Women with Animals
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The Arabian Stallion


As requested, I am reposting the english translations of my first zoo-stories. They are quite old, about 5 years, and much has changed since then, but I think they are quite readable at all!


Part 1 – The Arabian

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I want to tell you my story. But where should I start? First, I’ll tell you some things about me. I’m 26 years old, 1,70m tall and weight 60kg. I have long, blonde hair and I have been told that I would be quite attractive. This is the first part of my first sexual contact with horses, and, to be exact, with stallions. I was on a holiday trip in Tunesia, and, sadly, I was alone. I had no boy-friend acutally, and I decided to have some fun there.
It was late in july, and it was very hot there. It was a last-minute-trip so I didn’t have a chance to get another trip, so I was there now. The temperature there was very unusual for an eurpean like me, and it wasn’t much less than 40 degrees celsius in the shade! However, I enjoyed the first of the two weeks there by just doing nothing than just lying at the beach in the sun and get brown.
I decided to make some trips into several known town like Tunis and Pamukkale etc. I had learned a little bit of their native language, which was ideal to bargain at the several bazars. When you are a woman, you could easily spend the whole day there and could buy nearly everything at affordable prices. I bought some new clothes, parfume, and a lot more. The last trip I wanted to make was a 2-day-trip into the deep and wide desert with a bus-group. I was really exicted because I had never been there before!
We started our trip soon oin the morning and arrived at about 9 o’clock at our first station right in the desert. From here, we had a fantastic view over the desert, and all you could see were just dunes. We had the opportunity to walk around on our own, but we should not go away too far! I made the mistake to think that I could find my way here. But everything’s here looked like the same! Just sand, no bushes or so! Damn, I thought to myself, how could I be just so stupid! And the sun was burning! No shade in sight, nor the bus!
I decided to wait and hoped that the others would come to search for me. One hour passed, and nothing happened. Shit, this was it. Did they forgot me? Or was I just too far away from the bus? I got thirsty very quickly. And nothing to protect myself against the burning mid-sun just over me. I was so silly! Blonde and stupid, yep, this seemed to be correct. The sand under my feet started to burn through my shoes, and I thought that my shoes would catch fire! I decided to walk into the direction I thought the bus was there.
I walked for about an hour, but I thought that I had walked around for many hours. No place to hide before the burning sun, and suddenly it got dark before my eyes and I lost my consciousness. The next thing I could remember that I wake up in a small beduine-hut. I small, slim beduine noticed that I was awake and came over to me. He asked me what I was doing here, and I told him my story. I asked for some water, and he got up and got in another room of the hut. He came back with a small cup of water and said that this was the only water he had here and he had to go bring some more. He said that it would take several hours until he would come back, and I asked him if he couldn’t get me to the nearest city. He denied because his camel had only space for one person. He got away and I was alone now. Since I was undescribeable thirsty, I decided to look around for something other to drink. Nothing, and I got out of the hut.
There were only some palms, and under them, in the shade, was a huge brown arabian stallion. I wondered what this huge horse was doing here just in the desert, but I was too thirsty to care about that. Just a few hours in the desert sun and I got the most stupid thoughts in my life. Maybe I could drink my own urine? I had read in several magazines that this could prevent someone to die if he was too thirsty. So I pulled my shorts and my slip down and got the little cup again which I had got from the beduine to drink the water from. I got it right under my slut and tried to piss into it.
But as hard as I tried, nothing came out! Bullshit, I thought to myself. I was bored, and sat down onto the ground. Maybe I could drink from the stallion? I erased this thought quickly and asked myself if I was getting mad? But only a few minutes later, I got back to this idea. I went outside and had a closer look at the horse there. It was huge and had short, brown fur which was shining.
I got closer to him and started to pet him from his head towards his back, and he seemed to like it. He was calm and gave no sign to kick me or so. So my hand got down under his belly and stopped when I asked myself what the hell I way doing there? Was I totally insane? But I continued and got quicky into the hut and came back with some little carpets so that the hot sand wouldn’t come through.
I realised that, if the horse would piss at me, it would be hard to explain where the yellow spots on my clothes were from. So I took off the rest of my clothes and put them near to the hut. I looked around to get sure that noboby would see what I was going to do, but the beduine had said that he would need several hours until he would come back. So I got over to the horse and went down onto my knees right beside him.
This stallion was so huge that I could easily fit under his body! I looked under his belly and looked for the tube which seemed to contain his cock. Andn then I saw for the first time in my life this HUGE testicles! Wow, I thought to myself, and hoped that this huge animal won’t hurt me while I was under his belly! His penis was inside, and I had to get it out if I wanted to get his pee!
Each of his balls had the size of a big orange, were dark-grey to black and had no hair. They hanged-down deeply and looked inviting to me. I shook my head and asked myself if I was really crazy? Had the lack of water irretated my mind??
But if I wanted to get water, and even if it was pee, I had to do this! What would happen if I would stroke his balls? Slowly, I reached one hand into the air and my fingers carefully touched this beautiful balls, and I awaited his reaction. Nothing, so I got grittier and touched it with my whole hand.
Their warmth aroused me, and I started to stroke it from one end to the other, still no reaction from the horse! So I began to knead them, and it seemed that they would pulsate. He seemed to like it, I thought, because he neighed a few times. But his hose was still not outside. So I took both testicles into my hands and started to play with them. My fingers went over them in circuiting movements, and then I rubbed them carefully against each other, with one ball in each hand of mine. They filled my hands with ease, and I noticed that his glans came slowly out of its tube under his belly. Whoa, I thought to myself, what a huge thing! About 7cm in diameter, it was much bigger than a human one!
Of course, I realised, this animal was much bigger and heavier than a human! So it was just normal that his cock must be much bigger!
His glans was now nearly completely outside, and I continued to play with his nice balls and hoped his cock would come out with its full length. I slid a little bit forward so that his testicles were now directly over my face. I had become curious, and, to my own surprise, horny, too. I carefully started to kiss and to lick these georgeous balls over my face, and now his glans was completely outside. Its finger-thick urethra-opening aroused me. Am I normal or insane? But I continued because my thirstiness had increased.
Slowly, his cock came outside its tube under his belly and I felt it pressing against the backside of my head. With circuiting movements, my tongue slid all over his hice balls while I was still kneading them with my hands. It took me about one minute until his whole penis was oustide. I turned myself around and was nearly shocked about its size and thickness, and it was pressed directly into my face! It’s tip had the thickness of my own wrist, and the penis was over half a meter in length! I moved back again and while one hand was still playing with these balls, the other one grabbed behind its glans. I started to juggle his testicles which led the horse to neigh again, but he stil didn’t move.
I had never given an animal a blowjob, but I decided that it shouldn’t be different than with a human partner. Exept it’s size, of course. I pulled his glans in front of my face and gave it a careful kiss. The taste was peculiar, but not squirmy or sternly. I released my grip on his balls, and I was now holding this beautiful drooping horse-penis with both hands. I had now a closer look at his beautiful sex-organ. It had the same color as his balls, dark-grey to black, with some flesh-colored spots on it, and it was covered all over with huge and thick veins which seemed to pulsate. Then I paid my attention his huge glans again. Its urethra-opening was so huge that I could easily push my smallest finger into it! I was really horny now, and thirsty, of course. I opened my mouth and really had problems to get this huge glans into my mouth, but I managed it! It was warm and luscious, and it pulsated in my mouthhole. This gave me the presumption that his cock was getting hard slowly. I was right, and I could see how it growed up until it was rock-hard. Over 50cm in length, I was nearly shocked about its dimensions. What a feeling it must be to feel this georgeous animal penis in my body!
With one hand, I held it behind its glans tight in it, while the other hand started to masturbate it just like a human one. I hoped it wouldn’t take long until he would piss or ejaculate into my mouth.
My zest was already greater than my thirstiness, and I pulled his glans out of my mouth. All my fingers stroked now over its full length until they reached his testicles. The stallion got a little bit restive, so I thought that it wouldn’t take long until IT would happen. I grabbed his glans again with one hand, while the other paid attention to one of his balls.
I thought that his balls would have grown while I was snuggling it. With the other hand, I was moving up and downwards his shaft so that I was masturbating him. He started to neigh again, which was his sign for me that he couldn’t himself back no longer. So I placed my face in front of his glans again and pushed it into my awaiting mouth. I felt how it was pulsating, and I started to give him a good blowjob.
It took about half a minute and he started to fill my mouth. But instead with his cum, it was his pee, as if the stallion would have known what I had wanted from him. I had awaited its flow, but not this kind of pressure it had. It was so immense that I instinctively moved my head backwards so that his glans slipped out of my mouth. A huge wave of his hot golden juice blasted straight into my face and splashed then into all directions, but the most of it got over my breasts and flowed down over my belly and my shaved clit. Whoa, this felt great, but I still wanted to drink it and not waste it!
So I pushed my head with my wide opened mouth right in front of his shooting urethra and received its full ray of golden piss. Then I forced his glans into my mouth and I had a wonderful and tasty drink.
It was some years ago when I had tasted my own pee because I had a pronounced sexuality and was curious about how it would taste. And I could say that the pee of this beautiful horse didn’t taste much different than mines. It was just more sternly in taste. But this didn’t affected me. Nope, I really liked it, and the strenght of his ray was still the same as when he started. It must have been quite long ago when he had pissed before.
I tried to drink as fast as possible, but it was just too much in a too long time! So a lot of it squirted out through the little spaces between my teeth; it was the only space for it to come through, because I still had my mouth filled with his glans! His pee ran down over my shoulders, my back and over my tits. The unfamiliar warmth of his liquid made my nipples rock-hard within seconds. A really intense lustily feeling overwhelmed me.
Half a minute later I couldn’t drink any more of it, and its strenght had decreased a lot so that it was just only dripping. I moaned up due to my immense lust, and my hands slided over my hard nipples and squeezed them gently. Then I took his now a little bit floppily penis into my hands and rubbed its glans over my hard nipples, while still some pee came out of its urethra. The pee and the soft skin of the stallions penis felt really great on my skin. So warm, and soft, while it seemed still to pulsate, I had never felt such a lust before.
Once I had tasted his pee, I was now horny enough that I wanted to taste his cum,too. His georgeous cock was meanwhile slackly hanging downwards so that I could easily hold it with one hand while the other could pet his balls again. I could feel his horniness through his huge penis! It didn’t took me long until I had made his penis hard again, and the stallion neighed shortly. I grabbed his cock in the middle of it with one hand while the other grabbed behind his glans and started to masturbate it. While I did this, I soaked the last drops of his pee out of it, and I felt that my thirstiness had gone.
I caressed it with my lips and my tongue, and I was so busily with my work that I wouldn’t have noticed anything that would happen around of me. This horse had such a fascinating influence on me that I would everything do what it wanted from me. I had never dreamed of havign sex with an animal, especially a huge stallion like this one!
This lovely cock in my mouth made my so horny that I could feel that my cunt was getting quickly wet, and my own juice dripped out of it onto the ground. I masturbated him for over one minute, and I could feel a wince going through his body, and I knew that it wouldn’t take long and he would shoot again. I was awaiting its taste, and hoped that the horse-cum would taste as human one. I increased my blowing-speed, and sometimes I took his cock out of my mouth and rubbed his wet glans over my face and my beautiful tits. Then back over my face, my cheeks and my eyes, and then back into my waiting mouthhole.
I slowly and gently started to nibble at the glans in my mouth, and only a few seconds later he neighed strangely. And then a enormous blast of his cum was shot into my mouth and down my throat. The pressure and the amount of the cum was so huge that I was shocked again for a few seconds, but this time I kept the penis in my mouth instead of pulling it out as I had done before. His shot lasted for about 10 seconds, and I had never received such an amount of cum in my whole life.
It tasted like some sort chestnut, but more bitter and somewhat undefinable.
It was too much to swallow all of it, so a quite huge amount of it founted out of my mouth and flowed down my neck and over my tits. I took it out of my mouth and could see how its cum flooded out his huge urethra. I raised my laps into the air as far as I could, and then I rubbed his cock, with its cum coming out, over my tits and over my wet sheath. His cum dripped right into my slightly opened sheath, and I was really near an orgasm. My hands were also covered with his juice, and so I licked them clean while his cock got slack.
So it was easy for me to rub it all over my body, and at last, I pressed the tip of his glans into my good gooed sheath. The feeling of this mighty toy at my cunt was undescribabel and I thought about how it would feel like if I would let him fuck me. Would this amazing thing thing fit in my comparatively small body or would it hurt me plenty? But I was too horny now to think about what might happen, and I realised that I needed to look for place where I could let him fuck my brain out.
But first, I gave him freely some minutes to recover himself while I used the free-time to walk around.
I walked to the backside of the hut and noticed a small add that had the ideal size for me to lay down on it, but sadly there was no shade there. But the stallion would give enough shade, I hoped to myself, and took the carpets and placed them on it. Hopefully the horse won’t peruse, but I had to figure it out!
I got over back to the stallion and gave him a lovely kiss onto his face and removed his cord from the palm-trees. He was as calm as always and made no reaction to run away or so. So I grabbed his cord and got with him towards the add of the hut. I hoped that the beduine would need a few hours and wouldn’t come back while we would be fucking! I got onto the add and laid with my back onto it, while my legs were placed over the border of it so that I could spread them asunder.
The stallion just stood there in front of me and looked at what I was doing there, and I moved my fingers downwards to my cunt and spreaded my shamelips. It was filled with his pee and my juice, and he started to smell at it for some seconds. As if he knewed what I wanted from him to do with me, he moved forward and over me until my belly was between his forelegs. I couldn’t see what I was doing, but I grabbed his slack cock and guided his glans at my cunt.
Wow, what an awesome feeling, and I tried to push his glans slowly and carefully into my body. Remind that it had the diameter nearly od my fist! When it was inside of me, I tried to push more of his cock inside, but it was impossible because his cock was slack. But the stallion seemed to know what I wanted to do, and he moved backwards and so his glans slid out. I wondered what he was doing, and a tried to catch a look through his legs. My wondering eyes stared at his cock because the stallion pumped it up to its full size within just 2 or 3 seconds! His now rock-hard cock was bouncing way and forth in front of my cunt. He moved forward and tried to push it into my sheath, but I had to help with my hands. No problem for me! My cunt was still “good-oiled” with his pee and my juice! It got easily in, and he was still moving slowly forward and over me until over 25cm of it were inside of me! I couldn’t believe that my body could fit such a thick and long penis, and I was nearly about to cum immediately.
But this wasn’t still all, and he started to fuck me! First, his thrusts were slow and short, but he quickly increased them and I was now really fucked hard by a stallion! I thought that I was going to fly when I came just a few seconds later after he had started to pump. I had never dreamed of being raped by an animal, but now I wanted it for the rest of my life! Compared with sex with a human, the sex with an animal was very different! This animalic power, and of course the enormous size of the horse’s cock, lead myself to the first climax in my life.
I screamed and moaned loudly while the horse was thrusting with an abnormal speed, and I imagined that this cock would rip me into pieces. His strenght was so huge that I came immediately, and my own juice made it much easier for him to glide in and out of me, and he fucked me even faster. The ultimate fuck lasted for about half a minute, but I thought that it had taken much, much longer. And then the horse neighed loudly, and then the inside of my body made acquaintance with his lovely cum. I could feel how the blast shot out of his glans and through my guts.
The pressure was so enormous that I thought it would blast through my whole body and would leave it through my mouth. But this was just imagination, of course, but this feeling nearly overwhelmed me. He got backwards and his now slack cock slipped out of my beaten vagina, and a huge amount of his delicious cum followed. I surely didn’t want to waste any of it, so I used my hands to take it onto them. I enjoyed any single drop of it when I licked my hands clean.
I favoured him half an hour resting, and we repeated this fuck 2 times. After 3 fucks of this beautiful hnuge stallion, I was just totally finished and my clit and my inside was burning red. I wanted him to fuck me again, but each move of me reminded me that my body wasn’t designed for such a treatment. So I put my clothes on again and used the remaining time to pet the stallion and his nice balls. I realised that my body was smelling intensively from the pee-bath I had received, and I got into the hut and took a parfume-vial out of my handbag. I used quite much of it, and hopefully, nobody would smell the pee anymore.
The beduine came back, and he wasn’t alone. He was followed by a patrolman with his car. Unfortunately, I had to play the thirsty girl, and so I had to drink the whole bottle of water empty that the beduine gave me. Although I wasn’t thirsty anymore ;-D! I thanked the beduine for his cooperativeness and I was driven all the way back to my hotel. I used the time in the police-car to ask the policemen if they could mark the way to the beduine in a roadmap, because I wanted to come back and would bring some special gifts to thank him once more. They were very kind, and so I had the whole route! I was so glad, and hoped that I managed it somehow that the horse would fuck me again. I had nearly one week left! But this is another story!


Part 2 – The return of the arabian stallion

I returned to my hotel after about 2 hours, and it was late in the evening now. I was really tired (not just from the long lasting driving ;-D ), and I was very hungry. They wondered why I was back so soon because it was the first day of the normally 2 days lasting trip, so I had to tell them what had happened to me. They made for me a special dinner for me, because it was unusual to eat something when it was about 23.30 o’clock.
Finished with the meal, I got onto my room. I was wearly, but I had to take a shower. My clothes and my body were full of sand, and, I smelled still a little bit from the pee-shower! I ripped my clothes off, and now I felt my hurting bones and muscles again. Wow, was that a eventful day! I enjoyed the showering, and I had to think about how this beautiful horse had changed my life. While I was moving the wet sponge over my whole body, I thought that I had to return somehow. I had really loved this fucking power of the stallion. But now, I wanted to go to sleep. So I laid down on it and I felt asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that my cunt was wet. I obviously must had had a nice dream! Then I remembered, but was the event of yesterday just an imagination of me? No, I maybe had a pronounced fantasy, but this couldn’t have been dreamed! When I stood up I felt my muscles and the inside of my cunt again. Yes, this fuck was real!
I’d put my clothes on and got downwards to have my breakfast. While I was eating I thought about what to do today. We had 8 o’clock now, so I had a full day for my disposal. I decided to make a trip to the beduine and “my” stallion. I wanted to fuck with him, but how should I do that when the beduine was in the hut? I got back onto my room and made a plan. First, I got into the bath and returned with some sleeping-pills. Sometimes, I had problems to get asleep, and so I always some of them with me. Normally, you should take only one pill, but I took 5 with me, because I wanted to make a sleeping-drink for the beduine. Then I got downwards into the hotel-own super-market and buyed a basket full of fresh fruits and some orange-juice. I mixed then the sleeping-pills with the juice.
Prepared with this drink, I went to the reception and rented a small pickup. This problem was solved. I returned to my room and prepared myself to leave. This time, I took my camcorder and some taped with me. This had to be recorded! Something to eat and drink, and some K-Y (when you’re single and make a vacation, you should always take this with you ;-D )! And, at last, the road-map shouldn’t miss! So I started my tour the beduine and my beloved toy. About 3 hours later I arrived, and the beduine was really surprised to see me again. I got the basket out of the car and gave it to him. I used my knowledge in the arabic language and said him that this was for him as some kind of thanking from me. From here, I could see the horse behind the hut in the shade. And he had seen me and neighed and shook his head. I was sure he had re-cognized me. And a huge camel was there, too. I had to hold myself back and not to rip my clothes off.
We got into the hut and sat down onto the ground and started a small-talk. I offered him to eat from the fruits and to try the delicious orange-juice. He followed my offer, and gave me some of the fruits. And he offered me the juice. But I denied and said that THIS time I wouldn’t be thirsty. We laughed, and he continued to drink all of it. Yes, good boy, and now let’s see how long the medicine would take to affect.
My calculation said me that this should take him out for at least 6 or 7 hours, and it was quick. Only 15min. later the beduine yawned and asked me to go because he had to go to sleep. So I said goodbye and while he got onto his mattress, I got outside and into my car. I turned the engine on and drove a few hundred meters, waited about 10 minutes, and returned slowly. I got out of the pickup and sneaked quietly into the hut. It seemed that he had a good sleep, and my time had come. It was now about 11 o’clock, and my friend was standing right in the shade. I couldn’t await it and ripped my clothes off and put them into the car. I returned with a cover, the K-Y and the camcorder.
I was sure I wouldn’t need the K-Y, but who knows? I got towards him and he started to get restively. I knew that the stallion knewed what would be following. His neighing turned me on, and I placed the cover under his belly. I got then onto my knees with my legs spreaded and turned the it on.
His cock was not oustide, but this wasn’t a poblem for me! With the camera in one hand recording what I was doing to him, I started to massage his beautiful balls. They were warm and soft, just like I had them in my mind. Then I placed my mouth in front of his tube because I wanted to catch his cock when it would slid out.
I kneaded these mighty balls, moved them up and down, and pressed them against each other. I could feel how his blood was floating through them, and this feeling was really wonderful. And then, something was moving slowly inside of his tube. This must have been his cock! In my exeptance what would came slowly out, I gave the tube a kniss and started to nibble it. And then IT came, and I was recording everything with my camera!
The glans was presses against my mouth, and I gave it a long-lasting kiss, and moved then my head backwards to let it come out. But then I placed the camera onto the ground to have both hands free and returned to him. The cock was about its half size outside now, and I started to kiss it all over. The taste was so cool that I could never describe it. Still coming out, I took its glans into my mouth and sucked it, while my tongue was playing with his urethra. The stallion neighed again and I thought that this was sign from him to show me that he liked my treatment. Then I used both hands to massage and caress his beautiful huge testicles that hung deep downwards. Much bigger than human ones, they contained also an immense amount of delicious cum, and this was one of the things I wanted from him. Now his cock wall fully outside and I could take care of it.
I grabbed its tip and started to rub his thick glans all over my body. First, in my face: my eyes, my nose, my lips and then my jowls. I was so horny that I felt how my cunt got wet. But my sheath would receive his ministration later. When my face was finished, I moved the cock over my tits, and my nipples received a more intensive treatment. It didn’t take long and they were rock-hard pointing into the air. So I could use his huge urethra-opening and pressed one hard nipple into it, and it had no problem to fit in this huge hole.
And, somehow, as some kind of reflex I thought, he started to urinate. I was really surprised, and the intense ray of his golden shower forced ny nipple out of his urethra and my tit received a pee-bath. I could feel how the flesh of my tits was massaged, and I moved the cock all over my breasts and then downwards over my laps. The ray pushed my cunt open and so the juice entered my sheath for a few centimeters. This was so awesome, I hoped this would never end, and I started to moan.
Then I moved the cock upwards and guided the ray into my face and into my opened mouth. Although I wasn’t thirsty, I drank any single drop of it. When he had finished his piss I played with my tongue on his urethra and soaked the the last pee-drops out of it. When his bladder was empty, he pumped his cock up within a few seconds, and I had now a huge horse-cock with over 50cm length in front of me. So it has the same length as my forearm. I got it into my hands and rubbed it all overm from the tip to its tube and back again, just like masturbating a man. Just the size and the fun with it had increased immense.
I was still masturbating him, with his glans in my mouth, as he shot something again into my mouth. But this wasn’t pee whether cum, and I had to spit some of it out to have a closer look at it. It was clear, and very sticky, and seemed to be some kind of pre-cum. I wondered why he hadn’t used this stuff yesterday. But equal, I now knew what I was and awaited his real cum. I smeared his pre-cum all over my body, and the rest of it was then put into my cunt, as some kind of foretaste. Why should someone waste this stuff?
It was obvious that the stallion didn’t need much more work from me until he would cum. I forced his huge glans into my mouth, and it was now much easier than before. I imagined that I had got used to this. While my tongue was playing again with his urethra I masturbated his penis with both hands. One hand held his glans and the other stroked his amazing and fascinating cock.
I could feel his blood pumping through his huge and thick veins, and I was so horny now that I could have been exploded. I would never forget this vacation! And then IT happened, and his delicious white cum flooded into my mouth, and I nearly had to gag because it was so much. I tried to swallow all of it, but I couldn’t, and so some cum was dripping out of my mouth. I took the cock out of my mouth and dispensed the cum with my hands on my breasts and on my cunt. Then I grabbed his glans and pushed it onto my lips. There were still some drops of his cum dripping out, so I licked them off his urethra. I kissed it, and the tip of my tongue pressed itself into the huge hole. I licked its inside clean, and the horse suddenly neighed strangely.
Maybe he didn’t like this, I thought, and moved my head with my tongue backwards. So I went with my tongue in circuiting movements all over his slack cock, from the tip up to his balls, and then I rubbed the cock all over my body. Then I took his cock between my tits and gave it a nice massage with them as I started to squeeze them. This wonderful animalic power between my breasts was so intensive that I had the feeling that I had to cum immediately. But I could hold myself back and wanted to keep this for later.
And then I wanted to rub his glans at my cunt, and I only had to raise my hip a little bit. I was so horny about this feeling of the warm toy that some of my juice flooded out and onto it. I rubbed it at my shame-lips and managed to push it into my sheath. But I didn’t wanted only his glans in me, and I wanted him to climb onto me. But I would give him some minutes to recover himself, and so I used the time to take care of his mighty balls.
I slipped forwards and them now right in front of my face, while I had his cock resting on my back. I could feel how his glans was petting it while was slowly getting back into its tube under his belly. But I was taking care of his balls now, and I carefully pressed my jowls against them. Such warm and soft, I then pressed my whole face against them, while I used my tongue to caress them. The stallion didn’t make a refusing reaction and so I continued this while I rubbed them all over my face.
I continued this for over 1 minute when I noticed that his cock came slowly out again because it was tickling my back.
And then, fully unexpected, he started to pee. His hot shower ran down my back and between my ass-cheeks and over my anus where it then dripped down onto the ground. What an awesome feeling, I thought to myself, and started to moan. I turned around as quick as I could, and the hard ray of pee flooded over my tits and my belly. I grabbed then his cock and gave my face a nice shower, while I opened my mouth to drink some of it.
As yesterday, its pressure was so big that the ray was thrown back again and shooted out of my mouth. I really tried to drink all of it, but of course, it was too much for me. Now my body was completely covered with his pee.
When he was ready he slowly pulled his cock back into his tube, and I used the time to massage my body. The intense scent of his pee aroused me, and I continued to massage it deep into my skin… my tits, my cunt, my ass-cheeks..just everywhere on my body. I enjoyed to have a small part from him on my body, but of course I wanted more. It was time for him to fuck my cunt. I slowly stood up and petted his beautiful body.
He seemed to like it, as his body shivered and he neighed a few times. I went over his head, then over his back and then downwards his hindlegs. The short-haired fur was so nice and warm that I might never wanted to stop doing. But after a few minutes, I took a small rest for myself. Both recovered, we were both ready for the fuck.
I had to change my position, and I suddenly remembered that I was still recording our playing! I got over to the camera and was satisfied that the tape was nearly at its end, and so I stopped it and put a new one into the camera. I already knewed the ideal place for him to fuck me, and so I got over with the video-camera, including the tripod, to the add where he had fucked me yesterday. I placed it that I had a good view on it and returned to my big friend. I released his cord from the palms and took it into my hands. Then I got the cover into one hand and got with him over to the add. I started the camera, got the K-Y and positioned myself with my legs spreaded onto the add.
Although I was good-oiled with my own juice I decided to use the lubricant. I dispensed some of it onto my cunt, but this wasn’t good enough, and so I put some of it onto my hand and pushed it slowly into my body. I nearly came with my fist in my fuckhole, but I managed to hold myself back. This job would do the horse, and not my hand.
With my sheath slippy enough, he could get inside more easily. And deeper inside, I hoped. The deeper he would push it inside, the thicker his cock was getting, of course. He should nearly bring me to explode. I pulled my fist out of my sheath and spreaded my shame-lips. As if I had given an unvisible command he drove his cock out of his tube and came towards me.
While he was coming, he beated his cock against his belly, and it took only about 2 seconds until his cock was hard and at his full length. And then he moved over me and his cock poked at my cunt to get inside.
I forced my legs as far as possible apart and grabbed his cock. I felt it pulsating as if it would immediately explode. Now I forced his glans slowly into my fuckhole. I awaited him to move forward to push his whole cock into my body and started to pump, but he did nothing than to wait.
It seemed that he wanted me to do this. And so I slipped forward and guided his cock into my deepest inside of me.It didn’t seem to end as it got deeper and deeper inside. I groaned quite loud now, as I took it millimeter by millimeter, and each of it increased my lust. And his cock got even thicker! I couldn’t believe it when I had realised that I had now nearly the entire cock in my pussy! To say exactly, over 35cm were now inside of me of his total length of over 50cm.
It was quite painful first, and I thought I would lost my consciousness, so intensive were the pain and the lust at the same time. And then he started to fuck me. With slowly thrusts he started, as if he knewed that he had to be more carful when fucking a human than as fucking a mare. He moved backwards, and so this beautiful penis got completely out of my cunt. And then he moved it slowly forward with his cock entering my sheath again. This feeling was undescribeable, you have to try this on your own!
My hands could reach his balls, and I gave them a nice massage while he was fucking me. He fucked me in this way a few times and made a short pause. I knew what was now going to come, and prepared myself as I closed my mouth and pressed my teeth against each other. And then he really started to fuck me quickly. Of course, he wasn’t able to pull his cock in and out as he had done before, and so he started to thrust with his hips. The short strokes were getting faster and faster, and due to their power, my tits were boucing into all directions.
His cock was still about 35-40cm inside of me, and with each thrust it got about 10cm out and then in again. My moaning was getting louder and louder, increasing as the stallion was increasing his fucking-speed. This seemed to make my big partner even hornier as he started to snort and even increased his tempo.
His jerkily pokes seemed to get over from his body to mines,. I thought that my guts would explode with every thrust he did. This amazing fuck took about half an minute, but for me it was like it had never ended while I was still massaging his bouncing testicles.
Then, a huge jerk got through his balls, and he neighed loudly. The jerk moved through his cock and came out of his glans, and then he hurled his delicious cum into my guts. The explosion made me scream, as the pressure in my body increased immediately and his molten lava was forced into my body. A lot of it squeezed itself between my cunt and his cock out of my sheath, and so I could take it with my hands and lick it off.
In the meantime, he was still filling my body with his sweet molten lava. It was very delicious. But suddenly, I felt a hard and intense pain inside my cunt, and it felt like that his glans had gotten thicker. I didn’t know why, I just felt it. And then he wanted to pull his cock out, but I wanted it to rest in my body for a while, and so I pressed my legs together and managed him to stay where he was. He was ready and released all his cum, and about 1 minute later he tried again to pull his penis out. This time, I let it pass and spreaded my legs again. I could feel when his swollen glans tried to pass my exit, and an very intense pain got through my body and I had to scream. It was like I had born a child when it plopped out and his cum followed. I looked at his cock, and his glans was nearly twice as thick as before! My stallion was snorting heavily as he moved backwards and got off me, so I could take care of the mixture of cum and K-Y that was dripping out of my beaten body.
My hands could get it before it fell onto the ground, and because of the neutral taste of the K-Y the mixture tasted just like horse-cum as I had drunken before. It was only a little bit stouter. I decided to get up and wanted to take a rest, but suddenly I heard a noise behind me.
I was afraid. Did my moaning and screaming wake up the beduine? I turned around in panic and was now in front of a little bit dozily beduine that looked irretating at me. I was frozen, couldn’t move and didn’t realized that I was standing totally naked, with cum still dripping out of my cunt and running down my legs, in front of a guy. I thought about how I could explain the situation, but I hadn’t got a idea. He stared at my beautiful tits and my wet cunt and seemed to laugh a little.
“Oh shit” I realised, and I got nervous as the beduine looked all over me and had a now not-so-surprised look now.
It seemed that he had expected with this although while I didn’t managed to get a single word out of my mouth, and so he started. He noticed me to turn the camcorder off and follow him into the hut.
I was really perplexed and did what he wanted from me and sat down as he did. Then he started to tell me his story: He had buyed the stallion about 4 years ago as some sort of transport vehicle for his wife which had died for about 2 years ago due to an accident. And he had realised quickly that his wife had found another usage for the horse.
As I had, she had used him as her new lover. But he had tolerated this. After his wife had died, he had kept the animal here as some kind of memory of his wife because it was a present. So he took kindly care of the stallion during the last 2 years. This explained much to me. His behavior, as if he had knewed what I had wanted from him, how cautiously he was, and that he had tolerated my blowjobs. Now he said that he didn’t mind what I had done with him, no, he was glad that someone had done him this favour because his last sex had been over 2 years ago. Now I was really perplex and still didn’t got a single word out of my mouth.
He really allowed me to return and fuck with him again, if I wanted to, but he made 2 conditions:
1: The beduine wanted to watch us and /or wanted to fuck me, too and 2. he wanted me to get fucked by his camel-bull. I thought about this offer for about 1 minute and nodded with my head. I would do everything to have the chance to have sex with this beautiful horse. But not today. I was really tired.
I put my clothes on and got my camcorder and the other things into my car. I said good-bye to the beduine and drove off. But before, I told him that I would return tomorrow. But this is another story!


Part 3 – The beduine and his toys

It was about 5 o’clock in the evening when I reached my hotel. I was tired, sure, and needed some time to think about the things that had happened today. First I decided to have a meal because all the action had made me really hungry. When I had filled my stomach with all the luscious delicious-nesses I got back onto my room and took my clothes off. I smelled the intense odour of piss and cum from the horse coming out of every pore of my skin. I loved this smell.
This reminded me all the action my slut had seen this day, and I felt it now pumping and hurting. This huge stallion-cock had nearly ripped me into pieces! I got under the shower and started a little game. My fingers slid over every piece of my body, especially my shaved sheath and my little asshole. I enjoyed it, and about half an hour later I was fresh and rested.
After I had dried myself I got over to my bed, laid down and closed my eyes. Had I been insane? I had abused my body by let him get fucked by a huge horse, and tomorrow, I planned the same plus having sex with a beduine and a camel!! I was sure that I was crazy, but crazy enough for THIS? My last sex had been for about half a year because I had left my last boy-friend at this time. Sure, I wanted to relax, have some fun and flirt a little… but with a human, and not an animal! But beeing infected once with this virus, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I really loved this huge and beautiful animal, and for most I liked his huge sex-organ. I was horny again, and remembered the videos I had made with my camcorder!
So I quickly got it out of the bag, rewinded the tape and connected the camcorder with the little tv-set in front of my bed. Then I started it and made myself comfortable on the bed. Of course I had muted the TV-set because I didn’t want the room-neighbours to hear these noises I had made!
I spreaded my legs as far as I could and one hand made its way to my cunt. I could feel that my sex lips were swollen, and my fingers rubbed over them. Two other fingers made their way deep into my sheath until they touched my clit and I pressed it hard. It didn’t take long to make me cum and my white cream poured out of my fuckhole. I was still playing with my lips, but after some time, I drifted off to sleep.
Several hours must have been past when I woke up. I noticed that my videocamera and the TV-set had got into standby-mode. The mattress was still wet where my cum had dropped onto. I dipped my forefinger into the soup and sucked it into my mouth. It tasted good, but not so good like the cum of “my” horse. I looked at my watch and got nearly a shock. It was about 7 o’clock in the morning! When I tried to get up I felt my whole body upwards my belly hurting. But it wasn’t as painful as yesterday morning, and I thought that my body had got used to the treatment of the horse’s penis. My stomach made aweful noises, and I quickly put my clothes on and got downstairs to have my breakfast.
Ham and eggs, as usual, some fresh bread and orange-juice. Just my typical breakfast here. I got onto my room again and prepped myself for the things that would come this day. I noticed that the pain in my sheath had gone, and I was very happy about that. I realised that my lust for horse-cock was now insatiable. It was 8 o’clock when I packed my things: the cover from yesterday, something to eat and drink, the K-Y and some condoms. Although I thought I wouldn’t need them. I would do everything to have this wonderful stallion fucking my brains out, even if I had to sleep with the beduine! I got down with my handbag to the reception and rented the same car for this day. The clothes got into the back of the Range Rover and drove off. I still had the road-map, so I didn’t have a problem to make my way to the small house.
As the beduine heard the engine-sound, he got out of the hut and was surely surprised that I wanted to fulfill my promise I had given to him. He welcomed me friendly and noticed me to follow him into the hut. When we entered it, I placed my bag onto the ground and sat down beside him. We started a little conversation, and it looked like that the beduine wanted to reduce the inhibitions of myself to have sex with him. He took off his scarf he had wrapped around his head, and for the first time, I saw his face. I was surprised that he didn’t looked the way bad as I had imagined, no, he was quite good-looking if someone would remove his beard. We talked about his life here outside in the desert and much more. His name was Karim and he was 29 years old, just 3 years older than me. He had quickly earned my confidence, and we wanted to start our play. I didn’t had any idea of what he wanted to do with me, but I thought that nothing could be bad as long I could get access to my beloved horse.
He told me to put my clothes off and I followed his oders. Meanwhile, he got outside and seemed to prepare something. When I was nude I followed him and moved outside. Karim has placed a stably table which was covered with some covers on it. I just stood there as the beduine’s eyes mustered my beautiful body. And then he started to put his clothes off. Although he wasn’t much bigger than me he seemed to be equipped with a quite big cock even when it was slack. This made me curious now and I was looking forward how it would look when it was hard.
I got in front of him and onto my knees while Karim just kept staying there and let me do with him what I wanted. I had his cock right in front of my face, so I reached with one hand out and grabbed it. I gently moved his pre-scin backwards and revealed his glans. Although it was small, compared with the one of my stallion, but it still looked inviting to me. It seemed I had developed a preference for anything that looked like a penis. I quickly sucked it into my mouth and gave it a tongue-play. Karim seemed to enjoy the treatment as his cock quickly got up to its full size. I took it out of my mouth to have a look at it, and, I must say, it was quite impressive – for a human one, at least. About 18cm in length and 5,5cm in diameter, it was larger than a standard-european cock.
This could get quite interesting, I thought to myself, and started to give him a nice and intense blow-job. It tasted good, yeah, and I increased my speed quickly. I felt how the glans slammed against the back of my throat again and again, but I had now the full control over my body. The ugly feeling I had had a few days ago was no more, as I had trained myself goof enough so that I didn’t had to choke or gag when a penis would touch the end of my throat.
I took me about 2 minutes until his cock exploded in my mouth, and the quite delicious cum flooded my throat. The taste was different from the taste of my stallion, but it was drinkable. Of course, it wasn’t the amount of cum I was familiarised from my horse. The human cock in my mouth got slack quickly and so I released it. As it got free, some strings of his cum hang down of it, and of course I couldn’t let them get wasted. When I had sucked them into my mouth I gave his glans an intense kiss.
We stayed there in this position for some time when Karim mentioned me to get onto the table and took the K-Y with me. Okay, I got it and went over to the table and made myself comfortable on it. Karim followed me and forced my legs apart ans started to lick my sheath. I could feel how it entered my cunt and reached my clit, and then he moved it out and licked me all the way over my thighs and down to my feet. He kissed my toes and moved upwards again until he reached my firmy tirs. I could feel how his teeth bited gently into my nipples and stretched them until they were rock-hard.
Then he knibbled them, and the pain turned me on that I could feel how my cunt was getting wet. He was really good, this small guy! He continued to kiss and massage my tits while he played with my nipples for some time when he decided that it was time for him to fuck me. He grabbed the K-Y and put some of it onto my sex-lips, and then he forced my legs apart to gain access to my slut. I knewed what was coming now. I closed my eyes and awaited his cock. Suddenly I realised that I had given him a blowjob just a few minutes ago so that his penis couldn’t be hard at this moment!
In the same moment I felt how he tried to push his hand slowly into my slut, and with my sheath well-oiled from the K-Y and my own juice he succeeded quickly. After about one minute it was completely in my cunt and I started to moan very loud. Then he shaped the hand to a fist which was quite painful but lustfull at the same time, and I thought that he wanted to prepare me to fit the horse-cock in it. Then he moved his arm backwards and forward again and so his fist slid near to the exit and then deep into my body, which causes me to immediately ejaculate my cum over it.
He made a few strokes and then decided to pull his fist out of my slut, and when it passed my fuck-hole I was near to collapse as the intense pain nearly overwhelmed me. His fist was fully covered with my delicious juice as he licked it clean. “You’re tasting very good” he said to me and I replied: “And you did your fisting quite well. But I really want your horse now!” So Karim stood up and walked over to the stallion who was watching us all the time, and untied his leash from the palm-tree.
But instead of taking the horse with him, he came back alone and noticed me to stand up. I followed his oders and watched Karim as he creamed his now hard penis with some K-Y and layed down onto the table. Then he took my hands and gave me signs to follow him onto the table, with my back onto his body. Okay, I did everything he liked me to do, but I didn’t understand what he wanted to do with me.
Karim grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, and now I could feel his glans rubbing against my asshole. Now I understood him and gained him entrance to my ass. With all the K-Y on it he had no problems to enter it, and it was now nearly completely inside of me. The stallion was still observing our play as Karim shouted something in arabian language and I could see the horse coming over to us.
His huge slack was now outside and waving up and down, and from one second to the other, it was hard and thick. Still waving into all directions, the stallion moved forward and climbed onto me, trying to guide his huge penis into my cunt. I grabbed it to make it easier for him and felt his glans entering my body violently. I bited my teeth together as a intense wave of pain flooded through my body and Karim started to fuck my ass with slow and short strokes.
I quickly released the cock and let the stallion do all the work as he stepped forward and forced his animal cock into my guts. Every step of him let me moan heavily, and nearly 2/3 of the cock fitted into my body today while I was still ass-fucked by Karim. And now he grabbed with both hands into my nice tits and started to knead and massage them while his fingertips pressed my nipples hard.
As if Karim had given him a signal, the stallion started to fuck me. He started with slow strokes and his cock got only a few centimeters in and out. Due to the ass-fuck I was receiving from Karim this treatment felt even better than the fuck yesterday!
My moaning was getting louder and louder as this seemed to make the two even hornier and they started to increase their speed. I thought that I could feel that both cocks would touch each other when Karim was forcing his cock upwards, but this was of course just imagination. Both holes were burning now while Karim was still kneading my nice tits and playing with my nipples. I got both hands free, and so I decided to use them on the horses waving and shivering balls. These wonderful warm testicles were as strong as yesterday and aroused me. Every piece of my body was shaking and quivering: my tits due to the massage… my ass due to the ass-fuck of Karim… and slut from the huge stallion-cok… it was just wonderful and undescribeable!
I had never had such an intense orgasm before in my life as I creamed my cum over the horse-cock deep inside my body. The two were still working on me, and Karim was the next to cum into me. But he stil continued his thrusts as long as possible, and his tasty lava flooded out of my ass. So it took it with my hands and creamed the balls of my horse with it. He would surely come quickly!
And just about 10 seconds later it was his time to fill my body with his delicious semen.
I could feel the impulse going through his balls and his cock as he pressed his cum into my beaten body. Karim interrupted my tits-massage and his fuck in order to pull his cock out of my ass. I imagined that the stallion’s cum would squish out of my mouth, but this was of course only imagination, and so it flushed out of my cunt. Whoa, this was great!
I felt the horse’s cock getting slack when he moved backwards and ripped his penis out of my cunt. A huge amount of cum was still pouring out and over my ass-cheeks as it dripped onto the ground.
Karim wanted me to get up, but I had some problems as my whole body was hurting. But I managed it and noticed that cum was still dripping out of the horse’s cock. So I got under him onto my knees and sucked the last drops out of it.
I was so busy with this cock that I didn’t noticed what was happening around me. But then I felt something rubbing at my slut. I looked downwards and saw Karim how he was sucking the horse’s cum that was still pouring out of my cunt. This was tickling as his tongue got into my klitoris. My body was shuddering, and I thought that this was my first multiple orgasm. My sweet cum flooded into Karims mouth and it seemed that he had some problems to get all of it due to its amount. When I was finished he moved behind me and asked me if I would like to give the horse a blowjob. Of course I agreeded!
Karim mentioned me to get onto all fours, and so I accepted his wish and made myself comfortable on the ground. With one hand I grabbed the huge slack cock and sucked his thick glans into my sucking-hole and started to give him a blowjob. About two minutes later I noticed something poking at my asshole and I knewed that it was Karim who wanted to fuck my ass again. He seemed to prefer this. But I won’t mind and let him have his fun. Then he thrusted his entire cock with one swift move into my guts and started to fuck me while was still satisfying the horse. Suddenly, the horse pissed into my face without giving me a sign.
The golden ray splashed against my throat and I hardly managed to drink it. It was so delicious and tasty! I felt my next orgasm waving through my body and my cream flushed out of sheath. I had never had 3 orgasms in such a short time and I wished that this would never end. As his pissing stopped I took the glans out of my mouth and licked my lips clean. The last drops of his urine were sucked out of its urine-tube and I gave the cock a intense kiss. Only a few seconds later Karim flooded my ass and quickly pulled his cock out of it in order to lick his own cum.
Due to the quite intense as-fuck I had received from Karim I thought about letting the horse do the same to me. No way, this idea was too worse to be realised, or wasn’t it? I could be glad that my cunt could fit this awesome horse-cock, but why not try it out? Karim was already out of my tight ass and has washed his cock with some water clean. I decided to make a pause to recover and to have a meal as I was hungry now. So I got my bag, took my lunchbox outside and ate some of the sandwiches I had prepared this morning.
Then I got into the hut and joined Karim to make a rest. I mentioned my proposal to him and awaited his answer. He seemed to think about it for some moments and then replied to me: “If you want, I will try to help you. My beloved wife has never tried this, and so I couldn’t give you any advise. You have to be careful although, and if you should encounter any problems you have to notify me and I will try to stop him.” Okay, lets figure it out, I thought, and Karim followed me as I moved outside and got over to my stallion. I had heard some time ago that some girls managed anal-fisting, and I imagined that the diameter of a human fist should be the same as the diameter of the stallions glans.
Maybe I should try this first before getting badly hurt by the horse. And so I asked Karim if he would like to distend my asshole. I moved outside and got onto all fours to allow him a better access. Karim now smeared some of the K-Y on my asshole and on some of his fingers in order to push them into my butt. He started with two fingers, and then 2 others followed. He paused and then pulled them all out and pressed some more of the K-Y in my now opened hole.
In the next step I could see how he pushed his fingers and his thumb together so that his hand had the shape of a cone. And then I felt how my ass got widened by his hand as he pushed it inside very slowly. It was inside of me just to its knuckles as I felt an intense wave of pain in my ass. I had to scream and Karim pulled his hand quickly out. This seemed to be too fast and we take a little pause until he tried it again.
This time it was easier for him as his knuckles passed my entry without hurting me. And about 1 minute later I had his whole hand deep in my ass! I was screaming due to the pain and lust at the same time as I felt how his fingers were exploring my deepest inside. Yeah, this small guy was really good, and I was ready now to test the horse. So Karim slowly pulled his hand out again and washed it clean then. My asshole was expanded widely and should now be able to take the horses cock inside. I got over to my horse and got onto my knees as I had to get his cock out of its tube.
My hand reached out and went into his tube in order to grab his glans, and with some handplay of my other hand on his balls, it came quickly out. Everytime I would see this huge penis a wave of pure lust went through my whole body, and I imagined how much I would be missing this when my vacation would be over. Sigh. Don’t even try think about this for now, concentrate myself on the things here and now, I said to myself. Anyway, his beautiful cock was now outside, and I turned myself around so that my ass was pointing at it. I had to ask Karim to push it inside because I nearly couldn’t see anything from here. Hopefully, Karim would be careful. So Karim move between both of us and grabbed the huge slack penis behind its glans and guided it to my backside gate.
Then he started to rub it at my entry and some moments later Karim pushed the tip of the glans very slowly into my ass. Very slowly, millimeter for millimeter, the piece of joy entered my body. I was surprised that it wasn’t painful, althoughthe diameter of the glans and Karims hand were nearly the same. I suggested that this was because the cock didn’t contained bones like a human hand, it was just only made of delicious flesh. Karim needed only about one minute and my ass was now filled with the thick glans and about 10 centimeters of the horses beautiful cock.
Now Karim released the cock and moved in front of me, and so I could grab the cock by myself. I squeezed it a few times and it got rock-hard very quickly. Karim just stood there and held his hard cock near my mouth and I knewed immediately what he wanted from me. No problem, I thought, the both had just swopped their positions. And so I sucked his cock into my mouth and started to give it a blowjob.
I wished that I would have another horse so that I could give it a blowjob instead of blowing Karim, but I couldn’t have anything. I was glad to have this one stallion here and now, and so I enjoyed this treatment. My head went up and down on his shaft while my tongue was playing with its tip inside of my mouth. I was still holding the thick cock in my hands, and so I started to whip my body with slow and short strokes. And so I managed that his glans was forced in and out of my ass. The mixture of pain and pure lust was so intense that I nearly wanted to bite into Karim’s cock in my mouth.
But I had gotten used to this amazing feeling and continued our game. While I was sucking and throbbing Karim’s cock in my mouth I whipped my body in the same rhythm. About 1 minute later it was time for Karim to fill my mouth with his tasty cum. It wasn’t much since he had fucked me today two times before, but I enjoyed any single drop of it. I had never imagined that I would have developed such a preference for cum, equal if human or not-human.
When Karim was finished he took his cock out of my mouth and moved behind the stallion. I wondered what he wanted to do there, I had no idea. But I would figure it out quickly. I looked behind me and it was obvious that Karim wanted to make the horse cumm in my ass. He surely had done this a few times before as he started to massage the horses huge balls. He kneaded and squeezed them gently like a jongleur. It took just about half a minute and the stallion pumped a huge amount of his cum into my bowel. The pressure in my ass increased undescribeably as the horses delicious cum was forced into the deepest whorl of my rectum. When it seemed that he was finished I wanted to pull his cock out of my ass, but suddenly I felt how his glans expanded as it had done yesterday. But in my ass, it was too much for me, and the intense pain made me scream as I knewed that I was stuck to the horses penis.
There was no way to get this thing out of me as it would surely rip my guts out of my body. So I just could nothing do than to wait until it would shrunk and get out of itself. The pain still went on and I knewed that the cock had hurt me badly. Some moments later the horse released his cock as the glans had shrunk to its normal size and the huge thick cock plopped out. Karim was now standing beside me and told me that some blood was pouring out, mixed with the cum of the stallion. Ouch, I said to myself, this was awesome but a little bit too much for me. I hoped that I wasn’t injured badly.
But the bleeding didn’t last long and so I decided to get up.
Every piece of my body downwards my belly hurted, and my steps had to look like that someone was walking with an opened umbrella in his ass! I was really finished and decided to lay down onto the table and took a rest.
I closed my eyes and relaxed a little. After a short time I felt that something was tickling my cunt, but I was too finished to look who it was. The tickling was quickly replaced by the licking, this could only be Karim. I spreaded my legs and gave Karim a better access and let him have his fun. I enjoyed his tongue-play although every part of my body was hurting. I nearly drove off to sleep as this was so relaxing to me. After a while I noticed something big moving beside of me. I opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful stallion who has now positioned his tube right over my face.
I knewed immediately what he wanted from me, and I was sure that I would fulfil any wish he made. His glans was a little bit outside and so I reached with my hand up and guided it in front of my mouth. I started to caress it as I licked it all over and massaged the thick sex organ while Karim still licked my slut. I couldn’t remember how long this treatment lasted as I was in some kind of trance. But after some time I fell asleep.
When I woke up I noticed that my huge animalic lover was tied to the palmtrees again while Karim caressed my nipples and tits. I was sure that Karim had continued to play with me although I had dozed off. I looked around and saw that the sun was right over us so that it was late in the afternoon. I was thirsty and so I asked Karim for some water. He quickly got up, moved into the hut and returned with a bottle of water.
I quickly drank it and decided to stood up. Now I realised that the pain had gone as if nothing had happened to me. As hungry as I was, I turned over to my car and moved towards it in order to get my lunch-box which I had packed this morning. I needed only 2 minutes to ate the 5 sandwiches I had made. When I was finished with it Karim came over to me and asked me if I would have liked the treatment I had received. Due to the certain look in my face I needn’t to reply to his question. I had never been fucked this way and it was the most beautiful thing ever in my life.
Karim asked me if I could remind the second promise I had given him. Since I was really exhausted I needed a moment to think about it. And then I got it… I had promised to pamper his camel! I shuddered hard since a camel wasn’t a beautiful animal compared with a horse, but I had gave the promise and so I simply had to do it. And I was a little bit curious about the things that would happen, too. So I told him to get the camel over here so that I could handle the thing. Karim walked away and returned after a short while with this huge animal. Really ugly, but it was even taller than the stallion! Maybe not so bad, I told to myself, maybe this could get better than I had expected. Hopefully this thing has an even bigger cock than my beloved stallion. This animal really wasn’t agitating… but I just had to do him the favour. Let’s find out which size his cock had!
Karim tethered the camel to the building and gave me the sign to do my job. And so I moved beside the thing and got onto my knees to slid under his belly. Well, this wasn’t that what I had expected… everything looked smaller compared with my stallion. The balls, the opening for its cock… I was a little bit disappointed. But I hadn’t started yet and the things might change when I was doing it. His balls were oval, hung deeply downwards and were covered with a fuzzy “carpet”. I moved my fingers out and touched his balls. Due to the fuzzy surface they felt completely different than the ones I had played with before this day. I started to caress and knead them in the same way like the stallion in order to make him hot. I quickly heard the camel making some awful noises and so I stopped for a moment. But Karim told me that these sound were absolutely normal and so I continued my play. It only took a short moment and the camel released his penis from the pocket under his belly. It was about 25cm in length and 3cm in diameter, pink in colour and absolutely bare… no veins or so, so really not to compare with the one of my stallion. But in some way it was attractive, too. The tip was thicker than the rest of the cock and was bending downwards. It had a small opening in the middle. This must have been his pee-hole. Well, let’s figure it out… I gave it a kiss and tasted it. It was delicious and so I quickly sucked as much of it into my mouth. But only about 15cm fitted in my opened mouth. Damn! I wanted all of it! But it pressed against my throat and I nearly had to gag. No way to get it all inside… I caressed his huge hanging balls while I gave the camel a nice and intense blowjob. But the camel didn’t want to shoot into my mouth although I really tried him to. 10 minutes later still nothing happened and I was getting impatient.
Karim asked me if I would like to get fucked and I nodded with my head. I got onto all 4s and Karim pressed the camel also downwards. But I didn’t wanted it to fuck my cunt since the cock was so thin and short and so I decided to let him fuck my ass. So moved back until the tip of his cock pressed against my butt. Well, one short move backwards and the glans was inside of may asshole. I moved more and more backwards until I had managed to get the whole penis into my guts. I awaited the camel to start pumping, but nothing happened. It seemed that the camel was pleased with this situation as it was for now. Well, when he doesn’t want to, I would do the part for him. So I moved my body forwards and backwards again to get fucked by him. This really felt good due to the shape of the cock and my intense movements. Only a few moments later I received my first cumshot of a camel as it pumped his hot lava with an enormous pressure into my bowels. This was such amazing that I imagined that the cum would shot out of my mouth. But instead of this it flushed out of my butt and poured over my ass-cheeks. When the camel was done it quickly got up. The cock was brutally ripped out of ass which made me scream. Ouch, that hurt! I turned around and sucked the cock clean. The cum tasted totally different and was very salty, but tasty. I really got used to suck animal cock’s clean! It wasn’t that bad after all although it wasn’t as good as the fun with the stallion I had. I was really finished now and needed a break to recover myself. I got up and put my clothes on and then I told Karim that I would return in two days. I needed one day pause for me to recover. And so I drove back to my hotel, with my ass and cunt really hard fucked this day. I would return in just 2 days.

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