You’re a good little bitch, Anna” Then, “Jeb, here is a young lad, a bit young to have a go at a fine little bitch like my Anna, but you know another way to please a dog like him, don’t you Anna?”

I looked over at the young dog, under his belly, at his sheath, and nodded, “Yes, Mistress, I do.”

I crawled on my fours over to Jeb, petted him, let him sniff at me, and then moved my small hand to his tummy and caressed his sheath until the red tip of his young Dog Cock emerged. I lowered my head down to him, took his cock in my mouth, and sucked at him, licking, savoring the taste of his pre cum in my slutty mouth.

Around the ring, I could hear lewd cheers and yells and noticed phones taking pictures of me, perhaps video, but I was focused on pleasing Jeb and did so until he came a little in my mouth, and Mistress nudged me away from the dog.

Some of the crowd applauded, and Mistress led me back to the dressing room, where she fixed my makeup. Then she gave me more water and even a small American chocolate bar, the first such treat I had had in a long while

An hour passed, and then Mistress took me back out to the ring again on the leash. This time, Master and two other men held three dogs on leashes: a German Shepherd, a big Collie, and a large Irish Setter mix, like my mask.

I felt Mistress reach between my legs, and she brushed me with that musk, which made me smell like a canine bitch in heat, and I moaned softly.

Shannon addressed the crowd. “Now, Anna is indeed a Dog Slut, and has pleased two of my hounds before, but can this bitch handle three? Let’s find out, shall we? Anna, play with two of their cocks, while one of them decides to fuck you and give the others their turn as well with you. Fritz, Andrew, Finn, enjoy my little bitch!!”

I crawled over to the three dogs, with my legs spread apart, feeling the hundreds of eyes and cameras on me, and let the dogs sniff at me, get my scent. Finn, the Setter, was the most aggressive, lapping at my face, licking a breast, then I felt his long dog tongue on my wet pussy, licking. I petted Fritz, the Shepard, and teased his dog cock out, wanking him a bit.

Finn wrapped his paws around my thighs and mounted me, and after poking at me a few times, plunged his Dog Cock into my pussy, and I groaned in delight. “Yes, Finn, yes, fuck me, give me that Cock; I need you!!” I encouraged him, and he did so, rapidly slamming me, red-furred balls banging against my cunt as he thrust deeper and deeper into me.

The Setter’s Knot pushed against my pussy opening, and I spread my legs a bit more for him. The dog worked it in and out of me manically until it was too large, and we were locked together for some minutes, hot dog cum spraying into my womb as I moved my hips with him, orgasming as well.

When Finn pulled out, his cum gushed out of my cunt, making a loud queef sound, and the crowd laughed. While Master led Fritz behind me, Mistress Shannon pointed at Finn’s cum on the mat. “Lick that up, Anna; no sense letting it go to waste, is there?”

“No, Mistress, there is not,” and I lowered my head to the mat, flicking my tongue to catch the sticky thick dog cum, until it was cleaned up, loving the slightly salty taste.

It was then that things went sideways, so to speak when Fritz mounted me. Instead of entering my cum soaked pussy as I expected, the tip of his penis hit my rosebud asshole and was in me!!

“Oh god no, please, Mistress, get him off of me!!” I squirmed, trying to throw the shepherd off me, but he was too strong, and Shannon simply stood by, watching and laughing at my plight.

The pain was intense as Fritz sodomized my ass, thrusting deep and fast; luckily, Mistress had some mercy on me and held his cock before he could knot my impaled bum. My pussy spasmed, an orgasm rocking me despite the pain in my bum, or perhaps because of it, a dog taking their taboo. It seemed to take forever, Fritz squirting burst after burst of hot Dog Cum into my rectum, before he got out of me, and involuntarily, Dog cum and a bit of blood oozed out of my ass, then farted out until it was mostly out of me.

I thought things were done now, though my flared cunt wanted more, yes more, but then I heard Shannon say to the crowd. “Well now, seems our wee Anna forgot all about Andrew, but he remembers his lassie bitch!”

Over the sound system, I heard bagpipes play, and as I panted, body dripping Dog cum from twat and bum, slender white paws wrapped around my waist, and long flowing fur rubbed my back, caressing and tickling in a way.

The big Collie poked his Dog Cock at me franticly. He missed more often than a politician tells a lie, and no, feck that, not wanting another idjit male slagging me wrong, I reached back and guided Andrew into my soaked cunt.

Mmm, here we go, I thought to myself, almost like watching my fucking on the telly. I lowered my head and spread my legs more so that Andrew could pound me more and deeper, as I wanted and craved. The lubrication from Finn’s cum gave the Collie an easy ride, and Andrew’s Dog Cock grew more than I expected, hitting me over and over.

Well, Collie has a horrid aim, but at least he knows where the goal is when close enough. I chuckled to myself, and finally, Andrew pushed his Knot inside of me, though it was likely the smallest Knot I had in me to date. We locked together, Andrew pumping his cum more and more, and I came as well, a last orgasm to clinch a wild night.


Chapter Nine

Back at the Kennel the next day, after Shannon had bathed and scrubbed me, I slept in my cell on the dog-scented old blanket. When I woke, I discovered the door to the Training Room open, but no one was in there, just a boxer labrador mix I had heard Mistress call Loki before out in the yard.

Seeing Loki excited me and aroused the Heat in me, and my pussy became very wet. I crawled on my fours over to the large mutt and began to pet him, scratching his ears. Loki stood up at this, and sniffed at me, licked my face.

I presented myself to Loki as he inspected me, sniffing, especially interested in my cunt. “You like that, don’t you, Loki? You want me, don’t you, boy?” I said to him.

The dog barked once and then began licking at me, and looking below him, Loki’s red tip was out; he was getting aroused. I raised my ass for the large Mutt, and Loki mounted me, claws digging into my sides, making me moan; I loved him showing me that I was a bitch for him now.

I felt Loki’s Dog Cock poke at me, seeking, missing a few times, and then he was inside me, and Loki began to fuck me, slowly at first, then thrusting faster.

“Oh god, Loki, fuck me!! Your cock feels lovely inside of me; mmm, soo good, yes!!” I moaned and squeezed my pussy around him to feel it even more.

Soon Loki’s Knot pressed at the opening of my pussy, and I spread my legs more, whimpering a little as he slowly pushed it into me and then out, the Knot growing larger and larger.

Then we were locked together, as I loved to be with a dog, long thick Dog Cock stretching me, Knot keeping me tied, and hot Dog Cum filling my womb, as Loki mated his little Ginger bitch.


Chapter Ten

Shannon came to my cell that night, and petted my auburn hair, caressed my face. “I am quite proud of you, fucking Loki all on your own and pleasing him so! Such a good girl!” Mistress praised me.

I smiled shyly up at her. “Thank you, Mistress, it felt wonderful.”

Shannon “You really love being a bitch now, don’t you, girl?” as she spoke, she gently injected me with two syringes, and some minutes later, I fell in Heat like never before, pussy lips near engorged, soaked inside, and my nipples rock hard. She ran the brush over my slutty cunt as well, and I humped a little at the brush.

Mistress nodded in satisfaction. “Your body seems to respond well to the canine estrus I obtained from a breeding Doberman bitch, both from the injections and topically on the brush. Your body mimics her lust and desperation, doesn’t it, pet?”

I whimpered and whined; it was difficult even to speak now; my skin was flushed, and all of my body focused on the craving, need, and desire to be a bitch to big dogs and have their Dog Cocks in me; it was primal, this new Heat. “Yes, Mistress, I need fucked and Knotted so badly now, please??” I begged her

Shannon studied my eyes, put her hand on her denim-clad hip, and asked, “You would not have done this, would you?”

I thought about it, vaguely remembering that shy, timid, submissive girl who sometimes secretly fantasized about exotic sex as I loved now. “No, Mistress, I was weak; I would not take risks or pleasure myself or an Owner like you.”

“Well then, my Amma, let’s see about ridding you of the last of that weak girl now, shall we?” Shannon asked, not ordering me, clearly offering me a choice, a decision.

I nodded my head, angry at who had been in my body before. “Yes, please, Mistress, let’s get rid of her.”

Shannon led me out to the lit courtyard, and I saw a large black dog. He was mostly black, with dark brown markings, and heavily muscled, a Rottweiler, I thought.

“This is Titan, Ginger, Master had him bring her from St Petersburg, and he has been highly trained to be with new dog sluts such as yourself and teach them what being a bitch truly is.” Mistress looked me closely in the eyes. “He will not be gentle, Anna; he is aggressive and will bully you. If you do not wish to do this, I will not force you.”

I had no hesitation, just the sight and thought of such a powerful male; I lusted for him, needed him. “I am ready, Mistress. ”

“Then go ahead, but I warn you: obey Titan, or he will hurt you, ” Shannon told me.

I started to walk towards Titan, but he growled, showing his teeth, and I stopped. The huge Rottweiler circled me, getting closer, looking me in the eyes until I lowered my gaze from his. Then Titan stood on his hind legs, bit my shoulder, and pulled me down to the grass.

I started to rise from my tummy, but not fast enough to suit the beast, and he bit my thigh and nudged my small ass until I was on my fours. Now he circled me again, sniffing at me, and pulled my head down to the ground by my hair, doing it again when I raised it, Titan forcing me to submit, obey.

I felt Rottweiler’s long tongue all over me, from my forehead all the way down to my toes, as he explored me and laid claim to my entire body. Any movement by me got another nip and growl from Titan, so I stayed still, shaking a bit, pussy soaked with deep arousal, but knowing I was in danger too.

I then felt Titan push my legs further apart with his snout, and there was no hesitation from him, no missing, just a sudden thrust into my cunt, and then back out again, and he kept doing this, slowly.

I gasped and whined from the pleasure of his growing Dog Cock, and in frustration that he would not just get on with it and fuck me.

Titan pulled my hips to him, holding them immobile, and began to increase the pace of his fucking slowly, in, out, in, out, and I came a bit just from this, hips bucking a little, and he barked softly.

Now the Rottweiler had claimed me as his bitch, and got serious, thrusting faster and harder, like flashes of lightning into my cunt. His Dog Cock banged and thrashed me.

My greedy pussy clasped Titan as he grew larger inside of me, my mouth whining, moaning, “Yes! Oh, oh god, yes! Oh, oh, your Cock is deep!! Oh, it’s so big!! Oh Oh!! Titan, oh God, Titan fuck me, yes, yes!! Fuck my cunt! Fuck your Ginger Bitch!”

If I thought his initial fucking had ravaged me, that was just the prelude, as I felt the ball of his huge Knot bang against my flared pussy lips, and spread as I might, it was a slow process and quite a bit of pain, I came a second time, as my labia finally gave way and allowed the massive intruder inside me.

Titan was in no hurry whatever to tie with me yet, though; this was not just to breed a new bitch, but to dominate me completely, show me that my body, my canine cunt was there for him to use freely. However, he wished, as long as he wished.

The Rottweiler’s Knot kept on going in, out, in, out of me, and I groaned, wanted to beg him, but was beyond words now, beastly whines, grunts, squeaks, even a wee bark or two from my whore lipsticked mouth.

Forever later, or so it seemed, Titan tested the Knot, and we were locked together as he held me tight against his body, and I felt spray, spray, spray!! Of his hot Dog Semen engulf my pussy, my cunt, cervix, filling my womb. On and on Titan made little thrusts into his wee bitch, so much I fancied he could fill a small pond, and my little body could barely take this; I lost track of the orgasms, how much I came with Titan, perhaps it was just all one, from this massive Alpha dog breeding me, his eager, willing Anna bitch

The End

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