Women with Animals
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United Kingdom of Zoo – S01:E18: Pamela (58 yr old primary school teacher)


She’s an almost shapeless, anonymous woman in her late fifties.  Off-blonde hair sits just short of her shoulders, spectacles, kind of plain faced.  A chest you wouldn’t notice even if she was wearing a low cut top.  She’s neither fat nor thin.  Just – average.  What she’s got is warmth.  She looks friendly.  Safe.  Nice.  She also possesses a grin so broad and gleaming that it looks almost fake and could make the most miserable old bastard smile.

When she speaks her Scouse accent is a dead giveaway that she was born and raised in Liverpool, but it’s not a hard accent to hear through.

“My name is Pamela Kilcline, I’m 58 years old, and I’m a primary school teacher from Liverpool.”

We watch video of her at work, teaching 9 year old children basic maths.  She’s a good teacher, the kids are engaged.  She makes them laugh as they learn.  She delivers a monologue in voice-over.

“I married quite young, before I was out of teaching college, and we’ve had a good life together.  It’s only ever been the two of us.  I’ve never had anyone else since we got together, and neither has he…  But we’ve done just about everything we could do together.  We like to have fun.”

What kinds of things?

“Oh, everything really.  Lots of sex-toys…  Lots of anal.  We’ve got a huge library of videos of us having sex, and of me masturbating in public places all around the world.  I really like to show off, but I’m still a little shy.”

What first turned you onto the idea of sex with dogs?

“I’ve got this memory from when I was very young…  I don’t even know if it’s a real memory or something I imagined – but I can’t believe I would have imagined this at such a young age…  I remember walking into the front room at home when I was supposed to be asleep, and my dad was watching the dog mount my mother….  I left right away before they spotted me.  I had no idea what it was until years later when I started to understand sex, and after that I had all these thoughts about her and the dog and whether they were doing what I thought they were doing.  I got turned on thinking that maybe she was, and I wished I had been able to ‘test’ the dog, but by then he had already died.  I told my husband about it a few years ago and it’s been on our sexual bucket list ever since.”

What does your husband think about all of this?

“It turns him on.  We’ve talked about it before sex, and during sex…  He’s pretended to be a dog for, but make believe isn’t enough, is it?”

What do you want to achieve out of this experience?

“I just want to have some more fun…  I hope I’ll enjoy the dog, but I know what I’ll really enjoy is the idea of all my old pupils watching the show, and seeing me with the dog and thinking ‘Is that Mrs Kilcline having sex with a dog?’ – and it will be!”

What about your pupils now?

“I’d love to show them the video as part of a biology lesson…”  She laughs out loud at her comment.

She talks direct to camera.  “My name is Pamela Kilcline, and I want to have sex with a dog.”

She is wearing a white woollen cardigan top, a loose, flowing, knee length skirt, and a sensible pair of red shoes, a bit of a heel but nothing slutty.  She looks every inch the respectable teacher as she kisses her husband goodbye and gets into her car.  She drives away from their home, talking into a camera in the car.

Is your husband not coming with you?

“No…  He wants me to tell him all about it afterwards – and he wants to watch it when it’s on tv – but he doesn’t want to be there when it actually happens. I think he likes the idea of me ‘cheating’ on him with the dog.”  She looks into camera.  “I think I like that idea too!”

It’s a short drive, around a few corners, maybe only 10 minutes – driving along a narrow street with tightly terraced houses on either side.  We arrive at the gates of a two story, brick building.  Pamela uses a remote control and the gates slide open.  She pulls into the empty car park and into a space marked “TEACHERS ONLY”.   Two more cars pull in behind her.  Our car, with crew and equipment, and the darkest legal tint windowed car of Drew, who’s come all the way from Glasgow for this with his faithful Boxer dog, Bruno.

Pamela has the keys to the school – she often comes in on weekends to tidy her class and prepare/mark work, etc.  She waves at the council security guard, who waves back and continues on his rounds.  He knows her well, she can be trusted to behave.  He doesn’t even query why she’s taking a camera crew and a Boxer dog with her.  Probably something to do with the new education syllabus.

We walk through the echoing corridors of the empty, school.  Children’s writing and pictures displayed on the walls, on classroom windows.  Pamela is a bit giggly as we walk, looking down at the dog scrabbling on the polished concrete floors.  “I come in all the time.  One of my little kinks is I like to sit at the front of the class, put my feet up on a couple of chairs, and fuck myself with a fistful of pencils, and pretend I’ve got a class-full of students watching me.  I come in to do my work, and I end up wanking myself off two or three times then going home exhausted.  Teaching isn’t exhausting – fantasy is!”

We arrive at her class and she unlocks that door, letting us in.  Cameras are set up and sound equipment prepared whilst Pamela crouches infront of Bruno and makes friends with lots of head rubbing and face licking – at first it’s just him licking her face, but after a couple of slops, she starts to lick back – his tongue, his nose…  Then the two of them fighting over who can use their tongue the most.  He wins.  She laughs.

What do you think of Bruno here?

“He’s a very big boy…  He feels so strong too…  This could be more fun than I thought it would be!”

Are you looking forward to it?

“Oh fuck yeah!” She laughs, as if it was the stupidest question of all time.

And with that, everything is ready.

Pamela unbuttons her cardigan, removes it and places it on her desk.  Then her dress and lays that out on her desk too.  Bruno whines and wimpers, standing then sitting, keen to get started.

She stands there in her black bra, panties, elasticated hold-up stockings like she’s trying to decide what to do next…  Smiles, and removes her bra, letting those little titties loose.  Her pointy nipples are hard with excitement. Then she slips her panties down a little to reveal that her pussy is clean shaven.  Pausing with a giggle, then slipping them down her legs, over the stockings and off.  She’s fully exposed now – boobs quite small and a little saggy, slim but not particularly firm belly, a little cellulite on her bum and thighs…  But she’s happy with herself.

Bruno wants to go right now…

Having set up three remote cameras to capture the action, and two microphones to capture every sound, our small crew all squeeze onto the small chairs in the classroom to watch.  Only Big Bazza, our overweight cameraman, doesn’t take a seat – partly because he’s operating a hand-held camera, but mainly because he doubts that any of the chairs could take his weight.

Bazza just manages to catch Charley (our production assistant) raising her hand and acting the child as she says, “Please miss…  Are you going to let that doggy fuck your pussy now?”  Everyone laughs at this unscripted moment.

Pamela slides her chair out from behind her desk so it’s in full view of the ‘children’, then sits down and spreads her legs wide.  Bruno is released and immediately goes for her pussy.  His snout right in there, his tongue going to work on her snatch, and her arching her back and gasping at the immediate wave of pleasure that rushes through her.

Bruno looks like he’ll be happy to lick her cunt all night, and Pamela looks like she’d let him.  Writhing, bucking, feeling her own little tits, pinching those hard nipples, twisting them.  Her head back, a huge smile across her face.  She couldn’t open her thighs wider if she tried.  Her heart racing…  The dog’s tongue digging deep, slopping over her clit, working her ass crack, it’s everywhere it needs to be.  She’s gasping, swearing, moaning, and then silent…  Mouth open, body shaking, gasping, and then…  Cumming.  Hard.  Her legs closing around Bruno’s head, squeezing him until he backs away.

He does a few quick circles, chasing his ever-growing cock, as she recovers from the throws of her amazing orgasm.  “Ohhhh fucckkk… “ She gasps.  “…  And that’s just the foreplay…”

She stands up on shaky legs, and looks to her ‘class’ with an excited look on her face.  A little giggle, her fingers still absent-mindedly touching her breasts as if she’s almost in a dream.  “How do I do this?”  She asks Drew.

He shows her how to assume the best doggy position for Bruno.  Knees on the floor, wide apart so that Bruno can get his feet between her legs.  Her small chest mashed down on her seat, her bum in the air – with her weight resting on her chest her hands are free to roam.  She reaches back, one hand on the back of each thighs, spreading them wide, exposing and opening up her glistening pussy lips.

Seeing her rear end presented like this, Bruno can’t wait to get at her.  Drew smacks her lightly on the bum, calling Bruno forward, and the powerful dog doesn’t need a second invitation.

He rushes forward, rears up and mounts her.  His front paws wrapping around her hips and crossing under her belly.  His belly on her bottom.  His cock banging up against her from behind, a hot little tip slithering between her thighs and her butt cheeks, looking for a happy place.

She tries to spread her pussy lips even wider, to angle her behind more toward the dog’s thrusts…  And then she hits the perfect position, and Bruno’s cock is suddenly inside her.  She gasps and shouts, “Shit!”

And Bruno hammers into that pussy – he fucks the life out of her – fast, hard, intense, deep.  His cock hot and wet and hard.  His weight on her back, his front paws scratching her belly and the front of her thighs, his hind paws scratching her calves and the back of her thighs.  But she’s blissfully unaware of the scratches – unaware of the welts rising on her flesh.  She’s too focussed on the joy of having six inches of dog cock filling her cunt.

He’s pounding at her, hard and fast.  She’s breathing shallow and almost out of control.  Like a trapped animal.  She can’t quite catch her breath because he is so intent on fucking her so hard.  Driving every last millimetre of his cock into her.

The knot…  His knot…  A glorious fist sized ball of muscle, growing and pulsing in her pussy.  Stretching out than already full pussy.  She’s screaming with pleasure.  “Oh shit yes…  Oh fuck me… Fuck me..!”

She’s oblivious to the cameras, to the ‘class’, to any idea that she’s not alone in this room with this animal fucking her.

Bruno’s knot is so big that he can’t move his cock in her at all any more – so he’s just standing over her, behind her.  Buried in her.  Throbbing.  And she’s still gasping and moaning with each throb.  And with each throb she can feel him squirting his load in her pussy.  It’s that thought that puts her over the edge – sending her to another orgasm.  Her pussy exploding – fire spreading through her belly, up her spine, making her nipples tingle, breathing faster until the wave has passed, then finally taking a deep breath, and filling her lungs for the first time since he was first penetrated.

She turns her head to one side and catches herself looking right into camera, then smiles.  “I can feel him squirting inside me…  Filling me up with his spunk. It’s heaven.”

We cut out most of the following 10 minutes, whilst Bruno just stands over her, pumping his jism deep into her.  Every throb and every pulse making her feel an extra level of satisfaction.

After those ten minutes have passed, Bruno’s knot shrinks to the point that his cock slurps out of her, followed by a stream of his cum spilling out onto the polished floor.  The force of the cock pulling free makes her gasp again, then she catches her breath, and crawls backwards off the seat.  Looks down, sees the puddle of spunk on the floor.  Lowers her head to it – and starts to lick it up like a pussy cat drinking milk.  She’s almost purring!

Bruno staggers away and begins to tend to his big fat cock.  Pamela watches him as she slurps that cum up off the floor.  Reaching down between her thighs to finger her well-fucked and stretched out pussy.  Licking and slurping – fingering and frigging – watching that big dog lick his huge cock.

And that’s a pretty good place to leave them, because that’s where Pamela would like to spend the rest of her life.

Catch-up video diary.  Pamela reading a letter direct to video camera.  “Dear Mrs Kilcline, I really miss you.  You were a top teacher.  Signed, Joe T.”  She switches to another letter.  “Dear Mss Kilcline, sorry they sacked you.  You was the only good thing about school.  Signed, Aimee.”  She smiles into camera, then raises a third, “Dear Dogwhore.  I watched your show with my dad.  You are a dirty dirty cunt.”  She looks into camera.  “That last one wasn’t signed.”

She composes herself.  “I’m glad I did it.  It was the most pleasure I’ve ever had.  My husband watched it with me, and we had the best sex we’ve ever had afterwards.  So I can’t complain.  58 year old and I’m having the best sex ever.  No complaints.”

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